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PROFED 5 – The Teaching Profession Module 3 noun word glocalization as a blending of global and

local conditions
➢ a global outlook adapted to local condition and
Our world has been called a "global village." Satellite
communications make possible television, telephone ➢ the local condition to global perspectives.
and documents transmitted through fax and electronic
mails across thousands of miles in thousandths of a 1. THE GLOBAL AND GLOCAL TEACHER PROFESSIONAL:
second. information highway. IS THERE A DIFFERENCE?

Global education poses a variety of goals ranging the "Flat World" or "One Planet Schoolhouse." These
two terms imply global education as a result of the
• from increased knowledge about the peoples of the shrinking world due to access in technology. The
world to resolutions of global problems, internet globalizes communication by allowing users
• from increased fluency in foreign languages to the from around the world to connect to one another.
development of more tolerant attitudes towards other A. GLOBAL AND GLOCAL TEACHER EDUCATION
cultures and peoples.
Global education has been best described by two
Global education embraces today's challenges as definitions:
national borders are opened.
• UNESCO defines global education as a goal to develop
• It paves the way for borderless education to respond countries worldwide and is aimed at educating all
to the needs of educating children of the world they are people in accordance with world standards.
• Another definition is that global education is a
• It offers new curricular dimensions and possibilities, curriculum that is international in scope which
current scientific and technological breakthroughs for prepares today's youth around the world to function in
completely new frontiers in education. one world environment under teachers who are
Contemporary curricula respond to the concept of this intellectually, professionally and humanistic ally
global village. prepared.

• The increased use of technology in the classroom, UNESCO's Education 2030 Incheon Declaration during
the World Education Forum established a vision
• the incorporation of the changing realities of our
world's society, and "Towards inclusive and equitable quality educational
lifelong learning for all." Sustainable Development Goal
• the ease of mobility of peoples of the world have (SDG) 4 for Education is one of the seventeen goals of
become a challenge to your preparation as prospective the United Nation's SDGs.
➢ The seven of the ten targets are expected outcomes
To become a global teacher, while
• you should be equipped with a wider range of ➢ three are means of achieving the outcomes.
knowledge of the various educational systems outside
the country; 4.1 Universal primary and secondary education. Ensure
all girls and boys complete, free, equitable and quality
• master skills and competencies which can address primary and secondary education leading to relevant
global demands; and and effective learning outcomes.
• possess attitudes and values that are acceptable to 4.2 Early childhood development and universal pre-
multicultural communities. primary education. Ensure that all boys and girls have
Roland Robertson (1992) a sociologist, in his article access to quality early childhood development care and
"Glocalization: Time - Space and Homogeneity- pre-primary education so that they are ready for
Heterogeneity, suggests replacing the concept of primary education.
globalization to glocalization with the view in mind to 4.3 Equal access to technical/vocational and higher
blur the boundaries between global and local. education. Ensure equal access for all women and men
Robertson offers to see the local as one aspect of to affordable and quality technical vocational and
globalization. tertiary education including university.

• It may mean, a global outlook adapted to the local 4.4 Relevant skills for decent work. Substantially
condition or increase the number of youth and adults who have
relevant skills including technical and vocational skills,
• a local outlook adapted to the global condition. for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurs.
glocalization means it is local culture which assigns
meaning to global influences, and that the two are
interdependent and enable each other.

Glocalization in Oxford Dictionary of New Words

(1991:134) defines the word glocal and the process
4.5 Gender equality and inclusion. Eliminate gender • 21st century assessments: Authentic assessments that
disparities in education and ensure equal access to all measure the areas of learning
levels of education and vocational trainings for
On the other hand, glocal education is about
vulnerable, including persons with disabilities,
indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable - diversity, understanding the differences and
situations. teaching the different cultural groups in their
own context to achieve the goals of global
4.6 Universal youth literacy. Ensure that all youth and
education as presented by the United Nations.
substantial proportion of adults, both men and women
- preparing future teachers from the remote and
achieve literacy and numeracy.
rugged rural villages in developing countries, to
4.7 Education for sustainable development and global the slum areas of urbanized countries, to the
citizenship. Ensure all learners acquire knowledge and highly influential and economically stable
skills needed to promote sustainable development, societies of the world for their roles in the 21st
including among others through education for century classrooms.
sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles,
human rights, gender equality
James Becker (1988) defined global education
Hence, a glocal teacher is a global teacher who is
➢ as an effort to help individual learners to see the
❖ competent and armed with enough skills,
world as a single and global system and to see
themselves as a participant in that system. ❖ appropriate attitude and
➢ It is a school curriculum that has a worldwide ❖ universal values to teach learners at home or abroad
standard of teaching and learning.
❖ but is equipped with both time tested as well as
This curriculum prepares learners in an international modern technologies in education in any time and any
marketplace with a world view of international place in the world.
understanding. In his article "Goals of Global
Education," Becker emphasized that global education A glocal teacher is
incorporates into the curriculum and educational
❖ someone who thinks and acts both locally and
experiences of each student a knowledge and empathy
globally with worldwide perspectives,
of cultures of the nation and the world.
❖ but is teaching in the communities, localities, towns,
Likewise, students are encouraged
provinces and regions where he or she is situated.
➢ to see the world as a whole,
glocal teachers in addition to the above qualities must
➢ learn various cultures to make them better relate and possess the following distinct characteristics and core
values of Filipino teachers: (Master Plan for Teacher
➢ function effectively within various cultural groups. Education, 2017):
various curricular worldwide • cultural and historical rootedness by building on the
1. 21st century content: emerging content areas such as culture and the history of the learners and the place;

