Review of The Use of Solid Wood As An External Cladding Material in The Built Environment
Review of The Use of Solid Wood As An External Cladding Material in The Built Environment
Review of The Use of Solid Wood As An External Cladding Material in The Built Environment
Bangor Business Centre, JCH Industrial Ecology Ltd, Bangor LL57 1LJ, Gwynedd, UK
Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), PO Box 115, 1431 Ås, Norway
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, Aalto University, Vuorimiehentie 1, Espoo, Finland
9032 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
quantities of modified wood used for cladding Era, BCE) in Switzerland had walls constructed of
materials, because of enhanced performance result- horizontal planks, which were held in place by
ing in lower maintenance costs, which compensates upright posts [41]. A Stone-Age house over
for the higher ‘up-front’ costs [38]. 5000 years old was excavated at Horton, near
Increased interest in the use of timber as a cladding Windsor in the UK, which provided evidence of
material in the built environment has directed external walls made from cleaved timbers [42]. There
attention to ensuring that technical specification is are many surviving historical structures where tim-
correctly managed. At a national level, this has ber has been used as a cladding. The Anglo-Saxon
resulted in the development of many country-specific church at Greensted-juxta-Ongar in the UK, dating
standards [30]. At a pan-European level, the use of back to 1000 After Common Era (ACE), uses vertical
solid wood for external cladding comes within the oak staves for the external walls, acting both as
scope of the European Standard EN 14,915 [39]. EN cladding and having a support function (Fig. 1) [43].
14,915 describes the information required for CE Timber cladding was also used in Norwegian stave
marking and labelling to comply with the EU Con- churches dating from the 12th Century, an example
struction Product Regulations (EU 305/2011) which being the Borgund stave church dated between 1180
came into force on 1 July 2013. and 1250 ACE (Fig. 1) [44]. Many surviving examples
An extensive search of the literature has revealed of historical buildings having horizontal, or vertical
the need for an up-to-date review of the subject area, cladding boards can be found across Europe. Origi-
and the results for this are reported herein. Search nally, these boards would have been riven, that is,
terms used were: vertically split from the trunk, to produce feather-
edged planks having a wedge-shaped section, with
the thin edge fitted upwards and the thicker section
at the bottom to shed water (with horizontal boards).
These planks would have been fixed to the timber
framework, using wooden dowels, or metal nails
• [WOOD plus CLADDING] plus [FIXING,
when these became more common. This labour-in-
tensive technology might be supposed to restrict the
use of timber cladding to high-status buildings, but
Databases searched were Google Scholar and Web there is extensive evidence of use in more ‘common’
of Science. The context was restricted to a European dwellings. For example, the Grubenhäuser excavated
geographical error, but much of the information at the site of the Anglo-Saxon village of West Stow in
reviewed is generic and for this reason references the UK showed clear evidence of the use of cleaved
were not restricted to European in origin. Specifically timber for wall cladding as well as flooring [45]. The
excluded from the search was information on wood- advent of powered sawmills saw the demise of the
based composites. wedge-shaped planks produced by cleaving,
although many sawmills produced the characteristic
feather-edged cladding boards by using radial
Historical perspectives (quarter) sawing patterns. As mineral-based and
metal-based materials became more available, the use
The main problem with tracing the origins of the use of timber cladding declined in Europe, although
of timber cladding in buildings is the perishability of some countries (especially Finno-Scandinavia) con-
the material, with the preservation of organic mate- tinue to have a strong tradition of using timber for
rial in an archaeological context requiring charring or such applications, especially for family dwellings.
water-logging [40]. Nonetheless, examples for the use However, there is currently a European revival in the
of cleaved timbers for external walls have been found use of timber elements for building envelopes
which date back to the Stone Age. The Neolithic underway.
settlement at Niederwil (about 3600 Before Common
9034 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
Figure 1 Borgund stave church (left) (Penn State Libraries picture collection, CC-BY-NC-2.0) and the Greensted church (Fenners1984,
The use of solid timber for building sixteenth century [46] and is often used to facilitate
envelopes the run-off of driving rain. Vertical cladding employs
board-on-board geometries where the alternate
Design considerations for timber cladding boards may be the same or different dimensions, or
sometimes a ‘shiplap’ configuration. A disadvantage
Most timber cladding uses long straight boards that with the vertical cladding system is that any decay
are oriented vertically or horizontally (sometimes occurring at the bottom of the board (the most sus-
diagonally), using tongue and groove, overlapping or ceptible region) requires that the entire length of
a planned gap with a backing screen (Fig. 2). Vertical cladding board is replaced, whereas with the hori-
timber cladding is extensively used in Scandinavian zontal oriented boards, only the lower few boards
countries, was common in urban Scotland in the need to be replaced.
Detailing is a very important factor that affects
moisture performance of timber elements in exterior
environments [47–49] and the development of
microclimates due to design features, such as over-
hangs must be taken into consideration when pre-
dicting performance [50]. Defects, piercings and other
disturbances in the envelope are very important
considerations when designing cladding details
[51, 52], since such discontinuities in the envelope
present a high risk of degradation or disfigurement of
the cladding [33] and potentially create water-trap-
ping contact faces [31]. Good design will take into
account how water will behave when it encounters
door and window openings, etc., and make suit-
able provision for sealing/preventing water ingress
and/or ensuring effective drainage and ventilation.
Shadowing effects should be taken account of, as well
a possible staining ‘tide-marks’ caused by the
movement of water-soluble extractives. The
microenvironment in the vicinity of the timber clad-
Figure 2 Graphical presentation of common cladding profiles:
a tongue and groove; b rectangular; c feather edge (only ding is important for determining the durability of
horizontal); d shiplap; e parallelogram. For horizontal the material as well as influencing the growth of
installation, the upper side is on left and the lower side on right. mould [53]. Paying insufficient attention to these
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076 9035
openings and transitions in building envelopes can expensive remedial treatment using oxalic acid
lead to premature failure with additional environ- washing. Western red cedar yields water-soluble
mental burdens associated with maintenance or extractives that can react with copper and zinc [66].
replacement [54]. Water traps at joints present high- Apart from staining, corrosion products from metals
risk areas for the onset of decay (duration of wetness can also contribute to degradation of the wood
is a major risk factor) [55]. Ensuring that cladding material. But, interactions of timber cladding with
elements are a sufficient distance from the ground to metals can also be exploited as part of the design. For
avoid water-splashing, or direct contact with liquid example, treatment with iron (II) sulphate can be
water is important and sometimes overlooked in used to treat wood surfaces to produce an artificial
modern constructions [34]. Allowances for timber weathering effect, which eliminates problems caused
movement should also be made when designing, by shadowing effects [67].
specifying and installing timber cladding. Provided Timber is a material that lends itself to off-site
these principles are adhered to, timber cladding can prefabrication construction methods [68], but clad-
provide a reliable and durable means of providing ding is often added at a later stage in the construction
weather protection for a building [29]. process, necessitating the installation of scaffolding
Irrespective of what cladding material is used for with associated disruption. There has accordingly
the outer skin of buildings, there needs to be a system been interest in the development of an off-site con-
for fixing and restraining the facing materials to struction system where the cladding is installed in
ensure that they are not damaged by wind loadings the factory [4] (Table 1).
