Physics Lab Manual A016 Pahel Dharod Btech It

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Mukesh Patel School of Technology & Management






Name of the Student: PAHEL DHAROD

Programme:BTech Branch: IT

Roll No. A016

Sr. Pa Gra Signatur
Title of the experiment Date
No. ge de/ e
No Mar
. ks
Determination of the band gap of a
1. 03
given semiconductor.
Determination of Hall Coefficient and
2 08
carrier concentration of a given material.
Determination of thickness of a wire/hair
3 13
using wedge shaped interference.
Determination of the wavelength of
4 18
yellow light using diffraction.
To find out the beam divergence and spot
5 23
size of the given laser beam.
Determination of the numerical aperture
6 of a given optical fibre and hence to find 29
its acceptance angle.
Find out the magnetic field along the axis
7 33
of a circular coil carrying current.

8 To study the magnetic field along the axis 41

of Helmholtz coil.
9 To study of the characteristics of a gm tube 50

10 Minor project 55

This is to certify that Mr./ Ms. has carried

out the above mentioned term work for the subject Physics in the department of Basic Sciences &
Humanities, MPSTME

Subject faculty

AIM: To determine the energy gap of semiconductor.

1. Semiconductor material (germanium p-n junction diode)
2. Micro ammeter
3. Power supply
4. Heating source
5. Thermometer
6. Connecting wires etc.


When the two blocks of p-type and n-type semiconductors are joined, a large concentration gradient
exists across the junction for the majority carriers. Electrons tend to diffuse from n-type region into p-
type region while holes tend to diffuse from p-type to n-type region, in an attempt to reduce the
concentration mismatch in the regions. These give rise to the formation of depletion layer at the
junction. The depletion layer is narrow region of width W about the junction and is devoid of mobile
carriers. It has a distribution of fixed negative ions on the p-side and a distribution of fixed positive
ions on the n- side of the junction. This distribution of immobile ions in the depletion layer gives rise
to potential barrier (Vo) across the junction. The potential barrier prevents the diffusion of majority
carriers across the junction. However, the barrier has the right polarity to promote the flow of minority
carriers across the junction. As this flow is caused by a potential barrier it is called drift current. Drift
current is very small as the minority carriers are very small. The minority carriers are generated
through breaking of covalent bonds which depends only on the temperature. Therefore, the drift current
is constant at a given temperature. Minority carriers can move across the junction only when the barrier
potential exists across the junction. When the barriers potential is smaller they move slower, when it is
larger they move faster. An externally applied voltage cannot change the magnitude of the drift current.
It can only cause a decrease or an increase in the kinetic energy of the minority carriers. For this
reason, the drift current due to minority carriers is called reverse saturation current. It is denoted by
Is. It is of the order of Nano amperes for silicon pn junction and microamperes in germanium p-n

At equilibrium the drift current due to minority carrier is compensated by the diffusion current due to
majority carriers and the net current across the junction is zero. When the pn junction is under reverse
bias, the width of the depletion layer increases. An increase in the width will result in a decrease in the
concentration gradient and a decrease in the diffusion current. The diffusion current totally disappears
at the higher bias values, and the current through the junction is only due to the reverse saturation
⎛ -Eg ⎞

⎜ ⎟
2 ⎜ kT ⎟

⎝ ⎠
IS = AT e , (1)
The dependence of reverse saturation current Is on temperature is given by
Where, T 🡪 temperature in oK,

Eg 🡪 energy gap of semiconductor,

k 🡪 Boltzmann’s constant,
A 🡪constant

i.e., log =− A, (2)
e T2 + loge

IS Eg ⎛1⎞
i.e., log =− + const ( 3).

10 2 ⎜ ⎟
T 2.303k⎝ T ⎠

So the slope of the graph of log10IS/T2 versus 1/T is given by the following relation
slope = - Eg / (2.303 x k) (4)

Eg = - 2.303 x k x slope (5)

Eg = - (2.303 x 1.38 x 10-23) x slope / 1.6 x 10-19 (6)


1. Fill half of a glass test tube with oil. Immersed the diode inside the oil in the test tube together
with a thermometer and put the whole arrangements in water bath. Take care that the diode and
the thermometer bulb should be a near proximity. Also both of them should be fully immersed in
2. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1. Note down room temperature.
3. Now adjust the reverse bias voltage to a large value (e.g. 4volts) such that the current through the
junction is only due to reverse saturation current. Note down the reverse saturated current.
4. Increase the temperature of the water bath with the help of the heating system. Note down
the saturation reverse current IS at various temperatures up to 850C.
Plot the graph of log10 IS/T2 versus 1/T. Hence; determine the value of energy gap by using the
formula given in equation (6)

Reverse bias voltage= 4 volts

Table I Measurement of Is at different temperature.