• ability to contextualize teaching-learning by using

❖ global awareness;
local and indigenous materials, content and pedagogy
❖ financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial whenever appropriate;
• excellence in personal and professional competence,
❖ civic literacy; leadership, research, technology, innovation and
❖ health and environmental awareness.
• responsiveness through social involvement and
2. Learning and thinking skills: service, learner- centeredness, respect and sensitivity
for diversity and inclusiveness;
❖ critical thinking and problem-solving skills,
• accountability and integrity by being a positive role
❖ communication,
model with strong moral character, committed and
❖ creativity and innovation, collaboration, conscientious, credible, honest and loyal;

❖ contextual learning, • ecological sensitivity by being resilient and a steward

of the environment for sustainability;
❖ information and media literacy.
• nationalism/Filipinism by being a responsible citizen
• ICT literacy: using technology in the context of and upholding the Filipino identity amidst globalization
learning so students know how to learn. (glocalization); and
• Life skills: leadership, ethics, accountability, personal • faith in the Divine Providence by being humane, just,
responsibility, self- direction, others peace-loving and respectful of human rights.
2. A CLOSER LOOK AT THE TEACHERS AND THE assists in the implementation of the senior high school

Teaching as a profession will be the focus of this lesson The pre-service teacher gets appropriate qualification
to provide a clear view of professional practices for degree in the tertiary level in order to teach in either
purposes of comparison and development of mutual the elementary or secondary levels of the education
respect among countries. system in either the public or private school in a
particular country. In addition to the degree, most
countries have specific recruitment policies and
A. The Levels of Schooling as a Teaching Melieu
B. The Teacher Professional Across the Asean
1. Primary level is composed usually of
1. Academic Preparations of Teacher Professionals in
• Pre-primary (Play-school, Pre-K, Kindergarten) Basic Education The admission to pre-service teacher
education varies from the graduates of Grade 9 or
In the Philippines, the label primary level refers to Grade 12
elementary level.
➢ In remote places of Lao PDR, Indonesia, Myanmar
The elementary level has two sub-levels,
and Cambodia, pre- school, pre-primary of kindergarten
➢ the primary grades which include Kindergarten to future teachers can have 9 years of basic education
Grade 4 and (Grade 9) and get an advanced training for 3 years to
become teachers (9 yrs of basic education + 3 years
➢ the intermediate grades which include Grade 5 and teacher preparation) or 10 years of basic education plus
Grade 6. 3 years of teacher preparation.
2. Secondary level follows the primary level. Generally, ➢ For teachers of lower secondary level, future
across the ASEAN it is composed of teachers should have 12 years of basic education and 2
years of teacher preparation to earn a Diploma in
➢ Junior High School and ➢ the Senior High School.
variations in some countries such as
➢ For upper secondary level, the requirement is 12
➢ Lower Secondary level is three years with Grades 7, 8 years of basic education plus 4 to 5 years of teacher
and 9 while ➢ the Upper Secondary level is composed preparation to earn a Bachelor's degree.
of Grades 10, 11 and 12.
➢ However, for non-education degree graduates they
➢ In the Philippines, the can take the post graduate diploma in
Education/Teaching. This will mean an equivalent to 12
❖ Junior High School is composed of Grades 7, 8, 9, 10 years of basic education plus 4 to 5 years of
while ❖ Grades 11 and 12 belong to the Senior High Baccalaureate Degree plus one year of Graduate
school. Diploma.
12 years of formal schooling, divided into primary, lower 2. Components of Teacher Preparation
secondary and upper secondary levels.
Qualified, professionally trained, motivated and well
❖ All primary education levels are compulsory, supported teachers are the key to quality education.
The future teacher academic preparations should be
❖ while in some countries the secondary level is
responsive to this call. Common to all the ASEAN
voluntary except the Philippines.
countries, are four important components which are
❖ There is universal kindergarten and pre-school being addressed in the preparation of teachers:
education for all.
1. General knowledge and understanding - This cluster
❖ The number of years in the primary is from 5 to 6 of knowledge and understanding are embedded in the
years. general education or liberal arts education subjects in
college as preparatory to the core content subjects in
❖ The basic education levels of Elementary/Primary and the professional education.
the Secondary levels will provide the future jobs of
teacher education pre-service graduates. 2. Pedagogy - This component provides variety of
teaching delivery approaches beyond the traditional
3. Tertiary level is the college level which is beyond the methods of teaching. The more innovative methods
basic education in all the countries in the ASEAN. including...
It is the ladder of educational system where the student ➢ student-centered approaches,
earns a bachelor's degree in teacher education, which is
a requirement to take a licensure examination to ➢ cooperative learning,
become a professional teacher.
➢ project-based learning and
In the Philippines, the Technical Education and Skills
3. Teaching Practicum/Experiential Learning - In this
Development Authority. (TESDA) provides diploma and
cluster, knowledge, theories, principles and pedagogies
training certificates for lifelong learning. The agency also
learned are validated in real lifesituation as teachers. In ❖ On the other hand, in the secondary level, the
all ASEAN countries, teaching practicum and experiential teacher teaches the specific subject area or major area
learning are required as a component of training or for in the same level or in different grade levels, too.
certification to teach. (Immersion to the real world of
teaching / Practicum/ Teaching Internship) 2. Teacher Licensing and Recruitment