[56, 57]. Lower-density softwoods are often fixed to
the wall by nailing, but pre-drilling and screw fixing Timber cladding and moisture
is commonly used for higher-density and higher-
value applications. Modified woods (such as ther- The environment in which timber is exposed has a
mally modified timber, TMT) tend to be brittle and major influence on its performance in service condi-
require pre-drilling to prevent splitting if nails are tions. In particular, the exposure of timber to water or
employed [38], although the use of screws is to be water vapour has a profound influence on perfor-
preferred. Corrosion is an issue that needs to be taken mance. Timber durability for exterior cladding is
account of when specifying the composition of the defined according to the intended Use Class, which is
metal fixings to be used for timber cladding [58]. defined in EN 335 [69] (Table 2) and is Use Class 3
Untreated wood contains chemical compounds that (above ground) using either coated or uncoated tim-
can react with metal fixings and flashings, and ber. Use Class 3 is divided into Use Class 3.1, where
treatment with biocides, fire retardants or other the wood will not remain wet for long periods and
substances can also increase the corrosion risk where water will not accumulate, or Use Class 3.2,
[59–62]. Some modified woods, such as TMT, or where the wood will remain wet for long periods and
acetylated wood, contain residual acids which can water may accumulate. With timber cladding, it is
result in corrosion of fixings, or leachates that can important to ensure that Use Class 3.1 conditions are
react with metal flashings [63, 64], making the use of obtained through good design, something that is
stainless steel fasteners essential. Rates of corrosion of regrettably not always realised in practice. In build-
the metals are determined by wood species, wood ing envelope applications, Use Class 3.2 may be
moisture content, temperature, any wood treatments encountered if the cladding boards are too close to
used and depth into the wood [65], and chloride the ground, or there is risk of extended exposure to
aerosols near the sea or air pollution will accelerate water in situations such as leaking gutters or down-
the degradation reactions [62]. The staining of oak pipes. Careful design is required in order to avoid
(and other species, e.g. cypress, cedar) with iron due moisture traps, which can often occur as a result of
to reaction with tannins is very well known as a poor detailing, or bad construction techniques.
problem, but although it is often recognised that Wood is a hygroscopic material due to the abun-
stainless steel fixings should be used with oak clad- dance of hydroxyl groups associated with the cell
ding, it is sometimes overlooked that the proximity of wall polymers, and the material exhibits dimensional
steel scaffolding during erection can result in staining changes with variation in moisture content (MC) and
on the envelope due to rain splash. This may require atmospheric relative humidity (RH) [70, 71]. In order
9036 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
1 The wood or wood-based product is inside a construction, not exposed to the weather and wetting
2 The wood or wood-based product is under cover and not exposed to the weather (particularly rain and driven rain), but where
occasional, but not persistent, wetting can occur
3.1 The wood and wood-based products will not remain wet for long periods. Water will not accumulate
3.2 The wood and wood-based products will remain wet for long periods. Water may accumulate
4 The wood or wood-based product is in direct contact with ground and/or fresh water
5 The wood or wood-based product is permanently or regularly submerged in salt water (i.e. sea water and brackish water)
Allowing for dimensional movement is a particular the surface, potentially allowing for microbiological
concern with tongue and groove cladding systems, decay to occur. Weathering of a wood surface also
and if sufficient gap is not provided, the boards will has a major influence on its propensity to hold water
be forced off the wall. Despite the importance of for extended periods of time, which negatively affects
understanding and designing for the dimensional the durability [85].
changes in wood elements in response to environ- Water uptake in the interior of wood is a function
mental changes, there is no agreed standard for of the combination of diffusion and capillary flow
measuring and reporting this behaviour [71]. processes, and the capillary structure of the wood has
When studying the relationship of wood with a major influence on the permeability [75], since in
water vapour, laboratory experiments are generally wood above the fibre saturation point (FSP), free
limited to the measurement of sorption isotherms water is transported in the cell lumens or pores by
under carefully controlled conditions by determining capillary flow. The rate of penetration of water into
the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) at different the wood material and the residence time of this
stable RH steps, with a constant temperature water is affected by the permeability of the wood and
throughout the experiment [80]. Such experiments has a major influence upon the durability of timber
establish boundary curves showing the relationship cladding in service [86, 87]. The diffusion of water
between EMC and RH. However, these are not con- molecules in cell lumens is much more rapid than in
ditions that are encountered by timber cladding the cell wall, and wood permeability is a function of
material in the real world. Instead, there can be very the density of the wood and the geometry of the
rapid changes in temperature and atmospheric RH, interconnections between the different void spaces
with the relationship between wood MC and RH within the wood structure [88–90]. In some softwoods
being better represented by scanning curves (such as spruces), bordered pits between adjacent
(although with constantly changing temperature and tracheids become aspirated when the wood is dried
relative humidity, equilibrium will seldom be estab- and permeability is markedly reduced, making the
lished) [81]. wood ‘refractory’. The heartwood of many species
With exposed wood, fluctuating environmental exhibits high resistance to the transport of water.
exposure conditions lead to concomitant changes in Refractory species and heartwood are therefore to be
wood moisture content and dimensions, a response preferred for cladding applications.
that is most pronounced at the wood surface [37]. Approximate moisture contents of timber building
Wood below the surface is not subject to such rapid products in Europe are listed in the European Stan-
changes and acts to restrain shrinkage at the surface. dard EN 942 [91]. For external joinery, an average
This creates tensile stresses with a magnitude moisture content of 12–19% is to be expected. How-
depending upon the moisture content difference ever, there are many variables that can affect this
between the surface and sub-surface layers of the ‘expected’ value, including detailing [92], but espe-
wood. Furthermore, there are differences in the cially fluctuations in outer few mm of uncoated wood
sorption behaviour between earlywood and latewood (i.e. surface region) which occur due to rapidly
in some species, which can vary depending on where changing weather conditions.
the rings were located within the tree [82], plus an The prevalence of wind driven rain (WDR) at an
influence on swelling behaviour due to the presence exposure site is especially important for building
and orientation of rays cells [83]. As a result of this, envelopes, and in a European context, the sites with
differential shrinkage at the micro-scale is experi- the highest risk of exposure are situated in (or close
enced at the wood surface. to) western coastal regions with prevailing westerly
As a consequence of fluctuating environmental winds. Wind-driven rain is rain that has a horizontal
conditions, micro-checks occur in the wood cell walls, velocity component and has a much greater potential
which grow to form surface cracks [84], very often at for penetrating a building envelope compared with
points of discontinuity in the surface structure, such rain falling vertically [93].
as earlywood–latewood boundaries, or areas around Although the impact of climate change on the
knots. These cracks then provide points of entry of thermal performance of buildings has received con-
water further into the wood, which may then lead to siderable attention in the scientific literature, the
localised regions of higher moisture content below effects of wind, rain and other climatic factors which
9038 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
Figure 5 Cavity ventilation installation depending on cladding orientation. Left: vertical boarding; right: horizontal boarding.
the living space by, for example, ensuring good cavity [108]. Consequently, long periods of rainfall
indoors ventilation or by using a barrier with high can result in the risk of high moisture levels devel-
vapour resistance and/or high thermal resistance oping in the cavity, even when adequate ventilation
near the colder side of the wall [34, 92]. The exact is provided. Thus, under some circumstances, cavity
details of the behaviour of ventilated cavities are ventilation systems may actually lead to interstitial
complex and difficult to model [104]. condensation being worse. Air exchange of the cavity
The presence of moisture within the cavity requires is enhanced by the use of vertical cladding boards
ventilation to limit, or preferably prevent, interstitial and ventilation provision at the top and bottom of the
condensation which can lead to mould growth or cladding [109], and thermal bridging is considerably
fungal attack [105]. Ventilation (where there is an reduced and airflow enhanced if horizontal battens
airflow) is to be preferred to a vented cavity (where are fixed to vertical battens allowing for vertical
there is a connection to the exterior air, but no air- external cladding boards (Fig. 5). Other factors
flow) [106], but the drying behaviour of the cavity affecting the air change rate behind a timber rain-
needs to take account of the sorption behaviour of the screen cladding are the orientation and the area of the
wood as well as air exchange properties [107]. ventilation openings [109]. Ventilation rates can be
However, cavity ventilation may result in a decrease determined using pressure differences, tracer gas
in the overall thermal insulation efficiency of the methods [110, 111], pressure measurements, airflow
building envelope. In order to maximise thermal (anemometers) [112], or temperature and relative
efficiency, the inner wall is usually covered with a humidity determination [113, 114].