O t Is T (K) -1 Is/T2 log10Is/T2
T 1/T (K
b 0 (µA)
C 2
s. )
1 Room temp
2 30 2.1 303 91809 0.0033 0.000023 -4.6382
3 35 3.3 308 94864 0.0032 0.000035 -4.4596
4 40 4.5 313 97969 0.0031 0.000046 -4.3372
5 45 6.2 318 101124 0.00314 0.000061 -4.2146
6 50 8.6 323 104329 0.0030 0.000082 -4.0861
7 55 11.6 328 107584 0.0030 0.000107 -3.9706

RESULT: Energy gap of semiconductor = Eg = 0.2581 eV

Energy band gap of the semiconductor is 0.2581 eV.
AIM: Determination of the Hall coefficient and the carrier concentration of a material.


1. Hall effect apparatus

2. Hall probe
3. Electromagnet

The Hall Effect can be described as the appearance of EMF across the width of a conductor when a
current flows along its length & simultaneously a magnetic field is applied along its height i.e.
perpendicular to the plane of the conductor. If a current I is passed along the length of the conductor
of thickness t and placed in a magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of the conductor i.e. along
t, a potential difference VH is developed across the width of the conductor and is represented by
VH = (RH X B x I) / t
Where, RH is Hall-coefficient of a semiconductor crystal in cc/ Coulomb and B is expressed in Gauss
& Current (I) in Amp.
For a given plate, RH & t are constant. So for constant I the above relation can be expressed as
RH= (K×t)/I
Where K = VH / B
From the slope of VH vs. B graph for a constant I, the value of RH can be calculated.

FORMULA: RH = [VH x t x108] / B x I

VH is observed voltage difference in Volts (V)
I the current running through the conductor in Ampere (A)
B is the magnetic field in Gauss
t = 0.015 cm


Schematic diagram for measurement of Hall coefficient of a crystal

1. Set the Pole gap 10 mm.
2. Connect the electromagnets with the Hall Effect kit.
3. Switch on the kit.
4. Keep Hall Effect probe in between the poles of magnets.
5. Set the probe current to 70 mA.
6. Start increasing the magnet current from 50 mA to 500 mA & simultaneously note down the Hall
Voltage (VH).
7. Follow the step 6 in reverse order, i.e. decrease the magnet current from 500 mA to 50 mA & note
down the Hall Voltage (VH).
8. Follow step 6 & 7 for probe current 100 mA.
9. Plot a graph between Magnetic Field (B) & Hall Voltage (VH) and find the value of Hall Coefficient.

OBSERVATION TABLE: Pole gap=10mm Thickness of given crystal is t= 0.015cm

Probe current I = 70mA Probe current I = 100mA

Mag Magnet Hall Magneti Hall Magnet Hall Magneti Hall

net ic Field Volta c Field Volta ic Field Volta c Field Volta
curre B in ge B in ge B in ge B in ge
nt Im Gauss VH in Gauss VH in Gauss VH in Gauss VH in
in for mV for mV for mV for mV
mA increasi decreasi increasi decreasi
ng ng ng ng
(Im) (Im) (Im) (Im)
50 280 1.43 330 1.75 280 2.32 330 2.33
100 480 2.34 580 2.68 480 3.39 580 3.69
150 710 3.2 820 3.61 710 4.58 820 5.05
200 930 4.18 1040 4.61 930 5.85 1040 6.33
250 1150 5.1 1260 5.44 1150 7.15 1260 7.69
300 1380 6.01 1470 6.36 1380 8.35 1470 8.88
350 1600 6.85 1690 7.23 1600 9.54 1690 10.00
400 1800 7.72 1880 7.97 1800 10.78 1880 11.11
450 2030 8.47 2070 8.69 2030 12.00 2070 12.11
500 2230 9.29 - 9.29 2230 13.00 - 13.00


Probe current I= 70 mA Probe current I=100 mA Mean RH

K from graph RH in K from graph RH in cc/Coulo
cc/Coulo cc/Coulo mb
mb mb
4.16x10^-3 89.14x10^3 5.33x10^-3 79.95x10^3
84.325 x
4x10^-3 85.71x10^3 5.5x10^-3 82.5x10^3
RESULT: Hall-coefficient of the given crystal is 7.41x10^13 .