4. Specialized knowledge/ Major courses – Most teachers are licensed as professionals or are
certified to teach by the country's appropriate agencies.
➢ For those who will teach the content or discipline in Those who are not certified or licensed become para-
the upper professionals or assistant teacher.

elementary or the secondary levels, major content ➢ In the Philippines, it is the Professional Regulation
courses are learned. Commission (PRC)

➢ For the early years (pre-school to Grade 3, a more ➢ while in Singapore it is the National Institute for
comprehensive knowledge of child growth and Education (NIE).
development is given emphasis. (What to teach in
specific discipline or subject area} ➢ In Thailand, it is the Teacher Education Council
(Khurusapha) that gives a licensure test for teacher
C. The Teaching Profession Practices in the ASEAN1. applicants
Teacher's Major Responsibilities
➢ while in Indonesia, Akta IV teacher license is given by
1. Teacher's Major Responsibilities the teacher colleges for an authority to teach.
There are three major responsibilities of professional ➢ In other countries where no licensing is provided,
teachers across the different countries. These are: certification is issued instead. This is done by the
(1) Actual teaching, Ministry of Education or the teacher education colleges
or universities.
(2) Management of learning and
Teacher recruitment process and qualifications are
(3) Administrative work. guided by the Ministry of Education for the public
All these responsibilities have to be carried out in the schools and the individual private schools under the
teaching hours required which is guidance and policies of each country's ministry.

D. The Teacher and the Teaching Profession Beyond the

❖ 6-8 hours per day,
ASEAN "Benchmarking is learning the best from the
❖ 40-45 hours per week, best practices of the worlds' best educational
❖ 4 weeks per month and
These countries were included as samples in the 2013
❖ 10 months per year. Global Teacher Status Index.
• Actual Teaching - refers to the time of engagement of 1. China
the teacher with the learners. This happens within the
official teaching hours. - being the most populous country has over 200 million
students attending public schools taught by over 9
• Management of Learning - refers to activities that million teachers in the elementary, junior and senior
support the actual teaching. This can be beyond actual high schools.
teaching time like remediation or enhancement,
homework, or co-curricular activities. - The political and ideological orientation of teacher
education is "to cultivate cultured persons as teachers
• Administrative work - refers to the teachers' job that with lofty ideals, high morality, strong discipline, a sense
includes writing test items, checking and recording of of mission as educators, engineers of the human soul
test paper results, attending to parents, making reports and the gardeners of the nation's flowers" (Leung and
and other related activities. Hui, 2000)
Teaching in the public schools will also have a different - The first category is the gongban (state-paid) teachers
salary scale. In some countries, there are fringe benefits who earn salary comparable with other state employees
provided like hardship pay, maternity pay and other in state-owned enterprises. The second category is the
bonuses. minban (community-paid teachers who are paid by local
community depending on the community income.
❖ In the vertical team teaching, for example Elementary
Science will be taught by one science teacher from - •Super-grade teachers - highest level which occupy the
Grade 1 to Grade 6, upper level of 5% of the teaching force.
❖ while for the horizontal team teaching, science will • Senior-grade teachers occupy 6% of the teaching force
be taught by one teacher in one level with different in 1990 where most of the primary level teachers
sections or groups. belong.

