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All content following this page was uploaded by Wahyu Syahputra on 31 December 2022.
Received May 05, 2022 | Accepted September 23, 2022| Published December 30, 2022
Corresponding Author: Wahyu Syahputra, email: wahyu.syahputra@binus.ac.id, Department of
Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Binus University, Jl. Kemanggisan Ilir III No.45, Kemanggisan, Kec.
Palmerah, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11480
Copyright ©2022. The Authors. Published by Psikoislamika: Jurnal Psikologi dan Psikologi
Islam. This is an open access article under the CC BY NO SA. Link: Creative Commons —
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International — CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Modern organizations have rapid and dynamic system changes, which are difficult to predict, and
sudden increases and decreases in profits (Heinze & Heinze, 2020). The turmoil made employers look
in more detail at their employees who have loyalty to the company. Loyalty to the company is an
important asset to maintain company stability and become a reciprocal relationship. Employers pay
more attention to their employees and keep their employees working at the company (Park et al.,
2020). Its implementation is created in a long-term working bond. In addition, there is a positive social
exchange in the employer-employee relationship in which the needs of both parties have been
resolved (Hu et al., 2014).
This condition is referred to as organizational support, namely the existence of awards for
improving employee performance and meeting their social and emotional needs. Furthermore,
conversely, employees have confidence in how the organization values their contributions and cares
about their well-being (Eisenberger & Rhoades, 2002). Meanwhile, Perceived organizational support
(POS) is considered a guarantee that assistance will be obtained from the organization to complete
the work of its employees effectively and assistance in dealing with pressure (George et al., 1993).
This support is essential to maintain and increase one's self-esteem and can meet one's need for
appreciation (Eisenberger et al., 1986; George et al., 1993). As we noted, in studies (e.g., Altman,
1986; O'Donnell et al., 1987), nurses have a fear or desire to avoid contact with AIDS patients related
to possible exposure. These reactions can lower their self-esteem and perception of coping with stress
(George et al., 1993), and this is where organizational support functions.
Perceived organizational support (POS), developed by Eisenberger et al., (1986), is based on the
tendency of employees to define the human characteristics of the organization. Levinson (1965)
added that this support is more to the pure desire of the organization to meet the needs of its
employees rather than a specific motive for unilaterally benefiting the company. Then, employees
who feel good organizational support from the company will feel safer at work and more involved in
their work (Kose et al., 2006). Furthermore, organizations, groups, and companies with employees or
group members already have a robust dependency relationship (Hutchison & Abrams, 2003) states
this as commitment.
The explanation concluded that there are three things in organizational support theory that
discuss psychological processes and become the basis for Perceived organizational support (POS).
First, the norm of reciprocity, namely POS, creates a sense of obligation and concern for the
organization's welfare, develops it, and helps it achieve its goals. Second, fulfilling socio-emotional
needs based on care, respect and approval characterizes POS and directs workers to use their role
status in the organization as social identity. Third, POS will strengthen workers' belief that their
improved performance cannot be separated from the rewards they will receive later. This process will
Instrument validation of perceived organizational support (pos) indonesian version: a rasch model analysis
undoubtedly positively impact workers, such as the pleasure of appreciation and concern for the
organization (Eisenberger & Rhoades, 2022).
POS has a broad scope in describing the relationship between workers and organizations or
companies, especially in specific behaviors that benefit the company that employees should have
respect for employees. So several researchers have tried to develop a POS scale to describe these
relationships. For example, Gyekye & Salminen, (2009) used POS in Africa to see the effect of African
work culture. Researchers believe there are differences in the work environment in western and non-
western cultures. Meanwhile Lee & Peccei (2011) examined the relationship between POS and
perceptions of organizational politics (POP) with a sample of 137 workers from a company in South
Korea, and DeConinck, (2010) made POS one of the causes of the increase in employee confidence in
the field of marketing company business.
POS was developed using a factor analysis-based method (Eisenberger et al.,1986). As is well-
known, factor analysis provides POS evidence regarding factor structure and construct validity.
However, some methodologies can dig deeper into a construct, especially to see the level of item
difficulty (location) on the POS scale. Furthermore, the location allows direct comparison of the
person's trait level. Methodologies such as latent trait theory can reveal more about the characteristics
of scale items. In addition, researchers have not found POS testing, especially in Indonesia, using latent
trait theory; in this case, it is focused on Rasch analysis.
