DeltaV v15.LTS Release Notes NK-2200-0459

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Knowledge Base Articles

DeltaV v15.LTS Release Notes

Article ID: NK-2200-0459

Publish Date: 10 Nov 2023
Article Status: Approved
Article Type: Product Revision/Release
Required Action: Information Only

Recent Article Revision History:

Revision/Publish Description of Revision
10 Nov 2023 Added Section 1.1.1 and 1.2.1. Updated 2.9.1 and Section 1.2.6 - Workstation requirements.
Migrated Hardware Compatibility Chart into downloadable spreadsheet. Removed all info on
ValveLink SNAP-ON.
(See end of article for a complete revision history listing.)

Affected Products:
Product Line Category Device Version
DeltaV General Workstation Workstation General Workstation Products v15.LTS
DeltaV Upgrade Offline Upgrade Service
DeltaV Upgrade Online Upgrade Service
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1 Installation and migration notes
1.1 DeltaV v15.LTS Readme first
1.1.1 DeltaV v15.LTS Installation Enhancements
1.1.2 DeltaV migration paths
1.2 Pre-upgrade considerations
1.2.1 Supported hardware status
1.2.2 Supported operating systems
1.2.3 Batch and Advanced Unit Management licensing
1.2.4 Operating system upgrade kits
1.2.5 Installing and configuring the Windows operating system
1.2.6 Workstation requirements
1.2.7 DeltaV Event Chronicle
1.2.8 Legacy Continuous Historian upgrade
1.2.9 DeltaV Operate User Settings file
1.2.10 DeltaV Simulate
1.2.11 Manual data backup of DeltaV Add-in products
1.2.12 Remote Workstation connections to multiple DeltaV systems
1.2.13 Application Whitelisting
1.2.14 DeltaV Batch
1.2.15 DeltaV Control Studio
1.2.16 DeltaV Live
1.3 Controller and I/O requirements
1.3.1 DeltaV Controller Firewall and DeltaV SIS IPD Firewall
1.3.2 DeltaV Controller Performance Index
1.3.3 Hardware replacement
1.3.4 Supported embedded hardware
1.4 Post-upgrade considerations
1.4.1 Alarm Enable (Enab) checkbox
1.4.2 Data restore
1.4.3 Application Whitelisting
1.4.4 I/O card upgrades
1.4.5 Controller switchover tips
1.5 Network I/O Card (CIOC, WIOC, EIOC, etc.) switchover tips
1.6 DeltaV Operate and DeltaV Live datalink specifications
2 New products and features in DeltaV v15.LTS
2.1 Complementary products
2.2 Controller support

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2.3 DeltaV PK controller
2.3.1 DeltaV PK controller software and hardware enhancements
2.3.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.3.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.4 Cybersecurity considerations
2.4.1 ISASecure System Security Assurance certification available for v15.LTS
2.5 Operating system
2.5.1 Features and enhancements
2.5.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.5.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.5.4 Suggested areas for validation
2.6 Confirmation and Verification for Electronic Signatures and Batch Prompts
2.6.1 Features and enhancements
2.6.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.6.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.6.4 Suggested areas for validation
2.7 DeltaV Spectral PAT
2.7.1 Features and enhancements
2.7.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.7.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.7.4 Suggested areas for validation
2.8 NDCC Support for NextGen SmartFirewall/Smart Switch
2.8.1 Features and enhancements
2.8.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.8.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.8.4 Impact for users upgrading from DeltaV v14.x to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.8.5 Suggested areas for validation
2.9 DeltaV Live
2.9.1 Features and enhancements
2.9.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.9.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.9.4 Suggested areas for validation
2.10 SoftPhase Security Fix
2.10.1 Features and enhancements
2.10.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.10.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.10.4 Suggested areas for validation
2.11 DeltaV Simulate
2.11.1 Features and enhancements

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2.11.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.11.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.11.4 Impact for users upgrading from DeltaV v14.x to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.11.5 Suggested areas for validation
2.12 DeltaV Softkey for the DeltaV System Identifier
2.12.1 Features and enhancements.
2.12.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product
2.12.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.12.4 Impact for users upgrading from DeltaV v15.x to DeltaV v15.LTS
2.12.5 Suggested areas for validation
3 Resolved issues in DeltaV v15.LTS
4 Known issues in DeltaV v15.LTS
5 Compatibility
5.1 Supported workstation components and functionality
5.2 DeltaV-supported virtualization hardware and software
5.3 Hardware compatibility charts
6 DeltaV SIS
6.1 Installation and migration notes for DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS
6.1.1 Pre-upgrade considerations
6.2 Resolved issues in DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS
6.3 Tips for DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS
6.4 Known issues in DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS
6.5 Compatibility charts for DeltaV SIS v15.LTS
7 Obtaining the latest information
8 Registering your DeltaV system with Emerson
9 Product Technical Support
10 Controller performance and loading
11 Supporting applications and documentation
11.1 \IDDC (found on DeltaV v15.LTS USB media)
11.2 \DV_Extras (found on DeltaV v15.LTS USB media)
11.3 \_Support (found on DeltaV v15.LTS USB media)
11.4 \_DeltaVDocumantationLibrary (found on DeltaV v15.LTS USB media)
12 Media pack information
12.1 DeltaV v15.LTS
12.1.1 DeltaV v15.LTS New USB Media
12.1.2 DeltaV v15.LTS PK Standalone Engineering (For new and existing customers)
12.1.3 DeltaV v15.LTS PK Standalone Engineering USB Media and Virtual Machine (For new and existing
12.1.4 DeltaV v15.LTS PK Operator Station (For new and existing customers)

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12.2 DeltaV Spectral PAT SIMCAQ and MVA

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1 Installation and migration notes
Thank you for purchasing a DeltaV Digital Automation System. You will find the DeltaV system functionally powerful and
flexible while being easy to learn and use.
This Knowledge Base Article, NK-2200-0459, contains the latest release information on DeltaV v15 Long Term Support
You can download DeltaV v15.LTS or request physical media via the DeltaV Guardian Support website. Specific
installation and upgrade instructions are available in the downloaded files and the physical media. Upgrade and migration
instructions for DeltaV v15.LTS are in the DVUpgrade.chm file located at the root folder of the USB media (ISO file name:

1.1 DeltaV v15.LTS Readme first

Important: You must first read the DeltaV Release Notes and understand all pertinent information regarding
upgrading your system before performing the upgrade.

DeltaV v15.LTS is the last compatible version of DeltaV Mobile v3.1 for perpetual licenses. DeltaV Mobile v3.2 and later
will only support subscription licensing.
DeltaV v15.LTS can be installed on any combination of the following operating systems:
• Workstations:
o Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 64-bit (version 1607)
o Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64-bit (version 1809) – only applicable to Machine Automation
Solutions Industrial Panel PCs (MAS Panel PC)
o Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 21H2
• Servers:
o Windows Server 2016 64-bit
o Windows Server IoT 2022 Standard

Warning: If upgrading MX or MQ controllers from v13 or lower, errors may be encountered when flashing to
the v15 release. For more details and workaround, please refer to KBA NK-2300-0018: MX and MQ
Controllers Cannot Upgrade to DeltaV v15.LTS from v13 or Lower.
Warning: If the Batch Historian standalone hotfix for B535126 or B662484 has been installed in a v14.LTS
or v14.FPx system, DO NOT UPGRADE to v15.LTS without the DeltaV v15.LTS hotfix for B662484 (Refer
to KBAs NK-2100-0258: Time Frame Requested (Strstarttime and Strendtime) Via DeltaV History Web
Service (HWS) is Offset By One Hour from the Time Frame Returned and NK-2200-0023: Batch Historian
Issues After Installing DeltaV_1431_WS_23_CSS to DeltaV_1431_WS_29_CSS Bundle With Standalone
Hotfix DeltaV_1431_TFSB535126_BHServer).
The original BH installer for DeltaV v15.LTS CANNOT handle the upgrade of the Batch Historian in DeltaV
v14.LTS/FPx with hotfix for B535126/B662484. To determine if you are affected, check the
DVHisDBInstallVersion of the DVHisDB in DeltaV v14.x using the SQL Server Management Studio:

Table 1-1

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Note: If you are upgrading from a previous DeltaV software version, refer to NK-2200-0434: Latest
Information on DeltaV Protection Keys (Dongles) and Supported DeltaV Versions to ensure that your DeltaV
licensing dongle can still be used with v15.LTS.
Important: For customers with v14 Standalone PK Controller planning to migrate to DeltaV v15.LTS, the
initial release of DeltaV v15.LTS will not support upgrading any of the v14 versions of Standalone PK
Controller projects. It is highly recommended to wait for the solution to be available before migrating v14 PK
Standalone Controller systems and configurations to v15.LTS. This KBA will be updated once new
information is available.
The following scenarios will be prevented in v15.LTS until a solution is released:
- Upgrading DeltaV PK Controller Engineering station and Local Operation Station/Panel configurations to
- Using PK Assistant to retrieve v14 backups into PK Standalone projects.
- Migrating of any offline configurations from Standalone PK Controllers to v15.LTS.
- Using PK Merge to merge v14 backups into DeltaV v15.LTS systems.
Note: New System Deployments of PK Standalone Controller using v15.LTS and merging of v15 PK
Standalone into v15.LTS DeltaV systems are supported.

In DeltaV Live - Dynamic PV in Alarm Summary Feature additional alarm information was included when downloading
Setup Data to the ProPlus. The additional alarm information is included in every download of Setup data, but Setup Data
is only sent if there are any module reassignments, changes to a standard enabled alarm, or changes to a module’s
properties (graphic assignments, etc.). Due to this additional Setup Data content, additional download times may be
noticed. This most likely would be noticed during times of heavy engineering, such as during project execution or
commissioning. The additional download time occurs during the sending of the script to the ProPlus and not during the
download generation step, therefore the database is available to other users, not locked, and only impacts the application
from which the user initiated the download. Please refer to Section 2.10.1 for more information.
Controllers will see minimal change in loading from DeltaV v14.x to v15.LTS. For upgrades from DeltaV v13.3.1 to v14.x,
see Section 10 for loading considerations. Upgrading directly from DeltaV v11.x and v12.x to DeltaV v15.LTS is not
On systems with AMS, you must uninstall the AMS software before upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS. After installing DeltaV
v15.LTS, reinstall the AMS software either with the same version or the latest AMS version.
Emerson tests DeltaV for compatibility with GPS units. However, Emerson does not sell or maintain lifecycle status for
any GPS units.
All customers are recommended to use only GPS units that are supported by the vendor and receiving appropriate
software updates.
You must install the latest software updates to make sure that all known DeltaV issues are addressed. To download the
latest software updates, see KBA NK-2200-0460: DeltaV v15.LTS Software Updates.
Uninstalling the previous hotfixes after the upgrade will result in incompatible files being restored on the system and will
result in a system that is either unstable or will not run at all.
To establish ISA Security for IDDC nodes, install the latest approved MS patches from KBA AK-1300-0005: Microsoft
Released Security Updates for DeltaV Systems.
To upgrade DeltaV with Application Whitelisting currently installed, the supported method is to take Whitelisting from
Enabled Mode to Update Mode on all DeltaV nodes which whitelisting has been applied, before beginning the DeltaV
Upgrade. After DeltaV Upgrade is complete, revert back to a secure state Enabled Mode.

