RH Immune

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Article published online: 2023-05-08

J. Fetal Med. (June 2014) 1:81–88

DOI 10.1007/s40556-014-0013-z


Treatment and Prevention of Rh Isoimmunization

Krishna Agarwal • Anubhuti Rana •

Anoosha K. Ravi

Received: 3 June 2014 / Accepted: 16 September 2014 / Published online: 9 October 2014
Ó Society of Fetal Medicine 2014

Abstract Rhesus (Rh) isoimmunization is an important status of that person would be O Rh negative (expressed as
clinical entity in India and other developing countries, O negative).
which is responsible for fetal anemia and hydrops fetalis, Rh isoimmunization is the development of antibodies
and if not treated, it can result in intrauterine fetal demise. against the Rh antigens present on the surface of RBCs [1].
Rh isoimmunization is responsible for severe jaundice in The important Rh antigen responsible for majority of cases
neonates, which can be severe enough to cause kernicterus of severe Rh isoimmunization is Rhesus D antigen. The
with debilitating consequences, if not treated adequately. It other atypical Rh antigens with a potential to cause severe
can be prevented with simple measures and treated if rec- isoimmunization are c, E and Kell antigens. Rest of the Rh
ognized in time. antigens (Duffy, Kidd, M and S) rarely cause significant
Keywords Rhesus D antigen  Isoimmunization  Data on frequency of Rh typing from India are limited.
Fetomaternal hemorrhage  Prevention of Rh A study from North India on 1,000 healthy blood donors
isoimmunization  Middle cerebral artery peak systolic (53 were women) showed that 93 % were D positive and
velocity 7 % were D negative. Of the D negative donors, 98 % had
c antigen and 100 % of D positive had e antigen [2]. C
antigen was present in 90 % D positives. The frequency of
Introduction Kell antigen was found to be 2.8 %, Duffy (Fya) 7.3 %,
Duffy (Fyb) 58.3 %, M 88 %, N 57.5 %, S 57.8 %, and s
Isoimmunization is defined as the development of anti- 87.5 %. Kidd antigen was not tested due to financial con-
bodies against the antigens of another individual of the straints. Another large study from Pune, India on 10,133
same species. The antigens which are present on the human healthy voluntary donors revealed frequency of D—92 %,
red blood cells (RBCs) are mainly ABO antigens (A, B, C—88 %, E—27 %, c—51 % and e—98 % [3].
AB), rhesus D antigen (Rh-D) and infrequently other The ABO blood group antigens may also sometimes
atypical rhesus (Rh) antigens like Cc, Ee, Kell (K), Duffy cause isoimmunization in a mother having O positive blood
(Fya), Kidd (Jka, JKb), M and S [1]. The presence of par- group and carrying an A, B or AB positive fetus. But for
ticular antigens on RBCs confers an individual a specific practical purposes these antigens do not cause significant
blood group status. For example, if the RBCs of a person fetal hemolysis and fetal anemia.
carry A, B and Rh-D antigens, the person’s blood group
would be AB and Rh positive (expressed as AB positive)
blood group. If the RBCs lack any antigen, the blood group Pathophysiology

An individual lacks the antibodies against the antigens,

K. Agarwal (&)  A. Rana  A. K. Ravi
which are present on his own RBCs. However, if RBCs
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maulana Azad
Medical College, New Delhi 110002, India coated with different antigens (from another individual)
e-mail: drkrishna.agarwal@gmail.com gain entry into the circulation, the reticuloendothelial

