Practicing Spirituality in Private Sector Banks
Practicing Spirituality in Private Sector Banks
Practicing Spirituality in Private Sector Banks
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Abstract : This research study has been conducted to understand the process through which an individual is able to understand
the meaning of their work and to gain insights dimensions of workplace spirituality in the banking industry. The scarcity in
available literature gave a direction to cover the gap in understanding about the topic by gathering responses of two leading
private sector bank employees. A Mann Whitney-U Test on the gathered data was applied to judge if there is difference in
adopting this practice in both the organizations. The results of the statistical test showed that workplace spirituality is being
practiced similarly in both the banks. It has also, been noted that the behavior of employees is highly impacted with the practicing
spirituality. The key contribution of this practice is a loyal and satisfied workforce who works with aim of growing while
contributing to overall organizational success.
Key Words – Workplace Spirituality, Meaningful Work, Organizational Success, Satisfied Workforce, Banking.
Organizations in the era of globalization strive to bring in the most creative management practices that can serve as a factor of
competitive advantage for them. It has become critical for the managerial employees to bring out the best from the resources that
are available for them. Formulation of welfare activities to keep the employees involved with the work so that there is a feeling of
satisfaction has become the main task for every operational unit. The measures that are developed especially for the employees
serve as an important contributor in their satisfaction level. A satisfied workforce is the demand of all the organizations. A
creative approach that is introduced for the management of employees in the organization is linking the spirits of individuals with
the work being performed at the workplace. A belief that of growing along with making contributions in growth of others and
society leads to the practice of workplace spirituality.
Practice of workplace spirituality in the management dates back to 1990s. It is a meaningful way of living the professional life for
an individual. It is defined as the experiences that individual have from the work that impacts their behavior and performance in
the organization. The concern an employee has for other employees working in the company, or the feeling of self motivation to
perform a crucial task is the spiritual factors of the individuals. It is necessary at the employees’ end to be faithful and committed
to the work. An ethical approach in conducting any task would lead to generation of profits for the firm, thus contributing in the
success of individuals working within.
There are different dimensions that associate to the practice of workplace spirituality. The dimensions that are mostly used in the
business practice are meaningful work, sense of community, alignment of work values and employee engagement. The dimension
of meaningful work helps the employees in understanding the impact that their work is making at the workplace. It provides a
meaning to the work for individual irrespective of the level at which they are performing their jobs. The factors in sense of
community help the employees in being adaptable to the work situations and connect to the work colleagues. It generates a feeling
of empathy in people so that people can understand the pains of the other individuals working with them and become concerned
and helpful for them. Another dimension leading to workplace spirituality is alignment of work values that means with the
practice of spirituality at the workplace, the employees start to align their personal values with that of the organization that helps
them in striving for the organizational growth and success instead of focusing only on self. Employees, with the help of this
dimension understand that the growth of the organization would reap profits that would ultimately lead to their personal growth
and attainment of their personal missions of life. Lastly, the variables under employee engagement also serve as a part of
practicing workplace spirituality. It is believed that if the people working for the organization are valued, they will also value the
organization. It is a two way relation wherein the management policies should favor the enhancement of employees’ skills that
would lead to better contribution from employees in attainment of goals developed at the workplace. A conclusive view of
practice of spirituality is made that it leads to a positive work environment. There are various benefits that an organization can
reap with the help of workplace spirituality. It majorly contributes in the success of the organization by providing employees a
quality of work life that leads to effective attainment of organizational goals and tasks.
context of spirituality in Indian organization and the level to which the practice is being adopted in the organizations around the
country. It was noted by the authors that the practice of workplace spirituality keeps the employees engaged with the
organizational tasks and the chances of job satisfaction in such organization rises manifolds. The rate of absenteeism of
employees and employees’ turnover rate is reduced by introduction of spiritual practices in management models. Through the
research the theoretical gap about the topic is covered. A future implication in suggested through this study that the organizations
should opt for the multifarious models that considers the organization and individual variables and can yield effective profits. An
organizational policy that combines management practice with workplace spirituality keeping in view the values of organization
and its employees gains higher chances of success and can survive any competitions in the market.
In the views of Mukherjee et al. (2016) the most remarkable practice for dealing with organizational issues along with effective
management of human resources is to develop policies keeping in view the spiritual dimensions of the work. A paradigm shift in
the business economy has given a rise to severe competition wherein the employees in the organization do not only need the
material benefits but also strive to gain the inner happiness by understanding what meaning are they providing by working for a
company. The corporate citizens have become conscious and are now adopting an ethical route for attainment of pre-defined
organizational goals. This choice of ethics and an organizational citizenship behavior among the employees has been induced
because of use of spiritual values in the work environment that makes a direct impact in the overall enhancement of productivity
of the firm. The authors have also argued that practice of workplace spirituality is individual responsibility and the advancement
of organization is possible only if all individuals collectively accept this practice and develop it in the organization.