1.1.1 DeltaV v15.LTS Installation Enhancements

The DeltaV v15.LTS installation process has been streamlined by reducing the number of ISO files that are part of the
release. For example, the main DeltaV v15.LTS installation files, ACH installation files, the DeltaV Documentation Library,
and SQL Server installation files are now all in the same DeltaV15.LTS_Installer.iso.
This has resulted in a larger ISO file. Due to this it is recommended that the ISO file be copied to a local hard drive, a
locally attached USB hard drive, or a network shared drive when performing the update to DeltaV v15.LTS.

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Important: It is not recommended to use a network shared drive when running the setup program for the
IDDC. During IDDC installation the setup program disables all NIC cards that are not for a DeltaV ACN.

To perform the update, the DeltaV15.LTS_Installer.iso file must be mounted. As part of the install and or upgrade
process an automount tool is automatically installed. This tool is needed to ensure that the installer file (ISO file) is
always mounted even after a machine reboot.
• If the installation is done via DeltaV Virtual Studio, the ISO file can be mounted directly from the Host machine.
Depending on the method the installation media was obtained by, the DeltaV15.LTS_Installer.iso file might be blocked
due to a built-in Windows security feature.
1. To check if the iso file is blocked:
a. Right-click the iso file, and then click Properties. On the General tab, the Unblock button is available if the
iso file has been blocked by Windows after the DeltaV15.LTS_Installer.iso was downloaded.

Figure 1-1: Blocked iso file

b. To unblock the iso file, click Unblock, and then click Apply. The Security option becomes unavailable. Click
OK to finish unblocking the zip file.

Figure 1-2: Unblocked iso file

1.1.2 DeltaV migration paths

Please refer to the recommended migration paths listed in the following table for upgrades to v15.LTS.
Earlier DeltaV Release Notes document optional intermediate paths. Upgrades to the current DeltaV version are
supported only from certain earlier releases. The DeltaV Upgrade Wizard will not permit an upgrade to begin from a
release that is not supported.
For important guidelines and information for users to consider before performing and during DeltaV system upgrades,
refer to KBA AP-0600-0101: Important Recommendations for DeltaV System Upgrades.

Note: LTS = Long-term Support

FP1 = Feature Pack 1
FP2 = Feature Pack 2
FP3 = Feature Pack 3

Current Version Migration Path

v1.x Contact the Emerson Automation Solutions Global Service Center.

v2.x Contact the Emerson Automation Solutions Global Service Center.

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v3.x Contact the Emerson Automation Solutions Global Service Center.
v4.x Contact the Emerson Automation Solutions Global Service Center.
v5.x (excluding 5.3 SP2) Contact the Emerson Automation Solutions Global Service Center.
v5.3.2 or v5.3 SP2 Upgrade to 7.4.2, then 9.3.1, then 11.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v6.1 through v6.3.3 Contact the Emerson Automation Solutions Global Service Center.
v6.3.4 or v6.3 SP4 Upgrade to 8.4.2, then 10.3.1, then 12.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v7.1 Upgrade to 7.4.2, then 9.3.1, then 11.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v7.2 Upgrade to 7.4.2, then 9.3.1, then 11.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v7.3 Upgrade to 7.4.2, then 9.3.1, then 11.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v7.4 Upgrade to 7.4.2, then 9.3.1, then 11.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v7.4.1 Apply SP2, then 9.3.1, then 11.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v7.4.2 Upgrade to 9.3.1, then 11.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v8.3 Upgrade to 8.4.2, then 10.3.1, then 12.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
Apply SP1, then SP2, then upgrade to 10.3.1, then 12.3.1, then 13.3.1, then
v8.4 15.LTS.
Upgrade to 8.4.2, then 10.3.1, then 12.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v8.4.1 Apply SP2, then upgrade to 10.3.1, then 12.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v8.4.2 Upgrade to 10.3.1, then 12.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v9.3 Apply SP1, then upgrade to 11.3.1, then v13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v9.3.1 Upgrade to 11.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v10.3 Apply SP1, then upgrade to 12.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v10.3.1 Upgrade to 12.3.1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v11.3 Apply SP1, then 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v11.3.1 Upgrade to 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v11.3.1, with Bridge
Apply SP2, then upgrade to 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v11.3.2 Upgrade to 13.3.1, then 15.LTS.
v12.3 Apply SP1, then upgrade to 13.3.1, and then to 15.LTS.
v12.3.1 Upgrade to 13.3.1, and then 15.LTS
v13.3 Apply SP1, then upgrade to 15.LTS.
v13.3.1 Upgrade to 15.LTS.
v13.3.2 Upgrade to 15.LTS.
v14.3 Upgrade to 14.LTS, 14.FP1, 14.FP2 or 14.FP3, then upgrade to 15.LTS.
v14.3 FP1 Apply SP1 to upgrade to 14.LTS, then 15.LTS.
v14.LTS Upgrade to 15.LTS.
v14.FP1 Upgrade to 15.LTS.
v14.FP2 Upgrade to 15.LTS.

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v14.FP3 Upgrade to 15.LTS.

Table 1-2: DeltaV migration path

1.2 Pre-upgrade considerations

At least one DeltaV workstation connected to the DeltaV network must remain running at the previous version of DeltaV
until all controllers have been upgraded. Otherwise, controllers that have not been upgraded might not be able to resolve
external and dynamic references with other nodes. If performing a multiple version upgrade (e.g. v11.3.1 to v13.3.1 to
v15.LTS) a v11.3.1 workstation must remain running until all controllers are at v13.3.1 and a v13.3.1 workstation must
remain running until all controllers are at v15.LTS. This last workstation may then be upgraded to v15.LTS after all the
controllers have been upgraded.
DeltaV v15.LTS might require the upgrade of complementary products, such as DeltaV Analyze, PlantWeb Messenger,
and Plantwide Event Historian, to ensure compatibility. Refer to Section 5 Compatibility for more information.

1.2.1 Supported hardware status

Check the DeltaV Hardware Lifecycle Status spreadsheet and the compatibility chart in Section 5.3 for any hardware that
may no longer be supported in the upgraded version. The DeltaV Hardware Lifecycle Status spreadsheet is available on
the Guardian portal under path: Support | Resources | DeltaV | Lifecycle Status Listing.

Note: As per the DeltaV Hardware Lifecycle Status Listing worksheet, Third-Party Hardware Status, the
DeltaV Virtual IO Module VIM-4201, also known as the VIM 1, is not supported beyond DeltaV v13.x. Also
see KBA NK-2100-0297: Virtual I/O Module Hardware and Software Compatibility, which indicates the
software compatibility of the VIM1. Referring to KBA NK-2300-0284: Guidelines for Identifying the DeltaV
VIM Card Type may also be useful as the VIM emulates a Programmable Serial Interface card, and it may be
difficult to determine if a physical Programmable Serial Interface Card is installed versus a DeltaV Virtual IO

1.2.2 Supported operating systems

• Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 64-bit (version 1607)
• Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64-bit (version 1809) – only applicable to Machine Automation
Solutions Industrial Panel PCs (MAS Panel PC)
• Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 21H2
• Windows Server 2016 64-bit
• Windows Server IoT 2022 Standard

Note: Installing DeltaV on a 32-bit operating system will generate the following message:

Figure 1-3: Error message when installing DeltaV on a 32-bit operating system

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Note: Installing DeltaV on a 64-bit operating system that is not supported will generate the following

Figure 1-4: Error message when installing DeltaV on an unsupported 64-bit operating system

1.2.3 Batch and Advanced Unit Management licensing

The DST-based batch licensing in place for DeltaV releases v11.3.1 and earlier will no longer function in v12.3 or later;
thus, you will not be able to download and run their Batch configurations after an upgrade.
If you are upgrading from DeltaV v11.3 or earlier to DeltaV v12.3 or later, you must assess the configuration of systems
with DST-based Batch and/or AUM licenses using a Configuration Assessment Utility provided by Emerson.
KBA NK-1300-0067: DeltaV Batch/VCAT and Insight Licensing Changes Introduced starting DeltaV v12.3 provides
detailed information on the purpose and use of the Configuration Assessment Utility and the process for obtaining the
replacement licenses from Emerson.
When the new, unit-based Batch and/or AUM licenses are issued, you must load the licenses on your DeltaV system
before upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS. After upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS, run the DeltaV Licensing Report to check that
the assigned Batch licenses are sufficient for the units configured. Make sure that the system’s Batch and/or AUM
functionality is operating as expected using the new, unit-based licenses.

1.2.4 Operating system upgrade kits

Emerson provides operating system upgrade kits to enable the quick and correct installation of the new Windows 10 IoT
LTSC 2021 and Windows Server IoT 2022 operating systems on many of the DeltaV computers that were originally
purchased from Emerson with Windows 10 IoT LTSB 2016 or Windows Server 2016. Check if computer is eligible for
upgrade kit: see KBA AK-1000-0070: Server and Workstation Compatibility Chart for DeltaV Implementation.

1.2.5 Installing and configuring the Windows operating system

For the installation instructions, refer on the KBAs below:

Operating system Reference KBA

▪ Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 64-bit NK-1600-0419: Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016
(version 1607) LTSB and Windows Server 2016 for Embedded
System Standard Operating system on Supported
▪ Windows Server 2016 64-bit DeltaV Computers

NK-2200-0427: Windows 10 2021 LTSC and

▪ Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 21H2 Windows Server 2022 for Embedded System
▪ Windows Server IoT 2022 Standard Standard Operating system on Supported DeltaV

Table 1-3: Reference KBA for supported operating systems

1.2.6 Workstation requirements

• Workstation name

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The workstation name should be in UPPERCASE. If it is in lowercase, DeltaV Workstation Configuration forces
the change, but this could cause issues with the Windows operating system because it does not recognize the
name change.
Microsoft is phasing out the support for underscore usage in machine names or domain names. If possible, take
action to rename machines so as to no longer use the underscore. Redundant app stations still support an _S
suffix; this will be phased out in an upcoming DeltaV release.
When naming a Redundant Batch Executive Application Station, the following names are reserved and must not
be used: DLE, DLINK, NAM, RBEX, RCON, RDN, RED, RMIR, ROPC, TYPE, and UBT. Also, the name of the
Batch Executive must not contain the characters “_S” (e.g., BATCH_SERV, DVAPP_STA, etc.). Note that the
characters “_S” are automatically appended to the preferred standby node.
• Keyboard requirements for DeltaV
Only an English language keyboard must be used on an English Language DeltaV Release. Any other
combination is regarded as untested and not supported. This condition is true for all previous releases of DeltaV
and all languages. DeltaV is only supported with a keyboard that matches the DeltaV software language (e.g.
English keyboard on English DeltaV systems, Chinese keyboard on Chinese DeltaV system, etc.).
• Domain Name
DeltaV supports an underscore (_) in the domain name. Thus, do not be concerned when you receive a message
that indicates that some DNS server products might not support that character. You can proceed with the
installation. However, Microsoft is phasing out the support for underscore usage in machine names or domain
names. If possible, take action to rename machines so as to no longer use the underscore.
When naming your Domain for a DeltaV control system, avoid using DELTAV, or any other service name as the
Domain name. These names will cause conflicts with the DeltaV software resulting in unexpected behavior.
However, if the DeltaV system will be used with a web service (e.g. DeltaV Analyze), the domain name must not
contain an underscore.
• Application Whitelisting
To upgrade DeltaV with Application Whitelisting currently installed, the supported method is to take Whitelisting
from Enabled Mode to Update Mode on all DeltaV nodes which whitelisting has been applied, before beginning
the DeltaV Upgrade. After DeltaV Upgrade is complete, revert back to a secure state Enabled Mode.

