Design and Simulation of An Automatic Room Heater Control System

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Design and simulation of an automatic room heater control system

Article in Heliyon · June 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00655


2 5,442

5 authors, including:

Murtala Zungeru Adamu M. Mangwala

Botswana International University of Science and Technology Botswana International University of Science and Technology


Joseph Chuma
Botswana International University of Science and Technology


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1 February 2018
Design and simulation of an
7 May 2018
11 June 2018
automatic room heater control
Cite as:
Adamu Murtala Zungeru,
Mmoloki Mangwala,
Joseph Chuma,
Baboloki Gaebolae,
Bokamoso Basutli. Design
Adamu Murtala Zungeru∗, Mmoloki Mangwala, Joseph Chuma, Baboloki Gaebolae,
and simulation of an
automatic room heater control Bokamoso Basutli
Heliyon 4 (2018) e00655. Department of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, Botswana International University of
doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018. Science and Technology, Private Bag 16, Palapye, Botswana

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M. Zungeru).


This paper presents the design and simulation of an Automatic Room Heater
Control system. This system allows the user to set a desired temperature which
is then compared to the room temperature measured by a temperature sensor.
With the help of a microcontroller, the system responds by turning ON any of
the two (2) loads (Fan or a heater) automatically depending on the temperature
difference. The Fan is triggered ON when the room temperature is higher than
the set temperature and the heater is triggered ON when the room temperature is
lower than the set temperature. The system was designed and simulated using
Proteus 8, circuit building software used for building electronics system. Proteus
software was used to design and simulate the main circuit, and Micro-C hex file
was loaded on the Proteus schematic design. For coding the PIC Microcontroller,
Micro-C compiler was used. A 5 V DC power supply was designed in order to
provide a biasing voltage to most of the active devices used in the system design
circuit. The DC power supply was designed and simulated using Multisim
software. The system was simulated and simulation results were in accordance to
the design specifications.

Keyword: Electrical engineering
2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Article Nowe00655

1. Introduction
With the advancement of technology, automation has become part of our lives.
A home is usually the most occupied place in any culture. Areas in the home that
are usually occupied by people, such as the living room and bedrooms need to be
maintained within habitable temperature ranges. These issues become more perti-
nent in areas of the home that are occupied by infants. Adults could possibly find
their way around “thermal discomforts”, but infants may not. Other areas of the
home that are used as storage areas for perishable food items also need to be ther-
mally regulated in order to prevent accelerated decay of such items. This makes it
necessary the need for a Temperature Control System within the home.

The idea of programmed room heater control systems goes back in the eighteenth
century and this thought was first secured in Norman School, Oklahoma by an
educator named Warren S. Johnson [1]. Before that time, Janitors were compelled
to go in every classroom to check the temperature of the classes, and after that, con-
trol the dampers in the S-basement in like manner. Johnson looked for an approach
to end, or possibly limit the classroom intrusions of the janitors and increment the
solace level of the understudies [1]. The Automatic Temperature Control System
was to meet this very need which prompts Warren S. Johnson stopping instructing
and beginning his electric administration organization which was gone for outlining
programmed control systems. Warren S. Johnson initially built up the pneumatic
temperature control framework which took into account temperature control on a
room by room premise in structures and homes. By the mid twentieth century the
Automatic Temperature Control System creation ended up noticeably famous in en-
terprises and homes. As of late, a considerable measure of work is being finished by
organizations in this field. A great deal of automatic room heater system business
items is promptly accessible in the market and this includes devices such as AIR-
CONS [1].

Weather is forever varying and changes on short intervals, and as a result, the
external conditions always have an influence on the indoor conditions. The temper-
ature control systems that are currently in use have limitations. One of these limita-
tions is that the user has to adjust the system every time the external conditions
change. This is very tiring and proves out not to be an effective way of controlling
temperature of a room. Also, disabled people get to face a lot challenges when they
want to operate temperature control system in their houses because this systems
require them to use physical contact or some hand remote devices to operate
them. To reduce the need to do this, a system that works automatically needs to
be put in place.

