The Market For Natural Gas in China: December 2005
The Market For Natural Gas in China: December 2005
The Market For Natural Gas in China: December 2005
Sponsored by:
Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Stanford University
Conducted by:
Guangdong Technoeconomic Research and Development Centre
(Guangdong market study)
Jiatong University
(Shanghai market study)
Tsinghua University
(Beijing market study)
December 2005
Natural gas is assuming an important role in Chinas energy strategy as the country
actively seeks new and cleaner sources of energy. Currently, about 70% of Chinas
commercial energy comes from coal, which is a primary cause of the horrendous urban
air quality that has made Chinese cities among the most polluted in the world. Coal will
be difficult to unseat as it is locally abundant and inexpensive. Over the next few
decades, cleaner fuels like natural gas will be essential to powering the growing Chinese
economy. However, a large scale introduction of gas will introduce challenges in both
supplying gas and stimulating domestic demand. This study will investigate those issues,
with a focus on the prospects for gas demand.
Total primary energy consumption in China more than tripled from 426.9 million tonnes
oil equivalent (Mtoe) in 1980 to 1,386.2 Mtoe in 2004 (BP 2005). This rapid growth is
expected about to continue through 2020 to reach between 1,750 and 2,310 Mtoe (DRC
2003). In the 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) for the energy sector, the central
government for the first time began explicitly stressing energy structure optimization,
hoping to diversify from coal to include cleaner energy sources like natural gas. To meet
this goal, it adopted a new national energy strategy, which seeks to increase the share of
natural gas in primary energy consumption from the current 3% to 9% by 2020. This
implies a more than 10% annual growth rate for gas as compared to 5% total energy
growth targeted for the same period. In volumetric terms, consumption would rise from
39 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2004 to 200 bcm by 2020 (BP 2005, DRC 2003), and
Traditionally, the Chinese central planning apparatus has orchestrated major shifts in the
energy industry. After setting a growth target, the central government would allocate
resources and mandate demand in order to meet the target. The government now faces the
challenge of how to incentivize such transitions through market-compatible policies
rather than relying solely on central planning. Studies of reforms in other energy
industries indicate that such a switch will be neither straightforward nor easy (Zhang and
Heller, in press, 2005).
The central governments efforts to expand the share for gas are found in supply
networks and demand. In 2002, central government-owned companies began construction
of the 4,000 km West-East gas pipeline to connect gas resources in Xinjiang to demand
centers in Shanghai. The pipeline began limited operations in 2004 and is expected to
have an annual throughput of 12 bcm. China has also contracted for LNG supplies, and
the first LNG terminal (in Guangdong) is expected to open in 2006. Central plans
envision a more elaborate network of pipelines and LNG terminals, but it is unclear
whether future infrastructure development projects will follow a central plan, rely
exclusively upon private investment, or (most likely) involve some combination of these
two options.
Energy security constitutes an important supply challenge. The central government has
placed security of supply, along with affordability, as its most vital energy priorities. The
current strategy presently calls for domestic resources to supply 65% of gas demand,
limiting gas imports to less than 35% (DRC, 2003). Such restrictions may not be
compatible with the vision of a dramatic shift to gas, as they would require accelerated
development of Chinas scarce domestic natural gas resources. Furthermore, the state-
owned oil and gas enterprises are challenged by a lack of technical, safety, and health
standards, as well as R&D capability and several other indispensable elements of gas
development (IEA 2002). Thus, any vision for a large role for gas in China may require
new thinking about energy security.
While gas supply options have been the subject of intense analysis, the options and
obstacles for gas demand have received less scrutiny. Most research and policy attention
focused demand has concentrated on the apparent cost disadvantage of natural gas.
Although in recent years, the delivered price of coal has risen especially sharply due to
bottlenecks and inefficient markets for rail and barge services, many of these price
concerns remain. The central government, while aspiring to promote natural gas, insists
that the gas must be affordable because of the developing nature of the Chinese economy.
In the absence of supportive policies to keep gas cost competitive, it may be difficult for
gas demand to reach levels called for in the central governments projections.
This cluster of important policy issues the central government role in infrastructure
development, energy security, and the relative cost of gas comprise important research
questions. There is a body of previous research related to these questions (see Appendix
The purpose of this research is to understand the future competitiveness of natural gas in
China and to assess the future growth in gas demand in key Chinese markets under
different scenarios and conditions. In doing so, it will supplement and improve the
existing research in a number of important ways. First, it will extend the regional gas
market analysis by studying Beijing, Shanghai and the Pearl River Delta (Guangdong) in
order to analyze key regional differences.1 These regions represent Chinas major future
gas markets accounting for perhaps half or more of the nations total gas consumption
by 2020 but have very different natural gas supply and demand profiles. For example,
Beijing will be supplied by piped natural gas, and most demand is likely to come from
space heating. As the capital city and host of the 2008 Olympics, Beijing also has a
stricter environmental standard and is in the midst of active policy interventions to
introduce gas to the local economy. Shanghai will have competing natural gas supplies:
piped gas from the west and from the East China Sea, as well as imported LNG. Shanghai
is a dynamic economic center and natural gas may find multiple uses in industries, power
generation, and to some extent, space heating. For Guangdong, gas supply will be in the
form of imported LNG, and the most important user will be power generation and, to a
lesser degree, industry. There will be no demand for space heating in Guangdong because
of its relatively warmer climate. To organize our research systematically three research
teams one per market are working with a common bottom-up energy modeling
system (MARKAL).