1.2.7 DeltaV Event Chronicle

Due to improvements made to the DeltaV Event Chronicle database in DeltaV v9.3, upgrading a pre-v9.3 system to
DeltaV v15.LTS requires the DeltaV Batch Historian to collect any “migrated” chronicle events before it starts collecting
events from the new Event Chronicle database.
When the DeltaV Batch Historian is started for the first time after the upgrade, it will automatically detect migrated Event
Chronicle databases in all workstations that were originally enabled for Alarms and Events and collect all the data found in
The user can verify the status of data collection for each workstation using the DeltaV Batch Historian Administration
application. A node collection status of “Idle” would signify that the transfer of events is complete. Once all nodes show a
status of “Idle,” the DeltaV Batch Historian can be manually stopped and then restarted. This action will tell the DeltaV
Batch Historian that all migrated history has been collected; thus, it can begin collecting data from the new event chronicle

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1.2.8 Legacy Continuous Historian upgrade
• Starting with DeltaV v12.3, the Legacy Historian is no longer available. You have the option to migrate to an
Enterprise Historian, the DeltaV Continuous Historian, or the new Advanced Continuous Historian.
If you choose to upgrade your existing Legacy Historian to an Enterprise Historian, migrate the Legacy Historian
data properly by following the procedure provided by OSIsoft.
If you choose to upgrade your Legacy Historian to DeltaV Continuous Historian, references have been added
about the DeltaV™ Historian Upgrade Planning Guide white paper in the DeltaV Upgrade Wizard help topics.
• For more information about planning an upgrade from the Legacy Historian, refer to the DeltaV™ Historian
Upgrade Planning Guide available from your Emerson field sales office or local business partner.

1.2.9 DeltaV Operate User Settings file

If you have created a custom UserSettings file that replaced the standard User_Ref file, a special procedure must be done
before upgrading.
If upgrading from DeltaV v8.4 (through an approved migration path), you can continue to use that file version of
UserSettings; however, you will not be able to make use of any newer functionality. Therefore, we strongly recommend
moving to the newer file version.
However, if upgrading from versions earlier than DeltaV v8.4 (through an approved migration path), you must rename
your UserSettings files. DeltaV Operate in DeltaV v9.3 and later will not function with the older UserSettings files. Rename
the files after backing them up.
Refer to Migrating DeltaV Operate Settings Files to the Current DeltaV Version in the DVUpgrade.chm file on the
USB media for the specific instructions.

1.2.10 DeltaV Simulate

When upgrading a workstation installed as DeltaV Simulate, check to see if the folder DeltaV\DVData\POWERUP exists
before clicking YES to Restore the DeltaV Data. The Restore step will not be completed without a POWERUP directory,
even though it is not used on a Simulate workstation.
If this folder does not exist, create a POWERUP folder in DeltaV/DVData. Using Notepad or a similar application, create a
blank text file, save it in the POWERUP folder, and then proceed with the Restore step.

1.2.11 Manual data backup of DeltaV Add-in products

All data files created using any of the DeltaV Add-in products (e.g. DeltaV OPC Excel Add-in) must be manually backed
up because they can exist anywhere and will not be backed up by the DeltaV Upgrade Wizard. It is your responsibility to
be sure you have backed up all the non-DeltaV data you want to keep.

1.2.12 Remote Workstation connections to multiple DeltaV systems

For Remote Workstations, the DeltaV Upgrade Wizard backs up and restores the data files associated with the currently
active connection only (i.e. the DeltaV system that the remote workstation is currently set up to communicate with).
For Remote Workstations configured to connect to multiple DeltaV systems, you must use the Remote Access Control
application to configure the connection to other DeltaV systems after these workstations have been upgraded. Only the
active remote connection will be restored when the Remote Workstation has been upgraded.

1.2.13 Application Whitelisting

To upgrade DeltaV with Application Whitelisting currently installed, the supported method is to take Whitelisting from
Enabled Mode to Update Mode on all DeltaV nodes which whitelisting has been applied, before beginning the DeltaV
Upgrade. After DeltaV Upgrade is complete, revert back to a secure state Enabled Mode.

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1.2.14 DeltaV Batch

Warning: If the Batch Historian standalone hotfix for B535126 or B662484 has been installed in a v14.LTS
or v14.FPx system, DO NOT UPGRADE to v15.LTS without the DeltaV v15.LTS hotfix for B662484 (Refer
to KBAs NK-2100-0258: Time Frame Requested (Strstarttime and Strendtime) Via DeltaV History Web
Service (HWS) is Offset By One Hour from the Time Frame Returned and NK-2200-0023: Batch Historian
Issues After Installing DeltaV_1431_WS_23_CSS to DeltaV_1431_WS_29_CSS Bundle With Standalone
Hotfix DeltaV_1431_TFSB535126_BHServer).
The original BH installer for v15.LTS CANNOT handle the upgrade of the Batch Historian in DeltaV
v14.LTS/FPx with hotfix for B535126/B662484. To determine if you are affected, check the
DVHisDBInstallVersion of the DVHisDB in DeltaV v14.x using the SQL Server Management Studio:

• For upgrades from DeltaV 10.3 (or earlier) to DeltaV v12.3 (or later), batches that are not removed from the Batch
List View before an upgrade may fail to load in the newly upgraded system. This behavior is observed when the
batches that have invalid configuration are upgraded to DeltaV v12.3 or later. All batches should be removed from
the batch list prior to the upgrade. It is also recommended that the customer always perform a Verify Recipe
before loading the recipe to the Batch Executive.
• For redundant Batch Executives, the Active RBEX batch working folder should be checked for ‘orphaned’ .efs files
(i.e. each .efs file in the batch working folder should have a corresponding .evt file in the batch journal folder).
Orphaned .efs files do not have a corresponding .evt batch journals file and can prevent the old SEQnnnn.DAT
files from being automatically deleted. For details on how to check and remove orphaned .efs files, refer to KBA
NK-2100-0136: Manual Removal of Orphaned EFS Files and Corresponding DAT Files.
• The thick Recipe Exchange client will not function after an upgrade to v14.3.1 or later, as the DvSecBroker will not
allow interface communications (TFSB121835). The solution is to use the Recipe Exchange Webservice instead.
• If the DeltaV System integrates with Syncade through the Recipe Authoring application, Syncade KBA NK-2200-
0480: TECHNICAL INFORMATION - Syncade DeltaV Certification should be read prior to upgrading to DeltaV

1.2.15 DeltaV Control Studio

Maximum open Control Studio applications per DeltaV workstation or Remote Client Server session is four.
The maximum number of Control Studio Online sessions may be less than four if the modules require a large CPU load
on the workstation. Module complexities, such as number of parameters, function blocks, composites, steps, or other
items, can have an impact on CPU usage within the Operator Station or Terminal Server session. During creation of
module configurations, perform regular tests in a system and user environment which represents how the system will be
used in production, noting CPU impacts in both offline and online Control Studio sessions. A virtualized Remote Client
Server with a minimum of four vCPU allocation running multiple instances of Control Studio Online per session (e.g. more
than two Control Studio instances per session or more than six total instances in a Remote Client Server) may also exhibit
performance issues due to high CPU loading as more concurrent users consume shared resources on the server. If high
CPU loading and performance issues are encountered, limiting the number of Control Studio instances that can be
opened per Remote Client session or adding vCPU on the Remote Client Server may mitigate the condition.

1.2.16 DeltaV Live

When a database is backed up with items pending publish, the publish icon will not appear when the database is restored
(TFSB784488). The publish icon on these items will not appear unless a change is made. To avoid this issue when
upgrading DeltaV Live from a previous version, ALL DeltaV Live objects should be published. Ensure no publish icon
exists prior to starting the upgrade.

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1.3 Controller and I/O requirements
1.3.1 DeltaV Controller Firewall and DeltaV SIS IPD Firewall
When upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS from DeltaV v12.3.1 or earlier, and the DeltaV system being upgraded contains the
Controller and/or SIS IPD Firewalls, an update to the firewall firmware must be performed as a minimum. If not
upgraded first, the firewall will block the new Multicast address, causing all controller-to-controller module-level references
not to resolve.

Note: Emerson recommends customers replace all retired firewall model with the DeltaV Firewall-IPD
Firewall (VE6205) to resolve known vulnerabilities and allow the timed unlock command function introduced
in the DeltaV v14.LTS software release.

The Multi-Cast address for the DeltaV system was changed in DeltaV v13.3. Because of this change, if a system contains
firewalls, it must be upgraded first. Refer to the DeltaV Upgrade Wizard for more information on systems containing
firewalls that must be upgraded before performing an online upgrade.
Review the following KBAs for more information on configuring and upgrading:
• NK-1600-0290: Using the VE6205 DeltaV Firewall-IPD
• AK-1000-0014: DeltaV Smart Switch, Safety Switch and VE6205 Firewall-IPD Flash Upgrade Procedure

1.3.2 DeltaV Controller Performance Index

A nominal increase in controller loading is expected after a major release upgrade due to additional functionality. Please
consider this behavior and make sure that the Performance Index stays within the recommended range after the upgrade.
For the recommended controller loading limits, refer to Section 10 Controller performance and loading.

1.3.3 Hardware replacement

After installing DeltaV v15.LTS firmware in PK controllers, SZ controllers, or EIOCs, special instructions might be needed
in case you need to replace one of the units. Refer to KBA NK-1800-0983: Hardware Replacement of PK, EIOC, and SZ
Controllers on DeltaV v14.x and later for more information.
It is recommended to flash-upgrade all replacement hardware in a non-production environment to match the software
version of the existing hardware before placing them in the production system.
Failure to update the software version could result in the standby replacement not being automatically commissioned as
expected, and the red LED error light on the hardware will begin to flash (standby node remains decommissioned).

1.3.4 Supported embedded hardware

Warning: If upgrading MX or MQ controllers from v13 or lower, errors may be encountered when flashing to
the v15 release. For more details and workaround, please refer to KBA NK-2300-0018: MX and MQ
Controllers Cannot Upgrade to DeltaV v15.LTS from v13 or Lower.

• MD, MD Plus, and SD Plus controllers are not supported in DeltaV v15.LTS systems. You must upgrade to a
supported controller before starting the DeltaV upgrade.
• MX controllers are supported with DeltaV v10.3 or later systems. MQ Controllers are supported with DeltaV
v10.3.1 and above by applying a Hotfix to earlier DeltaV systems.
• SX, and SQ controllers are supported with DeltaV v11.3 or later systems.
• SZ controllers are supported, starting with DeltaV v12.3.
• PK controllers are supported, starting DeltaV v14.3.
• If you have previously upgraded your controllers to MQ or SQ controllers, verify that the controller model is correct
based on the DeltaV Explorer controller’s properties page. If the controllers’ model in DeltaV Explorer has not
been updated to MQ or SQ, download the Setup Data for the controller. Otherwise, the affected controller and its
associated configuration will not be imported, resulting in a failed upgrade.

