Cebik Antenna Options
Cebik Antenna Options
Cebik Antenna Options
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
When asked to become a contributing editor for QEX, ARRL's technical experimenter's journal, I developed
the "antenna options" theme as a foundation for my irregular contributions. Each episode in the series tries
to lay out the options that an antenna builder, designer, or user has over some defined territory. Sometimes
the options are purely practical--as practical as selecting element or boom materials. Sometimes the options
match antenna designs to operating goals. Sometimes the options involve modeling software and its use.
Occasionally, a topic requires more than one episode to finish (although we never really exhaust our
options). However, the irregular publication schedule limits the number of columns devoted to a single topic.
All items on the list below appear with permission, although they are copyrighted by ARRL. The material
originally appeared in QEX: Forum for Communications Experimenters ( The episodes will
appear at this site only after they have appeared in QEX.
"This antenna is the best thing since sliced bread." Such is too often the claim made for antennas
by individual builders and commercial makers alike. I'll bet those who make this and similar claims
have not stopped to consider that for many meals, sliced bread is exactly the wrong bread to serve.
I know a nice little restaurant that serves excellent soups in freshly baked bread bowls. I would not
eat there if they tried to serve the soup in sliced bread.
So, too, with antennas. For any general application, we have options. Only when we evaluate those
options against our specific requirements and our situational limitations can we decide on the best
antenna for the circumstances. Notice that the result is not simply "the best antenna." It is the best
antenna for the given job and the conditions under which it will have to do that job.
Since I cannot know every circumstance in which amateurs set up antennas, I cannot say what the
best antenna is for any amateur activity. But I can use the space that QEX has allotted to me to
discuss some options and alternatives for specific tasks. In small spaces, I cannot cover every
possible option and certainly not all of the details that attach to each option. However, I can
(hopefully) begin a thinking process that may ultimately let you make the best final decisions for
yourself. The options that I have in mind are not brand-A vs. brand-B commercial offering. I do not
have the appropriately rated test range for this kind of discussion. Instead, I shall look at options
among antenna types, antenna construction, matching systems, etc. that one might face in
deciding what to build for oneself.
In virtually all areas of antennas, there are facets of design and performance that we easily
overlook, and many of them have an important place in our decision-making processes. To make
the process even more concrete, let's look at the myriad of options that attach to a seemingly
simple case study that I call "A Tale of 3 Yagis."
Yagi arrays require the antenna-builder to make three major decisions on the way from idea to
These three questions ultimately rest on another: what are the uses, purposes, or goals for the
antenna? How all of these questions inter-relate is part of the motivation for this set of notes.
To keep our work confined within a space that we can control, I shall examine only 2-meter Yagis.
Within that space, I shall further assume that the user will take the antenna into the field for one or
more of a variety of portable operations. To make matters even simpler, I shall restrict the
discussion to 3-element Yagis with 30" boom lengths or less.
Even with these restrictions, we still have design choices. We may select a narrow-band, high-gain
design to maximize potential for point-to-point communications. Alternatively, we may select a
design with a very high 180-degree front-to-back ratio for direction finding uses. Finally, we may
select a design that covers the entire 2-meter band with an exceptionally low 50-Ohm SWR. For
each design, there are trade-offs that we shall examine along the way.
Once we select a design, we need to select the material for the elements. If we choose to use rod
or tubing for the elements, we may simply optimize the design for the element diameter we wish to
use. In fact, the design information provided in the tables will cover most common 2-meter rod and
tubing sizes. However, my e-mail regularly poses questions about the use of non-standard
materials, such as flat stock, L-stock, whips, and tape. Therefore, we shall spend a bit of time
looking at a technique for determining what adjustments we might have to make for some of these
materials. I shall provide some data that emerged from my own use of these techniques, but the
techniques themselves will be your better guide to handling materials that I have not imagined.
Finally, we shall look at a few methods of overall assembly that are suitable for the element
material, the overall size of the antenna, and the intended use. For such a short boom, there is no
reason not to use a non-conductive boom. In most cases, the choice will be between PVC and
fiberglass, with PVC being easier to find and somewhat more versatile.
In the end, these notes are just a sample of a thought process you can and should extend to other
bands, other designs, and other operating purposes.
The first step in our tale of 3 Yagis is to describe the Yagis themselves. There is a high-gain,
narrow-band version, a maximum-front-to-back ratio version, and a very-wide-band version. A papa
bear, mama bear, and chubby baby bear analogy in these characterizations is likely not accidental.
For each antenna design, the tables will provide detailed dimensions for a variety of element
diameters from 1/8" up to 1/2", in readily available rod and tube sizes. The material may be
aluminum (recommended for its low weight and high strength), brass, and copper. The
performance figures are based upon aluminum, although changing the material will not alter the
performance in any detectable way.
The tables also provide performance data from NEC-4 models at the design frequency. All designs
attempt to achieve a minimum of 20-dB 180-degree front-to-back ratio across the listed passband.
However, the particular design will reveal variations in where, within the operating passband, the
maximum front-to-back ratio occurs. All 3-element Yagi designs show a gradual increase in gain
across the operating passband.
Fig. 1 shows the relative proportions of the 3 Yagi designs, using the 3/8"-diameter element
versions as the basis for the sketch. The high-gain version has nearly equal spacing between
elements and an almost uniform taper of the element outer tips. (The departure of the spacing and
taper from uniformity is essential to achieving the performance.) The maximum 180-degree front-
to-back ratio design preserves a similar driver-reflector structure, but shortens the length and
spacing of the director to achieve the deep rear null. Both antennas have feedpoint impedance
near 25 Ohms. The very wide-band version requires a 50-Ohm feedpoint and therefore widens the
reflector-to-driver spacing. Note also the relatively short director.
1. High Gain: 144.5 MHz high gain 3-element Yagi: The high-gain Yagi is designed for maximum
gain with a reasonable boom length and modest bandwidth. It will cover about 2 MHz of the
2-meter band if the design frequency is moved from 144.5 MHz to 145 MHz. However, its present
design recognizes that most point-to-point activity is in the first MHz of the band. So the design
frequency is set at 144.5 MHz. Within the first MHz, the SWR is less than 1.2:1 for any listed
element diameter. Although horizontal operation is the norm for the low part of 2 meters, the
antenna is equally operable horizontally or vertically.
We should note here that we can obtain higher gain from 3 elements with a longer boom and by
setting aside the desired 20-dB front-to-back ratio. However, such designs usually also have much
lower feedpoint impedances that may be difficult to match to a 50-Ohm cable without undue loss in
the connections. The high-gain design used here is therefore a compromise among the many
operating parameters involved in the directional antenna.
The feedpoint impedance is resonant at about 25 Ohms. This arrangement is intentional to avoid
the need for excessive numbers of mechanical connections at the antenna proper. A
1/4-wavelength section of RG-83 (35-Ohm) or a parallel section of RG-59 (or similar 70-Ohm) coax
will provide a match to the 50-Ohm main cable. Cut the section for 144.5 MHz, allowing for the
cable's specific velocity factor. Alternatively, one may modify the design to shorten the driver so that
it shows about 25 Ohms of capacitive reactance. Then, a hairpin or gamma match becomes
It is not possible to let the maximum front-to-back ratio of the high-gain, narrow-band design
coincide with the design frequency for all element diameters. The smaller the element diameter, the
more likely the maximum front-to-back ratio is to fall below the design frequency. However, the
front-to-back ratio exceeds 22 dB from 144 to 145 MHz for all versions of the design.
Table 1 provides dimensions for the design using round elements from 1/8" up to 1/2" in diameter.
Table 2 shows the modeled free-space performance at the design frequency--144.5 MHz--for each
size material. Simplified figures for the edges of the 1-MHz operating passband appear in Table 3,
while Table 4 suggests the overall usable operating bandwidth with 25-Ohm SWR values at 144,
145, and 146 MHz. If the builder uses a 1/4-wavelength matching section for a 50-Ohm coaxial
feedline, the 50-Ohm SWR at the junction of the matching section and the main feedline will be
similar. Fig. 2 shows free-space E-plane and H-plane patterns for the array at the design
frequency. These patterns replicate the pattern shapes when the antenna is used over ground in
the horizontal and vertical positions, respectively.
The charts show clearly that the bandwidth for any particular characteristic tends to increase with
an increase in element diameter. However, note that each increase in element diameter requires a
change in element spacing as well as element length to sustain the performance curves over the
144-145-MHz passband. Most of the change in element spacing occurs with respect to the driver
and reflector, since this spacing, relative to a given element diameter, largely determines the
feedpoint impedance of the array, once we have set the performance values with the spacing and
length of the director.
To change the design frequency, scale both element lengths and element spacing. Take the ratio of
the old (144.5 MHz) frequency to the new frequency and multiple all dimensions in the tables by the
result. If the scaling is within the 2-meter band, no element-diameter adjustment is necessary. If the
frequency ratio is greater than about 1.2:1 or less than 0.8:1, then element-diameter scaling is
necessary to retain the performance characteristics.
2. Maximum Front-to-Back: 146 MHz maximum front-to-back 3-element Yagi: The applications for a
high-gain design are obvious. A maximum front-to-back ratio design has more limited application,
for example in the field of amateur radio direction finding. The antenna should have sufficient gain
to locate the desired signal and a sufficiently sharp and deep rear null to provide a reliable bearing
toward the target transmitter. Although the horizontal pattern for any parasitic beam will include
rear, quartering lobes, the vertical pattern will show a clear single null. Most direction-finding
activities use vertical polarization.
I have set the design frequency for the maximum front-to-back ratio at 146 MHz, because there is
no absolute standard for direction-finding frequencies. However, for operation within the 2-meter
band, one may scale the dimensions according to previously given principles without concern for
scaling the element diameter. However, for scaling outside the limits of the 2-meter band, one
should also scale the element diameter.
Although not radically finicky, the maximum front-to-back ratio for a Yagi design is a narrow-band
phenomenon. Hence, one should construct the antenna for the frequency of intended use. As the
performance tables will show, the front-to-back ratio decreases steadily off-frequency until the
design shows no distinct null. However, the design has sufficient gain and front-to-back ratio to
make it a useful performer for other purposes.
The feedpoint impedance for this design is set for about 25 - j 25 Ohms. The models all use an
identical shorted transmission line stub across the feedpoint to simulate a hairpin match. Hence,
the SWR curves are for 50 Ohms. The modeled feedpoint resistance is actually close to 27 Ohms,
and the required inductive reactance of the hairpin is 54 Ohms. You may construct a U-shaped
hairpin for the antenna by calculating the characteristic impedance for the spacing and wire
diameter used. Then the length follows standard shorted-transmission line equations found in The
ARRL Antenna Book, Chapter 24. A normally good construction method for the hairpin it to choose
a distance between the parallel lines that is equal to the spacing between the driver terminals.
As an example, AWG #14 wire (0.0641" diameter) has a 400-Ohm characteristic impedance at a
center-to-center line spacing of 0.901". A shorted stub or hairpin made from this line would need to
be 1.73" long to achieve 54 Ohms inductive reactance at 146 MHz. The final adjustment requires
care, since the terminal structure at the feedpoint normally introduces some reactance that may
add to or subtract from the amount provided by the hairpin. Lower characteristic impedances yield
longer stubs for the same reactance. Narrowing the line spacing or fattening the conductor will
lower the characteristic impedance. The goal is a hairpin that is short enough to be sturdy in field
use but not so short as to make the final feedpoint adjustment too finicky.
If you build this design for its intended purpose, general field adjustment also requires care.
Contrary to most received wisdom, the reflector is not chief source of the front-to-back ratio in the
design. The reflector is relatively insensitive and serves primarily to establish the feedpoint
impedance by virtue of its length and spacing from the driver. The most sensitive element relative
to establishing the ideal front-to-back ratio will be the director. The director length will be more
sensitive than its spacing from the driver, although both dimensions deserve the label "sensitive."
Table 5
provides dimensions and Table 6 supplies performance figures based on NEC-4 models for
element sizes ranging from 1/8" to 1/2". In all of the designs in these notes, the dimension values
presume a non-conductive boom or the use of mountings that insulate and isolate the elements
from the influences of a conductive boom. See "Scaling and Adjusting VHF/UHF Yagis" at my web
site for notes on adjusting element lengths for insulated through-boom construction (scales.html).
However, for boom lengths under 30" or so, and for direct-feed drivers, there is little reason to use
a conductive boom.
The performance figures show the increasing performance--although very gradually increasing--as
we increase the element diameter and also adjust both element length and spacing to optimize
performance for each new element size. This clear picture emerges largely because the design
aligns the design feedpoint impedance and the maximum front-to-back ratio at the same frequency.
The only performance figure for which variations make no difference is the 146-MHz front-to-back
ratio: I ceased optimizing when this value exceeded 50 dB.
Fig. 3 shows free-space E-plane and H-plane patterns, which replicate the patterns you will obtain
when using the antenna in a horizontal or vertical orientation, respectively. Over ground, expect the
vertical pattern to have less gain but a wider beamwidth than the horizontal pattern. However, when
used vertically, the rear quadrants will show a single deep, sharp null.
3. Very Wide-Band: 146 MHz very wide-band 3-element Yagi: The third design stresses smooth
performance over the entire 2-meter band with a 50-Ohm SWR of less than 1.2:1. The design
achieves this goal by using a variation of a W6SAI design from the 1980s, modified for 2 meters
and for the full range of rod and tube diameters. Although the gain is about a full dB less than the
high-gain model, the wide-band Yagi will provide roughly equal performance anywhere in the band.
Thus, it is fit for flipping from horizontal to vertical and back again as we change to and from point-
to-point and FM repeater operations.
The Yagi uses a direct 50-Ohm feedpoint with no matching network required (although
common-mode current suppression measures are advisable). The need to establish the SWR
curve as the primary design goal has consequences as we increase the element diameter. The
front-to-back ratio shows improvement with each larger element, but the low end of the band does
not quite make the 20-dB level. Very quickly in the sequence, the gain ceases to increase with
increasing element diameters. Although not clearly apparent in the performance figures, both the
peak gain and the peak front-to-back ratio occur at ever higher frequencies. Above the smallest
element size, the peak front-to-back ratio occurs above the upper end of 2 meters.
Nevertheless, the very wide-band 3-element Yagi is a true general utility antenna for use anywhere
in the band. Table 7 provides the dimensions for elements ranging from 1/8" to 1/2" in diameter.
Table 8 supplies the modeled performance figures. Fig. 4 gives us the shape of patterns when we
use the antenna horizontally and vertically. All previous notes about scaling this antenna to other
frequency bands are applicable with the very-wide-band Yagi.
The very wide-band version of the 3-element Yagi completes the family of designs that we shall
consider. Other variations may be possible, but these 3 cover the major performance parameters
with which amateurs are most concerned: gain, front-to-back ratio, and operating or SWR
bandwidth. One might further optimize the designs, but the level of optimizing used here gets the
most out of each design that we can for each size element.
The next step--assuming that one of these designs will meet an operating need--is deciding upon
the element material. Our choices are not merely the material type, for example, copper, aluminum,
or brass. They also include materials other than the uniform round tubes that our initial design
models have used. We shall explore some of our options next time.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
In the first episode of this "Tale of 3 Yagis," we explored the design options for a 3-element 2-meter Yagi
with intended field use and restricted to a 30" boom or smaller. Our options included high-gain,
high-front-back, and wide-band versions of the antenna. Each option provided design dimensions for round-
tubing elements ranging from 0.125" up to 0.5" in diameter. In this episode, we shall examine some of the
element materials other than round tubing that we may use and how we may go about the process of
correlating these materials to the dimensions in the first part of this exercise on antenna options.
However, let's make no mistake: the design options presented do not represent a comprehensive view of all
of the Yagi design variations that we might bring to the planning table. There are designs with wider
bandwidths and designs with higher gain--all generally within the initial guidelines for the exercise.
For example, we may develop a very-wire-band Yagi by slaving a second driver to the original driver.
Technically, this becomes a 4-element Yagi if we view the driver as a parasitic element, but it is not a true
director except at the very low end of the operating passband. Table 1 shows the dimensions for such a
very-wide-band Yagi using 0.125" diameter elements. The performance figures appear in Table 2 and in
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. As the table shows, the antenna is capable of very acceptable performance for at least
the 140- to 150-MHz range, with lesser performance beyond. The first graph--taken from an EZNEC
frequency sweep and displayed on AC6LA's EZPlot--shows the relatively even gain, which varies by only
0.4 dB across the passband. The line marked "front/sidelobe ratio" actually provides the worst-case front-
to-back value, in contrast to the 180-degree front-to-back ratio that shows higher values across part of the
operating passband. The second graph records the modeled feedpoint resistance, reactance, and 50-Ohm
SWR values from 140 to 150 MHz. Note that the SWR does not rise to 1.3:1 within the passband. The
performance overall is comparable to the wide-band design in Part 1, but with a much wide passband.
However, in exchange for the extended passband, the design requires an extra element and exceptionally
careful construction and field adjustment to achieve the performance promised by the model. In the rigors
of field operation, the chances of maladjustment due to bumps and other accidental deformations are too
great for inclusion in the design pool.
There are ways to achieve higher gain from the same boom length as our 3 original designs. One technique
is to use a pair of phased elements as a driver, as exemplified by the design in Table 3. The antenna is
essentially a "phagi," that is, a phased horizontal array with one or more parasitic elements. We may also
call this a log-cell Yagi, although the phased driver set is not large enough to constitute a true LPDA on its
own. The dimensions specify 0.1875" diameter elements for 2 meters. The phase line between the two rear
elements consists of a 50-Ohm line with a reversal between elements. The electrical length is 20.26",
allowing lines with a 0.66 velocity factor to meet the need. The native feedpoint impedance at the 146-MHz
design frequency is about 15 + j23 Ohms. Since the impedance is inductively reactance, we may apply
beta-match techniques to raise the impedance to 50 Ohms resistive--or close to that value. A shunt
capacitor with about -j35.5 Ohms reactance across the feedpoint gap will do the job. At 146 MHz, this
amount to about 30.7 pF, the equivalent of a 12.27" electrical length of 50-Ohm transmission line used as
an open stub.
Table 4 tabulates the performance between 145 and 147 MHz, while Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 provide a graphical
view of the same data. The design provides almost an extra dB of forward gain relative to the high-gain
design in Part 1, while preserving a high front-to-back ratio within the listed passband. Once more--and
typical of most Yagi designs--the worst-case front-to-back ratio is relatively even across the passband, while
the 180-degree value tends to peak at a high value. As with many higher gain Yagi designs, the SWR and
impedance curves suggest that the antenna may be useful below the lower limit of the passband, but the
performance graphs suggest that the use is limited by decreasing gain and front-to-back ratios.
Once more, I have not included this design in our general pool because it involves phasing techniques. To
construct the phagi would require extensive measurement and adjustment, for example, in determining the
precise velocity factor of the line used for phasing the rearward elements. Listed velocity factor values are
simply not accurate enough from one batch of line to the next to ensure proper line length to achieve the
modeled performance. As well, the phase line becomes an extra element to carry into the field, not to
mention the need for connectors at each end as part of the antenna structure.
Nevertheless, these two brief examples of alternative designs are reminders that we do not exhaust the full
set of design options in the ones that we included on Part 1. Rather, these options only scratch the surface
of a wide variety of Yagi and related designs. We chose them only because they form a relevant collection
of straightforward designs that promise relative ease of replication in most home shop settings. As a final
design reminder, all of the designs in both this part and the first episode involve elements that are insulated
and isolated from a metallic boom and indeed prefer a non-metallic boom. However, to say more about
boom materials would leap into the last part of this series and skip our trips to the home improvement
center or survey element materials.
It would seem on the surface that the range of rod and tubing sizes reported in the dimension tables of Part
1 would cover the territory indicated by the Part 2 subtitle. We have already noted that one may use
aluminum, brass, or copper tubing or rods for the elements with no significant change in performance. Once
an element reaches a certain diameter for a given frequency, the differential in material losses for common
conductive materials no longer makes a difference to performance. At 2 meters, that semi-critical element
size is about 1/8".
I have not included common metric sizes of tubing and rod material. For example, the common 4-mm
material used in Europe for VHF arrays is about 0.1575" in diameter, half way between 1/8" and 3/16" U.S.
sizes. As well, I have omitted AWG wires sizes, although AWG #8 (0.1285") would make a usable
substitute for 1/8" elements with no design modification. Elements smaller than 1/8" tend to be flimsy, while
those larger than 1/2" tend to be physically impractical. As a result, the range of sizes that we have
provided in the dimension tables covers most of the reasonable materials for 2-meter Yagi construction.
. . .Assuming that builders want to use elements having a circular cross section. I have learned over the
years that we should never make this assumption. Antenna builders will latch onto almost any material at
hand, including dime-store collapsible whips, flat stock, L-stock, and even channel and square stock. For
special purposes, some antenna builders will use the metal tape that comes in spring-loaded tape
Proposals to use these materials come with one question: with what round element size does each size of
each variant material equate? The notes in this section will present a few of my findings for some of the
materials at 146 MHz. More important than the results is the procedure that I used to determine them. I
shall outline a very practical procedure for use on 2 meters that will allow anyone to replicate my
experiments and to find the best approximation of a round conductor that matches a novel material
proposal. All that we require is a reasonably accurate antenna analyzer, a standardized center hub for a
dipole, and a mast-stand fixture on which to perform the experiments.
The method that I used to compare a variety of materials was to create dipoles resonant at 146 MHz. Using
an MFJ-259B analyzer, first calibrated to my station receiver, I made and pruned dipoles for each round
conductor listed in the dimension tables of Part 1 and then made and pruned dipoles for each variant
material that I could think of and easily obtain. I added a round 0.75" diameter dipole to the group, because
many substitute materials are close in performance to this size round element. The key feature of the
procedure is not absolute agreement with modeled predictions for the round conductors, but instead a
method that would ensure consistency from one dipole to the next.
The dipole hub assembly that I used is designed to provide a consistent dipole-center environment from
one test to the next. Fig. 5 shows the general outline of the plate, which I made from an existing scrap of
1/4"-thick polycarbonate. Hence, there is no magic, but only convenience, in the plate length and width.
Each dipole candidate mounts both physically and electrically by way of the two 6-32 nuts and bolts at the
upper plate center. For each dipole, I used a bolt length to have the least excess threaded length beyond
the limits of the dipole material. The two outer holes in the plate use nylon screws into threaded plastic
tubes that sit within holes in the dipole for support of the element. I removed the support tubes for the tape
elements, since they are too thin to support drilling 1/4" holes. For the rod elements, I used square washers
at the inner screws to electrically clamp the inner rod ends, while the rod itself rested on top of the outer
The plate mounts to a section of PVC with a pair of sheet-metal screws. Because the assembly is only
temporary, you can use any clean hardware. The area above the support stub and behind the dipole center
is clear so that I could mount a length of coax with solder lugs, avoiding the use of a connector at this point.
The coax length is 1/2-wavelength, allowing for the velocity factor of the RX-8X that I used. (Note that
RG-8X has different velocity factors from different makers. However, do not rely on manufacturer's
specifications for velocity factor. Measure the line for an electrical half-wavelength. My line had a listed
velocity factor above 0.8, but measured about 0.735. The distant line end should replicate the feedpoint
impedance at the dipole terminals, while minimizing body effects during measurements.)
I have a wood test stand that I use for various purposes. It appears in the photos. It holds a 5' section of
1-1/4" Schedule 40 PVC for this test. The upper section of the mast, using an un-cemented coupling, is a 2'
section of the same material, and that is the support stub to which I attached the dipole plate. For pruning, I
simply lifted the upper section off, carried it into the shop, and sawed, clipped, or sanded the element ends,
according to which material was under test.
The 7' total height of the assembly placed the antenna about 1-wavelength above ground, a sufficient
height to minimize ground effects on the dipole's resonant frequency. As well, for each test, I placed the test
stand in the same position with the dipoles oriented the same way. The goal was not laboratory precision,
but usable consistency from one test to the next.
Photo A. The complete test assembly with a tubular dipole attached and the antenna analyzer stationed
closer to the ground.
Photo A shows the complete assembly with a tubular dipole attached and the antenna analyzer stationed
closer to the ground. Photo B is a close-up of the center plate with a thin rod element clamped in place and
supported by the outer posts. The last picture in this series, Photo C, shows the same assembly with an
L-stock element: the outer support posts pass though holes in the element.
Photo B. A close-up of the center plate with a thin rod element clamped in place and supported by the outer
Photo C. The same assembly as in Photo B, but with an L-stock element--the outer support posts pass
through holes in the element.
You may replicate this type of system--adding your own improvements--to test any number of materials for
comparison with the round elements presumed by antenna modeling software. In the interim, the following
notes record the results that I obtained.
1. Round Conductors: Table 5 shows the results of tests with round conductors that form the reference
values for all of the subsequent tests. Also included in the table are the NEC-4 modeled values for the
lengths of each size of tubing.
Round conductors offer the best combination of strength-vs.-weight and ability to slip the wind to minimize
loading from that source. As well, they tend to resist ice build-up better than most flat or L-stock elements.
Hence, for a long-term station installation, I would recommend them. For most purposes 6061-T6 and
6063-T832 aluminum stock, available by mail order if not in stock locally, are the best antenna element
materials. Nevertheless, there are reasons and occasions for using other materials.
Interestingly, the round elements all measure well within 0.5% of the NEC-4 modeled lengths, except for the
3/4" tubing, which comes in with under 1.0% variance relative to the modeled value.
Table 6 provides the measured data on all of the tested alternatives to round conductors. The table lists not
only the length of the dipole that turned out to be resonant on 146 MHz, but as well the size of the most
nearly equivalent measured round conductor. This value permits the builder to refer to the dimensions in
Part 1 that most closely approximate the dimension needed for the alternative material.
2. Flat Stock: Flat stock holds two advantages for home construction. First, it is readily available at home
centers. Second, it is flat. Hence, we can drill it easily on any equally flat surface and avoid the difficulty of
drilling a round surface. The disadvantage of this stock is that the 1/16" thick type is very flimsy and bends
all too easily. The 1/8" stick is sufficiently sturdy for a permanent installation, but may be needlessly heavy
for field use.
The flat stock plays very close to its measured round counterparts. Some modelers advocate using round
wires having the same surface area as the flat stock. The closest round wire to 1/2"-by-1/16" flat stock is
0.375" tubing. However, the measured lengths for both the 1/16" and 1/8" flat stock is 0.5" tubing, which has
about 1.4 times the surface area per unit length. As well, the 3/4"-by-1/16" flat stock measures closest to
the 0.75" round tube.
3. L-Stock: 1/16" thick L-stock combines the benefits of offering flat surfaces to drill with excellent rigidity
and easy access at home centers. In addition to Yagi service, builders have used the stock for both the
horizontal element-portions of quads and for Moxon rectangles. It is half the weight of square stock with
equal outer dimensions. The down side of L-stock is that it offers considerably more wind resistance than a
round conductor. It also is prone to snagging in field exercises, such a fox hunts in wooded areas.
Like flat stock, L-stock appears to approximate its round counterpart element material in both the measured
half-inch wire and the modeled 3/4" wire. Within the limits of my measurements (1/6"), there is no significant
difference between the flat stock and the L-stock.
4. Collapsible Whips: For field antennas, collapsible whips offer a certain convenience, since we can
shorten the elements to the whip's minimum length for transport. In addition, most whips adapted from TV
and cell-phone replacement service have a plug in the lower end. The plug has a mounting hole, which
permits the builder to swivel the elements in line with the boom for an even more compact assembly during
transport to and from the working site.
For this test, I salvaged whips from very old TV rabbit ears as a test of larger diameter versions. Since the
whips extended to about 48", I performed two tests: one with the larger section dominating the element
length at 146 MHz, the other with the thinnest sections fully extended. I also obtained two Radio Shack
cell-phone whips that extend only to 28" per unit. These whips give an indication of equivalent lengths for
the thin-whip style. In both cases, I used the square washer clamp method of fastening that I used with
aluminum rods in the initial tests.
With the large whips using their fattest sections, the dipole length is closest to 3/8" round wire. The same
whip using its inner largest-diameter section (about 0.25") and its smallest section (about 1/16") requires a
length of 40.0", which is longer than needed for 0.125" uniform-diameter material. The small whip required
a dipole length of 38.88", also longer then needed by the smallest round element tested.
The excess length required by collapsible whips, even with fat button ends, owes to the stepped-diameter
structure on each side of the dipole centerline. The first test used the fattest large-whip sections, resulting in
the smallest step, and the result is the shortest of the required whip lengths. The second large-whip test
had the greatest step in diameter, and yields the longest resonant overall length. The cell-phone
replacement begins with a smaller diameter, from which we might expect a longer overall length. However,
the steps in diameter are small and regular so that its length is shorter than required for the second
large-whip test. All of these results coincide with fundamental theory regarding elements that taper from the
center to their tip.
5. Measuring Tapes: The final group of tests involves a material used almost exclusively by fox hunters:
cannibalized measuring tape. Although the tape is steel, it is satisfactory for field antennas. By judiciously
buying a few bargain tapes and replacing some very worn tape measures in the shop, I managed to find 4
tape widths. Measuring tape is very thin, but the exact thickness may vary with brand and age. Hence, the
values shown in the table are indicative, but not absolute for each width.
The advantage of a tape-measure element is its ability to bend at a field snag and to bounce back to
position with no damage (at least, no damage in the short run). Because a 3-element, 2-meter Yagi,
perhaps of the maximum front-to-back design, requires about 10' of tape for its elements, a single long tape
measure provides material for many replacement elements or for several individual Yagis. Replacement
tapes without the cases and mechanisms are difficult to find locally these days, so expect to destroy a
complete tape-measure unit if you opt for this element material. However, bargain tape measures abound.
The measured resonant lengths for tape-measure material all indicate an equivalence to round conductors
about half as much in diameter as the tapes were wide. Unlike the flat stock, which had a significant
thickness, the tapes are very thin. Hence, their wide surfaces alone did not suffice to bring them close to the
resonant lengths of round conductors with the same cross dimension.
The measured values for the alternative materials held a few surprises. Perhaps the performance of
flat-stock was the most dramatic. Nevertheless, I would not claim that the near-equivalencies at 2-meters
would hold up at HF, where one might trade the greater difficulty of constructing the requisite number of
long dipoles for finer gradations of measurement.
The survey of alternative element materials is not by any means complete or ultra-precise. However, the
technique used to find their nearest equivalent round conductor has proven quite reliable in adapting
designs. Reliability here means that the results are usable for the adaptation of round wire designs to
alternative stock used in the home-construction of antennas. Neither my tape measure nor my antenna
analyzer meets anything like laboratory standards, and the testing circumstances are not of calibrated
range or chamber quality.
One final caution is in order. With non-round conductors, the inter-element coupling between adjacent
elements may not by identical to the coupling from round elements. Hence, some final field adjustment of
element lengths may be necessary, even for materials listed as equivalent to a round conductor. This
caution is especially true of the driver-director relationship, where small director length adjustments tend to
yield considerable changes in the Yagi performance curves at 2 meters.
Field adjustment, of course, presumes that we have already built our Yagi design of choice. Even within the
constraints of this exercise, we have options. Some of those options will be the subject of Part 3, building
3-element Yagis for different uses.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
In the first episode of this "Tale of 3 Yagis," we explored the design options for a 3-element 2-meter
Yagi with intended field use and restricted to a 30" boom or smaller. Our options included high-gain,
high-front-back, and wide-band versions of the antenna. Each option provided design dimensions
for round-tubing elements ranging from 0.125" up to 0.5" in diameter. In the second episode, we
examined some of the element materials other than round tubing that we may use for the Yagis. As
well, we looked at the process of correlating these materials to the dimensions in the first part of
this exercise on antenna options.
In this final portion of the exercise, we shall explore some of the construction options involved in
building the small 3-element Yagi--whatever the selected design and element material. Our
perspective will not be commercial construction, but rather what we can accomplish within a typical
home shop.
A commercial antenna designer might begin with a set of operating or use specifications and then
select materials and construction methods that will achieve those goals. However, the average
home antenna-builder often begins from a different position. He or she has some materials, some
shop abilities and limitations, and some uses for the final product. The next step is usually reaching
a physical design that combines these starting points into one antenna. Therefore, let's examine a
few building options for both permanent (long-term) installations and for field antennas.
Long-term construction techniques: Utility antennas on 2 meters can make good use of 1/2" to 1"
nominal PVC pipe as the boom material. The elements are light enough that you can place a Tee
fitting off center (to avoid the driver position) and still have a stable mounting. Indeed, you may
even extend the boom rearward so that the boom-to-mast assembly is behind the reflector. This
system is especially suitable for vertically oriented Yagis to suppress interactions between the mast
and the array. The non-conductive boom also means that you may use the dimensions in Part 1 as
a direct guide to construction without adjustment for the use of a metallic boom.
The typical white PVC is variable around the U.S. with respect to its UV resistance. If the white
plumbing PVC in your area is UV susceptible, then the gray electrical conduit version is usable and
tends to be more uniformly UV resistant. Other alternatives include fiberglass and other
resin-based non-conductive tubular materials.
For long-term installations, I recommend round elements, either aluminum tubes or rods. All of the
designs that appear in Part 1 use split drivers to minimize the number of mechanical connections
on the driver assembly. The low-impedance drivers are either resonant (the high-gain version) for
use with a 35-37-Ohm 1/4-wavelength matching section, or they are designed for about 25 Ohms
of capacitive reactance for use with a beta or hairpin match (the maximum front-to-back ratio
version). The very wide-band design requires direct connection to a 50-Ohm coaxial cable (the very
wide-band version). In each case, the design places the antenna connections at the split-driver
Fig. 1 gives us several alternatives for assembling the driver to the boom. Although the graphic
shows alternatives A and B, we actually have 4 major combinations, plus any number of
adaptations you may create based on local materials. Alternative A uses a small plate (Plexiglas,
polycarbonate, or acrylic) with the drive tube anchored to it. A non-conductive insert (fiberglass,
CPVC, or similar) aligns the two halves of the driver and strengthens the tube against crushing
during bolt tightening. Even if the parasitic elements pass through the boom, the very slight
misalignment of elements relative to their ideal plane will create no operational difficulties.
Alternative A also shows a direct connection to coaxial cable without the use of a connector. This
technique allows you to use a length of cable of your choosing to dress the lead to the boom and
as much farther as you choose during antenna assembly. The open end of the coax, with its implicit
ring connectors for attachment to the driver terminals, requires sealing. Plasti-Dip and similar
products have proven reliable in this service and are less bulky than coax sealant and tape. Indeed,
over the years, I have come to prefer this system over the alternative shown in B.
If you prefer a connector, alternative B shows a simple mounting bracket that not only holds the
connector, but also extends to one side of the element. 1" by 1/16" L-stock will handle either the
BNC connector shown in the sketch or a standard UHF connector. Do all drilling before trimming
the L-stock to final size for easier handling while creating the required holes. The sketch also
shows the bracket with rounded upper edges. The easiest way to arrive at this shape is to use a
disk sander. (Do not use a grinder designed for steel.) Clearly, you may adapt the connector
bracket for use with the plate assembly in alternative A. Likewise, you may use direct coaxial cable
connections to each side of the driver that passes through the boom.
The through-boom driver shown in the sketch uses 1/2" tubing with a 3/8" fiberglass or similar rod
or tube that actually passes through the boom PVC pipe. There is a limit for minimum effective
insulating rod size to support the driver, since a hardware hole will pass through both the element
and the rod. However, you may use this larger driver with any of the dimension sets in Part 1, using
thinner material for parasitic element diameters. The "fat" driver will require a reduction in length to
bring the beam to its proper SWR curve, but it will not otherwise affect performance.