relatively impermeable layer (vapour control layer, Modern energy efficient buildings have high levels
VCL). In this way, it is possible to ensure adequate of insulation and air-tightness which makes them
ventilation of the interior surface of the cladding, but prone to over-heating, but passive cooling methods
also allow for air-tightness of the building. can be used to avoid the use of air-conditioning
It is important to note that drying of the cavity will systems [115]. These are broadly classified into solar
only occur if the exchange occurs with air that has a and heat protection, heat modulation using thermal
lower relative humidity compared with the air in the storage materials and thermal dissipation using
9040 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
evaporative, radiative or convective cooling. Ven- The combustion process of wood can be considered
tilative cooling can be achieved by the use of double to involve three distinct phases [122]. During heating
skin facades [116], but there is a lack of consensus on of a wood sample, the initial stage is an endothermic
what the optimum air gap should be to achieve process which mainly involves evaporation of sorbed
optimum airflow rates, although it is known that water, plus the more volatile extractives (such as
smaller gaps reduce airflow and lead to a greater risk monoterpenes) if these are present. When wood
of over-heating [117]. reaches a temperature of around 200 C, it starts to
A ventilated cavity may be required to prevent pyrolyse, producing gases that comprise a mixture of
condensation occurring at the interior face of timber organic compounds (e.g. acetaldehyde, propenal,
cladding, especially where exposure to WDR is likely. methanol, butanedione, acetic acid) [123] that will
However, there has been, and continues to be, inter- produce a burning flame if the ignition temperature
est in the development of systems with no cavity, is reached, or there is a source of ignition such as a
since the walls are thinner, cost less to build and the burning ember [124]. Timber above approximately
risk of a two-sided fire is much reduced [108]. There 12 mm thickness cannot support self-sustaining
has been some research on the performance of a combustion and burning will only continue if there is
timber cladding systems using a capillary break a constant radiant heat input, such as an adjacent fire
rather than a ventilated cavity [118]. In traditional [125]. Below 250 C, the decomposition reactions are
timber-clad log houses (e.g. in Finland), the timber endothermic, but above this temperature, exothermic
cladding was fixed directly to the log walls with no reactions occur accompanied by the formation of a
cavity being provided, although a vapour-proof bar- char layer [126], and above 300 C, rapid pyrolysis
rier of tar-coated paper was placed between the occurs [127]. The low thermal conductivity and slow
cladding and the log wall. The functioning of this rate of charring of wood provide a degree of fire
kind of wall relies on sufficient vapour penetration protection that is exploited in the use of wood in fire
through the coating, in practice necessitating the use protection applications, such as fire doors [128]. The
of traditional oil paints instead of film-forming coat- char layer will tend to self-extinguish, but will
ings. This ensures that any rain that penetrates into undergo smouldering, or flaming combustion,
the timber itself will subsequently be removed depending on heat flux, availability of oxygen and
through evaporation in dry conditions. The tar- airflow characteristics around the combustion zone
coated paper is intended to provide both a vapour- [129–131]. The char layer acts to protect the interior of
and water-proof barrier below the timber cladding. It the wood from radiant heat and limits oxygen flow,
is unlikely that such a system would function well in but its effectiveness in limiting or extinguishing
a maritime climate. combustion depends upon the density of the wood
[132, 133]. Furthermore, the development of cracks in
Fire performance the char layer increases the rate of penetration of heat
into the pyrolysis zone [134]. Oxidative erosion of the
The fire performance of timber cladding is a subject char layer can also occur if the heat flux continues,
of particular interest when used in multi-storey even with the absence of flaming combustion [135].
buildings. Fire can spread on external walls due to an The Construction Products Regulation (CPR, EU
adjacent building being on fire, a fire directly outside 305/2011) ensures that there are harmonised rules for
of the building, or due to fire in a room with an the use and marketing of construction products
opening through the cladding. Depending on the throughout the EU. The standards covering the use of
distance between the timber cladding and the adja- timber in construction are embodied within Eurocode
cent fire, the external wall may be exposed to heat 5 (EN 1995 [136]). As stated in EN 14915 [39], the fire
radiation and burning embers and possibly direct performance of solid wood cladding must be classi-
flame if close enough. Fire can spread on the external fied in accordance with EN 13501–1 [137]. If the
cladding if it is flammable, or has a flammable coat- cladding product meets the requirements stated in
ing, with the presence of cavities behind the cladding EN 14915, it may be classified without the need for
also providing a ‘chimney’ effect if horizontal barri- further testing.
ers are not provided [119–121]. Fire performance is often determined by the use of
small-scale tests, but these may not be directly
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076 9041
applicable to real-life fire conditions [138]. The only durable heartwood, but the sapwood is more per-
way to be certain about how cladding materials will meable and is less resistant to decay [90] and is more
behave in service is through the use of full-scale tests, susceptible to cupping and to developing cracks
which are expensive. There is particular concern compared with Norway spruce [76]. This perme-
regarding the use of timber cladding for multi-storey ability allows for treatment of the timber with bio-
buildings [139]. The fire regulations regarding the use cides, but the permeability varies and hence the
of timber as a cladding material vary from country to uptake of biocides is, as a consequence, also variable
country and are in state of flux. Many countries place [89].
restrictions upon the use of timber cladding for The dimensional stability of wood is a factor that
multi-storey buildings, or if there are neighbouring must be taken into account when installing timber
dwellings closer than a specified distance, unless the cladding, and this applies even to modified wood,
timber has been treated such that it meets specified although the dimensional stability of modified wood
requirements and there has been revised guidance is superior to unmodified. Failure to take account of
published by the European Commission recently this fact can result in very expensive remedial work
[140]. having to be undertaken to rectify issues related to
distortion [34, 92]. It is essential that adequate
allowance is made for the cladding boards to change
Timber properties affecting cladding dimension and that the fixings employed also allow
behaviour for this movement. The dimensional changes and
type of distortion depend on wood species, wood
Species choice treatment (especially wood modification), grain ori-
entation and presence of reaction wood.
Factors that are considered when specifying wood Price and availability are closely related and an
species for cladding applications include durability, important factor in deciding what timber is most
dimensional stability, price, availability, ease of pro- suitable for a given purpose [141]. Higher-quality
cessing and sustainable sourcing. timber, which has been selected specifically for pur-
The most durable species used for timber cladding pose, or is more durable, or has desirable aesthetic
in Europe are considered to be western red cedar qualities, will command a higher price, and this has
(Thuja plicata), European larch (Larix decidua), Siber- to be balanced against the requirements of the client
ian larch (Larix sibirica), Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga and what the overall life cycle cost of the installation
menziesii) and European oak (Quercus robur). Other will be [142]. Modified wood is more expensive than
species, such as fir (Abies spp.), spruce (Picea spp.) unmodified in many cases, but may have reduced
and pine (Pinus spp.), are usually considered to be maintenance costs, especially if coatings are applied.
insufficiently durable for use unless they are treated Apart from economic factors affecting availability,
in some way to protect or preserve them. However, there are also geopolitical factors. Witness the recent
with spruces, the drying process causes the bordered embargo on Siberian larch by many countries of the
pits in the tracheid walls to irreversibly close (pit world.
aspiration), which significantly reduces the perme- Ease of processing of wood is affected by density,
ability. Thus, although spruces are not suitable for occurrence of reaction wood and in some species the
ground contact applications, they generally perform presence of silica (especially tropical hardwoods). In
well in Use Class 3.1 (Table 1) cladding applications. general, softwoods are easier to process than hard-
The main European-grown timbers used for clad- woods, which is a major factor affecting the speed at
ding are spruce, larch and pine. Norway spruce (Picea which the cladding boards are processed, which will
abies) is commonly used in Scandinavia. Slow-grown also affect the economics [78, 125].
Norway spruce is considered preferable to fast- Although much timber used for cladding in Eur-
grown, but this is becoming less readily available ope is derived from the EU, there is also a reliance on
with changes in forestry practices. The refractory imported timber from other parts of the world,
nature of dried spruce can be an advantage because it including Siberian larch (from Russia) and western
limits the uptake of moisture in uncoated cladding red cedar from the USA and Canada. The importa-
materials. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) has a more tion of timber into the EU is subject to strict controls.
9042 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
Although the EU Forest Law Enforcement Gover- dimensional behaviour of wood [152]. For example,
nance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan introduced in with Norway spruce the ratio between tangential and
2003 tackled illegal logging, it did not deal with longitudinal shrinkage was 49 in normal wood, but
deforestation. A key element of FLEGT is the EU this reduced to 13 when compression wood was
Timber Regulation (EUTR), which came into force in present [153]. Compression wood exhibits higher
March 2013, with the purpose of preventing the lignin contents and higher microfibrillar winding
import of illegal timber products. This requires ‘op- angles in the S2 layer of the cell wall, the latter con-
erators’ to exercise due diligence in ensuring that the tributing to much higher-dimensional changes in the
timber originates from legal sources. In November longitudinal direction [154].
