ETender Notice D480

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E-Tender Notice
Tender No. CMTI/D-480/BS-SHR/22-23/PUR/VM10T Date: 03.08.2022

Tender for “Procurement of 20TR Oil Chiller”

(E- Tendering mode)

Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore invites electronic

tender for “Procurement of 20TR Oil Chiller with secondary heat exchanger”. The
tender should be submitted on or before 16.08.2022.

The details of e-tender notification and Blank Tender document can be

downloaded at

For further details on e-Tender participation, please contact KEONICS Help

desk on Ph: 080-49352000 / 9686196760/09686196765.

For Central Manufacturing Technology Institute

GH (Purchase & Stores)


1 Tender inviting date 03.08.2022

2 Tender No/Ref No/NIT No 23/PUR/VM10T

E-Tender processing fee payable to

Will be collected by M/s.
3 KEONICS through e-Payment mode using
Credit/Debit/Net-banking mode

03.08.2022, 14:00 Hrs to

Remittance of e-Tender processing fee for
Online Closed Bidding, Training and 16.08.2022, 14:00 Hrs
downloading Online financial Bid formats

5 Tender Closing Date and Time 16.08.2022, 14:30 Hrs

6 Technical Bid Opening Date and Time 16.08.2022, 15:00 Hrs

Will be intimated later to the

7 Commercial Bid Opening Date and Time
Successful technical bidders.

Terms and Conditions:

1. Your quotation should reach us on or before due date through online.



3. Shortest time required for effecting the supplies should be indicated.

4. As this Institute is a Research Organization, applicable discount may be allowed.

5. Our payment terms are 30 days credit after Services.

6. DIRECTOR, CMTI, reserves the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning
any reason.

7. Are you interested to avail the benefits for SC/ST.

Yes No

8. Are you registered with MSME Yes No

9. For further details please contact or e-mail:, 080-22188316

10. If you are filling for Sl. No. 7 and 8, then kindly upload the necessary document
with the suitable Title.

Note: Kindly fill and send the signed copy of Integrity pact certificate attached along
with notification. ( Page No-04)

1. Bid / Tender Validity up to 90 days ( it can be extended based on our requirement)
2. This tender preference will be given to promote make in India based on the Order No. P-
45021/2/2017-B.E. –II dt.15th June 2017 for public procurement issued by Government of
India. Kindly Provide the Declaration of Local Content.
3. Upload the following documents in bid documents folder.
a) Authorized Certificate
b) ITR of Last 3 Years.
c) Technical Specification Complain Sheet.
d) GST Certificate
e) Detailed Technical Specification Sheet for Item Quoted for with relevant Model no.
to be

E-Tendering Guidelines to Vendors

1. Vendors must have Class 2/3 Digital Signature Certificate to participate in the tender
(To obtain DSC, please contact KEONICS help desk)
Phone: 08040482100
Email id:

Note: If Vendors already having Digital Signature Certificate then no need to buy the
digital signature again.

2. Bidders should be register themselves in the website To activate the user ID and password, kindly pay
the Registration fee of Rs.2000 plus tax by paying online payment through credit
card/Debit card /Net banking in the website.

3. Tenders –Financial bid should be submitted only through e-Tender portal and obtain
the Tender Acknowledgement Token as proof of successful submission.

4. Tender will not be accepted after the date and time fixed for receipt of tenders as
set in Tender notice or subsequent extensions if any.

5. Relevant documents in proof have to be uploaded wherever required.

Help Desk

To get in touch with one of our customer service representatives, please refer the
help desk numbers provided on the homepage or call the following number:
Bangalore: 080 40482100
1. Prabhuswamy :09686196760 /
2. Mohan :09686196765 /
Communication Address


No. 24, 3rd stage, 4th Block,
Bangalore – 560079
Fax: 080 40482114


Tender Ref. No.& Date:………………………………….

