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Sign Up To English 1. New Edition
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Sign Up To English 1. New Edition
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S11) Ue Eda] ery BNpitichiiosic) 4 sf STUDENMSBaeaeSC Tie#SCOPE & SEQUENCE Gir Eon) panty eens Li) 4 |Inveducg oneself Aiki each | Verb to beam, 8 re) xan ieeerarare ane or. he aphabet/Grestngs/ uabors 29.) 12) P5 Montibig cassroom objec. | Thi these, tha those fan) + Jing forparision oun! ths no Clasroom cbjens/ Clssroomtaraia0e tes Fe 0: fatatrmistgrncnl |i te. font! | caRnataR ERE Wtyerree fore oe erase [scene whens ar wart detas * 2) i [changing ematen about |ves tobe Sbjct rove | Fano pace inks. | Whar. fm? How ol. Sn ‘eta Coeict acs 13) P% |Adingforand ving pectonsl | Prapationsin+month;on + dete Ordnslnunbers/Dstee/ How do you sel, 7/ Full na, neraton Nonheoftheyeor oe end ately Le) °° | Exchanging formation about | Verto belneg introg Asher Coleus /Gadge Il iow hin. What others nd about cbjecs. | savers) yourtevurte..? REVEWLESSON Unto 18-19) WORK STON 115119) 1) P22 [Deseibing peoples appearance | Acfectve e+ noun Fexondlityandphisial Verb te Coluts/ Age, fl Sndpaoonity Sescnaton Se sesltorctens tz) 02 [ling sboutaporepeepl tat [Psion aac Spore Adjectives seong, Verb tbe! Aajctnesyscl \paonaty and physaleppeance, Provera Spposonce ond peony) 13) 7.26 [Taking bout sportspeople nd | Wht dansk kl? Sh al and Pars body ach ce /| Vrs to be /Paronsiy and enone thor fn Wests lla? Shersisteny Sporesnaspomspecne ahs sereton| 1s) P28 [Toking bout peoples jobs and | Whathisjob? Hes alan)~job / Jobe sc occupations/ Powe adces: Whats your loceipsions prenieg opinion. Asia noun ‘sjactver borg gies ete. (hoon? / Hos om BEVEWIESSON Unit 200.2031) WORLDSSUSI op 322) eraser i 12) WORSEN 120.123 esa 226 [Takings tani names end | Posteaseforme:‘sand/ Hove |Family members Veto 1 ba Posessveadectves 1) POS ghia: Seeningponenion, grist) 12) 9:38 |Oetobina people's copsstance. | Hive got naa, itarog Bot | Faniycedopted biological, Accel) noun! Faily 12) PS Dezaingtomy members. arewer)) se got tome ‘penis / Puts ofthe body tg) P40 [Desetbing ncighbouhood or there aro Hon meng?) | Plas in a town. Numbers 2 /an- noun / Acces: 8) lacie Ere) Decl gen ae 1x) 942 [Ting sboutlocsionofabjcte |hewie.7its./ hers ara.? | Evondy objects desk, | Thar there ao ace in and plaosio aon Theyre. /Papasiorasisuce bed unbreln et ete BEVEWLESSON Unt oo.) WORK STON 126127 Canaan st 1) Pt [Bxpeningttes eddies | etl ovejhate aun |Schaclabect/M Ms, |Spona/ Have got/ Yah tbe e \Connecing eae Cenjuretione sn But ies Me Lz) #20 Tallngaboutmectyachasl | Obectpronaune/ Papcsitonef Dayecftheweek/Paract Have go ie, ow, hate + = Smet 00 ‘theday/Meds/Weratiers noun)! School aides 13) PS? Telngthe tens Ecrecengcaute | Prpsatone oftine 2 fom... 1 Gratings The time Pans ofthe day What your Tanto. or dont want. foro. ? Lb) PS! Gringrertere sing | Inpestiee/Canfaquese | Sonn/Noproblem!/Thatk | ejectnes undo debe pon teaumta nd adingirperien, permission GK /Oantwory!/Plase.|Prepeatorecttme&plce 2 AEVIEWLESSOV Un fos 57)— WORLISUES2 op 59-59) Praseraie.13) WOROOK ETON 12812)Gi Eoin fet RECYCLING Eines eee (pA? |Teking about daly routine and | Simple Preset(eh) [Actes and dslyroutine — Prepostonoftine/ Pens fthe acts. aj Meals = p64 Erpleiringthe taps tous | Sequance markere/Spaling rls | Download liskon tap, Dally routine and atv / Simple Siferene apps Taking oct | forSimplePresent person ype tumor st Present afirmatve) foutinestasummer camp. | singular 86 Telling about herpes | SimplaFresortintarog.nag& How'd you got school? Dallyroutine and activites routine Saying how peaple go | short anaes Bybus, on oot ete Cyber {eiferert places | eronyms: CU, GAB; ‘pt | Asking and naveng interview | Simple rest Yer &noquestons: | Wh-werd who, how et.) | Imperatives Daly reuine an Guestions Talking bur stner|_| Wh questo) Why? Because. sohutoe a6 Pesala routine Climate, eminonment te : BEVEW LESSON Uni 5.3071) ware EETON 132138) (esas {B74 | Emresing Fequency Saying the | Frequency aches ‘animale Personality Simple Present/ Connectors year, sdjostves shy rays ete / How ofan? 7% Taking about what pepe ane! Can (abity inal / Connectors: Colloemone:detecrmines, Daly routine an aces / sia canoreart ds snd but nda pickup copped | Coanecors roms ete Pana pre Discuing dope pete. Talking. | Would ke o woud ike Breed dogeve adopted ge | Cn abi) / Simla Preset / shout wishes overs Shor form oFwoul | Muzl lash bark ick et | Personality adoctves Vater | pan Taking sboutraquency nd | Frequency expressions / lephartsanctany natural Simp Presant/ Canby) routines, #eking fr and gang | Can ermson) reser et / Buy of tke permisin Photos ee REVEWLESSON Ui (905235) WORLD SSUES ip.) PRONE (.15) worranoe Sern es 13635) ‘#WHAT ARE WE WATCHING? Describing actions pograssin | recat Continous af) Room inahouia/Uptale | Proportions ofpace/ There & Pee ssl snow {nd donnstrs/ Ackion voto | three ‘290 |Aeking and answering bout recent Continous Ine intviog &| Furie and household Familymambersrepesons af Setoneinprogies ine cartoon, shor! answers) ‘oma son webs plese 1992 |Discusinghowshol chores Mustor musmt(atiigaton & | Houscholdchores/ Soci! | Spe Pesan Present ° Sndsslay sthome, Expressing rohan | esis safey the naw ate. | Corinuous obligation and prohibition | | Contrasting what one habitually Simple Present ve Pesant, | rv proganmes Acionvets/Famiymenbes dose whit ones doing raw Communi REVEWLESSIN Unit 79.96.97) EAM 100] Telling stoves about our chidrood wom SEEM 00. 140-45) rT ee Seek ep a | a ee ne I saresierinemsien | es et fi el [sires Wt cra ‘pi04| Talking sbournatucl stars, There was &thoe wore (af neg, Natural diartors/Nsturel__| Numbers Dates Counties | interog & shor sre) sees, Simp Presa ‘5106 Talking about past experiences Question words + wae @were Adicts vedo deserve | Vat oe [Simple Pat / uation ndings. Aking neon fvperencesand wipes words Therewas Sherer uastions omovens EWEW LESSON Unit p15: 109) WORLDESUES op. 110-111 PraseoT 40.195 womomKsEEMIN ew Ieee.Ca WELCOME THE NEW STUDENTS = | Hi! I'm Rita, I My surmame is Sanchez. Hello! 'm Jeremy Hi, everyone! My name's Wendy Williams. Fn 13. . I'm in class 1B, 1 Look at the picture. What Is it? Who are the people in the pictures? How are they feeling? 2 Circle the correct option. Then listen and check. THI 'm Tomés. ., What's your name? / How old A: Hello, Jeremy! I'm Andrew Jones, your new are you? teacher. J: Hit Fm Jeremy, 4: Nice to mast you, Mr Jones. T:Whar's your sumame, Jeremy? A: How are you? / Nice to meet you too. J: Graham. How are you? / How do you spell it? : Hi, Tomas! , How are you? / Nice to meat you. JGRAHAM J: Fine, thank you. And how are you, Bill? J: How old are you, Tomés? / How are you? B: Fine, thanks. lim 13,3 Answer these questions about yourself. Tomés: What's your name? jae a 2 Tomas: What's your surname? Fee 3. Tomas: How do you spellit? ees 4 Tomas: How old are you? cereeeee 5 Tomds: What class are you in? You 4 >) Listen and repeat. BUT Netlog PUTA aI Le) Sw ueh alte yA 5 Can you spell these surnames? 1 Grahem 2 Sincher 3 Wiliams 4 Yoursumame +) Listen and complete the lst. aero / oh i a 2S tweny-five \efoureen 26 twanty-six 1Sfieen 27 twenty-seven a eee v — a WBaighteen = Dthiny WPrineteen 31 thirty-one 2Diowenty 2 twenty-one Zarwenty-tHo ie a 7 (5) Lym and Wendy meet for the first time at Green Valley international School. Put the dialogue in order using numbers, Then listen and check Lyn: Hello! tm lyn, 1 Wendy: How do you spall Eahurst? lyn: See youl = Wendy Thank you. And how old are you, Lyn? lyr: And tm Lyn Faeburst. 3 Wierd: i, Lyn rm Wendy Wendy Wiliams, 2 — Lymm 12. What about you? Wendy: I'm in class 18 tao. That’ great! See you later, Lyn. Lypsm inclass 18. —— Wendie I'm 12, What class are you in? Lye PALRHURST 8 |) Work in pairs. Have a similar conversation to the one in activity 7, ‘ACH Pabla what's your name? 8: HPablol im Ana. Ana Martinez Acad. 9 |\ complete your profile for the school webpage. ooo = Hil | My name’ and my surname is ___ years od. | 'mincass _____ + How about you?1 Look at the picture of a classroom at Green Valley International School. Number the objects in the list. [1 actock [1 adesk [1 aschoolbag [1 apenci [1 awhiteboard [1 abook [1 acomputer [1 anotebook [1 aneraser 2 Answer these questions. 1 What's this? Isa —— 2 What's that? © #Useful Tip > Grammar mT 3. What are these?” That They''e Whaes this /that? sa, 4. What are those? —_- Those ———+ CI} 3 (>) Workin pairs. Ask and answer questions. Identify as Nee rates faey Macon your chee rol is ‘what ace hase Li? Pee Mevewars AtuwinscoeG2 #Useful Tip > Grammar 2, an or the. a.pen/ one pen /two pens ‘an eraser / three erasers ‘The student isn class 1B. notebook. And whats that ‘The students ae in cass 16 0 a, school bag, Miko? fs , eraser. And what are those on chai? “Jones: They'te English books. Mike-Thank you! plete the dialogue “Excuse me, Mr Jones. What’ that over there? ©» Listen and tick (Y) the classroom, Mr Jones and his students use at Green Valley School. (Open your books at page 3, ph 6 (0) Complete this dialogue using some expressions from activity 5, Then lsten again and check. Please, close the doer! Me Jones: Well, people. Lets gat started. Open amit hooks at page please! Look atthe boar! Lyn What page, Mr Jones? Pay attention, plese! MrJones: Page 3, Lyn, Lyne Thank you, Mr Jones. Mr Jones: Lack atthe picture and, os Tick your answers on Read the text the question paper andy before you hand in, please, iy thay Mr Jones Listen tothe mudi rack Mr Jones: Net ow, Uyn- Ware Inthe mil ofa Tistering activity. Tends Ton? Mr Jones: Notnow, Tomés Pease wat a minute Write your name, please! Thanks. ‘#Useful Tip > Language Moy goto the tlt, Mr Jones? May & Can aroused to ask for permission Can {use your dictionary, Ln? May laskyou a question, Mr Jones? Remember to say please and tha Can | have some water, please? (or thanks). I's very importantAsk for and give personal information, > Identify countries and nationalities > Saythe date Identify colours and technological gadgetsLESSON1 a 1 [| Andy and Dianna are students at Green Valley International School. They meet for the first time, Read and circle the correct option. “Andy: Hello, Yo Andy fram Aegentina.,, What's your name? / How are you? Dianne: Hi! My name's Dianna Bla. Andy How old are you, Dianna? / Where are you from, Dianna? Diannas\'m from the USA, ‘Andy: ,How ald are you? / How are you? Dianna: 'm 18 years old. And you, Andy? ‘Andy lm in class 18. /'m 17. Dianna: What's your full name, Andy? Andy: Andrés Lopez. Dianna: 'm in lass 1A. ,, What class are you in? / ‘Where are you from? Andy, I'm in class 1A too! Dianna: Great! See you later, Andy! ‘Andy: See you, Dianna! 2 <>) now listen and check your answers in act 3. Complete Diana's and Andy’s profiles. PROFILE ro fect) J'm from Argentina, F'm Argentinian PROFILE Br In English, we write countries and nationalities with capital letters.4 Look at the world map and write the countries and nationalities next to their numbers. Use the internet to help you. __ 5 Complete these dialogues. ©} Eee 1 Argentinian 2 Breall . —___ Canadian 4 Chinese 5 France 6 Germany ee Question words & Personal information What's yourname? My name’ (tm) Dianna Blair Where are you from? lm from the USA, !'m American. Howold areyou? —_'meightaen (years ole, Possessive adjectives: my& your Whats your name? =» My name's Chris 8 Mexean A, 10 depen 7 1 south aican 12 the USA = 6 >) Adopt a new identity (new name, new nationality, etc.). Role-play with a classmate. AC Him (Helen) tim fam gland. B: Hello, (Helen) fim your? / HoweLESSON 2 ) warm-up: Name thee fomeus people and say where they are from. || Dianna and Andy are talking about famous people. Read the dialogue. Fill in the gaps using your own ideas. Dianna: Come hare, Andy! Look at these photos of Dianna: And what about Paulo Londra? famous people on this webpage! Where are they Ob ih? Dianna: see. And Dua Line? ‘Andy: Wel... This is Johnny Depp, the actor is she from? in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. tee Hes (0) Now listen and check your answers in activity 2. (=) Read these sentences. Match them to the correct pictures. 1 This person is @ popular singer. He's from Puerto Rico, 2 She's famous. She's a Harty Potter film actress. She's British. 3 This person is great tennis player. She's American, 4 He's from Brazil, He's a talented football player. 4 hic of tnous person. comple their profile and write about him / her.© Perens Verb to be (affirmative) cee We ae Wet students Versi ther he fon? Yousre Your) iGousokh Youre (Yau 1 He fom aly he's) Brecon Tye hy er = a he? She (She's South icon Theyre fom Chine. its 9 fom Tawon Stal = Us heter «boy ora men Qed se ore gre wey a eae = [5 6 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Complete the dialogue. ae Helen: Hi, Stella! Look at this photo of my friend Maria! She ,, Sin Canada Stella: How old she? Helen: She y 18, What about you? You' 15 too, right? Stella: No, ly not Helen: How old , you then? Stella, "16. 