82 J. Fetal Med. (June 2014) 1:81–88

system (RES) of the recipient identifies these antigens on in the fetal circulation, these antibodies bind to the Rh-D
RBCs as foreign and mounts immune response to eliminate antigen on the fetal RBCs. These antibody-coated RBCs
these cells. A similar phenomenon occurs during Rh iso- are trapped in the fetal spleen and are destroyed. This
immunization. The Rh positive RBCs of the fetus gain results in fetal anemia, the severity of which depends upon
entry into Rh negative maternal circulation via fetomater- the amount of FMH and amount of antibody formation.
nal hemorrhage (FMH) resulting into formation of anti-D The Rh gene locus is located on chromosome 1p34-p36.
antibodies, which in turn pass to the fetus through placental This gene locus consists of two closely- linked genes that
circulation and destroy fetal RBCs to produce fetal anemia. are 96 % homologous, each having 10 exons. One is
FMH occurs throughout pregnancy and the amount of this labeled as RHCE (codes for Cc and Ee Rh antigens) and
hemorrhage increases with increasing gestation. Kleiheur– another is labeled as RHD (codes for Rh-D antigen). There
Betke test can detect fetal blood cells into maternal cir- are two isoforms for two antigens (Cc and Ee) but there is
culation by acid elution test. It has been found that the no isoform for D antigen and either absence or partial
amount of FMH is very minute (around 0.03 mL) during deletion of RHD gene is denoted as d in the genotype. One
first and second trimester however it may be as high as group of antigens would be inherited by the paternal
25 mL during third trimester [4, 5]. chromosome and another group by the maternal chromo-
some which will result in one of the various possible
Kleihauer–Betke Test combinations of genotypes. The genotype may be DCE/
DCE (homologous D positive) or dCE/DCE (heterozygous
It is the standard method to quantitate FMH [6]. The fetal D positive) or dCE/dCE (Rh-D negative) and other com-
blood has differential resistance to acid as compared to binations of Dd, Cc and Ee [1, 7].
adult hemoglobin. A blood smear is prepared from the
maternal blood and treated with the acid. This removes Epidemiology
adult hemoglobin whereas fetal hemoglobin persists in the
red cells. On subsequent staining, fetal cells appear rose- Since the introduction of prophylactic anti-D immuno-
pink in color whereas adult RBCs appear as ghost cells. globulin given to all unsensitized Rh-D negative women
Two thousand cells are counted in the microscope and after termination of pregnancy or delivery with an Rh-D
percentage of fetal to maternal cells is calculated. positive fetus, there has been a dramatic decrease in the
The Rh-D antigen on fetal cells, which is circulating in rate of Rh isoimmunization. In UK, prophylactic anti-D
maternal blood, is recognized by maternal RES as foreign immunoglobulin has been in use since 1971. The stillbirths
antigen. The RES responds with the formation of IgM or neonatal death rate due to Rh-D isoimmunization
antibodies against Rh-D antigen in small amount (initial reduced from 120 per 100,000 births in 1971 to 1.3 per
response). These antibodies can be detected in the blood of 100,000 in 1992. Still there are around 600–700 new cases
this individual within few weeks’ time. When there is of Rh-D isoimmunization happening every year in UK. The
second time exposure to this foreign antigen (during sec- reason suggested is either due to insufficient dose or failure
ond pregnancy with an Rh-D positive pregnancy), the to cover a potentially sensitizing event. Incidence of
previously primed memory B cells respond more strongly hemolytic disease due to antibodies against the other Rh
with the formation of IgG antibodies (booster response). antigens like Kell, Duffy and kidd is around six cases per
Sometimes sensitization of an Rh-D negative mother may year in the UK [8]. In North America, there is policy of
be because of the mismatched blood transfusion (Rh-D prophylactic immunization to all Rh-D negative women
negative mother transfused with Rh-D positive blood). and there has been much more decline in the number of
The initial response could be prevented if the fetal RBCs cases of Rh-D isoimmunization [9]. In India, out of
entering the maternal circulation are removed before they 26,000,000 births which occur every year, 13,00,000 (5 %)
are detected by the maternal RES. This can be achieved by births occur in women with Rh negative blood group.
giving anti-D immunoglobulins to the mother so as to Prevalence of Rh negative blood group in population from
counteract appropriately for the FMH. This prophylaxis has different parts of India from various reports is shown in
drastically brought down the cases of isoimmunization Table 1.
throughout the globe. Unfortunately there are no reports regarding the real
The IgM antibodies formed due to initial response magnitude of Rh isoimmunization from India. In 1980,
cannot cross the placenta and gain entry into the fetal Bhatnagar et al. from Patiala, Punjab in northern India,
circulation and therefore do not affect the first sensitizing reported the incidence of Rh-D negative cases to be 5.60 %
pregnancy. During the next pregnancy with Rh-D positive among 1,500 pregnant women with the incidence of iso-
fetus, the IgG antibodies cross the placenta by binding on immunization to be 1.33 % in the total sample and 23.80 %
the Fcy receptors present on the syncytiotrophoblasts. Once in the Rh-D negative women [5]. Gupta et al. from