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• Zone 1 Remote I/O is not supported in DeltaV v15.LTS systems. You must replace any Zone 1 Remote I/O to
third party Zone 1 Remote I/O before starting the DeltaV upgrade to v15.LTS. Zone 1 Remote I/O hardware
models include KJ7001X1-BA1, KJ7011X1-BA1, KJ7012X1-BA1, VE4201, VE4202 and VE4251. Replacement is
via Stahl Zone 1 Remote I/O available through the Alliance Program.

1.4 Post-upgrade considerations

1.4.1 Alarm Enable (Enab) checkbox

Starting in DeltaV v13.3, the Alarm Enable (Enab) checkbox is read-only in out-of-box detail displays, allowing you to view
but not change the enabled alarm state. A new alternative feature in DeltaV v13.3 allows users with the required field
permission to remove or restore an alarm to service using the Out-Of-Service (OOS field) checkbox in the out-of-box
detail displays. OOS is a form of alarm suppression.
DeltaV system owners that use (reference in configurations) out-of-the-box detail displays and wish to continue allowing
users to write as well as read to the ENAB field must save a copy of their pre-migration detail displays, which are located
in the files folder DeltaV\DVData\Graphics-iFix\Pic\Detail and DetailFB. After migration, the original files can then be
recopied to the folders, replacing the DeltaV v14 out-of-box displays.

1.4.2 Data restore

If you have a custom schedule for DeltaV Operate, you must manually copy the schedule from the
DeltaV\DVData\Graphics-iFix\PDB folder on the ProfessionalPLUS to all Operator Stations after the upgrade.
If you use custom alarm sound files (*.wav), you must manually copy these files from the ProfessionalPLUS server to all
other workstations after the upgrade. The files are in the DeltaV\DVData\sound folder. Copy them from the
ProfessionalPLUS station to all other DeltaV workstations accessing DeltaV Operate.

Important: If you have custom alarm sound files that are unique for each workstation, you must manually
copy these files from the DeltaV\DVData\sound folder on the source workstation. Copying the files from the
ProfessionalPLUS server will cause all workstations to use the same .wav files.

1.4.3 Application Whitelisting

For systems with Application Whitelisting currently installed, revert back to a secure state “Enabled Mode” after the DeltaV
Upgrade is complete.

1.4.4 I/O card upgrades

I/O firmware does not require flashing when DeltaV software is upgraded (unless you are experiencing I/O issues that
were resolved in this version of the DeltaV software).

Important: If PROVOX I/O is installed on a system being upgraded, make sure that the I/O Interfaces are
flashed as part of the DeltaV v15.LTS installation.

Please see Section 3 Resolved issues to check for issues that have been resolved.
If the issue(s) has/have been addressed, you should flash the I/O cards, if possible.

Important: We recommend not upgrading Series 1 8-channel AI/AO v2.25 and v2.32. During the migration
process, these revisions will not be automatically selected for the upgrade. However, manually selecting and
flashing these revisions might cause a small percentage to experience an issue during the flash-upgrade
While the current revision being shipped is v2.42, the firmware changes will apply to only a few users. If you
think that you need to upgrade, please contact the Global Service Center for assistance.

1.4.5 Controller switchover tips

When performing a controller switchover as part of an Online Upgrade, the older controller software revision might have
issues that must be considered to ensure a bump-less switchover.

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Controller switchover performance is highly dependent on the methods used to configure the modules. Some, but not all,
configuration issues can be detected by the Controller Redundancy Analyzer (CRA) utility. It is strongly recommended
that the CRA utility be used on the controller FHX file. The utility reads an exported FHX file and identifies configuration
practices that may cause an output disruption on a controller switchover.

Important: We strongly recommend that you use this standalone utility before running the DeltaV Upgrade
Wizard as well and analyze and/or test your configuration for proper operation during controller redundancy
switchovers before proceeding with controller upgrades.

The CRA utility and its documentation are included in the DeltaV release software.

Important: When flash-upgrading redundant embedded nodes on-line, do not perform an embedded node
switchover until:
1. The PAVAIL parameter on the Redundancy subsystem is Yes for at least 1 minute.
2. Filter on the node in Process History View Events to make sure that the node is not logging any
unexpected events (e.g., the node is toggling between Available/Not Available, Cold Restart is not
repetitively downloading, etc.
Note: When upgrading a device and it fails to complete:
1. Check the Upgrade Utility to see if the device is detected. If so, try to upgrade the device again.
2. If the device is not detected in the Upgrade Utility, re-seat the device. Then, check the Upgrade Utility, and
then re-upgrade if it is detected.
3. If the node is not detected in the Upgrade Utility or continues to fail the upgrade, remove the failed unit,
and attach it to a system as a simplex unit. When it boots up, it should show in the Decommissioned Nodes
list. Commission the node and upgrade it. Return it to its original location on the system. This step might
need to be done on a test system. If a test system is not available, contact your local support company for
4. If the unit still does not upgrade, contact the Global Service Center.

1.5 Network I/O Card (CIOC, WIOC, EIOC, etc.) switchover tips
When flash-upgrading redundant network I/O cards online, do not perform a switchover until the “PAVAIL” parameter on
the Redundancy Subsystem is “YES,” and the Redundancy Subsystem’s Status parameter is “GOOD” (which might take
about two additional minutes). Forcing a switchover by any means before PAVAIL=YES will result in an unconfigured
device and probable disruption to the process if performing an online upgrade.

1.6 DeltaV Operate and DeltaV Live datalink specifications

Similar to DeltaV Operate, Emerson recommends having no more than 3,000 datalinks per display in DeltaV Live and not
exceeding a maximum of 12,000 datalinks per workstation.

2 New products and features in DeltaV v15.LTS

This section outlines the new products and features that come with DeltaV v15.LTS.

2.1 Complementary products

Some complementary products will be supported in the DeltaV 15.LTS release.
KBA AK-1600-0076: Complementary Software List for DeltaV has been updated with the complementary products
supported in DeltaV v15.LTS.
Note that the following products will not be supported after DeltaV v14.FP3:
• System Health Monitoring - replaced by DeltaV Predictive Maintenance

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• Workstation Update Service (WSUS)
The following products are currently tested for support in DeltaV v15.LTS, this KBA will be updated when new information
is available:
• Control Network Bridge
• DeltaV Connect for Honeywell Systems
• Integrated Patch Management
• Wireless Control Network Bridge and Mobile Workforce
• Wireless Field Data Backhaul
• Wireless Mobile Workforce
The following products are not supported in DeltaV v15.LTS as of this writing. This KBA will be updated once new
information is available:
• DeltaV Simulation Cloud

2.2 Controller support

Compatible controllers in DeltaV v15.LTS includes MX, SX, MQ, SQ, PK, and PROVOX and RS3 migration controllers, as
well as the SZ controller for DeltaV SIS.
The MD/MD Plus and SD Plus controller are not supported in DeltaV v15.LTS.

2.3 DeltaV PK controller

Important: For customers with v14 Standalone PK Controller planning to migrate to DeltaV v15.LTS, the
initial release of DeltaV v15.LTS will not support upgrading any of the v14 versions of Standalone PK
Controller projects. It is highly recommended to wait for the solution to be available before migrating v14 PK
Standalone Controller systems and configurations to v15.LTS. This KBA will be updated once new
information is available.
The following scenarios will be prevented in v15.LTS until a solution is released:
- Upgrading DeltaV PK Controller Engineering station and Local Operation Station/Panel configurations to
- Using PK Assistant to retrieve v14 backups into PK Standalone projects.
- Migrating of any offline configurations from Standalone PK Controllers to v15.LTS.
- Using PK Merge to merge v14 backups into DeltaV v15.LTS systems.
Note: New System Deployments of PK Standalone Controller using v15.LTS and merging of v15 PK
Standalone into v15.LTS DeltaV systems are supported.

2.3.1 DeltaV PK controller software and hardware enhancements

The following are the features of DeltaV PK Controller in DeltaV v15.LTS.
In DeltaV v14.LTS, we introduced the new DeltaV PK Controller, which can be implemented as standalone (e.g. not part
of a DeltaV system) or integrated with a DeltaV system:
• The DeltaV PK Controller is compatible with DeltaV v14.LTS and greater. It is not backward compatible with
previous DeltaV software versions. However, the DeltaV PK controller can be deployed standalone on DeltaV
v15.LTS, at a site with an existing DeltaV system that is running an earlier version of DeltaV, and then later be
integrated into the DeltaV system after the DeltaV system has been upgraded to DeltaV v14.LTS or greater.
• The DeltaV PK Controller provides a control solution for smaller-scale applications such as skid units or small unit
operations. It is designed to operate in a standalone fashion, meaning that it runs without requiring a connection
to a server, panel HMI, or other typical DCS elements.

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• Any time after being configured to run in a standalone fashion, the standalone DeltaV PK Controller may be
merged into a larger DeltaV system. The merging process incorporates the database from the standalone PK
Controller into the larger DeltaV Database, resulting in a single, native database and system. This process
addresses potential conflicts with tags, thereby eliminating the pains associated with mapping two systems
• Starting August 2020, the PK Standalone Engineering Workstation Virtual machine option will be offered using
VMware Workstation Pro version 15 or later as the supported Hypervisor. Oracle VirtualBox will no longer be
supported moving forward. Refer to KBA NK-2000-0528: Procedure to Move Projects on the PK Standalone VM
Template from Oracle VirtualBox to the New Supported Template on VMware for instructions on how to migrate
from Oracle VirtualBox to VMWare.

2.3.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product


2.3.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS

To take advantage of DeltaV PK Controller, users must have DeltaV or DeltaV PK Standalone Software Version 14.3 or
later. DeltaV PK Controller is not backward-compatible with any version before DeltaV v14.3.

2.4 Cybersecurity considerations

2.4.1 ISASecure System Security Assurance certification available for v15.LTS Scope
Emerson has renewed the ISASecure SSA Level 1 certification for a reference architecture running DeltaV v15.LTS
based on the currently available ISA/IEC 62443 standards. The ISASecure SSA certification is based on the ISA/IEC
62443-3-3 and 62443-4-1 standards, meaning that it covers security development lifecycle assurance as well as features
and functions included in the reference architecture from a system protection point of view. Relevant considerations for users

The ISASecure SSA certification is not an out-of-the-box feature, and the certification applies to the reference architecture
used for tests with some required components and some components that cannot be part of the certifiable architecture.
There are also optional components that can be added to improve the overall security of the system.
The obtained certification available on the ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI) website applies to the architecture that
was audited by the certification body, and therefore it is recognized as a certifiable architecture from a customer
standpoint. If you want to obtain a site-specific certification once DeltaV is deployed, you can pursue such certification by
reaching out to any of the accredited certification bodies—Emerson is not a certification body.
The ISASecure SSA Certification for DeltaV and DeltaV SIS FAQ includes more detailed information about the
certification. There is a list of excluded components that cannot be part of the DeltaV architecture if users require such
The ISASecure SSA certification is not provided out-of-the-box. It must be a requirement specified by the user during a
project pursuit so that the necessary arrangements during bidding, design, implementation, and delivery of the DeltaV
system include all necessary components and follow the certifiable reference architecture.
Some components must be included in the architecture if the ISASecure SSA certification is required:
• Ethernet I/O Cards or PK Controllers to integrate device networks, such as OPC-UA, EtherNet/IP, Modbus, etc.
since VIMs are not included in the reference architecture.
• CHARM I/O Cards version 2 must be used if Electronic Marshalling is required (CIOC version 1 cannot be used).
• Wireless I/O Cards must be used instead of Wireless Gateways.
• DeltaV Smart Switches or NextGen Smart Switches.
• DeltaV Firewall-IPD is optional in DeltaV v15.LTS from an ISASecure SSA Level 1 certification point of view.
• Endpoint Security and Application Whitelisting solutions must be included in the system.