There is no good reason why the parasitic elements for a simple 3-element Yagi should not pass
though the PVC boom. There are three (or more) different suitable systems for holding the
elements in place. See Fig. 2. The top option works well with rods and tubes at least 3/16" in
diameter. It uses minimum-size hitch-pin clips on either side of the boom to secure the element.
Some builders use C- or E-clips, relying upon their spring action to hold the element in place
against the boom. However,, all such hardware should be non-corroding. The middle sketch shows
the use of a setscrew. If you under-drill the hole, most stainless steel bolts (#6 to #10, depending
on the element diameter and the boom diameter) will self-tap the material for a firm seating. You
may install a nut below the setscrew head and tighten it to the boom after securing fixing the
element. For larger tube sizes, you may use the final option, a sheet metal screw that penetrates
both the PVC boom and a hole at the center of the element.
Both the hitch-pin mount and the setscrew mount benefit from a small bit of filing. The hitch-pin
clips require holes through the round rods or tubes. A small jeweler's file can create a flat spot no
great than about 3/32" diameter without weakening the element. The flat spot eases the drilling if
you do not have a drill press. A similar flat spot at the element center gives a setscrew a good
surface for the bite necessary to secure the element.
The techniques suggested here have resulted in numerous solid Yagis up to 6 elements, with boom
lengths up to 5' or more. (The longer the boom, the less suitable that rear mounting becomes.) All
of the designs in Part 1 use under 30" of boom for the elements and are suitable for the
hardware-store materials noted along the way. The one place not to use hardware-store materials
is in the elements themselves. High-grade 6063 or 6061 aluminum tubing or rod is the best element
choice for a long-term installation.
Construction of field-antennas: Antennas for the field call for some special notes. Of course, you
may take an antenna built according to the preceding suggestions into the field. However, that
antenna has a permanent size, about 40" by 30". Hence, it is a bit ungainly for transport in an auto
trunk or other confined space. One of the hallmarks of a good field antenna is that it stores
compactly for transport and is ready for use with minimal field assembly. The ideal situation is one
that requires no tools to transform the transport package into a working antenna.
You can achieve this goal in a variety of ways. There are as many ways to successfully build a
good field antenna as there are alternative materials for antenna elements. To demonstrate what is
possible (in local talks for clubs and other functions), I created a hybrid Yagi using separate
techniques for each of the 3 elements. The design uses the very wide-band design as its basis,
although there is no reason not to use any of the other versions. Since you will likely use a single
material best suited to your operating goals, you own field antenna will pick the design that is also
most apt to those goals.
My hybrid begins with a length of 1/2" nominal PVC pipe. The actual outer diameter of this pipe is a
little over 7/8". I placed a Tee fitting just behind the driver position. The fitting is aligned for
horizontal mounting of the antenna on a boom, using PVC screw fittings to increase the boom
diameter until it matches the mast on which the antenna will sit. For many field uses, you need not
cement the fitting in place. Press fitting the Tee will provide a secure and durable connection
between the boom sections for most field operations. You may use a sheet-metal screw to secure
the un-cemented side of the Tee, but that requires a screwdriver. The forward end of the boom also
has a cap to keep out bugs and debris.
Fig. 3 shows the general arrangement of the boom, along with the special rear section. At the rear
end of the boom, there is an in-line coupler. It attaches to the forward boom sections with a large
hitch-pin clip. I drilled the end of the boom with two holes at 90-degree angles. Hence, I can change
the orientation of the antenna from horizontal to vertical and back again simply by removing the
hitch-pin clip, twisting the boom, and re-installing the clip. You can use the same system with a rear
boom-to-mast attachment system rather than the funny handle shown in the sketch.
Most fox-hunting antennas that I have seen use rubber hand-grips in line with the antenna. These
grips are most suitable to point Yagis at satellites, but are not ergonomically suitable for aiming the
antenna straight ahead. Therefore, I took the pistol grip handle from a defunct electric weed cutter
and replaced the steel tube with a short length of PVC. Since the in-line coupler bears the
lever-force of the entire antenna ahead of it, I cemented the coupler to the handle-end pipe. Fig. 4
reveals that I left the trigger in place, since it is smooth, while the bare opening without it has
sharper, less comfortable edges. You can store the entire antenna as a 3' long storage unit that is
only about 4" wide, plus the handle. Alternatively, you can remove the handle and break the boom
at the Tee for even more compact storage. Fig. 4 shows the pieces in full storage mode.
Fig. 5 show the elements, each half-ready for use and half-stored for transport. The photo in Fig.
6also shows the demonstration elements. The driver uses collapsible whips taken from TV rabbit
ears. The reflector uses flat stock, and the director uses a length of steel measuring tape.
The 1/2"-wide flat-stock reflector would not store well if we used a full half-element length each side
of the boom. Instead, I used #8 bolts and wing nuts for the outer section so that it could fold back
on itself and fit entirely behind the driver during storage. For the reflector, I used a #10 wing nut and
bolt that passes entirely through the boom to secure the reflector in place for both use and
transport. 1/16"-stock seemed a bit flimsy initially, but has held up well during use.
The driver whips retract for storage and extend for use. Setting them requires a tape measure or
other measuring strip to get the correct length each side of center. (I wrote the measurement on the
boom.) #8 hardware secures the position of the driver. I ground shallow grooves with a rotary tool in
the small Plexiglas plate so that the driver stays in either the use or storage position once I tighten
the wing nuts. The feedpoint bolts also hold the length of coax that I have devoted to the antenna.
The director uses a length of steel measuring tape. A single sheet metal screw is usable as an
element-to-boom fastener, although I placed a few thin washers between the tape and the boom to
maintain the tape curvature. The tape does not require re-positioning for storage. Instead, wrap the
tape around the boom and secure it with a piece of duct tape or similar. In fact, you can use
sections of cardboard tubing from a roll of paper towels to slide over the coiled elements. In either
case, guard your face when opening the element, since it will spring to position very rapidly.
Does the hybrid field antenna work? Since I selected materials for the director and reflector that are
very close equivalents to 1/2"-diameter round elements. I used the spacing for the very wide-band
design for those elements. Then, I simply adjusted the driver length to give the 50-Ohm impedance
curve for that design. I used the two fattest sections of the whip, and the resulting length was not
much longer than the value shown in the Part-1 tables, about 19.25" each side of center.
For field use, especially if you plan to use the antenna in a hand-held activity like fox hunting, you
will need to determine the correct driver length for a normal use position well in advance of going
into the field. You may also discover that for different orientations and heights above ground, the
required driver lengths may differ.
If you prefer the design security of using tubular elements, Fig. 10 shows one method of achieving
a compact storage package and a full-size array of the type that you choose. You may construct
the boom in the same manner as for the alternative element materials, using the 3-piece break
down for transport. However, the element positions will have stubs protruding about 1.5" on each
side of the boom. The reflector and director stubs will be 3/8"-diameter aluminum tubes, while the
driver stub will be a length of 3/8"-diameter fiberglass or other non-conductive rod or tube. Secure
each stub through the boom with a sheet metal screw as a permanent mounting.
Although you may believe in thinner rods for field use, 1/2" 6063-T832 tubing weighs very little
more than 3/16" solid rod. Table 1 provides some comparative weight of rods and tubes used in
common amateur antenna construction. The material is drawn from the web site maintained by
Texas Towers. It applies to aluminum tubing with a wall thickness of 0.058". Alternative materials
with thicker or thinner walls will, of course, change the weight per foot. For the project at hand, the
elements are between 3.0' and 3.3', so totaling the element weight is easy math.
In most cases, the boom will outweigh the sum of the elements and their hardware by a good
margin. So using larger materials adds little to the antenna weight, but allows the use of nuts and
bolts as fasteners. The half-elements use 1/2" diameter tubes, none of which will be longer than
about 20". You may attach the reflector and director outer element halves to the stubs with #6 or #8
nuts and bolts or with hitch-pin clips. (Do not exceed #8 size hardware, or the necessary hole may
weaken the stub.) The driver uses nuts and bolts, plus solder lugs, to attach the element halves
and to form connection points for the coax cable and any matching device (such as a hairpin).
The advantages of using aluminum tubes as elements for the field antenna include general
strength. Overgrown fox-hunting field sites that can snag the elements may still test the antenna's
sturdiness. However, use of the antenna at an emergency or Field-Day site for FM or similar
applications is unlikely to encounter such tests. The disadvantages include the need for small
hardware to assemble the antenna. If you opt for this type of field antenna, be sure that the
transport package includes both extra hardware to replace pieces lost in the grass and tools for
assembly. A dedicated screwdriver and nut-driver are essential.
In the end, the decisions concerning the methods of construction will rest upon your intended uses,
the availability of materials, and your own assessment of your construction skills. However,
somewhere in this collection of ideas--and other ideas that you develop--will be a Yagi that you can
build yourself.
The hybrid demonstration antenna is simply a potpourri of ideas that you can adapt to both field
and long-term antennas for 2 meters. In fact, we have surveyed a wide variety of factors that go
into a home-brew utility Yagi for this band.
Now, you have no excuse for not building your own 3-element 2-meter Yagi, whatever your
operating goals. In fact, I would expect you to have some building ideas that yield an antenna
better than any of the samples that you have seen in these notes. Those ideas increase the
number of options we have. The greater the number of options, the closer that we can match our
antenna to the job for which we need it.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
A regular question that appears in my e-mail is what antenna-modeling program to buy or use. The question takes
many forms, but the nub usually boils down to matching the options offered by one or more particular programs with
the modeling needs of the potential user. So let's examine some of the alternatives in the available array of
programs, beginning with the calculating cores that underlie the available implementations. In these notes, I shall
assume that you are familiar with the basic terms of antenna modeling using round wires and can handle such
terms as wire, segment, source, load, etc. If these terms are still a mystery, see the 4-part series, "A Beginner's
Guide to Modeling with NEC," QST, November, 2000, through February, 2001.
We shall discuss only NEC and MININEC modeling software, both of which are readily available in low cost or
entry-level implementations. Table 1 provides a list of such software, along with Internet addresses for those who
wish further information. The list is not absolutely complete, and it contains two entries that we shall not discuss.
Expert MININEC is a proprietary revision of the original MININEC core, while SuperNEC uses a MatLab interface.
Since I do not own either program, they will not figure significantly in the discussion. The "feel" of a program is a
highly personal facet of modeling software. Therefore, examining the web sites of the program makers is the best
route to determining if you will be comfortable using any of the programs. As well, the web sites can provide
up-to-date information on features and price. Programmers are continuously adding features to programs, so these
notes are technically out-of-date as soon as I write them.
There are two classes of cores that perform the "method of moments" calculations comprising the analysis of an
antenna design. For a more complete history of the development of these two strains of cores, see Bob Haviland,
W4MB, "Programs for Antenna Analysis by the Method of Moments," The ARRL Antenna Compendium, Vol. 4, pp.
69-73. NEC emerged from main-frame FORTRAN work, while MININEC was developed to work on early desktop
computers having very limited memory resources. Both cores have undergone extensive upgrades. For example,
re-programming MININEC in one of the Windows-compatible languages has eliminated the early segment
restriction on that core. Likewise, newer FORTRAN compilers for PC use have speeded up the runtimes of NEC
MININEC 3.13 is a public domain program. As a result, it has undergone significant modification to overcome some
of its initial limitations in addition to removing the upper limit on the number of segments in a model. All of the
Windows implementations listed in Table 1 have no upper limit on the number of segments that a model may have.
Two older DOS-based programs, AO (or MN) by Brian Beezley, K6STI, and ELNEC, but Roy Lewallen, W7EL, did
have limits of about 256 segments. Expert MININEC by EM Scientific employs a different algorithm set from the
ones used in the public domain version. As well, "raw" MININEC has a number of inherent limitations that may or
may not be relevant to your modeling needs. All versions (with one exception, Antenna Model) use a ground
simulation that becomes highly inaccurate if wires with any horizontal component are closer than about 0.2
wavelength above ground. As well all wires must be above ground, with only vertical wires allowed to touch the
ground. The unmodified core is also sensitive to wire spacing, and such simple antennas as a folded dipole may
give erroneous results. Sharp corners in the antenna geometry can also yield inaccurate results unless the wire
segments are very short or the program has introduced a correction feature. Finally, the MININEC core has a
frequency offset that becomes larger with increasing frequency. It becomes noticeable in the 10-meter region of the
amateur spectrum.
Unlike NEC cores, which have undergone very limited modification, the MININEC core has seen extensive
modification by individual programmers to overcome these limitations. Over a series of benchmark tests where
NEC-4 has shown proven accuracy, the various implementations of MININEC show variable results, each
according to the modifications introduced and the success of those modifications. I ran all of the MININEC
programs available to me through a series of benchmark tests, and only Antenna Model passed them all. (See
"Testing the Fringes of Modeling Programs" at amod51.html for details of the benchmark comparisons.) This fact
does not mean that the other programs are not useful; instead, it means that they must be used within the
frequency or structure limits built into them. There are many lower-frequency modeling tasks with relatively simple
antennas for which any of the MININEC implementations will work well.
What MININEC does very well that NEC does far less well is handle wire junctions with different diameters, whether
linear or angled. Indeed, the Leeson correction process, which some implementations of NEC include, used
MININEC as the standard during its development.
NEC cores use a quite different set of algorithms. The cores will handle without modification over 10,000 segments,
although software vendors may set a segment limit to various versions of the programs they sell. In addition, NEC
has a number of additional features, the most prominent of which is the Sommerfeld-Norton (S-N) ground
simulation routine. The S-N ground system is highly accurate, even for wires only fractionally above the surface.
(Among MININEC implementations, only Antenna Model has grafted the S-N ground calculation system to its core.)
The compiled FORTRAN routines used by many implementations are much faster for similarly sized models than
most of the MININEC cores. In addition, NEC includes both networks and (lossless) transmission lines as part of
the non-radiating accessories to models. In general, NEC cores have become a de facto standard for round-wire
antenna modeling. NEC has a number of unique outputs (relative to MININEC), such as near-field analysis,
received currents and scattering patterns from both linear and elliptical plane-wave excitation, and mutual coupling
between specified wire segments. As well, NEC includes true ground wave analysis that includes near fields and
surface waves.
Entry-level programs generally limit the user to the basic wire geometry command. For example, EZNEC (Fig. 1
and Fig. 2) and NEC-Win Plus (Fig. 3) limit wire geometries to straight segmented wires.
A full NEC core implementation includes a considerable collection of geometry commands that permits the
construction of complex antenna and allied structures with minimal input file size. There are commands to create
arcs, circles, helices, and catenary wires. Another command permits both length and diameter tapering along a
specified wire. There is a command for rotating, replicating, and moving a wire already created. A large rectangular
wire-grid structure might take as few as 4 entry lines for a model in the format (but not the detail) shown in Fig. 4.
NEC also includes provision for the creation of surface patches.
The key limitation to NEC cores is the inability to handle precisely elements having a changing diameter at wire
junctions. For linear elements having no loads, transmission lines, or networks, the Leeson correction system has
worked very well. (See David B. Leeson, W6QHS, Physical Design of Yagi Antennas (ARRL, 1992), Chapter 8, for
details.) However, where loads, lines, or networks are present along the element length or where the element is not
linear, these correctives do not apply. Both EZNEC and NEC-Win Plus include the correctives.
NEC comes in two generally available versions: NEC-2 and NEC-4. (There is a NEC-3 that saw limited distribution.)
We shall discuss the differences between these cores, but first, we should pause to look at file formats.
2. File Formats
NEC cores require, in unmodified condition, the use of an ASCII file of the sort on the main GNEC screen shown in
Fig. 4. (The NEC-Win Pro main screen would be virtually identical.) The model file contains all parameters of the
model in terms of the geometry that describes the wires, the modifications to the geometry (such as the
specification of element material loading and a source or excitation), and requests for outputs (the RP command in
the illustration). The user may create a full model on a text editor as an input to the NEC core. The standard input
file extension is .NEC, although any text editor, such as Notepad, will read the file and permit editing.
A number of NEC implementations use proprietary model file formats that are not ASCII. For example, the
NEC-Win Plus files (see Fig. 3) use a spreadsheet format. EZNEC, shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, uses its own file
format (and transfers data to its cores in binary form). Unlike many other programs, EZNEC uses separate screens
for the main data and the individual collections of data that describe the wires, loads, sources, ground values, and
other constituents of a model. NEC2GO uses a basic file system derived from but not identical to its progenitors,
AO and NEC-Wires (Fig. 5). Nevertheless, all three programs--either in all or in advanced versions--include
facilities for converting files constructed in their native file formats into a .NEC file. 4NEC2 (Fig. 6), NEC-Win Pro,
and GNEC save files in the basic .NEC format. The bottom line is that a file created under one system with a NEC
core is convertible into a file to be saved under another system.
One limitation that likely has limited the use of MININEC among antenna modelers is the fact that there is no
standard file format.
Fig. 7, Fig. 8, and Fig. 9 present the main screens of Antenna Model, NEC4WIN, and MMANA. They suggest--
correctly--that each program uses a different file format that is not directly convertible from one program to the next.
In addition, the user must plug some model parameters directly into the program, although some implementations
attach these parameters to the individual model file. As a result, it is generally the case that the modeler has to
re-construct a model from scratch when moving from one program to the next.
MultiNEC, illustrated in Fig. 10, while not a NEC program in itself, can read many formats, including NEC-Win Plus,
EZNEC, and the MININEC program, Antenna Model. Multi-NEC is an Excel application that works with the core of
an existing modeling program and adds a considerable number of features on both the input and output side of the
3. NEC2 or NEC-4
The relative popularity of NEC as the basic calculating core for round-wire antenna modeling has resulted in the
development of a larger body of modeling assistance than is available for MININEC. Perhaps the most notable
training aid is the ARRL Antenna Modeling Correspondence Course, which comes with exercise models in EZNEC,
NEC-Win Plus, and basic .NEC formats. However, other volumes (such as Basic Antenna Modeling: A Hands-On
Tutorial and Intermediate Antenna Modeling: A Hands-On Tutorial) and article series (for example, "Antenna
Modeling" that appears monthly in antenneX) are available.
NEC-2 is the most widely used core and has become a public domain item. It is therefore available worldwide. The
basic algorithms for the core treat only the axial currents, a fact that provides some of the core's limitations. It will
not register the influence of a boom that intersects element wires at right angles. It requires a set of substitute
uniform diameter elements for accurate calculation of linear elements having a changing diameter along their
length. Non-radiating loads, transmission lines, and networks are most accurate in regions of an element that have
a high and stable current, and such additions to the wire structure become less accurate as one moves into regions
where the current level changes more extremely from one segment to the next. As we bring wires of different
lengths and diameters into close proximity, the accuracy of the result may suffer. All wires must be above ground.
Fortunately, NEC-2 contains a self-testing ability that will detect many model inadequacies. The average gain test is
a necessary but not sufficient test of adequacy, and there are some inadequate models that the test will not detect.
Although the convergence test is applicable to NEC models, it is the most used test for determining the adequacy of
MININEC models. (Antenna Model incorporates the average gain test into its implementation of MININEC.) Hence,
modelers who use NEC have a way to determine to a high, although incomplete, degree of confidence the quality of
their models.
NEC-4 represents a further development of and revision to NEC-2. The current calculations use a different
algorithm that gives higher accuracy to antenna structures that use a tapering diameter. However, for very steep
tapers, the results do not fully mesh with MININEC or Leeson correction results. Since the new algorithms treat only
axial currents, some of the same limitations affecting NEC-2 still apply, although in some cases, to a lesser degree.
For further details, see "NEC-4.1: Limitations of Importance to Hams," QEX (May/June, 1998), pp. 3-16.
However, NEC-4 adds a considerable number of new features that enhance modeling. The core permits wires
below ground for accurate modeling of ground radial systems and similar subterranean structures. The core allows
the modeler to specify insulating sheaths for wires. Besides the near-field analysis available in NEC-2, NEC-4 also
uses a second form of near-field analysis along the axis of a line specified by the modeler. Although the standard
above ground medium is a vacuum or dry air, NEC-4 allows specification of a different upper medium, with constant
supplied by the modeler. The newer core also permits plot data file storage directly rather than via facilities provided
by the commercial implementation.
NEC-4 has another important difference from NEC-2: it is not public domain. Instead, it is proprietary with the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the University of California. It requires a separate license before a
commercial implementation (GNEC or EZNEC Pro/4) can be sold. In recent years the cost of a license to an
individual--such as a radio amateur--for non-commercial purposes has come way down, but may still be significant
in deciding whether to invest in a NEC-4 package. At the time of writing, the current cost of licensing is $250 for
academic or non-commercial users and $950 for a commercial executable license. You may obtain the license
materials on line at Export restrictions may
apply, limiting access to the NEC-4 core outside of the United States.
For many applications, there are "work-arounds" available so that NEC-2 results will reasonably replicate what you
would obtain using NEC-4. However, for many other types of applications, NEC-4 is necessary. For example,
simulating a buried radial system for a vertical monopole was once believed to be possible using either a
MININEC-type ground (available in EZNEC) or a system of radials placed very close to the ground. Subsequent
modeling in NEC-4 using buried wires has shown some serious shortcomings of the NEC-2 work-arounds. Hence,
for critical applications, NEC-4 is the core of choice, if available.
Throughout these initial descriptions of both NEC and MININEC, I have referred to "round-wire" modeling. Both
cores use algorithms based on the thin round wires, normally in a vacuum or dry air and well separated from other
materials. A considerable amount of current antenna design uses elements with other cross-section geometries and
other environments. For example, laying (or etching) copper strips on a substrate is a common construction method
for antennas in the UHF region and upward. Without extensive external calculations of the adjustment for the
changed geometry and the substrate, NEC cannot accurately model such structures. Those structures require the
use of what some call hybrid programs that combine method-of-moments techniques with other means of
accounting for altered current distribution and the influence of the base material. For even the well-heeled amateur
interested in modeling, the cost of such programs--virtually all of which are proprietary--can be daunting, if not
downright forbidding.
4. Segment Limitations
Thus far, we have been looking primarily at differences among the calculation cores available for round-wire
antenna modeling. The major implementation-specific differences that we have explored are the file formats for
storing antenna models. However, among the commercial implementations of NEC, there is another more
fundamental limitation: the number of segments permitted by the core. The procedure--from a programming
perspective--for setting the maximum number of segments allowed is straightforward. Therefore, some commercial
versions of NEC have segments limits below the maximum possible values.
The most notable of programs with segment limitations is EZNEC, now in version 4. Regular EZNEC limits the
number of segments to 500, while EZNEC Plus allows 1500. EZNEC Pro (in both NEC-2 and NEC-4 versions),
allows up to 20,000 segments by controlling the utilization of virtual memory. An allied decision made by
commercial implementations of NEC is whether to use a single-precision or double precision core. Single precision
cores run faster, although double-precision results are normally more precise. The speed difference does not show
up in small models, while the precision difference does not appear until a model becomes highly complex.
NEC2GO claims its NEC-2 core has no segment limitation. In contrast, the NEC-2D (meaning double precision)
core in both NEC-Win Plus and NEC-Win Pro set the limit at 10,000 segments. GNEC's NEC-4D core allows up to
a little over 11,000 segments, since it does not internally control the use of virtual memory during a run. In addition,
cores may automatically set their dimensions, including the allowable number of segments, memory, and wires to a
junction, by programming pre-sets, or by manual user settings. EZNEC sets the segmentation limits and memory
allocation automatically by virtue of the model size, and NEC-Win Plus uses a similar system. However, NEC-Win
Pro and GNEC have a parameter file to allow the user to set values for the most efficient core operation.
When new to antenna modeling, 500 segments may seem to be enough for the biggest imaginable problem.
However, it is wise to consider both present and future uses of a modeling program before opting for the least
expensive and most segment-limited version. Of course, economics may prove to be a decisive factor in decision-
making, in which case, one may have to obtain simply the best program for the price. If you can take future
potential modeling activities into account, the following brief examples may be of interest.
1. Adhering to appropriate modeling guidelines for either NEC or MININEC, a 5-band quad may require as
many as 220 segments per set of loops for each band.
2. A 5-wavelength, 3-wire rhombic may require up to 600 segments.
3. A 160-meter 4-square array with a full buried radial system with 32-radials per monopole may require
nearly 1600 segments.
4. A VHF or UHF corner reflector of considerable size and composed of a wire-grid structure may require over
2200 segments.
How large your models might someday become as you refine your modeling efforts presents you with some
interesting match-ups with available software.
I began these notes with the vain hope of compressing the options facing the potential antenna modeler into a
single session. However, that goal is not realistic, so we shall have to spend one more episode on the subject. With
the transition into options involving the number of available segments, we are moving from general considerations
of the NEC and MININEC cores into choices among the features and facilities offered by the available
implementations. We shall continue in this vein next time.
Modeling Software, Part 2
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
In Part 1 of this parade through the options facing the new modeler or the modeler wishing to upgrade his or her
capabilities, we examined a number of fundamental choices among the available calculating cores for round-wire
modeling activities. Besides noting a few (but certainly not all) of the differences between NEC and MININEC
programs, we also looked at some differences between NEC-2 and NEC-4. As we came ever closer to sorting among
the available commercial implementations of each core, we found variations in the model file formats used among
programs. Finally, we explored the need for a modeler to consider both short- and long-range modeling activities when
deciding on the segmentation limitations that attach to some programs.
As if these were not enough options for one to consider when investing in modeling software, we shall explore in this
episode a number of other options and what they may (or may not) mean to the modeler. Throughout, we are
by-passing explanations of how modeling programs do what they do, since that information appears in many other
articles and books. As well, we are not recommending any one or more individual program, but trying to set forth the
considerations that each program purchaser should think about when exploring the available programs at their web
sites. Last time, we presented a table of programs and the URLs to use when exploring the possibilities.
MININEC appeared with an abbreviated set of commands relative to NEC-2. The available implementations of both
public domain MININEC and the proprietary version known as Expert MININEC have added to the original command
list. In general, however, the number of added commands is small.
NEC is another matter. New modelers often select entry-level software that internally restricts the number of
commands relative to the full list accepted by the core. The general purpose in the restriction is to provide the modeler
with a user-friendly interface for setting up a model and for examining the output. Among the most notable examples of
this practice are standard EZNEC and NEC-Win Plus, although each program uses a unique interface.
To get a handhold on the range of commands that are usable by the NEC cores, examine Table 1. It presents a
complete list of commands for NEC-2 and NEC-4. Note that some commands are specific to each core and that some
commands change formats when moving from one core to the other. The NEC manuals for both versions tend to
divide the commands into those that specify the geometry structure of the antenna and those that control the model
afterwards, either by introducing modifications--such as loads or transmission lines--or by specifying the desired output
Entry level programs tend to restrict the number of geometry commands to just 3: GW, GS, and GE. GW specifies a
wire's coordinates, number of segments, and radius (although a program may list the entry as the wire diameter). In
most cases, the actual user entry is invisible with respect to the command name. GS is a necessary entry that many
entry-level programs automatically insert to convert the user's unit of measure into meters, the unit required by the
core for calculation. GE simply marks the end of the geometry portion of the model.
However, full NEC programs that permit ASCII entry of commands allow the use of all of the commands applicable to
the core in use. Such programs are 4NEC2, NEC-Win Pro, and GNEC. Some of these programs permit multiple
modes of entry. For example, the listed Nittany Scientific programs have an assist screen for each new command so
that the user does not need to worry about the line format. In addition, they have an insert--essentially, the NEC-Win
Plus program--to allow wire, source, and load creation in a manner identical to the entry-level program. Finally, the
programs have a wire-assist function that aids in transferring model geometries created on spreadsheets into the NEC
model format.
The command set is useful in creating complex geometric structures in a compact form. Some programs--EZNEC
especially--has wire-formation functions that replicate many of the commands in the geometry list. For example, one
can form length-tapered elements (GC), helices (GH), along with wire-grids and radials systems (GM). The results are
a list of individual wires, each equivalent to a GW entry. Consider a set of monopoles spaced �-wavelength apart
above a wire-grid simulation of a ground-plane surface. Depending on the number of monopoles and the outer
dimensions of the rectangular wire grid, the EZNEC construct might have from hundreds to thousands of individual
wire entries. In contrast, using the GW entry for the first wire in each group and the GM command to replicate it the
required number of times, we might set up any monopole array and its ground surface in no more than 6 entries.
However, mastering the full command set for either NEC-2 or NEC-4 requires a far longer learning curve than
becoming able to produce useful results from the core with a more restricted command set.
The control commands are equally restricted in entry-level programs. Among the structure modifying commands, the
EX or source command used in entry-level programs is least versatile. The user may specify a voltage source placed
on a segment of the geometry. These programs do create an indirect current source, if the user wishes, a function not
directly available in range of selections available under the EX label. Among the excitation variations unavailable to the
entry-level program user are those involving plane wave excitation--both linear and elliptical. These commands are
useful in modeling activities that analyze the receiving and scattering properties of antennas,
At the lowest entry level, the user has access only to far-field data in both tabular and graphical forms. The graphics
are not a function of the core, but are fairly standard functions that programs provide to ease user understanding of the
data. Some programs provide tabular near-field data, and others provide--at a more advanced level--surface-wave
data. Missing from the list are other options attached to the RP command, and totally missing are the receiving (PT)
and mutual coupling (CP) options for output requests. These options are only available in full NEC-2 and/or NEC-4
The GF and WG commands associated with reading and writing Numerical Green's Files are especially useful to
those who must repetitively use portions of large model files. Consider a series of wire-grid reflector structures having
various dimensions. Then consider having to test each reflector with a variety of driver structures, each of which may
require changes of position relative to the reflectors. The modeler can initially create a series of reflectors and create
(WG) Green's files for each one. Then, by recalling the appropriate file (GF), the modeler can add the driver and run
the entire model in a fraction of the time needed to re-run the entire reflector portion from scratch.
Whether your modeling--both now and in the future--requires the additional commands available in the full NEC
programs is more than an idle consideration. As well, you may not need to make a very long-term decision at the
beginning. Software makers do offer discounts for upgrading, but only when the move is from one program to another
in a single product line.
The input and output systems of coordinates often take some users by surprise. The surprise factor is often a function
of the system with which the user is most familiar: the compass rose vs. the Cartesian coordinate system. Fig. 1
shows the Cartesian coordinate system as used by both NEC and MININEC. In all cases, the +X-axis corresponds to
the 0� heading used in the output reports for radiation patterns. +Y corresponds to 90 degrees. Of course, -Z values
are valid only for free space models in all of the cores and only in NEC-4 for models using a ground.
Note that the system effectively counts counterclockwise. For most antenna structures, the direction of counting
presents no problem. However, when constructing arrays of multiple antennas, such as an AM broadcast tower set,
not only are directions from one tower to the next important, but as well, the modeler may be used to employing a
compass rose or clockwise orientation for the field geometry. So far as I know, only Expert MININEC offers an option
for inputting values using true compass or azimuth headings.
Fig. 2 shows the circles for the output conventions. Inherently, NEC and MININEC use the phi or counterclockwise
system for headings in the X-Y plane, along with a Z-axis theta system that counts from the overhead or zenith angle
downward. Some software systems offer only this option for the presentation of radiation patterns, but other
implementations also offer (and refer to) azimuth and elevation headings. In most cases, conversion of theta angles to
elevation angles (angles above the horizon) is simple. However, the phi-to-azimuth (clockwise) conversion is more
complex. Hence, some software simply calls the phi patterns azimuth patterns. Other software, like the sample
standard 2-D azimuth pattern in Fig. 3 from NEC-Win Plus, modifies only the outer ring values without flipping the
pattern itself. For symmetrical patterns, this practice makes no difference, but may create confusion for
non-symmetrical patterns if the user forgets what conversion process is at work.
In the realm of 2-D patterns, there are many more options for presentation than simply the total pattern. Post run
calculations can sort out the left-hand and right-hand circular components of a pattern, as in the EZNEC sample
shown in Fig. 4 and also available in the Nittany Scientific software Multi-Plot facility. Besides showing a pattern, the
software may also make available in various forms supplementary data, as shown in the side-box in Fig. 3. Of special
interest is the NEC4WIN presentation in Fig. 5; it adds a supplemental calculation of the headings for each lobe in the
Most modeling software provides a 3-D pattern for the user, and the presentation will vary slightly with each software
package. Fig. 6 shows the Nittany Scientific version, which allows a conventionalized but not scaled representation of
the antenna in the typical line pattern. The antenna view and pattern change together as one rotates the image. Some
packages use a standard separation of lines, representing increments (in degrees) between points in the far-field
sample. Other programs allow user control of the increments, although one must always strike a balance between
wide line spacing and little pattern definition on the one hand, and small increments for detail that may create an
unreadable dark graphic. Antenna Model adds color to the pattern for easier reading, as shown in Fig. 7.
Although virtually all antenna modeling software packages offer graphical far-field representations that show the same
data, some presentations may be better suited to specific applications than others. Hence, the prospective user should
consider the options in the appearance of pattern graphics as well as the number of different patterns types that may
be available. Far-field patterns have major and minor axes, and the RP0 command allows the user to specify these
data in place of the more conventional vertical and horizontal components of the total field. We have also noted that
one can calculate the circular components of a total field. Some programs, such as EZNEC Pro, may also allow the
presentation of surface-wave (RP1) fields, while others may plot near-field (NE or NH) data.
In addition to polar plots, some software implementations provide an array of rectangular plots. At the low end of the
scale, EZNEC provides an SWR plot across a specified frequency range, while NEC-Win Plus plots both SWR and the
impedance components. NEC2GO provides a graph with multiple data lines for frequency sweeps. Antenna Model
supplies separate gain, 180� front-to-back ratio, worst-case front-to-back ratio, resistance, reactance, and SWR
curves for its frequency sweeps. At the upper end of the range of available rectangular plots are NEC-Win Pro and
GNEC, which provide not only graphs for frequency sweeps, but as well, current and receiving data plots.
To increase the available graphical representations of data from entry-level programs, there are supplemental
programs. For example, EZPlots from AC6LA provides extensive graphing of EZNEC frequency sweep data, which
emerges from the core program in tabular form only. More flexible is AC6LA's Multi-NEC, which works with a
considerable number of NEC and MININEC programs to provide versatility on both the input and outside sides of the
core. It allows batch runs and the use of variables on the input side, and produces a number of polar and rectangular
plots for the output data. Both of these programs are Excel applications rather than stand-alone programs.
7. Auxiliary Functions
Rigorously, any calculation made by an antenna-modeling program outside of the core is an auxiliary function. Since
the SWR corresponding to a reported source impedance requires a user specification of a reference impedance, it is
technically an auxiliary calculation. Likewise, calculation of the circular components of a total far field fits the same
category. However, these calculations are so intimately connected to the core calculations that we tend to think of
them as inherent to the modeling process.
A more clearly auxiliary function is the "model-by-equation" facility or the use of variables, represented by the
NEC-Win Plus "equations" page shown in Fig. 8. (Part 1 showed a sample--Fig. 3--of the NEC-Win Plus "wires" page
revealing the use of variables rather than numbers.) In NEC-Win Plus, the equations are preserved only in the .NWP
format file, but saving the model in .NEC format saves only the resulting numbers.
Some auxiliary functions are extensions of existing commands that the core already provides. Fig. 9 shows the screen
from EZNEC in which the user would specify loads using R-X, or series or parallel R-L-C values. Placing a trap in an
antenna element normally requires external calculation of a parallel L and C value, where the inductor also has a
series resistance (calculated from the known or estimated coil Q). Hence a series-to-parallel conversion is in order. As
well, the trap is designed to be resonant at a certain frequency. Hence, the net resistance and reactance at other
frequencies varies in accord with how far off resonance the trap may be. Rather than calling for an external
recalculation of the load assembly for each new frequency, EZNEC recalculates the load value for that frequency
based on the input data provided by the user.