• Third-grade teachers
•Second-grade teachers include the majority of the secondary level, without a Master's degree, the Second
secondary teachers. Class Certificate will be issued. In addition to the length
of study and degree qualifications, prospective teachers
• First-grade teachers - some of the newly hired primary
must earn a prescribed number, of credits in education
studies and in the subjects to be taught.
China's Teacher Licensing
The examinations are standardized for the secondary
The American Educational System has greatly influenced
teachers by the central government, while examination
the Philippine Educational System specifically the
for the elementary teachers are the responsibility of
making of the Filipino teacher. The coming of the first
each province.
American teachers called the Thomasites and the
Chinese Teachers Enjoy Unquestionable Authority opening of the normal schools in different provinces of
the country provided a very strong foundation for
The general assumption in the Chinese society is that teacher education. This section will present the current
the teacher tells the single and absolute truth, and the scenario about the hing profession in United States of
job of the students is to absorb the knowledge conveyed America.
by the teacher without question. While some subjects
like English or Mathematics provide opportunities to Becoming a Professional Teacher in the USA
practice, the structure of the lesson, their pace, and the
Pre-service students who are preparing to teach in any
nature of questioning is determined by the teacher.
of the above grade levels have to attend a college or a
2. JAPAN university for four years, major or minor in education
and earn a teaching certificate. It is possible to earn a
The Japanese education system is highly centralized and teaching degree after graduation by taking additional
is administered by the Mombusho or Ministry of courses post-baccalaureate or by entering a Master of
Education. The school system from kindergarten Arts in Teaching program.
through university serves about 24 million students,
with about ten percent (10%) going to the university. Earning Teaching Certificates. United States of America
About one-third go to the private schools and the rest has a decentralized educational system and each State
are enrolled in the public school system. The Japanese Education Agency (SEA) has its own guidelines and
educational system is sometimes seen as a model on requirements for earning and maintaining a teaching
how to operate schools. The system gives us a mental certificate. A teaching certificate earned in one state
picture of obedient, quiet school children sitting on their may or may not be recognized in another. There is an
increasing practice requiring that prospective teachers
desks, listening to the teacher and working hard to pass demonstrate some minimal level of competency by
the various entrance examinations. passing a competency test before they are allowed to
In Japan, education is free and compulsory for children enter the profession. This examination is the National
from 6 to 15 years. Classes are large and teaching Teacher Examination (NTE) or on Praxis I or Praxis II
methods are usually lectures. Japanese students spend written test. Many states, now require that teachers also
243 days a year in school. The school calendar is year- renew their certification by continuing to take "renewal
round with some breaks between sessions. credits." Permanent certification is granted if the
teacher performs adequately according to the standards
Teaching Profession in Japan established by the state.
Japanese teachers are an essential element in the Recruitment of Teachers. After following the successful
success story of the country. Major responsibilities are completion of an application process, a superintendent
entrusted upon the teachers for moral education and approves the applicant and then forwards a
character development and for instilling values, recommendation to hire to the local school board. Once
attitudes and living habits in students at all levels. signed, a teacher has a legally binding contract to work,
Teachers are expected to infuse cultural values unless guilty of a crime, fails to show teaching
throughout school activities including student's lives, competency, or demonstrates egregious professional
both in school or even at home and community. conduct. He/She is expected to complete teaching
Teacher Certification in Japan during the term of his/her contract, with exception for
pregnancy, medical leaves and unforeseen emergencies.
There are different legal requirements for certification
to teach in the pre-school, elementary school, lower Salaries of Teachers. The salary range for teachers is
secondary school and upper secondary school. determined by education and experience as by locale.
Teachers who have earned "masters plus 30 doctorate
First Class Certificate is issued to teach in the preschool, units" earn more than those with master's degrees,
elementary or secondary teachers with basic while teachers with master's degrees receive a higher
qualification of having earned a Bachelor's Degree. To salary than the bachelor's degree holder.
teach in the upper secondary level, the basic
qualification is a Master's degree. 3. The Changing Global Landscape for the 21st Century
Second Class Certificate has a basic qualification of 2
years of study (62 credit units) in a university or other This lesson is about the changing global landscape in
post-secondary institution. While to teach in the teaching and learning brought about by factors such as:
• the learning environment, specific discipline or subject area, subject matter of
learning has the following characteristics:
• content and processes of learning,
• integrated/Interdisciplinary;
• types of learners and
• demand-driven;
• other parameters of learning in the 21st century.
Further, this lesson will present how these changes will • emphasis on learning tools on how to retrieve
be addressed by the principles underpinning the knowledge; and
UNESCO's Pillars of Learning:
• balance of scientific, technological, cultural, global,
a. Learning to Know, local concepts.

