SAP IS-Media - Master Data - Shipping
SAP IS-Media - Master Data - Shipping
SAP IS-Media - Master Data - Shipping
SAP Media
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Sales Support
The component sales support master data contains functions that enable you to do the following:
Record marketing-related master data on activities, materials and requirements that affect order processing
Record contacts with customers and performance of sales support activities such as mailing activities
The master data you create in sales support is used to control processing of sales orders. For example, the sales source de ned
in Customizing controls for each order item whether research is generated when an order is entered, whether the sales agent
must be a reader and whether the sales agent or sales source has to be speci ed in the order.
The component sales support contains the following functions:
Sales promotion
Promotional material
Advertising medium
Campaign framework
Sales activity
Standard letters
Evaluations of subscriptions:
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Lifetime analysis
Sales activities for business partner (with access to sales activity data)
The component shipping master data contains functions that can be used to record basic data for use in shipping functions.
Shipping of ad inserts and direct-distribution advertising based on orders in Advertising Management is processed using the
shipping functions in Media Sales and Distribution.
The component contains the following functions:
Function Use
Edit technical order deadline limit To avoid errors when setting the order deadline (checking function)
Edit packaging rules for bundling, postal packing and container To control the shipping functions bundling and container packing
Edit production master data for shipping To control creation of production data in shipping as the basis for
creating production-oriented shipping documents
(Production sequence for editions with different insert mixes)
Edit shipping document type usage for general and production- To control shipping document creation
oriented shipping documents
Edit destination determination for shipping document types To control shipping document creation
De nition
The technical order deadline limit de nes how far into the future the order deadline can currently be set.
The order deadline set in Shipping releases shipping for a speci c date and at the same time stops order processing for that
shipping date.
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The technical order deadline limit is only used for checking purposes and helps you avoid errors when setting the order deadline
If the order deadline is accidentally set too far in the future, order processing is not possible for any of the days leading up to
Time delimitation
De nition of the order deadline limit includes the following data for each weekday :
The order deadline limit in days determines (in a number of days) the maximum weekday up to which the order deadline
can be set for the current weekday, according to the limit time.
Limit time
The limit time speci ed determines for each weekday the clock time up to which the order deadline limit in days can be
The following table illustrates the way in which the order deadline limit in days depends on the limit time .
On Monday up to 12:00 noon, the order deadline can be set to Monday or Tuesday according to the order deadline limit for
Monday (two days including the current day).
From 12:00 noon on Monday, the closing date limit for Tuesday applies. This means the order deadline can be set to Tuesday or
Wednesday in accordance with the order deadline limit for Tuesday (two days).
The technical order deadline limit is de ned differently for dailies and non-dailies:
The order deadline limit for a weekday applies until the limit time is reached for that day. After that point, the order
deadline limit for the next weekday applies.
The order deadline limit in days and thelimit time for the day are de ned globally .
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You can deactivate the technical order deadline limit in Customizing (path: SAP Media Master Data Shipping Order
Deadline Deactivate Technical Order Deadline Limit ).
This means the system does not check the order deadline against the technical limit when you set it.
Deactivating the technical order deadline limit has the following effect:
The order deadline limit is de ned by the following data:
Header data
Speci ed for each weekday for dailies or once only for non-dailies
You want to edit the limit values for specifying the order deadline. This is intended to ensure that the order deadline can only be
set within the speci ed interval at present.
De ne the technical order deadline limit according to your actual shipping situation. A meaningful technical order deadline
limit helps you avoid errors in data entry. An incorrect entry might result in the order deadline being set too far in the future
and order processing being blocked too early.
1. Choose Logistics Media Sales and Distribution Periodical Sales and Distribution Master Data Shipping
Control Order Deadline Limit Edit .
You de ne the technical order deadline limit for each speci c plant (required entry).
3. Choose Execute.
The overview screen for technical order deadline limits appears. The selected entries are displayed.
