Tender Enquiry Document: Medical Gas Pipe Line System

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(Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Ltd., a Govt. of India Enterprise)

B-14 A, Sector-62,Noida-201 307
Phone: 0120-4071500; Fax: 0120-4071513
URL: www.hllhites.com
Email: pcd@hllhites.co
Section Topic Page No.

Section I – Notice inviting Tender (NIT) -------------------------------------------------------------- 03

Section II – General Instructions to Tenderers (GIT) ----------------------------------------------- 05
Section III – Special Instructions to Tenderers (SIT) ------------------------------------------------ 26
Section IV – General Conditions of Contract (GCC) -------------------------------------------------- 27
Section V – Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) --------------------------------------------------- 43
Section VI – List of Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
Section VII – Technical Specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
Section VIII – Quality Control Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------- 66
Section IX – Qualification Criteria ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
Section X – Tender Form -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Section XI – Price Schedules ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
Section XII – Questionnaire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
Section XIII – Bank Guarantee Form for EMD --------------------------------------------------------- 75
Section XIV – Manufacturer‟s Authorisation Form -------------------------------------------------- 79
Section XV – Bank Guarantee Form for Performance Security /CMC Security --------------- 81
Section XVI – Contract Form (A & B) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 83
Section XVII – Proforma of Consignee Receipt Certificate ------------------------------------------ 87
Section XVIII – Proforma of Final Acceptance Certificate by the Consignee --------------------- 88
Section XIX – Consignee---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
Appendix---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
HLL Infra Tech Services Limited



Tender Enquiry No.: HITES/PCD/AIIA/MGPS/22-23 Dated: 19.04.2023
1. Procurement & Consultancy Services Division of HLL Infra Tech Services Limited, for and on
behalf of Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, invites sealed tenders, from eligible
and qualified renderers‟ for supply, installation and commissioning of MGPS (MEDICAL GAS
PIPELINE SYSTEM) the following institute:
Tender ID Consignee Name Processing Fee EMD (Rs.)
All India Institute of Ayurveda,
1 2023_HLL_151856_1 11,800.00 6,84,850.00

3. Tender No.: HITES/PCD/AIIA/MGPS/22-23 dated 18.04.2023

Description Schedule
a. Last date of receipt of Pre-Bid queries 26.04.2023 1700 Hrs. IST
28.04.2023 1100 Hrs. IST
The meeting can be joined by clicking on the
below link:
Video call link:
b. Pre-bid meeting date, time& venue
Or dial: (US) +1 443-671-8649 PIN: 789 271 836#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/hjy-qpab-

Closing date & time for submission of

c. 19.05.2023, 1400 Hrs. IST
online bids
Closing date & time for submission of
d. tender processing fee and EMD in 20.05.2023, 1400 Hrs. IST
physical form*
e. Time and date of opening of online bids 20.05.2023, 1430 Hrs. IST
Venue for :-
HLL Infra Tech Services Limited, Procurement &
Submission of tender processing fee,
f. Consultancy Services Division, B-14 A, Sector-62,
EMD in physical form.
Tender Opening-Tech Bid
* Tender processing Fee is inclusive of GST (Our GSTIN: 09AADCH4882R1ZP)
** Bidders have to submit Original Bank Instruments for tender processing fee and EMD within the above
mentioned date and time

SPECIFIC Instructions for e-Tender Participation:-

 Interested bidders are advised to download the complete Tender Enquiry document from the websites
www.hllhites.com or www.eprocure.gov.in/cppp for complete details
 Bidders shall ensure that their tender(s), complete in all respects, are submitted online through CPPP
website:https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app only.

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

 The Bidder shall download the Bidding Document directly from the designated websites and shall not
tamper/modify it including downloaded Price Bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be
tampered/modified in any manner, Tender/Bid will be summarily rejected and EMD would be forfeited.
 Bidders are advised to follow the instructions, for registering and online submission of their bid(s), as
provided in the CPPP website and are requested to read them carefully before proceeding for bidding.
 Bidders should be in possession of valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of class III for online
submission of bids. Prior to bidding, DSC need to be registered on the website mentioned above.
 The tenderers shall submit Tender Processing Fee and EMD in physical form at the scheduled time and
 Tenderer may download the tender enquiry documents from the web site www.hllhites.com or
www.eprocure.gov.in/cppp .
 The bidders shall submit the required Tender Processing Fee (in form of Demand Draft or Banker‟s Cheque)
and EMD (as per GIT clause no. 19.3) in physical form in favour of „HLL Infra Tech Services Limited‟ at
the scheduled time and venue. Tender processing Fee is required from all the bidders irrespective of
their registration with NSIC or any other Govt. Organisation.
 All the tender related documents to be scanned in .pdf format with lower resolution and 100% readability and
submitted online. The bidders shall not submit any other documents in physical form other than the
documents mentioned at point no 10 above.
 Prospective bidders may send their queries 02 (two) days before the pre-bid meeting so that they can be
studied and addressed during the pre-bid meeting. Query can also be raised during pre-bid meeting. No
queries/ representations will be entertained after pre-bid meeting.
 All prospective tenderers may attend the Pre Tender meeting. The venue, date and time indicated above.
 Bidders shall ensure that their bids complete in all respects, are submitted online through CPPP e-portal
(https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app) only. No Deviation is acceptable.
 Bidders may simulate bid submission (technical & financial) at least one week in advance of the bid
submission deadline. No clarifications/troubleshooting regarding any problems being faced during online bid
submission shall be entertained in the last week of bid submission


Tender Processing Fee and EMD (as applicable) should be deposited within the scheduled date & time in the
Tender Box located at:

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited,

Procurement and Consultancy Division,
B-14 A, Sector-62, Noida-201307, Uttar Pradesh

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited



Sl. Page
No. No.
1 Definitions and Abbreviations 7
2 Introduction 8
3 Availability of Funds 9
4 Language of Tender 9
5 Eligible Tenderers 9
6 Eligible Goods and Services 9
7 Tendering Expense 9
8 Contents of Tender Enquiry Documents 9
9 Amendments to Tender Enquiry Documents 10
10 Clarification of Tender Enquiry Documents 10
11 Documents Comprising the Tender 10
12 Tender Currencies 12
13 Tender Prices 13
14 Indian Agent 15
15 Firm Price 15
16 Alternative Tenders 15
Documents Establishing Tenderer‟s Eligibility and
17 16
Documents Establishing Good‟s Conformity to Tender
18 16
Enquiry Document
19 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) 16
20 Tender Validity 17
21 Signing and Sealing of Tender 17
22 Submission of Tenders 18
23 Late Tender 19
24 Alteration and Withdrawal of Tender 19

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25 Opening of Tenders 19
26 Basic Principle 20
27 Scrutiny of Tenders 20
28 Minor Infirmity/Irregularity/Non-Conformity 21
29 Discrepancy in Prices 21
30 Discrepancy between original and copies of Tender 21
31 Qualification Criteria 21
32 Conversion of Tender Currencies to Indian Rupees 22
33 Schedule-wise Evaluation 22
34 Comparison of Tenders 22
Additional Factors and Parameters for Evaluation and
35 22
Ranking of Responsive Tenders
36 Tenderer‟s capability to perform the contract 23
37 Contacting the Purchaser 24
Purchaser‟s Right to Accept any Tender and to Reject
38 24
any or All Tenders
39 Award Criteria 24
40 Variation of Quantities at the Time of Award 24
41 Notification of Award 24
42 Issue of Contract 25
Non-receipt of Performance Security and Contract by
43 25
the Purchaser/Consignee
44 Return of EMD 25
45 Publication of Tender Result 25
46 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 25

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

1. Definitions and Abbreviations

1.1 The following definitions and abbreviations, which have been used in these documents shall have
the meanings as indicated below:
1.2. Definitions:
(i) “Purchaser” means Ministry of Health & Family welfare Govt. of India.
(ii) “e-Tender” means Bids / Quotation / Tender received from a Firm / Tenderer /
(iii) “e-Tenderer” means Bidder/ the Individual or Firm submitting Bids / Quotation /
(iv) “Supplier” means the individual or the firm supplying the goods and services as
incorporated in the contract.
(v) “Goods” means the articles, material, commodities, livestock, furniture, fixtures, raw
material, spares, instruments, machinery, equipment, medical equipment, industrial
plant etc. which the supplier is required to supply to the purchaser under the contract.
(vi) “Services” means services allied and incidental to the supply of goods, such as
transportation, installation, commissioning, provision of technical assistance,
training, after sales service, maintenance service and other such obligations of the
supplier covered under the contract.
(vii) “Earnest Money Deposit” (EMD) means Bid Security/ monetary or financial
guarantee to be furnished by a tenderer along with its tender.
(viii) “Contract” means the written agreement entered into between the purchaser and/or
consignee and the supplier, together with all the documents mentioned therein and
including all attachments, annexure etc. therein.
(ix) “Performance Security” means monetary or financial guarantee to be furnished by
the successful tenderer for due performance of the contract placed on it. Performance
Security is also known as Security Deposit.
(x) “Consignee” means the Hospital (Institute/Medical College/ person to whom the
goods are required to be delivered as specified in the Contract. If the goods are
required to be delivered to a person as an interim consignee for the purpose of
despatch to another person as provided in the Contract then that “another” person is
the consignee, also known as ultimate consignee.
(xi) “Specification” means the document/standard that prescribes the requirement with
which goods or service has to conform.
(xii) “Inspection” means activities such as measuring, examining, testing, gauging one or
more characteristics of the product or service and comparing the same with the
specified requirement to determine conformity.
(xiii) “Day” means calendar day.
(xiv) “Local supplier” means a supplier or service provider whose product or service
offered for procurement meets the minimum local content as prescribed under this
Order or by the competent Ministries/ Departments in pursuance of this order.
(xv) “Local content” means the amount of value added in India which shall, unless
otherwise prescribed by the Nodal Ministry, be the total value of the item procured
excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported content in the
item (including all customs duties) as a proportion of the total value in percent.
(xvi) Margin of purchase preference‟ means the maximum extent to which the price
quoted by a local supplier may be above the L1 for the purpose of purchase

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

1.3 Abbreviations:
(i) “TE Document” means Tender Enquiry Document
(ii) “NIT” means Notice Inviting Tenders.
(iii) “GIT” means General Instructions to Tenderers
(iv) “SIT” means Special Instructions to Tenderers
(v) “GCC” means General Conditions of Contract
(vi) “SCC” means Special Conditions of Contract
(vii) “DGS&D” means Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals
(viii) “NSIC” means National Small Industries Corporation
(ix) “PSU” means Public Sector Undertaking
(x) “CPSU” means Central Public Sector Undertaking
(xi) “LSI” means Large Scale Industry
(xii) “SSI” means Small Scale Industry
(xiii) “LC” means Letter of Credit
(xiv) “DP” means Delivery Period
(xv) “BG” means Bank Guarantee
(xvi) “ED” means Excise Duty
(xvii) “CD” means Custom Duty
(xviii) “VAT” means Value Added Tax
(xix) “CENVAT” means Central Value Added Tax
(xx) “CST” means Central Sales Tax
(xxi) “RR” means Railway Receipt
(xxii) “BL” means Bill of Lading
(xxiii) “FOB” means Free on Board
(xxiv) “FCA” means Free Carrier
(xxv) “FOR” means Free on Rail
(xxvi) “CIF” means Cost, Insurance and Freight
(xxvii) “CIP (Destinations)” means Carriage and Insurance Paid up to named port of
destination. Additionally the Insurance (local transportation and storage) would be
extended and borne by the Supplier from ware house to the consignee site for a
period including 3 months beyond date of delivery.
(xxviii) “DDP” means Delivery Duty Paid named place of destination (consignee site)
(xxix) “INCOTERMS” means International Commercial Terms as on the date of Tender
(xxx) ”MOH&FW” means Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
(xxxi) “Dte. GHS” means Directorate General and Health Services, MOH&FW.
(xxxii) “CMC” means Comprehensive maintenance Contract (labour, spare and preventive
(xxxiii) “RT” means Re-Tender.
(xxxiv) “GST”means Goods and Services Tax

2. Introduction

2.1 The Purchaser has issued these TE documents for purchase of goods and related services as
mentioned in Section – VI – “List of Requirements”, which also indicates, interalia, the required
delivery schedule, terms and place of delivery.
2.2 This section (Section II - “General Instruction Tenderers”) provides the relevant information as
well as instructions to assist the prospective tenderers in preparation and submission of tenders. It

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also includes the mode and procedure to be adopted by the purchaser for receipt and opening as
well as scrutiny and evaluation of tenders and subsequent placement of contract.
2.3 The tenderers shall also read the Special Instructions to Tenderers (SIT) related to this purchase,
as contained in Section III of these documents and follow the same accordingly. Whenever there
is a conflict between the GIT and the SIT, the provisions contained in the SIT shall prevail over
those in the GIT.
2.4 Before formulating the tender and submitting the same to the purchaser, the tenderer should read
and examine all the terms, conditions, instructions, checklist etc. contained in the TE documents.
Failure to provide and/or comply with the required information, instructions etc. incorporated in
these TE documents may result in rejection of its tender.

3. Availability of Funds
3.1 Expenditure to be incurred for the proposed purchase will be met from the funds available with
the purchaser/consignee.

4. Language of Tender
4.1 The tender submitted by the tenderer and all subsequent correspondence and documents relating
to the tender exchanged between the tenderer and the purchaser, shall be written in the English
language, unless otherwise specified in the Tender Enquiry. However, the language of any printed
literature furnished by the tenderer in connection with its tender may be written in any other
language provided the same is accompanied by an English translation and, for purposes of
interpretation of the tender, the English translation shall prevail.
4.2 The tender submitted by the tenderer and all subsequent correspondence and documents relating
to the tender exchanged between the tenderer and the purchaser, may also be written in the Hindi
language, provided that the same are accompanied by English translation, in which case, for
purpose of interpretation of the tender etc, the English translations shall prevail.

5. Eligible Tenderers
5.1 This invitation for tenders is open to all suppliers who fulfil the eligibility criteria specified in
these documents.
6. Eligible Goods and Services
6.1 All goods and related services to be supplied under the contract shall have their origin in India or
any other country with which India has not banned trade relations. The term “origin” used in this
clause means the place where the goods are mined, grown, produced, or manufactured or from
where the related services are arranged and supplied.
7. Tendering Expense
7.1 The tenderer shall bear all costs and expenditure incurred and/or to be incurred by it in connection
with its tender including preparation, mailing and submission of its tender and for subsequent
processing the same. The purchaser will, in no case be responsible or liable for any such cost,
expenditure etc regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process.


8. Content of Tender Enquiry Documents
8.1 In addition to Section I – “Notice inviting Tender” (NIT), the TE documents include:

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Section II – General Instructions to Tenderers (GIT)

Section III – Special Instructions to Tenderers (SIT)
Section IV – General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section V – Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
Section VI – List of Requirements
Section VII – Technical Specifications
Section VIII – Quality Control Requirements
Section IX – Qualification Criteria
Section X – Tender Form
Section XI – Price Schedules
Section XII – Questionnaire
Section XIII – Bank Guarantee Form for EMD
Section XIV – Manufacturer‟s Authorisation Form
Section XV – Bank Guarantee Form for Performance Security/CMC Security
Section XVI – Contract Forms A & B
Section XVII – Proforma of Consignee Receipt Certificate
Section XVIII – Proforma of Final Acceptance Certificate by the consignee
Section XIX – Consignee List
Appendix A – DIPP – Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017
Appendix B – Integrity pact
8.2 The relevant details of the required goods and services, the terms, conditions and procedure for
tendering, tender evaluation, placement of contract, the applicable contract terms and, also, the
standard formats to be used for this purpose are incorporated in the above-mentioned documents.
The interested tenderers are expected to examine all such details etc to proceed further.
9. Amendments to TE documents
9.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the purchaser may, for any reason
deemed fit by it, modify the TE documents by issuing suitable amendment(s) to it.
9.2 Such an amendment will be notified in writing by registered/speed post or by fax/telex/e-mail, to
all prospective tenderers, who have received the TE documents and will be binding on them.
9.3 In order to provide reasonable time to the prospective tenderers to take necessary action in
preparing their tenders as per the amendment, the purchaser may, at its discretion extend the
deadline for the submission of tenders and other allied time frames, which are linked with that
10. Clarification of TE documents
10.1 A tenderer requiring any clarification or elucidation on any issue of the TE documents may take
up the same with the purchaser in writing in their letter head duly signed and scanned through
email to pcd@hllhites.com and bmenoida@hllhites.com. The purchaser will respond to such
request provided the same is received by the purchaser one day prior to the pre-bid meeting.
Any queries/representations received later shall not be taken into cognizance.


11. Documents comprising the e-Tender

11.1 The tender(s) shall only be submitted online as mentioned below:

(i) Technical Bid (Consisting of Techno-Commercial bids in excel format provided with the
tender enquiry along with the supporting documents i.e. scanned copies of Tender

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Processing Fee, EMD, Eligibility Criteria & Technical Specifications viz. Product
Specification Sheets/Brochures, OEM Certificate, etc.) has to be attached in the C-folder
of e-tendering module. Bidders have to ensure that the documents uploaded in pdf format
are legible.
(ii) Price Bid has to be submitted in the prescribed excel format provided with the tender
(i) The Tender Processing Fee and EMD have to be submitted in physical form as per Section
– I, Notice Inviting Tender of this tender enquiry.

(ii) The bidders have to follow the steps listed in Bidding Manual – Attachment Mode
available in the Bidder Help Documents of e-tender portal login screen for uploading the
Techno-Commercial Bid.

A) Details of Technical Tender (Un priced Tender)

Bidders shall furnish the following information along with technical tender (in pdf
i) Earnest money furnished in accordance with GIT clause 19.1 alternatively, documentary
evidence as per GIT clause 19.2 for claiming exemption from payment of earnest money.
ii) Tender Form as per Section X (without indicating any prices).
iii) Documentary evidence, as necessary in terms of clauses 5 and 17 establishing that the
tenderer is eligible to submit the tender and, also, qualified to perform the contract if its
tender is accepted.
iv) Tenderer/Agent who quotes for goods manufactured by other manufacturer shall furnish
Manufacturer‟s Authorisation Form.
v) Power of Attorney issued by Competent Authority in favour of the person who is digitally
signing/ uploading the tender(s).
vi) Documents and relevant details to establish in accordance with GIT clause 18 that the
goods and the allied services to be supplied by the tenderer conform to the requirement of
the TE documents.
vii) Performance Statement as per section IX along with relevant copies of orders and end
users‟ satisfaction certificate.
viii) Price Schedule(s) as per Section XI filled up with all the details including Make, Model
etc. of the goods offered with prices blank (without indicating any prices).
ix) Certificate of Incorporation.
x) Checklist.
xi) Cost of tender document should be payable by DD/pay order. Cheque will not be accepted.
xii) Self-Attested copies of GST registration certificate and PAN Card.
xiii) Non conviction /no pending conviction certification issued by Notary on judicial stamp
paper for preceding three years.
xiv) Self-Attested copies of quality certificates i.e US FDA /BIS/CE Certificate issued by
competent authority, if applicable.
xv) Documentary evidence stating the status of bidder.
xvi) List of procurement agencies of repute to which the tendered product have been supplied
during last 12 months.
xvii) Self-attested copies of annual report, audited balance sheet and profit & loss
account for preceding five years from the date of tender opening.

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

xviii) Notarized affidavit that tenderer does not have any relation with the person
authorized to evaluate technically or involve in finalizing the tender or will decide the use
of tendered items.
xix) A self-declaration on Rs. 10/- non-judicial Stamp Paper that the rates quoted in the tender
are the lowest and not quoted less than this to any Government Institution (State/Central/
other Institute in India) during last two year.
xx) Product catalogues / original Data Sheet must be enclosed of all quoted items. The
technical bid/technical specifications shall be submitted in the letter head of original
equipment manufacturer duly sealed and signed by the authorized signatory of the
xxi) Documentary evidence for class-I/II bidder as per Public Procurement (preference to
Make-in -India) order 2017 dated 04.06.2020 and its subsequent amendment thereof.
xxii) The Integrity pact (At Appendix-B) shall be a part and parcel of this document and has to
be signed by bidder(s) at the pre-tendering stage itself, as a pre-bid obligation and should
be submitted along with the Techno-Commercial Bids. All bidders are bound to comply
with the integrity pact clauses. Bids submitted without signing the integrity pact will be ab
initio rejected without assigning any reason.

B) Price Tender:
Prices are to be quoted in the prescribed Price Bid format in excel provided along with the
tender enquiry in the e-tender portal. The price should be quoted for the accounting unit
indicated in the e-tender document.

(i) The bidder has to be diligent while filling up the Techno-Commercial Bid and Price
Bid provided in excel formats and must not tamper the contents of the sheets.

(ii) It is the responsibility of bidder to go through the TE document to ensure furnishing all
required documents in addition to above, if any.

11.2 A person signing (manually or digitally) the tender form or any documents forming part of the
contract on behalf of another shall be deemed to warrant that he has authority to bind such other
persons and if, on enquiry, it appears that the persons so signing had no authority to do so, the
purchaser may, without prejudice to other civil and criminal remedies, cancel the contract and
hold the signatory liable for all cost and damages.

11.3 A tender, which does not fulfill any of the above requirements and/or give evasive information/reply
against any such requirement, shall be liable to be ignored.

11.4 Tender sent by fax/telex/cable/electronically shall be ignored

12. Tender currencies
12.1 The tenderer shall quote only in Indian Rupees.
12.2 Deleted.
12.3 Tenders, where prices are quoted in any other currency may not be accepted and are liable to be
12.4 Deleted.

13 Tender Prices

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13.1 The Tenderer shall indicate on the Price Schedule provided under Section XI all the specified
components of prices shown therein including the unit prices and total tender prices of the goods
and services it proposes to supply against the requirement. All the columns shown in the price
schedule should be filled up as required. If any column does not apply to a tenderer, same should
be clarified as “NA” by the tenderer, if nothing is mentioned it would be presumed as included.

13.2 If there is more than one schedule in the List of Requirements, the tenderer has the option to
submit its quotation for any one or more schedules. However, while quoting for a schedule, the
tenderer shall quote for the complete requirement of goods and services as specified in that
particular schedule.All sundry equipment, fittings, units assemblies, accessories, hardware items,
foundation bolts, termination lugs for electrical connections, and all other items which are useful
and necessary for efficient assembly and installation of equipment and components of the work
shall be deemed to have been included in the tender irrespective of the fact whether such items are
specifically mentioned in the tender documents or not.

13.3 The prices must be quoted in the Price Schedules attached under Section XI. Detailed breakup of
the prices for the main equipment and accessories/optional items must be provided separately,
item wise in the same serial order as listed in the technical bid.
13.4 While filling up the columns of the Price Schedule, the following aspects should be noted for
13.4.1 For domestic goods or goods of foreign origin located within India, the prices in the
corresponding price schedule shall be entered separately in the following manner:
a) The price of the goods, quoted ex-factory/ ex-showroom/ ex-warehouse/ off-the-shelf, as
applicable, including all taxes and duties like Custom Duty and /or GST. already paid or
payable on the components and raw material used in the manufacture or assembly of the
goods quoted ex-factory etc. or on the previously imported goods of foreign origin quoted ex-
showroom etc;
b) Any taxes and any duties including Custom duty and /or GST , which will be payable on the
goods in India if the contract is awarded;
c) Charges towards Packing & Forwarding, Inland Transportation, Insurance (local
transportation and storage) would be borne by the Supplier from ware house to the consignee
site for a period including 3 months beyond date of delivery, Loading/Unloading and other
local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination as specified in the List
of Requirements and Price Schedule;
d) The price of Incidental Services, as mentioned in List of Requirements and Price Schedule;
e) The prices of Turnkey (if any), as mentioned in List of Requirements, Technical Specification
and Price Schedule;
f) The price of annual CMC, as mentioned in List of Requirements, Technical Specification and
Price Schedule.
13.4.2 Deleted

13.5 Additional information and instruction on Duties and Taxes:

13.5.1 If the Tenderer desires to ask for GST or any other taxes etc. to be paid extra, the same must be
specifically stated. In the absence of any such stipulation the price will be taken inclusive of such
duties and taxes and no claim for the same will be entertained later.