b. Learning to Do, The New Processes of Learning and How These will be
c. Learning to Be and
• Face-to-Face - when learners and teachers are
d. Learning to Live Together
confined in the same learning space at the same time
from Delor's Report on Learning: The Treasure from with the teacher facilitating learning.
Within. (Unesco, 1992)
• Distance Learning - when teaching-learning is
A. THE CHANGING GLOBAL LANDSCAPE AND THE 21st mediated by traditional (modules in print) or modern
CENTURY SKILLS FOR TEACHERS technology (on-line or off-line) without the physical
presence of the teacher in a virtual class. It can be
➢ We are in an era of borderless "flat" world. Barriers synchronous or asynchronous.
have been broken by new information and
communication technologies. • Blended modalities - when teaching and learning is
facilitated through face-to-face or distance learning
➢ Globalization has opened doors that led nations to which enable to the teachers and to have both physical
co-exist and be interdependent. presence of physical absence in the teaching-learning
➢ However, the common future will still be more
dependent on the knowledge, skills and values of its • Experiential and lifelong - when learners are immersed
people, thus glocalization can be the response. into the real-life situation, such that learning becomes
more authentic and meaningful.
➢ As future teachers of the 21st century, there is an
urgent need to understand the new landscape that is The New Types of Learners
brought about by the changes in leaps and bounds of
The new breed of learners does not have age
the century.
boundaries. Learners maybe are in an informal, formal
➢ Furthermore, the development of the 21st century or informal setting. The new type of learner is:
skills is a necessary tool for teachers.
• a confident person who thinks independently and
➢ Without these 21st century tools, no teacher can critically and who communicates effectively;
• self-directed and who questions, reflects and takes
Zhou, 2006 as mentioned in SEAMEO, INNOTECH 2011, responsibility for his/her own learning;
identified some key categories of the different changes
• a concerned citizen, informed about the world and
and developments in the 21st century teaching and
local affairs, has a strong sense of civic responsibilities
learning. To understand the categories, we will attempt
and participates actively in improving the lives of others;
• a member of the new generation: pop-culture,
1. describe the new learning environment, 2. identify
different ways of thinking, responding.
the new learning contents, 3. explain the new processes
of learning and how these will be facilitated, 4. describe Furthermore, the new types of learners, are those
the new type of learners, and 5. describe the new type coming from
of teachers.
➢ diverse background,
The New Learning Environment. The idea of learning
environment has broadened from the confines of the ➢ multi-cultural, and
four walls the classroom to places and spaces that ➢ multi-generational
support learning. It is a place where interactions of the
learners among one another, with the teacher and the Life and career skills are enhanced in schools as part of
surroundings happen. It is characterized by the the learning outcomes. Life and career skills include the
following: • learner-centered, • new spaces and following: (www.; OECD, 2008).
borderless, • enhanced opportunity for creativity and
innovations, and • use of ICT.
• Flexibility and Adaptability
The New Learning Contents. With the new learning
environment and the explosion of knowledge, content ❖ Learners adapt to various roles, responsibilities and
or subject matter of learning has been modified. From a schedules.
❖ Despite the complex condition, they are able to do • Clear standards and accountability that their learners
different tasks at one time. should know and be able to do at the end of their
Recognition of this potential will give a signal to the
teacher to provide all learners the opportunities • Use broad pedagogies including inquiry-based
develop their individual potential of being adaptable learning, cooperative learning, other pedagogies;
and flexible. Rigidity runs counter to the development of
• Skillful in the integration of ICT in pedagogy;
this skill.
• Initiative and Self-direction
❖ A self-directed learner demonstrates life and career WITHIN
When Jaques Delor wrote a report for the UNESCO
❖ Goals are set and managed by themselves. entitled: Learning: A Treasure from Within, it was
because he believes that "within each child lies a
❖ There is a commitment to learning as a lifelong treasure." (Delors, 1996). The four pillars are seamlessly
process. linked to each other.

❖ Many of the young learners are capable of doing LEARNING TO KNOW.

things without being told.
• This implies thirst for knowledge and acquisition of
• Social and Cross-cultural skills such knowledge.

This life and career skills require • More so, it is learning how to learn throughout one's
❖ learners to respect cultural differences and
• After completing formal education, there should be a
❖ work effectively with others, great desire to gain more understanding of the world
Disrespect may spring from ignorance and bias. To be and other people.
able to appreciate the mores, tradition, history of • Being literate is always related to being
others, one needs to be open and willing to knowledgeable. Thus, the definition of the word literacy
accommodate and compromise. evolved through time.
• Productivity and Accountability How is Literacy Defined?
❖ Individuals who possess these skills are able to • In 1958, UNESCO defined literate as one who can, with
produce results. understanding, both read and write a short simple
statement on his or her everyday life.
❖ They respect teamwork and cooperation.
• However, in 1970, a functionally literate person is one
❖ They manage time very well and can do multitask.
who can engage in all the activities to use reading,
• Leadership and Responsibility writing and calculation for the community's
❖ Good leaders use interpersonal and problem-solving
skills with integrity and ethical behavior to influence and • Further on, in 2000 literacy was defined as the ability
guide others. to read and write with understanding a simple
statement related to one's daily life.
❖ Leadership and responsibility are life skills that should
be developed by all learners and teachers. • It involves a continuum of reading and writing skills
and often includes, numeracy.
❖ Leadership is not assigned, it is earned. As the saying
goes: "Leaders are born, but they can also be made." However, the UNESCO international expert meeting in
2003, redefined literacy as
• the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,
As teachers are currently preparing students for jobs communicate and compute using printed and written
and technologies that don't even exist yet, the challenge materials associated with varying contexts.
then is to produce the new type of teachers. Teachers
for the 21st century learners teach • Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling
➢ within the context of new environment
➢ to achieve their goals,
➢ new content or knowledge and
➢ to develop their knowledge and potential, and
➢ new processes of teaching and learning.
➢ to participate fully in their community and wider
new type of teachers must possess the following society.
The Arts and Creativity - Creativity and innovation are
21st century skills, thus in solving problems and creating
art works are part of this literacy.
Ecoliteracy- Acquisition of knowledge about climate All the pillars are interrelated with each other as basic
change, pollution, loss of natural habitats and principles. One pillar will not function if it stands alone.
biodiversity. Solutions on how these environmental There is a need to connect in order to address the 21st
problems could be addressed must be practiced. century demands for teaching and learning.

