PHY1 June 2006
PHY1 June 2006
PHY1 June 2006
1. What physical quantity does the gradient of each of the following graphs represent? [4]
(iii) The newtonmeter is raised until the rule makes an angle θ with the horizontal.
Without doing any further calculations, compare the magnitude of the force provided by
the newtonmeter in this new position with the force T when the rule was horizontal.
Explain your answer. [2]
Question 5 continued….
(iv) With the rule horizontal, the 3.0 N weight is placed in the
new position shown.
Without doing any further calculations, explain what happens
to the force exerted by the newtonmeter.
You may be awarded a mark for the clarity of your answer.
8. The final four stages of the naturally occurring thorium-232 decay series are shown.
The series ends with a stable isotope of lead, 20882Pb. (i) What are isotopes? [2]
(ii) Write down the symbol for the unstable isotope of lead which is part of the series shown. [1]
(iii) Complete a copy of the table to show the missing information. [3]