13.5.5 Deleted

13.5.6 Goods and Services Tax (GST) :

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a. If a tenderer asks for Goods and Services Tax to be paid extra, the rate and nature of Goods and
Services Tax applicable should be shown separately. The Goods and Services Tax will be paid
as per the rate at which it is liable to be assessed or has actually been assessed provided the
transaction is legally liable to Goods and Services Tax and is payable as per the terms of the
contract. If any refund of Tax is received at a later date, the Supplier must return the amount
forth-with to the purchaser.
b. In case within the delivery period stipulated in the contract, there is an increase in the statutory
taxes like GST, Custom Duty, or fresh imposition of taxes which may be levied in respect of
the goods and services specified in the contract, reimbursement of these statutory variation
shall be allowed to the extent of actual quantum of taxes paid by the supplier. This benefit,
however, cannot be availed by the supplier in case the period of delivery is extended due to
unexcused delay by the supplier.
c. But nevertheless, the Purchaser/Consignee shall be entitled to the benefit of any decrease in
price on account of reduction in or remission of customs duty and/or GST or any other duty or
tax or levy or on account of any other grounds. In case of downward revision in taxes/duties,
the actual quantum of reduction of excise duty must be reimbursed to the purchaser by the
supplier. All such adjustments shall include all reliefs, exemptions, rebates, concession etc. if
any obtained by the supplier.

13.6 For transportation of imported goods offered from abroad, relevant instructions as incorporated
under GCC Clause 10 shall be followed.
13.7 For insurance of goods to be supplied, relevant instructions as provided under GCC Clause 11
shall be followed.
13.8 Unless otherwise specifically indicated in this TE document, the terms FCA, FOB, FAS, CIF,
CIP, DDP, etc. for imported goods offered from abroad, shall be governed by the rules &
regulations prescribed in the current edition of INCOTERMS, published by the International
Chamber of Commerce, Paris
13.9 The need for indication of all such price components by the tenderers, as required in this clause
(viz., GIT clause 13) is for the purpose of comparison of the tenders by the purchaser and will no
way restrict the purchaser‟s right to award the contract on the selected tenderer on any of the
terms offered.

14. Deleted

15. Firm Price:

Unless otherwise specified in the SIT, prices quoted by the tenderer shall remain firm and
fixed during the currency of the contract and not subject to variation on any account. Bidders are
requested to quote BOQ wise unit price (uniform unit prices must be quoted for same BOQ
items across India) and total price. Item wise price will remain fixed. However actual payment
will be based on final measurement. If a firm quotes NIL Charges/ consideration; the bid shall be
treated as unresponsive and will not be considered.

16. Alternative Tenders:

16.1 Alternative Tenders are not permitted.
16.2 However the Tenderers can quote alternate models meeting the tender specifications of same
manufacturer with single EMD.
16.3 If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on
behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product. In a tender, either
the Indian Agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot
bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender.

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17. Documents Establishing Tenderer‟s Eligibility and Qualifications:

17.1 Pursuant to GIT clause 11, the tenderer shall furnish, as part of its tender, relevant details and
documents establishing its eligibility to quote and its qualifications to perform the contract if its
tender is accepted.
17.2 The documentary evidence needed to establish the tenderer‟s qualifications shall fulfil the
following requirements:
a) in case the tenderer offers to supply goods, which are manufactured by some other firm, the
tenderer has been duly authorised by the goods manufacturer to quote for and supply the
goods to the purchaser. The tenderer shall submit the manufacturer‟s authorization letter to
this effect as per the standard form provided under Section XIV in this document.
b) the tenderer has the required financial, technical and production capability necessary to
perform the contract and, further, it meets the qualification criteria incorporated in the Section
IX in these documents.
c) in case the tenderer is not doing business in India, it is duly represented by an agent stationed
in India fully equipped and able to carry out the required contractual functions and duties of
the supplier including after sale service, maintenance & repair etc. of the goods in question,
stocking of spare parts and fast moving components and other obligations, if any, specified in
the conditions of contract and/or technical specifications.

18. Documents establishing good‟s Conformity to TE document:

18.1 The tenderer shall provide in its tender the required as well as the relevant documents like
technical data, literature, drawings etc. to establish that the goods and services offered in the
tender fully conform to the goods and services specified by the purchaser in the TE documents.
For this purpose the tenderer shall also provide a clause-by-clause commentary on the technical
specifications and other technical details incorporated by the purchaser in the TE documents to
establish technical responsiveness of the goods and services offered in its tender.
18.2 In case there is any variation and/or deviation between the goods & services prescribed by the
purchaser and that offered by the tenderer, the tenderer shall list out the same in a chart form
without ambiguity and provide the same along with its tender.
18.3 If a tenderer furnishes wrong and/or misguiding data, statement(s) etc. about technical
acceptability of the goods and services offered by it, its tender will be liable to be ignored and
rejected in addition to other remedies available to the purchaser in this regard.

19. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

19.1 Pursuant to GIT clauses 8.1 and 11.1 A (i) the tenderer shall furnish along with its tender, earnest
money for amount as shown in the List of Requirements. The earnest money is required to protect
the purchaser against the risk of the tenderer‟s unwarranted conduct as amplified under sub-clause
19.7 below.
19.2 The tenderers who are currently registered and, also, will continue to remain registered during the
tender validity period as Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) as defined in MSE Procurement
Policy issued by Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) or with National
Small Industries Corporation, New Delhi shall be eligible for exemption from EMD. In case the
tenderer falls in this category, it should furnish copy of its valid registration details (with MSME
or NSIC, as the case may be).
a) The MSE‟s Bidder to note and ensure that nature of services and goods/items
manufactured mentioned in MSE‟s certificate matches with the nature of the services and
goods /items to be supplied as per Tender.
b) Traders/resellers/distributors/authorized agents will not be considered for availing benefits
under PP Policy 2012 for MSEs as per MSE guidelines issued by MoMSME.

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19.3 The earnest money shall be denominated in Indian Rupees as per GIT clause 12.2. The earnest
money shall be furnished in one of the following forms:
i) Account Payee Demand Draft
ii) Fixed Deposit Receipt
iii) Banker‟s cheque and
iv) Bank Guarantee
19.4 The demand draft or banker‟s cheque shall be drawn on any commercial bank in India or country
of the tenderer, in favour of the “HLL Infra Tech Services Limited” payable at New Delhi. In case
of bank guarantee, the same is to be provided from any commercial bank in India or country of the
tenderer as per the format specified under Section XIII in these documents.
19.5 The earnest money shall be valid for a period of forty-five (45) days beyond the validity period of
the tender. As validity period of Tender as per Clause 20 of GIT is 730 days, the EMD shall be
valid for 775 days from Techno – Commercial Tender opening date.
19.6 Unsuccessful tenderers‟ earnest money will be returned to them without any interest, after expiry
of the tender validity period, but not later than thirty days after conclusion of the resultant
contract. Successful tenderer‟s earnest money will be returned without any interest, after receipt of
performance security from that tenderer.
19.7 Earnest Money is required to protect the purchaser against the risk of the Tenderer‟s conduct,
which would warrant the forfeiture of the EMD. Earnest money of a tenderer will be forfeited, if
the tenderer withdraws or amends its tender or impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect
within the period of validity of its tender or if it comes to notice that the information/documents
furnished in its tender is incorrect, false, misleading or forged without prejudice to other rights of
the purchaser. The successful tenderer‟s earnest money will be forfeited without prejudice to other
rights of Purchaser if it fails to furnish the required performance security within the specified
19.8 In the case of Bank Guarantee furnished from banks outside India (i.e. foreign Banks), it should
be authenticated and countersigned by any nationalised bank in India by way of back-to-back
counter guarantee and the same should be submitted along with the bid.
19.9 HITES Bank details for necessary issuance of 'Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS)' in
case the Bid Security (i.e. EMD) is submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee:
Name of the Beneficiary: HLL INFRA TECH SERVICES LTD.
Bank Details: ICICI BANK, SECTOR -62
IFSC Code: ICIC0001580
Account Number: 158005003923

20. Tender Validity:

20.1 If not mentioned otherwise in the SIT, the tenders shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of
730 days (Seven hundred and thirty days) after the date of tender opening prescribed in the TE
document. Any tender valid for a shorter period shall be treated as unresponsive and rejected.
20.2 In exceptional cases, the tenderers may be requested by the purchaser to extend the validity of
their tenders up to a specified period. Such request(s) and responses thereto shall be conveyed by
surface mail or by fax/ telex/cable followed by surface mail. The tenderers, who agree to extend
the tender validity, are to extend the same without any change or modification of their original
tender and they are also to extend the validity period of the EMD accordingly. A tenderer, who
may not agree to extend its tender validity after the expiry of the original validity period the EMD
furnished by them shall not be forfeited.
20.3 In case the day up to which the tenders are to remain valid falls on/ subsequently declared a
holiday or closed day for the purchaser, the tender validity shall automatically be extended up to
the next working day.

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21. Digital Signing of e-Tender

21.1 The tenderers shall submit their tenders as per the instructions contained in GIT Clause 11 and any
other specific instruction mentioned in the SIT using the digital signature.


22. Submission of Tenders:

22.1 The tender shall be submitted online only.

(i) Pre-qualification and Technical compliance as per following documents (ONLY Online
submissions for all the documents.)
a) Manufacturer‟s authorization in case bid is submitted by an Indian agent (A
declaration must be attached here in case directly quoted by a manufacturer or a
document establishing the relation of the Indian office with the manufacturer in case
quoted by Indian office of the manufacturer).
b) Tender Form as per Section X.
c) Compliance of all terms and conditions of TED, like- warranty, CMC, delivery
period, delivery terms, payment terms, Liquidated Damages Clause, Arbitration
clause, etc.
d) Declaration regarding Fall Clause and Deregistration, debarment from any GovtDept/
e) Copy of PAN.
f) Certificate of Incorporation or a Declaration in case the firm is being a proprietary
g) Abridged Annual report of last 05 years (Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Account)
ending in FY 2022, in pdf format.
h) Name, address and details of account with respect to bidder and/or beneficiary of L/C.
i) Quality Control Requirements as per Section VIII
j) Performance statement along with required PO copies and its corresponding end
user‟s satisfactory performance certificate as per section IX.
k) Technical Bid along with clause-by-clause technical compliance statement for the
quoted goods vis-à-vis the Technical specifications along with product catalogue and
data sheet in the tender enquiry.
l) Deleted.
m) Deleted.
n) Deleted.
o) Documentary evidence for class-I/II bidder as per Public Procurement (preference to
Make-in -India) order 2017 dated 04.06.2020 and its subsequent amendment thereof.
p) The Integrity pact (At Appendix-B) shall be a part and parcel of this document and has to
be signed by bidder(s) at the pre-tendering stage itself, as a pre-bid obligation and should
be submitted along with the Techno-Commercial Bids. All bidders are bound to comply
with the integrity pact clauses. Bids submitted without signing the integrity pact will be
ab initio rejected without assigning any reason.

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a) The tenderers must ensure that they submit the Price Bid in prescribed format
uploaded along with the tender enquiry. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure
that the contents of the format are not tampered.
b) The tenderers must ensure that they submit the on-line tenders not later than the
closing time and date specified for submission of tenders.
c) Along with price bid recent purchase order copies for the same model and technical
configuration issued by institute of National importance and/or reputed central/state
government hospitals should be uploaded in pdf form for reasonability of the offered
d) Deleted.
e) Deleted.
f) The supplier shall justify the present quotes based on previous purchase orders for
similar project executed either in India or Globally. If they quote any new model or
upgraded version of earlier model, they may mention the same in their tender.

22.2 The tenderers must ensure that they submit the on-line tenders within the scheduled closing date
& time. They shall also ensure to submit the original Tender Processing Fee and EMD within its
scheduled date & time.

23. Late Tender:

23.1 There is NO PROVISION of uploading late tender beyond stipulated date & time in the e-
tendering system. However, if the necessary Tender Processing Fee and EMD in original are not
submitted within the scheduled time, the tender shall be declared as late tender and shall be

24. Alteration and Withdrawal of Tender

24.1 The tenderer, is permitted to change, edit or withdraw its bid on or before the end date & time.

25. Opening of Tenders:
25.1 The purchaser will open the tenders at the specified date and time and at the specified place as
indicated in the NIT. In case the specified date of tender opening falls on/is subsequently declared
a holiday or closed day for the purchaser, the tenders will be opened at the appointed time and
place on the next working day.
25.2 Authorized representatives of the tenderers, who have submitted tenders on time may attend the
tender opening provided they bring with them letters of authority from the corresponding
The tender opening official(s) will prepare a list of the representatives attending the tender
opening. The list will contain the representatives‟ names & signatures and corresponding
tenderers‟ names and addresses.

25.3 This being a Two-Tender system, the Techno-Commercial Tenders are to be opened in the first
instance, at the prescribed time and date as indicated in NIT. These Tenders shall be scrutinized
and evaluated by the competent committee/ authority with reference to parameters prescribed in
the TE document. During the Techno-Commercial Tender opening, the tender opening official(s)
will read the salient features of the tenders like brief description of the goods offered, delivery

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period, Earnest Money Deposit and any other special features of the tenders, as deemed fit by the
tender opening official(s). Thereafter, in the second stage, the Price Tenders of only the Techno-
Commercially acceptable offers (as decided in the first stage) shall be opened for further scrutiny
and evaluation on a date notified after the evaluation of the Techno-Commercial tender.


26. Basic Principle
26.1 Tenders will be evaluated on the basis of the terms & conditions already incorporated in the TE
document, based on which tenders have been received and the terms, conditions etc. mentioned by
the tenderers in their tenders. No new condition will be brought in while scrutinizing and
evaluating the tenders.
27. Scrutiny of Tenders

27.1 The Purchaser will examine the Tenders to determine whether they are complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished and, whether
the documents uploaded are in legible form.
27.2 The Purchaser‟s determination of a Tender‟s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the
tender itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence
27.3 Deleted
27.4 The tenders will be scrutinized to determine whether they are complete and meet the essential and
important requirements, conditions etc. as prescribed in the TE document. The tenders, which do
not meet the basic requirements, are liable to be treated as non-responsive and will be summarily
27.5 The following are some of the important aspects, for which a tender shall be declared non-
responsive during the evaluation and will be ignored;
(i) Tender validity is shorter than the required period.
(ii) Required EMD or its exemption documents have not been provided.
(iii) Tenderer has not agreed to give the required performance security of required amount in an
acceptable form in terms of GCC clause 5, read with modification, if any, in Section - V –
“Special Conditions of Contract”, for due performance of the contract.
(iv) Poor/ unsatisfactory past performance.
(v) Tenderers who stand deregistered/banned/blacklisted by any Govt. Authorities.
(vi) Tenderer is not eligible as per GIT Clauses 5.1 & 17.1.
(vii) Tenderer has not quoted for the entire quantity as specified in the List of Requirements/
BOQ for the quoted schedule.
(viii) Tenderer has not agreed to other essential condition(s) specially incorporated in the tender
enquiry, like delivery terms, delivery schedule, terms of payment, liquidated damages
clause, warranty clause, dispute resolution mechanism applicable law.
(ix) Deleted
28. Minor Informality/Irregularity/Non-Conformity
If during the preliminary examination, the purchaser find any minor informality and/or irregularity
and/or non-conformity in a tender, the purchaser may waive the same provided it does not
constitute any material deviation and financial impact and, also, does not prejudice or affect the
ranking order of the tenders. Wherever necessary, the purchaser will convey its observation on
such „minor‟ issues to the tenderer by registered/speed post etc. asking the tenderer to respond by
a specified date. If the tenderer does not reply by the specified date or gives evasive reply without
clarifying the point at issue in clear terms, that tender will be liable to be ignored.

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29 Discrepancies in Prices
29.1 If, in the price structure quoted by a tenderer, there is discrepancy between the unit price and the
total price (which is obtained by multiplying the unit price by the quantity), the unit price shall
prevail and the total price corrected accordingly, unless the purchaser feels that the tenderer has
made a mistake in placing the decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price as
quoted shall prevail over the unit price and the unit price corrected accordingly.
29.2 If there is an error in a total price, which has been worked out through addition and/or subtraction
of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total corrected; and
29.3 If there is a discrepancy between the amount expressed in words and figures, the amount in words
shall prevail, subject to sub clause 29.1 and 29.2 above.
29.4 If, as per the judgement of the purchaser, there is any such arithmetical discrepancy in a tender,
the same will be suitably conveyed to the tenderer by registered / speed post. If the tenderer does
not agree to the observation of the purchaser, the tender is liable to be ignored.

30. Discrepancy between original and copies of Tender

Not applicable being e-Tender.

31. Qualification Criteria

31.1 Tenders of the tenderers, which do not meet the required Qualification Criteria prescribed in
Section IX, will be treated as non-responsive and will not be considered further.

31.2 The Purchaser reserves the right to relax the Norms on Prior Experience for Start-ups and Micro
& Small Enterprises in Public Procurement.
The Start-ups are defined in Annexure-A of the “Action Plan for Start-ups in India”. The same is
available on the website of Department of Industrial policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of
Commerce & Industry.
The Notification is available in the below link:

The FAQs are available in the below link:

Note:- Definition of Startup (only for the purpose of Government schemes)
(Ref: Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No. F.20/2/2014-PPD(Pt.) dated 25th July 2016.)
Start-up means an entity, incorporated or registered in India not prior to five years, with annual
turnover not exceeding INR 25 crore in any preceding financial year, working towards innovation,
development, deployment or commercialization of new products, processes or services driven by
technology or intellectual property.
Provided that such entity is not formed by splitting up, or reconstruction, of a business already in
Provided also that an entity shall cease to be a Start-up if its turnover for the previous financial
years has exceeded INR 25 crore or it has completed 5 years from the date of incorporation/

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Provided further that a Start-up shall be eligible for tax benefits only after it has obtained
certification from the Inter-Ministerial Board, setup for such purpose.

32. Conversion of tender currencies to Indian Rupees

In case the TE document permits the tenderers to quote their prices in different currencies, all such
quoted prices of the responsive tenderers will be converted to a single currency viz., Indian
Rupees for the purpose of equitable comparison and evaluation, as per the exchange rates
established by the Reserve Bank of India for similar transactions, as on the date of „Price Tender‟

33. Schedule-wise Evaluation

In case the List of Requirements contains more than one schedule, the responsive tenders will be
evaluated and compared separately for each schedule. The tender for a schedule will not be
considered if the complete requirements prescribed in that schedule are not included in the tender.
However, as already mentioned in GIT sub clause 13.2, the tenderers have to quote for all the
schedules and the purchaser will have the right to award the work to any number of schedule(s) as
per the eligibility established during the techno commercial evaluation and to the best benefit of
the exchequer.
34. Comparison of Tenders
Unless mentioned otherwise in Section-III at Special Instructions to Tenderers and Section-VI at
List of Requirements, the comparison of the responsive tenders shall be carried out on Delivery
Duty Paid (DDP) consignee site basis. The quoted turnkey prices and Comprehensive Annual
Maintenance charges (CMC) prices will also be added for comparison/ranking purpose for
evaluation. “Net Present value (NPV) of the actual CMC price quoted for the required CMC
period after the warranty period shall be considered for bid comparison and the NPV will
be calculated after discounting the quoted CMC price by a discounting factor of 10% per

35. Additional Factors and Parameters for Evaluation and Ranking of Responsive Tenders
35.1 Further to GIT Clause 34 above, the purchaser‟s evaluation of a tender will include and take into
account the following:
i) In the case of goods manufactured in India or goods of foreign origin already located in India,
GST or any other taxes which will be contractually payable (to the tenderer), on the goods if a
contract is awarded on the tenderer; and
ii) in the case of goods of foreign origin offered from abroad, customs duty and other similar
import duties/taxes, which will be contractually payable (to the tenderer) on the goods if the
contract is awarded on the tenderer.
35.2 The purchaser‟s evaluation of tender will also take into account the additional factors, if any,
incorporated in SIT in the manner and to the extent indicated therein.
35.3 The Purchaser reserves the right to give the price preference to small-scale sectors etc. and
purchase preference to central public sector undertakings as per the instruction in vogue while
evaluating, comparing and ranking the responsive tenders.
i. In exercise of powers conferred in Section 11 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development (MSMED) Act 2006, the Government has notified a new Public Procurement
Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises effective from 1st April 2012. The policy mandates that
25% of procurement of annual requirement of goods and services by all Central Ministries/
Public Sector Undertakings will be from the micro and small enterprises. The Government has
also earmarked a sub-target of 4% procurement of goods & services from MSEs owned by

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SC/ST entrepreneurs out of above said 25% quantity.

ii. In accordance with the above said notification, the participating Micro and Small Enterprises
(MSEs) in a tender, quoting price within the band of L 1+15% would also be allowed to supply a
portion of the requirement by bringing down their price to the L 1 price, in a situation where L 1
price is from someone other than an MSE. Such MSEs would be allowed to supply up to 25% of
the total tendered value. In case there are more than one such eligible MSE, the 25% supply will
be shared equally. Out of 25% of the quantity earmarked for supply from MSEs, 4% quantity is
earmarked for procurement from MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs. However, in the event of
failure of such MSEs to participate in the tender process or meet the tender requirements and the
L 1 price, the 4% quantity earmarked for MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs will be met from
other participating MSEs.
iii. The MSEs fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria and participating in the tender shall enclose
with their tender a copy of their valid registration certificate with District Industries Centres or
Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or
National Small Industries Corporation or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro and Small
enterprises in support of their being an MSE, failing which their tender will be liable to be
iv. Special provision for Micro and Small Enterprise owned by women. Out of the total
annualprocurement from Micro and Small Enterprises, 3 per cent from within the 25 per cent
target shall beearmarked for procurement from Micro and Small Enterprises owned by women.

Note: “If the bidder is a MSME, it shall declare in the bid document the UdyogAadhar
Memorandum Number issued to it under the MSMED Act, 2006. If a MSME bidder do not furnish
the UAM Number along with bid documents, such MSME unit will not be eligible for the benefits
available under Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order 2012.”

35.4 Preference to Make in India: As per the order issued by Department of Industrial Policy and
Promotion (DIPP) vide No. P-As per the order issued by Department of Industrial Policy and
Promotion (DIPP) vide No. P-45021/2/2017-BE-II dated 15.06.2017 and the subsequent orders
thereof; the purchaser reserves the right to give preference to the local supplier. A copy of this
order is enclosed at Appendix-A which will form a part of this TED for evaluation and ranking of

36. Tenderer‟s capability to perform the contract

36.1 The purchaser, through the above process of tender scrutiny and tender evaluation will determine
to its satisfaction whether the tenderer, whose tender has been determined as the lowest evaluated
responsive tender is eligible, qualified and capable in all respects to perform the contract
satisfactorily. If, there is more than one schedule in the List of Requirements, then, such
determination will be made separately for each schedule.
36.2 The above-mentioned determination will, interalia, take into account the tenderer‟s financial,
technical and production capabilities for satisfying all the requirements of the purchaser as
incorporated in the TE document. Such determination will be based upon scrutiny and
examination of all relevant data and details submitted by the tenderer in its tender as well as such
other allied information as deemed appropriate by the purchaser.

37. Contacting the Purchaser

37.1 From the time of submission of tender to the time of awarding the contract, if a tenderer needs to
contact the purchaser for any reason relating to this tender enquiry and / or its tender, it should do
so only in writing.