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• An L2.5 perimeter protection device (e.g., Emerson Smart Firewall) must be present in the system.
• The solution must be in a domain environment (workgroups are not included in the certification). Where to get more information

Please refer to the ISASecure SSA Certification for DeltaV and DeltaV SIS FAQ for more information at:
You can also download a copy of the ISASecure certifications that apply to DeltaV from ISCI’s website at:

2.5 Operating system

DeltaV v15.LTS can be used with any combination of the following supported operating systems:
• Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSB 2016
• Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 64-bit (version 1809) – only applicable to Machine Automation
Solutions Industrial Panel PCs (MAS Panel PC)
• Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021
• Windows Server 2016
• Windows Server IoT 2022

2.5.1 Features and enhancements

DeltaV system can either use all of one O/S (e.g. Server 2016) or have computers in the same system that run different
operating systems (e.g. one computer runs Server IoT 2022 and others run Server 2016).

2.5.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product


2.5.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS

Some computers that run Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSB 2016 or Server 2016 can be upgraded to run the newer
supported operating systems. If you want to use the same computers with Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 /
Server IoT 2022, refer to KBA AK-1000-0070 to check if your existing computers can be upgraded to the new operating
systems. Contact your local service office to purchase an O/S upgrade kit if needed. Emerson recommends using Dell
computers that are covered under warranty (via Dell).
• Note that if you are upgrading from a previous DeltaV software version, refer to NK-2200-0434: Latest Information
on DeltaV Protection Keys (Dongles) and Supported DeltaV Versions to ensure that your DeltaV licensing dongle
can still be used with v15.LTS.
• Emerson strongly recommends a minimum of 16GB of RAM on the system’s ProfessionalPLUS station.

2.5.4 Suggested areas for validation


2.6 Confirmation and Verification for Electronic Signatures and Batch Prompts
2.6.1 Features and enhancements
• Separate comment fields are available for the confirmation and verification events in Electronic Signatures and
Batch Prompts.
• When an action has been configured to require both confirmation and verification, the following modifications
have been made:

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o Once a confirmation comment has been entered and confirmed, that comment is logged as an event and
cannot be modified.
o The verifier can then enter their own comment and verify the action. That series of events (comment,
verification & action) will be logged.
o If the action has been confirmed, but the verifier does not want that action to proceed – there is an option to
enter their own comment and reject the action, which will be logged in the appropriate event historian.
Additionally, if the dialog is closed or timed out after a confirmation, that will also be logged.
o The location of the events for each type of action has not changed from previous versions of DeltaV. The
batch event journal logs events associated with changes to active batches, campaign manager journal for
campaign manager events, and the event chronicle logs events associated with the electronic signature

2.6.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product

• Electronic signatures within DeltaV Live for BPCS and SIS prompts, Control Studio Online for BPCS and SIS
prompts, Alarm Mosaic, Batch Application Manager, Campaign Manager, Batch History View, Batch Prompts
from the ActiveX Batch Controls in DeltaV Live only.
• This functionality is not available on DeltaV Operate or the Batch Operator Interface.

2.6.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS

• The user interface in the previously mentioned areas has been modified to include an additional comment box
along with the reject and verify options.
• Note that this only affects items that have been configured to require verification through the Batch Executive,
Batch History View actions or DeltaV Electronic signatures.

2.6.4 Suggested areas for validation

• Electronic signature policies with verification enabled.
• Batch Actions with verification enabled.

2.7 DeltaV Spectral PAT

Note: DeltaV Spectral PAT MVA is now available in Guardian. Refer to Section 12 for the Media Pack

2.7.1 Features and enhancements

• DeltaV’s Embedded Spectral Process Analytic Technology (PAT) helps customers increase production, improve
quality, and reduce variability by accessing spectral analyzer data directly into DeltaV. Using OPC UA and
embedding a modeling function block, spectral data and the resulting univariate value can then be incorporated
into control strategies. Starting with v15.LTS, we have two industry leading chemometric models embedded in
DeltaV function blocks.
• DeltaV Spectral PAT is a palette of function blocks that provide quality predictions based on spectroscopic
analyzer measurements and chemometric models.
• The MVA function block runs MVA models created with Aspen Unscrambler TM software and joins our existing
SIMCAQ function block which runs models created with the SIMCA® software from Sartorius as part of the DeltaV
Spectral PAT function block palette.
• DeltaV Spectral PAT function blocks each have their own installer, applied after v15.LTS is installed.
• DeltaV MVA Function Block uses an embedded engine to execute models built with the AspentechTM
Unscrambler software.
• Spectral array signals are read by the DeltaV OPC UA client on the Application Station or ProfessionalPLUS and
accessed directly by the MVA function block running in DeltaV control modules.

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• Each spectral array is licensed as 1 OPC UA signal.
• MVA is not a standard DeltaV function block and requires a separate installation. Once installed, the MVA
Function Block will appear in the Spectral PAT Category of the Control Studio Palette.
• Each MVA Function Block selects one MVA model to execute. The model files use the .unsb extension. Each
model must be transferred into the \\DVData\SpectralPAT\Projects\MVA folder in the DeltaV system. Once the
MVA function block is using that model, the file cannot be moved or modified.
• DeltaV Spectral PAT functionality is supported on standard DeltaV, DeltaV Simulate Multi-node, and DeltaV
Discovery systems.
• DeltaV Spectral PAT requires an OPC UA Activation license (one per system), OPC Client Signal licenses (total
number of OPC UA signals), and MVA function block licensing.
• Customers can choose the models that work for their application with either the MVA function block, the SIMCAQ
function block or both on the same DeltaV system.

2.7.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product

DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product DeltaV OPC UA client on the Application Station and
ProfessionalPLUS have been enhanced to support the reading of spectral array signals from the MVA function block.

2.7.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS

The MVA DeltaV Spectral PAT function block is supported only on DeltaV v15.LTS and newer.

2.7.4 Suggested areas for validation

The DeltaV MVA Function Block uses models built with the AspentechTM Unscrambler 12.2 software version.

2.8 NDCC Support for NextGen SmartFirewall/Smart Switch

2.8.1 Features and enhancements
The Emerson NextGen Smart Firewall is a hardware-based perimeter protection solution designed to enforce highly
controlled external network access to a DeltaV DCS. Even without security expertise, it is easy to configure to meet
requirements for strongly enforced network segmentation. In addition to enhancements such as more granular user roles
and a user-friendly UI, it offers Advanced Features such as NAT, VPN and LDAP.

2.8.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product

Network Data Command Center.

2.8.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS


2.8.4 Impact for users upgrading from DeltaV v14.x to DeltaV v15.LTS

2.8.5 Suggested areas for validation

Product qualification by Technology.

2.9 DeltaV Live

2.9.1 Features and enhancements
• DeltaV Live – Dynamic PV in Alarm Summary

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o As a new option with DeltaV Live, users can now choose to view the current value and units of the PV
associated with standard alarms in the Alarm List. The current value will appear in its own column in the
Alarm List and update in real time. DeltaV Live users may choose to keep their existing Alarm List behavior if
desired. This change will not automatically be applied, but a user can make this selection in Graphics Studio.
o To support this functionality, additional alarm information is included when downloading Setup Data to the
ProPlus. The additional alarm information will be included in every download of Setup data, but Setup Data is
only sent if there are any module reassignments, changes to a standard enabled alarm, or changes to a
module’s properties (graphic assignments, etc.). Due to this additional Setup Data content, additional
download times may be noticed. This most likely would be noticed during times of heavy engineering, such as
during project execution or commissioning. The additional download time occurs during the sending of the
script to the ProPlus and not during the download generation step, therefore the database is available to other
users, not locked, and only impacts the application from which the user initiated the download.
• DeltaV Live SFC Visualization
o ProfessionalPLUS Premium Tier users can now easily generate DeltaV Live displays from SFC (Sequential
Function Chart) diagrams. These displays contain SFC module configuration information and allow operators
to view the running SFC logic in DeltaV Live displays without having to open Control Studio Online. An
operator can also drill down on these displays to view logic, associated parameters, open faceplates, and
hover to see current values.
• Browsing for Live Displays in Control Studio
o DeltaV engineers can now directly browse for DeltaV Live displays from DeltaV Explorer and Control Studio.
When configuring the primary control display, faceplate display, and detail displays for a module, an engineer
can now browse for both DeltaV Operate and DeltaV Live displays directly.
• DeltaV Live to Live Upgrade to v15
o Instead of using an export/import mechanism, the DeltaV Upgrade Wizard (DUW) will now backup and
restore all DeltaV Live databases during a DeltaV upgrade. At the end of the DeltaV uninstall, the DUW
automates the install process, restoring the DeltaV Live databases and updating them to the newly upgraded
version (v15.LTS in this case).
• Out of the Box Table Element
o A table element has been introduced to the Out of the Box (OOB) DeltaV Live library. The table can be
configured to easily display dynamic data from DeltaV and/or SQL data sources, with options for conditional
formatting (e.g., cell colors can dynamically update based on the data within the cell). The table can also be
manipulated in runtime, including sorting, filtering, paging, and color formatting abilities. Please note that a
ProfessionalPlus Premium Tier DeltaV Live license is required to use this table and to access SQL data
sources in DeltaV Live.

