Ziauddin University Undergraduate Examination Policy 2022
Ziauddin University Undergraduate Examination Policy 2022
Ziauddin University Undergraduate Examination Policy 2022
Policy Title Undergraduate Semester System Policy
Policy Number Assigned by the Registrar's Office
Date of Original Approval April 17, 2020
Approved By 289th Meeting of Academic Council, April 17, 2020
307th Meeting of Academic Council, March 26, 2022
Date of Revisions March 26, 2022
Prepared By Mr. Suhail Ahmad, Controller of Examinations
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif, Director QEC
To define the detailed uniform Examination policy and guidelines for undergraduate degree
programs of the university.
Applicable for all undergraduate programs of the university excluding MBBS/ BDS.
(Documents and other necessities)
HEC Guidelines
Attached Document.
Controller of Examination concerned Deans, Principals, Chairpersons, HODs, and faculty.
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Undergraduate Semester System Policy 2020
For Undergraduate Studies Degree Programs of the University.
Policy / Rules regarding the General Scheme of Studies for the General Bachelor’s Degree Programs
(excluding MBBS & BDS) of the University.
1. Short Title. These Regulations may be called the Ziauddin University Undergraduate Semester
System Policy / Rules 2020, repealing such regulations framed by the University authorities (if
2. Commencement. These Regulations shall be deemed to have come into force with effect
2019-2020 and onwards admitted Batches.
i. "University" means the Ziauddin University.
ii. "Academic Year" means the Academic Year of the University.
iii. "Spring / Fall Semester" means a period of 16-18 weeks out of an academic year for
Teaching, evaluation/ guidance of the students at the University.
iv. "Summer/Winter Semester" means a period of 08 weeks out of an academic year for teaching
& evaluation and /or guidance of the students at the University.
v. Pro chancellor "Vice-Chancellor", "Dean", “Principal / Chairperson" "Teacher" and
"Controller of Examinations"
vi. Respective Pro chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, the Dean of Faculty, the Principal / Chairperson
of College / Department" "Teacher" and "Controller of Examinations" of the University.
vii. “College /Departmental wise Committee”.
Each College/ Department /Institute will have a Departmental Committee consisting of three
senior-most teachers of the College / Institute including the Principal/Chairperson/HOD/
Director and the controller of examinations.
viii. “Credit Hours (C.H.)” has been defined in section 6.
ix. “Quality Point (Q. P.), Grade Point Average (G. P. A.), and "Cumulative Grade Point Average
(C.G. P.A.) has been defined in section 17.
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3. Undergraduate Structure of Bachelor’s Degree programs that are operating on semester
system excluding (MBBS & BDS) is given below and applied for 2019/2020 and onwords
Table 1: Bachelor’s Degree Program Detail
Degree program 4 years
Credit Hours (Minimum) 124
Credit Hours (Maximum) 144
Degree program 5 years
Credit Hours (Minimum) 160
Credit Hours (Maximum) 180-222
(East. Medicine, Pharm D, Architecture, DPT,
DOT, LLB) As per the respective council
Minimum of 16 weeks of teaching for regular
Semester Duration
semester excluding examinations duration
4 years degree program
• Min. of 8 semesters
• Maximum of 07 years,
5 years degree program
Course Duration
• Minimum of 10 semesters
• Maximum of 08 years
Further 01 years extendable with approval of
the academic council
For deficiency/failure, repetition of courses up
Summer Session
to 8 credit hours (08 Weeks duration)
Course Load per Fall / Spring Semester for 15-18 Credit Hours (CH) (18-23) CH for
Regular Full-Time Students (East. Medicine, Pharm D, Architecture, DPT,
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a. The credit hours are denoted by two digits within brackets with a plus in between. The first
digit represents the theory part while the second (right side) digit represents the practical.
Table 6 gives the possible distribution of Theory and Practical Credit hours.
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8.1 There will be two regular semesters (Fall, Spring) in an academic year. As under, (Further can
be elaborated/ Bifurcated by the Concerned Faculty) but the semester duration will be the
i. Teaching duration of Fall semester 16 Weeks
ii. Conduct of Mid Semester Exam 01 Weeks
iii. Preparation of final Fall Semester Exam 01 Week
iv. Conduct of final Fall Semester Exam 02 Weeks
v. Semester Break 01 Week
vi. Teaching duration of Spring Semester 16 Weeks
vii. Conduct of Mid Semester Exam 01 Weeks
viii. Preparation of final Spring Semester Exam 01 Week
ix. Conduct of final Spring Semester Exam 02 Weeks
x. Semester Break 01 Week
xi. Summer/Winter Semester (including examination) 08 Weeks
xii. Winter/Summer Break 02 Weeks
9.1 Summer/Winter semester will be offered as an optional semester of 08 weeks duration.
Students will be offered courses to remove deficiencies and can register for up to 08 credit
hours for the summer/winter semester.