J. Fetal Med. (June 2014) 1:81–88 83

Table 1 Prevalence of Rh negative blood group in population from different parts of India
Author Total no. of people tested Rh negative males Rh negative females

Chandra and Gupta, Lucknow, 2012 [10] 140,320 5,980 (4.28 %) 1,093 (10.93 %)
Giri, Maharashtra, 2011 [11] 11,554 504 (4.58 %) 32 (6.51 %)
Koram, Hyderabad, 2014 [12] 15,140 711 (4.63 %) 17 (4.63 %)
Patel, Ahmedabad, 2012 [13] 5,316 246 (4.85 %) 17 (7.08 %)
Latoo, Kashmir, 2006 [14] 100,980 Rh negative subjects 4,136 (4.09 %)

Maharashtra also reported the incidence of Rh-D negativity Management

to be 5 % among the antenatal population, however, they
reported incidence of isoimmunization among Rh-D neg- An algorithm for management for Rh isoimmunization is
ative women 3.1 % during 1981–1983 which declined to depicted in Fig. 1.
1.7 % during 1990–1992 [15]. A recent hospital-based
study from New Delhi reported overall incidence of iso- Screening for Rh Isoimmunization
immunization to be 1.25 % [16]. The isoimmunization rate
was 10.7 % among Rh-D negative mothers and 0.12 % Blood grouping and crossmatching is performed in all
among Rh-D positive mothers. The non Rh-D antibodies pregnant women at the first visit. If the woman is Rh-D
responsible for isoimmunization were anti-C, anti-M, anti- positive no further testing for blood groups is required. In
S and anti-c. Thakral et al. have reported two cases of western countries testing for antibodies against all the Rh
hemolytic disease of newborn by maternal alloimmuniza- red cell antigens (D, Ee, Cc, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, Jka, Jkb
tion to anti-c and anti-E [17]. The newborn babies had and M) is also performed irrespective of the blood group
features of hemolytic disease of newborn with Rh positive and if a woman is positive for these antibodies she is
status of mother. A positive direct Coombs test led to managed as a case of isoimmunized pregnancy. However
suspicion which was confirmed by definitive testing for because of the high cost, this test is not routinely performed
atypical antigens. in India. It is reserved for pregnant women, who are Rh
positive or Rh-D negative with negative indirect Coombs
Manifestations test (ICT) for Rh-D antibodies, with a past obstetric history
suggestive of isoimmunization (birth of a baby with fea-
Rh isoimmunization of a pregnant mother may be tures of hydrops, neonatal jaundice or history of postnatal
responsible for varying severity of anemia in the fetus and exchange transfusion).
newborn. Usually it is in the second or subsequent preg- When the expectant mother is Rh negative, the husband’s
nancies that the fetus is affected. Such a fetus will initially blood is tested for ABO grouping and Rh typing. If the
have fetal anemia, this may manifest clinically as husband is Rh positive, virtually all guidelines [18–21]
decreased fetal movements. If the condition persists and recommend performing genotype of the father for Rh-D
becomes more serious there would be extramedullary coding gene. A homozygous father will inherit Rh-D gene to
erythropoiesis in the liver and spleen. This can be seen on all his offspring and all the pregnancies will have potential
ultrasound as hepatosplenomegaly. In a profoundly anemic for sensitization. If the father is heterozygous, there is 50 %
fetus initially there is increased cardiac output but the chance of fetus being Rh-D positive. Most of the western
hypoxic heart can no longer sustain and finally culminates guidelines recommend finding the fetal blood group from
in heart failure. This is manifested sonographically as circulating cell free fetal DNA in maternal blood. When
hydropic changes like pleural effusion, pericardial effu- fetus is Rh-D negative no further testing required. If fetus is
sion, ascites, subcutaneous edema and scalp edema. To Rh-D positive, further follow- up is done. However in India,
compensate for the reduced oxygen supply, the placenta the facilities for testing of zygosity for Rh-D gene and fetal
also enlarges which could be seen as placentomegaly on blood group from circulating cell-free fetal DNA in maternal
ultrasonography [1, 7]. Fetal anemia is reflected on USG as circulation are available only in few centers. Therefore a
increased middle cerebral artery (MCA) peak systolic pregnancy, when mother is Rh-D negative and father is Rh-
velocity. By the time these hydropic changes are evident on D positive, is considered potentially at risk of immunization.
ultrasound, it is quite late and fetus is very sick with a high Small amount of FMH (total of less than 15 mL) is
fetal mortality. Therefore our aim remains to identify fetal inevitable during the course of pregnancy. To detect sen-
anemia much before this terminal stage [1, 7]. sitization of mother, presence of anti-D antibodies in

