4#nmt-Rajkot Smart City DPR
4#nmt-Rajkot Smart City DPR
4#nmt-Rajkot Smart City DPR
integrated transportation management system for Rajkot smart city in Gujarat for technical
support on non-motorised transport facilities
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................... 1
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................... 3
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.1.1 Walking ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.2 Cycling ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Scope of Work: ........................................................................................................................ 6
2 Rajkot Smart city footpath and NMT .............................................................................................. 7
2.1 Site Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Master Plan Details of Rajkot Smart City ................................................................................ 7
2.3 General Site Investigations ..................................................................................................... 9
3 Policy framework and Standards: for NMT................................................................................... 10
3.1 The National Transport Development Policy Committee (NTDPC) ...................................... 10
3.2 National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) 2014, GoI .............................................................. 10
3.3 Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure (Planning & Engineering) Centre
(UTTIPEC) (2010) ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Indian Road Congress (IRC) ................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) (2009) .................................... 11
4 NMT and footpath Design Details ................................................................................................. 13
1.1 Cycle Track ............................................................................................................................ 14
1.2 Pedestrian Track.................................................................................................................... 14
5 Safety and Guidance (Signage and markings) ............................................................................... 16
5.1 Road Signage ......................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Cycle marking on the tracks .................................................................................................. 17
5.3 Benefits of NMT .................................................................................................................... 19
5.3.1 Economically Viable ...................................................................................................... 19
5.3.2 Environmental Friendly ................................................................................................. 19
5.3.3 Health Benefits.............................................................................................................. 19
5.3.4 Transport Options ......................................................................................................... 19
5.3.5 Others............................................................................................................................ 19
5.4 Encouraging NMT and Pedestrian ........................................................................................ 19
6 Materials, Design and Maintenance ............................................................................................. 21
6.1 Cycle Track ............................................................................................................................ 21
6.1.1 SUBGRADE..................................................................................................................... 22
6.1.2 DRY LEAN CONCRETE .................................................................................................... 22
6.1.3 PAVEMENT QUALITY CONCRETE (PQC) ......................................................................... 24
6.2 Pedestrian Track.................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.1 WET MIX MACADAM..................................................................................................... 25
6.2.2 PAVER BLOCK ................................................................................................................ 26
6.2.3 Advantages and Limitations ......................................................................................... 27
6.2.4 Physical Requirements .................................................................................................. 27
7 Bill of Quantity (BOQ) ................................................................................................................... 28
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 3-1 Required width of Footpath as per adjacent Land use ......................................................... 11
Table 4-1 Length of the proposed NMT Corridors ................................................................................ 13
Table 4-2Capacity of Cycle Tracks as per IRC ........................................................................................ 14
Table 4-3 Capacity of Footpath ............................................................................................................. 14
1. Introduction
NMT i.e. walk, cycle and cycle rickshaw are Environment friendly mode of transport that belong to
the least polluting, energy efficient, provide public parity and provides occupation. With increasing
urban sprawl, non-motorized transport is losing its earlier importance. The resulting long trip lengths
have made cycling difficult. Further, non-motorized modes are exposed to risk of accidents as they
share a common right of way with motorized vehicles. However, non-motorized modes are
environment friendly and have to be given their due place in the transport network of a city. The
problems being faced by them would have to be mitigated. Government of India, through financial
measures, would support all efforts in this direction.
Non-motorised transport (NMT) modes are an important and integral element of urban transport
worldwide. The significance and function of non-motorised transport varies by country and over
NMT modes help create more liveable communities and cities. They provide healthy exercise and
enjoyment. It is a fact that human beings are walking animals. Environments that are conducive to
walking are conducive to people. Walking is a fundamental and critical activity for physical and
mental health. It provides physical exercise and relaxation. It is a social and recreational activity.
Walking is also a critical component of the transport system, providing connections between homes
and public transport, parking lots and destinations, and within airports. Often, the best way to
improve another form of transport is to facilitate walking. Non-Motorized Transit (N.M.T) is type of
transit where only pedestrian and non-vehicular modes such as Bicycle, Cycle Rickshaw movements
are allowed. NMT are earmarked for all kind of transport systems which doesn’t involve any motor
1.1 Background
Smart city initiative is promised to provide smart and sustainable solutions for urban transport. Such
type of network is proposed to be developed in Rajkot city and it will be firstly designed for a length
of 4.3 kms. The ABD area is a Greenfield development which is located in proximity of Jamnagar to
Rajkot state highway and Rajkot Road.
