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Select Works of Edmund Burke. A New Imprint of the Payne Edition. Foreword and
Biographical Note by Francis Canavan, 4 vols (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999).
z Volume 1: Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents; The Two Speeches on
z Volume 2: Reflections on the Revolution in France
z Volume 3: Letters on a Regicide Peace
z Miscellaneous Writings
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Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France is his most famous work,
endlessly reprinted and read by thousands of students and general readers as well as
by professional scholars. After it appeared on November 1, 1790, it was rapidly
answered by a flood of pamphlets and books. E. J. Payne, writing in 1875, said that
none of them “is now held in any account” except Sir James Mackintosh’s Vindiciae
Gallicae. In fact, however, Thomas Paine’s The Rights of Man, Part 1, although not the
best reply to Burke, was and remains to this day by far the most popular one. It is still
in print.
Burke scorned to answer Paine directly, but in 1791 he published a sequel to his
Reflections under the title An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs. In it, he quoted
several pages from Paine’s book without acknowledging their source, and took them as
representative of the views of all the British sympathizers with the French Revolution.
Paine came back with The Rights of Man, Part 2. Burke ignored it, so in fact there was
no debate between him and Paine. The two men talked past each other in appeals to
the British public.
Burke had been personally acquainted with Paine, but it is unlikely that he had him in
mind when he wrote the Reflections. He already knew the radical democratic ideology
that inspired part of the demand for expanding the people’s right to vote for members
of the House of Commons. Typically but wrongly, he attributed that ideology to most of
the parliamentary reformers, as he did in his Speech on the Reform of the
Representation of the Commons in Parliament in 1782.
The premise of the radical ideology was that men by nature are individuals endowed
with natural rights but not, as Aristotle had thought, political animals designed by
nature to live in organized political societies. In the prepolitical “state of nature,” there
was no government and every man was a naturally sovereign individual with an
absolute right to govern himself. Only he could transfer that right to a government, and
even he could not transfer it totally. The only civil society that he could legitimately
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enter was one in which his natural right to govern himself became the natural right to
take part on equal terms with every other man in the government of civil society.
This view translates into the principles of political equality and majority rule. Civil
society is a purely artificial institution created by independent individuals who contract
with one another to set up a government whose primary purpose is to protect them in
the exercise of their natural rights. Its basic structural principles are dictated by the
nature of man as a sovereign individual. In this theory, natural rights are prior to social
Burke encountered this theory also in A Discourse on the Love of Our Country, a speech
which a Dissenting minister, Dr. Richard Price, delivered on November 4, 1789, to the
Revolution Society, a group that met annually to celebrate the English Revolution of
1688. This speech (which Burke did not read until January) was delivered two days
after the French National Assembly confiscated the estates of the Catholic Church in
France. Burke’s reaction to the French Revolution had been slow in forming, but events
in France in the fall of 1789, such as the confiscation of Church property, opened his
eyes to how radical the Revolution there was. Dr. Price’s speech awakened a fear in
Burke of a similar ideology’s bringing about a similar revolution in Great Britain.
On February 9, 1790, he gave a speech in the Commons on the Army Estimates that
marked the beginning of his eventual complete break with his political party, the Whigs,
now led by Charles James Fox, who admired the French Revolution. In the meantime,
Burke was working on what was to become Reflections on the Revolution in France. It
had begun with a letter, written in November 1789, to Charles-Jean-François Depont.
Depont, a young Frenchman who had visited the Burke family in 1785, now wrote to
ask Burke to assure him that the French were worthy of the liberty that their Revolution
was bringing them. Burke’s reply was a calm and cool analysis of the Revolution. When
Dr. Price spurred him to respond to his praise of the French Revolution, Burke couched
his reply in the form of another letter to Depont. But it grew into a book addressed in
reality to the British public in a highly rhetorical style.
Yet there is more, much more, to the Reflections than rhetoric. E. J. Payne, the editor of
this set of volumes, who was very English and very much a man of the nineteenth
century’s Victorian age, could say, “No student of history by this time needs to be told
that the French Revolution was, in a more or less extended sense, a very good thing.”
(When the bicentenary of the Revolution was celebrated in 1989, scholars were no
longer quite so sure about that.) Payne also, like most students of Burke who were
educated in the British Isles, reflects the empiricism and positivism that are so strong a
strain in English thought and make it difficult for British students of Burke to perceive
that there is a genuine philosophy wrapped in the gorgeous rhetoric of the Reflections.
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It is not that Burke was or claimed to be a philosopher. Nor is his book a detached
philosophical reflection on a great historical event. It is designed not merely to explain
the event, but to persuade a reading public that the French Revolution is a menace to
the civilization of Europe, and of Britain in particular. Yet, since the Revolution was built
upon a political theory, Burke found himself obliged for the first time to organize his
own previous beliefs about God, man, and society into a coherent political
The Reflections begins with an attack on Dr. Price and his speech. According to Dr.
Price, as quoted by Burke, George III was “almost the only lawful king in the world,
because the only one who owes his crown to the choice of his people.” Popular choice,
then, was the criterion of legitimacy. This followed from what Dr. Price said was a basic
principle established by the Revolution of 1688, namely, the right of the people of
England “1. ‘To choose our own governors.’ 2. ‘To cashier them for misconduct.’ 3. ‘To
frame a government for ourselves.’” Burke read this declaration of the right of the
people as an assertion of the doctrine of popular sovereignty, and he denounced it as
unknown to and incompatible with the British constitution.
Certainly, he said, it was unknown to the leaders of the Revolution in 1688. He admitted
that it would be “difficult, perhaps impossible, to give limits to the mere abstract
competence of the supreme power, such as was exercised by parliament at that time.”
But there was no doubt in the minds of the revolutionary leaders or in Burke’s about the
limits of what they were morally competent to do:
The house of lords, for instance, is not morally competent to dissolve the
house of commons; no, nor even to dissolve itself, nor to abdicate, if it
would, its portion in the legislature of the kingdom. Though a king may
abdicate for his own person, he cannot abdicate for the monarchy. By as
strong, or by a stronger reason, the house of commons cannot renounce
its share of authority. The engagement and pact of society, which
generally goes by the name of the constitution, forbids such invasion and
such surrender. The constituent parts of a state are obliged to hold their
public faith with each other, and with all those who derive any serious
interest under their engagements, as much as the whole state is bound to
keep its faith with separate communities.
For this reason, Burke continued, “the succession of the crown has always been what it
now is, an hereditary succession by law.” Originally, succession was defined by common
law; after the Revolution, by statute. “Both these descriptions of law are of the same
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force,” however, “and are derived from an equal authority, emanating from the
common agreement and original compact of the state, communi sponsione reipublicae,
and as such are equally binding on king, and people too, as long as the terms are
observed, and they continue the same body politic.”
The operative moral principle, it will be noticed, is that the terms of the constitution,
once set, must be observed. But the reason for accepting hereditary government as a
constitutional principle is a practical one: “No experience has taught us, that in any
other course or method than that of an hereditary crown, our liberties can be regularly
perpetuated and preserved sacred as our hereditary right.” It was this consideration
that made Burke a monarchist, not devotion to any abstract principles of royal right
parallel to abstract principles of popular right. Burke explicitly rejected the notions that
“hereditary royalty was the only lawful government in the world,” that “monarchy had
more of a divine sanction than any other mode of government,” or that “a right to
govern by inheritance [was] in strictness indefeasible in every person, who should be
found in the succession to a throne, and under every circumstance.” But he
considered hereditary monarchy justified as an integral part of a constitution that was
wholly based on the principle of inheritance and historically had served the people well.
“We have,” he said, “an inheritable crown; an inheritable peerage; and a house of
commons and a people inheriting privileges, franchises, and liberties, from a long line of
ancestors.” Indeed, “it has been the uniform policy of our constitution to claim and
assert our liberties, as an entailed inheritance derived to us from our forefathers, and to
be transmitted to our posterity; as an estate specially belonging to the people of this
kingdom without any reference whatever to any other more general or prior right.”
This passage may seem to imply that there is no standard of natural right anterior and
superior to the constitution. But it will be noticed that Burke is speaking here, not of the
objective moral order, but of “the uniform policy of our constitution,” and that he
praises this policy, not as a statement of ultimate moral principles, but as a
manifestation of practical wisdom “working after the pattern of nature.”
It will be further noticed that throughout this passage Burke contrasts inherited rights,
not with natural rights (to which he could and did appeal on other occasions), but with
“the rights of men,” which are the original rights of men in the state of nature. Dr. Price
and others presume that it is possible to appeal to those rights in order to determine
what rights men ought to have now, in an old and long-established civil society. It is
this appeal that Burke says English statesmen of the past rejected in favor of the
historic rights of Englishmen.
These statesmen wisely “preferred this positive, recorded, hereditary title to all which
can be dear to the man and the citizen, to that vague speculative right, which exposed
their sure inheritance to be scrambled for and torn to pieces by every wild litigious
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spirit.” It is advisable, therefore, to have some viable definition of what men’s rights
are. Positive and recorded rights are better than original rights, in Burke’s view,
because they have been defined, nuanced, and given sure modes of protection through
long historical experience. Original rights, which are objects of speculation rather than
of experience, can give rise to conflicting absolute claims that can tear a society apart.
These metaphysic rights entering into common life, like rays of light
which pierce into a dense medium, are, by the laws of nature, refracted
from their straight line. Indeed in the gross and complicated mass of
human passions and concerns, the primitive rights of men undergo such a
variety of refractions and reflections, that it becomes absurd to talk of
them as if they continued in the simplicity of their original direction. The
nature of man is intricate; the objects of society are of the greatest
possible complexity; and therefore no simple disposition or direction of
power can be suitable either to man’s nature, or to the quality of his
If civil society be made for the advantage of man, all the advantages for
which it is made become his right. It is an institution of beneficence; and
law itself is only beneficence acting by a rule. Men have a right to live by
that rule; they have a right to do justice; as between their fellows,
whether their fellows are in politic function or in ordinary occupation.
They have a right to the fruits of their industry; and to the means of
making their industry fruitful. They have a right to the acquisitions of
their parents; to the nourishment and improvement of their offspring; to
instruction in life, and to consolation in death. Whatever each man can
separately do, without trespassing upon others, he has a right to do for
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himself; and he has a right to a fair portion of all which society, with all
its combinations of skill and force, can do in his favour.
Civil society is “an institution of beneficence”; its purpose is to do good to its members,
and the good that it can do for them becomes their right or legitimate claim upon it. But
their civil rights are not merely the legal form taken, after the social compact, by their
original natural rights. Nor is government derived from every man’s original right to act
according to his own will and judgment.
The purposes of government are specified by the natural wants of men, understood not
as their desires, but as their real needs. “Government,” according to Burke, “is a
contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants. Men have a right that these
wants should be provided for by this wisdom.” But among these wants is the
education of men to virtue through legal as well as moral restraints upon their passions.
“In this sense the restraints on men as well as their liberties, are to be reckoned among
their rights.” Burke, one sees, is moving toward rational moral ends as the legitimating
principle of government, and away from original rights and their corollary, consent. But
his immediate concern in this passage is to point out that, “as the liberties and the
restrictions vary with times and circumstances, and admit of infinite modifications, they
cannot be settled upon any abstract rule; and nothing is so foolish as to discuss them
upon that principle.”
Rather, one must say: “The rights of men are in a sort of middle, incapable of definition,
but not impossible to be discerned. The rights of men in governments are their
advantages; and these are often in balances between differences of good; in
compromises sometimes between good and evil, and sometimes between evil and
evil.” To clarify what Burke is getting at, let us agree by way of example that it is not
good for human beings to be starved, beaten, humiliated, deprived of human affections,
or intellectually stultified. There are conceivable circumstances in which any of these, in
a limited degree and for a limited time, might do someone more good than harm. But
they could be justified only as a means to good ends, for these things are not in
themselves human goods. Therefore, they cannot constitute the ends of life or the
purposes of society. On the other hand, one can name human needs that do specify, in
a general way, what civil society is for, and Burke did name some of them.
Civil society exists to guarantee to men justice, the fruits of their industry, the
acquisitions of their parents, the nourishment and improvement of their offspring,
instruction in life, and consolation in death. These are among the advantages that civil
society exists to provide for men. But it is impossible to define antecedently, in the
abstract and for all possible circumstances, the concrete forms in which these
advantages are to be acquired and safeguarded. That must be left to social experience
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The end of civil society, then, in global terms, is to promote what is good for human
beings. Human goods are “not impossible to be discerned”—Burke was not a radical
cultural relativist—and they can serve as the general goals that guide law and public
policy. They will therefore set the outer limits of what government may do to people
and define what it may not do to them. Burke was not inconsistent when he denounced
the Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland and Warren Hastings in India for violating natural
law by their treatment of the populations subject to their power. To deny that natural
law is an abstract code of rights is not to say that it forbids nothing.
But when it comes to specifying in the concrete the claims on society that its goals
confer on people, it becomes evident that the rights of men “are in a sort of middle,
incapable of definition.” They cannot be defined, that is, in the abstract and in advance.
Human goods must be limited and trimmed in order to be simultaneously attainable in
society. Not only that, but evils, which are negations of good, must be tolerated,
sometimes even protected, in order that any good at all may be attained. A society
ruthlessly purged of all injustice might turn out to be a vast prison. So, for that matter,
might a society single-mindedly devoted to the individual’s liberty.
These considerations are particularly relevant to the right that was fundamentally at
issue between Burke and his opponents. They held that every man in the state of
nature had a sovereign right to govern himself and for that reason had a right to an
equal share in the government of civil society. Burke held that what was important in
the civil state was not that every man’s will should be registered in the process of
government, but that his real interests (advantages, goods) should be achieved.
By entering civil society, Burke insisted, man “abdicates all right to be his own
governor.” Hence, “as to the share of power, authority, and direction which each
individual ought to have in the management of the state, that I must deny to be
amongst the direct original rights of man in civil society.” On the contrary, “it is a thing
to be settled by convention.” “The moment you abate any thing from the full rights of
men, each to govern himself, and suffer any artificial positive limitation upon those
rights, from that moment the whole organization of government becomes a
consideration of convenience.” But to organize a government and distribute its powers
“requires a deep knowledge of human nature and human necessities, and of the things
which facilitate or obstruct the various ends which are to be pursued by the mechanism
of civil institutions.” The allocation of power in the state, in other words, ought to be
made by a prudent judgment about that structure of government which will best
achieve the goals of civil society, not merely in general, but in this historically existing
society. But this implies that purpose, rather than original rights and individual consent,
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A further conclusion about the nature of political theory follows: “The science of
constructing a commonwealth, or renovating it, or reforming it, is, like every other
experimental science, not to be taught a priori. Nor is it a short experience that can
instruct us in that practical science.” Moral and political theory may enlighten us on
the ultimate ends of social life, but the means thereunto are the object of a practical
science that relies on experience.
Who, then, shall make the practical judgments of politics? The question cannot be
answered by appealing to the rights of men. “Men have no right to what is not
reasonable, and to what is not for their benefit.” But as to what is for their benefit,
Burke said: “The will of the many, and their interest, must very often differ.” The first
duty of statesmen, indeed, is to “provide for the multitude; because it is the multitude;
and is therefore, as such, the first object . . . in all institutions.” But the object is the
good of the people, not the performance of their will. The duties of statesmen, in
consequence, do not belong by right to those whom the many have chosen, but ought
to be performed by those qualified by “virtue and wisdom, actual or presumptive,” for
the task of government.
Burke was undoubtedly what today is called an elitist and, in his own terminology, an
aristocrat in principle. He had a very low estimation of the political capacity of the mass
of the population, and when he agreed that the people had a role in government, he
meant only a fairly well-educated and prosperous segment of the people. But the main
object of his attack on the democratic theory of his day was not so much the idea that
the populace at large was capable of exercising political power as the principle that it
had an inherent right to do its own will.
He certainly rejected the notion “that a pure democracy is the only tolerable form into
which human society can be thrown.” But it could be an acceptable one, though not
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This sense that authority is a trust given by God is all the more necessary “where
popular authority is absolute and unrestrained.” No one can and no one should punish a
whole people, Burke said, but this conclusion followed: “A perfect democracy is
therefore the most shameless thing in the world.” It is essential, then, that the people
“should not be suffered to imagine that their will, any more than that of kings, is the
standard of right and wrong.” To exercise political power or any part of it, the people
must empty themselves “of all the lust of selfish will, which without religion it is utterly
impossible they ever should.” They must become “conscious that they exercise, and
exercise perhaps in a higher link of the order of delegation, the power, which to be
legitimate must be according to that external immutable law, in which will and reason
are the same.”
The phrase concerning the place of the people in the order of delegation is interesting
because it may refer to a theory of the origin of political authority which was generally
accepted in Late Scholasticism and was most elaborately presented by the sixteenth-
century Jesuit Francisco Suarez. In this theory, all political authority comes from God,
not by any special divine act, but simply as a consequence of God’s having made man a
political animal by nature. This authority consequently inheres in the first instance in
the body politic or whole community. But the community can and, for its own common
good, normally will transfer its authority to a king or a body of men smaller than the
In any case, God plays a larger role in Burke’s political theory than in Paine’s. For Paine,
once God had given man his original rights at the creation, His work was done. Men
then were able to create political authority out of their own wills. But for Burke, the
authority of even the people was a trust held from God. They were accountable to Him
for their conduct in it, and they must perform it in accordance with “that eternal
immutable law, in which will and reason are the same.” In Burke’s thought, arbitrary
will was never legitimate, because will was never superior to reason, not even in the
sovereign Lord of the Universe. In God, however, will is always rational because His will
is identical with His reason. The people, for their part, must make their will rational by
keeping it in subordination to and conformity with the law of God.
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The law of God that Burke has in mind is not only or primarily His revealed law but the
natural moral law, because it is a law that follows from the nature of man as created by
God. The Creator is
the institutor, and author and protector of civil society; without which civil
society man could not by any possibility arrive at the perfection of which
his nature is capable, nor even make a remote and faint approach to it. .
. . He who gave our nature to be perfected by our virtue, willed also the
necessary means of its perfection—He willed therefore the state—He
willed its connection with the source and original archetype of all
There is an entire metaphysics implicit in this passage. God, as Creator, is the source of
all being. The infinite fullness of His being, therefore, is the archetype of all finite being
and becoming. All created beings reflect the goodness of their primary cause and tend
toward their own full development or perfection by approaching His perfection, each in
its own mode and within the limits of its potentialities. The state, as the necessary
means of human perfection, must be connected to that original archetype. In Burke’s
philosophy, there can be no merely secular society, because there is no merely secular
The end of the state, for Burke, is divinely set and in its highest reach is nothing less
than the perfection of human nature by its virtue. (According to Burke, “in a Christian
Commonwealth the Church and the State are one and the same thing, being different
integral parts of the same whole.” He thus found it easy to attribute to the state, or
commonwealth, or civil society, the totality of men’s social goals, whereas we today
should be inclined to divide them between the political and religious spheres.)
Hence Burke could say, “Society is indeed a contract,” but with a difference. The
constitution of civil society was a convention whose shape and form was not a
necessary conclusion drawn from principles of natural law. Nonetheless, society was
natural in the sense of being the necessary and divinely willed means to achieve the
perfection of human nature. If one equates the natural with the primitive, one will say
that it is more natural to live in a cave than in a house; that is what is usually implied in
the phrase “back to nature.” But if one equates the natural with the mature perfection
of any species of being, one will say that it is more natural for human beings to live in
houses than in caves. Houses are undeniably artificial works of human hands, but they
are a natural habitat for men because they more adequately satisfy the needs of human
nature than caves can do. Similarly—and this was Burke’s meaning—civil society is
artificial, conventional, even, if you will, contractual. But it is natural to man because
“he is never perfectly in his natural state, but when he is placed where reason may be
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best cultivated, and most predominates. The Aristotelian teleology of this remark
seems obvious.
Society, then, is indeed a contract, but not one to be regarded in the same light as a
commercial contract that is entered into for a limited and self-interested purpose and
can be dissolved at the will of the contracting parties. Paine could look upon human
society as rather like a vast commercial concern, potentially worldwide in scope, that
was held together by reciprocal interest and mutual consent. Burke could not share this
utilitarian view of society:
Because of the nature of its purposes, the contract of society has a character and a
binding force that are different from those of ordinary contracts. “As the ends of such a
partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only
between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead,
and those who are to be born.” This sentence offended Paine’s commonsense mind
and led him to ask what possible obligation can exist between those who are dead and
gone, and those who are not yet born and arrived in the world; a fortiori, how could
either of them impose obligations on the living? In a literal sense he was, of course,
quite right. But if one turns one’s attention from contracting wills to the rational moral
ends which those wills are bound to serve, one may conclude that, in the light of those
ends, obligations descend upon the present generation from the past, and there are
obligations in regard to generations yet unborn.
Men achieve their natural social goals only in history. The structures inherited from the
past, if they have served and still serve those goals, are binding upon those who are
born into them. These persons are not morally free to dismantle the structures at
pleasure and to begin anew from the foundations. For the goals in question are not
those alone of the collection of individuals now present on earth, but also those of
human nature and of God.
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primaeval contract of eternal society, linking the lower with the higher
natures, connecting the visible and invisible world, according to a fixed
compact sanctioned by the inviolable oath which holds all physical and all
moral natures, each in their appointed place. This law is not subject to
the will of those, who by an obligation above them, and infinitely
superior, are bound to submit their will to that law.
The “great primaeval contract” and the “inviolable oath” are, of course, the moral order
of the world as established by God. That moral order furnishes a law to which civil
societies as well as individuals are obliged to conform.
But are people never free to change the constitution and their government? Burke does
not quite say that. “The municipal corporations of that universal kingdom are not
morally at liberty at their pleasure, and on their speculations of a contingent
improvement, wholly to separate and tear asunder the bands of their subordinate
community, and to dissolve it into an unsocial, uncivil, unconnected chaos of
elementary principles.” The key phrase in this statement is “at their pleasure.” There
is also the unspoken assumption, characteristic of Burke, that a political revolution
would be tantamount to a dissolution of society as such. Underlying that assumption
was a conception of the constitution which one writer has well described in these words:
“Burke . . . understood ‘constitution’ to mean the entire social structure of England and
not only the formal governmental structure. . . . Included in his concept of constitution
was the whole corporate society to which he was devoted.” No people, Burke said,
had the right to overturn such a structure at pleasure and on a speculation that by so
doing they might make things better.
Nonetheless, he could not and did not deny that a revolution was sometimes necessary.
He only insisted that it could not be justified but by reasons that were so obvious and so
compelling that they were themselves part of the moral order:
It is the first and supreme necessity only, a necessity that is not chosen
but chooses, a necessity paramount to deliberation, that admits no
discussion, and demands no evidence, which alone can justify a resort to
anarchy. This necessity is no exception to the rule; because this necessity
itself is a part too of that moral and physical disposition of things to which
man must be obedient by consent or force. But if that which is only
submission to necessity should be made the object of choice, the law is
broken, nature is disobeyed, and the rebellious are outlawed, cast forth,
and exiled, from this world of reason, and order, and peace, and virtue,
and fruitful penitence, into the antagonist world of madness, discord,
vice, confusion, and unavailing sorrow.
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One may think that here Burke has gone beyond rhetoric into rhapsody. Yet the lines of
his argument are clear enough. In An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, he made
them more explicit and clearer still. It is difficult, therefore, to understand why Frank
O’Gorman says: “The present writer has always found it strange that Burke rarely
refers, either explicitly or even implicitly, to the principles that are supposed to have
been the foundations of his thought. Burke was, indeed, uninterested in the workings of
the Divine power.” It seems obvious to this writer that, particularly in the Reflections
and An Appeal, Burke not only refers to but also elaborates in detail the principles that
are the foundation of his theory of civil society and political authority. He was, it is true,
a practicing politician, not a philosopher, and in these two works he wrote a polemic,
not a dispassionate treatise on political theory. But his polemic included the
presentation of a countertheory to the theory he was attacking. The countertheory
depended in turn on explicitly stated premises of a moral and metaphysical nature. The
premises are expounded, one must admit, in rhetorical language, especially in the
Reflections. But they are, to borrow Burke’s words, not impossible to be discerned.
Briefly, the ultimate premises of Burke’s political thought are provided by the
metaphysics of a created universe. They assume the superiority of reason or intellect to
will in both God and man. Part of this universe is the natural moral order based on the
nature of man as created by God. Man’s nature is oriented by creation toward ends that
may be globally described as its natural perfection. Since civil society is necessary to
the attainment of that perfection, it too is natural and willed by God.
The authority of the state derives from the rational and moral ends that it is intended
by nature to serve. Consent plays a role in the formation of the state and the conferral
of its authority on government, since both involve human acts of choice. But the
obligation to form a civil society is prior to consent, and, for those born under a
constitution, consent to the constitution is commanded by the previous obligation to
obey a government that is adequately serving the natural goals of society. Rights also
play a part in Burke’s political theory. But the basic political right is the right to be
governed well, not the right to govern oneself. In Burke’s thought, purpose and
obligations are more fundamental than rights and consent.
Francis Canavan
Fordham University
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[1.] P. 77.
[4.] This letter is included in Ritchie, ed., Further Reflections on the Revolution in
[5.] P. 11.
[6.] See, for example, Simon Schama, Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1989).
[7.] The pages that follow are taken, with the permission of the publisher, from my
Edmund Burke: Prescription and Providence (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press;
Claremont, Calif.: Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political
Philosophy, 1987). All page references from this point on, unless otherwise specified,
are to the text of the Reflections in this volume.
[8.] P. 99.
[9.] P. 102.
[11.] P. 108.
[12.] P. 112.
[13.] P. 114.
[14.] P. 121.
[16.] P. 120.
[17.] P. 151.
[18.] P. 153.
[19.] P. 150.
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[20.] P. 151.
[21.] P. 152.
[22.] P. 154.
[23.] P. 151.
[24.] P. 151.
[25.] P. 152.
[27.] P. 154.
[28.] P. 142.
[29.] P. 198.
[30.] P. 140.
[31.] P. 224.
[33.] P. 191.
[34.] P. 224.
[35.] P. 188.
[37.] That Burke was acquainted with Suarez’s writings is indicated by his quoting
Suarez at some length in his Tracts Relating to Popery Laws, in The Writings and
Speeches of Edmund Burke, ed. Paul Langford (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Clarendon Press, 1981–), 9:457–58.
[39.] Speech on the Petition of the Unitarians, in The Works of the Rt. Hon. Edmund
Burke (London: Rivington, 1812), 10:44.
[40.] P. 192.
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[41.] An Appeal From the New to the Old Whigs, in Ritchie, ed., Further Reflections on
the Revolution in France, pp. 168–69.
[42.] P. 193.
[43.] Ibid.
[44.] Ibid.
[45.] Ibid.
[48.] Edmund Burke: His Political Philosophy (Bloomington and London: Indiana
University Press, 1973), p. 13, n. 5.
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1758 Richard Burke, Jr., born. Becomes editor of The Annual Register.
1761 Returns to Ireland as secretary to William Gerard Hamilton, Chief Secretary to
the Lord Lieutenant. Begins but never finishes Tracts Relative to the Laws Against
Popery in Ireland.
1764 Returns to London, has bitter break with Hamilton. Becomes a charter member,
along with Johnson, Reynolds, Goldsmith, and others, of The Literary Club.
1765 Becomes private secretary to the Marquis of Rockingham. George III
reluctantly appoints Rockingham Prime Minister. Burke elected to House of Commons
from borough of Wendover.
1766 Rockingham dismissed as Prime Minister after achieving repeal of Stamp Act
that inflamed the American colonies.
1768 Burke buys an estate in Buckinghamshire.
1770 Publishes Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents, the political creed
of the Rockingham Whigs.
1771 Becomes parliamentary agent for the colony of New York.
1773 Visits France.
1774 Elected Member of Parliament for city of Bristol, delivers classic speech on the
independence of a representative. Delivers Speech on American Taxation, criticizing
British policy of taxing the colonies.
1775 Delivers Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies.
1780 Because of opposition, withdraws from election at Bristol. Is elected M.P. from
borough of Malton through Rockingham’s influence. Speech on the Economical Reform
advocates Whig policy of reducing the king’s influence on Parliament.
1782 Rockingham again appointed Prime Minister to end the American War. Burke
becomes Paymaster of the Forces. Rockingham dies in office.
1783 Rockingham Whigs under Charles James Fox form a government in coalition
with Lord North. Burke, again Paymaster, delivers Speech on Fox’s East India Bill,
attacking East India Company’s government of India. Coalition falls from power and is
replaced by William Pitt the Younger’s Tory ministry, leaving the Whigs out of power
for rest of Burke’s life.
1786 Burke moves the impeachment of Warren Hastings, the Company’s Governor-
General of Bengal.
1788 Trial of Hastings begins, led by Burke.
1789 French Revolution begins.
1790 In November, publishes Reflections on the Revolution in France.
1791 Breaks with Fox, leader of the former Rockingham Whigs, over the French
Revolution. A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly [of France], An Appeal
from the New to the Old Whigs, and Thoughts on French Affairs.
1793 War breaks out between Great Britain and France. Burke criticizes failure to
prosecute the war vigorously in Observations on the Conduct of the Ministry and
Remarks on the Policy of the Allies.
1794 Prosecution of Hastings ends; Burke retires from Parliament. Burke’s son dies.
1795 Hastings is acquitted. Thoughts and Details on Scarcity.
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The famous letter or pamphlet contained in this volume represents the workings of an
extraordinary mind at an extraordinary crisis: and can therefore be compared with few
things that have ever been spoken or written. Composed in a literary age, it scarcely
belongs to literature; yet it is one of the greatest of literary masterpieces. It embodies
nothing of history save fragments which have mostly lost their interest, yet no book in
the world has more historical significance. It scorns and defies philosophy, but it
discloses a compact and unique system of its own. It tramples on logic, yet carries
home to the most logical reader a conviction that its ill-reasoning is substantially
correct. No one would think of agreeing with it in the mass, yet there are parts to which
every candid mind will assent. Its many true and wise sayings are mixed up with
extravagant and barefaced sophistry: its argument, with every semblance of legal
exactness, is disturbed by hasty gusts of anger, and broken by chasms which yawn in
the face of the least observant reader. It is an intellectual puzzle, not too abstruse for
solution: and hence few books are better adapted to stimulate the attention and
judgment, and to generate the invaluable habit of mental vigilance. To discover its
defects is easy enough. No book in the world yields itself an easier prey to hostile
criticism: there are thousands of school-boys, “with liberal notions under their caps,” to
whom the greatest intellect of our nation since Milton, represented by the best known
parts of the present work, might well seem little better than a fool. After a time, this
impression disappears; eloquence and deep conviction have done their work, and the
wisdom of a few pages, mostly dealing in generalities, is constructively extended to the
whole. But the reader now vacillates again: and this perpetual alternation of judgment
on the part of a reader not thoroughly in earnest constitutes a main part of that
fascination which Burke universally exercises. It is like the fascination of jugglery: now
you believe your eyes, now you distrust them: the brilliancy of the spectacle first
dazzles, and then satisfies: and you care little for what lies behind. This is what the
author intended: the critical faculty is disarmed, the imagination is enthralled.
What did Burke propose to himself when he sat down to write this book? The letter to
Depont is obviously a mere peg upon which to hang his argument: the book is written
for the British public. He believed himself to foresee whither the revolutionary
movement in France was tending: he saw one party in England regarding it with favour,
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the other with indifference: he saw clear revolutionary tendencies on all sides among
the people: and not a single arm was as yet raised to avert the impending catastrophe.
Burke aimed at recalling the English nation to its ancient principles, and at showing the
folly and imprudence of the French political movement. Burke’s independence led him
even to the extent of revolting from his own party. The great historical Whig party, the
party of Somers, of Walpole, and of Chatham, was slowly passing through a painful
transformation, which many observers mistook for dissolution. Burke found himself
constrained to desert it, and that upon an occasion which afforded an opportunity of
rendering it material support. From that time forward he became a marked man. Even
for Burke the act of thinking for himself was stigmatised as a crime. While the events of
the French Revolution commended themselves to the leaders of his party, he ought not
to have allowed it to be seen that they aroused in him nothing but anger and scorn; nor
ought he to have appealed to the nation at large to support him in his opposition. Such
an appeal to the general public was characteristic of definite change of allegiance.
Hence the obloquy which overwhelmed the last years of his life, raised by those who
had been his associates during a career of a quarter of a century. Hence his counter-
denunciation of them as “New Whigs,” as renegades from the principles of the English
Revolution, by virtue of the countenance they gave to the political changes which were
taking place in France.
Are Burke’s opinions in the present work consistent with those contained in the first
volume? Notwithstanding that fundamental unity which may be justly claimed for
Burke’s opinions, it would be idle to deny that the present treatise, like his subsequent
writings, contains, on comparison with his earlier ones, certain very great discrepancies.
They are, however, but few; they are obvious, and lie upon the surface. It is hard for
those who live a hundred years after the time to say whether such discrepancies were
or were not justifiable. Scrutiny will discover that they turn mainly upon words. The
House of Lords, for instance, in the first volume of these Select Works, is asserted to be
a form of popular representation; in the present, the Peers are said to hold their share
in the government by original and indefeasible right. Twenty years before, Burke had
said that the tithes were merely a portion of the taxation, set apart by the national will
for the support of a national institution. In the present work, he argues that Church
property possesses the qualities of private property. In the former volume it is asserted
that all governments depend on public opinion: in the present, Burke urges that public
opinion acts within much narrower limits. On the strength of such differences, it has
been supposed that Burke had now either completely abandoned the political principles
which had guided him through a career of twenty-five years, or else that he really was,
what a Tory writer has called him, “the most double-minded man that ever lived.” But a
man who is not thus far double-minded can never be a politician, though he may be a
hero and a martyr. Abstract truths, when embodied in the form of popular opinion,
sometimes prove to be moral falsehoods. And popular opinion in the majority of cases
proves to be a deceptive and variable force. Institutions stand or fall by their material
strength and cohesion; and though these are by no means unconnected with the
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arguments which are advanced for or against them, the names and qualities with which
they are invested in argument are altogether a secondary consideration. The position of
the Church, for instance, or the Peerage, has not been materially influenced by either
way of regarding them. They have stood, as they continue to stand, because they are
connected by many ties which are strong, though subtle and complicated, with the
national being. They stand, in some degree, because it is probable that the stronger
half of the nation would fight for them. “National taxation” and “private property,”
“descendible right” and “popular representation,” are, in point of fact, little more than
ornamental antitheses.
It is not to such obvious discrepancies that we owe the fact that the connexion between
the present treatise and those contained in the former volume is less easily traced by
points of resemblance than by points of contrast. The differencing causes lie deeper and
spread wider. In the first place, Burke in the present volume is appealing to a larger
public. He is appealing directly to the whole English Nation, and indirectly to every
citizen of the civilised world.
In his early denunciations of the French Revolution, Burke stood almost alone. At first
sight he appeared to have the most cherished of English traditions against him. If there
was one word which for a century had been sacred to Englishmen, it was the word
Revolution. Those to whom it was an offence were almost wholly extinct: and a hundred
years’ prescription had sanctified the English Revolution even in the eyes of the
bitterest adversaries of Whiggism. The King, around whom the discontented Whigs and
the remnant of the Tories had rallied, was himself the creature of the Revolution. Now
the party of Fox recognised a lawful relation between the Revolution of 1688, and that
which was entering daily on some new stage of its mighty development in France. There
was really but little connexion between the two. Burke never said a truer thing than
that the Revolution of 1688 was “a revolution not made, but prevented.” The vast
convulsions of 1789 and the following years were ill-understood by the Foxite Whigs.
Pent in their own narrow circle, they could form no idea of a political movement on a
bigger scale than a coalition: to them the French Revolution seemed merely an ordinary
Whiggish rearrangement of affairs which would soon settle down into their places, the
King, as in England, accepting a position subordinate to his ministers. Nor were Pitt and
his party, with the strength of Parliament and the nation at their back, disposed to
censure it. There was a double reason for favouring it, on the part of the English
Premier. On the one hand, it was a surprise and a satisfaction to see the terrible
monarchy of France collapse without a blow, and England’s hereditary foe deprived, to
all appearance, of all power of injury or retaliation. On the other, Mr. Pitt conceived that
the new Government would naturally be favourable to those liberal principles of
commercial intercourse which he had with so much difficulty forced on the old one.
Neither side saw, as Burke saw it, the real magnitude of the political movement in
France, and how deep and extensive were the interests it involved. Burke, in the
unfavourable impression which he conceived of the Revolution, was outside of both
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parties. He could find no audience in the House of Commons, where leading politicians
had long looked askance upon him. They laughed, not altogether without reason, when
he told them that he looked upon France as “not politically existing.” Discouraged in the
atmosphere of Parliament, Burke resolved to appeal to the whole nation. He had in his
portfolio the commencement of a letter to a young Frenchman who had solicited from
him an expression of opinion, and this letter he resolved to enlarge and give to the
world. He thus appealed from the narrow tribunal of the House of Commons to the
Nation at large. It was the first important instance of the recognition, on the part of a
great statesman, of the power of public opinion in England in its modern form. Burke
here addresses his arguments to a much wider public than of old. He recognises, what
is now obvious enough, that English policy rests on the opinion of a reasonable
The reader, in comparing the two volumes, will notice this difference in the tribunal to
which the appeal is made. Public opinion in the last twenty years had gone through
rapid changes. The difference between the condition of public opinion in 1770 and in
1790 was greater than between 1790 and 1874. In 1770 it was necessary to rouse it
into life: in 1790 it was already living, watching, and speaking for itself. The immorality
of the politicians of the day had awakened the distrust of the people: and the people
and the King were united in supporting a popular minister. There was more activity,
more public spirit, and more organisation. In England, as in France, communication with
the capital from the remotest parts of the kingdom had become frequent and regular.
London had in 1790 no less than fourteen daily newspapers; and many others appeared
once or twice a week. No one can look over the files of these newspapers without
perceiving the magnitude of the space which France at this time occupied in the eye of
the English world. The rivalry of the two nations was already at its height. The Bourbon
kingdoms summed up, for the Englishman, the idea of foreign Powers: and disturbances
in France told on England with much greater effect than now. In England there prevailed
a deceptive tranquillity. Burke and many others knew that the England of 1790 was not
the England of 1770. The results of the American War were slowly convincing people
that something more was possible than had hitherto been practised in modern English
policy. Democracy had grown from a possibility into a power. Whiggism, as a principle,
had long been distrusted and discredited. With its decline had begun the discredit of all
that it had idolised. The English Constitution, against which in 1770 hardly a breath had
been raised, was in the succeeding twenty years exposed to general ridicule. Under a
minister who proclaimed himself a Reformer, the newly awakened sentiment for political
change was extending in all directions. Seats in Parliament had always been bought and
sold; but, owing to the increased wealth of the community, prices had now undergone a
preposterous advance. Five thousand pounds was the average figure at which a wealthy
merchant or rising lawyer had to purchase his seat from the patron of a borough. The
disgraceful history of the Coalition made people call for reform in the Executive as well
as the Legislative. Montesquieu had said that England must perish as soon as the
Legislative power became more corrupt than the Executive; but it now seemed as if
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both branches of the government were competing in a race for degradation. Corrupt as
the Legislative was in its making, its material, drawn from the body of the nation, and
not from a corps of professed intriguers, saved it from the moral disgrace which
attended the Executive. Many were in favour of restoring soundness to the Executive as
a preliminary reform; and many were the schemes proposed for effecting it. One very
shrewd thinker, who sat in the House, proposed an annual Ministry, chosen by lot.
Others proposed an elective Ministry: others wished to develop the House of Lords into
something like the Grand Council of Venice. No political scheme was too absurd to lack
an advocate. Universal suffrage, annual parliaments, and electoral districts were loudly
demanded, and Dukes were counted among their warmest supporters. The people, as in
the times of Charles I, called for the “ancient Saxon constitution.” What it was, and
what right they had to it, or how it was to be adapted to modern requirements, they did
not very well know, but the lawyers were able to tell them. The lawyers demonstrated
how greatly the liberties of the nation had fallen off, and how grossly their nature was
misunderstood. They proved it to be the duty of the People to reclaim them, and that
no obstacle stood in the way. In this cry many Whigs and Tories, members of both
Houses of Parliament, were found to join.
This liberal movement was not confined to England. It spread, in a greater or less
degree, all over Europe, even to St. Petersburg and Constantinople. In England, Reform
was rather a cry than a political movement; but in France and Austria it was a
movement as well as a cry. In the latter country, indeed, the Reform was supplied
before the demand, and the Emperor Joseph was forced by an ignorant people to
reverse projects in which he had vainly tried to precede his age. But the demands
abroad were for organic reforms, such as had long been effected in England. England,
after the reign of Charles II, is a completely modern nation; society is reorganised on
the basis which still subsists. But France and Germany in 1789 were still what they had
been in the Middle Ages. The icy fetters which England had long ago broken up had on
the Continent hardened until nothing would break them up but a convulsion. In France
this had been demonstrated by the failures of Turgot. The body of oppressive interests
which time and usage had legalised was too strong to give way to a moderate pressure.
A convulsion, a mighty shock, a disturbance of normal forces, was necessary: and the
French people had long been collecting themselves for the task. Forty years a
Revolution had been foreseen, and ten years at least it had been despaired of. But it
came at last, and came unexpectedly; the Revolution shook down the feudalism of
France, and the great general of the Revolution trampled to dust the tottering relics of it
in the rest of Western Europe. Conspicuous among the agencies which effected it was
the new power of public opinion, which wrought an obvious effect, by means of the
Gazettes of Paris, throughout the western world. Burke saw this, and to public opinion
he appealed against the movement, and so far as this country was concerned,
successfully. It was he whose “shrilling trumpet” sounded the first alarm of the twenty
years’ European war against the French Revolution.
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It was hard, at such a crisis, to sever general ideas from the immediate occasion. Burke
tells us less about the French Revolution than about English thought and feeling on the
subject of Revolutions in general. On the applicability of these general views to the
occasion of their enunciation, it is not necessary for the reader to form any definite
judgment. Properly speaking, indeed, the question depends only in a small degree on
grounds which demand or justify such a mode of treatment. To condemn all Revolutions
is monstrous. To say categorically that the French Revolution was absolutely a good
thing or a bad thing conveys no useful idea. Either may be said with some degree of
truth, but neither can be said without qualifications which almost neutralise the primary
thesis. No student of history by this time needs to be told that the French Revolution
was, in a more or less extended sense, a very good thing. Consequently, the student is
not advised to assent, further than is necessary to gain an idea of Burke’s standpoint, to
the summary and ignominious condemnation with which the Revolution is treated by
Burke. But it must be remembered that whatever may have been its good side, it was
not Burke’s business to exhibit it. No one was better qualified than Burke to compose an
apologetic for the final appeal of a people against tyranny: but nunc non erat his locus.
Burke’s business was not to cool the pot, but to make it boil: to raise a strong counter-
cry, and make the most of the bad side of the Revolution. Burke appears here in the
character of an advocate: like all advocates, he says less than he knows. It was his cue
to represent the Revolution as a piece of voluntary and malicious folly; he could not well
admit that it was the result of deep-seated and irresistible causes. Not that the
Revolution could not have been avoided—every one knew that it might; but it could
only have been avoided by an equally sweeping Revolution from above. In default of
this there came to pass a Revolution from below. Though the Revolution brought with it
mistakes in policy, crimes, and injuries, it involved no more of each than the fair
average of human affairs will allow, if we consider its character and magnitude; and we
must pay less than usual heed to Burke when he insists that these were produced
wholly by the ignorance and wickedness of the Revolutionary leaders. The sufferers in a
large measure brought them on themselves by ill-timed resistance and vacillating
From the present work the student will learn little of the history of the Revolution. It
had barely begun: only two incidents of importance, the capture of the Bastille and the
transportation from Versailles to Paris, had taken place: of that coalition of hostile
elements which first gave the Revolution force and self-consciousness, there was as yet
not a trace. It was not only in its beginnings, but even these beginnings were
imperfectly understood. School-boys now know more of the facts of the matter than
was known to Burke, and thanks to the pen of De Tocqueville, most persons of
moderate literary pretensions can claim a closer familiarity with its fundamental nature.
Wherein, then, consists the value of the book? what are the merits which won for it the
emphatic commendation of Dumont, the disciple and populariser of Bentham—that it
was probably the “salvation of Europe”? How came this virulent and intemperate attack
to have the wide and beneficial effect which attended it? What was the nature of its
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potent magic, which disarmed the Revolutionists of England, and exorcised from the
thinking classes of Europe the mischievous desire of political change?
It was obvious that the movement in France was accompanied by a general distrust of
the existing framework of society. Something of the same kind was prevalent in
England; but it belonged to a narrower class, with narrower motives and meaner ends.
From his earliest years Burke had been familiar with the idea of a nation of human
savages rising in revolt against law, religion, and social order, and he believed the
impulse to such a revolt to exist in human nature as a specific moral disease. The thing
which he greatly feared now seemed to have come suddenly upon him. Burke
manifestly erred in representing such an element as the sole aliment and motive force
of the French Revolution. Distrust of society was widely disseminated in England,
though less widely than Burke believed, and far less widely than in France; but Burke
had no means of verifying his bodings. Jacobinism had prevailed in France, and a
Revolution had followed—it was coming to prevail in England, and a Revolution might be
expected. England had in France the highest reputation for political progress, liberty,
and good government. England’s liberty was bound up with the fact of her having
passed through a Revolution, which, after the lapse of a century, was considered a
worthy object of commemoration. It was represented in France that the French
Revolution was proceeding on English principles. It was further understood that England
sympathised with and intended to benefit by the broader and more enlightened
Revolution which was being accomplished in France. This Burke takes all pains to refute.
He shows that this famous English Revolution was, in truth, a Revolution not made, but
prevented. He aims to prove by conclusive evidence that English policy, though not
averse from reform, is stubbornly opposed to revolution. He shows that the main body
of the British nation, from its historical traditions, from the opinions and doctrines
transmitted to it from the earliest times, from its constitution and essence, was utterly
hostile to these dangerous novelties, and bound to eschew and reprobate them. Though
mainly sound and homogeneous, the body politic had rotten members, and it is the
utterances of these, by which the intelligent Frenchman might otherwise be pardonably
misled, that Burke in the first instance applies himself to confute.
The earliest title of the work (see Notes, p. 369) indicates that it was occasioned
proximately not by the events in France, but by events of much less importance in
England. Knowing little of Europe in general, by comparison with his intimate knowledge
of England, Burke can have been little disposed or prepared to rush into print, in the
midst of absorbing state business at home, with a general discussion of the changes
which had taken place in a foreign nation. This was not the habit of the time. In our day
a man must be able to sustain an argument on the internal politics of all nations of the
earth: in that day, Englishmen chiefly regarded their own business. Had the Revolution
been completely isolated, it would never have occupied Burke’s pen. But the
Revolutionists had aiders and abettors on this side of the Channel, and they openly
avowed their purpose of bringing about a catastrophe similar to that which had been
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brought about in France. Finally, some of these English “sympathisers” were persons
long politically hateful to Burke and his party. Hence that strong tincture of party
virulence which is perceptible throughout the work. Burke writes not as a Hallam—not
as a philosophical critic or a temperate judge, but in his accustomed character as an
impassioned advocate and an angry debater. Indeed anything like a reserved and
observant attitude, on the part of his countrymen, irritates him to fury. He bitterly
attacks all who, with the steady temper of Addison’s Portius,
His real aim is less to attack the French than the English Revolutionists: not so much to
asperse Sieyes and Mirabeau, as Dr. Price and Lord Stanhope.
What is, or rather was, Jacobinism? In the usage of the day, it was a vituperative term
applied summarily to all opposition to the dominant party. He who doubted Mr. Pitt was
set down as a Jacobin, much as he who doubted the Bishops was set down as an infidel.
But the Jacobin proper is the revolter against the established order of society. What
those who stood by this established order understood by the term is roughly expressed
in Burke’s phrase of Treason against property. “You have too much, I have too little—
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you have privileges, I have none—your liberties are essentially an encroachment upon
mine, or those which ought to be mine.” These formulas constitute the creed of
Jacobinism in its simplest and rudest form, the sentimental antagonism of poverty
against wealth.
This creed will never lack exponents. It is founded on an ancient tale, and in a certain
sense, a tale of wrong; but whilst the human species maintains its vantage above the
lower animals, it is a wrong that will never be completely righted. In Burke’s view, it is
of the nature and essence of property to be unequal. The degrees of social prosperity
must always exhibit many shades of disparity, “Take but degree away, untune that
string,” and you destroy most things which set man above the brutes. Degree is
inseparable from the maintenance of the artificial structure of civilisation. The last
phrase leads us to note the fundamental fallacy of the doctrine in its next stage of
philosophical or speculative Jacobinism. Civilisation, social happiness, the comfortable
arts of life, are no gift of nature to man. They are, in the strictest sense, artificial. The
French philosophers, by a gross assumption, took them to be natural, and therefore a
matter of common right to all.
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statesman may, however, plead a closer relation between law and liberty than is usual
in most countries, and claim to be leniently criticised for defending himself on the
standpoint of the lawyer.
Men of the law were the statesmen under whom the British Constitution grew into
shape. Men of the law defended it from Papal aggression, a circumstance to which
Burke complacently alludes (p. 183): and one of his main ideas is the thoroughly
lawyer-like one that liberty can only proceed “from precedent to precedent.” This
onward progress he admitted as far as the epoch of the Revolution, but there, in a way
characteristic of him, he resolved to take his stand. Magna Charta, the Petition of Right,
the Bill of Rights, and the Act of Settlement, were his undoubted chain of English
constitutional securities, and he declined to admit any further modification of them. So
far he was in harmony with popular ideas. When he went beyond this, and declared that
the Act of Settlement bound the English nation for ever, his reasoning was obviously
false. The whole procedure of Burke throughout this book is, as has been observed,
avowedly that of an advocate. In his apology called the “Appeal from the New to the Old
Whigs,” he states as the reason that when any one of the members of a vast and
balanced whole is endangered, he is the true friend to them all who supports the part
attacked, “with all the power of stating, of argument, and of colouring, which he
happens to possess, and which the case demands. He is not to embarrass the minds of
his hearers, or to incumber or overlay his speech, by bringing into view at once (as if he
were reading an academic lecture) all that may and ought, when a just occasion
presents itself, be said in favour of the other members. At that time they are out of
court; there is no question concerning them. Whilst he opposes his defence on the part
where the attack is made, he presumes that for his regard to the just rights of all the
rest, he has credit in every candid mind.” Burke’s overstrained reverence for the Act of
Settlement may be partly due to the general feeling of uncertainty which, during his
own century, prevailed as to party principle. As early as Swift’s time, parties and their
creeds had become thoroughly confused and undistinguishable. But Burke demanded
something positive—something to which men could bind themselves by covenant.
Casting a glance back upon the history of parties from Burke’s time, the Revolution is
the first trustworthy landmark that we meet with. In the apology from which we have
just quoted, he proclaims the speeches of the managers of the impeachment of
Sacheverel, as representing those who brought about the English Revolution, to be the
fountains of true constitutional doctrine. After this epoch he seems to have distrusted all
political creeds. There is hardly one notable political work of the day immediately
preceding him to which he makes allusion, and then only in terms of censure.
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The practical jurisprudence of England in Burke’s time stood sadly in need of Reform.
That of France was in a still worse case. Burke fully recognised the necessity of
removing the “defects, redundancies, and errors” of the law (p. 191), though he still
maintained it to be the “collected reason of ages,” and the “pride of the human
intellect.” Whether in France “the old independent judicature of the Parliaments” was
worth preserving, in a reformed condition, as Burke so strongly insists, admits of doubt.
Scandalous as were the delays, the useless and cumbrous processes, and the exaction
which attended the management of the English law, those who administered it were at
least able men, and men who had honestly risen to their places, in virtue of their native
and acquired qualifications. It was not so in France. In France judges purchased their
places and suitors purchased justice. In cases where this may not be absolutely true,
justice at the hands of the “sworn guardians of property” was a doubtful commodity,
and few will now deny that the Assembly were justified in making a clean sweep of it
(see p. 222). As to the common law which they administered, its condition will be best
gathered from the articles on the subject contained in the Encyclopédie. It is enough to
say of it that it exhibited the worst characteristics of English law before the time of
Richard II. The general system of English law he thought entitled a qualified
commendation. His views on the subject were however very different from those of his
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contemporary, Lord Eldon. He did not systematically discountenance all enquiry, and
scout all proposed reform. He had taken the lead in 1780, in advocating reforms dealing
with the Royal property, which have since been carried out with general approval. He
had commenced, early in his career, a treatise advocating that reform of the Irish Penal
Laws which, when carried through by his friends Savile and Dunning, produced the
awful riots of 1780. His judgment on the question of how far reform was admissible,
and at what point it degenerated into innovation, coincides with that of Bacon and Hale,
rather than with that of Coke and Eldon.
Conceiving the English nation as a four-square fabric supported on the four bases of the
Church, the Crown, the Nobility, and the People, it is natural to find the author insisting
most on the excellences of those elements which were then assailed in France. The
People, of course, needed no defence, nor was the Crown as yet overthrown. The dream
of the moment was a constitutional monarchy, based on elements similar to those of
the English Constitution. Only the Church and the Aristocracy were as yet threatened:
and, next to the defence of the Church, the best known section of the present treatise is
that which relates to the Nobility. On this subject, independently of constitutional law
and of theory, Burke cherished prejudices early formed and never shaken. He had lived
on terms of intimacy with, and was bound by ties of mutual obligation to some of the
worthiest members of the British aristocracy. It is mainly to them personally that his
panegyric is applicable. Nobility, however, possessed claims which he was as eager to
recognise, as an important establishment of the common law of the country, and as
justified by universal analogy and supported by the best general theories of society. “To
be honoured, and even privileged, by the laws, opinions, and inveterate usages of our
country,” was with him not only a noble prize to the person who attained it, but a politic
institution for the community which conferred it. Why? Because it operated as an
instinct to secure property, and to preserve communities in a settled state (p. 241). But
Burke’s reasoning is vitiated by a cardinal fault. It is pervaded by his own conception of
an aristocracy, derived from his own personal friends and fellow-workers. The
aristocracy of France differed from that of England as substance differs from shadow. In
England, nobility had long implied privileges which are merely honorary; in France it
implied privileges substantial in themselves, and grievous to those who were excluded
from them. Practically, though Burke in the duties of his advocacy denies the fact, the
nobility were untaxed. To use a sufficiently accurate expression, the feudal system was
still in operation in France. If not aggravated by natural growth during successive
centuries, it exhibited a growing incompatibility with what surrounded it. In England it
had practically been extinct for two centuries, and it was now absolutely out of mind.
Barons and Commons had long made up but one People; the old families were mostly
extinct, and the existing Peers were chiefly commoners with coronets on their coats of
arms. At the present moment not a single seat in the House of Peers is occupied in
virtue of tenure, and the Peerage, saving heraldic vanities and some legal and social
courtesies, practically confers nothing but a descendible personal magistracy, exercised
at considerable expense and inconvenience. The status of a Peer generally involves, in
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addition, the maintenance of the bulk of a fortune not always large in the least
remunerative of investments. The qualification for a Peerage has long been limited to a
long-continued course of service to the State. Every one of these conditions was
reversed in France. The nobleman was a member of a decaying privileged class, who
clung to their unjust and oppressive privileges with the most obstinate tenacity. It was
the idle noble who spent the hard earnings of the peasant. Taxation in England fell
lightly in the extreme upon the poorer classes; in France they bore almost the whole
burden of the national expenses. Society in France thus rested on a tottering and
artificial frame: while in England the frame had gradually and safely accommodated
itself to the change of social force.
But in the method of Burke every argument in favour of a particular element of the
State, based upon the special excellence of that element, is subordinate to his general
doctrine of the nature of the State as a grand working machine. A machine, he thought,
to attain the end for which it was devised, must be allowed to work fairly and
continuously. To be perpetually stopping its system for the purpose of trying
experiments, was an error venial only in a child. To destroy it, in order to use its parts
in the construction of some other ideal machine, which might never be got to work at
all, was criminal madness. The strictures of Burke with reference to this great and
central point in his political philosophy are only partially applicable to the French
Reformers of his day; nor are they at any time unexceptionably appropriate. Yet they
constitute a profound and necessary substructure in every intelligent conception of civil
matters, and as such they will never cease to be worthy of the remembrance of the
most practised statesmen, as well as an indispensable part of the education of the
beginner in politics. Every student must begin, if he does not end, with Conservatism;
and every Reformer must bear in mind that without a certain established base, secured
by a large degree of this often-forgotten principle, his best devised scheme cannot fail
to fall to the ground. The present work is the best text-book of Conservatism which has
ever appeared.
Burke claims for his views the support of the English nation. Political events and the
popularity of his book alike proved that this was no idle boast: but it necessarily
indicated nothing more than that the party of progress was in England in the minority,
while in France it was in the ascendant. Burke’s claim, however, involves far more. It
asserts that the doctrines of the revolution had long been well known in England: that
the belief in the “rights of man” had long been exploded, and its consequences
dismissed as pernicious fallacies: and that in this condemnation the best minds in
England had concurred. To examine the justice of this claim would involve the whole
political and religious history of the stirring century between the Spanish Armada and
the Revolution of 1688. This is far beyond our present purpose, which may be equally
well served on ground merely literary. Taking English literature as our guide, we shall
find that, two hundred years before, conclusions very similar to those of Burke were
formed in the minds of philosophical observers. The significance of those conclusions is
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not impaired by the historical results of the contest. They throw no shade upon the
glorious victories of the spirit of English liberty. They rather illustrate and complement
them. They rather tend to justify the partial adoption, by sober and reasonable men,
when the substance of English liberty began to be attacked under the Scotch kings, of
ideas which were previously limited to intemperate and half-educated minds. But these
ideas never penetrated the mass of English contemporary thinkers. Milton, in his
proposed organisation of the republic, followed Italian, not English ideas: and the
honour due to Milton will not prevent our recognising the beauty and propriety of
doctrines from which, under other circumstances, even he might have drawn his
practical deductions.
These varieties [the phases of human will and sentiment] are not known
but by much experience, from whence to draw the true bounds of all
principles, to discern how far forth they take effect, to see where and why
they fail, to apprehend by what degrees and means they lead to the
practice of things in shew, though not indeed repugnant and contrary one
to another, requireth more sharpness of wit, more intricate circuitions of
discourse, more industry and depth of judgment than common opinion
doth yield. So that general rules, till their limits be fully known (especially
in matter of public and ecclesiastical affairs), are by reason of the
manifold secret exceptions which lie hidden in them, no other, to the eye
of man’s understanding, than cloudy mists cast before the eye of
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common sense. They that walk in darkness, know not whither they go.—
Book v. ch. 9.
For first, the ground whereupon they build, is not certainly their own, but
with special limitations. Few things are so restrained to any one end or
purpose, that the same being extinct they should forthwith utterly
become frustrate. Wisdom may have framed one and the same thing to
serve commodiously for divers ends, and of those ends any one be
sufficient cause for continuance, though the rest have ceased, even as
the tongue, which nature hath given us for an instrument of speech, is
not idle in dumb persons, because it also serveth for taste. Again, if time
have worn out, or any other mean altogether taken away, what was first
intended, uses not thought upon before may afterwards spring up, and be
reasonable causes of retaining that which other considerations did
formerly procure to be instituted. And it cometh sometime to pass, that a
thing unnecessary in itself as touching the whole direct purpose whereto
it was meant or can be applied, doth notwithstanding appear convenient
to be still held even without use, lest by reason of that coherence which it
hath with somewhat more necessary, the removal of the one should
indamage the other; and therefore men which have clean lost the
possibility of sight, keep still their eyes nevertheless in the place where
nature set them.—Book v. ch. 42.
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to that of philosophy. The poetry of the time, indeed, reflects it in more than one place.