4. Edit the entries for order deadline limits. The following options are possible:
Aim Activity
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Aim Activity
You use the rules for bundling, postal packing and container packing to de ne the criteria for packaging the titles and ad inserts
for delivery to customers.
The bundling, postal packing and container packing rules are used as follows in the work area of Shipping :
Container packing rule Container packing Containers (of postal packs) Postal shipping
The settings for bundling and container packing must be maintained in Customizing for shipping master data and shipping.
Process Flow
Depending on your requirements, processing of packaging rules for bundling and container packing can involve the following
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De nition of edition bundling groups
Edition bundling groups are formed for each publication and plant. A bundling rule created for a bundling group applies to all
editions of a publication within one plant. The editions assigned can be displayed in an overview.
A bundling rule includes criteria for packaging issues in full and odd bundles – e.g. bundle dividers, minimum and maximum
numbers of units in odd bundles, weight scales – parameters for creating common odd bundles and technical production
The postal packing rule type, for example ZEBU as standard in Germany, is assigned to the plant, publication, edition, delivery
type etc.
The ZEBU le provided by the German postal service contains postal packing rules for each postal packing level. You can modify
these rules for individual editions, if necessary.
The summarization postal code can be assigned to postal code intervals for each postal packing rule type.
The postal packing rule type, for example ZEBU as standard in Germany, is assigned to the plant, publication, edition, delivery
type etc.
A container packing rule includes the minimum and target weight per plant, delivery type, postal shipping network and container
The rules for bundling, postal packing and container packing are de ned. Bundling and container packing are performed using
these rules in the work area for Shipping .
De nition
The odd bundle group is a key used to group different editions in order to create a common odd bundle.
An odd bundle contains excess issues that do not amount to the number required for a further full bundle.
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If different editions are delivered in a carrier route, you can specify that the odd bundles of the individual editions are to be
packed together with that of a carrying edition. To do this, you must perform the following steps:
2. Assign all editions whose odd bundles are to be combined with that of a carrying edition to the odd bundle group.
3. Specify the odd bundle group in the bundling rule for the carrying edition.
The speci ed odd bundles can only be packed together if you perform bundling for all the editions in question at the same
time .
You de ne the odd bundle group "TPARTY" and assign the third-party editions "News of the South" and "Ad Sheet" to this
key. You specify the odd bundle group "TPARTY" in the bundling rule for your own edition "Anytown News", which is the
carrying edition. When the bundling stage is reached, the odd bundles for the two third-party editions in the odd bundle
group are packed together with that for the "Anytown News".
You can limit the number of issues in a common odd bundle in the bundling rule for the carrying edition. The system creates a
further odd bundle when this maximum quantity is exceeded.
You want to have odd bundles of several (for example, third-party) editions packed together with that of your own carrying
You want to create an odd bundle group or edit the existing entries for this purpose. If you do not have maintenance
authorization, you can display the data on the odd bundle group.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Bundles → Odd Bundle Group → Edit .
3. Enter the desired odd bundle group or change existing entries. The following processing options are relevant here:
Aim Activity
2. Enter the key of the odd bundle group and the short text.
4. Choose Back.
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2. Choose Delete.
You can assign editions whose odd bundles are to be packed with that of a carrying edition to an odd bundle group that you have
created in the system.
You want to have odd bundles of several (for example, third-party) editions packed together with that of your own carrying
You have already created an odd bundle group for this purpose and now want to assign the editions to this group.
If you do not have maintenance authorization, you can display the edition assignment. To do this, choose the separate menu
option Display edition assignment.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Bundles → Odd Bundle Group → Assign Edition .
2. The maintenance screen for assigning editions to odd bundle groups appears.
3. Enter the desired assignments or change existing entries. The following processing options are relevant here:
Aim Activity
Delete an entry
1. Select the entry you want to delete.
2. Choose Delete.
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1. Save your entries.
You can specify the odd bundle group to which editions are assigned in the bundling rule for a carrying edition of your own. When
the bundling stage is reached, the odd bundles for the editions in the odd bundle group are bundled together with that for the
carrying edition.