This paper presents an automatic room heater control system. This is an air-
conditioning system which monitors the room temperature and controls the

2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Article Nowe00655

circulation of fresh air inside the room without human intervention. This design uses
a microcontroller and a temperature sensor to monitor and control the temperature of
a room. At first, the user will have to set the system temperature to a reference value
that he or she wants to maintain in that room. The temperature sensor will then sense
the surrounding temperature and communicates with the microcontroller. The micro-
controller reads the temperature every 10 s and compares it with the desired value. If
the measured value is less than the desired value, then the heater will be automati-
cally triggered ON to warm up the temperature of the room until it returns back to
the desired value and turns OFF. Also, if the measured value is greater than the
desired value, then the Fan will be automatically triggered ON to cool up the tem-
perature of the room until it returns back to the desired value and turns OFF. This
work tends to design a simple but efficient system to solve a complex system. The
need for simple and cost effective system tends towards the aspect of engineering
design that looks into simple solutions that solve complex systems and also mini-
mizing cost of designing a system by minimizing equipment and components in
design. This is an aspect of the 10 Principles of Sustainable and Cost-Effective
Design [2].

2. Related work
In the past few years, the need for automation has increased and has been widely
applied to cooling and heating systems. There are plenty of commercial temperature
control systems which can be bought from manufacturers or from inventors, and
also, quite a lot of work have been published in this area. Our work is similar to
the work in [3], if the measured value is greater than the desired value, the cooler/
fan will be turned ON to cool the room temperature back to the normal set point
and turns OFF once it is at that set point [3]. But it differs in the sense that, our
work take into account, the ease of programming the microcontroller and user-
friendliness by using keypad to enter a reference value. Hence, there is no need
for experts after first programming of the microcontroller, thus, our system can be
used by any one. In [4], Ian Bell invented a self-programmable heating and cooling
system, which is based on temperature control system. This system is not easy to
operate as it has to be interfaced with a computer anytime the re-programming is
needed. In a related invention [5], R.E. Hedges invented an automatic temperature
control systems intended at automatically controlling the temperature of an object,
a part thereof, or a region so as to continuously maintain the said temperature at a
constant value. In his design, the temperature control system can only control a sin-
gle heat source; however, it is difficult to attain temperature control having simulta-
neously and in combination of the desirable features of large capacity, high response,
and accuracy. M. R. Levine [6] invented an automatic temperature adjusting system
for an air conditioner room. The automatic temperature adjusting system for the air

2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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conditioner room was made simple in operation and was capable of monitoring the
temperature of the human body at any time in the air conditioner room and transmits
the corresponding signals to the air conditioner in time, and then the air conditioner
conducts adjustment, so that health of people is guaranteed. However, this is also one
time programming and it is needed to be interfaced with the computer anytime re-
programming is needed, hence, the operation of the system becomes complex.
Although a number of similar temperature control system, “do-it-yourself” temper-
ature control designs have recently been published [5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16], these designs are not easy to use in term of programming and temperature
adjustment. The systems work on the benefits of using temperature adjustable and
fan temperature control systems. These systems are either one time programmable
or need analog adjustment which is not accurate and more difficult to use. More
recent, real time based temperature control using Arduino [17] was published.
The system uses Arduino based on ATMEL 89C51, which is just one of the appli-
cation of Arduino, hence, not original design work, more expensive, and time
consuming as one is needed to first learn the Arduino IDE. The system is also not
simple in terms of operation as it does not provide the user a pad to change the refer-
ence temperature, hence, the system is just like the former that required computer
interfacing for programming any time the reference temperature is needed to be
changed. The system is similar to the ones presented by the authors in [18,19]
that are also not easy to learn and use.

Other works based on temperature control do exist in different areas and different
applications. Such work such as electric cable interference temperature monitoring
in power transmissions [20], server room temperature measurement using Bluetooth
embedded system [21], control system for communication room using wireless tem-
perature monitoring system [22] and temperature sensor and Zigbee based temper-
ature measurement [23,24] do exist. These systems have the same problem of cost
as well as the need for experts in re-programming.




Fig. 1. Block diagram showing the major parts of the system.

