Installation Config
Installation Config
Installation Config
Con f i gu r a t i on
Gu i de
Version 2021
M i cr o St r at egy 2021
Sep t em b er 2023
Copyright © 2023 by MicroStrategy Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Trademark Information
The following are either trademarks or registered trademarks of MicroStrategy Incorporated or its affiliates in the United States and certain other
Dossier, Enterprise Semantic Graph, Expert.Now, Hyper.Now, HyperIntelligence, HyperMobile, HyperVision, HyperWeb, Intelligent Enterprise,
MicroStrategy, MicroStrategy 2019, MicroStrategy 2020, MicroStrategy 2021, MicroStrategy Analyst Pass, MicroStrategy Architect, MicroStrategy
Architect Pass, MicroStrategy Badge, MicroStrategy Cloud, MicroStrategy Cloud Intelligence, MicroStrategy Command Manager, MicroStrategy
Communicator, MicroStrategy Consulting, MicroStrategy Desktop, MicroStrategy Developer, MicroStrategy Distribution Services, MicroStrategy
Education, MicroStrategy Embedded Intelligence, MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager, MicroStrategy Federated Analytics, MicroStrategy Geospatial
Services, MicroStrategy Identity, MicroStrategy Identity Manager, MicroStrategy Identity Server, MicroStrategy Insights, MicroStrategy Integrity
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MicroStrategy Object Manager, MicroStrategy Office, MicroStrategy OLAP Services, MicroStrategy Parallel Relational In-Memory Engine (MicroStrategy
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The following design marks are either trademarks or registered trademarks of MicroStrategy Incorporated or its affiliates in the United States and certain
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Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Specifications subject to change without notice. MicroStrategy is not responsible for errors or omissions. MicroStrategy makes no warranties or
commitments concerning the availability of future products or versions that may be planned or under development.
Preview Features 8
Preview Feature: Enable a Filter Panel for Report Consumption in Library Web 312
Ensuring Images in MicroStrategy Web Work With Content in the Library 313
Configure Specific Content for the Home Screen in Library 315
MicroStrategy Library Web Internationalization 317
Load Balancer and Clustering Considerations for Library and Collaboration Server 320
Command Line Tools to Create Security Artifacts 325
Troubleshooting Your MicroStrategy Library Installation 326
Certificate Store Integration with MicroStrategy Library 343
Configuring the Modeling Service 350
Prerequisites 528
Executing Documents and HTML Documents in Linux 529
Configuring your MicroStrategy Installation 537
B.Troubleshooting 872
Pr evi ew Feat u r es
Preview features are early versions of features. They are not ready for full release, but are
functional enough for you to try out and experiment with. The official versions of preview
features are included in subsequent releases.
A feature flag and metadata upgrade are not required. This feature is available upon a
successful Intelligence Server upgrade.
Only the PostgreSQL database has been certified for the metadata, Distribution Service, and
History List repositories with a JDBC connection.
Only silent mode via the Configuration wizard is supported for the configuration.
Options Description
This section configures the metadata repository and statistics tables. You can have more
[Repository] than one [Repository] section. Additional repository sections can be included as
[Repository1] , [Repository2] , and so on.
The JDBC connection string for the metadata repository. Only the PostgresSQL database
is supported.
For example:
JDBCConnString= {jdbc:microstrategy:postgresql://DataBase_
Use ‘}}’ for '}' if the database name or database server name includes the "}" special
The JDBC connection string for the History List repository. Only the PostgresSQL
database is supported.
For example:
JDBCConnStringHi JDBC;DRIVER={com.microstrategy.jdbc.postgresql.PostgreSQLDriver};URL=
st= Server:5432;DATABASENAME=Database_
Use ‘}}’ for '}' if the database name or database server name includes the "}" special
In this section you can configure the Intelligence Server definition. You can have more than
[Server] one [Server] section. Additional server sections can be included as [Server1] ,
[Server2] , and so on.
The JDBC connection string for the metadata repository. Only the PostgresSQL database is
For example:
JDBCConnStrin JDBC;DRIVER={com.microstrategy.jdbc.postgresql.PostgreSQLDriver};URL=
g= {jdbc:microstrategy:postgresql://DataBase_Server:5432;DATABASENAME=Database_
Use ‘}}’ for '}' if the database name or database server name includes the "}" special
Options Description
In this section you can upgradethe Intelligence server definition. You can have more than
[UpgradeServer] one [UpgradeServer] section. Additional server sections can be included as
[UpgradeServer1] , [UpgradeServer2] , and so on.
Defines whether to migrate the history list, as determined by the following values:
Defines projects to be updated when the Intelligence Server is updated. You can select to
UpgradeProjects= update multiple projects by separating projects by the "\" character.
Defines whether the password is encrypted in the response file, as determined by the
following values:
l 0: The password is not encrypted in the response file, which enables you to modify the
password in the response file later using a text editor. You can then distribute the
EncryptPassword= response file to multiple users with various login and password credentials. However, be
aware that this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the
password from the response file before distributing it.
l 1: Encrypts the password in the response file, which ensures that your password is
secure. This is the default behavior.
Options Description
The JDBC connection string for the metadata repository. Only the PostgresSQL database
is supported.
For example:
HLJDBCConnStrin JDBC;DRIVER={com.microstrategy.jdbc.postgresql.PostgreSQLDriver};URL=
g= {jdbc:microstrategy:postgresql://DataBase_Server:5432;DATABASENAME=Database_
Use ‘}}’ for '}' if the database name or database server name includes the "}" special
The database instance name of the History List to create.
Options Description
In this section you can upgradethe Intelligence Server definition. You can have more than
one [UpgradeHistoryList] section. Additional server sections can be included as
[UpgradeHistoryList1] , [UpgradeHistoryList2] , and so on.
The JDBC connection string for the metadata repository. Only the PostgresSQL database
is supported.
For example:
HLDBCConnStrin JDBC;DRIVER={com.microstrategy.jdbc.postgresql.PostgreSQLDriver};URL=
g= {jdbc:microstrategy:postgresql://DataBase_Server:5432;DATABASENAME=Database_
Use ‘}}’ for '}' if the database name or database server name includes the "}" special
Defines the data source name for History List repository. This is the data source that stores
the History List.
HLUser= Defines the username to log into the History List database.
HLPwd Defines the password to log into the History List database.
Defines whether the password is encrypted in the response file, as determined by the
following values:
l 0: The password is not encrypted in the response file, which enables you to modify the
password in the response file later using a text editor. You can then distribute the
EncryptPassword= response file to multiple users with various login and password credentials. However, be
aware that this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the
password from the response file before distributing it.
l 1: Encrypts the password in the response file, which ensures that your password is
secure. This is the default behavior.
Defines whether to copy the content when upgrading, as determined by the following
l 1: Copy content
CompressData= Defines whether to compress data when upgrading, as determined by the following values:
Options Description
l 1: Compress Data
Locates the SQL scripts for upgrade the History List reopository, as listed below:
l Linux: /INTELLIGENCE_SERVER_INSTALL_PATH/content_server_db_
In st allat io n an d Co n figu r at io n Gu id e
The MicroStrategy products that you can install depend on your MicroStrategy
license. Contact your MicroStrategy account executive with MicroStrategy
licensing questions.
If you are upgrading to a new version of MicroStrategy, see the Upgrade Help
before upgrading existing metadata.
MicroStrategy Web
MicroStrategy Web is an interactive, easy to use interface for all Business
Intelligence (BI) reporting, analysis, and monitoring. With MicroStrategy
Web, business users perform any of or all the major styles of BI - Scorecards
and Dashboards, Enterprise Reporting, OLAP Analysis, Predictive Analysis,
and Alerts and Proactive Notification - within a single, unified Web interface.
Business users move seamlessly between all five styles of BI and even
combine multiple styles within a single report display.
l You can download the software from the MicroStrategy download site.
System Requirements
For all certified systems, see Platform Certifications.
Web Client
Protocols and Ports
HTTP: 8080
HTTPS: 8443
Configuration: <TomcatPath>/webapps/MicroStrategy/WEB-
Installation: <InstallPath>/WebUniversal
Configuration: <CommonFiles>\MicroStrategy\Tomcat\apache-
Directory Structure
JSP interface: The following table lists folders and files of interest that are
included in the default directory structure after deploying your MicroStrategy
Web WAR file:
Directory Contents
Directory Contents
ASP.NET interface: The following table lists folders and files of interest that
are included in the default directory structure after an installation of
MicroStrategy Web.
Directory Contents
Web Server
Protocols and Ports
HTTP (ASP): 80
Configuration: <TomcatPath>/webapps/MicroStrategy/WEB-
Installation: <InstallPath>/WebUniversal
Configuration: <CommonFiles>\MicroStrategy\Tomcat\apache-
MicroStrategy Mobile
MicroStrategy Mobile is an interactive interface of the MicroStrategy BI
platform that lets mobile business users harness the analytical power of
MicroStrategy through the use of their mobile devices. It's the easiest,
fastest, and most affordable way to mobilize analytics, and information-rich
apps to an increasingly mobile and 24 x 7 workforce.
l One design for all devices: MicroStrategy Mobile's ability to render the
same application across different mobile device operating systems means
less development time, less application management, and quicker support
for a heterogeneous deployment of mobile devices.
System Requirements
For all certified systems, see Platform Certifications.
Mobile Client
Protocols and Ports
HTTP: 8080
HTTPS: 8443
Configuration: <TomcatPath>/webapps/MicroStategyMobile/WEB-
Installation: <InstallPath>/Mobile/MobileServer
Configuration: <CommonFiles>\MicroStrategy\Tomcat\apache-
Mobile Server
Protocols and Ports
HTTP (ASP): 80
Configuration: <TomcatPath>/webapps/MicroStategyMobile/WEB-
Installation: <InstallPath>/Mobile/MobileServer
Configuration: <CommonFiles>\MicroStrategy\Tomcat\apache-
In addition to all the features above, the Server product includes highly
useful monitoring and automation tools for organizations to effectively and
efficiently manage their deployments.
To support the use of a graphical user interface for MicroStrategy tools and
installing MicroStrategy products on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, you must
install the libstdc++-4.4.4-XX.el6.i686 package included with your
install media. If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1, you must also
install the libstdc++-4.4.5-XX.el6.i686, elfutils-libelf-
devel.x86-64.rpm, and libXp.x86-64.rpm packages included with
your install media. If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x or 7.x, you
must install nss-pam-ldapd.i686.rpm and compat-libstdc++-33-
Protocols and Ports
TCP: 30241
TCP: 34952
TCP: 34962
Directory Structure
The following table lists folders and files of interest that are included in the
default directory structure after installing Intelligence Server.
l /opt/MicroStrategy/Product Name, or
$HOME/MicroStrategy/install/Product Name if you do not have
write access to /opt/MicroStrategy, when installed on Linux
If installing over previous versions of the product, the folder remains the
Directory Contents
Office users can slice and dice data in reports within the Intelligent Cubes
without having to re-execute SQL against the data warehouse.
MultiSource Option
With MultiSource Option, you can connect a project to multiple relational
data sources. This allows you to integrate all your information from various
databases and other relational data sources into a single MicroStrategy
project for reporting and analysis purpose. All data sources included using
the MultiSource Option are integrated as part of the same relational schema
for a project.
For information on using MultiSource Option, see the Project Design Help.