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37.2 In case a tenderer attempts to influence the purchaser in the purchaser‟s decision on scrutiny,
comparison & evaluation of tenders and awarding the contract, the tender of the tenderer shall be
liable for rejection in addition to appropriate administrative actions being taken against that
tenderer, as deemed fit by the purchaser.

38. Purchaser‟s Right to accept any tender and to reject any or all tenders
The purchaser reserves the right to accept in part or in full any tender or reject any or more
tender(s) without assigning any reason or to cancel the tendering process and reject all tenders at
any time prior to award of contract, without incurring any liability, whatsoever to the affected
tenderer or tenderers.
39. Award Criteria
Subject to GIT clause 38 above, the contract will be awarded to the lowest evaluated responsive
tenderer decided by the purchaser in terms of GIT Clause 36 or on the basis of least cost to the
40. Variation of Quantities at the Time of Award/ Currency of Contract
40.1 At the time of awarding the contract, the purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease by up
to twenty five (25) per cent, the quantity of goods and services mentioned in the schedule (s) in
the “List of Requirements” (rounded off to next whole number) without any change in the unit
price and other terms & conditions quoted by the tenderer.
40.2 If the quantity has not been increased to the maximum of 25% of the tendered quantity at the time
of awarding the contract, the purchaser reserves the right to increase the quantity further by up to
the balance available twenty five (25) per cent of the tendered quantity of goods and services
(rounded off to next whole number) without any change in the unit price and other terms &
conditions mentioned in the contract during the currency of the contract.

41. Notification of Award

41.1 Before expiry of the tender validity period, the purchaser will notify the successful tenderer(s) in
writing, by registered / speed post or by fax/ telex/cable (to be confirmed by registered / speed
post) that its tender for goods & services, which have been selected by the purchaser, has been
accepted, also briefly indicating therein the essential details like description, specification and
quantity of the goods & services and corresponding prices accepted. The successful tenderer must
furnish to the purchaser the required performance security within thirty days from the date of
dispatch of this notification, failing which the EMD will forfeited and the award will be cancelled.
Relevant details about the performance security have been provided under GCC Clause 5 under
Section IV.

41.2 The Notification of Award shall constitute the conclusion of the Contract.

42. Issue of Contract

42.1 Promptly after notification of award, the Purchaser/Consignee will mail the contract form (as per
Section XVI) duly completed and signed, in duplicate, to the successful tenderer by registered /
speed post.

42.2 Within twenty one days from the date of the contract, the successful tenderer shall return the
original copy of the contract, duly signed and dated, to the Purchaser/Consignee by registered /

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speed post. The successful tenderer should also submit Proforma Invoice from the foreign
principal (if applicable as per contractual price) within 21 days from the date of NOA.

42.3 The Purchaser/Consignee reserve the right to issue the Notifications of Award consignee wise.

43. Non-receipt of Performance Security, Proforma Invoice and Contract by the


Failure of the successful tenderer in providing performance security, Proforma Invoice and / or
returning contract copy duly signed in terms of GIT clauses 41 and 42 above shall make the
tenderer liable for forfeiture of its EMD and, also, for further actions by the Purchaser/Consignee
against it as per the clause 24 of GCC - Termination of default.

44. Return of E M D
The earnest money of the successful tenderer and the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned to
them without any interest, whatsoever, in terms of GIT Clause 19.6.
45. Publication of Tender Result
The name and address of the successful tenderer(s) receiving the contract(s) will be mentioned in
the notice board/bulletin/web site of the purchaser.
46. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices
It is required by all concerned namely the Consignee/Tenderers/Suppliers etc to observe the
highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of
this policy, the Purchaser: -
(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below
as follows:
(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value
to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract
execution; and
(ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a
procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Purchaser, and
includes collusive practice among Tenderers (prior to or after Tender submission)
designed to establish Tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the
Purchaser of the benefits of free and open competition;
(b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Tenderer recommended for award has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question;
(c) Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a
contract by the purchaser if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing the contract.

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Sl. No. GIT Clause Topic SIT Provision Page No.
A 1 to 7 Preamble No Change
B 8 to 10 TE documents No Change
C 11 to 21 Preparation of Tenders No Change
D 22 to24 Submission of Tenders Extra information below
E 25 Tender Opening No Change
F 26 to 37 Scrutiny and Evaluation of Tenders No Change
G 38 to 46 Award of Contract No Change

13 Tender Prices:

The bidders have to quote for all the schedules. The purchaser will have the right to award
the work to any site as per the eligibility and to the best benefit of the exchequer.

i) All the necessary documents as prescribed in the NIT shall be prepared and scanned in different
files (in PDF format as prescribed) and uploaded for on-line submission of Proposal.
ii) Except Tender Processing Fee and EMD, all document(s)/ information(s) including the
be uploaded online only in the prescribed format given in the website. No other mode of
submission shall be acceptable.
iii) The prospective bidders may scan the documents in low resolution (75 to 100 DPI) instead of
200 DPI. The documents may be scanned for further lower resolution (if possible). This would
reduce the size of the Cover and would be uploaded faster.
iv) The Individual file size of uploading is restricted up to 5 MB. Bidders may upload multiple
files (Not exceeding 5 MB individually) & give relevant file name indicating the contents.
v) The file name of price bid should match the file of the price bid format uploaded by the
purchaser in the portal. This can be downloaded from the Notes & Attachment under Details of
item when the event is in Display Mode.
vi) Bidders may simulate online bid submission (technical & financial) at least one week in
advance of the bid submission deadline. No clarifications/troubleshooting regarding any
problems being faced during bid submission online shall be entertained in the last week of bid
vii) Bidder have to quote in Indian Rupees only
viii) Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in any
procurement whether of goods, services (including consultancy services and non-consultancy
services) or works (including turnkey projects) only if the bidder is registered with Competent
Authority, as specified in Annexure-C of order F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated 23-July-2020 and
bidder must comply with all provisions mentioned in the order.

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ix) Bidders are also instructed to refer Make in India Policy issued by Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Traded and attached at Annexure-



Sl. No. Topic Page
1 Application No.
2 Use of contract documents and information 28
3 Patent Rights 28
4 Country of Origin 28
5 Performance Security 28
6 Technical Specifications and Standards 29
7 Packing and Marking 29
8 Inspection, Testing and Quality Control 30
9 Terms of Delivery 31
10 Transportation of Goods 31
11 Insurance 31
12 Spare parts 32
13 Incidental services 32
14 Distribution of Dispatch Documents for Clearance/Receipt of Goods 32
15 Warranty 33
16 Assignment 35
17 Sub Contracts 35
18 Modification of contract 35
19 Prices 35
20 Taxes and Duties 35
21 Terms and mode of Payment 35
22 Delivery 38
23 Liquidated Damages 39
24 Termination for default 40
25 Termination for insolvency 40
26 Force Majeure 40
27 Termination for convenience 40
28 Governing language 41
29 Notices 41
30 Resolution of disputes 41
31 Applicable Law 41
32 Withholding and Lien 42
33 General/Miscellaneous Clauses 42

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1. Application
The General Conditions of Contract incorporated in this section shall be applicable for this
purchase to the extent the same are not superseded by the Special Conditions of Contract
prescribed under Section V, List of requirements under Section VI and Technical Specification
under Section VII of this document.
2. Use of contract documents and information
2.1 The supplier shall not, without the purchaser‟s prior written consent, disclose the contract or any
provision thereof including any specification, drawing, sample or any information furnished by or
on behalf of the purchaser in connection therewith, to any person other than the person(s)
employed by the supplier in the performance of the contract emanating from this TE document.
Further, any such disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and only so
far as necessary for the purposes of such performance for this contract.
2.2 Further, the supplier shall not, without the purchaser‟s prior written consent, make use of any
document or information mentioned in GCC sub-clause 2.1 above except for the sole purpose of
performing this contract.
2.3 Except the contract issued to the supplier, each and every other document mentioned in GCC sub-
clause 2.1 above shall remain the property of the purchaser and, if advised by the purchaser, all
copies of all such documents shall be returned to the purchaser on completion of the supplier‟s
performance and obligations under this contract.
3. Patent Rights
The supplier shall, at all times, indemnify and keep indemnified the purchaser, free of cost,
against all claims which may arise in respect of goods & services to be provided by the supplier
under the contract for infringement of any intellectual property rights or any other right protected
by patent, registration of designs or trademarks. In the event of any such claim in respect of
alleged breach of patent, registered designs, trademarks etc. being made against the purchaser, the
purchaser shall notify the supplier of the same and the supplier shall, at his own expenses take
care of the same for settlement without any liability to the purchaser.
4. Country of Origin
4.1 All goods and services to be supplied and provided for the contract shall have the origin in India
or in the countries with which the Government of India has trade relations.
4.2 The word “origin” incorporated in this clause means the place from where the goods are mined,
cultivated, grown, manufactured, produced or processed or from where the services are arranged.
4.3 The country of origin may be specified in the Price Schedule
5. Performance Security
5.1 Within twenty one(21) days from date of the issue of notification of award by the Purchaser/
Consignee, the supplier, shall furnish performance security to the Purchaser/Consignee for an
amount equal to three percent(3%)of the total value of the contract,valid upto sixty(60)days after
the date of completion of all contractual obligations by the supplier, including the warranty
obligations ,initially valid for a period of minimum 66months from the date of Notification of
5.2 The Performance security shall be denominated in Indian Rupees or in the currency of the contract
as detailed below:
It shall be in any one of the forms namely Account Payee Demand Draft or Fixed Deposit Receipt
drawn from any Scheduled bank in India or Bank Guarantee issued by a Scheduled bank in India,
in the prescribed form as provided in section XV of this document in favour of the
Purchaser/Consignee. The validity of the Fixed Deposit receipt or Bank Guarantee will be for a
period up to sixty (60) days beyond Warranty Period.

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5.3 In the event of any failure /default of the supplier with or without any quantifiable loss to the
government including furnishing of consignee wise Bank Guarantee for CMC security as per
Proforma in Section XV, the amount of the performance security is liable to be forfeited. The
Administration Department may do the needful to cover any failure/default of the supplier with or
without any quantifiable loss to the Government.
5.4 In the event of any amendment issued to the contract, the supplier shall, within twenty-one (21)
days of issue of the amendment, furnish the corresponding amendment to the Performance
Security(asnecessary),renderingthesamevalidinallrespectsintermsofthecontract, as amended.
5.5 The supplier shall enter into Annual Comprehensive Maintenance Contract as per the „Contract
Form – B‟ in Section XVI with respective consignees, 3 (three) months prior to the completion of
Warranty Period. The CMC will commence from the date of expiry of the Warranty Period.
5.6 Subject to GCC sub-clause 5.3 above, the Purchaser/Consignee will release the Performance
Security without any interest to the supplier on completion of the supplier‟s all contractual
obligations including the warranty obligations & after receipt of Consignee wise bank guarantee
for CMC security in favour of Head of the Hospital/ Institute/ Medical College of the consignee as
per the format in Section XV.
6. Technical Specifications and Standards
The Goods & Services to be provided by the supplier under this contract shall conform to the
technical specifications and quality control parameters mentioned in „Technical Specification‟ and
„Quality Control Requirements‟ under Sections VII and VIII of this document.
7. Packing and Marking
7.1 The packing for the goods to be provided by the supplier should be strong and durable enough to
withstand, without limitation, the entire journey during transit including transhipment (if any),
rough handling, open storage etc. without any damage, deterioration etc. As and if necessary, the
size, weights and volumes of the packing cases shall also take into consideration, the remoteness
of the final destination of the goods and availability or otherwise of transport and handling
facilities at all points during transit up to final destination as per the contract.
7.2 The quality of packing, the manner of marking within & outside the packages and provision of
accompanying documentation shall strictly comply with the requirements as provided in
Technical Specifications and Quality Control Requirements under Sections VII and VIII and in
SCC under Section V. In case the packing requirements are amended due to issue of any
amendment to the contract, the same shall also be taken care of by the supplier accordingly.
7.3 Packing instructions:
Unless otherwise mentioned in the Technical Specification and Quality Control Requirements
under Sections VII and VIII and in SCC under Section V, the supplier shall make separate
packages for each consignee (in case there is more than one consignee mentioned in the contract)
and mark each package on three sides with the following with indelible paint of proper quality:
a. contract number and date
b. brief description of goods including quantity
c. packing list reference number
d. country of origin of goods
e. consignee‟s name and full address and
f. supplier‟s name and address

8. Inspection, Testing and Quality Control

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8.1 The purchaser and/or its nominated representative(s) will, without any extra cost to the purchaser,
inspect and/or test the ordered goods and the related services to confirm their conformity to the
contract specifications and other quality control details incorporated in the contract. The purchaser
shall inform the supplier in advance, in writing, the purchaser‟s programme for such inspection
and, also the identity of the officials to be deputed for this purpose. “The cost towards the
transportation, boarding and lodging will be borne by the purchaser and/or its nominated
representative(s) for the first visit. In case the goods are rejected in the first instance and the
supplier requests for re-inspection, and if same is accepted by purchaser/consignee/PSA/PA, all
subsequent inspections shall be at the cost of the supplier. The expense will be to and fro
Economy Airfare, Local Conveyance, Boarding and Lodging of the inspection team for the
inspection period.”
8.2 The Technical Specification and Quality Control Requirements incorporated in the contract shall
specify what inspections and tests are to be carried out and, also, where and how they are to be
conducted. If such inspections and tests are conducted in the premises of the supplier or its
subcontractor(s), all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to relevant drawings,
design details and production data, shall be furnished by the supplier to the purchaser‟s inspector
at no charge to the purchaser.
8.3 If during such inspections and tests the contracted goods fail to conform to the required
specifications and standards, the purchaser‟s inspector may reject them and the supplier shall
either replace the rejected goods or make all alterations necessary to meet the specifications and
standards, as required, free of cost to the purchaser and resubmit the same to the purchaser‟s
inspector for conducting the inspections and tests again.
8.4 In case the contract stipulates pre-despatch inspection of the ordered goods at supplier‟s premises,
the supplier shall put up the goods for such inspection to the purchaser‟s inspector well ahead of
the contractual delivery period, so that the purchaser‟s inspector is able to complete the inspection
within the contractual delivery period.
8.5 If the supplier tenders the goods to the purchaser‟s inspector for inspection at the last moment
without providing reasonable time to the inspector for completing the inspection within the
contractual delivery period, the inspector may carry out the inspection and complete the formality
beyond the contractual delivery period at the risk and expense of the supplier. The fact that the
goods have been inspected after the contractual delivery period will not have the effect of keeping
the contract alive and this will be without any prejudice to the legal rights and remedies available
to the purchaser under the terms & conditions of the contract.
8.6 The purchaser‟s/consignee‟s contractual right to inspect, test and, if necessary, reject the goods
after the goods‟ arrival at the final destination shall have no bearing of the fact that the goods have
previously been inspected and cleared by purchaser‟s inspector during pre-despatch inspection
mentioned above.
“On rejection, the supplier shall remove such stores within 14 days of the date of intimation of
such rejection from the consignee‟s premises. If such goods are not removed by the supplier
within the period mentioned above, the purchaser/consignee may remove the rejected stores and
either return the same to the supplier at his risk and cost by such mode of transport as
purchaser/consignee may decide or dispose of such goods at the suppliers risk to recover any
expense incurred in connection with such disposals and also the cost of the rejected stores if
already paid for.”
8.7 Goods accepted by the purchaser/consignee and/or its inspector at initial inspection and in final
inspection in terms of the contract shall in no way dilute purchaser‟s/consignee‟s right to reject the
same later, if found deficient in terms of the warranty clause of the contract, as incorporated under
GCC Clause 15.

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8.8 Principal/ Foreign supplier shall also have the equipment inspected by recognised/ reputed agency
like SGS, Lloyd, Bureau Veritas, TUV prior to despatch at the supplier‟s cost and furnish
necessary certificate from the said agency in support of their claim.
8.9 Followed by delivery of the items, a joint inspection by HITES and respective Medical College/
Institution at site will be carried out to verify the quantity and quality of goods.
9. Terms of Delivery
Goods shall be delivered by the supplier in accordance with the terms of delivery and as per the
delivery period specified in the schedule of requirement. Please note that the time shall be the
essence of the contract.
10. Transportation of Goods
10.1 Instructions for transportation of imported goods offered from abroad:
The supplier shall not arrange part-shipments and/or transhipment without the express/prior
written consent of the purchaser. The supplier is required under the contract to deliver the goods
under CIP (Named port of destination) terms; the shipment shall be made by Indian flag vessel or
by vessels belonging to the conference lines in which India is a member country through India‟s
forwarding agents/coordinators. In case the forwarding agent/coordinators are unable to provide
timely adequate space in Indian flag vessel or by vessels belonging to the conference lines, the
supplier shall arrange shipment through any available vessel to adhere to the delivery schedule
given in the contract.
In case of airlifting of imported goods offered from abroad, the same will be done only through
the National Carrier i.e. Air India wherever applicable. In case the National Carrier is not
available, any other airlines available for early delivery may be arranged.
10.2 Instructions for transportation of domestic goods including goods already imported by the supplier
under its own arrangement:
In case no instruction is provided in this regard in the SCC, the supplier will arrange
transportation of the ordered goods as per its own procedure.
11. Insurance:
Unless otherwise instructed in the SCC, the supplier shall make arrangements for insuring the
goods against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage and
delivery in the following manner:
i) in case of supply of domestic goods on Consignee site basis, the supplier ,Indian
Subsidiary/Indian agent shall be responsible till the entire stores contracted for arrival in
good condition at destination. The transit risk in this respect shall be covered by the Supplier
by getting the stores duly insured for an amount equal to 110% of the value of the goods
from ware house to ware house (consignee site) on all risk basis. The insurance cover shall
be obtained by the Supplier and should be valid till 6 months after the receipt of goods by
the Consignee.
ii) in case of supply of the imported goods on CIP Named port of Destination Basis, the
additional extended Insurance (local transportation and storage) would be borne by the
Supplier from the port of entry to the consignee site for a period including 6 months beyond
date of delivery for an amount equal to 110% of the overall expenditure to be incurred by
the purchaser from ware house to ware house (consignee site) on all risk basis.
If the equipment is not commissioned and handed over to the consignee within 6 months, the
insurance will have to be extended by the supplier at their cost till the successful installation,

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testing, commissioning and handing over of the goods to the consignee. In case the delay in the
installation and commissioning is due to handing over of the site to the supplier by the consignee,
such extensions of the insurance will still be done by the supplier, but the insurance extension
charges at actuals will be reimbursed.

12. Spare parts

12.1 If specified in the List of Requirements and in the resultant contract, the supplier shall
supply/provide any or all of the following materials, information etc. pertaining to spare parts
manufactured and/or supplied by the supplier:
a) The spare parts as selected by the Purchaser/Consignee to be purchased from the supplier,
subject to the condition that such purchase of the spare parts shall not relieve the supplier of
any contractual obligation including warranty obligations; and
b) In case the production of the spare parts is discontinued:
i) Sufficient advance notice to the Purchaser/Consignee before such discontinuation to
provide adequate time to the purchaser to purchase the required spare parts etc., and

ii) Immediately following such discontinuation, providing the Purchaser/Consignee, free of

cost, the designs, drawings, layouts and specifications of the spare parts, as and if
requested by the Purchaser/Consignee.
12.2 Supplier shall carry sufficient inventories to assure ex-stock supply of consumable spares for the
goods so that the same are supplied to the Purchaser/Consignee promptly on receipt of order from
the Purchaser/Consignee.
13. Incidental services
Subject to the stipulation, if any, in the SCC (Section – V), List of Requirements (Section – VI)
and the Technical Specification (Section – VII), the supplier shall be required to perform the
following services.
i) Installation & commissioning, Supervision and Demonstration of the goods
ii) Providing required jigs and tools for assembly, minor civil works required for the
completion of the installation.
iii) Training of Consignee‟s Doctors, Staff, operators etc. for operating and maintaining the
iv) Supplying required number of operation & maintenance manual for the goods
v) Maintenance of goods supplied
14. Distribution of Dispatch Documents for Clearance/Receipt of Goods

The supplier shall send all the relevant despatch documents well in time to the
Purchaser/Consignee to enable the Purchaser/Consignee clear or receive (as the case may be) the
goods in terms of the contract.
Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the usual documents involved and the drill to be followed
in general for this purpose are as follows.

A) For Domestic Goods, including goods already imported by the supplier under its own

Within 24 hours of despatch, the supplier shall notify the purchaser, consignee, and others
concerned if mentioned in the contract, the complete details of despatch and also supply the

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following documents to them by registered post / speed post / courier (or as instructed in the
(i) Four copies of supplier‟s invoice showing contract number, goods description, quantity,
unit price and total amount (Invoices should be raised in favour of consignee with their
GSTN only);
(ii) Two copies of packing list identifying contents of each package;
(iii) Certificate of origin (in case the goods are of foreign origin);
(iv) Insurance Certificate as per GCC Clause 11.
(v) Manufacturers/Supplier‟s warranty certificate & In-house inspection certificate.

B) For goods imported from abroad

Within 24 hours of despatch, the supplier shall notify the purchaser, consignee, and others
concerned if mentioned in the contract, the complete details of despatch and also supply the
following documents to them by registered post / speed post (or as instructed in the contract).
Any delay or demurrage occurred during the customs clearance on account of the non-
availability of technical support/ clarifications /documents from the supplier shall be borne by
the supplier:
(i) Four copies of supplier‟s invoice showing contract number, goods description,
quantity, unit price and total amount;
(ii) Original and four copies of the negotiable clean, on-board Bill of Lading/Airway bill,
marked freight pre paid and four copies of non-negotiable Bill of Lading/Airway bill;
(iii) Four Copies of packing list identifying contents of each package;
(iv) Manufacturer‟s/Supplier‟s warranty certificate;
(vi) Inspection Certificate for the despatched equipments issued by recognized/ reputed
agency like SGS, Lloyd, BUREAU VERITAS, TUV prior to despatch;
(vii) Manufacturer‟s own factory inspection report;
(viii) Certificate of origin
(ix) Port of Loading;
(x) Port of Discharge and
(xi) Expected date of arrival.
15. Warranty:

15.1 The supplier is to assure uninterrupted service without compromising OT/ICU

15.2 Complete system including labour & spares should have comprehensive onsite warranty for five
years; commencing from the date of issue of installation certificate by the institute. Post guarantee
annual comprehensive maintenance contract (CMC) to cover main equipment/civil construction
including all accessories supplied with the unit.
- Incremental Cost (if any) for, up gradation, if required, should form part of the contract for the
Warranty and Post Warranty period.
- The Supplier (manufacturer) shall set-up a maintenance base to provide maintenance service,
of the entire turnkey system being offered, at short notice during the warranty and post
warranty period.
- If the performance of any individual equipment or system is not satisfactory, the same shall be
replaced by the supplier free of cost.
- If it is found that to meet the performance criteria, any extra equipment is required the same
will be provided free of cost by the supplier.
- All faults appearing and their rectification shall be periodically advised to the hospital, the
period being not more than a month.