AIM: To determine the thickness of specimen by measurement of the interference fringes in air wedge
1. Monochromatic source of light (source of
sodium light),
2. Microscopic slides Optically flat glass plates
3. Traveling microscope

A film is said to be thin when its thickness is about the order of one wavelength of visible light which is
taken to be 550 nm. When light is incident on such a film, a small portion gets reflected from the upper
surface and a major portion is transmitted into the film. Again a small part of the transmitted component is
reflected back into the film by the lower surface and the rest of it emerges out of the film. These reflected
beams reunite to produce interference. Also the transmitted beams too interfere. This type of interference
that takes place in thin films is called interference by division of amplitude.
Θ1 angle of incidence at medium 1 to medium 2 boundary.
Θ2 angle of refraction at medium 1 to medium 2 boundary.
Θ3 angle of refraction at medium 2 to medium 3 boundary.
r12 reflected light from medium 1 to medium 2 boundary.
r23 reflected light from medium 2 to medium 1 boundary.
r21 reflected light from medium 2 to medium 3 boundary.
t21 transmitted light from medium 2 to medium 1
boundary. t23 transmitted light from medium 2 to
medium 3 boundary. d thickness of the
In the above figure the rays r12 and t21 interfere and results in a constructive or destructive interference
depending on their path differences, given as,

constructive interference
destructive interference

Where, refractive index of the medium 2 and the order of interference.

The transmitted light from t23 can also interfere and result in constructive or destructive interference.


Air wedge arrangement

Fringe pattern
1. Arrange the apparatus shown in the figure with the specimen inserted under one end of the
microscope slide on the glass plate until the parallel interference fringes, formed in the wedge
shape, using the vernier reading microscope.
2. Find the distance to cover a given number of interference fringes.
3. λ = 5893Å = 5893 x 10-7

Fringe Microscope Fringe Microscope |Y2 - Y1 |= Y
number ‘ n ‘ reading number reading ‘mm’
‘mm’Y1 ‘mm’‘n’ ‘mm’Y2
0 25.18 16 29.28 4.1

4 26.86 20 29.99 3.13

8 27.61 24 30.65 3.04

12 28.48 28 31.47 2.99

YM = 3.315

X = YM
The thickness of Specimen (t) is given by


Where L = Distance of object from edge to the wedge =35 mm


The thickness of the specimen ‘t’ is =0.05 mm

AIM : To determine the wavelength of yellow line of sodium using diffraction grating.

1. Plane transmission grating

2. A spectrometer, a spirit level, and a magnifying
FORMULA: glass
λ = (d sin θm) / m (1)
Where λ is wavelength of light
d is grating element
m is the order of spectrum
θm is the angle of diffraction corresponding to mth order.
When waves encounter obstacles or small apertures whose dimensions are comparable to their
wavelength, they bend round the corners of the obstacles or apertures. Such bending of waves
round obstacles is called diffraction. When light is allowed to pass through a single narrow slit, the
diffraction effect is observed in the form of a pattern consisting of central bright band which may
be much wider than the slit width, flanked by alternating dark bands and bright bands of decreasing
To make the diffraction pattern bright enough, light should be made to pass through several parallel
slits rather than through a single slit. An arrangement, which consists of a large number of parallel
and very closely spaced slits of the same width and separated by equal distance, is known as a
diffraction grating.
The most important feature of a grating is its spacing “d”. It is the distance from the center of the
slit to the center of the adjacent slit. When light passes through a diffraction grating. The diffraction
pattern consists of a series of bright narrow lines on a dark background. The angle of diffraction (θ)
for which the maxima (bright lines) occurs are governed by the relation:
dsinθ = m λ ……. (m = 0, 1, 2 …)

Each bright line in the diffraction spectra is called a maxima and the number “m” corresponding to
each maxima is called order. The brightest maxima is of the zero order (i.e, m = 0) which is seen
opposite to the center of the grating. It is located at the center of the diffraction pattern. First order
maxima (m = 1) are visible on both sides of it at equal distance. Still less bright second order
maxima are located symmetrically about the central maxima.


2 2θ
θ 2 Cen
S Telesc


1. Adjust the grating on the prism table with its plane normal to the axis of the collimator.
2. Adjust the telescope in line with the collimator receive the image of the slit on the crosswire.
3. Rotate the telescope slowly to the right till the image of the slit corresponding to the first order
coincided with the crosswire.
4. In this position, the reading of the two windows is noted. Rotate the telescope further right to the
image belonging to the second order on the crosswire.
5. Note down, the reading of the two windows in this position. Bring the telescope back in the line
with the collimator to receive the image of the slit on the crosswire.
6. Now, rotate the telescope slowly to the left side of the collimator and repeat the procedure to take
readings for the images of the slit corresponding to the first order and second order.
7. The difference between the reading in left side and right side for different orders gives the value of
the double of the angle of diffraction for different orders.
8. Find out the value of λ using equation 1.

