ASH Understaning On Alloimmunization
ASH Understaning On Alloimmunization
ASH Understaning On Alloimmunization
Department of Laboratory Medicine and 2Department of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, CT; 3Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Service, VA Connecticut Healthcare System,
West Haven, CT
Blood group alloimmunization is “triggered” when a person lacking a particular antigen is exposed to this antigen during
transfusion or pregnancy. Although exposure to an antigen is necessary for alloimmunization to occur, it is not alone
sufficient. Blood group antigens are diverse in structure, function, and immunogenicity. In addition to red blood cells
Antigen considerations
One factor that makes human studies of RBC alloimmunization so
Introduction difficult is the large number and structural diversity of blood group
Red blood cell (RBC) alloimmunization, or the formation of antibodies antigens. Hundreds of blood group antigens have been described to
against non–self-antigens on RBCs, may occur after exposure through date, such that a 1 “unit” of an RBC transfusion may contain many
transfusion or pregnancy. These antibodies may be clinically significant in antigens that are foreign to the transfusion recipient. Some of these an-
both settings, leading to delayed hemolytic or serologic transfusion re- tigens differ by a single amino acid polymorphism from the antithetic
actions or hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN). As shown antigen expressed on the recipient’s own RBCs (eg, K vs k), and others
in Table 1, the number of alloimmunized transfused patients1 is likely are entirely foreign to the transfusion recipient (eg, rhesus D [RhD]).
higher than the 1% to 3% commonly quoted, taking into consideration Some blood group antigens are proteins and others are carbohydrates;
the frequent occurrence of RBC antibody evanescence. Complications some antigens are expressed solely on RBCs, whereas others are also
from RBC alloantibodies are a leading cause of transfusion-associated expressed on organs or tissues. In rare instances, patients may express
death,2 although the true morbidity/mortality burden from RBC an antigen elsewhere in their body but not on their RBCs, as is observed
alloimmunization is likely higher than that appreciated from the Food with the Fy antigen in patients with a GATA-box silencing mutation.
and Drug Administration–reported statistics alone.3,4 Given blood group antigen expression on some organs, RBC alloan-
tibodies may be clinically relevant not only in transfusion or pregnancy
Donor and recipient factors play a role in RBC alloimmunization settings, but also in transplant settings. For example, recipient allo-
(Figure 1) and range from characteristics of particular blood group antibodies against Jk antigens have been described to impact the
antigens to the recipient’s ability to present the antigens to their outcomes of transplanted kidneys from Jk-positive donors.5,6
immune system. In addition to genetic factors, emerging data em-
phasize the importance of environmental factors in the formation of RBC phenotyping, or the evaluation of antigen expression on RBCs
RBC alloantibodies. Findings from descriptive human studies have using serologic methodology, has historically been used to char-
led to the testing of hypotheses using reductionist animal models, and acterize a particular donor or recipient’s blood group antigen status.
outcomes observed in animal models have been studied in humans. However, recent advances in molecular medicine have led to
genotyping, or the evaluation of predicted RBC antigen expression using Blood collection, processing, modification, and
DNA extracted from white blood cells (WBCs), becoming more widely storage considerations
available. Used primarily by blood donor centers and immunohema- As with blood group antigen diversity, there are also a large number of
tology reference laboratories, genotyping allows for a more exact pre- variables involved in blood collection, processing, modification, and
diction of alloimmunization risks in certain circumstances. For example, storage that may, at least theoretically, impact the immunogenicity of
approximately 30% of patients with hemoglobinopathies that serologi- a particular unit. Screening questionnaires eliminate several potentially
cally phenotype as C positive actually have C variants as detected by infectious donors, but a donor that is not feeling well at the time of
genotyping. These C-variant patients are at risk for alloimmunization to donation may inadvertently donate not only RBCs, but also trans-
the C antigen if they are transfused with RBCs from donors whose RBCs missible inflammatory cytokines or other soluble factors. In addition,
express a normal C antigen. each bag of blood collected from a donor contains not only anticoagulant
preservative solution, but also plasma, platelets, and WBCs. Filter
The importance of wild-type or variant antigen status ultimately ties leukoreduction, which removes the vast majority of donor WBCs and
into the concept of immunogenicity (ie, how likely an antigen- is accepted to decrease febrile transfusion reactions, human leukocyte
negative individual is to mount an immune response to an antigen- antigen (HLA) alloimmunization, and the transmission of some viruses,
positive exposure). In the transfusion setting, immunogenicity can be has been shown in some but not all human10,11 and murine12 studies
empirically determined by exposing donors to antigens that they lack to decrease the rate or magnitude of RBC alloantibody responses.