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- Any lacuna or lacunae noticed in the functioning of the installation as a result of any design
feature shall be rectified by the supplier free of cost.
- The Supplier shall fully associate the engineers and technicians of the Institute during
installation, testing and commissioning.
- The supplier warrants comprehensively that the goods supplied under the contract is new,
unused and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless prescribed
otherwise by the purchaser in the contract. The supplier further warrants that the goods
supplied under the contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials (except when
the design adopted and/or the material used are as per the Purchaser‟s/Consignee‟s
specifications) or workmanship or from any act or omission of the supplier, that may develop
under normal use of the supplied goods under the conditions prevailing in India.
- The warranty shall remain valid for 60 months from the date of installation &
commissioning with a regular updates of newer technology as and when evolved followed by a
CMC for a period of 5 (Five) Years for all the equipment after the goods or any portion thereof
as the case may be, have been delivered to the final destination and installed and
commissioned at the final destination and accepted by the purchaser/ consignee in terms of the
contract, unless specified otherwise in the SCC.
- No conditional warranty like mishandling, manufacturing defects, etc. will be acceptable.
- Warranty as well as Comprehensive Maintenance contract will be inclusive of all accessories
and Turnkey work and it will also cover the following wherever applicable:-
 Any kind of motor.
 Plastic & Glass Parts against any manufacturing defects.
 All kind of sensors.
 All kind of coils, probes and transducers.
 Printers and imagers including laser and thermal printers with all parts.
 UPS including the replacement of batteries/Inbuilt batteries for power backup.
 Air-conditioners
 All kinds of painting, civil, HVAC and electrical work
- Proper marking has to be made for all spares for identification like printing of installation and
repair dates.
15.3 In case of any claim arising out of this warranty, the Purchaser/Consignee shall promptly notify
the same in writing to the supplier. The period of the warranty will be as per GCC clause number
15.2 above irrespective of any other period mentioned elsewhere in the bidding documents.
15.4 Upon receipt of such notice, the supplier shall, within 8 hours on a 24(hrs) X 7 (days) X 365
(days) basis respond to take action to repair or replace the defective goods or parts thereof, free of
cost, at the ultimate destination. The supplier shall take over the replaced parts/goods after
providing their replacements and no claim, whatsoever shall lie on the purchaser for such replaced
parts/goods thereafter. The penalty clause for non-rectification will be applicable as per tender
15.5 In the event of any rectification of a defect or replacement of any defective goods during the
warranty period, the warranty for the rectified/replaced goods shall be extended till the completion
of the original warranty period of the main equipment.
15.6 If the supplier, having been notified, fails to respond to take action to repair or replace the
defect(s) within 8 hours on a 24(hrs) X 7 (days) X 365 (days) basis, the purchaser may proceed to
take such remedial action(s) as deemed fit by the purchaser, at the risk and expense of the supplier
and without prejudice to other contractual rights and remedies, which the purchaser may have
against the supplier.
15.7 During Warranty period, the supplier is required to visit at each consignee‟s site at least once in 6
months commencing from the date of the installation for preventive maintenance of the goods

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15.8 The Purchaser/Consignee reserve the rights to enter into Annual Comprehensive Maintenance
Contract between Consignee and the Supplier for the period as mentioned in Section VII,
Technical Specifications after the completion of warranty period.
15.9 The supplier along with its Indian Agent and the CMC provider shall ensure continued supply of
the spare parts for the machines and equipments supplied by them to the purchaser for 10 years
from the date of installation and handing over.
15.10 The Supplier along with its Indian Agent and the CMC Provider shall always accord most
favoured client status to the Purchaser vis-à-vis its other Clients/Purchasers of its
equipments/machines/goods etc. and shall always give the most competitive price for its
machines/equipments supplied to the Purchaser/Consignee.

16. Assignment
16.1 The Supplier shall not assign, either in whole or in part, its contractual duties, responsibilities and
obligations to perform the contract, except with the Purchaser‟s prior written permission.

17. Sub Contracts

17.1 The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing of all sub contracts awarded under the contract
if not already specified in its tender. Such notification, in its original tender or later, shall not
relieve the Supplier from any of its liability or obligation under the terms and conditions of the
17.2 Sub contract shall be only for bought out items and sub-assemblies.
17.3 Sub contracts shall also comply with the provisions of GCC Clause 4 (“Country of Origin”).

18. Modification of contract

18.1 If necessary, the purchaser may, by a written order given to the supplier at any time during the
currency of the contract, amend the contract by making alterations and modifications within the
general scope of contract in any one or more of the following:
a) Specifications, drawings, designs etc. where goods to be supplied under the contract are
to be specially manufactured for the purchaser,
b) Mode of packing,
c) Incidental services to be provided by the supplier
d) Mode of despatch,
e) Place of delivery, and
f) Any other area(s) of the contract, as felt necessary by the purchaser depending on the
merits of the case.
18.2 In the event of any such modification/alteration causing increase or decrease in the cost of goods
and services to be supplied and provided, or in the time required by the supplier to perform any
obligation under the contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price and/or
contract delivery schedule, as the case may be, and the contract amended accordingly. If the
supplier doesn‟t agree to the adjustment made by the Purchaser/Consignee, the supplier shall
convey its views to the Purchaser/Consignee within twenty-one days from the date of the
supplier‟s receipt of the Purchaser‟s/Consignee‟s amendment / modification of the contract.
19. Prices
19.1 Prices to be charged by the supplier for supply of goods and provision of services in terms of the
contract shall not vary from the corresponding prices quoted by the supplier in its tender and
incorporated in the contract except for any price adjustment authorised in the SCC.

20. Taxes and Duties

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20.1 Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, fees, levies etc. incurred until delivery
of the contracted goods to the purchaser.
20.2 Further instruction, if any, shall be as provided in the SCC.

21. Terms and Mode of Payment

21.1 Payment Terms
Payment shall be made subject to recoveries, if any, by way of liquidated damages or any other
charges as per terms & conditions of contract in the following manner.

A) Payment for domestic goods or goods of foreign origin located within India.

Payment shall be made in Indian Rupees as specified in the contract in the following manner:
a) On delivery:
Seventy percent (70%) payment of the delivered goods price shall be paid on receipt of goods
in good condition and upon the submission of the following documents:
(i) Four copies of supplier‟s invoice showing contract number, goods description, quantity,
unit price and total amount;
(ii) Consignee Receipt Certificate as per Section XVII in original issued by the authorized
representative of the consignee;
(iii) Two copies of packing list identifying contents of each package;
(iv) Inspection certificate issued by the nominated Inspection agency, if any.
(v) Insurance Certificate as per GCC Clause 11 and documents also to be submitted for
payment confirming that dispatch documents has already been sent to all concerned as
per the contract within 24 hours;
(vi) Certificate of origin.
(vii) Manufacturer‟s warranty certificate.

b) Ten percent (10%) payment of the delivered goods price shall be paid on installation and
upon submission of following document:-

i) Installation certificate /installation report in original issued by the consignee.

c) On Acceptance:

Balance Twenty percent (20%) payment of the delivered goods value would be made against
„Final Acceptance Certificate‟ (FAC) as per Section XVIII of goods to be issued by the
consignees subject to recoveries, if any, either on account of non-rectification of
defects/deficiencies not attended by the Supplier or otherwise. FAC need to be issued by the
designated consignee after installation commissioning, testing and one month of successful
trial run of the equipment.

d) Payment of other services, installation commissioning charges:- Payment of other

services, labour, installation and commissioning charges etc. will be paid only after issuance
of final acceptance certificate by the consignee.
B) Deleted

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C) Payment of Turnkey, if any:

Turnkey payment will be made to the bidder/manufacturer‟s agent in Indian rupees indicated in
the relevant Price Schedule (as per prevailing rate of exchange ruling on the date of Contract)
and shall not be subject to further escalation / exchange variation. This will be paid on proof of
final installation, commission and acceptance of equipment by the consignee.

D) Payment for Annual Comprehensive Maintenance Contract Charges:

The consignee will enter into CMC with the supplier at the rates as stipulated in the contract. The
payment of CMC will be made on six monthly basis after satisfactory completion of said period,
duly certified by the consignee on receipt of bank guarantee for an amount equivalent to 2.5% of
the cost of the equipment as per contract valid till 2 months after expiry of entire CMC period.

21.2 The supplier shall not claim any interest on payments under the contract.
21.3 Where there is a statutory requirement for tax deduction at source, such deduction towards income
tax and other tax as applicable will be made from the bills payable to the Supplier at rates as
notified from time to time.
21.4 Deleted.
21.5 The payment shall be made in the currency/currencies authorised in the contract.
21.6 The supplier shall send its claim for payment in writing, when contractually due, along with
relevant documents etc., duly signed with date, to the purchaser.
21.7 While claiming payment, the supplier is also to certify in the bill that the payment being claimed
is strictly in terms of the contract and all the obligations on the part of the supplier for claiming
that payment has been fulfilled as required under the contract.
21.8 While claiming reimbursement of duties, taxes etc. (like custom duty and /or GST) from the
Purchaser/Consignee, as and if permitted under the contract, the supplier shall also certify that, in
case it gets any refund out of such taxes and duties from the concerned authorities at a later date, it
(the supplier) shall refund to the Purchaser/Consignee forthwith.
21.9 In case where the supplier is not in a position to submit its bill for the balance payment for want of
receipted copies of Inspection Note from the consignee and the consignee has not complained
about the non-receipt, shortage, or defects in the supplies made, balance amount will be paid by
the paying authority without consignee‟s receipt certificate after three months from the date of the
preceding part payment for the goods in question, subject to the following conditions:
(a) The supplier will make good any defect or deficiency that the consignee (s) may report within
six months from the date of despatch of goods.
(b) Delay in supplies, if any, has been regularized.
(c) The contract price where it is subject to variation has been finalized.
(d) The supplier furnishes the following undertakings:

“I/We, certify that I/We have not received back the Final Acceptance Certificate duly receipted by
the consignee or any communication from the purchaser or the consignee about non-receipt,
shortage or defects in the goods supplied. I/We agree to make good any defect or deficiency that
the consignee may report within three months from the date of receipt of this balance payment.

22. Delivery
22.1 The supplier shall deliver the goods and perform the services under the contract within the time
schedule specified by the Purchaser/Consignee in the List of Requirements and as incorporated in
the contract. The time for and the date of delivery of the goods stipulated in the schedule shall be
deemed to be of the essence of the contract and the delivery must be completed not later than the
date (s) as specified in the contract.

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22.2 Subject to the provision under GCC clause 26, any unexcused delay by the supplier in maintaining
its contractual obligations towards delivery of goods and performance of services shall render the
supplier liable to any or all of the following sanctions:
i) imposition of liquidated damages,
ii) forfeiture of its performance security and
iii) Termination of the contract for default.
22.3 If at any time during the currency of the contract, the supplier encounters conditions hindering
timely delivery of the goods and performance of services, the supplier shall promptly inform the
Purchaser/Consignee in writing about the same and its likely duration and make a request to the
Purchaser/Consignee for extension of the delivery schedule accordingly. On receiving the
supplier‟s communication, the Purchaser/Consignee shall examine the situation as soon as
possible and, at its discretion, may agree to extend the delivery schedule, with or without
liquidated damages for completion of supplier‟s contractual obligations by issuing an amendment
to the contract.
22.4 When the period of delivery is extended due to unexcused delay by the supplier, the amendment
letter extending the delivery period shall, interalia contain the following conditions:
(a) The Purchaser/Consignee shall recover from the supplier, under the provisions of the clause
23 of the General Conditions of Contract, liquidated damages on the goods and services,
which the Supplier has failed to deliver within the delivery period stipulated in the contract.
(b) That no increase in price on account of any ground, whatsoever, including any stipulation in
the contract for increase in price on any other ground and, also including statutory increase
in or fresh imposition of customs duty and/or GST on account of any other tax or duty which
may be levied in respect of the goods and services specified in the contract, which takes
place after the date of delivery stipulated in the contract shall be admissible on such of the
said goods and services as are delivered and performed after the date of the delivery
stipulated in the contract.
(c) But nevertheless, the Purchaser/Consignee shall be entitled to the benefit of any decrease in
price on account of reduction in or remission of customs duty and/or GST or any other duty
or tax or levy or on account of any other grounds, which takes place after the expiry of the
date of delivery stipulated in the contract.
22.5 The supplier shall not dispatch the goods after expiry of the delivery period. The supplier is
required to apply to the Purchaser/Consignee for extension of delivery period and obtain the same
before despatch. In case the supplier dispatches the goods without obtaining an extension, it would
be doing so at its own risk and no claim for payment for such supply and / or any other expense
related to such supply shall lie against the purchaser.

22.6.1 Passing of Property:

(i) The property in the goods shall not pass to the purchaser unless and until the goods have
been delivered to the consignee in accordance with the conditions of the contract.
(ii) Where there is a contract for sale of specific goods and the supplier is bound to do
something to the goods for the purpose of putting them into a deliverable state the property
does not pass until such thing is done.
(iii) Unless otherwise agreed, the goods remain at the supplier‟s risk until the property therein is
transferred to the purchaser.
23. Liquidated damages
23.1 Subject to GCC clause 26, if the supplier fails to deliver or install /commission any or all of the
goods or fails to perform the services within the time frame(s) incorporated in the contract

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including opening of office in India as per the undertaking given in the qualification criteria, the
Purchaser/Consignee shall, without prejudice to other rights and remedies available to the
Purchaser/Consignee under the contract, deduct from the contract price, as liquidated damages, a
sum equivalent to 0.5% per week of delay or part thereof on delayed supply of goods, installation,
commissioning and/or services until actual delivery or performance subject to a maximum of
10% of the contract price. Once the maximum is reached Purchaser/Consignee may consider
termination of the contract as per GCC 24.Since the Liquidated damages are in virtue of non-
performance of services, it will attract GST also which in turn shall be deducted from the
During the above-mentioned delayed period of supply and / or performance, the conditions
incorporated under GCC sub-clause 22.4 above shall also apply.

24. Termination for default

24.1 The Purchaser/Consignee, without prejudice to any other contractual rights and remedies available
to it (the Purchaser/Consignee), may, by written notice of default sent to the supplier, terminate
the contract in whole or in part, if the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the goods or fails to
perform any other contractual obligation(s) within the time period specified in the contract, or
within any extension thereof granted by the Purchaser/Consignee pursuant to GCC sub-clauses
22.3 and 22.4.
24.2 In the event of the Purchaser/Consignee terminates the contract in whole or in part, pursuant to
GCC sub-clause 24.1 above, the Purchaser/Consignee may procure goods and/or services similar
to those cancelled, with such terms and conditions and in such manner as it deems fit and the
supplier shall be liable to the Purchaser/Consignee for the extra expenditure, if any, incurred by
the Purchaser/Consignee for arranging such procurement.
24.3 Unless otherwise instructed by the Purchaser/Consignee, the supplier shall continue to perform the
contract to the extent not terminated.

25. Termination for insolvency

25.1 If the supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, the purchaser reserves the right to
terminate the contract at any time, by serving written notice to the supplier without any
compensation, whatsoever, to the supplier, subject to further condition that such termination will
not prejudice or affect the rights and remedies which have accrued and / or will accrue thereafter
to the Purchaser/Consignee.
26. Force Majeure
26.1 Notwithstanding the provisions contained in GCC clauses 22, 23 and 24, the supplier shall not be
liable for imposition of any such sanction so long the delay and/or failure of the supplier in
fulfilling its obligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.
26.2 For purposes of this clause, Force Majeure means an event beyond the control of the supplier and
not involving the supplier‟s fault or negligence and which is not foreseeable and not brought about
at the instance of , the party claiming to be affected by such event and which has caused the non –
performance or delay in performance. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, wars or
revolutions, hostility, acts of public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions,
epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes excluding by its employees , lockouts excluding by its
management, and freight embargoes.
26.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser/Consignee in
writing of such conditions and the cause thereof within twenty one days of occurrence of such
event. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser/Consignee in writing, the supplier shall

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continue to perform its obligations under the contract as far as reasonably practical, and shall seek
all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
26.4 If the performance in whole or in part or any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed
by any reason of Force Majeure for a period exceeding sixty days, either party may at its option
terminate the contract without any financial repercussion on either side.
26.5 In case due to a Force Majeure event the Purchaser/Consignee is unable to fulfil its contractual
commitment and responsibility, the Purchaser/Consignee will notify the supplier accordingly and
subsequent actions taken on similar lines described in above sub-paragraphs.

27. Termination for convenience

27.1 The Purchaser/Consignee reserves the right to terminate the contract, in whole or in part for its
(Purchaser‟s/Consignee ‟s) convenience, by serving written notice on the supplier at any time
during the currency of the contract. The notice shall specify that the termination is for the
convenience of the Purchaser/Consignee. The notice shall also indicate interalia, the extent to
which the supplier‟s performance under the contract is terminated, and the date with effect from
which such termination will become effective.
27.2 The goods and services which are complete and ready in terms of the contract for delivery and
performance within thirty days after the supplier‟s receipt of the notice of termination shall be
accepted by the Purchaser/Consignee following the contract terms, conditions and prices. For the
remaining goods and services, the Purchaser/Consignee may decide:
a) To get any portion of the balance completed and delivered at the contract terms, conditions
and prices; and / or
b) To cancel the remaining portion of the goods and services and compensate the supplier by
paying an agreed amount for the cost incurred by the supplier towards the remaining portion
of the goods and services.

28. Governing language

28.1 The contract shall be written in English language following the provision as contained in GIT
clause 4. All correspondence and other documents pertaining to the contract, which the parties
exchange, shall also be written accordingly in that language.
29. Notices
29.1 Notice, if any, relating to the contract given by one party to the other, shall be sent in writing or by
cable or telex or facsimile and confirmed in writing. The procedure will also provide the sender of
the notice, the proof of receipt of the notice by the receiver. The addresses of the parties for
exchanging such notices will be the addresses as incorporated in the contract.
29.2 The effective date of a notice shall be either the date when delivered to the recipient or the
effective date specifically mentioned in the notice, whichever is later.
30. Resolution of disputes
30.1 If dispute or difference of any kind shall arise between the Purchaser/Consignee and the supplier
in connection with or relating to the contract, the parties shall make every effort to resolve the
same amicably by mutual consultations.
30.2 If the parties fail to resolve their dispute or difference by such mutual consultation within twenty-
one days of its occurrence, then, unless otherwise provided in the SCC, either the
Purchaser/Consignee or the supplier may give notice to the other party of its intention to
commence arbitration, as hereinafter provided the applicable arbitration procedure will be as per
the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 of India or amendments thereof. In the case of a
dispute or difference arising between the Purchaser/Consignee and a domestic Supplier relating to
any matter arising out of or connected with the contract, such dispute or difference shall be

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referred to the sole arbitrator. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties
to the contract subject to the provision that the Arbitrator shall give reasoned award in case the
value of claim in reference exceeds Rupees One lakh (Rs. 1,00,000/-).
30.3 Venue of Arbitration: The venue of arbitration shall be the place from where the contract has been
issued, i.e., New Delhi, India.
30.4 Jurisdiction of the court will be from the place where the tender enquiry document has been issued,
i.e., New Delhi, India

31. Applicable Law

The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India for the
time being in force.

32 Withholding and Lien in respect of sums claimed

Whenever any claim for payment arises under the contract against the supplier the purchaser shall
be entitled to withhold and also have a lien to retain such sum from the security deposit or sum of
money arising out of under any other contract made by the supplier with the purchaser, pending
finalization or adjudication of any such claim.
It is an agreed term of the contract that the sum of money so withheld or retained under the lien
referred to above ,by the purchaser, will be kept withheld or retained till the claim arising about
of or under the contract is determined by the Arbitrator or by the competent court as the case may
be ,and the supplier will have no claim for interest or damages whatsoever on any account in
respect of such withholding or retention.

33. General/ Miscellaneous Clauses

33.1 Nothing contained in this Contract shall be constructed as establishing or creating between the
parties, i.e. the Supplier/its Indian Agent/CMC Provider on the one side and the Purchaser on the
other side, a relationship of master and servant or principal and agent.
33.2 Any failure on the part of any Party to exercise right or power under this Contract shall not
operate as waiver thereof.
33.3 The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser/Consignee /the Government of India of any material
change would impact on performance of its obligations under this Contract.
33.4 Each member/constituent of the Supplier/its Indian Agent/CMC Provider, in case of consortium
shall be jointly and severally liable to and responsible for all obligations towards the
Purchaser/Consignee/Government for performance of contract/services including that of its
Associates/Sub Contractors under the Contract.
33.5 The Supplier/its Indian Agent/CMC Provider shall at all times, indemnify and keep indemnified
the Purchaser/Government of India against all claims/damages etc. for any infringement of any
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) while providing its services under CMC or the Contract.
33.6 The Supplier/its Agent/CMC Provider shall, at all times, indemnify and keep indemnified the
Purchaser/Consignee/Government of India against any claims in respect of any damages or
compensation payable in consequences of any accident or injury sustained or suffered by its
employees or agents or by any other third party resulting from or by any action, omission or
operation conducted by or on behalf of the supplier/its associate/affiliate etc.
33.7 All claims regarding indemnity shall survive the termination or expiry of the contract.

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The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) will apply for this purchase. The corresponding
clauses of General Conditions of Contract (GCC) relating to the SCC stipulations have also been
incorporated below.

These Special Conditions will modify/substitute/supplement the corresponding (GCC) clauses.

Whenever there is any conflict between the provision in the GCC and that in the SCC, the provision
contained in the SCC shall prevail.

The warranty and CMC period will be as mentioned in the list of requirement as per section VI of
the tender enquiry.

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Part I:
Tender ID: 2023_HLL_151856_1
Sch No. of Warranty CMC in
Consignee Name States
No. MGPS in years years
1 AIIA Goa 1 5 5

Part II: Required Delivery Schedule:

a) For Indigenous or for imported goods if supplied from India or for imported goods directly from

Supply, Installation and Commissioning to be completed within 180 days from the date of NOA or date
of opening of LC or date of approval of layout drawing, whichever is later.

Layout Drawing for approval, valid Performance Security and Proforma Invoice (in case of LC
opening)are to be submitted within 30 days from the date of release of NOA.

i) Supplier has to submit clear documents for opening of LC to HITES within 30 days of
placement of order. Any delay will be treated as non-performance and Liquidated Damages shall
be levied.
ii) In case of multiple LC are opened in favour of multiple manufacturers, the delivery period for all
the items under the contract shall be counted from the date of opening of the first LC only.
iii) Indigenous goods or imported goods if supplied from India (offered in INR) which are linked
with supply of directly imported goods, are to be supplied within the contractual delivery period
as stated in para b) above.
iv) Since the supplier is not responsible for custom clearing and forwarding the goods to consignee
site, the time taken for the same shall not be counted for computation of LD. However, time
taken by the supplier to rectify the short comings of any document for custom clearing the goods
to be counted in the above delivery period.

For delayed delivery and/ or installation and commissioning liquidated damages will get applied as per
GCC clause 23.

Part III: Scope of Incidental Services:

Installation & Commissioning, Supervision, Demonstration, Trial run and Training etc. as specified in
GCC Clause 13. Five (5) persons each from institution needs to be trained for MGPS.

Part IV:
Turnkey (if any) as per details in Technical Specification.

Part V:

Warranty period as per details in general technical specification and as specified in Part I above.
Warranty period will be 60 months from the date of installation, commissioning and acceptance.

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Part VI:

Supplier has to quote for maintenance for initial five year period as defined in tender scope of works.
Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) as per details in Technical Specification as specified in
part I above.

Part VII:

Required Terms of Delivery and Destination.

a) For Indigenous goods or for imported goods if supplied from India:

At Consignee Site(s)

b) For Imported goods directly from abroad:

The foreign tenderers are required to quote their rates on CIP Named Port of Destination Basis
giving breakup of the price as per the Proforma prescribed in the Price Schedule. Purchaser will
place the order on CIP Named Port of Destination basis.

Insurance (local transportation and storage) would be extended and borne by the Supplier
from ware house to the consignee site for a period including 6 months beyond date of delivery.
Destination/Consignee details are given in Section XIX.

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Section – VII
Technical Specifications
Note 1: Tenderer‟s attention is drawn to GIT clause 18 and GIT sub-clause 11.1 A (iii). The
tenderer is to provide the required details, information, confirmations, etc. accordingly
failing which it‟s tender is liable to be ignored.

Note 2: General: Bidders are requested to make sure that they should attach the list of equipments
for carrying out routine and preventive maintenance wherever asked for and should make
sure that Electrical Safety Analyzer / Tester for Medical equipments to periodically
check the electrical safety aspects as per BIS Safety Standards IS-13540 which is also
equivalent to IEC electrical safety standard IEC-60601 is a part of the equipments. If the
Electrical Safety Analyzer/Tester is not available they should provide a commitment to
get the equipments checked for electrical safety compliance with Electronic Regional
Test Labs / Electronics Test and Development Centres across the country on every
preventive maintenance call.

