Com Networks Assignment 1
Com Networks Assignment 1
Com Networks Assignment 1
Fig: 1
1 3 4
Fig: 2
Fig: 3
Each node on the rout takes T time to process and transmit cach packet. Transmission of each
packet on a link corrupts the packet with probability (I -p).
(a) Compute on an average (say it is E) how many times a packet is transmitted on a link for it to
be transmitted successfully. Then if on each link each packet has to be received successfully
before transmission to the next link, on an average, end-to-end, from A to B, a packet needs
to be transmitted KE times. Thus average time to transmit end-to-end successfully is KET.
(b) Suppose, now we use only end-to-end errOr correction: Each packet is transmitted from A
toB (over K links) without any eror correction/detectionon the way. Only after the packet
reaches B. it willbe tested on CRC to check if it is received correctly. If not,it is retransmitted
by A tillitis received correctly by B.Let in this case the time to process and transmit a packet
on cach node is T2 and it is less than 7Ë. Compute the overall time for successful transmission
by this protocol. Show that for p close o 1, the average time taken now is less than in part
(c) Ifat endof (b), K = 10, T; = 50 msec, T; =3 msec, how small (1 - p) should be such that
the delay computed in (b) is less than in (a)?