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3. Materials and methods

3.1. The automatic room heater control system
The Automatic Room Heater Control System comprises of three (3) main subsys-
tems: Power supply unit, the Sensor unit and the Control/Switching unit as shown
in the system block diagram in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 consists of six (6) different blocks, each housing several components: Trans-
mitter and Receiver subsystems. The sensor block consists of a temperature sensor


Initialize variables, keypad

and LCD

Display automatic room

heater control system

Prompt the user to enter

reference temperature

Read the voltage value from

the sensor

Display the sensor

temperature value and the
reference value

Prompt the user to enter #

in order to continue

No Is reference temp < Yes

Fan switched on Heater switched on
room temp


Fig. 2. System flow chart.

2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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(LM35), the user defined input consists of a keypad, the comparator or control unit
which is basically the heart of the system that consists of the microcontroller. Gener-
ally, the system circuit comprises of the PIC16F877A micro-controller, LM35 tem-
perature sensor, LCD display, Crystal oscillator, 4 by 3 keypad for display,
2 transistors for switching purpose, 2 relays also used to support the transistor in
the switching effect, a bulb modelled as a heater and a DC fan. The microcontroller
is clocked by the crystal oscillator as it does not have an internal clock. Connected to
the microcontroller is a temperature sensor LM 35 which measures the room temper-
ature and give the value reading to the microcontroller. The 2 loads of the microcon-
troller switched on and off by the relays. The relays are not directly connected to the
microcontroller but rather transistors as switches are place in between the microcon-
troller and the relay to prevent the relay from damaging the microcontroller. The re-
sistors connected in every component of the system are used to limit the amount of
current passing to that particular component. The LCD is connected to the microcon-
troller for displaying the data feed into the microcontroller. Fig. 2 gave the logical
operation of the automatic room heater control system (flow chart). The brightness
of LCD is controlled by the variable resistor as shown in Fig. 4. The complete list of
the materials used for the system is shown in Table 1 as:

Table 1. List of materials.

Name of Component Description

Step down transformer 20:1 (240/12 V, 1000 mA)

Rectifier Diode 1N4001*4
Resistors 220 U, 1 kU *2
Voltage regulators 7805, 7812
LEDs Red *2 and Green *2
Electrolyte capacitor 3300 mF and 4700 mF
Switch On and off push button
PIC16F877A microcontroller PIC16F877A microcontroller
Crystal Oscillator 8 MHz Crystal Oscillator
Temperature sensor LM 35 Temperature sensor
Relay (12 V, 3 pin relay)*2
Transistor BC108*2
Light Bulb 60 Watts, 240 V
DC Fan 12 V DC Fan
Resistor (10 K)*6
LCD Display LM016L (16*2) LCD Display
Keypad 4*3 Keypad
Variable Resistor 10 kU
Reset push button Micro switch
Capacitor 22 pF

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3.2. Power supply

The power supply was designed considering the available resources while meeting
the design specifications. Most of the components operates on 5 V DC, while relays
operating at 12 V were used, hence the need to step down the normal power supply
voltage from mains (Approx. 240 V AC), to a reasonably voltage that will have to be
rectified (convert to DC) and further filter to remove unwanted pulsation. The 240 V
AC power was stepped down to 12 V AC (12 V RMS value wherein the peak value
is around 17 V) as can be seen from the calculation that follows, the 17 V was further
regulated using a voltage regulator (LM7805) to 5 V and (LM7812) to 12 V. A trans-
former of turn ratio of 20:1 was used after calculation for the purpose of stepping
down the voltage and rectifier diodes (IN4001) were also used for rectification.
Equations (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) give the process of obtaining a smooth DC signal

From the turn ratio and power supply relationship of a transformer;

NP VP NP 240 20
¼ ; i:e ¼ ¼ ¼ 20 : 1 ð1Þ
NS VS NS 12 1

VRMS ¼ VS ¼ 12V ð2Þ

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
VP ¼ VS  2 ¼ 12  2 ¼ 16:9705z17V ð3Þ

Assuming a ripple voltage of 20%

dv ¼  17 ¼ 3:4V ð4Þ

1 1
df ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:01
2f 100

1  0:01
C1 ¼ ¼ 2:94  103 F ð5Þ

A preferred value of 3300 mF was however employed for the filtering of the assumed
ripples as the value is higher than the calculated value, hence will filter much more
than expected. Fig. 3 shows the designed power supply circuit and the results gotten
from simulation.