84 J. Fetal Med. (June 2014) 1:81–88

Fig. 1 Algorithm for First antenatal visit:

management for Rh Determine Rh status of the woman. If Rh negave,
isoimmunization determine Rh status of the husband1

Rh negave woman with Rh posive husband

Perform ICT ter2

ICT ter <1:16 diluon

ICT ter negave ICT ter: 1:16 diluon or

Repeat ter every 2 wk

Repeat ter every 4 wk

Monitor every 2 wk:

Deliver at normal me
Fetal USG (20 wk onwards): MCA-
Give an-D (300 µg IM) No an-D prophylaxis needed
PSV and features of hydrops
prophylaxis at 28 to 32

Repeat an-D (300 µg IM)

MCA-PSV: 1.5 MoM or more Features of
within 72 h of birth if
baby is Rh posive

Repeat MSA-PSV aer one wk

MSA-PSV 1.5 MoM or more

Perform cordocentesis: perform IUT if fetal Hb<10 gm/dL

Repeat IUT aer 2 wk and every 3 wk thereaer 3

Deliver at 35 wk or later4

1. Rh negave refers to absence of ‘D’ angen.

2. ICT ter for an-D anbodies. Management of isoimmunizaon due to nonD- Rh angen remains similar to that
of D- Rh angen (further explained in the text)
3. Once the fetal bone marrow is suppressed by inial IUTs, repeat IUT is generally required every 3 wk
4. Give antenatal steroids if delivery is planned before 35 wk

maternal circulation is usually detected by ICT. It involves automated analyzers which give quantitative values in
incubation of maternal serum with the RBCs carrying the international units and invasive testing is indicated at levels
particular Rh antigen against which the antibodies are above 10 IU/L. When ICT is negative the test is repeated
being tested. Anti-human immunoglobulin is then added. It every 4 week and if ICT is positive, mother is managed as
will cause agglutination of RBCs if they have adsorbed the an isoimmunized pregnancy. It is to be remembered that
antibodies. The serial dilutions of maternal serum are ICT as commonly performed, tests only for Rh-D antibody
mixed with the RBCs carrying D antigen and the reverse of and not the minor Rh alleles. Separate tests using specific
maximum dilution which causes clumping of RBCs is Rh allele are required for detecting antibody to minor
denoted as the titer. Mostly 1:16 or 1:32 is considered as alleles. In some women, the test for Rh-D typing may be
the critical titer (potential to cause significant fetal anemia) weak Rh-D positive. These women are genetically Rh-D
which may vary with the laboratory. In UK, many labs use positive and are at low risk of producing anti-D antibodies.