Bundling Group
De nition
A bundling group is a key used to group editions of a publication to which one bundling rule applies.
You can only de ne a bundling group for each publication and plant . You can set up the assignment between an edition and a
bundling group by entering the bundling group in the plant data on the edition (as a planning speci cation for the issues). You
can only assign a bundling group to editions that belong to the same publication within the same plant.
You can de ne a bundling rule for the bundling group. This bundling rule applies to all editions that are assigned to the bundling
The input eld for the bundling group is only displayed on the detail screen for bundling rules if speci ed in the Customizing
settings for the search sequence for bundling rules in shipping master data.
An entry for a bundling group consists of the following data:
The bundling group is de ned by its own key combined with the key of the publication and the plant. For this reason, you can
use the same bundling group key for different publications, although this is not advisable.
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To have individual editions of a publication bundled in the same plant using a common bundling rule, you must assign the
editions to a bundling group in the edition plant data. The bundling rule is de ned for the bundling group.
For this reason, you want to create a bundling group for the combination of publication and plant.
If you do not have maintenance authorization, you can display the data on the bundling group.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Bundles → Bundling Group → Edit .
3. Enter the desired assignments or change existing entries. The following processing options are relevant here:
Aim Activity
2. Choose Delete.
You can assign a bundling group de ned for a publication to the relevant editions in the edition plant data.
You can de ne a bundling rule for a bundling group; this rule then applies to all editions of the publication in the same plant that
are assigned to the bundling group.
The input eld for the bundling group is only displayed on the detail screen for bundling rules if speci ed in the Customizing
settings for the search sequence for bundling rules in shipping master data.
You can use this function to display an overview of the editions that are assigned to a bundling group.
A bundling rule applies to all editions that are assigned to the bundling group.
There must be a bundling rule for the bundling group.
Selection of the editions for evaluation by the following criteria:
Output of a list according to the data selected. The list contains the following data:
Bundling group
To access the function, choose Logistics Media Sales and Distribution Periodical Sales and Distribution Master Data
Shipping Packaging Bundles Bundling Group Group Overview .
Bundling Rule
De nition
The bundling rule de nes the criteria for bundling and postal packing either at publication level or at a more detailed level (e.g.
for each logistical delivery type, edition etc.).
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Bundling rules de ne the data for creating full and odd bundles relative to speci c periods. They are used for bundling or postal
packing for each logistical delivery type.
A bundling rule applies to at least one publication. You can de ne the area to which the bundling rule applies by specifying the
Bundling group
Mix type
Carrier route
Unloading point
The detail screen for bundling rules only contains the selection criteria (in the screen header) that are speci ed in the
Customizing settings for the search sequence for bundling rules in shipping master data.
A bundling rule contains the following data:
Header data
Plant, logistical delivery type, publication, edition, bundling group, issue variant type, mix type, carrier route, unloading point
The elds displayed in the header data for the bundling rule are determined in the Customizing settings for shipping master
Bundle divider
Postal pack indicator for customers (only for postal shipping: separate postal packs packed for customers who purchase
an issue in large quantities)
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Odd bundle group, maximum quantity in odd bundle
You want to edit bundling rules for publications whose master data is not recorded by copy number as follows:
If you do not have maintenance authorization, you can display the data on the bundling rule.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Bundles → Bundling Rule → Edit .
a. Enter the key of the plant and – if you want to specify more detailed selection criteria – the key of the logistical
delivery type or publication.
5. Maintain the bundling rules using the editing functions explained below:
Each editing function is performed for the entry on which the cursor is positioned.
Aim Activity
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2. Enter the required data on the detail screen for the bundling
3. Choose Copy.
3. Choose Copy.
2. Enter the current date for the exception rule and con rm
your entry.
4. Choose Copy.
2. Enter the current date for the check and con rm your entry.
(The system displays a list of publications without a valid
bundling rule.)
2. Enter the current date for the search and con rm your entry.
(The selection screen for bundling rules appears.)