NEC2GO provides a different type of integrated auxiliary calculation. Fig. 10 shows the matching network selection
screen. The user selects the desired line impedance and the network type--where only viable networks are active
relative to the source impedance derived from an initial core run. There are other matching network programs
available, but the unique part of the NEC2GO system is that it converts the selected network and values into an NT
command and adds it to the model, moving the source to a new wire created by the auxiliary function.
We have noted in passing the facility in some programs to create various wire structures within some programs. Radial
systems (whether used for a ground plane or as a "top hat") and wire-grid rectangles are the most common, although
in EZNEC, one can also create helices and circles (or, more correctly, straight-wire approximations of circles). For
more complex structures, Nittany Scientific offers a package called NEC-Win Synth to synthesize the geometry section
of models. The output can be saved in both .NWP and in .NEC formats for use in a wide variety of NEC software. The
package includes over 50 preset shapes ranging from simple geometric shapes, like an open or closed cylinder, to
generic vehicle shapes, such as a sedan, van, or pick-up truck.
True auxiliary functions are integrated into the software package that implements a given calculation core. Numerous
programs have independent modules to perform various calculations, but often, they are conveniences more than
integrated parts of the modeling process. For most of the independent calculation modules, one can find external
programs to perform the same calculations. Hence, these functions may have lesser status than integrated auxiliary
functions when evaluating one's options in the selection of antenna-modeling software.
Our samples of auxiliary functions, like every other aspect of this survey of options, incompletely represent what is
available in the commercial implementations of NEC and MININEC. The goal is to make you aware of the range of
enhancements that may be available to the antenna modeler. In deciding what software is best for both immediate and
future needs, you will have to decide which features of which software best mesh with those needs.
8. Cost
I would be remiss if I did not take cost into account as one of the option sets facing the antenna modeler. Software is
an inherently unstable commodity, with both the available features and the cost changing over time. As operating
systems evolve, changes in software are inevitable. The PC software that we have sampled is generally compatible
with operating systems up through XP. What the near future may bring, such as 64-bit CPUs, etc., and the effects that
future developments may have on antenna modeling software appear in a crystal ball that I do not have. Therefore,
these notes are necessarily dated and subject to change.
In thinking about cost, the prospective user must consider the program capabilities that come with the price and the
support available from the program developer. Typically, but not always, free programs come without any commitment
to support. Support has at least two dimensions: bug fixes and tutorial material. All of the developers noted in this
exploration of options want to know about bugs and are interested in user suggestions. However, suggestions for
change and enhancement are always subject to programming feasibility, and a given suggestion might not show up in
a software package until many versions down the line--if at all.
Tutorial materials take many forms. Many packages have attached tutorials to guide the user through at least the initial
stages of modeling with the software. Manuals come in two forms: via the "help" facility and/or in a printed manual. In
some cases, the program developer may provide or update a manual with documents that require user printing.
Articles appear from time to time in various journals, such as QST. My own series on "Antenna Modeling" appears
monthly in antenneX and at my web sire (modeling.html) and covers topics relevant to the use of both NEC (-2 and -4)
and MININEC. Of all the cores, NEC-2 enjoys the most tutorial support. The ARRL antenna modeling correspondence
course is a 31-lesson introduction to antenna modeling with exercise models provided. Nittany Scientific offers both
basic and intermediate modeling tutorials, also with exercise models provided.
Nevertheless, the bottom line is dollars for digits. Table 2 provides the software prices as derived from on-line sources
at the time of writing. Remember that NEC-4 requires a prior license from LLNL as well as the implementing software,
so include all costs when counting your resources. The numbers are for general guidance and are rounded. Be certain
to get exact prices, including shipping and handling, from vendors before making your investment in antenna modeling
Whether you are considering an entry-level program or an advanced version of the latest software, these notes are
aimed to expand the range of factors that you should consider as you approach a decision. Not all of the available
options would fit the space available for these notes, so expect to do much more detailed analyses in preparing to
write a check.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
On 2 meters, we find both horizontally polarized and vertically polarized antennas in keeping with
the 2 main activity clusters on that band. At the lower end of the band, point-to-point
communication dominates, along with some E-M-E reflected-wave communication. In the main,
these activities use horizontal polarization. In the upper part of the band, repeater and related
mobile activities dominate, with a reliance on vertically polarized antennas. Near the middle of the
band, we find a narrow frequency spread used for satellite communications. The variety of
antennas used for this service tends to be a mixture, with some circularly polarized antennas.
Similar patterns apply to most of the amateur VHF and UHF bands.
Unfortunately, many amateurs carry over HF antenna experiences into the VHF and UHF bands.
Hence, there seems to be only one question that dominates poor results with an existing antenna:
how do I obtain more gain? Longer Yagis and exotic antennas come to mind as the sure fire
answers to all inadequate communications problems. (We shall bypass the "more power" answer to
the same question.)
For some situations, an antenna with more forward gain might be the answer. But higher gain may
not always imply a longer Yagi with more elements. For many cases, the answer to our need for
effective communication may lie elsewhere. In these notes, we shall review some information that
is readily available but scattered. In the end, we may opt for more antenna gain, but only as a
secondary feature of other antenna properties that we too often overlook. We shall confine
ourselves to ordinary communication on 2 meters--as a band on which we can focus attention and
make comparisons. Extreme terrestrial DX and E-M-E communications will have to be topics for
another day.
Sometimes the answer to an antenna problem is not gain but height. There are two immediate
clusters of reasons for needing more height.
Local Clutter: Local clutter consists of all objects that may block, absorb, refract, and reflect RF
energy so that it cannot reach its target. Fig. 1 provides a simplified sketch of the situation. Both
organic and inorganic structures can get in the way of RF energy that we want to reach a certain
station, regardless of whether we are using a vertically or horizontally polarized antenna. Trees and
shrubs vary in their energy deflection abilities, depending on local weather, type of flora, and the
season. Wet wood is usually more ionized than dry wood. Some species of trees have a higher
metallic content than others.
The more modern a human-built structure, the more likely it is to have more metal that can block
our communications attempts. On old Victorian mansion might have a single AC circuit and wires in
the floor of the upper story. A modern house has computer, telephone, TV, and other cables adding
to extensive house wiring that likely comes down the walls from an attic area. As well, foil-lined attic
insulation is common. Finally, structural steel is working its way into the modern home, not only as
support beams, but also as a replacement for the traditional 2-by-4. We do not have to move to a
high-rise apartment structure to be surrounded by metal.
In these kinds of situations, raw antenna gain may not help us much at all. As the figure suggests,
we need to place our antenna above the clutter. If the clutter is at a moderate distance from our
antenna location, we can sometimes move the antenna site laterally to clear most of the
problematical signal deflections. However, in most cases, nothing succeeds like height. We shall
return to the local-area height question, but first, we should note the second category of concerns.
The Horizon: How close the radio horizon is to us often surprises newer VHF and UHF operators.
Since VHF and UHF communication normally is line of sight (and just a little more), the height of
the antennas at both ends of the line determines how far apart we may be and still effectively
communicate. Fig. 2 shows the most basic outline of the situation.
If the 2 antennas have different heights, each will have a different distance to the grazing point, that
is, the point at which the RF energy encounters the ground. We can estimate either D1 or D2 from
a standard equation (shown in The ARRL Antenna Book, 20th Ed., p. 23-6).
The equation shown is actually a short form of a slightly more complex equation, a version of which
appears in Reference Data for Engineers, 8th Ed., p.33-14.
The equations are easily converted from miles of distance and feet of height to kilometers and
meters. However, let's look more closely at the new element in the second version of the equation.
K is the effective earth radius. The value is about 1.333 for the temperate latitudes, but may vary
from 0.6 to 5.0 depending on where in the world we may be. The simplified equation produces
accurate results only for the latitudes in which the value of K is 4/3.
We may easily turn the equation around to see how high an antenna must be for a given distance
to the radio horizon.
Lest we think that achieving a significantly greater distance to the radio horizon is a linear matter of
raising the antenna by so many feet, notice the fact that the equation uses the square root of height
in finding the distance. Doubling the antenna height will only increase the distance to the radio
horizon by a factor of 1.4. Table 1 correlates some common antenna heights and the distance to
the radio horizon.
Of course, the distance to the horizon (D1) is not the distance to the most remote distant station
that we can contact. That station will also have an antenna height and resulting distance (D2) to its
radio horizon. So the actual communications distance is D1 + D2. Atmospheric bending of signals
may add perhaps 10% to the raw calculation. However, broadcast antennas (for example, FM or
television) usually add a factor to their height plans so that station signals clear the Fresnel zone,
the region in which diffraction from objects in the signal path may yield interfering waves.
Nevertheless, for point-to-point communications, the average amateur is severely limited in efforts
to increase the communications range by adding more tower sections. Little wonder that FM
repeater work relies heavily on placing the repeater antennas on the highest tower with space for
rent or donation.
In most cases, achieving enough antenna height to clear most local clutter takes precedence over
adding to the antenna gain. Only if we can establish at least marginal communications with the
desired target station will added antenna gain provide significant signal strength to convert marginal
signals into reliable ones.
We often overlook an important property of antennas in our quest for maximum gain and front-
to-back ratio. Antennas also exhibit a beamwidth that can be very useful to us in obtaining the
coverage that we desire and the blocking of signals from undesired directions. We shall deal
eventually with all four of the antennas in Fig. 3, but initially we shall look most intently at the 3
Yagis in the group. The outlines are to scale. Table 2 lists the dimensions for the Yagi antennas in
inches. The dimensions assume that the beams use either a nonconductive boom or that the
elements are well insulated and isolated from a conductive boom. The EZNEC models of these
antennas are available from the ARRL web site. The models use a free-space environment and the
elements will form a horizontally polarized antenna if we place them over ground. However, you
may rotate the elements to create a vertically polarized antenna and adjust the array height as
All three Yagis are credible performers for their boomlengths and number of elements, and all use
�" diameter elements for uniformity. I have selected Yagis that cover the entire 2-meter band so
the comparisons are fair throughout. The change of gain across the band is minimized, and the
front-to-back ratio is at least 20 dB for all models at all frequencies sampled. The two larger Yagis
have feedpoint impedance values very close to 50 O. The 3-element version has a natural driver
resonance between 25 and 30 O. The model uses a �-wavelength matching section to bring the
model source impedance above 40 O at the design frequency (146 MHz). The 36-O transmission
line can be composed of parallel sections of 72-O coax cable. Should you wish actually to
construction the antenna, you may also shorten the driver and add a beta (hairpin) matching
component. In all cases, the beams cover the band with under 2:1 50-O SWR. Table 3 lists the
modeled performance of the Yagis at 144, 146, and 148 MHz in free space to provide some
fundamental data.
We should first review some common information about Yagis with different lengths. The most
significant physical fact is that the boomlength tends to increase faster than the element count. The
7-element Yagi has 2.3 times the number of elements as the 3-element Yagi, but the boom is 3.4
times longer. The 11-element Yagi has 3.7 times the elements of the 3-element Yagi, but on a boom
8.1 times longer. Gain does not keep pace with the increases in either the element count or
boomlength. Moving from 3 to 7 elements nets us a 3.9-dB gain increase, but adding a similar
number of elements to wind up with 11 nets us only about 2.6-dB additional gain.
Next, let's examine some data that many VHF Yagi users overlook. The data tables include the
E-plane and H-plane beamwidth values, that is the number of degrees between the half-power
points on the radiation pattern. The E-plane beamwidth is very close to what we would obtain
operating the beam horizontally over the ground, while the H-plane value is close to what we can
expect for beamwidth when operating the antenna vertically over ground.
If we begin with the 11-element Yagi, shown in Fig. 4 for all three sampled frequencies in both
planes, we find no great difference between the E-plane and H-plane beamwidth values--about
3�. However, if we shorten the beam to 7 elements, as shown in the overlaid patterns of Fig. 5,
the beamwidth difference grows to 9�. When we clip 4 more elements from the Yagi, as in the
patterns in Fig. 6, the difference between the E-plane and H-plane beamwidth values climbs to
about 43�.
To make the information even more graphic, Fig. 7 overlays all 3 beam patterns in each plane for
146 MHz. The E-plane patterns show the gain increases with boomlength. However, the beamwidth
decreases by only 27� as we move from 3 to 11 elements. In the H-plane, the differential in
beamwidth values is 67�. When using the Yagis over ground in the horizontal position, the
change in beamwidth usually signals only greater ease or difficulty in aiming a rotatable installation.
In contrast, the much larger change in beamwidth presents us with some interesting potentials for
vertically oriented Yagis over ground, even if we create a fixed installation.
Before we explore that potential, let's add one more beam to the collection, the Moxon rectangle.
This compact 2-element array has some interesting properties in conjunction with the Yagis in our
collection. Table 4 lists the dimensions, with reference back to Fig. 3, which shows the outline of
the beam. Dimension A represents the two parallel long element sections. B is the driver tail length,
while D is the reflector tail, where "tail indicates the portion of the elements that point toward each
other. Dimension C is the gap between tails. The sample Moxon uses �" diameter elements.
Table 5 provides the modeled performance data for the Moxon rectangle. The gain is modest, but
the front-to-back ratio is very high for a 2-element wide-band beam. The direct 50-O feedpoint
covers the entire 2-meter band easily. More significant perhaps are the patterns in Fig. 8. The
E-plane beamwidth is 79� at mid-band, about 13� wider than for the 3-element Yagi.
However, the greatest growth in beamwidth occurs in the H-plane pattern, which is 34� wider
than the corresponding 3-element Yagi pattern. The cardioidal pattern provides a 144�
beamwidth at 146 MHz.
Where we do not require much gain, the Moxon rectangle provides some very promising potentials.
Horizontally, the antenna makes a good field unit that we might hand-steer without much difficulty.
However, the final promise for the antenna may well lie in its service as a fixed vertically polarized
antenna for certain types of home-station repeater operations.
At many locations, omni-directional antennas for repeater operations may be the wrong choice.
Fig. 9 presents only two such scenarios. The left portion of the figure shows a situation in which
there may be a repeater station to the east that either causes interference or which we simply do
not wish to access while working with one or more of the repeaters to the west. The situation calls
for a directional antenna with a reasonably good front-to-back ratio to reduce signals to and from
the east. At the same time, the beamwidth of the antenna should be wide enough to permit contact
with the entire set of repeater stations to the west.
On the right, we have a hill or other major terrain obstruction that prevents operation to the east. In
this case, we might use an omni-directional antenna. However, such an antenna will provide lower
gain. As well, reflections from the hill may create interference patterns. The use of a directional
antenna with the proper pattern shape would permit us to control the reflections in a useful way.
We have surveyed 4 different antennas in terms of the H-plane beamwidth. Which one will serve
best in a given application depends on the operational needs. Fig. 10 presents overlaid H-plane
patterns for all 4 antennas at 146 MHz. There are 4 different sets of needs indicated by the dots or
locations of the desired repeater stations. (Note that, although I am working in terms of repeaters,
any vertically polarized station within the active field may be included.)
The upper left situation shows 4 widely spaced stations, two of which fall outside the beamwidth of
any of the Yagis. If gain is not a major consideration, then the Moxon rectangle may best fulfill this
need. Indeed, one need not use this antenna design only when there is a need for a very wide
beamwidth. The upper right portion suggests a situation calling for somewhat more gain but a
lesser demand on beamwidth. Hence, the 3-element Yagi may be the antenna of choice. The two
lower scenes present calls for still higher gain and decreasing beamwidth requirements. The 7- or
11-element Yagis may best fill these roles.
The lessons from this exercise are two. First, for any proposed antenna, we should understand not
only the potentials for gain and front-to-back ratio. We should also understand both the E-plane and
H-plane beamwidths. Second, once we understand the beamwidth capabilities of antennas, we
may select one that will provide us with designer-coverage for a given communications situation. In
many cases, we may avoid the expense and maintenance worries of using a rotator by selecting
the right antenna for the desired field of coverage.
So far, we have resolved antenna issues by relying on antenna properties other than forward gain.
There may be cases in which we need height, beamwidth, and additional gain. As we saw in
comparing the Yagis, the higher the gain potential, the narrower the beamwidth. Suppose we need
to meet the demands of one of the top two scenes in Fig. 10, but with more gain than we can
obtain from a single Moxon rectangle or 3-element Yagi.
The answer does not lie in making a longer Yagi. For every increment of boomlength that we add,
we lose a proportional amount of beamwidth. For vertically polarized Yagis, the rate of decreasing
beamwidth is greater than for horizontally polarized Yagis. Of course, we can accept the narrower
beamwidth and resort to the rotator. However, we should first explore a strategy that allows us to
enjoy the simplicity of a fixed installation.
One effective strategy is to use a 2-stack of whichever antenna we select. The mechanical
trade-offs between a longer-boom Yagis with 3-dB higher gain and a stack of 2 shorter Yagis are
about even at 2-meters and above. To create a stack, we shall have to extend the mast by about 7'
(1 wavelength), but the individual antennas will place less stress on the mast than a single Yagi
with a boom perhaps 3 times as long. Since we would have to rotate the longer Yagi to cover the
same field, let's try the stacking route.
A good separation between vertically polarized stacked beams is about 1 wavelength, center-
to-center (or, for reference, feedpoint-to-feedpoint), as shown in the outlines in Fig. 11. Since all of
the feedpoint impedances are 50 O, you may use a pair of 75-O cables, one from each feedpoint to
the midpoint between them. Each line should be an odd multiple of � wavelength at about 146
MHz (taking the velocity factor of the line into account). The two resulting 100-O impedances in
parallel match the main 50-O cable. Other schemes are possible, but this one is time-tested.
Phase-line losses require the use of the best quality coax that you can afford.
Table 6 provides comparative information on the modeled performance of the two types of
antennas, with information on single-unit and 2-stack versions. With a 1-wavelength separation
between the two antennas in each stack, we net about 3.2-dB of added gain over single-units at the
lower height. As well, the 2-stack has a slightly lower TO angle, and that fact has positive
implications for point-to-point use of the array. The antennas are each far enough above ground
and far enough apart that the feedpoint impedance values for the 2-stack do not significantly
change relative to the impedance of a single unit.
For the present discussion, perhaps the most important fact is that neither beam loses any
horizontal beamwidth when placed in the 2-stack just described. Fig. 12 compares the single-unit
and 2-stack azimuth patterns for each antenna type. 2-stack gain in each case marks the outer limit
of the patterns. Hence, the Yagi may give the illusion of showing a pattern that is smaller in area.
However, the real difference lies in the narrower beamwidth for the higher-gain Yagi, relative to the
Moxon rectangle.
Our exercise presumed that we needed vertical polarization for the desired communications. It also
set up scenarios in which we wanted to null out a general direction and direct our transmitted
energy (and our receiving sensitivity) over part or all of the remaining horizon. The techniques that
emerged gave priority to the H-plane beamwidth of the antenna candidates in devising a way to
meet the need. Gain became a secondary property. Within the limits of the scenario, attaining more
gain required methods other than simply making a longer Yagi with more gain.
At VHF and UHF, there are numerous communications activities that call for the highest gain
possible. Long-distance point-to-point work may call for stacks and squares of the longest-boom
antennas feasible installed as high as possible. E-M-E work may call for similar antennas, but
height is less of a problem, since we shall point the antennas upward. Still, the quest for gain rules
these activities.
However, we may fail to meet most basic communication needs if we only think of gain, and
especially, if we think of gain only in terms of longer Yagis with more elements. The first task is to
employ all of the ingenuity at our disposal in raising the antenna above the local ground clutter. The
next step is raising the antenna to a height that places our signal above the radio horizon relative to
our targets.
These notes are not in any way final answers to the questions that we have explored. Instead, they
are initial options designed to expand thinking about point-to-point communications. For example,
Yagis and Moxon rectangles are not the only antenna types that might meet our needs. Planar and
corner reflector arrays are available and might allow easier construction, especially at 432 and
1296 MHz. Even the broadband batwing dipole array might meet some needs.
The first step in choosing the option that is correct for a given situation is an analysis of the
situation itself. The second step is a full understanding of the antenna performance properties
relevant to the needs of the situation. The more complete our understanding of available antenna
designs, the more likely that we shall be to select a workable option as a solution.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
The �-wavelength dipole and its kin (the inverted-V, the quadrant, etc.) are far more competent
antennas than many folks give them credit for being. They provide good gain with a fairly wide
beamwidth and are bi-directional. In fact, if we rotate a �-wavelength dipole in 120�
increments, we obtain full horizon coverage with only a small gain deficit in the pattern overlap
region, as shown on the left in Fig. 1. With an antenna tuner and parallel feedlines, we can use the
antenna at higher frequencies. Up to about 1.5 times the resonant frequency, the beamwidth is still
great enough to give us less than a 3-dB gain deficit in the pattern overlap region. See the right
side of Fig. 1. For full-horizon coverage with no more than a 3-dB gain deficit (about � S-unit),
we need a half-power beamwidth of about 60� from each of the 3 antenna positions.
Now let's give ourselves a limitation. We shall take away the rotator and use wire for the dipole. We
end up with a very inexpensive but fixed antenna. For full-horizon coverage, we shall need at least
3 dipoles at approximate 120� angles. The question then becomes how to arrange the 3 dipoles.
The arrangement must activate one dipole, leaving the other 2 inert or inactive. Fig. 2 shows full-Y
and triangular (or delta) arrangements. The sketches assume that each dipole has a feedline, and
that all feedlines are the same length. They run from the feedpoints to a central location. That
location may be at the station equipment or a remote switch at the center of the arrays.
The full-Y array requires 4 supports, with one at the center and 3 for the far dipole ends. The
triangle only needs 3 supports, since each support handles 2 dipole ends. However, if we wish to
use the arrays at or very near to their resonant frequencies, we hit a snag in the form of very
non-dipole patterns. Since the antennas are near their resonant frequencies on the lowest
frequency of use, the two most obvious schemes fail us.
On the left in Fig. 3, the full-Y array produces a bi-directional pattern with a narrow beamwidth.
Interaction with the inactive dipoles produces north-south bulges and narrows the east-west
pattern. In contrast, the inactive dipoles in the triangular array form reflectors to produce a spade-
shaped pattern in one direction. In other applications, we might capitalize on this pattern, but for our
project, it defeats the goal of covering the entire horizon. Most of the interactive effects disappear if
the operating frequency is more than about 30% distant from resonance. However, that
requirement would defeat our desire to have a 3-dipole array that is highly usable on several ham
bands and able to cover the horizon.
There are alternative array configurations that do not result in interactions of the type we obtain
from the full-Y and delta arrays. In the 1930s, some operators used a half-Y formation. The Y was
full, but each element was half of a dipole. Each half-dipole leg came together at a center point and
each had 1 of the feedlines already connected. Hence, the array ended up with 3 feedlines. To
select a dipole, we simply used 2 of the 3 lines. Many of these early operators used the antenna on
a single band. Therefore, they created twisted triplets for the feedline. The close spacing and wire
insulation on the feedlines gave a reasonably constant and fairly low characteristic impedance for
any wire-pair in the group. Determining the correct dipole to use simply required selecting the
feedline pair that yielded the strongest signal.
Fig. 4 provides an outline sketch of the wire portion of the array cut for 20 meters. The dimensions
are overly precise, since we shall be using the array with parallel feedline and an antenna tuner.
However, the dimensions are based on first resonating the dipoles in free space and then
transferring those dimensions to a model over ground. Any equal wire lengths within a few inches
of the values in the figure will work as well. Table 1 provides a recap of the critical dimensions,
along with the dimensions of some other versions of the half-Y array.
The pair of wires that we select forms a dipole that is bent to include a 120� angle. Like any
slightly Vee'd antenna, we lose a bit of gain and some of the side null depth of a standard dipole.
As shown in the top lines of Table 2, that gain loss relative to a standard dipole is under a half dB
at 20 meters. However, in exchange for the maximum gain deficit, we obtain very workable patterns
for many bands. The left portion of Fig. 5 overlays patterns from 20 through 10 meters. The gain is
remarkably consistent from one band to the next. Only on 10 meters do we find sufficient
interaction between the 2 actives wires and the inactive wire to produce a 0.9-dB front-to-back
10-meter operation presses the array to its limits as a means of covering the entire horizon with 3
bi-directional patterns. The right side of Fig. 5 shows the deeper nulls in the overlap region
between maximum gain points. As well, there are other cautions to observe when using the half-Y
array in multiband service. Table 4 lists some of the modeled performance figures, as well as
indicating the bands most likely to yield excellent performance. Below 20 meters, we obtain an
even broader beam. However, the source impedance has a low resistance and a very high
reactance. With the standard high impedance lines that we tend to use for the array, this situation
will likely result in a challenging matching situation for most tuners and introduce significant line
losses. On 12 and 10 meters, the source impedance values reach levels that may challenge tuners
in the other direction, depending upon the impedance components that exist at the terminals as a
result of the line length and characteristic impedance. However, consistent operation on 20 through
15 meters--with 12 meters also a possibility--should be easy.
For the upper HF region, installing the half-Y should require only 3 supports, one at each dipole
end. The triple feedline that forms an equilateral triangle as a cross-section can simply drop from
the center point. If the curve that the line forms on its way to the shack entry is shallow enough, you
can maintain equal-length lines along the entire feedline run. Under these conditions, you should
not need significant retuning when switching from one pair of dipole legs to the next. Hence, a
simple switching scheme should give instant recognition of which dipole pair yields the strongest
There will be a temptation to use a center support and to place the feedline wires symmetrically
around the support. This method will work if the support does not form a conductor or
semi-conductor. Trees and telephone poles notoriously change their conductive properties with the
weather and the seasons. They can create losses along the line that take up much of the energy
before it ever reaches the antenna. Unless the center support is certifiably non-conductive for the
HF region in all weather, it may be better to offset the three feedlines from the support and to
maintain sufficient distance to minimize interactions between the support and the lines.
The half-dipole Y is not the only possible form for the array. Ron Wray, WB5HZE, wrote me about
some interesting possible variations to suit his needs. Instead of using �-wavelength legs for
each branch of the Y, he considered using half loops. In effect, the active pair of half loops would
form a 1-wavelength quad loop with a 120� Vee. He also suggested that we need not replicate
the isolation of the inactive element at the top or unfed point. The result would be a set of loops that
had special advantages. First, for the same top height as the dipoles, they would yield additional
gain. Second, a single top junction would simplify construction. Third, the entire array would occupy
only half the lateral space required by the �-wavelength dipole legs. Finally, if a builder desired to
use tubing or similar materials, a single center support could hold the entire array.
I modeled the revised system and ended up with the dimensions shown in the remaining lines of
Table 1 for a 20-meter version of Ron's antenna. In addition to the standard square loop, we can
also form a rectangle with a 50-Ohm impedance on the fundamental band. The table also shows
the dimensions for such a loop, with reduced lateral spread. The rectangle is only 40% as wide as
the version using linear dipole legs. However, it is significantly longer from top to bottom. See Fig. 6
Table 2 shows the free-space and 50' modeled 20-meter performance data for the 3 versions of the
half-Y array. The square and rectangular loop versions lose about a quarter dB relative to flat
versions of those antennas. The loops both form in-phase fed pairs of horizontal elements and
show gain over the single dipole. As well, the loops show slightly higher beamwidth values. I chose
a certain maximum height (50') for the comparisons because that is likely to be the factor limiting
most antenna builders. With a maximum top-wire height, the loops show slightly higher TO angles
than the dipole version, since the element with the feedpoint is lower than for the linear element
antenna. For any loop, the height that determines the TO angle--when referenced to a single linear
element--is about 2/3 the way from the lower to the upper loop wire. (The same approximation
applies also to stacks of Yagis.)
The source of the added gain for the loops on the fundamental frequency becomes apparent from
Fig. 7. The graphic overlays the elevation patterns for the 3 versions of the loop with the 50'
top-wire height. The square loop shows considerable suppression of high-angle radiation due to the
use of 2 wires, one above the other. As we move toward the rectangle, the horizontal portions of
the antenna come closer to a �-wavelength spacing, at which point, radiation toward the zenith
would disappear. It is not possible to reach a full � wavelength and still have a loop. However,
the 50-Ohm rectangle has about 10 dB lower levels of zenith radiation than the linear dipole. As a
result, there is more energy for the lowest lobe.
You may choose any fundamental band for a half-Y array in any of the 3 forms shown in these
notes. Table 3 provides a starting point by giving the free-space resonant dimensions for the arrays
using #12 copper wire as a material. Obviously, the higher the fundamental frequency of the loop,
the easier it will be to form an array that requires only a single support. With some adjustment of
the loop size, you can use tubular horizontals and wire vertical elements. You may also create a
1-support structure by using a set of non-conductive horizontal supports with all-wire loops
stretched between them. The variations are as unlimited as your creative adaptation of locally
available materials.
Any of the 3 versions of the half-Y array will provide horizonal coverage on the primary bands
because the unfed element is largely inert. The horizontal portions of the third element are at right
angles to the active loop or dipole, despite the 120� Vee. Since the inactive element is also not
fed, the current level remains near zero all along its length. Fig. 8 shows an EZNEC portrayal of the
relative current magnitude on the elements of both the Y-dipole and the Y-rectangle versions of the
array on 20 meters, the fundamental frequency. Note that, for both versions of the antenna, the
current level on the inactive element is completely insignificant, compared to the current on the
active wires.
Table 4 provides the modeling data for all three versions of the array for a top-wire height of 50'
above average ground. We have already noted the caution about operating the antennas at 30
meters, due to the low feedpoint resistance and the high ratio of source reactance to resistance in
all 3 antennas. For multi-band operation, the dipole version of the half-Y array shows lower gain
than the square and rectangular versions on 20 and 17 meters. However, the loop versions of the
array lose any significant gain advantage on 15 meters. On 12 and 10 meters, the dipole array
produces usable patterns, although the high feedpoint resistance and reactance may present some
antenna tuners with a challenge.
The loop versions of the Y-array show a steep decline in gain as the frequency climbs above 21
MHz. The situation is considerably worse on 12 and 10 meters than the gain values in the
performance table indicate. Fig. 9 shows the elevation and azimuth plots for the rectangular Y-array
on both 15 and 12 meters. Similar patterns emerge for the square array and for the same set of
reasons. At 21 MHz, the loops still show mainly broadside radiation, which is natural to a loop with
a circumference in the vicinity of 1 wavelength. However, by the time the operating frequency
reaches 24.94 MHz, the array is operating like a 2-wavelength loop, with strong radiation off the
edges rather than broadside to the loop face. As a result of the change in operating conditions, the
loop patterns show a very strong component directed straight upward as well as strong side-to-side
radiation. In terms of total coverage of the horizon, the loop-based forms of the Y-array lose their
utility as the loop circumferences grow to about 1.75 wavelength or larger.
The potential Y-array builder thus has to decide whether he or she wants more gain on 20 and 17
or the possibility of extended operation to include 12 and 10 meters. Since the final decision will
likely also contain strong consideration of what will fit within a given antenna space and how many
supports are available, I can only suggest careful planning before attempting to construct any
version of the Y-array.
The planning should also include careful attention to the method of handling the triple feedline. If
you plan the system as a monoband array, you can create your own twisted triplet of wires using
well-insulated AWG #12 or larger wires. If you use good quality wire with one of the modern plastics
for insulation, the feedline will likely have low--or at least acceptable--losses in the HF range. Do
not use computer cabling, since the wires are likely too thin for even QRP power levels. The
low-impedance line may not be a match for the source impedance, so you will still need a tuner.
However, tuners built into modern transceivers may be all that you need to effect an adequate
For multi-band use, the situation changes. Fig. 10 shows the basic system of feeding the antenna
with homemade transmission lines that have a relatively high characteristic impedance. With 1"
spacing, AWG #12 or AWG #14 wire will show close to 400 Ohms as the characteristic impedance.
It is possible to make periodic spacers from plastic discs. The goal is to hold all three wires in
perfect alignment from the antenna source to the antenna tuner terminals or to some intervening
switching system. If there is a center support, the wire-spacing disc can be the end portion of a
larger piece of plastic material used to space the entire set of wires well away from the support.
The plastic should have good RF properties in the upper HF region and be resistant to UV
radiation. UV-protected polycarbonate is readily available from plastic supply houses and other
If the run of line is fairly long and the spacers are anchored, you may also move the wire positions
by one hole with each new spacer. Make each position shift in the same direction, either clockwise
or counterclockwise, so that the resulting line has a stiffening twist along its total length. The
ultimate goal is a set of 3 possible line combinations such that, when switching from one
combination to the next, no antenna tuner changes are necessary. The result will be the ability to
switch from one combination to the next to determine instantly which one produces the strongest
signal. The strongest received signal normally indicates the best setting for the strongest
transmitted signal.
You may switch the system manually or remotely anywhere along the line. The top portion of Fig.
11 shows a simplified manual switching system suitable for use in the shack near the tuner output
terminals. The numbered lines are the 3 wires from the loop or dipole halves. The lines marked A
and B represent the 2-wire parallel feed line from the switch to the antenna tuner. Because the
impedance at the switch may be either very high or very low, use as large a ceramic rotary switch
(2-pole, 3-position) as you can obtain, depending on the power that you plan to use. The terminals
should be well spaced and heavy to handle either high voltage or high currents. You may add a
third wafer to ground the inactive line. A metal enclosure is not necessary, but the entire assembly
should adhere to all safety precautions concerning unwanted contact by either the operator or
shack visitors.
The lower portion of Fig. 11 shows the bare bones of a remote relay-controlled switching system. In
the sketch, the normally closed contacts are upward to simplify the drawing. The relay control
switch is in the shack, while the relays might normally live very close to the array feedpoints. The
schematic does not show the normal reversed diode across each relay and the extensive use of
by-pass capacitors and other components needed to keep the relay control lines free of RF. Like
the manual switching sections, the relays need widely spaced contacts to handle high voltage and
large contact surface areas to handle high currents. The remote system allows the use of one of
the commercial parallel transmission lines for the run from the switching box to the antenna tuner.
The relay system requires careful weather proofing. I prefer a double-shell system, with weep holes
well separated. If one shell has a hidden leak, the second shell sustains protection. Debug the relay
housing(s) at least once or twice per season.
The half-Y array is not an answer to every upper-HF operating need. Its goal is to provide full
horizon coverage for the general operator with limited space and a budget that does not include a
rotator. Antenna and feedline switching with less expensive components substitutes for an
expensive and high-maintenance rotator system. One or another version of the antenna may be
suitable for potential use on any of the HF amateur bands as the fundamental frequency.
The triangular or Y-array concept is adaptable to many variations. For example, if you have a need
for diverse target areas rather than whole horizon coverage, you might consider a triangle of
extended lazy-H antennas. With sufficient separation, you can create a switchable triangle of
Lazy-H arrays targeted by the best compromise relative to the broadside pattern of each one. The
extended Lazy-H uses 1.25-wavelength elements on the highest frequency of use, with
�-wavelength to 5/8-wavelength spacing between the upper and lower elements. A perfect
triangle is not necessary, so you can modify the broadside direction of each Lazy-H to
accommodate the narrower beamwidth that gives you the higher gain. As well, the longer elements
will be more immune to interaction with the inactive antennas. If you begin with 1.25-wavelength
elements and a vertical spacing of 5/8 wavelength at 10 meters, you can cover several lower bands
with good patterns and significant gain before the array approaches the size at which interactions
with the inactive wires creates pattern distortions. However, the array trades beamwidth for gain, so
full horizon coverage cannot be a goal. However, you can obtain good signal strength to up to 6
target communication areas.