The idea is clearly traceable in Spenser’s Cantos of Mutability, the “hardy Titaness,”
who, seduced by “some vain error,” dared
Daniel had trained himself in an instructive school, in the preparation and composition
of his History of the Civil Wars. Like Burke, he was of opinion that political wisdom was
not to be obtained à priori. The statesman must study
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new lights in general turn out to be old illusions. There is no unexplored terra australis,
whether of morality or political science. The great principles of government and the
ideas of liberty “were understood long before we were born, altogether as well as they
will be after the grave has heaped its mould upon our presumption, and the silent tomb
shall have imposed its law upon our pert loquacity.” In a literary and scientific age, it
is impossible that this dogmatism can pass unchallenged: but Burke is right in asserting
an antagonism between the beliefs of the best minds of England, as represented in a
great historic literary past, and those of the existing literary generation in France.
Englishmen have in all times affected a taste for public matters and for scholarship: and
this affectation is not ill exemplified in one who was a man of letters, with the
superadded qualities of the philosopher and the politician. Curious illustrations of a
normal antagonism between these elements may be derived from Daniel’s Dialogue
entitled “Musophilus.” Musophilus is the man of letters, Philocosmus the man of the
world. Philocosmus taunts Musophilus with his empty and purposeless pursuits, to which
Musophilus replies by a spirited defence of learning. Philocosmus changes his ground,
and lays to the charge of the professors of learning, who overswarm and infest the
English world, a general spirit of discontent, amounting to sedition.
Burke insists on identifying the “literary cabal” as the chief element in the ferment of
Revolution: “Men of letters, fond of distinguishing themselves, are rarely averse to
innovation” (p. 208). See how a retired observer in the time of the first Stuart
anticipates the effects of the same misplaced activity.
Action, Philocosmus goes on to say, differs materially from what is read of in books:
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Men of letters, in the indulgence of the tastes which their pursuits have fostered, lose
those faculties which are necessary to the conduct of affairs.
Beware of the philosopher who pretends to statesmanship. The Scholar replies, that the
Statesman, with all his boasted skill, cannot anticipate the perils of the time, or see
The mysteries of State, the “Norman subtleties,” says the Scholar, are now vulgarised
and common. Giddy innovations would overthrow the whole fabric of society. But what
is the remedy? To “pull back the onrunning state of things”? This might end in bringing
men more astray, and destroy the faith in the unity and continuity of civil life, which is
Investigation would discover much the same vein of thought in many of Daniel’s
contemporaries. Compare, for instance, Fletcher’s portraiture of Dichostasis, or
Among Shakspere’s most obvious characteristics is that which is often called his
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objectiveness. He does not task his characters to utter his private sentiments and
convictions. His characters are realities, not masks. But no one who has endeavoured to
penetrate the mind of Shakspere as reflected in his whole works will deny to him a full
participation in Burke’s doctrine of faith in the order of society. To borrow the words of
Hartley Coleridge, Shakspere, as manifested in his writings, is one of those “who build
the commonweal, not on the shifting shoals of expedience, or the incalculable tides of
popular will, but on the sure foundations of the divine purpose, demonstrated by the
great and glorious ends of rational being; who deduce the rights and duties of men, not
from the animal nature, in which neither right nor duty can inhere, not from a state of
nature which never existed, nor from an arbitrary contract which never took place in the
memory of man nor angels, but from the demands of the complex life of the soul and
the body, defined by reason and conscience, expounded and ratified by revelation.” So
exact is the application, one might think he was speaking of Burke. A book might be
made up by illustrating the political conceptions of Shakspere out of his plays: but it will
be enough for our purpose to consider one or two specimens. The following extract from
the speech in which Ulysses demonstrates the ills arising from the feuds of the Greek
champions is alike remarkable for the compass of its thought and for the accuracy with
which it reflects a feeling which has always been common among Englishmen. A
narrower conception of the same argument is summed up in a famous epigram of Pope
commencing “Order is heaven’s first law.”
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No passage in literature reflects more faithfully the general spirit of the present work.
The grave tone of mingled doctrine and portent, and the two contrasted moral effects,
are in each exactly similar.
Jack Cade and his rout, and the mob in Coriolanus, will doubtless occur to the student
as instances of sharp satire against Democracy. Shakspere always conceives political
action, especially in England, as proceeding from a lawful monarch, wielding real power
under the guidance of wise counsellors: and this does not differ greatly from the Whig
theory to which Burke always adhered.
Quitting the Elizabethan period, it would be easy to continue the historical vindication of
Burke’s claim. The popular party of the Commonwealth and the Revolution were the
true conservatives of their age. They fought, as Burke had pointed out in a previous
work, for a liberty that had been consecrated by long usage and tradition; and outside
this memorable strife the greatest of English minds, with a few exceptions, surrendered
themselves to the general tide of anti-revolutionary opinion. Dryden, always a favourite
authority with Burke, is an obvious instance. One passage from his prose works may be
adduced to show that the worst arguments employed by Burke in the present treatise
do not lack the authority of great and popular English names:
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It may be truly objected that the course of English political events destroys the
authority of these Tory formulas. But it is well known that the Whig policy of England
since the Revolution had not been supported by a majority of the English people. The
majority of English people, told by the head, would down to the beginning of the reign
of George III have been found to be Tory: and Burke was in a strong position when he
averred that such was the disposition of the English nation as a whole. Among Dryden’s
poems, the famous “Absalom and Achitophel” will illustrate the Tory feeling which the
English people cherished: but it will be found in its most compendious form in the
pendant of “Absalom,” the matchless satire called “The Medal.” The lines following the
portraiture of Shaftesbury, and bitterly ridiculing the appeal to the people as a test of
truth, sum up in a masterly form the historical and philosophical topics commonly urged
in this belief:
Phocion and Socrates are satirically instanced as examples of popular justice. Then
follows a remarkable forecast of an opinion first elaborated and given to the world by
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In the conclusion of the “Medal” the poet foreshadows what is called the “bursting of the
floodgates”; the inevitable strife of the “cut-throat sword and clamorous gown,” the
abolition of “Peerage and Property,” and the supremacy of a popular military
commander. Such vaticinations had in Burke’s time been familiar to the world for a
century: and he now imagined that he saw them about to be fulfilled in France.
It would be easy to pursue the same track in Butler and Swift, in the vast field of the
Essayists, and in English theological and historical writers, among whom most of the
popular names will be found on the same side. The Whigs and Tories of the century, if
we except a few clerical politicians, alike avoid professing extremes. The popular poets
of Burke’s own generation kept up the idea of a grand historical past closely connected
with the existing political establishment. English poetry, from Spenser and Drayton to
Scott and Tennyson, has in fact always been largely pervaded by this idea, and a
retrospective tendency, tinged with something of pride and admiration, has generally
accompanied literary taste in the Englishman. Milton and Spenser revelled in the
antique fables which then formed the bulk of what was called the History of England.
Shakespeare dramatised the history of the ages preceding his own, with even more
felicity than the remote legends of Lear and Cymbeline. Little of this is to be noticed in
the taste of any foreign nation, and the literature of France has always been eminently
the offspring of the moment. French minds have never dwelt with the interest derived
from a sense of identity upon the events or products of the past. Continental critics
have, as might be expected, traced the love of the English for the English past to a
narrow insularity. They ought also to point out how intense was the contrast, down to
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the French Revolution, of insular and continental institutions. In Burke’s time, religious
and political liberty were to Frenchmen entirely foreign ideas. National greatness was a
conception common to both the Englishman and the Frenchman: but England had of
late repeatedly humbled that of France, and the Frenchman was just beginning to
enquire into the causes which had given the smaller country its superiority. There was a
contrast, and a disposition to enquire into it: the English and French people, during the
eighteenth century, observed the social and political tendencies of their neighbours with
curious watchfulness. The antagonism was heightened by the commencement of social
intercourse between them in the intervals of war. We may learn something of the
contrast which was believed to subsist between the normal tendencies of the English
and the French mind from the criticism of a thoroughly English man of letters upon De
Vertot, whose works during the last century were so eagerly read by the French
1 2
people. Warburton, himself an early friend of Burke, marks out among the cheats
adopted to catch the popular ear, that “entirely new species of historical writing” which
deals with the revolutions of a country. De Vertot had put together in a popular style
the story of those violent changes which had taken place in ancient Rome, and in
modern Sweden and Portugal. His sensationalism had secured him an extraordinary
success. Warburton, indignant at “the present fondness for the cheat, and its yet
unsuspected importance,” proves the system false in itself, “injurious to the country it
dismembers,” and destructive to all just history.
It is not only passively useless; it tends to disgust us with the system of society
altogether; “to think irreverently of it, and in time to drop all concern for its interests.”
But, it may be objected, this kind of history best discovers the nature and genius of a
people. “Ridiculous!” says the critic, “as if one should measure the benefits of the Trent,
the Severn, or the Thames, by the casual overflowing of a summer inundation.” He goes
on to complain of the injustice inflicted on Englishmen by this “historical method.” We,
“the best natured people upon earth,” are branded by these charlatans, on the score of
our struggles to preserve our inherited liberties, “with the title of savage, restless,
turbulent revolutionists.” It is easy to trace here the argument of Burke. For fifty years
and more, when Burke was writing, the French people had been coming to believe in
Revolutions, and to look to their neighbours on the other side of the water for authentic
revolutionary methods. The facts on which this belief was based were ill selected and ill
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understood. But the craving for change had developed into a social necessity. The
Frenchman still turned in his desperation to England, and the Englishman at once
repulsed him as an enemy and despised him as a slave. In Warburton’s time, the
“Anglomania” of which this was but one form was a novelty. Innovation is always
jealous of rivalry: and this circumstance no doubt helped to attract Warburton’s wrath.
But that which was a novelty in 1727 had become inveterate in 1789. The sense of
historical and political truth had become more and more obscured, and the morbid
demand for change had grown little by little into a madness. Practical political life, the
soul and school of true political doctrine, was extinct. The old fabric of the state was
decayed, and none knew how to repair it. But this, fact as it was, was hardly within the
comprehension of Englishmen.
To this day it may be said that the mutual criticisms which Englishmen and Frenchmen
have bandied at each other are generally based on some misunderstanding. It was far
more so a century ago. In more than one topic of the present work Burke transfers to
French matters ideas which were really only proper to England. In Burke’s famous
delineation of European society, at its best, as he believed, in this country, there was
little or nothing to interest or instruct the Frenchman. Those parts of the work which are
best calculated to their end are the arguments which are to be found scattered up and
down the book which deduce from English society the higher laws which ought to
govern civil life in general. On this ground we have Burke at his strongest.
To the cherished tradition of the English philosophy of the State, the incidents of the
French Revolution administered an unexpected and powerful impulse. Burke conceived
the English political creed to be threatened and misunderstood: his ready intellect at
once traced this creed to its most imposing deductions, and his fiery and poetical fancy
moulded it into new and more striking forms. We have in the present work, for the first
time, a deliberate retrospect of what European society in its old-fashioned and normal
shape has done for the human race, heightened by all that passion and rhetoric can do
to recommend it. Burke had caught inspiration from his opponents. Just as the
Revolutionist in his dogmatism displays all the bitterness and the intractability of an
ecclesiastic, so Burke communicates to his philosophy of society something of the depth
and fervour of religion. The state, according to his solemn figure, which reflects alike
the mode of thought of the great statesman and philosopher of Rome, and of our
English philosophical divines, is an emanation of the Divine Will.
The political philosophy of Burke, though in itself systematic and complete, makes no
pretence to the character of what is understood by a scientific theory. It rests on
ignorance, and, in technical language, may be described as sceptical. The best formula
afforded by the present work to express it is that which describes the human race as a
“great mysterious incorporation.” Society, though a changeable and destructible
system, is not like a machine which can at will be taken to pieces, regulated, and
reconstructed. Its motive force is as incomprehensible as that of the individual man. All
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analysis is evaded by those ties which bind together the obligations and affections of
the individual into an intelligible and operative whole; and it is exactly so with those
which bind together the system of the State. Society, to repeat a trite formula, is an
organism, not a mechanism. As life itself is an insoluble mystery, so is the life of that
invisible entity which is understood by the term “society.” The attempt to defy this
mystery is as fatuous and presumptuous as would be, in the mechanical world, the
attempt to animate a mass of dead parts. Society is not made, it grows; and by ways as
dark and mysterious as those which from its earliest germ conduct and limit the
destination of life in the individual. Φύσει πολιτικ ν ζ ον νθρωπος. The elementary
nature expressed in each word of this profound expression of Aristotle, is involved in an
equal degree of obscurity. Neither Man nor the State can escape from the character of
original mystery impressed upon them by the life and the nature in and by which they
are generated. Frankly admitting this, and drawing our conclusions only from the
positive character which the moral and political man in his several aspects actually
reveals, we shall be safe; but in the fruitless effort to lift the veil we cannot but err. The
true method of politics, as of all branches of practical knowledge, is that of experiment.
Examine the face of society. Observe, as Newton did in the planetary system, the
strong gravitating forces which draw its particles into congruous living shapes; but with
the wisdom of Newton, discard all tempting hypotheses, and penetrate no further. Trust
and cherish whatever you find to be a motive power, or a cementing principle, knowing
that, like the wind that blows as it lists, it is a power over which you have no control,
save to regulate and to correct. Deal reverently, as one that has learnt to fear himself,
and to love and respect his kind, even with the errors, the prejudices, the unreasoned
habits, that are mixed in those powers and principles. You cannot understand them, you
cannot disregard or defy them; you cannot get rid of them. You must take the frame of
man and of society as a Power above you has made them. To guide you in dealing with
them, you have the experience of many who have gone before you, presumably not
your inferiors in qualifications for the task, and who may have been free from special
difficulties which stand in your own way.
Burke’s doctrine on the origin of society corresponds to this view of its nature and
foundation. More than one of the uses which help to keep society together have in
theory been adopted as its possible origin, but these uses all germinate from the
instinct of congregation. Aristotle and Cicero had each in their time maintained, against
contemporary theorists, that in this instinct is to be traced the true germ of social
organisation; and their view was revived, at the revival of letters, in the remarkable
tract of Buchanan, De Jure Regni. According to this view, the uses and advantages of
social life are entirely an aftergrowth upon the results of the unreasoned tendency,
operating through the rude channels of the feelings, of individual human animals to
gravitate together. “Ea est quaedam naturae vis, non hominibus modo, sed
mansuetioribus etiam aliorum animantium indita . . . congregandorum hominum caussa
longe antiquior, et communitatis eorum inter ipsos multo prius et sanctius vinculum.” It
is this law of nature (pp. 121, 122) which true political philosophy ever follows: the
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varied utilities of life grow out of nature, as out of a living stock. The State then, says
Buchanan, is no device of the orator or the lawyer, but an immediate emanation of the
Divine Power and Goodness: and he proceeds to cite the beautiful sentiment of Cicero,
quoted in these pages of Burke, “nihil eorum quae quidem fiant in terris acceptius quam
concilia et coetus hominum jure sociati quae civitates appellantur.” The same belief,
that society rests on the developement of a mysterious instinct under the guidance of
divine law, colours Burke’s view of the duties of the statesman. In his mind these duties
invested him with something of the character of a religious teacher, and it was natural
that this conception should be heightened by his belief that the theorists whom he was
opposing were principled atheists. The great principles of faith and duty were in Burke’s
imagination equally threatened, and he boldly takes his stand upon both for the defence
of both. It is enough for us to observe that this theory of the State, though reflecting in
a great degree doctrines which seem to belong chiefly to theology, is neither
inconsistent nor improbable. While he despises, as Buchanan had done, the beggarly
theory which would make society exclusively dependent upon the utilities which attend
it, and rests it upon the simpler and higher basis of nature, he does not go beyond the
lines of evidence and of legitimate presumption, and he makes the domain of political
philosophy a wider and a more interesting field.
In Burke’s philosophy, God, Nature, and Society are conceived as three inseparable
entities. Burke thus followed the pagan philosopher Cicero in fortifying his political creed
by reference to that religious sentiment which is so nearly akin to it. Religion, according
to Burke, is a necessary buttress to the social fabric. It is more than this: it pervades
and cements the whole. It is the basis of education: it attends the citizen in every act of
life from the cradle to the grave. Religion is part of man’s rights. The exact form of
religion which the State should authorise was believed by Burke to be an entirely
secondary matter. It is probable that he would have had the Roman Catholic Church
established in Ireland, as the Anglican Church was established in England. In common
with many English churchmen of his age he had thus entirely abandoned the position of
a century ago. For religion in some positive form Burke always argued strongly, in
opposition to the contrary opinion which was then fast spreading both in France and
England. Philosopher though he was, the arguments of the Freethinkers were to him
entirely inconclusive. It is no solid objection, in Burke’s method, to any element of
doctrine that it rests more or less upon what is artificial, or upon what cannot be wholly
sustained by reference to scientific laws. When we find any more or less dubious
doctrine tenaciously cherished by reasonable and civilised men, it will mark us for true
politicians, perhaps for true philosophers, not uselessly to denounce it as a ridiculous
fancy, but to treat the apparent error, to borrow a beautiful expression of Coleridge, as
the uncertain reflection of some truth that has not yet risen above the horizon. It should
be enough to secure our respect, if not our total approval and our sincere enthusiasm,
that any element has so inwrought and domesticated itself in the human mind, as to
become an inseparable part of the heritage of successive generations. Something of this
kind, uniting our civil and social instincts with a faith in some Divine order of things, can
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certainly be recognised in the highest as well as in the lowest order of minds. At any
rate, the explanation of the “obstinate questionings” of nature obtained by this way of
looking at them was good enough for Aristotle and for Bacon, for Milton and for Newton,
for Cicero and for Burke, and it is good enough for ordinary people. How it enters into
the present argument may be summarily expressed in the words of Hooker, as taken
down by an anecdotist from the mouth of Burke himself. “The reason why first we do
admire those things which are greatest, and second those things which are ancientest,
is because the one are least distant from the infinite substance, the other from the
infinite continuance, of God.” It is the germ of political theory contained in the present
volume. A man asked Grotius what was the best book on Politics. The best, said
Grotius, is a blank book. Look around you, and write what you see. The first thing which
a man sees is, that men do not in general reason upon Politics. Their reason seems to
exhaust itself upon other subjects. Their best reasoned conclusions are often forced to
give way to instincts and sentiments for which they have no rational account to give.
Even so it is with reason and instinct in matters of religion. It is a paradox, but when we
speak of things above ourselves, what is not paradox?
Resolved into their elements, the mainspring both of rational religion and of rational
politics seems to be the sentiment of dependence. The effect traceable to this no other
theory of life or of society will account for. The sum-total of rational metaphysics has
been held to consist of but two propositions. The first, which is involved in the Cogito,
ergo sum, of Descartes, may be expressed as “Here I am.” The second as “I did not put
myself here.” To cut ourselves off, even in thought, from our dependence on our
surroundings, is to commit moral suicide. But our dependence on what is outside us, is
not limited to our contemporaries. It passes on from generation to generation: it binds
us to the past and to the future. Society, says Burke, in his grand Socratic exposure of
the imbecile logic which confounded two meanings of one word, is a partnership in all
science, in all art, in every virtue, and in all perfection: a partnership not only between
those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those
who are to be born. There is, says a poet who had fed upon this sublime thought,
The fair mansion of civilisation which we enjoy was not built with our hands, and our
hands must refrain from polluting it. Being mere life-tenants, we have no business to
cut off the entail, or to commit waste on the inheritance. On both sides of us extends
a vast array of obligations. Millions as we may be, we stand as a small and insignificant
band between the incalculable mass of those who have gone before us, and the infinite
army of those who follow us, and are even now treading on our heels. Our relation to
the great structure in which we are privileged to occupy a niche for a while, is as that of
the worm and the mollusc to the mysterious and infinite totality of universal life. We
stand there as the undertakers of an awful trust. Like the torch-players in the stadium,
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it is our business to transmit the precious fire which we bear, unquenched and
undimmed, to those who succeed us. This is what Burke explains as “one of the first
and most leading principles on which the commonwealth and the laws are consecrated.”
To deny it is to reduce men to the condition of the “flies of a summer” (p. 191).
It is an observation of Hume that one generation does not go off the stage at once, and
another succeed, as is the case with silkworms and butterflies. There is a perpetually
varying margin, into which the men of one age and those of that which succeed are
blended. In this everlasting continuity, which secures that the human race shall never
be wholly old or wholly new, lies the guarantee for the existence of civilisation. No
break in this continuity is possible without the lapse of mankind into its primitive
grossness. Imagine for a moment such an intermission. The shortest blank would be
enough to ensure the disappearance of every pillar, buttress, and vault, which helps to
sustain the lofty and intricate structure of civilised society. We can hardly figure to
ourselves the horrible drama of a new generation of utter savages succeeding to the
ruins of all that we enjoy. Yet so soon as the work of moral and political education flags,
this result is immediately hazarded. In the imagination of Burke, France was well on the
highroad to this awful situation: to a solution of moral continuity as disastrous in its
effects as a geological catastrophe. All the facts of history prove that civilisation is
destructible. It is an essence that is ever tending to evaporate: and though the
appreciation of all that is precious in the world depends on the feeling of its
perishability, it is seldom that this fact is realised. We come to regard our social life as a
perpetual and indestructible possession, destined, like the earth on which we move, to
devolve, without any trouble or care on our part, upon our posterity. But the whole
tenour of history is against us. The Greeks little dreamed of the day when their broken
relics, once more understood, would repair a decayed world, and to those who come
after us, things which to us are almost as valuable, and quite as little valued as the air
we breathe, may be the objects of curious conjecture, or of contemptuous neglect.
Regard our inheritance in its true light, as a precious thing that we should fear to lose,
and we begin to estimate it at its true value. Regard our own title to it as a solemn trust
for the benefit of our descendants, and we shall understand how foolishly and immorally
we act in tampering with it. How such anticipations as Burke’s wrought on kindred
minds, might be aptly illustrated from Wordsworth’s well-known Dream of the Arab,
who, forewarned by prophecy, is hastening to bury, for preservation from the
approaching deluge, the precious talisman that
This conception of great intersecular duties devolving upon humanity, generation after
generation, reflects on a large scale an instinct which has undoubtedly been strong in
the English people. The disposition rather to recur in thought upon the value of the
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social life and social character which we inherit, than to strain discontentedly for some
imaginary ideal, has largely entered into the temperament of those races which have
been chiefly instrumental in superinducing civilised society over the face of the earth.
“Moribus antiquis res stat Romana, virisque,” says Ennius. So says Burke, in effect, of
the civilised life which the English race have now spread over the four quarters of the
globe. With the English race have universally gone the old English ideas on religion, on
politics, and on education; America and the rest of the new world have taken them from
us and are giving them a new and fruitful development. After the lapse of nearly a
century, America and England still exhibit on the whole the highest political and social
ideals. The English type, during the present century, has been more widely imitated
than the Greek or the Roman at the height of their fame. Our social ideas, poor as they
may be by comparison with the creations of ingenious speculation, clearly have some
very remarkable value of their own. One element of this value is that effect upon the
individual which is attributed to them by Burke. They tend to, or at any rate favour the
development of a certain “native plainness and directness of character.” They keep a
man face to face with life and reality. They include a moral code which fits all times and
seasons, all ranks and conditions of life; which hardens a man where it is good that he
should be hardened, and softens him where it is good that he should be softened. The
same may perhaps be said, in a less degree, of some moral codes of the ancient world;
but it certainly cannot be said of those of modern paganism. The lives of some of the
best and most earnest of modern Englishmen may not be fairly comparable with that of
Socrates; but we may justly boast of a standard far transcending that of Rousseau and
of Goethe. A high standard of character cannot be independent of some corresponding
standard of politics; and every name which keeps the name of England respected
throughout the world, will be found, in a greater or less degree, to confirm that aspect
of English character, private and public, which Burke puts forward.
Burke is at his best when enlarging thus on the general philosophy of society: he breaks
down when he proceeds to its application. There are few topics in the present volume of
which this is not true: and, as has been already noticed, it is conspicuously true of the
opening argument on the British Constitution. Pitiful as it is to see the fine mind of
Burke self-devoted to the drudgery of Tory casuistry, it is even more so to find his
usually ready and generous sympathies, as the work advances, remorselessly denied to
the cause of the French people. It was not for any liberal-minded Englishman, rich in
the inheritance of constitutional wisdom and liberty, to greet the dawn of representative
institutions in France with nothing but a burst of contempt and sarcasm. Least of all was
this attitude towards the National Assembly becoming to Burke. His opening address to
the French politicians is more than ungenerous: it is unjust. It seems incredible that
any one should have been found to declare that the path of reform in France was “a
smooth and easy career of felicity and glory,” which had been recklessly abandoned.
To do Burke justice, he quickly saw how falsely he had judged in discerning no effect of
the Revolution upon France save mutilation and disaster. Two years more, and we hear
nothing about the “fresh ruins of France,” and the French nation “not politically
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existing.” Under that guidance which at first appeared so contemptible, France speedily
acquired a power far more formidable than had been known in the most vigorous period
of the monarchy. Burke then ceased to call the leaders of the Revolution fools, and
declared them to be fiends.
Burke’s contemptuous parallel of the representatives of the Tiers Etat with the English
House of Commons is typical of the whole argument. This herd of country clowns and
pettifoggers, as he declares it to have been, certainly forms an effective contrast by the
side of the British Parliament in the days of Pitt and Fox. We trace here the beginning of
a secondary thread of sentiment which runs quite through the book. A sense of
triumphant hostility to the French as a nation had been produced by a century of
international relations: and Burke could hardly avoid displaying it on the present
occasion. His purpose was not merely to instruct the French nation, but to humiliate, if
not to insult it. Englishmen had long looked on the French as a nation of slaves: he now
strove to show that a nation of slaves could produce nothing worthy of the serious
attention or sympathy of a nation of freemen. Burke might have taken the opportunity
of exhibiting that keen sympathy for freedom by which most of his political career, as
he himself declares in a moment of compunction, had been guided. He knew that
France was peopled by a race as oppressed and down-trodden as Ireland or India. Was
freedom to be the monopoly of England? Had Burke no sympathy for any sufferings but
those of royalty? Here we touch another point of some interest. Popular instinct at once
seized on Burke’s famous description of the transportation to Paris of the 6th of
October as the key to the whole work. That picturesque incident had inspired the
jubilations of Dr. Price: and Burke naturally invested it at once with the very opposite
character. But his description was borrowed from prejudiced witnesses. The people still
trusted the King, however much they may have distrusted the Queen: and there was
nothing extraordinary in their insisting on the abandonment of Versailles. Burke frankly
admits that this gloomy foretaste of the change in the royal fortunes coloured his whole
conception. Endowed with the imagination and sensibility of the poet, this melodramatic
spectacle sank deeply into his mind; and the consciousness that it yet remained
undenounced was too much for one ever swayed, as Burke was, by
Philip Francis at once declared this exhibition of sympathy for the Queen to be mere
affectation, or in his own phrase, “foppery.” He knew Burke well; better, perhaps, than
any contemporary: but this particular charge Burke declared to be false. He averred
that in writing this famous passage tears actually dropped from his eyes, and wetted
the paper. It is likely enough. Burke carried the strong feelings which were natural to
him into most things that he did: and his tears for Marie Antoinette were as much part
of the inspiration of the moment as his triumphant declaration, when his own lawful
sovereign was stricken down by the saddest of maladies, that “the Almighty had hurled
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him from his throne.” Burke’s persistency exposed him to a keen repartee from Francis.
“No tears,” wrote the latter, “are shed for nations.” This was altogether unjust, and
Francis knew it, for he had long been associated with Burke in the gigantic effort that
was being made to ameliorate the condition of the oppressed millions of India by the
prosecution of Warren Hastings. But it was in vain to beguile Burke from his chosen
attitude. There was the tyranny of the despot, and the tyranny of the mob: and he
declared that it was his business to denounce the one as well as the other. If the
champion of Ireland and of India had to choose between the French people and the
French queen, he would choose the latter: and he declared that history would confirm
his decision. It has not been so: history has transferred the world’s sympathies,
engaged for a while on the opposite side by the eloquence of Burke, to the suffering
people. Nor can it be said that history has confirmed Burke’s judgment on a political
question which he treats at some length, and which concerned England far less than it
concerned France. The Church question, which in different shapes has ever since the
French Revolution vexed the whole Christian world, had been suddenly raised from the
level of speculation to that of policy by the attempted reforms of Joseph in Austria. It
needed no great sagacity to foresee the impending storm, when the ancient principle of
ecclesiastical establishments was repudiated in its very stronghold. Burke here carries
to the extreme his principle of saying all that could be said in favour of whichever side
of a doubtful question is most in need of support. Burke’s vindication of Church
establishments, echoed, as it has been, by two generations of obscurantists, is based
on half a dozen bad arguments adroitly wrought into the semblance of one good one.
But no logical mystification could avert the impending ruin: and Burke committed a
mistake in parading before an English public arguments which were so little likely to
impose upon it. A cotton-mill, in the eyes of a French economical theorist, might be an
institution as unproductive to the state as a monastery: but no Englishman could
treat such an argument with respect. Devoted pupils of the school of Bossuet might
rejoice to hear Burke’s fervid eulogy of a state consecrated, in all its members and
functions, by a National Church: but no candid Englishman could aver that Church and
State were ideas inseparable to the English mind. The French ecclesiastic might fairly
claim as private property the estates on which his order had thriven unchallenged ever
since France had been a nation: no reader of Selden could think the argument
applicable to the Church of England. “When once the Commonwealth,” says Burke, “has
established the estates of the Church as property, it can, consistently, hear nothing of
the more or the less.” Such has been the claim of the clerical party in every country of
the Western world: and there is not one in which it has been accepted. There is not one
in which lawfulness of the secularization of Church property has not by this time been
practically admitted. Burke’s argument is confuted by each successive step of that long
series of unwillingly enforced reforms which has enabled the English Church to stand its
ground. In reading Burke’s account of the Church of England, we must bear in mind the
peculiar circumstances of his education. Burke was the son of an Irish Catholic and an
Irish Protestant. He was educated by a Quaker: and by trustworthy testimony he
valued no Christian sect above another, and believed in his heart that no one then
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existing represented Christianity in its normal or final shape. Stoutly as he had opposed
the famous Latitudinarian petition a few years before, Burke was in all religious matters
liberal to a degree which trespassed on what would now be called rationalism. His
picture of the Church is really painted from the outside: and, though a country squire of
a quarter of a century’s standing, it is from the outside that he conducts his defence of
the Establishment.
It would be impossible to follow Burke’s impatient and stormy career over the whole
broad field of his “Reflections.” A minute criticism of such books defeats its own object.
Burke is here an advocate and a rhetorician. Though an attitude of discursiveness and
informality, admitting of striking and rapid change, is of the essence of his method,
there are many isolated passages in which this is less apparent than usual, and these
passages have historical value. Armed with the twofold knowledge of history and of
human nature, it was impossible for Burke not to hit the mark in many of his minor
observations on the course of events in France. His description of the growth of the
monied interest, of the hostility of the Paris literary cabal to the Church, and of the
coalition of these two elements for its destruction, stands forth as a bold and
accurate outline of an actual process. His retrospect of the past glories of France is no
mere exercise in declamation: and his observations on the government of Louis XVI
prove that he had studied antecedent events perhaps as accurately as to an Englishman
was possible. Those observations are illustrated by the circumstances which attended
the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848. A mild and constitutional régime, as Burke
concluded, predisposes to revolution: if this régime is rudely interrupted, or its sincerity
rendered doubtful, a revolution is certain. No monarch has a harder part to play than a
king of France. Under Louis XVI, Charles X, Louis Philippe, and Louis Napoleon, the
French people have abundantly proved themselves to be the same. But few would now
draw from the fact the conclusion which was drawn by Burke. An unusual show of
“patriotism,” such as Burke praised in the government of Louis, affords unusual matter
of suspicion: and the causes of a restless jealousy for liberty, which Burke had exposed
so admirably in his speech on American Conciliation, operated as surely in the nascent
freedom of France as in the ripe liberty of America. Burke was equally correct in
auguring an alteration in the internal balance of power in France from the changes
introduced into the army. The substitution of a popular for a merely mercenary force
has always been a measure necessary to secure great political reforms: and it leads, as
Burke pointed out, to the ascendancy of popular generals. There is nothing astonishing
in this. When the old bonds of loyalty are as thoroughly worn out as they have proved
to be in France, military genius, allied with civil prudence, necessarily becomes the head
of all authority: and the rise of Bonaparte proved the truth of Burke’s surmise. Burke
applied his knowledge of France and French policy with good effect in turning from
domestic to colonial policy. The history of Hayti amply verified all that he foretold
would follow on the assertion of the rights of men in the French colonies. Hayti asserted
its right to a constitution and free trade: and as the colonists rose against the
Government, the negroes rose on the colonists. Ten years later, and Burke might have
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written a telling conclusion to the tale which he sketched out: for when Republican
France had defeated the whole of Europe, she was herself beaten by the despised
negroes of the plantations. Such were the consequences of what Burke called
“attempting to limit logic by despotism.” Among Burke’s historical forecasts none is
more remarkable than that which relates to the organisation throughout Europe of
secret political societies. Contemporary critics laughed the argument to scorn; but its
accuracy is testified by the history of liberal movements all over Catholic Europe and
America. Thirty years more, and the world rang with the alarm. It was by the aid of
these secret organisations that Mexico and South America threw off the yoke of the
priesthood. We know the history of similar clubs in Spain, Italy, and Switzerland
between 1815 and 1848: and the great power for attack provided by these means
justifies the hostility with which the Catholic Church still regards all secret
Perhaps the great merit of Burke’s view of the changes in France consisted in his
perception of their actual magnitude, and of the new character which they were likely to
impress upon French policy. He was right in supposing that revolutionised France would
become the centre of a revolutionary propaganda, and that success would transform the
representatives of French liberty into the tyrants of Europe. Burke knew well how often
vanity and ambition become leading motives in national action. He rightly guessed that
their appetite would not be satiated by mere internal successes, and that the conquest
of France by its own ambitious citizens would be only the first in a series of
revolutionary triumphs. Burke rightly judged that the spirits of the old despotism and of
the new liberty were quite capable of coalescing. Under the Revolution and the Empire,
France was as much a prey to the lust of empire as in the days of Louis the Fourteenth.
The illusions of the days of the Grand Monarque have subsisted indeed down to our own
times, not only undiminished, but vastly heightened by the events of the period which
was just opening. France has not increased in physical resources so fast as her
neighbours: and her comparative weight in Europe has therefore been diminishing. In
proportion as this fact has been made plain, the French people have resented it: and
until very recently the mass of the people probably believed themselves to be a nation
as powerful in the world for good or evil as in the days of the First Empire. In England,
the country of all the world, whatever else may be alleged against it, where illusions are
fewest, this attitude on the part of her near neighbour has always been conspicuous.
On the general question of the great political principle involved in the present volume
the reader may safely take it for granted that it was neither true in itself nor natural to
Burke, who was employing it merely for purposes of what he believed to be legitimate
advocacy. Burke’s real belief is contained in the following passage from his “Address to
the King” (1776): “The revolution is a departure from the antient course of descent of
the monarchy. The people, at that time, entered into their original rights; and it was not
because a positive law authorized what was then done, but because the freedom and
safety of the subject, the origin and cause of all laws, required a proceeding paramount
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and superior to them. At that ever remarkable and instructive period, the letter of the
law was suspended in favour of the substance of liberty. . . . Those statutes have not
given us our liberties; our liberties have produced them.” Coleridge says that on a
comparison of Burke’s writings on the American War with those on the French
Revolution, the principles and the deductions will be found the same, though the
practical inferences are opposite; yet in both equally legitimate, and in both equally
confirmed by results. This estimate is coloured by the natural sympathy of political
partisanship. Burke was always Conservative in his instincts: but it is undeniable that he
thought the present a legitimate occasion for shifting his ground. The historical value of
the “Reflections” is thus unequal in the different parts. In characterising English political
instinct and doctrine, it falls back on a vanishing past; it repudiates that which
possessed life and growth. It represents the sentimental rather than the intellectual side
of its author’s character: and hence it will be used by posterity less as an historical
document than as a great literary model. Burke, in a higher degree than any other
Englishman, transferred to his writings the force and vigour which properly belong to
speeches; and there is scarcely a single rhetorical device which may not be learned
from his pages. The art of language had been wrought by thirty years of incessant
practice into Burke’s very soul: and the mere voluntary effort of expression acted upon
his powers like touching the spring of a machine. Burke wrote as he talked, and as he
spoke in the senate: we have here the man himself accurately reflected, with all his
excellencies and all his imperfections. Burke’s was not only a mind large and spacious,
but endowed with an extraordinary degree of sensibility, and these qualities were well
adapted to produce a vast convulsion of feeling at the contemplation of incidents and
prospects so strange and portentous as those which now presented themselves to view.
Burke’s was a mind in which those objects sank most deeply, found the readiest
reception, and were perceived in their widest extent. We cannot wonder at the
keenness and profusion of the sentiments which they first generated and then forced
out trumpet-tongued to the world.
From what has been said it will be gathered that Burke’s book is by no means what is
called a scientific book. Its roots touch the springs of the theology, of the jurisprudence,
of the morals, of the history, and of the poetry of his age: and in this way it acquires an
historical value resembling in some measure that of the famous “Republic” of Plato. Few
books reflect more completely the picture of European thought as it existed a century
ago. Nor is there any in which the literary expression of the age is better exemplified.
Burke is careful to maintain a mode of expression which is untechnical. It is even
occasionally indefinite. The essential antithesis in thought between science and poetry is
curiously reflected in his habitual language. In employing words, he does not, like the
man of science, keep in mind, in connection with them, any certain and invariable
connotation. Like the poet, he rather takes pleasure in placing old words in new
combinations, and in applying them with a changed or reinforced meaning.
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To think with the wise, and to speak with the vulgar, to give in common and popular
phrase the results of uncommon and studious thought, has always been counted among
the rarest of rare accomplishments. A critic has observed that the main difference
between our older and our modern literature, is that in the former we get uncommon
ideas vulgarly expressed, and in the latter obvious and commonplace thoughts
furnished forth with false ornament, and inspired with false refinement. Now as Burke
often conveys his most admirable lessons under the guise of trite and vulgar topics, so
does he clothe his most cogent arguments with the plainest language, and support
them by the most familiar illustrations. But he continually surprises us by bursts of
rhetorical appeal, by sudden allusions to some historical incident, by keen sarcasm, by
a quotation which recalls a train of associations. Macaulay has characterised the
contents of Burke’s mind as a treasure at once rich, massy, and various. Burke’s mature
style reflects the rich contents of his mature mind, as displayed in daily conversation.
Burke, who was, by the testimony of Johnson, the greatest master of conversation in
his time, wrote as he talked, because he talked as the greatest master of writing need
not be ashamed to write. He is a standing example of that fundamental axiom of style,
too often forgotten by writers, that its excellence chiefly depends on the closeness with
which it reflects the excellences of the vox viva. A “good passage” is simply one which,
if delivered by the speaker to an attentive listener, would easily, certainly, and lastingly
convey to the latter the meaning of the former. Men in general are neither scientific nor
political: they are simply open to be impressed by clear statement, fair argument, and
common sense. In the practice of the best masters what seem to be the ornaments of
style are really its necessities. Figures and images do not belong to poetry, but to
language—especially to the economy of language. It is possible to be lavish and fertile
in the development and illustration of an argument, with great poverty of resources;
but he who would be brief must be wealthy in words. Those who have tasted the
enjoyment of fine conversation, know how nearly Burke reflects its essential manner.
What is meant may be illustrated by saying that the great master of conversation
avoids, tanquam scopulum, the odious vice which is commonly described as “talking like
a book”; whereas the great master of the pen does in fact employ in turn all the
methods and devices which a versatile mind and a practised tongue employ in
English and French literature have generally aimed at this character. When we pass to
the yard-long sentences, the tangled notions, and the flat expression of an ordinary
German book, we recognise the normal opposite. How is this? In the latter case the
book has probably been written by a man of silent habits in the retirement of his
cabinet; and there is consequently no habitual subordination, in the practice of the
writer, to the conditions of convenient and intelligent reception on the part of the
reader. Why are chapters, paragraphs, sentences, and phrases measured by a certain
average of length? Simply on the principle which regulates how much a man can or
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ought to be eating or drinking at one time. The habits of Reception (or as the Scotch
philosophers call it, Attention) and Assimilation proceed by morceaux or portions. It can
make no difference whether the material is conveyed through the voice of another, or in
a way at once more complex and more compendious, through the eye of the recipient.
Burke’s age, like Cicero’s, was eminently an age of Conversation. A glance at Boswell is
enough to prove its high range as a fine art, and to show how much it had assumed a
palaestral character. Literary fame was distributed by a few men, who habitually
weighed merit in a common-sense balance: and the atmosphere of the study thus came
to be neglected for that of the club. The influence of academical models had long ago
begun to yield to that of keen living criticism: and in the age of Johnson the change was
well-nigh complete. The conditions of the best literary age of Greece, including a
cultivated and watchful auditory leading the opinion of the general public, were thus
nearly reproduced.
Writing is false and poor in proportion as those conditions are forgotten. Moreover, as
composition is built upon spoken language, so the decline of the art of conversation has
been accompanied by the decline of style. A century has produced vast changes in both.
Every one who knows how perfect a harmony subsists between or among the two or
more people who engage in true intellectual converse—how unconsciously and how
delicately each responds to the touches of the other, knows also how exceedingly rare is
the habit which produces it. The coarse deluge with which the pretentious sophist,
whom in the person of Thrasymachus Socrates compares to a bathing-man, still
overwhelms his hearers—the jar and wrangle proper to the Bar, and the prating of the
foolish, conspire to thrust it from society. So is it of the harmony which ought to subsist
between writers and their probable readers: and the social defect is reflected in the
literary. Literature has become divorced from life, and the very term “literary” comes to
connote something dull, dry, and undesirable. If we wish to see how life and letters can
nevertheless go together, we have to refer to the De Oratore of Cicero, the Table Talk
of Selden, and Boswell’s Life of Johnson.
The model of a letter, the form into which the present work, like nearly all Burke’s best
compositions, is cast, gives the writer some valuable advantages. It represents a
convenient medium between the looseness of common talk and the set phrases of
deliberate composition. It enables him to preserve an even key through the body of his
observations, while he may, with perfect propriety, descend to familiar and pointed
phraseology, or mount at will into the region of rhetoric. Such a variety at once
preserves that impression of a close relation between the reader and the writer which is
necessary to secure attention, and enables the writer to make the best use of his
opportunities. Where he fancies the reader yielding to a plain forcible piece of common
sense, he can press on. He can repeat the approved thesis in some more studied
phrase, approaching the philosophical style, and finally enforce it by a bold appeal to
the feelings. He can gradually season and mingle his rhetoric with the gall of irony, or
he can abruptly drop into that stimulating vein at a moment’s notice. Probably the
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greatest impression of power in the mind of the reader is produced by the ability to
preserve an even balance of moderate discourse, ever and anon varied by these
occasional diversions. Perpetual familiarities, perpetual didactics, or perpetual
declamation would equally disgust and fatigue. The great artist so mingles them that
each shall mutually relieve and enhance the effect of the other.
In the study of particular passages, it must be remarked that there is no mastering the
secrets of style by the eye alone. The student must read aloud, repeat to himself, and
transcribe. The fact is so much testimony to our canon that the standard of writing is
the vox viva. It is necessary to make a strong effort of imagination, to force one’s-self
into the author’s own place, and to construct over again his phrases and periods, if we
would view his work in its full beauty and propriety.
Let us examine, as an example of Burke’s method, his remarks on the New Year’s
Address presented to Louis XVI. They conclude with the following paragraph:
The exceeding strength and fulness of these lines depend on the fact that every word in
them, saving mere auxiliaries, represents a distinct image. When we apply to them
Burke’s well-known canon that the master sentence of every paragraph should involve,
firstly, a thought, secondly, an image, and thirdly, a sentiment, we see how all such
canons fail. The thought and the sentiment are clear enough, but they are completely
enveloped in this congeries of images. Turning back, however, we shall see how it is
prepared for in the preceding pages. The Address is introduced at the end of a previous
paragraph (p. 163), as the climax of a sustained rhetorical arsis. Pausing to give this
striking feature its due effect, the writer then drops suddenly in a fresh paragraph into a
vein of irony, bitter and elaborate, but not strongly coloured. In fact, both the beginning
and the end of this paragraph are relieved by something approaching very nearly to a
quaint equivocation. It is slightly prosaic, diffuse, and familiar. We have another pause,
and another change. The writer gathers himself up for a strong effort, and pours out, in
these half-a-dozen lines, a series of images coloured with all the depth which words can
give, destined to unite with and deepen the effect of the preceding periods. The three
paragraphs are, as it were, in three keys of colour, one over the other, the deepest, the
most vigorous, and at the same time the most sparingly applied, coming last. Burke
does not in general severely tax the memory. He may expect you to carry your vision
through a dozen pages, but he lends you every assistance that art can give. He puts his
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most striking images last, that the reader may pause upon them, and see how they
sum up and illustrate his previous argument. If this volume is opened at p. 191, the
three terminations of the paragraphs, though in each case he ends with an image, will
curiously illustrate the variety of his resources.
Let us see again how an image is varied, another is grafted upon it, and it disappears in
the vein of pure irony to which it is intended to conduct:
“The ears of the people of England are distinguishing. They hear these
men speak broad. Their tongue betrays them. Their language is in the
patois of fraud; in the cant and gibberish of hypocrisy. The people of
England must think so, when these praters affect to carry back the clergy
to that primitive evangelic poverty,” &c. (p. 201.)
Burke excels in this preparation of transitions: and it always distinguishes the master.
The passage on the Queen (p. 169), which is perhaps the most famous in the book, is
intended in this way. It fitly concludes the reflections on the sufferings of the Royal
Family, and prepares the way for the animated contrast which follows of ancient and
modern modes of social and political feeling. In these pages (170–72) we observe
Burke’s happiest manner, that progressive and self-developing method which
distinguishes him among prose writers, as it does Dryden among poets. “His thesis
grows in the very act of unfolding it.” Each sentence seems, by a kind of scintillation,
to suggest the image contained in the next; and this again instantly flames and
germinates into a crowd of others. There is no loss, however, of the ultimate aim, and
the rich fancy never gets, so to speak, out of hand or seems to burst into mere wanton
coruscations. The boldest strokes come in exactly in the right places, and we acquiesce
in the judgment with which the strain on our imagination is duly relaxed, and we are
allowed to relapse into the strain of plain statement and direct argument. “Burke,” says
Hazlitt, “is really one of the severest of writers.” Even in his half-prophetic mood we
never miss a certain understood calmness, and a background of self-restraint and
coolness: there is always a principle of restoration in the opposite direction. “In the very
whirlwind of his passion he begets a temperance.” To this effect his habit of repetition
very much contributes. He produces the same thought, first expanded and illustrated
with all his imagery, then contracted and weighed with all his sententiousness. Fulness
and brevity, ardour and philosophical calm, light and shade, are ever alternating.
In style, as in everything else, the nature of things is best seen in their smallest
proportions. The best writers are immediately discernible by their mere phrases, by the
ability and the happiness with which they conjoin the simple elements of substantive
and verb, adjective or participle. It is not that words are coerced into a strange
collocation, or that the writer “will for a tricksy phrase defy the matter”; but that
expressions are constructed which seem natural, without being common or obvious.
Notwithstanding the depth and rapidity of the current of Burke’s ideas, it flows in
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general as clear as if it were the shallowest of rills. Still, the freedom with which he
employs his extraordinary copia verborum occasionally leads him into obscurity. One
passage has been often marked as an instance. It occurs near the end of the book (pp.
361–62), where it is remarked that the little arts and devices of popularity are not to be
They facilitate the carrying of many points of moment; they keep the
people together; they refresh the mind in its exertions; and they diffuse
occasional gaiety over the severe brow of moral freedom.
The last sentence has been confidently pronounced to be nonsense in the strict
acceptance of the word—that is, to have no meaning, and to be neither true nor false.
The obscurity lies in the involution, in an abbreviated form, of a statement which occurs
at page 126, that all nations but France had begun political reformation in a serious and
even severe temper. “All other people have laid the foundations of civil freedom in
severer manners, and a system of more austere and masculine morality.” France, on
the other hand, doubled the licence of her ferocious dissoluteness in manners. The
contrast, in the passage criticised, is between the political licence of the demagogues of
France, and the occasional condescension of the more austere English patriot to the
humours of his constituents. It is not denied that Burke wrote, in the first instance,
hastily, and that there are occasional blemishes in this book; but most of them
disappeared before it issued from the press. Pages 149–50, for instance, were amended
after the first edition, and might have been amended somewhat more. Burke was,
however, averse from making any important alterations, and he refused to correct some
palpable errors, on the ground of their non-importance. He himself considered that he
had elaborated the work with even more than his habitual carefulness of composition;
and it is known that large portions of it were recomposed, and the whole subjected to a
never-satisfied revision, which excited the remonstrances of his printer. “The fragments
of his manuscripts which remain,” says Dr. Croly, “show that not words but things
were the objects of his revision. At every fresh return some fine idea found
enlargement; some strong feeling was invigorated; some masculine moral was
aggrandised into universal application, and coloured into poetic beauty.” The blemishes
which are still left are partially shielded by the extraordinary compass of Burke’s
writing. His great art and originality in putting together his phrases and sentences
makes even his negligence seem less than it really is. We are often tempted to think
that his most heedless combinations are rather studied than spontaneous. It cannot,
however, escape notice, that the workmanship of the treatise is very unequal. Burke
always relied much upon correction, and extensively pruned and altered his first
draughts. On the strength of many marks of carelessness which this process has left on
the face of the work, it has, from the merely literary point of view, been undervalued.
Francis (Junius) wrote to Burke, “Why will you not learn that polish is material to
preservation? . . . I wish you would let me teach you to write English!” Such
expressions from Francis were mere impudence. It has been well remarked that
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compared to the athletic march of the writings of Burke, the best letters of Junius
remind us irresistibly of the strut of a petit-maître. It is the ramp of the lion by the side
of the mordacious snarl of the cur. Of literature, in the highest sense, Francis knew next
to nothing. He represented, however, in some measure those current canons of literary
taste which Burke recklessly broke through. But let it be remembered that Burke was
not writing as an aspirant for literary or any other fame. It was not for this that day
after day saw him dashing off these pages in his gloomy room in gloomy Gerard Street.
The objects of earlier years had sunk below his horizon, and the fame of his book came
as a mere corollary. What he wrote was the result of a mental convulsion, vast, though
spontaneous. He alludes to it in his correspondence as “deeply occupying and agitating
him.” His nerves were strung up to the pitch of the highest human sympathies. Tears,
he averred, dropped from his eyes and wetted his paper as he wrote the passage on the
Queen, which Mackintosh called “stuff,” and Francis “foppery.” Burke was a man of
strong passions, and these passions mingled fiercely in all his pursuits.
Anger is said to “make dull men witty.” In excess, it far more frequently paralyses
the intellect, or drives a man into mere verbal excesses.
If Burke’s wrath sometimes lost him personal respect, and occasionally hurried him into
grossness of metaphor, it gave such terrible fire to his expression, that the gain was
greater than the loss. It scathed like lightning the men, the systems, or the sentiments
which were the objects of his moral indignation, and marked indelibly those who had
incurred his personal resentment. The tension and force gained from anger seemed
often to sustain his style long after his direct invective had ceased. Though high-
tempered, he seems to have been free from the sort of ill-nature which indeed belongs
to colder temperaments, noticeable in Swift and Junius. Even in the case of political
opponents, he was almost universally a lenient and generous judge. His anger towards
those who had excited it, if not absolutely just, was felt to be the result of his own full
conviction, and so carried with him the sympathy of his hearers and readers, instead of
exciting them, as is usually the case, to seek excuses for his victims. It is rare for so
much force to produce so little reaction. Burke sways the mass of intelligent and
cultivated readers with almost as little resistance as a demagogue experiences from a
Burke suffers no sense of literary formality to veil and to break the force of his
thoughts. He strives to stand face to face with the reader, as he would stand before a
circle of listening friends, or on the floor of the House of Commons. To repeat a
previous observation, Burke wrote as he talked. “Burke’s talk,” Johnson used to say, “is
the ebullition of his mind; he does not talk from a desire of distinction, but because his
mind is full.” As a mark of his style, this naturally has the effect of investing his chief
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which neither Burke nor any of his contemporaries ever dreamed of assuming. Burke,
moreover, in his maturity, cared nothing for literature, except so far as it was useful in
its effect on life; nor did he cherish the thought of living in his works.
These pages are intended rather to put many threads of independent study into the
hands of the student, and to afford hints for looking at the subject on many sides, than
to exhaust any department of it. Burke’s works will be found to be at once a canon or
measure to guide those who will undertake the pleasurable toil of exploring the
inexhaustible field of English prose-writing, and in themselves a rich mine of the most
useful practical examples. They strikingly illustrate, among other things, the fact that
the works of a great writer of prose, like those of great poets, must, so to speak, drain
a large area. He must possess something of the myriad-mindedness which has been
ascribed, as the sum and substance of his intellectual qualities, to Shakespeare. “The
understanding,” says Shelley, “grows bright by gazing upon many truths.” In like
manner the taste is only to be justly regulated by applying it to many and various
beauties, and the judgment is only to be ripened by directing it in succession upon
many objects, and in various aspects.
With one additional observation on a point of some moment, these hints on the general
intention and style of Burke’s book are terminated. It has been said that the best styles
are the freest from Latinisms, and it has been laid down that a good writer will never
have recourse to a Latinism while a “Saxon” word will serve his purpose. The notion was
first carelessly put forth by Sydney Smith. If it were true, Burke would often be liable to
severe censure. The fact is, however, that the practice of almost every great master of
the English tongue, from Chaucer downwards, makes very small account of any such
consideration. Swift and Defoe, who are usually cited in illustration of it, count for little,
and their authority on this point cannot be held to be exactly commensurate with the
place in literature which their merits have earned them. Their vernacular cast is very
much due to the fact that they were among the first political writers who aspired to be
widely read among the common people. The same circumstance fostered the racy
native English style of Cobbett, and had its effects on journalists like Mr. Fonblanque,
and orators like Mr. Bright. But most of our great writers, unreservedly and freely as
they use the Latin element in the language, are also thoroughly at home in the
exclusive use of the vernacular. Brougham was wrong in saying that Burke excelled in
every variety of style except the plain and unadorned. It is not a question of principle,
but of art and of propriety. It may be worth while occasionally to study the art of writing
in “pure Saxon,” but to confine ourselves in practice to this interesting feat, would be as
absurd as for a musician to employ habitually and on principle the tour de force of
playing the pianoforte with one hand. We should lose breadth, power, and richness of
combination. The harmony of our language, as we find it in Hooker, Shakespeare, and
Milton, is fully established. We must take it as we find it. At any rate it is not until the
student is a considerable master in the full compass of our remarkable tongue, that he
can venture with safety on the experiment of restricting himself from the use of the
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most copious and effective of its elements. The inimitable passage from Shakespeare
already quoted is enough to prove how much the greatest writers of English have
relied on Latinisms: yet Shakespeare was never at a loss for pure Saxon idioms. Burke
generally puts the strength of his Saxon element into short, energetic, suggestive
sentences, in the body of the paragraph, and concludes it with a few sonorous
Latinisms. He often broke out, in the House of Commons, into a strain of farmer-like
bluntness. In one of his great Letters on the Peace, in the midst of a complaint of the
poverty and insufficiency of the political notions of the French, which he compares to
their meagre diet, he suddenly exclaims that English people want “food that will stick to
the ribs.” So in this volume (p. 314) he declares that a machine like the reformed
French monarchy is “not worth the grease of its wheels.” We need not multiply
examples. The so-called Saxon element is of immense use as a general source of
energy; and a great master may employ it with great effect in the pathetic line. Upon
its successful manipulation depends very much of the effect of all that is written in our
tongue; but we act unwisely in neglecting to make much, if not the most, of our so-
called Latinism. The extent of its use must depend mainly upon the ear.
Burke’s Tract, as it stands, exceeds the measure of what he intended when it was
commenced, and falls short of the great idea which grew upon him as he proceeded
with it—of exhibiting fully and fairly to the eye of the world the grand and stable
majesty of the civil and social system of England, in contrast with the hasty and
incongruous edifice run up by the French Reformers. The analysis which precedes the
text in the present edition distinguishes it into two portions, the first including two
thirds, the second, one third, of the book. The First Part is occupied with England. It is
to this First Part that the foregoing observations chiefly apply. It differs in so many
points from the Second Part, which is occupied with the new political system of France,
that a critic of the omniscient school might well be excused for attributing it to another
hand. Half of the First Part, or one third of the whole work, forms what may be called
the Introduction. It answers strictly to the original title “Reflections on Certain
Proceedings of the Revolution Society.” It is sufficiently complete and coherent, and
may be advantageously read by itself. The remainder of the First Part consists of
several dissertations unequal in length and completeness. The most important is that
which has been called Section I (the Church Establishment). It seems to be interrupted
at page 223, and resumed at page 241, the intermediate space being occupied with a
fragmentary vindication of the French monarchy and nobility. We have here the half-
finished components of a greater work, the completion of which was prevented by the
urgency of the occasion. The vindication of the English democracy, for Burke’s
immediate purpose the least important part, but which would have perhaps possessed
the highest interest for posterity, is omitted altogether. The “Appeal from the New to
the Old Whigs” to some extent supplies its place. But the whole of the middle third of
the work is incomplete, and requires to be read with caution. Burke probably wrote the
pieces which compose it at different times, during the spring, and laid the work aside
altogether during the summer, of 1790.
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The Second Part, or Critique of the new French Constitution, was composed, according
to appearances, as autumn approached, and the necessity for producing the work for
the winter season, then the chief season of the year, whether for business or any other
purposes, became apparent. This portion is rather a voucher or pièce justificative than a
necessary part of the book. It is a piece of vigorous and exhaustive, though rapid and
one-sided, criticism. It is a direct and unsparing diatribe on the new French
statesmanship, viewing the system it produced wholly by the light of reason and
common sense, and leaving out of account all the arguments which are adduced in the
First Part of the work. It is, as might be anticipated, not altogether just. We may fairly
demur, on the threshold, to the general spirit of Burke’s criticism.
Posterity, however, in the words of Burke himself, written thirty years before, will not
accept satire in the place of history. These pages contain more of Burke’s personal
manner, and have a character less declamatory, more minute, and more to the
immediate purpose, than what precedes. They evidently represent a great intellectual
effort, and contrast strongly with the previous almost spontaneous ebullition of
sentiment and doctrine. Yet they are marked, and by no means sparingly, with striking
literary beauties, which the student will do well to search out for himself. The historical
value of this part of the work is still considerable, though its interest is diminished by
the fact that much of the constitution which it attacks speedily disappeared, and that
Burke’s knowledge of it was not altogether correct or complete. As an instance we may
take the ludicrous error at pp. 279–80, where it is assumed that the Departments and
Communes were to be portioned out by straight lines with the aid of the theodolite.
Burke was fond of a certain ponderous style of repartee, and something of this is
traceable in his endeavours to show that the Liberty boasted by the Assembly was a
mere semblance, and that they treated France “exactly like a conquered country.”
Nothing can be more admirable than his applying to them the saying attributed to Louis
XIV, “C’est mon plaisir—c’est pour ma gloire” (p. 214). Burke always had two favourite
images, derived from the art of the house-builder, by which to illustrate the labours of
the politician. One of these is the Buttress, the other the Cement, or Cementing
principle. Both of these he applies unsparingly in his vigorous condemnation of the
details of the novelties of French polity. The buttresses were shams, and the cement
had no binding in it. The criticism on the reformed Office of the King, and on the new
Judicature, is brief, but to the purpose; but the most remarkable is that which relates to
the army, containing as it does a forecast of the condition of a military democracy, and
an anticipation of the future despotism of Napoleon (p. 332). Only one Frenchman,
Rivarol, appears to have expressed a similar foreboding. The value of the remarks on
the financial system, which conclude the work, is clouded by the perturbation of the
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question which came with the lengthened wars, and the Republic early took care to
avoid bankruptcy by enormous contributions levied on the countries which fell under its
yoke. The main predictions of Burke, however, were literally fulfilled. “The Assignats,
after having poured millions into the coffers of the ruling rebellion, suddenly sank into
the value of the paper of which they were made. Thousands and tens of thousands were
ruined. The nation was bankrupt, but the Jacobin Government was rich; and the
operation had thus all the results it was ever made for.” On the appearance of M.