The system searches for the bundling rule using the search
sequences de ned. The overview screen reappears. The bundling
rule found is highlighted in color.
You can access the search sequences for bundling rules and odd bundle groups de ned in Customizing under Environment in
the menu.
This function allows you to maintain bundling rules for speci c copies. A copy is an issue of a magazine recorded under a copy
number in the system. The copy is identi ed for each plant by the publication, edition and copy number or publication date (or
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simply by specifying the issue).
Publication, edition
Issue mix
Delivery type
Minimum number of issues in each odd bundle (not for common odd bundles)
Indicator denoting that special postal packs may be created for individual customers
Master data maintenance for copy number must be allowed in the master record on the publication. In this case, you cannot
maintain regular bundling rules for the publication but only bundling rules for speci c copies.
Selection of the bundling rules that exist for the copy using the following selection criteria:
Instead of specifying the publication, edition and publication date or copy number, you can also select the copy simply by
specifying the issue.
Generation of new bundling rules for each copy according to the following parameters:
Editing of bundling rules for individual copies (in the overview table):
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Maintenance of packaging criteria for each bundling rule
To access the function, choose Logistics Media Sales and Distribution Periodical Sales and Distribution Master Data
Shipping Packaging Bundles Bundling Rule per Copy Edit.
You want to create a new bundling rule for a copy or edit existing bundling rules.
You can only create bundling rules for speci c copies for publications in which master data maintenance for speci c copies is
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Bundles → Bundling Rule per Copy → Edit.
3. Select the bundling rules you want to edit for each copy as follows:
Instead, you can simply specify the issue to identify the copy.
d. If you want to generate new bundling rules for speci c delivery types or for the issue mixes for the copy, select
the appropriate indicator (or both indicators); enter the desired delivery types (from – to).
e. If you want to delete the selected bundling rules for the copy, select the indicator Delete rules for copy.
f. Choose Execute.
The overview screen for maintaining bundling rules for speci c copies appears.
If you chose the deletion run, the system deletes the selected bundling rules for the copy and displays a message on
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5. If you want to edit existing bundling rules for speci c copies, use the editing functions explained below:
Aim Activity
5. Choose Replace.
2. Choose Delete .
De nition
The postal packing rules de ne criteria for packing postal packs and containers for postal shipping. In Germany, postal packing
rules are de ned by the postal service (Deutsche Post AG) and copied into the system from the les they provide (ZEBU).
The postal packing rules are imported automatically into the system from the ZEBU les provided by the German postal service
and can also be updated automatically as required. (The update is logged by the system.) You can also maintain postal packing
rules manually in the system and change them for individual editions.
The following postal packing levels are de ned in a packing rule for postal shipping by the German postal service:
The system distributes the issues and postal packs for delivery among the postal packing levels during postal packing and
container packing.
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Postal packs and containers are packed according to the number and weight of issues or postal packs at a postal packing level.
The minimum numbers for postal packing and minimum numbers and minimum weights for container packing must be de ned
in the Customizing settings for shipping.
You can specify whether or not container (bag) packing is allowed for postal packing levels 2, 3 and 4. Container packing is
always allowed for postal packing level 5.
The system interprets the indicators denoting whether or not container packing is allowed in the same order as the postal
packing levels. If container packing is not possible on the rst level for which it is allowed, it takes place on the next level allowed,
Rule determination
You maintain the assignment of a packing rule type in the rule determination table for each publication or edition and delivery
type to enable the system to use the correct postal packing rule for an edition. Each rule determination entry has a start of
A postal packing rule contains the following data:
Header data
Address postal code, district municipality key, securities account number, route number
Field Meaning
Important in assigning the edition when making edition-speci c changes to the postal packing rule (the entry is copied from the
initial screen).
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Edition-speci c modi cation
The entries for each edition include indicators for the desired postal packing levels and indicators denoting whether or not
container (bag) packing is allowed at each postal packing level.