Alternatively, especially for the lower bands, you can create triangles of vertical dipoles. By
judicious switching, you can drive one dipole and let the other 2 form a set of reflectors. The leads
to a central remote switch can comprise inductively reactive loads for the reflectors to create the
right amount of lengthening for optimum parasitic reflector service. Vertical antenna patterns
normally have a larger beamwidth than horizontal antenna patterns, and a 120� beamwidth is
not difficult to obtain. Therefore, you can cover the entire horizon with just 3 vertical dipoles.
The Y-arrays and some of the possible triangles provide examples of what we can do with wire
when faced with a limited budget and limited installation space. The basics for the arrays that we
discussed have very old roots, but are ripe for re-use, refreshment, and contemporary adaptation to
increase our antenna options. "Why" is a question, but for some operators, "Y" may be an answer.
A Special Appendix
Correspondence arrived at QEX asking the following question. "One can make W4RNL's Y
antenna omni-directional by driving the 1, 2, 3 feedpoints with three-phase power (where the 1, 2, 3
feedpoints are driven with RF power at 0-degree, 120-degree, and 240-degree phases
respectively)." "I guess I'm curious to figure out how I can take my RF signal and turn it into a
3-phase RF signal."
Although the idea is intriguing, I do not know if its is practical. I took the 20-meter Y model at 600"
(50') and modified it to have 3 short feed wires, with simultaneous 0, 120, and 240 degree phased
sources. The modeling plan and the elevation/azimuth plots are in Fig. 12.
The original switched Y had bi-directional gain of a little over 7 dBi at 19 degrees elevation. The
phase-fed Y has a max gain of a little over 6 dB--straight upward. There is a moderately strong
triangular pattern at 19 degrees elevation, with a gain only a little under the upward maximum
value. (Note that the pattern is not truly omni-directional, since the individual patterns do not add
The impedance of each source point is about 85 Ohms. One would need 3 identical twisted pairs of
about that impedance as a Zo and sufficiently separated so as not to interact. Back at the shack
end of the line one could set up delay lines for 120 degrees and 240 degrees, but that is a lot of
line. And it is good only for one band. One might also install delay lines at the antenna hub with a
single main feedline back to the shack. However, such lines might be difficult to route to prevent
undesired interactions. In the shack, double shielded coax might do the trick, with a 1:1 balun for
the twisted pair runs. Coiling delay-line coax in old large metal popcorn cans would likely serve the
added shielding needs, although the usual decorations on such cans might need disguising to
maintain proper station dignity.
However, all is not lost. If we scale the design for 40 meters and adjust for practical height
considerations, then we might have a workable combination of a NVIS and longer distance
antenna. MARS and other military affiliate and related operations often look for antennas that would
serve both shorter range and longer-range regional needs, and such an antenna pattern might fit
their needs. But due to the need for delay lines, the antenna would be frequency or fairly
narrow-band specific. I have not looked into what lower heights as measured in wavelengths will do
to the pattern, but this may be a start in the design process if one has a need for such an antenna.
It is likely that the junction of the 3 lines (1 direct and 2 delay) at the TX end of the line would need
a transmission-line transformer at about a 2:1 ratio to raise the parallel connection composite
impedance of a little over 25 Ohms up to 50 Ohms.
Unlike the question, "How high is up?" our question has an answer. In fact, the question has many answers. The first step is
deciding what we are referring to by the word "wide." Since our subject is antennas, there are two possibilities: beamwidth and
bandwidth. Let's choose the latter as the more intriguing. Let's further refine the expression with a qualifier and call the
operative term "operating bandwidth." That expression should give us room to get into trouble.
As background, we may look at the U.S. amateur bands from 160 meters through 70 cm and define the bandwidth of each.
One common way to arrive at the width of each band is to divide the width of the band from the lowest frequency to the
highest by the band's center frequency--and multiply by 100 to arrive at a percentage. 20 meters is 350 kHz wide, with a
center frequency of 14.175 MHz (or 14175 kHz to use constant units of measure). The result is 2.47%. Table 1 provides
bandwidth values for each of the amateur bands within the indicated scope of our survey.
The bandwidth numbers are useful in some contexts. For example, a precisely scaled antenna from one band would have the
same coverage in terms of the bandwidth on the new band. Precision scaling means scaling the element length(s),
diameter(s), and spacing (if relevant). If we scale an antenna known to cover one of the wider bands for a narrower band, we
can be sure that the antenna will cover the new band. If we begin with an antenna for a narrower band, we cannot be certain
that a scaled version will cover a wider band.
Next, with a bit more trepidation, let's subdivide the range of bandwidths that emerged for the U.S. amateur bands. The
following categories have no validity in general antenna literature, but will be useful for discussion within these notes. If the
bandwidth is less than 1%, we may refer to a narrow bandwidth. If the bandwidth is between 1% and 4%, we may refer to a
medium bandwidth. In the table, we may call bandwidths greater than 4% wide bandwidths.
Our concern over bandwidth derives from a subset of the antennas that we typically use. For example, someone who uses a
center-fed (or off-center-fed or end-fed) wire cares very little about bandwidth. He or she simply "dials in" the correct settings
of a tuner for maximum effectiveness (usually meaning a good SWR match at the transceiver). The operator measures
bandwidth in terms of how many times the tuner requires resetting as the frequency moves up or down one of the bands.
The bandwidth categories evolve from general expectations that we have for relatively standard Yagi antenna designs, where
the elements are aluminum tubes in the upper HF range. A 0.5" 10-meter element for 10 meters would require a 2.0" diameter
on 40 meters. The normal tapered-diameter schedules for full-size 40-m elements in amateur installations virtually never
approach this value. So practical antenna scaling may not meet the table's presumption of perfect antenna scaling. As a
result, horizontal 40-meter antennas based on designs that easily cover 20 or 15 meters usually suffer declining performance
or full failure to perform at one or the other 40-meter band edge.
A combination of practical material limitations and total bandwidth has established conventions for band utilization. We find the
80-meter band subdivided into the 80-meter CW band and the 75-meter phone band, each requiring separate antennas (or
antennas with switched element lengths, loads, or other means of changing the range). On 160, we find a relatively narrow DX
window, with antennas designed to cover only that region. 10-meter antennas tend to cover the first MHz of the band--and
sometimes, only the first 800 kHz of the band. In the VHF and UHF region, we find many high performance narrow-band
antennas for use only within specific small parts of the bands. FM repeater users generally expect to use relatively simple,
omni-directional, vertical antennas. Hence, high performance horizontal antennas on 6 meters tend to cover only a half MHz at
the low end of the band. The upper 3 MHz of the band call for ground-plane monopoles, J-poles, and a few collinear vertical
How we handle the wider amateur bands thus has at least two dimensions: operator decision or preference on the one hand
and design capability on the other. We shall be interested in what various antenna designs--especially parasitic beams--can
achieve by way of operating bandwidth.
Operating Bandwidth
Before we look at antenna types that will cover the various amateur bands, let's probe the idea of operating bandwidth for a
parasitic beam. For many amateurs, the 50-Ohm SWR seems to be the only factor involved in setting the operating
bandwidth. For general-purpose communications, a 2:1 SWR maximum serves as a usable standard. Avid DXers and contest
operators tend to prefer a 1.5:1 limit to prevent fold-back circuits in high power amplifiers from reducing or cutting off the power
There are numerous other considerations that go into a final judgment of an antenna's operating bandwidth. We can focus on
just two aspects of antenna performance and enlarge our thinking considerably. How well the front-to-back ratio holds up
across a given band contributes to many decisions about whether to use a particular antenna design. Amateurs tend to use a
20-dB standard for the front-to-back ratio of Yagis with at least 3 elements. The figure represents a minimum value that we
expect to achieve at all frequencies within the band. (I shall pass over the question of which front-to-back figure to use:
180�, worst-case, or average front-to-rear ratio.)
Matters of gain can be even more complex. Much commercial antenna literature cites only a single number. It does not matter
whether the number is the peak gain or the average gain, because neither figure tells us anything about the antenna's gain
behavior across the intended passband. Only a detailed table of samples or a graph for the entire band will give us an
adequate portrait of the gain performance. Very likely, these ideas will grow more meaningful as we look at some sample
designs. The samples will emerge from my stock of antenna models. All make use of very standard techniques, even though
the models themselves may not be in final form, ready for the home workshop. For example, some HF Yagis will use uniform-
diameter elements rather than tapered-element schedules. However, all present very reasonable pictures of actual antenna
Example 1: A 4-Element Yagi and a 3-Element Quad Beam for 20 Meters. We may begin with a pair of contrasting parasitic
beams for the medium width 20-meter band. The 4-element Yagi uses a 437" boom, while the quad's boom is about 387" long.
The Yagi uses 1" diameter elements, while the quad uses AWG #12 wire elements. We expect most extant beam designs to
cover all of 20 meters. Both the standard 4-element Yagi and the 3-element quad provide SWR values of less than 2:1 across
the band, as shown in Figure 1. The quad uses a 75-Ohm standard, while the Yagi uses a beta match to arrive at a 50-Ohm
SWR reference. Table 2 provides sampled data from the models across the band.
At mid-band, both antennas show a free-space forward gain of above 8.55 dBi. However, the two antennas have very different
gain curves, as revealed in Figure 2. Like most standard-design Yagis with at least one director, the 4-element beam shows a
rising gain characteristic as we increase frequency within the passband. In contrast, the quad shows a decreasing gain value
as we increase frequency. I chose these particular models because they pass at the middle of the band. Hence, neither has
any particular average gain advantage.
Still, we may concern ourselves with two aspects of these curves. First, what is the total change in gain across the band. For
the Yagi, the gain difference is just above 0.4 dB, while for the quad, the difference is a little over 0.5 dB. Only a particular
operator with a good sense of what the desired operation requires can decide if these numbers are acceptable or not. Second,
we may note where the highest gain values occur. Apart from other reasons for selecting one of the 2 antennas, the quad
favors the CW end of the band, while the Yagi favors phone operation. Note that the questions we may usefully pose about
antenna gain performance are simple, and the answers may be easy--if only we take the time to pose them.
The front-to-back performance of the 2 sample antenna designs appears in Figure 3. The Yagi just about meets the front-
to-back standard of 20-dB minimum, using the 180� values across the band. However, the quad meets the standard only
for about half the total bandwidth. The quad design used here emerged from a series of 3-element quad designs expressly
aiming for maximum operating bandwidth. As with most quad beams, the SWR bandwidth--when measured against our
normal amateur standard--exceeds the front-to-back bandwidth by a considerable margin. Whether or not a particular
operation needs a 20-dB minimum front-to-back ratio is once more an operator decision.
Example 2: A 5-element Standard-Design Yagi and a 6-Element OWA Yagi for 28-29 MHz. When we design parasitic beams
for 10 meters, we usually design them only for the first MHz of the band--from 28.0 to 29.0 MHz. The reduced passband still
has a bandwidth of 3.51%, making it considerably wider than 20 or 15 meters. Many highly capable designs for 20 meters
strain to achieve a good set of performance values across the most active part of 10 meters. Let's compare a 5-element Yagi
of standard design to a 6-element OWA design. Both antennas use 0.5" elements. The 5-element array has a 333" boom,
partly because it increases the driver-reflector spacing to produce a near-50-O feedpoint impedance. The OWA design,
pioneered by NW3Z and WA3FET, packs its elements onto a 288" boom.
The boom lengths and the number of elements call for a small comment. Ever since the appearance of the groundbreaking
work of Jim Lawson, W2PV, a sound bite has pervaded Yagi articles: gain is a function of boomlength rather than the number
of elements. As true as this statement may be, it is no excuse for using too few elements to achieve all of the characteristics
that one needs from a given Yagi design. As we shall see in the OWA design, extra elements may not increase gain over the
longer-boom 5-element Yagi, but they can shape the performance curves across the operating bandwidth of the antenna.
As shown in Figure 4, the 5-element design achieves a very acceptable 50-Ohm SWR curve. However, by judicious spacing
among the reflector, the driver, and the first director, the OWA SWR curve is superior and meets the most stringent fold-back
circuit requirements. Table 3 provides sample numbers for the rest of the performance categories on which we are focusing.
Note that the 5-element design has a very good front-to-back ratio, but tails off in this category at the upper end of the
10-meter activity region.
More important than the front-to-back behavior is the shape of the gain curves that appear in Figure 5. Nothing in the
5-element standard-design Yagi controls the steep gain increase with rising operating frequency. The total gain differential
across the band is nearly a full dB. In contrast, the extra OWA element and the arrangement especially of the second and third
directors place the gain peak within the passband. One result is more even gain across the band. The total gain range is a
mere 0.23 dB.
Example 3: A Log-Cell Yagi for the Entire 10-Meter Band. The OWA design is only one of many techniques for increasing the
operating bandwidth of a parasitic beam. Suppose that we wanted a beam that would cover the entirety of 10 meters, that is,
cover nearly a 6% bandwidth. The OWA design would strain at the 60+% increase in required bandwidth. However, a
well-designed log-cell Yagi can handle the task with relative ease. Our sample uses a 5-element log cell designed according to
LPDA rules. It adds parasitic elements, namely, a reflector and a director. The resulting 7-element array uses a 337" boom
with 0.75" diameter elements. Table 4 provides sample modeling results across the band. The band-edge 50-Ohm SWR
values mark the highest values for the array.
Figure 6 provides the gain and front-to-back curves for the antenna design. The peak in the front-to-back ratio may give the
impression that the bulk of the band shows a poor ratio until we read the right-hand Y-axis and discover that the minimum
front-to-back ratio is 27.15 dB. The use of a log cell as a driver does not generally enhance array gain relative to standard-
design Yagis of the same boom length. However, it does provide strong control of the gain curve. As the graph shows, the
antenna's peak gain occurs close to the band's center. As well, the gain changes by only 0.16 dB across the entire 1.7 MHz
Example 4: A Short-Boom 3-Element Yagi with Phased Drivers for 6 Meters. We tend to call parasitic arrays with driver cells
designed according to LPDA principles and equations "log-cell Yagis." However, we often use 2 or 3 phased driver elements
that we arrive at by trial and error (or success, as the case may be). Such antennas often bear the label "phagi," in keeping
with our penchant for snappy antenna names. Let's look at one example to see what a casually designed phased driver pair
might be able to do to enlarge the operating bandwidth of an antenna. 6 meters is a good band for a compact simple Yagi
used vertically to provide some gain and wide directivity within the 3 MHz used for FM operations.
Standard-design wide-band Yagis that will cover all of 6 meters already exist. The two samples shown in Figure 7 are
adaptations of 10-meter designs that Bill Orr, W6SAI, first presented in Ham Radio during the 1980s. The 3-element version is
interesting because it uses a boom length that one might find in a higher-grain, narrower-bandwidth Yagi. However, as evident
in the data in Table 5, the gain of the wideband Yagi is about a full dB lower--the price paid for increased operating bandwidth.
The smaller 3-element Yagi with the phased pair of driver elements on the far right of Figure 7 is actually an extension of a
2-element driver-director Yagi. This class of Yagi has a high peak gain but a very narrow beamwidth. I tend to recommend
them for use on the narrow amateur bands, such as 30, 17, and 12 meters, although they have other specialized uses as well.
The enlargement of the driver section of the antenna does not materially increase the boom length ahead of the drivers, and
so the overall length is less than the boom needed by the 2-element wide-band driver-reflector Yagi. All three Yagi designs use
a tapered-diameter schedule consisting of 0.5" and 0.375" element sections.
The data table shows that the phased drivers do not quite equal the performance of the wide-band 3 element Yagi. However,
the performance curves are closer to that antenna than to the 2-element curves. As well, the 2-element gain shows its
downward progression with rising frequency, in contrast to the nearly parallel upward gain curves of the 3-element Yagis.
Hence, for the intended application--FM simplex and repeater operation--the phase-fed dual driver of the sample short-boom
Yagi seems a natural. Unlike either the OWA Yagi or the log-cell Yagi, the 3-element phagi has too few elements to control all
of the relevant operating parameters.
Example 5: An 8-Element Utility Yagi for 70 cm. Almost as wide as 6 meters, the 70-cm band has a bandwidth of 6.9%. Very
long-boom Yagis, such as the DL6WU "trimming" series and other comparable designs, manage to cover the entire band with
something to spare. The undulations of gain, front-to-back ratio, and SWR are fascinating to observe, but all three aspects of
operation remain under relatively good control. Wide operating bandwidth is a boon to the home antenna builder, since
limitations of precision tend not to void the basic performance of the antenna. The question that we might pose here is
whether we can cover all of 70 cm with a relatively short utility antenna, say, using 8 elements. In this frequency range, the
boom length would be about 53".
The project is quite feasible under 2 conditions. First, we should use fat elements, about 0.5" or so. Second, we should expect
some variability of performance across the band. Other than that, we may use a fairly standard Yagi design. Figure 8 shows
the 50-Ohm SWR curve of our sample antenna, which reflects the application of OWA principles stretched about as far as I
Sample data from across the band appear in Table 6. The gain and front-to-back curves are in Figure 9. The gain curve
shows that it is possible to place the gain peak within the passband and to control the range of variation within about 0.5 dB.
The gain level is close to what is standard for narrower-band Yagis with the same number of elements. However, over the
wide operating bandwidth, we cannot fully control all facets of performance to the same level. The front-to-back curve dips to
slightly less than 15 dB, which is adequate for the designated use as a utility beam for either horizontal or vertical installation.
Example 6: An 8-Element Wire LPDA for 3.5-4.0 MHz. Yagi designs are capable of considerably wider-band performance than
we generally give them credit for--if we are willing to pay the price in terms of using more elements for a given boom length or
using special driver sections. I have stretched one design to cover a 26% bandwidth with an acceptable SWR curve and
modest, though usable performance. However, when we turn to the 80-meter amateur band, the 13% bandwidth combined
with a need to use relatively thin wire presents a daunting challenge. One solution is to use a full LPDA for the band. With 8
special wire elements and an 86' virtual boom length, such an array can provide about 7 dBi free-space gain with a front-
to-back ratio that remains above 20 dB across the band. Since such an array is a major undertaking, I have not hesitated to
use virtual 2" elements composed of dual wires (shorted at the phase-line and the outer end) spaced anywhere from 8" to 12"
apart along their length.
Figure 10 shows the modeled 50-Ohm SWR curve, and sample data appears in Table 7. The gain and front-to-back curves
are in Figure 11. All of the curves show a particular trait inherent to LPDAs. The curves undulate across the passband, but the
peaks and nulls do not coincide with each other. Many newcomers to phased element design (including LPDAs) believe that
the phase line provides a direct source of energy to the elements. While this belief is true, it is equally true that the elements
exhibit mutual coupling. Hence, an LPDA (and any phased-fed collection of elements) is a form of parasitic array, at least in
part. The balance among the energy sources for the elements undergoes continuous change as we change frequency. As one
consequence, the operating parameters change with frequency. A good LPDA design is one that minimizes the level of
change, although some change is inevitable in even the most ideal designs.
Our sample antennas have had two goals. One purpose was to show that it is possible by a variety of techniques to enlarge
the operating bandwidth of a directional array. We have only touched a few of the many techniques available. The second aim
was to expand our appreciation of the concept of operating bandwidth so that SWR becomes only one of many equal parts in
the equation. We have many options in deciding which aspect of performance deserves primary attention, and equally many
options in the techniques by which we achieve acceptable performance over a wide operating bandwidth.
A Broadside of Vertical Wires
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
We often misunderstand the quest for more gain. The instant picture is a directional beam rotated by a heavy motor at the top of a
large steel tower. That is only one version of robbing energy from unused directions and focusing it in the direction of our
communications targets. Very often, we can do the required job with a bi-directional antenna. If we can limit our target areas, we
can often do away with the tower and the rotator. Wire still works very well, especially in bi-directional arrays.
The set of options that we shall explore in these notes consists entirely of vertical arrays, which are especially apt to the lower HF
and upper MF regions. All of the antennas that we shall examine are garden-variety arrays, with many variations in the literature.
What may give this treatment a small bit of uniqueness is the fact that we shall level the playing field. To keep everything full size,
we shall put every antenna on 40 meters--specifically 7.15 MHz. As well, each antenna will be above average ground, that is,
ground with a conductivity of 0.005 S/m and a relative permittivity of 13. Once we examine some basic standards against which to
measure array performance, all antennas will use AWG #12 copper wire. As a result, any changes of ground, frequency, and
element size will apply roughly equally to all of the antenna types in the group.
In addition, we shall bypass the potential long list of monopole arrays and thereby evade questions surrounding ground radial
systems and end-fire directional phasing schemes. We shall limit ourselves to antennas based on the vertical dipole and
broadside arrays of dipoles that give us bi-directional patterns. The excluded antennas all are good candidates for service in
amateur communications, but we have only limited space to conduct a review of some of the possibilities.
The fundamental standard against which to measure the performance of all of the other related antennas on our incomplete list is
the vertical dipole. Fig. 1 provides a snapshot of the antenna's outline and both the elevation and azimuth patterns that emerge
under the modeled test conditions. The sample antenna is a 1.25" diameter aluminum center-fed vertical that approximates what
we might find in actual practice. Real antennas in amateur use might consist of anything from wire suspended from an
overhanging limb to large well casings or even light tower sections.
The base of the dipole is about 15' above ground. Since a wavelength at 7.15 MHz is just about 140' long, you can change the
numbers in feet to a fraction of a wavelength. From that point, conversion to metric measures is simple. The importance of the
base height shows up in the elevation pattern for the dipole. For any vertical antenna or array that we do not attached directly to
ground and a radial system, two performance values interaction in opposite directions. As we raise the antenna, the elevation
angle of maximum radiation (TO angle) decreases slowly and the gain increases. The same increase in height will also enlarge
the higher-angle lobe. At a certain height--which varies with each array--all further energy will go into the second or higher
elevation lobe. The heights that I have selected may not coincide with what your own physical conditions permit or with your
preferences, so I recommend that you reproduce the exercise using your own set-ups.
My selections rest on several conditions. First, the base height must be at least 10'-12' above ground for safety. The outer end of
any dipole or wire array holds an injurious voltage level. Lowering the base of the vertical dipole would require additional
protection measures for people and animals. Second, the higher-angle lobe should be as small as practical to reduce sensitivity to
higher angle signals. The resulting pattern disqualifies these antennas from NVIS service, but provides quieter background levels
for the DX operator. Third, the combination of gain and TO angle must be optimal. This last condition is a judgment call and will
vary with the needs and preferences of each operator. Table 1 provides a summary of modeled performance data for my
selections for all three vertical dipole antennas and arrays.
The vertical dipole itself is not yet a broadside array, since we have no plane of elements against which to measure the broadside
directions. However, one simple array consists of two �-wavelength vertical dipoles fed in phase. Fig. 2 provides the outline
and the patterns for the dipole pair. Note that mutual coupling requires that we lengthen the dipoles slightly to obtain resonance.
For the test conditions, the bi-directional maximum gain at the 15� TO angle is about 4.5-dB greater than the gain of a single
dipole. In exchange, the half-power beamwidth is 58� in each prime direction. Do not underestimate the importance of the
beamwidth value in planning a broadside array. Feeding the array is simple in this case, since the dipole feedpoint values are
close to 50 Ohms. Equal lengths of coax provide equal feedpoint currents. However, if we wish to have 50 Ohms at the junction of
the two lines, then we must resort to �-wavelength 70-75-Ohm lines (since the velocity factor of ordinary coax lines will not
allow electrical quarter-wavelength lines to reach a common junction).
The azimuth pattern in Fig. 2 shows another interesting fact about pairs of vertical dipoles fed in phase. The separation shown is
73', slightly greater than � wavelength. As we increase the spacing beyond � wavelength, the gain continues to increase, but
we find sidelobes emerging. At what spacing we terminate the quest for gain because the sidelobes are too large is again a
judgment call.
Fig. 3 shows what we can obtain from 3 vertical dipoles in phase. We obtain nearly 1.5-dB additional gain, but with a beam that is
over 15� narrower. To achieve near resonance at the feedpoints, we must make the outer dipoles slightly longer than the center
dipole. However, the factor that hinders most antenna builders from implementing a 3-dipole array (besides space) is the need for
binomial current distribution. To produce the desired pattern, the center dipole must show twice the feedpoint current as each of
the outside dipole feedpoints. One advantage that accrues to the wire arrays that we shall sample is the use of a single feedpoint
for the entire array.
Hatted Dipoles
Before we look at the wire arrays, we should examine a technique that can overcome to some degree the height requirements of
the simple vertical dipole. We can add hats to each end of each dipole and reduce the vertical length without jeopardizing the
performance by very much. The hats can be any symmetrical wire extensions at right angles to the vertical. The extensions permit
the antenna to reach a resonant length, but the symmetry of the extensions tends to cancel the horizontal component of the far
fields. Fig. 4 shows the outline (and patterns) of a 1.25" diameter vertical dipole shortened to 32'. Each AWG #12 hat wire is 16'
long. The hat in this case takes the form of a T with the wires in the plane of the dipoles. Hence, we may lash the extension wires
to a pair of non-conductive lines at the top and bottom of the dipoles to simplify overall construction. If we raise the feedpoint level
above ground to nearly the same height as the full dipole feedpoints, we obtain close to the same TO angle and very close to full
gain. However, we significantly reduce the near-resonant feedpoint impedance. The same considerations would apply to all-wire
hatted dipoles, although the vertical dimensions would be somewhat longer. See Table 2 for the modeled performance data for all
three hatted arrays.
Fig. 5 demonstrates the hatting technique applied to a pair of dipoles fed in phase. 50-Ohm �-wavelength lines would
satisfactorily transform the impedances for a common-junction match to a 50-Ohm main feedline. The gain, TO angle, and
beamwidth are comparable to the values for full-size dipoles in the same arrangement. The azimuth pattern shows the
consequences of closing the spacing slightly: the sidelobes have virtually disappeared. By holding the hat extension wires at a
constant 16', we can see the consequence of mutual coupling in the vertical section of the two dipoles. Like the full-size dipole
array, the individual elements require lengthening to restore a near-resonant condition.
A 3-hatted-dipole array appears in Fig. 6. It uses the same spacing (72') as used in the 2-dipole array to reduce sidelobes. The
results once more are very similar to those for full-size dipoles. However, this array requires binomial feeding, just like the full-size
counterpart, with the feedpoint current at the center element reaching twice the value of the feedpoint currents on the outer
elements. I have included the 3-dipole arrays not as a recommendation for construction, but instead to provide performance
standards against which we may compare the performance of wire arrays that simulate 3-dipole arrays.
Wire Arrays
Almost any antenna handbook contains the names of vertically polarized wire arrays that do not and need not touch the ground:
half-squares, bobtail curtains, deltas, and rectangles. Physical constraints often dictate which among the candidates that we can
implement. How we categorize the entire collection depends on the perspective from which we approach them. I once called the
entire group "self-contained verticals" or SCVs, since they do not require ground radial systems. We may also view them from the
feedpoint perspective. Each antenna has one feedpoint but presents vertical wires in phase. Hence, we might call them "self-
phasing arrays." By bending and connecting parts of each dipole element so that they touch, we create lines that change the
phase of both the voltage and the current to leave the vertical wire sections essentially in phase with each other at close to
optimal spacing.
In our effort to create a level field for comparisons, all of the wire arrays that we shall explore use AWG #12 copper wire at 7.15
MHz over average ground. The heights will aim at maximum gain commensurate with a reasonable TO angle, but in no case will
the top height exceed 50'. Table 3 provides the modeled performance data for
Perhaps the purest form of SCV is the half-square array. Interestingly, this antenna emerged later than its doubled big brother, the
bobtail curtain. (See Woodrow Smith, W6BCX, "Bet My Money on the Bobtail Beam," CQ (March, 1948), 21-23 and 92-95, and
Ben Vester, K3BC, "The Half Square Antenna," QST (March, 1974), 11-14, for the seminal articles on each antenna.) However,
the half square is electrically more fundamental, corresponding roughly to a pair of vertical dipoles fed in phase. Fig. 7 shows the
general outline and the plots for a half square at roughly the optimal operating height. We can picture two vertical dipoles. The
upper halves of each dipole bend toward each other until they just touch. These touching lines not only complete each dipole, but
also form a phasing line between the two corner points. At the center, the voltage and current undergo a phase reversal, so the
two vertical wires remain in phase. Hence, we need only a single feedpoint at one of the two upper corners. (We can also extend
one vertical leg to the ground and use voltage-feeding techniques).
For best performance the horizontal wire must be shorter than � wavelength, while the vertical wires are longer than one-half of
a resonant vertical dipole. For common copper wire sizes, the ratio of vertical to horizontal is about 5:8. Because the resulting
array does not use full �-wavelength spacing (about 70') and only half of the virtual dipoles contribute to the effective far field,
the gain is about a dB shy of the gain of two vertical dipoles fed in phase. At maximum gain, the TO angle is slightly higher, since
the bottom ends of the elements are closer to ground. These factors also contribute to the 80� beamwidth of the array.
The bobtail curtain appeared earlier, but is electrically the double of the half-square array. Fig. 8 presents the outline and the
patterns for a roughly optimized bobtail curtain. The dimensions closely correspond to those worked out empirically by SM4CAN.
The vertical elements are shorter than those of the half square, but the phase lines in each of the 2 sections are longer. To obtain
a 50-Ohm impedance, the feedpoint is about 60% of the way up the center element. However, bringing the center element to the
ground and using voltage-feeding techniques is very common. Still, we lack the radiation from the upper portions of the vertical
dipoles and the spacing remains shy of a more ideal � wavelength. Hence, the maximum gain is lower than for 3
half-wavelength dipoles in phase, and the beamwidth is greater. In fact, the bobtail curtain performance figures more closely
resemble the values associated with 2 half-wavelengths in phase. Nevertheless, the bobtail's single feedpoint produces a very
close approximation of binomial feed with its 1-2-1 current magnitude ratios at the upper corners of the array.
There are two configurations that many hams use largely to overcome site constraints. One is the delta and the double delta.
Table 3 provides data on the single right-angle delta, when we feed it about 15% up one side to maximize the vertical component
of the far-field pattern. This compact form that requires only a single upper support falls short of the ideal vertical element spacing
and hence shows the lowest gain of any of the wire arrays. Its cousin, the double delta, appears in Fig. 9. We feed the array
across the upper and lower (or base) wires at the center for vertical polarization. Although the feedpoint impedance is close to
ideal, the gain is less than the gain of 2 vertical dipoles in phase--with a corresponding increase in beamwidth.
The side-fed rectangle and double rectangle provide higher gain than single and double deltas largely because the end elements
are vertical and closer to � wavelength apart. Table 3 provides data on the single rectangle. It optimum dimensions represent a
compromise between spacing and the required length of the end elements. Element spacing dominates the equation until the
vertical end elements become too short to provide a strong far field pattern. The low feedpoint impedance of a single rectangle
tends to reduce the utility of this version of the antenna despite the fact that the spacing of the horizontal wires is relatively small.
The double rectangle, shown in Fig. 10, is more practical, despite its greater horizontal dimension. The gain and beamwidth
approximate the values for 2 ideal vertical dipoles fed in phase although the antenna only requires 2 50' tall non-conductive end
supports. The diagram shows the array fed at the center of one end. The 31-Ohm impedance is far more workable than would be
the very low impedance at the middle of the center vertical wire, on which we find twice the current magnitude of the end vertical
Of the double arrays, the bobtail curtain and the dual rectangle may be the most popular for those with the required space. The
double rectangle is a bit shorter and presents the fewest safety problems. However, the bobtail curtain has a bit more gain and its
loose ends provide a means for voltage-feeding techniques. (Bringing the bobtail center wire to ground and using a tank circuit for
impedance matching does not alter the position of the high current point at the corner with the two horizontal phase lines. Nor
does it alter the required current magnitudes and phase angles at each of the array's outer corners.) Half squares and single
deltas remain popular among those with more limited space. With a change of feedpoint, each antenna is adaptable to use as a
general all-band wire.
The Bruce array or curtain derives its name from Edmond Bruce, one of the legends of antenna developments in the late 1920s
and through the 1930s. The array that bears his name is not, according to reports traced to John Kraus, W8JK, the antenna that
he would have preferred to bear his name. The preferred antenna is the rhombic (originally named the diamond by Bruce). In fact,
the Bruce-type curtain fell out of favor among wire-fans in the amateur community until resurrected by Rudy Severns, N6LF, and
given prominence in Chapter 8 of the 20th edition of the ARRL Antenna Book. We shall briefly examine two forms of the Bruce
array: a 5-element "innie" and a 7-element "outie." A Bruce array requires 1/8-wavelength end sections, and the navel reference
refers to how we handle them. Table 4 provides the modeled data for the two sample arrays.
As suggested in Fig. 11, a Bruce array consists of a set of parallel vertical dipoles with a vertical height of about � wavelength.
The separation between vertical sections is also about � wavelength. Hence, each horizontal wire represents the completion of
a vertical dipole. Unlike the half square and the bobtail curtain, the Bruce verticals presume a high current region at the center of
the vertical wire sections. Unlike the rectangle, the bottom wire does not return to the position of the top wire, but extends in the
opposite direction to connect to the next vertical dipole. The ideal length both vertically and horizontally for wire sections
(excluding the shorter end sections) is actually about 1.05 times a quarter wavelength, although the antenna admits of
considerable variation. The 5-element version represents an attempt to squeeze out the maximum gain from the number of
elements, which required slightly more spacing horizontally and slightly less vertical length. However, the benefits are very small
for the exercise.
The most interesting fact about the 5-element version is the inward turn of the end sections. The resulting array is 148' long, only
slightly longer than longest of the doubled wire arrays. Using a centered feedpoint on the center wire (other feedpoint positions
are possible), the array produces just over 6 dBi gain, close to the maximum that we can encourage from 3 vertical dipoles fed in
phase. The modeled feedpoint impedance is close to 300 Ohms, a handy value for available transmission lines. The one major
difference from other arrays occurs in the azimuth pattern. It shows uneliminable sidelobes that result from spacing vertical
elements at �-wavelength intervals. The differential in the sidelobe sizes results from one end section occurring at the array top
and the other existing at the array bottom.
The alternative form of the Bruce array--shown mostly in college texts such as Kraus' Antennas--points the end sections outward.
The seven-element version of the array appears in Fig. 12 and requires the horizontal span that the inward turn version would
need for 8 sections. Using 7 elements allows a central wire for the feedpoint. It uses a more conventional set of element
dimensions, with equal vertical and horizontal lengths. Nevertheless, adding 2 more sections has two consequences. First, the
impedance is close to 460 Ohms, another convenient impedance for available transmission lines. Second, the larger version
shows increased gain over the smaller version. The increase is about 1.25 dB, with a commensurate shrinking of the beamwidth.
The progression of gain-vs.-beamwidth ratios provides a glimpse at the original use for curtain-type arrays. In the 1930s, point-
to-point communications with specific cities across the ocean comprised a significant set of commercial enterprises. Hence, both
Bell Labs and RCA gave high emphasis to more directive wire arrays. Unless one is very favorably positioned between two major
target areas 180� apart, it is possible to set up a wire array with too much gain and too little beamwidth. The azimuth pattern for
the 7-element Bruce array shows the diminishing beamwidth when compared to other azimuth patterns in the series.
An Interim Conclusion
We have not examined every vertically polarized wire array that we might use on 40 meters, indeed, not even every wire array
based on the vertical dipole. However, we have subjected enough types to comparable modeling conditions to allow some
evaluation of performance potential vs. mechanical requirements for installation. All of our samples except the original full-size
vertical dipoles might easily suspend from sturdy ropes between non-conductive 60' end support posts, trees, or even surplus
telephone poles. Scaling the arrays to 80/75-meter size would likely require lower bottom wires or elements ends in addition to
taller posts. The results would include increased TO angles and slightly lower maximum gain levels. Even so, vertically polarized
wire arrays offer a large number of options for bi-directional lower-band antennas.