7 Complete using he’s, she’s, it’s and they're. 41 Justin Bieber is from Canada. __He's_ Canadian, 2 A: Where's Adam Levine from? Be think. —— from the USA, 3 Willan and Kate are famous royal members. British, 4 Penelope Cruzis a Hollywood actrass, —__ Spanish. 5 Look at my new tablet. great! 8 Look at the pictures and answer these ‘questions. Use / think he’s / she’s... or don’t know if you are not sur 4. Where's Katy Perry from? 2 How ole is she? 2. Where's Sebastian Yatra from? 4 How oldishe? 9) Now listen and check your answers in activity 8 10 >) Work in pairs. Think of a famous person. Ask and answer questions about him / her. Use the questions in activity 8 as a model. ‘Ac Wheres Roger Federer from? B: He's Suis, Ac And how old he? Bs1don't knaw | tink he's 39 o 4.LESSON 3) 2 Mark's talking to a new friend at school. Match the questions to his answers. 41. When is your binhalay? [1 tes mike @britma 2 How old are you? [1 1e87353-2101 3 What's your email address? [1 isin May, So 4 Whats yourphone number? [| Fmawehe. ‘ 3 Number the months in chronological order. April November June ie CB Ne = Cae Cz mp Cis Cia © ‘#Useful Tip > Language Oranal arbors Ist first Toth tenth 20th twentieth 2ndsecond —Titheleventh —Zisttwenprfist Srdthid 12th woh 4th fouth Sth fith Dates 1st March or Mareh j What's the date today? a iste Mare »> 4 Read Mark's profile and fill in the gaps with the correct words. #Useful Tip > Spelling Saying your email 4,0) Now listen and check your answers In activity 3. 5 Write the ordinal form of these numbers. 4 23__231d twenty third 23 | eases 4 (Co ‘6 6 (1) Listen and circle the numbers that you hear 4 2/2nd 2 3/310 3 13/13th 4 30/ 30th 5 5/5th 6 9/9 7 > Practise with a classmate. Swap roles. Aches your bithday? B:lesun(the) 19h of September {And when sgourrother’/ father birthday?©} eee Question words & prepositions of time What's your email adcess? “> Its derien@adephe: What's your phone number? - its 6326-5555, When is your birthday? -¥ My birthday isin Ms 1 s/ birthday / your/ When /? I 0n 2nd March, How co you spell your name?» Z—A-C 8 Unscramble these questions. ‘Then write the answers. My birthday is in 2. is / What / phone / number / your /? Remember! In-+ month ee On + dates 3. is/ email / address / What /your/? tes — 4 are/you / How/ old /? 9 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Circle the correct words to complete Sally's profile. (GREEN VALLEY INTERRATIONAL SCHOOL GREEN VALLEY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SE rio sno Lane, omer ke, vamonnuT,, | anton, SHO ren Vly eri FULLNAME: Pac, Meg 2 Narionauiry,. BIRTHOAY,. SCHOOL: Green Vay interetons aass:74 HOME ADDRESS Va Vento, POSTCODE: PHONE NUMBER: FavounrTe cotouR,, Devon Road, Dubin PHONE NUMBER: 7547838 EMAIL ADDRESS: FavouniTe pont 11 \ Q write your profile for a blog. Use the one inactivity 1s a model, Then interview a classmate about his/her profile and swap roles, |LESSON 4) 1) Warm-up: Are you a techie? Have you got any electronic gadget? Where is it from? 2 Now look at the flags and match the colours using numbers. block | blue brown green grey light lve orange purple red white yellow 3 Answer these questions. 1. What colours tis notebook? oe o ‘Where is it from? ke 2 What colour are these bluetooth speakers? They're Where are they from? ——— = 3. What calout's this smartwatch? Where iit rom? 4 What colour are these smartphones? Where are they from? 4 \\ write about your favourite electronic gadget. What colour is it? Whereis it from? My favourite Fist ame 7 ges35 16 Nationality as gett snargbane 6 (>) Interview a classmate under a new identity and fil in their profile. ‘Acwhat'syour fol name? B.(Ane Brown),©} #Sign Up to Grammar Verb to be Remember! Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative Short answers Itrefers to an object. A notebook singlet) = > [Yen tam, ! am | amnot | Am|, Nate ts from Taiwan, ‘eles to more than YourWes| yp | Afeyou/we | Yes, you /we/ they are, ed ee a os They = rey... fo, you / we / they aren’ ee Cae fe the aes eth & Notebooks (plural) = He/She / 2 ve | ishe/she/ | Yes, he/she / itis. They're Japanese, te SS ie No, he/she it isn't fy 2 7 Rewrite these sentences using he, she, it 18) Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions and they. about the people and objects in the pictures. 1 Johnny Depp is American ug — Hess Amenian 2. My games console is blue 3. My mother is from Italy. 4 Peter and Paul are my friends. 5 Luciano Castro is an actor. 8 Look at Sign Up to Grammar box and correct these sentences. 1 Shakira’ from Venezuela. (Colombia) Shessrt fom yenezwea Shas trom Colombi 2 The Peruvian flag is white and blue. (white and red) Ik 3. Those smartwatches are from Russi. Japan) They _ _ 4 Paulo Lond is British. (Argentinian) 5 Dua Lipa isan actress. singer) 9 Write questions for the following answers, = — No, she is eae Yes, lam, ‘A: Look at picture is he .? 7 7 _Bi¥esheis /Najhe nt He's. where's he front Yes, iis. ‘A: dont know | think e's from. And 4 ‘Are they.? a. = No, they arent.Mal Usten and fin Paulas membersio 9 Now complete Eric's email to Paula using an | card for Webster Club. appropriate word iestname: sumame: Deer Paula, My name yj —— years old andy ———Chie. iy thay i yp 22nd Joruory My oma one erepichinat.l and my phone number {54554 070 ix} Route me about youl ,———er2 you ram? o_— Byeur indy? {nats telephone number? the interview. Please, write 19 me soon! Take core, Ere Firstname: Eric ‘4. write Paula's answer to Eric's email ‘surname: Peterson following his as an example. age a ort Nationality: Chileon So ereyrnc ties Cee 4 Birthday: 22° Januery Te scotch mail address: ercpachinet.
>>>>>>> Fi everyone! Ym Akemi. This isn'ta picture of E ime. it's my avatar on Virtua Life, My full name is Akemi Ansho and I'm fram Belling, China. ip 16 years ole My favourite colour is blue ‘nd Virtua Life is my favourite video game. My birthday is on 23° August. My emai address is akemiavirevaife net write co me soon! Bye! 7 Interview Akemi, Write the questions for her answers. You: , Hi Akemi what's your sumame please? Akemi: Arsha Bou, Aker: ANS You!» = — Akemi Ym 16 years ole, Sse eee ee ee Akemis\'m from Baling, China You: y “Aker: My favourite video game is Vitual Life, i's great! You 4 “Aker ts blue. | love this colour! eee oa 2 9 Write the date of these celebrations. Akemi: ts on 23rd August Your gi? Akemi: ts akem@vinalife net. You: Thank you, Akern Akemi: You're welcome! 1 Revolution Day 25thMay-(the) bent (0) May 2 Independence Day 3 Flag Doy 4 Christmas a 5 8 Rewrite these sentences using he, sh. 19 atch ene questions to the answers and they 1 Is Akemi Chiesn? 2 fe Aon Garde ard yore Ameren? 3. Areyeu a tudertt Gren Valley Schoo? 4 Is re Potoisbity on 72nd Janu? 5 Wher independence Dyin your coin? 41. My smartphone i from Germany. _ltisfrom Germany 2 Dus Lipa and Katy Perry are singers 3. Jennifer Aniston is an American actress - . [1 ison 9th July 4 Daniel Redcliffe is a British acto, C1 Yes, they are E i [1] No, sheisnt iii t 5 My omartwatch is ed. Yes, itis No, I'm not Friendship Day = i 3S aOO > Give an opinion about jobs.LESSON1 1 (>) Warm-up: Have you got many good friends? Who is / are your best friend/s? |) (02) Read and listen to this podcast. Then write true (T) or false (F). Colne Hj everyone! wetome to uss Pas Podcast! My name's Robert Gibbons btcallme Bob. rm Sydney Australia. years aid How ol are gos? trmnot fl. My hats brawn and mig eyes are own too, Im ineliget.. chk! (My bes rend is Juan He it Austra He’ fom Perto Rico Ho 16 years ld Hes very taland song Hii i dark Hiseys are row, Thee ten. He's god fun and heloves Orn cumnguter games We ate very goa ends \Who's yor best fiend? what’ be/she Hove anime. think iss teat! what about yo? “Thanks for stning. Ad ee 0 inmynet pode. Bye! CES Tc ceny ustralia Bob’ sumame is Simpson, —_ Bob Australian a He isn't 14 He int tall His hair is blond - His eyes are blue 3 Look at the highlighted adjectives in activity 2. ‘Complete the chart about Bob and Juan. Name | Physical characteristics | Personality | Bob |, hair | | x eyes Personality | | ] Jun | hair = = = | eves De 220©} #Sign Up to Grammar Adjectives 5 Re-read the text in activity 2 and ‘complete the paragraph about Bob. Bob's sumame,, lt Simpson. te Gibbons. Bob," Greok He's Australian He, V4 He 17. He tall His hairy, blond. His eyes hs blue They're brown. Bob and Juan Bre frend 6 (6) Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. ‘Then listen to Sam describing his friends Kate and Sophie. Complete the chart. to | maimsy | PO | memay | jy lediam-bight. In— |e " ale - Pasay sh or sere Physical Characteristics aie dark, blond, rec fi, st curly, wavy long, short Eyes big, smal, green, brown Body type: tal short, medium-height, slim, thin, overweight Pet oo a {3} quiet, shy, ambitious, confident a brave, dynamic, eficient randy, jealous 7 Complete the text and circle the correct option to describe your best friend. My best fiend is, (rare) snHe /She is, years old “He / She is. very tall /tall/ megium-height / short tHis/ Her hair's, long / short, straight / curly / ‘avy and ,, blond / red / fair / dark rey, green / brown / blue / grey / 8 >) Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a classmate and describe him / her. Student 8: Guess his / her name. Swap roles. 9 |\ write a short podcast to introduce yourself and to describe your physical characteristies and personality Follow the example in activity 2. Record your podcast and share it with the class. ut alli d ea eneLESSON 2 1 |) Warm-up: Who's your favourite sportsperson? Can you describe him / her? Read about Juan Martin Del Potro and complete his social media profile. SIMPLY ADORABLE! JUAN MARTIN DEL POTRO |saprofesional tens ple Hiitname is Dela Heis from Tan, Agent, Hs birthdays on 23d Septembe Heiser talland tong, is hairs ak brown and his eyes are ight Hi bbs replying fooball eating asad and éeakng mate. een, confident and resonable. Hsbest fend om schol isa stand-up acto He goa fun!
) Work in pairs. Student A describes his / sportsperson. Follow the models in activity 4. her favourite sportsperson. Student 8 guesses. 2 SHOEI Sap role, QuadLESSON 3 's physical appearance important? 1) Warmeu Why? Why not? 2 [| Read this blog entry and answer the questions below. eof rs i « My BLOG aie r057 >> Hi, everybody! My name's Claire and I'm from New Zealand. My favaurte sports women’s ald hockey. This sport is played with a small, hardball and 2 hockey stick My favourite hockey player is Defina Merino. She's from Busnes Aires, Argentina She's tall and slim. Her eyos are ‘brown and she's blond, She's very fast. She had a knee injury ‘but she’s aknom. She's @ great sportswoman! es 1. Whats Claire's favourite sport? 3. Where is Delfina Merino from? Her favourite : a 2 Whois Clare's favourite hockey player? 4 What does Delfina Merino look ike? 3 Match these words with the parts of the body numbered in Clarie's picture. i f © #Useful Tip > Vocabulary leg 08 1 v7 ee cali ter a cc 1 Sle EY Sete tte tt ee kL 4. Now label the parts of the face. hair eyes mouth ears nose5 Match the words to the pictures using numbers. 502) Listen to two friends talking about sports and sportspeople. Circle the correct ception. anny: What's your favourite sport Peter? Pater love , surfing / diving Danny: And who's your favourite, diver / surfer? Peter Bruce Irons Denny: Whereis he from? Peter: He's rom Hanala in Kauai. How about you? ‘Danny: My favourite sports|, softball / football And my favourite , softball / football player is Cristiane Ronaldo, Petar:le he from Brazil / Portugal? Danny: No, he isn't. He’ from Portugal . physical description. persorality | 2 foot 7 skatebosrdng What does Cire look ike?” Whats Delne Merino ke? 3 suring 8 basketball She' shor and sim. Herfairs. Shes strong end 4 soleybal 9 swiening engender confer fa Bien CE Physical description and personality We use What does he /she look like? to atk about a person’ We use: What is he /she like? ‘0 22k sbout somebodys 7 Complete the chart with the correct sport land sportsperson / athlete. otaler rome : | __ enn oe ocing — | gemaics [_ rugby (auocpoeee oe | eine oer | 8 Sports Quiz. Complete the questions and 1, 8 José Meolane a swimmer? Yes, hes 2 Messi and Ronaldo football players? Yes 3 Juan Martin del Potro a basketball player? He’ a tennis player 4 Kelly Slater and Dru Adler skateboarders? No, surfers, 5 Diego Hypdlta a eylse? Ne, 2 gymnast. ‘ ‘Serena and Venus Wilms tennis players? Yes, — 9 (>) Create your own sports quiz. Work in pairs. Write five questions about your favourite athletes / sportspeople. Then ask your partner to answer your questions. Gxn228 LESSON 4 1 Warm-up: Look at the pictures and your answers. 