You make settings for transporting postal packs and containers in the shipping schedule . You can check the completeness of
the postal packing rules under Environment on the shipping master data screen. The check program determines whether or not
a postal packing rule exists for each ship-to party address postal code.
For precise information on postal packing rules, see the documentation on the ZEBU data provided by the German postal
The valid packing rule type must be assigned to the publication or edition, classi ed by delivery type and network if necessary,
(e.g. standard ZEBU DE) to enable the system to perform postal packing for an edition.
You want to create an entry for rule determination or change the assigned packing rule type for an existing entry. The packing
rule types, logistical delivery types and postal shipping networks must be maintained in the Customizing settings for shipping
master data.
If you do not have maintenance authorization, you can display the data for determining postal packing rules.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Postal Packs → Rule Determination → Edit .
2. The maintenance screen for the rule determination table (postal packing and container packing) appears.
3. Edit the entries for rule determination using the editing functions explained below:
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
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3. Go back to the maintenance table.
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
You want to edit the postal packing rules supplied by the German postal service (ZEBU) or modify a postal packing rule for a
speci c edition.
If you do not have maintenance authorization, you can display the data on the postal packing rules.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Postal Packs → ZEBU → Edit .
2. The initial screen (selection screen) for editing postal packing rules appears.
d. You need to specify this if you want to make edition-speci c modi cations to postal packing rules.
5. To edit a packing rule, position the cursor on the relevant address postal code and choose Edit → Details .
You can insert ZEBU records on the overview screen by assigning the lower postal packing levels to postal packing levels
2, 3, 4 or 5. You can also delete existing ZEBU records.
Use the editing functions explained below to edit edition-speci c modi cations :
Each editing function is performed for the entry on which the cursor is positioned.
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Aim Activity
Create an entry
1. Choose Edit → Create publication.
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
De nition
The ZEBU manual postal packing rule is a simpli ed form of packing rule, which can be used for packing of small issues for postal
distribution in Germany.
The ZEBU manual postal packing rule applies to a summarization postal code , to which a postal code interval is assigned.
A ZEBU manual packing rule contains the following data:
Postal code to
You want to use the simpli ed ZEBU manual postal packing rules for a small issue.
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1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Postal Packs → ZEBU Manual → Edit .
3. Edit the ZEBU manual records using the editing functions explained below:
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
De nition
The container packing rule de nes weight speci cations for packing containers for postal shipping.
Container packing is controlled by the weight of the postal packs. A container packing rule contains the following speci cations
for a combination of plant, delivery type, postal network and container type:
Minimum weight
Planned weight
Rule determination
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You maintain the assignment of a packing rule type in the rule determination table for each publication or edition and delivery
type to enable the system to use the correct container packing rule for an edition. Each rule determination entry has a start of
A container packing rule contains the following data:
Delivery type
Container type
If this indicator is selected, a part container is packed, otherwise the remaining copies are distributed among the other
The valid packing rule type must be assigned to the publication or edition (classi ed by delivery type and network if necessary)
to enable the system to perform container packing for an edition.
You want to create an entry for rule determination or change the assigned packing rule type for an existing entry. The packing
rule types , logistical delivery types and postal shipping networks must be maintained in the Customizing settings for shipping
master data.
If you do not have maintenance authorization, you can display the data for determining container packing rules.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Container → Rule Determination → Edit .
2. The maintenance screen for the rule determination table for postal packing and container packing appears.
3. Edit the entries for rule determination using the editing functions explained below:
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
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Create the assignment of a packing rule type 1. Choose New entries.
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
You want to create weight speci cations for container packing or edit existing container packing rules for a combination of
plant, delivery type, postal network and container type.
If you do not have maintenance authorization, you can display the data on the container packing rule.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Container → Container Packing Rule → Edit .
3. Edit the container packing rules using the editing functions explained below:
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
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2. Overwrite the source data (for each entry).
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
Creation of production data for shipping is an optional step between bundling and shipping document creation.