1.1.1 Walking
Walk is the most universal form of commuting. All trips, especially PT trips, begin and end with walk.
Walking is critical for success of PT: Walking will reduce vehicle use for short distance commuting:
For weaker sections of society walk is the only choice: Walking enhances urbanity, lifestyle, and
health. Walk facilities should be designed and managed to accommodate a wide range of uses.
People walk alone and in groups, walk pets, push strollers and carts, run, skate, bicycle, stop to gaze
and talk, play and eat on sidewalks and paths. Footpaths serve as both travel-ways and stopping
areas. Walking is a zero-emission mode of transport that needs to be the primary focus of a
sustainable habitat.
1.1.2 Cycling
11.3.1. After walk, cycle is the second most important mode of transport for urban poor. Cycling
should be encouraged because reach and effectiveness of PT can be improved. Cycling contributes
to improving air quality and mitigating climate change, noise reduction and improved physical
Presently, the site is under Greenfield development. The site is located approximately 7 kms away
from the City centre. Existing satellite imaginary shows agricultural land and Nallah adjacent to the
ABD Area.
Study of the various policies and standards for the designing of Footpath and NMT Track
Preliminary study of the site for design
Designing of the footpath
Designing of the cycle track
Details of the material and techniques
Cost estimate for the project
2 Rajkot Smart city footpath and NMT
Figure 2-2 Master Plan of Rajkot ABD Area
2.3 General Site Investigations
An on-site investigation of the system site area is a prerequisite for study of storm water drainage
requirements. Information regarding capacity of water bodies, elevations and condition & size of
existing natural drains shall be obtained. Topography, size and shape of drainage area, extent and
type of development.
3 Policy framework and Standards: for NMT
Around 80% of Indian citizens live in an urban environment. They share in their daily life the same
space and, for their mobility, the same infrastructure. Urban mobility accounts for 40% of all CO²
emissions of road transport and up to 70% of other pollutants from transport.
Indian cities increasingly face problems caused by transport and traffic. The question of how to
enhance mobility while at the same time reducing congestion, accidents and pollution is a common
challenge to all major cities in Indian. Cities themselves are usually in the best position to find the
right answer to this question that takes into account their specific circumstances.
Increasing use of personalized transport is one of the key reasons for the growing urban transport
problems including that of increased energy consumption. A shift from personal vehicles to other
mass transit and non-motorized modes is necessary to reduce energy demand from cities. Share of
public transport on the average should be aimed at 60% of motorized trips and 35% of total trips
including walk. Measures such as Road/congestion, fuel and parking pricing, restrictions on Vehicles
use, Road space reallocation, Priority for bus and non-motorized modes and Flexible work hours will
help. The NMT and pedestrian facilities are designed as per the guidelines and standards Issued by
the government.
10 | P a g e
on safety of pedestrians and bicyclists. The guidelines illustrated various design elements leading to
universal access. It also recommended various lane sizes for Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) lanes
for bicyclists, cycle rickshaws, hand push carts, hawker carts, animal carts etc. It recommended the
minimum acceptable width of NMT lane for single lane movement to be 2.5 metres (p.76). An
important suggestion with respect to bicycle lanes was to avoid kerbs as far as possible on the NMT
lanes (p.86) as kerbs increase the possibility of a bicycle pedal striking it during bicycling and causing
an accident. The minimum width of a footpath was recommended to be 1.8 metres which allows
minimum two people to cross each other comfortably. The footpath should have clear headroom of
minimum 2.4 metres (pp.43-44). Width of footpaths was also recommended according to land-uses
as pedestrian flow is largely determined by it. The guidelines recommended footpath width for
commercial nodes to be minimum 4 metres (Table 3-1)
IRC 011-1962-Recommended Practice for the Design and Layout of Cycle Tracks
IRC 103 2012 (Guidelines For Pedestrian Facilities)
IRC SP 063-2004-Guidelines for the Use of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement
IRC SP 049-2014-Guidelines for the Use of Dry Lean Concrete as Sub-base for Rigid Pavement
(First Revision)
IRC SP 062-2014-Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Cement Concrete Pavement for
Low Volume Roads (First Revision)
IRC 035_Code of practice for road marking /Pavement Markings
IRC 031-1969-Route Marker Signs for State Routes
IRC 109-1997-Guidelines for Wet Mix Macadam
IRC 015-2011-Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Construction of Concrete Roads
(Fourth Revision)
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A continuous unobstructed minimum width of 2 m
No breaks or obstructions at property entrances and side streets
Continuous shade through tree cover
No railings or barriers that prevent sideways movement on and off the footpath
Elevation over the carriageway (e.g. +150 mm) and adequate cross slope for storm water runoff.
