Wall Painting
Wall Painting
Wall Painting
Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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In this section we shall see how a wall is painted for an indoor space. Before we trace the process let us glance
Source: through its history.
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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From all the various styles and methods of creating wall paintings – ‘Murals’; the best known technique is the
fresco, which combines a lime wash and natural water soluble colours. Ajanta – Ellora caves, caves from the Kai-
mur range, some parts of Uttar Pradesh and the rock shelters of Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh are the earliest
evidences of wall paintings in India.
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space In today’s context, wall paintings serve different purposes. Not only do they bring art into a public space, the
5. Creating the Visual artists also receive more recognition. One can find artworks around different parts of the city. They are also
6. Materials and Tools used effectively for social causes and political messages. Graffiti – a type of wall painting has often been created
7. The Process against the law, however, now due to their particular style and popularity they are commissioned by pubs, bars
and restaurants.
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
Traditional Murals:
In India they were created by people on the walls inside and outside their homes, identifying their tribes, reli-
1. Introduction gious beliefs and so on. Today people can be found commissioning such murals to express their personal choices
2. History of Wall Painting and individuality. This feature has increased commissioned work amongst artists across the world. Incorporating
certain messages and elements according to the theme, hand painted murals serve different purposes for hospi-
3. Distance tals, corporate offices and schools.
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual Graffiti style Murals:
6. Materials and Tools Owing to their popularity, graffiti and street art are slowly creating a different genre of contemporary wall paint-
ing. Artists like Keith Haring, ABOVE, amongst many more have created a niche for themselves allowing them to
7. The Process take their street art into urban landscapes of the offices of corporate clients. This trend has continued across the
8. Case Study world including India.
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Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
The BMX Gang regularly does graffiti under the London South Bank Centre, on the River Thames, London.
1. Introduction It is important to understand the various aspects of wall painting which are:
2. History of Wall Painting
• Distance,
3. Distance • Space,
4. Space • Creating the visual,
5. Creating the Visual • Materials and tools
6. Materials and Tools • Process of execution.
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links Fig: Stick figure graffiti near Brick lane, Shoreditch, London. This area has been revived by wall painting / graffiti
10.Video artists and now has a number of art galleries, shops, pubs and creative community activities.
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Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual Fig: This building in Long Island City, New York, USA is completely covered in graffiti.
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links Fig: An interesting use of space: This graffiti was on the steps up from the Bus Station in the old town of Fermo,
10.Video Italy.
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Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual Fig: Post - Apocalypse project: An indoor wall painting by artists created for the project.
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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A lot of street painting artists create and compose directly onto the wall, and their creations are an intuitive
Source: form of expression. This process is similar to an artist creating a work of art on a canvas. But just as in any design
http://www.dsource.in/resource/wall-painting/cre- process, if a mural needs to be created for a specific function or purpose, following a process helps. So a good un-
ating-visual derstanding of the distance of viewing and the space along with the theme can give birth to a good design and
help in the execution to bring this design to fruition.
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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Digital Learning Environment for Design - www.dsource.in
Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details Fig: You can have a sketchbook with some images, inspirations and ideas jotted down.
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Digital Learning Environment for Design - www.dsource.in
Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
10.Video Fig: This artist could have taken inspiration from certain forms, elements, words etc, before creating the image.
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Digital Learning Environment for Design - www.dsource.in
Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual Fig: Using a reference image is also helpful. For instance, this wall art created in a street in Mumbai depicting
6. Materials and Tools Amitabh Bachchan was created from his movie poster - ‘Deewar’ a Bollywood film.
7. The Process
• Sketching in a book helps in visualizing.
8. Case Study • Once some elements are fixed on paper they could be scanned and digitized, the entire visual could be created
9. Links bit - by - bit on the computer.
10.Video • The exact dimensions of the wall can be mapped into a grid which could be used as a reference layer on Adobe
11.Contact Details Photoshop (or any similar image editing software). The created visuals can be fit onto this grid which can be
used while actually painting on the wall.
This process is also extremely useful and fun when doing collaborative projects. One can get a clear idea how
the different styles of the collaborators can be fused within the same space even before the actual work on the
mural is commenced.