J. Fetal Med. (June 2014) 1:81–88 85

These women are given status of weak D positive and Rh 2. Doses for different types of procedures
typing is represented by Rh-Du. There are no clear rec-
ommendations for management of these women and at In addition to routine prophylaxis, different situations
present these women are not given any anti-D prophylaxis. which are considered to increase risk of FMH should be
covered by anti-D prophylaxis. After checking for maternal
Primary Prevention of Rh Isoimmunization blood type and antibody screening, 120–150 lg of intra-
muscular anti-D injection is given for the following
For women who are not yet isoimmunized the aim is to obstetric conditions within 12 week of pregnancy:
prevent sensitization. It can be achieved by giving pro- Threatened abortion; miscarriage; induced abortion;
phylactic dose of anti-D immunoglobulins to cover for the ectopic pregnancy; molar pregnancy; and chorionic villus
spontaneous fetomaternal hemorrhages and also any ante- sampling.
partum event which has potential to cause additional FMH. After 12 week of pregnancy, 300 lg of intramuscular
If no prophylaxis is given, it is estimated that 1 % of Rh-D anti-D for following conditions:
negative women would develop antibodies by the end of All above conditions after 12 week; amniocentesis;
first Rh-D positive pregnancy. Around 7–9 % of additional external cephalic version; antepartum hemorrhage; retained
women would be sensitized at the time of delivery. placenta; and blunt trauma over the abdomen.
Another 7–9 % would develop antibodies during 6 months Usually these doses prevent development of isoimmu-
following delivery. Therefore around 17 % women would nization and take care of up to 15 mL of fetal RBCs.
become sensitized by the second pregnancy [1, 7]. Where severe FMH is suspected, Kleihauer–Betke test
The most effective strategy to reduce the incidence of could be done to measure the amount of FMH and
Rh isoimmunization has been the introduction of antenatal accordingly dose can be adjusted. Additional 10 lg of anti-
and at birth anti-D prophylaxis. The occurrence of Rh-D D should be given for every additional 0.5 mL of fetal
sensitization in last few week of an uncomplicated preg- RBCs in maternal circulation.
nancy has been stated to be the single most reason for A few investigators have observed that if Rh negative
remaining cases of isoimmunization. It may be due to mother does not deliver by 40 week and she has received
either the inability to cover the potential events causing prophylaxis at 28 week (12 week ago), the circulating anti-
FMH or inadequate dose of anti-D. Therefore, clear D is not enough to take care of FMH occurring at this time
instructions regarding the event-specific doses and timing and advise a second dose of anti-D at 40 week. However,
could almost eliminate this condition. Also transfusion of there is not enough evidence and it is not a routine practice.
Rh-D positive blood to Rh-D negative woman should be
avoided and blood should be properly crossmatched before Postpartum Prophylaxis
transfusion so as to avoid possibility of isoimmunization
against other minor red cell antigens. The FMH which occurs at the time of delivery is covered
by prophylactic anti-D within 72 h of birth. A dose of
Prophylaxis 300 lg of anti-D is given when the baby’s blood group is
Rh-D positive. If anti-D dose is missed within 72 h, it can
Antenatal Prophylaxis be given up to 28 days of delivery with some benefit [18,
If ICT is negative at the first visit, it is repeated at four
weekly interval and if it remains negative on subsequent Secondary Prevention of Rh Isoimmunization
testing, prophylactic dose of anti-D immunoglobulin is
given (300 lg deep intramuscularly) at 28–32 week of Early Diagnosis
pregnancy. This will take care of the small amount of FMH
and prevent isoimmunization. Since anti-D injection is a Once ICT for Rh-D antibodies becomes positive in critical
human blood product obtained from plasma, a written titer, pregnancy is managed as isoimmunized pregnancy.
informed consent should be taken before its administration. The aim is to detect fetal anemia at the earliest and also to
avoid events likely to increase the FMH (like external
1. One dose versus two doses
cephalic version, external trauma over the abdomen or
There are various thoughts regarding the one dose of invasive testing). Weekly monitoring is performed with the
300 lg at 28 week versus two doses of 100–120 lg each at antibody titer and ultrasonography. Ultrasound is per-
28 and 34 week. But most of the guidelines have preferred formed for MCA peak systolic velocity (MCA-PSV) and
single dose and have mentioned that two dose schedules for any evidence of fetal hydrops (scalp edema, pleural
could be used as an alternative regime [18, 22]. effusion, pericardial effusion, ascites, and skin edema).

