Shikshak Parv 2021 Circular
Shikshak Parv 2021 Circular
Shikshak Parv 2021 Circular
All the Heads of schools
Affiliated to CBSE
In recognition of valuable contributions of our teachers and to take New Education Policy
(NEP) 2020 a step forward, like the previous year this year too, the Department of School
Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, has decided to celebrate Shikshak
Parv-2021commencing from 7thSeptember, 2021 till 17” September 2021 through virtual
mode.The theme for this year’s Shikshak Parv has been decided as ‘Quality and
Sustainable Schools: Learnings from the Schools.
The inaugural conclave will be held on 7th September, 2021 at 11 a.m. where in
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India will address the stakeholders associated with
education. It will be followed by webinars, discussions, presentations etc. upto 17th
September, 2021 in which the educational practitioners from various schools of the country
have been invited to share their experience, learnings and the roadmap ahead.
The links for participating / watching the events are as follows:
You Tube link for the address of Hon’ble Prime
All are requested to watch the events and encourage the teachers and staff of your school to
participate the events.
Copy to:-
1. All the Heads of Departments, CBSE
2. All the Regional Directors/Regional Officers/Heads of CoEs – with request to watch
the events and encourage the teachers and staff of the schools under your
3. The Head (M&PR), CBSE