System Manager lets you create a workflow visually, allowing you to see the
step-by-step process that leads the workflow from one configuration to the
next. This visual approach to creating a workflow can help you to notice
opportunities to troubleshoot and error check configurations as part of a
MicroStrategy Architect
MicroStrategy Architect is designed to meet the needs of application
architects and developers. It includes all the schema development, change
management, and modeling tools that enable architects to manage the full
development life cycle of MicroStrategy applications. The Architect product
allows IT organizations to flexibly share and distribute roles and
responsibilities for development, testing, promotions, and migrations during
the application lifestyle, leading to vast improvements in organizational
MicroStrategy Developer
l You can download the software from the MicroStrategy download site.
into relevant data. The following sections provide a brief description of the
subcomponents for these products.
Directory Structure
The following table lists folders and files of interest that are included in the
default directory structure after an installation of Developer.
If installed over previous versions of the product, the folder remains the
Directory Contents
MicroStrategy Architect
MicroStrategy includes a project design tool known as Architect. Architect
allows you to define all the required components of your project from a
centralized interface. Architect also provides a visual representation of your
project as you create it, which helps to provide an intuitive workflow.
MicroStrategy SDK
The MicroStrategy SDK is a collection of programming tools, utilities,
documentation, and libraries of functions or classes designed to customize
and extend MicroStrategy products for integration within other applications.
The programming tools provided by the MicroStrategy SDK—including
programming instructions, points of access, and guidelines for developers—
allow programmers to enhance the operation of their software by
customizing and embedding the MicroStrategy BI platform.
l The MicroStrategy SDK includes the following individual SDKs, which are
described in detail in the MicroStrategy Developer Library:
l Web SDK
l Visualization SDK
l MicroStrategyLibrary SDK
l Embedding SDK
l Mobile SDK
l Each of the individual SDKs listed above is made up of some of or all the
following components:
l Source code and sample application code for typical customization tasks
The theme of the Tutorial project is a retail store that sells electronics,
books, movies, and music. The key features include:
For more information on the Tutorial project, refer to the Project Design
After installation, you can see the following services are automatically
Afterwards you will see Kafka log files created in the Kafka installation
You can specify more Kafka Producer configuration settings in this command
following the same format.
5. Click Apply.
l Apache Kafka
l Apache Zookeeper
Configure Zookeeper
dataDir=C:\\Program Files
(x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Telemetry Server\\tmp\\zookeeper
4. Create a text file named myid containing the identifying value from the
server parameter name in the file.
Configure Kafka
############################# Zookeeper
# server. e.g.
# zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181
3. Modify the value to a unique integer from other Kafka servers
(the default value is 0), such as for node we use number 2.
After installation, you can see the following services are automatically
l Apache Kafka
l Apache ZooKeeper
Afterwards you will see Kafka log files created in the Kafka installation
5. Click Apply.
l Apache Kafka
l Apache Zookeeper
Configure Zookeeper
1. Browse to folder
3. Go to folder
4. Create a file named myid containing the identifying value from the
server parameter name in the file.
Configure Kafka
1. Browse to folder
############################# Zookeeper
# server. e.g.
# zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181
l ./ ../config/
l ./
l ./
l ./
l Environment composition
l System usage
l Project usage
l User activity
l Content usage
l Cube usage
l Subscription usage
l Quality
l Licensing
l Identity
Protocols and Ports
TCP: 5432
Installation: <InstallPath>/MicroStrategy/PlatformAnalytics
Log Location:
Configuration: <InstallPath>\MicroStrategy\Platform
l Cube and Cache Monitoring: Ensure that cubes and caches are being
fully leveraged to improve the performance of key analytics content.
l Error Analysis: Detect errors and anomalies in the system and improve
the experience of MicroStrategy users by fixing those issues.
MicroStrategy Repository
To help reduce deployment complexity MicroStrategy now includes an
embedded repository that can support the following MicroStrategy products:
l Metadata Repository
l Collaboration Server
l Platform Analytics
l Remote Repository
The infrastructure is installed and ready for use should this be the right fit
for your deployment. This embedded repository is automatically configured,
optimized, and managed for you with no manual intervention required for
routine usage.
MicroStrategy Repository is installed if either Platform Analytics,
Collaboration Server, or both are installed.
l \pgsql
Copyright © \repository-administration
l 2023 All Rights Reserved 59
In st allat io n an d Co n figu r at io n Gu id e
The installer creates users and database tables for Platform Analytics and
Collaboration Server. Default_Accounts.txt is the file containing the
user names and passwords to the repository created during the installation.
The default location of Default_Accounts.txt is C:\Program Files
(x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Default_Accounts.txt. This
file should be moved to a secure location upon completing the install.
Access Privileges
Product Database
and run:
l /bin
l /pgdata
l /postgres11
l /repository-administration
l Default_Accounts.txt
<MSTR_INSTALL>/Repository/bin/mstr_psql --version
The installer creates users and database tables for Platform Analytics
and Collaboration Server. Default_Accounts.txt is the file
containing the user names and passwords to the repository created
during the installation. The default location of Default_Accounts.txt
Access Privileges
Product Database
and run:
Installation Scenarios
Fr esh In st al l at i o n
Platform Analytics is installed and configured with Repository, mstr &
Analytics alone
mstr_pa user credentials are populated in the Default_Accounts.txt file
is installed
Collaboration Collaboration Server is installed and configured with Repository, mstr &
Server alone is mstr_collab user credentials are populated in the Default_Accounts.txt
installed file
Analytics and
Repository is installed and configured with the both products and
Default_Accounts.txt file is generated with all three user credentials
Server are
Server is Repository is installed in both nodes, mstr & mstr_collab user
installed in one credentials are populated in the Default_Accounts.txt file on the
node and Collaboration Server, installation node, mstr & mstr_pa user
Platform credentials are populated in the Default_Accounts.txt file on the
Analytics on Platform Analytics installation node
M o d i f y Cu r r en t In st al l at i o n
Installed Modification Result
Add Platform
Repository is installed and configured with the both
Analytics and
products and Default_Accounts.txt file is generated
with all three user credentials.
Neither Platform Server
Analytics or
Platform Analytics is installed and configured with
Collaboration Add Platform
Repository and mstr, mstr_pa user credentials are
Server are Analytics
populated in the Default_Accounts.txt file.
Add Collaboration Server is installed and configured with
Collaboration Repository and mstr, mstr_collab user credentials
Server are populated in the Default_Accounts.txt file.
Installed Modification Result
l Platform
Analytics is
installed and
configured with
l Collaboration
Server is
Adding Collaboration Server installed and
configured with
l Platform
Analytics and
Server are
installed and
configured with
Adding Platform Analytics & Repository.
Collaboration Server
l Default_
file is
generated with
all three user
l Platform
Neither Platform Analytics or Analytics is
Collaboration Server are Adding Platform Analytics installed and
Installed configured with
l Collaboration
Server is
installed and
configured with
l Platform
Analytics and
Server are
installed and
Adding Platform Analytics & configured with
Collaboration Server Repository.
l Default_
Accounts.txt file
is generated with
all three user
l Platform
Analytics is
upgraded with
existing MySQL
DB configuration.
Note: Post
installation, the
Consumer will be
down. Upgrade
the MySQL WH
No Changes following the
l Platform
Warehouse is
upgraded and
mstr & mstr_pa
user credentials
are populated in
the Default_
Accounts.txt file.
l Platform
Analytics is
Adding Collaboration Server upgraded with
existing MySQL
DB configuration.
Note: Post
installation, the
Consumer will be
down. Upgrade
the MySQL WH
following the
l PostgreSQL
Repository files
are laid. Platform
Warehouse and
database will be
l Platform
Analytics will be
Removing Platform Analytics
l No Repository
files are
l Collaboration
Collaboration Server Installed
Adding Platform Analytics Server is
Analytics is
installed and
both are
configured with
l MongoDB will be
backed-up and
restored after
upgrade install
with services
l Collaboration
Remove Collaboration Server Server will be
l Collaboration
Server is
upgraded and
configured with
No Changes Repository.
populated in the
Accounts.txt file.
l MongoDB will be
backed-up and
restored after
upgrade install
with services
l Platform
Analytics is
upgraded with
existing MySQL
DB configuration.
Note: Post
installation, the
Consumer will be
Platform Analytics or
No Changes down. Upgrade
Collaboration Server Installed
the MySQL WH
following the
l PostgreSQL
Repository files
are laid, Platform
Warehouse is
l Collaboration
Server is
upgraded and
configured with
l MongoDB will be
backed-up and
restored after
upgrade install
with services
l Platform
Analytics is
installed and
Neither Platform Analytics or
configured with
Collaboration Server are Adding Platform Analytics
l mstr & mstr_pa
user credentials
are populated
in the Default_
file on the
l Collaboration
Server is
installed and
configured with
l Platform
Analytics and
Server are
installed and
configured with
Adding Platform Analytics & Repository.
Collaboration Server
l Default_
file is
generated with
all three user
l Platform
Analytics is
No Changes upgraded with
existing DB
l Platform
Analytics is
upgraded with
existing DB
l Platform
l mstr_collab
user credentials
are populated
in the Default_
l Platform
Removing Platform Analytics Analytics will be
l Collaboration
Server is
Collaboration Server Installed Analytics is
Adding Platform Analytics installed and
both are
configured with
l mstr_pa user
credentials are
populated in the
l Collaboration
Remove Collaboration Server Server will be
l Collaboration
Server is
No Changes upgraded and
configured with
l Platform
Analytics and
Platform Analytics or Collaboration is
No Changes
Collaboration Server Installed upgraded with
existing DB
Up gr ad e Cu r r en t In st al l at i o n
Current Upgraded
Installation Installation
Current Upgraded
Installation Installation
Current Upgraded
Installation Installation
Current Upgraded
Installation Installation
l Platform Analytics
l Collaboration Server
This remote repository allows users to centralize all their information in one
database server without having multiple instances running. Users can
leverage their own PostgreSQL database or an existing MicroStrategy
repository during installation.
If you have a MongoDB Repository and want to keep the existing data,
you must migrate the data to the PostgreSQL database. Use the
Database Administration Tool to create any necessary backup before
proceeding. See Repository Administration to learn more about the
Database Administration Tool.
Up gr ad i n g f r o m M i cr o St r at egy 2020
Repository Services
repository-administration is
stored into the initd_scripts
directory when you decide not to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common setup the MicroStrategy
Files\MicroStrategy\<MSTR_ processes as services, they can
INSTALL>\Repository\repository- use this script to do it later.
Some people also find it practical
to have all the startup scripts on
the same directory and with the
timestamp-less name.
It is a wrapper pointing to
repository-server is stored into
initd_scripts directory when user
decides not to setup the
MicroStrategy processes as
respository- services, they can use this script
server to do it later.
Some people also find it practical
to have all the startup scripts on
the same directory and with the
timestamp-less name.
administration /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/instal
repository-administration is
stored into the initd_scripts
directory when you decide not to
setup the MicroStrategy
processes as services, they can
l/initd_scripts use this script to do it later.
Repository Administration
The following database administration tasks are performed by the Database
Administration Tool:
Configuration File
Sample file:
l pg_dump
l pg_restore
To Backu p
Selecting the Backup option (1) will list all the databases from the
DBAdminConfig.yaml file along with the options to backup all databases
and exit the utility.
l ..\Repository\pgsql\PGDATA\platform_analytics_wh
l ..\Repository\pgsql\PGDATA\mstr_collab
l Database size
If the backup was already done on the given day’s timestamp, the utility will
ask the user whether he wants to overwrite the existing backup.
To Rest o r e
Ensure that all applications connected to the database you want to restore are
stopped. For example, if you want to restore platform_analytics_wh, you
must stop the Platform Analytics Consumer before selecting and performing the
steps in Restore.