1. This Integrity pact Agreement is made at............... on of............. ………20........ BETWEEN
Central Manufacturing Technology Institute(CMTI) represented by itsPurchase Officer/ Executive
Engineering Services/ Chief Administrative Officer,Hereinafter referred as theBuyer/ Owner, which
expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its successors and permitted
assigns) AND M/s …………………………… hereinafter referred to as the (Details of duly authorized signatory)
“Bidder/Contractor” and which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include
its successors and permitted assigns)

2. Preamble
WHEREAS the Owner/ Buyer has floated the Tender under organizational procedures (hereinafter
referredto as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to procure/ award contract
for………………………………………………………………………………… hereinafter referred to as the Goods/ Services/
works/ Contract. AND WHEREAS the Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules,
regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with its Bidder(s) and
Contractor(s). AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into this
Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms and conditions of
which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents and Contract between the
parties. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties hereby
agree as follows and this Pact witnesses as under:

3. Commitment of the Buyer/ Owner

3.1 The Buyer/ Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to observe
the following principles:
a. No employee of the Buyer/ Owner, personally or through any of his/her family members, will in
connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Contract, demand, take a promise for or accept,
for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to.
b. The Buyer/ Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason. The
Buyer/ Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender process, provide to all Bidder(s) the
same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential / additional information through
which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the Tender process or the Contract
c. The Buyer/ Owner shall endeavour to exclude from the Tender process all known prejudiced
persons orany person, whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.
3.2 If the Buyer/ Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a criminal
offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) or if there be a
substantive suspicion in this regard, the Buyer/ Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in
addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down policies and procedures.

4. Commitment of the Bidder(s)/ seller(s)/ Contractor(s)

4.1 It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers, employees and agents)
adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to CMTI all suspected acts of fraud or corruption or
Coercion or Collusion of which it has knowledge or becomes aware, during the tendering process and
throughout the negotiation or award of a contract.
4.2 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption. He

commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the Tender process and
during the Contract execution.
a. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise or
give to any of the Buyer/ Owner’s employees involved in the Tender process or execution of the
Contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in
order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the Tender process or
during the execution of the Contract.
b. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any undisclosed agreement or
understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices, specifications,
certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to
restrict competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding process.
c. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act Indian
Legislation, Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 as amended from time to time. Further the Bidder(s)/
Contract(s) will not use improperly, for the purpose of competition or personal gain, or pass on to
others, any information or documents provided by the Buyer/ Owner as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information
contained or transmitted electronically.
d. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and addresses of agents/
representatives in India, if any. Similarly Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian Nationality shall disclose
names and addresses of foreign principals/ agents/representatives, if any. Either the Indian agent on
behalf of the foreign principalor the foreign principaldirectly could bid in a tender but not both.
Further, in cases where an agent participates in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he shall not
be allowed to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a
subsequent/parallel tender for the same item.
e. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he has made,
is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with
the award of the Contract.
f. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) have not sold and will not sell the same material/equipment at
prices lower than the bid price.
4.3 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or be an
accessory to such offences.
4.4 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm indulge in fraudulent
practice (means a willful misrepresentation or omission of facts or submission of fake/forged documents
in order to induce public official to act in reliance thereof, with the purpose of obtaining unjust advantage
by or causing damage to justified interest of others and/or to influence the procurement process to the
detriment of CMTI’s t interests).
4.5 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use Coercive Practices
(means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or influencing a decision through
intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or indirectly, where potential or actual injury may befall
upon a person, his/ her reputation or property to influence their participation in the tendering process).
4.6 The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all subcontractors a commitment in conformity
with this Integrity Pact. The Bidder/Contractor shall be responsible for any violation(s) of the principles
laid down in this agreement/Pact by any of its Subcontractors/sub-vendors.
a. The Buyer/ Owner will enter into Pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders and Contractors.
b. The Buyer/ Owner will disqualify Bidders, who do not submit, the duly signed Pact between the
Buyer/ Owner and the bidder, along with the Tender or violate its provisions at any stage of the
Tender process, from the Tender process
5. Previous Transgression