Calonne’s work, “De l’Etat de France,” Burke considerably altered this Second Part of
the work, and the text of the first edition differs, therefore, in many places, from the
subsequent ones.
Burke’s Tract provoked, in reply, as is well known, a whole literature of its own, no
single representative of which is now held in any account, if we except the “Vindiciae
Gallicae,” the early work of Sir James Mackintosh. It had, of course, its replies in French
literature; but its general influence on France is best traced in De Bonald, De Maistre,
Chateaubriand, and other littérateurs of the reaction. The same kind of influence is
traceable in German thought in the works of Goerres, Stolberg, Frederick Schlegel, and
others. Burke’s true value was early appreciated in Germany, and A. M. von Müller,
lecturing at Dresden in 1806, even remarked on the circumstance that Burke only met
with his due honours from strangers. “His country but half understands him, and feels
only half his glory, considering him chiefly as a brilliant orator, as a partisan, and a
patriot. He is acknowledged in Germany as the real and successful mediator between
liberty and law, between union and division of power, and between the republican and
aristocratic principles.” Burke certainly has not been without his effect on the political
notions of the non-theological philosophers, as Schelling, Steffens, Reinhold, &c.; and if
the student should wish to set by the side of Burke for purposes of contrast the views of
a competent professor of scientific theory, he should turn to the pages of Ancillon. He
must, however, be prepared to encounter a vast army of desperate commonplaces.
Gentz, the translator of Burke, himself a considerable politician, is well imbued with his
model; and at home the school of Burke is represented by the names of Coleridge,
Wordsworth, Southey, Macaulay, Arnold, and Whately. These few names will suffice
to indicate approximately Burke’s peculiar place in general literature; but his influence
in every way extends far more widely than any line which could be usefully drawn.
Considering that Burke stands unapproachably the first of our political orators, and
indeed in the very first rank as a writer and a thinker, it seems strange that so few
express and formal tributes have been paid to his memory. Had Burke been a
Frenchman, nearly every French critic, great or small, would have tried his hand on
such a subject, not in parenthetical allusion, or in a few brief words of ardent praise, but
in regular essays and notices without number. Where we have placed a stone, they
would have piled a cairn. Thus have the Cousins, Saint-Beuves, Guizots, and
Pontmartins taken every opportunity for long disquisition upon their Montaigne, Pascal,
Bossuet, Molière, La Fontaine, and the other great authors of France. With us,
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moreover, the editions of Burke have been few, considering his fame; and his direct
praises have been for the most part confined, here to a page, there to a paragraph. It is
necessary for an Englishman to know Burke’s writings well if he would be enabled to
judge of the extent of his influence on the leading minds of this country. Only know
Burke, and you will find his thoughts and expressions gleaming like golden threads in
the pages of distinguished men of the generations which have succeeded his own. This
is the form in which Burke has chiefly received his honours, and exercised his
The art of speaking and of writing in that grand old style, of which Burke was so great a
master, is now wellnigh unknown. As in the case of the English dramatists, and of the
Italian painters, it is the fault of a broken tradition, of a forgotten training, and of
changed habits of life. That which was once the treasure of the few has somewhat
suffered in the general diffusion. Arts appear to languish in an atmosphere of
contagious mediocrity. There is no one to teach, either by word or by example, the
perfect design of Correggio, or the powerful brush-play of Tintoret. When we glance
over the treasures of those great English masters of prose, among whom Burke stands
almost last, our hearts may well sink within us. We have to study as well as we can,
and strive to pick up piece by piece the fragments of a lost mystery. It may be said that
we have developed qualities which are more real, more enduring, and more valuable.
Cuyp and Hals were doubtless greater masters in certain departments of their art than
Rubens; and Hallam presents us with a variety of political method which contrasts in
many respects advantageously with that of Burke. It is an interesting task to represent
faithfully and minutely the features of a distant scene, to magnify it and artificially to
approximate it to the eye of the observer, to blend its shadows carefully and easily with
a mild and uniform light, to balance the composition without the appearance of artifice,
and so nearly to lose and discard the effects of perspective that the picture shall almost
assume the proportions of a geometrical elevation. A sense of repose and of
completeness mingles perceptibly with our satisfaction at these works half of art, half of
antiquarianism. Burke is a Rubens rather than a Cuyp. The objects are distinct and near
at hand: the canvas is large, the composition almost coarse in its boldness and
strength, and the colours are audaciously contrasted and dashed in with a sort of
gallant carelessness. The human face is exaggerated in its proportions, and we attribute
more to the quick imagination of the artist than to the mere influence of the objects
which he proposes to himself to delineate. More than all, however, in the writing of
Burke, is the effect due to a certain firm and uniformly large method of manipulation.
His thoughts run naturally, as it were, into large type out of the “quick forge and
working-house” of his thought. Profound as they are, they never appear as the forced
and unmellowed fruit of study. Objective as they are, they come nearer to the lively
impress of the man who thinks, than to the mere portraiture of the thing he is
contemplating. We feel that we are in the presence of une âme à double et triple étage.
Such is, in great measure, the general characteristic of what De Quincey has
denominated the Literature of Power, the stimulating, fructifying, and if its seed should
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March 11, 1875.
[1.] In one or two recent instances a claim to sit by tenure has been advanced and
[1.] Burke himself quotes “our political poet” Denham (p. 216).
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[2.] In the opinion that France possessed all the elements of a good constitution, which
only required to be cleared of rust and obstructions and put in working condition, Burke
erred with many intelligent and patriotic Frenchmen. We can now see that such was not
the case, and further that France was not at that time in a condition to adopt any
political system of the kind which was then meant by the term constitutional. The
boasted English constitution of Burke’s time was a notorious sham. It has now been
exploded; England, as every one knows, is a democracy ruled by the delegates of the
Commons. But it was that very pasteboard show of interdependent powers which was
fast losing its credit in England, which Burke wished to see imitated in France.
Montesquieu was more clear-sighted. Intensely as he affected to admire the political
system of England, his doctrine was that France ought to be left alone. “Leave us as we
are,” is the constant theme of that hypothetical speaker by whom Montesquieu (De
l’Esprit des Lois, Liv. xix. ch. 5–8) expresses his own opinions. “Nature compensates for
everything.” Many smiled contemptuously when they heard people talk of liberty and a
constitution. Montesquieu had said that a free nation only could have a liberator, an
enslaved nation could only have another oppressor. He little knew the terrible
awakening which was reserved for the French nation: but he was probably right in
counselling that such an awakening should not be anticipated by a false political
reformation. The reform which France wanted was a social one: the need penetrated to
the very roots of the nation’s life. The selfishness and cruelty of whole classes had to be
exorcised: a slumbering nation had to be aroused to a sense of political duty. It is hard
in the present day to imagine how completely public spirit had vanished from the mass
of the French nation, and how utterly void the French were at that time of political
knowledge or experience. Turgot was as solitary a being in France as if his lot had been
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cast in the Sandwich islands. Except a few men of the type of Sieyes, probably few
French politicians cared for politics otherwise than as an amusement, or a path to
distinction. The Frenchman was repelled by what Burke calls the “severe brow of moral
freedom.” Voltaire at Ferney looked on the political affairs of Geneva merely as a matter
for satire and ridicule. “It is impossible,” said a Frenchman to Groenfelt, in 1789, “for a
Frenchman to be serious: we must amuse ourselves, and in pursuit of our amusements
we continually change our object, but those very changes prove us always the same. . .
. Our nation is naturally gay. Political liberty requires a degree of seriousness, which is
not in our character: we shall soon grow sick of politics.” (Letters on the Revolution, p.
4.) This gay incuriosity is still the characteristic of the vast majority; and hence France
has ever since been, though in a diminishing degree, the prey of petty and interested
[3.] Coleridge.
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[2.] De Quincey.
[1.] Bristle, in his dialogue with Sir Edward Courtly, describes the old practice in less
plausible terms: “I think, Sir, that it’s very civil of you to come and spend fifteen
hundred or two thousand pounds, besides being obliged to keep company with a parcel
of dirty, drunken, ill-mannered fellows for two or three months together, without any
other design but serving your country.” The Craftsman, No. 58. “Drunkenness, rioting,
and insolence, on the one side, abject flattery, cringing and preposterous adulation on
the other,” was the true meaning of the “little arts and devices of popularity.”
[1.] Bacon records this as a repartee of Queen Elizabeth to an insolent courtier. She
sarcastically added—“but it keeps them poor.”
[3.] For this paragraph, for that which commences at the tenth line of page 78, and for
many of the Notes at the end of the volume, the Editor is indebted to the accomplished
pen of John Frederick Boyes, Esq. It may be added that Burke was deeply offended at
the neglect his views from the first met with in the English political world. “Pique,” says
Sir G. Savile, in a letter to the Marquis of Rockingham, “is one of the strongest motives
in the human mind. Fear is strong, but transient. Interest is more lasting, perhaps, and
steady, but infinitely weaker; I will ever back pique against them both. It is the spur the
Devil rides the noblest tempers with, and will do more work with them in a week, than
with other poor jades in a twelve-month.”
[1.] In a debate after the riots of 1780, Burke adverted to his early education at the
school of Mr. Shackleton. “Under his eye I have read the Bible, morning, noon, and
night, and have ever since been the happier and better man for such reading. I
afterwards turned my attention to the reading of all the theological publications on all
sides, which were written with such wonderful ability in the last and present centuries.
But, finding at length that such studies tended to confound and bewilder rather than
enlighten, I dropped them, embracing and holding fast a firm faith in the Church of
[1.] The substantive “cement,” by the way, unlike the verb “to cement,” should be
accented on the first syllable. This trifle is essential to the harmony of more than one of
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[1.] The connexion, however, is rather conventional. There was little in common
between Burke and De Bonald, who recommended despotism as the primitive and
normal form of legislation, and objected to toleration.
[2.] “Ueber die Staats-wissenschaft, von Friedrich Ancillon. Berlin, 1820.” Political
theory, like everything else, has its uses as well as its abuses. “The successful progress
of reforms depends in a great measure on the political maxims which prevail among
governors and governed, and on the advances of political science. False doctrines lead
to erratic wishes, destructive misconceptions, and dangerous misinterpretations. Theory
must combat and clear away the errors of theories, indicate the general direction of the
right way, and establish the true goal; it will thus be easier for practical politics,
conducted by experience, to construct every portion of the road with a sure hand and
firm footsteps.” Ancillon, Preface, p. xxxi.
[1.] It would be unjust to pass over the name of Mathias, the author of the “Pursuits of
Literature,” a clever satire, illustrated with instructive and amusing original notes. No
one should omit to read it who would comprehend the direct effect of Burke on his own
generation. At this distance of time, however, we do not tolerate idle panegyrics.
Johnson once said, somewhat pettishly, “Where is all the wonder? Burke is, to be sure,
a man of uncommon abilities; with a great quantity of matter in his mind, and a great
fluency of language in his mouth; but we are not to be stunned and astonished by him!”
Boswell, ed. Croker, p. 681.
In the Introduction to the previous volume was inserted an inscription, written by Dr.
Parr, intended for a national monument to Burke. It may be interesting to add here the
equally masterly one inserted by Parr in the Dedication to his edition of Bellendenus.
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The Author began a second and more full discussion on the subject.
This he had some thoughts of publishing early in the last spring; but p. 88-8
the matter gaining upon him, he found that what he had undertaken
not only far exceeded the measure of a letter, but that its importance
required rather a more detailed consideration than at that time he had
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any leisure to bestow upon it. However, having thrown down his first
thoughts in the form of a letter, and indeed when he sat down to
write, having intended it for a private letter, he found it difficult to
change the form of address, when his sentiments had grown into a
greater extent, and had received another direction. A different plan,
he is sensible, might be more favourable to a commodious division
and distribution of his matter.
YOU ARE PLEASED TO CALL AGAIN, and with some earnestness, for my
thoughts on the late proceedings in France. I will not give you reason
to imagine that I think my sentiments of such value as to wish myself
to be solicited about them. They are of too little consequence to be
very anxiously either communicated or withheld. It was from attention
to you, and to you only, that I hesitated at the time, when you first
desired to receive them. In the first letter I had the honour to write to
p. 88-29 you, and which at length I send, I wrote neither for nor from any
description of men; nor shall I in this. My errors, if any, are my own.
My reputation alone is to answer for them.
You see, Sir, by the long letter I have transmitted to you, that, though
I do most heartily wish that France may be animated by a spirit of p. 89-3
rational liberty, and that I think you bound, in all honest policy, to
p. 89-4 provide a permanent body, in which that spirit may reside, and an
effectual organ, by which it may act, it is my misfortune to entertain
great doubts concerning several material points in your late
You imagined, when you wrote last, that I might possibly be reckoned
among the approvers of certain proceedings in France, from the
solemn public seal of sanction they have received from two clubs of
gentlemen in London, called the Constitutional Society, and the
Revolution Society.
I certainly have the honour to belong to more clubs than one, in which p. 89-13
the constitution of this kingdom and the principles of the glorious
Revolution, are held in high reverence: and I reckon myself among
the most forward in my zeal for maintaining that constitution and
those principles in their utmost purity and vigour. It is because I do
so, that I think it necessary for me, that there should be no mistake.
Those who cultivate the memory of our revolution, and those who are
attached to the constitution of this kingdom, will take good care how
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they are involved with persons who, under the pretext of zeal towards
the Revolution and Constitution, too frequently wander from their true
principles; and are ready on every occasion to depart from the firm
but cautious and deliberate spirit which produced the one, and which
presides in the other. Before I proceed to answer the more material
particulars in your letter, I shall beg leave to give you such
information as I have been able to obtain of the two clubs which have
thought proper, as bodies, to interfere in the concerns of France; first
assuring you, that I am not, and that I have never been, a member of
either of those societies.
p. 89-33 The first, calling itself the Constitutional Society, or Society for
Constitutional Information, or by some such title, is, I believe, of
seven or eight years standing. The institution of this society appears
to be of a charitable, and so far of a laudable, nature: it was intended
for the circulation, at the expence of the members, of many books, p. 90-2
which few others would be at the expence of buying; and which might
p. 90-5 lie on the hands of the booksellers, to the great loss of an useful body
of men. Whether the books so charitably circulated, were ever as p. 90-7
charitably read, is more than I know. Possibly several of them have
been exported to France; and, like goods not in request here, may
p. 90-10 with you have found a market. I have heard much talk of the lights to
be drawn from books that are sent from hence. What improvements
they have had in their passage (as it is said some liquors are p. 90-12
meliorated by crossing the sea) I cannot tell: But I never heard a man
of common judgment, or the least degree of information, speak a
word in praise of the greater part of the publications circulated by that
society; nor have their proceedings been accounted, except by some
of themselves, as of any serious consequence.
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p. 93-29 When I see the spirit of liberty in action, I see a strong principle at
work; and this, for a while, is all I can possibly know of it. The wild
gas, the fixed air, is plainly broke loose: but we ought to suspend our p. 93-31
p. 93-32 judgment until the first effervescence is a little subsided, till the liquor
is cleared, and until we see something deeper than the agitation of a
troubled and frothy surface. I must be tolerably sure, before I venture
publicly to congratulate men upon a blessing, that they have really
p. 94-2.2 received one. Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver; and p. 94-2.1
adulation is not of more service to the people than to kings. I should
therefore suspend my congratulations on the new liberty of France,
until I was informed how it had been combined with government; with p. 94-5
public force; with the discipline and obedience of armies; with the
collection of an effective and well-distributed revenue; with morality
p. 94-9 and religion; with the solidity of property; with peace and order; with
civil and social manners. All these (in their way) are good things too;
and, without them, liberty is not a benefit whilst it lasts, and is not
likely to continue long. The effect of liberty to individuals is, that they
may do what they please: we ought to see what it will please them to p. 94-13
do, before we risque congratulations, which may be soon turned into
complaints. Prudence would dictate this in the case of separate
p. 94-17 insulated private men; but liberty, when men act in bodies, is power.
Considerate people, before they declare themselves, will observe the
use which is made of power; and particularly of so trying a thing as
new power in new persons, of whose principles, tempers, and
dispositions, they have little or no experience, and in situations where p. 94-22
those who appear the most stirring in the scene may possibly not be
the real movers.
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p. 96-15 On the forenoon of the 4th of November last, Doctor Richard Price, a
non-conforming minister of eminence, preached at the dissenting
meeting-house of the Old Jewry, to his club or society, a very
extraordinary miscellaneous sermon, in which there are some good
moral and religious sentiments, and not ill expressed, mixed up in a
sort of porridge of various political opinions and reflections: but the
revolution in France is the grand ingredient in the cauldron. I consider p. 96-21
the address transmitted by the Revolution Society to the National
Assembly, through Earl Stanhope, as originating in the principles of
the sermon, and as a corollary from them. It was moved by the
preacher of that discourse. It was passed by those who came reeking
from the effect of the sermon, without any censure or qualification,
expressed or implied. If, however, any of the gentlemen concerned
shall wish to separate the sermon from the resolution, they know how
to acknowledge the one, and to disavow the other. They may do it: I
That sermon is in a strain which I believe has not been heard in this
kingdom, in any of the pulpits which are tolerated or encouraged in it,
since the year 1648, when a predecessor of Dr. Price, the Reverend p. 97-8
Hugh Peters, made the vault of the king’s own chapel at St. James’s
ring with the honour and privilege of the Saints, who, with the “high
praises of God in their mouths, and a two-edged sword in their hands,
were to execute judgment on the heathen, and punishments upon the
people; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of
p. 97-15 *
iron.” Few harangues from the pulpit, except in the days of your
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this town, which begins to grow satiated with the uniform round of its p. 99-3.2
p. 99-5 vapid dissipations. I should only stipulate that these new Mess-Johns
in robes and coronets should keep some sort of bounds in the
democratic and levelling principles which are expected from their
titled pulpits. The new evangelists will, I dare say, disappoint the
hopes that are conceived of them. They will not become, literally as
well as figuratively, polemic divines, nor be disposed so to drill their
congregations that they may, as in former blessed times, preach their
doctrines to regiments of dragoons, and corps of infantry and artillery.
Such arrangements, however favourable to the cause of compulsory
freedom, civil and religious, may not be equally conducive to the
national tranquillity. These few restrictions I hope are no great
stretches of intolerance, no very violent exertions of despotism.
BUT I MAY SAY OF OUR PREACHER, “utinam nugis tota illa dedisset tempora p. 99-18
saevitiae.” All things in this his fulminating bull are not of so innoxious
a tendency. His doctrines affect our constitution in its vital parts. He
tells the Revolution Society, in this political sermon, that his majesty
p. 99-22 “is almost the only lawful king in the world, because the only one who
owes his crown to the choice of his people.” As to the kings of the
world, all of whom (except one) this archpontiff of the rights of men,
with all the plenitude, and with more than the boldness of the papal
p. 99-27.2 deposing power in its meridian fervour of the twelfth century, puts p. 99-27.1
into one sweeping clause of ban and anathema, and proclaims
usurpers by circles of longitude and latitude, over the whole globe, it
behoves them to consider how they admit into their territories these
apostolic missionaries, who are to tell their subjects they are not
lawful kings. That is their concern. It is ours, as a domestic interest of
some moment, seriously to consider the solidity of the only principle
upon which these gentlemen acknowledge a king of Great Britain to
be entitled to their allegiance.
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electoral college, if things were ripe to give effect to their claim. His
majesty’s heirs and successors, each in his time and order, will come
to the crown with the same contempt of their choice with which his
majesty has succeeded to that he wears.
This new, and hitherto unheard-of bill of rights, though made in the
name of the whole people, belongs to those gentlemen and their
faction only. The body of the people of England have no share in it.
They utterly disclaim it. They will resist the practical assertion of it
p. 102-20 with their lives and fortunes. They are bound to do so by the laws of
their country, made at the time of that very Revolution, which is
appealed to in favour of the fictitious rights claimed by the society
which abuses its name.
THESE GENTLEMEN OF THE OLD JEWRY, in all their reasonings on the p. 102-26
Revolution of 1688, have a revolution which happened in England
about forty years before, and the late French revolution, so much
p. 102-29 before their eyes, and in their hearts, that they are constantly
confounding all the three together. It is necessary that we should
separate what they confound. We must recall their erring fancies to
the acts of the Revolution which we revere, for the discovery of its
true principles. If the principles of the Revolution of 1688 are any
where to be found, it is in the statute called the Declaration of Right.
In that most wise, sober, and considerate declaration, drawn up by
great lawyers and great statesmen, and not by warm and
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This Declaration of Right (the act of the 1st of William and Mary, sess. p. 103-11
p. 103-12 2. ch. 2) is the corner-stone of our constitution, as reinforced,
explained, improved, and in its fundamental principles for ever
settled. It is called “An act for declaring the rights and liberties of the
subject, and for settling the succession of the crown.” You will
observe, that these rights and this succession are declared in one
body, and bound indissolubly together.
A few years after this period, a second opportunity offered for p. 103-19
asserting a right of election to the crown. On the prospect of a total
failure of issue from King William, and from the Princess, afterwards
Queen Anne, the consideration of the settlement of the crown, and of
a further security for the liberties of the people, again came before
the legislature. Did they this second time make any provision for
legalizing the crown on the spurious Revolution principles of the Old
Jewry? No. They followed the principles which prevailed in the
Declaration of Right; indicating with more precision the persons who
were to inherit in the Protestant line. This act also incorporated, by
the same policy, our liberties, and an hereditary succession in the
same act. Instead of a right to choose our own governors, they
declared that the succession in that line (the protestant line drawn
from James the First) was absolutely necessary “for the peace, quiet,
and security of the realm,” and that it was equally urgent on them “to
maintain a certainty in the succession thereof, to which the subjects
may safely have recourse for their protection.” Both these acts, in
which are heard the unerring, unambiguous oracles of Revolution
p. 104-5 policy, instead of countenancing the delusive, gypsey predictions of a
“right to choose our governors,” prove to a demonstration how totally
p. 104-7 adverse the wisdom of the nation was from turning a case of necessity p. 104-6
into a rule of law.
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time is a proof that the nation was of opinion it ought not to be done
at any time. There is no person so completely ignorant of our history,
as not to know, that the majority in parliament of both parties were
so little disposed to any thing resembling that principle, that at first
they were determined to place the vacant crown, not on the head of
p. 104-24.1 the prince of Orange, but on that of his wife Mary, daughter of King
James, the eldest born of the issue of that king, which they p. 104-24.2
acknowledged as undoubtedly his. It would be to repeat a very trite
story, to recall to your memory all those circumstances which
p. 104-29 demonstrated that their accepting king William was not properly a
choice; but, to all those who did not wish, in effect to recall King
James, or to deluge their country in blood, and again to bring their
religion, laws, and liberties into the peril they had just escaped, it was
an act of necessity, in the strictest moral sense in which necessity can
be taken.
In the very act, in which for a time, and in a single case, parliament
departed from the strict order of inheritance, in favour of a prince,
who, though not next, was however very near in the line of
succession, it is curious to observe how Lord Somers, who drew the
bill called the Declaration of Right, has comported himself on that
delicate occasion. It is curious to observe with what address this
temporary solution of continuity is kept from the eye; whilst all that
could be found in this act of necessity to countenance the idea of an
hereditary succession is brought forward, and fostered, and made the
most of, by this great man, and by the legislature who followed him.
Quitting the dry, imperative style of an act of parliament, he makes
the lords and commons fall to a pious, legislative ejaculation, and
declare, that they consider it “as a marvellous providence, and
merciful goodness of God to this nation, to preserve their said
majesties’ royal persons most happily to reign over us on the throne p. 105-15
of their ancestors, for which, from the bottom of their hearts, they
return their humblest thanks and praises.” The legislature plainly had
in view the Act of Recognition of the first of Queen Elizabeth, Chap.
3d, and of that of James the First, Chap. 1st, both acts strongly
declaratory of the inheritable nature of the crown; and in many parts
they follow, with a nearly literal precision, the words and even the
form of thanksgiving, which is found in these old declaratory statutes.
The two houses, in the act of king William, did not thank God that
they had found a fair opportunity to assert a right to choose their own
governors, much less to make an election the only lawful title to the
crown. Their having been in a condition to avoid the very appearance
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They knew that a doubtful title of succession would but too much
resemble an election; and that an election would be utterly
destructive of the “unity, peace, and tranquillity of this nation,” which
they thought to be considerations of some moment. To provide for
these objects, and therefore to exclude for ever the Old Jewry
doctrine of “a right to choose our own governors,” they follow with a
clause, containing a most solemn pledge, taken from the preceding
act of Queen Elizabeth, as solemn a pledge as ever was or can be
given in favour of an hereditary succession, and as solemn a
renunciation as could be made of the principles by this society
imputed to them. “The lords spiritual and temporal, and commons,
do, in the name of all the people aforesaid, most humbly and faithfully
submit themselves, their heirs and posterities for ever; and do
faithfully promise, that they will stand to, maintain, and defend their
said majesties, and also the limitation of the crown, herein specified p. 106-31
and contained, to the utmost of their powers,” &c. &c.
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It is true that, aided with the powers derived from force and p. 107-12
opportunity, the nation was at that time, in some sense, free to take
what course it pleased for filling the throne; but only free to do so
upon the same grounds on which they might have wholly abolished
their monarchy, and every other part of their constitution. However
they did not think such bold changes within their commission. It is
p. 107-18 indeed difficult, perhaps impossible, to give limits to the mere abstract
competence of the supreme power, such as was exercised by
parliament at that time; but the limits of a moral competence,
subjecting, even in powers more indisputably sovereign, occasional
will to permanent reason, and to the steady maxims of faith, justice,
and fixed fundamental policy, are perfectly intelligible, and perfectly
binding upon those who exercise any authority, under any name, or
under any title, in the state. The house of lords, for instance, is not p. 107-27
morally competent to dissolve the house of commons; no, nor even to
dissolve itself, nor to abdicate, if it would, its portion in the legislature
of the kingdom. Though a king may abdicate for his own person, he
cannot abdicate for the monarchy. By as strong, or by a stronger
reason, the house of commons cannot renounce its share of authority.
The engagement and pact of society, which generally goes by the
p. 107-34 name of the constitution, forbids such invasion and such surrender.
The constituent parts of a state are obliged to hold their public faith
with each other, and with all those who derive any serious interest
under their engagements, as much as the whole state is bound to
keep its faith with separate communities. Otherwise competence and
power would soon be confounded, and no law be left but the will of a
prevailing force. On this principle the succession of the crown has
always been what it now is, an hereditary succession by law: in the
old line it was a succession by the common law; in the new, by the
statute law, operating on the principles of the common law, not p. 108-10
changing the substance, but regulating the mode, and describing the
persons. Both these descriptions of law are of the same force, and are
derived from an equal authority, emanating from the common
p. 108-14 agreement and original compact of the state, communi sponsione
reipublicae, and as such are equally binding on king, and people too,
as long as the terms are observed, and they continue the same body
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A state without the means of some change is without the means of its
conservation. Without such means it might even risque the loss of
that part of the constitution which it wished the most religiously to
preserve. The two principles of conservation and correction operated
strongly at the two critical periods of the Restoration and Revolution,
when England found itself without a king. At both those periods the
nation had lost the bond of union in their antient edifice; they did not,
however, dissolve the whole fabric. On the contrary, in both cases
they regenerated the deficient part of the old constitution through the
parts which were not impaired. They kept these old parts exactly as
they were, that the part recovered might be suited to them. They
acted by the ancient organized states in the shape of their old p. 109-10
p. 109-11 organization, and not by the organic moleculae of a disbanded people.
At no time, perhaps, did the sovereign legislature manifest a more
tender regard to their fundamental principle of British constitutional
policy, than at the time of the Revolution, when it deviated from the
direct line of hereditary succession. The crown was carried somewhat
out of the line in which it had before moved; but the new line was
derived from the same stock. It was still a line of hereditary descent;
still an hereditary descent in the same blood, though an hereditary
descent qualified with protestantism. When the legislature altered the
direction, but kept the principle, they shewed that they held it
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shewn sufficiently.
The Princess Sophia was named in the Act of Settlement of the 12th
and 13th of King William, for a stock and root of inheritance to our p. 111-27
kings, and not for her merits as a temporary administratrix of a
power, which she might not, and in fact did not, herself ever exercise.
She was adopted for one reason, and for one only, because, says the
act, “the most excellent Princess Sophia, Electress and Dutchess
p. 111-32 Dowager of Hanover, is daughter of the most excellent Princess
Elizabeth, late Queen of Bohemia, daughter of our late sovereign lord
King James the First, of happy memory, and is hereby declared to be
the next in succession in the Protestant line,” &c. &c.; “and the crown
shall continue to the heirs of her body, being Protestants.” This
limitation was made by parliament, that through the Princess Sophia
an inheritable line, not only was to be continued in future but (what
they thought very material) that through her it was to be connected
with the old stock of inheritance in King James the First; in order that
the monarchy might preserve an unbroken unity through all ages, and
might be preserved, with safety to our religion, in the old approved
mode by descent, in which, if our liberties had been once endangered,
they had often, through all storms and struggles of prerogative and
privilege, been preserved. They did well. No experience has taught us,
that in any other course or method than that of an hereditary crown,
our liberties can be regularly perpetuated and preserved sacred as our
hereditary right. An irregular, convulsive movement may be necessary
to throw off an irregular, convulsive disease. But the course of
succession is the healthy habit of the British constitution. Was it that
the legislature wanted, at the act for the limitation of the crown in the
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The people of England will not ape the fashions they have never tried;
nor go back to those which they have found mischievous on trial.
They look upon the legal hereditary succession of their crown as
among their rights, not as among their wrongs; as a benefit, not as a
grievance; as a security for their liberty, not as a badge of servitude.
They look on the frame of their commonwealth, such as it stands, to
be of inestimable value; and they conceive the undisturbed succession
of the crown to be a pledge of the stability and perpetuity of all the p. 113-27
other members of our constitution.
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paltry artifices, which the abettors of election as the only lawful title
to the crown, are ready to employ, in order to render the support of
the just principles of our constitution a task somewhat invidious.
These sophisters substitute a fictitious cause, and feigned personages,
in whose favour they suppose you engaged, whenever you defend the
p. 114-1 inheritable nature of the crown. It is common with them to dispute as
if they were in a conflict with some of those exploded fanatics of p. 114-2
slavery, who formerly maintained, what I believe no creature now
maintains, “that the crown is held by divine, hereditary, and
indefeasible right.” These old fanatics of single arbitrary power
dogmatized as if hereditary royalty was the only lawful government in
p. 114-7 the world, just as our new fanatics of popular arbitrary power
maintain that a popular election is the sole lawful source of authority.
The old prerogative enthusiasts, it is true, did speculate foolishly, and
perhaps impiously too, as if monarchy had more of a divine sanction p. 114-11
than any other mode of government; and as if a right to govern by
inheritance were in strictness indefeasible in every person, who should
be found in the succession to a throne, and under every circumstance,
which no civil or political right can be. But an absurd opinion
concerning the king’s hereditary right to the crown does not prejudice
one that is rational, and bottomed upon solid principles of law and
policy. If all the absurd theories of lawyers and divines were to vitiate
the objects in which they are conversant, we should have no law, and
no religion, left in the world. But an absurd theory on one side of a
question forms no justification for alledging a false fact, or
promulgating mischievous maxims, on the other.
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Dr. Price, in this sermon, condemns very properly the practice of
gross, adulatory addresses to kings. Instead of this fulsome style, he
proposes that his majesty should be told, on occasions of
congratulation, that “he is to consider himself as more properly the p. 116-17
servant than the sovereign of his people.” For a compliment, this new
form of address does not seem to be very soothing. Those who are
servants, in name, as well as in effect, do not like to be told of their
situation, their duty, and their obligations. The slave, in the old play,
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p. 116-22 tells his master, “Haec commemoratio est quasi exprobratio.” It is not
pleasant as compliment; it is not wholesome as instruction. After all, if
the king were to bring himself to echo this new kind of address, to
adopt it in terms, and even to take the appellation of Servant of the
People as his royal style, how either he or we should be much mended
by it, I cannot imagine. I have seen very assuming letters, signed,
“Your most obedient, humble servant.” The proudest domination that
ever was endured on earth took a title of still greater humility than
that which is now proposed for sovereigns by the Apostle of Liberty.
Kings and nations were trampled upon by the foot of one calling
himself “the Servant of Servants”; and mandates for deposing
sovereigns were sealed with the signet of “the Fisherman.”
Kings, in one sense, are undoubtedly the servants of the people, p. 117-7
because their power has no other rational end than that of the general
advantage; but it is not true that they are, in the ordinary sense (by
our constitution, at least) any thing like servants; the essence of
whose situation is to obey the commands of some other, and to be
removeable at pleasure. But the king of Great Britain obeys no other
person; all other persons are individually, and collectively too, under
him, and owe to him a legal obedience. The law, which knows neither
to flatter nor to insult, calls this high magistrate, not our servant, as
this humble Divine calls him, but “our sovereign Lord the King”; and
p. 117-18 we, on our parts, have learned to speak only the primitive language of
the law, and not the confused jargon of their Babylonian pulpits.
As he is not to obey us, but as we are to obey the law in him, our
constitution has made no sort of provision towards rendering him, as
a servant, in any degree responsible. Our constitution knows nothing
of a magistrate like the Justicia of Arragon; nor of any court legally p. 117-24
appointed, nor of any process legally settled for submitting the king to
the responsibility belonging to all servants. In this he is not
distinguished from the commons and the lords; who, in their several
public capacities, can never be called to an account for their conduct;
although the Revolution Society chooses to assert, in direct opposition
to one of the wisest and most beautiful parts of our constitution, that
“a king is no more than the first servant of the public, created by it,
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Ill would our ancestors at the Revolution have deserved their fame for
wisdom, if they had found no security for their freedom, but in
rendering their government feeble in its operations, and precarious in
its tenure; if they had been able to contrive no better remedy against
p. 118-3 arbitrary power than civil confusion. Let these gentlemen state who
that representative public is to whom they will affirm the king, as a
servant, to be responsible. It will be then time enough for me to
produce to them the positive statute law which affirms that he is not. p. 118-6
P. 119-4 THE THIRD HEAD OF RIGHT, asserted by the pulpit of the Old Jewry,
namely, the “right to form a government for ourselves,” has, at least,
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Our oldest reformation is that of Magna Charta. You will see that Sir
Edward Coke, that great oracle of our law, and indeed all the great
men who follow him, to Blackstone, are industrious to prove the
pedigree of our liberties. They endeavour to prove, that the antient p. 120-1
charter, the Magna Charta of King John, was connected with another
positive charter from Henry I. and that both the one and the other
were nothing more than a re-affirmance of the still more antient
standing law of the kingdom. In the matter of fact, for the greater
part, these authors appear to be in the right; perhaps not always: but
if the lawyers mistake in some particulars, it proves my position still
the more strongly; because it demonstrates the powerful
prepossession towards antiquity, with which the minds of all our
lawyers and legislators, and of all the people whom they wish to
influence, have been always filled; and the stationary policy of this
kingdom in considering their most sacred rights and franchises as an
In the famous law of the 3rd of Charles I. called the Petition of Right,
the parliament says to the king, “Your subjects have inherited this
freedom,” claiming their franchises, not on abstract principles as the
p. 120-18 “rights of men,” but as the rights of Englishmen, and as a patrimony
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derived from their forefathers. Selden, and the other profoundly p. 120-20
learned men, who drew this petition of right, were as well acquainted,
p. 120-22 at least, with all the general theories concerning the “rights of men,”
as any of the discoursers in our pulpits, or on your tribune; full as well
as Dr. Price, or as the Abbé Sieyes. But, for reasons worthy of that
practical wisdom which superseded their theoretic science, they
preferred this positive, recorded, hereditary title to all which can be
dear to the man and the citizen, to that vague speculative right, which
exposed their sure inheritance to be scrambled for and torn to pieces
by every wild litigious spirit.
The same policy pervades all the laws which have since been made for
the preservation of our liberties. In the 1st of William and Mary, in the
famous statute, called the Declaration of Right, the two houses utter
not a syllable of “a right to frame a government for themselves.” You
will see, that their whole care was to secure the religion, laws, and
liberties, that had been long possessed, and had been lately
endangered. “Taking into their most serious consideration the best
means for making such an establishment, that their religion, laws,
and liberties might not be in danger of being again subverted,” they
auspicate all their proceedings, by stating as some of those best
means, “in the first place” to do “as their ancestors in like cases have
usually done for vindicating their antient rights and liberties, to
declare”; and then they pray the king and queen, “that it may be
declared and enacted, that all and singular the rights and liberties
asserted and declared are the true antient and indubitable rights and
liberties of the people of this kingdom.”
You will observe, that from Magna Charta to the Declaration of Right, p. 121-14
p. 121-15 it has been the uniform policy of our constitution to claim and assert
p. 121-17 our liberties, as an entailed inheritance derived to us from our p. 123-16
forefathers, and to be transmitted to our posterity; as an estate
specially belonging to the people of this kingdom without any
reference whatever to any other more general or prior right. By this
means our constitution preserves an unity in so great a diversity of its p. 121-21
p. 121-22 parts. We have an inheritable crown; an inheritable peerage; and an
house of commons and a people inheriting privileges, franchises, and
liberties, from a long line of ancestors.
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You might, if you pleased, have profited of our example, and have
given to your recovered freedom a correspondent dignity. Your
privileges, though discontinued, were not lost to memory. Your
constitution, it is true, whilst you were out of possession, suffered
waste and dilapidation; but you possessed in some parts the walls, p. 123-27
and in all the foundations, of a noble and venerable castle. You might
have repaired those walls; you might have built on those old
foundations. Your constitution was suspended before it was perfected;
p. 123-31 but you had the elements of a constitution very nearly as good as
could be wished. In your old states you possessed that variety of p. 123-32
parts corresponding with the various descriptions of which your
community was happily composed; you had all that combination, and
all that opposition of interests, you had that action and counteraction
which, in the natural and in the political world, from the reciprocal
struggle of discordant powers, draws out the harmony of the universe.
These opposed and conflicting interests, which you considered as so
great a blemish in your old and in our present constitution, interpose
a salutary check to all precipitate resolutions; they render deliberation
p. 124-8 a matter not of choice, but of necessity; they make all change a
subject of compromise, which naturally begets moderation; they
produce temperaments, preventing the sore evil of harsh, crude, p. 124-9
unqualified reformations; and rendering all the headlong exertions of
arbitrary power, in the few or in the many, for ever impracticable.
Through that diversity of members and interests, general liberty had
as many securities as there were separate views in the several orders;
whilst by pressing down the whole by the weight of a real monarchy,
the separate parts would have been prevented from warping and
starting from their allotted places.
You had all these advantages in your antient states; but you chose to
act as if you had never been moulded into civil society, and had
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p. 127-3 France, by the perfidy of her leaders, has utterly disgraced the tone of
lenient council in the cabinets of princes, and disarmed it of its most p. 127-5
potent topics. She has sanctified the dark suspicious maxims of
tyrannous distrust; and taught kings to tremble at (what will hereafter
be called) the delusive plausibilities of moral politicians. Sovereigns
will consider those who advise them to place an unlimited confidence
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This was unnatural. The rest is in order. They have found their
punishment in their success. Laws overturned; tribunals subverted;
industry without vigour; commerce expiring; the revenue unpaid, yet
the people impoverished; a church pillaged, and a state not relieved;
civil and military anarchy made the constitution of the kingdom; every
p. 128-6 thing human and divine sacrificed to the idol of public credit, and
national bankruptcy the consequence; and to crown all, the paper
securities of new, precarious, tottering power, the discredited paper
securities of impoverished fraud, and beggared rapine, held out as a
currency for the support of an empire, in lieu of the two great
recognised species that represent the lasting conventional credit of p. 128-11
p. 128-13 mankind, which disappeared and hid themselves in the earth from
whence they came, when the principle of property, whose creatures
and representatives they are, was systematically subverted.
Were all these dreadful things necessary? Were they the inevitable
results of the desperate struggle of determined patriots, compelled to
wade through blood and tumult, to the quiet shore of a tranquil and
prosperous liberty? No! nothing like it. The fresh ruins of France, p. 128-20
which shock our feelings wherever we can turn our eyes, are not the
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devastation of civil war; they are the sad but instructive monuments
of rash and ignorant counsel in time of profound peace. They are the
display of inconsiderate and presumptuous, because unresisted and
irresistible authority. The persons who have thus squandered away
the precious treasure of their crimes, the persons who have made this
p. 128-28 prodigal and wild waste of public evils (the last stake reserved for the
ultimate ransom of the state) have met in their progress with little, or
rather with no opposition at all. Their whole march was more like a
triumphal procession than the progress of a war. Their pioneers have p. 128-31
gone before them, and demolished and laid every thing level at their
feet. Not one drop of their blood have they shed in the cause of the
country they have ruined. They have made no sacrifices to their
p. 129-1 projects of greater consequence than their shoebuckles, whilst they
were imprisoning their king, murdering their fellow citizens, and
bathing in tears, and plunging in poverty and distress, thousands of
worthy men and worthy families. Their cruelty has not even been the
base result of fear. It has been the effect of their sense of perfect
safety, in authorizing treasons, robberies, rapes, assassinations,
slaughters, and burnings throughout their harrassed land. But the
cause of all was plain from the beginning.
THIS UNFORCED CHOICE, this fond election of evil, would appear perfectly
unaccountable, if we did not consider the composition of the National
Assembly; I do not mean its formal constitution, which, as it now
stands, is exceptionable enough, but the materials of which in a great
measure it is composed, which is of ten thousand times greater p. 129-14
consequence than all the formalities in the world. If we were to know
nothing of this Assembly but by its title and function, no colours could
paint to the imagination any thing more venerable. In that light the
mind of an enquirer, subdued by such an awful image as that of the
virtue and wisdom of a whole people collected into a focus, would
pause and hesitate in condemning things even of the very worst
aspect. Instead of blameable, they would appear only mysterious. But
no name, no power, no function, no artificial institution whatsoever,
can make the men of whom any system of authority is composed, any
other than God, and nature, and education, and their habits of life
have made them. Capacities beyond these the people have not to
give. Virtue and wisdom may be the objects of their choice; but their
choice confers neither the one nor the other on those upon whom
p. 129-29 they lay their ordaining hands. They have not the engagement of
nature, they have not the promise of revelation for any such powers.
AFTER I HAD READ OVER the list of the persons and descriptions elected
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into the Tiers Etat, nothing which they afterwards did could appear
astonishing. Among them, indeed, I saw some of known rank; some
of shining talents; but of any practical experience in the state, not one p. 130-2
man was to be found. The best were only men of theory. But
whatever the distinguished few may have been, it is the substance
and mass of the body which constitutes its character, and must finally
p. 130-7 determine its direction. In all bodies, those who will lead, must also,
in a considerable degree, follow. They must conform their propositions
to the taste, talent, and disposition of those whom they wish to
conduct: therefore, if an Assembly is viciously or feebly composed in a
very great part of it, nothing but such a supreme degree of virtue as
very rarely appears in the world, and for that reason cannot enter into
calculation, will prevent the men of talents disseminated through it
from becoming only the expert instruments of absurd projects. If,
what is the more likely event, instead of that unusual degree of
virtue, they should be actuated by sinister ambition and a lust of
meretricious glory, then the feeble part of the Assembly, to whom at
first they conform, becomes in its turn the dupe and instrument of
their designs. In this political traffick the leaders will be obliged to
bow to the ignorance of their followers, and the followers to become
subservient to the worst designs of their leaders.
In the calling of the states general of France, the first thing which
struck me, was a great departure from the antient course. I found the
representation for the Third Estate composed of six hundred persons. p. 131-2
They were equal in number to the representatives of both of the other
orders. If the orders were to act separately, the number would not,
beyond the consideration of the expence, be of much moment. But
when it became apparent that the three orders were to be melted
down into one, the policy and necessary effect of this numerous
representation became obvious. A very small desertion from either of
the other two orders must throw the power of both into the hands of
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p. 131-11 the third. In fact, the whole power of the state was soon resolved into
that body. Its due composition became therefore of infinitely the
greater importance.
Judge, Sir, of my surprize, when I found that a very great proportion p. 131-14
p. 131-15 of the Assembly (a majority, I believe, of the members who attended)
p. 131-17 was composed of practitioners in the law. It was composed not of p. 131-16
distinguished magistrates, who had given pledges to their country of
their science, prudence, and integrity; not of leading advocates, the
glory of the bar; not of renowned professors in universities—but for
the far greater part, as it must in such a number, of the inferior, p. 131-21
unlearned, mechanical, merely instrumental members of the
p. 131-23 profession. There were distinguished exceptions; but the general
composition was of obscure provincial advocates, of stewards of petty
local jurisdictions, country attornies, notaries, and the whole train of
the ministers of municipal litigation, the fomenters and conductors of
the petty war of village vexation. From the moment I read the list I p. 131-28
saw distinctly, and very nearly as it has happened, all that was to
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traces of what we call the natural landed interest of the country. p. 133-32
After all, if the house of commons were to have an wholly professional p. 134-26
and faculty composition, what is the power of the house of commons,
circumscribed and shut in by the immoveable barriers of laws, usages,
positive rules of doctrine and practice, counterpoized by the house of
lords, and every moment of its existence at the discretion of the
p. 134-32 crown to continue, prorogue, or dissolve us? The power of the house
of commons, direct or indirect, is indeed great; and long may it be
able to preserve its greatness, and the spirit belonging to true
greatness, at the full; and it will do so, as long as it can keep the p. 135-1
breakers of law in India from becoming the makers of law for England.
The power, however, of the house of commons, when least
diminished, is as a drop of water in the ocean, compared to that
residing in a settled majority of your National Assembly. That
Assembly, since the destruction of the orders, has no fundamental
law, no strict convention, no respected usage to restrain it. Instead of
finding themselves obliged to conform to a fixed constitution, they
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TO OBSERVING MEN it must have appeared from the beginning, that the
majority of the Third Estate, in conjunction with such a deputation
from the clergy as I have described, whilst it pursued the destruction
of the nobility, would inevitably become subservient to the worst
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There were, in the time of our civil troubles in England (I do not know
whether you have any such in your Assembly in France) several
p. 137-7 persons, like the then Earl of Holland, who by themselves or their
families had brought an odium on the throne, by the prodigal
dispensation of its bounties towards them, who afterwards joined in
the rebellions arising from the discontents of which they were
themselves the cause; men who helped to subvert that throne to
which they owed, some of them, their existence, others all that power
which they employed to ruin their benefactor. If any bounds are set to
the rapacious demands of that sort of people, or that others are
permitted to partake in the objects they would engross, revenge and
envy soon fill up the craving void that is left in their avarice.
Confounded by the complication of distempered passions, their reason
is disturbed; their views become vast and perplexed; to others
inexplicable; to themselves uncertain. They find, on all sides, bounds
to their unprincipled ambition in any fixed order of things. But in the
fog and haze of confusion all is enlarged, and appears without any
When men of rank sacrifice all ideas of dignity to an ambition without p. 137-24
a distinct object, and work with low instruments and for low ends, the
whole composition becomes low and base. Does not something like
this now appear in France? Does it not produce something ignoble and
inglorious? a kind of meanness in all the prevalent policy? a tendency
in all that is done to lower along with individuals all the dignity and
importance of the state? Other revolutions have been conducted by
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p. 139-25 THE CHANCELLOR OF FRANCE at the opening of the states, said, in a tone of
oratorial flourish, that all occupations were honourable. If he meant
only, that no honest employment was disgraceful, he would not have
gone beyond the truth. But in asserting, that any thing is honourable,
we imply some distinction in its favour. The occupation of an hair- p. 139-29
dresser, or of a working tallow-chandler, cannot be a matter of honour
to any person—to say nothing of a number of other more servile
employments. Such descriptions of men ought not to suffer
oppression from the state; but the state suffers oppression, if such as
they, either individually or collectively, are permitted to rule. In this
you think you are combating prejudice, but you are at war with
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The power of perpetuating our property in our families is one of the p. 142-1
most valuable and interesting circumstances belonging to it, and that
which tends the most to the perpetuation of society itself. It makes
p. 142-5 our weakness subservient to our virtue; it grafts benevolence even
upon avarice. The possessors of family wealth, and of the distinction
which attends hereditary possession (as most concerned in it) are the
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natural securities for this transmission. With us, the house of peers is
formed upon this principle. It is wholly composed of hereditary
property and hereditary distinction; and made therefore the third of
the legislature; and in the last event, the sole judge of all property in p. 142-12
all its subdivisions. The house of commons too, though not
necessarily, yet in fact, is always so composed in the far greater part.
Let those large proprietors be what they will, and they have their
chance of being amongst the best, they are at the very worst, the
ballast in the vessel of the commonwealth. For though hereditary
wealth, and the rank which goes with it, are too much idolized by
creeping sycophants, and the blind abject admirers of power, they are
too rashly slighted in shallow speculations of the petulant, assuming,
short-sighted coxcombs of philosophy. Some decent regulated pre-
eminence, some preference (not exclusive appropriation) given to
birth, is neither unnatural, nor unjust, nor impolitic.
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they will see none of the equality, under the pretence of which they
have been tempted to throw off their allegiance to their sovereign, as
well as the antient constitution of their country. There can be no
capital city in such a constitution as they have lately made. They have
forgot, that when they framed democratic governments, they had
virtually dismembered their country. The person whom they persevere p. 143-27
in calling king, has not power left to him by the hundredth part
sufficient to hold together this collection of republics. The republic of
Paris will endeavour indeed to compleat the debauchery of the army,
and illegally to perpetuate the assembly, without resort to its
constituents, as the means of continuing its despotism. It will make
efforts, by becoming the heart of a boundless paper circulation, to
draw every thing to itself; but in vain. All this policy in the end will
appear as feeble as it is now violent.
It is plain that the mind of this political Preacher was at the time big
with some extraordinary design; and it is very probable, that the
thoughts of his audience, who understood him better than I do, did all
along run before him in his reflection, and in the whole train of
consequences to which it led.
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If these are the ends and means of the Revolution Society, I admit
they are well assorted; and France may furnish them for both with
precedents in point.
I see that your example is held out to shame us. I know that we are
p. 146-16 supposed a dull sluggish race, rendered passive by finding our
situation tolerable; and prevented by a mediocrity of freedom from
ever attaining to its full perfection. Your leaders in France began by p. 146-19
affecting to admire, almost to adore, the British constitution; but as
p. 146-21 they advanced they came to look upon it with a sovereign contempt.
The friends of your National Assembly amongst us have full as mean
an opinion of what was formerly thought the glory of their country.
The Revolution Society has discovered that the English nation is not p. 146-24
free. They are convinced that the inequality in our representation is a
“defect in our constitution so gross and palpable, as to make it
excellent chiefly in form and theory.” That a representation in the
legislature of a kingdom is not only the basis of all constitutional
liberty in it, but of “all legitimate government; that without it a
p. 146-31 government is nothing but an usurpation”; that “when the
representation is partial, the kingdom possesses liberty only partially;
and if extremely partial it gives only a semblance; and if not only
extremely partial, but corruptly chosen, it becomes a nuisance.” Dr.
Price considers this inadequacy of representation as our fundamental
grievance; and though, as to the corruption of this semblance of
representation, he hopes it is not yet arrived to its full perfection of
depravity; he fears that “nothing will be done towards gaining for us
this essential blessing, until some great abuse of power again
provokes our resentment, or some great calamity again alarms our
fears, or perhaps till the acquisition of a pure and equal
representation by other countries, whilst we are mocked with the
shadow, kindles our shame.” To this he subjoins a note in these
words. “A representation, chosen chiefly by the Treasury, and a few
thousands of the dregs of the people, who are generally paid for their
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representation has been found perfectly adequate to all the purposes p. 147-23
for which a representation of the people can be desired or devised. I
defy the enemies of our constitution to show the contrary. To detail
the particulars in which it is found so well to promote its ends, would
demand a treatise on our practical constitution. I state here the
doctrine of the Revolutionists, only that you and others may see, what
an opinion these gentlemen entertain of the constitution of their
country, and why they seem to think that some great abuse of power,
or some great calamity, as giving a chance for the blessing of a
constitution according to their ideas, would be much palliated to their
feelings; you see why they are so much enamoured of your fair and
equal representation, which being once obtained, the same effects
might follow. You see they consider our house of commons as only “a
semblance,” “a form,” “a theory,” “a shadow,” “a mockery,” perhaps
“a nuisance.”
p. 148-31 Something they must destroy, or they seem to themselves to exist for
no purpose. One set is for destroying the civil power through the
ecclesiastical; another for demolishing the ecclesiastick through the
civil. They are aware that the worst consequences might happen to
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the public in accomplishing this double ruin of church and state; but
they are so heated with their theories, that they give more than hints,
that this ruin, with all the mischiefs that must lead to it and attend it,
and which to themselves appear quite certain, would not be p. 149-4
p. 149-6 unacceptable to them, or very remote from their wishes. A man
amongst them of great authority, and certainly of great talents,
speaking of a supposed alliance between church and state, says, p. 149-7
p. 149-8 “perhaps we must wait for the fall of the civil powers before this most
unnatural alliance be broken. Calamitous no doubt will that time be. p. 149-10
But what convulsion in the political world ought to be a subject of
lamentation, if it be attended with so desirable an effect?” You see
with what a steady eye these gentlemen are prepared to view the
greatest calamities which can befall their country!
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P. 151-27 GOVERNMENT IS NOT MADE in virtue of natural rights, which may and do
exist in total independence of it; and exist in much greater clearness,
and in a much greater degree of abstract perfection: but their abstract
perfection is their practical defect. By having a right to every thing
they want every thing. Government is a contrivance of human wisdom
to provide for human wants. Men have a right that these wants should
be provided for by this wisdom. Among these wants is to be reckoned
the want, out of civil society, of a sufficient restraint upon their
passions. Society requires not only that the passions of individuals
should be subjected, but that even in the mass and body as well as in p. 152-4
the individuals, the inclinations of men should frequently be thwarted,
their will controlled, and their passions brought into subjection. This
p. 152-7 can only be done by a power out of themselves; and not, in the
exercise of its function, subject to that will and to those passions
which it is its office to bridle and subdue. In this sense the restraints p. 152-10
on men, as well as their liberties, are to be reckoned among their
rights. But as the liberties and the restrictions vary with times and
circumstances, and admit of infinite modifications, they cannot be
settled upon any abstract rule; and nothing is so foolish as to discuss
them upon that principle.
The moment you abate any thing from the full rights of men, each to
govern himself, and suffer any artificial positive limitation upon those
rights, from that moment the whole organization of government
becomes a consideration of convenience. This it is which makes the
constitution of a state, and the due distribution of its powers, a matter
p. 152-21 of the most delicate and complicated skill. It requires a deep
knowledge of human nature and human necessities, and of the things
which facilitate or obstruct the various ends which are to be pursued
by the mechanism of civil institutions. The state is to have recruits to p. 152-26
p. 152-27 its strength, and remedies to its distempers. What is the use of
discussing a man’s abstract right to food or to medicine? The question
is upon the method of procuring and administering them. In that
deliberation I shall always advise to call in the aid of the farmer and
the physician, rather than the professor of metaphysics.
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These metaphysic rights entering into common life, like rays of light p. 153-21
which pierce into a dense medium, are, by the laws of nature,
refracted from their straight line. Indeed in the gross and complicated
mass of human passions and concerns, the primitive rights of men
undergo such a variety of refractions and reflections, that it becomes
absurd to talk of them as if they continued in the simplicity of their
original direction. The nature of man is intricate; the objects of society
are of the greatest possible complexity; and therefore no simple
disposition or direction of power can be suitable either to man’s
nature, or to the quality of his affairs. When I hear the simplicity of
contrivance aimed at and boasted of in any new political constitutions,
p. 153-34 I am at no loss to decide that the artificers are grossly ignorant of
their trade, or totally negligent of their duty. The simple governments
are fundamentally defective, to say no worse of them. If you were to
contemplate society in but one point of view, all these simple modes
of polity are infinitely captivating. In effect each would answer its
single end much more perfectly than the more complex is able to
attain all its complex purposes. But it is better that the whole should
be imperfectly and anomalously answered, than that, while some
parts are provided for with great exactness, others might be totally
neglected, or perhaps materially injured, by the overcare of a
favourite member.
The pretended rights of these theorists are all extremes; and in p. 154-12
proportion as they are metaphysically true, they are morally and
politically false. The rights of men are in a sort of middle, incapable of
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p. 155-14 This distemper of remedy, grown habitual, relaxes and wears out, by
a vulgar and prostituted use, the spring of that spirit which is to be
exerted on great occasions. It was in the most patient period of
Roman servitude that themes of tyrannicide made the ordinary
exercise of boys at school—cum perimit saevos classis numerosa p. 155-18
tyrannos. In the ordinary state of things, it produces in a country like
ours the worst effects, even on the cause of that liberty which it
p. 155-22 abuses with the dissoluteness of an extravagant speculation. Almost
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IN FRANCE YOU ARE NOW in the crisis of a revolution, and in the transit
from one form of government to another—you cannot see that
character of men exactly in the same situation in which we see it in
this country. With us it is militant; with you it is triumphant; and you
know how it can act when its power is commensurate to its will. I
would not be supposed to confine those observations to any
description of men, or to comprehend all men of any description
within them—No! far from it. I am as incapable of that injustice, as I
am of keeping terms with those who profess principles of extremes;
and who under the name of religion teach little else than wild and
dangerous politics. The worst of these politics of revolution is this;
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they temper and harden the breast, in order to prepare it for the
desperate strokes which are sometimes used in extreme occasions.
But as these occasions may never arrive, the mind receives a
gratuitous taint; and the moral sentiments suffer not a little, when no
political purpose is served by the depravation. This sort of people are
so taken up with their theories about the rights of man, that they
have totally forgot his nature. Without opening one new avenue to the
understanding, they have succeeded in stopping up those that lead to
the heart. They have perverted in themselves, and in those that
attend to them, all the well-placed sympathies of the human breast. p. 157-13
This famous sermon of the Old Jewry breathes nothing but this spirit
through all the political part. Plots, massacres, assassinations, seem
to some people a trivial price for obtaining a revolution. A cheap,
bloodless reformation, a guiltless liberty, appear flat and vapid to their
taste. There must be a great change of scene; there must be a
magnificent stage effect; there must be a grand spectacle to rouze the
imagination, grown torpid with the lazy enjoyment of sixty years
p. 157-23 security, and the still unanimating repose of public prosperity. The
Preacher found them all in the French revolution. This inspires a
juvenile warmth through his whole frame. His enthusiasm kindles as
he advances; and when he arrives at his peroration, it is in a full
blaze. Then viewing, from the Pisgah of his pulpit, the free, moral, p. 157-27
happy, flourishing, and glorious state of France, as in a bird-eye
landscape of a promised land, he breaks out into the following
BEFORE I PROCEED FURTHER, I have to remark, that Dr. Price seems rather
to over-value the great acquisitions of light which he has obtained and
diffused in this age. The last century appears to me to have been
quite as much enlightened. It had, though in a different place, a
triumph as memorable as that of Dr. Price; and some of the great
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After this sally of the preacher of the Old Jewry, which differs only in
place and time, but agrees perfectly with the spirit and letter of the
rapture of 1648, the Revolution Society, the fabricators of
governments, the heroic band of cashierers of monarchs, electors of
sovereigns, and leaders of kings in triumph, strutting with a proud
consciousness of the diffusion of knowledge, of which every member
had obtained so large a share in the donative, were in haste to make
a generous diffusion of the knowledge they had thus gratuitously
received. To make this bountiful communication, they adjourned from
the church in the Old Jewry, to the London Tavern; where the famous
Dr. Price, in whom the fumes of his oracular tripod were not entirely
evaporated, moved and carried the resolution, or address of
congratulation, transmitted by Lord Stanhope to the National
Assembly of France.
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afflicting spectacle, that perhaps ever was exhibited to the pity and
indignation of mankind. This “leading in triumph,” a thing in its best
form unmanly and irreligious, which fills our Preacher with such p. 159-34
p. 160-2 unhallowed transports, must shock, I believe, the moral taste of every
well-born mind. Several English were the stupified and indignant
spectators of that triumph. It was, unless we have been strangely
deceived, a spectacle more resembling a procession of American p. 160-5.1
p. 160-5.2 savages, entering into Onondaga, after some of their murders called
victories, and leading into hovels hung round with scalps, their
captives, overpowered with the scoffs and buffets of women as p. 160-8
ferocious as themselves, much more than it resembled the triumphal
pomp of a civilized martial nation—if a civilized nation, or any men
who had a sense of generosity, were capable of a personal triumph
over the fallen and afflicted.