This regional approach will help determine the importance of provincial and local
governments on gas sector development. Because these regional governments are likely
to place a different premium on factors like urban air quality, cost of gas, or security of
supply, it is important to consider how they will behave if given more distributed power.
This study will extend the existing body of research by exploring the microeconomic and
policy factors that will jointly shape the size and operation of the local natural gas market
within each regional market. In particular, we will investigate the complications that arise
with local implementation of national policies.
Finally, this study will carefully incorporate potential penetration of new technologies
and the introduction of reform policies in the local electric power sector factors that
other studies have largely omitted. We will give particularly attention to the potential for
improved performance of coal and gas combustion systems and also time-of-day pricing
that could reward plants configured for peak power supply.
These three areas have very different economic, energy and environmental profiles and policy priorities.
They are all major gas demand centers (Girdis et al., 2000).
In order to construct a MARKAL model, the user must specify the cost and maximum
available supply of primary energy resources, the costs and performance of alternative
conversion technologies through which the primary energy sources can be processed into
final energy carriers, the costs and performance characteristics of alternative technologies
that can be used to convert final energy carriers into energy services, and the level of
energy services that must be supplied by the energy system. MARKAL is designed to use
these variables to minimize the total discounted energy-system cost over the simulated
time period.
Population Growth: In all scenarios, the projected population growth rate per region
should be based on official data from Chinas State Economic Information Center
and should be consistent across all scenarios.
Economic Growth: In all scenarios, the projected economic growth should be based on
plausible estimates. We propose using official growth forecasts from Chinas
State Economic Information Center. Nationwide these growth forecasts envision
GDP growth of 8-9% for the short-run and 6-7% in long-run and population
growth rates 0.5%-1% in 2005-2020. All currency units in the model will be
RMB to avoid issues surrounding purchasing power parity conversion.
Fuel Pricing for Gas, Coal, and Oil: The base runs require business as usual international
price projections for natural gas, coal, and oil. Each team will develop an
algorithm that determines domestic fuel prices based upon the international prices
of these fuels. In the meantime, the Stanford team will prepare a memorandum
for the teams on fuel price projections based upon credible data sources and our
own assumptions. In the policy scenarios we may vary these prices to
Exogenous Power Supplies: Prices of delivered hydropower, solar, and wind will be
treated as exogenous in the models.
Interest Rates: Interest rates should remain constant across regions and model runs.
However, interest rates could vary depending on the type of capital investment to
reflect the differing cost of capital between state-financed and private projects.
The Beijing team will explore the sensitivity of the models to changes in the
assumed discount rate, and will run the model with a discount rate of 4% and 8%.
A summary of the Reference Energy System (RES) is shown below. It explains which
parameters will be determined by the model, and which will be inserted exogenously.
This resolution for the RES will allow us to focus our attention on the most interesting
issues within each provinces natural gas market. This RES is a guide to the minimum
resolution that is necessary to compare results across different regions. However, each
group may model finer resolution in categories that prove more interesting or important
for their region.
Modeling Runs:
A series of model runs will be used to simulate the impacts of government policy both
regional and national on natural gas demand. A business as usual (BAU) scenario will
provide a comparative baseline used to analyze these various policy scenarios. The policy
scenarios will focus on some or all of five areas where changes in government policy
could affect the demand for gas. These broad policies are:
Within each of these areas, we would like to explore a number of specific policies as
outlined in the following section. Based on characteristics of each regions gas market
each group will focus on specific area that are:
The BAU scenario will be designed to simulate the demand for total energy and natural
gas for the three markets through 2020 in the absence of major policy changes. This run
will incorporate information provided in the Basic Assumptions in the Model section,
with the following constraints:
Policy Scenarios:
The policy scenarios will examine some or all of the five main policy goals that could be
pursued by the central or regional governments. Within each of these policy goals, there
are a number of different specific policies that could be modeled. The actual scenarios
selected for the study will depend on the feasibility of simulating the policy using
MARKAL and the likelihood of the policy being enacted. Possible scenarios are
described below.
It is expected that the model will be able to provide outputs over five-year
increments through the expected ending date of 2020. For each of the following
results, the model will provide data for 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020.
Energy Balance:
Primary energy consumption
Coal consumption by sector
Natural gas consumption by sector
Electricity generation by fuel and technology
Energy imports by fuel
Particulate matter
Investments by sector
Operations and maintenance costs
Total system costs
Total investment requirements
Report Outline
Several studies have investigated Chinas natural gas futures. BEEC (2003), which
supports the recent government energy strategy, looked at three development scenarios.