2021, the European Commission also adopted a pro- According to EN 14915 [39], if sapwood is not
posal to develop regulations that would curb defor- excluded from cladding material, it must be identi-
estation caused by EU demand for agricultural fied. For some wood species (e.g. spruce, ash), visual
products (resulting in land-use change), but also differentiation of heartwood and sapwood is prob-
including demand for wood and wood products. The lematical. There are laboratory methods, which use
new EU forest strategy for 2030 includes as one of its different dyes, or spectroscopy, but heartwood is
objectives, promotion of the sustainable forest bioe- rarely separated from sapwood in modern high-
conomy for long-lived forest products. It is, therefore, throughput sawmills for economic reasons.
essential that timber used for cladding (and indeed, Nonetheless, there is an advantage to doing this for
all) applications should be procured from sustainable timber cladding from the point of view of perfor-
sources, which requires effective certification of forest mance in service, in order to enhance durability. If it
management practices as well as transparent and is present in the cladding boards, it is preferable to
auditable supply chains [143–146]. ensure that the sapwood is located on the non-ex-
posed face. With radially sawn timber, it is unlikely
Wood anatomical factors that sapwood can be entirely excluded, whereas a
board that presents a tangential face is more likely to
Timber for cladding requires selection by visual exhibit cupping. With a tangential oriented board,
grading to ensure that it is fit for purpose [147]. As orienting the outer-exposed surface in the opposite
noted previously, grain orientation is a very impor- orientation as in the tree (i.e. pith-side outwards)
tant factor influencing crack development during would minimise the sapwood content on the external
weathering [84, 148], with cladding timber ideally face, but cupping may be an issue to consider when
having annual ring orientation perpendicular to the deciding on placing of fixings. The only way to
exposed wood surface, thereby minimising crack ensure the absence of sapwood is through careful
formation and reducing distortion. This is achieved visual selection where this is possible; some infor-
by the use of quarter sawing or cleaving, but this is mation on visual grading of cladding is given in the
not economically viable for high-throughput saw- European Standards EN 15146 [155], EN 14519 [156]
mills and poor practice exists where timber that has and EN 14951 [157], but if heartwood is not distin-
not been graded specifically for cladding purposes is guishable no guidance is available.
used in service. Obtaining good quality boards with Depending upon the design employed, the thermal
parallel grain is further complicated by the presence conductivity of the outer skin of the building may
of spiral grain in trees [149, 150], presenting further have a significant influence upon the energy effi-
challenges for the recovery of good quality timber ciency of the building. If there is a ventilated cavity
from the forest resource. Tangential surfaces show a behind the exterior envelope, then the thermal con-
much greater susceptibility to crack formation com- ductivity of the timber cladding is not of major
pared with radial surfaces and a greater tendency to influence. However, if there is thermal bridging, or
undergo cupping deformation [84]. Cupping is also the outer envelope is otherwise closely connected to
more prevalent in sapwood, due to higher moisture the inner core of the building, then the thermal con-
uptake [76]. Growth stresses in trees also contribute ductivity of the timber cladding is of greater signifi-
to distortion of sawn wood [151]. cance. The thermal conductivity of timber is related
The presence of reaction wood (compression wood to the density, structure and moisture content
in softwoods, tension wood in hardwoods) affects the [158–160] and varies depending upon the direction of
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076 9043
threshold to be exceeded for a period of time for and extent of mould growth between different coat-
decay to be initiated and for decay to proceed this ing systems (e.g. solvent-based, water-based), surface
threshold MC needs to be maintained. roughness and hardness are also important factors
Factors affecting colonisation and growth of [185]. Moulds can penetrate some coatings and
moulds on wood surfaces include wood species, colonise the interface between the paint film and the
moisture dynamics of the wood, relative humidity substrate [186].
and temperature [173]. Mould fungi mainly belong to
the fungi imperfecti group and do not affect the Natural durability
strength of wood, although they have a negative
impact upon the aesthetics of the surface. Mould The natural durability of timber is defined according
spores are easily dispersed and will colonise many to the European standards as being ‘the inherent
types of surfaces if the conditions are favourable resistance of wood to attack by wood-destroying
[174, 175]. The optimal growth of mould fungi occurs organisms’ EN 350 [187] and is determined based
at a wood MC between 30 to 150% and temperatures upon field tests (EN 252 [188], EN 330 [189], DD
between 0 C and 40 C [176, 177], and heavy CEN/TS 12,037 [190]), or laboratory tests against
colonisation of surfaces can occur within a few years basidiomycete fungi in pure culture (EN 113 [191]) or
of installation under favourable growing conditions fungal cellar (ENV 807 [192]), against insects (EN
[178]. Heartwood is less susceptible to mould growth 20–1 [193], EN 20–2 [194], EN 46–1 [195], EN 46–2
compared with sapwood [179], presumably because [196], EN 49–1 [197], EN 49–2 [198], EN 118 [199]) or
the heartwood generally has a lower MC, but there marine organisms (EN 275 [200]) [201, 202]. Natural
can be a large variation between different wood durability against biological agents is determined
samples of the same species when exposed under from these experimental tests by comparison to a
identical conditions. Sapwood is also particularly reference wood species, and the durability is calcu-
susceptible to being colonised by sap-staining fungi lated, based upon a ratio of the property changes of
[180], which preferentially metabolise accessible and the test species against the reference species using
non-structural wood components, such as starch methodologies explained in EN 350. Classifications of
[181]. Thermally modified timber (TMT) is less sus- natural durability to wood-destroying fungi are given
ceptible to moulds and stains, which is probably due using a five-class system (EN 350). It is important to
to a lack of nutrients (due to thermal degradation) note that these Durability Classes relate to heartwood
and which also may be related to the reduced only and that the sapwood of all species should be
hygroscopicity of the TMT [182]. The moisture con- considered to be in Durability Class 5 (non-durable)
tent of the top 3 mm of the surface is an important unless there are specific data indicating otherwise. It
factor indicating prevalence of mould colonisation is also necessary to be aware that the classification of
[53]. The length of time that the wood is wet is a the durability of species gives an indication of the
significant factor in determining the likelihood of performance of the wood in ground contact situa-
growth of mould or stains and surfaces that are tions (Use Class 4 as defined in EN 335 [69]). In terms
rapidly dried because of prevailing winds are much of insect attack, species are classified as being durable
less likely to show mould growth. Sheltered parts of a or susceptible. For resistance to marine organisms,
building where there is little airflow and a high species are classified as durable (D), moderately
humidity microclimate are areas of high mould sus- durable (M) or susceptible (S). The use of standards
ceptibility [183]. which determine performance in conditions which
Although uncoated wood is more susceptible to are more appropriate to ground contact situations is
mould growth because the porous wood material can not readily applicable to building envelope situa-
act as a moisture reservoir, coated wood can also be tions, and there is a need to develop tests which are
colonised by moulds, especially if the coating does more representative of the actual exposure conditions
not contain biocides [178]. With the declining use of and hazards encountered [203, 204].
biocides in coating products as a result of the intro- Wood in service is subject to microbiological attack,
duction of the Biocidal Products Regulation, there is and the risk of decay is increasing as the effects of
an increased risk of coatings being susceptible to climate change become more influential [205].
mould growth [184]. There are differences in the rate Although there is clearly a link between the moisture
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076 9045
from ‘more than 10 years’ to ‘more than 60 years’ must be incorporated into the models. Other predic-
[27]. These uncertainties will inevitably negatively tive models for wood structures have been developed
impact the accuracy of LCC and LCA. This may cause in the European project ‘DuraTB’ (Durable timber
specifiers to choose other materials which have more bridges) and the Swedish ‘WoodBuild’ project. These
predictable performance. models are very much influenced by the wetting
Estimates of service life can be made by the use of behaviour (influenced by weather and specifics of
accelerated tests and applying the appropriate cor- design) and susceptibility to moisture of different
rection factors [230]. Such models are based upon the wood species and treatments; although for timber
known durability properties of the material, envi- bridges, other factors, such as dynamic and static
ronmental factors and design considerations. Simple loads, are also important [235].