This, my dear Sir, was not the triumph of France. I must believe that,
as a nation, it overwhelmed you with shame and horror. I must
believe that the National Assembly find themselves in a state of the
greatest humiliation, in not being able to punish the authors of this
triumph, or the actors in it; and that they are in a situation in which
any enquiry they may make upon the subject, must be destitute even
of the appearance of liberty or impartiality. The apology of that
p. 160-21 Assembly is found in their situation; but when we approve what they
must bear, it is in us the degenerate choice of a vitiated mind.
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The Assembly, their organ, acts before them the farce of deliberation
with as little decency as liberty. They act like the comedians of a fair
before a riotous audience; they act amidst the tumultuous cries of a
mixed mob of ferocious men, and of women lost to shame, who,
p. 161-34 according to their insolent fancies, direct, control, applaud, explode
them; and sometimes mix and take their seats amongst them;
domineering over them with a strange mixture of servile petulance
and proud presumptuous authority. As they have inverted order in all
things, the gallery is in the place of the house. This Assembly, which p. 162-3
overthrows kings and kingdoms, has not even the physiognomy and
p. 162-5 aspect of a grave legislative body—nec color imperii, nec frons erat
ulla senatus. They have a power given to them, like that of the evil p. 162-6
p. 162-8 principle, to subvert and destroy; but none to construct, except such
machines as may be fitted for further subversion and further
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This king, to say no more of him, and this queen, and their infant
children (who once would have been the pride and hope of a great
and generous people) were then forced to abandon the sanctuary of
the most splendid palace in the world, which they left swimming in
blood, polluted by massacre, and strewed with scattered limbs and
mutilated carcases. Thence they were conducted into the capital of
p. 165-5 their kingdom. Two had been selected from the unprovoked,
unresisted, promiscuous slaughter, which was made of the gentlemen
of birth and family who composed the king’s body guard. These two
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Although this work of our new light and knowledge, did not go to the
length, that in all probability it was intended it should be carried; yet I
must think, that such treatment of any human creatures must be
shocking to any but those who are made for accomplishing
Revolutions. But I cannot stop here. Influenced by the inborn feelings
of my nature, and not being illuminated by a single ray of this new-
sprung modern light, I confess to you, Sir, that the exalted rank of
the persons suffering, and particularly the sex, the beauty, and the
amiable qualities of the descendant of so many kings and emperors,
with the tender age of royal infants, insensible only through infancy
and innocence of the cruel outrages to which their parents were
exposed, instead of being a subject of exultation, adds not a little to
my sensibility on that most melancholy occasion.
I hear that the august person, who was the principal object of our
preacher’s triumph, though he supported himself, felt much on that
shameful occasion. As a man, it became him to feel for his wife and
his children, and the faithful guards of his person, that were
massacred in cold blood about him. As a prince, it became him to feel
for the strange and frightful transformation of his civilized subjects,
and to be more grieved for them, than solicitous for himself. It
derogates little from his fortitude, while it adds infinitely to the honour
of his humanity. I am very sorry to say it, very sorry indeed, that
such personages are in a situation in which it is not unbecoming in us
to praise the virtues of the great.
I hear, and I rejoice to hear, that the great lady, the other object of
the triumph, has borne that day (one is interested that beings made
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for suffering should suffer well) and that she bears all the succeeding
days, that she bears the imprisonment of her husband, and her own
captivity, and the exile of her friends, and the insulting adulation of
addresses, and the whole weight of her accumulated wrongs, with a
serene patience, in a manner suited to her rank and race, and
becoming the offspring of a sovereign distinguished for her piety and p. 169-13
her courage; that like her she has lofty sentiments; that she feels with
p. 169-15.1 the dignity of a Roman matron; that in the last extremity she will save p. 169-15.2
herself from the last disgrace, and that if she must fall, she will fall by
no ignoble hand.
p. 169-18 It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen of France,
then the dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely never lighted on this
orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. I saw
her just above the horizon, decorating and cheering the elevated p. 169-21
sphere she just began to move in; glittering like the morning star, full
of life, and splendor, and joy. Oh! what a revolution! and what an
heart must I have, to contemplate without emotion that elevation and
p. 169-27 that fall! Little did I dream when she added titles of veneration to
those of enthusiastic, distant, respectful love, that she should ever be
obliged to carry the sharp antidote against disgrace concealed in that p. 169-28
bosom; little did I dream that I should have lived to see such
disasters fallen upon her in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men
of honour and of cavaliers. I thought ten thousand swords must have
leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened
p. 169-34.1 her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, p. 169-34.2
oeconomists, and calculators, has succeeded; and the glory of Europe
p. 170-2 is extinguished for ever. Never, never more, shall we behold that
generous loyalty to rank and sex, that proud submission, that p. 170-3
dignified obedience, that subordination of the heart, which kept alive,
p. 170-5 even in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom. The
unbought grace of life, the cheap defence of nations, the nurse of p. 170-6
manly sentiment and heroic enterprize, is gone! It is gone, that
p. 170-8.1 sensibility of principle, that chastity of honour, which felt a stain like a p. 170-8.2
p. 170-10 wound, which inspired courage whilst it mitigated ferocity, which
ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its p. 170-11
evil, by losing all its grossness.
THIS MIXED SYSTEM of opinion and sentiment had its origin in the antient
chivalry; and the principle, though varied in its appearance by the
varying state of human affairs, subsisted and influenced through a
long succession of generations, even to the time we live in. If it
p. 170-17 should ever be totally extinguished, the loss I fear will be great. It is
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this which has given its character to modern Europe. It is this which
has distinguished it under all its forms of government, and
distinguished it to its advantage, from the states of Asia, and possibly
from those states which flourished in the most brilliant periods of the
antique world. It was this, which, without confounding ranks, had
produced a noble equality, and handed it down through all the
gradations of social life. It was this opinion which mitigated kings into
companions, and raised private men to be fellows with kings. Without
force, or opposition, it subdued the fierceness of pride and power; it
obliged sovereigns to submit to the soft collar of social esteem,
compelled stern authority to submit to elegance, and gave a
domination vanquisher of laws, to be subdued by manners.
But now all is to be changed. All the pleasing illusions, which made
power gentle, and obedience liberal, which harmonized the different p. 170-32
p. 170-33 shades of life, and which, by a bland assimilation, incorporated into
politics the sentiments which beautify and soften private society, are
to be dissolved by this new conquering empire of light and reason. All
p. 171-3 the decent drapery of life is to be rudely torn off. All the superadded p. 171-2
ideas, furnished from the wardrobe of a moral imagination, which the p. 171-5
heart owns, and the understanding ratifies, as necessary to cover the
defects of our naked shivering nature, and to raise it to dignity in our
own estimation, are to be exploded as a ridiculous, absurd, and
antiquated fashion.
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p. 172-7 But power, of some kind or other, will survive the shock in which
manners and opinions perish; and it will find other and worse means
for its support. The usurpation which, in order to subvert antient
institutions, has destroyed antient principles, will hold power by arts
similar to those by which it has acquired it. When the old feudal and
chivalrous spirit of Fealty, which, by freeing kings from fear, freed p. 172-13
both kings and subjects from the precautions of tyranny, shall be
extinct in the minds of men, plots and assassinations will be
anticipated by preventive murder and preventive confiscation, and
that long roll of grim and bloody maxims, which form the political
code of all power, not standing on its own honour, and the honour of
p. 172-19 those who are to obey it. Kings will be tyrants from policy when
subjects are rebels from principle.
When antient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss
cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment we have no
compass to govern us; nor can we know distinctly to what port we
steer. Europe undoubtedly, taken in a mass, was in a flourishing
condition the day on which your Revolution was compleated. How
much of that prosperous state was owing to the spirit of our old p. 172-26
manners and opinions is not easy to say; but as such causes cannot
be indifferent in their operation, we must presume, that, on the
whole, their operation was beneficial.
We are but too apt to consider things in the state in which we find
them, without sufficiently adverting to the causes by which they have
p. 172-34 been produced, and possibly may be upheld. Nothing is more certain,
than that our manners, our civilization, and all the good things which
are connected with manners, and with civilization, have, in this p. 173-1
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European world of ours, depended for ages upon two principles; and
were indeed the result of both combined; I mean the spirit of a
gentleman, and the spirit of religion. The nobility and the clergy, the
one by profession, the other by patronage, kept learning in existence,
even in the midst of arms and confusions, and whilst governments
were rather in their causes than formed. Learning paid back what it
received to nobility and to priesthood; and paid it with usury, by
enlarging their ideas, and by furnishing their minds. Happy if they had
all continued to know their indissoluble union, and their proper place!
Happy if learning, not debauched by ambition, had been satisfied to
continue the instructor, and not aspired to be the master! Along with
its natural protectors and guardians, learning will be cast into the
p. 173-15 [a]
mire, and trodden down under the hoofs of a swinish multitude.
If, as I suspect, modern letters owe more than they are always willing
to own to antient manners, so do other interests which we value full
as much as they are worth. Even commerce, and trade, and
manufacture, the gods of our oeconomical politicians, are themselves
perhaps but creatures; are themselves but effects, which, as first
causes, we choose to worship. They certainly grew under the same
shade in which learning flourished. They too may decay with their
natural protecting principles. With you, for the present at least, they
all threaten to disappear together. Where trade and manufactures are
wanting to a people, and the spirit of nobility and religion remains,
sentiment supplies, and not always ill supplies their place; but if
commerce and the arts should be lost in an experiment to try how
well a state may stand without these old fundamental principles, what
sort of a thing must be a nation of gross, stupid, ferocious, and at the
same time, poor and sordid barbarians, destitute of religion, honour,
or manly pride, possessing nothing at present, and hoping for nothing
I wish you may not be going fast, and by the shortest cut, to that
horrible and disgustful situation. Already there appears a poverty of
conception, a coarseness and vulgarity in all the proceedings of the
assembly and of all their instructors. Their liberty is not liberal. Their
science is presumptuous ignorance. Their humanity is savage and
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Why do I feel so differently from the Reverend Dr. Price, and those of
his lay flock, who will choose to adopt the sentiments of his discourse? p. 174-31.1
p. 174-31.2 For this plain reason—because it is natural I should; because we are
so made as to be affected at such spectacles with melancholy
sentiments upon the unstable condition of mortal prosperity, and the
tremendous uncertainty of human greatness; because in those natural
feelings we learn great lessons; because in events like these our
passions instruct our reason; because when kings are hurled from
their thrones by the Supreme Director of this great drama, and
become the objects of insult to the base, and of pity to the good, we
behold such disasters in the moral, as we should behold a miracle in
the physical order of things. We are alarmed into reflexion; our minds p. 175-7
(as it has long since been observed) are purified by terror and pity;
our weak unthinking pride is humbled, under the dispensations of a
mysterious wisdom. Some tears might be drawn from me, if such a
spectacle were exhibited on the stage. I should be truly ashamed of
finding in myself that superficial, theatric sense of painted distress,
whilst I could exult over it in real life. With such a perverted mind, I
could never venture to shew my face at a tragedy. People would think
p. 175-16 the tears that Garrick formerly, or that Siddons not long since, have
extorted from me, were the tears of hypocrisy; I should know them to
be the tears of folly.
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If it could have been made clear to me, that the king and queen of
France (those I mean who were such before the triumph) were
inexorable and cruel tyrants, that they had formed a deliberate
scheme for massacring the National Assembly (I think I have seen
something like the latter insinuated in certain publications) I should
think their captivity just. If this be true, much more ought to have
been done, but done, in my opinion, in another manner. The
punishment of real tyrants is a noble and awful act of justice; and it
p. 177-31 has with truth been said to be consolatory to the human mind. But if I
were to punish a wicked king, I should regard the dignity in avenging
the crime. Justice is grave and decorous, and in its punishments
rather seems to submit to a necessity, than to make a choice. Had
p. 178-1.2 Nero, or Agrippina, or Louis the Eleventh, or Charles the Ninth, been p. 178-1.1
the subject; if Charles the Twelfth of Sweden, after the murder of p. 178-2
p. 178-3 Patkul, or his predecessor Christina, after the murder of Monaldeschi,
had fallen into your hands, Sir, or into mine, I am sure our conduct
would have been different.
If the French King, or King of the French, (or by whatever name he is p. 178-6
known in the new vocabulary of your constitution) has in his own
person, and that of his Queen, really deserved these unavowed but
unavenged murderous attempts, and those subsequent indignities
more cruel than murder, such a person would ill deserve even that
subordinate executory trust, which I understand is to be placed in
him; nor is he fit to be called chief of a nation which he has outraged
and oppressed. A worse choice for such an office in a new
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TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, my dear Sir, I think the honour of our nation to
be somewhat concerned in the disclaimer of the proceedings of this
society of the Old Jewry and the London Tavern. I have no man’s
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You see, Sir, that in this enlightened age I am bold enough to confess,
that we are generally men of untaught feelings; that instead of
casting away all our old prejudices, we cherish them to a very
considerable degree, and, to take more shame to ourselves, we
cherish them because they are prejudices; and the longer they have
lasted, and the more generally they have prevailed, the more we
cherish them. We are afraid to put men to live and trade each on his
own private stock of reason; because we suspect that this stock in
each man is small, and that the individuals would do better to avail
p. 182-17 themselves of the general bank and capital of nations, and of ages.
Many of our men of speculation, instead of exploding general
prejudices, employ their sagacity to discover the latent wisdom which
prevails in them. If they find what they seek, (and they seldom fail)
they think it more wise to continue the prejudice, with the reason
involved, than to cast away the coat of prejudice, and to leave
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nothing but the naked reason; because prejudice, with its reason, has
a motive to give action to that reason, and an affection which will give
it permanence. Prejudice is of ready application in the emergency; it
previously engages the mind in a steady course of wisdom and virtue,
and does not leave the man hesitating in the moment of decision,
sceptical, puzzled, and unresolved. Prejudice renders a man’s virtue
his habit; and not a series of unconnected acts. Through just p. 182-29
prejudice, his duty becomes a part of his nature.
Your literary men, and your politicians, and so do the whole clan of
the enlightened among us, essentially differ in these points. They
have no respect for the wisdom of others; but they pay it off by a
very full measure of confidence in their own. With them it is a
sufficient motive to destroy an old scheme of things, because it is an
old one. As to the new, they are in no sort of fear with regard to the
duration of a building run up in haste; because duration is no object
to those who think little or nothing has been done before their time,
and who place all their hopes in discovery. They conceive, very
systematically, that all things which give perpetuity are mischievous,
p. 183-8.1 and therefore they are at inexpiable war with all establishments. They p. 183-8.2
think that government may vary like modes of dress, and with as little
ill effect. That there needs no principle of attachment, except a sense
of present conveniency, to any constitution of the state. They always
p. 183-13 speak as if they were of opinion that there is a singular species of
compact between them and their magistrates, which binds the
magistrate, but which has nothing reciprocal in it, but that the
majesty of the people has a right to dissolve it without any reason,
but its will. Their attachment to their country itself, is only so far as it
agrees with some of their fleeting projects; it begins and ends with
that scheme of polity which falls in with their momentary opinion.
I HEAR IT IS SOMETIMES GIVEN OUT in France, that what is doing among you
is after the example of England. I beg leave to affirm, that scarcely
any thing done with you has originated from the practice or the
prevalent opinions of this people, either in the act or in the spirit of
the proceeding. Let me add, that we are as unwilling to learn these
lessons from France, as we are sure that we never taught them to
that nation. The cabals here who take a sort of share in your
transactions as yet consist but of an handful of people. If
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Formerly your affairs were your own concern only. We felt for them as
men; but we kept aloof from them, because we were not citizens of
France. But when we see the model held up to ourselves, we must
p. 184-16 feel as Englishmen, and feeling, we must provide as Englishmen. Your
affairs, in spite of us, are made a part of our interest; so far at least
as to keep at a distance your panacea, or your plague. If it be a
panacea, we do not want it. We know the consequences of
unnecessary physic. If it be a plague, it is such a plague, that the
precautions of the most severe quarantine ought to be established
against it.
I HEAR ON ALL HANDS that a cabal, calling itself philosophic, receives the p. 184-24
glory of many of the late proceedings; and that their opinions and
systems are the true actuating spirit of the whole of them. I have
heard of no party in England, literary or political, at any time, known
by such a description. It is not with you composed of those men, is it?
whom the vulgar, in their blunt, homely style, commonly call Atheists
and Infidels? If it be, I admit that we too have had writers of that
description, who made some noise in their day. At present they
repose in lasting oblivion. Who, born within the last forty years, has
p. 184-34 read one word of Collins, and Toland, and Tindal, and Chubb, and
Morgan, and that whole race who called themselves Freethinkers? p. 185-2
Who now reads Bolingbroke? Who ever read him through? Ask the
booksellers of London what is become of all these lights of the world.
p. 185-5.1 In as few years their few successors will go to the family vault of “all p. 185-5.2
the Capulets.” But whatever they were, or are, with us, they were and
are wholly unconnected individuals. With us they kept the common
p. 185-9 nature of their kind, and were not gregarious. They never acted in
corps, nor were known as a faction in the state, nor presumed to
influence, in that name or character, or for the purposes of such a
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apprehensive (being well aware that the mind will not endure a void)
that some uncouth, pernicious, and degrading superstition, might take
place of it. For that reason, before we take from our establishment the
natural human means of estimation, and give it up to contempt, as
you have done, and in doing it have incurred the penalties you well
deserve to suffer, we desire that some other may be presented to us
in the place of it. We shall then form our judgment.
It has been the misfortune, not as these gentlemen think it, the glory,
of this age, that every thing is to be discussed; as if the constitution
of our country were to be always a subject rather of altercation than
enjoyment. For this reason, as well as for the satisfaction of those
among you (if any such you have among you) who may wish to profit
of examples, I venture to trouble you with a few thoughts upon each
p. 187-16 of these establishments. I do not think they were unwise in antient
Rome, who, when they wished to new-model their laws, sent
commissioners to examine the best constituted republics within their
FIRST, I BEG LEAVE TO SPEAK of our church establishment, which is the p. 187-20
first of our prejudices; not a prejudice destitute of reason, but
involving in it profound and extensive wisdom. I speak of it first. It is
first, and last, and midst in our minds. For, taking ground on that
religious system, of which we are now in possession, we continue to
act on the early received and uniformly continued sense of mankind.
p. 187-28 That sense not only, like a wise architect, hath built up the august
fabric of states, but like a provident proprietor, to preserve the
structure from prophanation and ruin, as a sacred temple, purged
from all the impurities of fraud, and violence, and injustice, and
tyranny, hath solemnly and for ever consecrated the commonwealth,
and all that officiate in it. This consecration is made, that all who
administer in the government of men, in which they stand in the
person of God himself, should have high and worthy notions of their
function and destination; that their hope should be full of immortality;
that they should not look to the paltry pelf of the moment, nor to the
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When the people have emptied themselves of all the lust of selfish
will, which without religion it is utterly impossible they ever should,
when they are conscious that they exercise, and exercise perhaps in
an higher link of the order of delegation, the power, which to be
p. 190-19 legitimate must be according to that eternal immutable law, in which
will and reason are the same, they will be more careful how they
place power in base and incapable hands. In their nomination to
office, they will not appoint to the exercise of authority, as to a pitiful
job, but as to an holy function; not according to their sordid selfish
interest, nor to their wanton caprice, nor to their arbitrary will; but
they will confer that power (which any man may well tremble to give p. 190-25
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BUT ONE OF THE FIRST and most leading principles on which the
commonwealth and the laws are consecrated, is lest the temporary
p. 191-5 possessors and life-renters in it, unmindful of what they have received
from their ancestors, or of what is due to their posterity, should act as
if they were the entire masters; that they should not think it amongst
p. 191-9.2 their rights to cut off the entail, or commit waste on the inheritance, p. 191-9.1
by destroying at their pleasure the whole original fabric of their
society; hazarding to leave to those who come after them, a ruin
instead of an habitation, and teaching these successors as little to
respect their contrivances, as they had themselves respected the
institutions of their forefathers. By this unprincipled facility of
changing the state as often, and as much, and in as many ways, as
there are floating fancies or fashions, the whole chain and continuity
of the commonwealth would be broken. No one generation could link p. 191-18
with the other. Men would become little better than the flies of a
p. 191-20 And first of all, the science of jurisprudence, the pride of the human
intellect, which, with all its defects, redundancies, and errors, is the p. 191-22
collected reason of ages, combining the principles of original justice
with the infinite variety of human concerns, as a heap of old exploded
p. 191-25 errors, would be no longer studied. Personal self-sufficiency and
arrogance, the certain attendants upon all those who have never
experienced a wisdom greater than their own, would usurp the
tribunal. Of course, no certain laws, establishing invariable grounds of
hope and fear, would keep the actions of men in a certain course, or
direct them to a certain end. Nothing stable in the modes of holding
property, or exercising function, could form a solid ground on which
any parent could speculate in the education of his offspring, or in a
choice for their future establishment in the world. No principles would
be early worked into the habits. As soon as the most able instructor
had completed his laborious course of institution, instead of sending
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THESE, MY DEAR SIR, are, were, and I think long will be the sentiments
of not the least learned and reflecting part of this kingdom. They who
are included in this description form their opinions on such grounds as
such persons ought to form them. The less enquiring receive them
from an authority which those whom Providence dooms to live on
trust need not be ashamed to rely on. These two sorts of men move
in the same direction, tho’ in a different place. They both move with
the order of the universe. They all know or feel this great antient
truth: “Quod illi principi et praepotenti Deo qui omnem hunc mundum p. 194-14
regit, nihil eorum quae quidem fiant in terris acceptius quam concilia
et coetus hominum jure sociati quae civitates appellantur.” They take
p. 194-17.1 this tenet of the head and heart, not from the great name which it p. 194-17.2
p. 194-18 immediately bears, nor from the greater from whence it is derived;
but from that which alone can give true weight and sanction to any
learned opinion, the common nature and common relation of men.
Persuaded that all things ought to be done with reference, and
referring all to the point of reference to which all should be directed,
they think themselves bound, not only as individuals in the sanctuary
of the heart, or as congregated in that personal capacity, to renew the
memory of their high origin and cast; but also in their corporate p. 194-27
character to perform their national homage to the institutor, and
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author and protector of civil society; without which civil society man
could not by any possibility arrive at the perfection of which his nature
is capable, nor even make a remote and faint approach to it. They
conceive that He who gave our nature to be perfected by our virtue,
willed also the necessary means of its perfection. He willed therefore
the state; He willed its connexion with the source and original
archetype of all perfection. They who are convinced of this his will,
which is the law of laws and the sovereign of sovereigns, cannot think
it reprehensible, that this our corporate fealty and homage, that this
p. 195-6 our recognition of a seigniory paramount, I had almost said this
oblation of the state itself, as a worthy offering on the high altar of
universal praise, should be performed, as all publick solemn acts are
performed, in buildings, in musick, in decoration, in speech, in the p. 195-9
dignity of persons, according to the customs of mankind, taught by
their nature; that is, with modest splendour, with unassuming state,
with mild majesty and sober pomp. For those purposes they think
some part of the wealth of the country is as usefully employed, as it
can be in fomenting the luxury of individuals. It is the publick
ornament. It is the publick consolation. It nourishes the publick hope.
The poorest man finds his own importance and dignity in it, whilst the
wealth and pride of individuals at every moment makes the man of
humble rank and fortune sensible of his inferiority, and degrades and
vilifies his condition. It is for the man in humble life, and to raise his
nature, and to put him in mind of a state in which the privileges of
opulence will cease, when he will be equal by nature, and may be
more than equal by virtue—that this portion of the general wealth of
his country is employed and sanctified.
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This principle runs through the whole system of their polity. They do
not consider their church establishment as convenient, but as
essential to their state; not as a thing heterogeneous and separable;
something added for accommodation; what they may either keep up
or lay aside, according to their temporary ideas of convenience. They
consider it as the foundation of their whole constitution, with which,
and with every part of which, it holds an indissoluble union. Church
and state are ideas inseparable in their minds, and scarcely is the one
ever mentioned without mentioning the other.
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THE MEN OF ENGLAND, the men, I mean, of light and leading in England,
whose wisdom (if they have any) is open and direct, would be
ashamed, as of a silly deceitful trick, to profess any religion in name,
which by their proceedings they appeared to contemn. If by their
conduct (the only language that rarely lies) they seemed to regard the
p. 198-16 great ruling principle of the moral and the natural world, as a mere
invention to keep the vulgar in obedience, they apprehend that by
such a conduct they would defeat the politic purpose they have in
view. They would find it difficult to make others to believe in a system
to which they manifestly gave no credit themselves. The Christian
statesmen of this land would indeed first provide for the multitude;
because it is the multitude; and is therefore, as such, the first object
in the ecclesiastical institution, and in all institutions. They have been
taught that the circumstance of the gospel’s being preached to the p. 198-25
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poor was one of the great tests of its true mission. They think,
therefore, that those do not believe it, who do not take care it should
be preached to the poor. But as they know that charity is not confined
to any one description, but ought to apply itself to all men who have
wants, they are not deprived of a due and anxious sensation of pity to
p. 198-32 the distresses of the miserable great. They are not repelled through a
fastidious delicacy, at the stench of their arrogance and presumption,
from a medicinal attention to their mental blotches and running sores.
They are sensible, that religious instruction is of more consequence to
them than to any others; from the greatness of the temptation to
which they are exposed; from the important consequences that attend
their faults; from the contagion of their ill example; from the
necessity of bowing down the stubborn neck of their pride and
ambition to the yoke of moderation and virtue; from a consideration
of the fat stupidity and gross ignorance concerning what imports men
most to know, which prevails at courts, and at the head of armies,
and in senates, as much as at the loom and in the field.
The English people are satisfied, that to the great the consolations of
religion are as necessary as its instructions. They too are among the p. 199-13
p. 199-14 unhappy. They feel personal pain and domestic sorrow. In these they
have no privilege, but are subject to pay their full contingent to the
contributions levied on mortality. They want this sovereign balm
under their gnawing cares and anxieties, which being less conversant
about the limited wants of animal life, range without limit, and are p. 199-19
diversified by infinite combinations in the wild and unbounded regions
of imagination. Some charitable dole is wanting to these, our often
very unhappy brethren, to fill the gloomy void that reigns in minds
which have nothing on earth to hope or fear; something to relieve in
the killing languor and over-laboured lassitude of those who have
nothing to do; something to excite an appetite to existence in the
palled satiety which attends on all pleasures which may be bought,
where nature is not left to her own process, where even desire is
anticipated, and therefore fruition defeated by meditated schemes and
contrivances of delight; and no interval, no obstacle, is interposed
between the wish and the accomplishment.
p. 199-33 The people of England know how little influence the teachers of
religion are likely to have with the wealthy and powerful of long
standing, and how much less with the newly fortunate, if they appear
in a manner no way assorted to those with whom they must
associate, and over whom they must even exercise, in some cases,
something like an authority. What must they think of that body of
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WHEN ONCE THE COMMONWEALTH has established the estates of the church
p. 201-15 as property, it can, consistently, hear nothing of the more or the less.
Too much and too little are treason against property. What evil can
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arise from the quantity in any hand, whilst the supreme authority has
the full, sovereign superintendance over this, as over all property, to
prevent every species of abuse; and, whenever it notably deviates, to
give to it a direction agreeable to the purposes of its institution?
With these ideas rooted in their minds, the commons of Great Britain,
in the national emergencies, will never seek their resource from the
confiscation of the estates of the church and poor. Sacrilege and
proscription are not among the ways and means in our committee of
supply. The Jews in Change Alley have not yet dared to hint their
hopes of a mortgage on the revenues belonging to the see of
Canterbury. I am not afraid that I shall be disavowed, when I assure
you that there is not one public man in this kingdom, whom you
would wish to quote; no not one of any party or description, who does
not reprobate the dishonest, perfidious, and cruel confiscation which
the national assembly has been compelled to make of that property
which it was their first duty to protect.
It is with the exultation of a little national pride I tell you, that those
p. 202-23 amongst us who have wished to pledge the societies of Paris in the
cup of their abominations, have been disappointed. The robbery of
your church has proved a security to the possessions of ours. It has
roused the people. They see with horror and alarm that enormous and
shameless act of proscription. It has opened, and will more and more
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open their eyes upon the selfish enlargement of mind, and the narrow p. 202-28
liberality of sentiment of insidious men, which commencing in close
hypocrisy and fraud have ended in open violence and rapine. At home
we behold similar beginnings. We are on our guard against similar
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not a confiscation. They have, it seems, found out in the academies of p. 204-6
the Palais Royal, and the Jacobins, that certain men had no right to
the possessions which they held under law, usage, the decisions of
courts, and the accumulated prescription of a thousand years. They
say that ecclesiastics are fictitious persons, creatures of the state;
whom at pleasure they may destroy, and of course limit and modify in
every particular; that the goods they possess are not properly theirs,
but belong to the state which created the fiction; and we are therefore
not to trouble ourselves with what they may suffer in their natural
feelings and natural persons, on account of what is done towards
them in this their constructive character. Of what import is it, under
what names you injure men, and deprive them of the just
emoluments of a profession, in which they were not only permitted
but encouraged by the state to engage; and upon the supposed
certainty of which emoluments they had formed the plan of their lives,
contracted debts, and led multitudes to an entire dependence upon
THIS OUTRAGE ON ALL THE RIGHTS of property was at first covered with
what, on the system of their conduct, was the most astonishing of all
pretexts—a regard to national faith. The enemies to property at first
pretended a most tender, delicate, and scrupulous anxiety for keeping
the king’s engagements with the public creditor. These professors of
the rights of men are so busy in teaching others, that they have not
leisure to learn any thing themselves; otherwise they would have
known that it is to the property of the citizen, and not to the demands
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of the creditor of the state, that the first and original faith of civil
society is pledged. The claim of the citizen is prior in time, paramount
in title, superior in equity. The fortunes of individuals, whether
possessed by acquisition, or by descent, or in virtue of a participation
in the goods of some community, were no part of the creditor’s
security, expressed or implied. They never so much as entered into
his head when he made his bargain. He well knew that the public,
whether represented by a monarch, or by a senate, can pledge
nothing but the public estate; and it can have no public estate, except
in what it derives from a just and proportioned imposition upon the
citizens at large. This was engaged, and nothing else could be
engaged, to the public creditor. No man can mortgage his injustice as
a pawn for his fidelity.
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government should not, of the two, rather have possessed the power
of rewarding service, and making treaties, in virtue of its prerogative,
than that of pledging to creditors the revenue of the state actual and
possible. The treasure of the nation, of all things, has been the least
allowed to the prerogative of the king of France, or to the prerogative
of any king in Europe. To mortgage the public revenue implies the
sovereign dominion, in the fullest sense, over the public purse. It goes
far beyond the trust even of a temporary and occasional taxation. The
acts however of that dangerous power (the distinctive mark of a
boundless despotism) have been alone held sacred. Whence arose this
preference given by a democratic assembly to a body of property
deriving its title from the most critical and obnoxious of all the
exertions of monarchical authority? Reason can furnish nothing to
reconcile inconsistency; nor can partial favour be accounted for upon
equitable principles. But the contradiction and partiality which admit
no justification, are not the less without an adequate cause; and that
cause I do not think it difficult to discover.
The monied property was long looked on with rather an evil eye by
the people. They saw it connected with their distresses, and
aggravating them. It was no less envied by the old landed interests,
partly for the same reasons that rendered it obnoxious to the people,
but much more so as it eclipsed, by the splendour of an ostentatious
luxury, the unendowed pedigrees and naked titles of several among
the nobility. Even when the nobility, which represented the more
permanent landed interest, united themselves by marriage (which
sometimes was the case) with the other description, the wealth which
saved the family from ruin, was supposed to contaminate and degrade
it. Thus the enmities and heart-burnings of these parties were
encreased even by the usual means by which discord is made to
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cease, and quarrels are turned into friendship. In the mean time, the
pride of the wealthy men, not noble or newly noble, encreased with its p. 208-7
cause. They felt with resentment an inferiority, the grounds of which
they did not acknowledge. There was no measure to which they were
not willing to lend themselves, in order to be revenged of the outrages
of this rival pride, and to exalt their wealth to what they considered as
its natural rank and estimation. They struck at the nobility through
the crown and the church. They attacked them particularly on the side
on which they thought them the most vulnerable, that is, the
possessions of the church, which, through the patronage of the crown,
generally devolved upon the nobility. The bishopricks, and the great
commendatory abbies, were, with few exceptions, held by that order.
In this state of real, though not always perceived warfare between the
noble antient landed interest, and the new monied interest, the
greatest because the most applicable strength was in the hands of the
latter. The monied interest is in its nature more ready for any
adventure; and its possessors more disposed to new enterprizes of
any kind. Being of a recent acquisition, it falls in more naturally with
any novelties. It is therefore the kind of wealth which will be resorted
to by all who wish for change.
ALONG WITH THE MONIED INTEREST, a new description of men had grown
up, with whom that interest soon formed a close and marked union; I
mean the political Men of Letters. Men of Letters, fond of
distinguishing themselves, are rarely averse to innovation. Since the
decline of the life and greatness of Lewis the XIVth, they were not so
much cultivated either by him, or by the regent, or the successors to
the crown; nor were they engaged to the court by favours and
emoluments so systematically as during the splendid period of that
ostentatious and not impolitic reign. What they lost in the old court
protection, they endeavoured to make up by joining in a sort of
p. 209-7.1 incorporation of their own; to which the two academies of France, and
afterwards the vast undertaking of the Encyclopaedia, carried on by a p. 209-7.2
society of these gentlemen, did not a little contribute.
The literary cabal had some years ago formed something like a
regular plan for the destruction of the Christian religion. This object
p. 209-12 they pursued with a degree of zeal which hitherto had been
discovered only in the propagators of some system of piety. They
were possessed with a spirit of proselytism in the most fanatical
degree; and from thence by an easy progress, with the spirit of
[ b]
persecution according to their means What was not to be done
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p. 210-11 The desultory and faint persecution carried on against them, more
from compliance with form and decency than with serious resentment,
neither weakened their strength, nor relaxed their efforts. The issue of
the whole was, that what with opposition, and what with success, a
violent and malignant zeal, of a kind hitherto unknown in the world,
had taken an entire possession of their minds, and rendered their
whole conversation, which otherwise would have been pleasing and
instructive, perfectly disgusting. A spirit of cabal, intrigue, and
proselytism, pervaded all their thoughts, words, and actions. And, as
controversial zeal soon turns its thoughts on force, they began to
insinuate themselves into a correspondence with foreign princes; in
hopes, through their authority, which at first they flattered, they
might bring about the changes they had in view. To them it was
indifferent whether these changes were to be accomplished by the
thunderbolt of despotism, or by the earthquake of popular
commotion. The correspondence between this cabal, and the late king
of Prussia, will throw no small light upon the spirit of all their
proceedings. For the same purpose for which they intrigued with
princes, they cultivated, in a distinguished manner, the monied
interest of France; and partly through the means furnished by those
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whose peculiar offices gave them the most extensive and certain
means of communication, they carefully occupied all the avenues to
Writers, especially when they act in a body, and with one direction,
have great influence on the publick mind; the alliance therefore of
[c ]
these writers with the monied interest had no small effect in
removing the popular odium and envy which attended that species of
wealth. These writers, like the propagators of all novelties, pretended
to a great zeal for the poor, and the lower orders, whilst in their p. 211-10
satires they rendered hateful, by every exaggeration, the faults of
courts, of nobility, and of priesthood. They became a sort of
demagogues. They served as a link to unite, in favour of one object,
obnoxious wealth to restless and desperate poverty.
AS THESE TWO KINDS OF MEN appear principal leaders in all the late
transactions, their junction and politics will serve to account, not upon
any principles of law or of policy, but as a cause, for the general fury
with which all the landed property of ecclesiastical corporations has
been attacked; and the great care which, contrary to their pretended
principles, has been taken, of a monied interest originating from the
authority of the crown. All the envy against wealth and power, was
artificially directed against other descriptions of riches. On what other
principle than that which I have stated can we account for an
appearance so extraordinary and unnatural as that of the
ecclesiastical possessions, which had stood so many successions of
ages and shocks of civil violences, and were guarded at once by
justice, and by prejudice, being applied to the payment of debts,
comparatively recent, invidious, and contracted by a decried and
subverted government?
Was the public estate a sufficient stake for the publick debts? Assume
that it was not, and that a loss must be incurred somewhere—When
the only estate lawfully possessed, and which the contracting parties
had in contemplation at the time in which their bargain was made,
happens to fail, who, according to the principles of natural and legal
equity, ought to be the sufferer? Certainly it ought to be either the
party who trusted; or the party who persuaded him to trust; or both;
and not third parties who had no concern with the transaction. Upon
any insolvency they ought to suffer who were weak enough to lend
upon bad security, or they who fraudulently held out a security that
was not valid. Laws are acquainted with no other rules of decision. But
by the new institute of the rights of men, the only persons, who in
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equity ought to suffer, are the only persons who are to be saved
harmless: those are to answer the debt who neither were lenders or
borrowers, mortgagers or mortgagees.
What had the clergy to do with these transactions? What had they to
do with any publick engagement further than the extent of their own
debt? To that, to be sure, their estates were bound to the last acre.
Nothing can lead more to the true spirit of the assembly, which sits
p. 212-21 for publick confiscation, with its new equity and its new morality, than
an attention to their proceeding with regard to this debt of the clergy.
The body of confiscators, true to that monied interest for which they
were false to every other, have found the clergy competent to incur a
legal debt. Of course they declared them legally entitled to the
property which their power of incurring the debt and mortgaging the
estate implied; recognising the rights of those persecuted citizens, in
the very act in which they were thus grossly violated.
If, as I said, any persons are to make good deficiencies to the publick
creditor, besides the publick at large, they must be those who
managed the agreement. Why therefore are not the estates of all the p. 212-33
[ ]
comptrollers general confiscated? Why not those of the long
succession of ministers, financiers, and bankers who have been
enriched whilst the nation was impoverished by their dealings and
p. 213-4 their counsels? Why is not the estate of Mr. Laborde declared forfeited
rather than of the archbishop of Paris, who has had nothing to do in
the creation or in the jobbing of the publick funds? Or, if you must
confiscate old landed estates in favour of the money-jobbers, why is
the penalty confined to one description? I do not know whether the
expences of the duke de Choiseul have left any thing of the infinite p. 213-9
sums which he had derived from the bounty of his master, during the
transactions of a reign which contributed largely, by every species of
prodigality in war and peace, to the present debt of France. If any
p. 213-14 such remains, why is not this confiscated? I remember to have been
in Paris during the time of the old government. I was there just after
the duke d’Aiguillon had been snatched (as it was generally thought) p. 213-16
p. 213-17 from the block by the hand of a protecting despotism. He was a
minister, and had some concern in the affairs of that prodigal period.
Why do I not see his estate delivered up to the municipalities in which
it is situated? The noble family of Noailles have long been servants p. 213-20
(meritorious servants I admit) to the crown of France, and have had
of course some share in its bounties. Why do I hear nothing of the
application of their estates to the publick debt? Why is the estate of
p. 213-25 the duke de Rochefoucault more sacred than that of the cardinal de
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Rochefoucault? The former is, I doubt not, a worthy person; and (if it
were not a sort of profaneness to talk of the use, as affecting the title
to property) he makes a good use of his revenues; but it is no p. 213-29
disrespect to him to say, what authentic information well warrants me
p. 213-31 in saying, that the use made of a property equally valid, by his
brother the cardinal archbishop of Rouen, was far more laudable
and far more publick-spirited. Can one hear of the proscription of such
persons, and the confiscation of their effects, without indignation and
horror? He is not a man who does not feel such emotions on such
occasions. He does not deserve the name of a free man who will not
express them.
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THIS SAME WEALTH, which is at all times treason and lese nation to
indigent and rapacious despotism, under all modes of polity, was your
temptation to violate property, law, and religion, united in one object.
But was the state of France so wretched and undone, that no other
resource but rapine remained to preserve its existence? On this point
I wish to receive some information. When the states met, was the
condition of the finances of France such, that, after oeconomising on
principles of justice and mercy through all departments, no fair
repartition of burthens upon all the orders could possibly restore
them? If such an equal imposition would have been sufficient, you
well know it might easily have been made. Mr. Necker, in the budget
which he laid before the Orders assembled at Versailles, made a
detailed exposition of the state of the French nation.
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twentieths; but then they made free gifts; they contracted debts for
the state; and they were subject to some other charges, the whole
computed at about a thirteenth part of their clear income. They ought
to have paid annually about forty thousand pounds more, to put them
on a par with the contribution of the nobility.
THE MADNESS OF THE PROJECT of confiscation, on the plan that was first
pretended, soon became apparent. To bring this unwieldly mass of
landed property, enlarged by the confiscation of all the vast landed
domain of the crown, at once into market, was obviously to defeat the
profits proposed by the confiscation, by depreciating the value of
those lands, and indeed of all the landed estates throughout France.
Such a sudden diversion of all its circulating money from trade to
land, must be an additional mischief. What step was taken? Did the
assembly, on becoming sensible of the inevitable ill effects of their
projected sale, revert to the offers of the clergy? No distress could
oblige them to travel in a course which was disgraced by any
appearance of justice. Giving over all hopes from a general immediate
sale, another project seems to have succeeded. They proposed to
take stock in exchange for the church lands. In that project great
difficulties arose in equalizing the objects to be exchanged. Other
obstacles also presented themselves, which threw them back again
upon some project of sale. The municipalities had taken an alarm.
They would not hear of transferring the whole plunder of the kingdom
to the stockholders in Paris. Many of those municipalities had been
upon system reduced to the most deplorable indigence. Money was no
where to be seen. They were therefore led to the point that was so
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ardently desired. They panted for a currency of any kind which might
revive their perishing industry. The municipalities were then to be
admitted to a share in the spoil, which evidently rendered the first
scheme, if ever it had been seriously entertained, altogether
impracticable. Publick exigencies pressed upon all sides. The minister
of finance reiterated his call for supply with a most urgent, anxious,
and boding voice. Thus pressed on all sides instead of the first plan of
converting their bankers into bishops and abbots, instead of paying
the old debt, they contracted a new debt, at 3 per cent., creating a
new paper currency, founded on an eventual sale of the church lands.
They issued this paper currency to satisfy in the first instance chiefly
the demands made upon them by the Bank of discount, the great p. 221-20
machine, or paper-mill, of their fictitious wealth.
The spoil of the church was now become the only resource of all their
operations in finance; the vital principle of all their politics; the sole
security for the existence of their power. It was necessary by all, even
the most violent means, to put every individual on the same bottom,
and to bind the nation in one guilty interest to uphold this act, and the
authority of those by whom it was done. In order to force the most
reluctant into a participation of their pillage, they rendered their paper
circulation compulsory in all payments. Those who consider the
general tendency of their schemes to this one object as a centre; and
a centre from which afterwards all their measures radiate, will not
think that I dwell too long upon this part of the proceedings of the
national assembly.
To cut off all appearance of connection between the crown and publick
justice, and to bring the whole under implicit obedience to the
p. 222-2 dictators in Paris, the old independent judicature of the parliaments,
with all its merits, and all its faults, was wholly abolished. Whilst the
parliaments existed, it was evident that the people might some time
or other come to resort to them, and rally under the standard of their
antient laws. It became however a matter of consideration that the
magistrates and officers, in the courts now abolished, had purchased
their places at a very high rate, for which, as well as for the duty they
performed, they received but a very low return of interest. Simple
confiscation is a boon only for the clergy; to the lawyers some
appearances of equity are to be observed; and they are to receive
compensation to an immense amount. Their compensation becomes
part of the national debt, for the liquidation of which there is the one
exhaustless fund. The lawyers are to obtain their compensation in the
new church paper, which is to march with the new principles of
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In the course of all these operations, at length comes out the grand
arcanum; that in reality, and in a fair sense, the lands of the church,
so far as any thing certain can be gathered from their proceedings,
are not to be sold at all. By the late resolutions of the national
assembly, they are indeed to be delivered to the highest bidder. But it
is to be observed, that a certain portion only of the purchase money is
to be laid down. A period of twelve years is to be given for the
payment of the rest. The philosophic purchasers are therefore, on
payment of a sort of fine, to be put instantly into possession of the p. 223-5
p. 223-6 estate. It becomes in some respects a sort of gift to them; to be held
on the feudal tenure of zeal to the new establishment. This project is
evidently to let in a body of purchasers without money. The
consequence will be, that these purchasers, or rather grantees, will
pay, not only from the rents as they accrue, which might as well be
received by the state, but from the spoil of the materials of buildings,
p. 223-13.2 from waste in woods, and from whatever money, by hands habituated p. 223-13.1
to the gripings of usury, they can wring from the miserable peasant.
He is to be delivered over to the mercenary and arbitrary discretion of
men, who will be stimulated to every species of extortion by the
growing demands on the growing profits of an estate held under the
precarious settlement of a new political system.
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course be partizans of the old; that those who reprobate their crude
and violent schemes of liberty ought to be treated as advocates for p. 223-32
servitude. I admit that their necessities do compel them to this base
and contemptible fraud. Nothing can reconcile men to their
proceedings and projects but the supposition that there is no third
option between them, and some tyranny as odious as can be
furnished by the records of history, or by the invention of poets. This
prattling of theirs hardly deserves the name of sophistry. It is nothing
but plain impudence. Have these gentlemen never heard, in the whole
circle of the worlds of theory and practice, of any thing between the
despotism of the monarch and the despotism of the multitude? Have
they never heard of a monarchy directed by laws, controlled and
p. 224-10 balanced by the great hereditary wealth and hereditary dignity of a
nation; and both again controlled by a judicious check from the
reason and feeling of the people at large acting by a suitable and p. 224-13
permanent organ? Is it then impossible that a man may be found
who, without criminal ill intention, or pitiable absurdity, shall prefer
such a mixed and tempered government to either of the extremes;
and who may repute that nation to be destitute of all wisdom and of
all virtue, which, having in its choice to obtain such a government
with ease, or rather to confirm it when actually possessed, thought
proper to commit a thousand crimes, and to subject their country to a
thousand evils, in order to avoid it? Is it then a truth so universally
p. 224-22 acknowledged, that a pure democracy is the only tolerable form into
which human society can be thrown, that a man is not permitted to
hesitate about its merits, without the suspicion of being a friend to
tyranny, that is, of being a foe to mankind?
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To hear some men speak of the late monarchy of France, you would
imagine that they were talking of Persia bleeding under the ferocious
sword of Taehmas Kouli Khân; or at least describing the barbarous p. 227-29
anarchic despotism of Turkey, where the finest countries in the most
genial climates in the world are wasted by peace more than any
countries have been worried by war; where arts are unknown, where
manufactures languish, where science is extinguished, where
p. 227-35 agriculture decays, where the human race itself melts away and
perishes under the eye of the observer. Was this the case of France? I
have no way of determining the question but by a reference to facts.
Facts do not support this resemblance. Along with much evil, there is
some good in monarchy itself; and some corrective to its evil, from
religion, from laws, from manners, from opinions, the French
monarchy must have received; which rendered it (though by no
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Some adequate cause must have originally introduced all the money
coined at its mint into that kingdom; and some cause as operative
must have kept at home, or returned into its bosom, such a vast flood
of treasure as Mr. Necker calculates to remain for domestic
circulation. Suppose any reasonable deductions from Mr. Necker’s
computation: the remainder must still amount to an immense sum.
Causes thus powerful to acquire and to retain, cannot be found in
discouraged industry, insecure property, and a positively destructive
p. 231-25 government. Indeed, when I consider the face of the kingdom of
p. 231-27 France; the multitude and opulence of her cities; the useful p. 231-26
magnificence of her spacious high roads and bridges; the opportunity p. 231-28.1
p. 231-28.2 of her artificial canals and navigations opening the conveniences of p. 231-29
maritime communication through a solid continent of so immense an
p. 231-31 extent; when I turn my eyes to the stupendous works of her ports and
harbours, and to her whole naval apparatus, whether for war or trade;
when I bring before my view the number of her fortifications, p. 231-33
constructed with so bold and masterly a skill, and made and
p. 232-1 maintained at so prodigious a charge, presenting an armed front and
impenetrable barrier to her enemies upon every side; when I recollect
how very small a part of that extensive region is without cultivation,
and to what complete perfection the culture of many of the best p. 232-3
productions of the earth have been brought in France; when I reflect
on the excellence of her manufactures and fabrics, second to none but
p. 232-7 ours, and in some particulars not second; when I contemplate the p. 232-8
p. 232-9 grand foundations of charity, public and private; when I survey the
state of all the arts that beautify and polish life; when I reckon the p. 232-10
men she has bred for extending her fame in war, her able statesmen,
the multitude of her profound lawyers and theologians, her
philosophers, her critics, her historians and antiquaries, her poets,
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and her orators sacred and profane, I behold in all this something
which awes and commands the imagination, which checks the mind
on the brink of precipitate and indiscriminate censure, and which
demands, that we should very seriously examine, what and how great
are the latent vices that could authorise us at once to level so
spacious a fabric with the ground. I do not recognize, in this view of
things, the despotism of Turkey. Nor do I discern the character of a
government, that has been, on the whole, so oppressive, or so
corrupt, or so negligent, as to be utterly unfit for all reformation. I
must think such a government well deserved to have its excellencies
heightened; its faults corrected; and its capacities improved into a
British constitution.
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THE ADVOCATES FOR THIS REVOLUTION, not satisfied with exaggerating the
vices of their antient government, strike at the fame of their country
itself, by painting almost all that could have attracted the attention of
strangers, I mean their nobility and their clergy, as objects of horror.
If this were only a libel, there had not been much in it. But it has
practical consequences. Had your nobility and gentry, who formed the
great body of your landed men, and the whole of your military
officers, resembled those of Germany, at the period when the Hanse- p. 236-11
towns were necessitated to confederate against the nobles in defence
p. 236-14 of their property—had they been like the Orsini and Vitelli in Italy,
who used to sally from their fortified dens to rob the trader and
p. 236-16.2 traveller—had they been such as the Mamalukes in Egypt, or the p. 236-16.1
Nayres on the coast of Malabar, I do admit, that too critical an enquiry
might not be adviseable into the means of freeing the world from such
a nuisance. The statues of Equity and Mercy might be veiled for a p. 236-19
moment. The tenderest minds, confounded with the dreadful exigence
in which morality submits to the suspension of its own rules in favour
of its own principles, might turn aside whilst fraud and violence were
accomplishing the destruction of a pretended nobility which disgraced
whilst it persecuted human nature. The persons most abhorrent from
blood, and treason, and arbitrary confiscation, might remain silent
p. 236-27 spectators of this civil war between the vices.
But did the privileged nobility who met under the king’s precept at
Versailles, in 1789, or their constituents, deserve to be looked on as
the Nayres or Mamalukes of this age, or as the Orsini and Vitelli of
antient times? If I had then asked the question, I should have passed
for a madman. What have they since done that they were to be driven
into exile, that their persons should be hunted about, mangled, and
tortured, their families dispersed, their houses laid in ashes, that their
order should be abolished, and the memory of it, if possible,
extinguished, by ordaining them to change the very names by which
they were usually known? Read their instructions to their
representatives. They breathe the spirit of liberty as warmly, and they p. 237-6
recommend reformation as strongly, as any other order. Their
privileges relative to contribution were voluntarily surrendered; as the
king, from the beginning, surrendered all pretence to a right of
taxation. Upon a free constitution there was but one opinion in
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I have observed the affectation, which, for many years past, has
prevailed in Paris even to a degree perfectly childish, of idolizing the
memory of your Henry the Fourth. If any thing could put one out of
humour with that ornament to the kingly character, it would be this
overdone style of insidious panegyric. The persons who have worked
this engine the most busily, are those who have ended their
panegyrics in dethroning his successor and descendant; a man, as
good-natured at the least, as Henry the Fourth; altogether as fond of
his people; and who has done infinitely more to correct the antient
vices of the state than that great monarch did, or we are sure he
never meant to do. Well it is for his panegyrists that they have not
him to deal with. For Henry of Navarre was a resolute, active, and
politic prince. He possessed indeed great humanity and mildness; but
an humanity and mildness that never stood in the way of his
interests. He never sought to be loved without putting himself first in
a condition to be feared. He used soft language with determined
conduct. He asserted and maintained his authority in the gross, and
distributed his acts of concession only in the detail. He spent the
income of his prerogatives nobly; but he took care not to break in
upon the capital; never abandoning for a moment any of the claims, p. 238-4
which he made under the fundamental laws, nor sparing to shed the
blood of those who opposed him, often in the field, sometimes upon
the scaffold. Because he knew how to make his virtues respected by
p. 238-9 the ungrateful, he has merited the praises of those whom, if they had
lived in his time, he would have shut up in the Bastile, and brought to
punishment along with the regicides whom he hanged after he had
famished Paris into a surrender.
But the nobility of France are degenerated since the days of Henry the
Fourth. This is possible. But it is more than I can believe to be true in
any great degree. I do not pretend to know France as correctly as
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the men of the sword; nor were they answerable for the vices of its
principle, or the vexations, where any such existed, in its
All this violent cry against the nobility I take to be a mere work of art.
To be honoured and even privileged by the laws, opinions, and
inveterate usages of our country, growing out of the prejudice of
ages, has nothing to provoke horror and indignation in any man. Even
to be too tenacious of those privileges, is not absolutely a crime. The p. 241-6
strong struggle in every individual to preserve possession of what he
has found to belong to him and to distinguish him, is one of the
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P. 241-31 IT WAS WITH THE SAME SATISFACTION I found that the result of my enquiry
concerning your clergy was not dissimilar. It is no soothing news to
my ears, that great bodies of men are incurably corrupt. It is not with
much credulity I listen to any, when they speak evil of those whom
they are going to plunder. I rather suspect that vices are feigned or
exaggerated, when profit is looked for in their punishment. An enemy
is a bad witness: a robber is a worse. Vices and abuses there were
undoubtedly in that order, and must be. It was an old establishment,
and not frequently revised. But I saw no crimes in the individuals that
merited confiscation of their substance, nor those cruel insults and
degradations, and that unnatural persecution which has been
substituted in the place of meliorating regulation.
If there had been any just cause for this new religious persecution,
the atheistic libellers, who act as trumpeters to animate the populace
to plunder, do not love any body so much as not to dwell with
complacence on the vices of the existing clergy. This they have not
done. They find themselves obliged to rake into the histories of former
ages (which they have ransacked with a malignant and profligate
industry) for every instance of oppression and persecution which has
been made by that body or in its favour, in order to justify, upon very
iniquitous, because very illogical principles of retaliation, their own
persecutions, and their own cruelties. After destroying all other
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Corporate bodies are immortal for the good of the members, but not
for their punishment. Nations themselves are such corporations. As
well might we in England think of waging inexpiable war upon all
Frenchmen for the evils which they have brought upon us in the
several periods of our mutual hostilities. You might, on your part,
think yourselves justified in falling upon all Englishmen on account of
the unparalleled calamities brought upon the people of France by the
unjust invasions of our Henries and our Edwards. Indeed we should be
mutually justified in this exterminatory war upon each other, full as
much as you are in the unprovoked persecution of your present
countrymen, on account of the conduct of men of the same name in
other times.
These vices are the causes of those storms. Religion, morals, laws, p. 243-28
prerogatives, privileges, liberties, rights of men, are the pretexts. The
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Such is the effect of the perversion of history, by those, who, for the
same nefarious purposes, have perverted every other part of learning.
But those who will stand upon that elevation of reason, which places
centuries under our eye, and brings things to the true point of
comparison, which obscures little names, and effaces the colours of
little parties, and to which nothing can ascend but the spirit and moral
quality of human actions, will say to the teachers of the Palais Royal,
“The Cardinal of Lorraine was the murderer of the sixteenth century,
you have the glory of being the murderers in the eighteenth; and this
is the only difference between you.” But history, in the nineteenth
century, better understood, and better employed, will, I trust, teach a
civilized posterity to abhor the misdeeds of both these barbarous
ages. It will teach future priests and magistrates not to retaliate upon
the speculative and inactive atheists of future times, the enormities
committed by the present practical zealots and furious fanatics of that
wretched error, which, in its quiescent state, is more than punished,
whenever it is embraced. It will teach posterity not to make war upon
either religion or philosophy, for the abuse which the hypocrites of
both have made of the two most valuable blessings conferred upon us
by the bounty of the universal Patron, who in all things eminently
favours and protects the race of man.
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If your clergy, or any clergy, should shew themselves vicious beyond p. 246-25
the fair bounds allowed to human infirmity, and to those professional
faults which can hardly be separated from professional virtues, though
their vices never can countenance the exercise of oppression, I do
admit, that they would naturally have the effect of abating very much
of our indignation against the tyrants who exceed measure and justice
p. 246-32 in their punishment. I can allow in clergymen, through all their
divisions, some tenaciousness of their own opinion; some
overflowings of zeal for its propagation; some predilection to their
own state and office; some attachment to the interest of their own
corps; some preference to those who listen with docility to their
doctrines, beyond those who scorn and deride them. I allow all this,
because I am a man who have to deal with men, and who would not,
through a violence of toleration, run into the greatest of all
intolerance. I must bear with infirmities until they fester into crimes. p. 247-6
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These, or some of these, were the vices objected, and not wholly
without foundation, to several of the churchmen of former times, who
p. 248-5 belonged to the two great parties which then divided and distracted
WHEN MY OCCASIONS took me into France, towards the close of the late P. 248-15
reign, the clergy, under all their forms, engaged a considerable part of
my curiosity. So far from finding (except from one set of men, not
then very numerous, though very active) the complaints and
discontents against that body, which some publications had given me
reason to expect, I perceived little or no public or private uneasiness
on their account. On further examination, I found the clergy in
general, persons of moderate minds and decorous manners; I include
the seculars, and the regulars of both sexes. I had not the good
fortune to know a great many of the parochial clergy; but in general I
received a perfectly good account of their morals, and of their
attention to their duties. With some of the higher clergy I had a
personal acquaintance; and of the rest in that class, very good means
of information. They were, almost all of them, persons of noble birth.
They resembled others of their own rank; and where there was any
difference, it was in their favour. They were more fully educated than
the military noblesse; so as by no means to disgrace their profession
by ignorance, or by want of fitness for the exercise of their authority.
They seemed to me, beyond the clerical character, liberal and open;
with the hearts of gentlemen, and men of honour; neither insolent nor
servile in their manners and conduct. They seemed to me rather a
superior class; a set of men, amongst whom you would not be
surprised to find a Fénelon. I saw among the clergy in Paris (many of
the description are not to be met with any where) men of great
learning and candour; and I had reason to believe, that this
description was not confined to Paris. What I found in other places, I
know was accidental; and therefore to be presumed a fair sample. I
p. 249-12.1 spent a few days in a provincial town, where, in the absence of the p. 249-12.2
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p. 250-5 YOU HAD BEFORE YOUR REVOLUTION about an hundred and twenty bishops.
A few of them were men of eminent sanctity, and charity without
limit. When we talk of the heroic, of course we talk of rare, virtue. I
believe the instances of eminent depravity may be as rare amongst p. 250-8
them as those of transcendent goodness. Examples of avarice and of
licentiousness may be picked out, I do not question it, by those who
delight in the investigation which leads to such discoveries. A man, as
old as I am, will not be astonished that several in every description,
do not lead that perfect life of self-denial, with regard to wealth or to
pleasure, which is wished for by all, by some expected, but by none
exacted with more rigour, than by those who are the most attentive
to their own interests, or the most indulgent to their own passions.