Note 3: Adequate training of personnel and non-locked open software and standard interface
interoperability conditions for networked equipment in hospital management information
system (HMIS)

The successful tenderer will be required to undertake to provide at his cost technical
training for personnel involved in the use and handling of the equipment on site at the
institute immediately after its installation. The company shall be required to train the
institute personnel onsite for a minimum period of 1 month

All software updates should be provided free of cost during warranty period and CMC


Providing all tools, tackles, manpower for demolishing /dismantling, alteration/ addition
for lime concrete, cement concrete, R.C.C, R.B work, precast concrete or stone slabs in
walls, partition walls , stone rubble masonry, dressed stone work, ashlar face stone work,
marble work or precast concrete work, dismantling doors, windows and clerestory
window (steel or wood) shutter including chowkhats, architrave, holdfasts etc. CI or
asbestos rain water pipes of any diameter with fittings and clamps, dismantling G.I. pipes
(external work) including excavation and refilling trenches after taking out the pipes,
taking out doors, windows and clerestory window shutters (steel or wood), wood work in
frames, trusses, purlins and rafters, dismantling steel work in single sections including
dismembering and stacking, dismantling steel work in built up sections in angles, tees,
flats and channels including all gusset plates, bolts, nuts, cutting rivets, welding etc., old
plaster or skirting raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster, dismantling of
R.C.C. spun vent shaft including excavating the cement concrete pit completely, taking
out the shaft, refiling the excavated gap, stacking the useful materials near the site extra
for cutting reinforcement bars, Dismantling aluminium/ Gypsum partitions doors,
windows, fixed glazing and false ceiling including disposal of unserviceable surplus
material and stacking of serviceable material within 1000 meters lead and any other work
as directed by engineer-in-charge.

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Disposal of building rubbish/ malba/ similar unserviceable, dismantled or waste materials

by mechanical means, including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal
dumping ground or as approved by Engineer-in-charge.


The MGPS comprises of:

1 Oxygen Manifold and Emergency oxygen manifold with automatic control panels
2 Nitrous Oxide Manifold and Emergency NO2 Manifold with automatic control panel
3 CO2 Manifold and Emergency CO2 Manifold with automatic control panel
4 Medical Air Supply System (4 Bar & 7 Bar) complete.
5 Medical Vacuum (suction) Supply System Complete.
6 Distribution Piping Complete with Accessories.
7 Area Valve Service System.
8 AGSS system Complete
9 Alarm Systems (Master & Area)
10 Gas Outlets with Probes
11 Bed Head Panels
12 Other associated & Optional works
Bidder shall be responsible for complete design, supply, installation, testing and
1 commissioning including Civil Modification works, demolition and construction as
applicable .The bidders are required to survey the site before furnishing the quotations.
Bidder shall execute all required civil, electrical, plumbing, lighting, fire safety,
exhaust systems, false ceiling trap door/ cutout and repair(if any) and other works as
maybe required for complete installation and trouble-free functioning as a part of the
„Civil Modification‟.
Hospital will provide one point electrical supply with isolator in the plant room. The
wiring, lighting, fans, exhaust etc have to be done by the bidder.
Control panel for Vacuum system and Air plant system has to be supplied by the
Bidder will be responsible for trenching or other associated work related to installation
and commissioning of complete MGPS system.
The MGPS bidder has to terminate/interconnect all the medical gas lines upto/to the
Installation and commissioning of area valve service unit and alarm unit for the
operation theatre shall be done by the MGPS bidder.
Medical gas pipe line inside the minor operation theatre has to be done by the MGPS
bidder. MGPS bidder shall cooperate with the MOT bidder for associated works (The
interconnection of MOT Gas pipelines, is the responsibility of MGPS bidder, MOT
vendor will keep all MGPS line outside of the MOT)
The bidder shall be responsible for the complete works including the submission of
working drawings, and isometric views, detailed work schedule and materials. Bidder
9 shall be responsible for design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
medical gas supply system in coordination with respective institute authorities &
Bidder shall be responsible for free maintenance of all component of Gas pipeline
system during warranty period including all filters & consumables.

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Bidder should provide factory test certificates for the materials used. Bidder should
supply complete set of part manuals, service manuals and user manuals for all the
11 systems and subsystems supplied. Final electrical safety test, system test, leakage and
calibration should be done by authorized persons using calibrated test equipment as per
The Medical Gas Pipe Line System must follow Single Standard any one only from:
12 NFPA 99c/HTM 02-01/ ISO 7396-1/DIN/EN except Copper Pipe, For AGSS Ventury
type is not acceptable.
All Gas Outlets in MOT (i.e. O2, N2O, MA4, MA7, Vacuum, CO2(if required), etc.)
13 will come with OT Pendants(Under MOT Tender) Bidder has to provide pipe lines
upto all MOTs.
Bidder shall co-ordinate with respective Departments Head for their final Gas Outlets
requirement per bed in their wards and should incorporate the same in drawing.
The final Payment will be made on the actual consumption of the BOQ Items and
ranking will be done with tendered BOQ.
The third party compliance certification after installation to be done for the standard
16 followed i.e HTM 02-01/NFPA 99C/DIN/EN/ISO-7396-1 except copper pipe from
the authorised agency. The cost for the same will be borne by the bidder.
Bidder must have a satisfactory installation of complete MGPS as per any International
standard as asked in tender and demo may be taken for the same.
Bidder will be provided after award either AutoCAD or PDF or hard Copy of building
18 Layout drawing for preparation of MGPS drawings. Bidder has to submit the drawings
within 20 days after NOA.
Bidder should be responsible for suitable arrangement of heat dissipation and Air-
Conditioning as per offered MGPS plant requirement / recommendations from the
Manufacturer and as per local site condition. Bidder should also take care of backup
arrangement for AC and Exhausts as the MGPS Plant may run 24x7 as per the
requirement. Minimum 20TR AC (ductable with exhausts) will be considered for
ranking purpose and price to be quoted separately.
Gas outlet configuration location wise as below:
General Ward Bed (on Wall) : O2-1 & Vc-1 for each bed
Super Speciality General Bed (On Wall): O2-1 & Vc-1 for each bed and MA4-1 for
each Cubicle
Private Room & Isolation Room/Special Ward(like- Dialysis,etc ) (On BHP): O2-1,
Vc-1 and MA4-1 for each bed
ICU/CCU Bed (on BHP) : O2-2, Vc-2 & MA4-2 for each bed
Pre-Op Bed/Emergency (on BHP) : O2-1, Vc-1 & MA4-1 for each bed
HDU/Post-Op Bed (on BHP) : O2-2, Vc-2 & MA4-1 for each bed
Treatment/Procedure Room (On Wall): O2-1, Vc-1 and MA4-1 for each bed
Endoscopy/Etc : O2-1, Vc-1 , MA4-1, CO2-1, N2O-1
Minor OT/Cath Lab/CT/LINAC/Etc (On BHP): O2-2, Vc-2, MA4-1, N2O-1 for each
Room (For MRI/LINAC/ETC Pipe line of same services should be provide
upto/outside of the room)
The Configuration may change as per special request from consignee/institute specific
requirements, if any
Bidder should be responsible for dedicated earthling (Chemical type) for MGPS Plant
room(If required)
Bidder has to design the MGPS system as per the matrix and specification mentioned
22 in the tender, any clarification/suggestions regarding the design of MGPS system
should be submitted before pre-bid meeting.

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Bidder has to clarify their doubts or prerequisites during prebid meeting. Bidder has to
23 submit the list of prerequisites along with bid. No further pre-requisite/requirement
after placement of NOA will be addressed.
Zoning of MGPS should be done to meet the peak flow requirement with suitable
backup arrangements for all services, if required.
All tanks (Air, Vac and AGSS(if applicable) should be install outside of the MGPS
25 Plant room on dedicated platform near MGPS Plant room and this platform should be
responsibility of MGPS Bidder with shed as per their requirement.
Bidder should submit the MGPS Plant and Manifold equipment loading design with
foot print of all component as per their offered plant along with bid within the area of
120 sq m. bidder may keep the tanks inside, only when their offered plant and
manifold are coming within the 120 sq m area along with proper sitting space for
technicians, cylinder storage space for filled and empty, also height of tanks should be
maximum 3.5m incase of installation within the MGPS plant room.
Responsibility of Consignee/ EA:
The institute will provide MGPS plant & manifold room (complete with plastering ,
painting & flooring as per approved drawing of respective consignee/Institute )
Institute will provide one point electrical, water and drain connection at the plant &
manifold room
3 Institute will provide dedicated shaft for MGPS riser
Institute will provide connecting trench from manifold/plant room to hospital building,
if MGPS plant/manifold room is not within the same hospital building
Institute will provide temporary storage for storing of raw materials of MGPS system
5 during installation period and the security of the store is the responsibility of MGPS
Institute will provide working electrical power supply for installation to MGPS vendor
6 (On chargeable basis as per institute norms or bidder has to make their own
Institute will provide shitch/socket for MGPS Area alarms (Above false ceiling level)
on the location as approved/required by consignee.
Institute will provide electrical power & Data input at all Bed Head Panel Locations at
8 the height of 1250mm (centre of the BHP) from FFL as per approved plan of
Scope and Technical Specification:
1 Oxygen Supply System
1.1 Fully Automatic Oxygen Control Panel
Automatic control panel should be constructed in accordance with the requirement of
international standards. The fully automatic oxygen control panel should comply with
HTM 02-01/NFPA 99C/ DIN / EN / ISO-7396-1 standards. It should be BIS/US FDA /
European CE Certified with 4 digit notified body number or American ETL/ American
UL listed.
The manifold assembly should provide two stages of pressure regulation. A single
stage primary regulator, one for each cylinder bank should be used to initially reduce
cylinder pressure and two single stage pressure regulators should be provided in the
control cabinet for final delivery pressure regulation. One delivery pressure regulator
in service and one should be ready for service in a standby mode. The Manifold control
panel should be with digital display, fully automatic type and switches from “Bank in
Use” to “Reserve bank “ without fluctuation in delivery supply line pressure.
Changeover should be performed by electrically/pneumatically operated valves
contained in the control cabinet. In the event of an electrical power failure (incase of
electronically operated) the valves should automatically open to provide an

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uninterrupted gas flow. It should be 100% automatic and should not require manual

Indication for changing the cylinders should be clearly identified on the front of the
control panel.
All functional components should be enclosed in corrosion resistant robust material.
All components inside the Control Panel like Pressure Regulators, piping and control
switching equipment should be cleaned for Oxygen Service and installed inside the
cabinet to minimize tampering with the regulators or switch settings.
The Control Panel shall include two pressure relief valves, one high pressure approx.
200/350psi and one low pressure approx.75 psi.
The heavy duty control panel should be provided with a flow capacity of 1500 or more
LPM at 50 to 60 psi.
The Automatic Control Panel should be installed in such a way to meet the peak flow
requirement of the Hospital/Institute (If the requirement is more than the specified flow
capacity requirement of automatic control panel, the bidder has to supply appropriate
Automatic Control Panel and design the system in such a way to meet the flow
requirement of respective institute) The bidder should quote optional price for Oxygen
Control panel of capacity 500LPM.
Control panel should have Alarm reset switch/Mute /acknowledgement switch to
control and monitor the alarm indications by the operator.
1.2 Oxygen Manifold Supply System (without Cylinders)
The size of Manifolds should be as mentioned in BOQ of respective Institute and it
shall be compatible with Class-D type bulk cylinders.
Manifold shall consist of two high pressure header bar assemblies to facilitate
connection of primary and secondary cylinder supplies. Each header bar shall be
provided with respective numbers of cylinder pigtail connections to suit cylinder
valves as per IS.3224/ BS/ ASME incorporating a check valve at the header
Each header bar assembly shall be provided with a high pressure shut off valve.
Oxygen Manifold should consist of respective numbers of class D-type bulk oxygen
cylinders. The manifold should be hydraulically tested to atleast 3000 psig. The
manifold should be so designed that it shall suit easy cylinder changing and
positioning. The system should have non – return valves for easy changing of cylinders
without closing the bank. The cylinder should be placed with the help of cylinder
brackets and fixing chains which should be galvanized.
1.3 Emergency Oxygen Manifold (without Cylinders)
The size of Manifolds should be as mentioned in BOQ of respective Institute and it
shall be compatible with Class-D type bulk cylinders.
Manifold shall consist of high pressure header bar assemblies to facilitate connection
of respective numbers of cylinder supplies. Header bar shall be provided with
respective numbers of cylinder pigtail connections to suit cylinder valves as per
IS.3224/ BS/ ASME incorporating a check valve at the header connection. Header bar
assembly shall be provided with a high pressure shut off valve.
Oxygen Manifold should consist of 2/1 rows of respective numbers of class D-type
bulk oxygen cylinders. The manifold should be hydraulically tested to atleast 3000
psig. The manifold should be so designed that it shall suit easy cylinder changing and
positioning. The system should have non – return valves for easy changing of cylinders
without closing the bank. The cylinder should be placed with the help of cylinder
brackets and fixing chains which should be galvanized.
Added Para: Necessary pressure regulating system should be supplied along with the

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Emergency Oxygen Manifold.

1.4 Oxygen Flow meter with Humidifier Bottle

Back Pressure Compensated flow meter for accurate gas flow measurement with
following features:
A) Control within a range of 0-15 LPM.
B) It should meet strict precision and durability standard.
C) The flow meter body should be made of brass chrome/Nickel plated materials.
The flow tube and shroud components should be made of clear, impact resistant
Flow tube should have large and expanded 0-15 LPM range for improved readability at
low flows.
F) Inlet filter of stainless steel wire mesh to prevent entry of foreign particles
The humidifier bottle is made of unbreakable & reusable polycarbonate /polysulfone
material autoclavable at 121 degree centigrade .
H) Humidifier Bottle should be covered under warranty & CMC.
Should be BIS/European CE certified with 4 digit notified body no/ UL Listed/US
FDA/ETL listed
2.1 Fully Automatic Nitrous Oxide Control Panel
The fully automatic N2O control panel should comply with HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99 C/
EN /DIN /ISO 7396-1 STANDARD. It should be BIS/US FDA / European CE
Certified with 4 digit notified body number or American ETL/ American UL listed.
The manifold assembly should provide two stages of pressure regulation. A single
stage primary regulator, one for each cylinder bank should be used to initially reduce
cylinder pressure and two single stage pressure regulators should be provided in the
control cabinet for final delivery pressure regulation. One delivery pressure regulator
in service and one should be ready for service in a Standby mode. The Manifold
control panel should be digital, fully automatic type and switches from “Bank in Use”
to “Reserve bank “ without fluctuation in delivery supply line Pressure. Changeover
should be performed by electrically/ pneumatically operated valves contained in the
control cabinet. In the event of an electrical power failure (incase of electrically
operated) the valves should automatically open to provide an uninterrupted gas flow.
The manifold should not require any manual resetting or adjustments after the
replacements of the depleted cylinders.
The Control Panel shall include two pressure relief valves, one high pressure
approx.200psi/350psi and one low pressure approx.75 psi.
The control panel should also have heaters to prevent ice formation on the regulators at
high flow rates.
The Control Panel should be made to provide Heavy Duty and have a flow capacity of
500 LPM or more at 50 to 60 psi.
The Automatic Control Panel should be installed in such a way to meet the peak flow
requirement of the Hospital/Institute (If the requirement is more than the specified flow
capacity requirement of automatic control panel, the bidder has to supply appropriate
Automatic Control Panel and design the system in such a way to meet the flow
requirement of respective institute)
Control panel should have Alarm reset switch/Mute / acknowledgement switch to
control and monitor the alarm indications by the operator.
2.2 Nitrous Oxide Manifold (Without Cylinders)
The size of Manifolds should be as mentioned in BOQ of respective Institute and it
shall be compatible with Class-D type bulk cylinders.

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Manifold shall consist of two high-pressure header bar assemblies to facilitate

connection of primary and secondary cylinder supplies. Each header bar shall be
provided with respective number of cylinder pigtail connections to suit cylinder valves
as perIS.3224/ BS/ ASME incorporating a check valve at the header
connection. Each header bar assembly shall be provided with a high pressure shut off
valve. The manifold should be hydraulically tested to atleast 3000 psig. The manifold
should be so designed that it shall suit easy cylinder changing and positioning. The
cylinder should be locked with the help of cylinder brackets and fixing chains which
should be galvanized.
2.3 Emergency N2O Manifold (Without Cylinders)
The size of Manifolds should be as mentioned in BOQ of respective Institute and it
shall be compatible with Class-D type bulk cylinders.
Manifold shall consist of high-pressure header bar assemblies to facilitate connection
of cylinder supplies. Header bar shall be provided with respective numbers of cylinder
pigtail connections to suit cylinder valves as per IS 3224/ BS/ ASME incorporating a
check valve at the header connection. Header bar assembly shall be provided with a
high pressure shut off valve. Nitrous oxide manifold should consist of respective
numbers of cylinders
The manifold should be hydraulically tested to atleast 3000 psig. The manifold should
be so designed that it shall suit easy cylinder changing and positioning. The system
should have non – return valves for easy changing of cylinders without closing the
bank. The cylinder should be placed with the help of cylinder brackets and fixing
chains which should be galvanized.
Added Para: Necessary pressure regulating system should be supplied along with the
Emergency N2O Manifold.
Medical and Surgical Air System (Package Unit ) - Tolerance of +/-5% is acceptable
on plant flow capacity
Air-cooled Oil-Less compressors for continuous duty application with highest output
of compressed air, low power consumption and very low vibration resulting in low
noise level.
The medical air plant shall fully comply with the requirements of the HTM 02-01/
NFPA 99 C/EN/DIN/ISO 7396-1. It should be BIS/US FDA / European CE Certified
with 4 digit notified body number or American ETL/ American UL listed (Incase of
NFPA 99c the control panel of plant must be UL/ETL Listed and Undertaking from
manufacturer for this tender reference must be submitted for using the same control
panel in the system offered)
3.1 Air Compressor Modules
It should be Oil-Less Screw Compressors /Scroll Compressors to produce the plant
output of {minimum Liters Per Minutes (LPM) Plant capacity } as mentioned in BOQ
of respective institute as primary and same capacity as standby.
Medical quality air shall be delivered at a nominal pressure of 400 kPa (4 bar) and
700kPa (7 bar) gauge for supply of the hospital medical air and surgical air.
Compressor plant should be designed in such a way that compressors will switch on in
a sequential manner as per flow demand.
The compressors should be standalone ones with independent power supply. Each
Compressor should be suitable for both continuous and frequent start/stop operation at
a nominal plant pressure of 10bar or more.

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The duty compressors shall be automatically rotated by the plant control system to
ensure even wear. Compressors shall be supplied and installed. Desiccant dryer shall
be provided with a dew point sensing switch that shall provide an alarm on the plant
control panel and central hospital alarm system when the water concentration in the
delivered air rises above the limit. Duplex desiccant dryer and filtration modules shall
be provided with three or more individual stages of filtration as follows:
Stage 1: Coalescing filter upstream of the desiccant dryer for removing liquid water
particles down to 1micron.
Stage 2: Particulate filter after the desiccant dryer for dust protection and removing
particles down to 1 micron.
Stage 3: Bacteria filter for removing particles down to 0.01 micron.
Purity should be tested as per the American Pharmacopeia / European Pharmacopeia
The plant control and power management system shall monitor the safe operation of
the plant, providing signal into the alarm system as per the requirements of the
Pressure Reducing Station: for 4 bar and 7 bar should fully comply and meet with the
requirements of the standard. Simplex pressure reducing station shall comprise as in-
line pressure regulator, with downstream pressure gauge. Isolation valves and pressure
release valves should be provided as per the standard. Duplex pressure reducing station
to have two branches, connected to the MGPS in parallel in order to allow maintenance
on the components of one branch, while the gas flow is maintained in the other branch.
Ball Valves - Full bore which operate from fully open to fully closed position with a
quarter turn of the handle. Complete pressure reducing station with base plate mounted
for ease of installation.
Padlocks (if applicable to standards) available to allow locking of the valves in both
open and closed positions and must have easy to read pressure gauges. Base plate
mounted and supplied with copper stub pipes for ease of installation using inert
jointing procedures.
The compressor system should have-
1 Intake filter Delivery pipe
Mounting on air tank along with all standard fittings viz. safety valve, pressure gauge,
delivery valve, drain valve etc.
Bidder shall provide all electric control panels, starters etc required for proper
functioning of motor.
4 Desiccant Air Dryer – 2 nos.(Duplex)
5 2-Stage or more Breathing Air Filters – 2 sets(Duplex)
Outlet pressures for drills/equipment and ventilators should be a minimum of 7 bar and
4 bar respectively.
7 Duplex pressure reducing station
The compressor should be heavy duty, reliable with long MTBF. Each compressor
cylinder is to be protected by a temperature switch, which will stop the drive motor and
provide an alarm signal in the event of abnormal discharge air temperature. Each
compressor module should include an inline filter with particle retention of 10
microns, inlet isolation valve, discharge isolation valve, and pressure relief valve. The
capacity should be capable to take care of total load of all the outlets.
3.2 Vertical Air Receiver
Total air receiver capacity shall be at least 50% (+/- 5%) of the primary plant capacity
(capacity as mentioned in the tender) in 1 minute in terms of free air delivered at
normal working pressure. Each air receiver shall be protected by a pressure relief
valve, a fusible plug and include a pressure gauge with isolating valve and a drain

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The corrosion resistant coated receiver is to be equipped with tested safety pressure
relief valve, sight glass pressure gauge, automatic drain, three-valve by-pass and
source isolation valve. Should be fabricated as per ISO/ASME/BS
3.3 Air Treatment Module
The air treatment module should include dual dryers, dual filtration system and a dew
point transmitter with local audible and visual signals and dry contacts for remote
monitoring. The components should be mounted on a common base with
interconnecting copper/brass piping and upstream and downstream isolation valves.
The isolation valves must allow either set of components to be serviced without
shutting down the system.
Dryers should be of heatless desiccant design and sized to provide for the peak
calculated demand. The desiccant dryers should be equipped with dew point dependent
switching feature to minimize the need for purge air.
The dual filtration system should remove liquid and particulate matter, consisting of
0.5micron coalescing filters with differential pressure indicators and automatic drain,
airline pressure regulators with gauges, final pressure relief valve, and sampling valve.
Each bank should consist of three stage treatment. Digital dew point monitor is to be
supplied with alarm contacts as per requirement of the standard.
3.4 System Controls
The “Continuous on Demand” feature will stop the operation of the motors during
periods of low or no demand. The control include individual self-protected
combination motor controls with short circuit protection, single phase and thermal
overload protection, individual control circuit with transformers primary and secondary
protection, pressure sensors, temperature switches with reset buttons, and an electronic
controller to automatically change the operating sequence of the compressors. The
cabinet shall have status display to include system pressure, dew point pump operation,
accumulated time, maintenance interval, fault conditions, and silence button, lighted
Hand-Off-Automatic selector switches and safety disconnect operating handles. All
required local alarm functions shall be integrated in to the packaged system.
The system should be designed to function even if the programmable controller fails.
3.5 Accessories
Accessories including for job site installation such as inlet and discharge flexible
connectors, vibration mounting pads, and source isolation valve should be supplied.
All the filters should be covered under warranty period and CMC Period.
VACUUM SYSTEMS (Package unit) - Tolerence of +/-5% is acceptable in plant flow
It should be BIS/US FDA / European CE Certified with 4 digit notified body number
or American ETL/ American UL listed (In-case of NFPA 99c the control panel of
Plant must be UL/ETL Listed and Undertaking from manufacturer must be submitted
for using the same control panel in the system offered)and should comply with HTM
0201/ NFPA 99 C / EN /DIN/ISO 7396-1
4.1 Vacuum Pump Module
It should be Oil Sealed Rotary Vane Type to produces the plant output of {minimum
Liters Per Minutes(LPM) Plant capacity } as mentioned in BOQ of respective institute
as primary and same as standby
Designed flow capacity should be minimum of LPM capacity as mentioned in BOQ of
respective institute. The vacuum plant shall comprise air-cooled, oil lubricated rotary
vane vacuum pumps suitable for both continuous and frequent start/stop operation at
inlet vacuum levels between 500mmHg and 660 mmHg.