Selecting the Restore option (2) on the main menu will show a warning that
the operation will overwrite the existing data. However, the utility will take a
Copyright © 2023 Alljust
backup Rights Reserved
before restoring to ensure no data is lost. 84
In st allat io n an d Co n figu r at io n Gu id e
Selecting yes, will move the utility forward and list all the databases that can
be restored as well as an option to restore everything. If Restore all is
selected, it will restore all the databases with the latest backup file.
*** This operation WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING DATA and overwrite the database
with backup data. Changes CAN NOT be undone later. ***
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Select the database you want to restore.
1) platform_analytics_wh
2) mstr_collab
3) Restore all databases.
0) Exit
Selecting a given database will move the utility forward and display the
restore options. The first option will backup the selected database with its
latest backup file. The second option allows for selection of a custom
If Restore from Latest Backup is selected, the utility will find the latest
backup file in the default directory, print the name of the file, restore the
database, and create a pre-restore backup in the directory to ensure data is
not lost.
If Restore from Custom Backup is selected, the utility will print the path to
the default backup location and ask the user if they want to search for
backups in that path. The user can then select that path or enter a custom
path. After the file path is entered, the user needs to enter the restore file
name. The utility will search for the file and begin restoring if the file is
To Vacu u m
If the Vacuum option (3) is selected, the utility computes bloat for all
databases and generates a report to the user.
When performing vacuum, the dead space is reclaimed and made available
for reuse by the same object, table, etc.
Full vacuum all databases writes the entire content of the table into a
new disk file and releases the wasted space back to the OS. This causes a
table-level lock on the table and slows speeds. Full vacuum all
databases should be avoided on a high load system. You must stop the
Platform Analytics Consumer before performing full vacuum all databases.
Tr i gger st at i st i cs co l l ect i o n
M o n i t o r i n g Dat ab ase St at u s
l Overview page:
The overview will give some basic info about the database, including
database names, IP, and database versions as well as the trend of database
size growth.
For the table-level information, table overview will show stats about each
table in the selected database. Right-click on a listed schema or table, and
click Go To Page: Table Trend to get the detailed data of this table or
Sample file:
pgHost: localhost
- platform_analytics_wh
- mstr_collab
pgUser: mstr
pgPasswd: sest+9y+e6OdXIXTHjgPoC7osqE0rGMzgjR1zA==,kc7GbAQ8pv5yt32L
pgPort: 5432
pgSSLcert: ~
pgSSLkey: ~
pgSSLrootcert: ~
pgSSLmode: prefer
pgBackupLocation: /opt/MicroStrategy/Repository/repository-
pgMaxAllowedBackupCount: 5
startDate: 1993-11-12
backupFrequencyInDays: 2
localTimeOfExecution: 23:00
localTimeOfStatsCollection: 00:30
l pg_dump
l pg_restore
2. Run ./
To Backu p
Selecting the Backup option (1) will list all the databases from the
DBAdminConfig.yaml file along with the option to backup all
databases and exit the utility.
l /opt/MicroStrategy/Repository/repository-
l /opt/MicroStrategy/Repository/repository-
l Database size
If the backup was already done on the given day’s timestamp, it will ask
if you want to overwrite the existing backup.
To Rest o r e
Ensure that all applications connected to the database you want to restore
are stopped. For example, if you want to restore platform_analytics_
wh, you must stop the Platform Analytics Consumer before selecting and
performing the steps in Restore.
Selecting the Restore option (2) on the main menu will show a warning
that the operation will overwrite the existing data. However, the utility
will take a backup just before restoring to ensure no data is lost.
Selecting yes will move the utility forward and list all the databases that
can be restored along with the option to restore everything. Selecting
restore all will restore all the databases with the latest backup file.
*** This operation WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING DATA and overwrite the database
with backup data. Changes CAN NOT be undone later. ***
Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Select the database you want to restore.
1) platform_analytics_wh
2) mstr_collab
3) Restore all databases.
0) Exit
Selecting a given database will move the utility forward and display the
restore options. The first option lets you backup the selected database
with its latest backup file. The second option allows you to select a
custom backup.
If Restore from Latest Backup is selected the utility will find the latest
backup file in the default directory, print the name of the file, restore the
database, and create a pre-restore backup in the directory to ensure
data is not lost.
If Restore from Custom Backup is selected, the utility will print the path
to the default backup location and ask if you want to search for backups
in that path. You can then select that path or enter a custom path. After
the file path is entered, enter the restore file name. The utility will search
for the file and begin restoring if the file is found.
To Vacu u m
reused. If a table doesn’t get vacuumed, it will get bloated, which wastes
disk space and slows down sequential table scans.
If the Vacuum option (3) is selected, the utility computes bloat for all
databases and generates a report.
1) platform_analytics_wh
2) mstr_collab
3) vacuum all databases.
4) Full vacuum all databases.
0) Exit
Full vacuum all databases writes the entire content of the table
into a new disk file and releases the wasted space back to the OS. This
causes a table-level lock on the table and slows speeds. Full vacuum
all databases should be avoided on a high load system. You must
stop the Platform Analytics Consumer before performing full vacuum all
l \dt *.*: List tables from all schemas (if *.* is omitted will only show
User Related:
Installation Prerequisites
Before you install MicroStrategy, you must have the following:
l You can access the installation files by asking your system administrator
to share the files on a network location.
l You can reduce the amount of data that has to be downloaded for an
installation by excluding some of the installation files in the
Installations/DataFiles folder. During installation, the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard then lists which of these files are
required for your MicroStrategy installation. You can use this technique to
provide only the files required to complete a MicroStrategy installation,
which can then be used to reduce the amount of data packaged and
downloaded for other MicroStrategy installations in your organization. For
steps to use this technique to create custom installation packages, see
Creating Custom Installation Packages, page 137.
To install MicroStrategy 2021 Update 9 (May 2023) and earlier on Linux, you
must install the Korn Shell (ksh package) to launch the setup. Starting in
MicroStrategy 2021 Update 10, the Korn Shell (KSH package) is not required
to launch setup. Instead, Bash shell is used by default.
l You must log on to your machine using a domain account with Windows
administrative privileges for the domain or target machine.
These are just suggestions to help you get started. Read the rest of this
chapter for more detailed guidelines.
For Linux systems, several system settings can affect the performance of
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. These settings do not need to be set
before a MicroStrategy installation. For more information on these settings
and their recommended values, see Recommended System Settings for
Linux, page 133.
MicroStrategy Enterprise
1 GB 0.25 GB
4 GB or higher
Web can be
accessed from a
third-party web
MicroStrategy Web: Web Client 2 GB or higher browser, which
means there are
no additional
MicroStrategy Product Processor Memory
MicroStrategy Product Processor Memory
3 GB on other
MicroStrategy Command Linux: x86-64
2 GB or higher Linux operating
Manager compatible
16 GB or higher
Using 16 GB of RAM is
a minimum level of
support for the
MicroStrategy Product
Suite, which does not
take into account the
performance of a
production system.
Performance testing
has shown that 64 GB
or more of RAM should
be available to allow Three times the
MicroStrategy amount of RAM
MicroStrategy Intelligence Linux: x86-64
Intelligence Server to available to
Server compatible
fully support and take Intelligence
advantage of the Server.
complete feature set of
the MicroStrategy
Product Suite, while
obtaining system-wide
high performance. This
level of system
resources allows
Intelligence Server to
fully use performance-
improving technologies
such as MicroStrategy
MicroStrategy Product Processor Memory
3 GB on other
MicroStrategy Integrity Linux: x86-64
2 GB or higher Linux operating
Manager compatible
3 GB on other
MicroStrategy Web Linux: x86-64
2 GB or higher Linux operating
Services for Office compatible
3 GB on other
MicroStrategy Web: Web Linux: x86-64
4 GB or higher Linux operating
Server compatible
Web can be
accessed from a
third-party web
MicroStrategy Web: Web Linux: x86-64
2 GB or higher browser, which
Client compatible
means there are
no additional
A conservative estimate of the total file size if you install all MicroStrategy
products on the same machine, which can then share a set of common files,
is 12 GB.
In addition to the space requirements listed above, you also need free space
in the temporary directory. When installing on Linux, the installer requires
100 MB of free space in the temporary directory. The default location of the
temporary directory is /tmp.
If the space in the default temporary directory is inadequate, you can use
the tempdir command line option to change the location of the temporary
directory. This directory must already exist and it must be specified using its
absolute path, for example:
If you change the location of the temporary directory, free space is still
required in the default location of the temporary directory to launch the
MicroStrategy installation routine.
Flash m em ory
Flash memory 32 MB 64 MB
Android devices
l Service Manager
The tables below provide recommended values for various system resource
limits on Linux.
Modifying the system resource limits listed below can affect system-wide
behavior and therefore, steps to modify these values are not given. You
should refer to your Linux documentation and contact your system
administrator to modify these settings.
For information on this setting, including how to modify its value, refer to
your third-party Linux operating system documentation.
A core dump file provides a means to debug and fix the root cause, under
the rare occurrence that Intelligence Server crashes. However, core
dumping may be disabled out-of-the-box by the Linux operating system.
Follow the steps below to enable core dumping.
1. Configure the core file size limit for the current user, by editing the
/etc/security/limits.conf file. Run sudo vi
/etc/security/limits.conf and add the following line before the
# End of file.
2. Apply the setting above, by logging out from your current session and
then logging back in. Verify that sudo ulimit -c returns an
unlimited value.
kernel.core_pattern = /<path_to_the_location>/core/core.%e.%p.%h.%t
fs.suid_dumpable = 2
5. Save the file. Then, apply the settings by running sudo sysctl -p
For detailed steps to verify and troubleshoot the core dumping process and
the alternative, see Core Dump File Problems.
If the installer is run in silent mode, the following entries are added into the
install.log file.
1. Using the superuser privilege (e.g., with sudo command), create a new
configuration file. MicroStrategy recommends to use the name mstr-
priority.conf under the /etc/security/limits.d folder.
If you are running the Intelligence Server with another user, replace
mstr with the user name of your choice.
4. Restart your existing session to apply the new limits. You can simply
disconnect from and reconnect to the new session when using SSH.
When using VNC, you can restart the service, such as using a
systemctl restart vncserver@:1.service command, and then
reconnect to the session. In both cases, make sure mstr user is used
to reconnect.
l Mobile Server JSP can be deployed using the same requirements listed for
MicroStrategy Web (see MicroStrategy Web JSP software requirements
and recommendations, page 118).
For web browsers that are supported, refer to the MicroStrategy Readme.
4. On the Add Roles and Features wizard, check if the Web Server (IIS)
has all features installed, If not, you will need to add them.
l .NET Extensibility
l ISAPI Extensions
l ISAPI Filters
l Default Document
l Static Content
l Request Filtering
l Windows Authentication
l The following ports must be open and available in the machines where you
will install the Telemetry Server(s) and Platform Analytics:
l 2181
l 2888 and 3888 (only if you plan to cluster three or more Telemetry
l 5432
l 6379
l 9092
l You must create a MicroStrategy user in the group System Monitors >
System Administrators or have access to the default Administrator user.
Required Ports
Depending on the MicroStrategy components to be installed, ensure that the
following ports are open for communication.
MicroStrategy Library
MicroStrategy Mobile
Collaboration Notifications
MicroStrategy Repository 5432
Platform Analytics
MicroStrategy Library
MicroStrategy Mobile
Installation Considerations
The following section contains guidelines and considerations for installation.
This section describes only the most basic guidelines. For detailed
information refer to the System Administration Help.
Number of users
The number of users can be measured in the following ways:
l Total users: Users that are registered in the system. For example, if a
corporate website is available to be viewed by 950 individuals, the site has
950 total users.
l Active users: Users that are logged into the system. If a site is available to
be viewed by 950 total users and 30 of them are logged in to the site, there
are 30 active users.