approaches to determining the service life of building Wood degradation can be affected by many other
elements include the factor method, as described in factors than biological agents, and these can influence
ISO 15686–1 [168], which are readily applied [231]. the ability of a wood-based product to perform its
However, factor-based methods have been criticised required function. Once the product cannot fulfil its
because they do not adequately consider nonlinear required function, it is taken out of service. This
relationships between such things as detail design defines its service life. This is a much broader and
and climatic variation. For this reason, a study was more appropriate definition of durability. The wood
conducted on the development of a semi-empirical may be susceptible to the effects of moisture, which
moisture model for service life prediction of wooden can lead to decay, or warping, resulting in the loss of
elements. A model based upon Fick’s second law was function of a floor covering, or cladding (for exam-
developed to predict the moisture content of rain- ple). The wood may weather in such a way that it is
exposed wood [232], and the onset of decay was no longer aesthetically pleasing. The owner of a
determined by using two dose–response models. property may simply not wish to repaint the house
More realistic and complex predictive tools adopt every few years and timber cladding may be replaced
probabilistic approaches, which may be too complex for aesthetic reasons even though it remains fit for
to apply in real-life situations. In both cases, the rel- purpose. This is a major factor in determining service
evant information may not be available, or available life. The use of a product may be terminated long
in sufficient detail to make accurate predictions. In before its designed service life because of a decision
Europe, the WOODEXTER project developed a use- based upon a qualitative appraisal by the owner of
able performance-based model taking into account the product [234]. The main criteria leading to a poor
climatic conditions and material durability [48]. In perception of wooden cladding materials subjected to
this model, a limit state was defined which represents weathering are the development of mould and colour
the onset of wood decay. Using this approach, the changes, especially where the visual changes are
exposure can be expressed in a function that takes localised or uneven [226].
into account the local and global climate, the design The long-term decay risk of timber products is
of the element and the surface treatment employed. often predicted through the use of a climate index,
Meanwhile, the material resistance can be repre- which will change as a result of global warming
sented as a response to the exposure conditions [236–240]. However, when modelling of weathering
independent of the design, using a dose–response was undertaken using a climate index, poor correla-
model [233]. These attempts to predict service life by tion was found using most indices for different sites
applying dose–response models consider wood in Europe in a round robin study for nine different
moisture content and temperature as factors influ- locations in Europe [241]. Although a climate index
encing wood decay [234]. However, the fluctuating may potentially be used to predict an overall decay
moisture content of cladding boards in real-life ser- risk in a population of buildings in a country or
vice conditions does not necessarily reflect assump- region, and undoubtedly has an influence, much
tions made about durability, which are based upon more detailed approaches are actually required in
laboratory conditions of constant moisture [92]. Fur- order to accurately predict the decay risk in a build-
thermore, differences in moisture content in exterior ing, due to many confounding factors [242]. The
cladding depend on factors such as roof overhang importance of design details and location is hugely
and distance from ground [50], and these details influential.
9048 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
As noted earlier, the choice of material for a • show excellent blocking resistance and hardness
building envelope has to take into account many (or ‘stackability’),
factors apart from up-front economic costs. The • exhibit good adhesion to the wood surface in both
whole life cycle cost includes issues, such as service wet and dry conditions,
life, maintenance and replacement, influence on • ease of formulation,
building energy performance, as well as environ- • low environmental impact,
mental burdens associated with these choices. For • long-term weathering stability,
this reason, there has been research conducted into • have high resistance to blushing in the case of
the potential for the use of multi-criteria decision- clear coatings,
making (MCDM) tools in order to inform these • have low maintenance requirements.
decisions [243]. Factors influencing the choice include
Raw materials for wood coatings comprise natural
cost of materials, installation costs, availability,
resins/oils/waxes, cellulosic-based film formers,
maintenance requirements, aesthetics, environmental
alkyds, isocyanates, amino resins, polyester resins,
impact, end of life and energy performance of the
acyclic resins, vinyl resins and epoxy resins/esters,
building [244]. Although, in principle, the use of such
which are used as binders [251].
tools leads to an optimal decision regarding the
Modern formulations used for exterior wood
façade system that is chosen, in fact it has been
coatings are often based upon water-borne acrylic
shown that different MCDM methods can produce
dispersions, water-borne alkyd emulsions, or high
different ranking outcomes, so that value judgement
solids (low volatile organic compound, VOC) alkyd
still plays a role [245].
systems and oil-based paints [253]. High VOC sol-
vent-based systems have been mostly replaced in
many European countries [254], because of environ-
Methods for protecting wood
mental and health concerns [255]. The use of VOCs in
Coatings to protect against weathering paints and varnishes is covered in European Direc-
tive 2004/42/CE (on the limitation of emissions of
Moisture content of the wood is an important factor volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic
affecting the durability, and one way of moderating solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle
moisture uptake of wood in service is to apply a refinishing products and amending Directive
protective coating [246], preferably prior to installa- 1999/13/EC). This requires that the VOC content of
tion, but as soon as possible thereafter if this is not paints and varnishes should: ‘be reduced as much as
possible [247]. Fluctuations in MC in coated wood is technically and economically feasible taking into
cladding systems are influenced by the film thick- account climatic conditions’. Use of high VOC paints
ness, porosity, durability and colour of the coating is not banned, but it is mainly restricted to use in
systems employed [248]. According to EN 971–1 [249] industrial applications with controlled environments.
(superseded by ISO 4618 [250]) a coating is defined In order to prevent cracking of the film, the coating
as: ‘a product, in liquid, in paste, or powder form, should be able to cope with dimensional changes of
that, when applied to a substrate, forms a film pos- the wood substrate, but this can be a challenge. If the
sessing protective, decorative and/or other specific coating is sufficiently flexible, then it will be able to
properties’. Coatings may be broadly divided into follow the dimensional changes in the wood. How-
paints, varnishes and lacquers, stains and lasures, ever, there is a risk that a more flexible film will be
oils, polishes and patinas [251]. Coatings on exterior softer (low glass transition temperature, Tg), less
wood surfaces have two main functions: (i) to give an resistant to abrasion and tacky or exhibit blocking
aesthetically acceptable appearance and (ii) to pro- (where overpainting results in removal of a lower
vide protection of the wood against degradative painted layer), so there is a balance to be struck. To
agents. The ideal coating for a wood surface in exte- some extent, the contradictory requirements can be
rior conditions should have the following properties met by introducing some cross-linking in the film
[252]: structure, but this can increase costs and adversely
affect pot life. Furthermore, exposure to environ-
• be permanently flexible but tack-free, mental stressors, such as solar radiation and rain, will
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076 9049
lead to irreversible changes in the properties of the attached unsaturated fatty acids, containing various
coatings, which may consequently lose flexibility number of double bonds [264–267] (Fig. 8). These
over time. glyceride esters are characterised by three main
Acrylic binders for wood coatings are usually properties:
synthesised from a ‘soft’ (e.g. ethyl acrylate) and a
• The chain length of the fatty acids,
‘hard’ monomer (e.g. methyl methacrylate). By
• The number of double bonds on the fatty acids,
appropriate selection of the monomer composition, it
• The conjugation between the double bonds.
is possible to control the polarity of the binder. Low
polarity binders exhibit good water resistance, but The oils contain differing amounts of various fatty
the introduction of functional groups which are acids, and depending on the composition (number
capable of hydrogen bonding will improve adhesion and location of double bonds), they are classified as
to the wood substrate [256, 257]. Adhesion is also drying oils, semi-drying oils and non-drying oils.
promoted by the use of small particle sizes (smaller Only drying oils are capable of forming cohesive
than 100 nm) which allows for penetration into the paint films on wood, of which the most commonly
wood surface to some extent. By appropriate design used is linseed oil, which can be used alone, or as an
of particle morphology, it is possible to include both ingredient in alkyd or polyurethane paint systems.
