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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Shale gas, with its low carbon and green characteristics, has attracted a considerable amount of attention
Received 14 August 2020 in the development of global clean energy. Analyzing the development potential and prospects of shale
Received in revised form gas has great significance for strengthening energy security while reducing carbon emissions in China.
1 January 2021
Based on the current development status, this paper explores the exploitation potential of shale gas
Accepted 1 February 2021
Available online 8 February 2021
development in China from the five main aspects of Porter’s diamond model and proposes a future
development strategy. After careful analysis, several discoveries are made. First, the recoverable reserves
Handling editor: Dr Sandra Caeiro of shale gas in favorable areas in China have reached 2.18 104 billion cubic meters (bcm), but the
current proved rate of shale gas is only 4.79%, which indicates its vast development potential. Second,
Keywords: approximately 65% of China’s shale gas is deeper than 3500 m, while the current technology and
Clean energy equipment of exploration and development are not adapted to exploration and development schemes
Shale gas that target shale gas in deep horizons. Third, the urgent demand of China’s natural gas market (estimated
Development potentials to be 600 bcm by 2030) and the high degree of external dependence (45.3% in 2018) provide a reasonable
Porter’s diamond model
situation for the development of shale gas. Fourth, the development of supporting industries is relatively
mature, and major related enterprises have clear strategic goals and obvious market competitive ad-
vantages. Fifth, the government’s incentives for the shale gas industry are insufficient, especially in terms
of the intensity of financial subsidies and tax relief and the subsidy cycle. Sixth, corresponding strategies
need to be implemented to strengthen all the factors in the diamond model and seize the current
development chances to gain a positive interaction among them. After effective development, shale gas
could become a crucial hub for balancing future economic growth and eco-environmental protection in
China. Our study provides guidance for the government, policy makers, investors, and other stakeholders
to better understand China’s shale gas industry and formulate corresponding development strategies.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
Shale gas is an unconventional natural gas that exists in organic- analyze the competitive advantage of national industries, including
rich mud shale and its interlayer, mainly in the form of adsorption the photovoltaic power industry (Zhao et al., 2011), wind power
or the free state. Composed of methane, shale gas is a clean and €
industry (Irfan et al., 2019), tourism industry (Ozer et al., 2012),
efficient energy resource (Li et al., 2016). The production of shale renewable energy industry (Fang et al., 2018), coal industry (Wu
gas drives the world’s natural gas production growth (EIA, 2016). et al., 2017) and natural gas industry (Zhang et al., 2014). The dia-
Consequently, shale gas provides new opportunities for strength- mond model also fully identifies the crucial factors that affect the
ening energy security while reducing carbon emissions (Wang and development and competitiveness of an industry (Irfan et al., 2019).
Li, 2017). There are abundant shale gas resources in the world, and These factors comprise four major parts, i.e., factor condition, de-
the amount of technically recoverable resources of shale gas is mand condition, related and support departments; and firm
2.1 105 bcm (EIA, 2013). Shale gas is a global phenomenon (EIA, strategy, structure and rivalry, as well as two accessorial factors:
2011b); it has been successfully commercially developed in the government and chance (Fig. 1) (Porter, 1990). The dynamic inte-
US over the last century (Clarkson et al., 2016), which stimulates the gration and interaction of the six factors form the competitive
global exploration of shale gas resources. Although shale gas advantage of the industry.
exploration is controversial in some countries (Soeder, 2018), many The diamond model is a dynamic analysis system; it compre-
countries still explore (or consider to explore) its economic value, hensively investigates the core factors (internal and external ele-
such as Canada (Rivard et al., 2014), China (Wang and Li, 2017), the ments) that influence the competitiveness of a certain industry of a
UK (Hays et al., 2015), India (Negi et al., 2017), Spain (Costa et al., country and the mutual influence among these factors. The
2018), Australia (Liu et al., 2018), etc. Many nations are either exploration and utilization of shale gas is a dynamic economic
producing shale gas on a small scale or in the early exploration development process that involves factors such as resources, en-
stage because of the desire to replicate the benefits of shale gas in terprises, market, industry, government, etc. The exploration and
the US (Cooper et al., 2018). utilization are affected by the domestic and international envi-
China has the advantage of abundant shale gas resources. ronment. These factors influence each other and have a constantly
Although the technically recoverable resources of shale gas have changing degree of influence on industry development. Thus, Por-
reached nearly 3.16 104 bcm, which accounts for approximately ter’s diamond model is chosen to yield our analytical framework
15% of the world’s total (EIA, 2013), its development is still in the from a novel angle. This paper attempts to analyze the key factors
initial stage (Li et al., 2016). As the world’s largest natural gas (internal and external elements) that influence the competitive
importer, China’s natural gas dependence on foreign countries is advantage of the shale gas industry, which is a strategic emerging
increasing quickly and creating an urgent demand for natural gas industry in China, from horizontal and vertical aspects to judge its
(Li et al., 2020a). The commercial exploitation and utilization and future development potential and fill a gap in this domain.
