Class XII PHY - ED
Class XII PHY - ED
Class XII PHY - ED
SESSION: 2023-24
SL. MONTH No. of Name of the Chapters/ Units/ Topics/ Practical work, project work Suggested Suggested
NO working days Subtopics to be assigned (suggestive) tests and methodology or
and periods assessme pedagogy like
in the month nt PBL/AIL/CCT/
Experntial learning
1 APRIL+ (21+1+8) = 1. Management of Sporting Events Assign the students to Slip Test Lecture-based
MAY+JUNE 30 days prepare fixtures of /Class Test instruction:
2023 30 periods Functions of Sports Events Knock-out, League, and Technology-based
Management (Planning, Organizing, Combination learning
Unit-1 Staffing, Directing, and Controlling). tournaments with various Group learning
(18 periods) Various Committees & their number of teams. Inquiry-based
Responsibilities (Pre, During & Post learning
Unit-2 tournament work). Follow the fixtures of Game-based
(12 Periods) Fixtures and their Procedures – World Cup Football, IPL learning
Knock-out (Bye & Seeding), League Cricket, Pro-Kabaddi Illustrate basic
(Staircase & Cyclic method), and League, etc. principles and
Combination tournaments. understanding the
Intramural & Extramural tournaments Organize Intramural subject as well as
– Meaning, Objectives & Its competitions in various real-life situations.
Significance. games among the
Community Sports – Purpose and Houses/ Classes.
2 2. Children & Women in Sports Make a survey of 10 Slip Test/ Lecture-based
persons of your Class instruction:
Exercise Guidelines of WHO for neighborhood, what Tests Technology-based
different age groups exercises they are doing learning
Common Postural Deformities – regularly. Collaborative
Knock Knee, Bow Legs, Flat Foot, Exercises to be practiced learning
Round Shoulders, Lordosis, Kyphosis as remedial measure to Inquiry-based
and Scoliosis and their corrective correct the postural learning
measures deformities.
Women’s participation in Sports – Make a list of female Expeditionary
Physical, Psychological, and Social athletes of India who learning
Benefits have brought laurels for Reflective
Special Consideration (Menarche & the nation in the learning:
Menstrual Dysfunction) Olympics, Asian Games, Understand the
Female Athletes Triad (Osteoporosis, and Commonwealth exercise guidelines
Amenorrhea, Eating Disorder) Games. of WHO for different
age groups
3 JULY-2023 23 days 3. Yoga as Preventive Measure for International Day of Slip Test Lecture-based
23 periods Lifestyle Disease Yoga is to be celebrated /Class instruction:
on 21st June. Students Test/ Technology-based
Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & are to instructed to Monthly learning
Unit-3 Contraindications for Tadasana, practice the Yogasans test Group learning
(12 periods) Katichakrasana, Pawanmuktasana, and know the benefits. Inquiry-based
Matsyasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, learning
Unit-4 Ustrasana etc. Assign the students in Reflective learning
(11 periods) Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & groups to perform the Expeditionary
Contraindications for Bhujangasana, specific asanas which learning
Katichakrasana, Pawanmuktasana, prevent lifestyle Art Integration:
Supta-Vajrasana, Dhanurasana, diseases. Drawing of sketch
Mandukasana, Shalabhasana etc. diagram of the
Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Students should perform Asanas for the
Contraindications for Tadasana, some Yogasans with lifestyle diseases.
Urdhwahastanasana, Bhujangasana, music.
Pawanmuktasana, Matsyasana,
Dhanurasana, Ustrasana etc. Students will perform
Hypertension: Procedure, Benefits & Suryanamaskar with
Contraindications for Tadasana, Mantra by watching
Katichakrasana, Uttanpadasana, video through projecter.
Sarala Matsyasana, Ardha Halasana,
Bhujangasana, Gomukhasana,
Vakrasana, Makarasana etc.