Grating has 12,500 or 15000 lines / inch CR=MSR+ (VSR x LC) 10=60’; 0.50=30’
d=2.54/12500 =2.03x10^-4 cm OR d = 2.54 /15000 = cm

Ord Wind Spectrum on left Spectrum on right side 2θm θm λ = (dsin θm) /
er ow side (a) (b) = in m in Å
|a- de
(m) b| g.
W1 162° 25’ 162° 197° 25’ 197° 35° 17.5° 6110 Å
25’ 25’
W2 342° 0 342° 16.5° 10’ 16° 40’ 34.5° 17.25 6025 Å
RESULT: The wavelength of yellow line of sodium (λ) =6067.5 Å


AIM : To calculate the beam divergence and spot size of the given laser beam

1. Optics bench
2. Measurement unit
3. Laser light source
4. Photo detector
5. Two fixed stands
6. One sliding stand
7. Convex lens
8. Lens holder

λ = (d sin θm) / m (1)
Where λ is wavelength of light
d is grating element
m is the order of spectrum
θm is the angle of diffraction corresponding to mth order.

The laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a device that produces a strong
beam of coherent photons by stimulated emission. A laser beam is coherent, very narrow and intense.
The directionality of the LASER beam is expressed in term of the full angle beam divergence, which
is twice the angle that the outer edge of the beam makes with the center of the beam. The divergence
tells us how rapidly the beam separates when it is emitted from the laser. According to the laser
physics and technology, beam divergence of a laser beam is a measure for how fast the beam expands
far from the beam waist. A laser beam with a narrow beam divergence is greatly used to make laser
pointer devices. Generally, the beam divergence of laser beam is measured using beam profiler. The
light emitted by a laser is confined to a rather narrow cone. But, when the beam propagates outward,
it slowly diverges or fans out. For an electromagnetic beam, beam divergence is the angular measure
of the increase in the radius or diameter with distance from the optical aperture as the beam emerges.
Below in the fig.1 the divergence of laser beam is shown. Depending on the type of laser and
diameter of beam waist, the angle of divergence of beam may differ.

Fig.1 The divergence of laser beam for two different lasers


Fig.2a Experimental set up for laser beam divergence.

Fig.2b Schematic diagram of laser beam divergence experiment.

1. Arrange the optical bench setup as shown in Figure 2 a.
2. Take measurement unit and patch cords and make circuit shown in Figure 2 b.
3. Connect mains cord and switch on the measurement unit.
4. Read diode current (I) in LCD, if display shows any current set the voltage variable knob at
some biasing voltage such that the current becomes zero.
5. Turn on the Laser and focus it on the center of the diverging lens.
6. Now adjust the photo detector, laser and lens, so that the spot of Laser should be on the
detector pinhole surface.
For e.g. If lens is of 10cm focal length, then position of Laser and photodetector
should be near about 10cm from lens.
7. Now adjust the position of laser and detector so the laser spot focus on the Photo diode inside
the detector through pinhole
8. Adjust the position of lens (by moving it on the optics bench towards laser or photo detector)
so that maximum light falls on the detector.
9. Read the diode current (I) on the LCD of the measurement unit.
Note: For observing value of current on LCD wait for some time to set the reading.
10. Set it for maximum value of current by adjusting (sliding) photo detector.
11. Note the reading of Spherometer fitted on sliding stand with the help of Main scale and
circular scale in below observation table.
12. Now move the Spherometer perpendicular to laser beam in left side till the diode current (I)
on the display show minimum reading.
13. Now move Spherometer in opposite direction (current will become maximum then start to
minimize) till diode current (I) becomes minimum again.
14. The distance between positions of minimum current will give the diameter (d) of the laser
spot, which is calculated using the formula given in observation table.
15. Note the distance between lens and detector, it will give the value of ‘D’.
16. Repeat same procedure for other lenses with different focal length.
17. After calculating angular divergence of Laser for lenses take mean of it.

For focal length f = 10 cm = 100 mm
Least count of Spherometer = pitch / number of divisions on the circular scale head mm

O D Maximum Minimum current left Minimum current right

bs (m Current ‘ x ’ side ‘ a’ (mm) side ’b’ (mm)
. ( mm)



1 100 32 42 32.42 34 9 34.09 31 20 31.20

Distance between lens and detector (D) = 10 cm = 100 mm

Reading of Spherometer when diode current is maximum (x) =32.42 mm

Reading of Spherometer when diode current is minimum on left side (a) =34.09 mm

Reading of Spherometer when diode current is minimum on right side (b) =31.20 mm

Diameter of the spot at photodiode, d = (b) – (a)

=1.10 mm
Divergence of laser θ = tan−1
( )
=0.315 Degree
For focal length f = 15 cm = 150 mm

O D Maximum Minimum current left Minimum current right

bs (m Current ‘ x ’ side ‘ a’ (mm) side ’b’ (mm)
. ( mm)