At the same time, the elevation should be low enough for pedestrians to step onto and off of the
footpath easily
Surmountable gratings over tree pits to increase the effective width of the footpath
Similarly on page 10 of the report illustrates the efficient cycle tracks are safe, convenient,
continuous, and direct. On streets with high-speed traffic, cycle tracks can reduce conflicts between
cycles and motor vehicles. Cycle tracks in the median reduce conflicts with parking and street-side
activities. However, street-side cycle tracks may be provided where encroachments due to parking
or commercial activity are minimal, as may be the case if a service lane is available.
As per report the cycle tracks should incorporate the following:
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4 NMT and footpath Design Details
In Rajkot the NMT is designed as per the IRC and various standards. As the study area is a Greenfield
project, the number of pedestrian are estimated based on the master plan. Total 5 corridors are
identified in the smart city as shown in Figure 4-1. The total lengths of the corridors are approximate
4.3 km.
S. No Name Length in Km
1 Corridor 1 (along Road with 24m ROW) 1.10
2 Corridor 2 (from Corridor1 to lake 3) 0.96
3 Corridor 3 (from Corridor1 to Corridor 4) 0.84
4 Corridor 4 (from lake 3 to Corridor 5 ) 0.60
5 Corridor 5 (from Sector 4 to lake 2) 0.82
Total 4.32
The typical cross section of the NMT corridor is shown in Figure 4-2. Some of the corridors are
located along the road. The cross section element of the NMT corridor consists of water channel
running in between with properly shaded area and landscape elements. Graffiti walls at N.M.T will
play a major role in creating a visual scene with less maintenance and its appearance will change by
time within put of creative youngsters. Other remaining space will get utilized in landscaping and
other design elements. Street furniture will include park benches, light poles, signage, and other
13 | P a g e
requirement as per design also the basic Infrastructure utilities like sewer line, smart toilets, water-
less urinals, water connections, electric connections, proper signage, smart poles, etc.
14 | P a g e
Width Design Flow in Number of Persons per hour
2.0 1800 2520 2700 3780
2.5 2250 3150 3375 4725
3.0 2700 3780 4050 5670
Source: IRC 103 - 2012
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5 Safety and Guidance (Signage and markings)
Planning for NMT will increase the safety for vulnerable groups, as they are often the victims of road
accidents. Most of these accidents happen while crossing the road. It has to be noted that solutions
such as pedestrian bridges would not improve things as people often feel it tiring to climb up and
down flights of steps just to cross the road. In many cases people try to avoid using these bridges.
NMT oriented planning includes traffic calming and hence reduces the speeds of cars in
neighbourhoods making them more liveable and safe for all road users.
The signage shown in Figure 5-2(a) should be erected in advance of all uncontrolled cycle crossings.
Whereas the signage shown in Figure 5-2 (b) i.e. Cycle Route Ahead (Warning for Cycles on road
ahead) (Mixed Traffic Conditions) is posted in situation where the Cycle Route is approaching, and
drivers are required to slow down.
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The sign shown Figure 5-3 (a) in shall be used to provide information about cycle lane to road users
and Figure 5-3 (b) sign used to inform the vehicles about Contra flow of cycles and shall be installed
before beginning of such lane. The sign shown in Figure 5-4 will indicate as cycle parking.
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Figure 5-5 Bicycle Lane markings (all dimensions in mm)
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5.3 Benefits of NMT
5.3.1 Economically Viable
This is a very intricate outcome which is often overseen. Increasing the pedestrian and cycling
options in a commercial area attracts more customers and increases the sales volumes, property and
rental values in the area. A German study in 331 pedestrian areas revealed that 83% of the firms
within the area reported an increase in turnover while only 24% firms outside the area reported an
increase. Another study in Khao San Road, Bangkok revealed that 47% of the retailers agreed that
their sales volumes increased.