1) What's her job? I think. she's a lawyer / ‘computer programmer / " receptionist Se 2 What'shis job? ~ | I think... he’s a mechanic / taxi driver / ear park. attendant 2 Complete Pamela's post with short forms of the verb to be. Hallo, everyone! My name jy Pamela and thisis my lovely family. |, a teacher. . German. | have got two chilean They a students, They in high schodl. Their school isn downtown Berlin, My husband doctor. He works a the local hospital. think his job, very sessful 3. Match the jobs to the pictures using numbers. shop assistant bus driver architect receptionist hair dresser police officer gym tainerLook at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then circle the correct option. He's a/an/@ accountant. Matys 2/ an/ @ doctor Jasons a/ an / @ lawyer They're a/ an / @ nurses Heb a/ an/ @ engineer They're a/an/ teachers. oun eNe So) Three people are talking about their jobs. Listen and complete the chert. Whareshe she | ng What is her on jet? finer Where does he / sha work? “& What ishis /her Munich inceresting| job like? 6S > Work in pairs, Use the cards to interview your classmate. Swap roles. JERRY GATE co. CATHY SHANKS tater enh Manat: Satish tren 2 oboe SE) rosters _bstetdtugh E | pinion abou ob: & opinion abeujob: | lntesting rat AWhat'sgoornane? Bm (Cathy Shanks). 7 \ inyour notebook, choose one of the cards in activity 6 and write a short article for Anonymous Heroes magazine Anonymous Heroes His /her names. He / She thinks. jobs COE AL an+job We use a before words beginning with ’ consonant sound, ‘Amechanic Hes a mechanic Weuse anbefore words beginning with 2 vowel sound. An rchitect He’ an architect \We don't use a or an with plural nouns They are receptionist. © #Useful Tip > Vocabulary Opinion adjetives Positive awesome, beutiful, cute, fantasti, gorgeous, great intelligent, interesting rice, Ok, cool Negative bad, boring, dificult, horrible, stressful rernble, uoly a eed 8 |) Project yourself in 20 years’ time. Prepare a podcast for Anonymous Heroes. Share it withthe class. You can even record yourself! My names Pedro Ldpez tm Argentinian tn ears old. abusive in Tanai the province OF Buenos Aites.| thik mg jobis very important.1 Complete with my, his, her, our or their. ; Find Joanna, Shei Write thelr names. eo o€oF ® ty —MU_name’ Joann, hairs Blond.» eyes are blue. Shela and Mike are my frends, fevourite sport 's swimming, Sheila is medium-height and thin hair ie wavy and long. Mike is tall hair is short and light brown, We are school is in San Diego, classmates, |) Listen to Pau podcast and complete his profile. and Mike in the picture. 3 Match the columns. 1 Her hairs. U1 job. 2 Her eyes. [1 American 3 Anna is tall C1 it 4 His legs are. [1 blond. 5 They aren't [1 andstim, 6 Leila’ 2 shy. [I tong and strong. 7 ies stassfl U1 aeblue 4 Complete the dialogue using the words in the box. his friend name and black like is Where iendly How Heb A: What's is, ——____? B:Ben. Ag ‘she from? 8: England. Ay oldis he? Bie rn A: What does he look ., B:Hishairs,, and ayes are green, Het tal slim, A What he like? Bs He's very He's my best 5 Complete with a, an or 2. My nate Jake. bain 7 student at London High School. My teachers. = woman, Her name ie Susan, Susan's husband isn’ Het teacher They are from engine: ii ltl village in England.My favour sportsperson is Luis an excellent basketball b> player is player 3 n Olimpia Milano courte sport ishockey apart > from basketball ofcourse! And his te female payers, Dalina Merine and Rosario Ll Uihink heyy pect Oy 2 jeent 3{ ]He 4 [ }Ow Sf lam 61 lis L 1She fen Argentine is fats [ 1Her 1 I 1Argon IL 1Argem 7 create an avatar. Complete his / her profile. \\ Now use the information in activity 7 t0 scribe the avatar you created °Read the article. Then answer true (T) or false (F). | The eymbel ofthe Olymsic games represents the si continents 1 The rings ere diferent colours ] The Olympic Torch represents ciffarent sports; 1 The Olympic Mascots are anirals or human dures, OLYMPIC GAMES > THE OLYMPIC RINGS >THE OLYMPIC They ara a very spacial symbol of the TorcH Olympic Games. Five interlacking rings Ieis used in ona white backround make the Olympic | the Olymoic flag. They represent the five land continents | opening that are part of the Olympic movement: ceremony. The Arica, America, Asia, Oceania and Europe. J flame represents ‘The rings are yellow, red, black, green and ve colours end the white A ‘ancient Greek blue, The: rituals background are present in al the flags of the participating countries, Asave Ounce @ Ba)#Sports everywhere! ‘t the Olympic Rings. 3 Match these Olympic sports to the pictures. 1 tennis 2 archery 3 water nolo 4. anistic gymnastics weightliting eying Seen first pair i = are alopart of The —__—are the Olympic team, colourful. Their colours re red, green and blue, & Be best paces athletes gota silver medal Fy Elia Vivian’ isan —____ clit.wy i " | fl STING} ct | “i a Z. =s Ce> Talk about the family > Describe family members Identify numbers from 20to 100. > Ask and answer about your neighbourhood. > Talk about places and location >> Think and share your ideas with the class. Do you think the people in the picture are connected? How? Do you lve in ablock of flats as the people in the picture? Who lve with? How wall do you know your neighbours? ‘And your neighbourhood?> LESSON ) ) warm-up: Have you got ary brothers or sisters ov ove you an oly che? ov) Which picture represents Sandy's family? Listen and tick /) the correct photo. 6242) Now listen and read about Sandy's family, Then complete her family tree, Hil fm Sandy and thisis my family trae. 'm nat an only child, ve gota hal sister My mother’s name is Halen. Sho’ divorced from Roger and they've got a daughter, Suzie. lloveher! Then my mum married my dad, Phillip. Isabel and Charles are my grandparents on my mothers side. Miguel and Elizabeth are my grancbarents on my father’ side. My four grandoarents are good fun! My father’s got 2 brother and a sister. They are my uncle Seott and my aunt Sophie. Uncle Scott's cool! My aunt Sophie has got two children, Oscar and Jane. They're my cousins, They are really friendly! al. © #Useful Tip > Vocabulary parents = mother and father ‘mother = mum / mummy father = dad / daddy relatives = members of the family by birth (aunt, uncle, cousin, etc) or by rmartiage (Gorsin-law, etc) 4 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then complete these sentences using ’s or * 1 Isabel is Helen ‘Smother. 2 Rogers Charles son-indaws, 3 Scott is Oscar uncle, 4 Susie is Sondy hal sister. 5 Her cousins ames are very original©} See Indicating possession Beekat Sandy's Possessiveforms: #&° _| Havegot (affiemative) emily tree and We us ‘after singular nouns | Jhave got ve got| fe brothers. ‘Filin the blanks and people's names to You have got ve got lus eyes swith the words or ingieate possession | He has gor ('s got blond hair ‘phrases in the box. Helen is Sue's mother | She has gat (= gat! many chilcron We use “afterplural nouns or | thas got (5 got) four eas “Rescot barge eater We have got 've got) many tions Beeact brother Isabeli Chaves” wife You have got (ve gota large house fo half sister Sop! Bored from is my cousins’ mother | They have got ('ve got) big family Dherles and isabel __havegot__one daughter. 4 Suzie is Sandy's = Sophie two children, 5 Oscaris Jane’ = Exzabeth and Miguel — twosons Helens Philip. 20d one daughter 7 Helen's BE nec! pou nadonn and anawer tu (1) o fate (F. Madonna isa famous pop singer and actress. Her most popular Songs are Materia! Girl and Vogue. She's got Italian blood on her fathers side and French-Cenasion Dood on her mother's side, She's got thre sisters and four brothers Madonna herself has got six chilcren, Two of them, Lourdes and Roceo, are biological children, Shes ‘aso got four adopted clare: Dovid, Mercy, Esther and Stelle, Esthor and Stole ae twins By Medonnas parents ae Britsh, {1 2 She's got three brothers and sisters. [ ] B She's got wo chidien, [1 7» inyour notebook, draw your family tree B Esther and Stolle are ssters. [J and tell your partner about it onrgLESSON 2 1) Warm-up: Before you read the article, lok at the pictures, | What do you know about this family? Write true (1) or false CP) 1. Angelina Jolie is American in 4 Shehes got three cikien. J 2. Shes got only one jobs i 5 ShesmariedtoBrad Fit, [| 3. Shes Jon Voights granddaughter. | } & Shes goto brother 1 2) ~ Now read about Angelina Jolie's family and check your answers in activity 1 | hdr, Thair names Zahara, Shiloh Pe, Knox Shes ful Angeling isa supporter o cating. Her six childran a 2 > Grammar ertivee are ‘Angelina Jai’ family = possessive form Angelina lol's an actress ~is Angelina Jolie's got six children = has > 38 a 2© Ea elo Have got (interrogative, negative & short answers) —— ee nit Hoe Base mit ee a es. 3.) Look at the Sion Up 5 Unscramble the questions to Grammar box. In pairs, and answer. ask and answer questions Soeatancsina Joke 1. Has (Zahara /eyes / blue / wl? Actas got any chen Behe as got Schon, 4 (>) Listen to annie 2 got twins /the hai far / talking about Angelina Have/? Jolie's children. Then circle the correct answers. Zahara 3 1. Shehasn't got /has got blend hair 2. She has got black / brown 3 Shes 16/15 long / Angelina / got / hie! Has / brown /? 6 > Work in pairs. Choose three members of your family and describe them to your partner. He's 19/9 years He's got fair / dark 5 6 Ive got an elder brother He! Knox and Vivienne 7 ins adopted / biological children @ They haven't got blue / brown eyes 9 They've got black / fair hit 4 cnoose one of he members of you family ‘orbs sbeur him pil area 7 They are Ae Be) #Useful Tip > Vocabulary We use adjectives before nouns. younger / elder ait fees + brother / sister Qe ad© #Useful Tip > Vocabulary 1 warm-up: your nelghbourhood Jn your neighbourhood, you may also find. quiet or noisy? Are there any tall buildings? agrocery aschool fre there ay big houser? (cen Bulenge shopping cone cea sia 2 Look and match the pictures with the words. abank a chemist pebolsnton Shy toe 5 batey ae iecein! ama eos a theatre station — pe a hospital a train station 4 cinema i * 3 G28) Jake and Susan are friends. They're talking about Susan's neighbourhood. Listen and complete the dialogue. Jake: Susan, what do you think of your neighbourhood? Susan: Well | hink i's beautiful and quiet. There's 2 big near my house ake: 18 thre 3 ? EE | Susan: No, there isnt But there are three Erie ‘ GD ##Useful Tip > Vocabulary Jake: Are there any —____? 20¢h 6 : shiny sixty Susan: Yes there is One nest 0 yy 31 thigy-one 7Oseventy Burt there aren't any ,; S2thinywo Beiahty | sakes there ay ? 40 forty Orninety | Susan: Oh, yes! Thats my fovourte place. And there's 50 ity 1002 /one hundred is ci anaiane 4 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box and Write questions and answer them. complete your conversation with Susan about her neighbourhood. 1, __How mangshops.te there _in Wilson Street? (22 shoos) You: _Atethete any libravies? —_ Susan: No.tersaren'. oT 2 your You! jy a pate? neighbourhood? (1 bus stops) | a —— | You —ahospital? 3 in Green Valley? Susan a (GSpars) You: gary shops? a Susan a ll in Sues language You's there a petrol station? school? (98 students) 40 Susan) —©} es There is & There are Use Tip fiat ese i Srguar Thaw wsauon [Singur Throb aay with Plural - There are two shops. | Plural - There aren't any theatres. any. ee shot anne | rol Sigh ithaca? Vu this Na tire | bess? pga are tee any buns ete eo re ae on —<—<—<$<—— - fe bildng s aren't restaurants near my house. ‘#Useful Tip > Grammar ea Vise sain arate seers ‘There are some shops. ‘the survey questions and answer them. 1 Isthorw Use the survey in activity 6 to interview your classmate. Swap roles. ‘Ais there a church in your neighbourhood? B: Yes, theres. / No there Sn. We use any in interrogetive andl negative sentences, There aren't any hospitals, ‘Are there any restaurants? 9 |\ Write sentences describing your ‘nelghbourhood in your notebook. Inmy neighbourhood there's ‘pe LESSON 4 1 2) Warm-up: Have you got a favourite object in your bedroom? What is it? 2 Bob's very messy. Look at his bedroom. How many objects can you name? Number them. ae ius 3 £25) Bob Is in his bedroom talking with his sister Linda, Listen and circle the correct option. Bob: Hi Lindal Lila: Hi, Bob. Oh, Bob! What a mess! Bob: know. | cant find anything! Can you hel ime tidy my roomy? Linda: Ok, lat’ do it Bob: Where's my cap? Lindt ,,0n / under the binders, next to /in your warcrobe, Bob: My history book... where ist? Lind: Um... 1's 0n / under your bed, Bok, Whats that, next to / behind the PC? Ave there any Peper cups next to your PC71? Thats dangerous! Bob: | know, | know there are some cups next to the PC. | also know there are some bottles, on in the floor, Linda, Lind: can't believe it, Bob! And there's paper on the floor. That should be jin / on the waste paper basket. That’ disgusting} ‘Bob: Sorry! Let's find my umbrella now, please, Its ‘alning outside, Linda: Loak.its behind / next to your maps! Bob: Thank you, Linda! I'm leaving now. 'm in a hurry. Linda: You're weleome, But ty to be tier, please © 4 Find these expressions in the dialogu What do they mean? Match them to their meaning below. 1. What amess! 2 Lets, 3. That's disgusting! 11. Expresion used to suggest something [1 eshte! 