3.3. Sensing unit

This section of the system uses a temperature sensor (LM35). A temperature sensor
is a device that is temperature sensitive, and it responds to changes in temperature.
For the calibration of the temperature sensor, we use the linear modelling approach.
As it was used as a basic temperature sensor, any change in temperature by 1  C is

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Fig. 3. Power supply circuit.

converted to 10 mV. The maximum voltage readout of the temperature sensor was 1
V corresponding to 100  C. This was then used as a reference in programming the
microcontroller. LM35 feed the microcontroller with an analog temperature voltage
that is measured from the room. This analog signal is then converted to digital signal
in the microcontroller because the microcontroller can only interpret digital data. LM
35 is connected to PORT A on the micro-controller because PORTA is Analog input
pin by default. Although, the general relationship (Equations (6) and (7)) between
the voltages drop at the pin 2 of the microcontroller gotten from the temperature
sensor and the sensed temperature by the LM35-temperature sensor is given by [25]:
100 C
Temperature ð CÞ ¼ Vout ð6Þ

Vout ¼ Temperature ð CÞ  ð7Þ
100 C

Where VT is the supply voltage and Vout , is the output voltage of the LM35 temperature

Though, from our code, we have declared how this temperature is going to be read
and converted.

3.4. Control/switching unit

The Control/Switching unit houses the microcontroller which receives temperature
status from the sensor unit. This unit consists of microcontroller, which uses PIC

2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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16F877A microcontroller due to its reduced instruction set computer design. This also
make it code extremely efficient, allowing the PIC to run with typically less program
memory than its larger competitors such as 8081 based microcontrollers. It is also low
cost in addition to its high clock speed. Other components and devices in this unit are:
two (2) transistors and two (2) relays to switch ON and/or OFF a fan and or a heater. At
first the user is prompted to input reference temperature that he or she wants to main-
tain in their room. The temperature sensor will then measure the surrounding temper-
ature and communicates the value to the microcontroller. The microcontroller reads
the temperature every 10 s and compares it with the reference value. If the measured
value is less than the reference value, then the heater will be automatically be triggered
ON to warm up the room until it returns back to the reference value and turns OFF the
heater. If the measured value is greater than the reference value, the cooler/fan will be
turned ON to cool the room back to the reference temperature and turns OFF once it’s
at that reference point again. The measured room temperature from the Temperature
Sensor is analog in nature. The microcontroller has an in built Analog-to-Digital
(A/D) converter which convert the analog signal into digital signal because the micro-
controller is a digital device, and can only work with binary numbers. As shown in
Fig. 2, is the system flow chart. The Pseudocode that leads to the coding of the micro-
controller is as show in Pseudocode 1:


Initialize ports and variables

Read Temp from the analog sensor
Input Reference Temp
If Temp Ref is less than actual Temp, Switch ON Heater
If Temp Ref is greater than actual Temp, Switch ON Fan

The microcontroller was programmed using C language and the program was
compiled using Micro C compiler. The code used as starting code before modifica-
tion can be found in [26,27]. Micro C automatically generates the hexadecimal file
(HEX) which was later exported into the Proteus file for simulation. Other aspect of
the switching unit is the base biasing of the transistor.

Also, considering the switching circuit and to get a proper base biasing voltage of
approximately 0.7 V since silicon based semiconductor, noting that the current
from the output of the PIC16F877A microcontroller of output high and low voltages
at source and sink currents of 7e8.5 mA (source) and 2.5e3.0 mA (sink), we can get
the minimum value of current limiting resistor at the base of the transistor that will
guarantee a base voltage of 0.7 V using Equations (8) and (9) as:

2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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Vb ¼ Ib  Rb ð8Þ

This implies that,

Vb 0:7
Rb ¼ ¼ ¼ 280U ð9Þ
Ib 2:5  103

For a wider protection, we choose an appropriate value of 10 kU, since the minimum
value to be used as gotten from the Equation (9) is 280 U. The complete circuit di-
agram showing all the design work of this value is shown in Fig. 4.