5.3.5 Others
Further, encouraging NMT will bring out the creative component in architects and planners by using
innovative designs that attract people as in various Indianan cities. The designs become vibrant
public spaces where people meet face to face and the necessity of a car is reduced in the public
spaces. "The city is for the people and not for cars" says Jan Gehl, an architect who successfully
promoted cycling in Copenhagen.
The Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) has been encouraging NMT among the Asian
municipalities and policy makers for more than three years. The training course developed on NMT
planning can provide assistance to policy makers and urban planners to effectively plan their cities.
SUTP has also been providing assistance to transport authorities in cities, as well as developing
training courses in various cities around the world. Needless to say, any city that would be interested
in developing Non-Motorised Transport modes and/or policies are welcomed by the SUTP Project.
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Universal Design (transport systems that accommodate people with disabilities and other special
Develop pedestrian oriented land use and building design (New Urbanism).
Increase road and path connectivity, with special Non-Motorised shortcuts, such as paths
between cul-de-sac heads and mid-block pedestrian links.
Street furniture (e.g. benches) and design features (e.g. human-scale street lights).
Traffic calming, streetscape improvements, traffic speed reductions, vehicle restrictions and
road space reallocation.
Safety education, law enforcement and encouragement programmes.
Integrate with public transport (cycle/public transport integration).
Bicycle parking.
Address security concerns of pedestrians and cyclists.
Create a multi-modal access guide, which includes maps and other information on how to walk
and cycle to a particular destination.
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6 Materials, Design and Maintenance
The cycle track and footpath are designed and constructed as per the IRC Standards. The typical
cross section of the Foot path and Cycle track is shown in Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1 Typical cross section of cycle track and footpath crust.
Figure 6-2 Color on track marking segregating cycle track with footpath
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The “subgrade” is the in situ material upon which the pavement structure is placed. Although there
is a tendency to look at pavement performance in terms of pavement structure and mix design
alone, the subgrade can often be the overriding factor in pavement performance.
Load bearing capacity. The subgrade must be able to support loads transmitted from the
pavement structure. This load bearing capacity is often affected by degree of compaction,
moisture content, and soil type. A subgrade that can support a high amount of loading
without excessive deformation is considered good.
Volume changes. Most soils undergo some amount of volume change when exposed to
excessive moisture or freezing conditions. Some clay soils shrink and swell depending upon
their moisture content, while soils with excessive fines may be susceptible to frost heave in
freezing areas (not really a concern in Hawai’i). Ash, especially on the Big Island, can present
volume change problems.
Poor subgrade should be avoided if possible, but when it is necessary to build over weak soils there
are several methods used to improved subgrade performance:
Removal and replacement (over-excavation). Poor subgrade soil can simply be removed and
replaced with higher quality fill. Although this is simple in concept, it can be expensive.
Stabilization with a cementitious or asphaltic binder. The addition of an appropriate binder
(such as lime, Portland cement or emulsified asphalt) can increase subgrade stiffness and/or
reduce swelling tendencies.
Additional base layers. Marginally poor subgrade soils may be made acceptable by using
additional base layers. These layers spread pavement loads over a larger subgrade area. This
option is rather perilous; when designing pavements for poor subgrades the temptation may
be to just design a thicker section with more base material because the thicker section will
satisfy most design equations. However, these equations are at least in part empirical and
were usually not intended to be used in extreme cases. In short, a thick pavement structure
over a poor subgrade may not make a good pavement.
Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) is an important part of modern rigid pavement. It is a plain concrete with a
large ratio of aggregate to cement than conventional concrete and generally used as a base/sub
base of rigid pavement. The compaction of DLC is done under 10 to 12T vibratory roller in field.
Further DLC is mostly made with Ordinary Portland Cement.
Function of dry lean concrete is to provide firm base to support traffic over PQC pavement.
There should be no bond between PQC and dry lean concrete.
After laying dry lean concrete with the help of paver and compacted with roller passes.
Minimum eight times up and down i.e. total 16 passes. It should be sprayed with MC0 grade
bitumen primer.
Cracks will appear from 10m to 15 distance depending upon cement quantity, mix grading of
aggregate ,temperature and wind speed, before laying PQC ,500 micron anti-static
polythene sheet shall be laid over dry lean concrete.
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Cube strength of dry lean concrete shall be 5n/mm2 and above. Higher cement depends
upon the strength required for sub base.