Rasch analysis has advantages, namely specific objectivity, additivity, and parameter separation
(Fischer, 1987), where these three properties are not shared by other models, such as classical test
theory. As a result, although the mathematical equations are simple, the Rasch model presents
estimation results that meet high measurement standards (Mair, 2018). It is known that the Rasch
model was initially only devoted to dichotomous data. However, with its development, the Rasch
model analyzes polytomy data, namely the Rating Scale Model (RSM, Andrich, 1978) and the Partial
Credit Model (PCM, (Masters, 1982). Because POS is a Likert scale with polytomy data, this study uses
RSM to analyze it.
The purpose of the analysis using Rasch on the POS scale is to test the Indonesian version of the
POS scale (Eisenberger et al., 1986) and evaluate psychometric characteristics. POS, known for two
decades of its emergence to be one of the essential instruments in understanding organizational
behavior (Worley et al., 2009) in other words, POS has been widely used in understanding the
commitment process in organizations, especially in the framework of exchange theory (Eisenberger
et al., 1986) While the Rasch model allows generalization across samples and items, taking into
account that the options between responses are not equidistant, then also allows unidimensionality
testing, identifying items that work poorly and unexpected responses.
The research design is a validation of the POS measuring instrument with a sample of workers in
Indonesia. The population to be studied is employees who work in the Greater Jakarta area due to
facilitating the reach of the distribution of this research questionnaire and Jakarta is a city that has
workers who have very heterogeneous characteristics. The sampling method in this study uses non-
probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique; namely, one person is considered as a
sample as long as he meets the criteria, namely employees who work in the Greater Jakarta area.
This study uses Google Form as a media that facilitates obtaining research data. The distribution
of the questionnaire was carried out online due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and to maintain Health
protocols. Based on the description above, this study obtained a sample of 325 people consisting of
175 men (52.31%) and 150 women (47.69%). The age range of 18 years – to 68 years, whereas the
range of 26 years – to 35 years is 41% of the total sample.
Perceived organizational support (POS) or Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS)
was developed by Eisenberger et al., (1986), and have 1 dimension with 6 items to describe a worker's
trust in his organization or company. This attitude of trust is formed through organizational support
given to employees, and workers will give their best performance for the company. POS uses a 4-point
Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree to agree on each item to explain the indicators firmly.
Moreover, according to Putra, (2015), the adaptation process goes through the stages of translating
the instrument with two people. The first has the ability in English literature, and the second has the
ability in psychology and statistics. The first stage of the instrument was translated by a linguist from
the Center for Language Development UIN Jakarta. Furthermore, the translation results are concluded
by considering culture and others. The translation was also carried out back to the original language
to see if there was a possible difference in meaning. The last one was checking with experts in
industrial and organizational psychology and statistics with the profession as a lecturer and have a
doctoral degree in UIN Jakarta.
Table 1
Item and Indicator of POS Scale
No Indikator Jumlah Contoh Item
1 Adanya apresiasi yang diberikan 1 Perusahaan menghargai hasil kerja saya
atas hasil kerja oleh organisasi
2 Adanya perhatian yang 2 Perusahaan sangat peduli dengan kesejahteraan
diberikan organisasi terhadap saya.
kesejahteraan Kesejahteraan yang saya harapkan, diperhatikan
oleh perusahaan tempat saya bekerja
3 Adanya perhatian yang 2 Perusahaan memperhatikan nilai-nilai serta
diberikan organisasi terhadap tujuan yang saya yakini
pandangan anggotanya Perusahaan peduli dengan apa yang menjadi
kepentingan saya ketika membuat keputusan
dalam pekerjaan
4 Adanya pertolongan yang 1 Perusahaan selalu ada apabila saya
diberikan organisasi ketika membutuhkan pertolongan
sedang dibutuhkan
Jumlah 6 Item
Instrument validation of perceived organizational support (pos) indonesian version: a rasch model analysis
Rasch models, such as the Rating Scale Model or the Rasch Dichotomy model, differ from other
latent trait theories in the fundamental statistical characteristics, which is called the separation of the
person and item parameters, giving it an edge in statistical data. This feature allows for specific
objectivity in comparing persons and items to obtain comprehensive statistical results (Wright &
Masters, 1982).