2.9.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product


2.9.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS


2.9.4 Suggested areas for validation


Page 24 of 39
2.10 SoftPhase Security Fix
2.10.1 Features and enhancements
For v15.LTS DeltaV Soft Phase security has been enhanced. A DeltaV Soft Phase executable file is now required to be
located in the \Bin directory in the same location that the DeltaV Soft Phase environment was installed to. This is where
the Soft Phase Broker, Soft Phase Tester, and Soft Phase Server will locate them. If the DeltaV Soft Phase environment
was installed, it must remain installed as long as you plan to run Soft Phases on that node. For DeltaV nodes without the
DeltaV Soft Phase environment installed, create the required folder and grant the SOFTPHASEUSER Read & Execute
and Write permissions.
• For DeltaV nodes this is C:\DeltaV\SoftPhases\Bin
• For non-DeltaV nodes this is C:\SoftPhases\Bin

2.10.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product


2.10.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS


2.10.4 Suggested areas for validation


2.11 DeltaV Simulate

2.11.1 Features and enhancements
• In DeltaV v15.LTS release, the DST simulation capability has been extended to cover more I/O types including
Serial I/O, Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP and OPC UA Client (excluding Fieldbus, IEC 61850). DeltaV Simulate in
v15.LTS supports EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP and Serial I/O in virtual PK controller; Serial I/O in virtual M/S series
controllers; and EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP and OPC UA Client in virtual EIOC.
• This increased I/O coverage provides a more extensive, easier and faster DeltaV simulation deployment without
requiring configuration modification for control modules in VMs. This will also allow DeltaV projects to run
engineering checkout, virtual FAT, and solution demos based on VM controllers without modifying configuration
thus saving engineering efforts, system footprint and engineering time.
• The DST simulation capability for the aforementioned I/O types is available starting DeltaV v15.LTS in the virtual
machine controller based simulate solution. It is not available with previous DeltaV software versions.
• For more details on Ethernet and Serial I/O simulation related to Protocols, DST Parameters, Data Types, I/O
References, DeltaV Applications, Client Applications and Device Signal Simulator (DSS), please refer to the
respective BOL documentation (Virtual PK controller, Virtual EIOC, Device Signal Simulator Application and
Ethernet I/O Simulation).

2.11.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product


2.11.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS


2.11.4 Impact for users upgrading from DeltaV v14.x to DeltaV v15.LTS

2.11.5 Suggested areas for validation


Page 25 of 39
2.12 DeltaV Softkey for the DeltaV System Identifier
2.12.1 Features and enhancements.
The following are the features of DeltaV Softkey in DeltaV v15.LTS:
• In DeltaV v15.LTS, customers with active product support for DeltaV on their system have the option to order and
use a softkey alternative to the physical USB key (dongle) for the DeltaV System Identifier on DeltaV, DeltaV
Simulate Standalone, and DeltaV Simulate Multi-Node systems. The DeltaV v15.LTS release supports the use of
both the DeltaV Softkey and physical USB key as the DeltaV System Identifier. When new systems are ordered,
customers with product support for DeltaV may choose to order either a softkey or a physical USB key (dongle).
Customers without product support for DeltaV must choose and order a physical USB key (dongle). Choosing the
DeltaV Softkey as the DeltaV System Identifier eliminates the need to attach a physical USB key to the DeltaV
system to provide the DeltaV System Identifier (DeltaV system ID) for licensing purposes. Below is information
about the DeltaV Softkey functionality. Refer to DeltaV Books Online, section 9.5.1 (Getting a new DeltaV
protection key), for additional information and instructions.
• The DeltaV Softkey is compatible with DeltaV v15.LTS and greater. It is not backward compatible with previous
DeltaV software versions.
• The DeltaV Softkey utilizes unique “fingerprint” information about the system to electronically and securely store
the DeltaV System Identifier (DeltaV system ID) for license enforcement on the system.
• A DeltaV Softkey Licensing Utility has been created and added to the DeltaV installation media to facilitate the
process for using the DeltaV Softkey as the DeltaV System Identifier. As shown below, the utility has 3 tabs.
Note that the task associated with the “Transfer License” tab is NOT supported in the DeltaV v15.LTS release.
Refer to DeltaV Books Online, section 9.5.1 (Getting a new DeltaV protection key), for additional information on
the use of the DeltaV Softkey Licensing Utility.

Figure 2-1: DeltaV Softkey Licensing Utility

Page 26 of 39
• Existing, pre-v15.LTS DeltaV, DeltaV Simulate Standalone, and DeltaV Simulate Multi-Node systems using the
physical USB key (dongle) as the DeltaV System Identifier can continue to use the physical USB key when
upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS.
• For customers with active product support for their DeltaV system there will be an option to order and exchange
the existing physical USB key (dongle) for DeltaV, DeltaV Simulate Standalone, and DeltaV Simulate Multi-Node
systems with a DeltaV Softkey after the system has been upgraded to v15.LTS.

2.12.2 DeltaV functional areas modified to support this new product

A DeltaV Softkey Licensing Utility has been created and added to the DeltaV installation media to facilitate the process for
using the DeltaV Softkey as the DeltaV System Identifier. Refer to DeltaV Books Online, section 9.5.1 (Getting a new
DeltaV protection key), for additional information on the use of the DeltaV Softkey Licensing Utility.

2.12.3 Impact for users upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS

Existing, pre-v15.LTS DeltaV, DeltaV Simulate Standalone, and DeltaV Simulate Multi-Node systems using the physical
USB key (dongle) as the DeltaV System Identifier can continue to use the physical USB key when upgrading to DeltaV
v15.LTS. Optionally, there will be a process available to customers with active product support on their system to order
and exchange the existing physical USB key for DeltaV, DeltaV Simulate Standalone, and DeltaV Simulate Multi-Node
systems with a DeltaV Softkey after the system has been upgraded to v15.LTS.

2.12.4 Impact for users upgrading from DeltaV v15.x to DeltaV v15.LTS
Not applicable

2.12.5 Suggested areas for validation


3 Resolved issues in DeltaV v15.LTS

Issues resolved in earlier versions, including respective hotfixes, are already part of DeltaV v15.LTS. Only the resolved
issues in DeltaV v15.LTS that might not be documented anywhere else are listed in this section.
Please download the file for the complete list of resolved issues in DeltaV v15.LTS. v15.LTS Resolved Issues_07DEC2022.xlsx : (Size: 33 KB)
Checksum: F57C3ACECA405FE08B3CDBDA254AA32365C22C04AC3BBF39BE5F466FDD5B4661

4 Known issues in DeltaV v15.LTS

The Known issues section includes any behavior of a serious nature that exists in the current DeltaV system at the time of
release, how to recover if affected by that behavior, and how to avoid encountering that behavior. See software updates
KBA NK-2200-0460: DeltaV v15.LTS Software Updates for new issues that have been found and resolved with a hotfix
bundle since the time of release.
Please download the file for the complete list of resolved issues in DeltaV v15.LTS. v15.LTS Known Issues_19JUL2023.xlsx : (Size: 28 KB)
Checksum: F412B28E70641EFEB95E31210D763E0369ABF45BEB71E1849F93D03CBD21E015

5 Compatibility
Important: Make sure that you have the appropriate hardware before upgrading to DeltaV v15.LTS.

Page 27 of 39
5.1 Supported workstation components and functionality
The complete list of compatible Dell workstations and servers across different DeltaV versions are available in KBA AK-
1000-0070: Server and Workstation Compatibility Chart for DeltaV Implementation.
Upgrading or installing DeltaV on computers originally installed with Windows 7/Server 2008 or older operating systems
might cause a minor decrease in performance in calling up displays. DeltaV still functions as intended. This decrease
could be caused by several changes, such as operating system overhead or security enhancements. If a minor
performance decrease that is unacceptable for your system occurs, consider replacing/upgrading the older hardware.
Verify your hardware in KBA AK-1000-0070: Server and Workstation Compatibility Chart for DeltaV Implementation.

PCs Precision
(Optiplex) Workstation
▪ Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016
LTSB (version 1607)
or X X
▪ Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2021
LTSC (version 21H2)
▪ Windows Server 2016 Standard
Embedded (version 1607)
or X
▪ Windows Server 2022 IoT
Standard (embedded)
ProfessionalPLUS X X
App Station X X
Professional Station X X X

Operator Station X X X
Maintenance Station X X X
Remote App Station X X
Remote Workstation X X X
InterZone Server X

Remote Client Host Server X

Simulate X X X

Obsolete Server Replacement

(Virtual Host)

Batch Executive Max DSTs 15K 30K 30K

Table 5-1: Supported workstation components and functionality

Page 28 of 39
Phoenix Panel
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016
LTSB (version 1607)
▪ Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
2016 LTSB (version 1607)
or X
▪ Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
2021 LTSC (version 21H2)
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC
2019 (version 1809)
ProfessionalPLUS X
App Station X
Professional Station X X X
Operator Station X X X
Maintenance Station X X X
Remote App Station X
Remote Workstation X X X
InterZone Server
Remote Client Host Server
Simulate X X X
Obsolete Server Replacement
(Virtual Host)

Batch Executive Max DSTs 30K 15K 15K

Table 5-2: Supported components and functionality for MAS PCs

5.2 DeltaV-supported virtualization hardware and software

DeltaV v15.LTS must use DVS 4.3.1.The complete list of supported virtualization hardware and software across different
DeltaV versions are available in the following KBAs:
• For software: AK-1600-0076: Complementary Software List for DeltaV
• For hardware: NK-1600-0402: Virtualization Hardware Compatibility

5.3 Hardware compatibility charts

This section lists the Firmware versions that are shipped with DeltaV v15.LTS. Build numbers (15.0.0.xxxx.xr), and
firmware versions (Rev x.xx) may change with software update installations.
Download the file for the complete hardware compatibility chart for DeltaV v15.FP1. v15.LTS Hardware Compatibility Chart.xlsx : (Size: 48 KB)
Checksum: EF4CDCA1BA6311136D48398DC034D687B4598EC3FBB6564E5A36579CABFC2639

Page 29 of 39
All native hardware must always be upgraded to follow the major, minor, and service pack version of the system (i.e. must
start with 15.0.0.xxxx.xr). I/O firmware, on the other hand, does not require flashing when DeltaV software is upgraded
(unless you are experiencing I/O issues that were resolved in this version of the DeltaV software).
DeltaV SIS components (e.g. SLS1508, repeaters, CSLS, LSNB) do not require a firmware upgrade. Users may consider
upgrading the firmware on exceptional situations (e.g. Resolved issues, use of new functionality included in this version of
DeltaV Software).
Please refer to Section 2 New products and features in DeltaV v15 as some features might not require firmware
upgrade of SIS components.
M-Series and S-Series, including SIS controllers (SZ controllers), must be updated to follow the major, minor, and service
pack version of the system.
These hardware and firmware levels are displayed in DeltaV Diagnostics. Part numbers are found on the tags at the
bottom of the unit.
All hardware cards with part numbers listed in the following tables are compatible with DeltaV v15.LTS.

6 DeltaV SIS
This section contains information on the DeltaV hardware and software used in DeltaV SIS. DeltaV SIS components do
not require an upgrade with the DeltaV version upgrade. M- and S-series controllers, including SIS controllers (SZ
controllers), must be updated to follow the major, minor, and service pack version of the system.

6.1 Installation and migration notes for DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS
6.1.1 Pre-upgrade considerations
Diagnostics cannot display runtime information related to the DeltaV SIS network during an online upgrade while the
ProfessionalPLUS workstation is being upgraded.

6.2 Resolved issues in DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS

This section will be updated once new information about resolved issues in DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS is available.

6.3 Tips for DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS

If a CSLS cannot be detected in the unassigned folder in DeltaV Explorer, address this issue by referring to the DeltaV
v15.LTS Books Online topic “Manually decommission and unassign a CHARMs Smart Logic Solver” and follow the
steps detailed therein.

6.4 Known issues in DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS

This section will be updated once new information about known issues in DeltaV SIS in DeltaV v15.LTS is available.