1.1. Yourroom isn't organised. tn ti 5 (>) Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box and describe your bedroom to your classmate. Swap roles. Img bedroom there next to 6 \\ write sentences describing where different objects are located in your classroom.De eee Where & Prepositions of place Where's the red penci? Where are the blue pencils? Where's Bob's school? Ison the box: |. __Theyare behind the box. GO thebox * ‘It near his house. Its under dh box They are between - the boxes iG) Linda's bedroom is tidy! Write sentences 9. Look at the map and complete Linda's post ‘showing where these objects are now. with the correct prepositions. (eprops) & (wardrobe) It’s very nice and quiet here. There's a deli : ee shor. ‘my school and there's 7 (window) also a church just it There's ee a bank , the police station and the petrol station, and there's a hotel y London Street opposite the park. The hospital is , the comer of High Street and Brixton Avenue. '"m happy here! BBE gions nsrune. Loox Bor ana Meets cio dares ea cae Bisa you rent wear hunk sbout the Be Sour sna aeeeartanes of eenComplete the crossword with the correct family members. My stepfathers daughter is my. My mother’ sitar is my. My father and my mother are my. My uncle's som is my, My father’ father is my. My matheris my grandmother’, | H a a zim 4 . 2 20) Listen to Kelly talking about her family. Then writ true (T) or false (F). Kellys an only child, [ Shes 13 years old, [ Her fetheris divorced. {J Kellysneighbourhood is noisy. [J ‘Thereisaparkinhernoighbourhood. [| Her schoolisfarfrom her house, {J 3 Complete using ’s or ’. 1 Hove James family. 2 She's got Olivia _ school bag, 3. The boys —__parents are divorced. 4 He's my sister ___ boyfriend. 5 Sandra is Thomas __mether. 6 Mary house is very big. Write is, has or possessive, She's got curly halt — bes Thats my mothersbag, That’ my father’s laptop. William's gota smal family, Jake's my elder brother, Zoe's aunt is very fvendly, Write the numbers. ee Bag iy eee os 87 — eee \, Read Dua Lines profile and write a paropreph abouther Dua Lipa England father Duhagin Lipa, mother tanesa Reha fone sister [Ral and one — brather (jn {al stim, sisight brown eyes ua ipais a celebrity She'sa Brith. She's got. a8 7 Complete Nicole's post on social media Using have got, has got, there is or there are. vay Ta — _ abig family, — — tight people in my family: my mum, my stepfather, ry grandparents, my stepsister, my two brothers and me. My stepsister y green eyes and fair hit five bedrooms in our hhouse and that's OK. The problem is that ‘only one bathroom, 2 9 a & Read Nicole's description of her neighbourhood. ‘Then complete the interview for her school ‘e-newsletter. LPT See oe ygtnictnd Ths ae mar sn ‘small houses. There aren't any tall buildings. There arte sal hops tee ‘centre. There's a big park too. tes Myscoolis ona the par Theearesane tpn ata tain ean onderground station. There's a library between the ast office and the supermarket, ‘The acateen 0a sparta. Favourite place! @ ww ° This my bedtoom iy '/hanvery ti. The bed itgbatween notte hewardube cle as : shal gv Gotha got desk ese oor thowindon My computer sus n/n My tinea on funder ida havert gotsore cher abjectson te oreo 1oW lovecat font terpoies Read Nicole's room tour on social medi Circle the correct options. ve got / a Q Oe Interviewer: Are there any tall buildings? Nicole Nicole: its opposite the park Interviewer: Nicole ts between the post ofice and the supermarket Interviewer Is there an underground station? Nicole jg Interviewer How many shops Nicole — Interviewer Whats your favourte place? Nicole Interviewer: ‘Nicole Yes, there is one. Is opposite the school Interviewer: Where's the café? here?De ait rahe f= Tui Ow Wg NM Ld + =< Ja aa Sh Balan ». sS A >. > y le 4 QSY D i i X AZ" AN q - KNLESSON1 1 2) Warm-up: What's your favourite school subjoct? Why? 2 God[L) sue and Kelly are talking about their new school schedule on a video call. What Is Sue's favourite subject? Listen and answer. Then read and check ‘Sus: The list of our new teachers is onlin. ts on the school webpage, Kelly: Reslly?| can't access my account! My password is blocked! Sue: Don't wory! I'l ead it out for you. Well ets start by my favoutite subject: Physical Education. Our teacher is Mr Keaton Kelly: Great! | love doing sports with him! How about Maths? I don't like Maths! ‘Sue: We've got Mr Haris in Maths. Kelly: Oh, nol He's s0 boring! How about Geography? And History? ‘Sue: We've got Geography with Mrs Jones and History with Miss Samson, kelly: OMG! They're so demanding and | hate those subjects! Sue: know. Lat me sae... Mr Durwellis our Science teacher Kelly: Ok: How about Art? Is Mr Richard our teacher? GE.) #Useful Tip > Vocabulary Mr Rob Keaton (married or sing Mre Sandia Jones (marries) Miss Clare Samson (singe) ‘Ms Linde Smith (married or single) Su Kelly Awesome! | really like Arc and he's the best teacher ever! Lett see... Yes, his! 3 Circle the school subjects mentioned in activity 2. How many subjects have you circled? 4 (27) Listen again and complete the school webpage. Me acre have got (UX) We've got PE with Me Evans, Mrs Jones: We have PE with Ms Evans. Mr RichareAnswer about Sue and Kelly. 4. Whot problem has Kelly got? 2 What is Sue's favourite subject? 2 What subjects does Kelly distike? |A Who's Kellys favourite teacher? Look at Kelly's stories on social media and at ‘the Sign up to Grammar box. Then match the Images to the sentences. 4 love PE! 2 | don't like Maths 2 ike At 4 Ihato Geography. QD Viewers. eo hate Science 3 SS er ete Likes & dislikes Vovwae Gs aonttere 7 |\ Now create your own story about your school schedule and write a brief post about yoy W 2 thes ike but don't ike — Hove but hate 8 (2) Work in pairs. Tell your partner about a school subject you love, an extra-activity you hate and a teacher you like. ‘Acllove Seino Is tet! What about you? 8:1 Te Geograph very much | think interesting f16+p Alwel ay Music = EOGRAPHY io ° = Ona SOIENCELESSON 2 1 (>) warm-up: is your schoo! day long? What do you know about schools in other countries? Have students got the same subjects as you? 2 Read about Sarah's school life in the UK. Then read the sentences and write true (T) or false (F). Es arahis from the UK. She sfifteen years ld, Her schools Oak National | AS) School. Schoo starts at 9am and it finishes at 330 pm. Sarah is a | = student in 38. There are twenty five students inher clas. They have | got classes inthe morning and inthe afternoon In Britain, students study | forthe GCSE exams (General Certificate of Secondary Education). They sit for | the GCSE exams in Maths English History and all the other subjects | | | They have got Maths and English from Monday to Friday inthe morning, Break time is at 10:30 and at midday students have lunch together. They usually have good fun, In the afternoon, Sarah and her fiends have got efferent subjects. On Mondays they have got History. Geography classi on Tuesdays, On Wednesdays they have got Science rt clssis on Thursdays. Most students love this subject. n Fridays they have got PE Tey can choose one sport: football hockey or volleyball Students finish schoal at 5:00 on Fridays because they have got workshops after PE. They can attend the Drama workshop, the Reading workshop or the Music workshop. (n Saturdays students can playa football, hackey or volleyball match in the School campus. Sundays are fr relaxation and fee enjoyment. 1. Students haven't got exams inthe UK. [J 2 They have lunch after school. [ ] In English, we write the days of 3 They've got classes every aftemoon, [J the week with capital letters: 4 They haven't got any classes on Saturdays or Sundays. [ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ‘Thursciay, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 3 Complete Sarah’s school timetable.esa ded ees es Object pronouns ‘You are my best fiend lke you Hany is my boyfriend, | love him. Lou is good fun, Ike her. "Remember! jplote with Zn, on or at. Sarah hasn't got History Workshops are Friday afternoon She has got Science ‘Wednesdays Serah and her friends have good fun —_ midday. Sarah hasn't got classes: the momingy the weekend, ok at the Sign Up to Grammar box and ymplete the sentences. ‘Miss Greene, the English teacher, is really demanding. We don like PE and Art are my favourite subjects. love Science is very dificult. I don't like Mr Brown, the headteacher, doesn't like atall, Hes always angry with us. You're very nice. like — and | think you like . Mr Johnson is really coo, All the students love complete this chart with your school schedule. sidy.. [linthe moring [I inthe ateroon jarah and Lou are my fiends. They eally like me. Footbalis a popular sport. Students like it. We've gota school rock band. People love us! You and your sister are great, We love you! ‘Somme teachers are very demanding. We don’t ike ther. © #Useful Tip > Grammar ‘on Monday / Fridays / Sunday morning @) In the morning /the afternoon / the evening — {at noon (midday) / night / the weekend © ‘#Useful Tip > Language You can have. i breakfast inthe morning lunch at noon (midday) tea in the afternoon, dinner in the evening, You go to bed at night 7 \ Leok at your schedule in activity 6. Inyour notebook, write a paragraph about your schoo! routine ‘This ismywoekly schoo schecle. On Mondays and Fridays, Ive got. inthe morning / afternoon / evening I study_on_ 8 (>> Discuss in class. Days of the week jokes ‘Which two days ofthe wee start withtheettr T? ‘en Rsonslinssote n/t of the mickLESSON 3 1) Warm-up: Is time important to you? Why? Why not? Are you more interested in the present, in the past or in the future? Why? Read this cartoon strip story called ‘Calvin’. Then tick (7) an option to complete the bubble. 3 (on) Listen to Kelly and Sue talking about their school timetable, Match the subjects with the right ime. [7 Hove bath tine soe! [heen ie nth tine atal.ihatet [naar tke bat tine ich, © ‘#Useful Tip > Vocabulary 120 = noon mide HE 00:00 = midnight () am = from midnight to noon pm = fram noon to midnight dlock=(@Y. vat== = 4 (2) Workin pairs and play a game. Act's Sve past eight. B: Clock. ‘8: Good! Your tn. Butts. £3) QO vv ip> Language ‘Good moming! ‘Good afternoon! (until 6 pm) ‘Good evening! (afer 6 pir) Good night! (before going to bec)JEJE) a Listen and put the short dialogues In order. listen again and complete the time. Ac What time ist? B: Its early It's eight o'clock. The class starts at ‘A: Ok But | want to have a coffee in the canteen bbofore the las. A: Lookat the time! | don't want to be late for the Drama class. iendiiate Ac Hurry up, Jack! We're lata forthe PE clase B: What's the time? Alte, Lets run! 1d the dialogues in activity § again and 3w the hands of the clocks. ©} See Its one o'clock. = It one am /pm. Its halfpast one. = Its one thirty am /pm. Its quarter past two. = I's two fifteen am /pm, Ins quarter to sx = Ie fie forty-five am / am. © #Useful Tip > Language ‘We can use I want to or I don’t want to to express desir. Iwant to have 2 coffee now 1 don't want to be lato again, © ‘#Useful Tip > Grammar Colin got Spanish classes at 10 am every dy His classes are from 10m to 11 am. -..) Work in pairs. Complete your ideal school timetable. Then ask and answer to complete your partner’s ideal timetable. E MVTINETABLE! HY FRIEND'S TIMETABLE [tw Te | wd =) An my ideal timetable, | want to have Artin the mom The classisat 1030, B: Wht times the Maths class? x 8 we Smcleea ‘about your ideal timetable for your Ing ea tietable ve got Doma classes eters aRteMoon 250. Jove Drama. ound2 (21) Read and circle the sentences that correspond to the text eoe le COG 3-600) Listen to Brian and Karen and tick (/) the phrases you hear. Then listen again and 1 2) Warm-uy What are they i LESSON 4 tall short weak strong thin fat fairhair dark hai BULLYING These pictues iustrte bullying, Bullingis to hurt smeone ether words or acon on purpose. It anappen anywhere for example at schoo atthe, ‘onthe bus, injourreighbouraod ‘Abus aggresive and uel wth is hevctn, is / Her agression an be sical iting, pushing et) or veal (using mean wars laughing atthe vicin, Staring rumour, et ‘yberbllyng isto be ret someone on scal networks The bly can pubs ke ctr, intimidate ise victim on chats and much more, ‘BULLYING I NEVER COOL OR ACCEPTABLE, Noone evr deserves tobe bul. eee Bullying can only happen at school. . long hair short hair friendly aggressive calm unfiendly i 2 Bullying is aggressive or cruel behaviour 3 Abullyis a victim 4 5 Cyberbullying is agaression on social networks Bullying is acceptable at schoo! answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 | went your school Give itto me right now! {| you. C1 sour pink Lhaset your mabile What do they 2 Who is rude? bag. 1 schoo! phone. fe about? 