1 150 24 21 24.21 22 49 22.49 25 83 25.83

Distance between lens and detector (D) = 15 cm = 150 mm

Reading of Spherometer when diode current is maximum (x) = 24.21 mm

Reading of Spherometer when diode current is minimum on left side (a) = 22.49 mm

Reading of Spherometer when diode current is minimum on right side (b) =25.83 mm

Diameter of the spot at photodiode, d = (b) – (a)

=3.34 mm
Divergence of laser θ = tan−1
( )
=0.635 Degree

1. The angular divergence of laser beam obtained from convex lens of focal length 10 cm = 0.315

2. The angular divergence of laser beam obtained from convex lens of focal length 15 cm = 0.635

AIM: To measure the numerical aperture of the optical fibre by using 660 nm wavelength LED
1. The fibre optics transmitter kit
2. Numerical aperture jig
3. One side open half meter optical fibre cable
4. Scale
Numerical aperture refers to the sine of maximum angle at which the light incident on the optical
fibre end is totally internally reflected and is transmitted properly along the fibre. The cone formed
by the rotation of this angle along the axis of the fibre is the cone of acceptance of the fibre. The
numerical aperture of a fibre is simply equal to (n12 –n2 2) 1/2 where n1 and n2 are the refractive
indices of core and cladding respectively.
Though the numerical aperture is a parameter associated with light entering an optical fibre,
however to measure numerical aperture it is easier to investigate the characteristics of the
light, leaving the fibre, which will provide a reasonable approximation of the numerical




h =‘ ’
d =‘MR’=


1. Connect the power cord of transmitter kit to mains supply and switch it ON.
2. Select the Digital /Analog switch for Digital transmission. Keep Low – Hi switch in high position.
3. With the help of jumpers connect the Digital data generator to LED driver, and LED driver to
LED (660nm).
4. Connect the optical fibre to LED. Insert the other end of the optical fibre into the numerical
aperture measurement jig.
5. The inserted portion of the optical fibre should be perfectly straight. Adjust the fibre in such a way
that its tip is approximately 5 mm above from the screen.
6. Now observe the illuminated circular patch in two mutually perpendicular directions. The radius
of the circular patch is given by r = d / 2.
7. Measure the distance d between the tip of the fibre and the screen carefully.
8. The numerical aperture (N.A) is equal to r/ (r 2 + h 2)1/2. Calculate it.
9. Repeat the above procedure for different values d. Calculate the average value of
numerical aperture.
Refractive index
of core (n1) = 1.49
Refractive index of
cladding (n2) = 1.41
Numerical aperture
(N. A) = sin θ = 0. 5

Table 1: Measurement of numerical aperture

O ‘h’ r = d/2 (r 2 + h 2 ) N.A.= r / (r 2 + h 2 )

Diameter Mean
bs. in in mm ½ ½
N m In mm
o. m
1 3 5 2.5 3.9 0.64 0.58

2 5 7 3.5 6.1 0.57

3 8 10 5 9.4 0.53

The numerical aperture of optical fibre is = 0.58


AIM: To study the variation of magnetic field with distance along the axis of a circular coil carrying current.
1. Tangent Galvanometer
2. Current carrying coil measurement unit
3. Magnetometer
4. Patch cords
5. Mains cord

A current carrying wire generates a magnetic field. According to Biot-Savart’s law, the magnetic
field at a point due to an element of a conductor carrying current is,

1. Directly proportional to the strength of the current, i

2. Directly proportional to the length of the element, dl
3.Directly proportional to the Sine of the angle θ between the element and the line joining the
element to the point
4.Inversely proportional to the square of the distance r between the element and the point.

Thus, the magnetic field at O is dB, such that,



is the proportionality constant and?

is called the permeability of free space. Then,

In vector form,
Consider a circular coil of radius r, carrying a current I. Consider a point P, which is at a distance x
from the centre of the coil. We can consider that the loop is made up of a large number of short
elements, generating small magnetic fields. So the total field at P will be the sum of the
contributions from all these elements. At the centre of the coil, the field will be uniform. As the
location of the point increases from the centre of the coil, the field decreases.

By Biot- Savart’s law, the field dB due to a small element dl of the circle, centered at A is given by,

This can be resolved into two components, one along the axis OP, and other PS, which is
perpendicular to OP. PS is exactly cancelled by the perpendicular component PS’ of the field due to
a current and centered at A’. So, the total magnetic field at a point which is at a distance x away
from the axis of a circular coil of radius r is given by,

If there are n turns in the coil, then

where µ0 is the absolute permeability of free space.

Since this field Bx from the coil is acting perpendicular to the horizontal intensity of earth’s
magnetic field, B0, and the compass needle align at an angle θ with the vector sum of these two
fields, we have from the figure
The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field varies greatly over the surface of the earth.
For the purpose of this simulation, we will assume its magnitude to be B0 = 3.5x10-5 T. The
variation of magnetic field along the axis of a circular coil is shown here.


