December 11th Phys
December 11th Phys
December 11th Phys
ED 3501
Fall 2023
Learner Students demonstrate and adapt various movement patterns to enhance skill
(or Students adapt and apply movement patterns in controlled and dynamic physical
equivalent) activities.
Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
Combine movement skills to perform movement patterns in a variety of physical
Learner activities.
Outcome(s) First Nations, Métis, and Inuit physical activities and games provide opportunities to
(or develop and enhance skill through engagement in unique and diverse movement
equivalent) patterns.
Learning Objective Driving Question(s) Response(s)
Students will understand that First "Playing cool games and doing awesome
Nations, Métis, and Inuit physical "How do the physical activities and activities from First Nations, Métis, and
activities and games provide games of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultures helps us get better at
opportunities to develop and Inuit cultures help us develop and moving in fun ways! It's like a big
enhance skill through engagement in improve our skills by involving us in adventure that makes our bodies
unique and diverse movement different and interesting movement stronger and helps us learn new skills.”
patterns. patterns?"
“Oh, you can mix and match movement
"How can you use different movement skills like jumping, running, and even
Students will combine movement
skills together to create fun and spinning to create super cool patterns!
skills to perform movement patterns
exciting movement patterns in various Like, imagine running in a zigzag, then
in a variety of physical activities.
activities?" doing a big jump, and finally spinning
Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
Have the traditional games website pulled up
Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
- Prompt: think about whether you'd get this opportunity if I hadn’t
does this? Think about what you got out of this?
- Intended response: We got a chance to use certain skills in a
different way than what we normally use them for
Transition: “Now this way, when we do talk about the Inuit in social, you already know
1-2 mins
the types of games the Inuit play”
What worked
well? Why?
● Identify highlights, successes, and positive developments experienced during the lesson
● Examine contributing factors/environmental conditions
● Identify low points, challenges, and struggles experienced during the lesson
What didn’t?
Why not?
● Examine contributing factors/environmental conditions
What would
you do
● What did you learn about teaching and learning during this lesson that can help you be even
next time to more effective with your students during subsequent lessons?
further ● Specific to your instructional practice, what would you do more of? Why?
promote ● Specific to your instructional practice, what would you do less of? Why?
learning for all ●