These notes have omitted the many bi-directional horizontal arrays of use to radio amateurs. I shall partially fill the void next time.
In the meantime, be sure to obtain for your library not only a current edition of The ARRL Antenna Book, but as well a copy of
ON4UN's compendious Low-Band DXing.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
In the last set of notes, we discussed some of the options for bi-directional wire broadside arrays
based on the vertical dipole. Since we should be fair to horizontal wires, this collection of notes will
focus on bi-directional wire arrays that have their roots in the horizontal dipole. Just as the last
collection was incomplete, so this one will be even further from exhaustive. Once we have some
basic arrays available to use, the permutations and combinations form an endless progression.
However, we can look at the various types of arrays.
To be effective, a horizontal array should be well above ground. Although we might disagree on the
minimum height for horizontal arrays, placing all arrays at 1 wavelength above ground for the top
wire (if the array has a vertical dimension) will keep us well above the minimum. In the preceding
notes, I set a height of 50' as a limit of sorts, since most serious array users can usually arrange 60'
support posts, trees, or surplus telephone poles. The physical height restriction leads us to 15
meters, more specifically, a uniform test frequency of 21.225 MHz for all comparative horizontal
array data. A wavelength at this frequency is 46.34'. To unify further the modeling conditions, the
ground will be average, that is, have a conductivity of 0.005 s/m and a relative permittivity of 13. All
antenna elements will use AWG #12 (0.0808" diameter) copper wire. As a result, we can more
directly compare the reported performance characteristics for the antennas included in these notes.
Traditionally, we categorize arrays as collinear, end-fire, or broadside. These categories are not
mutually exclusive, but they do give us a convenient way of grouping our subject antennas.
However, we must begin with a baseline.
No antenna is more fundamental to amateur (and other) antenna work than the �-wavelength
resonant dipole. Fig. 1 shows the outline of the antenna. Superimposed on the antenna is the
distribution of the current magnitude along the wire's length. (Adding the current phase would
create difficult viewing problems with some of our antennas.) Note that the dipole is electrically
resonant, which requires a physical length that is 0.486 wavelength for #12 copper wire at the
specified height above average ground. The resonant length of a dipole will vary with the height
above ground, especially below about 1.25 wavelengths.
Horizontal wire antennas tend to have an elevation angle of maximum radiation (or TO angle) that
depends on the antenna's height more than any other factor. Hence, all of the basic antennas
whose performance reports appear in Table 1 have a TO angle of 14�. The dipole data in the
table give numerical meaning to the plots on Fig. 1. Note the wide (79�) beamwidth for a
standard dipole. A triangle of dipoles would suffice to cover the entire horizon. The dipole gain of
7.6 dBi becomes the baseline against which we may measure the gain of all subsequent arrays.
The second standard antenna can go by several names. The table and Fig. 2 both refer to a
1-wavelength center-fed doublet. An equally apt way to refer to the antenna is as a collinear array
of 2 half-wavelength wires. The current magnitude curve on the antenna outline shows why this
name has good sense, since we observe two complete cycles of current rise and fall. Like the
dipole, the physical length will be shorter than the electrical length. For the test conditions, we
obtain resonance with a length of 0.956 wavelength of wire. Finding the resonant length of a
center-fed 1-wavelength wire is tedious in modeling and virtually impossible with real wire. The
resonant point occurs at a very high value of resistive impedance, where the reactance changes in
a very short space from very inductive to very capacitive. Hence, there is an air of artificiality about
the reactance number in the table, although the resistive part is a good indicator of what to expect
at the feedpoint. One way to bring the impedance down to a value that is more amenable to our
coaxial ways is to use a �-wavelength section of 450-Ohm line.
The pattern and the gain value are both very real and usable. The 1-wavelength wire provides
about 1.6 dB additional gain relative to a dipole under equal conditions, but at a cost in the
beamwidth. The longer wire has a beamwidth of about 51�. A triangle of 1-wavelength wires will
not cover the horizon.
The third standard wire antenna is the extended double Zepp (EDZ). We operate this antenna off
resonance. We sometimes say that the antenna is non-resonant, but there is another use for this
term. Many traveling wave and frequency-independent antennas show no cyclical appearance of
resonant frequencies as we operate the antenna over a large frequency range. Many texts call
these antennas non-resonant in contrast to antennas like a center-fed wire of fixed physical length.
This antenna is resonant in the sense of showing cyclical re-appearance of zero reactance at the
feedpoint as we sweep through a wide frequency range. So we may be content in calling the EDZ
an off-resonance antenna. Fig. 3 shows the current magnitude distribution for a physical length of
1.25 wavelength. The antenna qualifies as a collinear array.
As we increase the length of a center-fed wire beyond 1 wavelength, we find that the gain
increases until the length passes the 1.25-wavelength mark. However, the azimuth patterns and the
tabular data show us other dimensions of what is occurring. As we move from about 1.2
wavelengths to 1.25 wavelengths, the resistive and capacitively reactive components of the
feedpoint impedance decrease. (The gain changes only by about 0.1 dB.) Offsetting the reduction
in the feedpoint impedance is the growth of the sidelobes that give an EDZ azimuth pattern its
distinctive look. With a length of 1.2 wavelengths, the sidelobes are about 13 dB lower in gain than
the main lobe. By a length of 1.25 wavelengths, the sidelobes have grown by 3 dB. At a total length
of about 1.5 wavelengths, the side lobes would be as strong as or stronger than the main or
broadside lobe. As well, the beamwidth continues to shrink as we lengthen the wire and increase
the peak gain. Hence, the EDZ represents a sort of limit to the length of collinear arrays unless they
employ techniques to correct phasing along the wire.
Collinear Arrays
One technique that allows us to obtain increased gain with straight wires is to introduce at critical
points along the wire a phase-changing stub. Consider a 2-wavelength center-fed wire, such as the
one shown in Fig. 4. We see 4 complete half-wavelength current cycles. However, if we had just
used a continuous length of wire. The phasing of the current at the outer half-wavelength sections
would have been 180� out of phase for producing a simple broadside pattern. Indeed, we would
see for such a wire a 4-lobe pattern that forms a cloverleaf. By introducing �-wavelength shorted
transmission-line sections, we change the phase of the current at the beginning or inner end of the
outer sections so that the radiation adds to the radiation of the center section. The result is a
narrow main beam (the width is 26�) with over 1 dB gain over the EDZ. The tabular data for the
collinear arrays appears in Table 2, for comparison with the patterns in the relevant figures.
Like a 1-wavelength wire, which is what we find at the center of our collinear array that uses
�-wavelength sections, the feedpoint impedance is very high. As well, the azimuth pattern shows
small EDZ-like sidelobes that are normal to very closely spaced �-wavelength sections--in this
case, the end sections relative to the longer inner section of the array.
We need not limit ourselves to using �-wavelength sections as the basis for a collinear array. As
shown in Fig. 5, 5/8-wavelength section will work as well and provide additional gain. The collinear
array shown uses such sections and has a total length of 2.78 wavelengths to achieve a peak gain
of 13.5 dBi, about 1.5-dB higher than the comparable array using �-wavelength sections.
However, the beamwidth has shrunk to 16�. This array is for point-to-point communications.
The array shows twice as many sidelobes because we have--in effect--a doubled EDZ structure.
The inner section is slightly over 1.5 wavelengths, which seems long for an EDZ. However, if you
examine the current magnitude curve on the outline sketch, you will see that it requires the added
current rise not only at the feedpoint, but also at the location of the phasing lines. Because these
regions are already reactive, the phasing lines can be shorter to effect the required phase
reversal--in this instance, about 0.15 wavelength. The feedpoint impedance is normal for an
EDZ-type antenna. Moreover, despite the high increase in array complexity, it still shows a TO
angle of 14� that owes to its 1-wavelength height above ground.
In the models for both of the collinear arrays, the phase lines are physical wire structures and not
NEC TL constructs.1 The non-radiating TL lines are most accurate at high current regions of an
antenna where the current changes very slowly over appreciable distances along the wire. They
become less accurate in regions of the antenna in which the current changes rapidly over short
distances. Since both collinear arrays show relatively low currents at the phase-line locations,
physical lines are necessary for best accuracy in the models. The modeled line wires should be the
same diameter as the antenna element wire, and the spacing should not be excessively close.
The final sample of a collinear array takes an odd turn--upward. The bi-square array is a center-fed
2-wavelength wire with the ends turned upward to form a square that is � wavelength on a side.
However, the wire ends do not meet, but leave a gap. Fig. 6 shows the general outline and the
current magnitude curves for each of the 4 wires. Because we have set a 1-wavelength limit for the
top structure, the low point for the array is about 0.3 wavelength above ground. The net effect is to
raise the TO angle of the array as a whole. A useful rule of thumb for any array consisting of
multiple wires in the vertical plane is that the effective height of the array is about 2/3 the way up
the array from the low point to the high point. Hence, the effective height of the bi-square in the
illustration is about 0.75 wavelength.
The bi-square has a beamwidth of about 63�, although its gain is about halfway between the
values for the 1-wavelength and the EDZ arrays, both of which antennas exhibit narrower
beamwidths. If you compare the elevation pattern for the bi-square with those for the other two
relevant wires, you will discover that the bi-square lacks most of the upper structure or second
elevation lobes that characterize the elevation patterns of the single wire antennas. The bi-square
lends itself to single-support mounting, and you may place two such antennas at right angles on the
support, switching to the one that yields best signal strength.
End-Fire Arrays
If a set of elements radiates in the plane of the elements with the lobes broadside to the element
wires, then we have an end-fire array. Among basic arrays, we need only one sample: the W8JK
"flat-top" array, developed by John Kraus, W8JK. The antenna has many incarnations using various
element lengths and forms and using many spacing distances. In general, the longer the elements,
for a given spacing, the higher will be the gain. Equally generally, the closer the spacing, the higher
the gain will be. Hence, every W8JK is a compromise based on best achieving a particular set of
goals for the antenna.
Fig. 7 shows the outline of the 15-meter version that we shall examine. It uses a pair of
1-wavelength elements (or collinear �-wavelength elements) spaced � wavelength apart.
Between the elements, we find two phase lines of equal length meeting at a central point where we
attach the main feedline. Note that the elements require a 180� phase difference, so one and
only one of the phase lines receives a single half-twist. The modeled impedance data in Table 3
rests on the use of 450-Ohm phase lines with a velocity factor of 0.9. Other line values will produce
other impedances. The 15-meter patterns in Fig. 7 are very clean with a bi-directional gain similar
to that of a 2-element reflector-driver Yagi.
The selection of the element length and spacing for this sample becomes apparent from the
patterns in Fig. 8. As we raise the operating frequency, the spacing increases to lower the gain, but
the element lengths increase to raise it. Lowering the operating frequency produces opposite
effects. The result is an array that one might use over several bands with remarkably similar
performance. The remaining gain changes are largely a function of the antenna's changing height
when measured in wavelengths.
The W8JK first emerged in 1937. For other configurations, see Kraus' Antennas, 2nd Ed., p. 458,
as well as innumerable articles in QST over the years since the antenna first appeared. The array
also lends itself to becoming part of more complex array systems.
Broadside Arrays
If the main radiation lobes of an antenna are at right angles to the plane of the elements, then we
have a broadside array. Standard HF horizontally polarized arrays tend to require a vertical plane
for the elements for broadside use, although NVIS operations might set the element in a horizontal
plane for straight-up radiation. The most common simple 2-element broadside array for 15-meter
and other upper HF bands is the Lazy-H, shown in Fig. 9. Like the W8JK, the elements are
1-wavelength long and spaced vertically �-wavelength apart. However, we feed the elements in
phase, so we do not twist either of the two phase-lines. (An alternative feeding system brings the
main feedline to the bottom element. The line connecting the elements receives a half twist to
produce a 360� phase change in the 180� phase line. The resulting feedpoint impedance is
very high and requires a matching section.) Table 4 provides the modeled data for the center-fed
version of the array. The impedance reports rest on the use of 600-Ohm phase lines having a
velocity factor of 1.0.
With elements at � wavelength and 1 wavelength above ground, the lazy-H out-performs the
W8JK on 15 meters, even though the effective height is only a bit over 0.8 wavelength. The
increased gain is partly a function of suppressing the upper lobe structure that we see in the W8JK
pattern as a result of the lazy-H's vertical stack of elements at a �-wavelength spacing. Like the
W8JK, we can use the lazy-H on other bands, as shown both in the tabular data and the patterns of
Fig. 10. Even though the elements are not spaced for maximum vertical lobe suppression on other
bands, the elevation patterns show good reduction in higher angle lobes compared to a flattop
array. As we lower the operating frequency, the height of the lower wire in the lazy-H grows closer
to the ground when measured as a fraction of a wavelength. Hence, the bi-directional pattern for 30
meters does not appear, since it would be weaker than a simple dipole at 46' above ground and
have a higher TO angle. Nevertheless, the antenna is operable on that band. Unlike the W8JK, the
lazy-H shows considerable variation in gain as we move from one band to the next.
The pattern for 28.5 MHz calls for a brief note. Using elements that are 1-wavelength long for 15
meters produces a 10-meter pattern with very strong sidelobes, since the elements are over
1.3-wavelengths long on that band. Instead of beginning with a standard 15-meter design, we might
have design for 10 meters a lazy-H that uses 1.25-wavelength elements with 5/8-wavelength
spacing--about 44' and 22', respectively. The result would not change the 10-meter gain
significantly, but it would yield an EDZ-type pattern with lower sidelobe content. As well, the
antenna would operate over the same frequency range as our sample. This is the so-called
expanded or extended lazy-H.
The lazy-H is the foundation for many more complex arrays. In principle, we may combine the
lazy-H and the W8JK into a 4-element array. The lazy-H also finds extensive use in commercial
array construction for short-wave broadcasting. Consider a vertical bay of elements fed in phase,
with as many element at �-wavelength spacing as vertical supports will allow. Now place further
columns of such arrays next to each other. Finally, place a large screen between �-wavelength
and �-wavelength behind the rows and columns of antennas. In the late 1920s, we would have
called the antenna a billboard array. If we reduce the element lengths to about �-wavelength and
use special wide-band forms of dipole elements, we end up with the modern dipole directional
array. By staggering the feed current phase angle from one vertical bay to the next, we can actually
slew the direction of the main lobe without ruining the overall characteristics of the antenna pattern.
This brief account of modern dipole arrays overlooks a myriad of both electrical and mechanical
engineering feats necessary to implement such an array, but it does show the fundamental place of
the lazy-H among broadside arrays.
Our final sample broadside array is a curtain, one that passed out of use long ago. Nevertheless, it
serves well as a sample of an antenna that continues to attract amateur attention for its pattern
properties. In Fig. 11 we have the outline of a 3-section Sterba curtain, first reported in antenna
literature in 1931. Basic to the design are the �-wavelength by �-wavelength inner sections,
with end sections that are �-wavelength wide by �-wavelength high. We may use as many
inner sections as we desire, but a centered feedpoint requires an odd number. The lines between
sections are critical: they must be �-wavelength long parallel transmission lines with a half-twist
in each line to keep the top and bottom wires in phase with each other. The sample places the
bottom wire �-wavelength above ground to keep the array within our maximum height limits.
Table 5 provides the modeled data to accompany the patterns in Fig. 11. Like the lazy-H, the
elevation pattern shows good suppression of higher-angle lobes. The figure shows two azimuth
patterns to accommodate the two most common feedpoints for Sterba curtains: the center of the
lower element structure and the corner. The table includes only one data set, since there is no
significant difference in the gain, the beamwidth, or the feedpoint impedance. A 600-Ohm feedline
would handle either central or corner feeding very effectively. With central feeding, we have a
bi-directional pattern that is exactly broadside to the array itself. However, if we feed that antenna at
a corner, we bend the pattern by nearly 5� in the direction of the feedpoint. For such a large
array (even though only 2-wavelengths or about 92' long), copper losses are sufficient to distort the
pattern direction, although one might compensate through a tedious task of making slight
dimension alterations.
Like a lazy-H that uses a bottom feedpoint and a �-wavelength half-twist phase-line, the Sterba
curtain is a monoband antenna. On other frequencies, it becomes simply a semi-random collection
of wire. As well, the Sterba requires a great quantity of wire. Consider once more the collinear array
that used half-wavelength sections. If we stack a pair of these antennas vertically, the total array
length and height will be the same as for a Sterba curtain. However, we require only a single
phase-line between the two to connect the feedpoints to the main feedline. The resulting array (with
wires at �-wavelength and 1-wavelength heights) will have a gain of nearly 15 dBi, but with a
very great saving in wire.
For the wire fans, horizontal bi-directional arrays offer considerable potential in the form of relatively
simple, reliable, and inexpensive arrays. In the upper HF region, such antennas have a long-term
home if we use care in the ones we select. The lazy-H and the W8JK may be the most flexible
arrays in terms of potential multi-band use. However, we must consider the impedances at the
tuner end of the main feedline. In some cases, a low antenna feedpoint impedance may create
significant line losses, even in parallel lines. We may need to change dual phase-line lengths and
impedances to arrive at the best compromise efficiency level on all bands. Monoband arrays with
very high impedances will likely require matching sections to arrive at the lower impedances of
common coaxial or parallel transmission lines. Simple antennas can present not-so-simple feeding
Likewise, we must use care in our selection of an array in terms of the gain-vs.-beamwidth
question. If we had just one friend with whom we wish to communicate (or two friends at 180�
separation), then we might use gain alone as our desideratum. However, in most cases, we shall
want to balance gain against coverage. Hence, it is likely that we shall have to trade some gain to
obtain adequate beamwidth.
Just when we might think we have reached an ending, someone has whispered to me, "How do we
convert a bi-directional array into a directional array?" It turns out that, even here, we have options.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
In the preceding two episodes, we examined clusters of options for vertical and horizontal
bi-directional wire arrays based on the dipole as the root antenna. Each cluster only sampled the
options available, and we might easily add to the number of clusters. However, our goal was to
present each cluster in an internally consistent environment to ease some of the difficulty in decision-
making. Within each group, the individual can now use consistent performance data in combination
with dimensional data, installation challenges, and budgetary cautions when deciding on the next
antenna to build.
Very early on, a perennial question arose: how does one convert a bi-directional array into a
directional beam? Once more, we have options. Most handbooks treat the options in different
chapters, so we rarely receive any kind of overview of available techniques. Although our space is
small and therefore our samples will be few, we can partly correct the oversight.
Consider two elements of similar size, at least one of which would serve as a bi-directional antenna.
To create a directional end-fire beam from these two elements, we have to provide each element with
the correct relative current magnitude and phase angle to yield the strongest possible forward lobe
and the weakest possible rearward lobe. Similar considerations apply to both multi-element arrays
and to large collinear arrays. As a convenience in sorting out how we accomplish the goal, we can
separate the techniques into 4 general groups: parasitic methods, phasing methods, screen reflection,
and traveling-wave termination. Not all techniques are equally apt to all antenna types and situations,
but all have a place in the option set.
Parasitic Methods
Many hams associate parasitic elements almost solely with Yagi-Uda arrays based on the
half-wavelength antenna element. However, designers have long realized that parasitic elements will
work with almost any bi-directional antenna. A parasitic element approximates the conditions that we
may achieve directly by complex phasing systems, but it does its work solely by virtue of its length,
diameter, and spacing from the original element. For a given spacing and diameter, if we shorten an
element relative to the original one with a feedpoint (now called the driver), the new element will show
a negative relative phase angle for its current and the main forward lobe will form in its direction. It has
become a director. If we lengthen the element relative to the driver, then its current will show a
positive phase angle relative to the current on the driver and the main forward lobe will be in the
direction of the driver. The new element has become--by convention--a reflector. Reflector-driver
arrays tend to show a wider operating bandwidth but poorer gain and front-to-back characteristics
than optimized driver-director arrays. Hence, reflector-driver arrays are easier to tame, that is, easier
to field-adjust into acceptable performance. We may fairly use these basic principles of parasitic
element operation to create a large variety of directional beams.
Consider the half-square array, essentially a broadside array consisting of 2 vertical dipoles in an
easily reproduced wire antenna. See Figure 1. The sketch shows the single half square along with 2
parasitic variations. The dimensions differ slightly from those used in our first array episode to yield a
near-50-Ohm feedpoint impedance. However, we are still using AWG #12 copper wire, average
ground, and a maximum height of 50'. The left-most plot shows the azimuth pattern with its slight
misalignment due to the corner feedpoint. Table 1 supplies the modeled data.
We may add to the original array a reflector and optimize the vertical lengths for maximum front-
to-back ratio with the selected spacing. The forward gain increases by about 3.2 dB with only a small
narrowing of the beamwidth. The 180� front-to-back ratio is excellent. The rearward quartering
lobes show a very slight imbalance, but not to a point of creating problems in using the array. The
structure is very simple to replicate, and the feedpoint impedance remains "coax-ready."
Rather than lengthen the reflector physically, we may also lengthen it electrically. One convenient
method is to use a shorted length of transmission line to add to a driver-length element enough
inductive reactance to create an effective reflector element. The sample uses 50-Ohm line at an
electrical length of 17'. Suppose now that we add such a length (adjusted physically for the velocity
factor of the selected coax) to the driver and bring it to a central point between the elements. We can
install a remotely operated switch that converts one side into just an extension of the feed cable and
the other side into the required shorted-stub. (Use a DPDT switch or relay to isolate the braids as well
as the center conductors.) We now have a reversible half-square beam with virtually the same gain as
the fixed version and a very useful rearward lobe set. The need to place the load and the feedpoint on
the same side of the array creates a bit more imbalance in the pattern, but nothing fatal to the array's
We can also apply parasitic methods to collinear arrays, for example, the extended double Zepp
(EDZ) shown in Figure 2. The sample EDZ uses a length just above 1.2 wavelength to reduce the
sidelobes. Like our earlier horizontal bi-directional arrays, the sample uses AWG #12 copper wire and
is 1 wavelength above average ground. Table 2 provides the modeling data for both the single EDZ
and two versions of a parasitic beam.
The first version uses a full-size reflector element. Since the element will be capacitively reactive, we
can incorporate electrical lengthening into the center loading inductive reactance and tune the
element for maximum front-to-back ratio. We also have the option of adding a coil to the center of the
driven element to achieve resonance and simplify matching. For example, with the same parasitic
array set for resonance, we might use a �-wavelength section of 75-Ohm cable as a matching
section for a 50-Ohm main feedline. Providing the driver with inductive reactance at a normal Q range
of 200 to 250 has its costs in terms of a slightly lower forward gain. However, the forward gain shows
well over a 3-dB increase relative to the single EDZ element.
We may also simplify the structure somewhat by using a split reflector element, with a section for
each outer half-wavelength of the driver. The front-to-back ratio will not be as high as with a full-size
element properly loaded, but we save the trouble of having to field adjust a reflector inductor for
maximum front-to-back ratio.
Figure 3 shows two ways of obtaining reversible EDZ beams from the same reflector options. In both
cases, we find decreases in the reported data from the model in one or another performance
category, as shown in the bottom lines of the table. Mutual coupling between the active and inert
drivers is stronger than in the case of comparable reversible-direction wire Yagis. Nevertheless, some
combination of elements may satisfy a given set of operating needs.
Phasing Methods
We often employ phasing methods to improve the rearward null performance of an array. Rarely do
phasing methods show very marked gain increases over parasitic methods applied to essentially the
same array. In some cases, such as the fixed half-square beam, resorting to phasing techniques
would only add considerable complication for little, if any, detectable improvement. In other cases,
however, phasing treatment may show marked improvement.
Phasing techniques essentially add an energy source to what we may achieve with parasitic methods.
Parasitic techniques achieve the goal of setting the relative current magnitudes and phase angles to
create a beam by virtue of mutual coupling between the elements. A driver-reflector Yagi, for example,
rarely surpasses 12-dB front-to-back ratio. If we phase feed the two elements, we can create current
magnitude and phase relationships that can easily raise the front-to-back ratio to 20 dB. Indeed, if we
are willing to sacrifice some gain, we can create 180� front-to-back values as high as 50 dB--but
only for the narrowest of bandwidths.
Many hams have a restricted view of phasing techniques. ON4UN's Low-Band DXing has perhaps the
largest collection of practical phasing techniques. We may usefully but incompletely categorize the
techniques into 3 groups, as shown in Figure 4. On the left are methods that use transmission-lines to
achieve the requisite splitting of current and transforming the current magnitudes and phase angles to
optimal values. The ZL-Special technique of using a single 1/8-wavelength line with a half-twist misled
many builders into believing that line impedance transformation was the critical factor. However, the
rate of current transformation along a line may not coincide with the impedance transformation.
Particular set-ups of elements may require a forward, a rear, or an intermediate feedpoint. One part of
the line may require a half-twist or not. Indeed, there are many situations in which available
transmission lines or those we might construct simply will not provide the required current magnitude
ratio and the phase angle difference that yields an effective beam.
The most direct route around this problem is to employ phase-changing networks at each element, as
suggested by the middle sketch. Due to the weight of such networks, we ordinarily employ them with
ground-mounted vertical monopole systems. An alternative is shown on the far right. We may employ
ground-mounted networks and use measured transmission-line lengths to each element. Current
undergoes a full cycle in 360� of line (not in 180�, as is the case for impedance). However, the
lines may have different lengths to add additional current and phase angle transformations to the
output of the network or networks.
Network calculations require more space than we have for this overview, but we can demonstrate the
potential benefits of a transmission-line-based phasing system with a single example. Consider 2
vertical dipoles set up for parasitic operation, as shown in Figure 5. The element center points are at
equal heights, and the lowest approach to average ground for this 7.15-MHz array is 15'. With the 1"
diameter aluminum elements used for the array, we obtain the patterns shown in the figure and the
modeled performance figures that appear in Table 3. Like virtually all good 2-element driver-reflector
parasitic systems, we obtain about 3.2-dB gain over a single vertical dipole. As we might expect from
such an array, the maximum front-to-back ratio is just over 12 dB. With the element dimensions
shown, the feedpoint impedance is close to 50 Ohms.
Without changing any of the array dimensions, we may improve performance, especially with respect
to the front-to-back ratio, as shown on the right side of Figure 5. The required phase line has two
sections. The short section goes to the forward element. The longer section goes to the rear element
and uses a half twist. The phase line sections consist of a foam dielectric coaxial cable with a 50-Ohm
impedance and a velocity factor of 0.78. (A 0.66 velocity factor would yield physical lengths too short
to handle the spacing between elements.) The net feedpoint impedance is about 30 + j13 Ohms,
hence the need for a section of 35-Ohm cable (or parallel sections of 70-Ohm cable) to yield an
impedance close to 50 Ohms. The specified length entails a velocity factor of 0.66. For the effort of
figuring or finding a usable phasing system, we obtain a very small increase in gain and a very large
improvement in the front-to-back ratio. At the same time, we maintain a coax-ready array.
Screen or planar reflectors date back to the 1920s and the billboard array. Once considered ungainly
at HF, they find extensive use in the UHF region. The reflector is largely untuned, although extensive
modeling has shown that gain reaches maximum when the limits of the screen at about
0.5-wavelength beyond the limits of the driving array in all dimensions. The screen is unlike the
parasitic reflector, which does not reflect but instead has a size to yield the correct current magnitude
and phase angle to yield a maximized forward and a minimized rearward lobe. The screen is a
reflecting surface that acts largely (but not exclusively) according to principles derived from optics.
In the HF region, the short-wave broadcast industry makes extensive use of screen reflector arrays
with banks of dipoles fed in phase for a main beam that is broadside to both the screen and the
driving array. Figure 6 shows the outlines of a very large array consisting of 3 rows and 3 columns of
dipoles. Only a few of the support cables appear in the sketch. To have shown them all would have
obscured the essential electrical elements of the array. It is possible to construct far smaller screen
arrays to good effect. For example, a lazy-H is a bi-directional array that corresponds to a 1V-2H
scheme in terms of the designations in Figure 6. Not only would a screen that is 2-wavelengths high
by 2-wavelengths wide yield a directional signal, it would produce about 5 dB gain over the maximum
gain of the basic lazy-H.
The models used to test the capabilities of the dipole array with a screen reflector use commercial
standards. Commercial dipole arrays strive to be broad-banded. The wire is AWG #10 copper
(although many arrays use aluminum-coated steel). A combination of folded dipoles and a spacing of
0.3 wavelength yields a wider operating bandwidth, although it produces less than absolutely
maximum gain. Table 4 shows the modeled free-space performance of screened arrays from 1V-1H
up to 3V-3H. Corresponding to the data entries are the azimuth patterns that appear in Figure 7. Each
pattern rests on the use of a screen with dimensions optimized for the driving array size. (Commercial
HF dipole arrays may skimp a bit on the screen size, and because the elements are horizontally
polarized, the screen may use only horizontal wires. When a screen uses only horizontal wires, some
reflector elements may exhibit parasitic properties, including high-than-normal current magnitude
The data and patterns are notable in several different ways. As we add elements vertically, the
beamwidth does not change, although for each column, we find about the same gain increase with
each added vertical bay. When we read the table and the patterns horizontally, we discover that each
horizontal bay that we add reduces the beamwidth and increases the front-to-back ratio. One major
advantage of the dipole array is that it allows the operator to select the best compromise between
gain and beamwidth just by opting for an array size. In addition, by phasing each vertical bay in equal
increments (for example, 30�, 60�, 90� for a 3-bay array), it is possible to slew the signal
angle with respect to the plane of the array without major distortion to the pattern shape.
In amateur use, a planar or screen reflector accepts a wide variety of drivers. The drivers may be
either vertically or horizontally polarized and range from simple dipoles to more complex bi-directional
arrays. Half-squares, rectangles, and side-fed quads are all applicable to a planar reflector to increase
the forward gain and to yield a very good front-to-back ratio. In addition, for these single-feedpoint
drivers, we can often find a spacing between the reflector and the driver that yields a desired
feedpoint impedance, such as 50 Ohms, without sacrificing significant gain. One caution to observe is
not to bother using an end-fire array in front of the screen. The screen will dominate so that the
phased elements will not provide any significant further gain.
Traveling-Wave Termination
Long-wire technology arose in the late 1920s and more especially in the 1930s in answer to the need
for very precise trans-oceanic point-to-point communications. Edmond Bruce stands at the head of
the class of antenna engineers for his invention of the "king" of long-wire antennas. Although these
collinear arrays have largely passed out of service as installations strive to save real estate, amateurs
still dram of wire antenna farms. Indeed, one humorist from past decades once specified his ideal DX
antenna as a very large rhombic installed on a rotatable island. The basic long-wire shapes are the
single long wire, the V, and the diamond or rhombic. Each of these shapes is essentially bi-directional.
We obtain a directional beam by adding a terminating impedance at the array end opposite the
feedpoint. In doing so we convert a standing-wave antenna into a traveling-wave antenna, although
the conversion is imperfect.
We measure the basic single long-wire in wavelengths. The sample shown in Figure 8 is 4
wavelengths long. As the patterns show, the long-wire has a split lobe. As we make the antenna
longer, the lobes in each direction grow closer to the axis of the wire itself, but they never meet for
almost all practical lengths. The sample long-wire antennas in these notes use 0.16" diameter (AWG
#6) wire and are 1 wavelength above average ground at a test frequency of 3.5 MHz. The end-fed
single wire has a lobe count that is twice the number we would expect of a center-fed wire of the
same length. As the data in Table 5 show, an unterminated or standing-wave long-wire has a natural
imbalance of nearly 2 dB away from the feedpoint.
When we add a terminating impedance (in this case 800 Ohms), we obtain the directional pattern
shown in Figure 8. The gain drops significantly, not only because of the terminating resistor, but as
well because each end of the array must have a wire to a common ground. The two vertical lines tend
partially to fill the pattern nulls and thereby prevent the array from obtaining full gain. Nevertheless, we
also obtain a very wide operating bandwidth. In fact, the SWR bandwidth is significantly wider than the
practical bandwidth for the pattern shape.
The V array in Figure 9 rests on the long-wire. The angle between the two legs is a function of the
lobe angle of each leg--as shown by the lobes of the single long wire. Two lobes coincide down the
centerline between lobes, resulting in a bi-directional pattern that is close to equal strength in both
directions. The feedpoint is in series with the legs at their junction. If we wish to add a termination, we
must run lines to ground, where we place separate terminating impedances, or we must run a line
between the far ends of the V with the termination centered. In either case, we discover a decrease in
gain relative to the unterminated array. However, the pattern is very strongly directional, and the SWR
bandwidth far outstrips the practical operating bandwidth. With a V array, changing operating
frequency changes the leg length as measured in wavelengths. Hence, the angle for an acceptable
pattern has a limited frequency range of about 2:1.
With the possible exception of VK3ATN's moon bounce 2-meter rhombic in the 1960s, I am unaware
that anyone has ever bothered to use an unterminated rhombic, as shown in Figure 10. However, I
have included data on it in Table 5 to compare with the far more common terminated version. A
rhombic with 4-wavelength legs is, of course, twice as long overall as a V with 4-wavelength legs, but
the width is about the same, since the same angle-based construction is involved. The terminating
impedance of a rhombic (850 Ohms in this sample) is in series with the collinear array wires.
Therefore, we see far less difference between the gain of the unterminated and the terminated
versions. However, we can achieve very high front-to-back ratios.
For commercial service, the major failing of all long-wire technology was the high level of the
sidelobes, clearly evident on all of the patterns. The correct V or rhombic angle might combine two or
more long-wire lobes, but it did little to suppress the other lobes in the long-wire pattern. For amateur
serve, optimized V-beams and rhombics have two major drawbacks. Acreage is one of them. The
other is the extremely narrow beamwidth. Nevertheless, the technique of using a termination to
convert a bi-directional array into a directional beam deserves its place among the options available to
These notes have taken a somewhat different approach to converting a bi-directional array into a
directional beam by providing an overview of the major techniques available to us. Not every
technique is applicable to every bi-directional array that we might wish to convert into a directional
beam. As well, in some cases, a technique might be applicable in principle but highly impractical to
implement. In most cases, however, we likely will find more than one potential method of conversion
and can weigh each against the other factors (for example, complexity, finickiness, budget, etc.) that
go into our final building decisions.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Dean Straw, N6BV, wrote an article for QST in December, 2005: "What's the Deal About 'NVIS'?" The
article provides some excellent guidance for obtaining the best results from Near Vertical Incidence
Skywave (NVIS) operation. The discussion limits itself to using a simple inverted-V antenna, which
prompted the following notes. We have a number of options for potentially effective NVIS antennas.
In this episode, we shall look at antennas that are narrow band, that is, antennas that cover one or
part of one amateur band. We have enough to learn about them to occupy us fully.
Figure 1 sketches the NVIS situation in the most general terms. Regular amateur operations seek to
elevate antennas to provide low-angle radiation. Ionospheric refraction results in a skip zone, an area
between the central station and the nearest communications target. In addition, many central stations
have obstructions that limit the range of point-to-point communications methods. In both cases,
directing a lower HF signal upward can result in a sufficient return to provide short to intermediate
range communications. Many government services consider the NVIS frequency range to extend
from 2 to about 10 MHz. As Straw notes, the 7-MHz region is most suitable for nighttime work, while
the 80/75-meter band provides the best results for daytime operation by radio amateurs.
Although you may set up many antennas for somewhat directional patterns, most operators strive to
have an omni-directional antenna. Unfortunately, pure omni-directionality is hard to obtain with simple
antennas. However, you can approximate a circular azimuth pattern by choosing the right antenna,
as shown on the left in Figure 2. The elongated azimuth pattern shown on the right may also be
useful. For simple wire antennas, the broader pattern is off the ends of the wire. If the installation
area permits, you can go some distance in planning your coverage. The figure also shows a
convention that I shall use in these notes: listing the broadside and the endwise half-power
beamwidth. The closer these numbers are to each other, the more circular will be the pattern. The
greater the difference, the more elongated that the oval pattern becomes. The ratio of one to the
other is a useful measure of pattern circularity.