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The control system should normally employ automatic rotation of the lead pump to
maximize pump life and ensure even wear. Vacuum pump inlets shall include a wire
mesh filter and integral non-return valve to prevent oil suck back and pressure
increases in the vacuum system.
Each vacuum pump shall be fitted with anti-vibration pads between the pump foot and
mounting frame. The plant shall be fitted with duplex bacteria filter system.
4.2 Vacuum Receiver
The vacuum receiver shall be made of rust free corrosion resistant steel and fabricated
as per ASME/BS/ISO for a vacuum pressure of 760mmHg. It should include bypass
valves, manual drain valves, vacuum gauge. Vacuum reservoir shall have total volume
of at least 100 % of primary plant output (+/- 5%) (capacity as mentioned in the
tender) in one minute in terms of free air aspired at normal working pressure.
4.3 System Controls
The control include individual self-protected combination motor controls with short
circuit, single phase and thermal overload protection, individual control circuit
transformers with primary and secondary protection, pressure sensors, temperature
switches with reset buttons, and an electronic controller to automatically change the
operating sequence of the compressors. The system should have a status display to
show the system pressure, elapsed time, maintenance interval, fault conditions, and
silence button, lighted Hand-Off-Automatic selector switches and safety disconnect
operating handles.
All required local alarm functions should be integrated into the packaged system. The
circuitry should be designed so that the audible signal can be silenced and the visual
indicator will remain until the fault has been cleared and the reset button resets. Local
alarm functions should be annunciated for reserve pump in use
4.4 Bacterial Filters
The filters should be designed for removal of solid, liquid and bacterial contamination
from the suction side of vacuum pump systems, preventing damage to the pump and
the potential biological infection of the surrounding environment. The dryer should be
particulate filter dryer with ability to remove particles as small as 1micron.
Each individual filter shall have the capacity to deliver full design flow such that one
set is designated duty and the other will be standby. Bacteria filters shall have
efficiency at least 99.999% when tested by the sodium flame method in accordance
with BS 3928:1969/as per required standard utilising particles in the 0.02 to 2 micron
size range. The pressure drop across each clean filter at 50% of the system design flow
should not exceed 25 mm Hg (3 kPa) at a vacuum of 475mm of Hg (63 kPa). Bacteria
filters shall be marked with the legend „Bio-Hazard‟.
Each bacteria filter shall be provided with a transparent sterilizable collection jar to
collect condensate. The total water capacity of the pressure vessels shall be at least
100% of the design flow rate of the plant in 1 minute in terms of free air aspired.
4.5 Accessories
Accessories included for job site installation are inlet and discharge flexible
connectors, vibration mounting pads, and source isolation valve, inlet check valve,
thermal malfunction switch and vacuum control switch. Flexible connectors on inlet
and exhaust of each pump, exhaust tee with union as well as copper tubing with
Shutoff- cock for gauge/bypass valve and vacuum switch etc.
All the filters should be covered under warranty period and CMC Period.
5 Ward Vacuum Units
It must consists of the following:-
1no of Suction Regulator and 1no of 1000 ml polysulfone /polycarbonate collection

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Suction Regulator (Digital/Analogue): Suction regulator should be supplied with a

safety jar, including and antibacterial filter and an anti-overflow safety device. Should
have wide membrane continuous suction controller. In case of digital suction regulator,
battery should be replaced by the bidder during warranty & CMC period
3 Should have vacuum levels: 0-750 mm Hg or more
4 Should have vacuum gauge fitted with a protective bumper device.
Should have on/off knob allowing for the quick restoration of a readjusted vacuum
Must have central adjustment knob with a color coded for 0 to 750 mm Hg or more.
Should have Polysulfone/ polycarbonate 100cc safety jar, autoclavable at 121º C at
6 5mins, unbreakable, fitted with an anti-overflow safety device and equipped with
antibacterial filter. It should be totally transparent, to ensure perfect sucked liquid
5A Low flow ward vacuum unit - Should have vacuum levels: 0-150 mm of Hg +/-10%
6 Theatre Vacuum unit for OT
It must consist of the following: -
Suction Regulator (Digital/Analogue) and 2nos. 1500ml or more polysulfone/
polycarbonate collection jar and both to be mounted on a trolley. In case of digital
suction regulator, battery should be replaced by the bidder during warranty & CMC
Suction Regulator: Suction regulator should be supplied with a safety jar, including an
6.2 anti-bacterial filter and an anti-overflow safety device. Should have wide membrane
continuous suction controller
6.3 Should have vacuum levels : 0-750 mm of Hg or more
6.4 Should have vacuum gauge fitted with a protective bumper device.
Should have on/off knob allowing for the quick restoration of a readjusted vacuum
Must have central adjustment knob with a color coded for 0-750 mm Hg or more.
Should have polysulfone/ polycarbonate safety jar, autoclavable at 121º C,
unbreakable, fitted with an anti-overflow safety device and equipped with antibacterial
6.7 Collection jar should be totally transparent, to ensure perfect sucked liquid visibility.
7 AGSS (Anesthetic Gas Scavenging System) Plant -
Anesthetic Gas Scavenging System (AGSS) of minimum LPM as Primary & LPM as
Standby(LPM as mentioned in respective institute's BOQ),It should be BIS/US FDA /
European CE Certified with 4 digit notified body number or American ETL/ American
UL listed (In-case of NFPA 99c the control panel of Plant must be UL/ETL Listed and
Undertaking from manufacturer must be submitted for using the same control panel in
the system offered)and should comply with HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99 C/EN/ISO 7396-1.
The package should consist of duplex rotary vane/claw type vacuum pumps or blower
as applicable to standards, a control panel with automatic changeover, and mounted on
a common base frame.
AGSS pump: Each pump / blower should be completely cooled and have absolutely no
water requirements. The suitable wiring from OTs to AGSS plant for remote
control/suitable reservoir (as applicable) is the responsibility of the bidder.

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System in-line non-return values should allow individual pump servicing. Active
anesthetic gas scavenging systems should be designed to safely remove exhaled
anesthetic agents from the operating environment and dispose of them to atmosphere
from the highest point of the hospital building, thus preventing contamination of the
operating department and providing a safe and healthy workspace for the personal.
AGSS design should be dependent upon flow rate and pressure drop characteristics of
the individual components of systems. It is essential that terminal units, remote
controls (If required) and pump units work in synchronized manner after connection of
workstation to the AGSS System.
Installation should be on roof top/suitable location. Piping, Non-Return-Valves
(NRVs), and inlet nozzle should be suitably placed. Connecting hose suitable to fit
with anesthesia workstation should be provided.
8.1 Piping specifications
Copper pipe should be as per standard BS: EN 13348:2008/ ASTM B819 standards,
Solid drawn, seamless, deoxidized, non-arsenical, half hard (hard can be accepted only
for sizes 54mm or more), tempered and degreased copper pipe conforming to the
standard. All copper pipes should be degreased & delivered capped at both ends. The
pipes should be accompanied with manufacturers test certificate for the physical
properties & chemical composition.
Copper pipe must have reputed third party inspection certificate (Eg. Lloyd‟s or TUV
or SGS).
Fittings should be made of copper and suitable for a working Pressure of up to 17bar
and especially made for brazed socket type connections. All valves shall be
pneumatically tested for twice the working pressure and factory degreased for medical
gas service.
Copper fittings should comply with EN 1254:1 factory degreased and brazing filler
metals should comply with EN 1044. Fitting should be degreased, individually packed
for medical use.
The minimum thickness of copper pipes of 35mm and above outer diameter, should be
1.2mm and the thickness of copper pipes less than 28mm outer diameter, should be
1mm as mentioned in respective Institute‟s BOQ.
8.2 Installation & testing
Installation of piping shall be carried out with utmost cleanliness. Only pipes, fittings
and valves that have been degreased and fittings shall be used at site. Pipe fixing
clamps shall be of nonferrous or non-deteriorating plastic suitable for the diameter of
the pipe.
Inert gas welding technique should be used by passing oxygen Free Nitrogen Gas
inside the copper pipes during silver brazing, in order to avoid carbon deposition inside
the copper pipes. Only copper-to-copper joints are permitted on site except threaded or
flanged joints may be made where pipelines are connected to items such as valves and
control equipment. No flux shall be used for joining Copper to Copper joints and on
for joints made on site. Copper to copper joints shall be brazed using a 5% silver-
copper phosphorous brazing alloy CP104. A total of 5 joints shall be cut out for
examination to establish the quality of the joints being made on site. The insides shall
be clean and free from oxides and particulate matter and the minimum penetration of
the brazing alloy at any point shall be three times the wall thickness of the tube. If the
joints examined do not conform to these requirements, then adjacent joints shall be cut
out and examined until the extent of faulty workmanship has been made good. Copper-
to-brass or gunmetal joints shall only be made under controlled conditions off site. The
joints are ordinarily used to join short copper pipe tails to brass, gunmetal or bronze
fittings to permit their connection into the pipeline. The sub-assemblies shall be

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degreased and individually sealed in bags or boxes before delivery to site.

Adequate supports should be provided while laying pipelines to ensure that the pipes
do not sag. Suitable sleeves shall be provided wherever pipes cross through walls /
slabs. All pipe clamps shall be non-reactive to copper.
After erection, the pipes are to be flushed with dry nitrogen gas and then pressure
tested with dry nitrogen at a pressure equal to twice the working pressure or 150 psig,
whichever is higher for a period of not less than 24 hours.
Length and quantity of individual items (Copper pipes, AVSUs, Alarm panels,
Isolation valves, Outlets, pendants etc.) are mentioned. However quantity will be
calculated and paid at actuals. Bidder should quote unit price for all the items as
Maximum interval between supports (Horizontal and Vertical)
(12mm Pipe - 1.5m, 15mm pipe - 1.5m, 22mm pipe – 2m, 28mm pipe-2m, 35mm pipe-
2.5m, 42mm pipe -2.5m, 54mm pipe - 2.5m, 76mm pipe – 3meter)
8.3 Painting
All the pipes from manifold/plant upto the outlets should be painted with two coats of
synthetic enamel paint and colour codification should be as per standards followed and
with consultation with competent authorities of the Institute.
Terminal Units (Gas Outlets) with probes/Adaptors for O2, N2O, Compressed Air 4,
Air 7, AGSS, Vacuum & CO2 (CO2 can be optional depending on the requirement)
The Medical gas outlets shall confirm to HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99 C/EN/DIN/ ISO 7396-
1. Front Loading Type Terminal Outlets should be designed to dispense medical gases
(or an inlet for medical vacuum) to the secondary equipment (flow meters, Suction
regulators, etc.) at the point of use and is gas specific so that secondary devices cannot
be “attached” to the wrong gas. When not in use the gas in a non-flowing state within
the Outlet (Terminal unit) sealed by “O” ring. The adapter when inserted pushes the
poppet inside and the gas starts flowing and sealing is ensured by the “O” ring or a
seat. The Outlets are Quick Connect Type and gas specificity is accomplished by "Pin
indexing." The outlets should have following features:
• Push to insert and press-to-release mechanism for probes.
• Allows plugging of probes from front.
• Self-sealing valve on disengaging the probe (Quick disconnect)
• Smooth quite action.
• Non return valve for on line servicing/ repairing
• Indexed to eliminate inter-changeability of gas services
• Color-coded gas specific front plate
• Totally leak proof, safe & easy to operate
• Configurations possible: surface, flush & Bead-head.
•Outlets should be BIS/US FDA / European CE Certified with 4 digit notified body
number or American ETL/ American UL listed
•All outlets should have respective labels (i.e.O2 / N2O / CO2 / Air4 /
Air7/Vacuum/AGSS/etc.) displayed accordingly.
Area valve service units should fully comply and meet with HTM 02-01/NFPA
99C/EN/DIN/ISO7396-1. It should provide a zone isolation facility for use either in an
emergency or for maintenance purpose The Area Valve Service Unit should
incorporate prefitted ball valve in a box with emergency access. It should be reliable
and easy to operate, easy purge, sample & pressure testing and emergency supply
system. Quantity of valves is considered under BOQ heading line isolation vales.

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Medical gas/vacuum services should be fixed copper, piped to and from their
respective area valve service units. A color coded service identity label should be fitted
behind the valve handle. The unit should provide a zone isolation facility. Gas Flow
direction should be indicated.
The box shall be made from extruded aluminium/MS powder coated to prevent
corrosion. All wetted parts (except seals and gaskets) should be brass or copper. Each
unit assembly should be factory tested for gas tightness. Rubber pipe grommets should
be provided to ensure any leaking gas does not escape from the unit into a wall cavity.
All visible aluminum surfaces should be powder coated.
11.1 Master Alarm (Digital)
Should be BIS/US FDA / European CE Certified with 4 digit notified body number or
American ETL/ American UL listed.
Complies with HTM 02-01 / NFPA 99C/EN/DIN/ ISO 7396-1 Standards.
Each Master Alarm should be modular in design and be fitted with required number of
master alarm modules. The master alarms should be capable to monitor minimum 40
Each point represents an alarm condition that the source equipment might have. When
an alarm condition exists, a red light flashes and the audible alarm sounds. If several
alarm conditions occur simultaneously, the most recent alarm light should flash, while
the other alarm lights should remain lit. When an alarm condition is created, an audible
alarm should be actuated. A dry contact module should be available to interface with a
building management system.
The box material should be of gauge steel of requisite thickness and equipped with
mounting brackets. The emissions from alarms should conform with EMC standards.
Master alarm management system should be designed to display alarm conditions from
the source supply units indicating the broad status of the source equipment and
manifolds as well as the master distribution status from the source supplies. Depending
on the alarm priority, a visual and audible alarm should be initiated to indicate an
alarm condition.
Each panel shall display and/or input up to forty point alarms. Panel should be ready to
use with BMS system.
The master alarm must be able to monitor the following source alarm conditions.
· Oxygen Source Empty/Fault
· Oxygen Cylinder Bank Empty/Fault
· Oxygen Emergency Bank Empty/Fault
· Air Compressor Faulty/Operation
· Vacuum Pump Faulty/Operational
· Vacuum Deficiency Vacuum Reservoir
· And Other MGPS Signals & Alarms
Bidder shall be responsible for all cabling from local alarm panels (OTS & ICUs) to
master alarm panel. Bidder should quote unit rate per meter interconnection cost and
1000m will be considered for ranking purpose. Payment will be made at actuals
Master alarm should be integrated with BMS/HIS
11.2 Medical Gas Area Alarm
The medical gas central alarms should be capable of monitoring up to 5 medical gas
services (As specified in BOQ of respective institute) by means of pressure sensors
which detect deviations from the normal operating limits of either pressure or medical
vacuum. The area alarm should have a digital display of pressures. The medical gas
area alarm should fully satisfy the HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99 C/EN/DIN/ISO 7396-1
requirements and should be BIS/US FDA / European CE Certified with 4 digit notified

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body number or American ETL/ American UL listed.

An audible warning should sound simultaneously with any failure indication and a
mute facility should be provided. "
Note: The bidder may offer combined unit of AVSU & alarm, bidder has to match the
quantity of AVSU/Alarm whichever is higher
12 Line Isolation Valves
The Lockable line valves must degreesed and complete valve with stuffed pipe &
fittings, factory tested and complies with HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99 C/EN/DIN/ISO 7396-
1 standard.
13 Supply of O2 Cylinders – Class D Type
Should be as per BIS/IS/ASME Standard
14 Supply of O2 Cylinders – Class D Type
Should be as per BIS/IS/ASME Standard
15 Horizontal/ Vertical Bed Head Panel
It shall confirm to HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99 C/EN/DIN/ISO 7396-1. The design should
be approved by the respective institute before installation and it is responsibility of the
bidder after getting order they have to discuss with respective institute and finalized
the Bed Head Panel (Vertical/Horizontal) as per site condition. Vertical BHP should be
upto False Ceiling Level and all outlets and sockets should be located at reachable
height. Horizontal BHP should be of maximum 1000mm for 2 Gas outlet
configuration, 1200mm for upto 4 outlets configuration and 1500mm for 6/8 Outlet
It should have following features:-
Efficient, Safe & Robust design in extruded aluminium section.
Smooth curved surfaces, and choice of base colour and fascia plates.
Unit should have integrated rail system to mount accessories
The headwall system should be constructed of aluminium extrusions joined together to
form a carcass to suit the particular application. Unit should be factory assembled for
electrical and mechanical components.
Segregation of services i.e. Low voltage supplies, High Voltage supply and Medical
gases should be maintained with minimum 3 tier/3 channel arrangements with built-in
LED Lighting/flexible light (with ON/OFF control). Sample drawing of the bedhead
panel to be submitted along with technical bid.
Front fascia plate should be removable individually to access for respective service.
It should have one rail for mounting Accessories.
Each bed-head unit shall be supplied with electrical and electrical outlets pre-fitted,
wired and certified.
Note: Gas Outlets quantities are already taken in consideration of quantities of
respective outlets in BOQ
Should have per unit as under :
Oxygen – 2
Vacuum – 2
Medical Air-1
Holder for vacuum collection jar –1
Nurse call switch – 1 (not in the scope of MGPS Vendor only space for same has to
5 /15A combined Electrical socket with switch – minimum 4 Nos. with 2 outlet
combination, 6 Nos. with 4 outlet combination and 8 Nos. with 6/8 outlet combination

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RJ-45 socket/ Ethernet -01

Two spare spaces
16 High pressure tubes for O2, N2O, Compressed Air,& Vacuum
It should be colour coded for individual services i.e. white for Oxygen, Blue for N2O
and Yellow for Vacuum, Black for air. Antistatic rubber tube should be as per ISO
standards. It should be CE marked/UL Listed. (The 200m Hose- Gas wise requirement
should be taken from respective institute before supply total lengths should be 200m
inclusive of all type. If institute requires more than payment will be made on actual
basis as per finalized BOQ rate)
17 Electrical Wiring with Electrical Panels –
All wiring inside the Manifold Room and Plant room required for MGPS equipment
and General electrification. Institute will provide one point supply only. Other are
under the scope of bidder. All the work should be as per BIS/CE standard and material
used should be reputed make only.
The system should consist of medical CO2 Manifold 2 + 2 Primary & 1+1 Standby
with Class-D type Cylinders (6 Nos over and above than BOQ quantity of CO2
cylinders) and control panel . Control panel of CO2 should be BIS/US FDA / European
CE Certified with 4 digit notified body number or American ETL/ American UL listed.
The Modular Manifold supply system shall provide carbon dioxide piped distribution
The Modular Manifold system should be in such a way that it increases flexibility and
allows easy enlargement of the manifold capacity in case of future expansion. Should
be complies with HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99 C/EN/DIN/ ISO 7396-1 standard.
Fully Automatic Control panel for CO2 System
The Manifold Control System should supply any type of medical gas from both left
and right hand manifold banks. Operation and performance criteria should fully satisfy
the requirements of HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99 C/EN/DIN/ ISO 7396-1 standard. The fully
automatic CO2 control panel should comply with the standard. It should be BIS/US
FDA / European CE Certified with 4 digit notified body number or American ETL/
American UL listed.
The Manifold Control System shall supply on uninterrupted flow of 500 L/min. to a
400 k Pa (4 bar) distribution system. Either the left or right hand manifold bank may be
designated "Duty" and should automatically changeover to supply the distribution
system from the "Standby" bank when pressure in the "Duty" bank falls to a
predetermined level.
19 Interconnection to LMO Tank (Optional Price should be quoted)
Price should be quoted per meter basis for inclusive of all installation, material
(Copper Pipes, fittings, etc), trenches and labour etc. charges as per site condition. The
payment will be made on actual meter consumption for interconnection from LMO
tank to Gas Manifold room.
20 Site Modification –
i. Bidder should be responsible for heavy duty flooring such as ironite/Kota Stone in
the manifold room and thickness of flooring not less than 1inch.
ii. Bidder should provide a raised Loading/Unloading Platform of suitable sized
adjacent to manifold room, so that cylinder can be loaded & unloaded easily form the
iii. Bidder should be responsible for foundation of Plant Room (If required) for
Medical Air Plant, Vacuum Pant & AGSS Plant.

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iv. Bidder should co-ordinate with respective Institute/Authorities for the availability
of Office Room for & Toilet for MGPS Operator into Manifold/Plant Room.
v. Bidder should be responsible for all civil modifications and repair for successful
completion of MGPS Plant, Manifold, and Pipeline installation and commissioning
throughout the proposed blocks/buildings
vi. Bidder should be responsible for internal walls/partitions & doors for creating
separation between MGPS Plant and Manifold room, etc as per their requirement.
Institute will provide shell structure of approx. 120 sq m and one point electrical
supply and drain(if required)
21 Extra Works (Optional)
Construction of MGPS Operator Room & Toilet (Optional)
Bidder should be responsible for construction of Operator Room of 10X8Feet and
a Toilet 6x5Feet full finished with all fixtures & general electrification with Fan &
Ventilation and it should be in same building or adjacent. All works should be as per
CPWD/PWD Specifications.
Construction of Overhead/Under Ground trench size approx 1.5mx1m (Optional) –
Please quote rate for per meter basis all inclusive, Payment will be made on actual
Note: All bidder has to quote 20meter Overhead/Under Ground trench as standard for
interconnection between buildings/plant/manifold/etc block and extra will be paid on
the basis of actual requirement.
Construction of 9" brick wall (500 Sq.ft) with Plaster on both sides with paint
matching the surrounding premises. Payment shall be made at actuals.
d Demolition of brick wall 200 Cu.ft. Payment shall be made at actuals.

Item Description Unit Qty
1 Oxygen Supply System
Fully Automatic Oxygen Control System : Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of Fully
1.1 Nos 1
Automatic Oxygen Control System. As per specification
Oxygen Manifold (2x16) : Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of (2x16 size) class D cylinder
1.2 Nos 1
Oxygen Supply System. As per specification
Emergency Oxygen Supply System : Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of (2x5 or 1x 10 size)
1.3 Nos 1
class D cylinder Emergency Oxygen Supply System. As per specification

Oxygen Flow meter with Humidifier Bottle: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of oxygen flow
1.4 Nos 235
meter with humidifier bottle. As per specification

2 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) System

Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel for Nitrous Oxide: Supply, installation testing and commission of
2.1 Nos 1
fully automatic control panel for Nitrous Oxide. As per specification
Nitrous Oxide Manifold System, (2x5 size): Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of (2x5 size)
2.2 Nos 1
Nitrous Oxide Manifold system .As per specification

Emergency Nitrous Oxide Manifold System, 2x2 size: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
2.3 Nos 1
(2x2 or 1 X4 size) cylinder Emergency Nitrous Oxide supply System .As per specification

Medical Air Plant (Package Unit ) including electrical control panel: Supply, Installation, testing and
3 commissioning medical air plant having a minimum capacity of 5000 LPM as Primary & 2000 LPM as Nos 1
standby or Total minimum Plant Capacity of 7000 LPM and as per specification.