Report complexity
The more complex a report, the more Intelligence Server resources are
required. In this context, a "complex" report is one that requires a lot of
analytical processing. While reports with long, complicated SQL are
certainly complex in nature, they do not necessarily require additional
Intelligence Server resources to execute. It is the analytical processing in a
report that creates additional stress on an Intelligence Server.
The database server processes the SQL that Intelligence Server generates,
so reports with extremely complex SQL can place additional stress on the
database server. You should take this into account when sizing your
database server machine.
The benefits of caching are more apparent for complex reports than for
simple reports. While caching a complex report may significantly improve
execution time, a report cache for a simple report may not make much
difference in this regard.
Therefore, the more complex the ad hoc reporting is in your system, the
greater the overall load on the Intelligence Server. Be sure to take this into
account when sizing your Intelligence Server machine.
OLAP Services
OLAP Services store reports as Intelligent Cubes in the physical memory of
the Intelligence Server. When these Intelligent Cubes are cached in
memory, report manipulations, such as adding derived metrics and derived
elements, formatting, and drilling within the Intelligent Cube, take
considerably less time. This is the case because the new SQL is not run
against the database.
l User concurrency
You must monitor Intelligence Server CPU utilization and memory usage
closely as OLAP Services might have an impact on the performance of the
platform, particularly the memory and report response time. For information
on OLAP Services, see the In-memory Analytics Help. Additional
performance tuning best practices for OLAP Services are provided in the
System Administration Help.
Additional considerations
Numerous factors can affect system performance, most of them related to
system specifics, which makes them difficult to predict. Listed below are
items you should consider when determining the requirements for your
Set the backup frequency to a value that minimizes disk writes and
optimizes memory usage for your system.
To learn how MicroStrategy Professional Services can help you assess and
prioritize your performance opportunities with a Performance Analysis, see
MicroStrategy Services.
Adding more processors to the Intelligence Server allows for a better load
distribution among the processors. This provides an overall performance
gain. If you notice that the processor is running consistently at a high
capacity, for example, greater than 80%, consider increasing the number of
For more detailed information on tuning your machine's memory for your
MicroStrategy environment, see the section Managing system resources in
the System Administration Help.
You can tell whether your network is negatively impacting your system's
performance by monitoring how much of your network's capacity is being
used. To monitor this on a Windows machine, use the Windows Performance
Monitor for the object Network Interface, and the watch the counter Total
bytes/sec as a percent of your network's bandwidth. If it is consistently
greater than 60% (for example), it may indicate that the network is
negatively affecting the system's performance.
For more detailed information on tuning your network for your MicroStrategy
environment, see the section How the network can affect performance in the
System Administration Help.
One user can fully utilize up to one CPU, regardless of the number of CPUs
available in the server. The load is split across multiple CPUs in multi-
processor servers.
For more detailed information on how licensing can affect the utilization of
CPUs, see the System Administration Help.
What is the largest Intelligent Cube size that I can store in an Intelligence
important to govern how much Intelligent Cube data can be stored on the
Intelligence Server.
International Support
The following table lists the language selection possibilities for different
installation cases:
Installation Result
settings may also have limits enforced for reasons unrelated to supporting
Modifying the system settings listed below can affect system-wide behavior
and therefore, steps to modify these values are not given. You should refer
to your Linux documentation and contact your system administrator to
modify these settings.
Setting Name
cputime ( time ) Unlimited
seconds per
stack size 8 MB
( stack )
per process
coredumpsize Maximum Set this value to the same value as the maximum
( coredump ) size for a heap size per process ( datasize ). If core dump files
Setting Name
single core are created that are larger than this value, the files
dump file are corrupted and unusable.
size of
memoryuse physical Unlimited, or as large as the physical memory of your
( memory ) memory system allows
allotted per
size of
vmemoryuse virtual Unlimited, or as large as your system virtual memory
( vmemory ) memory allows
allowed per
number of
descriptors file
( nofiles ) descriptors
(open files)
per process
This setting is a general guideline that has been
processes ( per number of
observed to work well on multiple installs.
user ) processes
However, depending on the specific
per user
environment, this setting may need to be
Methods of Installation
The methods of MicroStrategy installation are:
Command Line
In command line mode, you type the appropriate information at the prompt
and press Enter. Instructions are included on each page of the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.
Defaults appear next to each prompt and are enclosed in square brackets,
for example, [1]. Click Enter to use the default, or type a different response
to the prompt to override the default.
In addition, on the command line wizard pages, the following options are
l Press 3 and then click Enter to cancel the installation and close the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.
Silent Installation
A silent, or unattended, installation is one that presents no graphical user
interface (GUI). Silent installations are useful for system administrators who
do not want users to run the installation themselves. It allows you to
automate the installation, so it can be called from a script and executed
without user interaction.
The steps below show you how to create these custom installation
2. Within the location where you saved the MicroStrategy installation files,
browse to the DataFiles folder.
3. You can determine the required installation files in the following ways:
mstr126~127.mcf, Common Files
MicroStrategy Developer
MicroStrategy Integrity Manager
mstr122.mcf Tomcat
l For Linux installations, the table below lists which installation files
are required for each MicroStrategy component. Once you determine
the required installation files, you can include them in your custom
installation as described in Specify the location of the installation
files, page 142 below.
mstr13.tzp ReleaseNotes
(Early Adopter)
mstr37.tzp CloudConnector
1. Move all of the compressed .mcf files within this folder to a different
folder location.
5. Click Cancel.
When performing the installation, you can specify the location of these files
as follows:
l For Windows installation, you can specify the location of these files using
a response.ini file, as described in Installation Files.
l For Linux installation, you can specify the location of these files using an
options.txt file, as described in Providing installation files for smaller
Related Topics
Licensing Information
If you have installed the Evaluation version of MicroStrategy, you cannot use
its license key with a Generally Available (GA) license key in the same
environment. Hence, the Evaluation version of MicroStrategy cannot be
used for your production environment.
Types of Licenses
Refer to your MicroStrategy contract and any accompanying contract
documentation for descriptions of the different MicroStrategy license types.
The appendixes in this guide are not listed in the checklists. The checklists
only cover the main steps to install and configure MicroStrategy products.
The appendixes in this guide contain important configuration details that are
useful throughout the life cycle of your MicroStrategy installation.
If you have used the Evaluation Edition of the MicroStrategy platform, you
may have installed most of these products already. However, additional
considerations are important when you are setting up a production
business intelligence system as opposed to running the evaluation
software. You should read this chapter carefully, even if you already have
a working system from your Evaluation Edition.
3. Download the files from the MicroStrategy download site. Locate and
run the Setup.exe file. Be aware of the following:
l You can reduce the amount of data that has to be downloaded for the
installation by excluding all of the .zip files, located in the
Installations/DataFiles folder, from the download. You can
use this technique to download only the files required to complete
your MicroStrategy installation, which can then also be used to
reduce the amount of data packaged and downloaded for other
MicroStrategy installations. For steps to create these custom
installation packages, see Creating Custom Installation Packages,
page 137. Details on using a response.ini file to provide the
location of the installation files are provided in Chapter 8, Automated
Installation on Windows and the parameters used to specify the
location of the required installation files are described in Installation
Files, page 560.
4. If this is the first time you have installed MicroStrategy, you are
prompted to choose the language for the wizard. Select the appropriate
language from the drop-down list and click OK.
The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard opens and guides you through the
rest of the installation process. The sections below describe the actions you
must take for each page in the wizard. After you enter all required
information on an installation page, click Next to proceed to the next page of
the installation routine.
If you opened the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard through the Microsoft
Control Panel using the Add/Remove Programs option, the wizard opens the
Welcome page in maintenance mode. For more information on modifying,
repairing, or removing all or part of your MicroStrategy installation, see
Chapter 12, Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components.
License Agreement
Read the license agreement, and accept or decline the agreement by
clicking the appropriate button. If you decline, you cannot install
MicroStrategy products.
Click Print to print a copy of the license agreement for your records.
Customer Information
Enter the following customer information:
l User
l Company
l License Key
Install Options
Select one of the following install options:
While this setting determines the default root directory for the
MicroStrategy products you install, you can change the destination of an
individual product later as part of selecting which MicroStrategy products
to install.
You can choose the directory for a product only if that product is not
already installed on the server machine. Otherwise, the product can only
be installed in the same directory in which it already exists.
Select Components
Select the check box of a MicroStrategy product to include that product in
the installation. Alternatively, you can clear a check box to uninstall or
The installation pages you see after this step depend on the products you
choose to install. These instructions describe all possible pages.
You can see only MicroStrategy products that are available with your
license key.
Destination Folder
an installation location. However, if you expand this product, you can define
the installation location for its subcomponents
If there are system requirements that are not met to install the MicroStrategy
products you've selected, a 'Missing Requirements' list will appear. Review
the list of requirements to determine if you can proceed with the installation.
You see the MicroStrategy Setup dialog box and the Choose data files
location page only if some of the files, required to install the MicroStrategy
components you have selected for installation, are not available. If you are
using this technique to reduce the amount of data that has to be downloaded
for the installation, it is recommended that you do the following:
l Review the files listed in the MicroStrategy Setup dialog box, and make a
note of all the required files. These files need to be provided as part of the
installation for the MicroStrategy components you selected using the
Select Features page of the installation (see Select Components, page
page 560.
If the files required for the installation are stored in a folder, you can
instead click Change on this Choose data files location page to navigate
to and select the folder that stores the installation files. If all the required
installation files are provided in the folder you select, you can click Next
to continue the MicroStrategy installation.
Missing Requirements
If there are system requirements that are not met to install the MicroStrategy
products you selected, a Missing Requirements list appears. Review the list
of requirements to determine if you can proceed with the installation.
Topology Configuration
Topology allows administrators to monitor MicroStrategy services and
manage them in MicroStrategy Workstation. The following functionality is
l Service Start/Stop
The two following types of lightweight agents are used to monitor services in
l Monitoring Agents
l Communication Agents:
If your Library deployment is done through a WAR file or if you do not use
a machine that houses MicroStrategy Library to host the communication
agent, then use a machine that houses Intelligence Server.
l MicroStrategy Library
l MicroStrategy Mobile
om; on all machines.
l If your environment includes more than one machine and machines with
dynamic IP addresses as communication agents, use FQDN for the
communication agent machine list during the installation.
l If your environment includes more than one machine and machines with
more than one IP address as communication agents, it is recommended
that you use FQDN for the communication agent machine list during the
installation. If IP address list is used, make sure the machine with multiple
IP addresses can be pinged with an IP address included in the list.
After installing the topology feature, see Installing and Configuring Topology
for additional instructions on configuring this feature to work in your
l SSL Certificate Authority Certificate: The file that contains the trusted
Root CA, Intermediate Root CA bundle (.pem). It must be the complete
certificate chain for your SSL Server Certificate that you obtained from
your IT Administrator.
l SSL Server Certificate: The server certificate (.crt) file for your Windows
l SSL Server Certificate Key: The key for your SSL server certificate
(.key) file.
To ensure that the SSL certificates are valid for your installation, you can
run the following checks:
1 The results for the following two commands should be identical.
l SMTP Server: Your company's SMTP server, followed by the port number
in the next box.
l Host Name: Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name you are using, for
To configure a cluster:
Server Activation
If you have installed one or more MicroStrategy server products, you can
request an Activation Code to activate your MicroStrategy server products
upon completion of the installation process. The next few pages of the
installation process guide you in providing the information you must submit
to MicroStrategy to request an Activation Code. MicroStrategy server
products include:
l MicroStrategy Web
This page includes a welcome statement for the software activation process.