Circular Coil Apparatus


1. Place the Tangent Galvanometer on the table such that the arms of magnetometer lie roughly in east
and west direction.
2. Place the magnetometer at the centre of the coil in such a manner that magnetic needle lies at the
center of the vertical coil in same direction.
3. Place the eye a little above the coil and rotate the Tangent Galvanometer in the horizontal plane till
the coil, the needle and its image in the mirror of magnetometer, all lie in the same vertical plane.
4. In this manner the coil will be set roughly in the magnetic meridian.
5. Now rotate the Magnetometer so that the pointer read the position of 0-0.
6. Now take the current carrying coil measurement unit and place it nearthe instrument.
7. Connect C and 5 terminals of coil to the 6 and 7 terminal of reversingkey.
8. Connect DC power supply between the points 2 and 3 with samepolarity.
9. Connect DC Ammeter between the points 10 and 11 with same polarity.
10. Now short the terminals 4 and 5, 8 and 9, 12 and 13, 1 and 14 respectively.
11. Connect the mains cord and switch on the power supply.
12. Select reversing key in one direction and switch on the DC power supply.
13. Observe the deflection of the needle of magnetometer.
14. Now slide the magnetometer along the axis of the coil and find the position where the maximum
deflection is obtained. In this position the center of the needle co-insides the center of the vertical
15. Now change the direction of current by reversing key and note down the deflection again. If the
both deflections are nearly equal that means the coil is in magnetic meridian.
16. If the mean deflection of both cases is not nearly equal, then slightly turns tangent galvanometer till
the deflection for the direct and reverse current become nearly equal.
17. Note the position of the deflection θ1 and θ2 in observation table by both ends of pointer keeping
the current constant. Now reverse the current and again note the deflection of pointer for both ends
and sayit θ3 and θ4.
18. Above readings are for origin (0-0) position.
19. Now note the value of the current shown by ammeter.
20. Shift the magnetometer by 1 cm in Left hand side of the coil and note down the deflection θ1 and
θ2 in observation table by both ends of pointer keeping the current constant.
21. Now reverse the current and again note the deflection of pointer for
i. both ends and say it θ3 and θ4.
22. Take the number of observations by shifting the magnetometer by 1 cm at a time for both forward
and reverse current.
23. Similarly repeat the steps 20, 21 and 22 by shifting the magnetometer in the Right hand side of the
coil keeping the constant current.
24. Now plot a graph taking positing (x) along the X- axis and tan θalong the Y- axis, it will be similar
to graph shown in figure, below

i. Note: For plotting the graph take left hand side reading as “-ve” and right
handside reading as “+ve”.
25. Find out the two inflexion point on the curve, the distance betweenthese two point will be the radius
of the coil.
1. i.e. a = PQ
26. Similarly perform all the steps for another no. of turns of coil
No. of turns (n) = ................. Current I = A

S Left Right
. Dis Side Me T Side Me T
ta a a a a
N nc n n n n
o e θ θ
θ θ
Dire Revers Dire Revers
ct ed ct ed
Curre Curre Curre Curre
nt nt nt nt
θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

No. of turns (n) = .............,Current I = A, Radius (a) = m

Sr. No. Distance x Magnetic Field

𝜇0 2𝜋𝑛𝐼𝑎2
4𝜋 (𝑎2 + 𝑥2)3/2
RESULT: Variation in magnetic field with distance is verified.


AIM: To study the magnetic field along the axis of Helmholtz coil

1. Power Supply DC 0-20V, 5 Amp
2. Digital Gauss Meter with Axial Probe
3. Coil N=390, Dia=140mm
4. Support Base
5. Support Rod
6. U Channel Big
7. U Channel Small
8. Deflection Compass with Base
9. Axial probe holder
10. Multimeter
11. Connecting Leads


Auseful experiment for getting a fairly uniform magnetic field is to use a pair of circular coils on a
common axis with equal currents flowing in the same logic. For a given coil radius, you can calculate
the separation needed to give the most uniform central field. This separation is equal to the radius of
the coils. The magnetic field lines for this geometry are illustrated in figure at right side.
The spatial distribution of the field strength between a pair of coils in the Helmholtz arrangement is
measured. The spacing at which a uniform magnetic field is produced is investigated and the
superposition of the two individual fields to form the combined field of the pair of coils is
Helmholtz coils are constructed from two circular coils of wire, each
perpendicular to the same axis, and each carrying the same current in
the same direction. As shown in Figure right, the coils are separated
by a distance R which is also the radius of each coil
We can use Equation 4 to find an expression for the B field at any
point P on the axis of the coils. If the magnetic field strength due to
coil 1 is B1 and that due to coil 2 is B2, then by superposition
B = B1 + B2 (5)
In this configuration, it is convenient to specify xo not at the center of a single coil, but rather at the
midpoint between the two coils. Therefore, in the equation for B1, xo must be replaced by xo –
R/2, and for B2, xo must be replaced by xo + R/2. Also note that Bo as defined above does not
correspond to the field at this new position xo



1. Connect the coils in series and in the same direction, see Fig. below the current 0.5 A (operate the
power supply as a constant current source). Measure the Magnetic field with the axial Hall probe.