The final preliminary note concerns the antenna environment. We shall be looking at narrow-band
antennas for use at the central station. In amateur terms, that generally means a durable home
installation for which one may plan and then construct with care. The short-masted AS-2259 antenna
is designed for field use, which might be a central station on a military battlefield. The antenna is
useful to amateurs in Field Day and similar exercises. However, for long-term NVIS antennas, we can
do far better.
The standard AWG #14 copper wire dipole will be our starting point for these NEC-4 modeling tests.
All antennas will use average ground (conductivity = 0.005 S/m, relative permittivity = 13). The test
frequency will be 3.9 MHz. A wavelength is about 252.2' at this frequency. The tabular data will be in
fractions of a wavelength, so this number is handy for translating the information into numbers for
physical planning. The trends that we uncover will be applicable throughout the lower HF range.
Figure 3 sketches the 4-dipole configurations that we shall examine.
The first case of a dipole over bare ground has two goals. One aim is to see at what antenna height
we obtain maximum upward gain. The second purpose is to put to rest a certain persistent myth
about NVIS dipoles, namely, that a super-low height provides a gain advantage. Table 1 provides
expanded information on the performance of a dipole over bare ground at heights ranging from 0.05
wavelength (about 12.5' at 3.9 MHz) up to a quarter wavelength (63'). The table provides gain values
from NEC-4 using the Sommerfeld-Norton ground calculation system (referred to as "high accuracy"
in EZNEC). It also provides gain numbers reported by the only modeling program readily available
during the early days of NVIS antenna analysis in the late 1980s and very early 1990s. That program
was MININEC. As early as February, 1991, Roy Lewallen, W7EL, provided warnings to QST readers
about the limitations of the MININEC simplified ground calculations system in his article "MININEC:
The Other Edge of the Sword." Unfortunately, even today, many beginning modelers do not heed the
warning. As the table shows, when we place a horizontal antenna below about 0.2 wavelength,
MININEC reports an ever-inflating gain value. At the lowest height used in the table, the actual gain is
8 dB lower than the MININEC report. See the Straw article for the safety concerns and the supposed
noise advantage of very low antennas.
The table shows a gain peak with the antenna about 0.175-wavelength above ground. Although this
height will be consistently the peak gain height for all of our simple antennas, heights from about
0.125 wavelength up to about 0.225 wavelength are perfectly acceptable. As we raise the antenna in
small increments, we notice a slow rise in the endwise beamwidth, but a more rapid rise in the
broadside beamwidth. Hence, we can go some way toward tailoring the circularity or elongation of
the pattern simply by varying the height without seriously subtracting from the available gain.
The remaining 3 configurations for a NVIS dipole reflect methods that some operators use or should
use to improve performance. Table 2 supplies the corresponding modeling data, but restricts the
height range to values from 0.125 wavelength to 0.225 wavelength. The first supplemented dipole
uses a single �-wavelength wire at ground level below the dipole. This wire and all other antenna
supplements use modeled heights of 0.001 wavelength above ground so that the models will run on
both NEC-2 and NEC-4. The installer's goal is to create a virtual Yagi pointed upward. Contrary to
expectations, the table shows a very limited improvement in maximum gain, with the best
improvement at the lowest height. Ground reflections do not occur just below the antenna wire, but
over a very wide area in all directions from the antenna.
Studies of HF dipole arrays used for short-wave broadcasting and of VHF/UHF planar reflector arrays
show that a conductive screen forms a very useful reflecting surface based on principles derived from
optics. Such screens perform best when they extend at least � wavelength beyond the driven
elements in all directions. The model with the screen in Figure 3 and in Table 2 uses a screen that is
1 wavelength by 1 wavelength on a side. The cells are 0.1-wavelength on a side. To simulate a solid
screen, the wire would have to be very thick and using that wire would prevent the screen from sitting
0.001-wavelength above ground. So I reduced the wire size to a 1" diameter. The reduced wire size
leaves the screen "holy" and reduces the reported gain. However, it may also better reflect the likely
amateur use of inexpensive materials like chicken wire in which the junctions are not durably
connected. The tabulated data shows a nearly constant improvement over the dipole and single-wire
reflector. It also shows a decreasing improvement over the dipole above bare average ground. Still,
the peak gain height remains at 0.175 wavelength. The broadside beamwidth shows a 4�-5�
reduction with the screen in place, but the endwise beamwidth does not change at all.
We can simulate a full screen with a series of wires at ground level if we use enough of them. The
final configuration uses 9 AWG #14 copper wires at a height of 0.001 wavelength. The wire spacing
is 0.1 wavelength. Each wire is only slightly longer than the dipole itself. With the 9 wires forming a
field that is 0.8-wavelength long, the final section of Table 2 shows performance virtually identical to
the performance with a full screen. Smaller numbers of wires or total field sizes produce lesser
performance levels. (Since the single reflector proved so ineffective and since the screen is simpler to
model than the 9-wires, analyses of other simple antenna will contrast bare-ground and screen
performance. However, the 9-wire field is always available as an alternative to a screen and may be
easier to install.)
Let's pause here to look at an important side question: how does ground quality affect the
improvement level offer by the screen or the 9-wire field? I modeled the dipole at a height of 0.175
wavelength over bare ground and over the screen using several ground quality levels, all of which
appear in Table 3. The worse the soil quality, the greater the improvement offered by the
ground-level screen. Over very poor soil, the gain improvement is nearly 2 dB, but over very good
soil, the improvement drops to only 0.2 dB. In no case of solid ground does the use of a screen
seriously approach the level of a perfect ground, although at sea, one might come very close. The
conclusion is that NVIS antennas over poorer grades of soil may benefit significantly from a screen or
a 9-wire reflector. The Inverted-V
Testing NVIS inverted-V antennas adds another variable to our modeling efforts. Let's assume that
we use a fixed height for the ends of the V. For safety, I placed the ends 0.05-wavelength (about 12.5'
at 3.9 MHz) above ground. As I surveyed changing top heights, I restored the antenna to near
resonance, which drew the ends in toward the center and increased the angle of the wire relative to
the ground. Figure 4 shows the bare ground and screen configurations. Table 4 presents the test
results, including the wire angle.
The inverted-V over bare ground shows much less gain than a dipole. The effective height of the
entire wire is about 2/3 the distance between the lower and the upper ends. Hence, the peak gain is
approximately the same as the dipole over bare ground at a height between 0.1 wavelength and
0.125 wavelength. Consistent with the dipole models, the peak gain for the inverted-V occurs at a top
height of 0.175 wavelength.
One advantage of an inverted-V is that the endwise beamwidth increases by from 10� to 20�
relative to the dipole. In fact, the higher that we place the V, the more circular the pattern becomes. At
a height of 0.225 wavelength, we find only a 23� difference between the broadside and the
endwise beamwidth reports. The wire angle at this height is about 46�, a value that we cannot
safely achieve at lower top heights. Obviously, the greater the wire angle relative to ground, the more
omni-directional the pattern becomes.
For any given top height, an inverted-V's effective height will be lower than a linear dipole at the
same height. As a consequence, the inverted-V tends to benefit more from the presence of a
ground-level screen (or its 9-wire substitute). The lower part of Table 4 shows a 1-dB or greater
improvement in gain. As well, it shows a slight improvement in the circularity of the azimuth coverage
due to a small shrinkage in the broadside beamwidth.
One strategy for setting up a NVIS antenna system is to use a pair of inverted-V antennas--one for
80/75 meters, the other for 40 meters--using a common center support and a common feedpoint. If
the antennas are at right angles to each other, interactions between the two sets of wires will be
minimal. The limitation of such a system is that we end up with both bands using heights that are not
optimal. 0.125 wavelength at 3.9 MHz is close to 0.23 wavelength at 7.2 MHz. While both heights fall
within the scanned range for our test cases, one or the other may yield a pattern shape that is not
ideal. We may use the same center support for both bands, but setting up separate antennas
optimized for the best height and wire angle (over a reflector screen) may let us achieve near
circularity of coverage or just the degree of pattern elongation that we need for the intended coverage
An overlooked antenna for NVIS work is the 1-wavelength loop. Each side of the loop is only about
half the length of a dipole for the same frequency. If we plan to supplement the antenna with a screen
or other reflection means, the loop may prove to be more compact than a dipole or a V with a screen
below. As well, we can nest loops for each lower HF band that we wish to cover. Figure 5 shows the
bare-ground and the screened configurations, the data for which appear in Table 5.
Compared to a dipole, the 1-wavelength loop provides slightly higher maximum gain levels and
slightly more circular patterns. At the height of maximum gain, the loop pattern is about 24� less
oval than the dipole pattern, as measured by the difference between the broadside and the endwise
beamwidth values. For the loop, the broadside direction passes through the mid-side feedpoint and
the midpoint of the opposite side. The endwise pattern passes through the two opposing two sides
without a feedpoint. The use of a 1-wavelength by 1-wavelength screen below the loop at ground
level provides slightly less added gain than it does for a dipole.
In some respects, the 1-wavelength loop provides the best of the dipole and the inverted-V worlds. It
has the dipole's gain and the V's nearly circular pattern. However, it does require 4 corner supports,
and the feedpoint is well above the range for a good match to common 50-Ohm coaxial cable. The
latter problem disappears if we add a �-wavelength section of 70-75-Ohm cable.
The simple antennas that we have explored offer a balance between gain and beamwidth. Since we
are dealing with nearly circular azimuth patterns with only one main lobe, the only way to increase
upward or maximum gain is to decrease the beamwidth in one or both directions. Hence, high-gain
arrays are not necessarily for everyone. The operator who needs to use elevation angles down to say
45� may obtain better results with one of the simple antennas. However, a central station that
requires only short-distance communication may find an advantage in concentrating his or her signal
upward. In fact, by using a common wire array configuration, we may obtain up to 6-dB additional
Perhaps the two most common NVIS arrays used to increase upward gain are the "Jamaica" and the
"Shirley" array. Actually, both arrays are forms of the lazy-H facing the sky. Moreover, for raw upward
gain, these arrays overlook the best of the lot: the extended (or expanded) lazy-H. Let's quickly
sample all 3 antennas both with and without a screen (or multi-wire) supplement. In each case, the
antenna itself will use the same AWG #14 copper wire common to the simple antennas. We feed
each antenna element in phase with equal length lines to a central feedpoint. The feedpoint
impedance will vary according to the element length, the spacing, and the characteristic impedance
of the phasing lines. Table 6 provides the modeled data for all 3 antennas.
The Shirley array, shown in Figure 6 uses �-wavelength elements spaced about 0.65-wavelength
apart. Some versions use folded dipole elements for presumed match to the phase lines, but that
aspect of the antenna construction plays no role in establishing the basic gain and pattern data. At a
height between 0.175-wavelength and 0.2 wavelength, the antenna shows a little over 4-dB gain over
a dipole. The price that we pay for the gain is a very significant reduction in the broadside beamwidth
(by nearly 70�), but not in the endwise beamwidth. See the lower part of Figure 6. The result is a
highly elongated oval that favors the directions off the ends of the elements. The use of a
1-wavelength by 1-wavelength screen adds nearly a dB to the gain without altering the beamwidth
The Jamaica array, shown in Figure 7, uses a standard lazy-H configuration: two 1-wavelength
elements with a �-wavelength space between them. Over bare ground, it improves upward gain by
a full dB over the Shirley array, but the addition of a 1.5-wavelength by 1-wavelength screen adds
less than a half-dB more. In both cases, the Jamaica height is the same as the Shirley height. One
way to view the circularity of the patterns is to take the ratio of the broadside to endwise beamwidth
values. The dipole over bare ground shows a broadside-to-endwise ratio of 1.7:1. In contrast, the
Jamaica array has a ratio of less than 1.3:1 over bare ground, as illustrated by the patterns in the
lower half of Figure 7. Both numbers are drawn from the height of maximum gain. (In contrast, the
Shirley array showed a broadside-to-endwise ratio of 0.6:1.) Note that the use of collinear
half-wavelength elements and half-wavelength spacing yields no sidelobes. The wider spacing of the
Shirley elements revealed the emergence of low-angle broadside lobes.
For raw gain, we can do little better than increase the element length to 1.25 wavelength and use a
0.65-wavelength space between the elements. Figure 8 shows the results, along with patterns that
reveal the emergence of sidelobes in both the broadside and endwise directions. The user will have
to determine whether the lower-angle sidelobes present a danger of increased noise pick-up based
on the level and types of noise sources for the given location.
If the sidelobes do not pose a problems, then the extended lazy-H array adds nearly 2 dB to the gain
offered by the Jamaica beam, without a screen or with the requisite 2-wavelength by 1-wavelength
screen needed by the extended lazy-H. (Of course, a field of wires about 1.5-wavelength long and
extending about 0.4-0.5-wavelength beyond the broadside limits of the active array may substitute for
the screen.) The screen adds only about 0.4-dB gain to the bare ground version of the antenna.
Essentially, the extended lazy-H configuration provides 12.5-13 dBi maximum gain over average
ground, compared to 6.4 to 7.1 dB for a dipole at roughly the same height. In exchange, as shown by
the lower part of Figure 8, we further narrow the beamwidth--down to 44� broadside and 31�
endwise. The 1.4:1 ratio shows fairly good azimuth circularity.
Assuming that we can handle the Lazy-H array feedpoint impedance values with an antenna tuner,
the extended version of the array offers a further unadvertised benefit that stems from its higher gain
level. We can afford to place an extended lazy-H a bit higher than the optimal height and set the
element length at 1.25 wavelength on 7.2 MHz, with a 40-meter spacing of about 0.6-wavelength to
0.65-wavelength. The gain deficit relative to an optimal height will be small. At 3.9 MHz, the array will
be a little over half as high, and the element lengths and the spacing will be half as much. The array
will still perform well, with a gain level intermediate between a dipole and a full extended lazy-H. At
the lower frequency, we would find no sidelobes.
The lure of additional gain often blinds us to other considerations that may affect our operation.
Throughout these notes, I have tried to give equal strength to gain and beamwidth comparisons.
Which factor requires greater weight in deciding on a NVIS antenna requires an operator decision. If
operations require more than short range, then the added gain of the lazy-H configurations may not
be an advantage. Therefore, Figure 9 may be of interest. It shows overlaid patterns for a
1-wavelength loop and for the extended lazy-H array, both over bare ground. The increased gain
potential of the lazy-H captures our initial attention. However, if we count upward to the 45�
elevation angle, we discover that the loop has a significantly higher gain in that elevation direction. In
fact, at that angle, the lazy-H has almost no gain, since it is the angle for the null between the main
lobe and the sidelobe in both the broadside and the endwise patterns.
We have looked at a variety of central-station NVIS antennas for amateur use with an eye toward
finding the optimal height of maximum gain (between 0.175 wavelength and 0.2 wavelength). We
also examined the level of pattern circularity achieved by these simple designs. We also explored a
few high-gain NVIS arrays, as well as the level of benefit offered by ground screens or multi-wire
substitutes. Which antenna might be correct for you depends on your available space, your access to
supports, and also the type of operating that you do. For casual chats with a neighbor who lives
beyond yon hill (or even beyond the hill beyond yon hill), a high gain array may be a nearly ideal
NVIS antenna.
For the emergency operator, high gain alone may not solve all challenges, especially if there is a
need to reach beyond short range into the intermediate range that still falls within the skip zone. One
of the simpler antennas may better serve the requirement. In his article, Straw noted the need for
multiple relays to route important messages outward and then back inward toward targets, many of
which required NVIS-type propagation. Under these conditions, the right antenna--abetted by high
operator skill and experience--proved invaluable. In fact, it gave a contemporary rationale for
continuing to call our national organization the American Radio Relay League. Indeed, an operator
who copies precisely and relays accurately is as important as the antenna that he or she uses.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Our last episode dealt with basic and advanced monoband NVIS antennas. Although we found a number of
differences among the antennas, most of them showed reasonably circular azimuth patterns as determined
by the ratio of the broadside to endwise half-power beamwidth. Virtually all of the antennas achieved their
maximum upward gain at heights between 0.175 wavelength and 0.2 wavelength. We also saw clearly the
relationship between gain and beamwidth, especially when we compared antennas like the dipole, the
inverted-V, and the 1-wavelength loop with more complex arrays based on the lazy-H configuration.
In this follow-up set of notes, we shall look at two special needs within the overall NVIS scene: a desire for
directional NVIS communications and the requirement--largely a function of newer ALE potentials--for very
wide-band communications. To simplify our discussions, we shall place all antennas over bare average
ground (conductivity = 0.005 S/m, relative permittivity = 13).
Curiously, a few years back, I received within a fairly short time period two notes via e-mail. One
correspondent wished to know if there might be an effective NVIS antenna for his coastal location, since he
wished to direct as much as possible of his signal inland. The second note, a few weeks later, asked is
there might be an antenna for his coastal location that would allow NVIS communications out to sea with
enough front-to-back ratio to quiet signals from land-based stations in the other direction. Not only do both
inquiries have an affirmative response, they both might use the same antenna.
Figure 1 shows two candidates composed of AWG #12 copper wire and set at 45' about 0.175 wavelength)
for 3.9-MHz operation. The upper left sketch shows a conventional 2-element driver-reflector Yagi. The
element spacing provides a feedpoint impedance close to 50 Ohms. As we lower the height of a directional
antenna, the main forward lobe angles ever more upward. The Yagi shown has a TO angle of about 49�,
with an elevation beamwidth that extends to nearly overhead. The maximum gain approaches 8.2 dBi at the
TO angle, with a 7.5-dB front-to-back ratio. The radiation directly upward from the Yagi is only down about
3.5 dB or so from the maximum gain, so NIVS communications at the shortest ranges will be similar in
strength to using a dipole or inverted-V. However, receiving sensitivity to the rear of the array will be well
down from maximum gain. The result is directive NVIS operation, whether out to sea or inland from the sea.
The way to improve the NVIS directional pattern is not with more antenna gain, but with less. The more
compact Moxon rectangle--consisting of AWG #12 copper wire--has a lower maximum gain value: about
7.9 dBi. However, the TO angle is about 55�, with a smoother pattern curve from front-to-rear. Hence,
the zenith angle falls within the elevation pattern's beamwidth. As well, the rectangle's configuration
provides an additional 2-dB of front-to-back ratio, resulting in further quieting in the unwanted direction. We
might obtain similar results from the Yagi by lowering its height somewhat.
Because both antennas are horizontal directional beams, even at low heights, we have a limited horizontal
beamwidth. NEC-4 reports a value of 94� for the Yagi and 120� for the Moxon rectangle. These
reports derive from the azimuth patterns that we took using the TO angle as the pattern elevation angle.
Since both TO angles are quite high, we must use caution in accepting the reported values.
Every azimuth pattern over ground specifies an elevation angle for the pattern. Only if the elevation angle is
0� (illicit in NEC-2) will the pattern itself be circular. Azimuth-equivalent patterns in free-space may use
0� elevation and also yield a far-field tracing that is flat and circular. Every non-zero elevation angle entry
in fact produces a pattern based on a conical surface, as suggested by the radically high elevation angle in
Figure 2. Let's assume that the figure has sliced the cone from tip to base and therefore shows only the
main forward lobe and not the rearward lobes. The actual half-power beamwidth on the surface of the cone
is the angular distance between the points on the lobe that are 3 dB down from the peak gain value.
Unfortunately, limitations of software force us to project the pattern onto a flat circular plotting form. World
maps suffer a similar problem when we project the features of a globe onto a flat page. The problem is
distortion. With azimuth patterns, we do not notice the problem with antennas that we use for long-distance
communication, because we normally us fairly low elevation angles. Hence, the cone and the plotting form
are very similar. However, for NVIS operations, we are interested in high to very high angles, that is,
elevation angles from 45� to 90�. At these angles, the distortion can be high, and it increases as we
increase the elevation angle. The right side of Figure 2 may seem to create only mild distortion, but the
sketches show a 2:1 ratio between the angles on a flat surface and on the conical surface at the left.
We may quickly calculate an approximate corrected horizontal beamwidth value using a simple equation:
BWa is the actual horizontal beamwidth, BWr is the NEC report of the beamwidth, and the indicated angles
are the elevation or theta angles at which we take the phi/azimuth pattern. The use of an elevation angle or
a theta angle will depend on the operative convention of your antenna modeling software. NEC operates
using theta angles counting from the zenith downward. We convert theta angles to elevation angle by
subtracting from 90�. The equation is only a handy approximation because it does not account for the
fact that the pattern has side-to-side curvature on the surface of the cone, but it provides results that are as
close as we need for virtually all applications.
One reason that we do not question beamwidth reports for lower angle azimuth patterns relative to the
values that occur in free-space patterns is that the cosine of the elevation angle is 0.9 or higher for all such
angles that are 25.8� or lower. However, the cosine of the elevation angle decreases ever more rapidly
toward zero as we raise the elevation angle. The Yagi reported a beamwidth of 94� at a TO angle of
49�. The cosine of 49� is 0.646 and so the adjusted beamwidth is about 62�. The Moxon reported
a beamwidth of 120� at an elevation angle of 55�. The corrected value is about 69�. Although the
initial reports seemed to give the Moxon a large horizontal beamwidth advantage over the Yagi, the
corrected values tell us that there is not much difference. Since wire NVIS directional antennas require
aiming, correcting the high-angle azimuth beamwidth reports is essential if we are to know what coverage
we can expect from it. Of course, coverage does not suddenly end beyond the beamwidth limit, but it may
weaken rapidly.
Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) equipment has become almost standard in military circles. By very
rapid scanning and synchronization of codes and return codes, the central station can select the most
promising frequency for successful communications. Other governmental agencies have seen a potential
for adapting this system to emergency communications. Since the scanning central transceiver does its
work so rapidly, it does not have time for the delays associated with changing matching networks to effect a
match between the equipment and the antenna. As a result, antennas that exhibit a constant impedance
over a very wide frequency range have once more become very popular government acquisition items.
Unfortunately, radio amateurs have also become enamored with these antennas. One of the most common
misconceptions associated with these antennas is that they perform in all respects as smoothly across the
frequency spectrum as the very low SWR value suggests. In general, we can rarely obtain such smooth
performance over a 2:1 frequency range using an inverted-V configuration. Let's perform a small
experiment. We can use the 3 antennas shown in Figure 3 as samples. Each antenna is 42.5' high at the
center and 2.5' above average ground at the ends. The distance between the center pole and the wire end
is 50'. Each leg is therefore 64' long, for a total AWG #12 wire length of 128'. These dimensions apply to all
three variations on the inverted-V installations. The operating range is 3.75 MHz to 7.5 MHz. Each antenna
is initially a bit shorter than � wavelength electrically so that we may obtain adequate NVIS patterns
throughout the passband.
The single-wire unterminated V forms a performance baseline for our comparisons. At the antenna
feedpoint, we shall expect (and ignore in this context) a wide set of excursions for the resistive and reactive
components. The resistance will begin quite low and reach a very high value at or near the upper frequency
limit. The reactance begins as a moderate capacitive value and climbs to a very high inductive value. These
progressions are normal for an antenna that begins at just under � wavelength and reaches about 1
wavelength at the upper frequency limit.
More significant for the present context are the data in Figure 4, which graphs the maximum gain and the
broadside and endwise beamwidth values. The gain declines at the lower end of the spectrum as the
antenna reaches � wavelength and then becomes even shorter. Otherwise, the gain level is relatively
smooth and consistent with values that we saw for the inverted-V in the last episode. The broadside
beamwidth shows a continuous climb with increasing frequency. In contrast, the endwise beamwidth
remains relatively constant until we near the upper end of the passband.
The middle sketch in Figure 3 shows perhaps the most popular terminated wide-band antenna used by
amateurs: the terminated folded dipole. There are many versions and a number of myths surrounding the
antenna. The spacing between the AWG #12 conductors can vary from an inch to a foot or two with no
modelable difference in the basic performance. Far more critical to any application is the length. An ideal
terminated wide-band folded dipole antenna will be at least � wavelength long at the lowest operating
frequency to remain above the performance "knee." The knee represents an electrical length below which
performance falls off precipitously as the antenna feedpoint resistance without the termination would
decrease from about 70 Ohms toward zero. The series termination would provide a stable feedpoint
impedance, but also dissipate more and more of the energy. In the inverted-V configuration, the baseline
non-terminated impedance would be closer to 50 Ohms. Above the knee region, the impedances undulate
around the value of the terminating resistor. A resistor in the vicinity of 800 to 900 Ohms tends to yield the
smoothest SWR curve. Of course, the antenna must include an effective method of converting the high
terminal impedance down to a conventional coaxial-cable value.
Like the single wire unterminated inverted-V, the terminated folded version is slightly short relative to the
knee in order to produce acceptable patterns for NVIS operation within the 3.75- to 7.5-MHz passband.
Because the amount of shortening below � wavelength is small, we should see only the start of the gain
decline below about 4.5 MHz. The graph in Figure 5 confirms this suspicion. Below about 4.5 MHz, the
curve takes a sharper downward direction than the corresponding gain curve for the unterminated
inverted-V. Equally significant in Figure 5 are the beamwidth curves for broadside and endwise directions
from the wire antenna. Compare these curves to the corresponding set in Figure 4. The fundamental
similarity is inescapable.
An alternative method of developing a wide-band terminated antenna is to place the terminating resistors at
the wire ends. These resistors require a ground-return line to provide them with a low impedance common
point. The model for this basic configuration uses a wire that is 0.001 wavelength above ground so that the
model will run on both NEC-2 and NEC-4.1 Commercial versions of the antenna show variations on the
basic theme. Some use fans of different-length elements joined at the terminated ends. Others bring the
common line back up to the feedpoint. Most of the variations tend to yield somewhat smoother SWR
curves. The modeled basic version uses a 500-Ohm resistor at each end of the wire, with a 1000-Ohm
reference impedance. As with the folded dipole type of terminated antenna, the system needs an effective
impedance transformation device to allow a coaxial feedline. One difference between the end-terminated
system and the folded-dipole type occurs with the SWR performance below the knee region. Whereas the
folded version shows a smoother SWR curve, the end-terminated version tends to show a rise in SWR.
Hence, the SWR provides a warning apart from gain performance to tell the user when the antenna is too
Figure 6 graphs the maximum gain and the beamwidth values for the end-terminated antenna in its
simplest form. The gain curve roughly parallels the folded-dipole curve, but with a slightly lower
knee-frequency region--closer to 4 MHz than to 4.5 MHz. More interesting are the beamwidth curves. The
broadside beamwidth is very close to what we found for the unterminated and the folded-dipole antenna
types. However, the endwise beamwidth shows a greater variation across the passband than we found with
the other two antennas. As well, the average endwise beamwidth is perhaps 25� greater and exceeds
the broadside beamwidth throughout the passband. One consequence of this behavior difference is that
commercial versions of the antenna tend to favor flatter installations than the 38� slope of the wires in
these test models. The more level the wire, the lower the endwise beamwidth of the end-terminated wire,
with a resulting equalization of beamwidths for NVIS operation.
We cannot escape an ultimate comparison of the gain curves for the 3 sample antennas. See Figure 7.
The gain differential between the two terminated antennas is inconsequential compared to the deficit
relative to the unterminated wire. The gain difference runs from a minimum of 5+ dB up to over 6.5 dB
across the 2:1 frequency span. Since NVIS operations often call for working at the margins of acceptable
transmitted and received signals, a central station using a terminated antenna loses � of its transmitted
power and over an S-unit of received signal strength compared to a simple unterminated wire. While
terminated antennas might be used at field installations to simplify operation, they do not appear to offer the
amateur operator any significant benefits for a durable installation.
The reason for limiting the 3 antennas to a 2:1 frequency span results from the fact that terminating a given
length antenna does not change the far-field pattern shape. To illustrate this basic fact, Figure 8 presents
some samples of overlaid endwise elevation patterns. Only the terminated folded-dipole antenna appears
as the lower-gain entry for comparison with the unterminated antenna. Adding the end-terminated antenna
would only create murky pattern outlines for the inner or weaker patterns. The essential feature of these
patterns is the strict congruence between the stronger and the weaker patterns across the passband.
Termination affects the radiated energy of an antenna, but not its patterns. I have included a pattern for 10
MHz to establish the reason for limiting the antenna passband. However smooth the SWR curve may be for
a given terminated design, the bell-shaped pattern at 10 MHz indicates an endwise beamwidth that is
usually too narrow for most NVIS operations.
ALE has added a fresh incentive to find a NVIS antenna that provides full unterminated wire antenna gain
but with an exceptionally wide operating bandwidth. A more ideal antenna would exhibit relatively uniform
gain directly upward with equal beamwidth values, that is, with a virtually circular azimuth pattern at any
elevation angle. The half-power beamwidth values should fall within a range from 70� to perhaps 110�
to assure adequate energy and receiving sensitivity at about a 45�-elevation range to allow intermediate
as well as short-range communications by this mode. The search for such an antenna has taken two basic
directions--one relatively futile, the other more promising.
Both directions share a common feature: the use of frequency-independent design techniques. The most
obvious technique is to apply LPDA design equations to a dipole array that points straight upward (or
downward). In general, an LPDA design with linear elements fails to achieve the desired results due to a
conflict between LPDA design criteria and the height range within which NVIS antennas perform best. For
any number of elements covering any frequency range, the best height falls within the 0.125-wavelength
and the 0.225-wavelength range. To obtain the best LPDA performance in terms of gain and feedpoint
impedance we must increase the value of one of the calculation constants (sigma) to a value higher than
we find in most horizontally oriented arrays. For the 2.5-11-MHz range (a 4.4:1 frequency span), the result
would be an exceptionally tall array. As well, the gain would yield beamwidths well below the desired 70�
minimum value.
If we shorten the array by reducing the value of sigma and reduce the number of elements, then LPDA
performance over wide frequency range tends to collapse. Numerous anomalous frequencies will appear.
At these frequencies, the pattern will show multiple lobes in unwanted directions and the main lobe will not
be upward. As well, the impedance curve tends to vary widely. In general, the wider the frequency span for
an LPDA, closer that the design constants of tau and sigma must come to the highest permissible values.
As a result, if we try to place each element at a height that favors NVIS operation, we end up with an array
that fails completely in its mission.
An alternative array that also uses basic LPDA principles in an expanded format has become popular
among some commercial antenna makers for the corporate and government market: the log-spiral doublet
array. Figure 9 shows the general outline for one such design. The spiral uses a factor of atheta to define
the rate of radius increase with each wire segment. The design shown uses a pair of 4-turn spirals 180�
apart to end up with the full structure.
Log-spiral antennas have their greatest use in the UHF region where the design can attend to the element
diameter (or strip width on a substrate). A wire version in the HF range that uses a single wire diameter will
thus be less ideal and subject to numerous finicky requirements. Most commercial designs to not use an
inner limiting radius for the spiral. As well most use a conical or modified conical shape (with 4 or 6 sides).
Some offerings use outer-end resistive terminations, although this practice seems to defeat the point of
using such a complex structure, namely, to achieve full wire gain over a wide frequency span. Hence, the
state of the art relative to log-spiral NVIS potentials remains uncertain. Nevertheless, Table 1 shows the
modeled performance of the flat log-spiral design and thus suggests what may be possible some time in the
future. Note that at only 2 frequencies does the beamwidth drop to less than 70� in one of the sampled
planes. Patterns do not go completely askew until we pass 10.5 MHz. The sample array used here requires
a 50-meter diameter just to contain the wire, with additional space needed for supports.
We began by identifying two special needs sometimes associated with NVIS operation. Obtaining a
directional NVIS array proved to be the simpler project, since any number of relatively low-gain horizontal
arrays might meet the operational criteria for an installation. Very-wide band NVIS operation across a large
frequency spread presented the more difficult challenge. If we require relatively slow frequency changes,
then we can easily press an inverted-V into service over a 2:1 frequency range for acceptable NVIS
patterns. However, the higher rates of ALE frequency change require an antenna that requires no alteration
of the impedance matching network in the course of operation. Some typical wide-band terminated antenna
types can meet the need, with 2 restrictions. First, for many antennas that we might set up as inverted-Vs
or as linear doublets, the operative frequency range for acceptable NVIS patterns remains about 2:1.
Second, termination yields considerable loss of gain. Achieving a wide-band unterminated antenna design
capable of covering 2.5 to 10 MHz with roughly similar gain levels and acceptable NVIS patterns without a
need to switch networks remains a future goal for amateurs and an expensive project for commercial and
government installations.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Rotatable directional beams for the lower HF region (from 30 meters downward) tend to be rare,
heavy, and expensive. Many operators choose instead to use wire beams, despite their fixed
orientation. One partial way around the limitation is to build a reversible wire beam. We can
accomplish this feat with varying degrees of electrical complexity by switching sections of elements
or using loading components.
In these notes, we shall examine 5 different but inter-related ways of achieving the goal of
reversibility with the minimum of complexity. Some designs may require more real estate, but basic
construction will only involve stringing and supporting elements. Any remote switching that we do
will occur outside the antenna geometry. We shall look at two designs that use shorted stubs to
load driver elements to become electrically long enough to serve as reflectors in 2-element beams:
one Moxon rectangle and one Yagi. Then we shall look at an alternative reversible 2-element Yagi
that requires 3 wires. The next step is to extend that technique to a 3-element Yagi with 5 wires.
Finally, we shall reduce the wire count to 4, using an idea passed along to me by Bill Desjardins,
Although we may apply the general ideas in these notes to any of the bands in the lower HF region
(or even to 160 meters), we shall focus on 40 and 30 meters, using test frequencies of 7.15 and
10.125 MHz. 30 meters is a band that is ideal for a reversible wire beam, because we can usually
manage a 50-foot height. However, the band is so narrow that we do not receive a full impression
of wire-beam capabilities and limitations unless we also include 40 meters.
One limitation of horizontal beams is strictly frequency-related. The height of a beam determines to
a significant measure its performance potential, and we measure the height in wavelengths. In the
lower HF region, height is normally a fraction of a wavelength, since even at 30 meters, a
wavelength is about 100'. At 40 meters, that same 100; is only about 0.7-wavelength. Figure 1
shows selected elevation patterns at different heights from 0.25 wavelength up to 1.0 wavelength
for a 2-element Yagi. At the lowest height, the beam is best used as a directional NVIS antenna.
The lowest usable height for reliable DX work may be about 3/8-wavelength Table 1 provides
performance data at 0.125-wavelength increments.
Note that the rise in forward gain is not smooth as we increase height. As well, the front-to-back
ratio fluctuates with height, reaching its maximum value at �-wavelength intervals beginning at
3/8 wavelength (with the second maximum value at about 7/8 wavelength. The value curves grow
ever smoother as we exceed a 1-wavelength height, but such heights are impractical for most
reversible wire beam builders.
The performance that we can obtain depends on the beam that we select. Most wire antenna beam
builders choose a directional beam over a bi-directional antenna to obtain freedom from rearward
QRM. Different beam designs are better or worse in this department. Figure 2 shows the elevation
and azimuth patterns of 3 different beams at a height that maximizes the front-to-back ratio: 3/8
wavelength. The standard 2-element Yagi barely achieves 12 dB. The Moxon rectangle and the
3-element Yagi do far better. Similar relationships would show up at all heights, but the patterns for
a height of 3/8-wavelength are simply more vivid. As we shall see, however, the front-to-back ratio
will not be our only consideration if we choose to build a reversible beam.