86 J. Fetal Med. (June 2014) 1:81–88

Antibody titers of 1:128 are considered to cause significant Volume of blood to be transfused
fetal anemia and once these titers are reached, the preg- Desired hematocrit  Fetal hematocrit
nancy is monitored closely by MCA-PSV [24, 25]. ¼
Donor hematocrit  Desired hematocrit
Before 1995, isoimmunized pregnancies were monitored  Fetoplacental blood volume
by serial amniocentesis to detect bilirubin levels in amni-
The aim is to increase hematocrit to 35–40 % in early
otic fluid with the help of spectrophotometry. The Liley’s
mid-trimester and after that to 45–55 %.
and Freda’s graphs are available to manage these preg-
Preliminary calculation for amount of blood transfusion
nancies on the basis of amniotic fluid optical density at
is kept ready on a paper and as soon as fetal hematocrit
450 ml. The value of OD450 indicates degree of hemo-
value is available, third person can quickly do the final
lysis and the fetal outcome [26]. Management of isoim-
munized pregnancies with serial amniocentesis has been
Maternal sedation If mother is apprehensive, she can be
now given up in favor of measurement of MCA-PSV
given sedative like tab lorazepam, 2 mg 1 h before the
because it requires invasive testing with a potential to cause
procedure. Under continuous ultrasound guidance, proce-
FMH and increase in antibody titers.
dure is performed using free hand technique. Three trained
MCA-PSV normograms are available and values are
persons are required—one to perform the procedure, sec-
grouped according to multiples of median (MOM). Median
ond person for withdrawing and pushing the blood and
values for MCA-PSV is for healthy nonimmunized preg-
third person getting the fetal hematocrit and for the esti-
nancies at different gestations are recorded and 1.5 MOM
mation of blood to be transfused.
values are calculated. MCA-PSV above 1.5 MOM is con-
Site of puncture It is much safer to go in the umbilical
sidered to be associated with significant fetal anemia. In a
vein. When the placenta is anterior, 22G spinal needle is
case where MCA-PSV has reached 1.5 MOM level, MCA-
traversed through placenta and needle is guided in the
PSV is repeated after 1 week and if it remains at this level or
umbilical vein near the cord insertion. Once the needle tip
rises, it is an indication for cordocentesis and intrauterine
is seen in the umbilical vein, 1 mL of blood is withdrawn.
transfusion (IUT). If titer has increased, but MCA-PSV is
Blood is immediately checked for the hematocrit. If auto-
less than 1.5 MOM, patient is still managed with weekly
matic analyzer is available, it is preferred. The needle is
MCA-PSV measurement. Using cut-off of 1.5 MOM, fetuses
attached to three-way connector which, in turn, is con-
with moderate to severe anemia are identified with a positive
nected to the donor blood bag. Blood is slowly pushed at a
predictive value of 65 %, negative predictive value of 100 %
rate of 10 mL per min. Once the total desired amount is
and false positive rate of 12 % [27].
transfused, 1 mL blood is collected for checking post-
transfusion hematocrit [29, 30]. If the placenta is posterior,
Intrauterine Transfusion (IUT) approach to placenta may be difficult and in these cases,
there is an option of using a free loop of umbilical cord,
IUT is considered to be most effective in management of hepatic vein or to perform intraperitoneal transfusion. After
isoimmunized pregnancy where fetus is anemic and not the procedure, CTG tracings are taken and monitored for at
mature enough to be delivered. If IUT is not done, fetus is least half an hour for any fetal heart decelerations.
at the risk of developing hydrops and dying in utero. Subsequent transfusions Usually, the second transfusion
is performed within 10–14 days. The subsequent transfu-
Procedure sions usually are required at 3 week interval.
Intraperitoneal transfusion This is performed when
This is usually performed as an outdoor procedure. transfusion is required in early second trimester or
Preparation Adult blood of O-Rh negative group from approach to the umbilical vein is difficult. The donor blood
which white cell component has been removed is packed to is infused into the peritoneal cavity of fetus from where it
hematocrit of 80–85 %. Preferably, blood should be freshly gets absorbed by subdiaphragmatic lymphatics and tho-
collected within 24 h and sterilized by irradiation and racic duct into the fetal circulation.
tested for hepatitis B and C, HIV, cytomegalovirus. Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) High doses of IVIg
Volume of blood to be transfused The volume of blood to mother have been tried in the management. However,
to be transfused will depend on the fetal gestation, the results are not promising and the fetus still requires
hematocrit of the donor blood and hematocrit of fetal transfusion. Deka et al. studied the effect of high dose of
blood. The normograms are available to calculate the IVIg in iso-immunized mother as primary therapy in six
volume of blood needed to increase the fetal hematocrit to patients and found it to be beneficial [31, 32]. Deka et al.
40 % [28]. had also studied the effect of direct fetal intravenous
It may also be calculated by using the formula: transfusion of immunoglobulins and reported that these

J. Fetal Med. (June 2014) 1:81–88 87

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Acknowledgments We thank Dr I. C. Verma for providing the data obstetrics in Australia (C-Obs6). The Royal Australian and New
for Table 1. Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Victoria,
Australia. 2011. http://www.nba.gov.au/pubs/pdf/glines-anti-d.
Conflict of Interest None. pdf. Accessed 4 June 2014.
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