RSM is a development of the dichotomy model in Rasch, which can calculate polytomy data
(Andrich, 1978), where the dichotomy equation in Rasch follows this equation (de Ayala, 2009):
𝑒 (𝜃− 𝛿𝑗)
𝑃(𝑥𝑗 = 1|𝜃, 𝛿𝑗 ) =
1 − 𝑒 (𝜃− 𝛿𝑗)
𝑃(𝑥𝑗 = 1|𝜃, 𝛿𝑗 ) is the probability of correctly answering item j (value 1), 𝜃 is the respondent's
ability, 𝛿𝑗 is the level of difficulty of item j. The difficulty of the items and the respondent's ability are
expressed on a logit scale (Hayat, 2022). The ordinal data in this study were obtained from the person's
response to the items that were expected to be transformed into an interval scale. RSM generally
follows the equation:
𝑃𝑛𝑖𝑘 is the probability of the nth person completing the observed item i in k category. Meanwhile,
𝑃𝑛𝑖 (𝑘−1) is the n-th person's chance to choose a (k-1) category. 𝐵𝑛 the ability level of the n-th person,
𝐷𝑖 the difficulty level of the i-th item (the respondent's difficulty in agreeing with the statement of an
item), and 𝐹𝑘 the probability of k category being selected depends on k-1 category. 𝐷𝑖 level of item
difficulty and 𝐵𝑛 level of ability of people (in this case the level of POS) are expressed in the log odd
ratio or logit scale (Linacre, 2012).
The response category threshold (τ) is included in the item estimation when applying the Rasch
polytomy model. A threshold is a person's transition point from one category to another adjacent
category on a Likert scale. The number of thresholds is k -1 (Putra & Retnawati, 2020). For example,
there are four starting categories, meaning the threshold is between category 1 (strongly disagree)
and category 2 (disagree).
Data Analysis
This study analyzed data using the Rating Scale Rasch Measurement Model (RSM) with Winteps
software version 3.65 to evaluate the Perceived organizational support (POS) scale. Then, the
estimator for the parameters uses the Joint maximum likelihood estimation (JMLE). Furthermore, this
study determined the reported psychometric properties, namely, 1) unidimensionality which refers to
the principal component analysis of a standardized residual (PCAR) to ensure that the scale meets the
requirements as a model (Linacre, 1998). The criteria for testing unidimensionality are by looking at
the raw variance explained by measures > 40% (Fisher, 2007) and the unexplained variance value
explained by first contrast > 3.0 units (Linacre, 2012). 2) local independence is defined as the
difference in a person's response to items that are statistically independent of each other (Wright,
1996). By using the Q_3 test (Yen, 1984), the assumption of local independence is fulfilled when there
are no correlated residuals between items > 0.30 (Saggino et al., 2020). 3) item fit regarding MNSQ,
namely the mean of the squared residuals for items, namely infit (without weighting) and outfit (with
weighting) (Bond et al., 2020). In addition, MNSQ does not depend on the sample or sample
dependence where the ideal score is 1.0 or the value is 0.5 – 1.5 (Andrich & Marais, 2019; Bond et al.,
2020). 4) test reliability for people and items. 5) Wright map to compare the mean points of items and
people. 6) Reliability. 7) Rating Scale diagnostics to see the functioning of the categories for each item.
A principal component analysis of Rasch residuals (PCAR shows that the POS instrument
that measures the organizational support construct has a 49.9% > (40%) or 5.9 variances that
POS can explain in units of eigenvalues. Furthermore, in the first contrast, the unexplained
variance is at 2.5 < (3.0) units in eigenvalue units. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
assumption of POS unidimensionality is met.
Local Independence
The second assumption tested is Local Independence, where the respondent's answer from
the results of his ability on an item does not depend on other items (Mair, 2018), using a
statistical index Q_3 not more than <0.30. From the test results, item 1, which reads "The
company appreciates my work," and item 2, "The company cares about my welfare," correlates
the residuals of 0.42. It can be interpreted that the reward for employees' work is closely
related to the reward, namely the welfare provided by the company. As well as item 5, which
reads "The company cares about what is in my interest when making decisions at work" and
item 6 which reads "The company is always there when I need help" of 0.38, which means that
when there is a decision making at work, the company or the organization does not leave its
employees who provide solutions or help if there are obstacles in making these decisions. As a
result, decision-making is closely related to helping the company.
Item Fit
The results of statistical fit items are shown through the MNSQ, namely, seeing the fit and
outfit of the items in the range of 0.5 -1.5. Of the six items indicated to measure organizational
support through the POS instrument, all items are not outside the desired range as a good item.
Table 2
Instrument validation of perceived organizational support (pos) indonesian version: a rasch model analysis
In table 2, item 5, with a measure of -0.71, which reads, "The company cares about what is
in my interest when making decisions at work," is the most accessible item to approve. Item 2,
with a measure of 0.44, which reads "The company cares about my welfare," is an item that is
difficult to approve. This exciting finding indicates that respondents find it difficult to agree
when talking about the welfare provided by the company. On the other hand, respondents
agree that decisions are taken by respondents in work always have the company's support,
which is possible for the company's progress. In addition, the range of point size correlation
(PT-Measure) for the POS instrument ranges from 0.66 to 0.84, indicating that all items have
moved in one direction and are aligned with the overall measure (Bond et al., 2020). This result
is consistent with the finding of unidimensional POS in this study, seeing all items have a
positive PT-Measure.