1 c Can se2 your school bag, please? [ ] eit when you call me Barbie! {J 1 Identify the bullies in the pictures below. What do they look like? ce? Use some of the words in the box. © #Useful Tip > Grammar limperatives are used mainly to give instructions, to encourage: (Ft offer something Have some more tee, Don't tal to me lke that? Don't worry! Don't run in the hall, lease! Give me your schoo! bag, ‘Sar hspoapsapgegaeoy 4 Complete with a suitable Imperative form. Use the verbs in the box. 1 a think touch sa worry show came Thats very rude. Please, —_dantstal to me Fike that! ike your new watch, please! Its not a big problem, The dooris open. Please, — Is very fragile. The answer is simple, ittome, about it aboutit!Omi Canor can't (requests & permissions) . Reins atthe pictures in actiMty 2 CYS show me curt lease? —_| Cori eee ean Can you help me with this exercise, please? | Sure. No problem. = Conlhave see of opie plese? | Ofcouse Hee —— youre Peron 8 Garteseyourpen? Fins sng oe ———Gontisentomisctere? | Sue a - 3k at the Sign Up to Grammar ‘box. Complete these requests with 8 Read Harry's last post in the schoo! blog. Tor Can you. Complete with in, on or at. 11 You want to make a phone call You say:_Can__use your mobile, please? Somebody wants to see Jack but he is'there. € ae |New comment: You say: ome back inten minutes? You lke somebody new tablet ° You soy: use your tablet fora couple ove Science. my favourite subject. sepricunce? Ihave got Science classes yy You haven't gat a watch, Monday mornings. My Science teacher is ay: tell me the time, please? Mr Thompson. | think he's cool. | don't like some of my classmates jy —____ school, They'e herrble bullies, especially Mary. She is very cruel. When she is . the elassoom, | get scared, aftan Tdon'tlike Mary or her friends at all, ‘Look at the Useful Tip box below and match .s0 expressions with the correct preposition. W th on] mid thes or ay diy 2k 9 © Work in pairs. 4#Useful Tip > Grammar pieeeasicach msces re and desan 2 poser at school 70 wee at home st night be - ai the shopping centre atthe weekend va pee Inthe caesroom in Soptember inthe car inthe stamaen Dontesemean wots fon the bus on Monday onthe second oor on Fidsy morning1. Find five school subjects in the : wordsearch. 2 Look at the clocks and answer. i Hl S her notes. sy Soe itt __ Age ——— . Number of hours a schoo: Subjects. 1 What ine does school stant inane? a 2. What time does school start in Japan? 3 (0) Agatha is interviewing Jessica about schools in the USA. Listen and complete rupmaoma0 m-coaeerr ic N M c s 1 ° E R FE a 2 olrau-zrop-2z alamazm-aupr ulm oozraze -|za-m>a4>oa rjomvoms4can 4mr4i<-vong 8 cr SY ‘3. What time does school finish in England? Iefinishes at 4. What time does school finish in Australia? Read Agatha’s project work and complete with in, on, at, from or to. \Jesscais American Shes fifteen years old and shes in high schol Shei, schol ine aock tres four dock al depends on bor ene carinder activites. Shes ot fxr languagesepart rom Englsh Shes eal Monday and Tursiay, She ot ee, fal past two «the ofternon. Shes ot Besess,,__Wenes day mervig Tata cin inert=< y 4 | le the correct word to complete the 7 Complete the sentences with a suitable tenes. ‘object pronoun. In Finland school is from 9:00 am —__3:00 pm. 1. Drake is @ great singer. love ___! " as bin cto 2 Sue and Paul are my friends. They realy like lve got Drama classes __ Mondays, « ain bon cat 3. My games console is old. I dont like a all. Twant a new smart phone.|want right now! Yau'ra my bestfriend, Sam. Ilike alot. a them bit © him 5. Rainy days are boring. hate _ 1'm always online the evening 6 Meg is nota good person. | don't ike mn lbh lc at such, 5 My favourite TV programme is 7.00 pm, 7 We've got a school music band. People love om bo cw = : 8 Philland Helen are my cousins. Ike —__vary Fill in the blanks using the words or eh 8 |) Work in pairs. Tell your partner felts. Dontiellme ofcouse we'elate what you think of the people and things Dont copyitl Can! have. dont want in the box * (livia: Whats the time, Rita? Brad Pitt online games Lady Gaga tennis Rita: bs ten to eight. we are Maths soup LeBron James pizza Art late! ,, to be late for schoo! again ‘A: Brad Pitts just great! love him, Olivia: Yes, , —_________. And Ihaven't got Br ikem tool doi ke hi at alt my homework ead Rita"ve got ming here and its read, 9 \ Complete this paragraph for the school = Civ, a look atyour blog, Use your own ideas. homework, please? Rae But just look tit s——— ox? (Ova Aight Alight! Rep . | NEW COMMENT: eo: Vike = out | don't ike hate hate 100. I don’ ike at all think he/she is Hove ‘much. | think they re ust fabulous! livia: Thanks. very1 Look at the pictures. What do these teenagers look like? Where do you think they are from? Talk with your classmates. Hil'm Klara from Berlin, Germany. 'm 14 years old and I'm lucky my school Is near my house! Education is free in Germany, We don't wear a uniform to go to school because uniforms can have militaristic associations. We wear branded hoodies in bright colours. There are diferent types of secondary schools in Germany. attend a state schaol called Gymnasium. There are twenty-nine students in my class. We've got many different subjects and five or siclasses every day. In year 9 have to take a final examination (Abitur) to attend university ‘My father isa university teacher. He teaches Maths. I don't lke it but | love Geography and! languages, especially French and English. want to be a linguist My name's Im from Seoul, the capital city of South Korea. 'm 15 and I ike my school very much. ‘My classmates and lare at school around 14 to 16 hours day. The standard school day is from eight to four oclock. Then we go home for dinner and after that we've got intensive revision in a private school from six to half past nine. We've got homework ater that. My favourite subject ie Scienca Ive got Science on “Tuesdays in the morning and on Thursdays and Fridays in the ‘afternoon. | also like PE practise taekwondo in the gym next to ‘my house on Satutday morning. | want to be a black belt one dayt ne: Baer)Bi therttm Begum an 4 ear Preto Sogladesh vein Dhaka Miigoto foatng enon. Most fo Pras non boats because flood are aan he mansoon season. My school ered by slr panels Frye in secondary sc DOP OS Coyeon wihisosad Tee genet pay Very ew gil goto school er ocaton's pie af he boys and ot Be bah boys and gi My avout ube ny ove gor History on Tuesdays and oes tike Psa Education Dut Koo So forour heath want tobe a pti future. Now read the article and write true (TD, false (F) or doesn’t say (2). ‘The three teenagers want to study rivers 1 The school day in South Koreas very long. {1 Boy and gis have got the some right to ‘education in Bangladesh. [| German students have to take a final ‘exam after 9 years in highschool. [] “There are schools on boats in Bangladesh. [ ] 3 Klara and Mal-Chin are chatting. Read the article again and complete their conversation. How are you Mal-Chin? Fine, Thanks. I'm ok Are youstil at school? Yes! Classes finish at Then Ive got intensive revision OMG. does that class stan? Iestarts at and fnishes at What about you? What are your plans? Tue get English homework to de. When 2 (On Mondays and Thursdays. Tomorrow is ‘Thursday. I have a project to hand in (Ok. Go da it! Bye! & © 4 In-groups, do some research about schooling Ina neighbouring country. Write a paragraph and share the information with the class. In chit / Braz / Bolivia / Uruguay / Paraguay starsat. Ten ae es aCor nesasOm > tesa eee >> Think and share your ideas with the class. How dle you fee! about this picture? Have you usually got a busy weak? Why? How de you crganise your day? Do you use = calendar for school work? zo, do you use an anslog or a digital calendar?1) Warm-up: Is it important to have a routine? Why? Why not? Do you like your: own routine? 2 (22) Listen to Dana talking about her daily routine and complete her e-calendar. get =a = Perio 90 October | crease home to-schoo! tobed 4 (22) Listen to Dana again and write true (7) or false >. | play volleyball with my friends on thebeach, [ J ave lunch atacheol. [ My fiends and Isurfon Bondi beach. [ ] do homeworkin the evening. [ ] I check my chats after dinner. [ | brush my teeth and go to bed at 10:00pm. £1©} Eek ‘Simple Present (affirmative) We use this tense to talk about routine and habitual latch these sentences with the ens corresponding pictures. 1 | wateh 1v in the evening. Dana gets up at 7 am. You | play tennis with your Fiend She gets crested for school He | gets up at 00am. ‘She has a shower She | brushes herteeth | every day ‘She has lunch at noon. ft | runsinthe park | inthe morning. She brushes her teeth We | gotoschool atnoon, She goes to bed at 10:20 pm, You | have lunch atschool They | gotobed at 10:30pm. and complete her calendar. a 2, Remember! feos eee i 7 (>) Listen to Julia describing her rou re Read this post by Dana’s mother and ‘complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. foaineteney tiers an Eocene, od foasg Yam coat a Sine Resioal Hos _ (ant worcet 9 pm ight al after dinner. My husband, Victor, | bacon nc | | My name's Ana, 'm Dana's mother. My daily | | | dovghter |g ire) workat am. At this ine, Dana g ‘oat {lg ———— (eb home at 7.30 am ond 0 (have) brooke with my family When Dara igolto school, | (go) t bed. Ita 9 \\ Complete a calendar about your daily steel routine! Toutine and write a short post for the school blog. Use the text in activity 6 as a model. Oeme3 4 | 8 Work in pairs. Use the calendar in activity 7 and tell your partner about Julia's daily routine.LESSON 2 ) 1 (258° warm-up: Have your grandparents got a smartehone? Can they use it without help? Do you ever help them with apps or chat messages? cae mala an aah?) eae PRtia ences BRIDGING THE GENERATION GAP 1. Mary goes to schoolin de evenings C1 2 She wants to study Infornation Technology. {1 2. Sheteaches To evory day. [1 4 Tom's favourite app isthe video cel. ] 5. His grendetileren lve in California. (1 3 Look at the Useful Tips box. ‘Then write the ~s /-es forms of these verbs. scart __ starts ww finish fy lime oe ee fix 1 2 3 4 5 6g 7 e hee es 1 Odo 64 Read this article and write true (T) or false (F). ary is 16 years old, She is from Calformia, ]USA. She loves computers. When she finishes school, she wants ta study Information Technology. Every afternean after school she teaches elderly people to use their computers, tablets and ‘marthones, She is a vol ‘American organisation, She loves that hobby. unteet for @ well-known ne of her students is Torn, 78-year-old man. Every Tuesday and Friday he turns on the computer, clicks onthe Internet Web browser icon and waits fer Mary happily. Every class che teaches him something new Now he knows how to surf the net end to chat with Friends ‘My favourite is the video call app’ says Tom, ‘I'm happy to connect with my arandchitdren. They lvein New York and itis great to see therm on the screen. © ‘#Useful Tip > Spelling ‘Simple Present (aFE) 3" person singular Spelling rules: > Adds for most verbs. vwork- works, buy -buys, ride rides, return - returns > Add ~e8 forvarbs that end in -ch,-s ,~sh, x07 watch watches, pass -passes, rush - rushes, relax relaxes, buzz - buzzes > Change the-yt0 Jand add es when the bbase form ends in 2 consonant +y. study studies, huryy- hurries, dry chies > Do natchenge the -ywhen the base form endzin a vowel +y. Add 5 pplay- plays. enjoy - enjoys Remember! ‘A few vars have got Irregular forms. eis, do -does, go- goes, have has J2 Joshua is at Green Hills Summer Camp. “Listen to his audio message to his parents ‘ond numbor tho pictures in the correct order. 5 (>) Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. In pais, take turns to make sentences about Joshua's routine at the summer camp using sequence markers. Fst he makes his ed. Then. [~>) Poe ea Sequence markers: first, then, after that, next, Finally First, tum on my computer. Then, | clck onthe internet browser. Aer that, [ype the video call app URL Next, I click on ey grandchilcren’s names, Finally, my grandchildren’ faces appear on the screen Remember! We use sequence markers to organise ideas in chronological order. 6 |\ Mary is teaching Tom to download ‘anew app. Rewrite the steps she takes. First, | tap on the app store ican. Then, I ype the app name in the search box After that, | tgp on the app icon to download it Next, [insert my password. Finally ap accept to initiate the installation process. When itis finished, ! can start using the new app! Now its your turn, You do it! First, Mary taps on the Then, she Finally she 7 {2b stella and John are Mary's students too. Listen and complete the sentences. ttn, ‘gets up very early on Saturdays. love Mary's computer lessons. loves computers {90 tothe gym. Tikes junk food. listens to classical music reads the newspaper every day. ‘gets up at 11 am on Saturdays onesLESSON 3 1 (2) Warm-up: Name different ways in which people communicate today. Do your parents or grandparents understand your chat messages? Why? Why not? 2 [) Dora and Maggie are classmates. They are chatting online. Read their chat and match the eyber acronyms to their meanings. Hi Maggie. RUthe1e? yaasw Yeah. WU? ese How do you goto school? esau Bybike. And You? ow Me 2.Leté gotogetherl usw GRA BTW, Leo’ in our Dramas! @ Mee “GUCCI! What time sth Drama dass? ener 7.80 ar. seas OMG sean LOL Justkiding| ts 8 130 pm. us Dope. tse UO ss 1 RU [1 Me too. 2 wu? [1 Seeyou. 3.Me2 [1 Bythewar, 4GR8— [1 Laughoutloud S BTW [1 Excllent/ Awosome & Guct: [| } Oh,myGed! 7 OMG —[ } Whatbup? 81) Aeyou 9 Dope [1 Great wocu [1 Good Coot 66 BEY Useful Tip > Vocabulary How do you go to school? By bus /car/ taxi /train /bike. On foot 3 Re-read the chat and answer these questions. 1. When are the Drama classes? 2. De Maggie and Dora ike Leo? 3. How do they go to school? 4 Look at the survey results below and answer the questions. Complete the information for the negative sentences. How do thy goto schoo? hol by ear? 2 to school by taxi? to school by train?© Cae imple Present | tite | nage _—__nterapive Sata 1 (play. ‘don’t play. [ss |B Saye ae Yeu a ei aw. [donthove...