In all three cases, the Chinese economy will quadruple in size between 2000 and 2020 as
the central government plans. Three policy situations were simulated to fuel the
economic growth: (A) No specific energy policy; (B) Moderate policy to promote energy
saving technology and energy diversification, as prescribed in the 10th Five-year plan and
currently implemented; (C) Intensive economic, energy, and environmental policies to
adjust industrial structure, improve energy efficiency, promote clean fuel, and utilize
favorable international energy markets. The result shows that natural gas will be non-
competitive and see insignificant development under both Scenarios A and B. The
limited demand growth will most likely come from the residential and services sectors.
Under Scenario C, natural gas will be further used in power generation, particularly for
peak load, power and heat cogeneration and multiple systems that also include cooling.
Annual national gas demand will reach 160 bcm under this optimistic situation.
Studies by IEA (2002) and Dong and Logan (2002) have pointed out that the Chinese
natural gas development follows the traditional government-managed and supply-pulled
model and questioned the sustainability of this strategy. They find a familiar development
story. The central government will invest through state-owned gas enterprises and finance
through state banks and security markets. Local government and other investors,
including foreign, will be invited. Cost plus pricing will be used to assure capital
recovery and rate of return. There will be weak cost control or efficiency mechanism. If
the gas is too expensive, there will be administratively forced off-take or some degree of
compensation and price concession. This will lead to complicated economic and political
maneuvers at the local level to offload the burden and/or seek economic rent. Foreign
investors will be discouraged because of risks and uncertainties. Both studies recommend
a more market-based model with political, institutional, and regulatory support for
investors. The most important element of this new model and key to the success of the
natural gas growth strategy is the emergence of gas allocation and pricing based on
consumer willingness to pay. However, projections of this future market demand for
natural gas are still poorly understood.
A few studies have also taken a closer look at local natural gas development in the
Shanghai area. Chen et al (2001) and Chen (2003) studied natural gas development in
Shanghai. They included natural gas in the municipal energy system to investigate its
environmental and health impact. Because of their interest in the environmental and
health consequences of energy consumption, natural gas availability is only assumed in
their MARKAL model either as a constraint or quantitative policy variable. Wei and
Zhou (2003) provided a simple ad hoc comparison of the competitiveness of natural gas
against alternatives on the basis of current government controlled energy prices, cost
structure of end-users, and potential fuel switching costs. They conclude that the high
costs of natural gas and the associated technological conversions, along with insufficient
Recognizing power generation as the most important aspect of future natural gas demand,
Girdis et al. (2000) focused on the competitiveness of natural gas in the electric power
sector. Using the Generator of Electric System Planning model (GESP II), the researchers
projected demand for natural gas in Shanghai under least cost power development and
merit order dispatch.2 Non-power sector demand was also calculated on the basis of
government estimates to add to the total municipal gas demand. However, the study did
not take into account power market competition, which was implemented in China after
the study, and acknowledged that (T)he reform of the power sector, which is designed to
expose generators to short-term competition, could make it considerably more difficult
for new gas-fired power stations to provide the long-term guarantees required for the gas
off-take agreements (p.72). Moreover, the projection made simplifying assumptions that
gas would be available at the price between $3 - $5.5/MMbtu because of unavailable cost
data of domestic gas supply and complicated financing and institutional issues related to
gas supply development. With Henry Hub gas prices more than double these figures, it is
important to consider the impacts of much higher gas prices.
The research was collaborated with ERI in Beijing and East China Power Grid which services the
Yangtze River Delta Area including Shanghai.
Chen, C., Gielen, D., Jansen, J. and Smekens, K., 2001. Energy and Environmental
Policy Analysis: Shanghai Case Study. ECN-C-01-101. The Energy Research Center of
Chen, C., 2003. Energy Policy and Local Pollutant Emissions: Shanghai Case Study.
Proceedings of International Workshop in Integration Towards Sustainable Urban Energy
Use for Cities in Asia. East West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 4-5 February, 2003.
Dong, X. and Logan, J., 2002. Expanding Natural Gas Use in China. PNNL-13853.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, May 2002.
DRC, 2003. National Energy Strategy and Policies. Development Research Center of the
State Council, Beijing.
Girdis, D., Tavoulareas, S., and Tomkin, R., 2000. Liquefied Natural Gas in China:
Options for
Markets, Institutions and Finance. World Bank Discussion Paper #414. The World Bank,
Washington, D.C.
Hayes, M., 2004. Algerian Gas to Europe; the Transmed Pipeline and Early Spanish Gas
Import Projects. Working Paper #27, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development,
Stanford University.
IEA, 2002. Developing Chinas Natural Gas Market: The Energy Policy Challenges.
OECD/IEA, Paris.
Victor, D. and Victor, N., 2004. The Belarus Connection: Exporting Russian Gas to
Germany and Poland. Working Paper #26, Program on Energy and Sustainable
Development, Stanford University.
Wei, D. and Zhou, W., 2002. Competitiveness of Natural Gas in Shanghai. In IEA,
Developing Chinas Natural Gas Market: The Energy Policy Challenges, Annex 3, 335
Zhang, C. and Heller, T., in press (2005). "Reform of the Chinese Electric Power Market:
Economics and Institutions" in The Political Economy of Power Sector Reform: The
Experiences of Five Major Developing Countries.