2. The magnetic field of the coil arrangement is rotationally symmetrical about the axis of the coils,
which is chosen as the x-axis of a system of cylindrical coordinates (x, r, Φ).
3. The origin is at the centre of the system. The magnetic field does not depend on the angle Φ, so only
the components Bx(x, r) and Br (x, r) are measured.
4. Clamp the axial probe on to a support base, level with the axis of the coils.

1. Along the x-axis, for reasons of symmetry, the magnetic flux density has only the axial
component Bx. Figure right shows how to set up the coils, probe and rules. Measure the
relationship B (x, r = 0) when the distance between the coils a = R and, for example, for a =
R/2 and a = 2R

Distance x (Cm) B at a=R/2 (Gauss) B at a=R (Gauss) B at a=2R (Gauss)
0 -20 0.6 0.8 1.3
2 -18 1.4 1.5 2.1
4 -16 1.6 2.0 3.3
6 -14 2.4 2.8 4.4
8 -12 3.6 3.9 7.3
10 -10 5.2 6.3 10.8
12 -8 8.0 9.1 14.3
14 -6 12.0 14.0 15.0
16 -4 17.5 17.5 13.3
18 -2 22.5 19.7 10.8
20 0 25.1 19.5 9.4
22 2 24.0 19.5 10.3
24 4 19.6 18.4 11.9
26 6 13.7 14.5 14.2
28 8 9.2 10.3 14.8
30 10 6.0 6.9 11.6
32 12 4.2 4.7 8.4
34 14 2.8 3.2 5.5
36 16 2.0 2.0 3.8
38 18 1.5 1.5 2.4
40 20 0.9 0.8 1.5
The magnetic field along the axis of two identical coils at a distance 'a' apart is explained as

When x = 0, Magnetic flux density has a maximum value when a < R and a minimum value when a >
R. The curves plotted from our measurements also shown as below in figure; when a = R, the field is
virtually uniform in the range –R/2<x<+R/2
Magnetic flux density at the mid-point when a = R is defined as where μ = 4π

-7 -1 -1
x 10 web amp m 0

B= 0.716 x 4 x 3.14 x 10-7 x 390 x 0.5

= 2.51x10^ T=2.51mT

1. When distance a = R the coils can be joined together with the spacers.

a. Measure Bx (x, r) as shown in Figure above. Set the r-

coordinate by moving the probe and the x-coordinate by
moving the coils. Observed the magnetic flux density must
have its maximum value at point (x = 0, r = 0).

b. Turn the pair of coils through 90° (Figure below). Check the
probe: in the plane x = 0, Bx must = 0.
RESULT: Variation in magnetic field with distance is verified.


Variation in magnetic field is almost constant at B at a = R.


AIM: To study of the characteristics of a gm tube

1. G.M. Counting System GC601A / GC602A
with A.C. main chord.
2. G.M Detector (End window) stand bench.
3. G.M. Detector (in PVC cylindrical enclosure)
THEORY: with connecting cable.
4. Gamma or Beta source.

The interaction between radiation and matter is accompanied by a number of effects such as the
emission of photons, charged particles and liberation of heat. All these effects can be used to detect
radiation, measure particle flux density or intensity and the radiation spectra. The operation of many
measuring devices is based on the ability of radiation to ionize molecules. Different types of
detectors can be characterized by the nature of the interaction of radiation with matter. Geiger-
Muller Tube (G.M. Tube) is one such detector which can be used to detect alpha particles, beta
particles, gamma or X-radiation. A G.M. tube is a gas-filled device which reacts to individual
ionizing events, thus enabling them to be counted. A GM tube consists of a very fine central anode
and a shell, which serves as the cathode. The region surrounding the anode is filled with a gas,
usually argon or neon, specially selected for the ease with which it can be ionized. A high electrical
field is maintained between the electrodes.
The sensitive volume is the portion surrounding the anode responding to the specific radiation. An
energetic charged particle traversing through the sensitive volume will have high probability of
producing one or more ion pairs (electron and positive ion). The electron is accelerated towards the
anode and in a short distance, gains sufficient kinetic energy to produce a second ion pair in a chance
encounter with a gas atom.
These two electrons will now produce additional ion pairs and thus an avalanche is developed in
which an enormous number of electrons of the order of 1010 are eventually collected by the anode.
This charge which will be collected in about 0.25μs, appears across the capacitance of the tube plus
the associated circuitry to produce a voltage pulse of amplitude ranging from 0.25 to 10 volts with a
duration of about 100 μs.These values depend upon the design of the tube, its operating voltage and
the characteristics of the external circuit. When the voltage across the tube is such that it is
operating in the GM region, all pulses are of equal size irrespective of the number of ion pairs
formed in the initial ionizing event.