sustainable development of shale gas can alleviate the contradic- Because the shale gas industry is still in the primary stage of
tion between the supply of natural gas and the demand of natural development in China, it needs the government’s various functions
gas, improve national energy security, and promote energy strategy to promote and guarantee the rapid development of the industry.
transformation (Wang and Li, 2019). This utilization and develop- Therefore, in addition to the four main parts of the model, this
ment can also reduce the international pressure on China’s carbon paper considers the government as the fifth main aspect and
emission reduction (Zhang et al., 2017b). Therefore, the develop- combines the factor chance into the five major aspects for analysis.
ment potential of shale gas has significance for China’s ecological The components and contents of the diamond model in this paper
environment construction and energy security strategy. are shown in Table 1.
While research on the development of China’s shale gas is
expanding, especially in the past decade, studies focus on the 3. Comprehensive analysis
development breakthrough and status quo (Dong et al., 2016a; Li
et al., 2016), geological characteristics and conditions (Fan et al., 3.1. Factor condition
2020; Xu et al., 2019, 2020), exploration technologies (Dong et al.,
2016b; Yue et al., 2018), and industry policies (Li et al., 2016). 3.1.1. Overall development
Regarding the development potential of shale gas, most studies As early as the last century, there were some introductions and
have only focused on a certain region or basin in China (Fan et al., related reports on shale gas, but it was not until the beginning of
2020; Hu et al., 2019). Few works have comprehensively and sys- this century that research on this new field began in China. Many
tematically analyzed the overall development of China’s shale gas breakthroughs have been made in the exploration and develop-
and judged its future development potential from the perspective ment of shale gas in China, especially in the past decade.
of industry development, which leaves a gap in this domain to be In 2011, the State Council approved shale gas as an “independent
filled. Based on this point, we attempt to 1) identify the key factors mineral resource” (www.gov.cn, 2011), which indicates that the
that affect the development of shale gas by using Porter’s diamond potential value of shale gas was discovered. From 2009 to 2012, the
model and reveal its current development status, 2) probe the Ministry of Land and Resources of China carried out a “survey and
future development potentials of these crucial factors (internal and evaluation of national shale gas resource potential and optimum
external elements) from horizontal and vertical perspectives, and areas choice” and evaluated the shale gas resource potential of 41
3) propose practical strategies for the future development of basins (or regions), 87 evaluation units and 57 gas-bearing shale
China’s shale gas. Achieving these objectives will provide the gov- intervals in China; the results show that the geological resource of
ernment, policy makers, investors, and other stakeholders with shale gas in China is 1.34 105 bcm (excluding the Qinghai-Tibet
helpful information and useful guidance to better understand region), which is approximately twice that of conventional natu-
China’s shale gas industry and formulate the corresponding ral gas (CGS, 2015). In 2013, EIA assessed 137 shale formations in 41
development strategies. countries outside the US. The technically recoverable resources of
shale gas in China have reached nearly 3.16 104 bcm, which ac-
2. Methodology counts for approximately 15% of the world’s total (EIA, 2013).
In 2014, the Fuling shale gas field entered the stage of com-
Porter’s diamond model, which is the theoretical basis of in- mercial development earlier than expected, which marked that
ternational competitiveness research, has been widely utilized to China has become the third country to realize the commercial
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
Table 1
Component and content of the diamond model for the shale gas industry of China.
Components Contents
Factor condition Overall development, resource potential (distribution and conditions), and technology level
Demand condition Potential demand and prospects
Related and support industry Exploration and development industry, equipment manufacturing, and distribution industry
Firm strategy, structure and rivalry Large state-owned enterprises, generally competitive market
Government Incentive policies (resource survey and evaluation policies, development planning policies)
development of shale gas (Zou et al., 2016). This achievement is a outside North America (Gas.IN-EN.com, 2019b). Until now, constant
landmark in the process of shale gas development. Shale gas pro- major breakthroughs in exploration and resource evaluation have
duction made a new historic breakthrough in 2018. Contempora- been made, and it is believed that there will be future discoveries
neously, the Fuling shale gas field produced 6.02 bcm and sold 5.78 related to favorable areas for shale gas exploration in China.