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Item Description Unit Qty
Medical Vacuum Plant (Package unit): Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Rotary Vane type
4 medical vacuum plant having a minimum capacity of 4000 LPM as primary and 4000 LPM as standby and as Nos 1
per specification

5 Ward Vacuum Unit: Supply, installation, testing and commissiong of Ward Vacuum Unit as per specification. Nos 229
Ward Vacuum Unit Low Flow: Supply, installation, testing and commissiong of Ward Vacuum Unit as per
6 Nos 6
Theater Vaccum Unit for Operation Theaters: Supply, installation, testing and commissiong of Theater
7 Nos 10
Vacuum Unit as specification.
Duplex AGSS System: Supply installation and commissioning of Duplex AGSS system having minimum
8 Nos 1
capacity of 1000 LPM as primary and 1000 LPM as standby
9 Copper Pipes
Solid drawn, seamless, deoxidised, non- arsenical, half hard, tempered and degreased copper pipes as per
9.1 108mm OD X 1.5mm thick m 10
9.2 76mm OD X 1.5mm thick m 30
9.3 54mm OD X 1.2mm thick m 70
9.4 42mm OD X 1.2mm thick m 350
9.5 35mm OD X 1.2mm thick m 200
9.6 28mm OD X 1 mm thick m 500
9.7 22mm OD X 1 mm thick m 2500
9.8 15mm OD X 1 mm thick m 5250
9.9 12mm OD X 1 mm thick m 1200

Gas Outlet Points/ Terminal Units with probe: Supply,Installation, testing and commissioning of Gas
outlet points with probe as per specification

10.1 Oxygen outlet with probe Nos 303

10.2 Nitrous Oxide outlet with probe Nos 5
10.3 Medical Air 4 outlet with probe Nos 70
10.4 Vacuum outlet with probe Nos 303
10.5 Medical Air 7 outlet with probe Nos 4
10.6 AGSS outlet with probe Nos 5
10.7 CO2 Outlet with probe Nos 2
AREA VALVE BOX (WITHOUT VALVES): Supply,Installation, testing and commissioning of Area Valve
Boxes. as per specification
11.1 Valve Box - 2 Gas Service Nos 6
11.2 Valve Box - 3 Gas Service Nos 7
11.3 Valve Box - 4 Gas Service Nos 0
11.4 Valve Box - 5 Gas Service Nos 1
11.5 Valve Box - 6 Gas Service Nos 4
MEDICAL GAS ALARM PANEL: Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Medical Gas Alarm
Panel.as per specification
12.1 Medical Gas Area Alarm for 2 services Nos 6
12.2 Medical Gas Area Alarm for 3 services Nos 7
12.3 Medical Gas Area Alarm 4 services Nos 0
12.4 Medical Gas Area Alarm 5 services Nos 1

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Item Description Unit Qty
12.5 Medical Gas Area Alarm 6 services Nos 4
12.6 Master Alarm Panel Nos 1
LINE ISOLATION VALVES: Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Line Isolation Valves as per
13.1 15 mm ball valve Nos 150
13.2 22 mm ball valve Nos 50
13.3 28 mm ball valve Nos 10
13.4 35 mm ball valve Nos 2
13.5 42 mm ball valve Nos 5
13.6 54 mm ball valve Nos 1
13.7 76 mm ball valve Nos 1
13.8 108 mm ball valve Nos 1
14 Supply of O2 cylinders-Class D cylinders as per specification Nos 120
15 Supply of N2O cylinders-Class D cylinders as per specification Nos 20

15A. Bed Head Horizontal (Without outlets) as per specification - 50% of total Qty
16 Nos 50
15B. Vertical Wall Panel (Without outlets) as per specification - 50% of total Qty

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Medical gas hose assemblies as per standard followed as
17 m 200
per specification

18 Electric wiring inside the gas manifold and plant room including electrical panel for plant & Manifold rooms Ls 1

19 CO2 Manifold with control panel (with cylinders ) as per specification (OPTIONAL) Nos 1

20 Interconnection to LMO as per specification. per meter rate should be quoted (OPTIONAL) m 100

21 Site Modification as per Specification Ls 1

22 Extra Works as per specification (OPTIONAL)
a Construction of Operator Room and Toilet (Optional) 1
b. Construction of Overhead/Under Ground trench size approx 1.5mx1m (Optional) No 1
c. Construction of 9" brick wall (500 Sq.ft) (Optional) 1
d. Demolition of brick wall 200 Cu.ft. Payment shall be made at actuals. (Optional) 1
23 20TR AC for plant room Ls 1
24 Interconnection from Local alarm panels to master alarm panel m 1
25 Chemical Earthing No 1

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1. Warranty:
a) Five years Comprehensive Warranty as per Conditions of Contract of the TE document
for complete equipment (including Batteries for UPS, other vacuumatic parts wherever
applicable) from the date of installation, commissioning and Turnkey Work from the
date of satisfactory installation, commissioning, trial run & handing over of equipment to
Hospital/Institution/Medical College.
b) 95% up time Warranty of complete equipment with extension of Warranty period by
double the downtime period on 24 (hrs) X 7 (days) X 365 (days) basis.
c) All software updates should be provided free of cost during Warranty period.
2. After Sales Service:
After sales service centre should be available at the city of Hospital/Institution/Medical
College on 24 (hrs) X 7 (days) X 365 (days) basis. Complaints should be attended properly,
maximum within 8 hrs. The service should be provided directly by Tenderer/Indian Agent.
Undertaking by the Principals that the spares for the equipment shall be available for at least
10 years from the date of supply.
3. Training:
On Site training to Doctors/ Technicians/ staff is to be provided by Principal/ Indian Agents
(if they have the requisite know-how) for operation and maintenance of the equipment to the
satisfaction of the consignee.
4. Annual Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) of subject equipment with Turnkey:
a) The cost of Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) which includes preventive
maintenance including testing & calibration as per technical/ service /operational manual
of the manufacturer, labour and spares, after satisfactory completion of Warranty period
may be quoted for next 5 years on yearly basis for complete equipment (including
Batteries for UPS, other vacuumatic parts wherever applicable) and Turnkey (if any).
The supplier shall visit each consignee site as recommended in the manufacturer‟s
technical/ service /operational manual, but at least once in six months during the CMC
b) The cost of CMC may be quoted along with taxes applicable on the date of Tender
Opening. The taxes to be paid extra, to be specifically stated. In the absence of any such
stipulation the price will be taken inclusive of such taxes and no claim for the same will
be entertained later.
c) Cost of CMC will be added for Ranking/Evaluation purpose. The same will be taken at
Net Present Value with a 10% discounting factor each year.
d) The payment of CMC will be made on six monthly basis after satisfactory completion of
said period, duly certified by end user on receipt of bank guarantee for 2.5% of the cost
of the equipment as per Section XV valid till 2 months after expiry of entire CMC
e) There will be 95% uptime warranty during CMC period on 24 (hrs) X 7 (days) X 365
(days) basis, with penalty, to extend CMC period by double the downtime period.
f) During CMC period, the supplier is required to visit at each consignee‟s site at least once
in 6 months commencing from the date of the successful completion of warranty period
for preventive maintenance of the goods.
g) All software updates should be provided free of cost during CMC.

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h) Failure of the above [4. e) to 4. g)] by the supplier, may lead to the forfeiture of the Bank
Guarantee for Annual CMC.
i) The payment of CMC will be made as stipulated in GCC Clause 21.

Turnkey/Site Modification work:

Turnkey is indicated in the technical specification of the respective items, wherever required.
The Tenderer shall examine the existing site where the equipment is to be installed, in
consultation with HOD of Hospital/Institution/Medical College concerned. Turnkey details
of each Hospital/Institution/Medical College are given at the end of Technical Specification.
The Tenderer to quote prices indicating break-up of prices of the Machine and Turnkey Job
of each Hospital/Institution/Medical College. The Turnkey costs may be quoted in Indian
Rupee will be added for Ranking Purpose.
The taxes to be paid extra, to be specifically stated. In the absence of any such stipulation the
price will be taken inclusive of such duties and taxes and no claim for the same will be
entertained later.

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Section – VIII
Quality Control Requirements
(Proforma for equipment and quality control employed by the manufacturer(s)

Tender Reference No.

Date of opening
Name and address of the Tenderer:
Note: All the following details shall relate to the manufacturer(s) for the goods quoted for.
01 Name of the manufacturer
a. full postal address
b. full address of the premises
c. telegraphic address
d. telex number
e. telephone number
f. fax number

02 Plant and machinery details

03 Manufacturing process details
04 Monthly (single shift) production capacity of goods quoted for
a. normal
b. maximum

05 Total annual turn-over (value in Rupees)

06 Quality control arrangement details
a. for incoming materials and bought-out components
b. for process control
c. for final product evaluation
07 Test certificate held
a . type test
b . BIS/ISO certification
c . any other
08 Details of staff
a. technical
b skilled
c unskilled

Signature and seal of the Tenderer

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Section – IX
Qualification Criteria

1. Manufacturer Authorization: Eligible bidders quoting as an Indain Agent (ref. GIT calsue 14, Indian
Agents) should submit a mandatory letter of authority from the Foreign Principal / Manufacturer, with
name of manufacturing company for major products quoted by them as per given format as deatiled

2. The bidder should have successfully executed during the last seven years ending last day of month
previous to the one in which tenders are invited,

(a) Three similar completed works each costing not less than 40% of the estimated cost put to
tender, or

(b) Two similar completed works each costing not less than 60% of the estimated cost put to tender,

(c) One similar completed work costing not less than 80% of the estimated cost put to tender.

Similar works means experience in executing work order for supply of furniture like general furniture,
administrative furniture, office furniture, lab furniture, etc. in Govt. Institutions/ PSUs/ Reputed Private
Entities in India.

3. The average annual financial turnover of „The bidder‟ during the last three years, ending on 2022, should
be at least 50% of the Tender estimated value (or equivalent in foreign currency at the exchange rate
prevalent on „The Relevant Date‟) as per the annual report (audited balance sheet and profit & loss
account) of the relevant period, duly authenticated by a Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant in India
or equivalent in relevant countries."

4. The Bidder should submit a 'Credit Limit Certificate' of at least 110% of the Tender estimated value} (or
equivalent in foreign currency at the exchange rate prevalent on „The Relevant Date‟) duly certified by a
Scheduled Nationalized Bank.

The required contract values and turn-over to meet the qualification criteria for the tendered works is
further tabulated as below:

Value of Two Value of Two

Credit Limit (@ Value of Three Individual
Item Turn-over (@ 50% Individual Orders Individual Orders
110% of Estimate) Orders Value (@ 40% of
Description of Estimate) in INR Value (@ 60% of Value (@ 80% of
in INR Estimate) in INR
Estimate) in INR Estimate) in INR
MGPS 1,72,00,000.00 3,77,00,000.00 1,36,96,400.00 2,05,44,600.00 2,73,92,800.00

The value of executed works and turn-over shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of completion to the last date of
submission of bid.

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5. The net worth of the bidder firm (manufacturer or principal of authorized representative) should not be
negative on the date of tender opening and should have not eroded by more than 30% in the last three
year, ending on the march 2023.

6. Preference to Make In India products (For bids less than 200 Crore):Preference shall be given to Class 1
local supplier as defined in public procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 as amended
from time to time and its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Nodal Ministry for specific
Goods/Products. The minimum local content to qualify as a Class 1 local supplier is denoted in the bid
document 50%. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must upload a certificate
from the OEM regarding the percentage of the local content and the details of locations at which the local
value addition is made along with their bid, failing which no purchase preference shall be granted. In case
the bid value is more than Rs 10 Crore, the declaration relating to percentage of local content shall be
certified by the statutory auditor or cost auditor, if the OEM is a company and by a practicing cost
accountant or a chartered accountant for OEMs other than companies as per the Public Procurement
(preference to Make-in -India) order 2017 dated 04.06.2020 and its susequent amendment thereof.Only
Class-I and Class-II Local suppliers as per MII order dated 16.02.2021 and its susequent amendment
thereof (Annexure-I) will be eligible to bid. Non - Local suppliers as per MII order dated
16.02.2021(Annexure-I) are not eligible to participate. In case Buyer has selected Purchase preference to
Micro and Small Enterprises clause in the bid, the same will get precedence over this clause.

7. Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Purchase preference will be given to MSEs
as defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated
23.03.2012issued by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent
Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Ministry. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference,
the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are
excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of
bid for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered Service. Relevant documentary
evidence in this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the offered product or service. If
L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has/have quoted price within L-1+ 15% of margin of purchase
preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be given opportunity to match L-1
price and contract will be awarded for percentage of 25% of total value.

8. The Purchaser/buyer reserves the right to ask for a free demonstration of the quoted equipment after
giving reasonable time to the bidder at a pre-determined place acceptable to the purchaser or at site (in
case of non-portable and heavy equipment) for technical acceptability as per the bidding document
specifications, before the opening of the Price Bid.

9. The Purchaser may ask for a sample to be sent for approval within 07 days from the date of issuance of
Notification of Award/Contract, before delivery of bulk manufacturing/supplies of goods.

10. Price must be quoted in INR only.

11. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only
if the bidder is registered with Competent Authority, as specified in Annexure-C of order F.No.6/18/2019-
PPD dated 23-July-2020 and bidder must comply with all provisions mentioned in the order. A self
declaration with respect to above order must be submitted.

For the following major items, Manufacturer‟s Authorization should be submitted as per format at
Section XIV A :
1. Oxygen Supply System
2. Nitrous Oxide System

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

3. Medical Air Plant (Package Unit ) including electrical control panel

4. Medical Vacuum Plant (Package unit)
5. Duplex AGSS System
6. Gas Outlet Points/ Terminal Units with probe
7. Medical Gas Alarm Panel
8. CO2 Manifold with control panel (optional)

For the following items, Manufacturer‟s Authorization should be submitted as per

format at Section XIV-B:

1. Copper pipes
2. Line Isolation Valves


In support of 2 (a), the bidder shall furnish Performance statement in the enclosed Proforma „A‟.

The bidder shall furnish Satisfactory Performance Certificate in respect of above (i.e. Section IX,
Qualification Criteria of TED) in case not from India, duly translated in English and duly endorsed by
country's Embassy present in India, along with the tender.

1. The bidder shall furnish a brief write-up, along with adequate data explaining and establishing his
available capacity/capability (both technical and financial) to perform the Contract (if awarded) within the
stipulated time period, after meeting all its current/present commitments. The Tenderer shall also furnish
details of Equipment and Quality Control in the enclosed Section VIII.

2. Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Purchaser reserves the right to assess the Tenderer‟s
capability and capacity to perform the contract satisfactorily before deciding on award of
Contract, should circumstances warrant such an assessment in the overall interest of the

3. The Purchaser reserves the right to ask for a free demonstration of the quoted equipment at a pre
determined place acceptable to the purchaser for technical acceptability as per the tender
specifications, before the opening of the Price Tender.

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

(For the period of last five years)

Tender Reference No. : _________________________________

Date of opening : _________________________________

Time : _________________________________

Name and address of the Tenderer : _________________________________

Name and address of the manufacturer : _________________________________

Order Order Description Value Date of Remarks Have the

placed by number and quantity of completion of indicating goods been
(full and date of ordered order Contract reasons for functioning
address of goods and (Rs.) As per Actual delay if Satisfactorily
Purchaser/ services contract any (attach
Consignee) documentary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We hereby certify that if at any time, information furnished by us is proved to be false or

incorrect, we are liable for any action as deemed fit by the purchser in addition to forfeiture of
the earnest money.

Signature and seal of the Tenderer

** The documentary proof will be a certificate from the consignee/end user with cross
reference of order no. and date in the certificate along with a notarized certification
authenticating the correctness of the information furnished. In case the end user
certificateis from a private hospsital, it should be supported with a proof for receipt of
payment/LC document/ TDS certificate.

** The biders are requested to submit the latest purchase order copies supplied to AIIMS,
PGIMER, JIPMER, Institute of National importance for the specific model quoted
along with the price bid.

** Bidder may submit performance certificate duly linked mentioning order number, date
of delivery, installation, commissioning and value by the end user.

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

Section – X

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited,
Procurement and Consultancy Division,
B-14 A, Sector -62, Noida -201307, Uttar Pradesh

Ref. Your TE document No. _________dated ___________

We, the undersigned have examined the above mentioned TE document, including
amendment/corrigendum No. __________, dated ________ (if any), the receipt of which is hereby
confirmed. We now offer to supply and deliver___________ (Description of goods and services) in
conformity with your above referred document for the sum as shown in the price schedules attached
herewith and made part of this tender. If our tender is accepted, we undertake to supply the goods
and perform the services as mentioned above, in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the
List of Requirements.
We further confirm that, if our tender is accepted, we shall provide you with a performance security of
required amount in an acceptable form in terms of GCC clause 5, read with modification, if any, in
Section - V – “Special Conditions of Contract”, for due performance of the contract.
We agree to keep our tender valid for acceptance as required in the GIT clause 20, read with
modification, if any in Section - III – “Special Instructions to Tenderers” or for subsequently extended
period, if any, agreed to by us. We also accordingly confirm to abide by this tender up to the aforesaid
period and this tender may be accepted any time before the expiry of the aforesaid period. We further
confirm that, until a formal contract is executed, this tender read with your written acceptance thereof
within the aforesaid period shall constitute a binding contract between us.
We further understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive
against your above-referred tender enquiry.
We confirm that we do not stand deregistered/banned/blacklisted by any Govt. Authorities.
We confirm that we fully agree to the terms and conditions specified in above mentioned TE
document, including amendment/ corrigendum if any

(Signature with date)

(Name and designation) Duly authorised to sign tender for and on behalf of

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Price to be filled in the relevant field of Price Format in Excel provided available in the e-tendering portal.

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited



Fill up the Techno-Commercial Compliance Sheet Bid provided in spreadsheet (Excel file)
and upload in the C-Folder

1. The tenderer should furnish specific answers to all the questions/issues mentioned in the
Techno-Commercial Compliance Sheet. In case a question/issue does not apply to a
tenderer, the same should be answered with the remark “not applicable”.

2. Wherever necessary and applicable, the tenderer shall enclose certified scanned copy as
documentary proof/ evidence to substantiate the corresponding statement.

3. In case a tenderer furnishes a wrong or evasive answer against any of the question/issues,
their tender is liable to be ignored.

Note: The documents like Priced Proforma Invoice (Single Proforma Invoice from
Manufacturer’s indicating uniform unit rates)and List of Consumables with prices
can be uploaded in the Notes & Attachment under Rfx information (Please note, in
the separate Notes & Attachment provided under Rfx information and not in the C-
Folder Notes & Attachments).

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Whereas ___________________ (hereinafter called the “Tenderer”) has submitted its quotation dated
___________________ for the supply of ____________________ (hereinafter called the “tender”)
against the purchaser‟s tender enquiry No. __________________ Know all persons by these presents
that we _________________________ of ______________________ (Hereinafter called the “Bank”)
having our registered office at ________________________________________ are bound unto
____________________________ (hereinafter called the “Purchaser) in the sum of
_________________________ for which payment will and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the
Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the
said Bank this ________day of _______ 20____. The conditions of this obligation are:

1) If the Tenderer withdraws or amends, impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within
the period of validity of this tender.
2) If the Tenderer having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the Purchaser during the
period of its validity:-
fails or refuses to furnish the performance security for the due performance of the
contract or
fails or refuses to accept/execute the contract or
if it comes to notice that the information/documents furnished in its tender is incorrect,
false, misleading or forged

We undertake to pay the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand,
without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Purchaser will
note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both the two
conditions, specifying the occurred condition(s).

(Signature with date of the authorised officer of the Bank)
Name and designation of the officer
Seal, name & address of the Bank and address of the Branch

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

To be enclosed with Techno-Commercial Bid



1. Name of the Bidder :

2. Address of the Bidder :
3. Name of the Manufacturer(s) :
4. Address(es) of the manufacturer:
5. Name and address of the person: To whom all references shall be made regarding this tender

Telex Fax :
E-mail address :


Name Address
Company Date
Company Seal

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

To be enclosed with Techno-Commercial Bid





Having examined the Bidding Documents of Tender No. undersigned offers to supply, install, commission,
operate maintain and we undertake, if our bid is accepted, to complete delivery of all the items specified in
the contract within weeks calculated from the date of receipt of your Notification of Award and to complete the
installation, testing &commissioning.

Signature and Seal

(In the capacity of)

Only Authorized to sign bid for and on behalf of

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

To be enclosed with Techno-Commercial Bid



A. General Information:

(i) Location of Corporate Headquarters :

(ii) Date and Country of Incorporation :

(iii) Manufacturing Facility(S)

(iv) Location Size Capacity

No.of Service Facility(S)in India

Area Covered
(v) Average yearly turnover for last three years:

(vi) Geographical Distribution of the Supplier:

No. of Offices
Staff strength
(vi) Total No. of installations of the system offered.

(vii) No. of Employees

Total No. Manufacturing R&D(If any)

Hardware Maintenance

B.Reference of Major installation with similar products (attach documents in support, if available)
S.No.Customer Name , Address Product Description

Fax Number
(No. of Machines installation year wise).

Date......... Signature and seal of bidder

HITES/PCD/AIIA/Gen/MGPS/22-23 Page No.76 Dated 28.03.2023

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited, Procurement and Consultancy Division
B-14 A, Sector -62, Noida -201307, Uttar Pradesh

Dear Sir,

Ref: Your TE document No ____________ dated _____________

We, ____________________________ who are proven and reputable manufacturers

of___________________________(name and description of the goods offered in the tender)
having factories at_____________________, hereby authorise Messrs________________(name
and address of the agent) to submit a tender, process the same further and enter into a contract
with you against your requirement as contained in the above referred TE documents for the above
goods manufactured by us.

We also state that we are not participating directly in this tender for the following reason(s):
___________________________________________________________(please provide reason

We further confirm that no supplier or firm or individual other than Messrs.

__________________________ (name and address of the above agent) is authorised to submit a
tender, process the same further and enter into a contract with you against your requirement as
contained in the above referred TE documents for the above goods manufactured by us.

We also hereby extend our full warranty, CMC as applicable as per clause 15 of the General
Conditions of Contract, read with modification, if any, in the Special Conditions of Contract for
the goods and services offered for supply by the above firm against this TE document.

We also hereby confirm that we would be responsible for the satisfactory execution of contract
placed on the authorised agent

We also confirm that the price quoted by our agent shall not exceed the price which we would
have quoted directly”

Yours faithfully,
[Signature with date, name and designation]
for and on behalf of Messrs___________________________
[Name & address of the manufacturers]

Note: This letter of authorisation should be on the letter head of the manufacturing firm and should be
signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to legally bind the manufacturer.

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited, Procurement and Consultancy Division
B-14 A, Sector -62, Noida -201307, Uttar Pradesh

Dear Sir,

Ref: Your TE document No ____________ dated _____________

We, ____________________________ who are proven and reputable manufacturers

of___________________________(name and description of the goods offered in the tender)
having factories at_____________________, hereby authorise Messrs________________(name
and address of the agent) to submit a tender, process the same further and enter into a contract
with you against your requirement as contained in the above referred TE documents for the above
goods manufactured
by us.

We also state that we are not participating directly in this tender for the following reason(s):
___________________________________________________________(please provide reason

We also hereby extend our full warranty, CMC as applicable as per clause 15 of the General
Conditions of Contract, read with modification, if any, in the Special Conditions of Contract for
the goods and services offered for supply by the above firm against this TE document.