6.5 Compatibility charts for DeltaV SIS v15.LTS

Note: This section lists the firmware versions that are shipped with DeltaV v15.LTS. DeltaV SIS components
(SLS1508, repeaters, CSLS, LSNB) do not require firmware upgrade unless you are experiencing issues that
were resolved in this included version of firmware or if you want to use new functionality included in this
version of the DeltaV software. Please refer to Section 2 - New products and features in DeltaV v15 as
some features might not require firmware upgrade of SIS components. SIS controllers (SZ controllers) must
be updated to follow the major, minor, and service pack version of the system. Refer to KBA AP-0800-0154:
DeltaV Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) Software Updates for more details.

The DeltaV SIS compatibility chart is already included in the downloadable file in Section 5.3.

7 Obtaining the latest information

Knowledge Base Articles (KBAs) are frequently added and updated on the Guardian Support site:

Page 30 of 39

Note: Visit this website frequently to check for an updated version of this document before proceeding with a
DeltaV upgrade or installation.
DeltaV KBAs, such as this one, are available only to registered DeltaV Product Support customers.

8 Registering your DeltaV system with Emerson

Important: The registration of your DeltaV system is required to access the Guardian Support website and
Technical Support. Registering your system also enables Emerson to provide critical information to you

Access to the Knowledge Base Articles through the support site ( is available only if your
system has been registered, and you have purchased Product Support.
You may submit the registration file to Emerson by uploading it to the website or by making a local copy to send as an
email attachment.
To register your system, perform the following steps:
1. Install and configure your DeltaV hardware and software.
2. Run Start → DeltaV → Installation → System Registration. The utility gathers identification data from
connected DeltaV Workstations, Controllers, and I/O, types. This data may include specifications, functionalities
enabled, and the License information entered while configuring your software.

Important: If additional nodes were added or new functions enabled, please re-run the System Registration
to collect the new data.

3. An encrypted report containing information about your system will be sent to Emerson using an internet
connection. However, if an internet connection is not available, the registration utility will ask for email connection
If the utility is unable to send the file successfully, save the encrypted system information to a file, and then upload it to
Guardian ( or email it as an attachment to

9 Product Technical Support

The Emerson Automation Solutions, Process Systems Group (Emerson) provides engineering services and consultation
for all Emerson products. Emerson performs extensive tests and interoperability checks on all standard products. Support
of third-party hardware, software, and networking solutions, whether off-the-shelf or custom-developed, is not a standard
provision of Emerson Product Support service. The use of third-party products (including hardware, software, and
networking solutions) is undertaken at the user's risk. Emerson does not guarantee the interoperability of third-party
Emerson Technical Support provides reasonable efforts to support the Emerson product content. However, if Emerson
Technical Support suspects that a third-party product may be causing an issue, the user may be required to comply with a
standard supported configuration and products before further troubleshooting can proceed. Note that custom scripting
within the operator interface application is considered to be a custom integrated solution.
In addition to the Current Product software release, technical phone support and remote diagnostic services will be
provided for Active Product and Supported Product releases of software, with the understanding that it may become
necessary to upgrade to the current release to satisfy some requests for assistance. Technical phone support and remote
diagnostic services are available with enrollment in Product Support service or on-demand at current rates.
Conventional Software Support (CSS) is the period that Emerson offers software hotfix support for a specific lifecycle
version of the DeltaV software. The CSS period is five years, beginning with the release of Service Pack 1 for the major
version. Refer to the DeltaVTM Software Life Cycle Status Listing sheet for details. This change in policy is effective with
DeltaV v11 and forward.

Page 31 of 39
Emerson recommends that all DeltaV customers subscribe to Product Support. For information regarding Product
Support, you may visit, or you may contact your local representative. Please
visit our website at to find the representative nearest you.
Expert Technical Phone Support, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week: Emerson will provide product technical
phone support 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through its Global Service Center (GSC). This support
includes assistance for questions or concerns regarding how the product works and what it will do, product issue
resolution, locating technical information, and advice that can be based on non-application-specific product and system
Contact information for the Emerson Global Service Center can be found at
At the customer’s request, Emerson’s Technical Specialists will establish a secure connection to the customer’s
equipment to perform online troubleshooting.
Emerson supports WebEx connections to DeltaV computers for remote troubleshooting via the Internet. The current
version of the WebEx client may be obtained from WebEx. In most cases, DeltaV computers do not have direct access to
the Internet. In this situation, a WebEx session may be established on an intermediary computer that has network
connectivity to both the Internet and the DeltaV computer. A WebEx meeting is established on the intermediary computer.
Then, a connection from the intermediary computer to the DeltaV computer can be established.
In Windows Server 2016, remote connections to the DeltaV computer require DeltaV Remote Client sessions to be able to
use Remote Desktop software (mstsc). For further details, see KBA NK-1100-1110: Remote Desktop Connections to
DeltaV Systems Installed on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2016.
For DeltaV computers that do not have DeltaV Remote Client sessions configured, the Remote Assistance application
may be used to connect the intermediary computer to the DeltaV computer. For instructions on setting up Remote
Assistance on the DeltaV machine, see KBA NK-1100-0133: Setting Up Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Modem
Connections for DeltaV Systems Running Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 (see Section A, subsection I, steps 1–
5 to enable services required to use Remote Assistance and see Section B, subsections I, II, and III for instructions on
installing Remote Assistance on the host (DeltaV) computer, creating a Remote Assistance Invitation, and connecting to
the host computer from a remote computer).

10 Controller performance and loading

A tool for estimating controller loading is included on DeltaV 15.LTS USB media. To install it, run
DeltaV v15.LTS support DeltaV Load Estimator version 3.3. The loading estimation tool estimates controller loading
based on configuration parameters that you supply. The estimated results for batch configurations might not be as
accurate as those for continuous systems because batch configurations have greater variability. However, the loading tool
will help to predict how many controllers are needed to implement a configuration.
Controller Index values (Control and Comms) should be maintained at or above a 3. Maintaining the controller index
values at or above a 3 ensures overhead to handle plant upsets, alarm bursts, and so forth. Index values of a 2 are
considered a heavily loaded condition that may require monitoring and index values of a 1 are an overloaded condition.

Note: A nominal decrease in free time is expected after a major release upgrade due to additional
functionality. Please consider this and make sure that the free time stays within the recommended range
after the upgrade.

The controller recommended free memory is no less than 10% of the total user memory. The minimum FREMEM or
Performance Index >=2 per controller type are as follows:
• MQ and SQ – 4.8 MB
• MX and SX – 9.6 MB
• PK – 70 MB
The DeltaV Installation USN media contain additional information about DeltaV. Look through the directory folders listed in
the following section for additional support documentation.

Page 32 of 39
Important: For DeltaV v13.3.x systems, kindly refer in Table 10-1 and Table 10-2 recommended maximum
values on controller loading. Upgrading directly from DeltaV v11.x and v12.x to v15 is not supported.

Upgrades from FRETIM Before Control Expansion

DeltaV Version Upgrade After Upgrade

13 >= 1%
(MQ, MX)

Table 10-1: Recommended maximum controller loading for v13.3.1 systems before upgrading to v15.x for
controller types utilizing the Free Time (FRETIM) parameter

Upgrades from Control Expansion Control Expansion

DeltaV Version Before Upgrade After Upgrade
13 >= 1%

Table 10-2: Recommended maximum controller loading for 13.3.1 systems before upgrading to v15.x for
controller types utilizing the Control Expansion parameter

For DeltaV systems prior to v13.3.x ensure that the FreTim and Control Expansion prior to upgrading to v15.x is above
recommended values. Refer to Table 10-1 and Table 10-2 above for upgrades that upgrade through v13.3.x. For
upgrades through v14.x, please review the v14 release notes NK-1900-0775: DeltaV v14.LTS (Long Term Support) and
v14.FP (Feature Pack) Release Notes and specifically KBA NK-1900-0891: Controller Loading Considerations Before
Upgrading to v14.x and Later for Controller Loading Considerations Before Upgrading to v14.x.

11 Supporting applications and documentation

11.1 \IDDC (found on DeltaV v15.LTS USB media)
Independent DeltaV Domain Controller (IDDC) provides an option to install the domain controller functionality in
different servers than the ProfessionalPLUS (as the primary domain controller) or the Application Station (as a
backup domain controller). This media is a free-standing installer that enables you to configure the server
machine to be an Independent DeltaV Domain Controller. This installer does not add any DeltaV application to the
server machine; instead, it sets up any server machine running Windows Server 2016 operating system with the
expected IP addresses, server hardening, user group settings, NTP, and DNS settings as expected to support
Active Directory for DeltaV systems.

Note: To update IDDC nodes from DeltaV v14.LTS to v15.LTS, follow this procedure:
1. Run the IDDC setup using a download of the full DeltaV v15.LTS USB media.
2. Follow the instructions in KBA AK-1300-0005: Microsoft Released Security Updates for DeltaV Systems
to install the latest MS patches. This procedure is required to establish ISA Security for IDDC nodes.
Approved Microsoft security updates for DeltaV stations running on Windows Server 2016 are also approved
to be installed on the Independent DeltaV Domain Controller (IDDC) station.

11.2 \DV_Extras (found on DeltaV v15.LTS USB media)

• Batch Analytics (\DV_Extras\Batch Analytics)
Batch Analytics provides online decision support to batch operations, predicts product quality, detects process
faults while providing the reasons for deviation, thus enabling the operator to act in real-time. The results are
batch-to-batch, variation is minimized, process understanding is increased, and lost and reworked batches are

Page 33 of 39
• Batch Historian Server (\DV_Extras\BH_Server)
Refer to the Batch Historian Installation topic for more information. This application is used to store data from the
Batch Executive and the DeltaV Event Chronicle into an SQL database.
• Campaign Manager Operator Interface (\DV_Extras\Campaign Manager Operator Interface)
Campaign Manager is a tightly integrated component of the DeltaV Batch product suite and provides an easy-to-
use interface for creating, modifying, and executing campaigns.
The DeltaV software should already be installed on the workstation to ensure the proper and complete installation
of Campaign Manager Operator Interface. The Batch Executive and Campaign Manager servers must be running
for the Campaign Manager Operator Interface to be operable.
• DeltaV Reporter (\DV_Extras\DeltaVReporter)
DeltaV Reporter is a Microsoft Excel Add-in that allows data from the Continuous Historian and Event Chronicle to
be read into the Excel spreadsheet for further analysis and/or the creation of reports.
DeltaV Reporter can be installed on DeltaV and non-DeltaV node with the Microsoft Office. Please refer to the
KBA AK-1600-0076: Complementary Software List for DeltaV for the supported Office version.
• EntechToolKit (\DV_Extras\EntechToolkit)
The EnTech Toolkit is a proven technology for tackling the most difficult control loop performance problems. Now
available as a standard DeltaV product, the EnTech Toolkit is available as an add-on license for DeltaV InSight
v14.LTS, and as a standalone product that can be used on legacy DeltaV systems and non-DeltaV systems.
• HistoryAnalysis (\DV_Extras\HistoryAnalysis)
History Analysis provides remote viewing and analysis of DeltaV historical data in a Web browser. The History
Analysis server has access to all batch, continuous, and event data in a DeltaV system. History Analysis enables
users to easily search for and find historical data and identify relationships and correlations in this data by
providing data comparison and analysis capability.
• OPC .NET Remote (\DV_Extras\OPC .NET Remote)
OPC .NET, formerly known as OPC Express Interface (OPC.Xi), is a client-server architecture based on the latest
Microsoft communications technology that provides secure and robust real-time and historical data transfer
between OPC .NET clients and servers regardless of where the clients and servers reside in your network
• OPC Mirror (\DV_Extras\OPCMirror)
OPC Mirror connects OPC servers on multiple control systems and enables two-way data traffic from one system
to another. This linkage can be between DeltaV OPC servers, DeltaV, and PROVOX servers, or several other
OPC server combinations. Any data item that an OPC server accepts when adding items is also acceptable in
OPC Mirror.
• OPC Remote (\DV_Extras\OPCRemote)
This application is required for establishing a client connection, remote to DeltaV OPC Server. An OPC client
should be able to connect to the DeltaV OPC server remotely after the OPC Remote is installed on the client
• Secure SOA Server (\DV_Extras\Secure SOA Server)
DeltaV software uses Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) web services to provide access to DeltaV
functionality, such as Campaign Manager and Recipe Exchange, from client applications outside of the DeltaV
system. The web services are built with the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) programming
framework. Use web services to integrate Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with the process control
system in conjunction with Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES).
The web services are Recipe Exchange, Campaign Manager, Mynah Integration, and Monitor. The Monitor
service is used internally and has no interface. The Mynah Integration service exists solely to support the Mynah
Mimic application. You cannot write applications that access this service.