Cyberliteracy/ Digital Literacy (Informatiom and ICT

Knowledge) - Being in the rapid changes in the use of
technology for teaching and learning, teachers and
learners need to develop and enhance the use of digital
gadgets whether on-line or off-line.

Financial Literacy - Basic knowledge about the basics of

economics and financial management. This is necessary
for every learner and teacher to be able to handle
income, expenses, and investments to be economically

Media Literacy - Teachers and learners must learn how

to discern about any information which are transmitted
via various forms and media.

Social/Emotional Literacy - Knowledge about social

dimensions and social skills that are appropriate in the
context of society. Emotional intelligence must also be
developed to be able to effectively manage the stresses
due to the changing environments of the 21st century

Globalization and Multi-cultural Literacy - If you respect

multi-cultural diversity, aware of the global trends,
acknowledge differences and similarities, respect each
other's dignity, then you are multi-cultural literate.


How can the knowledge and the methods be

incorporated and enhanced towards the development
of skills?

➢ To apply knowledge, one must have the 21st century


➢ Qualifications now is equated to skills and not to

knowledge alone. Can the knowledge gained be
translated to application?

➢ Learning by doing is a pragmatist's view of life.

➢ Knowledge acquired is nothing unless applied in daily



One of the most difficult things to do among the pillars

is Learning to Be.

➢ It implies developing the potentials of each


➢ Continuing education must improve self-knowledge

and self-esteem.


This refers to the relationships among people.

➢ It is bringing in together a community to work


➢ to live in peace and prosperity and

➢ to show respect and concern for others.

2. know and integrate global dimensions in the subject
one teaches;

3. engage students in learning;

4. use real-life local and global examples;

5. value the inputs of culturally and linguistically diverse

6. create environment that encourage positive cross-
Are qualified teachers, really quality teachers? Teacher
cultural interactions;
quality matters. Most educators and policy makers
agree that one of the most important school-related 7. model social responsibility in local and global context;
factors influencing student achievement and outcomes and
is teacher quality. (Rice 2003) It has been found out to
8. help learners find appropriate actions to improve
be the best predictor of students’ outcomes (Rivkin,
local and global conditions.
Hanushek and Kain, 1998 and Rice, 2003).
TEACHER QUALITY is a bit difficult to define.
One of the biggest challenges of ensuring teacher
quality is the attractiveness of teaching profession. The • For some countries like the US, it has shifted its
teaching profession is not as attractive as the other definition of teacher quality
professions that is why it does not always get the best
material. This is a cause of concern in many countries ➢ from the possession of a credential or certification
around the world, as exemplified in the Global Teacher ➢ to what students know and are able to do with what
Status in 2013. they were taught by their teachers (Teacher Quality,
A. Quality Teachers and Teacher Quality Defined 2013).

• Quality teachers are characterized by the different • The OECD has proposed in the discussion table that
skills needed in the 21st century education. the core elements of the teacher-quality standards
should include:
• Partnership 21 identified themes that are relevant to
the changing times. ❖ Planning and Preparation: including knowledge of
content and pedagogy, knowledge of students, coherent
These are instructional plans, and knowledge on how to assess
(1) Global awareness, student learning;

(2) Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial ❖ Classroom environment: including creating a culture
Literacy, for learning and managing student behavior,

(3) Civic Literacy and ❖ Instruction: including communicating effectively,

using appropriate discussion techniques, engaging
(4) Health Literacy.
students, and providing responsive feedback to learners;
Also included are knowledge and values. and

Learning and Innovation Skills Framework include ❖ Professional responsibilities: including reflecting on
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and teaching, communicating with families, contributing to
Innovation and Communication and Collaboration and the school and community and developing
Technology Skills professionally. (Teacher Quality, 2013)