When I was in France, I am certain that the number of vicious
prelates was not great. Certain individuals among them not
distinguishable for the regularity of their lives, made some amends for
their want of the severe virtues, in their possession of the liberal; and
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were endowed with qualities which made them useful in the church
and state. I am told, that with few exceptions, Louis the Sixteenth had
been more attentive to character, in his promotions to that rank, than
his immediate predecessor; and I believe, as some spirit of reform
has prevailed through the whole reign, that it may be true. But the
present ruling power has shewn a disposition only to plunder the
church. It has punished all prelates; which is to favour the vicious, at
p. 250-32 least in point of reputation. It has made a degrading pensionary
establishment, to which no man of liberal ideas or liberal condition will
destine his children. It must settle into the lowest classes of the
people. As with you the inferior clergy are not numerous enough for
their duties; as these duties are, beyond measure, minute and
toilsome; as you have left no middle classes of clergy at their ease, in
future nothing of science or erudition can exist in the Gallican church. p. 251-4
To complete the project, without the least attention to the rights of
patrons, the assembly has provided in future an elective clergy; an
arrangement which will drive out of the clerical profession all men of
sobriety; all who can pretend to independence in their function or
their conduct; and which will throw the whole direction of the public
mind into the hands of a set of licentious, bold, crafty, factious,
flattering wretches, of such condition and such habits of life as will
make their contemptible pensions, in comparison of which the stipend
of an exciseman is lucrative and honourable, an object of low and
illiberal intrigue. Those officers, whom they still call bishops, are to be
elected to a provision comparatively mean, through the same arts,
(that is, electioneering arts) by men of all religious tenets that are
p. 251-19 known or can be invented. The new lawgivers have not ascertained
any thing whatsoever concerning their qualifications, relative either to
doctrine or to morals; no more than they have done with regard to
the subordinate clergy; nor does it appear but that both the higher
and the lower may, at their discretion, practice or preach any mode of
religion or irreligion that they please. I do not yet see what the
jurisdiction of bishops over their subordinates is to be; or whether
they are to have any jurisdiction at all.
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THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE ROBBED the clergy, think that they shall easily
reconcile their conduct to all protestant nations; because the clergy,
whom they have thus plundered, degraded, and given over to
mockery and scorn, are of the Roman Catholic, that is, of their own
pretended persuasion. I have no doubt that some miserable bigots will
be found here as well as elsewhere, who hate sects and parties
different from their own, more than they love the substance of
religion; and who are more angry with those who differ from them in
their particular plans and systems, than displeased with those who
attack the foundation of our common hope. These men will write and
speak on the subject in the manner that is to be expected from their
temper and character. Burnet says, that when he was in France, in p. 253-8
the year 1683, “the method which carried over the men of the finest
parts to popery was this—they brought themselves to doubt of the
whole Christian religion. When that was once done, it seemed a more
indifferent thing of what side or form they continued outwardly.” If
this was then the ecclesiastic policy of France, it is what they have
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since but too much reason to repent of. They preferred atheism to a
form of religion not agreeable to their ideas. They succeeded in
destroying that form; and atheism has succeeded in destroying them.
I can readily give credit to Burnet’s story; because I have observed
too much of a similar spirit (for a little of it is “much too much”)
amongst ourselves. The humour, however, is not general.
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P. 257-6 WHEN THE ANABAPTISTS of Münster, in the sixteenth century, had filled
Germany with confusion by their system of levelling and their wild
opinions concerning property, to what country in Europe did not the
progress of their fury furnish just cause of alarm? Of all things, p. 257-10
wisdom is the most terrified with epidemical fanaticism, because of all
enemies it is that against which she is the least able to furnish any
kind of resource. We cannot be ignorant of the spirit of atheistical
fanaticism, that is inspired by a multitude of writings, dispersed with
incredible assiduity and expence, and by sermons delivered in all the
streets and places of public resort in Paris. These writings and
sermons have filled the populace with a black and savage atrocity of
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p. 260-26 When men are encouraged to go into a certain mode of life by the
existing laws, and protected in that mode as in a lawful occupation—
when they have accommodated all their ideas, and all their habits to
it—when the law had long made their adherence to its rules a ground
of reputation, and their departure from them a ground of disgrace and
even of penalty—I am sure it is unjust in legislature, by an arbitrary
act, to offer a sudden violence to their minds and their feelings;
forcibly to degrade them from their state and condition, and to
stigmatize with shame and infamy that character and those customs
which before had been made the measure of their happiness and
honour. If to this be added an expulsion from their habitations, and a
confiscation of all their goods, I am not sagacious enough to discover
how this despotic sport, made of the feelings, consciences, prejudices,
and properties of men, can be discriminated from the rankest tyranny.
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the measure, that is, the public benefit to be expected from it, ought
to be at least as evident, and at least as important. To a man who
acts under the influence of no passion, who has nothing in view in his
projects but the public good, a great difference will immediately strike
him, between what policy would dictate on the original introduction of
such institutions, and on a question of their total abolition, where they
have cast their roots wide and deep, and where by long habit things
more valuable than themselves are so adapted to them, and in a
manner interwoven with them, that the one cannot be destroyed
without notably impairing the other. He might be embarrassed, if the
case were really such as sophisters represent it in their paltry style of p. 261-23
debating. But in this, as in most questions of state, there is a middle.
There is something else than the mere alternative of absolute
p. 261-26 destruction, or unreformed existence. Spartam nactus es; hanc
exorna. This is, in my opinion, a rule of profound sense, and ought
never to depart from the mind of an honest reformer. I cannot
conceive how any man can have brought himself to that pitch of
presumption, to consider his country as nothing but carte blanche,
upon which he may scribble whatever he pleases. A man full of warm
speculative benevolence may wish his society otherwise constituted
than he finds it; but a good patriot, and a true politician, always
considers how he shall make the most of the existing materials of his
country. A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, taken
together, would be my standard of a statesman. Every thing else is
vulgar in the conception, perilous in the execution.
There are moments in the fortune of states when particular men are
called to make improvements by great mental exertion. In those
moments, even when they seem to enjoy the confidence of their
prince and country, and to be invested with full authority, they have
not always apt instruments. A politician, to do great things, looks for a
power, what our workmen call a purchase; and if he finds that power, p. 262-10
in politics as in mechanics he cannot be at a loss to apply it. In the
monastic institutions, in my opinion, was found a great power for the
mechanism of politic benevolence. There were revenues with a public
direction; there were men wholly set apart and dedicated to public
purposes, without any other than public ties and public principles;
men without the possibility of converting the estate of the community
into a private fortune; men denied to self-interests, whose avarice is
for some community; men to whom personal poverty is honour, and
implicit obedience stands in the place of freedom. In vain shall a man
p. 262-22 look to the possibility of making such things when he wants them. The
winds blow as they list. These institutions are the products of
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industry from whence it came; and that its expenditure should be with
the least possible detriment to the morals of those who expend it, and
to those of the people to whom it is returned.
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they are not upon a par, and the difference is in favour of the
possession. It does not appear to me, that the expences of those
whom you are going to expel, do, in fact, take a course so directly
and so generally leading to vitiate and degrade and render miserable
those through whom they pass, as the expences of those favourites
whom you are intruding into their houses. Why should the
expenditure of a great landed property, which is a dispersion of the
surplus product of the soil, appear intolerable to you or to me, when it
takes its course through the accumulation of vast libraries, which are
the history of the force and weakness of the human mind; through
great collections of antient records, medals, and coins, which attest
and explain laws and customs; through paintings and statues, that, by
imitating nature, seem to extend the limits of creation; through grand
monuments of the dead, which continue the regards and connexions
of life beyond the grave; through collections of the specimens of
nature, which become a representative assembly of all the classes and
families of the world, that by disposition facilitate, and, by exciting
curiosity, open the avenues to science? If, by great permanent
establishments, all these objects of expence are better secured from
the inconstant sport of personal caprice and personal extravagance,
are they worse than if the same tastes prevailed in scattered
individuals? Does not the sweat of the mason and carpenter, who toil
in order to partake the sweat of the peasant, flow as pleasantly and
as salubriously, in the construction and repair of the majestic edifices
of religion, as in the painted booths and sordid sties of vice and
luxury; as honourably and as profitably in repairing those sacred
works, which grow hoary with innumerable years, as on the
momentary receptacles of transient voluptuousness; in opera-houses,
and brothels; and gaming-houses, and club-houses, and obelisks in
the Champ de Mars? Is the surplus product of the olive and the vine
worse employed in the frugal sustenance of persons, whom the
fictions of a pious imagination raise to dignity by construing in the
service of God, than in pampering the innumerable multitude of those
who are degraded by being made useless domestics subservient to
the pride of man? Are the decorations of temples an expenditure less
worthy a wise man than ribbons, and laces, and national cockades,
and petits maisons, and petit soupers, and all the innumerable
fopperies and follies in which opulence sports away the burthen of its
We tolerate even these; not from love of them, but for fear of worse.
We tolerate them, because property and liberty, to a degree, require
that toleration. But why proscribe the other, and surely, in every point
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of view, the more laudable use of estates? Why, through the violation
of all property, through an outrage upon every principle of liberty,
forcibly carry them from the better to the worse?
This comparison between the new individuals and the old corps is
made upon a supposition that no reform could be made in the latter.
p. 268-6 But in a question of reformation, I always consider corporate bodies,
whether sole or consisting of many, to be much more susceptible of a p. 268-7
public direction by the power of the state, in the use of their property,
and in the regulation of modes and habits of life in their members,
than private citizens ever can be, or perhaps ought to be; and this
seems to me a very material consideration for those who undertake
any thing which merits the name of a politic enterprize. So far as to
the estates of monasteries.
p. 268-15 With regard to the estates possessed by bishops and canons, and
commendatory abbots, I cannot find out for what reason some landed
estates may not be held otherwise than by inheritance. Can any p. 268-17
philosophic spoiler undertake to demonstrate the positive or the
comparative evil, of having a certain, and that too a large portion of
landed property, passing in succession thro’ persons whose title to it
is, always in theory, and often in fact, an eminent degree of piety,
morals, and learning; a property which, by its destination, in their
turn, and on the score of merit, gives to the noblest families
renovation and support, to the lowest the means of dignity and
elevation; a property, the tenure of which is the performance of some
duty, whatever value you may choose to set upon that duty—and the
character of whose proprietors demands at least an exterior decorum
and gravity of manners; who are to exercise a generous but
temperate hospitality; part of whose income they are to consider as a
trust for charity; and who, even when they fail in their trust, when
they slide from their character, and degenerate into a mere common
secular nobleman or gentleman, are in no respect worse than those
who may succeed them in their forfeited possessions? Is it better that
estates should be held by those who have no duty than by those who
have one? By those whose character and destination point to virtues,
than by those who have no rule and direction in the expenditure of
their estates but their own will and appetite? Nor are these estates
held altogether in the character or with the evils supposed inherent in
mortmain. They pass from hand to hand with a more rapid circulation
than any other. No excess is good; and therefore too great a
proportion of landed property may be held officially for life; but it does
not seem to me of material injury to any commonwealth, that there
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P. 269-13 THIS LETTER IS GROWN to a great length, though it is indeed short with
regard to the infinite extent of the subject. Various avocations have
from time to time called my mind from the subject. I was not sorry to
give myself leisure to observe whether, in the proceedings of the
national assembly, I might not find reasons to change or to qualify
some of my first sentiments. Every thing has confirmed me more
strongly in my first opinions. It was my original purpose to take a
view of the principles of the national assembly with regard to the
great and fundamental establishments; and to compare the whole of
what you have substituted in the place of what you have destroyed,
with the several members of our British constitution. But this plan is
of greater extent than at first I computed, and I find that you have
little desire to take the advantage of any examples. At present I must
content myself with some remarks upon your establishments;
reserving for another time what I proposed to say concerning the
spirit of our British monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, as
practically they exist.
I have taken a review of what has been done by the governing power p. 269-32
in France. I have certainly spoke of it with freedom. Those whose
principle it is to despise the antient permanent sense of mankind, and
to set up a scheme of society on new principles, must naturally expect
that such of us who think better of the judgment of the human race
than of theirs, should consider both them and their devices, as men
and schemes upon their trial. They must take it for granted that we
attend much to their reason, but not at all to their authority. They
have not one of the great influencing prejudices of mankind in their
favour. They avow their hostility to opinion. Of course they must
expect no support from that influence, which, with every other
authority, they have deposed from the seat of its jurisdiction.
I can never consider this assembly as any thing else than a voluntary
association of men, who have availed themselves of circumstances, to
seize upon the power of the state. They have not the sanction and
p. 270-16 authority of the character under which they first met. They have
assumed another of a very different nature; and have completely
altered and inverted all the relations in which they originally stood.
They do not hold the authority they exercise under any constitutional
law of the state. They have departed from the instructions of the
people by whom they were sent; which instructions, as the assembly
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did not act in virtue of any antient usage or settled law, were the sole
source of their authority. The most considerable of their acts have not p. 270-23
been done by great majorities; and in this sort of near divisions,
which carry only the constructive authority of the whole, strangers will
consider reasons as well as resolutions.
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WE MUST ALWAYS SEE with a pity not unmixed with respect, the errors of
those who are timid and doubtful of themselves with regard to points
wherein the happiness of mankind is concerned. But in these
gentlemen there is nothing of the tender parental solicitude which
fears to cut up the infant for the sake of an experiment. In the
vastness of their promises, and the confidence of their predictions,
they far outdo all the boasting of empirics. The arrogance of their
pretensions, in a manner provokes, and challenges us to an enquiry
into their foundation.
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Old establishments are tried by their effects. If the people are happy,
united, wealthy, and powerful, we presume the rest. We conclude that
to be good from whence good is derived. In old establishments
p. 279-8 various correctives have been found for their aberrations from theory.
Indeed they are the results of various necessities and expediences.
They are not often constructed after any theory; theories are rather
drawn from them. In them we often see the end best obtained, where p. 279-12
the means seem not perfectly reconcileable to what we may fancy
was the original scheme. The means taught by experience may be
better suited to political ends than those contrived in the original
project. They again re-act upon the primitive constitution, and
sometimes improve the design itself from which they seem to have
departed. I think all this might be curiously exemplified in the British
constitution. At worst, the errors and deviations of every kind in
reckoning are found and computed, and the ship proceeds in her
course. This is the case of old establishments; but in a new and
merely theoretic system, it is expected that every contrivance shall
appear, on the face of it, to answer its end; especially where the
projectors are no way embarrassed with an endeavour to
accommodate the new building to an old one, either in the walls or on
the foundations.
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the country various accidents at various times, and the ebb and flow
of various properties and jurisdictions, settled their bounds. These
bounds were not made upon any fixed system undoubtedly. They
were subject to some inconveniencies; but they were inconveniencies
for which use had found remedies, and habit had supplied
accommodation and patience. In this new pavement of square within
p. 280-20.1 square, and this organisation and semiorganisation made on the
system of Empedocles and Buffon, and not upon any politic principle, p. 280-20.2
it is impossible that innumerable local inconveniencies, to which men
are not habituated, must not arise. But these I pass over, because it
requires an accurate knowledge of the country, which I do not
possess, to specify them.
When they came to provide for population, they were not able to
proceed quite so smoothly as they had done in the field of their
geometry. Here their arithmetic came to bear upon their juridical
metaphysics. Had they stuck to their metaphysic principles, the
arithmetical process would be simple indeed. Men, with them, are
strictly equal, and are entitled to equal rights in their own
government. Each head, on this system, would have its vote, and
every man would vote directly for the person who was to represent
p. 281-21 him in the legislature. “But soft—by regular degrees, not yet.” This
metaphysic principle, to which law, custom, usage, policy, reason,
were to yield, is to yield itself to their pleasure. There must be many
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When they come to their third basis, that of Contribution, we find that
they have more completely lost sight of their rights of men. The last
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Now take it in the other point of view, and let us suppose their
principle of representation according to contribution, that is according
to riches, to be well imagined, and to be a necessary basis for their
republic. In this their third basis they assume, that riches ought to be
respected, and that justice and policy require that they should entitle
men, in some mode or other, to a larger share in the administration of
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public affairs; it is now to be seen, how the assembly provides for the
pre-eminence, or even for the security of the rich, by conferring, in
virtue of their opulence, that larger measure of power to their district
which is denied to them personally. I readily admit (indeed I should
lay it down as a fundamental principle) that in a republican
government, which has a democratic basis, the rich do require an
additional security above what is necessary to them in monarchies.
They are subject to envy, and through envy to oppression. On the
present scheme, it is impossible to divine what advantage they derive
from the aristocratic preference upon which the unequal
representation of the masses is founded. The rich cannot feel it, either
as a support to dignity, or as security to fortune: for the aristocratic
mass is generated from purely democratic principles; and the
prevalence given to it in the general representation has no sort of
reference to or connexion with the persons, upon account of whose
property this superiority of the mass is established. If the contrivers
of this scheme meant any sort of favour to the rich in consequence of
their contribution, they ought to have conferred the privilege either on
the individual rich, or on some class formed of rich persons (as p. 285-4
historians represent Servius Tullius to have done in the early
constitution of Rome); because the contest between the rich and the
poor is not a struggle between corporation and corporation, but a
contest between men and men; a competition not between districts
but between descriptions. It would answer its purpose better if the
scheme were inverted; that the votes of the masses were rendered
equal; and that the votes within each mass were proportioned to
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Thus it must fare between the poor and the rich in the province
deemed aristocratic, which in its internal relation is the very reverse
of that character. In its external relation, that is, its relation to the
other provinces, I cannot see how the unequal representation, which
is given to masses on account of wealth, becomes the means of
preserving the equipoise and the tranquillity of the commonwealth.
For if it be one of the objects to secure the weak from being crushed
by the strong (as in all society undoubtedly it is) how are the smaller
and poorer of these masses to be saved from the tyranny of the more
wealthy? Is it by adding to the wealthy further and more systematical
means of oppressing them? When we come to a balance of
representation between corporate bodies, provincial interests,
emulations, and jealousies are full as likely to arise among them as
among individuals; and their divisions are likely to produce a much
hotter spirit of dissention, and something leading much more nearly to
a war.
I see that these aristocratic masses are made upon what is called the
principle of direct contribution. Nothing can be a more unequal
standard than this. The indirect contribution, that which arises from
duties on consumption, is in truth a better standard, and follows and
discovers wealth more naturally than this of direct contribution. It is
difficult indeed to fix a standard of local preference on account of the
one, or of the other, or of both, because some provinces may pay the
more of either or of both, on account of causes not intrinsic, but
originating from those very districts over whom they have obtained a
preference in consequence of their ostensible contribution. If the
masses were independent sovereign bodies, who were to provide for a
federative treasury by distinct contingents, and that the revenue had
not (as it has) many impositions running through the whole, which
affect men individually, and not corporately, and which, by their
nature, confound all territorial limits, something might be said for the
basis of contribution as founded on masses. But of all things, this
representation, to be measured by contribution, is the most difficult to
settle upon principles of equity in a country, which considers its
districts as members of an whole. For a great city, such as Bourdeaux
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To compare together the three bases, not on their political reason, but
on the ideas on which the assembly works, and to try its consistency
with itself, we cannot avoid observing, that the principle which the
committee call the basis of population, does not begin to operate from
the same point with the two other principles called the bases of
territory and of contribution, which are both of an aristocratic nature.
The consequence is, that where all three begin to operate together,
there is the most absurd inequality produced by the operation of the
former on the two latter principles. Every canton contains four square
leagues, and is estimated to contain, on the average, 4,000
inhabitants, or 680 voters in the primary assemblies, which vary in
numbers with the population of the canton, and send one deputy to
the commune for every 200 voters. Nine cantons make a commune.
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Oppose to this one canton two others of the remaining eight in the
same commune. These we may suppose to have their fair population
of 4,000 inhabitants, and 680 voters each, or 8,000 inhabitants and
1,360 voters, both together. These will form only two primary
assemblies, and send only six deputies to the commune.
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Such is the fantastical and unjust inequality between mass and mass,
in this curious repartition of the rights of representation arising out of
territory and contribution. The qualifications which these confer are in
truth negative qualifications, that give a right in an inverse proportion
to the possession of them.
I am afraid I have gone too far into their way of considering the
formation of a constitution. They have much, but bad, metaphysics;
much, but bad, geometry; much, but false, proportionate arithmetic;
but if it were all as exact as metaphysics, geometry, and arithmetic
ought to be, and if their schemes were perfectly consistent in all their
parts, it would make only a more fair and sightly vision. It is
remarkable, that in a great arrangement of mankind, not one
reference whatsoever is to be found to any thing moral or any thing
politic; nothing that relates to the concerns, the actions, the passions,
p. 290-11 the interests of men. Hominem non sapiunt.
You cannot but perceive in this scheme, that it has a direct and
immediate tendency to sever France into a variety of republics, and to
render them totally independent of each other, without any direct
constitutional means of coherence, connection, or subordination,
except what may be derived from their acquiescence in the
determinations of the general congress of the ambassadors from each
independent republic. Such in reality is the National Assembly, and p. 290-27
such governments I admit do exist in the world, though in forms
infinitely more suitable to the local and habitual circumstances of their
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mark degenerated and worn out republics. Your child comes into the
p. 292-9 world with the symptoms of death; the facies Hippocratica forms the
character of its physiognomy, and the prognostic of its fate.
The legislators who framed the antient republics knew that their p. 292-11
business was too arduous to be accomplished with no better
p. 292-13 apparatus than the metaphysics of an undergraduate, and the
mathematics and arithmetic of an exciseman. They had to do with
men, and they were obliged to study human nature. They had to do
with citizens, and they were obliged to study the effects of those
habits which are communicated by the circumstances of civil life. They p. 292-18
were sensible that the operation of this second nature on the first
produced a new combination; and thence arose many diversities
amongst men, according to their birth, their education, their
professions, the periods of their lives, their residence in towns or in
the country, their several ways of acquiring and of fixing property,
and according to the quality of the property itself, all which rendered
them as it were so many different species of animals. From hence
they thought themselves obliged to dispose their citizens into such
classes, and to place them in such situations in the state as their
peculiar habits might qualify them to fill, and to allot to them such
appropriated privileges as might secure to them what their specific
occasions required, and which might furnish to each description such
force as might protect it in the conflict caused by the diversity of
interests, that must exist, and must contend in all complex society:
for the legislator would have been ashamed, that the coarse
husbandman should well know how to assort and to use his sheep,
horses, and oxen, and should have enough of common sense not to
abstract and equalize them all into animals, without providing for each
kind an appropriate food, care, and employment; whilst he, the
oeconomist, disposer, and shepherd of his own kindred, subliming
himself into an airy metaphysician, was resolved to know nothing of
his flocks, but as men in general. It is for this reason that
Montesquieu observed very justly, that in their classification of the
citizens, the great legislators of antiquity made the greatest display of
their powers, and even soared above themselves. It is here that your
modern legislators have gone deep into the negative series, and sunk
even below their own nothing. As the first sort of legislators attended
to the different kinds of citizens, and combined them into one
commonwealth, the others, the metaphysical and alchemistical
legislators, have taken the direct contrary course. They have
attempted to confound all sorts of citizens, as well as they could, into
one homogeneous mass; and then they divided this their amalgama
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I wish, Sir, that you and my readers would give an attentive perusal
to the work of M. de Calonne, on this subject. It is indeed not only an
eloquent but an able and instructive performance. I confine myself to
what he says relative to the constitution of the new state, and to the
condition of the revenue. As to the disputes of this minister with his
rivals, I do not wish to pronounce upon them. As little do I mean to
hazard any opinion concerning his ways and means, financial or
political, for taking his country out of its present disgraceful and
deplorable situation of servitude, anarchy, bankruptcy, and beggary. I
cannot speculate quite so sanguinely as he does: but he is a
Frenchman, and has a closer duty relative to those objects, and better
means of judging of them, than I can have. I wish that the formal
avowal which he refers to, made by one of the principal leaders in the
assembly, concerning the tendency of their scheme to bring France
not only from a monarchy to a republic, but from a republic to a mere
confederacy, may be very particularly attended to. It adds new force
to my observations; and indeed M. de Calonne’s work supplies my
deficiencies by many new and striking arguments on most of the
subjects of this Letter.
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Your new constitution is the very reverse of ours in its principle; and I
am astonished how any persons could dream of holding out any thing
done in it as an example for Great Britain. With you there is little, or
rather no, connection between the last representative and the first
constituent. The member who goes to the national assembly is not
chosen by the people, nor accountable to them. There are three
elections before he is chosen: two sets of magistracy intervene
between him and the primary assembly, so as to render him, as I
have said, an ambassador of a state, and not the representative of
the people within a state. By this the whole spirit of the election is
changed; nor can any corrective your constitution-mongers have
devised render him any thing else than what he is. The very attempt
to do it would inevitably introduce a confusion, if possible, more horrid
than the present. There is no way to make a connection between the
original constituent and the representative, but by the circuitous
means which may lead the candidate to apply in the first instance to
the primary electors, in order that by their authoritative instructions
(and something more perhaps) these primary electors may force the
two succeeding bodies of electors to make a choice agreeable to their
wishes. But this would plainly subvert the whole scheme. It would be
to plunge them back into that tumult and confusion of popular
election, which, by their interposed gradation elections, they mean to
avoid, and at length to risque the whole fortune of the state with
those who have the least knowledge of it, and the least interest in it.
This is a perpetual dilemma, into which they are thrown by the
vicious, weak, and contradictory principles they have chosen. Unless
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the people break up and level this gradation, it is plain that they do
not at all substantially elect to the assembly; indeed they elect as
little in appearance as reality.
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The new dealers being all habitually adventurers, and without any
fixed habits or local predilections, will purchase to job out again, as
the market of paper, or of money, or of land shall present an
advantage. For though an holy bishop thinks that agriculture will p. 301-10
derive great advantages from the “enlightened” usurers who are to
p. 301-13 purchase the church confiscations, I, who am not a good, but an old
farmer, with great humility beg leave to tell his late lordship, that
usury is not a tutor of agriculture; and if the word “enlightened” be
understood according to the new dictionary, as it always is in your
new schools, I cannot conceive how a man’s not believing in God can
teach him to cultivate the earth with the least of any additional skill or p. 301-19.1
p. 301-19.2 encouragement. “Diis immortalibus sero,” said an old Roman, when
he held one handle of the plough, whilst Death held the other. Though
you were to join in the commission all the directors of the two
academies to the directors of the Caisse d’ Escompte, one old
experienced peasant is worth them all. I have got more information,
upon a curious and interesting branch of husbandry, in one short
conversation with a Carthusian monk, than I have derived from all the
Bank directors that I have ever conversed with. However, there is no
cause for apprehension from the meddling of money-dealers with
rural oeconomy. These gentlemen are too wise in their generation. At
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They will cultivate the Caisse d’ Église, under the sacred auspices of
this prelate, with much more profit than its vineyards or its corn-
fields. They will employ their talents according to their habits and
their interests. They will not follow the plough whilst they can direct
treasuries, and govern provinces.
Your legislators, in every thing new, are the very first who have
founded a commonwealth upon gaming, and infused this spirit into it
as its vital breath. The great object in these politics is to
metamorphose France from a great kingdom into one great play-
table; to turn its inhabitants into a nation of gamesters; to make
speculations as extensive as life; to mix it with all its concerns; and to
divert the whole of the hopes and fears of the people from their useful
channels, into the impulses, passions, and superstitions of those who
live on chances. They loudly proclaim their opinion, that this their
present system of a republic cannot possibly exist without this kind of
gaming fund; and that the very thread of its life is spun out of the
staple of these speculations. The old gaming in funds was mischievous
enough undoubtedly; but it was so only to individuals. Even when it
p. 302-29 had its greatest extent, in the Mississippi and South Sea, it affected
but few, comparatively; where it extends further, as in lotteries, the
spirit has but a single object. But where the law, which in most
circumstances forbids, and in none countenances gaming, is itself
debauched, so as to reverse its nature and policy, and expressly to
force the subject to this destructive table, by bringing the spirit and
symbols of gaming into the minutest matters, and engaging every
body in it, and in every thing, a more dreadful epidemic distemper of
that kind is spread than yet has appeared in the world. With you a
man can neither earn nor buy his dinner, without a speculation. What
he receives in the morning will not have the same value at night.
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the art you can, and all the industry, they are always dissolving into
individuality. Any thing in the nature of incorporation is almost
impracticable amongst them. Hope, fear, alarm, jealousy, the
ephemerous tale that does its business and dies in a day, all these
things, which are the reins and spurs by which leaders check or urge
the minds of followers, are not easily employed, or hardly at all,
amongst scattered people. They assemble, they arm, they act with
the utmost difficulty, and at the greatest charge. Their efforts, if ever
they can be commenced, cannot be sustained. They cannot proceed
systematically. If the country gentlemen attempt an influence through
the mere income of their property, what is it to that of those who
have ten times their income to sell, and who can ruin their property
by bringing their plunder to meet it at market? If the landed man
wishes to mortgage, he falls the value of his land, and raises the p. 304-33
value of assignats. He augments the power of his enemy by the very
means he must take to contend with him. The country gentleman
therefore, the officer by sea and land, the man of liberal views and
habits, attached to no profession, will be as completely excluded from
the government of his country as if he were legislatively proscribed. It
is obvious, that in the towns, all the things which conspire against the
country gentleman, combine in favour of the money manager and
director. In towns combination is natural. The habits of burghers, their
occupations, their diversion, their business, their idleness, continually
bring them into mutual contact. Their virtues and their vices are
sociable; they are always in garrison; and they come embodied and
half disciplined into the hands of those who mean to form them for
civil, or for military action.
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The second material of cement for their new republic is the superiority
of the city of Paris; and this I admit is strongly connected with the
other cementing principle of paper circulation and confiscation. It is in
this part of the project we must look for the cause of the destruction
of all the old bounds of provinces and jurisdictions, ecclesiastical and
secular, and the dissolution of all antient combinations of things, as
well as the formation of so many small unconnected republics. The
power of the city of Paris is evidently one great spring of all their
politics. It is through the power of Paris, now become the center and
focus of jobbing, that the leaders of this faction direct, or rather
command the whole legislative and the whole executive government.
Every thing therefore must be done which can confirm the authority of
that city over the other republics. Paris is compact; she has an
enormous strength, wholly disproportioned to the force of any of the
square republics; and this strength is collected and condensed within
a narrow compass. Paris has a natural and easy connexion of its
parts, which will not be affected by any scheme of a geometrical
constitution, nor does it much signify whether its proportion of
representation be more or less, since it has the whole draft of fishes in
its drag-net. The other divisions of the kingdom being hackled and p. 306-28
torn to pieces, and separated from all their habitual means, and even
principles of union, cannot, for some time at least, confederate
against her. Nothing was to be left in all the subordinate members,
but weakness, disconnection, and confusion. To confirm this part of
the plan, the assembly has lately come to a resolution, that no two of
their republics shall have the same commander in chief.
To a person who takes a view of the whole, the strength of Paris thus
formed, will appear a system of general weakness. It is boasted, that
the geometrical policy has been adopted, that all local ideas should be
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Passing from the civil creating, and the civil cementing principles of
this constitution, to the national assembly, which is to appear and act
as sovereign, we see a body in its constitution with every possible
power, and no possible external controul. We see a body without
fundamental laws, without established maxims, without respected
rules of proceeding, which nothing can keep firm to any system
whatsoever. Their idea of their powers is always taken at the utmost
stretch of legislative competency, and their examples for common
cases, from the exceptions of the most urgent necessity. The future is
to be in most respects like the present assembly; but, by the mode of
the new elections and the tendency of the new circulations, it will be
purged of the small degree of internal controul existing in a minority
chosen originally from various interests, and preserving something of
their spirit. If possible, the next assembly must be worse than the
present. The present, by destroying and altering every thing, will
leave to their successors apparently nothing popular to do. They will
be roused by emulation and example to enterprises the boldest and
the most absurd. To suppose such an assembly sitting in perfect
quietude is ridiculous.
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LET US NOW TURN OUR EYES to what they have done towards the
formation of an executive power. For this they have chosen a
degraded king. This their first executive officer is to be a machine,
without any sort of deliberative discretion in any one act of his
function. At best he is but a channel to convey to the national
assembly such matter as may import that body to know. If he had
been made the exclusive channel, the power would not have been
without its importance; though infinitely perilous to those who would
choose to exercise it. But public intelligence and statement of facts
may pass to the assembly, with equal authenticity, through any other
conveyance. As to the means, therefore, of giving a direction to
measures by the statement of an authorized reporter, this office of
intelligence is as nothing.
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View this new executive officer on the side of his political capacity, as
he acts under the orders of the national assembly. To execute laws is
a royal office; to execute orders is not to be a king. However, a
political executive magistracy, though merely such, is a great trust. It
is a trust indeed that has much depending upon its faithful and
diligent performance, both in the person presiding in it and in all his
subordinates. Means of performing this duty ought to be given by
regulation; and dispositions towards it ought to be infused by the
circumstances attendant on the trust. It ought to be environed with
dignity, authority, and consideration, and it ought to lead to glory.
The office of execution is an office of exertion. It is not from
impotence we are to expect the tasks of power. What sort of person is
a king to command executory service, who has no means whatsoever
to reward it? Not in a permanent office; not in a grant of land; no, not
in a pension of fifty pounds a year; not in the vainest and most trivial
title. In France the king is no more the fountain of honour than he is
the fountain of justice. All rewards, all distinctions are in other hands.
Those who serve the king can be actuated by no natural motive but
fear; by a fear of every thing except their master. His functions of
internal coercion are as odious, as those which he exercises in the
department of justice. If relief is to be given to any municipality, the
assembly gives it. If troops are to be sent to reduce them to
obedience to the assembly, the king is to execute the order; and upon
every occasion he is to be spattered over with the blood of his people.
He has no negative; yet his name and authority is used to enforce
every harsh decree. Nay, he must concur in the butchery of those who
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shall attempt to free him from his imprisonment, or shew the slightest
attachment to his person or to his antient authority.
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such means, and through such persons, as you have made yours, it
would have been more wise to have completed the business of the
fifth and sixth of October. The new executive officer would then owe
his situation to those who are his creators as well as his masters; and
he might be bound in interest, in the society of crime, and (if in
crimes there could be virtues) in gratitude, to serve those who had
promoted him to a place of great lucre and great sensual indulgence;
and of something more: For more he must have received from those
who certainly would not have limited an aggrandized creature, as they
have done a submitting antagonist.
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I know it will be said, that these humours in the court and executive
government will continue only through this generation; and that the
king has been brought to declare the dauphin shall be educated in a
conformity to his situation. If he is made to conform to his situation,
he will have no education at all. His training must be worse even than
that of an arbitrary monarch. If he reads—whether he reads or not,
some good or evil genius will tell him his ancestors were kings.
Thenceforward his object must be to assert himself, and to avenge his
parents. This you will say is not his duty. That may be; but it is
Nature; and whilst you pique Nature against you, you do unwisely to
trust to Duty. In this futile scheme of polity, the state nurses in its
bosom, for the present, a source of weakness, perplexity,
counteraction, inefficiency, and decay; and it prepares the means of
its final ruin. In short, I see nothing in the executive force (I cannot
call it authority) that has even an appearance of vigour, or that has
the smallest degree of just correspondence or symmetry, or amicable
relation, with the supreme power, either as it now exists, or as it is
planned for the future government.
You have settled, by an oeconomy as perverted as the policy, two
establishments of government; one real, one fictitious. Both
maintained at a vast expence; but the fictitious at, I think, the
greatest. Such a machine as the latter is not worth the grease of its
wheels. The expence is exorbitant; and neither the shew nor the use
deserve the tenth part of the charge. Oh! but I don’t do justice to the
talents of the legislators. I don’t allow, as I ought to do, for necessity.
Their scheme of executive force was not their choice. This pageant
must be kept. The people would not consent to part with it. Right; I
understand you. You do, in spite of your grand theories, to which you
would have heaven and earth to bend, you do know how to conform
yourselves to the nature and circumstances of things. But when you
were obliged to conform thus far to circumstances, you ought to have
carried your submission farther, and to have made what you were
obliged to take, a proper instrument, and useful to its end. That was
in your power. For instance, among many others, it was in your power
to leave to your king the right of peace and war. What! to leave to the
executive magistrate the most dangerous of all prerogatives? I know
none more dangerous; nor any one more necessary to be so trusted. I
do not say that this prerogative ought to be trusted to your king,
unless he enjoyed other auxiliary trusts along with it, which he does
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not now hold. But, if he did possess them, hazardous as they are
undoubtedly, advantages would arise from such a constitution, more
than compensating the risque. There is no other way of keeping the
several potentates of Europe from intriguing distinctly and personally
with the members of your assembly, from intermeddling in all your
concerns, and fomenting, in the heart of your country, the most
pernicious of all factions; factions in the interest and under the
direction of foreign powers. From that worst of evils, thank God, we
are still free. Your skill, if you had any, would be well employed to find
out indirect correctives and controls upon this perilous trust. If you did
not like those which in England we have chosen, your leaders might
have exerted their abilities in contriving better. If it were necessary to
exemplify the consequences of such an executive government as
yours, in the management of great affairs, I should refer you to the
late reports of M. de Montmorin to the national assembly, and all the
other proceedings relative to the differences between Great Britain
and Spain. It would be treating your understanding with disrespect to
point them out to you.
I hear that the persons who are called ministers have signified an
intention of resigning their places. I am rather astonished that they
have not resigned long since. For the universe I would not have stood
in the situation in which they have been for this last twelvemonth.
They wished well, I take it for granted, to the Revolution. Let this fact
be as it may, they could not, placed as they were upon an eminence,
though an eminence of humiliation, but be the first to see collectively,
and to feel each in his own department, the evils which have been
produced by that revolution. In every step which they took, or forbore
to take, they must have felt the degraded situation of their country,
and their utter incapacity of serving it. They are in a species of
subordinate servitude, in which no men before them were ever seen.
Without confidence from their sovereign, on whom they were forced,
or from the assembly who forced them upon him, all the noble
functions of their office are executed by committees of the assembly,
without any regard whatsoever to their personal, or their official
authority. They are to execute, without power; they are to be
responsible, without discretion; they are to deliberate, without choice.
In their puzzled situation, under two sovereigns, over neither of whom
they have any influence, they must act in such a manner as (in effect,
whatever they may intend) sometimes to betray the one, sometimes
the other, and always to betray themselves. Such has been their
situation; such must be the situation of those who succeed them. I
have much respect, and many good wishes, for Mr. Necker. I am
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obliged to him for attentions. I thought when his enemies had driven
him from Versailles, that his exile was a subject of most serious
p. 316-25 congratulation—sed multae urbes et publica vota vicerunt. He is now p. 316-24
sitting on the ruins of the finances, and of the monarchy of France.
These parliaments had furnished, not the best certainly but some
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consistency of the laws; it abated the respect of the people towards p. 319-9
them; and totally destroyed them in the end.
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The assembly indeed promises that they will form a body of law,
which shall be short, simple, clear, and so forth. That is, by their short
laws, they will leave much to the discretion of the judge; whilst they
have exploded the authority of all the learning which could make
judicial discretion, (a thing perilous at best) deserving the appellation
of a sound discretion.
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any appearance of liberty and justice, they must not evoke from, or
send to it, the causes relative to their own members, at their
pleasure. They must also remove the seat of that tribunal out of the
republic of Paris.
HAS MORE WISDOM been displayed in the constitution of your army than
what is discoverable in your plan of judicature? The able arrangement
of this part is the more difficult, and requires the greater skill and
attention, not only as a great concern in itself, but as it is the third
cementing principle in the new body of republics, which you call the
French nation. Truly it is not easy to divine what that army may
p. 322-6 become at last. You have voted a very large one, and on good
appointments, at least fully equal to your apparent means of
payment. But what is the principle of its discipline? or whom is it to
obey? You have got the wolf by the ears, and I wish you joy of the p. 322-9
happy position in which you have chosen to place yourselves, and in
which you are well circumstanced for a free deliberation, relatively to
that army, or to any thing else.
p. 322-14 The minister and secretary of state for the war department, is M. de la
Tour du Pin. This gentleman, like his colleagues in administration, is a
most zealous assertor of the revolution, and a sanguine admirer of the
new constitution, which originated in that event. His statement of
facts, relative to the military of France, is important, not only from his
official and personal authority, but because it displays very clearly the
actual condition of the army in France, and because it throws light on
the principles upon which the assembly proceeds in the administration
of this critical object. It may enable us to form some judgment how
far it may be expedient in this country to imitate the martial policy of
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they are that have committed them. Those, against whom it is not in
my power to withhold the most grievous complaints, are a part of that
very soldiery which to this day have been so full of honour and
loyalty, and with whom, for fifty years, I have lived the comrade and
the friend.
“These evils are great; but they are not the worst consequences which
may be produced by such military insurrections. Sooner or later they
may menace the nation itself. The nature of things requires, that the
army should never act but as an instrument. The moment that,
erecting itself into a deliberative body, it shall act according to its own
resolutions, the government, be it what it may, will immediately
degenerate into a military democracy; a species of political monster,
which has always ended by devouring those who have produced it.
“After all this, who must not be alarmed at the irregular consultations,
and turbulent committees, formed in some regiments by the common
soldiers and non-commissioned officers, without the knowledge, or
even in contempt of the authority of their superiors; although the
presence and concurrence of those superiors could give no authority
to such monstrous democratic assemblies [comices].”
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mankind. They seem rather such as ought to be expected from those p. 328-23
grand compounders in politics, who shorten the road to their degrees
in the state; and have a certain inward fanatical assurance and
illumination upon all subjects; upon the credit of which one of their
doctors has thought fit, with great applause, and greater success, to
caution the assembly not to attend to old men, or to any persons who
valued themselves upon their experience. I suppose all the ministers
of state must qualify, and take this test; wholly abjuring the errors
and heresies of experience and observation. Every man has his own
relish. But I think, if I could not attain to the wisdom, I would at least
p. 328-33 preserve something of the stiff and peremptory dignity of age. These
gentlemen deal in regeneration; but at any price I should hardly yield
my rigid fibres to be regenerated by them; nor begin, in my grand p. 329-1
climacteric, to squall in their new accents, or to stammer, in my
p. 329-3 *
second cradle, the elemental sounds of their barbarous metaphysics.
Si isti mihi largiantur ut repuerascam, et in eorum cunis vagiam, valde
The imbecility of any part of the puerile and pedantic system, which
they call a constitution, cannot be laid open without discovering the
utter insufficiency and mischief of every other part with which it
comes in contact, or that bears any the remotest relation to it. You
cannot propose a remedy for the incompetence of the crown, without
displaying the debility of the assembly. You cannot deliberate on the
confusion of the army of the state, without disclosing the worse
disorders of the armed municipalities. The military lays open the civil,
and the civil betrays the military anarchy. I wish every body carefully
to peruse the eloquent speech (such it is) of Mons. de la Tour du Pin.
He attributes the salvation of the municipalities to the good behaviour
of some of the troops. These troops are to preserve the well-disposed
part of those municipalities, which is confessed to be the weakest,
from the pillage of the worst disposed, which is the strongest. But the
municipalities affect a sovereignty, and will command those troops
which are necessary for their protection. Indeed, they must command
them, or court them. The municipalities, by the necessity of their
situation, and by the republican powers they have obtained, must,
with relation to the military, be the masters, or the servants, or the
confederates, or each successively; or they must make a jumble of all
together, according to circumstances. What government is there to
coerce the army but the municipality, or the municipality but the
army? To preserve concord where authority is extinguished, at the
hazard of all consequences, the assembly attempts to cure the
distempers by the distempers themselves; and they hope to preserve
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If the soldiers once come to mix for any time in the municipal clubs,
cabals, and confederacies, an elective attraction will draw them to the
lowest and most desperate part. With them will be their habits,
affections, and sympathies. The military conspiracies, which are to be
remedied by civic confederacies; the rebellious municipalities, which
are to be rendered obedient by furnishing them with the means of
seducing the very armies of the state that are to keep them in order;
all these chimeras of a monstrous and portentous policy, must
aggravate the confusions from which they have arisen. There must be
blood. The want of common judgment manifested in the construction
of all their descriptions of forces, and in all their kinds of civil and
judicial authorities, will make it flow. Disorders may be quieted in one
time and in one part. They will break out in others; because the evil is
radical and intrinsic. All these schemes of mixing mutinous soldiers
with seditious citizens, must weaken still more and more the military
connection of soldiers with their officers, as well as add military and
mutinous audacity to turbulent artificers and peasants. To secure a
real army, the officer should be first and last in the eye of the soldier;
first and last in his attention, observance, and esteem. Officers it
seems there are to be, whose chief qualification must be temper and
patience. They are to manage their troops by electioneering arts.
They must bear themselves as candidates not as commanders. But as
by such means power may be occasionally in their hands, the
authority by which they are to be nominated becomes of high
What you may do finally, does not appear; nor is it of much moment,
whilst the strange and contradictory relation between your army and
all the parts of your republic, as well as the puzzled relation of those
parts to each other and to the whole, remain as they are. You seem to
have given the provisional nomination of the officers, in the first
instance, to the king, with a reserve of approbation by the National
Assembly. Men who have an interest to pursue are extremely
sagacious in discovering the true seat of power. They must soon
perceive that those who can negative indefinitely, in reality appoint.
The officers must therefore look to their intrigues in that assembly, as
the sole certain road to promotion. Still, however, by your new
constitution they must begin their solicitation at court. This double
negotiation for military rank seems to me a contrivance as well
adapted, as if it were studied for no other end, to promote faction in
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the assembly itself, relative to this vast military patronage; and then
to poison the corps of officers with factions of a nature still more
dangerous to the safety of government, upon any bottom on which it
can be placed, and destructive in the end to the efficiency of the army
itself. Those officers, who lose the promotions intended for them by
the crown, must become of a faction opposite to that of the assembly
which has rejected their claims, and must nourish discontents in the
heart of the army against the ruling powers. Those officers, on the
other hand, who, by carrying their point through an interest in the
assembly, feel themselves to be at best only second in the good-will
of the crown, though first in that of the assembly, must slight an
authority which would not advance, and could not retard their
promotion. If to avoid these evils you will have no other rule for
command or promotion than seniority, you will have an army of
formality; at the same time it will become more independent, and
more of a military republic. Not they but the king is the machine. A
king is not to be deposed by halves. If he is not every thing in the
command of an army, he is nothing. What is the effect of a power
placed nominally at the head of the army, who to that army is no
object of gratitude, or of fear? Such a cypher is not fit for the
administration of an object of all things the most delicate, the
supreme command of military men. They must be constrained (and
their inclinations lead them to what their necessities require) by a
real, vigorous, effective, decided, personal authority. The authority of
the assembly itself suffers by passing through such a debilitating
channel as they have chosen. The army will not long look to an
assembly acting through the organ of false shew, and palpable
imposition. They will not seriously yield obedience to a prisoner. They
will either despise a pageant, or they will pity a captive king. This
relation of your army to the crown will, if I am not greatly mistaken,
become a serious dilemma in your politics.
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How came the assembly by their present power over the army?
Chiefly, to be sure, by debauching the soldiers from their officers.
They have begun by a most terrible operation. They have touched the
central point, about which the particles that compose armies are at
repose. They have destroyed the principle of obedience in the great
essential critical link between the officer and the soldier, just where
the chain of military subordination commences, and on which the
whole of that system depends. The soldier is told, he is a citizen, and
has the rights of man and citizen. The right of a man, he is told, is to
be his own governor, and to be ruled only by those to whom he
delegates that self-government. It is very natural he should think,
that he ought most of all to have his choice where he is to yield the
greatest degree of obedience. He will therefore, in all probability,
systematically do, what he does at present occasionally; that is, he
will exercise at least a negative in the choice of his officers. At present
the officers are known at best to be only permissive, and on their
good behaviour. In fact, there have been many instances in which
they have been cashiered by their corps. Here is a second negative on
the choice of the king; a negative as effectual at least as the other of
the assembly. The soldiers know already that it has been a question,
not ill received in the national assembly, whether they ought not to
have the direct choice of their officers, or some proportion of them?
When such matters are in deliberation, it is no extravagant
supposition that they will incline to the opinion most favourable to
their pretensions. They will not bear to be deemed the army of an
imprisoned king, whilst another army in the same country, with whom
too they are to feast and confederate, is to be considered as the free
army of a free constitution. They will cast their eyes on the other and
more permanent army; I mean the municipal. That corps, they well
know, does actually elect its own officers. They may not be able to
discern the grounds of distinction on which they are not to elect a
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Marquis de la Fayette (or what is his new name) of their own? If this
election of a commander in chief be a part of the rights of men, why
not of theirs? They see elective justices of peace, elective judges,
elective curates, elective bishops, elective municipalities, and elective
commanders of the Parisian army. Why should they alone be
excluded? Are the brave troops of France the only men in that nation
who are not the fit judges of military merit, and of the qualifications
necessary for a commander in chief? Are they paid by the state, and
do they therefore lose the rights of men? They are a part of that
nation themselves, and contribute to that pay. And is not the king, is
not the national assembly, and are not all who elect the national
assembly, likewise paid? Instead of seeing all these forfeit their rights
by their receiving a salary, they perceive that in all these cases a
salary is given for the exercise of those rights. All your resolutions, all
your proceedings, all your debates, all the works of your doctors in
religion and politics, have industriously been put into their hands; and
you expect that they will apply to their own case just as much of your
doctrines and examples as suits your pleasure!
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decree that the country people shall pay all rents and dues, except
those which as grievances you have abolished; and if they refuse,
then you order the king to march troops against them. You lay down
metaphysic propositions which infer universal consequences, and then
you attempt to limit logic by despotism. The leaders of the present
system tell them of their rights, as men, to take fortresses, to murder
guards, to seize on kings without the least appearance of authority
even from the assembly, whilst, as the sovereign legislative body,
that assembly was sitting in the name of the nation; and yet these
leaders presume to order out the troops, which have acted in these
very disorders, to coerce those who shall judge on the principles, and
follow the examples, which have been guarantied by their own
The leaders teach the people to abhor and reject all feodality as the
barbarism of tyranny, and they tell them afterwards how much of that
barbarous tyranny they are to bear with patience. As they are prodigal
of light with regard to grievances, so the people find them sparing in
the extreme with regard to redress. They know that not only certain
quit-rents and personal duties, which you have permitted them to
redeem (but have furnished no money for the redemption) are as
nothing to those burthens for which you have made no provision at
all. They know, that almost the whole system of landed property in its
origin is feudal; that it is the distribution of the possessions of the
original proprietors, made by a barbarous conqueror to his barbarous
instruments; and that the most grievous effects of conquest are the
land rents of every kind, as without question they are.
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that they see no difference between an idler with a hat and a national
cockade, and an idler in a cowl or in a rochet. If you ground the title
to rents on succession and prescription, they tell you, from the speech
of Mr. Camus, published by the national assembly for their
information, that things ill begun cannot avail themselves of
prescription; that the title of these lords was vicious in its origin; and
that force is at least as bad as fraud. As to the title by succession,
they will tell you, that the succession of those who have cultivated the
soil is the true pedigree of property, and not rotten parchments and
silly substitutions; that the lords have enjoyed the usurpation too
long; and that if they allow to these lay monks any charitable pension,
they ought to be thankful to the bounty of the true proprietor, who is
so generous towards a false claimant to his goods.
When the peasants give you back that coin of sophistic reason, on
which you have set your image and superscription, you cry it down as p. 337-8
base money, and tell them you will pay for the future with French
guards, and dragoons, and hussars. You hold up, to chastise them,
the second-hand authority of a king, who is only the instrument of
destroying, without any power of protecting either the people or his
own person. Through him, it seems, you will make yourselves obeyed.
They answer, You have taught us that there are no gentlemen; and
which of your principles teach us to bow to kings whom we have not
elected? We know, without your teaching, that lands were given for
the support of feudal dignities, feudal titles, and feudal offices. When
you took down the cause as a grievance, why should the more
grievous effect remain? As there are now no hereditary honours, and
no distinguished families, why are we taxed to maintain what you tell
us ought to exist? You have sent down our old aristocratic landlords in
no other character, and with no other title, but that of exactors under
your authority. Have you endeavoured to make these your rent-
gatherers respectable to us? No. You have sent them to us with their
arms reversed, their shields broken, their impresses defaced; and so
p. 337-29 displumed, degraded, and metamorphosed, such unfeathered two-
legged things, that we no longer know them. They are strangers to
us. They do not even go by the names of our antient lords. Physically
they may be the same men; though we are not quite sure of that, on
your new philosophic doctrines of personal identity. In all other
respects they are totally changed. We do not see why we have not as
good a right to refuse them their rents, as you have to abrogate all
their honours, titles, and distinctions. This we have never
commissioned you to do; and it is one instance, among many indeed,
of your assumption of undelegated power. We see the burghers of
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Paris, through their clubs, their mobs, and their national guards,
directing you at their pleasure, and giving that as law to you, which,
under your authority, is transmitted as law to us. Through you, these
burghers dispose of the lives and fortunes of us all. Why should not
you attend as much to the desires of the laborious husbandman with
regard to our rent, by which we are affected in the most serious
manner, as you do to the demands of these insolent burghers, relative
to distinctions and titles of honour, by which neither they nor we are
affected at all? But we find you pay more regard to their fancies than
to our necessities. Is it among the rights of man to pay tribute to his
equals? Before this measure of yours, we might have thought we were
not perfectly equal. We might have entertained some old, habitual,
unmeaning prepossession in favour of those landlords; but we cannot
conceive with what other view than that of destroying all respect to
them, you could have made the law that degrades them. You have
forbidden us to treat them with any of the old formalities of respect,
and now you send troops to sabre and to bayonet us into a
submission to fear and force, which you did not suffer us to yield to
the mild authority of opinion.
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The old states, methodised by orders, settled the more antient. They
may say to the assembly, Who are you, that are not our kings, nor
the states we have elected, nor sit on the principles on which we have
elected you? And who are we, that when we see the gabelles, which
you have ordered to be paid, wholly shaken off, when we see the act
of disobedience afterwards ratified by yourselves—who are we, that
we are not to judge what taxes we ought or ought not to pay, and
who are not to avail ourselves of the same powers, the validity of
which you have approved in others? To this the answer is, We will
send troops. The last reason of kings is always the first with your
assembly. This military aid may serve for a time, whilst the
impression of the increase of pay remains, and the vanity of being
umpires in all disputes is flattered. But this weapon will snap short,
unfaithful to the hand that employs it. The assembly keep a school
where, systematically, and with unremitting perseverance, they teach
principles, and form regulations, destructive to all spirit of
subordination, civil and military—and then they expect that they shall
hold in obedience an anarchic people by an anarchic army!
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the constitution of finances are discovered, and their true nature and
rational theory comes to be more perfectly understood; insomuch that
a smaller revenue might have been more distressing in one period
than a far greater is found to be in another; the proportionate wealth
even remaining the same. In this state of things, the French assembly
found something in their revenues to preserve, to secure, and wisely
to administer, as well as to abrogate and alter. Though their proud
assumption might justify the severest tests, yet in trying their abilities
on their financial proceedings, I would only consider what is the plain
obvious duty of a common finance minister, and try them upon that,
and not upon models of ideal perfection.
If this be the result of great ability, never surely was ability displayed
in a more distinguished manner, or with so powerful an effect. No
common folly, no vulgar incapacity, no ordinary official negligence,
even no official crime, no corruption, no peculation, hardly any direct
hostility which we have seen in the modern world, could in so short a
time have made so complete an overthrow of the finances, and with
them, of the strength, of a great kingdom. Cedo quî vestram p. 343-14
rempublicam tantam amisistis tam cito?
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upon it; and this they dispersed throughout the nation. At the time
they passed the decree, with the same gravity they ordered this same
absurd, oppressive, and partial tax to be paid, until they could find a
revenue to replace it. The consequence was inevitable. The provinces
which had been always exempted from this salt monopoly, some of
whom were charged with other contributions, perhaps equivalent,
were totally disinclined to bear any part of the burthen, which by an
equal distribution was to redeem the others. As to the assembly,
occupied as it was with the declaration and violation of the rights of
men, and with their arrangements for general confusion, it had
neither leisure nor capacity to contrive, nor authority to enforce any
plan of any kind relative to the replacing the tax or equalizing it, or
compensating the provinces, or for conducting their minds to any
scheme of accommodation with the other districts which were to be
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their fond expectations. Rational people could have hoped for little
from this their tax in the disguise of a benevolence; a tax, weak,
ineffective, and unequal; a tax by which luxury, avarice, and
selfishness were screened, and the load thrown upon productive
capital, upon integrity, generosity, and public spirit—a tax of
regulation upon virtue. At length the mask is thrown off, and they are
now trying means (with little success) of exacting their benevolence
by force.
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armies? of the new police? of the new judicatures? Have they even
carefully compared the present pension-list with the former? These
politicians have been cruel, not oeconomical. Comparing the expences
of the former prodigal government, and its relation to the then
revenues, with the expences of this new system as opposed to the
state of its new treasury, I believe the present will be found beyond
all comparison more chargeable.
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security; every thing which could aid the recovery of the demand. To
take things in their most favourable point of view, your condition was
that of a man of a large landed estate, which he wished to dispose of
for the discharge of a debt, and the supply of certain services. Not
being able instantly to sell, you wished to mortgage. What would a
man of fair intentions, and a commonly clear understanding, do in
such circumstances? Ought he not first to ascertain the gross value of
the estate; the charges of its management and disposition; the
encumbrances, perpetual and temporary, of all kinds, that affect it;
then, striking a net surplus, to calculate the just value of the security?
When that surplus, the only security to the creditor, had been clearly
ascertained, and properly vested in the hands of trustees; then he
would indicate the parcels to be sold, and the time, and conditions of
sale; after this, he would admit the public creditor, if he chose it, to
subscribe his stock into this new fund; or he might receive proposals
for an assignat from those who would advance money to purchase
this species of security.
An open and exact statement of the clear value of the property, and
of the time, the circumstances, and the place of sale, were all
necessary, to efface as much as possible the stigma that has hitherto
been branded on every kind of Land-bank. It became necessary on
another principle, that is, on account of a pledge of faith previously
given on that subject, that their future fidelity in a slippery concern
might be established by their adherence to their first engagement.
When they had finally determined on a state resource from church
booty, they came, on the 14th of April 1790, to a solemn resolution
on the subject; and pledged themselves to their country, “that in the
statement of the public charges for each year there should be brought
to account a sum sufficient for defraying the expences of the R. C. A.
religion, the support of the ministers at the altars, the relief of the
poor, the pensions to the ecclesiastics, secular as well as regular, of
the one and of the other sex, in order that the estates and goods
which are at the disposal of the nation may be disengaged of all
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At length they have spoken out, and they have made a full discovery
of their abominable fraud, in holding out the church lands as a
security for any debts or any service whatsoever. They rob only to
enable them to cheat; but in a very short time they defeat the ends
both of the robbery and the fraud, by making out accounts for other
purposes, which blow up their whole apparatus of force and of
deception. I am obliged to M. de Calonne for his reference to the
document which proves this extraordinary fact: it had, by some
means, escaped me. Indeed it was not necessary to make out my
assertion as to the breach of faith on the declaration of the 14th of
April 1790. By a report of their Committee it now appears, that the
charge of keeping up the reduced ecclesiastical establishments, and
other expences attendant on religion, and maintaining the religious of
both sexes, retained or pensioned, and the other concomitant
expences of the same nature, which they have brought upon
themselves by this convulsion in property, exceeds the income of the
estates acquired by it in the enormous sum of two millions sterling
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annually; besides a debt of seven millions and upwards. These are the
calculating powers of imposture! This is the finance of philosophy!
This is the result of all the delusions held out to engage a miserable
people in rebellion, murder, and sacrilege, and to make them prompt
and zealous instruments in the ruin of their country! Never did a
state, in any case, enrich itself by the confiscations of the citizens.
This new experiment has succeeded like all the rest. Every honest
mind, every true lover of liberty and humanity must rejoice to find
that injustice is not always good policy, nor rapine the high road to
riches. I subjoin with pleasure, in a note, the able and spirited
observations of M. de Calonne on this subject.