Wright Map
In addition to calibration and item estimation, the Rasch model also provides an overview
of comparing items and persons on a scale called the Wright Map. The picture shows the
relationship between one's ability and the item's difficulty (Hayat, 2022).
Figure 1 shows that the average difficulty of the items always has a mean of 0 and has an
arbitrary origin function on the logit scale. As shown in Figure 1, the average person's ability (in
this case, the level of approval) is generally slightly above the average difficulty level of the
POS item, namely, 1.02. This value implies that the item is accessible for the person to get a
high score, in the sense that the person is easy give a statement agreeing on the POS items. In
addition, the closeness of the mean between items and person is also recommended to
determine that the item is not too difficult and not too easy (Boone, 2016).In addition to
calibration and item estimation, the Rasch model also provides an overview of comparing items
and persons on a scale called the Wright Map. Finally, the picture shows the relationship
between one's ability and the item's difficulty (Hayat, 2022).
Figure 1
The Rasch model displays different reliability from the Classical Test Theory (Cronbach's Alpha).
The concept of reliability in the Rasch model estimated between people and items is called Person
separation reliability (PSR), which shows how well an instrument can distinguish between people in
the measured variable (Wright & Masters, 1982). On the other hand, in parallel, item separation
Instrument validation of perceived organizational support (pos) indonesian version: a rasch model analysis
reliability shows a good indication of items separated by people taking the test. For example, the
reliability value limit is > 0.80 (Bond et al., 2020), and for POS, the PSR is 0.80, and the item separation
reliability is 0.91. Not only that, but this study also reports a reliability index with Cronbach's alpha as
an additional assessment, which is 0.86. The score exceeded expectations, namely > 0.70 (Jum C.
Nunnally, 1978), which indicates the Indonesian version of POS has excellent internal consistency.
In table 3, it can be seen that the percentage of observed counts moves from 3% to strongly
disagree, 22% agree, 63% agree, and 12% strongly agree out of 6 POS items. These results are
following the steps in the structure measure ranging from strongly disagree to disagree at -3.31,
continued to agree -0.83 to strongly agree at 4.14. The distributed steps are generated according to
the step regularity criteria or there is no threshold disordering. Then, MNSQ infit and outfit size is no
more than 2 (Linacre, 2007). These results can be concluded that the response on the POS instrument
is functioning well.
Figure 2 represents table 3 with its probability curve. Disagree (2) has no higher peak than agree
(3) and continues to strongly agree (4), although strongly disagree has a less broad edge than the other
curves. The curve depiction shows that all of the responses are indicated to function correctly or that
all respondents do not choose only one or two responses.
Figure 2
This study contributes to being the first to evaluate the psychometric properties of perceived
organizational support (POS) items using the Rasch Model Analysis. This study also provides an update
for the method and scale analysis when we compare it with other procedures. The POS scale has been
shown to have good psychometric characteristics. The assumptions of unidimensionality and local
independence of the Rasch model have been met, following the original structural factors of the POS
scale (Eisenberger et al., 1986). Then for local dependence, two pairs of items (item 1 and item 2, item
5 and item 6) have the same meaning. The item is maintained because it follows the assumption that
it is per the translation according to Indonesia's prevailing culture and context. For construct validity,
this POS scale uses an excellent statistical fit. For the reliability of the POS scale already has a good
reliability with several 0.86. then for the response category, this scale has responded to the numbers
on the scale. The study to see the validity and reliability of the POS scale using the Rasch Model is a
new study that has the first feasibility of psychometric testing in Indonesia. Then for further research,
First, the researcher suggests doing a test using other response theory items to see an increase in the
Instrument validation of perceived organizational support (pos) indonesian version: a rasch model analysis
accuracy and reliability of the POS scale. Second, the researcher suggests researching with other
samples, such as members of non-profit organizations such as NGOs or organizations outside the
industry such as student organizations or proffesion associations.
The use of the Rasch Model on the Perceived Organizational Support instrument already looks
quite good in its measurement. The theory proposed by Eisenberg (1986) has empirical support by
using factor analysis in instrument validation. The use of Rasch analysis can be one of the
breakthroughs for viewing the instrument in the context of per item analysis. The findings state that
the rating scale category on the POS scale has run quite well and shows the correct item fit in the Rasch
analysis. However, with the information obtained, it can be concluded that the POS scale is quite
feasible to measure Perceived Organizational Support and provides novelty in measuring POS in other
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