Improved Coupled Ion-Flow Field Calculation Method For AC/DC Hybrid Overhead Power Lines
Improved Coupled Ion-Flow Field Calculation Method For AC/DC Hybrid Overhead Power Lines
Improved Coupled Ion-Flow Field Calculation Method For AC/DC Hybrid Overhead Power Lines
Abstract—The conversion of multicircuit ac transmission lines performance of this technology is still a relevant problem. The
to hybrid ac/dc lines is a promising way of substantially increasing impact of ions produced by corona discharges on the electric
transmission capacities in areas where it is difficult to obtain field cannot be neglected and, thus, the fully coupled ion-flow
new rights of way. Critical questions related to such a conversion
include the impact on the electric fields and ion currents at the problem needs to be solved.
ground level, as well as the dc current coupling into the ac phases. The electric field and the ion current at the ground are impor-
In this paper, a new procedure based on the method of character- tant environmental criteria and will likely be subject to regula-
istics is proposed for solving the fully coupled ion-flow problem. tions. It is well established that the electric field is increased by
The method does not make the Deutsch assumption and is fast space charges [2]. The current coupling created by the ion flow
and stable even for high assumed wind speeds. A hybrid tower
is simulated with different voltages and wind speeds. The results
is also important. An ac ion current can be induced in the dc
show the influence of the onset gradient, the dc line voltage, and poles by the ac electric-field component at the poles and by ions
the wind speed on the current coupling as well as the electric field drifting from the ac wires. But this current is usually smaller
and ion current density at the ground level. It is shown that the than the displacement current computed from the capacitance
new proposed method can serve as the tool for dimensioning real matrix, and the converter station can tolerate small ac compo-
hybrid towers.
nents. A dc current offset produced by the ions in the ac phases
Index Terms—Corona, electric fields, finite-element methods is much more critical because it could drive transformers into
(FEMs), HVDC transmission lines, hybrid ac/dC transmission saturation. The dc offset can be induced by the dc-field compo-
lines, ion current, method of characteristics, wind.
nent at the ac conductors or by the ions drifting from the poles.
It has also been shown that ac conductors placed below dc con-
NOMENCLATURE ductors can act as a shield and reduce the ground-level electric
field at the cost of increased dc current components in the ac
BC Boundary conditions. phases [3], [4]. Since certain experimental studies suggest that
BVP Boundary value problem. the corona onset gradient for rain is smaller for dc conductors
[4], [5] and since the dc field offset at the ac conductors is very
CSM Charge simulation method. small, the drift of the ions is the dominating cause of the dc cur-
DG-FEM Discontinuous Galerkin FEM. rent offset.
Many different configurations are possible with regard to the
FEM Finite-element method.
placement of the ac and dc conductors on a hybrid tower (e.g.,
FVM Finite volume method. dc at the top of the tower, ac and dc on either sides, etc.). Other
ODE Ordinary differential equation. important parameters are the voltages level, the wind speed, and
the assumed corona onset gradient (which is primarily a func-
PDE Partial differential equation. tion of the weather condition). Therefore, a very fast and stable
SUPG Streamline-upwind/Petrov–Galerkin. simulation method that is able to simulate hundreds of param-
eter permutations without the need for guessing suitable initial
I. INTRODUCTION values is required. It has been shown that assuming grounded
ac conductors is a good approximation for calculating the dc
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Methods based on the finite-element method (FEM) have • The diffusion is neglected, and the ion mobilities are ac-
also been used [2] for the stationary problem. Recently, the cepted to be constant. From the Einstein relation [20], the
transient solution for hybrid transmission lines has also been diffusion coefficient is small with respect to the mobility:
obtained with FEM [4], [15] and with FVM [16]–[18]. The 0.0253 V (at 293 K). The diffusion can be ne-
FEM requires a stabilization method for the flow problem (dis- glected if where is the applied voltage (1-D
continuous Galerkin (DG-FEM), SUPG, etc.). Furthermore, case). This condition is clearly respected for an overhead
slow ramp up of the voltage is necessary [4]. The computation line. Equations (2) and (3) then represent a pure transport
time and stability of the problem with an external velocity field problem.
(wind) are also very problematic [19].