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Early in this year the assembly issued paper to the amount of sixteen
millions sterling. What must have been the state into which the
assembly has brought your affairs, that the relief afforded by so vast
a supply has been hardly perceptible? This paper also felt an almost
immediate depreciation of five per cent., which in little time came to
about seven. The effect of these assignats on the receipt of the
revenue is remarkable. Mr. Necker found that the collectors of the
revenue, who received in coin, paid the treasury in assignats. The
collectors made seven per cent. by thus receiving in money, and
accounting in depreciated paper. It was not very difficult to foresee
that this must be inevitable. It was, however, not the less
embarrassing. Mr. Necker was obliged (I believe, for a considerable
part, in the market of London) to buy gold and silver for the mint,
which amounted to about twelve thousand pounds above the value of
the commodity gained. That minister was of opinion, that whatever
their secret nutritive virtue might be, the state could not live upon
assignats alone; that some real silver was necessary, particularly for
the satisfaction of those, who having iron in their hands, were not
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burying himself in his mother earth, as yours is. Men were not then
quite shrunk from their natural dimensions by a degrading and sordid
philosophy, and fitted for low and vulgar deceptions. Above all
remember, that in imposing on the imagination, the then managers of
the system made a compliment to the freedom of men. In their fraud
there was no mixture of force. This was reserved to our time, to
p. 358-4 quench the little glimmerings of reason which might break in upon the
solid darkness of this enlightened age.
It is as little worth remarking any farther upon all their drawing and
re-drawing, on their circulation for putting off the evil day, on the play
between the treasury and the Caisse d’ Escompte, and on all these old
exploded contrivances of mercantile fraud, now exalted into policy of
state. The revenue will not be trifled with. The prattling about the
rights of men will not be accepted in payment for a biscuit or a pound
of gunpowder. Here then the metaphysicians descend from their airy
speculations, and faithfully follow examples. What examples? the
examples of bankrupts. But, defeated, baffled, disgraced, when their
breath, their strength, their inventions, their fancies desert them,
their confidence still maintains its ground. In the manifest failure of
their abilities they take credit for their benevolence. When the
revenue disappears in their hands, they have the presumption, in
some of their late proceedings, to value themselves on the relief given
to the people. They did not relieve the people. If they entertained
such intentions, why did they order the obnoxious taxes to be paid?
The people relieved themselves in spite of the assembly.
But waiving all discussion on the parties who may claim the merit of
this fallacious relief, has there been, in effect, any relief to the people,
in any form? Mr. Bailly, one of the grand agents of paper circulation,
lets you into the nature of this relief. His speech to the National
Assembly contained an high and laboured panegyric on the
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To tell the people that they are relieved by the dilapidation of their
public estate, is a cruel and insolent imposition. Statesmen, before
they valued themselves on the relief given to the people by the
destruction of their revenue, ought first to have carefully attended to
the solution of this problem: Whether it be more advantageous to the
people to pay considerably, and to gain in proportion; or to gain little
or nothing, and to be disburthened of all contribution? My mind is
made up to decide in favour of the first proposition. Experience is with
me, and, I believe, the best opinions also. To keep a balance between
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the power of acquisition on the part of the subject, and the demands
he is to answer on the part of the state, is a fundamental part of the
skill of a true politician. The means of acquisition are prior in time and
in arrangement. Good order is the foundation of all good things. To be
enabled to acquire, the people, without being servile, must be
tractable and obedient. The magistrate must have his reverence, the
laws their authority. The body of the people must not find the
principles of natural subordination, by art rooted out of their minds.
They must respect that property of which they cannot partake. They
must labour to obtain what by labour can be obtained; and when they
find, as they commonly do, the success disproportioned to the
endeavour, they must be taught their consolation in the final
proportions of eternal justice. Of this consolation, whoever deprives
them, deadens their industry, and strikes at the root of all acquisition
as of all conservation. He that does this is the cruel oppressor, the
merciless enemy of the poor and wretched; at the same time that by
his wicked speculations he exposes the fruits of successful industry,
and the accumulations of fortune, to the plunder of the negligent, the
disappointed, and the unprosperous.
THE EFFECTS OF THE INCAPACITY shewn by the popular leaders in all the
p. 361-21 great members of the commonwealth are to be covered with the “all-
atoning name” of liberty. In some people I see great liberty indeed; in
many, if not in the most, an oppressive, degrading servitude. But
what is liberty without wisdom, and without virtue? It is the greatest
of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition
or restraint. Those who know what virtuous liberty is, cannot bear to
see it disgraced by incapable heads, on account of their having high-
sounding words in their mouths. Grand, swelling sentiments of liberty, p. 361-28
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I am sure I do not despise. They warm the heart; they enlarge and
p. 361-31 liberalise our minds; they animate our courage in a time of conflict.
Old as I am, I read the fine raptures of Lucan and Corneille with p. 361-32
pleasure. Neither do I wholly condemn the little arts and devices of
popularity. They facilitate the carrying of many points of moment;
they keep the people together; they refresh the mind in its exertions;
and they diffuse occasional gaiety over the severe brow of moral
p. 362-3 freedom. Every politician ought to sacrifice to the graces; and to join
compliance with reason. But in such an undertaking as that in France,
all these subsidary sentiments and artifices are of little avail. To make
a government requires no great prudence. Settle the seat of power;
teach obedience; and the work is done. To give freedom is still more
easy. It is not necessary to guide; it only requires to let go the rein.
But to form a free government; that is, to temper together these
opposite elements of liberty and restraint in one consistent work,
requires much thought; deep reflection; a sagacious, powerful, and
combining mind. This I do not find in those who take the lead in the
national assembly. Perhaps they are not so miserably deficient as they
appear. I rather believe it. It would put them below the common level
of human understanding. But when the leaders choose to make
themselves bidders at an auction of popularity, their talents, in the
construction of the state, will be of no service. They will become
flatterers instead of legislators; the instruments, not the guides of the
people. If any of them should happen to propose a scheme of liberty,
soberly limited, and defined with proper qualifications, he will be
immediately outbid by his competitors, who will produce something
more splendidly popular. Suspicions will be raised of his fidelity to his
cause. Moderation will be stigmatized as the virtue of cowards, and
compromise as the prudence of traitors; until, in hopes of preserving
the credit which may enable him to temper and moderate on some
occasions, the popular leader is obliged to become active in
propagating doctrines, and establishing powers, that will afterwards
defeat any sober purpose at which he ultimately might have aimed.
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I have told you candidly my sentiments. I think they are not likely to
alter yours. I do not know that they ought. You are young; you cannot
guide, but must follow the fortune of your country. But hereafter they
may be of some use to you, in some future form which your
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[*] “That King James the second, having endeavoured to subvert the
constitution of the kingdom, by breaking the original contract between
king and people, and by the advice of jesuits, and other wicked
persons, having violated the fundamental laws, and having withdrawn
himself out of the kingdom, hath abdicated the government, and the
throne is thereby vacant.”
[*] 1 W. and M.
[*] Another of these reverend gentlemen, who was witness to some p. 158-28
of the spectacles which Paris has lately exhibited—expresses himself
thus; “A king dragged in submissive triumph by his conquering
subjects is one of those appearances of grandeur which seldom rise in
the prospect of human affairs, and which, during the remainder of my
life, I shall think of with wonder and gratification.” These gentlemen
agree marvellously in their feelings.
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“Parlons du parti que j’ai pris; il est bien justifié dans ma conscience.
Ni cette ville coupable, ni cette assemblée plus coupable encore, ne
méritoient que je me justifie; mais j’ai à coeur que vous, et les
personnes qui pensent comme vous, ne me condamnent pas. Ma
santé, je vous jure, me rendoit mes fonctions impossibles; mais
meme en les mettant de côté il a été au-dessus de mes forces de
supporter plus long-tems l’horreur que me causoit ce sang,—ces
têtes,—cette reine presque égorgée,—ce roi, amené esclave, entrant à
Paris, au milieu de ses assassins, et précédé des têtes de ses
malheureux gardes,—ces perfides janissaires,—ces assassins,—ces
femmes cannibales,—ce cri de, TOUS LES ÉVÊQUES À LA LANTERNE, dans le
moment où le roi entre sa capitale avec deux évêques de son conseil
dans sa voiture. Un coup de fusil, que j’ai vu tirer dans un des
carosses de la reine. M. Bailly appellant cela un beau jour.
L’assemblée ayant déclaré froidement le matin, qu’il n’étoit pas de sa
dignité d’aller toute entière environner le roi. M. Mirabeau disant
impunément dans cette assemblée, que le vaisseau de l’état, loins
d’être arrêté dans sa course, s’élanceroit avec plus de rapidité que
jamais vers sa régénération. M. Barnave, riant avec lui, quand des
flots de sang couloient autour de nous. Le vertueux Mounier
échappant par miracle à vingt assassins, qui avoient voulu faire de sa
tête un trophée de plus.
“Voilà ce qui me fit jurer de ne plus mettre le pied dans cette caverne
d’Anthropophages [the National Assembly] où je n’avois plus de force
d’élever la voix, ou depuis six semaines je l’avois élevée en vain. Moi,
Mounier, et tous les honnêtes gens, ont pensé que le dernier effort à
faire pour le bien étoit d’en sortir. Aucune idée de crainte ne s’est
approchée de moi. Je rougirois de m’en défendre. J’avois encore reçû
sur la route de la part de ce peuple, moins coupable que ceux qui l’ont
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p. 173-33 [a. See the fate of Bailly and Condorcet, supposed to be here
particularly alluded to. Compare the circumstances of the trial and
execution of the former with this prediction.]
[*] Sit igitur hoc ab initio persuasum civibus, dominos esse omnium
rerum ac moderatores, deos; eaque, quae gerantur, eorum geri vi.
ditione, ac numine: eosdemque optime de genere hominum mereri; et
qualis quisque sit, quid agat, quid in se admittat, qua mente, qua
pietate colat religiones intueri; piorum et impiorum habere rationem.
His enim rebus imbutae mentes haud sane abhorrebunt ab utili et a
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[b. This, down to the end of the first sentence in the next paragraph,
and some other parts here and there, were inserted, on his reading
the manuscript by my lost Son.]
[*] I do not chuse to shock the feeling of the moral reader with any
quotation of their vulgar, base, and profane language.
[c. Their connexion with Turgot and almost all the people of the
[e. Not his brother, nor any near relation; but this mistake does not
affect the argument.]
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[*] When I wrote this I quoted from memory, after many years had
elapsed from my reading the passage. A learned friend has found it, p. 225-25
and it is as follows:
T θος τ α τ , κα µφω δεσποτικ τ ν βελτιόνων, κα τ
ψηφίσµατα, σπερ κε τ πιτάγµατα κα δηµαγωγ ς κα κόλαξ,
ο α το κα`ι νάλογον˙ κα µάλιστα κάτεροι παρ’ κατέροις
σχύουσιν, ο µ ν κόλακες παρ τυράννοις, ο δ δηµαγωγο παρ το
ς δήµοις το ς τοιούτοις.
“The ethical character is the same; both exercise despotism over the
better class of citizens; and decrees are in the one, what ordinances
and arrêts are in the other: the demagogue too, and the court
favourite, are not unfrequently the same identical men, and always
bear a close analogy; and these have the principal power, each in
their respective forms of government, favourites with the absolute
monarch, and demagogues with a people such as I have described.”
Arist. Politic. lib. iv. cap. 4.
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[*] The world is obliged to M. de Calonne for the pains he has taken
to refute the scandalous exaggerations relative to some of the royal
expences, and to detect the fallacious account given of pensions, for
the wicked purpose of provoking the populace to all sorts of crimes.
Travaux de
charité pour
subvenir au
manque de Liv. £ s. d.
travail à Paris
et dans les
3,866,920 Stg 161,121 13 4
vagabondage 1,671,417 69,642 7 6
et de la
Primes pour
l’importation 5,671,907 236,329 9 2
de grains
relatives aux
deduction fait
39,871,790 1,661,324 11 8
qui ont eu
___________ ___________
Total Liv. 51,082,034 Stg 2,128,418 1 8
___________ ___________
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[f. This is on a supposition of the truth of this story, but he was not
in France at the time. One name serves as well as another.]
[*] Domat.
[†] Whether the following description is strictly true I know not; but it
is what the publishers would have pass for true, in order to animate
others. In a letter from Toul, given in one of their papers, is the
following passage concerning the people of that district: “Dans la
Révolution actuelle, ils ont résisté à toutes les séductions du
bigotisme, aux persécutions et aux tracasseries des Ennemis de la
Révolution. Oubliant leurs plus grands intérêts pour rendre hommage
aux vues d’ordre général qui ont déterminé l’Assemblée Nationale, ils
voient, sans se plaindre, supprimer cette foule d’établissemens
ecclésiastiques par lesquels ils subsistoient; et même, en perdant leur
siège épiscopal, la seule de toutes ces ressources qui pouvoit, ou
plutôt qui devoit, en toute équité, leur être conservée; condamnés à
la plus effrayante misère, sans avoir été ni pu être entendus, ils ne
murmurent point, ils restent fidèles aux principes du plus pur
patriotisme; ils sont encore prêts à verser leur sang pour le maintien
de la Constitution, qui va reduire leur Ville à la plus déplorable
nullité.” These people are not supposed to have endured those
sufferings and injustices in a struggle for liberty, for the same account
states truly that they had been always free; their patience in beggary
and ruin, and their suffering, without remonstrance, the most flagrant
and confessed injustice, if strictly true, can be nothing but the effect
of this dire fanaticism. A great multitude all over France is in the same
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[*] “Si plures sunt ii quibus improbe datum est, quam illi quibus
injuste ademptum est, idcirco plus etiam valent? Non enim numero
haec judicantur, sed pondere. Quam autem habet aequitatem, ut
agrum multis annis, aut etiam saeculis ante possessum, qui nullum
habuit habeat; qui autem habuit amittat? Ac, propter hoc injuriae
genus, Lacedaemonii Lysandrum Ephorum expulerunt: Agin regem
(quod nunquam antea apud eos acciderat) necaverunt; exque eo
tempore tantae discordiae secutae sunt, ut et tyranni exsisterint, et
optimates exterminarentur, et preclarissime constituta respublica
dilaberetur. Nec vero solum ipsa cecidit, sed etiam reliquam Graeciam
evertit contagionibus malorum, quae a Lacedaemoniis profectae
manarunt latius.” After speaking of the conduct of the model of true
patriots, Aratus of Sicyon, which was in a very different spirit, he
says, “Sic par est agere cum civibus; non ut bis jam vidimus, hastam
in foro ponere et bona civium voci subjicere praeconis. At ille Graecus
(id quod fuit sapientis et praestantis viri) omnibus consulendum esse
putavit: eaque est summa ratio et sapientia boni civis, commoda
civium non divellere, sed omnes eadem aequitate continere.” Cic. Off.
l. 2.
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[*] For further elucidations upon the subject of all these judicatures,
and of the committee of research, see M. de Calonne’s work.
[*] This war minister has since quitted the school and resigned his
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[*] The reader will observe, that I have but lightly touched (my plan
demanded nothing more) on the condition of the French finances, as
connected with the demands upon them. If I had intended to do
otherwise, the materials in my hands for such a task are not
altogether perfect. On this subject I refer the reader to M. de
Calonne’s work; and the tremendous display that he has made of the
havock and devastation in the public estate, and in all the affairs of
France, caused by the presumptuous good intentions of ignorance and
incapacity. Such effects, those causes will always produce. Looking
over that account with a pretty strict eye, and, with perhaps too much
rigour, deducting every thing which may be placed to the account of a
financier out of place, who might be supposed by his enemies
desirous of making the most of his cause, I believe it will be found,
that a more salutary lesson of caution against the daring spirit of
innovators than what has been supplied at the expence of France,
never was at any time furnished to mankind.
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Page 85. The Revolution in France. The term “Revolution,” from its application to
the events of 1688, had acquired in England a sense exclusively favourable. “Revolution
principles” meant the principles of English constitutional liberty. The Tories who
supported the Hanoverian succession, while opposing the rest of the policy of the
Whigs, called themselves “Revolution Tories.” Hence the name “Revolution Society”
meant much the same as “Constitutional Society.” This use of the term in bonam
partem, which was still in vogue, though in its decline, at the time of the French
Revolution, from that time disappears from the English language. Burke was at first
unwilling to apply the term to a series of events which in his opinion amounted to the
total subversion of the framework of a national society, and was based on what he
called “spurious Revolution principles,” p. 103, l. 26: but custom soon sanctioned its use
in England. In France it had been in common use for forty years, and had passed from a
favourable sense to one almost legendary and heroic. Thus, on the use of it made by
Barbier in 1751, M. Aubertin writes; “Voilà donc ce mot de ‘révolution’ qui abonde sous
la plume des contemporains, et pour un temps illimité prend possession de notre
histoire. Désormais, l’idée sinistre d’une catastrophe nécessaire, d’une péripétie
tragique, obsède les imaginations françaises; la vie politique de notre pays sort des
conditions d’un développement normal pour entrer dans les brusques mouvements et
dans l’horreur mystérieuse d’un drame.” L’Esprit Public au XVIIIe Siècle, p. 282. On the
use of the word shortly before the event, see Mercier, New Picture of Paris, ch. 3:
“Every book that bore the title of Revolution was bought up and carried away . . . . We
were always hearing the words, ‘Give me the Roman Revolutions—the Revolutions of
Sweden—of Italy’; and booksellers, in order to sell their old books, printed false titles,
and took the purchase on the credit merely of the label.”
IBID. Eleventh Edition, 1791. Within a few months after its first publication, the work
had reached this, its permanent form. Burke made some alterations in the text as it
appears in the first edition, which will be noticed so far as they are material. A few short
annotations, which appear in editions subsequent to the one adopted as the text, are
printed with it (see note to p. 173, l. 33): but it does not appear that Burke, even if he
penned these, intended them for the press. This Eleventh Edition appeared in the
second year of publication. The circulation of the work in Burke’s lifetime was estimated
at 30,000 copies, which Lord Stanhope thinks an exaggeration; but as at the death of
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James Dodsley in 1797 it appeared that he had sold no less than 18,000, if we take into
account the French and German translations, Irish and American Reprints, &c., it cannot
be a great one. There is a curious abridged and cheap edition, published by “S. J.” in
1793, in 12mo., for popular circulation, as an antidote to the writings of the Jacobins.
The editor professes to have “pruned some little exuberances of genius and effusions of
fancy into which the lively imagination of the excellent writer had sometimes betrayed
IBID. Argument. Burke says (p. 95, l. 24) that he writes with very little attention to
formal method. This distribution of the work into sections is only approximative, and
intended to assist the reader in marking the salient points, and thus more readily
seizing the drift of the work. The brief headings given in this “Argument” only indicate
the thread of the thought, by no means include all that hangs upon it. Those who desire
a minute analysis can consult the translations of Gentz and Dupont: but such an
analysis tends to impair the effect of the work, which is essentially discursive and
L. 27. an answer was written, &c. See Burke’s Corr. vol. iii. p. 102. This letter will
be found valuable as a means of acquiring a first and general idea of Burke’s views. It
bears evidence of great pains taken in the composition. Sir Philip Francis, whose taste
was so much offended by the “Reflections,” thought this letter “in point of writing, much
less exceptionable.”
L. 4. assigned in a short letter—which was then sent in its stead. They appear to
have been afterwards incorporated in the letter itself (Corr. vol. iii. pp. 103, 104).
L. 8. early in the last spring. The “Substance of Mr. Burke’s Speech in the Debate
on the Army Estimates, Feb. 9, 1790,” published very soon after, in which his views on
French events were freely stated, was followed by Lord Stanhope’s Letter in answer to
it, dated Feb. 24, in which he says, “From the title of another pamphlet, which an
advertisement in the papers has announced is speedily to be expected from you, it is
conjectured that the Revolution Society in London was in your contemplation when you
made that Speech,” p. 20. Lord Stanhope was chairman of that society. The
advertisement was in the London Chronicle for Feb. 16, 1790, and runs as follows: “In
the Press, and will speedily be published, Reflections on certain Proceedings of the
Revolution Society of the 4th of November, 1789, concerning the Affairs of France. In a
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Letter from Mr. Edmund Burke to a gentleman in Paris. Printed for J. Dodsley in Pall
Mall.” Burke lent to Sir Philip Francis on Feb. 18, 1790, proof sheets which embraced
more than one third of the entire work as it now stands (Corr. vol. iii. p. 128), and
perhaps included the first two-thirds, which are here represented as the First Part (pp.
88–269). Much excitement was produced by this advertisement. “The mere idea of Mr.
Burke’s intention soon to write, gives life to the world of letters.” Public Advertiser, Feb.
P. 88, L. 29. neither for nor from any description of men. Thus far the publication
bears a different character to those of the Constitutional and Revolution Societies.
Burke, however, claims throughout the first part of the work to be expressing the
opinions of all true Englishmen (p. 179).
P. 89, L. 3. spirit of rational liberty, &c. Cp. the Letter to Depont, Corr. vol. iii. p.
105: “You hope that I think the French deserving liberty. I certainly do. I certainly think
that all men who desire it, deserve it. It is not the reward of our merit, or the
acquisition of our industry. It is our inheritance. It is the birthright of our species. We
cannot forfeit our right to it, but by what forfeits our title to the privileges of our kind—I
mean, the abuse, or oblivion of our rational faculties, and a ferocious indocility which
makes us prompt to wrong and violence, destroys our social nature, and transforms us
into something little better than the description of wild beasts.”
L. 13. more clubs than one. The allusion is especially to the Whig club “Brooks’s,” of
which Burke became a member in 1783.
P. 90, L. 2. circulation of many books, &c. An apologist for the Society says that
portions of the works of the old Whig authors, such as Sidney, Locke, Trenchard, Lord
Somers, &c., were distributed gratis by the Society. But the chief object of the Society
was to circulate the writings of Cartwright, Capel Lofft, Jebb, Northcote, Sharp, and
other pamphleteers of the day. It is to these that Burke alludes l. 15, in deprecating
“the greater part of the publications circulated by that Society.”
L. 5. booksellers = publishers.
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not read.
L. 10. much talk of the lights, &c. Cp. the French Correspondent of the St. James’s
Chronicle, Dec. 15, 1789: “It is you, O ye noble inhabitants of the British Isles, who
have set the example to my country—it is our commerce with you—it is the perusal of
your free writings, which have impressed on our minds an idea of the dignity of man,”
L. 12. meliorated. Burke always uses this (the correct form) instead of the modern
P. 91, L. 3. a club of Dissenters. Dr. Kippis and Dr. Rees were distinguished
members. The Society was established by dissenters, but for some years then past it
had numbered among its adherents many members of the Church of England. Lord
Surrey, and the Dukes of Norfolk, Leeds, Richmond, and Manchester, sometimes
attended their meetings, together with many members of the House of Commons.
L. 3. of what denomination, &c. In the time of Burke the lines which separated
dissenting denominations from each other and from the Church were less sharply
defined than now. The Unitarians were recognised by other denominations, and allowed
to preach in their meeting-houses. Dr. Price was nominally an “Independent,” though
his doctrines were Unitarian.
L. 16. new members may have entered. It is stated by Lord Stanhope in his Life of
Pitt, that this society had then been lately “new-modelled,” with a view to co-operating
with the French revolutionists. In this way it came to be a “Society for Revolutions,” as
Burke calls it at p. 110, l. 4.
P. 92, L. 24. who they are—personal abilities, &c. We trace here Burke’s inflexible
practice of connecting measures and opinions with the persons who support them. Cp.
the Letter to Depont, p. 115: “Never wholly separate in your mind the merits of any
political question from the men who are concerned in it.”
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L. 15. ten years ago. After the fall of Turgot, when the French government was at its
L. 26. the scene of the criminals. See Don Quixote, Part i. ch. 22. This masterpiece
seems to have been a favourite with Burke. “Blessings on his soul, that first invented
sleep, said Don Sancho Panza the wise! All those blessings, and ten thousand times
more, on him who found out abstraction, personification, and impersonals.” Fourth
Letter on Regicide Peace.
L. 27. the metaphysic knight. Burke uses with but little discrimination the forms
metaphysic, metaphysical; ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical; theatric, theatrical; politic,
political; practic, practical. By the term “metaphysic,” he alludes to the Knights freeing
the criminals on the ground of the abstract right to liberty, without regard to
L. 29. spirit of liberty . . . . wild gas, &c. Crabbe is frequently indebted for a hint to
Burke, his early patron;
L. 31. the fixed air. Then the scientific term for carbonic acid gas. The gas was
discovered by Van Helmont. This name was given to it by Dr. Black, in 1755, on account
of its property, discovered by him, of readily losing its elasticity, and fixing itself in
many bodies, particularly those of a calcareous kind.
L. 32. the first effervescence. Cp. infra p. 263, l. 7. “Fixed air” is contained in great
quantity in fermented liquors, to which it gives their briskness.
P. 94, L. 2. Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver. The idea is adapted
from Shakespeare:
. . . . It is twice blessed:
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L. 5. how it had been combined with government, &c. The Second Part (p. 269 to
end) is here anticipated.
L. 9. Solidity = stability.
L. 13. do what they please. “Mais la liberté politique ne consiste point à faire ce que
l’on veut . . . . La liberté ne peut consister qu’à pouvoir faire ce que l’on doit vouloir.”
De l’Esprit des Lois, Liv. xi. ch. 3.
L. 22. those who appear the most stirring, &c. It was believed that the Duke of
Orleans was the prime mover, although he did not take the most active part in the
P. 95, L. 8. prudence of an higher order. Burke always recognizes a good and bad
form of moral habits and feelings, without much reference to their names and common
acceptations. Hence such striking expressions as “false, reptile prudence,” “fortitude of
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L. 10. feeble enough—infancy still more feeble. Burke was too much disposed to
refer the Revolution to the spirit of contemporary Jacobinism as a prime cause. Such a
spirit may help, but it can never originate, much less carry into effect, similar
convulsions, which always have powerful material causes. There was much Jacobinism
in England; more than we can now understand. One fifth of the active political forces of
this country were classed by Burke as Jacobin; but there was no such irresistible series
of material causes as, in the face of material resistance, produced the explosion of
See the idea developed in Burke’s justification of interference in the affairs of France,
grounded on the “law of civil vicinity,” in the First Letter on a Regicide Peace—“Vicini
vicinorum facta praesumuntur scire—this principle, which, like the rest, is as true of
nations as of individual men, has bestowed on the grand vicinage of Europe a right to
know, and a right to prevent, any capital innovation which may amount to the erection
of a dangerous nuisance.” The politicians of France had denied such a right, on the
abstract principle that to every nation belongs the unmolested regulation of its domestic
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L. 28. perhaps of more than Europe. The designs of Bonaparte, and actual events
in Egypt, Syria, India, and the West Indies, justify this forecast. The Revolution forced
on the independence of Spanish and Portuguese America.
L. 32. by means the most absurd, &c. Balzac (the earlier), “Aristippe”: “Les grands
événements ne sont pas toujours produits par de grandes causes. Les ressorts sont
cachés, et les machines paraissent; et quand on vient à découvrir ces ressorts, on
s’étonne de les voir et si faibles et si petits. On a honte de l’opinion qu’on en avait eue.”
Cp. in the beginning of the First Letter on a Regicide Peace; “It is often impossible, in
these political enquiries, to find any proportion between the apparent force of any moral
causes we may assign, and their known operation . . . . A common soldier, a child, a girl
at the door of an inn, have changed the face of fortune, and almost of nature.” In that
place, as here, he is considering the fact that “in that its acmé of human prosperity and
greatness, in the high and palmy state of the monarchy of France, it fell to the ground
without a struggle.” So Dr. Johnson: “Politicians have long observed, that the greatest
events may be often traced back to slender causes. Petty competition, or casual
friendship, the prudence of a slave, or the garrulity of a woman, have hindered or
promoted the most important schemes, and hastened or retarded the revolutions of
Empire.” The Rambler, No. 141.
P. 96, L. 12. Machiavelian. The old adjective, from the French form “Machiavel,” then
in use in England. The ch is pronounced soft. We now say “Machiavelli” and
“Machiavellian,” pronouncing the ch hard.
L. 15. Dr. Richard Price . . . minister of eminence. Now an old man and in failing
health. He was a political economist of some repute, cp. p. 228, l. 31. His writings
procured him the friendship of Lord Rockingham’s Whig rival, Lord Shelburne, who
wished him to become his private secretary, on his accession to office in 1782. By Burke
and his party Lord Shelburne was bitterly detested. Shelburne’s party, minus their
leader, were now in power under Pitt: and hence there might be presumed by
foreigners some connexion between Price and the English government. Political
disappointment thus contributes to the virulence with which Burke attacks him. Price
was true to his early education, having been the son of a dissenting minister, and he
was the friend of Franklin, Turgot, and Howard. Mrs. Chapone’s character of Simplicius
(Miscellanies, Essay I.) is intended for him, and Dr. Doran, in his “Last Journal of
Horace Walpole,” has mentioned many facts highly creditable to his personal character
and ability.
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Ctes. p. 72.
L. 15. your league in France. The Holy League of the Catholics. Burke may have
had in mind Grey’s note on Hudibras, Part i. Canto ii. l. 651.
L. 19. politics and the pulpit, &c. The common cry of professional politicians.
Silence with regard to public matters neither can nor ought to be kept in the pulpits of a
free nation in stirring times. “I abhorred making the pulpit a scene for the venting of
passion, or the serving of interests.” Burnet, Own Times, Ann. 1684. The practice was
by no means confined to the Revolutionists. On the 30th of January, 1790, the Bishop
of Chester had preached before the House of Peers a political diatribe full of violent
invective against the French nation and the National Assembly. The House voted him
thanks, and ordered the sermon to be printed. As to the introduction of politics in the
pulpit, Fox agrees with Burke: “Dr. Price, in his sermon on the anniversary of the
English Revolution, delivered many noble sentiments, worthy of an enlightened
philosopher . . . . But, though I approve of his general principles, I consider his
arguments as unfit for the pulpit. The clergy, in their sermons, ought no more to handle
political affairs, than this House ought to discuss subjects of morality and religion.”
Speech on the Test Act, 1790.
L. 28. Inexperienced in all its affairs, on which they pronounce with so much
confidence. “Try experiments, as sound philosophers have done, and on them raise a
legislative system!” This is a specimen of the wisdom of the Rev. Robert Robinson,
another of these political divines; once famous as a Baptist minister at Cambridge.
P. 98, L. 3. The hint given to a noble and reverend lay-divine. The Duke of
Grafton, whom Junius and Burke had united in attacking twenty years before. He had
lately written a pamphlet on the subject of the Liturgy and Subscription, entitled “Hints
&c., submitted to the serious attention of the Clergy, Nobility, and Gentry, newly
assembled.” Price calls it “a pamphlet ascribed to a great name, and which would
dignify any name.” It is chiefly remarkable as having called forth Bishop Horsley’s
Apology for the Liturgy and Clergy of the Church of England. Mathias alludes to “the
pious Grafton,” and his hostility to the Church, in his “Pursuits of Literature,” Dialogue
iv. l. 191, where he adds a note, “See the Duke’s Hints—rather broad.” Again at l. 299:
Dr. John Symonds was Professor of Modern History at Cambridge. While sneering at
“the lower orders of people,” for “sinking into an enthusiasm in religion lately
revived” (alluding to the Methodists), Price opposed the reform of the Liturgy and
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Articles, and urged those who were dissatisfied “to set up a separate worship for
P. 98, L. 4. lay-divine. The Duke held Unitarian opinions. Besides some writings of his
own, he had done service to religious enquiry by printing for popular circulation the
celebrated recension of the New Testament by Griesbach.
IBID. high in office in one of our Universities. Cp. Junius, Letter xv. The Duke was
Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. Gray’s Ode on his installation is well known.
The text hints at the impropriety of such an office being held by a frequenter of the
Unitarian meeting-house of Dr. Disney in Essex Street.
L. 5. to other lay-divines of rank. The allusion is to the friend and patron of Price
and Priestly, the Marquis of Lansdowne (Earl of Shelburne), who also held Unitarian
L. 7. Seekers. The Seekers were a Puritan sect who professed no determinate form of
religion. Sir Harry Vane was at their head.
L. 23. great preachers. Ps. xlviii. v. 11. The repetition of great is ironical, alluding to
the rank of these lay-divines.
L. 3. this town. The work was written in Burke’s house in Gerrard Street, Soho.
IBID. uniform round of its vapid dissipations. Alluding to the London season, which
at this date began late in the autumn, and terminated late in the spring. Cp. Johnson’s
homily on the Close of the Season, Rambler No. 124 (May 25, 1751).
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L. 22. is almost the only lawful king, &c. From the insolent form of words in which
Price says he would have congratulated the king on his recovery, “in a style very
different from that of most of the addresses.” (p. 25), alluded to infra, p. 116.
IBID. twelfth century. Burke alludes to the pontificate of Innocent III, 1198–1216.
Cp. the Abridgment of Eng. Hist. Book iii. chap. 8. “At length the sentence of
excommunication was fulminated against the king (John). In the same year the same
sentence was pronounced upon the Emperor Otho; and this daring pope was not afraid
at once to drive to extremities the two greatest princes in Europe . . . . Having first
released the English subjects from their oath of allegiance, by an unheard-of
presumption he formally deposed John from his throne and dignity; he invited the king
of France to take possession of the forfeited crown,” &c.
L. 23. and whilst the legal conditions, &c. Cp. infra p. 108, l. 16.
L. 29. electoral college. The collective style of the nine Electors to the Empire.
“College” (collegium) is used in its technical sense in Roman law.
P. 102, L. 20. lives and fortunes. A very ancient formula, the original words of which
survive in the German “Mit Gut und Blut.” So the 8th section of the Bill of Rights: “That
they will stand to, maintain, and defend their said Majesties . . . . with their lives and
estates, against all persons whatsoever,” &c. This will explain the reference in the next
sentence. The expression recalls the once common “life and property addresses” from
public bodies to the crown.
L. 26. Revolution of 1688. It must be confessed that the argument which Burke here
begins, and sustains with much force and ingenuity through twenty pages, is a
complete failure. Mr. Hallam has refuted it at almost every point. It must be
remembered that Burke is writing not as a judge, or a philosophical historian, but as an
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advocate. He conceived that the constitution would be endangered by the tenets of the
Society, if they came into general credit, and made up his mind to lend the whole
weight of his authority and his skill as a debater to support the opposite views (cp. the
concluding paragraph of the work).
L. 29. confounding all the three together. Burke, using the expression of Sir
Joseph Jekyl, says, that the Revolution of 1688 “was, in truth and in substance, a
revolution not made, but prevented.” In the Revolution of “forty years before,” which
good sense and good faith on the part of one man might have prevented, the letter of
our liberties was insisted on quite as strictly as by the Old Whigs, or by Burke.
P. 103, L. 11. Declaration of Right. Commonly called the Bill of Rights. It is printed
in the Appendix to Professor Stubbs’s Select Charters, p. 505.
L. 19. A few years after this period. 12 & 13 Will. III. cap. 2. By this Act the Crown
was settled, after the death of William III and Anne without issue, upon the Princess
Sophia, youngest daughter of Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia (daughter of James I.), and
the heirs of her body, being protestants. Burke does not mention the Act 6 Anne, cap.
7, which asserts the right of the legislature to regulate the descent of the Crown, and
makes it treasonable to maintain the contrary.
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interpreted was entirely different.” The truth of this last statement is undeniable.
L. 17. its not being done at that time, &c. “The Commons,” says Hallam, “did not
deny that the case was one of election, though they refused to allow that the monarchy
was thus rendered perpetually elective.”
L. 24. on that of his wife. By which, as Bentinck said, the prince would have become
“his wife’s gentleman-usher.”
P. 105, L. 15. to reign over us, &c. The best comment on this is, that it required a
distinct Act of Parliament (2 W. and M. ch. 6) to enable the queen to exercise the regal
power during the king’s absence from England.
L. 31. limitation of the crown. In the technical sense, alluding to the succession
being made conditional on the profession of Protestantism (see § 9 of the Declaration).
P. 107, L. 3. for themselves and for all their posterity for ever. It is impossible to
defend Burke in this literal reading of the Declaration, in which he follows the genuine
Tory Swift (Examiner, No. 16). This paper of Swift’s will illustrate the difference
between real Toryism and the Whig-Toryism of Bolingbroke. The words “for ever,”
copied from the Act of 1st Elizabeth, are mere surplusage, as in the expression “heirs
for ever,” in relation to private property. The right of Parliament to regulate the
succession to the crown was too well established to make it worth while to have
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recourse to this verbal quibble. “The Parliament,” says Sir Thomas Smith (Secretary of
State temp. Elizabeth), “giveth form of succession to the Crown. To be short, all that
ever the people of Rome might do either in centuriatis comitiis or tribunitiis, the same
may be done by the Parliament of England.” Commonwealth of England, p. 77, Ed.
1633. Priestley remarked that Burke had rendered himself, by denying this competency
in Parliament, liable to the charge of high treason under an act framed by his own idol,
Lord Somers: and Lord Stanhope declared his intention of impeaching him for it. The
right of binding posterity was denied, on general grounds, by Locke, Treatise
Concerning Government, Book ii. ch. viii. 116, to whom Swift alludes in the Examiner:
“Lawyers may explain this, or call them words of form, as they please; and reasoners
may argue that such an obligation is against the nature of government: but a plain
reader, &c.”
L. 6. better Whig than Lord Somers, &c. Note, vol. i. p. 148, l. 34. See Burke’s
panegyric upon the “Old Whigs”; “They were not umbratiles doctores, men who had
studied a free constitution only in its anatomy, and upon dead systems. They knew it
alive, and in action.” Burke really presumes too much on the ignorance of his readers.
The mere title-page of Lord Somers’s “Judgement of Whole Kingdoms and Nations,”
which affirms “the Rights of the People and Parliament of Britain to resist and deprive
their Kings for evil government,” is a sufficient answer to this tirade. Throughout these
pages Burke exhibits the heat and the preoccupation of the advocate, not the judicial
calm of the critic.
L. 12. aided with the powers. Burke generally uses with to express the instrument.
We now say “by the powers.” Cp. p. 115, l. 10, &c.
L. 27. house of lords—not morally competent, &c. “The legislative can have no
power to transfer their authority of making laws, and place it in other hands.”—“The
house of lords is not morally competent to dissolve itself, nor to abdicate, if it would, its
portion in the legislature of the kingdom.” These passages are quoted, the former from
Locke, the latter from Bushel, by Grattan, in his Speech against the Union, Feb. 8,
1810. The argument is merely an idle non possumus; and on Grattan’s deduction from
it, the verdict of succeeding generations has been against it.
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L. 14. communi sponsione reipublicae. The Editor does not call to mind the phrase
as a quotation. It was possibly invented by Burke, to express his meaning with the
more weight.
L. 19. mazes of metaphysic sophistry. See note to vol. i. p. 215, l. 11. The outcry
against “metaphysic sophistry” was no invention of Burke’s. It is a favourite topic with
Bolingbroke and other politicians who opposed the philosophical Whiggism of the School
of Locke.
L. 23. extreme emergency. Mr. Hallam says most truly that this view, which
“imagines some extreme cases of intolerable tyranny, some, as it were, lunacy of
despotism, as the only plea and palliation of resistance,” is merely a “pretended
modification of the slavish principles of absolute obedience.”
P. 109, L. 10. states. i. e. the Lords and Commons; the English Parliament in its
original form being an imitation of the States-General of France. Our Liturgy until lately
spoke of “the Three Estates of the Realm of England assembled in Parliament.” Cp.
Milton, of the Assembly in Pandemonium;
L. 11. organic moleculae of a disbanded people. The idea is fully explained in the
First Letter on Regicide Peace; “The body politic of France existed in the majesty of its
throne, in the dignity of its nobility, in the honour of its gentry, in the sanctity of its
clergy, in the reverence of its magistracy, in the weight and consideration due to its
landed property in the several bailliages, in the respect due to its moveable substance
represented by the corporations of the kingdom. All these particular moleculae united
form the great mass of what is truly the body politic in all countries.”
L. 25. Some time after the conquest, &c. “Five kings out of the seven that followed
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William the Conqueror were usurpers, according at least to modern notions” (Hallam).
The facts seem to be as follows. Even in private succession, the descent of an
inheritance as between the brother and the son of the owner was settled by no certain
rule of law in the time of Glanvil. The system of Tanistry, which prevailed in Ireland
down to the time of James I., and under which the land descended to the “eldest and
most worthy” of the same blood, who was commonly ascertained by election, was thus
partially in force. No better mode, says Mr. Hallam, could have been devised for
securing a perpetual supply of civil quarrels. The principle of inheritance per stirpem
which sound policy gradually established in private possessions, was extended by the
lawyers about the middle of the 13th century to the Crown. Edward I. was proclaimed
immediately upon his father’s death, though absent in Sicily. Something however of the
old principle may be traced in this proclamation, issued in his name by the guardians of
the realm, where he asserts the Crown of England “to have devolved upon him by
hereditary succession and the will of his nobles.” These last words were omitted in the
proclamation of Edward II.; since whose time the Crown has been absolutely
hereditary. The question was thus settled at the period when the English constitution,
according to Professor Stubbs, took its definite and permanent form. For illustrations of
the question from ancient history see Grotius de Jure Bell. et Pac., Lib. ii. ch. 7, § 24.
L. 27. the heir per capita—the heir per stirpes. The distinction is produced by taking
two different points of view; the one regarding the crown as the right of the reigning
family, the other as the right of the reigning person. In the first case, when the reigning
member of the family died, the whole of the members of the family (capita) re-entered
into the family rights, and the crown fell to the “eldest and most worthy.” In the second
case, the crown descended to the legal heir or representative of the reigning person
(per stirpem). By the heir per capita, Burke means the “eldest and most worthy” of the
same blood. Elsewhere, following the modern jurists, he calls the right of such an heir,
“the right of consanguinity,” that of the lineal heir, “the right of representation,” from
his standing in the place of, and thus representing, the former possessor (Abridgment
of Eng. Hist., Book iii. ch. 8). Burke acutely traced the old principle of Tanistry in some
of the details of the feudal law. “For what is very singular, and I take it otherwise
unaccountable, a collateral warranty bound without any descending assets, where the
lineal did not, unless something descended; and this subsisted invariably in the law until
this century” (Id., Book ii. ch. 7). Collateral warranties were deprived of this effect by 4
Ann, ch. 16, § 21.
L. 30. the inheritable principle survived, &c. Burke says of the kings before the
Conquest, “Very frequent examples occur where the son of a deceased king, if under
age, was entirely passed over, and his uncle or some remoter relation raised to the
Crown; but there is not a single instance where the election has carried it out of the
blood” (Abr. Eng. Hist., Bk. ii. ch. 7).
L. 32. multosque per annos, &c. Virg. Georg. iv. 208. The quotation had been used
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P. 110, L. 6. take the deviation . . . for the principle. It was not in Burke’s plan
here to argue against the elective principle; but in the Annual Register for 1763, on the
occasion of the then impending elections of a King of Poland and a King of the Romans,
he says; “Those two elective sovereignties not only occasion many mischiefs to those
who live under them, but have frequently involved a great part of Europe in blood and
confusion. Indeed, these existing examples prove, beyond all speculation, the infinite
superiority, in every respect, of hereditary monarchy; since it is evident, that the
method of election constantly produces all those intestine divisions, to which, by its
nature, it appears so liable, and also fails in that which is one of its principal objects,
and which might be expected from it, the securing government for many successions in
the hands of persons of extraordinary merit and uncommon capacity. We find by
experience, that those kingdoms, where the throne is an inheritance, have had, in their
series of succession, full as many able princes to govern them, as either Poland or
Germany, which are elective.”
L. 14. dragged the bodies of our antient sovereigns out of the quiet of their
tombs. The allusion is to the outrages committed by the Roundhead troopers in
Winchester Cathedral. There may also be an allusion to the plundering of the Abbey of
Faversham, at the dissolution of monasteries, when the remains of King Stephen were
disinterred and thrown into the Swale, for the sake of the leaden coffin. Cp. in the Draft
of Letter to Markham (1770); “My passions are not to be roused, either on the side of
partiality, or on that of hatred, by those who lie in their cold lead, quiet and innoxious,
in the chapel of Henry, or the churches of Windsor Castle or La Trappe—quorum
Flaminia tegitur cinis atque Latina.”
L. 15. attaint and disable backwards. In the manner of the Chinese law of
attainder, by which its effect extends to a man’s ancestors though not to his
P. 111, L. 5. The law, &c. Burke, as we might expect, turns to the Act of Settlement
without saying a word of the cause which led to its being passed, namely, the failure of
issue, not of Queen Mary, but of William himself. The final limitation of the Bill of Rights
was to William’s own heirs: so that if after Mary’s death he had married some one else,
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and had a son, the crown would have passed completely out of the English royal family.
L. 32. is daughter, &c. Others however, nearer in blood, but of the Catholic faith,
were passed over: especially those of the Palatine family, whose ancestors having been
strong assertors of the Protestant religion, it was thought likely that some of them
might return to it.
P. 112, L. 34. A few years ago, &c. Burke commands more attention when he
confesses his reason for all this deliberate mystification. No sophistry was ever too
gross for the public ear; but the occasion which turned Burke for the time into a Tory
casuist must have appeared to him critical indeed.
P. 113, L. 14. export to you in illicit bottoms. The allusion is to the Act of
Navigation. See vol. i. p. 179, and note. “Bottom” (Dutch Bodem) is the old technical
term for a ship. It is still used in such mercantile phrases as “foreign bottoms,” and
survives in the term “bottomry,” applied to the advance of money on the security of the
ship for the purposes of the voyage.
L. 27. pledge of the stability and perpetuity, &c. The following passage is proper
to be quoted here, as being a complete expression of the idea in the text, and at the
same time the one which was selected by De Quincey as the most characteristic
passage in the works of Burke, from the literary point of view. It is also a necessary
illustration to the argument at p. 141, ll. 23–35.
Such are their ideas; such their religion; and such their law. But as to our
country, and our race, as long as the well-compacted structure of our
church and state, the sanctuary, the holy of holies of that ancient law,
defended by reverence, defended by power, a fortress at once and a
temple, shall stand inviolate on the brow of the British Sion—as long as
the British monarchy, not more limited than fenced by the orders of the
state, shall, like the proud Keep of Windsor, rising in the majesty of
proportion, and girt with the double belt of its kindred and coeval
towers—as long as this awful structure shall oversee and guard the
subjected land —so long the mounds and dykes of the low, fat Bedford
Level will have nothing to fear from all the pickaxes of all the levellers of
France. As long as our sovereign lord the king, and his faithful subjects,
the lords and commons of this realm—the triple cord, which no man can
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P. 114, L. 1. It is common for them to dispute, &c. But cp. Hallam, Const. Hist.
chap. xiv. “Since the extinction of the House of Stuart’s pretensions, and other events
of the last half century, we have seen those exploded doctrines of indefeasible
hereditary right revived under another name, and some have been willing to
misrepresent the transactions of the Revolution and the Act of Settlement as if they did
not absolutely amount to a deposition of the reigning sovereign, and an election of a
new dynasty by the representatives of the nation in parliament.” Mr. Hallam wished to
be understood as explicitly affirming (in contradiction of Burke) what had been already
stated by Paley (see Princ. of Moral and Political Philos. p. 411), that the great
advantage of the Revolution was what many regarded as its reproach, and more as its
misfortune—that it broke the line of succession. After stating precisely the votes, and
pointing out the impossibility of reconciling them with such a construction as Burke’s, he
goes on to say—“It was only by recurring to a kind of paramount, and what I may call
hyper-constitutional law, a mixture of force and regard to the national good, which is
the best sanction of what is done in revolutions, that the vote of the Commons could be
defended. They proceeded not by the stated rules of the English government, but by
the general rights of mankind. They looked not so much to Magna Charta as to the
original compact of society; and rejected Coke and Hale for Hooker and Grotius.”
Hallam in effect subscribes to the criticism contained in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Letters of
Dr. Priestley on this question. Cp. Grotius, Lib. ii. c. 7, § 27.
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P. 115, L. 17. broken the original contract—more than misconduct. That is, a
higher degree of misconduct than Dr. Price meant to be understood by his use of the
word. The argument really amounts to no more than a criticism of Dr. Price’s English.
L. 35. popular representative = the House of Commons. Cp. vol. i. p. 118, l. 17.
L. 36. the next great constitutional act—the Act of Settlement, 12 and 13 W. III,
cap. 2. “It was determined,” says Mr. Hallam, “to accompany this settlement with
additional securities for the subject’s liberty. The Bill of Rights was reckoned hasty and
defective: some matters of great importance had been omitted, and in the twelve years
which had since elapsed, new abuses had called for new remedies.” One of these
abuses was the number of placemen and pensioners in the House (cp. note to vol. i. p.
138, l. 27).
L. 17. more properly the servant, &c. The idea that a governing functionary is a
servant, and that national sovereignty is inalienable, was strongly insisted on by
Rousseau in the “Contrat Social” (Liv. ii. ch. 1. 2). It is an advance on the Whig
doctrine, maintained by Burke, that government consists in a compact between the king
and people, as equal contracting parties, which neither is at liberty to break so long as
its original conditions are fulfilled. Cp. Selden’s Table-Talk, head “Contracts.” “If our
fathers have lost their liberty, why may not we labour to regain it?” Ans. “We must look
to the contract; if that be rightly made, we must stand to it: if once we grant we may
recede from contracts, upon any inconveniency that may afterwards happen, we shall
have no bargain kept.” The doctrine of Dr. Price had been advocated at least two
centuries before by Althusius (see Bayle), who held “omnes reges nihil aliud esse quam
magistratus,” “quod summa reipublicae cujusvis jure sit penes solum populum,” &c.
“Error pestilens,” is the comment of Conringius, “et turbando orbi aptus”!
L. 22. Haec commemoratio, &c. Ter. And., Act i. sc. 1. l. 17. The steward Sosia, no
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longer a slave, in these words resents his master’s reminding him of the change in his
condition. Burke’s repartees to Dr. Price, which fill up the rest of the page, are in his
most effective parliamentary style.
L. 18. speak only the primitive language of the law. Cp. vol. i. p. 268, l. 11.
L. 24. the Justicia of Arragon. See Hallam’s account of Arragon. His functions did
not differ in essence from those of the Chief Justice of England, as divided among the
judges of the King’s Bench, but practically they were much more extensive and
important. The office is to be traced to the year 1118, but it was not till the Cortes of
1348 that it was endowed with an authority which “proved eventually a more adequate
barrier against oppression than any other country could boast.” From that time he held
his post for life. It was penal for any one to obtain letters from the king impeding the
execution of the justiza’s process. See Hallam’s account of the successful resistance of
the justiza Juan de Cerda to John I.: “an instance of judicial firmness and integrity, to
which, in the fourteenth century, no country perhaps in Europe could offer a parallel.”
Middle Ages, chap. iv.
P. 118, L. 3. Let these gentlemen, &c. Selden gives as the original meaning of the
maxim that the king can do no wrong, that “no process can be granted against him” (at
Common Law).
L. 6. positive statute law which affirms that he is not. Burke clearly alludes to a
provision in the Act for attainting the Regicides, 12 Car. II. cap. 30, which runs thus:
“And be it hereby declared, that by the undoubted and fundamental laws of this
kingdom, neither the Peers of this realm, nor the Commons, nor both together in
Parliament or out of Parliament, nor the People collectively or representatively, nor any
other Persons whatsoever, ever had, have, hath, or ought to have, any coercive power
over the persons of the Kings of this realm.” We can hardly wonder that Burke did not
think fit to indicate precisely this “positive statute law.”
L. 11. Laws are commanded, &c. The “inter arma leges silent” of Cicero.
L. 15. Justa bella quibus necessaria. Burke, as usual, quotes from memory. “Justa
piaque sunt arma, quibus necessaria; et necessaria, quibus nulla nisi in armis spes
salutis.” Livy, Lib. ix. cap. 1. The passage is alluded to by Sidney, and also in the
famous pamphlet “Killing no Murder”; “His (Cromwell’s) indeed have been pious arms,”
&c., p. 8.
L. 24. faint, obscure, &c. Cp. notes, vol. i. p. 105, l. 13, and p. 225, l. 30.
P. 119, L. 2. a revolution will be the very last resource, &c. “I confess that events
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in France have corrected several opinions which I previously held. . . . I can hardly
frame to myself the condition of a people, in which I would not rather desire that they
should continue, than to fly to arms, and to seek redress through the unknown miseries
of a revolution.” Fox, Speech on the Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, 1794.
L. 4. The third head, &c. On this Burke does not expend so much useless force.
Feeling that after all he had something better to do than to split hairs with Dr. Price, he
soon pushes on to the proper business of the book. He avoids actually denying the
rights of men, but alleges that Englishmen have not had occasion to insist on them.
P. 120, L. 1. They endeavour to prove, &c. Similarly the Americans had based their
claims to liberty on law and precedent.
L. 18. rights of men—rights of Englishmen. “Our ancestors, for the most part,
took their stand, not on a general theory, but on the particular constitution of the
realm. They asserted the rights, not of men, but of Englishmen.” Macaulay, Essay on
Mackintosh’s History of the Revolution. Burke however himself alludes to the “common
rights of men,” in distinction from the “disputed rights and privileges of freedom,” in the
Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol. And every Englishman familiar with the literature of his
own time must have known that Burke exaggerated. The “rights of men” were a
common Whig topic. Bp. Warburton, for instance, says in one of his Sermons that to call
an English king “the Lord’s Anointed” is “a violation of the rights of men.”
L. 20. other profoundly learned men. The allusion is to Coke and Glanvil. Cp. vol. i.
p. 238, l. 7.
L. 22. general theories. Hooker and Grotius are alluded to. See also Book I. of
Selden “De Jure Naturae et Gentium secundum disciplinam Hebraeorum.”
P. 121, L. 14. you will observe, &c. Burke here terminates his quotations from the
archives of the English constitution, and passes on to his “Reflections” on the French
Revolution. He effects the transition in three paragraphs, in which he contrives to rise,
at once, and without an effort, to the full “height of his great argument.” These three
paragraphs, evidently composed with great pains, sum up the conclusions of the
previous pages as to matter, and as to style are so regulated as to prepare for the
gravity and force which characterize the next section of the work.
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L. 22. an house of commons and a people. Observe the claim here insinuated,
suggested by Burke’s Whiggish theory of Parliament. It is now understood that the
rights of the House of Commons are not distinguishable from, and are immediately
resolvable into those of the people.
L. 26. following nature, which is wisdom without reflection, &c. Cp. infra p.
174, l. 32, p. 181, l. 27, &c. So in the Third Letter on Regicide Peace; “Never was there
a jar or discord between genuine sentiment and sound policy. Never, no, never, did
Nature say one thing, and Wisdom say another.” A literal translation of Juvenal, Sat.
xiv. l. 321;
The use Burke makes of the idea is, however, a relic of his study of the Essayists. See
the Spectator, No. 404. It occurs more than once in Chesterfield’s Essays in the
“World.” The doctrine is well put by Beccaria; “It is not only in the fine arts that the
imitation of nature is the fundamental principle; it is the same in sound policy, which is
no other than the art of uniting and directing to the same end the natural and
immutable sentiments of mankind.”
L. 28. A spirit of innovation. Burke does not mean a spirit of Reform. “It cannot, at
this time, be too often repeated—line upon line; precept upon precept; until it comes
into the currency of a proverb—to innovate is not to reform.” Letter to a Noble Lord.
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IBID. the result of a selfish temper, &c. This might well be illustrated by the
attempted innovations on the constitution in the early part of the reign (see vol. i.,
passim), and by the history of the Stuarts. “Charles II.,” says Clarendon, “had in his
nature so little reverence and esteem for antiquity, and did in truth so much contemn
old orders, forms, and institutions, that the objection of novelty rather advanced than
obstructed any proposition.”
L. 29. People will not look forward, &c. “Vous vivez tout entiers dans le moment
présent; vous y êtes consignés par une passion dominante: et tout ce qui ne se
rapporte pas à ce moment vous parait antique et suranné. Enfin, vous êtes tellement en
votre personne et de coeur et d’esprit, que, croyant former à vous seuls un point
historique, les ressemblances éternelles entre le temps et les hommes échappent à
votre attention, et l’autorité de l’expérience vous semble une fiction, ou une vaine
garantie destinée uniquement au crédit des vieillards.” Madame De Stael, Corinne, liv.
L. 10. Our political system, &c. Compare with these weighty conclusions the opinion
of Bacon; “Those things which have long gone together are, as it were, confederate
within themselves. . . . It were good, therefore, if men, in their innovations, would
follow the example of time itself, which indeed innovateth greatly, but quietly, and by
degrees scarcely to be perceived.” Essay on Innovations. Cp. Hooker, Eccl. Pol., Book i.
ch. 10, par. 9, last clause.
L. 20. never wholly new, &c. Cp. Introd. to vol. i. p. 29, l. 20, &c. Cp. also the
theory of the true Social Contract, p. 192 infra.
L. 30. . . . . our sepulchres and our altars. The germ of the argument is to be
found in the 14th of South’s Posthumous Sermons: “And herein does the admirable
wisdom of God appear, in modelling the great economy of the world, so uniting public
and private advantages, that those affections and dispositions of mind, that are most
conducible to the safety of government and society, are also most advantageous to man
in his personal capacity.” The argument is amplified in Dr. Chalmers’ Bridgewater
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P. 123, L. 9. a noble freedom. The epithet is not used in the moral sense, but indicates
an aristocratic character. The image, however, is not intended to degrade but to elevate
the character of popular liberty.
L. 15. their age. But see note to vol. i. p. 138, l. 13, and Arist. Pol., Lib. ii. c. 5.
L. 27. possessed in some parts, &c. Burke carries on the idea of the last paragraph,
likening the mass of the nation to a nobleman succeeding to his paternal estate.
L. 31. very nearly as good as could be wished. Was it so? This question was much
debated before the meeting of the States-General. The Revolutionists wished for a
constitution, to which the privileged classes replied that France already had a very good
constitution, to which nothing was wanting but a restoration to its pristine vigour. This
paradox is supported by Burke. A statesman so far removed from suspicion of prejudice
as J. J. Mounier, is quite of another opinion. Burke likened the States-General to the
English Parliament. Cp. p. 109, l. 9, p. 115, l. 24. Nothing, however, could be farther
from the constitution of the latter, composed, in the Commons, of proprietors elected
by proprietors, and in the Lords, of a descendible personal magistracy: and never was a
nation governed, even temporarily, by a more absurd constitution than that of the
revived States-General. “Supposons, contre toute vraisemblance, que les ordres
séparés eussent agi de consent, et que la paix n’eut point été troublée par leurs
prétentions respectives, ils auroient sanctionné cette monstrueuse composition d’états-
généraux. Ils auroient décidé, qu’on réuniroit périodiquement tous les François âgés de
plus de vingt cinq ans, pour délibérer séparément, les uns comme nobles, les autres
comme plébéiens, sur tous les intérêts de l’état, non seulement dans chaque ville, mais
encore jusques dans le dernier village, pour rédiger par écrit leurs demandes et leurs
projets, et les confier à des députés, soumis dans l’assemblée des réprésentans aux
ordres de ceux qui les auroient choisis. Ainsi l’on auroit établi une aristocratie violente
et une démocratie tumultueuse, dont la lutte inévitable n’eut pas tardé de produire
l’anarchie et un bouleversement général.” Mounier, De l’influence attribuée aux
philosophes, &c., p. 90. Sir P. Francis, in a letter to Burke, pointed out the error Burke
here makes.
L. 33. low-born servile wretches. Notice the variation from an earlier opinion in
vol. i. p. 107, l. 16. The passage of Rousseau quoted in the note to that place may be
here appropriately refuted by stating, in the words of Burke, the steady policy of the
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French monarchy, which had subsisted, and even been strengthened, by the generation
or support of republics. The Swiss republics grew under the guardianship of the French
monarchy. The Dutch republics were hatched and cherished under the same incubation.
A republican constitution was afterwards, under the influence of France, established in
the Empire, against the pretensions of its chief; and while the republican protestants
were crushed at home (cp. note to p. 97, l. 19, ante) the French monarchs obtained
their final establishment in Germany as a law of the Empire, by the treaty of
Westphalia. See the Second Letter on Regicide Peace (1796).
P. 125, L. 2. Maroon slaves. Maroon (borrowed from the French West Indies, Marron)
means a runaway slave.
L. 20. looked to your neighbours in this land. But how impossible it was, very
properly insists De Tocqueville, to do as England had done, and gradually to change the
spirit of the ancient institutions by practice! By no human device can a year be made to
do the work of centuries. The Frenchman felt himself every hour injured in his fortune,
his comfort, or his pride, by some old law, some political usage, or some remnant of old
power, and saw within his reach no remedy applicable to the particular ill—for him the
only alternatives were, to suffer everything, or to destroy everything.
