Documentation of Kgbvs Best Practice and Success Stories

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KGBV - Best Practice and Success Story

Quality Food

Nutritious and hygienic food is ensured in all KGBVs.

Standardized Menu chart in consultation with Coimbatore
Avinashilingam University institute for home science and
higher education for women. is followed in all the KGBV
Schools. Kitchen garden is encouraged in KGBVs so that
fresh vegetables like tomato, drumsticks, brinjal, fresh
greens, etc., are used for cooking.
KGBV girls having quality food

Medical checkup and Insurance

Maintenance of good health among girls is given priority.
For this periodical medical check-up is conducted once in a
month in coordination with Primary Health Centre and
Government Hospital.

A special “Group Insurance coverage” has been

provisioned for all the girls of KGBV. The group coverage is
for one year and Rs.58/- is paid as premium for each girl per
annum. The benefits include

i. Accidental death for 24 hours cover anywhere in India

Medical checkup
ii. Student – One lakh – Accidental death
iii. Parent – [earning / non-earning] – one lakh –
Accidental death
iv. Inpatient hospitalization limit up to Rs.25000/- (per student due to accident)
v. additional benefit of Carriage of dead body of student to place of residence
a. (2% of sum insured or Rs.1000/- whichever is less)

Specific Skill Trainings

 Vermicompost Training

KGBV girls were given training in creating

vermicompost. Vermicompost is the process of turning
organic debris into worm casting. The worm castings
enrich the fertility of the soil. This training was useful for
the girls to prepare Vermicompost manure from the
vegetable waste and dry leaves in the school premises.
The vermicompost generated is used in the kitchen
garden. This is a small step towards organic farming
Vermicompost Training

 Spiral Binding and Lamination

Spiral binding and lamination, a vocational skill
is also imparted to the girls in KGBV. The spiral
binding skills help them to bind their own books,
project works, calendars etc.,
With the help of Lamination machine girls
prepare covers for popcorn, labels and also
laminate their ID cards and important certificates. Lamination

 Train / Bus Ticket – Online Booking Training:

To enable the KGBV children to experience
technological advancement of internet usage and
skill to book a ticket online, computer training on
“online booking” of Bus and Train tickets was
given. They are trained on how to book their
tickets both in Train / Bus.

Online ticket booking

 Guide Training

Guide training is given to all the KGBV girls to

develop physical and emotional maturity. It also
aims to inculcate the social and universal outlook.
in their tender minds They learn about scout and
Guide history, flags, motto, symbols, songs, troop
formation, details of award and camps. This
training reinforced readiness, leadership quality,
self confidence and patriotic spirit among the
Guide Training

 First Aid Training

Doctors who were working in primary health

centres and experts conducted the First Aid
training. They explained about emergency
treatments to the students and the medicines
which are necessary to be kept in first aid box.
All KGBV schools were provided First Aid box.

The Dos and Don’ts as explained by medical

experts created awareness on the ways
through which to save a life in emergency and First Aid Training
critical situations.

 Gender sensitization training

Gender sensitization helps to create

awareness about the genetic basis of
gender, girls rights, etc. One day gender
sensitization training covering health, civil
liberty and social issues pertaining to girls
was imparted to all girls of KGBVs by
experienced lawyers and doctors.

The lawyers explained the rights and duties

of girls, child rights, RTE act 2009, child help
line, child marriage act, right to property, Women Gender Sensitization Training
Empowerment, and methods to safeguard
themselves during emergency period.

Doctors provided insight into various basic hygiene activities , awareness

about gender specific disease (Cervical cancer, uterine infection), puberty,
menstrual hygiene, anemia etc., More over, health tips on food for teenage
girls, food rich iron and calcium, vitamins etc., was also provided to the girls.

 Life Skill training

Life skill training was given to KGBV girl children to
develop better and reinforce qualities such as
personality, leadership qualities, positive attitude,
self-confidence, self-esteem, punctuality, sincerity,
problem solving, decision making, goal setting,
behavioural change, shouldering responsibility,
respecting elders, getting rid of fear, shyness and
personal cleanliness,. A module “Peenkan Thattil
Parakkalame” exclusively developed for life skill
training is used for the training.
Life skill training

“Society and Me”:

“Society and ME” an interaction training prrogramme conducted to KGBV girls to

motivate them and to achieve their higher goals in life. The old KGBV girls who have
secured good position have been invited and utilized for sharing their experiences and
achievement in their life.

Member of a well functioning Self Help Group near KGBV School were invited to
participate in the training and they shared their experiences to empower women in
village. This gave greater self confidence to the girls. Grandparents narrated fascinating
stories to children to enrich them on the past history and cultural practices.

Science Exhibition:

Science exhibitions were conducted in all KGBV Schools as part of Rashtriya Avishkar
Abhiyan activities.