a. The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5 years with any other Company
in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with Central Government or State
Government or any other Central/State Public Sector Enterprises in India that could justify his exclusion
from the Tender process.
b. If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the Tender process
or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/ holiday listing of the Bidder/Contractor as
deemed fit by the Buyer/ Owner.
c. If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage caused by him and has
installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Buyer/ Owner may, at its own discretion, revoke
the exclusion prematurely.
6. Consequences of Breach
Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Buyer/ Owner under law or the Contract or its
established policies and laid down procedures, the Buyer/ Owner shall have the following rights in case of
breach of this Integrity Pact by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) and the Bidder/ Contractor accepts and
undertakes to respect and uphold the Buyer/ Owner’s absolute right:
a. If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has committed a
transgression through a violation of Caluse4&Caluse 5 above, or in any other form such as to put his
reliability or credibility in question, the Buyer/ Ownerafter giving 14 days notice to the contractor shall
have powers to disqualify the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) from the Tender process or terminate/determine
the Contract, if already executed or exclude the Bidder/Contractor from future contract award
processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the severity of
transgression and determined by the Buyer/ Owner. Such exclusion may be forever or for a limited
period as decided by the Buyer/ Owner.
b. Forfeiture of EMD/Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit: If the Buyer/ Owner has disqualified the
Bidder(s) from the Tender process prior to the award of the Contract or terminated/determined the
Contract or has accrued the right to terminate/determine the Contract according to Article 3(1), the
Principal/Owner apart from exercising any legal rights that may have accrued to the Principal/Owner,
may in its considered opinion forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit, Performance
Guarantee and Security Deposit of the Bidder/Contractor.
c. Criminal Liability: If the Buyer/ Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or Contractor, or of an
employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or Contractor which constitutes corruption
within the meaning of IPC Act, or if the Buyer/ Ownerhas substantive suspicion in this regard, the
Buyer/ Owner will inform the same to law enforcing agencies for further investigation.
7. Compensation for Damages
a. If the Buyer/ Owner has disqualified the Bidder(s) / Seller(s) from the tender process prior to the award
according to Clause 8, the Buyer/ Owner is entitled to demand and recover the damages equivalent to
Earnest Money Deposit in case of open tendering.
b. If the Buyer/ Owner has terminated the contract according to Clause 6, or if the Buyer/ Owner is
entitled to terminate the contract according to Clause 6, the Buyer/ Owner shall be entitled to encash
the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/ warranty bond, if furnished by the
Bidder(s)/Seller(s), in order to recover the payments, already made by the Buyer/ Owner for
undelivered Goods and / or Services and / or Works.
c. The Bidder(s)/Seller(s) shall also be liable to refund to the Buyer/ Owner, the Agency Commission /
payments made by the Seller(s) / Bidder(s) along with interest at the rate of 2% per annum above LIBOR
(London Inter Bank Offer Rate) (for foreign vendors) and Base Rate of SBI (State Bank of India) plus 2%
(for Indian vendors).
8. Independent External Monitor(s)
a. The Buyer/ Ownerhas appointed Independent External Monitor(s) for this Integrity Pact after
approval by the Central Vigilance Commission. The task of the Monitor is to review

independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the
obligations under this agreement.
b. For ensuring the desired transparency and objectivity in dealing with the complaints arising
out of any tendering process or during execution of contract, the matter should be examined
by the full panel of IEMs jointly, who would look into the records, conduct an investigation,
and submit their joint recommendations to the Management.
c. The IEM is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and performs his/
her functions neutrally and independently. The IEM would be provided access to all
documents/ records pertaining to the contract for which a complaint or issue is raised before
them, as and when warranted. However, the documents/ records/ information having
national Security Implications and those documents which have been classified as Secret/
Top Secret are not to be disclosed. He/ she reports to the Director, CMTI.
d. If any complaint with regard to violation of the IP is received by the Buyer/ Owner in a procurement
case, the Buyer/ Owner shall refer the complaint to the Independent External Monitor(s) for their
report. Contact details of IEMs are given in the bid/ tender documents as well as in the website of CMTI
e. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the IEM has the right to access without restriction
to all Project documentation of the Buyer/ Owner includingthat provided by the Contractor.
The Contractor will also grant the IEM, upon his/her request and demonstration of a valid
interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to their project documentation. The same is
applicable to Sub-contractors.
f. The IEM is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the
Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)/ Sub-contractor(s) with confidentiality. The IEM has also signed
declarations on 'Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information' and of 'Absence of Conflict of
Interest'. In case of any conflict of interest arising ell a later date, the IEM shall inform
Director, CMTI and recuse himself / herself from that case.
g. The Buyer/ Owner will provide to the IEM sufficient information about all meetings among
the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the
contractual relations between the Buyer/ Owner and the Contractor. The parties offer to the
IEM the option to participate in such meetings.
h. As soon as the IEM notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement, he/she will so
inform the Management of the Buyer/ Owner and request the Management to discontinue or
take corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The IEM can in this regard submit
non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the IEM has no right to demand from the parties
that they act in a specific manner, retrain from action or tolerate action.
i. The IEM will submit a written report to the Director, CMTI, within 4 weeks from the date of
reference or intimation to him by the Buyer/ Owner and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals
for correcting problematic situations
j. If the IEM has reported to the Director, CMTI, a substantiated suspicion of an offence under
relevant IPC/ PC Act, and the Director, CMTI has not, within the reasonable time taken
visible action to proceed against such offence or reported it to the Chief Vigilance Officer,
the IEM may also transmit this information directly to the Central Vigilance Commissioner.
k. The word 'Monitor' would include both singular and plural.

9. Duration of the Pact

a. This Pact will be effective from the date of issue of tender (NIT).It expires for the Contractor/Vendor 12
months after the completion of work under the contract or till the continuation of defect liability period,
whichever is more and for all other unsuccessful bidders, within 6 months from date of placement of
order / finalization of contract against this tender till the Contract has been awarded.
b. If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid despite
the lapse of this Pacts as specified above, unless it is discharged/determined by the Director, CMTI.
c. Should one or several provisions of this Integrity Pact turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this
Integrity Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original
10. Other Provisions
a. Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been made.
b. After award of work, the IEMs shall look into any issues relating to execution of contract, if specifically
raised before them.
c. The Bidder(s)/Seller(s) signing this IP shall not initiate any Legal action or approach any court of law
during the examination of any allegations/complaint by IEM and until the IEM delivers the report.
d. In the event of any dispute between the management and the Bidder(s)/Seller(s), relating
to those contracts where Integrity Pact is applicable, the same will be settled through mediation before
the panel of IEMs within 4 weeks. In case the dispute remains unsolved even after mediation by the
panel of IEMs, CMTI will take further action as per the terms and conditions of the contract in respect of
dispute resolution/ arbitration.
e. Nothing contained in this Integrity Pact shall be deemed to assure the Bidder(s)/ Seller(s) of any success
or otherwise in the tendering process.
f. If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the partners or by one
or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and consortium members. In case of a
Company, the Pact must be signed by a representative duly authorized by board resolution.
g. Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact remains
valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intensions.
h. This Integrity pact is subject to Indian Laws, and exclusive Jurisdiction of Courts at Bangalore, India.
i. The Parties hereby sign this Integrity Pact at ____________ on ________ (Bidder(s)/contractor) and at
______________on________ (Buyer/ Owner)


All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights and remedies
belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be deemed to be cumulative and
not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid. For the sake of brevity, both the Parties agree that
this Integrity Pact will have precedence over the Tender/Contact documents with regard any of the provisions
covered under this Integrity Pact.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the place and date first above
mentioned in the presence of following


(For and on behalf of Buyer/ Owner) (For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)

WITNESSES: 1....................................................
(signature, name and address)

(signature, name and address)



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