Read the welcome statement and click Next to proceed.
Server Information
Specify information about your MicroStrategy server installation. Enter the
following characteristics:
Installer Information
Specify contact information of the person installing the software. After your
installation is complete an email containing the Activation Code is sent to
the email address you confirm in this software activation step. Enter the
following installer information:
l Enter the necessary data into all text fields. Make sure the email address
you enter is correct. This email address is the recipient of the Activation
l Select the check box at the bottom of the page to receive notifications
about product updates, events, and special offers from MicroStrategy.
Contact Information
You see this page if you indicated that you are not an employee of the
company licensed to use this software, and are installing the software on
behalf of that company.
Specify contact information for the employee license to use the software.
Enter the necessary data into all text fields. Make sure the email address
you enter is correct. After your installation is complete an email containing
the Activation Code is sent to the email address you confirm in this software
activation step.
l Select the check box at the bottom of the page to receive notifications
about product updates, events, and special offers from MicroStrategy.
l Select No, I will request the Activation Code at a later time and click
Next to request an Activation Code at a later time.
• The name provided for a virtual directory must be unique. You cannot
use the same name as the default for other MicroStrategy products.
To allow the setting to take effect, the installation stops IIS. After IIS has
been restarted, the MicroStrategy Web application uses the specified
number of CPUs.
For more information on the MicroStrategy Web CPU affinity feature, refer to
the System Administration Help.
Mobile Server can be deployed using the same techniques used to deploy
MicroStrategy Web, as described in Deploying MicroStrategy Web and
Mobile Server, page 491. For additional configurations required to deploy
Mobile Server, see the MicroStrategy Mobile Administration Help.
• The name provided for a virtual directory must be unique. You cannot
use the same name as the default for other MicroStrategy products.
Specify the name of the IIS virtual directory to be created for MicroStrategy
Subscription Portal pages. The default is NarrowcastServer. In IIS, a
virtual directory is the home location for a set of Web pages that the Web
server hosts.
The name provided for a virtual directory must be unique. You cannot use
the same name as the default for other MicroStrategy products.
Specify the virtual directory to be created for the MicroStrategy MDX Cube
Provider. The default is MicroStrategyMDX. This virtual directory is used
as part of the URL to connect to TM1 data sources or Microsoft Analysis
Services data sources for integration with MicroStrategy. For information on
connecting to these MDX cube data sources, see the MDX Cube Reporting
Select the check box to use the local system account as the Intelligence
Server service account. If you clear the check box to set a different
Intelligence Server service account, enter the following information:
The user account used to run Intelligence Server must have full
administrator privileges for the local machine. If the administrator default
privileges have been modified for the user account, connection errors can
occur. For example, if the user account is denied access to the DSN
accessed by Intelligence Server, Intelligence Server connection fails.
l Password: A valid password for the Windows login entered in the Login
If the password you supply changes, you must reconfigure the Windows
service to use the new password. Otherwise, Intelligence Server
connections fail when the connection attempts to authenticate the login
and password.
Select the check box to bypass the creation of a Narrowcast Server service
l Password: A valid password for the Windows login entered in the Login
If you change the password for this account, you must reconfigure the
Narrowcast Server Windows services to use the new password.
If you do not choose to restart automatically, you can restart manually when
the Installation Wizard is complete.
Click Finish.
l Username: mstr
l Password: The password can be found in the following file on the server
where MicroStrategy Secure Enterprise was installed:
Note the username and password, and store them securely. These
credentials will be used to configure the DSN to the Platform Anlaytics
Installation Verification
During the installation routine, the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard gathers
and records information about your system and your installation selections.
You can verify installation setup information through the installation log file
(install.log), located by default in:
l Installation date
l Target directories
l Hardware specifications
l Registry paths
The installation log file can be helpful if you encounter errors during the
installation process. For example, the log can tell you if a registry key or
path was not added or if a critical file was not registered successfully.
To use this Flash visualization, you must locate and run the file
MICROSTRATEGY.exe, which is available in the MicroStrategy install media
or the files downloaded from the MicroStrategy download site. You can then
use the Flash visualization to review documentation on MicroStrategy
software, as well as begin the installation process.
network drive, the links to open various product manuals will not function
You need to provide some information for the Analytics and MicroStrategy
Identity configuration.
After installing the complete Platform, you will have MicroStrategy Analytics
and Mobility installed on your Windows server, as well as the required Third-
party software libraries. For a complete list of all MicroStrategy components,
see What you are installing.
l System requirements:
l All components are installed on the local C:\ drive, which requires 35
GB of disk space.
l 16 GB of RAM
l Connectivity requirements:
Name Program
C:\Program Files
MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
C:\Program Files
MicroStrategy Open Refine
Server x64
l License Key: The license key for your installation. This key is
required to install the MicroStrategy Platform on a 64-bit Windows
server. If you do not have this license key, contact to your
MicroStrategy Representative or
4. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
9. If you did not choose to restart automatically, restart your machine now
by clicking Finish. The MicroStrategy software is not configured until
after a restart.
10. After your machine has restarted, log in with your administrative
account. Platform configuration automatically begins. This can take up
to 30 minutes with the recommended hardware. A progress bar displays
while the post-configuration steps are processed.
l Type Administrator for the username and keep the password empty.
l Username: mstr
l Password: The password can be found in the following file on the server
where MicroStrategy Secure Enterprise was installed:
Note the username and password, and store them securely. These
credentials will be used to configure the DSN to the Platform Anlaytics
Supporting Information
l MicroStrategy Developer
l MicroStrategy Library
l MicroStrategy Repository
l MicroStrategy Tutorial
l Tomcat: 8080
l Redis: 6379
Related Topics
help guide the rest of your installation and configuration steps, refer to the
section Installing and Configuring MicroStrategy on Windows, page 143 in
Chapter 1, Planning Your Installation, for an installation and configuration
6. Click Finish.
RandRPackageInstaller.exe --
ResponseFile=”<pathToResponseFile>\response.ini” -s -
f1C:\setup.iss -f2C:\setup.log
3. Click Finish.
bit64 gdtools maps survival
bitops geosphere maptools randomForest svglite
bit ggmap markdown rappdirs testthat
boot MASS rbenchmark
broom ggplot2 MatrixModels RColorBrewer tibble
caTools glmnet Matrix RcppArmadillo tidyr
ca gridExtra memoise RcppParallel timeDate
gtable mgcv Rcpp timeSeries
chron gutenbergr microbenchmark RCurl tis
class hexbin mime readr tm
cluster highlight miniCRAN reshape2 tokenizers
coda highr miniUI rex
codetools Hmisc mlbench RgoogleMaps triebeard
hms mnormt rjson tseries
config htmlTable modeltools rmarkdown twitteR
covr htmltools mondate RMySQL urca
crayon htmlwidgets multcomp ROAuth urltools
curl httpuv munsell RODBC vcd
DAAG httr mvtnorm rpart viridis
data.table hunspell neighbr RPostgreSQL withr
date inline nlme rprojroot wordcloud
DBI iterators NLP RSQLite xgboost
dichromat itertools nnet rticles xml2
digest janeaustenr nycflights13 RUnit XML
l MicroStrategy Web
l MicroStrategy Portlets
l MicroStrategy Mobile
l MicroStrategy Communicator
l MicroStrategy Library
For more information about these products, see MicroStrategy Products and
Components, page 17.
l Intelligence Server
l Kafka
l Zookeeper
l Export Engine
Defaults appear next to each prompt and are enclosed in square brackets,
for example, [1]. click Enter to use the default, or type a different response
to the prompt to override the default.
In addition, on the command line wizard pages, the following options are
l Press 3 and then click Enter to cancel the installation and close the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard.
You need root access permissions for installation if you have purchased the
CPU-based MicroStrategy license.
If you want to enable additional error and troubleshooting issue logging for the
MicroStrategy installation routine, contact MicroStrategy Technical Support.
You can reduce the amount of data that has to be downloaded for the
installation by excluding all of the .tzp files located in the DataFiles
folder. You can use this technique to download only the files required
to complete your MicroStrategy installation, which can then also be
used to reduce the amount of data packaged and downloaded for other
MicroStrategy installations. For steps to create these custom
installation packages, see Creating Custom Installation Packages,
page 137. Details on using a options.txt file to provide the location
of the installation files are provided in Chapter 9, Automated
Installation on Linux and the parameters used to specify the location of
the required installation files are described in Install on Demand
Options, page 643.
3. The MicroStrategy Installation Wizard opens and leads you through the
installation process. The following sections describe the actions you
need to take for each page in the wizard.
To quit the installation at any time during the setup, click Cancel, or
press 3 and then click Enter.
l Language Setup
l License Agreement
l Customer Information
l Select Components
l Missing Requirements
l System Requirements
l Topology Configuration
l Register as a Service
l Software Activation
l User
l Company
l License Key
The installation dialogs you see after this step depend on the products you
choose to install. These instructions describe all possible dialogs.
You can see only MicroStrategy products that are available with your
license key.
Dest i n at i o n Fo l d er
l Determine the files required for the MicroStrategy components you are
installing. A list of installation file requirements is provided in the table
mstr13.tzp ReleaseNotes
mstr37.tzp CloudConnector
If the files required for the installation are stored in a folder, you can instead
click Browse to navigate to and select the folder that stores the installation
files. If all the required installation files are provided in the folder you select,
you can click Enter to continue the MicroStrategy installation.
If you are installing MicroStrategy Intelligence Server on Linux, you may see
a warning about the value for the Linux kernel setting vm.max_map_count.
For information about this setting and the recommendation for its value, see
Software Requirements and Recommendations.
To configure a cluster:
2. Local Node: Provide the fully qualified domain name for the local
Telemetry Server.
l Service Start/Stop
The two following types of lightweight agents are used to monitor services in
l Monitoring Agents
l Communication Agents:
If your Library deployment is done through a WAR file or if you do not use
a machine that houses MicroStrategy Library to host the communication
agent, then use a machine that houses Intelligence Server.
by semicolons. You must input the exact same list on all machines,
using the Topology Configuration dialog of the Installation wizard,
including the monitoring and communication agent machines.
l MicroStrategy Library
l MicroStrategy Mobile
om; on all machines.
l If your environment includes more than one machine and machines with
dynamic IP addresses as communication agents, use FQDN for the
communication agent machine list during the installation.
l If your environment includes more than one machine and machines with
more than one IP address as communication agents, it is recommended
that you use FQDN for the communication agent machine list during the
installation. If IP address list is used, make sure the machine with multiple
IP addresses can be pinged with an IP address included in the list.
After installing the topology feature, see Installing and Configuring Topology
for additional instructions on configuring this feature to work in your
l A non-root user and group must be used. If a user is not specified, the
installer will create and use the mstr user and mstrgroup
l MicroStrategy Web
Ser ver In f o r m at i o n
In st al l er In f o r m at i o n
Specify contact information of the person installing the software. After your
installation is complete an email containing the Activation Code is sent to
the email address you confirm in this software activation step. Enter the
following installer information:
l Enter the necessary data into all text fields. Make sure the email address
you enter is correct. This email address is the recipient of the Activation
l Select the check box at the bottom of the page to receive notifications
about product updates, events, and special offers from MicroStrategy.
Co n t act In f o r m at i o n
You see this page if you indicated that you are not an employee of the
company licensed to use this software, and are installing the software on
behalf of that company.
Specify contact information for the employee license to use the software.
Enter the necessary data into all text fields. Make sure the email address
you enter is correct. After your installation is complete an email containing
the Activation Code is sent to the email address you confirm in this software
activation step.