Beheshtifar and Zare (2013) through their research study have noted that the term workplace spirituality has different meaning for
different people. The perspective of various management practitioners and researchers varies while explaining spirituality in
relation to a workplace. Through the study the authors want to quote that a spiritual soul always strives to find the meaning from
the conduct of work in the corporate. It is an effort to connect to the community which is directly or indirectly being impacted by
the contribution of the individual. Spirituality shows a path that can align the personal values with the organizational success so
that a complete growth of organization and individual can be made possible. The research study helped in understanding that the
practice of workplace spirituality improves the organizational performance. It is also an important factor that contributes in
providing quality work life to the employees of the organization. The authors have reported an integration of spirituality and
employees performance that enhances the growth of employees by providing them a feeling of connection with the organizational
aims and goals.
Bodla and Ali (2012) through their research suggest that the research studies on practice of workplace spirituality are generally
conducted in the developed nation. The authors have tried to cover the gap by researching the behavior of banking executives
working in Pakistan. It was noted by them that there exists a positive link between spiritual leadership and career enhancement
practice of the employees. According to the authors, a spiritual organization can be a major contributor in the wellness of
employees and the growth of community as a whole. If the leaders of the organization practice the dimensions related to
spirituality, there are high chances that the workforce of the organization will be adaptable to every critical situation. A leader can
formulate a supportive feeling in the workforce that helps in the situation of crisis. The core focus of study was on qualitative
factors of spirituality and the result showed a high level of relation between spirituality and satisfaction in the workforce.
The direction of this research is based on the below given objectives:-
1. To conceptually understand about the dimensions that lead to a practice of spirituality in the workplace.
2. To compare the level to which the employees adopt workplace spirituality through its factors in different private sector banks.
The second objective of the study gives rise to the following hypothesis in the research:-
H0: There is no significant difference in the level of workplace spirituality of employees of different private sector banks based on
various spiritual dimensions.
4.1Population and Sample
The current study has been selected to understand the practice of workplace spirituality in the banking sector. Therefore the
universe to the study is all the banks that are running under this industry. Out of the huge number of operative banks in both the
public and private sector of banking industry, two leading banks have been chosen for the study based on the employee turnover
rate of each of the. The population of study is the employees working in these banks operational in Jaipur. An equal number of
responses were gathered in the study for a better comparison and result. The sampling technique of the study is convenience
because of the time and mobility as a constraint. There was a random selection of the respondents from the population. The
demographic profile as well as the organizational position of the person was not given any preference while collection of data was
4.2 Sources of Data Collection
The data that has been used for the conduct of this research study has been taken from a reliable source. The primary source of
data for the study is a structured questionnaire that helped in understanding the mindset of banking employees about the
dimensions of workplace spirituality. A total of 140 questionnaires equal in number were received and served as a good fit for the
research findings to report. The collection of secondary data was made possible by use of referred journals, books that relate to
the subject and the thesis that reported critical findings about the same.
4.3 Theoretical framework
The construct of the study has been made with the help of various variables that are both dependent and independent in nature.
The independent variable in the study is the choice of organization that has been made. It is a comparison that is being assessed
on the knowledge and practice of dimensions of workplace spirituality that is adopted at both the companies. The dependent
variable in the study is dimensions of workplace spirituality.
There are various dimensions that collectively formulate the spiritual practice in the organization and makes the work
environment conducive.
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A pre defined scale that was developed by Ashmos and Duchon (2000) has been taken as a research instrument tool so as to frame
the questionnaire and understand both the variables in depth. The dimensions framed out through this scale were meaningful
work, sense of community and alignment of work values. All the three dimensions further include various factors that were
examined separately.
4.4Research Instruments
The most important contribution in the conduct of the research was through the questionnaire that was designed on the scale
depicted by Ashmos and Duchon (2000). The ranking in the scale started from always that had the highest value and ended at
never. The views of the respondents were recorded and analyzed that gave descriptive details about the each of the factor in the
dimensions of workplace spirituality. The available literature helped in understanding the conceptual background about the
theories that link to the practice and further supported in framing the factors under each dimension. The recording, descriptive
analysis and the empirical tests of the study were conducted with the help of SPSS v16 software. The descriptive statistics showed
the percentage of response that is preferred by each of the respondent. The empirical tests in the study were also applied with the
use of statistical tool. The goodness of fit of the measures was judged on the basis of the reliability analysis that was conducted
separately on each of the dimension considered for research. The hypothesis of the study was tested with the help of Mann
Whitney-U Test applied on all the variables through SPSS software.