bcm of shale gas, ranking first in China (Gas.IN-EN.com, 2019a), and
daily gas production could meet the domestic gas demand of more (2) Resource conditions
than 32 million households, which provides a strong guarantee for
the supply of natural gas in the central and eastern regions of China There are three types of shale gas in China: marine, transition-
(IN-EN.com, 2018). Despite this rapid development, shale gas in phase, and terrestrial (Fig. 2). Marine shale has the most favor-
China is still in the primary stage. able reservoir-forming conditions (Cheng et al., 2017), and the
crucial evaluation area is located in southern China. Apart from the
3.1.2. Resource potential commercialized development achieved in marine environments,
exploration of transition and terrestrial types has progressed
(1) Resource distribution slowly. There exists, however, a better prospect (Zhai et al., 2018).
Seven shale gas blocks are selected to analyze the basic condi-
Shale gas resources in China are abundant, widely distributed tions of shale gas in China (Table 3), among which the Sichuan Basin
(Fig. 2), mainly located in nine basins, including Tarim, Junggar, is currently the most successful area and a major target for shale gas
Songliao, Ordos and Turpan-Hami basins (Dong et al., 2016b), and exploitation and development (Yue et al., 2018). The resource
form the five shale gas major production regions of Fuling, conditions, such as a relatively stable sedimentary horizon, large
Changning, Weiyuan, Zhaotong and Yanchang (Zhai et al., 2018). distribution area, large sedimentary thickness and high organic
Forty-four shale gas exploration rights are set up in China, with a carbon content (different horizons have various contents), are
total area of 14.4 104km2 (NEA, 2016). The recoverable shale gas similar to those of the US shale gas basins (Pu, 2008). In 2018, most
resources in favorable areas in China have reached 2.18 104 bcm, of the shale gas production was derived from the Wufeng-
ranking first in the world. However, the proved rate of shale gas is Longmaxi (WL) Formation in the Sichuan Basin, which has
only 4.79% (Ministry of Natural Resources, 2019), which indicates entered commercial development (Chen et al., 2020b). However, as
the vast development potential of shale gas resources in China. the development technology for shale reservoirs deeper than
With the continuous development of shale gas, good gas mea- 3500 m in the WL Formation is still in the early stage of exploration
surements have appeared in many areas, which shows great po- (Dong et al., 2018), there is great uncertainty about the success of
tential for exploitation (Table 2). In particular, the amount of commercial exploitation of shale gas with greater burial depth. In
recoverable resources of shale gas in the southern Yangtze River addition, the conditions of accumulation and preservation of other
basin exceeds that in Russia (8.07 103 bcm, ranking ninth glob- blocks, such as Junggar Basin (Du et al., 2018), Tarim Basin (Miao
ally) (EIA, 2013). The Fuling shale gas field in Chongqing has proven et al., 2017), and Subei Basin (Zhang et al., 2017a), vary greatly,
geological reserves of 600.8 bcm, with a cumulative annual ca- with satisfactory development conditions and generation potential.
pacity of 10.5 bcm, which renders it the largest shale gas field
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
Fig. 2. Distribution of shale gas resources and prediction of favorable zones in China.
Source: (Dong et al., 2016b)
Table 2
Main discoveries of shale gas resources in recent years in China.
3.1.3. Technology widely employed in oil and gas wells to increase production. Both
The level of exploration and development technology is a crucial technologies have made some progress and achievements (Fig. 3).
factor for the shale gas industry. Furthermore, horizontal drilling The exploration and development technology of shale gas has
technology and hydraulic fracturing technology, which are the core great potential. Currently, the key exploration and mining tech-
technical means of shale gas development, improve not only the nology and equipment that targets horizons shallower than 3500 m
mining rate but also the ultimate recovery rate (Zhang and Yang, have realized domestication (Dong et al., 2016b). Several inde-
2013). Horizontal wells are the key to achieving profits from pendently developed equipment types, such as a movable drilling
shale gas development (Yue et al., 2018). Compared with vertical rig, the Model 3000 fracturing truck, and a drillable bridge plug,
wells, the cost of horizontal wells is 2 times that of vertical wells, have realized large-scale production and application (Li et al.,
but the estimated ultimate recovery is 3 times that of vertical wells 2020b), which supports and promotes the improvement of the
(Li et al., 2011). As a crucial technology, hydraulic fracturing is core technical means. An increasing number of core and critical
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
Table 3
Basic situation of major shale gas blocks in China.