All wire beams will fail to cover a band as wide as 40 meters. Figure 3 overlays 50-Ohm SWR
patterns for the 3 subject beams. The Moxon rectangle and the 2-element Yagi have natural
50-Ohm feedpoint impedances. For greater gain in the 3-element Yagi, I selected a design with a
30-Ohm feedpoint impedance and fitted it with a Regier series matching system using 50-Ohm and
75-Ohm cables to arrive at 50 Ohms. However, the SWR curve does not significantly change its 2:1
SWR bandwidth in the conversion. All three beams manage to cover a little over half of 40 meters.
Hence, for most bands (with the exception of the 50-kHz 30-meter band), the builder will have to
select the preferred portion of the band. Unlike simple dipoles, the directional beams will change
their gain and front-to-back properties with frequency within any of the wider bands. 2-element
(reflector-driver) beams shows a descending gain value with rising frequency, while a beam with at
least one director will show a rising gain value with increasing frequency. Perhaps the more critical
parameter is the front-to-back ratio, which tends to go to pot for the subject beams at about the
limits of the 2:1 SWR values.
The final factor that limits the utility of a reversible beam is geographic. Reversible beams are
useful only if there are desired communications target areas at approximate 180� bearings
relative to the beam. In Tennessee, a reversible beam would cover most of Europe on one side and
the VK and ZL regions in the other. Only if you are comparably situated should you consider a
reversible beam.
Our short survey of techniques of easily reversing beams will use 4 elements. Of course, there will
be text, along with a general outline of the beam under discussion. The outline graphic will also
show a free-space E-plane pattern for reference and comparison apart from any particular height
above ground. We shall also examine parts of two tables. Table 2 lists the dimensions of each
beam, while Table 3 provides free-space performance data at the design frequencies.
All modeled wire beam designs in Table 2 use AWG #12 copper wire. Design techniques call for
slightly different dimensions for the 30- and 40-meter Moxons, even when one measures the
elements in terms of wavelengths. However, for the wire Yagis, you may use the same dimensions
in wavelengths on both bands. If you design the Yagis for 40 meters, you may simply scale the
element lengths and the spacing values for 30 meters. The failure to compensate for the constant
element diameter only lowers the resonant frequency a bit on 30 meters, but the 50-Ohm SWR
does not reach 1.5:1 on this narrow band. On 40 meters, the design frequency is 7.15 MHz. You
may rescale the design upward or down ward within the band without regard to the element
diameter and not incur any adverse effects.
The free-space performance values in Table 3 allow a direct comparison from one beam's potential
to another's. The top section of the table provides data on the modeled performance of
non-reversible forms of each beam to permit an evaluation of the performance of reversible
versions. You may revise the EZNEC models for the options to place each beam at the height that
you plan to use before you reach any final conclusions. The Yagi performance data include some
special entries labeled "Unused Driver Open" and "Unused Driver Shorted." We shall explain those
notations as we move through the various Yagi designs.
The Moxon rectangle is a 2-element driver-reflector parasitic beam that uses two forms of element
coupling to arrive at the design-frequency patterns shown in Figure 4. Not only do we have
coupling between the parallel portions of the elements, but as well between the ends of the element
tails. For versions of the rectangle requiring a 50-Ohm feedpoint impedance and using a uniform
element diameter throughout, a design aid is available in the form of a spreadsheet at trans/ant-
design.html. (The spreadsheet also contains design aids for monoband quad beams and 3-element
Ordinarily, the Moxon rectangle reflector tails are longer than shown in Figure 4 and in Table 2.
However, to make the beam reversible, we use two identical driver elements along with the
prescribed gap between element tails. To the center of each element we connect a section of 50-W
coaxial cable. At any one time, one section of cable connects to the main feedline, also a 50-Ohm
cable. The other section we short to form a j65-Ohm inductive reactance. At 40 meters, the stub's
electrical length is 240.4", while at 30 meters, the electrical length is 169.8". Both lengths of coax
are more than long enough to reach a center point, even using a cable with a 0.66 velocity factor
(and shortening the physical length accordingly). Since the cables are for independent elements, a
remote DPDT switch or relay changes each coax function. It is possible to use long lines that reach
the shack for these functions. By careful calculation (including the line's velocity factor), we can
determine long line lengths that will serve as the required stub. In fact, we can also make the lines
long and tune out the excess inductive reactance with a capacitor. This type of system would place
all switching inside the warmth of the shack. However, these refinements are beyond the scope of
these introductory notes.
As shown in the performance data in Table 3, the one drawback of using stubs to reverse the
direction of a wire Moxon rectangle is a decrease in the feedpoint impedance. The resistive
impedance drops by about 8 Ohms relative to an independent version of the antenna. Squaring the
rectangle a small amount by shorting dimension A and increasing the tail length, C, of both
elements would raise the impedance, but at a slight cost in forward gain, plus a refiguring of the
required shorted stub reactance.
We may apply the same technique to a 2-element Yagi, as shown in Figure 5 and in the tables.
Because we wish to preserve the 50-Ohm impedance of the array once we install a coax section on
each driver element, we increase the element spacing from 0.146 wavelength to 0.155 wavelength.
The shorted reflector stub provides j75 Ohms inductive reactance. On 40 meters, the coax
(electrical) length is 258.8", while on 30 meters, the length is 182.3". The two coaxial cable lengths
allow an easy mid-point meeting for switching cable functions from driver to stub and back again,
even allowing for the line velocity factor.
The switched version of the antenna slightly outperforms the independent 2-element Yagi for
interesting reasons. First, the physical proportions of the elements differ. Second, a loaded reflector
provides slightly better front-to-back values than a full-size reflector. Nonetheless, we would be very
hard pressed to notice the difference in operation.
Whether you choose a Moxon rectangle or a Yagi, the stub-loaded switched beam provides the
most compact route to a reversible beam. I have seen 3-element Yagis with switched elements,
normally a function swap between the director and the reflector. Often such beam use open stubs
for the director to provide capacitive reactance to shorten the element's electrical length. The driver
remains unswitched. Hence, each parasitic element switches between open and shorted modes,
with potential length changes for each mode. Since these cables are weighty, some designs have
used lumped components. In most cases, the switch systems are more complex than the ones
used for the 2-element beams. As well, few Yagi 3-element designs provide peak performance with
equal spacing between each pair of elements, and very often they also require a matching network
to raise a low feedpoint impedance (perhaps 25 Ohms) to the main feedline value. We may keep
our switching simple if we have enough land to add some further wire elements.
One way to simplify switching is to begin with a common reflector element. For 2-element Yagis, we
then add a driver on each side of the reflector. As shown in Table 2, the spacing of the elements
returns to the value of the independent beam. The net result, as shown in Figure 6, is essentially
two 2-element Yagis with a common reflector. Instead of switching loading stub lines, this design
simply switches the feedline. We can handle this task at the antenna level or we can bring the two
feedlines to the shack and use a simple mechanical switch.
The 2-element reflector-driver Yagi has a limitation. As shown by the modeled data in Table 3, the
performance changes according to whether the unused driver is shorted across the feedpoint or left
open. The open connection provides the better front-to-back ratio. (The free-space E-plane pattern
in Figure 6 shows the results of an open unused driver.) When the front-to-back ratio depends
wholly on a reflector element, the unused element exerts a greater effect on the reflector
performance (that is, on the current magnitude and phase angle), than when we have a parasitic
beam with at least one director.
Obtaining an open condition in the unused driver is a simple matter electrically if we switch at the
antenna level. However, the arrangement may prove to be mechanically complex. We may also
achieve the desired condition with a switch at the shack end of the feedlines if we attend to the
cable lengths. If the feedlines are an odd multiple of a quarter-wavelength, then shorting the
unused line will produce an open circuit at the feedpoint. An even multiple of a quarter-wavelength
will require an open line end to yield an open circuit at the feedpoint. (In calculating the line lengths,
of course, be sure to include the line's velocity factor.)
The 3-wire reversible beam for 2-element Yagis becomes a 5-wire reversible beam for 3-element
Yagis. Such an array requires considerable open ground, as the dimensions in Table 2 and the
outline in Figure 7 reveal. In the process, we gain an advantage but acquire a disadvantage.
The "bad" news first: to make the effort of installing a 3-element wire beam worthwhile, we need to
select a design that provides significant gain over the 2-element Yagis. The data in Table 3 show
that the design provides 1.5 to 2 dB additional forward gain over either 2-element beam. In the
process, the feedpoint impedance drops to about 30 Ohms. Therefore, we require a matching
system to reach 50 Ohms in order to achieve the widest possible operating bandwidth. We can
easily achieve the match using common 50-Ohm and 75-Ohm coaxial cable sections in a Regier
series match. We shall not go into the required calculations for this type of match in this set of
notes. However, you can download a spreadsheet that includes the Regier series match within a
collection of common matching systems at trans/ant-match.html. (The collection includes 3 types of
series matches, the beta match, 2 versions of gamma-match calculations, and the matchline-
and-stub system. Like the antenna design aid, the spreadsheet appears in both Quattro Pro and
Excel formats.) The series matching system transfers matching complexities from the feedpoint
junction to the transmission line itself. Therefore, it adds no further weight to the system.
The "good" news is that the front-to-back ratio of a 3-element Yagi is largely a function of the
director and not the reflector element. Therefore, as is clear from the data in Table 3, the state of
the unused feedpoint makes almost no difference to the array performance in either direction. With
a series match in place, it is likely that switching at the shack may be the easiest way to handle
directional changes for the array.
W1ZY determined that he did not have the real estate needed for the 5-wire beam. He also
reasoned that he could feed the driver with parallel transmission line and use his antenna tuner to
arrive at the impedance needed by his equipment. Therefore, he opted for the scheme shown in
Figure 8. As the free-space E-plane pattern suggests, he lost no performance in his truncated
4-wire version of the reversible 3-element Yagi.
The dimensions in Table 2 reveal that the elements consist of 2 directors and 2 "reflectors." I place
the word reflector in quotation marks, because each of these two elements trades functions as we
swap directions. One of the two elements becomes a reflector. The element between it and a
director becomes the driver. The driver length makes little difference to beam performance. (In fact,
J-poles have been used as 3-element Yagi drivers.) Driver length becomes critical only if we are
seeking a particular feedpoint impedance. In this design for a reversible beam, parallel feedline
allows the use of a driver impedance with a considerable reactive component. Therefore, we may
do the work of 5 elements with only 4 and still obtain full 3-element Yagi performance in each
For optimal performance, we must observe some cautions with the 4-wire reversible beam. First, in
order to function correctly as a reflector, the unused driver must be shorted across the feedpoint by
a relay or by a precisely cut line. With the reflector open at the center, the beam loses almost a full
dB of forward gain and most of the high front-to-back ratio shown in the free-space E-plane pattern
in Figure 8.
Second, as the SWR increases at the feedpoint, even low-loss parallel lines begin to show
detectable losses. The values at the feedpoint (about 35 + j50 Ohms) are not fatal. But losses over
a 100' length of line may exceed 0.5 dB. As well, the values that appear at the tuner terminals may
exceed the matching range. At 40 meters, the use of one of the modern low-loss coax cables may
prove to match parallel line loss with an easier match at the tuner. In addition, the low-loss coax
lines need no spacing between each other to prevent unwanted coupling. Nevertheless, in both
cases, the lines require cutting to a length that-with the switching system used-will ensure a closed
circuit at the active reflector (inactive driver) center.
We have looked at 5 of many variations on the theme of creating a reversible horizontal wire beam
for the lower HF region. The options that we explored are among the simplest electrically, although
some of them required a considerable open area for implementation. The chief goal of these notes
has been to show that for the budget-minder operator with a penchant for using wire, a reversible
beam is not only possible, but both feasible and practical.
However much we tried to simplify the designs, we could not eliminate all electrical complexities. A
reversible beam requires a switch somewhere along the line to change directions. As well, the
unused element or the loading stub require attention to both line length and the switched condition
at the line end. These matter are generally considerations that we wrestle with during installation.
When operating, we may change directions as quickly as we can flip a switch.
There are numerous variations on the design shown as examples. Perhaps the most common
tendency would be to think of the elements in the form of inverted-Vs. This option has two
constraints and one advantage. The advantage is the ability to provide a strong support along the
centerline for the cable hanging from the elements. One of the constraints is the necessity to
redesign the elements to suit the new configuration. To base the design on a few guesses derived
from the linear designs shown here or elsewhere seems a bit careless when good design tools are
readily available.
The second constraint concerns performance. Inverted-V elements will reduce the front-to-side
ratio of the beam patterns. In addition, V elements will also lower the effective height of the
antenna. In the lower HF region, we are already height challenged with respect to obtaining a
low-enough elevation angle for superior DX performance. At a certain (unspecified) point, lowering
the ends of a horizontal beam may elevate the TO angle too much. In such cases, one might wish
to consider one of the many directional vertical arrays, especially below 40 meters. Reversible
beams are both possible and practical, but they will not overcome the limits that we briefly
examined at the beginning of these notes.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Among aimable satellite antennas, we generally have two options. The axial-mode helical antenna has
become a favorite among some satellite and other operators, especially at UHF (435 MHz and up).
However, the crossed and turnstiled Yagi remains in favor among other operators. Let's explore these
options, at least to a small extent, on common ground.
The following notes on axial-mode helices summarize parts of my longer study, "Notes on Axial-Mode
Helical Antennas in Amateur Service," which appeared in the 2005 Proceedings of the Southeastern
VHF Society. There I examined NEC-4 models of 5-, 10-, and 15-turn helices both over perfect ground
and over ground-plane wire-grid screens. Figure 1 shows the general outline of the models, as well as
their relative sizes, using a 1.2-wavelengh-by-1.2-wavelengh screen that is 1-wavelengh above ground.
The test frequency is 299.7925 MHz, where 1 meter = 1-wavelengh. You may scale the designs for other
frequencies by using the ratio of 300 to the new frequency times each of the critical dimensions,
including the wire diameter but excluding the pitch angle. For uniformity, all models point straight up.
The need for such a study is a function of the classical literature on axial-mode helices. Researchers
tend to treat the antenna as a broadband array, and extrapolating data useful to amateur spot-frequency
use is somewhat daunting. (See the final notes for some references, especially VE3NPC's more recent
empirical measurements.) Modeling this type of antenna also requires considerable care.
Perhaps the two most critical dimensions are the pitch angle and the circumference. In fact, basic helix
theory tends to restrict axial-mode operation of the helix to pitch angles between 12� and 14�. The
smaller the pitch angle (within limits), the higher will be the gain of a helix with a fixed number of turns.
As well, various texts restrict the circumference to ranges from either 0.8-wavelengh to 1.2-wavelengh
(Kraus) or from 3/4-wavelengh to 4/3-wavelengh (Balanis). The number of turns in a helix is a builder
selection, as gain (for any given pitch and circumference) rises with the number of turns. As well,
selection of a wire diameter is also a builder choice. Although not mentioned in any serious way in most
literature, conductor size does make a difference to helix performance. The larger the wire diameter as a
fraction of a wavelength, the higher the gain for an otherwise fixed helix size. The sample models that we
shall explore use 2-mm diameter wire.
There are two major issues with modeling an axial-mode helix. The first issue arises from the fact that
NEC must use straight wires to simulate a circle. The difference between the circumference of a circle
and that of a polygon inscribed within the circle only reaches relative insignificance as the number of
sides on the polygon passes about 16 or so. A 16-sided regular polygon inscribed within a circle has a
circumference that is about 99.4% that of the circle. For a more rounded number in my NEC-4 helix
models, I used 20 segments per turn. Using 2-mm diameter wire, the segment length-to-radius ratio
remained well above modeling minimums.
The second major issue involves the reported vs. the actual gain of the helix models. For both the
perfect-ground and the wire-grid-plane models, I assigned the source to the first segment, the one in
contact with the ground surface. Because this segment does not have equal length wire segments on
either side of the source segment, the initial reports of gain and source resistance will be erroneous but
correctable. By moving the source segment to other segments, I ascertained that applying standard
Average Gain Test (AGT) adjustments to the gain values would yield very reasonable corrected reports.
Figure 2 shows the results of gradually increasing the circumference of 5-, 10-, and 15-turn helices
(12� pitch, 2-mm diameter wire) over wire-grid planes that are 1.2-wavelengh on a side and
1-wavelengh above average ground. The gain curves are similar to those produced by the NEC-2
models created by Paolo Antoniazzi, IW2ACD, and Marco Arecco, IK2WAQ, in "Measuring 2.4 GHz
Helix Antennas," QEX, May/June, 2004. The major difference is that the ground beneath the helix in my
models yields a moderate rise in gain below the generally accepted optimal circumference range. Both
sets of curves show that as the helix grows longer, the optimum circumference for maximum gain
decreases. Exceeding the optimal circumference results in a steep loss of gain potential. With a constant
pitch angle (12�), the peak-gain circumference decreases by about 0.05-wavelength with each 5-turn
increase in helix length.
The dimensions for 3 sample axial-mode helical directive arrays appear in Table 1. The arrays
correspond to 12� pitch 5, 10, and 15 turn antennas at 299.7925 MHz, where 1 m = 1 wavelength.
The modeled performance data appears in Table 2. The gain values have been corrected for the
average gain test (AGT) score, and raw reports will be somewhat lower. The peak gain of the helices is
about 11.7, 13.0, and 14.2 dBi for the 5-, 10-, and 15-turn antennas, respectively. Note that the gain
increases almost linearly with the increase in the number of turns. This fact is important to keep in mind
when comparing axial-mode helices with alternatives to them as circularly (or nearly circularly) polarized
Modeling the helix itself is simplified by the GH entry in NEC. However, the NEC-2 and the NEC-4
versions of that geometry command differ radically. Therefore, modelers need to consult the appropriate
manual for guidance. (The commands are available in NEC-Win Pro and in GNEC, by Nittany-Scientific,
with entry-formation assistance screens.) An alternative method of creating a helix appears in EZNEC
Pro, which allows helix creation as a set of individual wires batch created by entries similar to those used
in the GH command. The termination of the helix on perfect ground is simple enough, but mating the
lowest wire end to a wire-grid junction may call for the modeler to displace the wire end to meet the
closest junction. The size of the elevated ground-plane surface for a given helix does make a difference
in the performance of the antenna, although gain changes are small. There is an optimal size that varies
with the length of the helix. The ground screens in the sample models are close to optimal.
An axial-mode helical antenna rarely yields perfect circular polarization. Instead, it yields elliptical
polarization with a major and a minor axis and a tilt angle. The antennas approach perfect circularity
most closely along the axis of the helix. Applications needing something closer to circular perfection tend
to work with quadrifilar designs, although they are impractical for amateur satellite service. The sample
models improve their circularity with increased length. More pertinent to amateur use is the fact that an
axial-mode helix does not produce a perfect single-lobe pattern. Figure 3 shows the total field patterns of
the 5-, 10-, and 15-turn helices over an elevated ground screen. In each case, we can see a
considerable collection of side lobes. Each model uses the circumference that produces the best gain,
but that circumference does not yield the lowest level of side lobes. Reducing the circumference
produces lower gain (from 1 to 2 dB, depending upon the length of the helix), but results in a cleaner
pattern. Circumferences below about 0.85 wavelength rarely have any sidelobes at all through the
15-turn limit to my investigation.
As well, there are remnants of opposite-direction polarization within the total field of the axial-mode helix.
Figure 4 shows the dominant right-hand polarized component of a 15-turn helix over a ground-screen
elevated above average ground. The left-hand component is down by 25 dB, with some of the lower
lobes being composed mainly of left-hand components. All of these facets of axial-mode helix
performance have a bearing on the sensitivity of such antennas to off-axis signals, whether at high or low
angles relative to the axis that marks the centerline of the helix. How much side-lobe and oppositely
polarized lobe suppression is enough, of course, is a user determination based upon the application and
the local circumstances of use.
These notes have not addressed the question of constructing a helical antenna. Chapter 19 of The
ARRL Antenna Book provides some of the general schemes used. For UHF, the most common
technique is to use a non-conductive central shaft with periodic side-projections to support the helix turns
at critical points. (Fowler also uses a conductive center support rod with no degradation of performance.)
The number of supports per turn depends upon numerous factors, including the inherent stiffness of the
wire or tubing used to form the helix. A central shaft has a mechanical advantage by allowing attachment
to the ground-plane screen, cup, or grid. Hence, the wire turns do not experience much stress, except for
the inevitable attachment to a connector. Standard references give the impedance as 140 times the helix
circumference in wavelengths. However, the impedance will vary with the helix structure at the
terminating end and with the diameter in wavelengths of the element wire. As the impedance varies, so
too will the matching method selected for use with the coaxial cable. In such applications, the coax used
for the main feedline may be 50 Ohms or (for those using surplus solid sheath varieties) 75 Ohms.
The dimensions for an axial-mode helical array are implicit in the set of design criteria to which we build.
Hence, I have given only overall dimensions, although you may easily derive more specific dimensions
from the graphs shown and the basic trigonometry for the design work. The following dimensions--many
of which are inter-dependent--define a helix.
R = radius of the helix, wire-center to wire-center
C = circumference of the helix C = 2 p R
S = spacing between turns S = C tana
a = pitch angle a = tan-1 (S/C)
N (or n) = number of turns
L = axial length of helix L = n S
D = conductor diameter
L' = conductor length for a single turn L' = SQRT(C2 + S2) = C/cosa = S/sina
All dimensions refer to center-to-center distances relative to the wires. The last two items in the list are
relevant to the physical planning of the helix design.
If these notes give the impression that the axial-mode helix is somewhat imperfect, the impression is
correct. However, it is not so far from perfect to bar its effective use in satellite applications. The antenna
originated as a broadband array and has been pressed--sometimes uncritically--into spot frequency or
narrow-band uses. Understanding the fundamental properties of axial-mode helices in this context is an
essential ingredient to producing an antenna that fulfills its promise to the limits of its ability.
An alternative to the axial-mode helical array is a parasitic array with turnstiled or quadrature fed drivers.
Up to a point--but not necessarily beyond that point--such arrays offer some advantages over helical
arrays. Not the least of these advantages is our familiarity with the construction techniques involved in
building them and matching them to standard coaxial cable feedlines.
Unlike the helix and its design equations, most parasitic arrays are designed by model or experiment--or
both--for a certain level of performance at a given frequency within some overall size constraint.
Therefore, we shall offer some dimension tables for our samples without in the least claiming them as
the best possible designs. The goal will be to note some significant differences between parasitic and
helical arrays designed for circular polarization. The design models are for 299.7925 MHz to coincide
with the helix designs that we have so briefly surveyed. Like the helices, the parasitic arrays can be
scaled to other frequencies.
When most folks think of parasitic arrays with circular polarization (or an approximation thereof), the
crossed Yagi comes to mind. Although that antenna is certainly one of our alternatives, it is not the only
one. Neglected is the quad beam, which one may convert to circular polarization without adding any
further elements beyond those needed for ordinary or linear polarization.
Figure 5 shows 3 of our samples to illustrate their comparative sizes. For moderate gain levels, the
parasitic arrays have boom lengths that are much shorter than corresponding helical arrays. For
example, a 10-turn helix with a gain of about 13 dBi is almost a half-wavelength longer than a
10-element Yagi with about a half-dB higher gain. However, we have noted that helices tend to increase
in gain almost (but not quite) linearly with added turns, while adding more directors to a parasitic array
results in a decreasing gain-per-new-element value. Hence, there is a crossing point at which the helix
may show more gain than a parasitic array of the same overall length. That crossover point most likely
occurs when the arrays approach 5 wavelength in overall length.
The first non-helical candidate is a 4-element quad, the dimensions for which appear in Table 3. The
quad is only 0.91-wavelength long from reflector to the forward-most director. Using 1-mm diameter wire
for the elements, it has a gain of 10.6 dBi when placed 1 wavelength above average ground. The quad's
beamwidth is 58�. The performance of the quad is more completely summarized in Table 5, along
with the other sample candidates as alternatives to the helix. Two sets of values are especially
significant. One is the high value of front-to-sidelobe ratio (listed as a negative value of dB below the
main lobe gain value), when compared to the much smaller ratio shown by the helices. In fact, Figure 6
shows the elevation patterns for the quad overlaid with two of the Yagis for direct comparison with the
helix patterns shown in Figure 3.
Because a quad allows some flexibility in the placement of the driver without undue adverse effects on
the array gain, we may arrive at a single-source impedance of about 95 Ohms resistive. Hence, a
1/4-wavelength section of 93-Ohm cable forms a proper phase line run between successive corners of
the driver. The result is a circularly polarized antenna. This technique first came to my attention in a
sample model that Brian Beezley, K6STI, included in the model collection that accompanies his AO
program. We should not run the phase-line coax parallel to the active element. Hence, it is likely that we
would use a �-wavelength section of line running from one corner to the center non-conductive boom
and back to the adjacent corner. We may reverse the polarization simply by connecting the main feedline
at one or the other end of the phase line. Higher isolation feeding methods have appeared from time to
time. For this simple system, the result is a 50-Ohm impedance for the main feedline. The 4-element
quad in the outline sketch has a 2:1 50-Ohm SWR bandwidth of more than 25 MHz, which eases the
problems associated with construction variables. (Redesigning the antenna for fatter elements would
yield a larger bandwidth.) Obviously, longer versions are possible for the quad if one desires more gain.
However, in our survey of alternatives, let's turn to some Yagi designs.
Table 4 provides the dimensions of 3 sample Yagis, all derived indirectly from normal Yagis of DL6WU
vintage. The short 8-element version is 1.42 wavelengths long, while the 10-element version has a
boomlength of 2.05 wavelengths. The 12-element version is 2.60 wavelengths long. The last sample
Yagi appears mostly to demonstrate that as we add new directors, the increase in gain dwindles per
added element. Nevertheless, the 14.2-dBi gain of the 12-element Yagi compares well to the peak gain
of the 15-turn helical antenna with a total length of over 3.6 wavelengths.
Since NEC uses only axial currents in calculating the antenna fields, one may model crossed Yagis with
each crossed parasitic element pair joined at the center. If there are any interactions, they will not show
in the model. In practice, it is likely that one will use a pair of independent linear elements. Since the
drivers require separation, if only by a small distance, to establish their independence, it will not harm
construction to use the same separation between parasitic elements. The modeled dimensions in Table
4 presume the use of a non-conductive boom.
Table 5 summarizes the potential performance of the Yagis. The total field patterns for the 8- and
10-element versions appear in Figure 6, along with the quad. I omitted the 12-element Yagi lest the
morass of pattern lines become unreadable. Each Yagi shows close to the same front-to-sidelobe
ratio--about 15-16 dB. As well, all of the Yagis show the same high ratio of right-hand gain to left-hand
gain. Figure 7 shows the polarized components of the 10-element Yagi for illustration of the difference.
You may wish to compare this pattern with Figure 4, the comparable pattern for a 15-turn helical design.
All of the Yagis use identical feed systems to establish quadrature and a match to a 50-Ohm feedline. In
this particular design, the single driver source impedance is 50 Ohms. Hence, the turnstile phase-line is
also 50 Ohm. The resulting impedance presented to the main feedline is close to 25 Ohms. A length of
35-Ohm line (or a pair of 70-Ohm lines in parallel) provides the required match for a 50-Ohm main
feedline. As with the quad, one may change polarization simply by swapping phase-line ends for the
junction with the matching section and main feedline. Removing the phase-line altogether converts the
array to linear polarization, with the un-fed elements having little if any effect on operation in this mode.
To center the design frequency within the overall 2:1 50-Ohm SWR passband, the line lengths for both
the phase line and the matching line are not true quarter-wavelengths electrically. The electrical length of
the phase-line is a bit over 0.22-wavelength, while the matching line is close to 0.215-wavelength. The
2:1 SWR passband, as illustrated in Figure 8, runs between 270 and 330 MHz, a 60-MHz spread that
should make home construction less critical. However, as with any antenna based upon turnstiled
dipoles, the SWR bandwidth will be far wider than the operating bandwidth for which the patterns hold
their desired shape. Hence, it remains good design practice to optimize the performance of the crossed
Yagis for the desired range of operation. An SWR meter alone is not sufficient to optimize any circularly
polarized antenna.
The physical implementation of a parasitic design will require considerable effort. Never assume, but
actually measure the actual velocity factors of the lines. Construction will require close attention to line
dress and to the potential effects of any connector installed. For UHF and upward, one should use
certified connectors rather than hamfest specials and bargains. Even the solder lumps that close the wire
loops of the quads can create detuning effects from 70 cm upwards. Whether you are building a helix or
a Yagi, the casual and careless construction techniques that are harmless at HF become potential
plagues to UHF antennas.
As always, we have looked at alternatives for antennas meeting a certain set of needs. In this case, we
selected satellite communications, with its need for circular polarization--or as closely as we may
approximate circular polarization using standard construction techniques. The key alternatives for
antennas that we steer with respect to both azimuth and elevation are axial-mode helical arrays and
turnstiled parasitic arrays.
Both techniques will produce able arrays. Our survey and samples do not exhaust the designs that we
may bring to bear on the communications need. However, they should open the door to relevant
considerations in making a choice between the two major routes to circularly polarized antennas and to
some of the considerations when designing an antenna within either general category.
Reference Note
There are a number of background sources for information on axial-mode helices. The following list is a
start, with most of the items having extensive bibliographies. John D. Kraus, Antennas, 2nd Ed. (1988),
pp. 300-310.
H. E. King and J. L. Wong, "Helical Antennas," Chapter 13 of Antenna Engineering Handbook, 3rd Ed.,
R. L. Johnson, Ed. (1993), pp. 13-1 ff.
Darrel Emerson, AA4FV, "The Gain of an Axial-Mode Helix Antenna," The ARRL Antenna Compendium,
Vol. 4 (1995), pp. 64-68.
C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory, 2nd Ed. (1997), pp. 505-512.
W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd Ed. (1998), pp. 231-239.
Paolo Antoniazzi, IW2ACD, and Marco Arecco, IK2WAQ, "Measuring 2.4 GHz Helix Antennas," QEX,
May/June, 2004, pp. 14-22.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL, "Notes on Axial-Mode Helical Antennas in Amateur Service," Proceedings of the
2005 Southeastern VHF Society Meeting, pp. 82-121.
Clare Fowler, VE3NPC, "Real World Helix Antenna Measurements," The AMSAT Journal, May/Jun, 2006
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Obtaining omni-directional coverage with vertical polarization is simple: use a version of the many
vertical antennas including the �-wavelength ground-plane monopole, the vertical dipole with or
without a J-pole matching section, or any number of collinear variations on these antennas.
However, if we wish to have omni-directional coverage with horizontal polarization, solutions are
less automatic. In fact, the search for a perfect horizontally polarized omni-directional (HPOD)
antenna goes back into the dim recesses of antenna history. We shall examine a number of
options, their limitations, and, in some cases, ways to overcome those limitations. We shall divide
the work into two parts, looking at some of the more compact choices in this episode. Next time, we
shall examine a few larger omni-directional horizontal arrays and take a longer look at stacking
The search has two dimensions. The first is obtaining a perfect circle for an azimuth radiation
pattern. How far from circular you may be willing to accept a pattern may determine how much
work you will put into the antenna design and construction-or vice versa. The second dimension is
field strength or the antenna gain at low angles. As we shall see, some designs with good patterns
unfortunately send a goodly part of their energy in useless directions, such as straight up or down.
While helpful for satellite reception, these antennas are less than ideal for some VHF point-to-point
All of the antennas in these notes use 144.5 MHz as the test frequency. Patterns and performance
values assume a height of 20' above average ground.
Perhaps the oldest HPOD antennas employ one or another form of phase feeding, using at least 2
elements. Figure 1 shows the most common form of feeding one element with the same current
magnitude but phase-shifted 90� from the other. Both elements are identical, but are at right
angles to each other. The phase line characteristic impedance is the feedpoint impedance of the
directly fed element. However, with both elements connected, the net feedpoint impedance is
one-half of the impedance of an isolated element. There are alternative feed systems to arrive at
the same goal, but a few of them concern themselves with impedance matching rather than
obtaining the correct current magnitude and phase angle at the center of each element.
The simplest version of this antenna also gave birth to the generic names for the feed system. A
pair of resonant dipoles at right angles to each other presents the appearance of a turnstile. Figure
2 provides the general outline of the antenna. The version from which we drew the patterns uses
0.125" aluminum for the 38.96" elements. The model places the elements 0.25" apart, center-
to-center. Each dipole presents a 70-Ohm impedance. With the 70-Ohm �-wavelength phase
line in place, NEC-4 reports a net feedpoint impedance of 35 Ohms. Since the impedance does not
change over a very broad frequency range, we may accept the 1.43:1 50-Ohm SWR or we might
use a series matching system to match more exactly a 50-Ohm feedline.
The azimuth patterns show a slight squaring, but the gain range is only about 0.5 dB, less than we
could detect in operation. The chief limitation of the turnstiled dipoles is revealed in the elevation
pattern. We find more energy broadside to the dipole pair than off its edges. Hence, the maximum
gain at 20' and a 4.8� TO (take-off) angle is only 5.06 dBi.
Ott Fiebel, W4WSR, pointed out to me an interesting variation on the standard turnstile by placing
two �-wavelength elements at a 90� angle, but using one end of each element to form the
apex. A simple �-wavelength parallel line matching section connected in series with the ends at
the apex allows a 50-Ohm match. Although the pattern is not quite as clean as the standard
turnstile pattern, the construction is simple and reliable.
Figure 3 shows one way to overcome the broadside radiation of turnstiled dipoles: create a stack
with �-wavelength separation. In the model, the lower antenna is at 20', with the upper antenna
about 80" above it. The elevation pattern shows a radical reduction in high-angle radiation. The
maximum gain of the antenna pair is 9.14 dBi, with a 0.9-dB range of gain around the perimeter of
the azimuth pattern. However, we cannot use the same dipoles that we used in the single turnstile.
Mutual coupling between the bays requires that we lengthen the dipoles to 40.2". Without this
adjustment, the pattern becomes very distorted. We would not notice the distortion from the SWR.
For all turnstiles, the SWR bandwidth is very much wider than the operating bandwidth measured in
terms of an acceptable pattern. For further information on the performance behavior of turnstiled
antennas, see "Some Notes on Turnstile Antenna Properties," QEX, March/April, 2002, pp. 35-36.
We may also turnstile 1-wavelength quad loops at right angles to each other. A single quad loop
has an impedance of about 125 Ohms, for a net feedpoint impedance of 62.5 Ohms for the
turnstiled pair. RG-63 (125-Ohm) coax is suitable as a phase line. Figure 4 shows the outline and
patterns for one version of the antenna using a diamond configuration for simplified construction.
(See "A 6-Meter Quad Turnstile," QST, May, 2002, pp. 42-46, for one version of this antenna.) The
elements are AWG #12 copper wire, with each loop having a circumference of 87.7". Alternatively,
one might equally use quad loops in a square configuration, the so-called eggbeater. In either
configuration, we may leave a gap between the top wires at the crossing point or connect them
together. Performance does not change.
The elevation pattern shows a significant improvement in the direction of radiation from the
antenna, with the lowest lobe as the strongest. The maximum gain of the modeled turnstiled quad
is 6.21 dBi, with a gain range of about 0.5 dB, as shown by the not-quite-perfect circle of the
azimuth pattern. The TO angle is 4.8�. All of the patterns in these notes will use the maximum
gain at the TO angle as a measure of performance. It serves as a stand-in for our real concern with
HPOD antennas: the signal strength for point-to-point communications over some fixed distance
and a fixed observation or reception height.
Once we overcome the basic turnstile's broadside radiation that robs energy from the desired
edgewise signal path, matching becomes the most obvious construction hurdle. However, the
turnstile antenna has a hidden limitation. The pattern shape is highly dependent upon the
magnitude and phase relationship between the two feedpoints. Most common feed systems
provide a correct relationship at only one frequency, and the values change as we move away from
that frequency. Small inequalities in the current magnitude and departures from the required 90�
phase-angle result in considerable distortion to the nearly circular pattern at the design frequency.