4. Results and discussion

We have conducted testing of our designed system (Automatic Room Heater Control
system) via simulation using Proteus and Multisim software. From Fig. 3, it is seen
that the calculated results agreed with the simulation results. From PR2 in Fig. 3, it is
seen that VRMS ¼ 9:76V, though the value not exactly equal to the calculated result,
but approximately equal to the value. If we then compare the peak voltage of the
simulation result, (16.8 V), the value is approximately equal to the calculated value
of 17 V as can be seen in Equation (3). As can be seen from the Fig. 3, U1 and U4
gave þ12 V and þ5 V respectively when deployed voltage regulators (LM7812 and

Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the sensed temperature by the temperature
sensor (LM35), and the output voltage, which is fed to pin 2 of the microcontroller

Fig. 4. Circuit diagram of Automatic Room Heater Control showing all components of the system.

2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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Fig. 5. Result of sensed temperature and the output voltage of the temperature sensor.

for the control purpose of the fan or heater system. As can be seen, the relationship is
linear and one can easily control the output of the microcontroller via the output
voltage of the temperature sensor.

In Fig. 6, we shows the result of a user prompted to enter reference temperature. The
microcontroller reads the temperature every 10 s and compares it with the reference
value. As can be seen, both RL1 and RL2 are disconnected from Lamp (L1) and the
fan as loads. In Fig. 7, user entered 12 as the reference temperature, which is higher
than the room temperature (9.27  C), as can be seen from temperature sensor
(LM35). But in this case, the microcontroller had not sent any signal to both loads
since the user has not press the hash key to enter the value (12). For Fig. 8, the room

Fig. 6. Result of User prompted to enter a reference temperature.

2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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Fig. 7. Result of User entered 12 as the reference temperature.

temperature measured by the TEMP sensor is 9.27  C and the REF temp is 12  C.
The microcontroller compared the two temperatures and switches the heater ON
since the Reference temperature was higher than the room temperature; this is
when the user has pressed the hash key. As seen from the Fig. 8, the Bulb is ON
as an indication that the heater has been triggered on. Fig. 9 shows the result

Fig. 8. Result of User entered 12  C as the reference temperature and Heater (L1) switched ON.

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Fig. 9. Result of User entered 8  C as the REF temp, and then entered # on the keyboard to continue.

when the user has entered 8  C as the reference temperature, but the hash key has not
been entered, which means the microcontroller has not been instructed to compare
results. Also, from Fig. 10, when 8  C and was entered as the Reference temperature
and hash key pressed and the Room measured to be 9.27  C, the microcontroller
again compares the 2 temperatures values and turn on the Fan because the Reference
temperature is lower than the Room Temperature.

Fig. 10. Result of User entered 8  C as the reference temperature and Heater (L1) switched ON.

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5. Conclusions
In this paper, we present the design, simulation and analysis of an Automatic Room
Heater Control System. The system uses PIC 16F877A microcontroller for the con-
trol unit and LM35 as the temperature sensor. The output was varied by setting the
temperature at various levels and it was discovered that the Fan was triggered ON
when the room temperature was higher than the reference temperature and the heater
was triggered ON while the Fan triggered OFF when the room temperature was
lower than the reference temperature. The system is exceptionally helpful for people
who are disabled. This system can be used in the industry or any enclosure where
temperature is needed to be maintaining at a particular value. The system was de-
signed using Proteus and Multisim Software. The system was simulated and working
according to the design specifications. In future a GSM module can be integrated
with the system so that one can be able to operate their temperature control system
from a distance.

Author contribution statement
Adamu Murtala Zungeru, Mmoloki Mangwala, Joseph Chuma, Baboloki Gaebolae,
Bokamoso Basutli: Conceived and designed the experiments; Performed the exper-
iments; Analyzed and interpreted the data; Contributed reagents, materials, analysis
tools or data; Wrote the paper.

Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Competing interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Additional information
No additional information is available for this paper.


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2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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2405-8440/Ó 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
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