‘hard’ and ‘soft’ polymers in a core/shell system. Tung oil is a very reactive oil that is used in exterior
Other particle structures are also available [252]. Film varnishes and penetrating oil systems. The drying
forming in acrylic systems occurs by evaporation of process with these oil systems involves reaction with
water followed by coalescence of the particles oxygen to form hydroperoxides and radicals, which
accompanied by interdiffusion of the polymers [258]. then participate in film-forming cross-linking reac-
Alkyd paint systems are based upon polyester tions. [259]. Because the air-drying is a slow process,
backbones, produced from difunctional carboxylic catalysts (primary driers) are added, which are usu-
acids and polyfunctional alcohols, which have pen- ally based upon cobalt carboxylates, with the same
dant fatty acids attached. Film forming in alkyd environmental concerns noted previously [259–261].
systems is due to solvent evaporation and oxidative Apart from the solvent (water, or organic) and
cross-linking to form a polymeric network, which drying agents (if used), all paint formulations contain
takes place due to the presence of bound unsaturated a range of additives to improve performance. These
fatty acid ester moieties [259]. However, this cross- include additives to improve the ‘in-can’ perfor-
linking process is slow and to produce accept- mance and application performance of the coating
able drying times various catalysts are added to the system (e.g. anti-skinning agents, anti-foaming
paint formulation, of which cobalt (II) carboxylates agents, wetting agents, rheology modifiers, coalesc-
are widely used. However, these compounds are ing agents, biocides, pH modifiers and buffers) and
under investigation due to health concerns [260], additives to improve the coating film performance
prompting paint manufacturers to seek alternatives (matting agents, levelling agents, radical scavengers,
[261]. Modified alkyd hybrid systems are also avail- biocides, flame retardants, plasticisers, UV absorbers,
able, phenolic resins or poly-siloxanes are grafted UV filters, pigments) [251, 268].
onto the polyester. Substitution of the fatty acid tails
with styrene, acrylates or isocyanates is also used to
produce modified alkyds [262, 263].
Historically, most paint systems used naturally
derived oils which were delivered in a solvent-based
system and an example of this is the use of linseed oil
in combination with starch, in Falun red paint (Falu
Rodfarg), which is still used for painting wooden clad
buildings in Finno-Scandinavian countries. These
naturally derived oils still find considerable use
today in applications for exterior use. Oils for paints
are derived from triglycerides from seed oils which
are composed of a glycerol backbone to which are Figure 8 Representative triglyceride found in linseed oil.
9050 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
Factors that affect the performance of coatings Nanoparticles can be used to profoundly change
include: dimensional stability of the wood, photo- the surface structure to produce desirable properties,
stability of the wood surface (with clear coatings), such as super-hydrophobic surfaces [292–297]. For
moisture ingress through the coating, coating flexi- example, the chemical bonding of graphitic carbon
bility (crack formation), coating photostability, coat- nitride rods to the wood surface has been investi-
ing thickness, bio-resistance, and penetration into the gated as a means for providing a self-cleaning and
wood surface [269–275]. Coating performance can UV-resistant wood surface [298]. Silica or titanium
also be significantly affected by prior preservative dioxide nanoparticles have been used in combination
treatment of the wood [276]. In general, solvent-based with vinyl triethoxy silane to produce super-hy-
coatings show lower water-surface contact angles drophobic surfaces [299]. In an interesting develop-
and water uptake compared with water-based coat- ment, photocontrol of the wettability of wood surface
ings [277]. Moisture permeability of the coating is a based on a TiO2 film modified with octadecyl
significant factor since a less permeable coating will trichlorosilane was achieved [300]. When illuminated
reduce the rate of diffusion of moisture into the with UV light, the wood surface became super-hy-
underlying substrate and thereby slow the rate of drophilic, but when placed in the dark the surface
dimensional changes. became super-hydrophobic. This allows for the pos-
Clear coatings present additional difficulties. sibility of producing reactive ‘smart’ surfaces. This
Although much research has been conducted on the topic has been comprehensively reviewed recently
development of photo-stabilised clear coatings on [301]. Other potential applications of nanotechnology
wood, it has been increasingly apparent that this is of include the use of nanoparticles to limit thermal over-
little benefit unless the underlying substrate is also heating of building envelopes [302]. There are many
protected [278, 279]. The transparency of clear coat- other examples of the use of nanoparticles for various
ings allows the passage of UV light to the underlying purposes in coating technology in the literature, and
substrate which causes a breakdown of adhesion this is an area that has been extensively reviewed
between the coating and the wood surface due to [303, 304]. Although of huge potential interest, the
photodegradation of the lignin [280]. Where the long-term stability of such tailored surfaces in exte-
coatings are not sufficiently protected, they are also rior exposure conditions is an issue that needs
degraded as well as the underlying substrate. A addressing, especially given the dimensional insta-
particular problem here can be the loss of coating bility and poor UV resistance of the substrate.
flexibility, leading to cracking which in turn results in In an attempt to improve photostability, clear
water penetration behind the coating. Once water coatings containing inorganic UV absorbers have be
penetration occurs, delamination of the coating is produced by using particle sizes below 40 nm so that
rapidly accelerated, as well as dimensional changes coating transparency is not affected [305, 306].
in the wood, which places further stresses on the Although titanium dioxide nanoparticles can provide
coating, especially at the earlywood latewood protection through absorption and scattering, TiO2 is
boundary. To some extent, the use of semi-transpar- also capable of radical production when irradiated
ent penetrating stains on wood overcome the prob- which can lead to photodegradation of the organic
lems associated with dimensional changes of the coating [307–309], a property that is enhanced by the
substrate [281]. An alternative strategy is to modify high surface area of nanoparticles. The problem of
the surface layers of the wood [282]. For example, degradation of the organic coating is dealt with by
there has been interest in the use of plasma modifi- doping to change the band gap of the TiO2, or sta-
cation of wood to produce hydrophobic surfaces bilising the particles with a non-reactive coating (e.g.
[283–287]. There is also considerable interest in tetraethoxy silane) [310]. Transparent titanium diox-
exploiting silicon chemistry (metal silicates, silicones, ide films can be obtained through combination with
silanes) to both impregnate the surface layers of the cerium oxide to form a xerogel, which provides UV
wood and to provide UV-stable coating systems protection to the wood surface [311], or in combina-
[288–290] or super-hydrophobic surfaces [291], and tion with clay nanoparticles [312]. Alternatively, the
there are several silicate or silane-based commercial photocatalytic activity of TiO2 can be exploited to
products on the market for cladding and decking produce self-cleaning films. For example, deposition
applications. of TiO2/ZnO nanoparticles onto the surface of
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076 9051
thermally treated larch was found to make the sur- reaching the underlying substrate. Examples include
face self-cleaning, as well as super-hydrophobic benzophenones [323] as well as inorganic UV absor-
[313], and the use of Ag/TiO2 particles produced a bers, such as titanium dioxide and ferric oxide
self-cleaning surface with anti-bacterial properties nanoparticles (see section on coatings) (Fig. 9).
[314]. Hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS; Fig. 9) can
Since a major cause of failure of coatings on wood be employed to protect the lignin from photo-oxida-
is delamination at the wood coating interface, there tion [324, 325], but in order to act effectively it is
has been interest in the grafting of polymers to the important that they penetrate the cell wall structure
wood surface in an attempt to improve surface and in particular the middle lamella region, so that
properties [315–318]. Alternative strategies to ensur- they are in contact with the lignin network. Good
ing longevity of coatings include the use of self-re- results are found when clear coatings containing UV
pairing bio-based living coating system [319]. screening agents are combined with a wood substrate
Coatings have a finite lifetime, and it is important that has been pre-treated with HALS lignin stabilis-
to determine how the use of coatings affects the ing agents [326–328]. Alternative approaches have
whole life environmental and economic performance been investigated, such as surface delignification
of a building envelope. For this reason, it is important using peracetic acid prior to coating application,
to define and determine limit states in order to model which show promise in a laboratory context, but are
what interventions will be necessary to maintain not readily transferable to a commercial environment
performance [320]. The types of intervention and [279, 329]. Other approaches have also been investi-
their frequency can have a very important influence gated, including the modification of the wood surface
upon the whole life costs of a building, especially if regions with acetic anhydride [301], aromatic vinyl
timber cladding is used for multi-storey buildings. It esters [330], reaction with benzoyl chloride [331],
is very likely that the service life of a wood coating reaction with succinic, maleic or phthalic anhydride
will be much less than that of the timber component [332] and butyrylation [333] (Fig. 10). Surface modi-
and therefore the issue of maintenance and/or fication of wood by grafting of UV stabilisers such as
recoating needs to be part of the design considera- benzophenones has also been studied [334, 335].