Max size of aggregate shall not be more than 20 mm.
Good mix falls in the middle portion, weaker mix falls at the ends. Take sample from the end
and compare with the middle portion of concrete.
Difference in strength shall not vary more than 6%.
To facilitate quick disposal of water that is likely to enter the subgrade, a drainage layer (GSB) shall
be provided below the sub-base throughout the road width. For further details on the drainage
layer, IRC: 58 may be consulted.
The pace and programme of the lean concrete sub-base construction shall be matching suitably with
the programme of construction of the cement concrete pavement over it. The sub-base shall be
overlaid with Paving Quality Concrete (PQC) pavement not before 7 days after the sub-base
Although the actual thickness will be governed by the design considerations, a thickness of minimum
150 mm is recommended for all major projects of State Highways and National Highways. When DLC
is adopted as sub base in case of roads other than the above roads its thickness of 100 mm is
23 | P a g e
recommended. For further details, IRC:62 'Guidelines for Design and Construction of Low Volume
Roads', may be referred, where in different combinations of constructing other type of sub bases
involving cement treated bases have also been used.
According to the VPTI encyclopaedia Walkability reflects overall walking conditions in an area, taking
into account the quality of pedestrian facilities, roadway conditions, land use patterns, community
support, security and comfort for walking. Walkability can be evaluated at various scales. At a site
scale, Walkability is affected by the quality of pathways, building access ways and related facilities.
At a street or neighbourhood level, it is affected by the existence of pavements and crossings, and
24 | P a g e
roadway conditions (road widths, traffic volumes and speeds). At the community level, it is also
affected by land use accessibility, such as the relative location of common destinations and the
quality of connections between them.
Arrangement shall be made to the lateral confinement of wet mix by laying materials in
adjoining shoulders along with that of wet mix macadam layer.
Wet mix macadam shall be prepared in an approval mixing plant having provision for controlled
addition of water and forced/positive mixing arrangement like pug mill or type mixer of concrete
batching plant.
Water shall be added with due allowance for evaporation losses. The mixed material should be
uniformly wet and no segregation should be permitted.
The aggregated mix shall be spread uniformly and evenly by a paver finisher or motor grade with
hydraulic control capable of spreading the material uniformly all over the surface. The surface
shall be carefully checked with templates.
The rolling shall be done by a smooth wheel roller of 80 to 100 KN weight if the thickness of
single compacted layer does not exceed 100mm. For a compacted single layer up to 200mm, the
compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of minimum static weight of 80 to
100KN or equivalent capacity roller. The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 Km. / hour.
Rolling shall commence from the lower edge and progress gradually towards the upper edge in
portion having unidirectional cross fall/super elevation.
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For portion with camber rolling should begin at the edge with the roller running forward and
backward until the edges have been firmly compacted. The roller shall then progress gradually
towards the centre parallel to the centre line of the road.
Rolling should progress parallel to the centre line of the road, uniformly overlapping each
proceeding track by at least one third width.
If irregularities develop during rolling which exceed 12mm when tested with a 3m straight edge,
the surface would be loosened and premixed material added or removed as required before
rolling again.
Rolling should be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 percent of the maximum dry
density for the material.
The finished surface shall be well closed, from movement under compaction equipment etc.
After final compaction, the road shall be allowed to dry for 24 hours. No vehicular traffic of any
kind should be allowed on the finished wet mix macadam surface till it has dried and the
wearing course lay.
CBP/ICBP consists of a surface layer of small-element, solid un-reinforced pre-cast concrete paver
blocks laid on a thin, compacted bedding material which is constructed over a properly profiled base
course and is bounded by edge restraints/kerb stones. The block joints are filled using suitable fine
material. A properly designed and constructed CBP/ICBP gives excellent performance when applied
at locations where conventional systems have lower service life due to a number of geological,
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traffic, environmental and operational constraints [1-8]. Many number of such applications for light,
medium, heavy and very heavy traffic conditions are currently in practice around the world.
Mass production under factory conditions ensures availability of blocks having consistent
quality and high dimensional accuracy.
Good quality of blocks ensures durability of pavements, when constructed to specifications.
ICBP tolerates higher deflections without structural failure and will not be affected by
thermal expansion or contraction.
ICBP does not require curing, and so can be opened for traffic immediately after
Construction of ICBP is labour intensive and requires less sophisticated equipment.