➢ Information, Media and Technology Skills • The teaching profession needs to have standards in a
Framework include Information Literacy, Media Literacy, way that other professions have to advance its status.
ICT (Information, Communications & Technology
• These should be developed and owned by the
teachers themselves like in Finland, Sweden and
➢ Life and Career Skills Framework include Flexibility Denmark.
and Adaptability, Initiative and Self-direction, Social and • In other countries, teacher standards for teacher
Cross-cultural Skills, Productivity and Accountability, and quality are set at the national or state levels but with
Leadership and Responsibility, which were discussed consideration for local flexibility in the implementation.
thoroughly in the previous lesson.
In summary,
QUALITY TEACHERS are competent teachers.
• quality teachers are defined by their attributes and
• Teachers with global competence are able to characteristics
demonstrate knowledge, skills, values and dispositions
as described below: • while teacher quality is defined by the standards set
for the profession and are validated by the students
1. understand one's own cultural identity and its learning outcomes.
influence on personal dispositions and classroom
B. The Competency Framework for Teachers in • Based on the level of education as PQF Level 6, the
Southeast Asia (CFT SEA) PQF describes the career path for baccalaureate degree
programs including teacher education, degrees.
In collaboration with the Thailand's Teacher Education
Council, SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) and the SEAMEO • All graduates from the baccalaureate degrees are
Regional Center for Educational Innovation and expected to exhibit outcomes as described in the table
Technology (INNOTECH) initiated the Competency below.
Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia which was
PQF 6 Level of Outcomes PQF 6 Descriptor of Outcomes
developed in 2017. The purpose was
Knowledge, Skills and Values - Graduates possess a
❖ to revitalize teacher education and
broad level of coherent knowledge and skills in their
❖ to promote teaching as a profession of first choice by field of study for professional work (teaching) and
professionalizing 'teachers' pre-service and in-service lifelong learning.
development using this Regional Competency Application (of Knowledge, Skills and Values) -
Framework as a guide. Application of professional work (teaching) in a broad
Competencies as defined in the framework are a range of discipline and/or for further study.
combination of skills, knowledge, behavior and Degree of Independence- Independent (as a teacher)
attributes that enable effective or superior job and/ or in teams of related field.
performance. This Competency Framework for Teachers
is a guide to improve teachers' performance across the What are the purposes of the Philippine Qualifications
region. Framework?

• There are four (4) essential competencies and • The PQF is a legal document that adopts national
standards and levels for outcomes of education in the
• 12 general competencies in the framework. country.
• There are 31 enabling competencies and • It assists individuals to move easily between different
• 136 success descriptors. education and training sectors and the labor market.

The enabling competencies are a set of performance • Further, the PQF aligns the international qualifications
criteria with success descriptors that describe for full recognition of the value of Philippine
observable behaviors expected for teachers to perform Qualifications.
in a high level. When used, this guide will promote • Also, the PQF will be used as the basis for accrediting
common standards of performance among teachers certificates and licenses recognized by the government.
across Southeast Asia.
D. Philippines Professional Standards for Teachers
Four Essential Competencies (PPST)
1. Knowing and understanding what to teach. It is the • Based on the Teacher Education and Development
ability of teachers to deepen and broaden their Map in 2006,
knowledge on what to teach, understand education
trends, policies and curricula and be updated on local, • Philippine Teacher Education is defined as a lifelong
national, regional and global developments. journey

2. Helping students to learn. It is the ability to know ➢ from entry to basic education in the DepEd
students, use the most effective teaching and learning
strategies, assess and give feedback on how students ➢ to entry to Teacher Education Institutions of the
learn. CHED

3. Engaging the community. It is the ability to partner ➢ to licensing as professional teachers of the PRC
with parents and caregivers, involve the community to ➢ to employment to DepEd with attestation of the Civil
help students learn, and encourage respect and Service or private basic education.
• In both public or private education, a newly recruited
4. Becoming a better teacher everyday. This is the ability teacher undergoes a Teacher Induction Program TIP) led
to know oneself and others, practice human goodness by the Teacher Education Council (TEC) and the private
and then master the teaching practice. institutions are assisted by the Private Education
C. The Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) Assistance Council (PEAC).

• As part of the ASEAN convergence and in the light of • While in service the professional teacher continues
globalization each country in the ASEAN, the Philippines professional development through trainings by the duly
adopts national standards and levels for outcomes in authorized service providers of the PRC or shall continue
education. professional development through advancement in
education (Masters' or Doctorate) or other activities on
• This is called the Philippine Qualifications Framework their own.
(PQF) which is provided by law. (RA 10968, s. 2018).
• The continuing professional development continues advice and assistance from their peers and experienced
until the person retires from employment or continues colleagues to continuously improve their teaching.
to practice the profession in another capacity.
To sum-up the Career Stage 1
• In the middle of this professional lifelong cycle, are the
professional teacher standards, known before as ➢ Career Stage 1 or Beginning Teachers have gained the
qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching

➢ They have a strong understanding of the

subjects/areas in which they
➢ National Competency Based Teacher Standards
(NCBTS, 2006) and now known the Philippines are trained in terms of content knowledge and
Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST, 2017, DepEd pedagogy.
Order 42, s. 2017).
➢ They possess the requisite knowledge, skills and
➢ Both are frameworks for teacher quality. values that support the teaching and learning process.

➢ The PPST, 2017 define teacher quality in a broader ➢ They manage learning programs and have strategies
perspective agreed to the current demands and changes that promote learning based on the learning needs of
in the educational local and global landscape to include their students.
the reforms of K to 12, the Outcomes-Based Education
of Higher Education, the ASEAN integration, the ➢ They seek advice from experienced colleagues to
UNESCO's SDGs 2030 and the Ambisyon Natin 2040. consolidate their teaching practice.