Basins Technically recoverable resources (m3) Average depth (m) Thermal maturity (Ro) (%) TOC range (wt.%)
Fig. 3. General development of horizontal well drilling and hydraulic fracturing in China.
Source: (Ding, 2017; Wang, 2013; Zhai et al., 2018)
technologies have been explored, such as 21 independent pro- and the successful fracturing operation was completed in the Fuling
prietary technologies (www.sohu.com, 2017). Although the current field (www.sn.sgcc.com.cn, 2018). Following this development
technology and equipment of exploration and development are not trend, exploration and development technologies will continue to
adapted to the exploration and development for targeting shale gas mature.
at deep horizons, with continuously high single-well costs (Dong In addition, the potential environmental risks and challenges of
et al., 2016b), they are still being developed and improved contin- horizontal well-drilling and hydraulic fracturing technology cannot
uously. For instance, the Dongyeshen-1 well in China, which is the be disregarded. For example, the special chemical reagent injected
first high-yield shale gas well that is buried deeper than 4200 m, during the extraction process may contaminate local shallow and
has successfully produced 3.1 105 bcm of gas flow per day underground water (Yu et al., 2018). In addition, other environ-
(www.sohu.com, 2019). The deepest shale gas well (well Zu-206, mental risks related to shale gas extraction involve air pollution,
buried depth of 6240 m) in China has been successfully fractured noise pollution, threatened communities and ecosystems, climate
(SINOPECNEWS.COM, 2019a). Some tooling products and materials change, landslides, and earthquakes (Israel et al., 2015). These po-
have also been produced (Zhai et al., 2018). In 2018, the shale gas tential environmental risks create difficulties and challenges in the
extraction system that was jointly developed by CRCC Yongji development of China’s shale gas, which deserves attention during
Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. and Sinopec Jianghan No. 4 Machinery the exploitation process.
Plant with an electric drive of 4500 horsepower was implemented,
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
3.2. Demand condition production are crucial, which is the basis and catalyst for shale gas
development. The year 2014 marked a turning point in China’s
The proportion of natural gas in China’s energy mix has grad- shale gas development, after which shale gas production rapidly
ually increased (Fig. 4). However, the production of natural gas increased. China’s shale gas production exceeded 10 bcm in 2018
cannot meet the growing consumption requirements. Consump- but only accounted for approximately 6.7% of the total natural gas
tion in China showed a strong average growth rate of approxi- production, compared with approximately 73% in America (Zou
mately 13.3% per year in the last twenty years, which is et al., 2020). However, China has the most potential for shale gas
approximately 1.7 times the average increase rate for the rest of the supply growth and is expected to become the world’s second-
world (7.7%) in the same period (IEA, 2019a). The gap between largest shale gas supplier after America (BP, 2014). Shale gas is
natural gas production and consumption continues to expand projected to account for more than 40% of the country’s total nat-
(Fig. 5), which contributes to a gradual increase in imports (Fig. 5). ural gas production by 2040 (EIA, 2016). Shale gas has gradually
With an increase in imports year by year, the dependence of natural become a key sector with broad prospects for the future increment
gas on foreign countries has been soaring (Fig. 5). Especially in of gas reserves and output in China (Wang, 2018).
2018, external dependence rose to 45.3%, which caused China to
become the world’s largest natural gas importer (MOFCOM, 2019). 3.3. Related and support industry
The demand of the natural gas market is urgent. It is estimated
that China’s natural gas demand will reach 600 bcm in 2030 Related and support industries represent the upstream,
(Research Center for Strategy of Global Mineral Resources, 2016). In midstream, and downstream related industries that stimulate the
this context, expanding gas sources and boosting natural gas competitiveness of the main industry in market competition (Wu
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
Fig. 5. Production-consumption gap of natural gas and changes in natural gas imports and external dependence in China, 2008e2018.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2019) (68th edition); Public data collation
et al., 2017). The shale gas industry chain consists of three parts; which drives the strong development of gas companies such as
each part contains different types of industries (Fig. 6). Beijing gas Refco Group Ltd. and Shenzhen Gas Group Co., Ltd.