Select the check box at the bottom of the page to receive notifications about
product updates, events, and special offers from MicroStrategy.
l Select No, I will request the Activation Code at a later time and click
Next to request an Activation Code at a later time.
MicroStrategy product stops functioning until you activate it. If you wait to
activate your installation, you receive periodic reminders.
When you proceed from this step, the installation process begins, which can
take several minutes depending on your computer’s hardware configuration.
Note the username and password, and store them securely. These
credentials will be used to configure the DSN to the Platform Anlaytics
Starting with MicroStrategy 2021 Update 9, a new feature was added to the
installer that enables you to automatically backup integral configuration files
that previously required manual updates. This feature is the beginning of a
series of enhancements. Therefore, users should ensure that any previous
backup customizations or changes are merged post-upgrade. To learn more,
see Automatic Backup During Upgrades.
You need root permissions to access the files and create the necessary
links described in this section.
Verifying Installation
During installation, the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard gathers and
records information about your system and your installation selections. You
can verify the setup information through the installation log file
l Installation date
l Target directory
This log file can be helpful if you encounter errors during the installation
process. The log file records the reasons for errors occurring.
Directory Structure
The following table lists the directories in which MicroStrategy files are
PATH/Directory Contents
PATH Intelligence Server-specific binary files.
/ IntelligenceServer/bin
PATH/Directory Contents
MicroStrategy Web Services deployment path.
PATH / WebServicesJ2EE
MicroStrategy Web deployment path.
PATH / WebUniversal
Register the machine with your Redhat user account that is subscribed
to the RHSM service.
SUSEConnect -r <YourActivationCode> -e
cd Downloads/
9. Click Finish.
cd Downloads/
Command Reference
YUM (Red yum remove R-core R-core-devel R-java R-java- R for Linux
Hat) devel libRmath libRmath-devel Redhat
In st al l i n g an d Co n f i gu r i n g
M i cr o St r at egy Li b r ar y
The MicroStrategy Library installation includes the MicroStrategy REST
Server as well as the MicroStrategy Collaboration Server, which enable the
following functionalities:
l Browse shared content: Users have access to their own library where
shared dossiers and documents are available to be consumed.
l Search for dossiers: Users can easily search for dossiers with matching
criteria such as dossier name, chapter/page name, etc.
l Manipulate the data view with visualizations and filters: Users can
consume the data in a dossier with visualization and filter manipulations.
Every action is recorded in the metadata so that a user can resume from
the last stopping point for the next login.
l Share dossier to other users: Users can share their dossier view to
other users. All of the manipulations will be carried over so that they
consume the data based on same context.
browsers and can be used in mobile applications. For Web Socket to work
in an application, an application server (web server) needs to support it as
You can also View and Edit Library Administration Settings in Workstation.
Overview Tab
The Library Admin Overview tab provides the ability to examine the machine
name, port, state, and Intelligence and Collaboration servers. The top right
corner of each component displays its current status. Click Edit to change
settings for Intelligence and Collaboration servers. You can also choose to
expose or hide the Collaboration service feature to users.
The Collaboration server uses 3000 as the default port. If the administrator
uses 0 as the port number when configuring the Collaboration server, it will
be replaced with 3000.
The Intelligence server uses 34952 as the default port. If the administrator
uses 0 as the port number, the Library server tries to connect to an
Intelligence server under port 34952.
Ensure the input is the DNS of an Intelligence Server and not other
intermediate components. Load balancers are not supported between the
MicroStrategy Library and Intelligence Server layers, as load balancing is
handled within these layers by MicroStrategy Library.
l Error icons in red: The system is not running as expected. Click to view a
more detailed message.
l Warning icons in yellow: There are some minor issues that should be
Timeout Settings
If you receive a Timeout Error in the Library Admin control panel, modify the
timeout settings in the Library server configuration file to a larger value. For example:
Library Server
The connection URL for MicroStrategy Library.
MicroStrategy Web
This provides a connection URL to MicroStrategy Web, which enables the
Web options in Library.
Authentication Modes
The Authentication Modes section gives an administrator to dictate which
authentication modes they want to allow. When the authentication mode is
Security Settings
Chrome Web Browser version 80 and above introduces new changes which
may impact embedding. For more information, see KB484005: Chrome v80
Cookie Behavior and the Impact on MicroStrategy Deployments.
To enable CORS, select All. When this security setting is updated and
saved, restart the Library application.
Mobile Configuration
The mobile configuration link provides with the mobile server link which can
copied and can be accessed.
Global Search
Select Enable Global Search to allow users to search for content outside
their personal library.
Modeling Service
For more information on how to configure the secret key in the Modeling
service, see Modeling Service Configuration Properties.
Connection Method
This setting allows the administrator to manage the default approach of how
the Library server locates the Modeling services.
l Specified URLs: Allows the Library server to refer to the specified URL
path to locate the Modeling service and set up the connection. If it fails, it
falls back to Auto-discovery.
Any changes to this section only impact new user sessions. Existing user
sessions must be logged out and then logged back in.
Enable TLS
Enable this option if the Modeling service is HTTPS enabled, but with a
private Root CA certificate or self-signed certificate. In this case, a
trustStore file and its password must be configured within For a Modeling service that is HTTPS
enabled with a public Root CA certificate, disable this option.
For more information on how to set up the HTTPS connection between the
Library server and the Modeling service, see Configure HTTPS Connection
Between Library Server and Modeling Service.
This section allows for the input of Machine name and Port Number for the
Intelligence server.
l Enable TLS
l Enable Logging
To access this section, the communication between the Library server and
the Collaboration server needs to be established first: no errors or warnings
from the Library server to the Collaboration server on the overview page.
You can choose to show Comments only, Discussions only, or hide the
Collaboration panel entirely across the environment. To do this, you can use
the checkboxes or the toggle to easily turn off functionality globally. Once
making new selections in Library Admin, end users will see the changes
Enable TLS
l MicroStrategy Library
3. Click Next
If the install does not complete successfully, review the install.log file for
errors. The log file is located in the MicroStrategy Common Files directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
Deployment Scenarios
After the installation of the MicroStrategy Library, applicable default
deployment will be performed automatically. You may need to further
configure the MicroStrategy Library Web/Mobile Server and MicroStrategy
Collaboration server, depending on your environment and requirements. The
following sections describe different deployment scenarios:
A Java-based HTTP web service that handles request for data from the
MicroStrategy Library Web, MicroStrategy Mobile, and Workstation
The MicroStrategy Library server reads configuration settings from the file It also provides default values for the
configuration in the file The file contains a key-value pair of configuration
options. To specify a configuration option, the desired key can be copied
from the and saved into with a value. For default deployment, the
two files are located in:
l services.collaboration.enabled=true
l services.collaboration.baseURL= <
Collaboration server>
l A “key store” file in PKCS12 or PFX format which contains the private key
and the public certificate for this machine. In the example this file is saved
as keystore.pfx
Use this same file for both Collaboration server and Tomcat.
The passphrase is needed to read the contents of the key store. In the
example, the passphrase is "keystore_password".
l A “trust store” file (that can be created from the certificates) and the
passphrase used.
The trust store file is used by the Library server to open a secure
connection to the Collaboration server.
3. Look for the Connector element whose port is 8443. Ensure it is not
commented out. If Connector doesn't exist, add it.
port="8443" maxThreads="200" scheme="https"
secure="true" SSLEnabled="true"
keystoreFile="C:\Program Files
(x86)\MicroStrategy\Collaboration Server\keystore.pfx"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>
2. Insert the following lines into the file. These reference the security
artifacts we created earlier.
"enableTls": true,
"passphrase": "<keystore_passphrase>",
4. Make sure the file is still valid JSON. Copy the text into an Internet
JSON validator to verify.
This is used to establish the identity of the JEE App Server, which houses
the MicroStrategy Library server. This is changed in a system
configuration file. For example, the server.xml file in a Tomcat
The key store is used for trusted communication between the Library
Web/Mobile Client and the Collaboration server. The certificate is used to
verify the identity of the Library server. The key store and certificates are
configured in the config.json file.
"port": < Collaboration Server port number >,
"dataSource": {
"username": {POSTGRES_USERNAME},
"port": {POSTGRES_PORT},
"encryptionKeyFile": {ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE}
"authorizationServerUrl": "{PROTOCOL}://{LIBRARY_HOSTNAME}:
with Tomcat administrator credentials.
2. Restart the service using the Services application in the Control panel.
l MicroStrategy Library
3. Click Next.
If the install does not complete successfully, review the install.log file for
errors. The log file is located in <HOME_PATH>/log/install.log.
Deployment Scenarios
After the installation of the MicroStrategy Library, applicable default
deployment will be performed automatically. You may need to further
configure the MicroStrategy Library Web/Mobile Server and MicroStrategy
Collaboration server, depending on your environment and requirements. The
following sections describe different deployment scenarios:
A Java-based HTTP web service that handles request for data from the
MicroStrategy Library Web, MicroStrategy Mobile, and Workstation
l <INSTALL_PATH>/CollaborationServer
l <TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/webapps/MicroStrategyLibrary
Default URLS
l MicroStrategy Library Web application:
The MicroStrategy Library server reads configuration settings from the file It also provides default values for the
configuration in the file The file contains a key-value pair of configuration
options. To specify a configuration option, the desired key can be copied
from the and saved into with a value. For default deployment, the
two files are located in:
l services.collaboration.enabled=true
l services.collaboration.baseURL= <
Collaboration server>
l A “key store” file in PKCS12 or PFX format which contains the private key
and the public certificate for this machine. In the example this file is saved
as keystore.pfx
Use this same file for both Collaboration server and Tomcat.
The passphrase is needed to read the contents of the key store. In the
example, the passphrase is "keystore_password".
l A “trust store” file (that can be created from the certificates) and the
passphrase used.
The trust store file is used by the Library server to open a secure
connection to the Collaboration server.
3. Look for the Connector element whose port is 8443. Ensure it is not
commented out. If Connector doesn't exist, add it.
port="8443" maxThreads="200" scheme="https"
secure="true" SSLEnabled="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>
2. Insert the following lines into the file. These reference the security
artifacts we created earlier.
"enableTls": true,
"keystoreFile": "<INSTALL_
"passphrase": "<keystore_passphrase>",
"trustedCerts": [ "<INSTALL_
PATH>/CollaborationServer/certificate.pem" ]
4. Make sure the file is still valid JSON. Copy the text into an Internet
JSON validator to verify.
This is used to establish the identity of the JEE App Server, which houses
the MicroStrategy Library server. This is changed in a system
configuration file. For example, the server.xml file in a Tomcat
The key store is used for trusted communication between the Library
Web/Mobile Client and the Collaboration server. The certificate is used to
verify the identity of the Library server. The key store and certificates are
configured in the config.json file.
"port": < Collaboration Server port number >,
"dataSource": {
"username": {POSTGRES_USERNAME},
"port": {POSTGRES_PORT},
"encryptionKeyFile": {ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE}
"authorizationServerUrl": "{PROTOCOL}://{LIBRARY_HOSTNAME}:
with Tomcat administrator credentials.
Property Specifies
Property Specifies
l 1: Tivoli
auth.trusted.provider l 2: SiteMinder
l 3: Custom
l 4: OracleAccessManager
l 6: Ping
Default: 100
Default: 120000
Property Specifies
Default: false
Default: false
Property Specifies
Default: false
IdentityToken Configuration
Token Algorithm
Default: HS512
SSL/TLS Configuration
Property Specifies
Default: NONE
Default: NONE
Server Configuration
Default: 10
Default: 3
Default: NONE
Property Specifies
security.allowedOrigins =,
Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/CollaborationServer
Property Specifies
Property Specifies
of these authorities
Property Specifies
We do not need all certificates in the chain, but only the Root
CA certificate.