Page 34 of 39
• Soft Phase Templates (\DV_Extras\SoftPhaseTemplates)
This application includes the templates and command files that are needed to develop External Phases, to be run
as executables on a workstation instead of within a controller.
• System Registration (\DV_Extras\System Registration)
DeltaV System Registration utility enables the collection of information from non-DeltaV nodes. You can view and
print the report before sending the report to Emerson. All information is encrypted when sent.
• VIMNet Explorer (\DV_Extras\VIMNetExplorer)
The VIMNet Explorer utility is used to configure the plant Ethernet network. Graphical, drag-and-drop functionality
makes setting up the plant Ethernet network quick and easy.
VIMNet Explorer is integrated with DeltaV Explorer to make the setup of the EIOC easy and intuitive.
• WebServices (\DV_Extras\WebServices)
The History Web Service, included in DeltaV Web Services, provides a set of web methods that client applications
can use to interact with the DeltaV Batch Historian.
DeltaV Web Services no longer contain the Campaign Manager Web Service (CMWS). This service is now an
SOA web service that is installed with DeltaV. It is enabled on an application station from DeltaV Explorer and will
start when the application station is downloaded.

11.3 \_Support (found on DeltaV v15.LTS USB media)

This folder contains DeltaV add-ons, support files, and drivers needed for DeltaV-supported hardware and software, in
addition to the following:
• Tools (Support\Tools)
o Batch Analytics Process Data Export
o Load Estimator
o OPC Test Clients

Page 35 of 39
11.4 \_DeltaVDocumantationLibrary (found on DeltaV v15.LTS USB media)
This directory contains the following electronic books in PDF format:

Book Part Number

Fieldbus Installation.pdf D800003X212
Getting Started.pdf D800002X192
M-Series Hardware.pdf D800001X262
M-Series Interface for PROVOX IO.pdf D800020X032
S-Series Hardware Install.pdf D800041X082
S-Series Hardware Reference.pdf D800040X082
S-Series Interface for PROVOX IO.pdf D800045X042
SIS Install.pdf D800025X102
SIS CHARMs Hardware Installation.pdf D800056X052
SIS CHARMs Hardware Reference.pdf D800057X052
DeltaV Power and Grounding.pdf D800118X022
P-series_Hardware_Reference.pdf D800121X012
Standalone_DeltaV_PK_Controller.pdf D800122X012

Table 11-1: Electronics books in the DeltaVDocumantationLibrary directory

Note: These documents are also available in DeltaV Books Online.

This directory also contains the following folders:

• ATEX Instruction Sheets
• Declarations of Conformity
• Engineering Documents

12 Media pack information

The installation media for DeltaV v15.LTS. On the Support tab, click Installation Media, and then in the Software
Version field, select:

Migration Table Description Guardian Description

DeltaV v15.LTS DeltaV v15.LTS

Table 12-1: Media pack information

This section has complete information on the latest media pack available for DeltaV v15.LTS. Make sure that you have
the correct media before beginning the installation of DeltaV v15.LTS.

12.1 DeltaV v15.LTS

Important: Emerson recommends installing the latest software updates to make sure that all known DeltaV
issues are addressed. To download the latest software updates, see KBA NK-2200-0460: DeltaV v15.LTS
Software Updates.

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12.1.1 DeltaV v15.LTS New USB Media

Description ISO File Name
DELTAV v15.LTS ENGLISH 15P0191A DeltaV15.LTS_Installer.iso
AMS Device Manager v14.5 FP1 - Installer
15P0191A AMS1_Device_Manager_14.5_FP1_Installer.iso
Media 1
AMS Device Manager v14.5 FP1 - Media 2 15P0191A AMS2_Device_Manager_14.5_FP1.iso

Table 12-2: DeltaV v15.LTS New USB Media

12.1.2 DeltaV v15.LTS PK Standalone Engineering (For new and existing customers)

Important: For customers with v14 Standalone PK Controller planning to migrate to DeltaV v15.LTS, the
initial release of DeltaV v15.LTS will not support upgrading any of the v14 versions of Standalone PK
Controller projects. It is highly recommended to wait for the solution to be available before migrating v14 PK
Standalone Controller systems and configurations to v15.LTS. This KBA will be updated once new
information is available.
The following scenarios will be prevented in v15.LTS until a solution is released:
- Upgrading DeltaV PK Controller Engineering station and Local Operation Station/Panel configurations to
- Using PK Assistant to retrieve v14 backups into PK Standalone projects
- Migrating of any offline configurations from Standalone PK Controllers to v15.LTS
- Using PK Merge to merge v14 backups into DeltaV v15.LTS systems
Note: New System Deployments of PK Standalone Controller using v15.LTS and merging of v15 PK
Standalone into v15.LTS DeltaV systems are supported

Description ISO File Name
DELTAV v15.LTS PK Installer 15P0196A Deltav15.LTS_PK_Standalone_Engineer.iso
AMS Device Manager v14.5 FP1 - Installer
15P0196A AMS1_Device_Manager_14.5_FP1_Installer.iso
Media 1
AMS Device Manager v14.5 FP1 - Media 2 15P0196A AMS2_Device_Manager_14.5_FP1.iso

Table 12-3: DeltaV v15.LTS PK installer media

12.1.3 DeltaV v15.LTS PK Standalone Engineering USB Media and Virtual Machine (For new and existing

Description ISO File Name
DELTAV v15.LTS PK Installer 15P0197A Deltav15.LTS_PK_Standalone_Engineer.iso
AMS Device Manager v14.5 FP1 - Installer
15P0197A AMS1_Device_Manager_14.5_FP1_Installer.iso
Media 1
AMS Device Manager v14.5 FP1 - Media 2 15P0197A AMS2_Device_Manager_14.5_FP1.iso
VIRTUAL OVA MASTER MEDIA Standalone_Engineer_Virtual.ova

Table 12-4: DeltaV v15.LTS PK Standalone Engineering USB Media and Virtual Machine

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12.1.4 DeltaV v15.LTS PK Operator Station (For new and existing customers)

Important: For customers with v14 Standalone PK Controller planning to migrate to DeltaV v15.LTS, the
initial release of DeltaV v15.LTS will not support upgrading any of the v14 versions of Standalone PK
Controller projects. It is highly recommended to wait for the solution to be available before migrating v14 PK
Standalone Controller systems and configurations to v15.LTS. This KBA will be updated once new
information is available.
The following scenarios will be prevented in v15.LTS until a solution is released:
- Upgrading DeltaV PK Controller Engineering station and Local Operation Station/Panel configurations to
- Using PK Assistant to retrieve v14 backups into PK Standalone projects
- Migrating of any offline configurations from Standalone PK Controllers to v15.LTS
- Using PK Merge to merge v14 backups into DeltaV v15.LTS systems
Note: New System Deployments of PK Standalone Controller using v15.LTS and merging of v15 PK
Standalone into v15.LTS DeltaV systems are supported.

Description ISO/OVA File Name
DELTAV v15.LTS PK Installer 15P0198A DeltaV15.LTS_PK_Operator_Station.iso

Table 12-5: DeltaV v15.LTS PK Standalone Engineering USB media and virtual machine

12.2 DeltaV Spectral PAT SIMCAQ and MVA

The installation media for DeltaV Spectral PAT SIMCAQ and MVA can be downloaded in Guardian. On the Support tab,
click Installation Media, on the Product Line select DeltaV and then in the Version field, select the Spectral PAT
SIMCA v2.0 or Spectral PAT MVA v1.0

Description Volume Label ISO File Name

Spectral PAT SIMCAQ 15P0252B Spectral_PAT_v2.0.iso
Spectral PAT MVA 15P0205B Spectral_PAT_MVA_v1.0.iso

Table 12-6: Spectral PAT MVA

Contact Information
Services are delivered through the Emerson global services network. To contact your Emerson local service provider,
click Contact Us. To contact the Global Service Center (GSC), click Technical Support.

Related products and services: DeltaV DCS | Lifecycle Services

Complete Article Revision History:

Revision/Publish Description of Revision
10 Nov 2023 Added Section 1.1.1 and 1.2.1. Updated 2.9.1 and Section 1.2.6 - Workstation requirements.
Migrated Hardware Compatibility Chart into downloadable spreadsheet. Removed all info on
ValveLink SNAP-ON.
28 Jul 2023 Added information on DeltaV Softkey for the System Identifier.

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24 Jul 2023 Added TFSB750567 and TFSB301229 in the Known Issues spreadsheet.
14 Jun 2023 Added additional information regarding DeltaV integration with Syncade in Section 1.2.14.
29 May 2023 Added information on DeltaV Softkey for the DeltaV System Identifier.
22 May 2023 Updated Section 2.1. Updated Section 5.2 about the support for DeltaV Virtual Studio.
02 May 2023 Added PK Standalone USB Media and Virtual Machine media information in Section 12.1.
Added Spectral PAT SIMCAQ media information and updated the media information for
Spectral PAT MVA in Section 12.2
05 Apr 2023 Added licensing information for DeltaV Mobile in Section 1.1. Added details regarding the
Media Pack information of the DeltaV Spectral PAT MVA. Added TFSB740895 on the Known
Issues spreadsheet.
20 Jan 2023 Added note in Section 1.1, 1.3.4 and 5.3.1 about upgrading MX and MQ controllers from v13
and lower.
19 Jan 2023 Added note in Section 1.1 and 1.2.14 about the Batch Historian standalone hotfix for
B535126 or B662484. Added important note in Section 2.7 about DeltaV Spectral PAT.
10 Dec 2022 Original Release of Article

©Emerson Automation Solutions 2009-2023. All rights reserved. For Emerson Automation Solutions trademarks and service marks, click this link to
see trademarks. All other marks are properties of their respective owners. The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes
only, and while diligent effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warrantees or guarantees, express or implied,
regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are
available on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the design or specification of such products at any time without notice.

View Emerson Products and Services: Click This Link

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