The related industries upstream of the industrial chain mainly Equipment manufacturing is a vital pillar industry in shale gas
comprise exploration and development industries, and the related exploration and development and pipeline transportation.
industries midstream mainly comprise pipeline transportation in- Research and development involve special devices for exploration,
dustries. Both industries mainly consist of large state-owned en- well site measurement and control devices, chemical monitoring
terprises with abundant funds, strong technical force, numerous devices, pipe parts and high-technology devices. The products
talents, complete service chain, strong comprehensiveness and produced by leading enterprises, such as Yantai Jereh Oilfield Ser-
obvious market competitive advantages, as represented by China vices Group Co., Ltd. and Kingland Pipeline, are widely utilized in
National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Sinopec Group (Sinopec), China. Due to the chances of international cooperation, the level of
and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). The distri- domestic equipment manufacturing related to exploration and
bution industry is the main related industry downstream of the development has been greatly improved. Equipment
industrial chain, and urban gas is an important branch of this in- manufacturing products that are related to pipeline transportation
dustry, including household gas and urban heat supply. China’s have been applied to international pipeline projects (Kingland
urbanization process makes an increasing demand for urban gas, Pipeline, 2018); for instance, the China-Kazakhstan Natural Gas
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
Pipeline Project (China Daily, 2010) and the Central Asia-China Gas 2020). In addition, Sinopec cooperated with the Chongqing gov-
Pipeline Project (China.org.cn, 2007), which provide key support ernment to establish Sinopec Chongqing Fuling Shale Gas Explo-
for the large-scale development and transportation of shale gas in ration and Development Co., Ltd., Sinopec Chongqing Natural Gas
China. Pipeline Co., Ltd., and Sinopec Chongqing Fuling shale gas sales Co.,
China is advancing the reform of the natural gas market. The Ltd. to promote the development of shale gas from the whole in-
establishment of the National Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipe dustrial chain.
Network Group Co., Ltd. (PipeChina) in 2019 marks a significant The absolute advantage of large state-owned enterprises ren-
step in the restructuring of China’s natural gas market (Li, 2019), ders China’s shale gas market less competitive. However, with the
which also creates opportunities and challenges in the entire shale advancement of the natural gas market-oriented reform process in
gas industrial chain. After the establishment of PipeChina, more recent years, such as the establishment of PipeChina, private and
market players upstream of the industrial chain will participate in foreign enterprises have continued to enter the market. The
the exploration and development of shale gas, and more capital will diversification of market entities will further intensify market
be obtained from private enterprises and foreign companies. The competition (Chen et al., 2020a). China’s equipment manufacturing
establishment of PipeChina will also have an impact on the enterprises have obvious competitive advantages in domestic and
downstream distribution market, such as changing the supply form international markets. In addition, the development of unconven-
and layout of shale gas and intensifying competition in the tional natural gas resources in China involves four types: coalbed
downstream market (Chen et al., 2020a). In addition, grid- methane, tight gas, shale gas and natural gas hydrates (Zheng et al.,
connected operation and management make midstream pipeline 2018). With the exception of natural gas hydrates, that are in the
transportation more systematic and standardized, which is trial production stage and have few competitive advantages
conducive to accelerating the construction of pipeline networks, (paper.people.com.cn, 2020a), the development of the other two
improving the efficiency of infrastructure operations, and pro- resources has relatively greater competitive advantages (Li et al.,
moting the interconnection of pipeline networks and market 2020b), which creates greater competitive pressure to the devel-
competition. The establishment of PipeChina gradually promotes opment of shale gas.
the transition of China’s shale gas market from the original mo-
nopoly market to a competitive market. 3.5. Government
3.4. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry China’s shale gas industry is still in the initial stage of devel-
opment and needs the government’s various functions to promote
Chinese gas resources are monopolized by a few large state- and guarantee rapid development, such as control and manage-
owned enterprises, represented by CNPC and Sinopec, and small ment, standardized guidance, market regulation, promotion of in-
and medium-sized enterprises account for a relatively small pro- ternational cooperation, and formulation of policies. In terms of the
portion (Yunna and Yisheng, 2014). The strategy and structure of development status of China’s shale gas industry, the formulation
enterprises will vary with changes in national conditions and in- of industrial incentive policies is crucial.