1. Starting Voltage (Vs): This is the lowest voltage applied to a G.M. Tube at
which pulsesjust appear across the anode resistor and unit starts counting.
2. Plateau: This is the section of the GM characteristic curve constructed with
counting rateversus applied voltage (With constant irradiation) over which the
counting rate is substantially independent of the applied voltage. Unless otherwise
stated, the plateau ismeasured at a counting rate of a approximately 100 counts.
3. Plateau threshold voltage (V1): This is the lowest applied voltage which
corresponds tothe start of the plateau for the stated sensitivity of the
measuring circuit.
4. Plateau length: This is the range of applied voltage over which the plateau
5. Upper Threshold voltage (V2): This is the higher voltage upto which plateau
extends,beyond which count rate increases with increase in applied voltage.
6. Plateau Slope: This is the change in counting rate over the plateau length, expressed in % per
volt. It should have a slope of less than 10% per 100 volts for good tubes.
7. Recommended Supply Voltage: (Operating Voltage) This is the supply voltage at
which the G.M. Tube should preferably be used. This voltage is normally chosen to
be in the middle of the plateau.
8. Background (BG): This is the counting rate measured in the absence of the radiation source.
The BG is due to cosmic rays and any active sources in the experimental room

1. Make the connection between counting system to G.M. Detector by MHV to UHF coaxialcable.
Also connect the mains chord from the counting system to 230V A.C. Power.
2. Place a Gamma or Beta source facing the end window of the detector, in the source holderof G.M.
stand or optical bench at about 2 cms (for Gamma source) or 4 cms (for Beta source)
approximately, from the end window of the detector. (For Beta source ensure thatcountrate is less
than 200 CPS at 500V)
3. Now power up the unit and select menu options to PROGRAM on the keypad of the
G.M.Counting System and select 30sec preset time typically.
4. Now press – “START” button to record the counts and gradually increase the HV by rotating the
HV knob till such time, the unit just starts counting. Now, press “STOP” button.
5. Now take a fresh reading at this point (STARTING VOLTAGE) and record the observations in the
format as given in Table.
6. Also record for each HV setting, corresponding background counts without keeping the source.
7. Continue to take these readings in steps of 50V and for the same preset time, keep observing
counts & tabulate the data, with and without source.
8. Initially within 2 to 3 readings, counts will steeply increase and thereafter remain constantwith
marginal increase (may be within 10%).
9. After few readings, one will find a steep increase as one enters the discharge region. Takejust one
or two readings in this region and reduce the HV bias to 0 volts. It is important to note that
operating the G.M detector in discharge region for longer time can reduce the life of tube or can
result into permanent damage of the detector.
10. Now tabulate the readings and plot a graph of voltage against corrected counts
11. Identify from the graph / tabulated data i) Starting Voltage ii) Lower threshold voltage (V1) iii)
Upper threshold voltage (V2). It is called Breakdown threshold voltage iv) Discharge region.
12. Calculate plateau, percentage slope, and plateau length, and operating voltage

Backgroun Corrected
Sr. EHT Counts/
d Counts/30se
No. (volts) 30sec Counts/30se cs Nc = N –
N cs Nb Nb
1 300 0 0 0

2 330 0 0 0

3 360 1435 14 1421

4 390 1521 22 1499

5 420 1572 18 1554

6 450 1479 19 1460

7 480 1502 15 1487

8 510 1576 13 1563

9 540 1564 19 1545

10 570 1530 17 1513

11 600 3018 33 2985

12 630 3072 39 3033

13 650 3168 23 3145

• V1 = Starting voltage of plateau=360 V(Just after rising edge of knee)
• V2 = Upper threshold of the plateau=570 V(Just before the start of discharge region)
• Plateau Length VPL = V2 – V1 =210 V
• Operating Voltage V0 = (V2 + V1) / 2 =465 V
• The slope of the plateau is given by
Slope (Percentage) = (N2−N1) ( 100 ) (100) = 3.08 %
n1 V2−V1

RESULT: For the G.M Tube

1) The Operating voltage =465 V
2) The Plateau Length =210 V
3) Plateau Slope =3.08 % _

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