Back Pain: Procedure, Benefits &
Contraindications for Tadasana,
Urdhwahastanasana, Sarala
Matsyasana, Ustrasana, Ardha
Chakrasana, Bhujangasana,
Gomukhasana, Vakrasana,
Bhadrasana, Makarasana etc.
4 4. Physical Education & Sports for Demonstrate how to deal Slip Test Lecture-based
Children with Special Needs. with the Children with /Class instruction:
Special Needs while Test/ Technology-based
Organizations promoting Disability imparting sports and Monthly learning
Sports (Special Olympics, physical activities them. test Collaborative
Paralympics, Deaflympics) learning
Concept of Classification and Identify and make a list Inquiry-based
Divisioning in Sports. of Children with Special learning
Concept of Inclusion in sports, its Needs, what type of Expeditionary
need, and implementation. disabilities they are learning
Advantages of Physical Activities for suffering with and what Value the
Children with Special Needs. type of activities can be advantages of
Strategies to make Physical Activities imparted to them. Physical Activities
for CWSN.
accessible for Children with Special
5 AUGUST- 25 days 5. Sports & Nutrition Prepare a diet chart for a Slip Test Lecture-based
2023 25 periods football player during his /Class instruction:
Concept of balanced diet and nutrition preparatory training Test/ Technology-based
Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food period. Monthly learning
Unit-5 sources & functions Make a list of deficiency test Group learning
(13 periods) Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components of diseases caused by lack Inquiry-based
Diet of Vitamins and learning
Eating for Weight control – A Healthy Minerals. Expeditionary
Unit-6 Weight, The Pitfalls of Dieting, Food Draw a Flow-chart of learning
(12 periods) Intolerance, and Food Myths Nutrients. Identify the ways to
Importance of Diet in Sports and Pre,
maintain a healthy
During and Post requirement
6 6. Test & Measurement in Sports As per the definition of Lecture-based
Test, Measurement, and instruction:
Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Evaluation find out and Technology-based
Test in school: list the examples while learning
• Age group 5-8 years/ class 1-3: BMI, conducting any event in Group learning
Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping school. Individual learning
Test Reflective learning
• Age group 9-18yrs/ class 4-12: BMI, Calculate BMI of 10 of Inquiry-based
50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit & your friends by taking the learning
Reach flexibility test, Strength Test measurement of height Expeditionary
(Partial Abdominal Curl Up, Push-Ups for and weight. learning
boys, Modified Push-Ups for girls).
Measurement of Cardio-Vascular Take all the test of any
Fitness – Harvard Step Test – five elderly persons of
Duration of the Exercise in Seconds your neighborhood under
x100/5.5 X Pulse count of 1-1.5 Min Rikli & Jones – Senior
after Exercise. Citizen Fitness Test and
Computing Basal Metabolic Rate compute the score
Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness
• Chair Stand Test for lower body strength
• Arm Curl Test for upper body
• Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower
body flexibility
• Back Scratch Test for upper body
• Eight Foot Up & Go Test for
• Six-Minute Walk Test for Aerobic
Johnsen – Methney Test of Motor
Educability (Front Roll, Roll, Jumping
Half-Turn, Jumping full-turn
7 SEPT- 2023 22 days 7. Physiology & Injuries in Sports Explain the properties of Slip Test Lecture-based
22 periods muscle is important to /Class instruction:
Physiological factors determining determine to choose the Test/ Technology-based
Unit-7 components of physical fitness sports/games. Monthly learning
(11 periods) Effect of exercise on the Muscular test Collaborative
System Measure and list the learning
Effect of exercise on the Cardio- heart rate of 10 persons Individual learning
Unit-8 Respiratory System of your neighborhood of Inquiry-based
(11 periods) Physiological changes due to aging different age group and learning
Sports injuries: Classification find the difference. Find Expeditionary
• Soft Tissue Injuries -Abrasion, out the cause why is it learning
Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & so.
• Bone & Joint Injuries - Dislocation,
Fractures - Green Stick, Comminuted,
Transverse Oblique & Impacted