We also hereby confirm that we would be responsible for the satisfactory execution of contract
placed on the authorised agent

We also confirm that the price quoted by our agent shall not exceed the price which we would
have quoted directly”

Yours faithfully,
[Signature with date, name and designation]
for and on behalf of Messrs___________________________
[Name & address of the manufacturers]

Note: 1.This letter of authorisation should be on the letter head of the manufacturing firm and should
be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to legally bind the manufacturer.
2. Orginal Letter may be sent. Photocopy not acceptable

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited,
Procurement and Consultancy Division
B-14 A, Sector -62,
Noida -201307, Uttar Pradesh

WHEREAS _____________________________ (Name and address of the supplier) (Hereinafter

called “the supplier”) has undertaken, in pursuance of contract no________________________ dated
_____________ to supply (description of goods and services) (herein after called “the contract”).
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the supplier shall furnish you
with a bank guarantee by a scheduled commercial bank recognised by you for the sum specified therein
as security for compliance with its obligations in accordance with the contract; AND WHEREAS we
have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee; NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we
are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the supplier, up to a total of.
________________________ (Amount of the guarantee in words and figures), and we undertake to
pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to be in default under the contract and
without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid,
without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the supplier before presenting us
with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the contract to be
performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made between you and the
supplier shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee and we hereby waive notice
of any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid up to 66 (sixty six) months from the date of Notification of Award i.e. up
to ----------- (indicate date)

(Signature with date of the authorised officer of the Bank)
Name and designation of the officer
Seal, name & address of the Bank and address of the Branch

HITES/PCD/AIIA/Gen/MGPS/22-23 Page No.79 Dated 28.03.2023

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

To be enclosed with Techno-Commercial





Sub: Tender N o........

Dear Sir,

In consideration of the(herein after referred to as "Purchaser" which expression shall unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and assignees) having awarded to
M/s…………………............ with its Registered/Head office at ……………………..............(herein after
referred to as the "Supplier" which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof,
include its successors, administrators, executors and assignees),a contract by issue of the Purchaser's letter of
Award no………………........ dated entering in to a formal contract to that effect with the Purchaser on
.......………………..vide agreement dated…………........(herein after referred to as the contract).

We the supplier here by give a guarantee for the supply of all necessary spares demanded for the routine and
emergency maintenance of being supplied by us to for a period of not less than 5 years after the warranty
period of 5 years and life time spares thereafter in case asked for by the purchaser.

We further clarify that for the first 5 years i.e. warranty period of 5years, we are covered by the warranty
clause as mentioned. For the remaining period of 5Years and thereafter for the life time, a detailed list of
spares will be supplied to the purchaser for the purpose of enabling him to decide spares needed for routine
and emergency maintenance.

Dated..............................day of...................20..............
Witness: (Name of manufacturers):
Signature and Seal:

For & on behalf of M/s….

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(Address of the Purchaser‟s/Consignee‟s

office issuing the contract)

Contract No___________ dated______________

This is in continuation to this office‟s Notification of Award No_______ dated ______
1. Name & address of the Supplier: ______________________________
2. Purchaser‟s TE document No________ dated____________ and subsequent Amendment
No____________, dated_________ (if any), issued by the purchaser
3. Supplier‟s Tender No_________ dated__________ and subsequent communication(s)
No____________ dated _________ (if any), exchanged between the supplier and the purchaser in
connection with this tender.
4. In addition to this Contract Form, the following documents etc, which are included in the documents
mentioned under paragraphs 2 and 3 above, shall also be deemed to form and be read and construed
as integral part of this contract:

(i) General Conditions of Contract;

(ii) Special Conditions of Contract;
(iii) List of Requirements;
(iv) Technical Specifications;
(v) Quality Control Requirements;
(vi) Tender Form furnished by the supplier;
(vii) Price Schedule(s) furnished by the supplier in its tender;
(viii) Manufacturers‟ Authorisation Form (if applicable for this tender);
(ix) Purchaser‟s Notification of Award

Note: The words and expressions used in this contract shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the conditions of contract referred to above. Further, the definitions
and abbreviations incorporated under clause 1 of Section II – „General Instructions to Tenderers‟ of
the Purchaser‟s TE document shall also apply to this contract.
5. Some terms, conditions, stipulations etc. out of the above-referred documents are reproduced below
for ready reference:
(i) Brief particulars of the goods and services which shall be supplied/ provided by the supplier
are as under:
Schedule Brief description of Accounting Quantity to Unit Total Terms of
No. goods/services unit be supplied Price price delivery

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Any other additional services (if applicable) and cost thereof: ___________________
Total value (in figure) ____________ (In words) ___________________________
(ii) Delivery schedule
(iii) Details of Performance Security
(iv) Quality Control
(a) Mode(s), stage(s) and place(s) of conducting inspections and tests.
(b) Designation and address of purchaser‟s inspecting officer
(v) Destination and despatch instructions
(vi) Consignee, including port consignee, if any

6. Warranty clause
7. Payment terms
8. Paying authority

(Signature, name and address
of the Purchaser‟s/Consignee‟s authorised official)
For and on behalf of__________________
Received and accepted this contract
(Signature, name and address of the supplier‟s executive
duly authorised to sign on behalf of the supplier)
For and on behalf of _________________________
(Name and address of the supplier)
(Seal of the supplier)
Date: _________________________

Place: _________________________

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

Annual CM Contract No._______________________ dated_________________

(Address of Head of Hospital)


(Name & Address of the Supplier)

Ref: Contract No___________ dated______________ (Contract No. & date of Contract for
supply, installation, commissioning, handing over, Trial run, Training of operators &
warranty of goods)
In continuation to the above referred contract

2. The Contract of Annual Comprehensive Maintenance is hereby concluded as under:

1 2 3 4 5 6
Annual Total annual
Comprehensive comprehensive
Maintenance Contract maintenance contract Total Annual
Sche BRIEF Cost for Each Unit for 5 years for each Comprehensive
dule DESCRIPTION year wise*. unit for 5 years Maintenance Contract
No. OF GOODS Cost for 5 Years
1st 2nd d 4th 5th [3 x (4a+4b+4c+4d+4e)]
a b c D e
4a+4b+4c+4d+4e (3*5(4a+4b+4c+4d+4e)
Total value (in figure) ____________ (In words) ___________________________
b) The CMC commence from the date of expiry of all obligations under Warranty i.e.
from______________ (date of expiry of Warranty) and will expire on ______________
(date of expiry of CMC)
c) The cost of Annual Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) which includes preventive
maintenance, labour and spares, after satisfactory completion of Warranty period may be
quoted for next 5 years as contained in the above referred contract on yearly basis for complete
equipment (including X ray tubes, Helium for MRI, Batteries for UPS, other vacuumatic parts,
_____ & _____) and Turnkey (if any).
d) There will be 98% uptime warranty during CMC period on 24 (hrs) X 7 (days) X 365 (days)
basis, with penalty, to extend CMC period by double the downtime period.
e) During CMC period, the supplier shall visit at each consignee‟s site for preventive maintenance
including testing and calibration as per the manufacturer‟s service/ technical/ operational
manual. The supplier shall visit each consignee site as recommended in the manufacturer‟s
manual, but at least once in 6 months commencing from the date of the successful completion
of warranty period for preventive maintenance of the goods.
f) All software updates should be provided free of cost during CMC.

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

g) The bank guarantee valid till ______________ [(fill the date) 2 months after expiry of entire
CMC period] for an amount of Rs. _______________ [(fill amount) equivalent to 2.5 % of the
cost of the equipment as per contract] shall be furnished in the prescribed format given in
Section XV of the TE document, along with the signed copy of Annual CMC within a period of
21 (twenty one) days of issue of Annual CMC failing which the proceeds of Performance
Security shall be payable to the Purchaser/Consignee.
h) If there is any lapse in the performance of the CMC as per contract, the proceeds Annual
CMC bank guarantee for an amount of Rs. __________ (equivalent to 2.5 % of the cost of
the equipment as per contract) shall be payable to the Consignee.
i) Payment terms: The payment of Annual CMC will be made against the bills raised to the
consignee by the supplier on six monthly basis after satisfactory completion of said period,
duly certified by the HOD concerned. The payment will be made in Indian Rupees.
j) Paying authority: ______________________ (name of the consignee i.e. Hospital
authorised official)
(Signature, name and address
of Hospital authorised official)
For and on behalf of__________________
Received and accepted this contract
(Signature, name and address of the supplier‟s executive
duly authorised to sign on behalf of the supplier)
For and on behalf of _________________________
(Name and address of the supplier)
(Seal of the supplier)
Date: _________________________
Place: _________________________

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

(To be given by consignee‟s authorized representative)

The following stores(s) has/ have been received in good condition:

1) Contract No. & date :______________________________

2) Supplier‟s Name :______________________________

3) Consignee‟s Name & Address with

telephone No. & Fax No. : ______________________________

4) Name of the item supplied :______________________________

5) Quantity Supplied :______________________________

6) Date of Receipt by the Consignee :______________________________

7) Name and designation of Authorized

Representative of Consignee :______________________________

8) Signature of Authorized Representative of

Consignee with date :______________________________

9) Seal of the Consignee :______________________________

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HLL Infra Tech Services Limited

Proforma of Final Acceptance Certificate by the Consignee
No_______________ Date_______________

M/s _______________________

Subject: Certificate of commissioning of equipment/plant.

This is to certify that the equipment(s)/plant(s) as detailed below has/have been received in good
conditions along with all the standard and special accessories and a set of spares (subject to remarks
in Para no.02) in accordance with the contract/technical specifications. The same has been installed
and commissioned.
(a) Contract No______________________________________ dated_______________
(b) Description of the equipment(s)/plants: ____________________________________
(c) Equipment(s)/ plant(s) nos.:_____________________________________________
(d) Quantity: ____________________________________________________________
(e) Bill of Loading/Air Way Bill/Railway
Receipt/ Goods Consignment Note no_______________ dated _________________
(f) Name of the vessel/Transporters:__________________________________________
(g) Name of the Consignee:_________________________________________________
(h) Date of sitehand-over to the supplier by consignee: ___________________________
(i) Date of commissioning and proving test:____________________________________

Details of accessories/spares not yet supplied and recoveries to be made on that account.

Description of Item Quantity Amount to be recovered

The proving test has been done to our entire satisfaction and operators have been trained to operate
the equipment(s)/plant(s).

The supplier has fulfilled its contractual obligations satisfactorily ## or

The supplier has failed to fulfil its contractual obligations with regard to the following:

a) He has not adhered to the time schedule specified in the contract in dispatching the

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documents/ drawings pursuant to „Technical Specifications‟.

b) He has not supervised the commissioning of the equipment(s)/plant(s)in time, i.e. within the
period specified in the contract from date of intimation by the Purchaser/Consignee in respect
of the installation of the equipment(s)/plant(s).
c) The supplier as specified in the contract has not done training of personnel.

The extent of delay for each of the activities to be performed by the supplier in terms of the contract
The amount of recovery on account of non-supply of accessories and spares is given under Para
The amount of recovery on account of failure of the supplier to meet his contractual obligations
is_____________ (here indicate the amount).

(Designation with stamp)

## Explanatory notes for filling up the certificate:

i) He has adhered to the time schedule specified in the contract in dispatching the
documents/drawings pursuant to „Technical Specification‟.
ii) He has supervised the commissioning of the equipment(s)/plant(s) in time, i.e. within the
time specified in the contract from date of intimation by the Purchaser/Consignee in
respect of the installation of the equipment(s)/plant(s).
iii) Training of personnel has been done by the supplier as specified in the contract.
iv) In the event of documents/drawings having not been supplied or installation and
commissioning of the equipment(s)/plant(s) having been delayed on account of the
supplier, the extent of delay should always be mentioned in clear terms.

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

Section – XIX
Consignee List

Name and Address

The Director, All India Institute of Ayurveda,

1 Village Dhargal, Taluka Pernem, Mopa Airport


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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited

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HLL Infra TechServices Limited



This Pre-Contract Integrity Pact (herein after called the Integrity Pact) is made on ___31 ST _____ day of the month
of __MAY 2018______


HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. [HITES], a wholly owned subsidiary company of M/s. HLL Lifecare Ltd. a
Government of India Enterprise with registered office at HLL Bhavan, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram 695 012,
Kerala, India. (Hereinafter called “HITES”, which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise
requires, his successors in office and assigns) of the First Party.


M/s., with office at represented by Shri ________, Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter called the
“BIDDER/Seller”/Contractor which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his
successors and permitted assigns) of the Second Party.


[Both HITES and BIDDER referred above are jointly referred to as the Parties]

HITES intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures, Purchase orders / contract/s against Tender
/Work Order /Purchase Order No.
HITES desires full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and the principles of economic use of
resources, and of fairness and transparency in its relations with its Bidder/s and Contractor/s.


To avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any
influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered into with
a view to:-

1. Enable HITES to obtain the desired materials/ stores/equipment/ work/ project done at a competitive price
in conformity with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact of
corruption on public procurement; and

2. Enable the BIDDER to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practice in order to secure the
contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also abstain from bribing and other
corrupt practices and HITES will commit to prevent corruption, in any form, by its officials by following
transparent procedures.

The parties hereto hereby agree to enter into this Integrity Pact and agree as follows:

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Clause.1. Commitments of HITES

1.1 HITES undertakes that HITES and/or its Associates (i.e. employees, agents, consultants, advisors, etc.)
will not demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe,
consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the
BIDDER, either for themselves or for any person, organization or third party related to the contract in
exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or implementation process
related to the contract.

1.2 HITES will, during the tender process / pre-contract stage, treat all BIDDERs with equity and reason,
and will provide to all BIDDERs the same information and will not provide any such information or
additional information, which is confidential in any manner, to any particular BIDDER which could
afford an advantage to that particular BIDDER in comparison to other BIDDERs in relation to tendering
process or during the contract execution.

1.3 All the officials of HITES regarding this Integrity Pact will report to IEM, any attempted or completed
breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of such a breach shall not be

1.4 HITES will exclude from the process all known prejudiced persons and persons who would be known to
have a connection or nexus with the prospective bidder.

1.5 If the BIDDER reports to HITES with full and verifiable facts any misconduct on the part of HITES‟s
Associates (i.e. employees, agents, consultants, advisors, etc.) and the same is prima facie found to be
correct by HITES, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed fit, including
criminal proceedings may be initiated by HITES. Further, such an Associate may be debarred from
further dealings related to the contract process. In such a case, while an enquiry is being conducted by
HITES the proceedings under the contract would not be stalled.

Clause 2. Commitments of BIDDERs/ CONTRACTORs

2. The BIDDER commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair means
and illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or post-contract stage in order
to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commit itself to the following:-

2.1 The BIDDER will not offer, directly or indirectly (i.e. employees, agents, consultants, advisors, etc.)
any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage,
commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of HITES, connected directly or indirectly
with the bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in
exchange for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract.

2.2 The BIDDER further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or
indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other
advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of HITES or otherwise in
procuring the contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to obtaining or execution
of the contract or any other contract with HITES for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavor
to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with HITES.

2.3 The BIDDER will not engage in collusion, price fixing, cartelization, etc. with other counterparty(s).

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2.4 The Bidder (s) will not pass to any third party any confidential information entrusted to it, unless
duly authorized by HITES.

2.5 The Bidder (s) will promote and observe ethical practices within its Organization and its affiliates.

2.6 BIDDER shall disclose the name and address of agents and representatives and Indian BIDDERS
shall disclose their foreign principals or associates.

2.7 The Bidder (s) will not make any false or misleading allegations against HITES or its Associates.

2.8 BIDDERs shall disclose the payments to be made by them to agents/brokers or any other
intermediary, in connection with this bid/contract.

2.9 The BIDDER further confirms and declares to HITES that the BIDDER is the original
manufacture/integrator/authorized government sponsored export entity of the defense stores and has
not engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in
any way to recommend to HITES or any of its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to award
the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any
such individual, firm or company in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation.

2.10 The BIDDER while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before signing the
contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to officials of
HITES or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the
contract and the details of services agreed upon for such payments.

2.11 The BIDDER will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and
illegal activities.

2.12 The BIDDER commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other manner
without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.

2.13 If the BIDDER or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf of the BIDDER,
either directly or indirectly, is a relative of any of the officers of HITES, or alternatively, if any relative
of an officer of HITES has financial interest/stake in the BIDDER‟s firm, the same shall be disclosed
by the BIDDER at the time of filing of tender.

The term „relative‟ for this purpose would be as defined in Section 2(77) of the Companies Act

2.14 The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings or
transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of HITES.

2.15 The BIDDER will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the transparency,
fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and implementation of the
contract, and will not enter into any undisclosed agreement or understanding with other Bidders,
whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications,
subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to restrict
competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in the bidding process.

2.16 The BIDDERwill not commit any offence under the relevant Indian Penal Code, 1860 or Prevention of
Corruption Act, 1988; further the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not use improperly, for purposes of
competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or document provided by the
HITES as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details,

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including information contained or transmitted electronically. The BIDDER also undertakes to exercise
due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.

2.17 The BIDDERwill not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or be an accessory to
such offences.

2.18 The Bidder(s)/Contractors(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the name and address of the
Agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly the Bidder(s)/Contractors(s) of Indian Nationality
shall furnish the name and address of the foreign Principal(s), if any.

2.19 The Bidder(s) shall not approach the courts while representing the matters to IEM and the Bidder(s)
will await their decision in the matter.

Clause.3. Previous contravention and Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future

3.1 The BIDDER declares that no previous contraventionoccurred in the last three years immediately
before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in respect of any
corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in India or any
Government Department in India that could justify BIDDER‟s exclusion from the tender process

3.2 The BIDDER agrees that if it makes incorrect statement on this subject, BIDDER
can be disqualified from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be
terminated for such reason.

If BIDDER before award or during execution has committed a contravention through a violation of
Clause 2, above or in any other form such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, t
HITES is entitled to disqualify the BIDDER from the tender process.

Clause.4. Equal treatment of all Bidders / Contractors /


4.1 The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from his

Subcontractors a commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact.

4.2 HITES will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one with all Bidders and

4.3 HITES will disqualify from the tender process all bidders who do not sign this Pact or violate its

Clause.5. Consequences of Violation / Breach

5.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provision by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on
its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER) shall entitle HITES to take all
or any one of the following action, wherever required:-

i. To immediately call off the pre-contract negotiations without assigning any reason or giving any
compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with the other BIDDER(s) would

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ii. If BIDDER commits violation of Integrity Pact Policy during bidding process, he shall be liable to
compensate HITES by way of liquidated damages amounting to a sum equivalent to 5% to the value
of the offer or the amount equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security, whichever is higher.

iii. In case of violation of the Integrity Pact after award of the contract, HITES will be entitled to
terminate the contract. HITES shall also be entitled to recover from the contractor liquidated
damages equivalent to 10% of the contract value or the amount equivalent to security deposit/
performance guarantee, whichever is higher.

iv. To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to the

v. To recover all sums already paid by HITES, and in case of an Indian BIDDER with interest thereon
at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of India, while in case of a
BIDDER from a country other than India with interest thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR. If any
outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from HITES in connection with any other contract for
any other stores, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid amount.

vi. To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance guarantee /warranty bond, if furnished by
the BIDDER, in order to recover the payments already made by HITES, along with interest.

vii. To cancel all or any other contract with the BIDDER. The BIDDER shall be liable to pay
compensation for any loss or damage to HITES resulting from such cancellation/recession and
HITES shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the money(s) due to the BIDDER.

viii. To debar the BIDDER from participating in future bidding processes of HITES for a minimum
period of five (5) years, which may be further extended at the discretion of HITES or until
Independent External Monitors is satisfied that the Bidder (s) will not commit any future violation.

ix. To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by BIDDER(s) to any middleman or agent or
broker with a view to securing the contract.

x. In cases where irrevocable Letters of credit have been received in respect of any contract signed by
HITES with the BIDDER, the same shall not be opened.

xi. Forfeiture of performance guarantee in case of a decision by HITES to forfeit the same without
assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of the pact.

5.2 HITES will be entitled to all or any of the actions mentioned in para 5.1(i) to (x) of this pact also on the
commission by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (whether with or without
the knowledge of the BIDDER), of an offence as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
or Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other statute enacted for prevention of corruption.

5.3 The decision of HITES to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Pact has been committed by
the BIDDER shall be final and conclusive on the BIDDER. However, the BIDDER can approach the
Independent External Monitor(s) appointed for the purposes of this Pact.

Clause.6. Fall Clause

The BIDDER undertakes that it has not supplied/is not supplying similar product/systems or subsystems OR
providing similar services at a price / charge lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any other
Ministry/Department of the Government of India or PSU and if it is found any stage that similar product/systems or
sub systems was supplied by the BIDDER to any to the Ministry/Department of the Government of India or a PSU

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at a lower price, then that very price, with due allowance for elapsed time will be applicable to the present case and
the difference in the cost would be refunded by the BIDDER to HITES, if the contract has already been

Clause .7. Independent External Monitor(s)

7.1 HITES has appointed Sh. A.K. Arora, EX-DG, Indian Defense Service of Engineers as
Independent External Monitor(s) (hereinafter referred to as IEM(s)) for this Pact in consultation
with the Central Vigilance Commission. Contact details of IEM is as below:

Sh. A.K. Arora

Independent External Monitor (IEM)

Office: HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd

B-14-A, sector 62, Noida 201307, U.P
Tel: 0120 4071500

Residence: B-333, Chittaranjan Park

New Delhi – 110019
Tel: 011 26273406

Mobile: +91 8130588577

Email: iem@hllhites.com

7.2 The responsibility of the IEM(s) shall be to review independently and objectively, whether and to
what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact.

7.3 The IEM(s) shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and perform
their functions neutrally and independently.

7.4 Both the parties accept that the IEM(s) have the right to access all the documents relating to the
project/ procurement, including minutes of meetings.

7.5 As soon as the IEM(s) notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this pact, he will so inform
the CEO/CMD.

7.6 The BIDDER(S) accepts that the IEM(s) have the right to access without restriction to all project
documentation of HITES including that provided by the BIDDER. The BIDDER will also grant
the IEM(s), upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional
access to his project documentation. The same is applicable to subcontractors engaged by the
BIDDER. The IEM(s) shall be under contractual obligation to treat the information and
documents of the BIDDER/ Subcontractor(s) with confidentiality.

7.7 HITES will provide to the IEM(s) sufficient information about all meetings among the parties
related to the Project provided such meeting could have an impact on the contractual relation
between the parties. The parties will offer to the IEM(s) option to participate in such meetings.

7.8 The IEM(s) will submit a written report to the CEO/CMD of HITES within 3 to 5 weeks from the
date of reference or intimation to him by HITES/BIDDER.

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Clause.8.Criminal charges against violating Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Subcontractor(s)

If HITES obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor, or of an employee or a

representative or an associate of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor which constitutes corruption, or if HITES
has substantive suspicion in this regard, HITES will inform the same to the Chief Vigilance Officer, HLL

Clause.9. Facilitation of Investigation

In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment of commission, HITES or its
agencies shall be entitled to examine all the documents, including the Books of Accounts of the BIDDER and the
BIDDER shall provide necessary information and documents in English and shall extend all possible help for the
purpose of such examination.

Clause.10. Law and Place of Jurisdiction

Both the Parties agree that this Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of performance and hence this Pact shall be
subject to Delhi/ NCR Jurisdiction.

Clause.11. Other legal Actions

The actions stipulated in the Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may follow in
accordance with the provisions of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal proceedings.

Clause.12. Validity and Duration of the Agreement

This Pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor/Successful bidder 12 months
after the last payment under the contract or the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of the both
HITES and the BIDDER /Seller, including warranty period, whichever is later, and for all other
Bidders/unsuccessful bidders 6 months after the contract has been awarded.

If any claim is made / lodged during this time, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid despite the lapse
of this pact as specified above, unless it is discharged / determined by Chairman and Managing Director/ CEO of

Clause. 13. Other provisions

13.1 Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing. Both the
Parties declare that no side agreements have been made to this Integrity Pact.

13.1 If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this agreement must be signed by all partners
or consortium members.

13.1 Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this
agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their
original intentions

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IN WITNESS THEREOF the parties have signed and executed this pact at the place and date first above mentioned
in the presents of following witnesses:

HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. Bidder

_____________ _____________

Witness Witness

1……………… 1………………

2……………… 2……………….

* Provisions of these clauses would be amended /deleted in line with the policy of the HITES in regard to
involvement of Indian agents of foreign suppliers.

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