Clustering Properties
Property Specifies
By default, the Collaboration server is accessed using the following URL and
communication port:
To check the status of the Collaboration server, you can visit this URL:
This only works from the machine where the MicroStrategy Collaboration
server is installed. To access it from another machine, replace "localhost"
with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the machine.
"port": < Collaboration Server port number >,
"dataSource": {
"username": {POSTGRES_USERNAME},
"port": {POSTGRES_PORT},
"encryptionKeyFile": {ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE}
"authorizationServerUrl": "{PROTOCOL}://{LIBRARY_HOSTNAME}:
"port": < Collaboration Server port number >,
"dataSource": {
"username": {POSTGRES_USERNAME},
"port": {POSTGRES_PORT},
"encryptionKeyFile": {ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE}
"authorizationServerUrl": "{PROTOCOL}://{LIBRARY_HOSTNAME}:
To invoke the Collaboration server admin tool, you need to run the Node.js
executable and supply the file path for the admin tool and the Collaboration
server configuration file.
l Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\Common
l Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\MicroStrategy\Collaboration
l Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/CollaborationServer/node_
l Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\MicroStrategy\Collaboration
l Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/CollaborationServer/config.json
You can add the Node.js executable to your PATH variable and
change to the Collaboration Server directory. If so, you can enter:
$ node node_modules/mstr-collab-svc/admintool.js
Command List
The Admin Tool recognizes the following commands:
Command Result
Shows a summary of
show summary
the database.
Shows information
about topic with a
specific ID. This ID
uniquely identifies the
show topic <ID>
topic. You can find the
ID by using the listing
of a topic using one of
the other commands.
Shows information
show topics all
about all topics.
Shows information
about topics that have
show show topics empty
no comments
associated with them.
Shows information
about topics that have
show topics non-empty
comments associated
with them.
Command Result
Shows comments
associated with a
specific dossier (base
show comments for-dossier <ID>
document) ID stored in
Shows comments
created before the
show comments older-than-date <ISO_
specified ISO 8601
date. YYYY-MM-
Drops comments
associated with a
drop comments for-dossier <ID>
specific dossier (base
Drops comments
drop comments older-than-date <ISO_
created before the
specified ISO 8601 date
The stored comments are organized into separate topics for each
dossier page. Use the for-topic <ID> commands work with pages
You can combine the conditions for show comments and drop
comments. When multiple conditions are used, all conditions must be
true to select the correct comments.
l Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\MicroStrategy\Collaboration
l Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/CollaborationServer/config.json
Be sure to open the Collaboration server port in the firewall if you are
employing a firewall.
To cluster the collaboration vertically, you must have a machine with the
MicroStrategy Library and the MicroStrategy Collaboration Server installed.
1. Open the Library Administration Control Panel to verify your servers are
5. Click Save.
Lastly, both nodes are configured under a load balancer to provide clients
with a single entry point to the cluster.
6. Under Scaling Settings, select Horizontal as the scaling type and enter
your Cluster Cache.
7. Click Save.
13. In the load balancer's configuration file, add the Collaboration Server
and Library Server of Node 2. The load balancer now redirects client
requests between Node 1 and Node 2.
Migrating Notifications
MicroStrategy Collaboration has been enhanced to use a central data
repository installed as part of the MicroStrategy Platform. Starting in
MicroStrategy 2020 the Collaboration Server constructs the connection
string to the MicroStrategy Data Repository during runtime. After performing
the upgrade, Collaboration Server will only support connections to the
MicroStrategy Data Repository.
All data will remain in the MicroStrategy Data Repository after the data
cmd> migrate
5. ©Stop
Copyright 2023the service
All Rights Mongo
Reserved DB. 295
The Collaboration Admin Page will stop displaying the warning message at
this point.
All data will remain in the MicroStrategy Data Repository after the data
cd /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/
./ stop
cd /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/CollaborationServer/MongoDB/
./ start
cmd> migrate
The Collaboration Admin Page will stop displaying the warning message
at this point.
l The account for the Collaboration Store in config.json does not have
the appropriate privilege to modify table (e.g., Create table and Add
In the case the automatic upgrade fails, you can manually upgrade the
3. Ensure that the account for Collaboration Store in the config.json file
under the C:\Program Files
(x86)\MicroStrategy\Collaboration Server directory has the
appropriate privileges to modify tables.
For example:
cmd> upgrade
./ stop
For example:
cmd> upgrade
./ start
Open /jboss-eap-
7.3/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml and search for
"jaxrs" and disable following lines:
<!--extension module=""/-->
<!--subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jaxrs:1.0"/-->
Dep l o y b y Exp l o d ed Fo l d er :
Ensure you have the Use Library privilege for all projects, so you can access
dossiers within all projects. See Privileges in Library Web for more information.
This URL should be the externally facing URL that takes into
consideration any networking infrastructure such as load balancers.
3. Save and apply this change to all projects on the Intelligence server.
3. Select the bookmark you want to include and copy the generated
URL link.
that specifies the filters to target and the corresponding elements to apply.
"name": "Category",
"selections": [
"name": "Electronics"
"name": "Music"
"name": "Revenue",
"name": "Category",
"selections": [
"name": "Electronics"
"name": "Music"
"name": "Revenue",
Advanced Cases
While you can use names to specify filters most of the time, you can also use
filter keys for advanced cases, such as supporting localized filter names in
the metadata internalization. Using the MicroStrategy REST API, you can
2. Retrieve a filter key from a chapter, within a specific dossier, using the
MicroStrategy REST API.
"key": "W887",
"selections": [
"name": "Electronics"
"name": "Music"
Enable users to access Library User without the Use Library privilege
Use Library
using mobile browsers and will not be able to access Library Web.
perform dossier-related There will be Access Error.
Edit a dossier
User without the Web edit Dossier
Web edit If you do not have this permission, privilege cannot edit a dossier by
Dossier the Visualization Gallery, as well navigating from Library Web to
as the Datasets, Editor, Filter, and MicroStrategy Web.
Format panels are not displayed.
Web drill Use links to view related data not User without the Web drill and link
and link shown in the original report results privilege cannot drill in a document.
Sort report data by clicking on sort User without 'Web sort' privilege will
Web sort
icons in column headings not be able to sort in a document.
Common Privileges
Export to
Export a dossier or dataset User without the Export to .mstr File
from the server privilege cannot download a dossier.
Allows the
Privilege Behavior without privileges
user to...
Edit the grids and fields in a User without the Execute transaction
Execute Transaction Services report privilege will not be able to edit a
transaction and submit the changed transaction document and submit the
results to the report changed results to the document.
Important Considerations
The following are some points to keep in mind while configuring seamless
login between Web and Library.
l For Web and Library configuration, use the same Intelligence Server.
2. Go to Preferences.
4. Click Apply.
6. Click Security.
8. Click Save.
10. In the Library Server tab, in the MicroStrategy Web > Link field, enter the
Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved
MicroStrategy Web link. 309
11. In the Security Settings > Secret Key field enter the secret key from step
In st allat io n an d Co n figu r at io n Gu id e
6. Click Save.
5. Enter your MicroStrategy Web URL into the Link field under
MicroStrategy Web
6. Click Save.
Related Topics
KB485196: A seamless login error occurs when launching MicroStrategy
Library from MicroStrategy Web
Preview features are early versions of features and are not to be used in a
production environment as the core behavior remain subject to change
between preview and GA. By selecting to expose preview features, you can
access and use them as you would any other functionality. The official
versions of preview features are included in subsequent releases.
4. Make sure the secret key is correctly set. The secret key must be the
same as the one in modelservice.conf.
Preview features are early versions of features and are not to be used in a
production environment as the core behavior remain subject to change
between preview and GA. By selecting to expose preview features, you can
access and use them as you would any other functionality. The official
versions of preview features are included in subsequent releases.
5. When you execute the report for consumption, you see a Filter icon.
2. Go to Mobile Configuration.
4. In the Edit Mobile Configuration dialog, enter a name for the new mobile
7. Copy and paste the URL of the dossier in the URL input box.
Use the Preview option to see how the configuration will appear to end
For example, click the Collaboration icon to hide it from end users.
You can preview the toolbar sections in the dynamic Tablet or Phone
display of the configuration window.
Hover over the specific configuration in the list to view options to Edit,
Copy, Delete, or Copy the Link for the mobile configuration. Send the
link to a user or group of users for them to get started with the new
Library view.
l Number and Date Format: This refers to the data; specifically to the data
defined as Date type or Numerical type.
From Developer, the administrator can also set metadata and data
languages for a specific user at a specific project level: Project
Configuration > Language > User Preferences > User Language
Preferences Manager > Modify.
5. Since both web browsers and mobile apps will connect to it directly, the
MicroStrategy Collaboration server port (default :3000) must be
accessible and open through the load balancer.
The Collaboration server port can be changed from the default value
by specifying it in the config.json file.
6. Since both web browsers and mobile apps will connect to it directly, the
MicroStrategy Library server (default :8443) must be accessible and
open through the load balancer.
Deployment Topology
In the diagram, there is a single load balancer with an external facing DNS
name, which is used for both Library server and
Collaboration server configuration:
l "scaling": "horizontal"
l "redisServerUrl": "redis://"
The Collaboration server can also run multiple processes on the same
machine with vertical scaling by setting the following config.json fields:
l "scaling": "vertical"> ping
Example: redis://redis_host_machine:6379
"port": 3000,
"dataSource": {"username": "mstr_collab","password": "xxx"},
"logging": true,
"scaling": "horizontal","redisServerUrl":
3. Make sure all the Collaboration servers are running properly by visiting
their individual /status URL. It will tell the actual state of the
Collaboration server instance. For example, the Collaboration server
below is actually paused due to unreachable Postgres and Redis
"reason":"The following dependent services are unavailable: DB Service,
Redis Server",
"up_since":"2018-4-18 02:12:42","pid":900
support the Web Socket protocol (wss:), which relies on the HTTP 1.1
Upgrade protocol.
http {
upstream collabServer {
ip_hash; # this is a must, ensures that we are sticky to the IP
to enable a correct handshake
server collabServer1:3000; # provide the list of the Collaboration
servers from here
server collabServer2:3000;
server collabServer3:3000;
l PASS_FILE is the path to the file that contains the passphrase to use.
l TS_FILE is the path of the trust store file to import into (or create).
l PASS_PHRASE is the actual pass phrase to use with the trust store.
You can create other security artifacts, such as private key, Client Signing
Request (CSR) and self-signed certificate using openssl.
6. Within the request info window, open the Preview tab. This will
display the response in JSON format.
7. Look for any network requests that are red, as this indicates that
the REST API request may have failed. If you are looking for API
errors only, click the XHR option so that the network tab displays
all http(s) calls including the APIs.
4. Review the MicroStrategyLibrary error logs and look for any console
errors in the browser debugging tool.
5. Ensure you have the Use Library privilege for all projects (see
Privileges in Library Web), so you can access dossiers within all
6. Within the request info window, open the Frames tab. This will
display the requests and responses in JSON format.
l If you don't see any request, refresh the page. It is possible that the
browser debugging tool started capturing network calls after the Web
Socket connection is established.
l If the Tomcat service is not running, then it needs to be started. For the
Collaboration server, the "authorizationServerUrl" refers to the
MicroStrategy Library server.
./ diagnose
Invoking the diagnostic tool on a running system will return the following:
l A list of trusted certificates with the name and expiration date (only if
trusted certificates are set in config.json file)
This means the Collaboration server is not running. You need to start the
Collaboration server and re-run the diagnostic tool.