__d>_/9¥ have. 7 == We i Bi we = Theres = rt they (vere 2 No [Bey [dort ays. doesn't play ay...? ees?! pes pea Yes |, | does she tax. domitham Doe avo from. —1 So woks.._| doom wok fees. Me fF fant 5:0) Dora and Leo are going home after the Drama class. Listen to their conversation and circle the correct options Dara and Leo play / plays sports, Dora plays / doesn't play tennis on Fridays, Leo plays basketball on Fridays / Saturdays Dora likes / doesn't like rock ‘nr Dore doesn't play the piano / guitar Dora and Leo don't love / love ice cream. 6 >) Workin pairs. interview your partner and complete the table. Swap roles. ‘Do youread agains? Bes daa don Name: | ves | no getup early read magazines th fiends | chat with friends ‘watch TV play the guitar 7 \\ write a paragraph about Dora and her friends. Use the information in activity 5 and your imagination, These are Dora and her classmates. DoraD> LESSON4) 1 (2) Warm-up: Are you concerned about climate change? Why? Why not? ") Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. ‘Then read the article and complete the interview with the questions in the box. MEET A iy my CLIMATE Eee” ACTIVIST Ee ry fs ssa ae Fridays for Future is an international climate movement. Its August 2018, Greta Thunberg, 1 Swedish 15-year-old, and other young activists sit n front ofthe ‘Swedish parliament every school ‘ay for three weeks to protest ‘against the lack of action on the ‘limate crisis. She posts what she's doing and it soon goes viral. Here we interview her about her efforts to fight climate change. 3 Re-read the article and answer true (T) or false (F). 1. Grete Thunbergisa teenager [J 2 Sheisfrom Switzerland. [ ] 3. Sheis part ofan intermational climate movement. [J 4 She doesn't use social networks. [J 4 Match the columns to make questions, | 4 Where [1 doyoudo in your fre time? | 2 How 11 doyoulive? 3 What] doyoudo yourhomework? 4 Why {1 doyougot schosl? 5 When [1 doyoulive wih? 6B 6 Who [1 doyoustudy Engiak® Where do you get together? How old are you Greta? Who do you do it with? \Whan do you usually do that? How do you do that? What do you do every Friday? ‘Why do you want to promote action? Reporter: Greta: 'm 18 years old now. ee = 6: We promote action Rea = 6 Because |viant to protect the environment and to raise awareness about it. Re : | post messages on social media Fig ine ca 66:1 post messages with other activists There are activists al over the world, aia ee (On Fridays, Ill started on three running Fridays in 2018, Si ge eases 6G: Anywhere! From the schoal entrance to social media, any place is suitable for environmental care ReThank you, Greta © #Useful Tip > Grammar } We use why*to ask questions ‘and because to answer them. A: Why do you study An? B: Because | ove it 5 Now answer the questions in activity 4.Read this interview to John. Write questions for the underlined phrases. Interviewer: what do aout take cate of the planet? John: | recyle waste by — ——___—f ‘J:| separate rubbish from recyclable items. C BB Kc. he doesn't My brother doesn’t help me at al -_— — 4 Irecyce because itis one of the mays 1 protect aur envionment a J \usually recycle in the evening after school. ese 7 ea J Vrecycle inthe back yard, Work in groups. Do some research and make alist of tips to protect the environment. Design a poster with useful advice. Tumoff thelights Savewater By ©) Use the information in activity 7 Bs cuertone Tha ea I rsrats snc coma oa chart below 4 Doyutmotttelgtie |v X ©} Per ek ee Yes & Noquestions “The answer to this question is either yes er ne A: Do you pley computer games? B: Yos, Ido. / No, I don't. Wh- questions ‘The answer to these questions gives more detailed information: What / Which actions do you take to protect the environment? Bl ecyle wast ‘A When do you rege? B:tnthe evenings. ‘A: Why dey nel? B: Becouse is inportan to take ear of our planet ‘A: Where cl you rage? At home orat schoo : 2: Who cb you recycle wii? 8: Alone or with my Far 7: How do you recycle? : Barre bh fon weber. Fa Thon find nw uses or eeylable ers. SP toes Oe., « ‘Complete Samantha's post with get, go. 4 or have. | pq up at 745 am, Create post ieee el ' Gebaten oe, i" a eae eareporecale ee Wo ale al mere enc eae a Se home. Put these sentences in the correct order using numbers. 1. Then, throw away the wasteinto (| ‘the black bin, 2 After that, | wash the containet First, | eat my lunch from the recyclable container. 4 Finally, | put it in the green bin >> Listen to Peter describing his routine ‘and write sentences following the clues. 1 Peter / shower / morning 2 He/ bike 427) Listen to Peter’s routine again and write questions for is answers. 1 Whattimedoyougetwp? I getup at 620, 2 | ge to school by bike a Ihave breakfast at the school canteen, 4 (On Tuesdays and Fridays, 5 | play football with my fiends Complete using by, on, at, or in. __ bus Sunday 1 My sister and | don't go ta school 2. My fiends and | play football mornings. 3. Tom and his brother are athletes. They get up 5:00 am every day. 4 My cousins haven't got English lessons __ ‘the morning, 5 My house is next to my school. I go to school foot, Justin and Mike are brothers. This table shows how they go to different places. Look at the table and answer the questions. 1. How do they go to the shopping centre? “They go to the shopoina centre by underground, —_ 2. How do they go to their grandmother's house? 3. He /breakiast home 4 He / Tuesdays and Frideys 3. How do they go to the sports club? 4 How de they go to school?oe ‘Think about the Monday's routine of a family 9 |) Work in pairs. Write five questions to member. Complete his / her calendar. ask your partner about his / her family Swap roles. 288 ©) 1 whattime does gue man / bribe get? June 2021 i a eeoenoncteio: <> i hz me a a 10 Read about Greta Thunberg’s routine. Complete with the verbs in the correct form. read have get post eat create go getup walk GRETA’S BUSY ROUTINE Greta Thunberg 387-00 am and brealfact. At &:00 she posters and flyers. At 10 am she jy for a walk in the park. When she jy back home she prepares her speeches and interviews, ‘At 1230 she has lunch, She balanced vegan dishes. She is against the environmental impact of the mest industry, In the aftemoon she on sacial media. At 4:00 pm she her dogs. At 5:30 she has dinner with her family and then she hangs out with hs formation in activity 7 to write fiends. At 9:00 pm she magazines {@ paragraph about your family member. and books tll she fl i rameis She/Hegetsup_————Pe ce ) FRIENDS a “fh> Describe people's personaly > Askand answer about haw often fone does something, > Talk about can or can't do Identity speech connectors > Ask and answer about wishes > Use frequency words and expressions > Express permission and prohibition. > Write blog post. +#PIC OF THE UNIT 4 >> Think and share your ideas with the class.D> LESSON1 ) 1 ©) Warm-up: Do you read horoscopes? What is your Chinese sign? Read your Do you know the difference between zodiac sign description. Do you agree with your sign and horoscope? Read the introduction personality description? land check your ideas. e0e butsorsatmes very roca ore ‘> rection. OXEN ove BET alent Tay nf ele much and thay a often SRE GOATS lke benuty and the ats. They ike Shir ere but are Bilond rarely tll Sanger. shan tinge go wrong. “TIGERS ae natural leaders. They a 2 fight er wht wight find out Thay ke to tink but ec sometimes thoy fog ttlfieut 0 make 8 decision MONKEYS 0 ‘very SERBS They love partes! They ore 3 nd he to “2 ore problems, GRRE anc have ‘Bata on eae fot may land. They They ke inte confiee «= ax, Sd et «=> RABBIT DRAGON | 2000, ike to protect poopie “They hardy ever get ever ot frend and they lays think they are ight (DOGS a Bont sep thor rand sect Thay are ye sorntinas at pares. fs & =i a event got mary ROOSTER Sometimes they a2 [SNAKES 272 vory IGS oe BE instinctive. they andl to help balou in inulon people They haven't hoy oe een ‘g0tmany fronds, T ED Hiss sndlove O ‘#Useful Tip > | Saying the years Vocabulary | 2000="wo thousand 2008 = two thousand and! eight 2021 = 2021 = wenty wenty-oneS Bae Frequency adverbs Frequency adverbs are used to deterbe how often things happen. (a [Always > Roosters always think hey‘ right Usually Dragons usully help their fiend, Often-> Monkeys are often creative. cal 5) Sometimes > Doge are sometimes distant at parties Rarely / Hardly ever Sheep rarely talk'o strangers 3 Read the Chinese Zodiac again and classify the highlighted personality adjectives. BHHAHA ee scalars ornare Remember! Be careful with the position of frequency adverbs. An oxis often anary ~ verb to be + adver Snakes often believe in intuition. = adverb + other verbs: © #Useful Tip > Vocabulary We use personality adjectives to | men dlescribe people’ quali Enis tend bts sometines ‘G00 Listen and find out these people's abit shy De ress ransom EE pectin ta 1 Jennifer is a____fabbit _ 7 Look at the prompts and write sentences. ia 1 Roosters never people ee : 4 Mike ca Roosters neve Wad Ei — 2 Adie cushy ties = I vecrcin por Deccsugeaaet 2 Kigw Jahon ay Fonte neonay sa cee — partner to guess your family member's 4 ‘Rats / usually / charming and easy-going Chinese zodiac sign. ~ 5. Ahorse/ sometimes /impationt A; My sister is shy and she rarely talks to strangers but ‘she likes her friends. She also likes beauty and the arts. B: Your ster isa goat! 8 (>) Work in pairs. interview your partner about his / her personality and routine. B Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then Complete the table below. put the words in order to make sentences. mia 1 reads / My / aluays / horoscope page. /sister the My sate aluaysteads the horasconeage, = 2 is mum / rarely / My / angry 3 never / gets / father / into conflict. / My 4 homework. /us / gives / My / usualy / teacher 5 y/o ost ends, eames 9 | write about your partner's personality ai and routine in your notebook. O=nd76 LESSON 2 ) 1) Warm-up: Bo you think animals can have a job? If so, what jobs can they have? Do you agree with working animals? Animals 2 |) Read the article and mateh the animals with their jobs 1 Pigs 2 Rats 3 Monkeys 2 pick up dropped items find traffles © detect land mines work: We all know that dogs can’t talk but they can help the police to catch criminals and to find missing people. Guide dogs can help blind people to move freely avoiding obstacles. But what about other animals? Well, you will be surprised ‘A truffle pig is a pet that hunts for truffles. A truffle is a special type of fungus that grows underground. The pigs have got such a good sense of smell that they can sniffouta truffle even when it is buried a metre underground, The pig owners train their pigs. A truffle pig can walk on a leash and sniff out truffles between the fallen in the forest. Truffles are very expensive They are popular in the Middle Eastern, French, Spanish, Italian and Greek cooking. Teav Land mine rats are rats which can find mines that are buried in the ground, especially in countries such as Mozambique, Cambodia and Angola. The rats are very small so they can’t mines, When they smell a mi make quicl ches on the ground to signal where itis. It takes about nine months to train the rats, and, like all workers, they get paid fora job well done ~ with food, often bananas, Ifyou can't walk or move your arms, a monkey can offer a helping hand. Capuchin monkeys are trained to do a variety of daily tasks: they can pick up dropped items, tum on and off electronic gadgets and open and close doors, OF course, they can’t go shopping or cook but they are great fiiends for some people 3 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar Box. Read the article again and answer these questions. 1. Can pigs smell rules? Yes theycan Be 2 Can trfflepige walk on their own in the forest? 3. Canrats set offland mines? 4 Cancats smell land mines? 5 Gr cepuchin monkeys cook? & Can monkeys open and clase doors?© 4#Sign Up to Grammar Can/ Can'tCability) ‘Affirmative / Negative Interrogative Short anwers 1 dance the tango. 1 runa marathon? 1 You jump. you use a tablet? you He run a marathon. he reada map? Yo, he can She ean sing. cone ve? she hk cant play #sport it jump? ® We ‘swim, we playthe piano? | No, we can't You take photos. you tellthe time? you They cook pizza ‘they follow instructions? they Remember! Inatirmative sentences, the main verb i stressed: We can do it In negative sentences, canis stressed We can't do tt “ (nb Listen to Jason's podeast and complete 5 Look at the Useful Tip box. Then re-read with can oF can’t Jason's podcast and circle the connectors. #Useful Tip > Grammar \We can use and, or and but to join two sentences, ‘Monkeys can walk and jump. (addition) ‘Sam can'tride 2 horse or a bike, (two or more Ideas inthe negative) Dogs cam run but they can’ fl. (contrast) 10:00 AM < sasons poncast Hi folks In today’s episode | want to share some of my abilities with you. rm sporty guy. is run a marathon and play {football but |, do yoge or martial ars. ollow a training programme. |run 3 km = day and | usually play foatbal on Tuesdays, ‘Thursdays and Saturdeys. play the centre forward and the striker position but | definitely y play the goalkeeper postion. Thank you for listening, Remember you can follow me on social media, We'll meetin my ext episode! 