The generation of production data during shipping preparation is controlled by the production master data. Production-related
shipping documents can be created using the production data. The entire packing procedure is managed under the key of a
production ow schema. The production ow schema reproduces the production-related sequence for an edition with different
insert mixes.
The following Customizing settings for shipping master data must be maintained:
These are the keys of two function modules: the rst function modules controls which elements (editions, inserts etc.) are
produced in the repetition group, and the second function module controls the order in which the elements of the repetition
group are produced.
Each of these is the key of a function module that controls the production sequences within a repetition group, e.g. rst packing
for postal shipping, then packing for home delivery.
Process Flow
Production data for shipping is created based on production master data. To de ne production master data, you must perform
the following steps:
2. See above: production repetition group type and production sequence type
4. Assign a key for the production sequence to the production sequence type; the production sequence is used to subdivide
the production repetition groups.
6. Assign a key for the production repetition group to the repetition group type
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7. Edit elements of a production repetition group
8. Assign the carrying edition and the insert mix to a production repetition group
Assign production repetition group and production sequence for each suffix
The production master data is de ned in the system; you can create production data for speci c dates and the resulting
production-related shipping documents during shipping.
You want to create production data on an edition for shipping and when doing this, to subdivide the production repetition group
into sequences, for example, for postal circulation, direct delivery and home delivery.
The production sequence types must be de ned in the Customizing settings for shipping master data. (A production sequence
type is a key for the function module that controls sorting and the extent of a production sequence. There must be an
appropriate function module in the system for each production sequence type.)
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Production Data → Production Sequence → Edit .
3. Edit the entries for production sequences using the editing functions explained below:
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
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Copy an entry or a block 1. Choose Copy as...
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
You can use the production sequences you have de ned to subdivide production repetition groups.
You want to create production data on an edition for shipping.
When de ning a production ow schema, you need a production repetition group to which you can assign the edition and the
appropriate insert mix as elements. You assign sequence numbers to each production repetition group and the appropriate
production schemas in the production ow schema.
The production repetition group types must be de ned in the Customizing settings for shipping master data. (A production
repetition group type is a key for the function module that controls the production repetition group. There must be an
appropriate function module in the system for each production repetition group type.)
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Production Data → Production Repetition Group → Edit .
3. Edit the entries for production repetition groups using the editing functions explained below:
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
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Delete an entry Choose Delete.
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
You can maintain elements for the production repetition groups you have de ned. An element of a production repetition group
consists of the edition, insert mix and truck route and the repetition indicators for the edition, insert mix and truck route. You
specify the production repetition group with the appropriate production sequences in the production ow schema.
To create the link between the edition (with its insert mix) and the production sequences in the production ow schema, you
assign the edition and the insert mix or truck route as elements to the production repetition group. You can set repetition
indicators for the edition, the insert mix or the truck route for each element entry.
You assign the production repetition group and the appropriate production schemas to the sequence numbers in the production
ow schema.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Production Data → Production Repetition Group → Maintain Elements .
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
Create an entry
1. Choose New entries.
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2. Enter the key of the production repetition group,
publication, edition, insert mix and, if applicable, truck
route, as well as the required repetition indicators.
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
The system can determine the edition and the insert mix from the production repetition group using the elements of the
repetition groups.
You want to create production data on an edition for shipping.
Before you can de ne the ow of a production schema, you must rst create the key of the production schema .
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Production Data → Production Schema → Edit .
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
2. Enter the key of the production schema and the short and
long texts.
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3. Go back to the maintenance table.
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
You can de ne the schema determination rule and the ow for each production schema.
You want to create production data on an edition for shipping.
You must de ne a production ow schema to enable the system to generate the production data in the desired order.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Packaging → Production Data → Production Schema → Flow Schema .
2. The system displays a dialog box in which you can enter the work area.
3. Enter the key of the production schema and con rm your entry.
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
Create an entry
1. Choose New entries.
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You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
You have de ned the production ow schema and can now create production data in shipping.