Science Exhibition

Capacity Building (Self Defence Training)

As part of capacity building on

techniques related to self defense KGBV girls
are trained for a period of five months. For this
purpose, a trainer in karate was appointed.
Well scheduled syllabus was framed for
conducting the classes. The classes are
conducted with the duration of 1 ½ hours twice
a week. The total number of classes
scheduled was 40. After the completion of the
training, feed – back from the children are
collected to assess the outcome of the training.

Karate Training

State’s Intervention to ensure Safety and Security of Girls in KGBV

SSA, Tamilnadu, has taken significant measures in ensuring the safety of the
KGBV girls. In order to ensure safety and security for the children in schools and
hostels of Tamilnadu, a separate Government Order G.O.Ms.No.31 dated 26.06.2014
has been issued which gives prime importance and top priority to areas like building
safety, safety from fire and electric accidents, safe & pure drinking water, toilets, seating
arrangements, first aid, nutritious food, medical checkup, and action to be taken on
facing critical situations, Physical, mental harassment and punishment for children,
negligence, hurting or teasing, sexual harassment. Based on the government order a
detailed guideline from State Project Directorate, SSA was issued to all KGBV Schools
to ensure safety and security for girls.

The following safety measures are followed in all KGBV residential Schools.

 CC TV camera to be installed in the entrance of the building in all KGBVs.

 Watch man is appointed in all KGBVs for day and night security.
 Well trained wardens are appointed in all the KGBVs. In addition to Warden, two
teachers stay in rotation in the schools at night time, for helping the girls in
 The girls are sent out only with their parents or the person admitted by their
 Parents and guardians are given identity card and the same should be produced
when they come to meet their wards.
 No male is allowed in the KGBV hostels apart from the officials and parents.
 Fire safety system is maintained in the KGBVs. Fire extinguisher and sand filled
buckets are placed where needed and the periodical renewal is done.
 The door to the way to terrace of the building should be always closed.
 Periodical maintenance for non insulated electric wires and repaired switch
boxes are done.
 Circuit breakers are provided in all KGBVs to avoid short circuit fire.
 First Aid kit updated regularly.
 The campus is kept clean by removing the weeds & bushes.
 Group Insurance Coverage for the girls is provided
 Proper and clean toilet facilities
 As it is a residential school for girls, incinerator is available
 Policemen are engaged in patrol regularly.
 The girls have been imparted self-defense training.
 Periodical Health check up.
 Girls and teachers have been trained in first aid programme
 Child Help line number 1098 displayed in the notice board.

Provision of Compound wall & CCTV camera

Purified Drinking water & Fire extinguisher

Incinerator & Police man in rounds

A District level Safety Inspection team is formed. It comprises the Addl.CEO, APO,
District KGBV Coordinator, Block Supervisor and SSA Civil Engineer.

 The team visited the KGBVs and view the

Safety and Hygienic activities. They visited
KGBV, two times last year. The team
inspects all the critical areas viz., Toilets,
Bathrooms, Over Head Tank, Kitchen, Septic
tank, Ground level sump building, fire
extinguishers, electrical connections,
Condition of open well (Whether it is closed by
grill) flooring, colour wash and Other facilities
for safety.

 If any discrepancies are found in the KGBVs, Checking of water dank cleanliness
rectification action was taken and correction
report was also received.

National Mean – cum – Merit Scholarship (NMMS) Scheme:

Every year, VIII standard girls studying in KGBV are encouraged to participate in
National Mean cum Merit Scholarship Examination conducted by Directorate of
Government Examination. All KGBV students were given training on how to prepare for
the exam.

This exam consist of two types of tests of three hours duration.

Paper I – Mental Ability Test - 90 Marks

Paper II – Scholastic Aptitude Test – 90 Marks
The passed candidates are eligible for getting scholarship of Rs.500/- for every
month from 9th to till they complete 12th standard.

For the first time in 2014-15, thirty four KGBV girls were successful in this
exam. During the year 2015-16, thirty five KGBV girls have cleared the NMMS exam.

This appreciable achievement in turn motivates other children of KGBVs

to perform well in studies.

State Level Assessment Survey (SLAS) in KGBV Schools:

State level achievement survey has been

conducted every year in all KGBV schools for VIII
standard children. To identify the achievement of
children in subjects such as Tamil, English and
Science SLAS test has been administered to class VIII.
The result 61 KGBV schools in SLAS for the year
2015-16 is given below:

KGBV girls are writing SLAS


State Level Assessment Survey (2015-16)

Class VIII Tamil (%) English (%) Maths (%) Science (%)

All 73.65 67.18 70.20 66.72

State Boys 72.52 65.47 69.00 65.71
Girls 75.20 68.13 70.41 66.97

KGBV KGBV Girls 76.17 68.07 73.35 70.76

The overall performance of girls in KGBV indicates that in all the four subjects,
KGBVs are above the State average performance of schools.