and then measuring the percentage that develop an antibody response.7 However, hundreds of thousands of WBCs may still be present in
Because this is a laborious (and risky) undertaking, most antigen a leukoreduced RBC unit, and leukoreduction filters also have different
immunogenicity calculations are estimates based on the number of degrees of efficiency of platelet reduction. Thus, even in a leukoreduced
individuals in a population producing an alloimmune response to unit, residual WBCs, platelets, or their breakdown products including
a given antigen and their probability of exposure to that antigen based pro-inflammatory cytokines, microparticles,13 or damage-associated
on the frequency with which it is seen in the donor population. molecular patterns14 may have the potential to impact the recipient’s
Previous studies have shown marked variability in the “potency” of immune response to the transfused RBC antigens. Further, the timing of
clinically significant blood group antigens, with up to 30-fold dif- processing may impact the number of WBCs, cytokines, and micro-
ferences noted between some of the highest (K, E, Jka) and lowest (S) particles in the bag, with units processed after an overnight hold being
immunogenicity antigens.8 reported to have more potentially biologically active contaminants than
those processed soon after collection.13,15 Reductionist studies of the HLA is thought capable of presenting a portion of the antigen,
impact of many of these elements on RBC alloimmunization in humans whereas other antigens such as Fya24 and K25 have been shown to
are logistically difficult, given the number of other involved variables. have more restricted HLA presentation. In addition to HLA re-
striction studies, a recent population based study has suggested that
Over the past decade, there has been much interest in the impact of RBC HLA-DRB1*15 may predispose transfused recipients to the for-
storage duration on patient outcomes. These studies, reviewed else- mation of multiple different RBC alloantibodies.26
where, have focused primarily on mortality and outcomes such as length
of intensive care unit stay; few prospective studies of RBC storage In addition to HLA differences, there are a multitude of genetic
duration have included RBC alloimmunization as an outcome measure. variants in recipient immunoregulatory genes that may, in theory,
The human studies that have investigated this issue have largely con- impact RBC alloimmune responses. Polymorphisms in TRIM
cluded that storage duration does not impact alloimmunization,16-18 21 (Ro52)27 and CD8128 have been implicated in recipient alloimmune
although at least 1 study has shown human RBCs of greater storage responses in humans. Few genome-wide association studies have
duration are more readily phagocytosed using an in vitro assay19; an- been completed in RBC alloantibody responders and nonresponders,
other study has shown a relationship between storage age and and no large effect responder loci have been described to date.29
alloimmunization in the setting of sickle cell disease.20 Reductionist
murine studies have also shown increased phagocytosis of stored
Other recipient considerations, including immune
compared with fresh RBCs,21 along with increased rates/magnitudes
status, disease state, and environment
of alloimmunization for some but not all RBC antigens.12 Differ-
Although genetic predisposition to alloimmunization is likely quite
ences are observed in storage characteristics from donor to donor,22
important, several emerging studies in animal models and humans
however, with storage duration being just one variable to consider.
alike have highlighted the relevance of a “danger signal” in the
formation of RBC alloantibodies. This danger signal may be in the
Recipient genetic status form of exogenous Toll-like receptor agonists such as polyinosinic-
Exposure to a nonself blood group antigen is, for all practical polycytidylic or 59-C-phosphate-G-39 administered to transfusion
purposes, a requirement for a recipient to generate an alloantibody. recipients in murine models,12 with these agonists turning non-
However, exposure alone is not sufficient to lead to alloimmuni- responders into responders in some models, or increasing the
zation, or else every transfusion recipient would be highly alloim- magnitude of the immune response in other models. Transfusion in
munized. The ability to present a particular RBC antigen on a the presence of a danger signal like polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid is
recipient HLA is a requirement for antigens that are dependent on known to increase consumption of RBCs by recipient dendritic cells
T-cell help. Studies in the area of neonatal alloimmune thrombo- and to increase costimulatory signals on antigen-presenting cells.30
cytopenia are an example of how the ability to present an antigen (in Further, depletion of dendritic cells in general, and an absence of
that case, human glycoprotein 1a) is required but not alone sufficient functional bridging channel dendritic cells in particular, abrogates
for an anti-human glycoprotein 1a alloantibody response.23 It is alloantibody responses to stored RBCs in at least 1 murine model.31
assumed that the majority of clinically significant human RBC
antigens are T-cell dependent, though few studies exist. Antigens Studies in humans have found that patients with sickle cell disease
such as RhD are large and diverse enough that virtually any recipient transfused during acute illness (such as acute chest syndrome or
What defines a “responder” • Identification of reproducible In addition to past RBC exposure, prior contact with non-RBC
to RBC antigens in genetic markers of responsiveness antigens that possess shared sequences with RBC antigens may
transfusion or pregnancy? • Assessment of unique aspects impact future responses to transfused RBCs. For example, a
(signatures) of the innate or adaptive
number of organisms have linear peptide sequences that overlap
immune systems of responders and
with blood group antigen sequences; Haemophilus influenza shares
• Evaluation of other donor/recipient orthology with KEL and Yersinia pestis shares orthology with Fy.
characteristics that may predispose This is not just a theoretical concern; it has been demonstrated that
to responsiveness peripheral blood mononuclear cells from humans never before
What steps can be taken to • Feasibility of extended genotyped exposed to RBCs have evidence of T-cell reactivity upon stimu-
limit or avoid antibody or phenotyped matched units on a lation with overlapping KEL peptides.25 Similarly, animal studies
development in confirmed large scale using a model antigen have shown that exposure to sequences
responders? • Modification of antigen presentation