• Being responsible for the pre-service development of DOMAIN 1: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PEDAGOGY
teachers, teacher education institutions have a
responsibility of graduating students with PQF 6
qualifications and to master the PPST Beginning Teacher
Standards as well as the Program Outcomes of the
CHED's PSG for teacher education (CMO 74-82, s. 2017).

• The mastery of the beginning teacher competencies is

an expectation of the teaching industry in basic

There are seven (7) Domains in the PPST. The seven

domains, collectively comprise

37 strands to refer to more specific dimensions of

teacher practice.

Each strand is calibrated according to the professional

development scale or as described

• Career Stage 1: Beginning Teachers. Newly qualified to

teach as professional teachers are the beginning

• They have acquired an appropriate degree in DOMAIN 2: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT

education or allied fields and

have passed the licensure examination for professional


• They are assumed to have competencies in terms of

➢ content,

➢ knowledge and

➢ pedagogy,

➢ as well as the 21st century skills and values to

support teaching and learning.

• They can manage learning and have strategies that

enable learners to enhance learning through their

• However, since they are new to the teaching

profession, Beginning Teachers are expected to seek
abuse and child labor
3.5 Learners from 3.5.1 Demonstrate
indigenous groups knowledge of
teaching strategies that are
inclusive of
learners from indigenous

4.1 Planning and 4.1.1 Prepare
management of developmentally
teaching and learning sequenced teaching and
process learning
process to meet
4.2 Learning outcomes 4.2.1 Identify learning
aligned with outcomes that
learning competencies are aligned with learning
4.3 Relevance and 4.3.1 Demonstrate
responsiveness of knowledge in the
learning programs implementation of
relevant and
responsive learning
4.4 Professional 4.4.1 Seek advice
DOMAIN 3: DIVERSITY OF LEARNERS collaboration to enrich concerning strategies
teaching practice that can enrich teaching
for BEGINNING TEACHERS 4.5 Teaching and 4.5.1 Show skills in the
learning resources selection,
3.1 Learners’ gender, 3.1.1 Demonstrate including ICT development and use of
needs, strengths, knowledge and variety of
interests and experiences understanding of teaching and learning
differentiated teaching
to suit the learner’s gender, DOMAIN 5: ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING
strengths, interest and STRANDS COMPETENCY
experiences INIDICATORS for
3.2 Learners' linguistic, 3.2.1 Implement teaching
cultural, socio- strategies that 5.1 Design, selection, 5.1.1 Demonstrate
economic and religious are responsive to the organization and knowledge of the
backgrounds learner’s linguistic, utilization of assessment design, selection,
cultural, socio-economic strategies organization and use of
and religious diagnostic, formative
backgrounds and summative
assessment strategies
3.3 Learners with 3.3.1 Use strategies consistent with
disabilities, giftedness responsive to curriculum
and talents learners with disabilities, requirements.
giftedness and 5.2 Monitoring and 5.2.1 Demonstrate
talents evaluation of learner knowledge of
3.4 Learners in difficult 3.4.1 Demonstrate progress and monitoring and
circumstances understanding of the achievement evaluation of learner
special educational needs progress and
of learners in achievement using
difficult circumstances, learner
including attainment data
geographic isolation; 5.3 Feedback to improve 5.3.1 Demonstrate
chronic illness; learning knowledge of
displacement due to armed providing timely,
conflict, accurate, and
urban resettlement or constructive feedback to
disasters, child improve
learner performance a profession behaviors that
5.4 Communication of 5.4.1 Demonstrate uphold the dignity of
learner needs, familiarity with a teaching
progress and range of strategies for profession by exhibiting
achievement to key communicating qualities such
stakeholders learner needs, progress as caring attitude,
and respect and integrity
achievement 7.3 Professional links 7.3.1 Seek opportunities
with colleagues to establish
5.5 Use of assessment 5.5.1 Demonstrate an professional links with
data to enhance understanding of colleagues.
teaching and learning the role of assessment 7.4 Professional 7.4.1 Demonstrate an
practices and data as feedback reflection and learning understanding of
programs in teaching and learning to improve practice how professional
practices and reflection and learning
programs. can be used to improve
7.5 Professional 7.5.1 Demonstrate
DOMAIN 6: COMMUNITY LINKAGES AND development goals motivation to realize
development goals
on the Philippine
Professional Standards
6.1 Establishment of 6.1.1 Demonstrate an
for Teachers.
learning understanding of
environments that are knowledge of learning
responsive to environments
community contexts that are responsive to
6.2 Engagement of 6.2.1 seek advice
parents and the concerning strategies
wider school community that build relationships
in the with parents/
educative process guardians and the wider
6.3 Professional ethics 6.3.1 Demonstrate
awareness of existing
laws and regulations
that apply to the
teaching profession, and
familiar with
responsibilities specified
the Code of Ethics for
6.4 School policies and 6.4.1 Demonstrate
procedures knowledge and
understanding of school
policies and
procedures to foster
relationship with the
wider school

7.1 Philosophy of 7.1.1 Articulate a
teaching personal philosophy of
teaching that is learner-
7.2 Dignity of teaching as 7.2.1 Demonstrate

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