ternational forms. The current development is based on two The continued implementation of incentive policies promoted
modes: central and local enterprise cooperation and foreign the pace of Chinese shale gas development (Fig. 7). Since shale gas
cooperation of state-owned enterprises. was listed as an independent mineral resource, various relevant
CNPC strengthens the fine management mode of natural gas policies have been constantly issued. Resource survey and evalua-
production and accelerates the production capacity construction of tion policies can quickly and efficiently determine the resource
the key gas areas. In 2018, natural gas output reached a record high base, grasp the distribution characteristics of resources, and judge
level, with 4.26 bcm of shale gas, which is an increase of 41.2% over the favorable areas for exploitation to lay a foundation for planning
the output of the previous year. The company has orderly promoted shale gas development. The introduction of the first shale gas policy
the production of the national shale gas demonstration areas of indicates that the government will provide more financial support
Changning-Weiyuan and Zhaotong, implemented geological engi- for the development of shale gas. Financial subsidies and tax relief
neering integration, and contributed to the transformation of a are necessary means to stimulate the development of the industry
national energy structure (CNPC, 2019). In terms of international (Table 4). Their definiteness has triggered an upsurge of enterprise
cooperation, the CNPC focuses on the development of new projects development, increased development enthusiasm, and effectively
along the “One Belt One Road” route and seizes opportunities for promoted the rapid expansion of shale gas.
international communication (for example, Shanghai Cooperation Development planning policies, from a global perspective and
Qingdao Summit and The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China- based on the actual situation of China, have formulated shale gas
Africa Cooperation) to sign several strategic agreements and ma- development goals and tasks within the planning period and
jor cooperation projects. By the end of 2019, the CNPC implemented identified the key development direction of shale gas. In addition to
29 foreign cooperative exploration and development contracts, the state (e.g., Shale Gas Development Plan (2016e2020)), some
including the well-known foreign oil and gas companies Shell and provinces and cities have issued shale gas industry evaluations or
Total, which has improved the ability of transnational operation planning policies to promote the development of local shale gas,
and management (CNPC, 2020). such as Jiangxi Province (People’s Government of Jiangxi Province,
Sinopec focuses on deepening the reform of science and tech- 2015) and Chongqing (Gas.IN-EN.com, 2016). These development
nology systems and mechanisms, accelerating research on key core planning policies are strategic, operable and forward-looking and
technologies, steadily advancing structural adjustment, and have an irreplaceable guiding role in the overall rapid development
enhancing the overall competitiveness of the industrial chain. of shale gas.
Sinopec discovered the Fuling shale gas field, which is the first
large-scale shale gas field in China; it completed an annual pro- 4. Discussion
duction capacity of 10 bcm, as scheduled, in 2018 (Sinopec, 2019). In
terms of international cooperation, Sinopec signed cooperation 4.1. Analysis of the potential development capacity
agreements with international companies (for example, NOVATEK
and ConocoPhillips) and achieved positive progress (Sinopec, The diamond model expresses the internal and external factors
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
Fig. 7. Changes in shale gas production and major policies and memorabilia from 2012 to 2018.
Table 4
Main contents of major incentive policies.
Shale Gas Industry Policy Imported self-use equipment (including technology imported with equipment) NEA (2013)
that cannot be produced domestically for exploration and development of shale
gas shall be exempted from customs duties.
Notice on Resource Tax Reduction for Shale Gas The shale gas resource tax (at the stipulated rate of 6%) will be reduced by 30% from State Taxation
April 1st, 2018 to March 31st, 2021. Administration
Notice on the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Development and The central government should subsidize the exploitation enterprises. In addition, MOF (2012)
Utilization of Shale Gas [2012] the subsidy standard was 0.4 yuan/m3 from 2012 to 2015.
Notice on the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Development and The subsidy standard decreased in 2015, with 0.3 yuan/m3 from 2016 to 2018. MOF (2015)
Utilization of Shale Gas [2015]
Supplementary notice of on the Interim Measures for the Starting in 2019, subsidies will not be provided according to the quota standard, (www.gov.cn,
Administration of Special Funds for Renewable Energy and the principles of “increasing subsidies by quantity rising” and “increasing 2019)
Development subsidies by winter” will be implemented.
that affect the competitiveness advantage of the domestic shale gas increasing number of potential areas of shale gas resources have
industry. Internal factors consist of resource potential, demand been discovered, which lay a resource foundation for increasing
condition, related and support industries, and firm strategy, production and driving large-scale commercial development in the
structure and rivalry. The government, technology and chance are subsequent stage.
the main external influencing factors of the shale gas industry. Global natural gas consumption is growing rapidly (BP, 2019).
China’s shale gas development has great potential and broad China’s natural gas market is in short supply, with urgent demand
prospects, with internal and external aspects. and a high degree of external dependence. All of these factors
provide an excellent situation for the development of shale gas. The
development of supporting industries is relatively mature, among
4.1.1. Internal aspects
which the leading enterprises have strong competitive advantages
China has a tremendous quantity of shale gas resources, with
internationally. The products are widely employed in domestic
diversified types and wide distribution. However, the proved rate of
production and international cooperation projects. Major related
shale gas is quite low, with opportunity for enhancement.
enterprises have abundant funds, numerous talents, strong
Approximately 65% of China’s shale gas occurred deeper than
comprehensiveness and obvious market competitive advantages.