tions. When determining maintenance cycles, it is Deposition of TiO2 nanoparticles onto the wood
important to optimise the inspection routine in order surface to give improved stability to UV light has
to minimise overall costs. If inspections are not car- been reported [336], although such an approach is
ried out soon enough, complete failure of the coating questionable since titanium dioxide catalyses the
and cladding system may require expensive photodegradation of lignin [337].
replacement rather than just recoating. If inspections
are carried out too frequently, then this results in an Preservatives
unnecessary cost to the owner of the building. The
simplest method is to carry out visual inspection, but Biocidal preservatives against moulds and fungi have
there is increasing interest in the use of multispectral been developed which use mechanisms such as
scanning tools for this purpose [321, 322]. denaturation of proteins, cell membrane disruption
or the inhibiting of protein synthesis [170]. Until
Protection of wood against weathering recently, issues of durability were dealt with by the
application of broad-spectrum wood preservatives, of
Since the photodegradation of wood under clear which one of the most commonly used was
coatings has been identified as being the ‘Achilles
Heel’ of the protection system, there has been
increasing attention given to the potential use of
photostabilisation systems within the substrate
[212, 301]. The options are to employ: (i) a UV
screening system, (ii) an antioxidant system and (iii) a
free-radical trapping agent. UV screening agents are
best employed within the coating rather than in the Figure 9 Structure of a benzophenone UV filter and a hindered
wood substance in order to prevent the light from amine light stabiliser radical scavenger.
9052 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
Figure 10 Examples of
chemical wood modification
reactions: a reaction with vinyl
ester, b acetic anhydride,
c succinic anhydride,
d benzoyl chloride.
chromated copper arsenic (CCA) [338]. Although this creosote, pentachlorophenol and CCA. Commission
proved to have many advantages in service, the use Regulation (EC) No. 552/2009 amending Regulation
of CCA presents severe problems of disposal at the (EC) No. 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation,
end of life and is no longer used commercially to any Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
significant extent within Europe [339]. Environmen- as regards Annex XVII states that arsenic compounds
tally motivated legislation within Europe is making it ‘shall not be used in the preservation of wood. Fur-
increasingly difficult to introduce new wood preser- thermore, wood so treated shall not be placed on the
vatives and the requirements to register chemicals to market’. However, certain specified applications are
meet the conditions of Registration, Evaluation, permitted for industrial or agricultural uses, pro-
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) vided that the wood so treated has appropriate
legislation, causing many companies to remove long- labelling as defined in the document. Given that
established products from the market. The costs neither arsenic nor chromium has been registered as
involved in complying with REACH mean that rela- active ingredients for wood preservatives in Annex 1
tively low volume products, which have small mar- of the BPD, this effectively led to a ban on the use of
gins of profitability, are not commercially viable. The CCA in the European Union. The authorisation of
European Commission has also issued legislation, biocidal products in the EU is now subject to the EU
such as the Biocidal Products Directive (BPD) (98/8/ Biocidal Products Regulation 528/2012 (EU BPR),
EC) and regulations regarding reviewing the safety of with wood preservatives covered in Part 8. Only
biocidal active products under Commission Regula- wood preservatives that are registered under the BPR
tion 2032/2003/EC (amended by 1849/2006/EC and can now be used, and an up-to-date list (Article 95
replaced by 1451/2007/EC). The European Com- list) of approved biocides can be found on the web-
mission Directive 2003/02/EC placed restrictions on site of the European Chemicals Agency. As of 1
the use and marketing of arsenic, restricting the use September 2015, a biocidal product cannot be made
of CCA-treated wood to certain applications. Regu- available on the EU market unless either the sub-
lations such as this have resulted in the withdrawal of stance supplier or the product supplier is included in
support for a number of biocidal products used in the Article 95 list. There are toxicological properties
wood preservatives, including tributyl tin oxide that will result in automatic exclusion from the
(TBTO), deltamethrin, cyfluthrin and fipronil. The Article 95 list, which include: carcinogens, mutagens,
Marketing and Use Directive (76/769/EC) regulates endocrine disruptors, persistent, bioaccumulative
the marketing and use of dangerous substances and and toxic substances, very persistent and bioaccu-
has led to major restrictions on wood treated with mulative substances, although there are certain
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076 9053
derogations to the above. There is considerable by-products in a fire and there are also other envi-
activity investigating the potential for using nano- ronmental concerns associated with their use.
materials for wood preservation [340, 341], and Another approach is to use fire-proof coatings, which
although the BPR has provisions that deal with are classified as intumescent or non-intumescent. An
nanomaterials, there are still areas which need intumescent coating has the ability to form a three-
addressing [342, 343]. Due to increasingly stringent dimensional char layer on top of the substrate when
legislation, there is considerable interest in develop- exposed to fire. Traditional intumescent systems have
ing preservative systems based upon natural prod- a carbon source (carbonific) that acts as the char
ucts [344–346] such as tannins [347, 348]. former, an acid source that acts as a dehydrating
Ideally, the use of wood with a sufficient level of agent and a blowing agent (spumific) that helps to
durability and good design to ensure that the wood is form the porous (foam) barrier. Non-intumescent
not at risk of decay should ensure that wood systems do not swell up, but work in two different
preservatives are not needed in cladding. However, if ways. Where a non-intumescent penetrates the wood,
there is a requirement for preservatives to be applied, it works by increasing the rate of char formation
it is important to consider the permeability and inside the wood, which then acts to protect the
treatability of the wood [349]. The European Stan- underlying material. Alternatively, if the non-intu-
dard EN 351–1 [350] defines penetration classes for mescent is applied as a paint, it works by forming a
wood of varying geometries and different amounts of barrier to the spread of flame, but importantly, it does
sapwood. With refractory species, incising is often not produce a carbonaceous foam, which is the
used to improve penetration of preservatives [351], characteristic of an intumescent system. Fire retar-
but this is not a method that is commonly used for dants may have negative effects upon the properties
cladding applications. However, laser incising of of wood, such as increased hygroscopicity, reduced
wood may prove to be a useful technology for strength, dimensional instability, corrosion of fixings,
increasing the permeability of refractory species in coating adhesion, as well as loss of efficacy due to
the future [352]. leaching [357, 358]. Where a surface coating is
applied, it may be removed by abrasion, or simply
Fire retardants crack and lose adhesion to the underlying wood
Fire retardants (FR) use a number of strategies in There is an extremely wide range of phosphorus-
order to suppress the spread of fire in timber prod- containing fire retardants available (phosphines,
ucts [353–356]. The FR can be impregnated into the phosphine oxides, phosphonium compounds, phos-
wood substance where it can act to suppress the phonates, phosphites and phosphates are all used as
spread of flame, and/or encourage the formation of a FRs). Phosphorus-containing FRs usually function
char layer, or it can stay on the wood surface and act through increasing the amount of carbonaceous
as a barrier. FRs used for timber cladding are classi- residue (char), which is encouraged by accelerating
fied as additive and reactive. Additive retardants are the dehydration of wood (i.e. loss of water of con-
applied to the wood by dip, spray, vacuum or brush stitution) during the pyrolysis process prior to com-
application, but do not react with the wood and bustion. Ammonium phosphate is an effective FR,
therefore are more likely to migrate out of the mate- but has to be applied in high amounts and can be
rial in service. Reactive fire retardants are more leached out of the wood [359]. Ammonium
expensive because they have the chemical function- polyphosphate has been used as a fire retardant,
ality to react with the wood, but they are less likely to especially in intumescent systems, but requires high
be lost during the service lifetime of the material. FRs amounts (20 wt%) to be effective. It is possible to use
can be further divided into organic and inorganic melamine phosphates, which are less soluble or to
materials. Inorganic FRs generally offer lower cost prepare the melamine phosphate in situ. Long-chain
and lack of toxic by-products, but their effectiveness ammonium polyphosphates have a low solubility in
is relatively poor, requiring high levels of inorganic water, which leads to high leaching resistance, but
FR additives to achieve the desired level of effec- affects the ability to deliver using an aqueous for-
tiveness. Although the effectiveness of organic fire mulation. However, the use of ammonium
retardants is much greater, they often give off toxic polyphosphates in wood can lead to high moisture
9054 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
contents in service [355]. Due to the leachability Wood modification used for cladding
issues encountered with phosphates, amino resins applications
and amino resins combined with phosphate have
been studied [360]. Modified wood materials can extend service life
Chlorine- and bromine-containing organic com- compared with unmodified wood not just because of
pounds can act as effective fire retardants. Although increases in durability, but importantly, also because
many such compounds are delivered to the wood, of improvements in dimensional stability [379–383].