The control data for shipping document creation is combined with the drop-offs to form the basis for shipping document
creation. (The system records data related to shipping internally as drop-offs during bundling and container packing.)
Different shipping documents are required for logistical processing of home delivery, direct delivery, distribution and postal
shipping. This means, for example, that the driver of the truck route, the carrier or the postal service can be given the bundles
and containers for delivery together with corresponding shipping documents.
You can use the control data to create the following types of shipping documents in shipping preparation:
The following Customizing settings for shipping master data must be maintained:
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Destination search sequence for shipping documents
(Sequences of criteria used by the system – starting with the rst destination search sequence – to determine the destination
for the shipping documents (output device or le))
Process Flow
Maintenance of control data for shipping document creation involves the following steps:
1. Maintain Customizing settings for shipping documents ( shipping document types and destination search sequences ,
see above)
Assignment of shipping document type to plant, logistical delivery type, postal network, publication, edition, validity period and
Assignment of shipping document type to production schema, production repetition group, production sequence, validity period
and destination
Assignment of shipping document type to plant, truck route, edition, mix type, validity period and destination
The system evaluates the destination determination for shipping document types as an exception rule primarily for shipping
document type usage.
The master data for shipping document creation is created in the system. This data is used in shipping to control the functions
for shipping document creation and printing.
You want to de ne the usage of a general shipping document by linking the relevant data (shipping document type, edition,
logistical delivery type, printer etc.) in one entry, or you want to edit the entries in the table of usage for general shipping
The shipping document types and the destination search sequence for shipping documents must be de ned in the Customizing
settings for shipping master data.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 33
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Shipping Documents → Shipping Document Type Usage → General Documents → Edit.
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
Create an entry
1. Choose New entries.
4. Choose Replace.
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
The system can determine the following information using the table entries for shipping document type usage:
Publication or edition and delivery type for which shipping documents are to be created (if usage is not recorded,
shipping documents cannot be created)
(Logistical delivery type and validity period of a shipping document type; if you wish, you can specify this more precisely
by postal shipping network, publication and edition)
Output device to which the shipping documents belonging to that type are to be output
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 34
You want to de ne the usage of a production-related shipping document by linking the relevant data (shipping document type,
production schema, production repetition group, production sequence, validity period, output device etc.) in one entry, or you
want to edit the entries in the table of usage for production-related shipping documents.
Shipping document types and destination search sequence for shipping documents in the Customizing settings for
shipping master data
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Shipping Documents → Shipping Document Type Usage → Production-Related Documents → Edit.
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
Create an entry
1. Choose New entries.
4. Choose Replace.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 35
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
The system can determine the following information using the table entries for shipping document type usage:
Publication or edition and delivery type for which shipping documents are to be created (if usage is not recorded,
shipping documents cannot be created)
Purpose of a production-related shipping document type (production schema, production repetition group, production
sequence, validity period of a shipping document type)
Destination for output of production-related shipping documents belonging to shipping document type (printer or fax
machine, number of printouts or le)
In addition to shipping document usage, you want to de ne limited special rules for output of shipping documents for each plant,
truck route, edition or mix type.
1. Choose Logistics → Media Sales and Distribution → Periodical Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Shipping →
Shipping Documents → Destination De nition → Edit.
2. The maintenance screen for destination de nition for shipping documents appears.
You must select an entry or a block before executing the following editing functions.
Aim Activity
Create an entry
1. Choose New entries.
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2. Overwrite the source data (for each entry).
4. Choose Replace.
You can compare the data with another client in your own or an external system under Utilities in the menu.
The system can use the table entries for destination de nition for the shipping document types to determine whether shipping
document output is to take place differently from "normal" shipping document type use for speci c plants, truck routes, editions
or mix types for a certain period.
In shipping document creation, the entries on destination de nition override those for shipping document type usage.
The documentation on SAP Media Sales and Advertising North America Extension is also available as a PDF for you to
download in the SAP Service Marketplace under SAP for Media in Detail Newspaper &
Magazine Publishers .
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