The system provides ready access to underground utilities without damage to pavement.
Maintenance of ICBP is easy and simple and it is not affected by fuel and oil spillage.
Use of coloured blocks facilitates permanent traffic markings.
ICBP is resistant to punching loads and horizontal shear forces caused by manoeuvring of
heavy vehicles
Low maintenance cost and a high salvage value ensures low life cycle cost.
Quality control of blocks at the factory premises is a prerequisite for durable "ICBP"
Any deviations of base course profile will be reflected on the "ICBP" surface. Hence extra
care needs to be taken to fix the same.
High quality and gradation of coarse bedding sand and joint filling material are essential for
good performance.
"ICBP" over unbound granular base course is susceptible to the adverse effects of poor
drainage and will deteriorate faster. "ICBP" is not suited for high speed roads (speed above
60 km/h)
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7 Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
The total cost of the construction is estimated about 8.03 Cr.
Figure 7-1 Cost Estimate for NMT footpath and cycle track
Total Rs (As
Description Unit Quantity per Rate
No. 2015-16
1 Excavation for foundation upto 1.5 m depth Cum 26160.00 259.00 6775440
including sorting out and stacking of useful
materials and disposing off the excavated stuff
upto 50 Meter lead.(C) Hard Murrum
28 | P a g e
Total Rs (As
Description Unit Quantity per Rate
No. 2015-16
5 Providing and laying Cement concrete work Cum 2616 3188.00 8339808
1:2:4 (1‐Cement : 2‐ Coarse sand : 4‐ graded
stone aggregates 20mm nominal size) and
curing complete excluding cost of formwork
and reinforcement for reinforced concrete
work in (B) Slabs, landing, shelves, Balconis ,
Lintels, Beams, Girders and Cantilever upto
floor two level. (upto 10 ton)
6 Providing and applying 2.5 mm thick road Sqm 872 296.00 258112
marking strips (retro-reflective) of specified
shade/ colour using hot thermoplastic material
by fully/ semi-automatic thermoplastic paint
applicator machine fitted with profile shoe,
glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater
and profile shoe heater, driven by experienced
operator on road surface including cost of
material, labour, T&P, cleaning the road
surface of all dirt, seals, oil, grease and foreign
material etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge and accordance with
applicable specifications.
7 Providing and applying 2.0mm thick Plastick Sqm 17440 1600.00 27904000
(cold plastic paint) Roll-on coating with
hardener on existing pavements for marking of
Cycle Track of required colour of superior make
as approved by the engineer-in-charge using
special rollers, wipers, mixing agitator, bruses
etc. i/c cleaning the surface of all dirt, scales,
oil, grease and other foreign material etc. and
lining out all T&P complete.
29 | P a g e
Total Rs (As
Description Unit Quantity per Rate
No. 2015-16
8 Construction of granular sub-base by providing Cum 3488.00 2090.00 7289920
close graded Material conforming to
specifications, mixing in a mechanical mix plant
at OMC, carriage of mixed material by tippers
to work site, for all leads & lifts, spreading in
uniform layers of specified thickness with
motor grader on prepared surface and
compacting with vibratory power roller to
achieve the desired density, complete as per
specifications and directions of Engineer-in-
Charge. With material conforming to Grade-I
(size range 75 mm to 0.075 mm) having CBR
9 Providing and laying 200mm Wet Mix Cum 2616.00 2132.25 5577966
Macadam (WMM) base consisting of
aggregates mixture as per the grading
specified, using material obtained from
grading, laying in layers of 75 mm compacted
thickness including breaking / crushing of hard
rock by mechanical means into required
gradation as specified including conveyance of
graded metal with all leads and lifts, including
mixing in a mechanically operated mixing plant
and laying with sensor paver in required lines,
curves, levels, grades and sections, watering
and compacting to 98% of modified proctor
maximum dry density (IS:2720, part-VIII) with
vibratory roller of 8-10 tonne static weight
complete including all leads and lifts as per
MOST’ – 406 specifications. (To be executed
with express permission of the Chief Engineer.)
10 Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made Sqm 17440.00 615.70 10737808
cement concrete interlocking Paver block of M
-30 grade made by block making machine with
strong vibratory compaction, of approved size,
design & shape, laid in required colour and
pattern over and including 50mm thick
compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints
with line sand etc. all complete as per the
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Total 8,03,94,040
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