they can be combined with a wood coating, e.g. using As a consequence, there are also expected to be
tetrabromophthalic anhydride in a fire-resistant extensions in periods between maintenance cycles
alkyd resin for wood coating [361]. However, halo- and a longer service life. Both of these factors will
gen-based fire retardants are coming under increas- impact positively upon the environmental profile of
ing scrutiny due to environmental concerns these materials, although this has to be balanced
regarding bioaccumulation and toxicity [362]. against any impacts caused by the modification pro-
Boron compounds are used as FRs, such as borax cess itself [35, 384, 385]. Wood modification is broadly
and boric acid [363], which may be combined with defined as a process which changes the properties of
phosphorus, nitrogen, or inorganic salt-based fire wood to improve performance in a desired way, but
retardants [364]. Due to concerns about leachability without introducing toxicity into the wood or creat-
of boron-based salts, combinations with amino resins ing toxic residues when the wood is disposed of at
have been investigated [365]. The proposal to classify the end of life [386]. A series of definitions has been
boron compounds as substances of very high concern given to differentiate between chemical, thermal,
by the European Chemicals Agency appears to raise impregnation and surface modification [38]. An
questions about their future use as FRs in cladding essential characteristic of a modified wood is that the
applications, although the evidence is contradictory property changes that are conferred remain
and disputed [366]. throughout the lifetime of the timber product and do
Metal silicates have been investigated as potential not change. Although research into the modification
FRs for wood [367–369], but due to concerns of wood has a long history, it was only in the mid-
regarding leachability, they are usually used in 1990s that the technologies started to gain traction in
combination with other substances [289, 370]. Other a commercial sense.
silicate minerals, such as nano-wollastonite, have Thermal modification continues to be the most
been studied as a potential fire-retardant treatment popular technology in terms of volume of modified
[357]. wood produced in Europe [387], and there has been
Metal hydroxides, such as aluminium hydroxide considerable use of thermally modified timber (TMT)
and magnesium hydroxide, are used as FRs, but they for cladding applications [388, 389]. Although TMT is
have to be used in high quantities to be effective used for cladding due to its superior dimensional
[371, 372]. Various nano-structuring approaches on stability and reduced hygroscopicity, it may also
the wood surface, such as use of zinc quaternary perform better in fires [390] and shows improved
pyridinium-type porous aromatic frameworks [373], resistance to mould, as noted earlier [182]. TMT is
layer-by-layer self-assembly of chitosan/sodium generally produced using temperatures in excess of
phytate/magnesium oxide [374], or intumescent fire 150 C using a steam blanket, inert atmosphere or
retardants in combination with inorganic layered vacuum conditions [391]. The process involves
materials [375], use of nano-clays [376], nano-silver degradation of the most thermally labile components
[377] and silsesquioxanes [362], have been studied. of the cell wall polymers (primarily the hemicellu-
Other novel approaches include the use of plasma loses), which are also the most hygroscopic. The
technology to impregnate wood with fire retardants improved dimensional stability makes TMT attrac-
using plasmas of phosphoric acid, boric acid, tive as a choice for cladding systems, although
hydrogen or nitrogen plasmas [378]. attention is required in order to ensure that the cor-
rect fixing systems are employed and that sufficient
allowance is made for wood movement, which still
occurs to some extent. TMT exhibits lower MC
compared with unmodified wood under the same
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076 9055
atmospheric conditions [392], but wettability (as superior performance when coated [410]. Acetylation
determined by contact angle) can increase with TMT increases the combustibility of wood, and this has be
modified at lower temperatures [393] and in some taken into consideration when it is used in cladding
cases sorption has been found to increase [394]. applications [411].
Although thermal modification does reduce the Technologies that involve impregnation of the
hygroscopicity of wood, water uptake properties of wood with monomers and subsequent polymerisa-
TMT are species dependent. For example, thermal tion thereof within the wood material are referred to
treatment of pine sapwood was found to increase as impregnation modification systems. There may
water sorption, whereas thermally treated spruce also be reaction of the monomers with the wood
sapwood and heartwood showed much lower water polymers, but this is not necessary provided the
uptake in flotation tests [395]. The modified wood can polymers themselves are non-leachable in service.
be used uncoated or with coating systems, although it Impregnation of the wood cell wall is necessary to
is necessary to take account of the different surface ensure that the wood exhibits improved dimensional
wettability of the TMT when choosing an appropriate stability. The properties of the polymer determine
coating system [388, 396]. Weathering of uncoated whether the wood exhibits a reduced hygroscopicity
TMT still occurs, although the rate at which degra- compared with the unmodified wood. Thus, if the
dation takes place appears to be somewhat slower polymer contains many hydroxyl groups, it will
than with unmodified wood [210, 397–399]. There attract water molecules and may also have a plasti-
have been attempts to reduce the rate of pho- cising effect on the wood cell wall polymers. Since the
todegradation by treating the TMT with a HALS main purpose of an impregnation modification is to
system [400]. Despite the lower MC, cracking of TMT improve the dimensional stability of the wood and
is observed during external exposure [401], although reduce hygroscopicity, the polymers of interest are
the degree to which this occurs varies between designed to not attract water molecules. The main
studies and depends on treatment parameters [396]. commercial technology in production at the time of
Fixing of TMT to battens requires pre-drilling and the writing this paper is the Kebony process, which is
use of corrosion-resistant fasteners [402]. Screws and based on furan chemistry [412, 413]. Other impreg-
nails in TMT exhibit a markedly reduced withdrawal nation modification systems which have been com-
resistance compared with unmodified wood mercialised for external use include the use of
[403, 404]. phenol–formaldehyde (PF) (Lignia) [414], dimethy-
Chemical modification requires that chemical loldihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU, Belmadur,
reactions occur with the cell wall polymers and the now called HartHolz) [382, 415], neither of which are
only currently available commercial process that can in production at the time of writing (March 2022).
unambiguously be called a chemical modification is Clear coatings on phenol–formaldehyde-modified
acetylation using acetic anhydride (AccoyaTM) [405]. pine were found to perform very well [269], although
Acetic anhydride reacts with the wood cell wall wood modified with PF resin still photo-bleaches
polymers to increase the concentration of ester-bon- when exposed to UV light, but this change is masked
ded acetyl groups, with the production of acetic acid somewhat by the formation of new chromophores in
as a by-product. The acetyl groups take up space the PF network [416]. Tannin-based polyphenolic
within the cell wall (bulking), which results in resins have been studied as potential FRs [417].
expansion of the cell wall and also denies that vol- Treatment of wood with DMDHEU directly does not
ume to water molecules resulting in improved improve the fire resistance of wood, prompting
checking resistance compared with unmodified wood studies of its combination with guanyl urea phos-
[406]. The improved dimensional stability that results phate and boric acid, which showed promise as a
is due to a combination of these two factors. Acety- strategy [418].
lated wood also shows enhanced resistance to fungal Yakisugi (also called Shou-Sugi-Ban) is a tradi-
degradation, which is attributed to the much-reduced tional Japanese surface modification where the sur-
moisture content of the wood cell wall [407]. During face of the cladding boards are charred, which
weathering, acetylated wood goes through a stage provides protection against moisture ingress and
where it is photobleached prior to colonisation by against photodegradation of the underlying wood
staining microorganisms [408, 409], but shows [419]. The charring of the wood surface also provides
9056 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:9031–9076
Figure 11 Different modified claddings in use, age at time of imaging in parenthesis. From left: Thermally modified pine siding (3 y),
uncoated Accoya siding (2 y), Kebony siding (5 y), charred spruce siding (7 y).
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