3500 m, which creates challenges for shale gas extraction, while
These enterprises seize the current chances to actively carry out
shale gas with a burial depth of less than 3500 m is mainly pro-
international cooperation projects, which promotes industrial
duced in North America (Dong et al., 2016b). The resource surface
development, and adjust the objective and structure of the devel-
conditions are more complex, which is not conducive to the
opment strategy according to changes in the external situation.
exploitation of shale gas (Table 5), but the basic conditions of shale
Although large state-owned enterprises still account for a large
gas resources in major Chinese blocks still have certain advantages.
proportion, the participation of small and medium-sized enter-
The Ro value of most shale gas in China is in the range of favorable
prises has opportunity for improvement in the future.
development zones, and the TOC indicates that most shale is the
source rock with potential (Guan et al., 2014). In addition, an
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
Table 5
Comparison of basic conditions of shale gas between America and China.
(1) Technology Producing shale gas efficiently and economically has been
supplemented with continued government investment in the
The mature application of fracturing stimulation technology is development of shale gas in China (EIA, 2015a). Especially in the
the key to the successful development of shale gas in America (Cui, initial stage, China’s shale gas needs the government’s incentive
2010). In China, although the core technology has not been policies to help it survive the period of difficult exploratory, but the
nationalized completely, efforts are underway. Although simulta- current capacity in this part is insufficient. Although many relevant
neous fracturing is not applicable for the current exploration status planning and support policies have been issued, the intensity of
due to its high cost and complicated procedure, the first successful financial subsidies and tax relief is much weaker than that of the US
fracturing has been completed in China (SINOPECNEWS.COM, (Wang et al., 2016). The subsidy intensity gradually decreases. En-
2019b). Based on the current development trend, the application terprises that have not entered the production stage are unable to
of various fracturing technologies (Table 6) will gradually mature in obtain financial subsidies. These factors reduce the enthusiasm of
China in the future. Currently, increasing chances are beneficial to enterprises in developing shale gas to some extent, which is a
the development of shale gas exploration technologies, such as restrictive factor for the development of shale gas.
“One Belt One Road” and international exchanges and cooperation. Moreover, the sources of financial subsidies in the US, including
The burial depth and exploration technology of shale gas are federal and state subsidies, are extensive. In China, subsidies are
closely related to the development cost. Although the cost of shale mainly issued from the central government. Central-local planning
gas extraction in China has substantially decreased (Chen et al., docking has not been achieved. The implementation effect also
2020b), it is still much higher than that in the US due to geolog- needs to be verified. With an increasing emphasis on shale gas,
ical conditions and technical shortages, which has affected the there is a large enhanced space to improve the capability of this
economic benefits of its development. In addition, note that hy- part, which is a practical and effective method to promote future
draulic fracturing will cause water concerns (Soeder, 2018), both commercial development of shale gas in China.
water supply and water quality. Because hydraulic fracturing needs
to consume many water resources and as a water-scarce country,
4.2. Implications for shale gas development
China’s water use for shale gas exploitation is generally higher than
that of other countries (Wang et al., 2018), which is not conducive
4.2.1. Implications for the necessity of development
to the upgrading of exploration technology and should be fully
Through the shale gas revolution, the landscape of global energy
considered in the subsequent stage.
has been altered significantly (IEA, 2019b). Although the
Table 6
Application of various fracturing methods in present stage in China.
Modes Usage
Multistage fracturing It has advantages and many applications. Conventional oil and gas multistage fracturing can provide experience for reference.
Repeated fracturing and water There are phased studies and applications. Each means has advantages, which will continue to be improved in the future.
Hydraulic jet fracturing It started late with immature application and high cost. In addition, it is in the research stage, which needs to be further improved.
Simultaneous fracturing Although the first successful fracturing has been achieved, it still needs further study and practical application for the current
exploration status.