9.2 Moreover, a student who has either failed or has been stopped to take the examination due
to a shortage of class attendance or wishes to improve his/her grade is allowed to register in
the summer/winter semester.
9.3 The contact hours per week during the Summer/Winter Semester will be doubled to ensure
that the course is completely taught in a summer/winter session with half of the duration as
compared to a regular (Fall/Spring) semester.
9.4 All the qualifying rules for the Fall / Spring semester will apply to the summer/winter
9.5 There will be no supplementary/special examination after the adoption of the
summer/winter semester (for the batch with which it is going to be adopted).
9.6 The course in the summer/winter semester will be offered with the minimum course
registration of 03 students (where the intake of students is small, minimum course
registration should be 50 %, failure students)
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9.7 In case of less number of students as per para no. 9.6, the student will be admitted in next
year's summer/winter semester.
9.8 College/Department cannot offer both summer and winter semesters in an academic year.
10.1 The Registrar's office will prepare the Academic Calendar in consultation with
The calendar will include the following information: [to be adopted from the academic year
2019 onwards.
a. Date of start of classes
b. Conduct of mid-semester
c. Date of suspension of classes
d. Schedule of examination
e. Display of sessional/ CAT marks
f. Examination preparation up to one week
g. Conduct of final semester exam
h. Announcement of results
e. Mark sheet / Transcript issues dates.
The academic calendar will be prepared for the Fall semester and Spring and Summer/Winter
semesters of each academic year.
10.2 In case a university is closed due to unusual circumstances, then makeup classes must be
arranged converting weekends or holidays or evening classes to working days or evening
classes to cover the lapsed period of the students.
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12.1 If a student gets an 'F' grade, she/he will be required to repeat the course. However, the “F”
grade obtained earlier will also be recorded on the transcript.
12.2 Undergraduate students may be allowed to repeat a course in which she/he has obtained
grade “C” & below. In such a case both the previous and new grades obtained will be recorded
on the transcript, however, only the better grade shall be used in the calculation of CGPA.
12.3 In the case of CGPA improvement, it would be recorded with (Imp) on the transcript.
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14.1 In each semester, students may be required to appear in quizzes, tests, mid-semester, final
semester examinations, presentations (individual/group), group discussion, and submit
projects/ assignments/ lab reports, studio work, etc. These assessment marks (to be determined
by the teacher concerned) will have different weightage contributing toward the overall
assessment in percent marks.
This weightage may be determined based on the following table:
Table 4: Theory Subject Marks Distribution
Theory of Maximum Theory of Maximum
Sr. No. Description 100 Marks 50 Marks
Marks Distribution Marks Distribution
i. Continuous Assessment
• Quizzes / Class Test(s) 20 10
• Class/Clinical Assignments / 20 10
Project Presentation
• Mid Semester Exam 20 10
ii. Final Semester Exam: 40 20
Total Marks 100 50
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14.2 At the beginning of a semester, the instructor of each course should hand out a syllabus
providing information to the students about assessment criteria, paper specifications,
schedule of material to be taught, take-home assignment policy, required and recommended
reading materials, and any other information important for the successful completion of the
course and its requirements.
14.3 To implement the semester system effectively the subject teacher must display his/her
provisional result within Ten days after the conduct of the Final semester exam. of that
subject and submit the same to the controller of examination for the final announcement.
14.4 Mid Semester Examination Marks / Class test/ Assignments, Quizzes / Class/Clinical
Assignments, Project Presentation, etc. Marks will be displayed on the student Portal by the
concerned subject teacher within 5 days of its conduct.
14.5 The external examiners (if require) will only be invited for the Project/Thesis / Business Plan
14.6 In case of a course with the composition of 4(3+1), (03 credit hour theory and 01 credit hour
practical) the weightage for the practical may be considered 25%.
14.7 A student will be awarded “F” grade in a course if s/he fails to appear in the final semester
exam of that course.