In this paper, a new algorithm based on the method of charac- B. Boundary Conditions
teristics is presented for solving the stationary ion flow of hybrid
lines. The method can be compared to the flux tracing method The obtained system of equations is a third-order nonlinear
presented by Maruvada [9], but it does not make the Deutsch PDE. Poisson’s equation is elliptic, and the transport equation
assumption (fully coupled) and can handle the bipolar problem is hyperbolic and, thus, a careful choice of the boundary condi-
with wind. After the presentation of the ion-flow problem, the tions is necessary. For Poisson’s equations, the conductor volt-
numerical method is presented and compared to the fully cou- ages and the ground potential are fixed. An artificial bounding
pled DG-FEM and to the Deutsch method for a reduced-scale box is added for the solution with Neumann or Dirichlet con-
problem. Finally, the fields at the ground level and current cou- straints. This bounding box is mapped to infinity with a coordi-
pling are examined for a full-scale tower for different voltages, nate transformation.
onset gradients, and wind speeds. For the transport problem, the boundary condition can be
set for the electric field or for the charge density at the con-
ductor’s boundaries. Atten has shown [21] that setting the BC
II. BIPOLAR ION-FLOW FIELD on the electric field can lead to significant problems. The authors
also observed that totally unphysical solutions can be found that
A. Equations almost respect the BC on the electric field, meaning that the
The ion-flow problem can be expressed with partial differ- problem is numerically unstable. For these reasons, the con-
ential equations [4], [9]. The relation between the positive and dition of the charge density should be used for the drift PDE.
negative space-charge densities and and the electric po- Nonreflecting boundary conditions are required; otherwise, the
tential is determined by Poisson’s equation problem is overdetermined. For a domain , the following BCs
are set:
(1b) on (4)
The ion current depends on the mobility of the ions where is the normal vector (point outside the domain from the
in the electric field ( and boundary). The value is imposed as a BC. Since there are
), the external velocity field (for no discharges at the artificial bounding box (and at the ground),
example, wind) and on the space-charge density. The total the charge is always zero at the boundary .
velocity is abbreviated as However, it is very difficult to choose the charge density at
the conductor boundary so that the results are predictable. For
(2) this reason, the onset gradient is chosen with an initial guess
for the charge density. Afterwards, the charge density values
The total current is since the defined current is in return are determined iteratively so that a conductor surface
the flow current and not the electrical current. The charge con- gradient equivalent to the corona onset gradient is obtained (cf.
servation applies (with recombination between the positive and Section III-E). The overall boundary condition for the charge
negative ions) leading to the ion current continuity equations injection at the conductor is thus the onset gradient.
where is the chosen recombination coef-
A. Method Presentation
ficient and is the electron charge. Equations (1)–(3) specify the
fully coupled ion-flow problem under some common assump- The proposed method, called the iterative method of charac-
tions as follows. teristics (IMoC), follows the same philosophy as the flux tracing
• The discrete ions are replaced with space-charge densities. method presented by Maruvada [9], [12], [22]. The key advan-
• The ionization layer is neglected, only the drift region is tage of the proposed procedure is that the Deutsch assumption
considered. This can be done because the thickness of the is not necessary. The direction of the electric field is influenced
ionization layer is very small and depends heavily on the by the ions. An iterative method has been proposed in [23] by
local surface condition. Davis and Hoburg. This method combines FEM for solving the
B. Method of Characteristics
The electric field, velocity field, and the BC for the charge
density on the line are known, and the charge density along the
line needs to be solved. For solving the transport problem, the
flux lines are classified into three different categories as follows.
1) Unipolar lines without wind. Such a line starts at the
boundary of a conductor. The end of the lines can be at the
Fig. 1. Flow diagram for the iterative method of characteristics. ground plane or at the artificial bounding box. Since the
ions are drifting along the characteristics, only one polarity
is present on these lines: the polarity of the discharges that
Poisson equation and the method of characteristics for solving can occur at the conductor.
the flow problem but has several limitations: 2) Bipolar lines without wind. The lines start and end at two
• not adapted for setting the boundary conditions required conductors of different polarities. Therefore, positive ions
for the corona discharges; can be created by one conductor and negative ions by the
• restricted to the unipolar ion-flow field; for a bipolar line, other.