6 |) Work in pairs. Interview a partner and complete the table. Then complete the column about you 7 ‘\ write a paragraph about your partner's abilities in your notebook. omnLESSON 3 1 (2) Warm-up: What breed is the dog in the article? What is this breed well-known for? Do you agree with their reputation? 2 | | Read this online magazine article showing two different points of view about pit bulls. Then label the pictures on the right with the highlighted words. Thee alt onrvey and itbu Same peoples tha tee dose oto ard -oylbyntre Some oh say atthe re dongersenredcabl end ages. Who dp ul oanersond ins hawt? >> KATE PEARSON has got 2 year-old pit ll called Osa, ate sas he sweet dog and als, We loves to be with the fay and eos plying, Hes the quan ofthe fot door: when the dortel ings he aS But he Goes ite, On the contra eum up and down and HS people nce they get > in Hes ay oan. He can follow simple commands etme, anton and henge tat he arse thigs fer dy He doer tack ther dos or eae Infact es ‘ery sacle, Ste pape fndhimininidaing bute doesit anything ei or agressive. He get companion. elves toplayin water and enjyshiking >> ARTHUR WHITE fas oot a dfeent sony tot. My neighbour Henry Tompscn, as gc pitbull led Ruby. Shes 2 yet and sheer stongand energetic Adbynererwes a Ua ery ary heap eon Then they Io the street Heny says that by does ite and that het ingest the ther day Ruby tachi. Tater tink hat tls avery anges ad anaes oe 3 Read the article again and write true (T) 4 (2) Would you like or false (F). to have a pit bull? Oscarisa sweet dog. | 1 — Heis very socible. [1 Heisasily dog. [1 Tonk / wade ike 10 Ruby is strong and energetic. 11 fave a pal becaise She wears a muaalein the street. [J Pitaks are sca. Henry always keeps her on aleash [B Tiegcan fear©} para ded 0) Listen to Kate from Adopt a Dog Foundation and tick (/) the information you hear. 11 | Adopting a dog is very expensive. 2 [ ] Youalways have to train an adopted dog. 3 [1 Adopted dogs are usually good with children, 4 [1 Adopted dogs are usually friendly with other pets. 5 [ ] Adopt s Dog foundation matches you with any dog 6 [| The foundation website offers anew petaler: 7 [1 Adopted dogs aro sometimes aggressive. $2 °F woud you the to acopt a dost I htctrstog ix they seateryal like to adopt? Why? Discuss. Tike to adopt (Lucy) because CHARLE Would/ Wouldn't like Fo+ verb \We can use would like to to talk about things that people want to do orhave. I would lke to have a dog. ~ I'd fke to have a doa What would you like to do on Seturday morning? would not {wouldn't like to get uo early Remember! “The shar: form of wouldis ‘d, Ved fike ta live in big house one day 7 write sentences about what you would or wouldn't like to do with your new dog. You may use the ideas in the box. walk play with my deg keep my dog on a leash feed my dog givemydog bath teach him tricks L woud ike to walk my do tothe park, 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 (>) Finda classmate who has got a dog and ask him / her the questions below. NAME: 4 What broed is your dog? What’ his/her name? [Can he 7 she play with ball? [Can he she fetch a stick? {Can he she play dead? 9 |\ In your notebook, write a post for My Dos amagazine about your classmate's dog. Use the information in activity 8.LESSON4) 1 2) Warm-up: What do you know about elephants? Are they in danger of extinction? Do you know what an elephant sanctuary is? Read the leaflet and answer the questions. Eu ae aT TC E [DESCRIPTION oem tothe north athe cy of chiang Wal ‘You can interact wth the elephants. You can touch them pay with them, ave Vit phan ng Sone n cr nabuth evelymomingand even chang Hoesbatainganclhil wear spa together eh them sexo exponen Thal rol ech visors abl lephans | MporTaNT FORMATION inte nt poems Ts oval We con eu leasing rr cd itt vi ommmme Pesbtenese se Vise wtf donations an ‘eo Thai meals inthe ful ay visit ereey ase des om and yourhotein Norio liane ra full day visit celegiala ‘Chiang Mai for 3 full day “Afternoon visit: ‘sopmesesom Full day vst favamto65 pm PRL What ie Elephant Jungle Sanctuary? Where = Elephant Jungle Sanctuary? What 2 the oak ofthis natural reserve? Fowlong can youstay there? What language do guides speak?3 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then read the leaflet again and write true (T) or false (F). Elephant Jungle Sanctuary is open once aweek. [ You can't play with the elephants. [ You can give the elephants a bath every day. [ You can drink potable waterin the esere. —[ You can ride on the elephants twice ayear. [ You can have a Thai meal three times aday. [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 (69) Listen to Rita talking to her mum in the Elephant Sanctuary and tiek (/) what she can do. 1 [1 play with he elephants 2 [ ride elephants 3 [I deink water 4 [| askthe photographer to take a picture ofthem 5 [ ]haveanice cream 6 [1 eat Thai food Rita is chatting with her friend in England. Complete her messages. Hi, Karen! How are you? Good, What about you? The elephant sanctuary is fantastic! “Tall me about it: Can you ride on an elephant? ‘Oh, and can you play with them? a inthe mud with them, Cool! Can you give them food? ; But lg a ‘Thai food! That’ for us. Really tasty photographs? Yes, But there's also 2 photographer. text you later | have to go! Enjoy the dy! ® one ©} Perens Frequency Expressions ‘We can use the fllowing frequency expressions to talk about how often ve do things Every day / wook / month/year Once 2 day / week / month/year Twice 2 day / week / month / year Three times @ dey / week / month / year How often do you the lshes? Every day play tennis? Once a week ‘90.dancing? Twice @ month © ‘#Useful Tip > Grammar Can or can't are sometimes used t0 {for or give permission. A: Can have an ice cream, Mum? 8: Yas, you can. /No, you can't, 6 (>) Work in pairs. Use the information in activity 4 and role play a dialogue between Rita and her mum. Rita: Can ide onan elephant, Mor? ‘Mom No you can 7 2» Work in pars, Use the cues below to ask and answer euestions, Swap roles. Acvisit/@ naturel reserve 8: once / year A: Haw often do you vist a natural reserve? Bil vist 9 naturalreserve once. year 1 Arwalk /your pet Bevery day 2 Axtake /your pet to the vot Bronce or tice / year 3. Argive /your peta bath Betwiee / month 4 A:brush / your pet's teeth B:twice / month 5 Acplay /with yourpet Bronce / day 8 |\ write a post for the school blog about your classmate’s routine with his / her pet Using the information in activity 2 OQead| 1 dic) Listen to Jake's podeast about his routine and colour his weekly schedule in the table below. 2 Complete the interview to Jake. Use the information in activity 1. Interviewer: Well, Jake, lat me ask you some questions, Jake: Ok. 'm ready. Interviewer: Jake: | play video games every day. | love them. ae lake: Yes, have. His name is Rigo Interviewer: lake: | take him for 2 walle twice 2 week, Intorviewor: Jake: | play football three times a week, € Interviewer: How often do you do homework? Jake Interviewer: How often do you get up late? Jake: y Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Jake Jake: Welcome! 2 3 Now write sentences about Jake’s week! routine. ae nays ven games every day, 4 Answer about you. 1. Can you play any spon? 2. How often do you do your homework? Have you gota pet? Can you cook? Are you easy-going? How often do you take selfies? What would you like to do next weekend?Write sentences about what these animals Finish these comments with your own ideas. can or can’t do. Use the cues below and , suitable connector (and / or / but). ee ota bu havea" got apes Si iron pas ee ee 2. I want to have an ice cream, = run/walk 3 Dogs often bark when — 4 Wehot in here Atorto'se con's run butt can walk 5 Dogesomatimesbite when 6 Elephants can walk fast but = bork fun 7 Unscramble these personality adjectives. 1 AOCSILEB s soruceacou CJ XREOTERVDET E MPTIAENIT » —— RATCVEIE é brett | CRATPCALI si SONHET 4 RDEETIMEND D. 7 8 Describe your best friend's personality. Use some of the personality adjectives in activity 7. = fly /climb glass walls My best friend's name. aSo } 1 Re: .ad the article and match the headings to the texts 111 My Typical Do See [ ——_ ] Multetalented Young Woman y ya slog 2 an Austin talented ya I wife ing ue win yan ws fr het ances, an aces, ut te conservation wor om a 24h) 098 ise is GSN the famous Cacole tex Her ates death in 206 35 he consequence afa stingrays: ter brthes Robert and her motes Ter als conservation The tesa sta Zon vein TENN and comin seve’ egacy offing aaa Tey take par fey se 5.20 Fern ay seis i shows wns Mel the zoo twice a week “pera blind Sumatra ier atte on The vet needsto testi ee ONE econtesiseysunes he get sanders Inseason of ersanmual epee ytd Caner Powel fess 2. Their wedding ism as pected oid-19 pandemic eas l yar Cie! youcansee thet Bindi also mares ber beloved be wakeboardre, In episode 13 S50" ecase they marin the mile ofthe intheend ‘ithe organisation The if portant cause —toprotea Wari, i aes ail for 29 wie 4 wi places! etree i Cenc} ¥ Batapes (tog) 1% Fant anna ech 4 Basins Braco 8 DShow crept (Geason #286 2 i‘potter, aS pecan ey arly indeed. & Bites Co Hist ania in he th Mu and Raber hoi ss 5 Bir with Conder 3 Work in pairs. Answer in the Information in the article. The first pal finish Is the winner. Wire does ba? Wats Bini ether Who is Steve Irwin? [sina an only chi? ins Fr other aa? [Does Bin getup early? When is Crikey! (tthe Ivins oo? What can the Sumatran tiger do? ponder Has ind gots Does Sina sg? How often does Bindi have a shower? _Pr AY at Neue a> Identify the parts of the house. > Ask and answer about actions > Identify furniture and household items. Talk about household chares and safety at home. > Express abligation and prohibition. > Talk about TV programmes. Distinguish between routines anc actions in progress. #picor THEUNTT Ba >> Think and share your ideas with the class:> ss LESSON1 Warm-up: What is a reality show? Would you like to take part in one? Why? Why not? Read the interview to Jack Smith, the host of Big House. Then write the names of the rooms in the house. Reporter: Big House i the new realty show fon channel Vb. This is Jack Smith the host Congrats on this new programme, Jack When exactly does Big House stert? lack: Next Monday at 10:00 pr. Reportar: How many contestants are there in the show? Jack: Six but don't naw ther yet Reporter: Is the house big? Jacke Yes, iis} London city centre “a comfortable ho Reporter: How many rooms has the house got? ack: Wel it's got a big living room and a dining room on the ground floor. There's also the kitchen, 2 playroom and 2 small bathroom downstairs Reporter: That sounds good! Are there any rooms upstairs too? Jack: Yes, ofcourse. There is the master bedroom and a big bathroom Reporter Is there only one bedroom? Lack: Yes, there is We don't know who wil sleep there, Atthe beginning of the game allthe contestants sleep on a mattress in the garage. Reporter: That’ good fun. Well, Jack, break your leg in this new programme, ack: Thank you! Jive in a house in Buenos Aires. We're all at home now: We're in the dining room, The kitchen is on the ground floor. One of the bathrooms i upstairs. The other bathroom is downstairs.3 Re-read the interview and answer true (T) or false (FD. 1. The name of the new reality show is Big Host 2. The host of the programme is Jack House. 3. There ave six contestants in the game. 4 There isn't any place to 1k in the house. 5 There is only one bathroom upstaies 6 Allthe contestants sleep in the master bedroom, } Pea ean Present Continuous (affirmative) tobes verb + -ing {.am ('m) cooking in the kitchen | YYou are re) brushing your teat in the bathroom. | | He i (3) reading a book on the stairs She is (s} making a phone callin her bedroom. itis (3) running in the garden. We are ('22) watching TV in the living room. You are (re) putting the bikes in the garage. They are (re) eating inthe dining room. Remember! Use the Present Continuous to tae ‘about actions that are in progress now (et this moment. fal 4 (3b Listen to Jack Smith with some breaking news from Big House. Match the contestants withthe actions and the rooms. 1. Marco and John siting living room 2 Isabelle playing garage 3 Linda cooking bathroom 4 Mel having ashower kitchen 5 Britney sleeping playroom 5 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. Then write sentences using the prompts. +1 Marco and John / play video games / playroom ‘Maco and.John ate paging video games in the playroom, 2. Isabella / read ebook /lving room 3. Linde / have a shower / bathroom 4 Britney / cook / kitchen 5 Mal/sleep / garage 6 |) Work in pairs. Imagine you are the host of Big House. Tel your partner what the Contestants are doing in the different rooms. Swap roles, Hil were broadcasting lve fom Big House. At them 1. mand Marco steno.LESSON 2 1 (2) Warm-up: Do you like watching cartoons? What cartoons can you mention? ‘Who is your favourite cartoon character? 