L. 12. a smooth and easy career. This is putting far too fair a face on the
possibilities of the crisis. Any power capable of effectually controlling the antagonistic
interests might have directed such a career; but where was such a power to be found?
L. 25. All other nations, &c. Cp. Burnet, History of his own Time, vol. i., on this
characteristic in the Bohemian revolution.
P. 127, L. 3. disgraced the tone of lenient council, &c. i. e. thrown into disfavour.
Cp. infra, p. 172, l. 12 sqq.
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IBID. They have seen, &c. Notice the strength of the antitheses. The whole section is
a fine example of Burke’s most powerful style.
L. 13. hid themselves in the earth from whence they came. The germ of this
dignified figure is from the Parable of the Talents. There is a passage in Swift’s Drapier’s
Letters, writes Arthur Young, which accounts fully for gold and silver so absolutely
disappearing in France; I change only Wood’s pence for assignats. “For my own part, I
am already resolved what to do; I have a pretty good shop of stuffs and silks, and
instead of taking assignats, I intend to truck with my neighbours, the butcher and
baker, and brewer, and the rest, goods for goods; and the little gold and silver I have, I
will keep by me like my heart’s blood, till better times; till I am just ready to starve,
and then I will buy assignats.” Example of France a Warning to Britain, 3rd Edition, p.
127. The louis d’or (20 livres) was at one time worth 1800 livres in assignats! Much
gold and silver was at first hoarded in concealment, but during the year 1791 the
treasure of France began to be imported into England. The price of 3 per cent. Consols,
which during the previous five years had averaged £75, at midsummer in that year
stood at £88.
L. 20. fresh ruins of France. The rest of Europe was at this time under the
extraordinary delusion that France was really ruined; in Burke’s words, “not politically
existing.” This persuasion partly accounts for the terror and astonishment which soon
succeeded it.
L. 28. the last stake reserved, &c. Cp. ante, p. 119, l. 2, and post, p. 176, l. 12.
Burke means that insurrection and bloodshed are the extreme medicine of the state,
and only to be used in the last resort, when everything else has failed. A similar
expression is put by Fielding into the mouth of Jonathan Wild; “Never to do more
mischief than was necessary, for that mischief was too precious a thing to be wasted.”
Cp. Lucan, Book vii.; “Ne quâ parte sui pereat scelus.”
P. 129, L. 1. their shoe buckles. Alluding to the “patriotic donations” of silver plate.
See p. 345.
L. 14. of ten thousand times greater consequence, &c. “They (the Jacobins) are
always considering the formal distributions of power in a constitution; the moral basis
they consider as nothing. Very different is my opinion; I consider the moral basis as
everything; the formal arrangements, further than as they promote the moral principles
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of government, and the keeping desperately wicked persons as the subjects of laws,
and not the makers of them, to be of little importance. What signifies the cutting and
shuffling of cards, while the pack still remains the same?” Fourth Letter on Regicide
L. 7. those who will lead, &c. This canon was the result of Burke’s observation of
the English Parliament. Cp. vol. i. note to p. 208, l. 28. For the parallels in Greek and
Roman life, see Plato, Rep., Book vi. p. 493, and Cicero, Rep., Book ii.
P. 131, L. 2. six hundred persons. The double representation of the Tiers État,
advocated by Sieyès and D’Entragues, had already been admitted in the provincial
assemblies. It was now adopted by Necker with the view of overbalancing the influence
of the privileged orders, and overcoming their selfish and impolitic resistance to
taxation, and their general determination to thwart the royal policy.
L. 11. soon resolved into that body. The states met on the 5th of May; and the
Third Estate on the 17th of June, upon the motion of Sieyès, constituted itself the
National Assembly. “The memorable decree of the 17th of June,” says M. Mignet,
“contained the germ of the 4th of August.”
L. 14. a very great proportion, &c. The intervention of the lawyer in so many of the
acts of civil life, and the complexity of the different bodies of common law (coûtumes),
300 in number, which prevailed in different parts of the country, always greatly
swelled the numbers of the profession. “Sous le regne du Roy François premier de ce
nom, un Villanovanus fit un Commentaire sur Ptolomée, dedans lequel il disoit, qu’en
ceste France il y avoit plus de gens de robbe longue, qu’en toute l’Allemagne, l’Italie, et
l’Espagne; et croy certes qu’il disoit vray.” Pasquier, Les Recherches de la France, Liv.
ix. c. 38. Montaigne, about the same time, remarks (Ess., Liv. i. ch. 22) that the
lawyers might be considered as a Fourth Estate. As it was the lawyers who were best
acquainted with the wrongs of the people, and alone possessed the knowledge requisite
for putting them forward, they were very appropriate representatives of the people.
Burke has in mind, of course, the state of things in England, in which the landed gentry,
dealing honourably with the people and enjoying their sympathy and confidence, always
furnished the majority of their representatives. But how could he have supposed that
the French people would or could return the landowners as their representatives?
L. 15. a majority of the members who attended. This cannot be correct. 652
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L. 16. practitioners in the law. Cp. note to vol. i. p. 241, l. 10. The remarks of Dr.
Ramsay in his History of the American Revolution, on the share of the lawyers in the
revolt, are quoted very appositely in Priestley’s second Letter to Burke, in answer to
these remarks. See also vol. i. p. 249, ll. 8–11.
L. 28. saw distinctly—all that was to follow. Compare with the paragraphs which
follow, the Thoughts on French Affairs, under the head “Effect of the Rota.” Paine denies
that these were the views of Burke at the time, and says that it was impossible to make
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him believe that there would be a revolution in France: his opinion being that the
French had neither spirit to undertake it, nor fortitude to support it. This had been the
opinion of the best informed statesmen since the failure of Turgot. Cp. note to p. 271, l.
L. 17. this faculty had not, &c. The French Ana are full of gibes upon the medical
profession. Burke possibly had in mind the constant ridicule of the faculty of medicine
by his favourite French author, Molière. Cp. infra, p. 349, l. 25.
L. 32. natural landed interest. But how unreasonable to expect it! The natural
landed interest was surely sufficiently represented in the nobility.
L. 35. sure operation of adequate causes, &c. Burke thought that the House of
Commons was and ought to be something very much more than what was implied in
the vulgar idea of a “popular representation”; that it contained within itself a much
more subtle and artificial combination of parts and powers, than was generally
supposed; and that it would task the leisure of a contemplative man to exhibit
thoroughly the working of its mechanism. See Letter to a Member of the National
L. 18. it cannot escape observation. See the character of Mr. Grenville, vol. i. p.
185, and notes.
L. 26. After all, &c. The defects of the preceding observations do not impair the
justice of the censure contained in the concluding paragraph, which was amply
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established by events. Burke’s glance was often too rapid to be quite exact, but it was
unerring in its augury of the essential bearing of a movement.
P. 135, L. 1. breakers of law in India, &c. See the Speech on the Nabob of Arcot’s
Debts, in which Paul Benfield, who made (including himself) no fewer than eight
members of Parliament, and others, are treated in a rhetorical strain of indignant irony
which has no parallel in profane literature.
L. 27. mere country curates. (Curés.) Not in the modern sense of an assistant, but
in the old and proper one of a beneficed clergyman or his substitute (vicaire). Bailey’s
dictionary has: Curate, a parson or vicar of a parish. The order of the clergy was
represented by 48 archbishops and bishops, 35 abbots or canons, and 208 curates or
parish priests. The income of a beneficed curé averaged £28 per annum: that of a
vicaire, about half that sum.
L. 31. hopeless poverty. The Revolution, says Arthur Young, was an undoubted
benefit to the lower clergy, who comprised five-sixths of the whole. They were not too
numerously represented, if the representation were to mean anything at all.
L. 31. to be attached, &c. Cp. Pope, Essay on Man, iv. 361 sqq.
L. 32. the first principle of public affections. See p. 107, l. 9 sqq. The argument
may be traced in Cic. De Officiis, Lib. i. c. 17. Since Burke’s time, it has become a trite
commonplace. Dr. Blair wrote a whole sermon upon it. So Robert Hall; “The order of
nature is ever from particulars to generals. As in the operations of intellect we proceed
from the contemplation of individuals to the formation of general abstractions, so in the
developement of the passions in like manner we advance from private to public
affections; from the love of parents, brothers, and sisters, to those more expanded
regards which embrace the immense society of human kind.” Sermon on Modern
Infidelity. On the other hand, the private affections are attacked, with the same
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metaphysical weapons, but with a very different object, by Jonathan Edwards and
P. 137, L. 7. the then Earl of Holland. “This (reprieving Lord Goring, and not Lord
Holland) may be a caution to us against the affectation of popularity, when you see the
issue of it in this noble gentleman, who was as full of generosity and courtship to all
sorts of persons, and readiness to help the oppressed, and to stand for the rights of the
people, as any person of his quality in this nation. Yet this person was by the
representatives of the people given up to execution for treason; and another lord, who
never made profession of being a friend to liberty, either civil or spiritual, and exceeded
the Earl as much in his crimes as he came short of him in his popularity, the life of this
lord was spared by the people.” (Whitelock, March 8, 1649.) The bounties prodigally
bestowed on him were a reward for his carrying out as chief-justice in eyre the illegal
claims made by Charles I., in virtue of the forestal rights (cp. vol. i. p. 77, l. 7). He
became one of the leaders of the Parliament party, but deserted them, and paid the
penalty with his life. Hallam charges him with ingratitude to both king and queen.
L. 24. when men of rank, &c. The allusion is again to those noblemen who
patronised the Revolution Society.
P. 138, L. 2. if the terror, the ornament of their age. Burke perhaps had in mind
the well-known epitaph of Richelieu (cp. l. 25), by Des Bois, in which he is described as
“Tam saeculi sui tormentum quam ornamentum.”
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domestic history of the Wallers from the circumstance that his estate was in the same
parish as theirs (Beaconsfield).
IBID. smote the country—communicated to it the force and energy, &c. Similarly
Junius, Feb. 6, 1771; “With all his crimes, he (Cromwell) had the spirit of an
Englishman. The conduct of such a man must always be an exception to vulgar rules.
He had abilities sufficient to reconcile contradictions, and to make a great nation at the
same time unhappy and formidable.” In the Letter to a Member of the National
Assembly the policy of Cromwell is illustrated by his rejecting meaner men of his own
party, and choosing Hale as his chief-justice.
L. 29. how very soon France, &c. France has always been distinguished for the
most elastic internal powers. Burke in after times quoted in illustration of this the lines,
L. 33. not slain the mind in their country. Mackintosh retorts this dignified figure on
the ministers whom Burke after the Revolution conceived it to be his duty to support.
P. 139, L. 6. palsy. Fr. paralysie, now generally disused, in favour of the original term
L. 16. levellers. A term applied to the English Jacobins of the period of the
L. 15. woe to the country, &c. Burke’s support of the Test Act has been adduced to
show how little practical meaning there was in this tirade. The question, however, here,
is one of political, not religious disability. The term “religious” (l. 17) appears only to
allude to the established church.
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the latter an essential principle in his scheme. Milton, however, wished “that this wheel,
or partial wheel in state, if it be possible, might be avoided, as having too much affinity
with the wheel of fortune.” It will hardly be credited that a practical member of
Parliament and shrewd thinker like Soame Jenyns, approved the principle of sortition,
and deliberately proposed to have an annual ministry chosen by lot from 30 selected
members of the House of Peers, and 100 of the House of Commons! See his “Scheme
for the Coalition of Parties,” 1782. Well might Burke call that “one of the most critical
periods in our annals” (Letter to a Noble Lord). Had the then proposed parliamentary
reforms taken place, Burke thought that “not France, but England, would have had the
honour of leading up the death-dance of Democratic Revolution. Other projects, exactly
coincident in time with those, struck at the very existence of the kingdom under any
constitution” (ib.).
L. 15. its ability as well as its property. “Jacobinism,” wrote Burke several years
afterwards, when the whole civilised world was in affright at the word, without
understanding very well what it meant, “is the revolt of the enterprising talents of a
country against its property.”
L. 23. the great masses which excite envy, &c. Cp. the Letter to a Noble Lord, in
which the vast property of the Duke of Bedford is used to illustrate this doctrine. The
extract given in a previous note (to p. 113, l. 27) contains the substance of its
P. 142, L. 1. the power of perpetuating our property in our families, &c. Burke
alludes to the practice of family settlements.
L. 12. sole judge of all property, &c. See the motion relative to the Speech from
the Throne, 14th June, 1784, in which this fact is used in justification of the
disapproval, expressed by the Commons, of the corruption and intimidation employed
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by the ministers and peers. The judicial power of the Lords is historically traced by
Hallam, ch. xiii.
Rousseau’s theory, however, referred not to the rule of three, but to the rule of the
square root! See “Contrat Social,” Liv. iii. ch. 1.
L. 28. lamp-post. (Lanterne), alluding to the summary executions by the mob (see
infra, p. 166), which began, during the riots which preceded the 14th of July, with
punishing thieves by dragging them to the Grève, and hanging them by the ropes which
were used to fasten the lanterns. De Launay, De Losme, Solbay, and Flesselles, were
soon afterwards “lynched” in the same way.
P. 143, L. 12. completed its work . . . accomplished its ruin. Cp. a similar
expression, vol. i. p. 207, l. 11.
P. 145, L. 1. ever-waking vigilance. Cp. note to vol. i. p. 76, l. 30. The allusion is of
course to the “fair Hesperian tree,” which
L. 14. heroic fortitude towards the sufferers. Cp. note to vol. i. p. 149, l. 27. This
idea, often repeated by Burke, is derived from the “Thoughts on Various Subjects,” by
Pope and Swift: “I never knew any man in my life, who could not bear another’s
misfortunes perfectly like a Christian.”
L. 19. Is our monarchy, &c. By the next page it will be seen that Dr. Price had
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marked as the fundamental grievance of the English people the inadequacy of popular
representation. Could Burke really wish to be understood as declaring that a reform of
Parliament in England would lead to the changes here set out? If so, what is the
meaning of the high praise he proceeds to bestow on the English people for their
steadiness of temperament? It is, however, superfluous to point out all the logical
excesses of a heated advocate.
L. 22. done away. Strictly correct. So to do out, do up, do off, do on (dout, dup, doff,
don), &c. The modern phrase, to “do away with,” has arisen from confusion with the
interjectional expression, “Away with.” Spenser;
L. 16. dull sluggish race—mediocrity of freedom. Cp. Letter to Elliott; “My praises
of the British government, loaded with all its incumbrances; clogged with its peers and
its beef; its parsons and its pudding; its commons and its beer; and its dull slavish
liberty of going about just as one pleases,” &c.
L. 19. began by affecting to admire, &c. There was not much in this. The
excellence of the British constitution consisted not in its formal, but in its moral basis; in
the unity, the cordial recognition, and the substantial justice, which subsisted between
class and class, and this was beyond the reach of French politicians. Formally regarded,
not only the French leaders, but some English philosophers, not without a certain
justice, always “looked upon it with a sovereign contempt.” It is this moral basis which
Burke, following his master Aristotle, is always insisting on as the essence of political
life and stability.
L. 21. the friends of your National Assembly, &c. The theory of the English
constitution was first systematically attacked by Bentham, in his Fragment on
Government, 1775.
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L. 24. has discovered, &c. It is notorious that England at this time was not free in
the sense in which it has now been free for forty years.
P. 147, L. 15. treat the humbler part of the community with the greatest
contempt. Nowhere are more flagrant examples of this to be found than in Milton.
When he finds or imagines the mass of the people to be with him, he treats them with
the greatest respect; when there is a reaction, or a chance of it, they become “the
blockish vulgar”—“the people, exorbitant and excessive in all their notions”—“the mad
multitude”—“a miserable, credulous, deluded thing called the vulgar” (Eikonoklastes)—
“a multitude, ready to fall back, or rather to creep back, to their once abjured and
detested thraldom of kingship”—“the inconsiderate multitude” (Mode of Establishing a
Free Commonwealth)—“the simple laity” (Tenure of Kings). The mild Spenser calls the
people “the rascal many.” So the chorus in Samson;
“Tout peuple,” wrote Marat, “est naturellement moutonnier” (Journal de Marat, Mars 5,
1793). On the contempt of the demagogues of the ancient world for their audience, cp.
Arbuthnot’s (Swift’s?) paper “Concerning the Altercation or Scolding of the Ancients.”
L. 22. under which we have long prospered. See Bentham’s Book of Fallacies, or
Sydney Smith’s review of it, for a consideration of this trite argument.
L. 23. perfectly adequate, &c. “If there is a doubt, whether the House of Commons
represents perfectly the whole commons of Great Britain (I think there is none) there
can be no question but that the Lords and Commons together represent the sense of
the whole people to the crown, and to the world.” Third Letter on a Regicide Peace.
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certainly not produced by the French Revolution. It dated from the claim set up by the
Whig rivals of Burke’s party, when in office, and speaking through the Throne, to
convey the sense of the people to the House of Commons, in a manner implying distrust
and reproach; and this claim was supported by the doctrine that the Lords represented
the people, as well as the Commons. Burke singled out specially for refutation on this
occasion the following passage from Lord Shelburne’s Speech of April 8, 1778; “I will
never submit to the doctrines I have heard this day from the woolsack, that the other
House [House of Commons] are the only representatives and guardians of the people’s
rights; I boldly maintain the contrary—I say this House [House of Lords] is equally the
representatives of the people.” It was not that the exigencies of party warfare induced
Burke to relinquish his position; it was that the doctrine was now inspired with an
entirely different meaning. Its assertion in the Present Discontents, and its denial
fourteen years after, were made with the same intention, that of preventing liberty from
being wounded through its forms (see Motion relative to the Speech from the Throne,
1784). It would be more correct to keep to the Whig form of words and say that the
Crown and Lords are trustees for the people.
L. 25. built . . . upon a basis not more solid, &c. Cp. vol. i. p. 213, l. 28, p. 270, l.
L. 31. Something they must destroy, &c. Burke altered the commencement of this
paragraph, which stands thus in the 1st Edition; “Some of them are so heated with their
particular religious theories, that they give more than hints that the fall of the civil
powers, with all the dreadful consequences of that fall, provided they might be of
service to their theories, could not be unacceptable to them,” &c. This was done to
make clearer the serious charge here brought against Priestley, which was the
beginning of the persecution which finally drove him from the country.
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Lord’s Prayer,) truly and fully come, though all the kingdoms in the world be removed in
order to make way for it!” The publication of this in 1782, at or very near one of the
most critical periods of our domestic history, when a religious enthusiasm which had
already reduced much of the metropolis to ashes, threatened to ally itself with an
equally formidable political element (cp. note to p. 141, l. 3), justifies much of the
obloquy that followed when Burke called attention to it.
L. 8. fall of the civil powers. The meaning of this was not to be mistaken.
Immediately before, Priestley has been asking why Lutheranism and Anglicanism had
been established, while the Anabaptists of Münster, and the Socinians, had been
persecuted? “I know of no reason why, but that the opinions of Luther and Cranmer had
the sanction of the civil powers, which those of Socinus and others of the same age,
and who were equally well qualified to judge for themselves, had not.”
L. 10. Calamitous no doubt, &c. Dr. Priestley on the 28th of Feb., 1794, the day
appointed for a general fast, preached at the Gravel-pit Meeting in Hackney a sermon,
entitled “The Present State of Europe compared with Ancient Prophecies,” in which he
repeats and justifies the offensive paragraph, and warns his congregation of the
“danger to the civil powers of Europe, in consequence of their connexion with
antichristian ecclesiastical systems.” He also apologised for it in a letter dated
Northumberland, Nov. 10, 1802, addressed to the editor of the Monthly Magazine, by
saying that it was not intended for England, but for Europe generally, “especially those
European States which had been parts of the Roman Empire, but were then in
communion with the Church of Rome. . . . Besides that the interpretation of prophecy
ought to be free to all, it is the opinion, I believe, of every commentator that these
states are doomed to destruction.” In an Appendix to the Fast Sermon, he prints a long
extract from Hartley’s “Observations on Man” (1749), in which the fall of the civil and
ecclesiastical powers was predicted with similar coolness. “It would be great rashness,”
says Hartley in his conclusion, “to fix a time for the breaking of the storm that hangs
over our heads, as it is blindness and infatuation not to see it, nor to be aware that it
may break; and yet this infatuation has always attended all falling states.”
L. 22. solid test of long experience. Cp. note to p. 147, l. 22, ante.
L. 25. wrought under-ground a mine . . . the “rights of men.” Locke and Sidney
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were the founders of the school of the “Rights of Men,” and first made the Rights of the
Englishman, in theory, ancillary to the general pretensions to liberty on behalf of the
man. The argument of Sidney is first, that all men have by nature certain rights,
second, that Englishmen have ever enjoyed those rights. But how was it possible for
Frenchmen to assert a similar claim? The “rights of man” were literally the only basis in
reasoning on which their claims could have been founded. In England, on the other
hand, the particular liberties of the subject were so well established, that Sidney himself
rests the great body of his arguments on the rights of the Englishman. He is liable, as
much as Burke, to the very charge which Rousseau brings against Grotius; “Sa plus
constante manière de raisonner est d’établir toujours le droit par le fait.”
L. 11. break up the fountains of the great deep. Cp. note to vol. i. p. 186, l. 10.
L. 15. the real rights of men. The profound and just remarks which follow are a fine
example of that “dower of spanning wisdom” in which Burke was so rich, and expressed
with an unusual strength and simplicity of construction.
L. 24. means of making their industry fruitful—i. e. to the occupation of the soil,
without prejudice to the rights of the owner. Cp. vol. i. p. 247, l. 26.
L. 25. acquisitions of their parents. Without prejudice, of course, to the right of the
parent to dispose of it himself. Cp. ante, p. 142, l. 1.
P. 151, L. 3. deny to be amongst the direct original rights, &c. Equality of power
might even be denied to be among the physical possibilities of civil society.
L. 14. one of the first motives to civil society, &c. The process is traced with his
usual clearness by Hooker, Ecc. Pol., Book i. § 10. Burke seems to have in mind
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Hooker’s disciple Locke, Treat. of Government, Book ii. ch. 7, § 90; “For the end of civil
society being to avoid and remedy those inconveniences of the state of nature, which
necessarily follow from every man’s being a judge in his own case,” &c.
L. 16. judge in his own cause. Cp. vol. i. p. 252, l. 8, and the “Letter to the Sheriffs
of Bristol,” in which the argument from this principle is expanded and applied to the
relations of states between themselves. “When any community is subordinately
connected with another, the great danger of the connexion is the extreme pride and
self-complacency of the superior which in all matters of controversy will probably decide
in its own favour,” &c.
L. 22. rights of an uncivil and a civil state together. Cp. Lucretius, v. 1147;
Other illustrations from the classics are given in Grotius, Lib. ii. c. 20.
L. 25. secure some liberty, makes a surrender in trust of the whole of it. “Il me
semble que l’homme, sortant de l’état naturel, pour arriver à l’état social, perd son
indépendance pour acquérir plus de sûreté. L’homme quitte ses compagnons des bois
qui ne le gênent pas, mais qui peuvent le dévorer, pour venir trouver une société qui ne
le dévorera pas, mais qui doit le gêner. Il stipule ses intérêts du mieux qu’il peut, et,
lorsqu’il entre dans une bonne constitution, il céde le moins de son indépendance, et
obtient le plus de sûreté qu’il est possible.” Rivarol, Journal Politique. Liberty is a
compromise between independence and security. This “surrender in trust” resembles
the surrender, in the contract of insurance, of a portion of your property, for the
security of the whole.
L. 27. not made in virtue of natural rights. Cp. note to vol. i. p. 100, l. 23.
P. 152, L. 4. even in the mass and body, &c. “With all respect for popular
assemblies be it spoken,” says Swift, “it is hard to recollect one folly, infirmity, or vice,
to which a single man is subjected, and from which a body of commons, either
collective or represented, can be wholly exempt.” Contests and Discussions in Athens
and Rome, ch. iv.
L. 7. power out of themselves. Compare this with the trivial sophism of Sieyès, “Il
ne faut pas placer le régulateur hors de la machine.” Burke truly says elsewhere; “An
ignorant man, who is not fool enough to meddle with his clock, is however sufficiently
confident to think he can safely take to pieces, and put together at his pleasure, a moral
machine of another guise, importance, and complexity, composed of far other wheels,
and springs, and balances, and counteracting and co-operating powers. Men little think
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how immorally they act in meddling with what they do not understand.” Rivarol says, in
the same view, “Rien ne ressemble moins à une balance que la machine du
gouvernement; rien ne ressemble moins à un équilibre que la marche des corps
politiques,” &c. Oeuvres, vol. iv. p. 265.
L. 27. What is the use, &c. Observe the close similarity to Aristotle.
L. 14. More experience than any person can gain in his whole life. The
democratical theory appears to be that political judgment comes to a man with puberty.
The truth is, that like practical wisdom in private matters, it comes to none who have
not laboriously worked for it, and therefore to most people not at all.
L. 16. pulling down an edifice. “To construct,” wrote Burke six years before, “is a
matter of skill; to demolish, force and fury are sufficient.” Similar expressions are used
by Soame Jenyns.
L. 21. like rays of light. An admirable illustration. Cp. Bacon’s observation that the
human understanding is not a “dry light,” but imbued with the colours of the will and
P. 154, L. 12. in proportion as they are metaphysically true, &c. Burke takes up a
cant paradox of the day. Soame Jenyns; “It is a certain though a strange truth, that in
politics all principles which are speculatively right, are practically wrong; the reason of
which is, that they proceed on a supposition that men act rationally; which being by no
means true, all that is built on so false a foundation, on experiment falls to the ground.”
Reflections on Several Subjects. “Metaphysics” was commonly applied as a term of
reproach by English writers after the promulgation of the philosophy of Locke, and
especially so used by the Essayists.
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L. 27. first of all virtues, prudence = φρόνησις. Cp. Arist. Eth., Lib. vi. c. 8, &c. In
a previous work Burke calls prudence “the God of this lower world,” perhaps in allusion
to Juv. Sat. x. 365.
L. 29. Liceat perire poetis, &c. Hor. de Arte Poet. 465, 466.
IBID. one of them. Empedocles. The allusion is of course to him in his philosophical
rather than his poetical character.
L. 34. or divine. The allusion is to Dr. Price, as may be seen from the opening of the
next paragraph. Burke means that at the end of an honourable career, Price was
playing the fool, like the philosopher in the legend. Cp. Butler, Fragments;
P. 155, L. 12. cantharides. The Spanish or blistering fly, sometimes taken internally
as a stimulant.
L. 14. relaxes the spring. Burke often employs this image, which was very
fashionable in the times when the most usual illustration of a government was some
piece of inanimate mechanism.
L. 22. almost all the high-bred republicans—i. e. extreme. Cp. vol. i. p. 76, l. 11,
&c., and note. The Bedford Whigs, the Grenville Whigs (excepting their head, Lord
Temple), and finally the party of Lord Chatham, had yielded in succession to the
attraction of the Court party. This high-bred republicanism, extending even to equality
of rank and property, seems to have been much in vogue in the reign of Anne, when it
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was often advanced in Parliament, fortified by the abstract reasoning to which Burke
was so hostile. Its currency was commonly laid to the account of the writings of Locke;
but it is easy to trace it to much earlier and more general causes. A democratical tone
was frequently assumed by Whig politicians in the succeeding reigns, in order to
conciliate popular favour.
L. 34. civil and legal resistance. Cp. with this paragraph, the passage in the “Letter
to the Sheriffs of Bristol” in which the Party system is defended against the attacks of
“those who pretend to be strong assertors of liberty.” “This moral levelling is a servile
principle. It leads to practical passive obedience far better than all the doctrines which
the pliant accommodation of theology to power has ever produced. It cuts up by the
roots, not only all idea of forcible resistance, but even of civil opposition.”
P. 156, L. 4. think lightly of all public principle. See the description of the process
of Ratting at the end of the “Observations on a late State of the Nation” (1769).
L. 26. Peters had not the fruits, &c. He was tried at the Restoration, and executed
with other regicides at Charing Cross.
P. 158, L. 28. Another of these reverend gentlemen. Who this was does not
appear. Mr. Rutt, the laborious editor and annotator of Dr. Priestley, notices the
quotation, but gives no information. The writer alluded to may perhaps be the person
quoted in the foot-note at p. 181.
IBID. entering into Onondaga. An Indian village in the western part of what is now
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the State of New York, which was the central station of the French Jesuit missionaries,
in whose accounts these scenes are described. See “Relation de ce qui est passé, &c.,
au pays de la Nouvelle France és années 1655 et 1656,” by J. de Quens, and Bancroft,
Hist. U.S. vol. iii. p. 143 sqq.
L. 26. whose constitution, &c. The municipal government of Paris, which had
passed out of the hands of the 300 electors, was at this time shared between 60
departments. Each department was a caricature of a Greek democratic state, was
considered by its inhabitants as a sovereign power, and passed resolutions, which had
the force of laws within its limits. This division into 60 departments was first introduced
to facilitate the election to the States-General; but the easy means which it afforded of
summoning the people of each district upon short notice, and of communicating a show
of regularity and unanimity to their proceedings, made it too useful a system to be
discarded. Much of that appearance of order and government which characterises the
first year of the Revolution is due rather to this device, than to that self-restraint which
made “anarchy tolerable” in Massachusetts. (See vol. i. pp. 244–45.)
L. 26. emanated neither from the charter of their king, &c. Having arisen out of
temporary and mechanical arrangements. Necker, however, had by a grave error in
policy recognised the 300 electors as a legal body. Their functions properly extended
only to the choosing of representatives in the States-General; and they were entrusted
with power by the people on the 13th of July merely because they were the only body in
whom the public could immediately confide.
L. 28. an army not raised either by the authority, &c. The National Guards,
formed in haste after the dismission of Necker on the 11th of July. “Thirty thousand
citizens, totally unaccustomed to arms, were soon seen armed at all points, and in a
few hours training assumed some appearance of order and discipline. The French
Guards now shewed the benefits of their late education and improvements; they came
in a body to tender their services to the people.”
L. 31. There they sit, &c. The first edition represented all the moderate members as
having been driven away. “There they sit, after a gang of assassins had driven away all
the men of moderate minds and moderating authority among them, and left them as a
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sort of dregs and refuse, under the apparent lead of those in whom they do not so
much as pretend to have any confidence. There they sit, in mockery of legislation,
repeating in resolutions the words of those whom they detest and despise. Captives
themselves, they compel a captive king,” &c. M. de Menonville, one of the moderate
party, wrote to Burke on the 17th of November, to point out the inaccuracy of this, and
some other statements; and Burke in the next edition corrected it. “Some of the errors
you point out to me in my printed letter are really such. One only I find to be material.
It is corrected in the edition I take the liberty of sending to you.” Letter to a Member of
the National Assembly, Jan. 19, 1791. In this letter he made them ample amends by a
glowing panegyric. “Sir, I do look on you as true martyrs; I regard you as soldiers who
act far more in the spirit of our Commander-in-Chief, and the Captain of our salvation,
than those who have left you; though I must first bolt myself very thoroughly, and
know that I can do better, before I can answer them.” He proceeds while commending
Abbé Maury, Cazalès, &c., who remained at their post, to apologise for those who, like
Mounier and Lally-Tollendal, had abandoned it.
P. 161, L. 4. decided before they are debated. The clubs governed in the
departments of Paris, and through them, in the National Assembly.
L. 9. all conditions, tongues and nations. Aristocrats and clergymen joined and
even took the lead in these assemblies. Germans, Italians, Englishmen, Swiss, and
Spaniards were found among them. The greater part of the Central Committee at the
Évêché were not Frenchmen.
L. 14. Academies . . . set up in all the places of public resort. The allusion is to
the Conciliabules. “The Parisians,” says Mercier, “have wished to imitate the English,
who meet in taverns, and discuss the most important affairs of the state; but that did
not take, because every one wished to preside at these meetings.”
L. 24. Embracing in their arms, &c. Burke refers to the circumstances attending the
condemnation, for a bank-note forgery, of the brothers Agasse, which occurred in the
middle of January, 1790. Dr. Guillotin had some time previously proposed to the
Assembly to inflict the punishment of death in a painless manner, and to relieve the
relations of the criminal from the feudal taint of felony. The Abbé Pépin, on this
occasion, procured the enactment of the last of these changes; and while the criminals
lay under sentence of hanging, their brother and cousin, with the view of marking this
triumph of liberty, were promoted to be lieutenants in the Grenadier Company of the
Battalion of National Guards for the district of St. Honoré, on which occasion, in
defiance of public decency and natural feeling, they were publicly feasted and
complimented. See Mr. Croker’s Essay on the Guillotine in the Quarterly Review for
December, 1843.
L. 34. Explode them = hoot off, reject, Lat. explodo. Cp. “exploding hiss,” Par. Lost,
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x. 546.
L. 5. Nec color imperii, &c. Lucan, Phars. ix. 207 (erat for erit). From the gloomy
presages put into the mouth of Cato, on the death of Pompey; from which are also
taken the lines quoted in vol. i. p. 206.
L. 8. none to construct. See the Second Part of the work, in which their efforts to
construct are criticised.
LL. 22, 24. “Un beau jour.” “That the vessel of the state,” &c. Bailly and
Mirabeau, infra, p. 167, note.
L. 29. slaughter of innocent gentlemen in their houses. Foulon and Berthier, who
were, however, murdered by the lanterne at the Grève, “with every circumstance of
refined insult and cruelty which could have been exhibited by a tribe of cannibals.”
L. 30. the blood spilled was not the most pure. The remark of Barnave, when
Lally-Tollendal was describing this horrid scene, and Mirabeau told him “it was a time to
think rather than to feel.”
L. 18. frippery. In the proper sense of old clothing furbished up for second sale. Cp.
the French words, friper, fripier, friperie.
IBID. still in the old cut. “Those French fashions, which of late years have brought
their principles, both with regard to religion and government, a little in question.” Lord
Chesterfield, The World, No. 146 (1755).
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L. 34. leze nation. The new name given by the Assembly to the offence of treason
against the nation, which was put under the cognisance of the Chatelet. It is imitated
from the name lèse majesté (laesa majestas, treason).
L. 22. the centinel at her door. M. de Miomandre. “After bravely resisting for a few
minutes, finding himself entirely overpowered, he opened the queen’s door, and called
out with a loud voice, Save the queen, her life is aimed at! I stand alone against two
thousand tigers! He soon after sunk down covered with wounds, and was left for dead.”
L. 27. pierced . . . the bed. This has been denied. It is impossible to say whether it
is true.
P. 165, L. 5. Two had been selected, &c. M. de Huttes and M. Varicourt, two of the
L. 21. one of the old palaces. The Tuileries, where the King was whilst Burke was
P. 166, L. 16. fifth monarchy. Cp. note to p. 149, l. 6, ante. The fifth monarchy was
the dream of a large sect of enthusiasts in the Puritan times.
L. 24. a groupe of regicide . . . What hardy pencil, &c. Burke only too clearly
foresaw what was to happen. In his next piece on French affairs, the “Letter to a
Member of the National Assembly,” he repeats his belief that they would assassinate the
king as soon as he was no longer necessary to their design. He thought, however, that
the queen would be the first victim. Cp. infra, p. 169, l. 17. In the Second Letter on a
Regicide Peace, he defends his anticipation on this point. “It was accident, and the
momentary depression of that part of the faction, that gave to the husband the happy
priority in death.”
L. 15. Roman matron. Burke had in mind some story such as that of Lucretia.
IBID. that in the last extremity, &c. Alluding to the queen’s carrying poison about
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with her.
L. 18. It is now, &c. Burke to Sir P. Francis, Feb. 20, 1790; “I tell you again, that the
recollection of the manner in which I saw the Queen of France, in the year 1774, and
the contrast between that brilliancy, splendour, and beauty, with the prostrate homage
of a nation to her—and the abominable scene of 1789, which I was describing, did draw
tears from me, and wetted my paper. These tears came again into my eyes, almost as
often as I looked at the description; they may again. You do not believe this fact, nor
that these are my real feelings: but that the whole is affected, or, as you express it,
downright foppery.”
L. 21. just above the horizon. Cp. a similar image in vol. i. p. 208, l. 1.
L. 34. the age of chivalry is gone. This famous theatrical passage has been perhaps
too roughly handled by the critics. The lament for chivalry is as old as the birth of what
we regard as modern ideas. See the famous stanzas of Ariosto on the loyalty and
frankness of the old knightly days.
P. 170, L. 2. generous loyalty. Some readers of M. Taine may have been startled by
his comment on the term loyalty—“MOT INTRADUISIBLE, qui désigne le sentiment de
subordination, quand il est noble” (Les Écrivains Anglais Contemporains, p. 318). So
completely has the idea been effaced from the French mind! The word “loyauté” has a
different meaning.
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IBID. felt a stain like a wound—A reminiscence of South. “And if the conscience has
not wholly lost its native tenderness, it will not only dread the infection of a wound, but
also the aspersion of a blot.” Sermon lxiv (Deliverance from Temptation the Privilege of
the Righteous).
L. 11. lost half its evil, &c. One of Burke’s old phrases, borrowed from the essayists.
In Sett. in America, vol. i. p. 200, he says that civilisation, if it has “abated the force of
some of the natural virtues,” by the luxury which attends it, has “taken out likewise the
sting of our natural vices, and softened the ferocity of the human race without
enervating their courage.” Cp. p. 240, l. 14. So Fourth Letter on Regicide Peace; “The
reformed and perfected virtues, the polished mitigated vices, of a great capital.” Cp.
generally with this famous passage the following from the Fourth Letter on a Regicide
Peace; “Morals, as they were—decorum, the great outguard of the sex, and the proud
sentiment of honour, which makes virtue more respectable where it is, and conceals
human frailty where virtue may not be, will be banished from this land of propriety,
modesty, and reserve.” The passage is cleverly plagiarised by Macaulay, Ess. on
Hallam; “We look in vain for those qualities which lend a charm to the errors of high
and ardent natures, for the generosity, the tenderness, the chivalrous delicacy, which
ennoble appetites into passions, and impart to vice itself a portion of the majesty of
L. 17. It is this which has given its character to modern Europe. “Chivalry,
uniting with the genius of our policy, has probably suggested those peculiarities in the
law of nations by which modern states are distinguished from the ancient.” Dr.
Fergusson’s Essay on the History of Civil Society (1767), p. 311.
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L. 33. bland assimilation = digestion. Two of Milton’s phrases are here blended. Par.
Lost, v. 4, 5, 412.
P. 171, L. 2. decent drapery of life, &c. The notion is Johnson’s. “Life,” he would say,
“is barren enough surely, with all her trappings: let us therefore be cautious how we
strip her.” Mrs. Piozzi’s Anecdotes. It is curious to trace here the influence which
Johnson, with his zeal for subordination, his hatred to innovation, and his reverence for
the feudal times, exercised upon Burke in his early years.
L. 5. which the heart owns, and the understanding ratifies. There seems here to
be a reminiscence of Bishop Horsley’s Sermon on the Poor (Sermon xxxv), May 18,
1786; “For although I should not readily admit that the proof of moral obligation cannot
in any instance be complete unless the connection be made out between the action
which the heart naturally approves, and that which a right understanding of the
interests of mankind would recommend, (on the contrary—to judge practically of right
and wrong, we should feel rather than philosophise; and we should act from sentiment
rather than from policy) yet we surely acquiesce with the most cheerfulness in our duty,
when we perceive how the useful and the fair are united in the same action.”
Pope and Burke agree in making moral and intellectual decay proceed together under
the delusion of improvement.
L. 23. laws to be supported only by their own terrors . . . nothing is left which
engages the affections. On this subject see the wise doctrines of Bishop Horsley,
Sermon xii.
IBID. nothing but the gallows. A curious coincidence with an old Italian poet:
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Vanno al giardino . . . . .
Risiede in mezzo il paretaio de Nemi
D’un pergolato, il quale a ogni corrente
Sostien, con quattro braccia di cavezza
Penzoloni, che sono una bellezza.
P. 172, L. 3. Non satis est, &c. Hor. de Arte Poet. 99. A “Spectator” motto (No. 321).
Cp. p. 311, l. 8 sqq.
L. 7. But power, &c. If in the concluding sentence we read “rulers” for “kings,” we
have a forcible statement of an ordinary historical process, which was about to be
repeated in France.
L. 13. by freeing kings from fear, &c. The idea is borrowed from Hume; “But
history and experience having since convinced us that this practice (tyrannicide)
increases the jealousy and cruelty of princes, a Timoleon and a Brutus, though treated
with indulgence on account of the prejudice of their times, are now considered as very
improper models for imitation.” Dissertation on the Passions. It may be remarked that
Burke follows the fashion of his age, in treating “kings” as a political species. Selden,
more profound in his distinctions, says, “Kings are all individual, this or that king: there
is no species of kings.”
L. 19. Kings will be tyrants, &c. This paragraph is quoted by Dr. Whately, in his
Rhetoric, as a fine example of Method. Cp. note to vol. i. p. 123, l. 30.
L. 26. prosperous state . . . owing to the spirit of our old manners. Cp. the
reflections of Cicero at the beginning of the Fifth Book of the Republic, which
commences with the line of Ennius,
L. 34. Nothing is more certain, &c. The addition made to this conclusion by Hallam,
though not insisted on by Burke in the present passage, is quite consonant with his
general views; “There are, if I may say so, three powerful spirits, which have from time
to time moved over the face of the waters, and given a predominant impulse to the
moral sentiments and energies of mankind. These are the spirits of LIBERTY, of RELIGION,
and of HONOUR. It was the principal business of chivalry to cherish the last of these
three.” Middle Ages, chap. ix. part ii.
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P. 173, L. 1. this European world of ours. The First Letter on a Regicide Peace
contains a remarkable description of the unity of law, education, and manners in the
Europe of the Middle Ages. “No citizen of Europe could be altogether an exile in any part
of it. There was nothing more than a pleasing variety to recreate and instruct the mind,
to enrich the imagination, and to meliorate the heart. When a man travelled or resided
for health, pleasure, business, or necessity, from his own country, he never felt himself
quite abroad.”
L. 15. trodden down under the hoofs of a swinish multitude. The idea is derived
from St. Matthew vii. 6. The much resented expression “swinish multitude” afterwards
became a toast with the English Jacobins.
L. 33. This note, together with those printed at pp. 209, 211, 212, 213, 245, seems to
have been added by a subsequent editor from a copy of the work used by the author in
his last years.
P. 174, L. 12. whether you took them from us. Such a view is inconsistent with a
comparative knowledge of the facts of English and continental history. Burke perhaps
alludes to the legendary chivalry of the Court of Arthur, of which Brittany had its share.
L. 13. to you—we trace them best. Mr. Hallam calls France “the fountain of
L. 14. gentis incunabula nostrae. (cunabula.) Virg. Aen. iii. 105. The writer perhaps
had in mind the expression of Cicero, “Montes patrios, incunabula nostra.” Ep. Att. ii.
L. 15. when your fountain is choaked up, &c. This presage has not been verified.
England and Germany are likely to transmit to future generations much that is worth
preserving of the spirit of chivalry.
L. 24. a revolution in sentiments, &c. “Il y a une révolution générale qui change le
goût des esprits, aussi bien que les fortunes du monde.” Rochefoucault, Maximes. Burke
went so far as to say that the present one amounted to a “revolution in the constitution
of the human mind.” The fact is that the sentimental basis on which the estimation of
political institutions rested was passing away. The true way of regarding the question is
in the light of the change in English public opinion between 1815–1830.
L. 27. forced to apologize, &c. Notice the keenness and strength of the expression.
L. 31. For this plain reason. The phrase is from Pope’s Essay on Man.
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P. 175, L. 7. Our minds are purified, &c. From the well-known definition of Tragedy
in the Poetics of Aristotle, ch. vi. 2. The work on the Sublime and Beautiful shows traces
of the study of the Poetics. Cp. also Rhet., Lib. ii. ch. 8; Pol., Lib. viii. 7. 3.
L. 16. Garrick . . . Siddons. Burke was an enthusiastic lover of the stage. The former
famous actor was among his most cherished friends. Fourth Letter on Regicide Peace;
“My ever dear friend, Garrick, who was the most acute observer of nature I ever knew.”
L. 28. as they once did in the antient stage. The allusion, as clearly appears by
the context, is to the “hypothetical proposition” put by Euripides into the mouth of
Eteocles (Phoen. 524);
Cicero (De Off. iii. 21) says that Caesar often repeated these lines. But Burke’s memory
fails him when he says that the Athenian audience “rejected” them. Those which they
thus condemned were the more harmless ones which occurred in a speech of
See Seneca, Epist. 115, Dindorf, Fr. Eur. No. 288, and Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature,
Lect. viii.
P. 176, L. 19. fear more dreadful than revenge. A striking prophecy of the horrors
of the Reign of Terror.
L. 34. to remit his prerogatives, and to call his people to a share of freedom. If
we regard the transactions between the king and the parliament of Paris, this is a clear
misrepresentation. Such remissions of prerogative had been wrested from the king by
the parliament. That body charged the king with having formed a fixed system for the
overthrow of the established constitution, which had been in train ever since 1771.
Burke, however, alludes to the institution of the provincial assemblies, and the work
done by the Assembly of Notables (the abolition of the corvée, and of the restrictions on
internal traffic, especially that in corn). The Notables also had before them a project for
abolishing the gabelles.
L. 14. look up with a sort of complacent awe, &c. The allusion is evidently to
Frederick the Great.
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L. 15. know to keep firm, &c. = know how. The expression is French. “Il est
affreux,” says Mounier, “penser qu’avec une âme moins bienfaisante, un autre prince
eût peut-être trouvé les moyens de maintenir son pouvoir.” Rech. sur les causes, &c., p.
L. 31. with truth been said to be consolatory to the human mind. The allusion is
to the fine chorus in Samson Agonistes;
P. 178, L. 1. Louis the Eleventh. The founder of the absolute system completed by
Louis XIV. His character abundantly indicates the genuine tyrant. See Commines, and
the “Scandalous Chronicle.”
IBID. Charles the Ninth. Who authorised and took a personal part in the massacre of
St. Bartholomew, 1572.
L. 6. King of the French. So the king was styled after the 4th of August. The title of
King of France was thought to savour of feudal usurpation.
L. 30. Lord George Gordon fast in Newgate. This mischievous maniac had been
convicted June 6, 1787, amongst other things for a libel on the queen of France: but
before the time fixed for coming up to receive sentence, he made off to the continent.
He soon returned, and in August took up his residence in one of the dirtiest streets in
Birmingham, when he became a proselyte to the religion, and assumed the dress and
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manners of the Jews. He was arrested there on the 7th of December on a warrant for
contempt of court, and committed to Newgate, where his freaks were for some time a
topic of public amusement, as may be seen from the contemporary newspapers.
L. 31. public proselyte. He had assumed the name and style of the Right Hon. Israel
Bar Abraham George Gordon. He nourished a long beard, and refused to admit to his
presence any Jew who appeared without one. See a ridiculous letter on the subject in
the Public Advertiser, Oct. 16, 1789.
L. 33. raised a mob, &c. This is a mild description of the terrible No-Popery riots. On
the evening of Tuesday, June 6, 1780, six-and-thirty fires were to be seen blazing in
different parts of London. “During the whole night men, women and children were
running up and down with such goods and effects as they wished most to preserve. The
tremendous roar of the authors of these horrible scenes was heard at one instant, and
at the next, the dreadful reports of soldiers’ musquets, firing in platoons, and from
different quarters; in short, every thing served to impress the mind with ideas of
universal anarchy and approaching desolation.” Ann. Register.
P. 179, L. 12. Dr. Price has shewn us, &c. In his Treatise on Reversionary Payments,
and other economical works.
P. 180, L. 9. attempt to hide their total want of consequence, &c. Burke no doubt
had in mind a passage in Hurd’s Sermons on Prophecy, Serm. xii; “A few fashionable
men make a noise in the world: and this clamour, being echoed on all sides from the
shallow circles of their admirers, misleads the unwary into an opinion that the irreligious
spirit is universal and uncontrollable.” So Canning, Speech at Liverpool, March 18,
1820; “A certain number of ambulatory tribunes of the people, self-elected to that high
function, assumed the name and authority of whatever plan they thought proper to
select for a place of meeting; their rostrum was pitched, sometimes here, sometimes
there, according to the fancy of the mob, or the patience of the magistrates: but the
proposition and the proposer were in all places nearly alike; and when, by a sort of
political ventriloquism, the same voice had been made to issue from half a dozen
different corners of the country, it was impudently assumed to be a ‘concord of sweet
sounds,’ composing the united voice of the people of England!”
L. 14. grasshoppers . . . make the field ring with their importunate chink. From
Burke’s favourite author, Virgil;
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See also Ecl. ii. 13, Culex 151, &c. “Importunate” is a favourite epithet of Burke’s. Cp.
vol. i. p. 204, l. 2. The illustration is a relic of Boccalini’s story of the foolish traveller
who dismounted to kill the grasshoppers which disturbed his meditations as he
journeyed. See The Craftsman, No. 73 (1727).
L. 15. thousands of great cattle . . . chew the cud and are silent. One of those
quaint and strong images, so frequent in the later writings of Burke, which seem to the
modern critic ridiculous or farfetched. On such points Burke perhaps has a claim to be
judged by no other standard than himself.
L. 26. I deprecate such hostility. Rhetorical occultatio (cp. vol. i. note to p. 172, l.
17). From p. 258, l. 16, we see that Burke had already begun to contemplate that
crusade which he heralded in the Letters on Regicide Peace.
L. 28. formerly have had a king of France, &c. John the Good, taken prisoner at
the battle of Poitiers, Sept. 19, 1356.
L. 30. victor in the field. Edward the Black Prince. In the last century, when the
main object of English policy was to triumph over France, the Black Prince was naturally
exalted into a hero of the first rank. Cp. Warton, Ode xviii;
L. 32. not materially changed. The persistence or continuity of the English national
character which Burke here hints at would be no uninteresting matter of study. It is
perhaps this, as much as anything, which makes the monuments of our literature, in a
degree far higher than those of any other, living and speaking realities. To no
Englishman can Chaucer and Shakspere, Addison and Fielding, ever become a dead
More accurate history ranks this particular period less highly. Professor Stubbs
considers it to be characterised by a “splendid formal hollowness . . . the life, the
genius, the spirit of all, fainting and wearing out under the incubus of false chivalry,
cruel extravagance, and the lust of war” (Select Charters, p. 418). A modern author has
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said of the specious attractions of the Middle Ages, that they resemble the brilliant
colouring of some old pictures—il ne leur reste plus que le vernis. Touch them, and their
splendour turns to dust. Chivalry was but the perishable flower of national life: the fruit
of substantial civilisation succeeded it.
It is so rarely that we can detect any real variation of opinion in Burke, even between
his earliest and his latest works, that it is worth while to note that in the beginning of
the Account of European Settlements in America he declares the manners of Europe
before the Renaissance to have been “wholly barbarous.” “A wild romantic courage in
the Northern and Western parts of Europe, and a wicked policy in the Italian states, was
the character of that age. If we look into the manners of the courts, there appear but
very faint marks of cultivation and politeness. The interview between our Edward IV and
his brother of France, wherein they were both caged up like wild beasts, shews
dispositions very remote from a true sense of honour, or any just ideas of politeness
and humanity.”
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P. 182, L. 17. many of our men of speculation. Alluding to the school of English
essayists, with Addison at its head; and especially to Dr. Johnson. See especially the
“World,” Nos. 112–114. Lord Chesterfield’s Essays in the World, which appeared in
Burke’s younger days, evidently attracted his attention. The following extracts are from
No. 112, which commences with the quotation of one of Bolingbroke’s showy and
shallow generalisations on the subject of prejudice, and is interesting from its bearing
on the present text. “It is certain that there has not been a time when the prerogative
of human reason was more freely asserted, nor errors and prejudices more ably
attacked and exposed by the best writers, than now. But may not the principle of
enquiry and detection be carried too far, or at least made too general? And should not a
prudent discrimination of cases be attended to? A prejudice is by no means (though
generally thought so) an error; on the contrary, it may be a most unquestioned truth,
though it be still a prejudice in those who, without any examination, take it upon trust
and entertain it by habit. There are even some prejudices, founded upon error, which
ought to be connived at, or perhaps encouraged; their effects being more beneficial to
society than their detection can possibly be. . . . The bulk of mankind have neither
leisure nor knowledge sufficient to reason right; why then should they be taught to
reason at all? Will not honest instinct prompt, and wholesome prejudices guide them,
much better than half reasoning? . . . Honest, useful, home-spun prejudices . . . in
themselves undoubted and demonstrable truths, and ought therefore to be cherished
even in their coarsest dress.”
P. 183, L. 8. at inexpiable war with all establishments. Cp. infra, p. 187, l. 1. See
the beginning of the famous article in the Encyclopédie on Foundations, written by
Turgot. There are indications in subsequent works that Burke had read it. The author,
not content with exposing the abuses and weak points of old establishments, avowedly
endeavours “to excite an aversion to new foundations.”
IBID. inexpiable war. A curious expression of Livy, which seems to have stuck in
Burke’s memory. “Ex quibus pro certo habeat, Patres, adversus quos tenderet, bello
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inexpiabili se persecuturos.” Lib. iv. c. 35. It is repeated at p. 243, l. 3, and in the Letter
to Mr. Baron Smith.
L. 13. singular species of compact. Bishop Horsley, after tracing the theory of an
original compact of government to the Crito of Plato, says; “It is remarkable that this
fictitious compact, which in modern times hath been made the basis of the unqualified
doctrine of resistance, should have been set up by Plato in the person of Socrates as
the foundation of the opposite doctrine of the passive obedience of the individual.”
Serm. xliv. Jan. 30, 1793.
L. 16. we must provide as Englishmen. Cp. ante, note to p. 95, l. 13. Burke
considered the rest of Europe as “linked by a contignation” with the political edifice of
L. 24. a cabal calling itself philosophic. The term “philosophic” then implied, as it
perhaps still does in France, unbelief in Christianity. Coleridge’s character of the
philosophy brought into vogue by Voltaire, D’Alembert, Diderot, &c., is given here, not
because it is altogether just, but because it illustrates the views of Burke, by which it
was undoubtedly inspired;
Prurient, bustling, and revolutionary, this French wisdom has never more
than grazed the surface of knowledge. As political economy, in its zeal for
the increase of food, it habitually overlooked the qualities and even the
sensations of those that were to feed on it. As ethical philosophy, it
recognised no duties which it could not reduce into debtor and creditor
accounts on the ledgers of self-love, where no coin was sterling which
could not be rendered into agreeable sensations. And even in its height of
self-complacency as chemical art, greatly am I deceived if it has not from
the very beginning mistaken the products of destruction, cadavera rerum,
for the elements of composition: and most assuredly it has dearly
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purchased a few brilliant inventions at the loss of all communion with life
and the spirit of nature. As the process, such the result!—a heartless
frivolity alternating with a sentimentality as heartless—an ignorant
contempt of antiquity—a neglect of moral self-discipline—a deadening of
the religious sense, even in the less reflecting forms of natural piety—a
scornful reprobation of all consolations and secret refreshings from
above —and as the caput mortuum of human nature evaporated, a
French nature of rapacity, levity, ferocity, and presumption. The
Statesman’s Manual, Appendix C.
L. 34. Collins and Toland, &c. All that is worth knowing of these writers may be read
in Mr. Pattison’s Essay on the “Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688–
1750.” The representative man of the sect was Tindal. Cp. Pope, Imit. of Horace, i. 6;
P. 185, L. 2. Who now reads Bolingbroke? Cp. infra, p. 226, l. 11. It has been
remarked that Burke is ungenerous to his literary master. Some, however, consider his
obligations to Bolingbroke slighter than has been generally supposed, and look upon
Addison as his literary parent. Cp. note to p. 182, l. 17, sup. The “Sublime and
Beautiful” certainly bears the marks of much study of Addison, both as to style and as
to matter. Burke repeats his opinion of Bolingbroke in the First Letter on a Regicide
Peace; “When I was very young, a general fashion told me I was to admire some of the
writings against that minister (Sir R. Walpole). A little more maturity taught me as
much to despise them.”
IBID. family vault of “all the Capulets.” Romeo and Juliet, Act iv. sc. 1:
L. 9. never acted in corps. With Burke, a sure sign of being worthless and abnormal
excrescences of civil society. Vide “Present Discontents.” This observation on the
atheistical freethinkers is made by Bolingbroke himself! Burke has in mind the chorus in
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L. 22. those who have successively obtained authority among us. Burke
evidently alludes to Sir Robert Walpole, Lord Chatham, and Lord Rockingham, denying,
by implication, the same merit to those who had been in power since Rockingham’s
L. 28. no rust of superstition, &c. So Bacon, Essay of Atheism; “I had rather believe
all the Fables in the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal
frame is without a mind.”
P. 186, L. 7. temple . . . unhallowed fire. Alluding to the sacred fire on the altar of
Vesta at Rome: possibly also to Numbers, ch. xvi.
P. 187, L. 16. in antient Rome. The allusion is to the constitution of the Decemvirate;
the state visited was Athens, in the time of Pericles. Niebuhr discredited the story, but
afterwards retracted his opinion.
L. 20. our church establishment. No student of history will allow this to be a fair
statement of contemporary public opinion. It is totally opposed to the views of the
Warburtonian school, which included the most thoughtful and practical churchmen of
the time.
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LL. 28, 30. august fabric . . . sacred temple. The “templum in modum arcis” of
Tacitus, speaking of the temple of Jerusalem, which is alluded to in the passage quoted
in note to p. 113, l. 27.
L. 24. the most shameless thing, &c. Cp. Dryden’s Satire on the Dutch. See the
arguments of the Athenians to the Melians, Thucydides, Book v. ch. 85.
L. 27. the people at large never ought, &c. Cp. vol. i. p. 74, p. 251, &c. “Quicquid
multis peccatur inultum est,” Lucan, Phars. v. 260. The quotation had been employed
by Burke in his appeal for mercy on behalf of the convicted rioters of 1780. He often
appeals to the general doctrine.
L. 19. will and reason the same. The doctrine that reason and will are identical in
the Divine mind is a conclusion of the Schoolmen often used by the English theologians.
L. 25. confer that power on those only, &c. Cp. p. 129, l. 23 sqq.
P. 191, L. 5. Life-renters. Tenants for life, i. e. those who are entitled to receive the
rents for life.
L. 9. cut off the entail. The usual expression for formally depriving persons on whom
settlements have been made, of the benefit of such settlements. By an entail, strictly
speaking, property is settled on persons and the heirs of their bodies: but cutting off
the entail also defeats all the supplementary contingent interests.
IBID. commit waste. The technical term for permanent injury done on a landed
estate, as by pulling down houses, cutting timber, &c.
L. 20. science of jurisprudence. In the First Letter on a Regicide Peace, Burke says
that Lord Camden shared his views on this point. “No man, in a public or private
concern, can divine by what rule or principle her judgments are to be directed; nor is
there to be found a professor in any university, or a practitioner in any court, who will
hazard an opinion of what is or is not law in France, in any case whatever.” He goes on
to remark on that disavowal of all principles of public law which outlawed the French
Republic in Europe.
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L. 22. collected reason of ages. A similar vindication of law from the wit of a pert
sciolist is attributed to Dr. Johnson. See that of Blackstone, vol. iii. ch. 22.
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P. 194, L. 14. “Quod illi principi,” &c. From the dream of Scipio, Cic. de Rep., Lib. vi.
The passage is used as a motto on the title-page of Vattel’s Law of Nations, a favourite
authority of Burke’s.
P. 197, L. 10. as ample and as early a share—modern world. Burke uses the word
modern in its strict sense = the world of to-day. The “ample and early share” is not
intended to extend beyond the age of Hooker and Bacon. In any more extended sense,
except in the names of a few Schoolmen, and very rare cases like Chaucer, it would be
difficult to justify the claim.
L. 9. Euripus. The strait between Boeotia and Euboea. The Mediterranean being in
general almost tideless, the periodical rise and fall of the water here and in the Straits
of Messina was a standing puzzle to the ancients.
IBID. funds and actions. “Actions” Fr. = shares in a joint stock. (German Actien.)