the method can only be used to compute the space-charge 3) Lines with wind. The case with wind should be treated
density at the ground level; the method is an approximation separately. This comes from the fact that the drift lines
since the discharges between the poles are neglected and are not the same for both polarities due to different ions’
the field lines are not exact; mobilities and drift directions [see (2)]. Even for a bipolar
• the current coupling cannot be extracted (unipolar flow region, the problem should be solved separately for the
field). positive and negative ions (with recombination). Then, all
The IMoC method can handle the fully coupled bipolar of the characteristics are solved for one polarity line even
ion-flow problem for overhead lines. In addition, an external if the region contains both polarities.
velocity field can be added for handling the impact of wind.
The only limitation of the IMoC implementation is the fact C. Case With Wind
that it only works for stationary problems. However, there are Here, the case of the lines with wind is presented (the other
no fundamental barriers for a transient implementation in the types of lines are special cases of this category). The divergence
future. of total velocity can be written as (from (2) and (3))
The basic idea of IMoC is to iterate between the Poisson and
the ion-flow equations. The simplified flow diagram is summa- (5)
rized in Fig. 1 as follows.
1) At the beginning, the positive and negative space-charge Splitting the divergence operator yields
densities are set to zero. Then, Laplace’s equation is solved
with FEM (or with any other method). (6)
2) A certain number of characteristic lines (drift lines or flux
lines) are extracted so that the complete domain is covered. If the wind is curl free, the divergence of the velocity field
This can be seen like a meshing with lines (the mesh is done can be written with (1)
in the direction of the transport).
3) The charge density at the boundaries of the conductors [see (7)
(4)] is chosen with respect to the chosen corona model.
Substituting (7) in (6) gives
4) The ion-flow problem is solved on the obtained charac-
teristic lines, leading to a solution of the charge distribu-
tion with respect to the considered electric field. But at this
point, the back coupling of the charge distribution on the
If the equation is solved along the flux lines, then the scalar
product with the velocity field can be replaced and the following
ODE is derived:
Fig. 2. Flow diagram for the method of characteristics for the case with wind.
After a coefficient matching the following parameters can be
obtained for the ion-flow problem
E. Choice of the Charge at the Conductor
The boundary condition from (4) is determined by the choice
of the corona discharge model. A commonly used model [9],
[17], [22] based on the onset gradient is employed. The
charge density can be computed from a first- or a second-order
The problem is that the negative charge density has an im-
method (secant) on
pact on the ODE for the positive charge density. Since corona
discharges can occur at both ends of a characteristic line, a
boundary value problem (BVP) needs to be solved. In [22], it
has been shown that such nonlinear BVPs are complex to solve
without very good initial values. Therefore, an iterative method (13b)
is proposed and illustrated with a flowchart in Fig. 2. The flow-
chart corresponds to the particular block that solves the method The method is applied between the iteration of the IMoC. The
of characteristics in Fig. 1. first-order method is very stable and is used for the first itera-
The idea is to solve the positive and negative ion flow sepa- tions and afterwards the secant method is used. Local averaging
rately and to iterate between the polarities. As the initial values, is used to tolerate small violations of the onset gradient as was
the charge concentrations of the previous iteration are taken (the done in [4]. This is done to avoid the ill-conditioned problem
values used for Poisson’s equation). The positive lines (along with the BC on the electric field and for avoiding an unphysical
) are solved with the corresponding ODE from the BC to the distribution of the charge at the boundary (discharges at only
other end of the lines. The same procedure is applied to the neg- one point around the conductor). The wires are taken as perfect
ative lines (along ). After that, the positive charge density is cylinders (not stranded) because the local surface condition is
known on the positive lines and the negative density along the not known and because the onset gradient is taken from mea-
lines of . The values are interpolated on the lines with the surements. The effect of the stranded conductors is thus incor-
other polarity, and the iteration is repeated until convergence. porated in the chosen onset value.
Fig. 3. Geometry of the used small-scale (a) and full-scale (b) configurations.
The radius of the conductors is 13.8 mm for both models.
Fig. 6. Corona current (losses) in the dc poles depending on the voltage level.
Fig. 5. Maximum electric field and ion current density at the ground for dif-
ferent voltages.