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
development of shale gas is controversial (Soeder, 2018) because of data information in a timely manner are foundations for subse-
the environmental risks of horizontal drilling and hydraulic frac- quent development work.
turing (Wang et al., 2018), the economic value of its development Although China is the third country to master shale gas explo-
and the important impact on the structure and landscape of energy ration and development technology (Fan et al., 2020), the tech-
supply changes cannot be disregarded. nology for the exploration of shale gas reservoirs that are buried
Shale gas improves energy self-sufficiency in the US. From 2008 deeper than 3500 m is still in the exploratory stage. In the future,
to 2018, the percentage of shale gas supply in the US dry natural gas the rapid growth of gas production will be greatly affected by
supply increased from 14.2% to 77.0% (EIA, 2020a). America technology breakthroughs for deep shale gas development.
contributed 45% of global natural gas output growth in 2018, Therefore, it is an inevitable trend to strengthen international ex-
mainly from shale gas in the Marcellus, Hainesville and Permian changes and cooperation, bolster technological research and
basins (BP, 2019), which confirms the impact of the shale gas rev- development, and promote the process of technology nationaliza-
olution. America has been able to achieve natural gas self- tion. Compared with state-owned enterprises, the shale gas
sufficiency or even exportation to foreign countries since 2017 exploration and development technology of small- and medium-
(EIA, 2020b). sized enterprises (including private enterprises) needs to be
China has been the world’s largest natural gas importer since improved. Moreover, the market needs diversified enterprises to
2018, with continuously rising natural gas demand. However, China activate competition. The establishment of PipeChina marks the
is rich in shale gas resources, and accelerating the exploitation and advancement of market reforms, which still needs improvement. In
utilization of shale gas is a significant means to alleviate the addition, the characteristics of the initial stage of shale gas devel-
shortage of natural gas supply and limit growth in natural gas opment should be fully considered in the process of formulating
imports. Based on the estimated natural gas consumption of 320 incentive policies. The reduction of the financial support cycle and
bcm in 2020, the proportion of shale gas consumption will reach financial intensity and the termination of financial support from
9.3%, which is expected to become a crucial guarantee for China’s the government will create difficulties and challenges for China’s
energy security (paper.people.com.cn, 2019). Therefore, the effi- shale gas commercial development. Thus, measures such as
cient exploitation and realization of the economic value of shale gas increasing the intensity of financial subsidies and tax relief,
is a new orientation for promoting the development of clean energy extending the subsidy cycle, and improving the tax system should
in China. be considered. Moreover, shale gas development requires the
support of other incentives, such as a diversified industry special
4.2.2. Implications for the strategic exploitation of shale gas fund and various financial investments. It is also crucial to grasp the
A practical exploitation strategy is needed to promote the current international and domestic development opportunities and
transition of shale gas from technically recoverable evaluation re- follow the path of shale gas development with Chinese
sources to economically recoverable output resources (Fig. 8). characteristics.
Although some natural unfavorable shale gas geological resource The next ten years will be prime time for shale gas development
conditions cannot be changed, they can be improved by constantly in China. In 2018, global natural gas consumption increased by 5.3%,
updating the understanding of existing effective resource endow- which was among the fastest growth rates in the past three decades
ment. Moreover, carrying out the real-time evaluation of the shale (BP, 2019). The strong global demand for natural gas provides a
gas resource potential, establishing a basic resource condition reasonable situation for the development of shale gas. The new
parameter sharing platform, and sharing and updating shale gas normal for economic development provides strategic opportunities
J. Wei, H. Duan and Q. Yan Journal of Cleaner Production 294 (2021) 126257
for the large-scale development of shale gas, while vigorously as guidance for the government, policy makers, investors, and other
developing shale gas also conforms to the general trend of energy stakeholders to better understand China’s shale gas industry and
development in China. “The Belt and Road Initiative” has increased formulate corresponding development strategies.
international exchanges and cooperation and created new oppor-
tunities for its development. In addition, changes in international CRediT authorship contribution statement
and domestic political and economic forms have created opportu-
nities and challenges for China’s shale gas industry. It is necessary Jing Wei: Writing - original draft, Formal analysis. Hongmei
to correctly grasp the positive and negative effects of this backdrop Duan: Conceptualization, Supervision. Qiang Yan: Resources, Data
on industry development. If the potential development capability curation.
can be enhanced and the development strategy can be realized, it is
expected that in the next two decades, shale gas will become a key Declaration of competing interest
quality assurance of natural gas in China and a crucial hub for
balancing economic growth and eco-environmental protection. The authors declare that they have no known competing
Achieving these will be conducive to the promotion of ecological financial interests or personal relationships that could have
environment construction and the development of supply-side appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
reform in China, which has significance to the energy strategy. As
a new force of clean energy, shale gas is likely to develop into an
important pillar of China’s energy in the short or medium term.
This work was supported by Geological and Mineral Survey and
5. Conclusions
Evaluation Project (No. DD20190652 and DD20160084). We thank
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