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15 Grade Equivalent
Table 7: Grade and Grade Point
Grade Grade Point %Equivalence Remarks
A 4.00 85 and above
A- 3.66 80 – 84
B+ 3.33 75 – 79
B 3.00 71 – 74
B- 2.66 68 – 70
C+ 2.33 64 – 67
C 2.00 61 – 63
C- 1.66 58 – 60
D+ 1.30 54 – 57
D 1.00 50 – 53
F 0.00 Below 50
Did not complete as mentioned 15.5
I (Incomplete) 0.0 -
- 15.8 *
W (Withdrawal) 0.0 - Withdrawal from the course till the
6th week of the semester after the
6th-week student will be awarded F
X (Exempted) 0.0 - In case Migration from other
institution or studied courses in an
exchange program **
* Mid-semester marks will be intact, and the fee will not be charged.
** The Departmental/ College wise committee comprised of principal/Chairman 2 senior faculty
members and controller of Examination may decide for equivalence of the subjects which he
studied in previous institution and exemption.
15.1. Fraction of marks obtained in a course shall be counted as the next whole number e.g., 60.3
shall be considered as 61 while 59.5 or more is to be considered as 60.
15.2. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is an expression for the average performance of the
student in the courses he/she has taken during any semester, thus GPA may be calculated for
1st semester, 2nd, or any other semester.
15.3 CGPA shall be rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g. a GPA of 3.084285 shall be reported as 3.08,
while a GPA of 3.065124 shall be reported as 3.07.
Subjects carrying more than 100 marks in Theory/ Practical will be awarded grades
15.4 The results will be prepared based on Grade Point Average (C. G.P.A)
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15.5 A student shall be awarded an incomplete grade represented by “I” in the following cases:
a. In case a student is unable to appear in part or whole of the final term examination of the
semester on medical grounds or circumstances beyond the control of the student to be
determined by the Principal/Chairperson, provided that he/ she maintains the minimum
attendance in the course as prescribed in para 13.
15.6 All marks of the course will remain intact for the student in which s/he is awarded “I” grade
except the final semester examination. The student needs to appear only in the final semester
examination of the course (in which I grade is assigned) whenever it is offered in the future.
15.7 No additional fees will be charged when student appears in the examination next time. Neither
such course load will be counted towards the maximum credit hours allowed to a student in a
15.8 It will be the department/college's responsibility to provide the complete course result to
examination when student appear in a course having “I” grade.
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Sum of the Credit Hours
17.3 Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A)
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A) is the expression describing the performance of a
student in all semesters and is determined by the following way:
(C.G.P.A) = Sum of Quality Points for all the courses appeared
Sum of the Credit Hours for all the courses appeared
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• Semester Wise Break-up
• Subjects Name along with Credit Hours
• Type of Enrolment – Full Time
• Picture of the Applicant be Printed on Transcript
• Date of Completion of Degree Requirements
• Mode of Study – Regular
• Medium of Instruction- English
• Online Result Verification Key/ID (Front Side at the End of the Transcript)
• GPA/CGPA (at the End of the front side of the Transcript)
Back Side:
• Basic Admission Requirement of the Programme
• Previous Degree held by the Student along with Institution Name
• Credit Hours Exempted/Transferred if any/applicable.
• CNIC No. for Pakistani and Passport No. for Foreign Students
• Grading System must be mentioned on the Back Side of the Transcript
• Charter Date of the University/DAI may be mentioned
• Name of College be mentioned along with HEC Permission Date
• Signature of Issuing Officer(s) (Front and Back Side at the end of the Transcript)
• The transcript must have a watermark seal on it.
• Table 8 is used for the equivalence of CGPA to percentage.
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Each College /Department will have a College/Departmental Committee consisting of three senior-
most teachers of the College/Department including the Principal/Chairman/ Director to assess the
progress of the students during the semester and the results of all the examinations including the
final semester examination. In case of any discrepancy in the results, during the review process, the
concerned committee will assign a subject expert (other than the Subject teacher) for rechecking the
scripts. The final recommendations of the Departmental Committee concerning the results will be
submitted through the concerned Dean controller of Examination / Vice Chancellor for consideration
and approval.
23.1 Any candidate found guilty of the following matters, his/her case will be submitted to the
Unfair Means Cases Committee constituted by the University. This committee will be constituted
of the Principal/ Chairperson one senior faculty member, the Controller of Examinations, or his
i Removes a leaf from his/her answer book, the answer book shall be canceled.
ii Submits forged or fake documents in connection with the examination.
iii Commits impersonation in the examination.
iv Copies from any paper book or notes.
v Mutilates the Answer Book.
vi Possesses any kind of material, which may be helpful to his/her in the examination.
vii Does anything that is immoral or illegal in connection with the examination and which
may be helpful to him/her in the examination.