The above given table is a descriptive statistic in percentage about the responses on each of the factor under various dimensional
head of workplace spirituality. It is clear from the table that maximum responses favor the practice of spirituality at the
workplace. It is noted that the respondents mostly engage in the work practices that helps them in finding a purpose in the work. It
was the response from a huge number of employees of both the banks that there is a feeling of connect that they get from the team
that they are working with. The individuals of a spiritual workplace are also able to align their personal values to that of the
organization in most of cases as reported through the data that has been collected in the study.
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The test of reliability helps in understanding about the level to which the data that is gathered can be a good fit for the study.
Cronbach Alpha test was applied for measuring reliability of each measure of workplace spirituality separately. It can be noted
from the above given table that the responses generated through the questionnaire were highly reliable for generating further
results about the study.
Mann Whitney U Test
Table 5.3: Comparisons of workplace spirituality among different organization
Variable Organization N Mean Rank Sig Value
ICICI 70 74.94
MW1 .163
HDFC 70 66.06
ICICI 70 75.36
MW2 .108
HDFC 70 65.64
ICICI 70 78.64
MW3 .012
HDFC 70 62.36
ICICI 70 70.37
MW4 .967.
HDFC 70 70.63
ICICI 70 76.38
MW5 .069
HDFC 70 64.62
ICICI 70 74.27
MW6 .229
HDFC 70 66.73
ICICI 70 70.14
SOC1 .908
HDFC 70 70.86
ICICI 70 74.76
SOC2 .162
HDFC 70 66.24
ICICI 70 78.19
SOC3 .016
HDFC 70 62.81
ICICI 70 75.00
SOC4 .147
HDFC 70 66.00
ICICI 70 71.80
SOC5 .681
HDFC 70 69.20
ICICI 70 70.87
SOC6 .908
HDFC 70 70.13
ICICI 70 70.94
SOC7 .888
HDFC 70 70.06
ICICI 70 71.21
SOC8 .823
HDFC 70 69.79
SOC9 ICICI 70 66.64 .228
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HDFC 70 74.36
ICICI 70 72.03
AWV1 .590
HDFC 70 68.97
ICICI 70 71.21
AWV2 .829
HDFC 70 69.79
ICICI 70 72.15
AWV3 .596
HDFC 70 68.85
ICICI 70 70.66
AWV4 .959
HDFC 70 70.34
ICICI 70 67.77
AWV5 .379
HDFC 70 73.23
ICICI 70 68.92
AWV6 .617
HDFC 70 72.08
ICICI 70 70.38
AWV7 .969
HDFC 70 70.62
ICICI 70 73.00
AWV8 .445
HDFC 70 68.00
ICICI 70 73.54
EE1 .339
HDFC 70 67.46
ICICI 70 73.79
EE2 .288
HDFC 70 67.21
ICICI 70 69.04
EE3 .581
HDFC 70 71.96
ICICI 70 77.52
EE4 .026
HDFC 70 63.48
ICICI 70 78.78
EE5 .009
HDFC 70 62.22
Mann Whitney-U test was applied on the data in order to compare the level to which the dimensions of workplace spirituality are
used in formulation of management policies of the organization. The above given table shows that the mean rank of all the
dimensions and the factors within them is similar for both the organization. Furthermore, the p-value (Sig. value) for all the
factors apart from two factors of employee engagement and one from meaningful work is also much more than the significant
value of 95%. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted for most of the cases that there is no significant difference in the level of
workplace spirituality of employees of different private sector banks based on various spiritual dimensions.
An ever increasing corporate competition and versatility in the nature of individuals is making it difficult for the organizations to
retain the best employees. It is crucial for the management practitioners to formulate organizational policies that not only contribute
in the success and growth of the organizational goals but also contributes in the well being of the individuals. The employees that
gain a meaning out of the tasks that they are performing in the organization tend to remain loyal even in the most stressful
situations. The private sector banks in India are known for the nerve-racking work environment that exists within. Thus, practice of
workplace spirituality will help the such work culture to bring out strategies that enhance the individual growth so as to make the
employee satisfied with the work environment. The practice of workplace spirituality comes as a solution to the problem of sense
of disconnection and anxiety that prevails in the companies where the nature of work demands complete attention and focus from
the employees. Various dimensions of spirituality link to the organization and individual well being. This practice helps in bridging
the gap between the values with which organization is running and the values with which an individual works within. Irrespective
of the type of organization, the perception of people regarding the factors of spirituality remain the same. The key aim of the
research conducted over two leading private sector banks was to understand the difference in level to which the spiritual
dimensions are being adopted in the work practices. It has been noted that the level of workplace spirituality is same in both the
organization. It is also noted that these dimensions significantly impact the welfare of the employees. Thus, inducing spirituality
among the employees of the organization will have a positive impact over the workforce, the workplace and the community in
which the organization is operating.
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© 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)
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