Fig. 9. Corona current coupling in the phases depending on the wind speed.
Fig. 8. Electric field and ion current density profiles at the ground for different
wind speeds (the dashed black curves are the curves without wind).
But this effect has no practical meaning since the fields are very
small in this region.
The maximum value of the electric field does not vary signif-
icantly with wind speed. It decreases slightly for nonzero wind.
With wind, the ions are pushed away from the axis of the pole.
Consequently, the field enhancement due to the ions is shifted
with respect to the maximum of the Laplace field, which is lo-
cated below the pole. The electric field is enhanced in the direc- Fig. 10. Positive ion current with 2 m/s. A logarithmic scale has
tion of the wind. The size of the corridor where the field is larger been used with a minimal value of 1 fA/m .
than 5 kV/m is without wind. With the consid-
ered wind, the size is . The asymmetry of the
corridor can be explained by the position of the poles at the right The current coupling in the ac phases is also strongly influ-
side of the tower and by the shielding effect of the phases at the enced by wind as shown in Fig. 9. The upper plot shows the
left side. coupling in the phases for different wind speeds. The current
The ion current at the ground level is strongly influenced by coupling is increased by 170% in the phase T. Near the max-
the wind. The ions are pushed in the direction of the wind. Do- imum speed of 4 m/s, the beginning of current saturation can
mains exist at the ground level where the current is zero. This be seen. For wind in the positive direction, the coupling is re-
phenomenon can only occur with wind; otherwise, a field line duced to zero.
starting at the ground level should end at a wire. In comparison A component has been added to the wind speed, and the
to the electric field, the displacement of the maximum is larger coupling in the phase S has been examined (second plot in
for the ion current density and the value of the maximum is also Fig. 9). Such wind is possible locally between the conductors
increased by the wind. This can be seen in (9) where increased and can totally change the dc offset. At the conductor surface,
velocity (due to the increased electric field and to the wind it- the drift due to the electric field is dominating compared to the
self) implies a larger space-charge density and, thus, a greater wind. For example, an electric field pointing in the exterior
ion current. The peak of the current is slightly larger for wind direction implies that only negative ions can reach this phase
in the positive direction because the phases do not shield the independently of the wind speed. The coupling is reduced with
ground. Another important effect of the wind is that the width positive wind speed because the ions from the positive pole
of the corridor where high ion currents occur is dramatically in- are attracted by the ground and the ions from the negative
creased. pole are pushed away from phase S. With a negative , the
If a negative component is added to the wind, the electric coupling is increased because the negative ions are drifting in
field and the current at the ground level are significantly higher. the direction of phase S. It can be concluded that the coupling
This acts as an increased ion speed toward the ground and, thus, is very sensitive to local wind variation, particularly for the
larger current. Due to the backcoupling of the problem, the elec- phases placed far away from the poles because the electric field
tric field is also increased. is smaller and because the longest drift lines are more sensitive
With a laminar flow, a component of the wind is, strictly to deviations (phase S in the chosen configuration).
speaking, not possible. But this case is still interesting for a The phenomena explained before can be seen in Fig. 10 where
coarse examination of the sensitivity of the solution for different the positive current is shown with a wind speed of 2 m/s
wind conditions. Vertical wind flow is possible in corridors with in the direction. The discharges are mostly located in the di-
extreme topography (as in Switzerland) or if buildings are lo- rection of the negative pole, the neutral conductor, and to the
cated near the overhead line. ground. Only a small part of the current flows to the ground and
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Thomas Guillod was born in Neuchâtel District, Christian M. Franck (M’04–SM’11) received the
Switzerland, in 1989. He received the M.Sc. degree Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of Greif-
in electrical engineering and information technology swald, Greifswald, Germany, in 2003.
from ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, in 2013, with He was with the Swiss corporate research center
a focus on power electronics, numerical analysis, of ABB from 2003 to 2009 as a Scientist and Group
and field theory. Leader for gas circuit breakers and high-voltage sys-
In 2013, he joined the Power Electronic Systems tems. Currently, he is Assistant Professor for High
Laboratory, ETH Zurich, as a Ph.D. student. His main Voltage Technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of
research interests are numerical methods for PDE and Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.
ODE and properties of insulating materials.