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viii Refuses to obey the invigilation staff or refuses to follow the instructions issued by the
University in connection with the examination.
ix misbehaves or creates any kind of disturbance in or around the examination
x Uses abusive or obscene language on the answer script.
xi Possesses any kind of weapon in or around the examination center.
xii Possesses any kind of electronic device which may be helpful in the examination
His/her case shall result in penalties keeping in view the nature and intensity of the offense.
(i) Cancellation of paper*.
(ii) Suspension from the programme for one semester.
(iii) Heavy and Light Fine in light of Sindh Govt. Ordinance 1999.
(iv) Expulsion forever from the University.
(v) Any other.
* Unfair Means Cases Committee will decide that the student will have to appear in the
summer semester/with the regular semester for the canceled paper.
If a student is not satisfied with the decision of the Unfair Means Cases Committee, she/he can submit
his/her appeal within a week after the decision of the Committee to the Vice-Chancellor. No appeal
shall lie against the decision of the vice-chancellor.
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In an exceptional case where an answer script is damaged, lost, or destroyed due to unavoidable
circumstances, then the student may be given the following options:
i Average marks shall be awarded to the student in that subject/course.
ii In the case of Final Year Examination, if the candidate so desires, she/he shall be given another
chance as a special case to take the Examination in that subject/course in the next
examination and no examination fee shall be charged from the student.
The subject teacher, who taught the respective subject, is responsible for the development/ setting
of the question paper from the topics as per the approved course syllabus, which he covered during
the semester for the particular semester for theory (as well as practical) separately.
i. The HOD/ Principal/ Chairperson/ Director will direct the concerned faculty to ensure the
development of question paper 5 days before the conduct of said paper.
ii. In case the subject is taught by more than 1 teacher in a section/ portion, one of the
teachers will be assigned as course leader and will be responsible for submitting the exam
paper and final result.
iii. The HOD/ Principal/ Chairman/ Director may send any question paper for moderation (if
he feels necessary) to ensure transparency and accuracy.
iv. In case of non-availability of the subject teacher, the HOD/ Principal/ Chairperson may
assign any faculty member for the paper setting of a specific subject.
v. MCQ Papers will be prepared/set by the examination Department through Q Bank.
vi. Secrecy of Question Paper
• The subject teacher/ Paper setter is responsible for the secrecy of the question paper.
• The HOD/ Principal/ Chairman/ Director will monitor/ensure secrecy and
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• The violation of the above will lead to disciplinary action against the concerned.
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31.1 The Principal / HOD/ Chairman/ person of College/Department, institute, or his Proxy, who is
a senior faculty member not less than Assistant Professor and nominated by the Concerned
Principal / HOD/ Chairman of College/Department will act as Chief Invigilator for smooth
conduct of Examination. With the following responsibilities.
• Nominate the invigilators from the college/department faculty and forward the list to
Examination Department.
• Look after all matters concerned with the conduct of examinations at the college/
department level.
• Get examination material from the Examination department and circulate it among the
• Monitor and ensure the maintaining examination decorum in line with Examination
guidelines mentioned on the Answer copy and as per SOP.
• Direct and monitor faculty not to use the mobile phone in the exam hall.
• To ensure the availability of the subject teacher 15 minutes before the conduct of the
exam and ensure his availability during 1st half of the exam.
• Ensure the return of exam material as received.
• Supply of attendance sheets to invigilation staff.
• Ensure to forward the list of invigilators one week before the conduct of the Exam.
• Continuously monitor exam hall, invigilators, and students during the examination and
ensure zero tolerance for cheating / unfair means in the examination.
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• The answer book of a candidate shall not be re-assessed under any circumstances.
• Whereas the re-checking does not mean re-assessment/re-evaluation/ re-marking of the
answer book. The controller of Examinations can arrange for re-checking of examination
script by the faculty member from the relevant discipline on the complaint / request of
students. The controller of Examination or any officer or re-checking committee
appointed shall see that:
• There is no computational mistake in the grand total on the title page of the answer book.
• The total of various parts of a question has been correctly made at the end of each
• All totals have been correctly brought forward on the title page of the answer book
• No portion of any answer has been left un-marked.
• Total marks in the answer book tally with the marks sheet.
• The handwriting of the candidate tally in the questions/answer book.
• The candidate cannot see or examine the answer books for any purpose.
• The marks of a candidate could even decrease in light of (a) (iii) above. In the event of a
reduction of marks, the record shall be corrected accordingly, and a revised transcript will
be issued.
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