Tracking of KGBV Girls

The following table shows the status of completed KGBV girls in

various classes.

Status of KGBV Girls in VIII Std and thereafter

No. of No. of
No. of
Girls No. of Girls
No. of Girls Girls
Year Appeared Girls continued Passed Passed
mainstreamed continued
for VIII Passed upto
upto XII
Std exam SSLC
Dec-06 406 176 169 126 101 66 53
Dec-07 596 450 409 266 200 124 94
Dec-08 464 440 425 278 215 145 112
Dec-09 611 517 494 336 295 264 222
Dec-10 742 742 716 480 414 292 254
Mar-12 1259 1259 1229 763 669 166 141
Mar-13 1383 1383 1275 730 683
Mar-14 1298 1298 1290 952 780
Mar-15 1533 1533 1517
Mar-16 1547 1547 1531
Total 9839 9345 9055 3931 3357 1057 876

Further many KGBV Girls are continuing their college studies and few of
them have successfully completed under graduate degrees in the field of
Engineering, Nursing, Agriculture, Arts and Science, etc.,

Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science(IRIS) Workshop:

KGBV School girls participated in Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science
(IRIS) program conducted by Intel-Learning
Linkages to foster interest and confidence
in learning science. Among the 7,000
students who participated at national level,
30 students were selected. Of those 30
students, 3 children were from KGBV
school of Villupuram District. They were
invited to New Delhi to receive THE

KGBV Girls selected for National meet in karate

KGBV girls of Villupuram District participated in

the 10th National open championship competition,
held in KanyaKumari District. Students from all
over India participated in the competition. 10
KGBV Students of Villupuram District participated
and won various prizes and positions in the
competition the top five winners were permitted to
participate in the South India Karate
championship held at Mumbai. It gives immense
pleasure to say, that KGBV, Thiruvennainallur
and Andrayanallur students Sujatha and Snega
achieved the first place, Abitha and Surya of
KGBV Won the second place and Poovarasi has got selected for stand by position in
the competition. It is to be noted that even amidst economic constraints existing in the
families of the above girls they have got opportunities to exhibit their skills in
international arena which was made possible by SSA, Tamil Nadu.

Laurels to KGBV Girls in Karate competition

KGBV Students of Cuddalore District participated in the in the National level

Karate competitions. They won first place in the competition conducted for the age
group 10 to 11 and won second and third places in the age group 12-13. 15 girls of

KGBV, Veppanapalli, Krishnagiri District, participated in “Inter School Karate
Competitions” held in Barugur during December 2015. 6 girls won prizes and all the 15
participants were appreciated and awarded certificates.


November 19 – 23, 2013

National Evaluation Team visited the KGBV schools in Namakkal and Erode
Districts in November 2013. Highlights of the report as follows:

 All the officials and NGO staff at all levels were found to be well aware of all the
guidelines and these guidelines were found being followed in the field.

 Strong commitment was observed at all levels in implementation of KGBV as per

the guidelines. The coordination among different officials of the education
department at state, district, block and school level was found to be strong.
 The monitoring system was strong as BRTEs visited KGBVs every week to
provide academic support.
 Benefits of SSA and state schemes goes to girls of KGBV. As a result there is no
differentiation between formal school children and KGBV girls.
 All the KGBVs reached out to the girls of most excluded community as envisaged
in the scheme.
 KGBVs are actually providing services to the beneficiary groups as envisaged in
the scheme.
 The 14 items distributed free to all school children is well publicised. This was
also an attraction point for parents to admit children into the KGBVs.
 All the teachers were highly qualified and were committed to their work.
 All the parents were happy that their girls were enrolled in the KGBV and had got
an opportunity to study.
 The team looked into the financial books and it was observed that the records
were well managed.
 The teachers are aware about both ABL and ALM process.

 The team met with parents in 4 KGBVs. They spoke positively about the scheme.
Parents were happy and shared that girls don’t like going back home. The team
observed that PTA and newly formed Mother committee was functioning well.

JRM visit 2014- report gist:

The Joint Review Mission visited to

KGBV Thiruvennainallur block during
October 2014. They evaluated the
academic and non-academic activities
of the children such as.

 ALM class methodology,

implementation of the reading,
writing and basic arithmetic
 CAL centre has been visited
where the students explained a project through Computer Aided Learning
with utmost clarity.
 The aesthetic skills and creativity of the KGBV students has been
revealed through their productive handicraft works were displayed and
the team enjoyed the show expressing utmost satisfaction.
 Ensuring the best quality in accommodation, bedding, food menu, security
measures etc., a heart whelming contentment and satisfaction expressed
from the JRM team on the activities of KGBV.
 Lively interactions with the students and the teachers outsourced the
holistic assessment of their effective teaching and learning capabilities.


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