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1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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Design Resource Fig: Preparing a list helps decide what is already available and what needs to be brought. List of Materials:
Wall Painting • To keep the space neat: Dusting cloths, newspapers, rags, sponges and some water.
Using the Wall as a Canvas
by • For the wall: Scrapers, sanding paper, white filling cement (for cracks and holes), and an evener (to even out
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah the wall), white washing paint, rollers, thick brushes.
IDC, IIT Bombay
• For creating the visual: Pencils, erasers, pens, Customized paints, round and flat brushes of required sizes,
Spray cans, Alcohol refillable markers, Coloured markers, inks etc.
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
Fig: By following a rough sketched out visual, you can choose and buy colours accordingly. You can also have
customized colours prepared.
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• Cover the floor and surrounding areas to avoid being spoilt during the process of execution. After all your
creation is supposed to be an integral part of the space and not the center of it.
http://www.dsource.in/resource/wall-painting/pro- • Remove any unwanted abrasions and marks using scrapers to scrape of the top layer of the wall. Even older,
cess unwanted layers of paints can be removed up to an extent.
• Smoothen the surface using a high grade of sanding paper and rub it onto the wall until you achieve the
smoothness you want. This is probably a little time consuming but important as it forms the base of your paint-
1. Introduction ing.
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance • Fill any broken corners, or gaping holes in the wall with the white cement putty. Give this a couple of hours to
dry. After that, sand it off once more to ensure smoothness.
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual • Depending on the look of the visual, you may choose to whitewash the wall or with whatever colour that is
6. Materials and Tools making up the background of your image. Use good quality brushes and rollers to even out the paint and leave
7. The Process minimal texture onto the wall.
8. Case Study • You may choose to not whitewash in case you would like to let the original texture of your space come
9. Links through, but you might need some base for binding your paint onto the surface that needs painting. Leave this
10.Video to dry completely overnight.
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Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study Fig: After scraping and filling the wall with cement putty, this is how the wall has to be evened out.
9. Links
Applying the Base Colours:
• You may use a projector to project the reference visual you have prepared, from the computer onto the wall to
11.Contact Details trace out the lines.
• Based on the reference visual, block out the big patches of paint which need to be applied as base colours.
• Using these colours apply the bigger patches of paint using a brush and roller. Leave this for another night to
dry completely.
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Digital Learning Environment for Design - www.dsource.in
Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details Fig: Applying the base coat, and leaving it to dry.
Now you can begin working on the visual, draw out the lines, fill up spaces, shaded areas if needed etc. There is a
possibility that while drawing in the final space, changes occur naturally, this is quite normal. Allow yourself this
flexibility so as to push your design even further in the actual creation process.y.
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The Brief:
The painting had to represent an extended version of the cityscape, and the out of the box solutions that the
agency created for its clientele. Even the colours that had to be used, had to connect with their branding.
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance Distance Space
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space Creating the Visual Tools and Materials
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
Process Final Execution
11.Contact Details
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The Brief:
The painting had to represent an extended version of the cityscape, and the out of the box solutions that the
agency created for its clientele. Even the colours that had to be used, had to connect with their branding.
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials Dimensions giving a rough idea as to how much space is available for viewing the artwork.
8.5. Process And the proportions of the area to be painted upon.
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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Digital Learning Environment for Design - www.dsource.in
Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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Digital Learning Environment for Design - www.dsource.in
Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
Dusting cloths that are laid out to prevent the floor, or space around from getting messy.
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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Digital Learning Environment for Design - www.dsource.in
Design Resource
Wall Painting
Using the Wall as a Canvas
Prof.Sumant Rao and Ruchi Shah
IDC, IIT Bombay
1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
8.1. Distance
8.2. Space
8.3. Creating the Visual
8.4. Tools and Materials
8.5. Process
8.6. Final Execution
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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1. Introduction
2. History of Wall Painting
3. Distance
4. Space
5. Creating the Visual
6. Materials and Tools
7. The Process
8. Case Study
9. Links
11.Contact Details
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