L. 16. mere invention, &c. Cp. the well-known line, “Si Dieu n’existait pas, il faudrait
L. 32. miserable great (great = rich, powerful). “Great persons,” says South, “unless
their understandings are very great too, are of all others the most miserable.” So Gray,
Ode to Spring;
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P. 199, L. 13. They too are among the unhappy. Crabbe consoles the poor man by
enumerating some of the sorrows of the rich;
Crabbe, “Amusements.”
L. 14. personal pain. The pleasure of wealth, says South, is so far from reaching the
soul, that it scarce pierces the skin. “What would a man give to purchase a release,
nay, but a small respite from the extreme pains of the gout or stone? And yet, if he
could fee his physician with both the Indies, neither art nor money can redeem, or but
reprieve him from his misery. No man feels the pangs and tortures of his present
distemper (be it what it will) at all the less for being rich. His riches indeed may have
occasioned, but they cannot allay them. No man’s fever burns the gentler for his
drinking his juleps in a golden cup.” See the rest of this, the concluding argument of the
fine sermon “On Covetousness.”
L. 33. The people of England know, &c. These considerations are repeated from
earlier Church politicians. “Where wealth is held in so great admiration as generally in
this golden age it is, that without it angelical perfections are not able to deliver from
extreme contempt, surely to make bishops poorer than they are, were to make them of
less account and estimation than they should be.” Hooker, Eccl. Pol., Book vii. ch. xxiv.
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19. So also South, Sermon iv. (Ecclesiastical Policy the Best Policy): “The vulgar have
not such logical heads, as to be able to abstract such subtile conceptions as to separate
the man from the minister, or to consider the same person under a double capacity,
and so honour him as a divine, while they despise him as poor. . . . Let the minister be
abject and low, his interest inconsiderable, the Word will suffer for his sake. The
message will still find reception according to the dignity of the messenger.” Swift,
Project for the Advancement of Religion; “It so happens that men of pleasure, who
never go to church, nor use themselves to read books of devotion, form their ideas of
the clergy from a few poor strollers they often observe in the streets, or sneaking out of
some person of quality’s house, where they are hired by the lady at ten shillings a
month. . . . And let some reasoners think what they please, it is certain that men must
be brought to esteem and love the clergy before they can be persuaded to be in love
with religion. No man values the best medicine, if administered by a physician whose
person he hates and despises.”
P. 200, L. 5. If the poverty were voluntary, &c. Hazlitt, Essay on the Want of
Money: “Echard’s book on the Contempt of the Clergy is unfounded. It is surely
sufficient for any set of individuals, raised above actual want, that their characters are
not merely respectable, but sacred. Poverty, when it is voluntary, is never despicable,
but takes an heroical aspect.”
L. 13. Those who are to instruct presumptuous ignorance, &c. “With what a face
shall a pitiful underling encounter the solemn looks of an oppressing grandee? With
what hope of success shall he adventure to check the vicious extravagances of a ruffling
gallant? Will he dare to contradict the opinion, or disallow the practice of that wealthy or
this powerful neighbour, by whose alms, it may be, he is relieved, and supported by his
favour?” Barrow, Consecration Sermon on Ps. cxxxii. 16. For a remarkable instance of
the indebtedness of modern politicians to Burke, compare with this passage Sir R. Peel’s
Speech at the Glasgow Banquet, 1837.
L. 20. No! we will have her to exalt her mitred front, &c. “Christ would have his
body, the church, not meagre and contemptible, but replenished and borne up with
sufficiency, displayed to the world with the beauties of fulness, and the most ennobling
proportions.” South, Posthumous Sermons, No. ii.
L. 34. They can see a bishop of Durham, &c. The argument is from what he
elsewhere calls “the excellent queries of the excellent Berkeley.” “If the revenues
allotted for the encouragement of religion and learning were made hereditary in the
hands of a dozen lay lords, and as many overgrown commoners, whether the public
would be much the better for it?” Queries, No. 340. Similarly Swift, Arguments against
Enlarging the Power of the Bishops: “I was never able to imagine what inconvenience
would accrue to the public by one thousand or two thousand a year being in the hands
of a protestant bishop, any more than of a lay person. The former, generally speaking,
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lives as piously and hospitably as the other, pays his debts as honestly, and spends as
much of his revenue amongst his tenants; besides, if they are his immediate tenants,
you may distinguish them at first sight, by their habits and horses, or, if you go to their
houses, by their comfortable way of living.”
P. 201, L. 2. this Earl, or that Squire. The argument is wittily amplified by Sydney
Smith, in his Second Letter to Archdeacon Singleton: “Take, for instance, the Cathedral
of Bristol, the whole estates of which are about equal to keeping a pack of foxhounds. If
this had been in the hands of a country gentleman, instead of Precentor, Succentor,
Dean, and Canons, and Sexton, you would have had huntsman, whipper-in, dog-
feeders, and stoppers of earths; the old squire, full of foolish opinions, and fermented
liquids, and a young gentleman of gloves, waistcoats, and pantaloons; and how many
generations might it be before the fortuitous concourse of noodles would produce such
a man as Professor Lee, one of the Prebendaries of Bristol, and by far the most eminent
Oriental scholar in Europe?”
L. 3. So many dogs and horses are not kept, &c. The reader might fancy he had
Cobbett before him instead of Burke. Burke was a true friend to the poor who lived near
his estate. See Prior’s Life of Burke, ch. xiv.
L. 8. It is better to cherish, &c. The principle had been put forth by Bishop Horsley
in his Sermon on the poor not ceasing out of the land (Deut. xv. 11), May 18, 1786. He
maintains that the best and most natural mode of relief is by voluntary contributions.
“The law should be careful not to do too much.”
L. 15. Too much and too little are treason against property. This striking
aphorism is a type peculiar to Burke. Cp. note to vol. i. p. 186, l. 20.
P. 202, L. 3. We shall believe those reformers, &c. “If they abuse the goods of the
Church unto pomp and vanity, such faults we do not excuse in them: only we wish it to
be considered whether such faults be verily in them, or else but objected against them
by such as gape after spoil, and therefore are no competent judges of what is moderate
and what is excessive. . . . If the remedy for the disease is good, let it be unpartially
applied. Interest reipublicae ut re suâ quisque bene utatur. Let all states be put to their
moderate pensions, let their livings and lands be taken away from them, whosoever
they be, in whom such ample possessions are found to have been matters of grievous
abuse; were this just? would noble families think this reasonable?” Hooker, Eccl. Pol.,
Book vii. xxiv. 24. So Crabbe, “Religious Sects”:
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P. 203, L. 15. harshly driven—harpies of usury. The allusion is to Virg. Aen. iii.
212, sqq.
P. 204, L. 6. academies of the Palais Royal. The court yard of the Palais Royal,
surrounded by restaurants and shops, was and is still a noted place of meeting—the
Forum of stump-orators and newsmongers. Mr. Carlyle names it Satan-at-home. The
Club of Jacobins took their afterwards too famous name from meeting in the hall of a
convent of monks of the order of St. James of Compostella.
L. 35. dungeons and iron cages of their old masters. The allusion is to the
cruelties of Louis XI, thus described by Commines: “Il est vray qu’il avoit fait de
rigoureuses prisons, comme cages de fer et autres de bois, couvertes de plaques de fer
par le dehors et par le dedans, avec terribles ferrures de quelques huict pieds de large,
et de la hauteur d’un homme et un pied de plus. Le premier qui les devisa fut l’évesque
de Verdun, qui en la première qui fut faite fut mis incontinent, et y a couché quatorze
ans.” Mém. Liv. vi. ch. 12.
L. 18. the jus retractus = droit de retrait, or right of recovery, usually known as
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prélation. The French law admitted more than twenty species of this right, the most
important of which were the Retrait Seigneurial and the Retrait Lignager. By the former
the lord could at any time compulsorily repurchase alienated lands which had once
formed part of his fief. By the latter the heirs of a landowner could similarly repurchase
any portion of their ancestors’ estates which he had alienated. These rights prevailed
not only in the pays coutumiers, but in the pays de droit écrit. Cp. the Assise of
L. 19. mass of landed property held by the crown . . . unalienably. The private
estates of the monarch had formerly been distinguished from the crown estates, and
could be alienated: but after the Ordinance of Moulins (Ordonnance du domaine, 1566)
the distinction disappeared, and all estates which came in any way to the monarch were
united to the crown lands. The policy of non-alienation, however, dates from a time
anterior to St. Louis. It was one of the weakest points of the ancien régime, and was
ably attacked in the Traité de la Finance des Romains, 1740, before the Encyclopedists
brought forward their arguments against it, and Turgot formed his wise plan for
abolishing it. The crown lands were often alienated, but such alienations were always
subject to the jus retractus.
L. 21. vast estates of the ecclesiastic corporations. Their wealth had been much
exaggerated. Some estimated it at one half, others at one third, of the rental of the
kingdom. Condorcet, in his Life of Turgot, estimates it at less than a fifth.
P. 208, L. 7. not noble or newly noble. “Les gens d’esprit et les gens riches
trouvaient donc la noblesse insupportable; et la plupart la trouvaient si insupportable
qu’ils finissaient par l’acheter. Mais alors commençait pour eux un nouveau genre de
supplice; ils étaient des anoblis, des gens nobles, mais n’étaient pas gentilshommes.”
Rivarol, Journal Politique.
P. 209, L. 7. two academies of France. The famous Académie des Sciences (The
Academy), and the Académie des Inscriptions, so called because its special office was
the devising of inscriptions in honour of the grand Monarque, and in celebration of his
various civil and military triumphs.
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greatest universality or celebrity, with the origin and progress of those opinions, and
the arguments, whether just or fallacious, on which they had been supported.”
Condorcet, Life of Turgot, ch. ii. It might have been added that the work was based on
the labours of Ephraim Chambers, and was at first intended to be little more than a
translation of his dictionary.
L. 12. pursued with a degree of zeal, &c. See Rousseau’s Essay on the Sciences.
L. 31. bigotry of their own. The tone of the Encyclopédie, however, is far removed
from open bigotry. The English Jacobins outdid their models. The London Corresponding
Society are said to have resolved that the pernicious belief in a God was to be an
exception to their general principle of toleration! (Sir J. Mackintosh, in the British Critic,
Aug. 1800). Burke’s meaning is well amplified by Dr. Liddon: “Religion does not cease
to influence events among those who reject its claims: it excites the strongest passions,
not merely in its defenders, but in its enemies. The claim to hold communion with an
unseen world irritates, when it does not win and satisfy. Atheism has again and again
been a fanaticism: it has been a missionary and a persecutor by turns; it is lashed into
passion by the very presence of the sublime passion to which it is opposed.” Some
Elements of Religion, Lect. i.
P. 210, L. 11. desultory and faint persecution. Alluding to the proceedings against
the Encyclopedists, commenced when seven volumes had been published, and
weakened by being carried on by two parties so opposite as Jesuits and Jansenists. The
former had proposed to contribute the theological articles, and were piqued at being
repulsed. The Parliament of Paris in the end appointed a commission to supervise the
publication. It is remarkable that the article on the Soul, which was marked in the
Mémoires as the most offensive of all, was proved to have been written by a licentiate
of the Sorbonne, whose orthodoxy was unimpeachable! This persecution caused a
closer union between most of the members of the secte Encyclopédique, but it deprived
them of the assistance of others, in particular of Turgot.
P. 211, L. 10. in their satires. See the smaller works of Voltaire, Diderot, &c.
P. 212, L. 21. new morality. The term was adopted by Canning as a title for his well-
known satirical poem in the Anti-jacobin.
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of Louis XV, first in the Seven Years’ War. He was a Spaniard by birth, his proper name
being Dort. He took the name of Laborde from an estate with which the marquisate
urged on him by the Duc de Choiseul was connected. He acquired enormous wealth,
chiefly, perhaps, as Burke hints, by his public jobs. He retired from affairs on the
disgrace of Choiseul. He was condemned during the Reign of Terror for the exportation
of bullion, with the supposed intent of depreciating assignats, and guillotined 18th April,
L. 14. to have been in Paris, &c. The circumstance is again alluded to, in connection
with the partition of Poland, in the Second Letter on a Regicide Peace. See next note.
L. 16. Duke d’Aiguillon. The richest seigneur in France, after the king, and one of
the few members of the noblesse who took up the cause of the Revolution in the
Assembly. He had been Minister of Foreign Affairs to Louis XV, after the disgrace of
Choiseul. He is immortal in history owing to the fact that from his supine and miserable
policy, no opposition was offered to the partition of Poland, always an instrument of
France, and whose ruin decided action on the part of France, might, it was thought,
have prevented. “Si Choiseul avait été encore là,” said Louis XV, “ce partage n’aurait
pas eu lieu.” He distinguished himself in his latter years, during which he was entrusted
with the government of Brittany, by hiding himself in a mill, when the English landed at
St. Cast, and coming out upon their repulse, “covered, not with glory, but with flour.”
The “Livre Rouge” says that he twice nearly occasioned a civil war and the ruin of the
state, and twice escaped the scaffold.
L. 17. protecting despotism. The protecting hand was that of Madame du Barry.
L. 20. The noble family of Noailles had long been servants, &c. For two centuries
and a half. The Maréchal de Noailles had especially been distinguished in the War of the
Austrian Succession, 1742–1748, and afterwards as a minister. His son Louis, duc de
Noailles, was notorious as a private agent of Louis XVI. One of his sayings is worth
quoting. Louis had said that the farmers-general were the support of the state: “Oui,
Sire—comme la corde soutient le pendu.” He died shortly after the execution of the
King, and his widow, daughter, and granddaughter were afterwards guillotined, July 22,
1794. Burke here alludes particularly to the Vicomte de Noailles, a younger son, who
took a prominent part, together with the Duc d’Aiguillon, in the debates of the
Assembly, particularly in the proceedings of the 4th of August.
L. 29. make a good use, &c. See Arthur Young’s Travels in France, vol. i. p. 62.
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P. 214, L. 8. crudelem illam Hastam. Cicero, alluding to the sales under the
confiscations of Sylla: “Nec vero unquam bellorum civilium semen et causa deerit, dum
homines perditi hastam illam cruentam et meminerint et sperabunt.” De Officiis, ii. 8,
29. So Fourth Philippic, 4, 9: “Quos non illa infinita hasta satiavit.”
L. 32. Harry the Eighth. “Harry” is simply the ancient and French way of
pronouncing “Henry.”
P. 215, L. 4. rob the abbies. Mr. Hallam is of opinion that the alienation of the abbey
lands was on the whole beneficial to the country. His opinion was probably, however,
modified by his doctrine that the property of a corporate body stands on a different
footing from that of private individuals. Bolingbroke considers it a politic measure.
P. 221, L. 20. Bank of discount. The Caisse d’Escompte, planned by the masterly
statesman Turgot, while Comptroller-general, and carried out by his successor.
P. 223, L. 5. sort of fine. Alluding to the practice of granting leases for lives or years
at low rents, in consideration of a fine, or lump sum paid down at the commencement
of the term.
L. 6. sort of gift. “Gift” (donum) is used in the technical sense in feudal law. The
word dedi usually implied services to be rendered by the donee and his heirs to the
donor and his heirs. It was of wider comprehension than other terms, and was
considered by lawyers “the aptest word of feoffment.”
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IBID. hands habituated to the gripings of usury. Burke evidently has in mind the
soucars of India. See Speech on Nabob of Arcot’s Debts.
L. 32. advocates for servitude. Burke here answers by anticipation the reproaches
which the work brought upon him from the English Whigs and Revolutionists.
L. 22. pure democracy . . . only tolerable form. The austere doctrine of Sieyès. It
may now be said that the thinking world of Europe has thoroughly unlearnt this
speculative dogma, the product of superficial knowledge and superficial reasoning.
L. 29. direct train. . . . oligarchy. The presage was fulfilled by the establishment of
the Fifth of Fructidor (the Directory).
L. 35. very few, and very particularly circumstanced. The Swiss confederation
still survives, and the kingdom of the Netherlands is really a republic, as it was formerly
in Burke’s time. The republics of Genoa and Venice were also in existence when Burke
wrote. The Italian republics established by Bonaparte (the Ligurian, Cisalpine, Roman,
Parthenopean, &c.) were of short duration.
P. 225, L. 4. better acquainted with them. And their verdict was unanimously
against them. A study of Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle will prove how little homage
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pure democracy met with from the best minds of the age when it was best understood.
L. 32. full of abuses. Burke omits one most important link in the chain of causes
which led to the Revolution. The great system of abuses had been thoroughly
penetrated, and a comprehensive, gradual scheme for remedying them had been
commenced by Turgot. The principles which guided this great man in the preparation of
this scheme have been since tried, affirmed, and developed. They have given the key to
the reforms of the present century in our own and other countries. But Turgot was only
suffered to remain in office twenty months, and nearly everything which he had time to
effect was reversed. The interested classes, the nobility, clergy, parliaments, and
farmers-general, were too strong for him. If any body could have done what Burke
blames the French for not doing, it was he. What was left, but a general convulsion,
proceeding from lower sources, if oppression was to be thrown off at all? Irritated by
hesitation, retrogression, and mistrust, the people had lost all faith in their established
government: and in dealing with the monarchy, which they wished in some way to
preserve, naturally went to extremes in the safeguards which they provided for the
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concessions they had extorted. Facts seem to strengthen the conclusion of Mackintosh,
that under such circumstances the shock of a revolution is necessary to the
accomplishment of great reforms.
P. 227, L. 9. All France was of a different opinion, &c. True; but the Cahiers only
too clearly indicated what was smouldering beneath. They repeatedly affirm, on the part
of the Tiers État, the right of Property, and demand for it the protection of the law, as a
thing that was in great jeopardy. They prove that every principle of society had been
universally made the subject of question, and that very various opinions were
entertained as to what ought to be done. They reveal a Harringtonian spirit in every
corner of the kingdom. No one who reads them can fail to see in the “Declaration of the
Rights of Man” their inevitable sequel.
L. 12. projects for the reformation, &c. More than this—they are full of abstract
ideas, of the passion for definition, uniformity, and paper government. The Cahiers, in
the briefest summary or index of contents, are perfectly bewildering. M. de Tocqueville
insists, however, that whoso wishes to understand the Revolution, must study
incessantly the whole series of folios.
L. 13. without the remotest suggestion, &c. Calonne is nearer the mark; “C’est
d’abord une puérilité que d’argumenter du mot régénérer le royaume, qui se trouve
dans quelques-uns des cahiers, et peut-être aussi dans quelques phrases employées
par le Roi; comme si l’on pouvoit en conclure que le Roi et les cahiers, en se servant de
cette expression métaphorique, auroient entendu que l’Assemblée devoit culbuter la
Monarchie de fond en comble, et créer un gouvernement absolument nouveau.
‘Régénérer’ est un terme de religion, qui loin de présenter l’idée d’une destruction
universelle, n’annonce qu’une salutaire vivification. Le baptême régénère l’homme en
effaçant la tâche qui le souilloit, et non en détruisant son existence; mais dans le sens
de la révolution, régénérer c’est anéantir. Une telle interprétation rappelle l’histoire de
ce Roi de Thessalie que ses filles égorgèrent,” &c. (Cp. supra, note to p. 192, l. 29.)
People saw that the kingdom needed “regeneration,” and when they were about it made
up their minds that it should be a thorough one.
L. 15. been but one voice. This is hardly justifiable. American independence had
certainly raised similar hopes in France. Nor would it have been possible for the impulse
to a republic to spring up and ripen in so short a time.
L. 29. Taehmas Kouli Khan. The military usurper whose exploits were a romance to
the Western world in Burke’s youth, and ended in the national prostration of Persia,
from which the country has never recovered.
L. 35. human race itself melts away and perishes under the eye of the
observer. “Men grow up thin,” says Bacon, “where the Turcoman’s horse sets his foot.”
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Perhaps Burke had in mind the description of the miraculous smiting of the Philistines
by Jonathan; “And the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin looked; and behold, the
multitude melted away,” &c. 1 Sam. xiv. 16.
P. 228, L. 12. state of its population. The increase of the population, taken in
connexion with the inequality of imposts, and the burdens of the poor, ought to have
been estimated among the causes of the Revolution.
P. 229, L. 15. considerable tracts of it are barren. It was calculated in 1846 that
nearly one-seventh of the whole superficies consisted of unproductive expanses of sand,
heath, &c., chiefly lying near the seashores of Gascony and Languedoc, and in
Champagne and French Flanders.
L. 19. Generality of Lisle. A Generality was the district under the official care of an
Intendant-general. Lille was populous because it had been part of Flanders, the
flourishing condition of which as compared with France was conspicuous in the Middle
Ages. In Belgium the density of the population is still more than double that of the
average of France; the former having 166, the latter 70 inhabitants to the square
P. 230, L. 13. whole British dominions. Burke only means the British Isles.
P. 231, L. 25. when I consider the face of the kingdom of France. This Ciceronian
page is well worth studying for its method, and the way in which the expressions which
form the vehicle of the reflection are varied. The force of the argument is much
enhanced by keeping in mind that this magnificent face of affairs had been mainly
produced by the policy of Louis XIV. Thomson’s description of the civilization of France
clearly afforded Burke some hints:
. . . . Diffusive shot
O’er fair extents of land, the shining road:
The flood-compelling arch: the long canal,
Through mountains piercing, and uniting seas:
The dome resounding sweet with infant joy,
From famine saved, or cruel-handed shame,
And that where valour counts his noble scars.
L. 26. multitude and opulence of her cities. Then much greater in comparison with
Britain. The British Isles now contain twice as many towns having more than 100,000
inhabitants, as France.
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L. 27. useful magnificence of her spacious high roads, &c. In which respect
France was at least half a century in advance of England. The principal “grands
chemins” were made by the government in the times of Louis XIV and XV. It was
imagined that they might facilitate invasion, an idea which is laughed to scorn in the
Encyclopédie. It is certain that they facilitated the Revolution.
IBID. her artificial canals, &c. Canals were constructed in Italy in the eleventh,
twelfth, and thirteenth centuries, and had an almost equally early beginning in the
Netherlands. The first French canal was that of Briare, joining the Seine and Loire,
begun in 1605 and finished in 1642.
L. 31. ports and harbours . . . naval apparatus. Especially the naval stations of
Brest, Toulon, and Cherbourg. The navy of France was another creation of Colbert’s.
L. 33. fortifications. Most of them designed and carried out at a vast expense by S.
le Prestre de Vauban, to whom and other French writers, as Blondel, Belidor, &c.,
modern fortification and military engineering in general owe their origin almost
L. 3. to what complete perfection, &c. Especially the vine, hardly known in Gaul
until the Roman conquest.
L. 9. state of all the arts. France in the last century was at the head of all Europe in
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L. 10. men she has bred, &c. It would take up too much space to trace this out in its
details, and compare France in this respect with the rest of Europe. It would be an easy
and interesting task for the student. See Dr. Bridges’ “Colbert and Richelieu,” where,
however, the worth of French intellect is overrated.
L. 27. Whoever has examined, &c. But the character of the monarch was against
what Burke assumes to be the spirit of the monarchy. “Il commençait toutes les
reformes par justice, et n’en achevant aucune par indolence, et par abandon de lui-
même, irritant la passion d’innover sans la satisfaire, faisant entrevoir le bien sans
l’opérer. Roi populaire dans les rues, il redevenait Roi gentilhomme à Versailles—
reformateur auprès de Turgot et de Necker, honteux de ses reformes dans la société
brillante et legère de Marie Antoinette; Roi constitutional par goût, Roi absolu par
habitude,” &c.—De Sacy.
L. 30. earnest endeavour towards the prosperity, &c. In spite, however, not in
consequence, of the institutions Burke was defending. After the peace of 1763 (See Vol.
i. “Present Discontents”) a spirit of reformation had sprung up and spread over all parts
of Europe, even to Constantinople. Agriculture and trade had been the special objects of
this movement in France. “Another no less laudable characteristic (of the present times)
is, that spirit of reform and improvement, under the several heads of legislation, of the
administration of justice, the mitigation of penal laws, the affording some greater
attention to the ease and security of the lower orders of the people, with the cultivation
of those acts most generally useful to mankind, and particularly the public
encouragement given to agriculture as an art, which is becoming prevalent in every part
of Europe.” Annual Register, 1786.
L. 11. trespassed more by levity and want of judgment, &c. For instance, the
attempt suddenly to relieve the working classes from the disadvantages imposed on
them by the system of industrial corporations. Rash and highsounding promises on
many other points were issued in the name of the King, which stimulated the opposition
of the privileged classes. In the quarrel of 1772 between the King and the Parliament of
Toulouse, the latter body accused the government of endangering the people’s means
of subsistence by its rash measures. The King retorted that public distress was caused
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by the ambition of the Parliament and the covetousness of the wealthy classes. In this
way the idea was thoroughly worked into the people, that all their troubles were caused
by the interests of one or other of the powers above them.
L. 20. dwell perpetually on the donation to favourites, &c. Burke alludes in the
note to the publication of extracts from the famous Livre Rouge. Calonne shows that of
the 228 millions of livres included in the accounts of this book for sixteen years, under
different ministers, 209 millions were accountable for on other scores (foreign subsidies
and secret service money, expenses of administration, personal expenses of the King
and Queen, payment of the debts of the King’s brothers, indemnities, &c.). The
pamphlet circulated with so much industry is chiefly made up of scandalous reflections
on the persons pensioned, and accounts of their lives and services. We find in it under
the account of Mirabeau, 5000 liv. in 1776 for the “MS. of a work composed by him,
entitled Des Lettres de Cachet”; and 195,000 liv. in 1789, “upon his word of honour [!]
to counteract the plans of the National Assembly.”
P. 234, L. 5. considerable emigrations. This was before the beginning of the great
tide of emigration, which occasioned the decree against leaving the country, in 1791,
pronouncing a sentence of civil death, and confiscation of goods, against the emigrant.
L. 14. learned Academicians of Laputa, &c. The satire of both Butler and Swift was
much employed against what was called “virtuosodom,” or the cultivation of the minute
philosophy and natural science, in the infancy of those pursuits. Swift anticipates with
curious foresight the situation of a country under the exclusive dominion of
P. 236, L. 11. those of Germany, at the period, &c.—i. e. after the death of
Frederick II, in 1250. “Every nobleman exercised round his castle a licentious
independence; the cities were obliged to seek protection from their walls and
confederacies; and from the Rhine and Danube to the Baltic, the names of peace and
justice were unknown.”—Gibbon.
L. 14. Orsini and Vitelli. Perhaps these particular names were put down without
sufficient reflection. The Orsini were indeed distinguished in the twelfth century at
Rome; but the Vitelli were first known as condottieri in the fifteenth, and the Orsini
derive their chief celebrity in the same way. The two families were associated in
resisting Pope Alexander VI. This was long after the period when robber knights “used
to sally from their fortified dens,” &c. Burke apparently, like his translator Gentz,
thought they were famous in the wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines.
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IBID. Nayres on the coast of Malabar. The Nairs are the military caste who long had
the ruling power on this coast, and are still numerous and influential. They are not
strictly a noble caste, as Burke implies, but, like some other low castes, have assumed
the functions and rights of a noble caste. They were reduced in 1763 by Hyder Ali, by
the fall of whose son and successor, Tippoo Sultan, before the English arms, the
Malabar coast came to the East India Company.
L. 19. Equity and Mercy. Both were personified as coast deities in ancient Rome.
L. 27. civil war between the vices. Cp. infra, p. 264, l. 14, p. 274, l. 26, &c.
P. 237, L. 6. breathe the spirit of liberty as warmly, &c. Not universally true,
though not unjustifiable as a general statement.
P. 238, L. 4. never abandoning for a moment, &c. M. Depont, to whom the work
was addressed, objected to the severity of this part of the character of Henry IV, and
Burke in a letter to him on the subject, justifies his view. The “scaffold” (l. 7) alludes to
the execution of the Maréchal de Biron. “If he thought that M. de Biron was capable of
bringing on such scenes as we have lately beheld, and of producing the same anarchy,
confusion, and distress in his kingdom, as preliminary to the establishment of that
humiliating as well as vexatious tyranny, we now see on the point of being settled,
under the name of a constitution, in France, he did well, very well, to cut him off in the
crude and immature infancy of his treasons. He would not have deserved the crown
which he wore, and wore with so much glory, if he had scrupled, by all the preventive
mercy of rigorous law, to punish those traitors and enemies of their country and of
mankind. For, believe me, there is no virtue where there is no wisdom. A great,
enlarged, protecting and preserving benevolence has it, not in its incidents and
circumstances, but in its very essence, to exterminate vice, and disorder, and
oppression from the world.” Correspondence, iii. 160. The letter is printed at the end of
Dupont’s Translation.
L. 31. beyond what is common in other countries. The contrast especially applies
to England, where the noblesse, as a body, did not exist, the greater part of the nobility
being of middle class origin, and really commoners with coronets on their coats of arms.
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P. 239, L. 8. to strike any person. A form of outrage never very uncommon in this
L. 12. attacks upon the property, &c. To this it may be said that it was well
understood that the nobility possessed already so much unjust advantage, that such
attacks were out of the question, in the existing state of feeling and intelligence among
the lower classes.
L. 19. When the letting of the land was by rent. It would even appear that the
tenant enjoyed a security in this respect unknown to English law. “Pareillement de
même que la bonne foi ne permet pas au vendeur de vendre au-delà du juste prix, elle
ne permet pas aussi au bailleur d’imposer par le bail la charge d’une rente trop forte qui
excède le juste prix de l’héritage.” Pothier, Traité du Contrat de Bail à Rente, p. 34. In
addition, the rent reserved on a lease was commonly made redeemable, by a special
clause, at a specified sum, or, in default, at a valuation.
L. 21. partnership with the farmer. Known as métairie, the farmer being called
métayer. The usual form was that the landowner advanced the necessary stock, seed,
&c., for carrying on the cultivation, and received as his share one half of the produce.
This primitive contract is largely in use in India, Brazil, and other backward agricultural
L. 30. much of the civil government, &c. See De Tocqueville, De l’Ancien Régime.
The civil government had passed almost entirely out of the hands of the nobility into
that of the central power; and the feudal dues and privileges which in former times had
been cheerfully yielded to them when they had the responsibility of administration and
police, were consequently grudged and resisted.
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L. 23. less than in Germany. Where the prejudice still subsists in all its force. The
first question asked of a stranger in that country is, “Sind Sie von Adel?” The saying
there goes that there are three bodies whose strength lies in their corporate cohesion,
the Jews, the Jesuits, and the Nobility.
P. 241, L. 6. The strong struggle, &c. See Chalmer’s Bridgewater Treatise, Chapter
on “The Affections which conduce to the well-being of Society.”
L. 12. civil order. A double meaning perhaps here flashed through Burke’s mind—
“order” signifying an architectural combination, as well as a state of political regulation.
L. 13. Corinthian capital. The Corinthian is the most graceful and ornamental of the
orders of architecture.
L. 18. giving a body to opinion, &c. Whether the system of such an institution
ought not to be revised, in a totally different state of society, is of course, another
question. “C’est une terrible chose que la Qualité,” says Pascal—“elle donne à un enfant
qui vient de naitre une considération que n’obtiendraient pas cinquante ans de travaux
et de virtus.” Burke says nothing of the tendency, inherent in descended nobility, to
sink below the level of its source. Young, Sat. I:
L. 31. It was with the same satisfaction, &c. Throughout these pages Burke
purposely confounds two distinct questions. “Mr. Burke has grounded his eloquent
apology purely on their (the clergy) individual and moral character. This, however, is
totally irrelative to the question; for we are not discussing what place they ought to
occupy in society as individuals, but as a body. We are not considering the demerit of
citizens whom it is fit to punish, but the spirit of a body which it is politic to dissolve. We
are not contending that the Nobility and Clergy were in their private capacity bad
citizens, but that they were members of corporations which could not be preserved with
security to civil freedom.”—Mackintosh.
P. 243, L. 14. without care it may be used, &c. History ought not to be written
without a strong moral bias. Burke elsewhere censures the cold manner of Tacitus and
Machiavelli in narrating crime and oppression. Macaulay is in this respect a good model.
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L. 28. Religion, &c., the pretexts. “If men would say they took up arms for anything
but religion, they might be beaten out of it by reason; out of that they never can, for
they will not believe you whatever you say. The very arcanum of pretending religion in
all wars is, that something may be found out in which all men may have interest. In this
the groom has as much interest as the lord. Were it for lands, one has a thousand
acres, and the other but one; he would not venture so far, as he that has a thousand.
But religion is equal to both. Had all men land alike, by a lex agraria, then all men
would say they fought for land.”—Selden, Table-talk.
P. 244, L. 10. Wise men will apply, &c. Cp. vol. i. p. 75 seqq.
P. 246, L. 25. If your clergy, &c. One of those passages so common in Burke, which
strike by their very temperance, and arrest attention by their mild and tolerant spirit.
L. 32. through all their divisions. Not of rank, but of sect and country.
P. 247, L. 6. I must bear with infirmities, &c. Notice the epigram, which appears
also in Burke’s Tracts on the Popery Laws. “The law punishes delinquents, not because
they are not good men, but because they are intolerably wicked. It does bear, and
must, with the vices and the follies of men, until they actually strike at the root of
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L. 15. When my occasions, &c. Burke speaks of nearly twenty years before. He
refers to the subject in his “Remarks on the Policy of the Allies.” It may be said that the
prevalence of freethinking did no credit to the clergy, and that the emigrant nobility
were equally followers of the philosophers. “The atheism of the new system, as opposed
to the piety of the old, is one of the weakest arguments I have yet heard in favour of
this political crusade.”—Sheridan, Speech on the Address on the War with France, Feb.
12, 1793.
IBID. the bishop. M. de Cicé, under whose protection young Burke lived for some time
at Auxerre. When the bishop came an impoverished and aged emigrant to England, the
Burkes were able to requite his kindness.
L. 13. three clergymen. One of whom seems to have been the Abbé Vaullier.
Correspondence, vol. i. p. 426.
L. 20. Abbé Morangis. Dupont spells the name, in his translation, “Monrangies.”
L. 8. eminent depravity. Such examples may have been rare, but they were brought
prominently into notice, by their existence in the midst of the society of Paris. Clermont,
the Abbé of St. Germain des Prés, in the preceding generation, was a notorious
instance. He enjoyed 2000 benefices, which he made a practice of selling. He devoted
his revenues among other objects to the education of danseuses. Talleyrand was an
obvious contemporary instance.
L. 32. pensionary = stipendiary, the salaries of church officials being made charges
on the nation.
L. 29. intended only to be temporary. It was but temporary, but it is too much to
say that it was intended to be so.
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by Helvetius.
L. 12. Civic education. See the ideas on Public Education at the end of the work of
Helvetius “De l’Esprit.”
L. 16. principle of popular election. Burke evidently has in mind the discussion of
the question by Dr. Johnson in his Tract on Lay Patronage: “But it is evident that, as in
all other popular elections, there will be a contrariety of judgment, and acrimony of
passion; a parish, upon every vacancy, would break into factions, and the contest for
the choice of a minister would set neighbours at variance, and bring discord into
families. The minister would be taught all the arts of a candidate, would flatter some,
and bribe others . . . and it is hard to say what bitterness of malignity would prevail in a
parish where these elections should happen to be frequent, and the enmity of
opposition should be rekindled before it had cooled.”
P. 253, L. 8. Burnet says, &c. History of His Own Times, Book iii.
L. 25. under the influence of a party spirit, &c. The allusion is in particular to
L. 29. as they would with equal fortitude, &c. This must be taken with some
reservation. “Toute opinion est assez forte pour se faire épouser au prix de la vie,” says
Montaigne. Sectarian heat is often the fiercer the narrower the point of issue.
P. 254, L. 6. justice and mercy are substantial parts of religion. Micah vi. 8:
“What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with thy God?”
L. 17. dogmas of religion—all of moment. Cp. ante, note to p. 186, l. 15. See
especially the Tracts on the Popery Laws. Perhaps the judgment of Bacon, acquiesced in
by Burke, preferring the extreme of superstition to that of free-thought, may be
reconsidered in the light of modern experience. The Rev. R. Cecil, an acute and
philosophical divine, thought less of the dangers of Infidelity than of those of Popery.
“Popery debases and alloys Christianity; but Infidelity is a furnace, wherein it is purified
and refined. The injuries done to it by Popery are repaired by the very attacks of
Infidelity.” Remains, p. 136.
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it, who was fortified with a small portion of the genuine spirit of Christianity—its
contrition and its docility.”
P. 255, L. 18. I see, in a country very near us, &c. Cp. note to p. 95, l. 12. Burke
here also pretends to the right to censure the unjust domestic policy of a neighbouring
L. 23. one of the greatest of their own lawyers. I cannot point to any passage in
the works of Domat, in which the second thesis, here attributed to him (l. 25), is
maintained. Burke was apparently quoting from memory. Often as he makes verbal
mistakes, it is rarely that he makes material ones. Here, however, seems to be a
material error of memory. The doctrine of Domat is that the postulates of society are
divisible into (1) Laws immutable, (2) Laws arbitrary. He refers the principle of
prescription to the first, the ascertainment of its limits to the second. Civil Law in its
Natural Order, bk. iii. tit. 7, sec. 4. Burke was perhaps thinking of Cicero, who repeats
the ordinary notions as to the end of society being security of property: “Hanc ob
causam maxime, ut sua tenerent, respublicae civitatesque constitutae sunt.” De Off. lib.
II. c. 21, sec. 73 (see also c. 23).
L. 27. If prescription be once shaken, &c. Burke’s fears were needless. The
principle was never shaken, nor has it ever been seriously threatened.
L. 10. just cause of alarm. The policy of Luther, which steadily maintained the cause
of the Reformation free from political revolutions, kept them in isolation.
P. 258, L. 4. best governed. Regarded from the point of view of the bourgeois
oligarchy, not of the peasant.
L. 16. standards consecrated, &c. Two of the members of the Patriotic Society at
Nantes had been despatched to the Revolution Society, to deliver to them the picture of
a banner used in the festival of the former Society in the month of August, bearing the
motto “Pacte Universel,” and a representation of the flags of England and France bound
together with a ribbon on which was written: “A l’union de la France et d’Angleterre.” At
the bottom was written, “To the Revolution Society in London.” The messengers were
respectfully received and entertained by the committee of the society. These facts were
submitted to the society in the report of the committee presented at the meeting of
Nov. 4, 1790.
L. 20. expedient to make war upon them. Anticipating the policy afterwards so
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P. 260, L. 8. general earthquake in the political world. Cp. ante note to p. 149, l.
10. Burke almost repeats the vaticinations of Hartley.
L. 22. Justice . . . the great standing policy. A good adaptation of the not very
lofty maxim that “Honesty is the best policy.”
L. 26. When men are encouraged, &c. The abstract principle is admitted by
Mackintosh, with a just censure on its false application: “The State is the proprietor of
the Church Revenues, but its faith, it may be said, is pledged to those who have
entered into the Church, for the continuance of those incomes, for which they have
abandoned all other pursuits. The right of the State to arrange at its pleasure the
revenues of any future priests may be confessed, while a doubt may be entertained
whether it is competent to change the fortune of those to whom it has promised a
certain income for life. But these distinct subjects have been confounded, that
sympathy with suffering individuals might influence opinion in a general question—that
feeling for the degradation of the hierarchy might supply the place of argument to
establish the property of the Church.”
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L. 26. Spartam nactus es; hanc exorna. The version of Erasmus (Adag. 2501) of
the quotation, familiar in Roman Literature, of the first of two lines of Euripides,
preserved by Stobaeus:
They are from the Telephus (Dind. Frag. 695), and are apparently the words of
Agamemnon to Menelaus. See Cic. Ep. Att. I. 20, IV. 6, and Plut. Περ τ ς ε θνµίας.
The passage is mistranslated by Erasmus, and the wrong meaning is kept up in Burke’s
allusion. Kοσµε ν means to rule, not to improve or decorate. The original is equivalent
to “Mind your own business.”
L. 22. The winds blow, &c., St. John, iii. 8. Burke alludes to the case of the sailor,
who cannot control the motive forces on which he depends, and means that the
politician must similarly regard his motive power and material as produced by some
force out of his control.
P. 263, L. 8. steam . . . electricity. The forecast in these lines, written long before
steam was successfully applied to navigation, is most remarkable. Electricity had been
discovered by the English philosopher Gilbert two centuries before, but was as yet
unapplied to any practical purpose.
L. 31. You derive benefits, &c. Burke alludes to the Passions, as described by his
favourite moralist:
Pope proceeds to derive all the virtues from the two sources of pride and shame.
L. 13. Munera Terrae. The Homeric expression used by Horace, Bk. II, Ode 14, l. 10,
to express the conditions of mortal existence. Burke means by munera terrae the
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L. 14. Wisdom is not the most severe corrector of folly. They are the rival
follies, &c. Cp. Young, Satire II:
Mackintosh, alluding apparently to this passage of Burke, agrees with Montesquieu that
under bad governments one abuse often limits another. “But when the abuse is
destroyed, why preserve the remedial evil? Superstition certainly alleviates the
despotism of Turkey; but if a rational government could be erected in that empire, it
might with confidence disclaim the aid of the Koran, and despise the remonstrances of
the Mufti.”
L. 34. as usefully employed, &c. A surprising turn is given to the argument. Burke
compares the monastery and the monks with the factory and its then overtasked and
degraded “hands.” Public attention was just becoming attracted to the condition of the
factory workers, and in 1802 the first Sir Robert Peel succeeded in passing the first of
the Factory Acts.
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the disestablishment of the Alien Priories by Henry V, when their revenues were largely
applied to purposes of education. It was also done to a smaller extent at the English
Reformation. The Church and Education, however, on this occasion, were benefited to a
less degree than the nobility.
L. 17. Can any philosophic spoiler, &c. Bishop Berkeley, Guizot, and Dr. Arnold
have brought forward the substance of this excellent argument, which rests on the
popular and accessible nature of Church preferment.
P. 269, L. 13. Here commences the Second Part of the work, which seems to have
been resumed after an interval of some months, corresponding with the Parliamentary
Session of 1790. Early in the Session, several liberal measures were introduced; but
thwarted by the consideration of the prevalence of Jacobinism, Fox’s Resolution in
favour of the Dissenters, against the Test and Corporation Acts, was opposed by Burke,
who cited passages from Price and Priestley, and proved that the dissenters cared not
“the nip of a straw” for the repeal of these Acts (which he said he would have advocated
ten years ago), but that their open object was the abolition of Tithes, and State Public
Worship. Hood was also defeated in his motion for a Parliamentary Reform Bill.
L. 32. I have taken a review, &c. Burke proceeds to criticise the positive work of the
Assembly, and in the first place, after some general remarks, to deal with the nature of
the bodies into which the citizens were to be formed for the discharge of their political
functions (p. 277). “In this important part of the subject,” says Mackintosh, “Mr. Burke
has committed some fundamental errors. It is more amply, more dexterously, and more
correctly treated by M. de Calonne, of whose work this discussion forms the most
interesting part.”
P. 270, L. 16. they have assumed another, &c. As the Long Parliament did in
England, and as the present Assembly (1874) have done in France. Such assumptions
are, under justifying circumstances, in the strictest sense political necessities. Cp. p.
270, l. 35.
L. 23. The most considerable of their acts, &c. This introduces casually the
interesting question of the competence of majorities, which Burke so philosophically
considers in connexion with the doctrine of Natural Aristocracy, in the Appeal from the
New to the Old Whigs. He argues that (1) an incorporation produced by unanimity, and
(2) an unanimous agreement, that the act of a mere majority, say of one, shall pass as
the act of the whole, are necessary to give authority to majorities. Nature, out of civil
society, knows nothing of such a “constructive whole”: and in many cases, as in an
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English jury, and formerly in a Polish national council, absolute unanimity was required.
“This mode of decision (by majorities), where wills may be so nearly equal, where,
according to circumstances, the smaller number may be the stronger force, and where
apparent reason may be all upon one side, and on the other little less than impetuous
appetite—all this must be the result of a very particular and special convention,
confirmed afterwards by long habits of obedience, by a sort of discipline in society, and
by a strong hand, vested with stationary, permanent power, to enforce this sort of
constructive general will.”
P. 271, L. 9. To make a revolution, &c. Burke did not know that the Revolution had
been foreseen and demanded, ever since the middle of the century. The failures of
Turgot stimulated expectation; but reformers had for some years been now dejected
and weary of waiting. “Men no longer,” says Michelet, “believed in its near approach.
Far from Mont Blanc, you see it; when at its foot you see it no more.” Mably, in 1784,
thought public spirit too weak to bring it about. No reasons for a revolution were ever
asked in France; the only question was, who ought to suffer by that which was
L. 27. a pleader, i. e. not a speaker, but one who draws the pleas, or formal
documents used in an action at law, according to set precedents.
P. 272, L. 18. eloquence in their speeches. There was plenty of fluent speaking,
but more of dismal lecturing, in the Assembly. Set speeches were the fashion. Mirabeau
is said on more than one occasion to have delivered speeches taken entirely from those
of Burke.
L. 20. eloquence may exist, &c. The well-known sentence of Sallust on Catiline:
“Satis eloquentiae; sapientiae parum.”
L. 23. no ordinary men. Burke elsewhere compliments the vigilance, ingenuity, and
activity of the Jacobins.
L. 4. Rage and phrenzy will pull down, &c. So in Preface to Motion, June 14, 1784:
“Its demolition (an independent House of Commons) was accomplished in a moment;
and it was the work of ordinary hands. But to construct, is a matter of skill: to
demolish, force and fury are sufficient.” The tendencies of the age often prompted
similar warnings. “A fool or a madman, with a farthing candle, may cause a
conflagration in a city that the wisest of its inhabitants may be unable to extinguish.” S.
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Jenyns, Reflections.
L. 6. The errors, &c. This paragraph is in Burke’s most striking tone, that of an
experienced political philosopher, contemptuously exposing the shallowness of the
L. 11. loves sloth and hates quiet. The epigram belongs to Tacitus, Germ. 15:
“Mira diversitate naturae, cum iidem homines sic ament inertiam et oderint quietem.”
L. 18. expatiate. In the now almost disused sense = roam at will. Milton, Par. Lost, I.
774. So Pope, Essay on Man:
P. 275, L. 15. the true lawgiver, &c. Aimed at the cold and mathematical Sieyès.
L. 16. to love and respect his kind, and to fear himself. Echoed by Shelley, Hymn
to Intellectual Beauty:
L. 19. Political arrangement, &c. Burke here brings to the question the results of
his personal experience. These pages contain fundamental axioms of practical politics.
L. 28. have never yet seen, &c. So South: “God has filled no man’s intellectuals so
full but he has left some vacuities in them that may send him sometimes for supplies to
minds of a lower pitch. . . . Nay, the greatest abilities are sometimes beholding to the
very meanest.”
L. 11. the work itself requires the aid of more minds than one age can furnish.
The common notion being that we should complete something for which posterity will
thank our foresight. We do better by so arranging our labours, that posterity may enter
into them, and enlarge and complete what we have attained.
L. 15. some of the philosophers. The Schoolmen. “Plastic nature” or “plastic virtue”
is a phrase intended by them to express the generative or vegetative faculty.
L. 30. take their opinions, &c. Chiefly the comedians, e. g. the ridicule of Molière
against medicine, of Steele against law.
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P. 277, L. 2. those who are habitually employed, &c. “By continually looking
upwards, our minds will themselves grow upwards; and, as a man by indulging in habits
of scorn and contempt for others is sure to descend to the level of what he despises, so
the opposite habits of admiration and enthusiastic reverence for excellence impart to
ourselves a portion of the qualities which we admire.” Dr. Arnold, Preface to Poetry of
Common Life.
L. 20. Cicero ludicrously describes Cato, &c. In the Preface to the Paradoxa. See
also the Oration Pro Muraena.
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i. e. the apparel does not make the philosopher, as the cowl does not make the monk.
“Video barbam et pallium—philosophum nondum video.” The bearing of the allusion on
the matter is more recondite than is usual with Burke.
IBID. Mr. Hume told me, &c. Burke seems to err in taking this statement of Rousseau
to Hume, whatever its exact purport may have been, as a serious disclaimer of the
ostensible ends of his writings. If ever a man was the serious dupe of his own errors, it
was surely Rousseau. “It is not improbable,” says Mackintosh, “that when rallied on the
eccentricity of his paradoxes, he might, in a moment of gay effusion, have spoken of
them as a sort of fancy, and an experiment on the credulity of mankind.”
P. 278, L. 3. I believe, that were Rousseau alive, &c. This is likely enough from
some passages in his writings. The following, for instance, on the metaphysical
reformers, might have been written by Burke himself: “Du reste, renversant, détruisant,
foulant aux pieds tout ce que les hommes respectent, ils ôtent aux affligés la dernière
consolation de leur misère, aux puissants et aux riches le seul frein de leurs passions;
ils arrachent du fond des coeurs le remords du crime, l’espoir de la vertu, et se vantent
encore d’être les bienfaiteurs du genre humain. Jamais, disent ils, la vérité n’est nuisible
aux hommes. Je le crois comme eux; et c’est, à mon avis, une grande preuve que ce
qu’ils enseignent n’est pas la vérité.”
L. 12. In them we often see, &c. Often repeated by Burke, after Aristotle.
L. 29. like their ornamental gardeners. The Jardin Anglais, with its mounds,
shrubs, and winding walks, had by this time scarcely become popular on the continent,
though the model of Kent was not unknown. The French mechanical style to which
Burke alludes was the invention of Le Nôtre, who laid out the gardens of Versailles.
P. 280, L. 2. regularly square, &c. Burke errs in stating that such a geometrical
division and subdivision ever took place. Such plans were discussed, but all the new
divisions were limited by natural boundaries. Burke did not see fit to correct the error
when pointed out, not considering it material.
IBID. and Buffon. Alluding to the subordination of orders, genera, and species,
applied to the animal world by Buffon, e.g. the order of carnivorous animals includes
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several genera, e.g. the genus felis, which includes several species, e.g. the lion, the
tiger, and the cat. The application of such a principle in politics is directly contrary to
Burke’s conception of a state, which regarded the political division as lateral, and
running as it were in strata over the whole extent of the land.
P. 281, L. 2. dividing their political and civil representation into three parts. It
is right to notice that Mr. Pitt, in arranging the new representation of Ireland, in 1800,
adopted two of these bases, those of population and of contribution, considering that
these, taken together, formed a better ground of calculation than either separately,
though he did not pretend that the result of the combination could be considered
L. 8. third for her dower. Alluding to the legal dower, of a third of the husband’s
real property, to which a widow is entitled.
L. 21. But soft, by regular degrees, not yet (by regular approach). Pope, Moral
Essays, Ep. iv. l. 129.
P. 285, L. 4. as historians represent Servius Tullius, &c. Burke had probably read
the sceptical comments of Beaufort, which were developed by Niebuhr, on the early
Roman History.
L. 27. such governments do exist, &c. Burke alludes to America, Holland, and
L. 31. the effect of necessity. In escaping in each case from external tyranny.
P. 291, L. 3. treat France exactly like a country of conquest. This bold and
original observation is true enough. A conquest had been achieved, and it was intended
to be consolidated.
P. 292, L. 9. facies Hippocratica. The old medical term for the appearance produced
in the countenance by phthisis, as described by Hippocrates—the nostrils sharp, eyes
hollow, temples low, tips of ears contracted, forehead dry and wrinkled, complexion
pale or livid. It was held a sure prognostic of death. So in Armstrong’s Satire “Taste”:
L. 11. the legislators, &c. I suspect that this paragraph was written by the younger
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L. 18. they were sensible, &c. These views are summed up in the opinions of
P. 293, L. 32. troll of their categorical table. The French politicians, however, set
small store by the Aristotelian logic. I cannot think that Burke would have penned this
trivial repartee.
P. 294, L. 19. if monarchy should ever again, &c. How accurately these remarkable
presages were to be fulfilled, was soon understood under Bonaparte.
P. 296, L. 21. a trustee for the whole, and not for the parts. In its domestic
policy, however, the unreformed House of Commons acted like a trustee for the
agricultural interest.
L. 23. several and joint securities. Cp. the extract, p. 386, ll. 21–29.
L. 34. Few trouble their heads, &c. Cp., however, note to p. 281, l. 2, ante.
P. 298, L. 17. Limbus Patrum. The border or outside ground between paradise and
purgatory, as defined by Thomas Aquinas. Cp. Mr. Hales’ note to Milton’s Areopagitica,
p. 13, l. 6.
P. 301, L. 3. They have reversed the Latonian kindness, &c. Oras et littora circum.
Alluding to the Greek legend that Delos was a wandering island, fixed in its place at the
instant when Latona gave birth to Apollo and Diana. Virg. Aen. iii. 75:
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L. 13. not a good, &c. Burke, however, was certainly both a good and an old farmer.
He was devoted to agriculture, and farmed his own lands at Beaconsfield up to the time
of his death.
IBID. Diis immortalibus sero. Burke follows the track of Bolingbroke in alluding to
the beautiful sentiment of Cicero, de Senect. vii. 25. Death holding a handle of the
plough is an embellishment of Burke’s.
P. 302, L. 3. Beatus ille. The well-known Epode of Horace, with its humorous
conclusion, thus happily imitated by Somervile (1692–1742):
L. 29. In the Mississippi and the South Sea. See post, p. 358.
P. 305, L. 22. Serbonian bog. Par. Lost, ii. 592. Cp. vol. i. p. 254, l. 28.
P. 307, L. 7. instead of being all Frenchmen, &c. Burke’s surmise has not been
justified. The French certainly glory in the unity implied in their national name, and the
Savoyard and Alsatian share the enthusiasm.
L. 12. We begin our public affections, &c. Cp. ante, p. 136, and vol. i. p. 148, l. 1.
There is here also an allusion to the beautiful lines of Pope, cited before.
P. 308, L. 22. Never, before this time, &c. I do not know whether the δ µος σχατος
of Aristotle was ever realized, but the idea was certainly formed by him.
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P. 312, L. 11. your supreme government, &c. Cp. vol. i. p. 100, l. 27.
P. 313, L. 14. attack them in the vital parts. Cp. p. 99, l. 21.
L. 25. He is now sitting, &c. In October, 1790, when this pamphlet was published,
Necker was no longer sitting on the ruins of the French monarchy, having resigned
office on the 9th of September.
P. 318, L. 23. were not wholly free, &c. See this amply illustrated in Voltaire’s
amusing “Histoire du Parlement de Paris,” published in 1769.
P. 319, L. 6. the vice of the antient democracies, &c. See footnote, p. 225.
L. 9. it abated the respect, &c. The difference between French and English political
sentiment has been epigrammatically stated as follows: the French respect authority
and despise law: the English respect law and despise authority.
L. 14. M. de la Tour du Pin. He was a man of moderate views, and strongly attached
to the monarchy. Necker had appointed him war minister about the middle of 1789. He
resigned, together with all the rest of the ministry, except Montmorin, shortly after
Burke’s book was published.
L. 28. Addressing himself, &c. The allusions to the extract which follows are to the
mutinies of the regiments of Metz and Nancy. See Carlyle’s Hist. of the Rev., book ii.
P. 326, L. 16. comitia. The filiation of the term comices is introduced to show what it
L. 33. stiff and peremptory. The expression is from Browne’s Christian Morals.
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L. 3. Si isti mihi largiantur, &c. Slightly altered from Cic. de Senect. xxiii. 83. The
original sentiment occurs in a favourite book of Burke’s, Browne’s Christian Morals, Part
III, § 25, and was adopted by Prior as a motto for his poem “Solomon.”
P. 332, L. 27. until some popular general, &c. A similar prediction was made by
Schiller, who thought that some popular general of the Republic would make himself
master not only of France but of a great part of Europe. It was accurately fulfilled in
P. 335, L. 4. The colonies assert, &c. Burke’s presages on the colonies were
accurately fulfilled in the terrible history of the Revolution of St. Domingo.
P. 341, L. 9. The revenue of the state, &c. This admirable exposition of the nature of
public revenues, and their relation to national action, should not be passed over as part
of the merely critical section of the work. It possesses a real historical significance, for
Pitt’s great reforms in the revenue were just coming into operation.
P. 343, L. 14. Cedo quî vestram, &c. Naevius, quoted in Cic. de Senect. c. vi. 20. It is
necessary to refer to the context: “Quod si legere aut audire voletis externa, maximas
respublicas ab adolescentibus labefactas, a senibus sustentatas et restitutas reperietis.
Sic enim percontantur, ut est in Naevii ludo: respondentur et alia, et haec in primis:
P. 345, L. 12. John Doe, Richard Roe. Cp. vol. i. p. 129, l. 16.
L. 20. took an old huge full-bottomed perriwig, &c. The allusion is to the offerings
of silver plate made to Louis XIV by the court and city of Paris at the financial crisis,
produced by the long war, of 1709. See Saint Simon, Mémoires, vol. vii. p. 208. “Cet
expédient,” says Saint Simon, “avait déjà été proposé et rejeté par Pontchartrain,
lorsqu’il était contrôleur-général, qui, devenu chancelier, n’y fut pas plus favorable.”
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Notwithstanding the fact that the king expected every one to send their plate, the list of
donors amounted to less than a hundred names: and the result was far below the king’s
expectation. “Au bout de trois mois, le roi sentit la honte et la faiblesse de cette belle
ressource, et avoua qu’il se repentait d’y avoir consenti.” Saint Simon confesses that he
sent a portion only of his own, and concealed the rest.
L. 27. tried in my memory by Louis XV. In 1762, towards the close of the
calamitous Seven Years’ War. “La France alors était plus malheureuse. Toutes les
ressources étaient épuisées: presque tous les citoyens, à l’exemple du roi, avaient porté
leur vaisselle à la monnaie.” Voltaire, Siècle de Louis XV, ch. 35.
P. 349, L. 25. Mais si maladia, &c. From the comical interlude in Molière’s Malade
Imaginaire, in which the examination of a Bachelor for the doctor’s degree is conducted
in dog-latin. The candidate has already given the famous answer to the question,
“Quare opium facit dormire?” “Quia est in eo virtus dormitiva,” &c. On being
interrogated as to the remedy for several diseases in succession, he makes the same
Clysterium donare,
Postea segnare,
Ensuita purgare.
Which is repeated after the final question in the text. Burke happily compares the
ignorance which made the assignat the panacea of the state, to this gross barbarism in
the art of medicine.
P. 355, L. 24. club at Dundee. The Dundee “Friends of Liberty,” whose proceedings
acquired some notoriety a year or two later. In 1793 the Unitarian minister Palmer was
transported for seven years for writing and publishing a seditious address bearing the
name of this society.
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So Dryden, Macflecknoe:
P. 359, L. 18. his atlantic regions. The allusion is to Bailly’s Letters on the subject of
the fabled island of Atlantis.
L. 20. smitten with the cold, dry, petrifick mace. Par. Lost, x. 293:
P. 361, L. 7. tontines. Lotteries on groups of lives, so called from their inventor. They
had been adopted in England, and in the session which preceded the publication of this
work, a batch of them had been converted into ordinary annuities.
L. 21. all-atoning name. Dryden, in the famous character of Achitophel, says that he
L. 28. Grand, swelling sentiments, &c. See especially, Lucan, Book VII. This poet
was excluded from the collection of classics edited “for the use of the Dauphin,” on
account of his tyrannicide principles. Corneille records his preference of Lucan before
L. 31. Old as I am, &c. Perhaps an allusion to Addison’s Cato, Act II:
P. 364, L. 21. one of our poets. Addison, in the celebrated Soliloquy of Cato, Act v.
sc. 1:
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L. 32. snatches from his share, &c. The allusion is to the proceedings against
[*] The allusion is obviously to the striking view of Windsor Castle and the valley of the
Thames, from the uplands of Buckinghamshire, in which stood Burke’s country-house,
where this Letter was written. There is a similar allusion to the imposing effect of an
ancient castle in the Fourth Letter on a Regicide Peace.
[*] “Nous avons en France plus de loix que tout le reste du monde ensemble et plus
qu’il n’en fauldroit à regler touts les mondes d’Epicurus. Ut olim flagitiis, sic nunc
legibus laboramus.” Montaigne, Ess., Liv. iii. ch. 13.
[*] Coleridge borrows these beautiful expressions from the Chorus in “Samson
[1.] The allusion is to the maxim of the Abbé de Fleury: “Les lumières philosophiques
ne peuvent jamais nuire.”
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