We might easily turnstile or phase-feed a number of other antennas. However, most of them would
serve better for satellite communications than for horizontally polarized direct communications.
Therefore, we may let the dipole and quad loop turnstile pairs serve as examples of our initial
technique for obtaining omni-directional patterns.
The second common category of antenna for obtaining at least a semblance of a circular azimuth
pattern is one or another version of the halo. More correctly, this class of antenna rests on a
�-wavelength dipole bent so that the ends almost meet. The most tempting form for the halo is
either a circle or a square. However, as Figure 5 shows, a symmetrical halo with a single element
yields a highly non-circular pattern. The model uses 0.5" aluminum for the element that is 10" on a
side with a 0.52" gap. The azimuth pattern gain varies by nearly 3 db. To boot, the impedance is
only about 8.3 Ohms.
One way to circularize the pattern is to add a surface on each element end to increase the
capacitance between ends. The model outlined in Figure 6 simulates plates be using 4 facing 6"
wires on each side of the gap. A normal halo would employ a disk. We see an obvious
improvement in the pattern shapes, with a maximum gain of 7.35 dBi and a gain variation of less
than 0.4 dB. As well, the feedpoint resistance is about 49 Ohms. However, the plates have added
an inductive reactance of j1000 Ohms. Hence, we need a series capacitance at the feedpoint of 1.1
pF. This requirement creates a considerable matching difficulty, since very small changes in the
capacitance will create large changes in the feedpoint impedance.
To overcome this difficulty-at least to some extent-we may use a double loop, as shown in Figure
7. The double loop is essentially a halo version of a folded dipole, which raises the feedpoint
impedance. At the same time, the design uses a rectangular form to circularize the azimuth pattern
without the need for a large capacitive structure. The sample model uses AWG #12 copper wire.
Across the feedpoint, the side is 8.8", while the long sides are 14.3". The gap between ends is
0.35", and the spacing between wires is 1.34".
The double rectangle shows a maximum gain of 6.7 dBi (at 20' above average ground), with a
variation of only about 0.5 dB around the azimuth pattern. The feedpoint resistance is 64 Ohms, but
there remains a considerable inductive reactance. To compensate for the 721-Ohm reactance, we
require a series capacitor at the feedpoint (1.53 pF), which complicates effective and efficient
matching. Alternatively, we may adjust the capacitance across the gap by reshaping the wires that
face each other.
The halo need not be either circular or rectangular to form an interrupted half-wavelength loop. One
interesting alternative shape is a triangle with a gap at the apex, across from the feedpoint. With
the correct ratio of leg-length to feedpoint-side leg and the correct gap, we can obtain a very
circular azimuth pattern. In general, we find two versions of the triangle, a smaller version with a
circumference that is less than 0.6-wavelength and a larger version with a circumference greater
than 0.75-wavelength.
Figure 8 shows the outline of a small triangle that uses a 0.125" diameter aluminum element. The
feedpoint side is about 14" long, while the angled legs are each 16.8". The circumference is 47.5".
The apex gap is quite small in the model: 0.12". At 144.5 MHz, the maximum gain is 6.59 dBi, with
less than 0.1-dB variation in the gain. However, the resonant feedpoint impedance is only 8.4
Ohms. Hence, we require an impedance transformer to use the antenna effectively.
The large triangle is an alternative to the smaller one. The modeled sample in Figure 9 has a
circumference of 64.3", with a 23.8" feedpoint side and 20.3" angled legs. The large triangle
achieves about 6.37-dBi gain at the test height. Like the small triangle, the gain variation around
the azimuth pattern is under 0.1 dB. The ostensible advantage of the large triangle is the feedpoint
resistance: 58 Ohms. However, the feedpoint impedance also shows a remnant inductive
reactance of 525 Ohms. Hence, we require once more a series capacitance (1.85 pF) or other
treatment to arrive at resonance.
In general, accurately constructed halos exhibit very circular azimuth patterns. Unlike the turnstiles,
the pattern shape is quite stable over frequency spreads within the SWR bandwidth of the antenna.
Nevertheless, halos have their own limitations for the home builder. Prototypes that I have built of
various halos-both rectangles and triangles-in my modest shop suggest that the antenna type
presents us with two significant hurdles. The elimination of remnant reactance is the more obvious
of the challenges. The second difficulty lies in the susceptibility of these antennas to changing
resonant frequency with only minor flexing of the elements. The interrupted-loop construction adds
the size and alignment of the gap to the list of dimensional concerns. An effective halo must freeze
both the size of the gap and the alignment of the element at the gap. As well, the remaining lengths
of element material should not be susceptible to flexing that would change the design shape.
An overlooked design emerged in 1944 in Donald Foster, "Loop Antennas with Uniform Current,
IRE, Oct, 1944. Recently, Robert Zimmerman, NP4B, resurrected the idea in "Uniform Current
Dipoles and Loops," in antenneX for April and May, 2006. The principle is to divide the
circumference of a loop into sections such that the inductance of each wire length is offset by a
periodic capacitor and so that the loop exhibits a 50-Ohm impedance--without need for any form of
matching. Let's divide a square of wire into 7 sections. Each section will be 0.12-wacelength long,
for a total circumference of 0.84 wavelength. At each wire junction, we shall insert a capacitor. The
capacitor size will vary with the wire diameter. AWG #12 calls for 4.11-pF units.
In physical terms for 144.5 MHz, each AWG #12 wire section is 9.8" long. The square is 17.15" on
a side for a circumference of 68.6". The number of sections (7) does not correspond to the number
of sides (4), which is no hindrance to effective antenna operation. Although the component
arrangement yields omni-directional patterns, the appearance of the antenna, as shown in Figure
10, may seem initially strange.
It does not matter if the feedpoint is placed mid-side or near a corner, so long as the feedpoint is in
the middle of a wire section. The relative current magnitude along the circumference of the loop
changes by less than 4% all along the perimeter. (Initially, this phenomenon appears to have been
the goal of the open-ended CCD long doublet, but the open ends preclude obtaining that result.).
The uniform current square loop provides horizontally polarized radiation. Although only a little
larger than the triangles, the results are equal in omni-directionality and superior in gain. At 20'
above average ground (close to 3 l), the maximum antenna gain is 7.76 dBi, with a total variation in
gain of about 0.8 dB. The gain is about a dB better than the best triangle. The elevation pattern
reveals one significant reason for the improved gain from the loop. If you compare the elevation
pattern with the one's shown for the triangles, you will see that the loop produces virtually no
radiation straight upward, leaving more energy for the lower lobes.
Since the antenna does not need to compensate for rapidly changing reactance values, it shows a
reasonable SWR bandwidth. However, the design is sensitive to the capacitor value within very
close tolerances. The resonant impedance (50.7 Ohms) of the model using 4.11-pF capacitors
changed to an impedance of 45.4 - j39.1 Ohms simply by using a 4.0-pF capacitor value. However,
Zimmerman uses an interesting technique involving parallel transmission line for his loops. See
"Uniform Current Loop Radiators," QEX, May/June, 2006, pp. 45-48. By cutting alternative
positions on the wire length, he allows the facing wires to form the capacitors. Field adjustment
consists of slowly widening the gaps until you achieve the desired capacitance.
If you prefer a more symmetrical arrangement, you might increase the number of capacitors to 8,
placing them at corners and at the center of each side. Without altering the loop size, the capacitor
size increases slowly as you add capacitors. For 8 capacitors, models suggest a value of 4.7 pF for
each one. The feedpoint remains centered between two capacitors. In addition, the radiation
performance does not change. The chief hurdle in constructing a constant-current loop is still
obtaining the correct capacitance value, a matter for careful construction.
We have looked as some of the basic options for horizontally polarized omni-directional antennas,
including turnstiled elements, halos of various shapes, and the constant-current loop. Our concern
has been less to look at specific construction ideas than to see the basic principles, as well as the
limitations and challenges, presented by each class of antenna. Which one you may decide to build
will likely rest as much on local shop skills as upon basic needs for the antenna. Commercial
versions exist for some of the antennas discussed, with halos especially popular. For the inveterate
antenna builder, there are many additional options. Next time, we shall examine a few larger arrays
and the stacking question.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
In the last episode, we explored some of the more compact choices for omni-directional,
horizontally polarized (HPOD) antennas. Each had some advantages and each had some
limitations. In this episode, we shall continue the exploration by examining a few larger arrays using
more than 2 independent elements, that is, elements fed in phase. Stacking HPOD antennas is a
familiar technique of increasing the gain in all directions, so we shall also spend a little time on that
In the first part of this safari, we employed uniform element sizes to all models. The elements in this
episode will be a bit more diverse in diameter, ranging from 1/8" to �", since the models are
based on prototypes. However, we shall retain the 144.5-MHz design frequency, because on 2
meters, the first MHz is the prime territory for horizontally polarized antennas. It is possible to adapt
almost any of the designs for field or hilltop service using locally available materials.
An interesting and misunderstood semi-constant-current antenna is the Big Wheel, first published
in QST in September, 1961 (see "The Big Wheel on Two" by R. H. Mellen, W1IJD, and C. T. Milner,
W1VFY, pp. 42-45). Originally described as three 1-wavelength loops fed in phase, the antenna is
actually a complete circle fed by parallel transmission lines at three equidistant points on the
circumference. The outline and patterns appear in Figure 1. Between each transmission line, we
find a current peak along the circumference, simulating the constant-current loop action. The model
for this antenna uses a 3/8"-diameter element with 600-Ohm NEC-TL lines from a central feedpoint.
The model has a radius of 17.3" for a circumference of 108.7".
The maximum gain is about 7.3 dBi at 20' above average ground, with less than 0.4-dB variation
around the horizon. Note the similarities between the elevation patterns of the constant-current loop
(in the preceding episode) and the big wheel. However, the big wheel requires care in construction,
because obtaining a usable feedpoint impedance for common coaxial cables involves
interrelationships among the element diameter, the element radius, and the characteristic
impedance of the connecting transmission lines. The goal is to obtain a pre-match impedance of
about 25 - j 25 Ohms, so that the addition of a beta or hairpin transmission line stub provides the
impedance transformation to 50 Ohms. Once obtained, however, the SWR should be less than 2:1
across the entire 2-meter band with very good retention of azimuth pattern circularity.
The original big wheel employed an all-tubular construction method that allowed some element
warping to arrive at the desired feedpoint impedance. Nevertheless, because the connections to
the rim occur at high-impedance points, the parallel or nearly parallel lines to the hub perform an
impedance transformation that demands somewhat finicky adjustment. The antenna remains very
popular in Europe, but is perhaps nowadays less well known in the U.S. There may be arrays of
three elements with equivalent performance, but simpler matching schemes.
One very straightforward array that yields a very circular horizontal azimuth pattern is a
combination of three linear dipoles arranged in a triangle. Figure 2 shows the outline of such an
array for 144.5 MHz using 0.5"-diameter elements. The success of the array in achieving a true
HPOD far-field pattern rests on three factors: the distance of the dipole feedpoints from the
assembly hub, the length of each dipole, and the method used to match the triangle to a standard
coaxial cable feedline.
The modeled antenna uses a feedpoint-to-hub distance of 15.6", with dipoles that are 34.7" long.
The shortness of the dipoles (relative to the 40.8" half-wavelength at the design frequency) does
not result simply from the element diameter. Even though the dipole end tips are about 9.6" apart,
there is considerable interaction between any one dipole and its two mates. Varying the distance of
the dipoles and their individual lengths also varies the distance between element tips. However, for
this example, judicious juggling of the variables produced individual dipole feedpoint impedance
values very close to 50 Ohms. A 50-Ohm cable to the hub thus performs essentially no impedance
transformation and therefore does not restrict the available operating bandwidth of the array.
As the patterns in Figure 2 demonstrate, the triangle is capable of producing an almost identical
set of patterns to those yielded by the big wheel. In fact, the modeled deviation from perfect
circularity is about 0.1-dB. (The maximum gain for the big wheel seems superior by a small
amount, but the average gain around the big-wheel azimuth pattern is closer to 7.15 dBi due to a
slightly greater range between maximum and minimum gain values.) Perhaps the only two
disadvantages of the triangle are physical: it requires more area than a circle, and the free ends
may be more susceptible to local wind and weather.
We may curve the dipole elements and form a circular version of the same array. Figure 3 shows
the outline of a 3-dipole wheel and thus return us to a truly interrupted loop. With 0.5"-diameter
elements, the radius is 15.7" for the 144.5-MHz antenna. The resulting circumference is 98.6". With
dipole tip spacing of about 1.1", each dipole occupies 31.7" of the circumference of the circle. Like
the dipoles of the triangle, the dipoles are set for close to a 50-Ohm feedpoint impedance to allow
the use of 50-Ohm lines to the hub without significant impedance transformation. Note the shorter
lengths of the dipole compared to those in the triangle, largely due to both the curvature and the
close coupling of dipole ends.
The 3-dipole wheel requires somewhat more planning than the simple triangle, since we need 3
support arms. A non-conductive arm leading to a T at the end would allow the support to fit into the
dipole ends to permit a bit of tip-spacing adjustment. At the feedpoint gaps, the dipoles will also
require insulated plugs, which should be as small as feasible. If we add tube-bending into the
construction equation, the 3-dipole wheel may be more complex to construct than the triangle, but
the final product will form a closed circle and occupy considerably less area. Despite these
differences, as shown in the elevation and azimuth patterns, the performance of the wheel is
virtually identical to the performance of the triangle.
The remaining question involves matching the set of 3 50-Ohm impedance values at the hub to a
50-Ohm transmission line. Figure 4 shows us two alternatives. A parallel connection of the lines
will yield an impedance in the vicinity of 16 Ohms to 17 Ohms, a difficult value to match without
employing a network. As well, any remnant or stray reactance will further complicate matching.
Less often employed but perfectly usable under the circumstances of this array (three identical
dipoles and connecting lines) is a series connection. (In fact, the models for these arrays use a
series connection system, and the patterns shown are no different from those applying separate
sources to each connecting line.) The resulting impedance will be in the vicinity of 150 Ohms to 155
Ohms, and any stray reactance will be too small to seriously affect the final result. A
�-wavelength section of 93-Ohm RG-62 performs the final transformation of the impedance to
about 55 Ohms. Even tuned to the low end of 2 meters, the SWR only reaches 1.5:1 at the highest
end of the band. The system has enough broadband capability to allow adjustment of the lowest
SWR value anywhere in the band simply by lengthening or shortening the matching line slightly.
The Lindenblad
In one sense, our last option is not a true HPOD, that is, a horizontally polarized omni-directional
antenna. The Lindenblad is actually a circularly polarized array with equal horizontal and vertical
components within the point-to-point radiation pattern. Its origins lie in the pioneering work of N. E.
Lindenblad, who first proposed the antenna design almost off-hand in a broad article on television
transmitting antennas. (See N. E. Lindenblad, " Antennas and Transmission Lines at the Empire
State Television Station," Communications, vol. 21, April, 1941, pp. 10-14 and 24-26.) After World
War II, Brown and Woodward (who made numerous contributions to VHF and UHF antenna
design) developed the idea in detail from Lindenblad's patent papers. (See G. H. Brown and O. M.
Woodward, "Circularly Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna," RCA Review, vol. 8, June, 1947, pp.
259-269.) They envisioned possible aviation uses for the antenna. The overall goal for the antenna
was omni-directional coverage in the X-Y plane (parallel to ground) with circular polarization.
Figure 5 shows two ways of looking at the Lindenblad. The left side shows face views and an
overhead view of the array. We have four slanted dipoles, each equidistant from a center point. For
circular polarization in the X-Y plane, that is, for equal horizontal and vertical components to the
radiation pattern, the degree of dipole slant and the distance from the center point are
interdependent. At a distance of about �-wavelength, the required slant angle is 45�. (There
are refinements to the calculations. See Appendix 1, "Some Overlooked Antenna Basics for DX
and Off-World Communications," Proceedings of the 2006 Southeastern VHF Society Conference,
pp. 250-252, for further information. See earlier portions of the article for information on the
modified Lindenblad that may be more useful for lower angle satellite communications.)
The right side of the sketch shows the dipoles and their required interconnections for an effective
array. Since the dipoles are fed in phase and have individual feedpoint impedances close to 105
Ohms in the arrangement shown, 4 RG-62 �-wavelength lines provide a net parallel junction
impedance of about 25 Ohms. A �-wavelength length of 35-Ohm cable (usually composed of
parallel sections of 70-Ohm cable) completes the final impedance transformation to 50 Ohms. The
0.125" diameter aluminum dipoles are each 40.1" long. Other feeding arrangements are certainly
The single elevation pattern in Figure 6 shows a pattern quite unlike the earlier elevation patterns.
The combination of vertical and horizontal lobes, even at a height as low as 20', tends to fill the
outline of the total radiation pattern in the plot. At the TO angle of 4.6�, the maximum gain is
6.15 dBi, with an overall gain variation of about 0.9 dB. Note that the total pattern is a bit squared
off, mostly as a result of the combined horizontal components of the slanted dipoles. However,
unlike the previous antennas that we have examined, the Lindenblad's point-to-point performance
is not strictly proportional to the far-field radiation pattern. For example, notice the differing
strengths of the horizontal and vertical components in the far-field pattern at the lower left. The
lower right corner pattern is a ground-wave plot using a distance of 1 mile and a receiving height of
20'. In this pattern, the vertical and horizontal components are nearly equal.
Since the Lindenblad maintains its pattern over a considerable bandwidth and since the antenna
has a usable SWR bandwidth that is wider than the 2-meter amateur band, the array is suitable for
use as an omni-directional antenna for both ends of the band. The major disadvantage is that each
component of the array's radiation (and reception) pattern is weaker than most of the other
antennas in our selection of options. A second Lindenblad between 0.5 wavelength and 1
wavelength above the first and turned 45� will not only improve performance (to a maximum
gain of over 8 dBi), but will also circularize the pattern.
One popular configuration for any of the larger omni-directional antennas is a vertical stack of 2.
Because we may be tempted to misapply some rules of thumb derived from other antenna types,
we should devote a small space to this topic before we close. Like horizontal dipoles, the
horizontally polarized arrays with circular patterns increase gain when we stack two such antennas
an optimal distance apart and feed the two antennas in phase. At the design frequency, 144.5 MHz,
a wavelength is about 81.7", which makes stacking fairly convenient.
We need to know what separation distance is optimal for these arrays. One popular separation
value is a half wavelength. The temptation to use this value arises from and is applicable to special
circumstances. On the left, in Figure 7, we find the elevation patterns of a single pair of turnstiled
dipoles. Because radiation is stronger at high elevation angles, the use of �-wavelength spacing
in a stack of 2 pairs of turnstiled dipoles is very productive. The use of �-wavelength spacing
with horizontal antennas tends to attenuate very high angle radiation and to make the energy
available at lower angles. The maximum gain of a single turnstile pair is about 5.5 dBi (with a 20'
height above average ground) in the lowest lobe. With �-wavelength spacing, the lowest lobe
shows better than 9-dBi gain when the lower turnstile is at 20' over the same type of ground.
On the right in the same figure, we have elevation patterns for the 3-dipole wheel. The single
antenna pattern uses a 20' height. However, by nature, the 3-dipole configuration does not shows
very high-angle energy levels. In fact, the lowest lobe has a gain of about 7.25 dBi. Therefore, the
automatic use of a stacking space of �-wavelength is not necessary, and we are free to seek out
the separation that yields maximum gain in the stack's lowest lobe, as pictured in the lower
elevation plot. Table 1 provides modeled data for various stacking distances when the height of the
lower 3-dipole wheel is 20' above average ground.
Gain honors go to a stack spacing of 7/8-wavelength, and the elevation plot in Figure 7 uses this
value. However, stacking distances between 3/4-wavelength and 1-wavelength would not show any
detectable differences in performance. Noticeable in the table is the fact that the two antennas
interact so that the impedance values shift with each change in stacking height. Obtaining a closer
impedance value to 50 Ohms may require us to change the lengths of the 93-Ohm match sections.
The 3-dipole wheel exhibited virtually no fluctuation in the gain around the perimeter. However,
construction variations may create very small distortions in the pattern. The variations remain in a
stack of 2 such antennas at any stacking distance. One way to smooth the azimuth pattern is to
orient the spokes at a 60� offset between the upper and the lower antennas for a 3-element
array and at a 45� offset for a 4-element array. The offset technique will smooth the azimuth
patterns of stacks having up to 1-dB or greater fluctuations in gain around the horizon. For
example, Figure 8 shows the azimuth pattern differences when we stack Lindenblads without and
with a 45� offset. The squarish pattern of a single Lindenblad reappears in the aligned stack.
However, with the offset, the pattern is perfectly circular.
The offset technique of circularizing azimuth patterns applies only to arrays using independent
elements fed in phase. Phase-fed elements, such as those in a turnstile, may suffer from the same
treatment in a stack of two.
In-phase feeding of two HPOD antennas in a stack uses the same general rules and procedures
employed in any stacking situation. For 50-Ohm feedpoints, the most widely used procedure is to
employ a pair of �-wavelength 75-Ohm lines to a parallel junction. The 100-Ohm transformed
impedances together form a close match for the usual 50-Ohm main feedline in most amateur
However, the 3-dipole HPODs that we have examined in these notes offer an alternative potential if
the main feedline happens to be a length of surplus 75-Ohm hard-line. Since the individual dipole
impedances match the 50-Ohm connecting lines, we may bring these lines all the way to a central
position before we wire them in series. Figure 9 shows the general scheme. The two resulting
150-Ohm impedance values in parallel provide a close match for the hard-line. A secondary
function of the sketch in Figure 9 is to suggest an alternative method of routing the support
elements for the 3-dipole wheels in the stack. As a support system, the idea is less applicable to
the dipole triangle.
In our voyage through the land of horizontally polarized omni-directional antennas, covering this
and the preceding episode, we have encountered many schemes. One common feature of most of
them is the presence of one or more features that calls for precise, if not downright finicky
adjustment, with a resulting narrowing of the region in which we may obtain a nearly perfect circular
azimuth pattern. The smaller the array, the more problematical some of the critical features
become. Of the lot, perhaps the larger 3-dipole arrays are the least problematical: once we obtain
the proper physical dimensions, the matching becomes routine. As well, the larger arrays best
maintain their circular azimuth patterns over a broad bandwidth. That feature may be less important
during operation than it is during construction. With a broader design bandwidth, small variations in
construction precision create fewer problems in the antenna's performance.
Nonetheless, our survey has unearthed many older and newer designs for the HPOD at VHF. One
or more of the options should serve almost any need.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Most modern HF and VHF beams present the builder with modest matching problems, relative to
the antenna impedance and the impedance of the main feedline. Rarely does the impedance
difference exceed an SWR of 3:1. Under these conditions, the builder has numerous options
among matching systems. These notes provide a very brief overview of the main systems.
Series Matching
Series matching includes 3 systems, ranging from the most specific to the most general. All series
matching systems presume that the matched element is insolated and isolated from any conductive
If the feedpoint impedance is slightly reactive or if the available transformer line is not quite the
exact geometric mean between the antenna and the cable impedance, the system will still work,
although the lowest SWR may not be 1:1. Perhaps the simplest way to determine the optimal line
length under these conditions is to use an antenna modeling program and experiment with line
lengths, taking SWR sweeps for each trial length of line.
2. The Bramham System: The Bramham system of series matching tackles a special problem:
matching a resonant antenna impedance to a different feedline Zo. The basic problem and solution
appear in outline form in Figure 2. In Electronic Engineering for January, 1961 (pp. 42-44), B.
Bramham published a paper on "A Convenient Transformer for Matching Coaxial Lines," based on
work he had done for a CERN report in 1959. Bramham's solution was to develop a means for
calculating equal lengths of the two lines, Z1 and Z2, which would effect the impedance
transformation for a given frequency. The solution is elegantly simple.
Z1 and Z2 are the values of the two lines to be joined in the scheme shown in Figure 2. The
required lengths (L1 and L2) of the two is a function of M:
L1 is the length if the matching line Z1 and L2 is the length of the matching line Z2. The lengths are
in degrees relative to a 360� wavelength for simple translation into electrical line lengths, which
then translate into physical line lengths taking the line velocity factor into account.
3. The Regier General Series-Matching Solution: 3 decades ago, Regier developed a general
solution for series matching any antenna impedance to a given line with a single line insertion. The
details of Regier's solution can be found in the following references:
"Impedance Matching with a Series Transmission Line Section," Proceedings of the IEEE
(July, 1971), 1133-1134
"The Series-Section Transformer," Electronic Engineering (August, 1973), 33-34
"Series-Section Transmission-Line Impedance Matching," QST (July, 1978), 14-16.
The general outline of the Regier system appears in Figure 3. Regier's solution is best used in
"normalized" form, where the ratios of one impedance to another are first reduced to single values.
Otherwise, the calculation equations tend to look terribly opaque. So let's define a few quantities.
The load impedance is specified as RL +/- jXL and Z1 is the selected impedance of the special
matching section. We shall let L1 be the electrical length in degrees of the line Zo between the load
and the special matching section, while L2 is the electrical length in degrees of the special
matching section.
Now we can calculate the two lengths, starting with L2, since it plays a role in calculating L1.
Although this equation looks a bit forbidding, it can be handled on a calculator or with a
spreadsheet. The equation produces two good results, plus and minus. The positive result gives a
shorter length for L1 and hence is preferred. If the result is an imaginary number, then the value of
n must be changed. You can do this by increasing the value of Z1, the characteristic impedance of
the special matching section. Remember that the series matching technique can use parallel
transmission line sections as well as coaxial cables, so using a length of 300-Ohm or 450-Ohm line
as the special matching section is perfectly appropriate.
In some cases, a calculator will return a negative value for the electrical length of L1. To arrive at
the correct positive value, simply add 180� to the calculated result. For example, should L2
return a value of -62�, the correct result will be 118�.
There are limits to what combinations of Zo and Z1 we may use and still obtain a desired match. In
general, the closer the values of Zo and Z1, the smaller the range of antenna impedance values
that we can match.
Essentially, the beta match is a form of L-network specifically arranged to transform a higher line Zo
to a lower antenna impedance. In the process, the network usually uses a shortened element that
has capacitive reactance in the feedpoint impedance as one of the reactive components in the
L-network. Figure 4 shows the general evolution of the typical beta or hairpin match. Let's begin
our treatment of the L-network with the designation, delta, lower case. The designation appears in
Terman's 1943 classic, Radio Engineers Handbook (page 213 and elsewhere), but a number of
more recent publications have preferred to use terms such as "working Q," "network Q," or "loaded
Q (QL) (in contrast to the "unloaded Q or QU) in preference to the older term. However, delta will
do nicely for our work.
In an L-network, we may express the relationships that define delta in two ways:
The ratio of the input or source resistance (Rin) to the output or load resistance (Rout) defines the
value of delta. I have chosen this starting point for our treatment as a tribute to George Grammer,
whose classic volume A course in Radio Fundamental makes use of the concept (pages 69-70).
The fact that this starting point simplifies the calculation of the reactance components of the
network adds some substance to the reference. In fact, the calculation of the reactive components
is very easy.
For our down-converting version of the L-network, the series component is simply the product of
delta and the load resistance. The parallel or shunt reactance is the ratio of the source or input
resistance to delta. Both results are in Ohms, but-as noted earlier, the reactances are of opposite
type. For the highest level of effectiveness for a given resistive component of feedpoint impedance,
the beta match requires a certain series reactance. Other reactance values can be matched but
may result in higher values of delta and hence in slightly higher losses. We obtain the optimal value
of delta by adjusting the element length. The only component that we need to add to the system is
the parallel or shunt element. If the element has a capacitive reactance, the shunt element must be
inductive (and vice versa).
Some folks distrust the beta match because one form of shunt inductance seems to be a short
circuit across the feedpoint. Figure 5 shows 3 typical forms of adding inductive reactance across
the feedpoint terminals, which are insulated and isolated from any conductive support boom. A
solenoid inductor is feasible and generally has little loss, since its reactance will normally be quite
low. However, shorted transmission-line stubs may generally provide the same inductive reactance
with even lower loss. The hairpin or shorted parallel transmission line section is the version that
most worries new users. However, the beta match in any form is as effective as virtually any other
system in effecting a low-loss match between the element and the feedline--when the element
resistive component is less than the feedline Zo. In addition, one may also lengthen an element to
make it inductively reactive. Then the shunt component becomes a capacitance. Both versions of
the beta match have undergone extensive modeling confirmation and physical confirmation. Like
the series matching systems, the beta match presumes an element that is insulated and isolated
from any conductive boom.
The third major system for matching the impedance of beam driven elements to a standard
feedline, such as 50-Ohm coaxial cable, is called the gamma match. H. H. Washburn, W3MTE,
introduced the amateur community to the gamma match in his September, 1949, QST article, "The
Gamma Match" (pp. 20-21, 102). D. J. Healey, W3PG, provided the first mathematical analysis of
the match in "An Examination of the Gamma Match," QST, April, 1969 (pp.11-15, 57). Healy's
treatment, however, required the use of nomographs and a Smith chart.
Since these seminal articles, several alternative analyses have appeared in amateur journals. H. F.
Tolles, W7ITB, presented a purely mathematical analysis in "How to Design Gamma Matching
Networks" in Ham Radio for May, 1973 (pp. 46-55). Because the Tolles equations proved tedious to
many gamma designers, R. A. Nelson, WB0IKN, set them into a Basic program in "Basic Gamma
Matching," Ham Radio, January, 1985 (pp. 29-33). ARRL converted Nelson's Apple-Basic program
into a version suitable for IBM computers, and a listing appears in The ARRL Antenna Book, 16th
Ed. (p. 26-20). In 2000, Dave Leeson, W6NL, corrected portions of the program so that it is
perhaps the most accurate of the available means to calculate gamma matches. This program is
also available within the HamCalc collection of Basic utilities edited by George Murphy, VE3ERP.
Since the work of Tolles and Nelson, two alternative mathematical analyses have appeared. Ron
Barker, G4JNH, presented "A New Look at the Gamma Match" in QEX, May/June, 1999 (pp.
23-31). Barker changes some of the fundamental assumptions about the key factors in a gamma
match to arrive at his results. Unfortunately, his work is less amenable to easy placement in a Basic
utility or a spreadsheet, since the calculations require the solution to simultaneous equations. In
contrast, R. Wheeler, G3MGW, returned to the Healey analysis and converted the graphical
techniques back into mathematical methods that allow a straightforward spreadsheet set of
calculations. Wheeler's 2-part "Re-Examination of the Gamma Match" appeared in RADCOM
(September, 2004, pp. 35-37, and October, 2004, pp. 54-56, with reprints appearing in antenneX
for October and November, 2006. Both of these later analyses rely on something that was
unavailable to earlier gamma calculations. In most cases, the determination of the initial or
pre-match driver feedpoint impedance rested on assumption, guesswork, or rudimentary
measurement. Measurement became difficult if the builder connected the driver to the boom and
did not allow for a feedpoint gap, even if it would later be closed. Both Barker and Wheeler require
the use of antenna modeling software to determine the pre-match driver impedance.
The gamma match differs from the previous matching systems in that the calculations are not
precise. Rather, they produce starter values that will require careful field adjustment (the gentler
sounding term for trial and error). Figure 6 shows some of the reasons why the calculations are
less than fully precise. The gamma system begins with a larger number of variables, some of which
are the physical dimensions of the assembly components. We need to know or decide upon the
main element diameter, the gamma rod diameter, and the center-to-center spacing between these
two parts. Calculations usually proceed (although there have been variations) by treating the
gamma assembly as a section of parallel transmission line, shorted at the far end. The end result is
a change in the position of the antenna feedpoint relative to the element without the gamma
assembly. Most calculation systems do not take into account the far-end shorting bar structure or
the structure that supports the feedline connector.
Practical gamma matches also include a number of variations on the ideal situation used in
calculations. The rod may extend beyond the shorting bar. The required series capacitor may not
be at the feedpoint, but be somewhere along the gamma rod. The change of placement alters the
structure relative to the ideal form used for calculations, but not so much as to prevent you from
devising a highly successful match. Figure 7 provides a photo of a practical gamma match that
uses a tubular capacitor within the central part of the rod. The gamma system is the only matching
system in this group that permits a direct connection of the main element center to the boom.
However, we cannot easily obtain the initial feedpoint impedance when we connect the element to
the boom, and the boom will have an affect upon the feedpoint impedance.
The two major calculation systems have different sources but similar starting points. Both begin by
calculating the characteristic impedance of the presumed parallel transmission line formed by the
main element and the gamma rod or tube. The next step is to calculate the impedance step-up
created by treating the gamma section as a short folded dipole or monopole. The following steps
involve calculating the impedance of the gamma section at the outer end. The impedance at the
feedpoint then becomes a parallel combination of the transformed end impedance and the stepped
feedpoint impedance. The Healey-Wheeler requires the user to insert trial values of the gamma rod
length until the resulting resistive component at the new feedpoint matches the target line Zo. The
Tolles-Nelson-Leeson system calculates the gamma rod length.
The two systems do not produce identical results. As well, the results differ from the results of
antenna modeling. Because NEC cannot effectively handle the gamma match, only a highly
corrected version of MININEC (such as Antenna Model) is adequate to the modeling task.
However, even MININEC cannot show the required variations that emerge from connecting the
element to a central boom. Since gamma matches receive only spot checks rather than systematic
comparison of calculations and/or models with physical antennas, all three methods are tentative
guides, useful for beginning the process of designing a gamma match, but always needing
extensive field adjustment.
I have omitted the detailed equations used in the progression of gamma calculations because they
are too numerous for our short space. For a more systematic look at the two major gamma
calculation schemes, see "Notes on the Gamma Match," (parts 1 and 2), antenneX, September and
October, 2006. The notes also include an extensive but inexhaustive set of comparisons with
MININEC models of the gamma match.
In many ways, the gamma match is far more flexible than the series or beta matching systems. It
works for elements connected to a conductive boom or for isolated driven elements. Within limits, it
can handle impedance both higher and lower than the cable impedance. Nevertheless, the system
always requires field adjustment (otherwise known as trial and error), since the calculations are
only approximations.
We have surveyed a number of options open to the modern beam builder for matching the
impedance values at driven elements to the feedline and equipment. Series and beta calculations
are both precise, under the condition that we know the actual velocity factor of the lines used in the
matching efforts. However, both series and beta matching systems require that we use insulated
driven elements relative to any conductive boom that may support the elements. (Of course, the
parasitic element center points may be grounded to the boom.) An additional restriction on the beta
match is that the driver impedance must be below the line impedance. The Bramham system
requires a resonant feedpoint impedance that matches one of the two line lengths used.
The gamma match system allows (but does not require) the builder to use what we once called
"plumber's delight" construction methods with all elements connected to the boom. It matches a
wide range of impedances. However, the main calculation systems for the gamma match achieve
only working approximations that require field adjustment.
Many other matching methods exist. We may conduct beam matching at the shack-end of the line.
As well, we may install more complex networks at the antenna feedpoint, so long as the assembly
will support them easily. Match-line and stub methods also exist. These alternatives plus the ones
that we have discussed still only list some, but certainly not all, of our options.
For a spreadsheet program (in either Quattro-Pro or Excel format) that includes the matching
calculations, see trans/ant-match.html. There are separate pages for the Healey-Wheeler and the
Tolles-Nelson-Leeson systems. In addition, the sheet contains a page for the match-line and stub
system, which is useful for antennas such as the extended double Zepp. The sheets serve only to
increase your options for easy calculation of the matching systems, since utility programs are also
available from other sources.