2 Look at the picture of one scene of The Chesters, a popular cartoon, and match the numbers with the furniture and household items. [11 fridge [1 cupboard 11. cooker (Ui) = stove (US) [1 sofa (UK) = couch (US) C1 ng [1 armchair [1 ble C1 chairs [1 lamp [1 bookease 3 | | Read about The Chesters. Then circle the correct options. You have an appointment at 630 pin from Monday to Friday Watch the well-known cartoon fami, ‘The Chesters on channel V6. The daiylife of the typical American familys depicted in 30-minute-episodes. The Chester live in flat in New York city.Christogher and Muriel are the twins’ parents. Alex and Phil ‘ane the four-year-old naughty children in the farm 4 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box. ‘They've got a cat, Felix, who they love bothering ‘Then answer about what the Chesters Christopher loves watching football matches and are doing at home right now. “Muriel does home working, Don't miss the ups and downs of The Chesters! They' good fun! This type of text is factfile / a recommendation. The Chesters are on TV /on the radio, ‘The Chester lve in 3 country house / flat, Christopher and Muriel have got ne children ‘wo children the cat sleeping? GQ 5 Muriel works in an office / from homeSOE a ociur Present Continuous linterrogative, answers & negative) Short answers Interrogative Negative Am reading? Yes, 1am. /No, Fm not 1am not 'm not) reading. Are you cooking? Yes, you are. / Ne, you aren't. | You are not (aren't) cooking Ishe working? Yes, he i. / No, he fan’t He/She / Its not fsn't) working Are they playing? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't.| We/ You / They are not (aren't playing, Answers What are you doing? {'m working on the computer. What's Mr Chester doing? | He's sitting on the sofa a What are the tins doing? | They're playing with their toys (42) Listen to four dialogues from The 7 2) work in pairs. Mime different actions Chesters and match the names withthe for your partner to guess what you are doing. Eetions. Swap roles 1. Christopher [J Fide a bike ‘what am doing right no? (ne an action) 2 Muriel [J cook B: Are yoveatng a bmburce?” 3 Alex [1 play with a ball ‘Yes am. Nan not: Try agin Look! 4 Phil I talkon the phone 8 Answer these questions. SE cian scam ons wie quertomefr these answers. ‘Are you listening to music right now? 1 2 What are you doing? No, he isn't. He's riding a bike. 2 = Yes, he is. He cooking pancakes, 3 2 & Whatishe /she doing? No, she ist She's talking on the phone. 4 25 Areyour classmates dancing? Yes, he is. He loves playing with his ball a - 6 Wihat are your classmates doing? 3. Ieyour teacher writing on the board? E> #Useful Tip > Spelling For most verbs, add -ing: do, doing When a verb ends in -y, add —ings ley, playing ‘When a verb ends in 2, remove the fe and add ~ing: write, writing ‘When a verb ends in a vowel and a consonant, repeat the consonant and add “ng: put, putting © \ Find an image of your favourite cartoon rd ui a deseyslion USHER Ih your meee | In thisimage Batis watching TV.LESSON 3 1 (2) Warm-up: Do you usually post your daily activities on social media? Would you post a pic of you helping with housework? Why? Why not? 2 Match the pictures with the household chores below. Then tick (/) the chores you usually do at home. make the bed [ : 1 @ wei te fooe b setthetable [ ] f dothe dishes U1) € dotheironing { ] g dothelaundy {J PP 22 5 ceanthercom | 1h takecutthonsbaE J 3 | Becky Brown, the reporter for News Today, is reporting the results of an interes! challenge. Read and answer the questions, ‘Now's move onto these of social media and teenagers, Do teens expase thei private too much? Oo they pat all their sales and photogrghs? Dv choy mee al the passble consequences of heir posts? There usually great controversy about But ths case cifferet: teenager re posting ther pl tpn wth ce household chores. Tey ar aking arin he Help At Hore Challenge organised by 3 welnoun infuercer which turns ou tobe 2 good opportunity for psychologist and doctors todo research on the ap Research shows that ony 20% of teenagers lp arund the bows, and that homes wha chile lp thei parents are much happier places. Resear also shows that teenagers alg mak ‘ir bed and they often ean their room. They sometimes st the {able for lunch or dinar an thay arely do the dishes afterwards The stu shows thet helping at home is healthy Isnt great! Ooctrs and holon agree with thisidoa — TeS no jst Ma idea! 1. What kind of photographs are teenagers posting! 2 Why are they posting those photographs? 3. Whatis the most popular household chore? 4 (od) Usten to Becky Brown finishing her report on Help at Home Challenge and wr true (1) or false (F). 1. Alarge number of teenagers make their bed. [ 2 Teenagers never take out the rubbish. [ 3 Most teenagers dislike doing the ironing. [1 4 Teenagers sometimes set the table. [ 5 © Discuss with your classmates. How ‘often do you do the household chores in activity 2? Would you like to make a chang in any aspect?©} Pe ded ue ‘Must or musn't (obligation & prohibition) Affirmative | must help out at home. You must clean your oom. He must keep everthing in order She must sat the table before lunch. We must make the bads every day You must do the dishas after lunch They must vacuum the house at weekench {must pot (mustn't) be late for schook ‘You must not (must') touch that plug He must not {mustn't} chew gum in ass She must not (mustn't) eat between meals ie must not (mustn’y) tlk during the clas. You must not (must) point ot people. “They must not mustn't) eave their things around. Remember! We use must for orders and for strong suggestions. 8 ‘We use must not (mustn‘ for prohibitions (negative orders). Lo Grammar box. Then read the leaflet and complete the sentences Look at the Sign Up t with must or mustn't. igets near the show eer Open the hot water tap without ¢ eee oe 7 \ inyour notebook, write a 4. You putalectric gadgets near the shower 2 You place a non-slip mat on the floor of your set of safety tips at home (for showar ‘example, in the kitchen) for the 3 You keep the bathroom floor clean and dry. school blog. 4 You check water temperature before opening the ae waboriap : ee ‘You tnast Kop ives and forks ava 5 You leave shampoo and soap far from the shower. {rom chilen You mst 6 You leave babies alone in the bathiub. One) 93 4LESSON 4 1 ©) warmup: you preter watching 3.) Impl, ask and answer questions troaitenalV orstsaming services? Why? about activity 2, Student A chooses one Now many nours do you watcha day? senuaaia iescperh’ seen aieucer a ‘guess. Swap roles. 2 Match the types of TV programmes with the Theo ‘amanin the opn at He's talking on a pictures. Then give an example of each typ rmictophone Bele'sasports programme Pictre 11 J acartoon 2 [J adocumertary 4 (os) Bridget and Ethan are siblings, Listen 2) Jealkshow to their conversation and match the pictures 20 Layee with the names. 5 [ ] asitcom 6 [ ] 2 soap (opera) Bridget Ethan Murn and Dac 7 [| anews programme 8 [J asports programme ox RE] isacartoan, 5 (0) Listen again and write true (T) or false ©). Vset inthe house. {| watching a fun pregramme.{ | want to watch the same ayshowis steight o'dock. |] sangywith Ethan. [|16 Look at the Sign Up to Grammar box and circle the correct options. +1 Ethan is watching / watches 2 basketball game on TV now. 2. Bridget watches /is watching the sarne reality show at o'clock every week 3. Bridget and Ethan's parents are watching / watch 2 documentary atthe mo 44. Bridget and Ethen fight / are fighting because they want to watch different TV programmes 5 The cealty show is starting / starts at the same time every neck ‘Answer these questions about you. 4. What kind of programmes do you prefer? 2. Are you watching a soap at the moment? 3. What s the best TV programme ever? 4 Why do you like the programme in question 3 so much? = wy soe Irspawiey TE than and ere show yusome pes my fl Hi erent ak avis i with das O©esmoes ats pre Dida thes lei he echt ast uc a, eter cing i ‘Simple Present vs. Present Continuous ‘We normally use the Simple Present to talk about permanent situations, fr about things thathappen regular, | repeatedly orallthe time thabits or | routine in the present) My sister often watches documentaries on 1. ‘We normally use the Present Continuous to talk about temporary actions and situations that are going ‘on now (before, during and after the moment of speakingh Mysisteris watching a reality p= Ls 8 \ Inyour notebook, —_ stick a picture that shows you and your family doing something. Then write t a short description of, the picture. Use the descriptions in activity uses stem! 8 as models.1 Label these furniture and household items. eee 2 Now read the clues and guess the furniture and household items. | 1. You keep food here: fridge __ 2. Two or more people can sit here: 3. You keep books here: | 4 You have your meals at this: —_____— | 5. You turn it on when itis dark: | 3. vb Sarah is giving a short interview for her school newsletter. Listen and tick () the correct pictur. 4 (>> Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. Sarab lives in an 2. Her favourite room is ‘There are beds in her ‘bedroom. She does herhamework when her sister is sleeping Gerch and her sister fight because they have g 5 Write the -ing form of these verbs. 7 wite a. 9 watch _—___ tse Mido Wig —Complete these sentences about Sarah's interview in activity 3. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Simple Present or Present Continuous). i 4 Sarah itt doing _(de) her homework now. She 2 = (ial to Delia, 2 Sarah’ sister — {not / sleep) now. She (play) on the computer. 3 Sarah and her sister —{eleap) in the 4 same bedroom. 4. Sarah and her sister always __ (fight 5 ‘over the computer. 5 Sarah’ family ___ (have) their meals in. 6 the kitchen 6 Sarahis mum —__(ook) inthe kitchen at ‘the moment. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences describing what these people are t t t i doing right now. [ l 5 1. Nancy’sin the kitchen, She —_ftidoing the dishes but she — — the ironing, 2A Nina cleaning the dining room? B: No, she Shot 3 Zoe ‘he laundry, She is sitting and she video games. 4. Luke’ downstairs inthe living room. He the floor 5 AclsTom out the = &:___, he 8 Match the sentences with the types of TV programme: “The players are standing in a queue ready to run into the field Dus Lips i talking tothe interviewer about her musical career. “The lion is waiting patiently for its next victim in the dark savanna. Hove Tom and Jerry, Look! Tom’ running after Jerry now [t's se funny! ‘They are a group of friend in their teens, They go to a music school. They have fun ups and downs. The couple are walking hand in hand at sunset on the beach 1 @certoon 1. asports programme 1 asitcom 1] asoap opere ] atalkshow 1] adocumentary Complete with must or mustn’t. We __fellew safety tips to avoid accidents at home. You throw litter on the stairs. A: What — do to watch my favourite programme? B:You agree with your family. You make noise or talk when your parents are watching TV. You help out at home. 10 \ Draw or glue a picture of your favourite room in your hous it to post on social media. ‘Write a description ofORIG > Describe people's personality Talk about past experionces, > Ask and answer about the weather > Identify clothes. O > Askand answer about natural isasters Talk about feelings and emotions >> Think and share your ideas with the class. How dla you fee about this collage? How are the pictures connected? Ifyou hed to chaose only one part ofthe picture, whic would you choose? Why? Have you got old pictures like thesLESSON 1 ) 1) Warm-up: Do you know the meaning of #tbt 6 social media? Do you use this hashtag? When? Why? Do you like to share anecdotes about your childhood? Read these #tbt posts and write the correct usernames on the pictures. @--- My sister an were born on a warm summer dy: we are tins. We were completelyBAld, Nobod) believes me when Itell them this story because tieve got so much har now! Unfortunately | wast 2 very BBB cic. I as just Mum and! the to of us for some time; but we were never “Today things are diferent, ve got a stepfather and thee stepbrothers that ae really cool. simply love my family! #bttchidhoodmerories ‘idklongago vay A @ |hyas born in winter on a very cold day with lots of snow everywhere | was a BOBBY baby and people tell me | was BEEBto0. Iwas the fst Grandcile on my mothers and my father’ side so all the family was alighted with my birth | keap on being the apple oftheir eyes, even, though I've got a younger brother and a sister. Luckily 'm not that chubby now. ‘bt thappytimes vay TA 3 write the nightighted adjectives inactivity 2 next to their definitions. = with hair The weather was really nice on the day was bor. It was spring and it ee —_alitdetat was a bright sunry doy. People tell me | wasnt (sual for chldsem ime | wasnt very QUI In fact, Iwas {sual for children ‘very fRUGBE even at that time. And its a big surprise for you to know 3 ___= adorable, that | wes really SIG, especially because I'm bald now. When | was abby Iwas svay hur, js ke oda! OF couse my sme wath its of weren't hamburguers, my favourite dish nowadays. They were mesty baie rik bottles. #t childhood E a ceca 5 ______= the opposite way a ofsed a 6 —_= the opposite ‘of welkbehoved / obedient calm silent feeling alone
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