Missing proper certificate for the Authorization Server which is running with
TLS enabled using some private root CA signed certificates. You need to set
proper values for the trusted certificate paths. See Collaboration Server
Configuration Properties.
You are using replica set for PostgreSQL but the setName does not match.
l Success
l Un-supported format
l Success: 2 certificates
l Request activities
l Notification records
Library server and Collaboration server need to be set up with the same
secret key (a string with a minimum of 5 characters) in order to verify the
other server's identity. If the secret keys do not match, the Library server
If the Collaboration server is running with TLS enabled and is using a private
root CA signed certificate, the Library server is required to present the
corresponding certificate in order to establish a secure communication. The
administrator can configure a truststore file in the Library server (see
MicroStrategy Library Server Configuration Properties). Failure to reference
the required certificate in the truststore will lead to this warning. With this
warning active, the Library server cannot communicate with the
Collaboration server. Functionality such as updating the Collaboration
server configuration in Library Admin control panel will fail. The Library
server itself is okay to use.
In some cases, the Library server can talk to the Collaboration server but
end users (browsers) may fail to establish communication to the
Collaboration server (failure to establish a socket connection). There are
three possible causes:
l The Library server is running with TLS enabled (URL starting with 'https')
while the Collaboration server is running with TLS disabled (URL starting
with 'http'). Some browsers will block any request to 'http' if the current
website is using 'https'.
l The Collaboration server is running with TLS enabled but using a private
root CA signed certificate. Some browsers will consider such private root
CAs as untrusted and block requests to those servers. The administrator
may need to add those private root CAs into the trust list.
only recognized by the Library server and not accessible from other users
(client machine/browsers).
l Cannot find IP address for that hostname: end user can update the
hosts file in system which can help system to resolve domain names to
an IP address
For this case, the collaboration-related features in Library are not usable
since the Collaboration server is paused due to this error. The administrator
may choose to use the current Library server as the target Library server for
this Collaboration server.
There are two cases when Admin UI can display issues about the current
Collaboration server but cannot provide any solutions for the problem:
l Secret keys do not match between the Library server and Collaboration
Both causes will lead to the Library server being unable to communicate with
the Collaboration server and thus unable to control/update Collaboration
server settings.
The administrator will see this error message when the Library server is
unable to connect to the current Intelligence server.
The administrator will see this error message when the Library server is
unable to connect to the current Intelligence server and Admin UI has
succeeded in a connection test using the hostname and port of the current
Intelligence server. This is most likely caused by using an incorrect TLS
The servlet is configured by the installer and takes all URLs that match the
url-pattern property, and redirects them to the URL specified in the
targetUri property. If you are altering these settings to add or remove
SSL support, you must update the targetUri property so that it specifies
either "http" or "https".
<!-- SSL SUPPORT START - The following group of parameters are only relevant
when the targetUri above uses the "https" protocol. -->
<!-- DEVELOPMENT - START - The following parameters are for
development/debugging use only and should not be set to TRUE in production
systems. -->
The path rules for this method can be found in the Oracle documentation.
The path must begin with a slash (/) and is interpreted as relative to the
current context root or relative to the /META-INF/resources directory
IP address Certificate
Store will use to listen for
incoming REST API
requests. By default this
is set to to If you modify any of these
server.address restrict access to three settings, be sure to
processes on the same make the corresponding
machine. change to the targetUri
To listen on all IP property of the proxy servlet
addresses, specify described above. as the address.
server.ssl.key-store classpath:/opt/mstr
l Library server: A SPA (single page app) built on the MicroStrategy REST
APIs for all communication.
l Intelligence server: Provides and saves the object definition and interacts
with the metadata to retrieve the relevant information. The Intelligence
server also holds the logic for locking and unlocking the schema. The
response from the Intelligence server to the modeling service is in JSON
All parameters are case-sensitive and must be entered correctly for changes
to take effect.
Windows: <INSTALL_
Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/admin
Make your configuration changes to the configuration files under the admin
folder. Do not change the files under the conf folder. All files under the
conf folder are overwritten when you upgrade MicroStrategy.
Windows: <INSTALL_PATH>\MicroStrategy\ModelingService\bin
Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/bin
Property Specifies
Default: 9500
Default: false
Property Specifies
Default: NONE
The password.
Default: NONE
Property Specifies
Property Specifies
Default: false
l Example:
Default: NONE
Default: NONE
Property Specifies
Memory Allocation
Property Specifies
256G -Xmx3G
512G -Xmx3G
1024G -Xmx3G
2048G -Xmx3G
http.port = <modeling_service_port_number>
3. Restart the Modeling service using one of the following commands. The
second option starts the Modeling service from console as an
application, rather than a background job.
./bin/ restart
4. Navigate to http://localhost:<port_
number>/model/application/health to check the status of the
Modeling service.
http.port = <modeling_service_port_number>
Use the command line to start and stop the Modeling service.
Windows: <INSTALL_
Linux: <INSTALL_
HTTP Port:
http.port = <modeling_service_http_port_number>
https.port = <modeling_service_https_port_number>
Modeling Service
Enable related configurations in the application.conf file, in the
following locations:
l Windows: <INSTALL_
l Linux: <INSTALL_
https.port = <modeling_service_https_port_number>
play.server.https.keyStore.path = path/to/model.pfx
play.server.https.keyStore.type = JKS
play.server.https.keyStore.password = password
Library Server
Enable related configurations in the file, in
the following locations:
If the trustStore for Library server is not set, configure the correct path
and passphrase.
services.MicroStrategy-Modeling-Service.tlsEnabled = true
You have configured the Intelligence server to use SSL encryption. See
Configuring Secure Communication for MicroStrategy Web, Mobile Server, and
Developer in the the System Administration Help for more information.
Windows: <INSTALL_
Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/admin/
modelservice.iserver.tlsEnabled = true
modelservice.trustStore.path= path/to/trustStore.jks
Make your configuration changes to the configuration files under the admin
folder. Do not change the files under the conf folder. All files under the
conf folder are overwritten when you upgrade MicroStrategy.
Windows: <INSTALL_
Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/admin
Error Troubleshoot
An error occurs when restoring the idToken: 1. Restart the Modeling service.
An error occurs when restoring the IdToken: Make sure the “modelservice.identity_
Error Troubleshoot
An error is returned in the Filter editor: SSL When an SSL validation related error is
Configuration issue. received, make sure the truststore name
and truststore password are correct in
The error can be found in the Library log:
[Error] [main] [CEFPluginBridge.swift:48] filed located at <tomcat root
logError(_:) > fetchUtils::checkStatus(): , directory>/webapps/MicroStrate
Error Troubleshoot
Configuration To troubleshoot connectivity issues
Error Troubleshoot
Error Troubleshoot
server. l play.server.https.keyStore.ty
By default, the logs for the Modeling service are enabled at the "INFO"
level. For more information about the standard log levels built into Log4J,
see Custom Log Levels on the Apache website.
Windows: <INSTALL_
Linux: <INSTALL_PATH>/MicroStrategy/ModelingService/logs/
En ab l e t h e Co n f i gu r at i o n Fi l e f o r Lo ggi n g
Windows: <INSTALL_
Linux: <INSTALL_
Ch an ge t h e Lo g Level f o r t h e M o d el i n g Ser vi ce
M ai n t ai n t h e Lo g Hi st o r y
By default, the Modeling service keeps the log for the last 30 days or the
most recent 45 files, whichever comes first. To configure a different log
Custom ize the Logging in the Modeling Service for Com m unication with
Intelligence Server
Cr eat i n g an d Cu st o m i zi n g a l o gger .p r o p er t i es Fi l e
Windows: <INSTALL_
Linux: <INSTALL_
2. Edit the logback.xml file. Add the following code to enable the log for
the Modeling service.
1. Open Workstation.
3. In the left panel, click Services and expand the Intelligence service.
to Modeling.
1. Configure /MicroStrategyLibrary/WEB-
INF/classes/logback.xml and add the following code snippet:
If you requested an activation code during installation you can skip this
procedure and activate your installation by following the instructions in the
next procedure, Activate your software installation, page 376.
5. Enter the contact information for the person who installed the software.
Make sure to correctly select whether you are an employee of the
licensed company or installing the software on the licensed company's
l If you select that you are an employee of the licensed company, click
Next. Once you complete the following step, the activation code is
sent to the email address given; therefore it is important that the
l If you select that you are not an employee of the licensed company, a
contact information page is displayed after you click Next. Enter the
contact information for the licensed company. Click Next. Once you
complete the following step, the activation code is sent to the email
address given; therefore it is important that the email address is valid
and entered correctly.
1. Open MicroStrategy License Manager from Start menu > Programs >
MicroStrategy Tools > License Manager.
3. Select the Server Activation using Activation Code option and enter
your activation code in the text field. Click Next .
4. Click OK.
The step above is not necessary for License Manager in command line
3. Select the Server Activation using Activation Code option and enter
your activation code in the text field. Click Next .
4. Click OK.
You must restart your Intelligence Server for the activation status to update.
You must also restart your Web server for the activation status to update in
MicroStrategy Web.
Windows Activation
When executing Windows License Manager automated activation through
the console or via script, the session for the execution requires an elevated
privilege set to complete successfully. When searching for the response file
by providing just the name, the system searches the current working
directory that License Manager is called from.
Linux Activation
When executing Linux License Manager automated activation through the
terminal or via script, the session requires access to the License Manager
executable. You should not have to use the root, although this is dependent
on system configuration. When searching for the response file by providing
just the name, the system searches the home directory. The default home
directory is /var/opt/MicroStrategy.
;InstallerIsLicensedUser = true or false,
; Set it to true if the person installing the software is an employee of the
licensed company.
; If set to true, please leave the [Installer] section blank.
; Set it to false if somebody is installing on behalf of the licensed company.
; If set to false, please fill the [Installer] section.
Automated deactivation can be done the same way, using the -deactivate
MALicMgr.exe -deactivate
mstrlicmgr -deactivate
l Mobile Server
l Installation Information:
n Installation timestamp
l Hardware information:
n Unique hardware identifier
n CPU information – type, bit-size, clock speed, total quantity
n Physical memory installed
l MicroStrategy information:
n Install type – new/modify/upgrade
n Products and version installed
n Number of CPUs allocated for CPU licenses
l Database information:
n Metadata database and ODBC driver
n Data warehouse database and ODBC driver
l Installation ID
l Activation Status
l Contract ID
l Operating System
l Machine CPUs
l Last Updated by
l Products installed
4. Copy the Deactivation File to a machine that has access to the Web.
7. An email with the Deactivation Code is then sent to the email address
provided. MicroStrategy suggests that you print the email and save it
for future reference.
If you are configuring MicroStrategy on a Linux machine that does not have
a GUI, you can perform configuration tasks with command line tools. For
steps to perform configuration tasks using command line tools in Linux, see
Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools.
This section describes the ODBC standard for connecting to databases and
creating data source names (DSNs) for the ODBC drivers that are bundled
with the MicroStrategy applications.
The diagram below illustrates the three-tier metadata and data warehouse
connectivity used in the MicroStrategy system.
The diagram shown above illustrates projects that connect to only one data
source. However, MicroStrategy allows connection to multiple data sources
in the following ways:
l You can integrate MDX cube sources such as SAP BW, Microsoft Analysis
Services, and Hyperion Essbase with your MicroStrategy projects. For
information on integrating these MDX cubes sources into MicroStrategy,
see the MDX Cube Reporting Help.
Setting up ODBC
The following information assists you in setting up ODBC between
Intelligence Server and your metadata database and data warehouse.
l A data warehouse stores the data that users of the system must analyze to
track and respond to business trends, and to facilitate forecasting and
planning efforts.
l A data source name (DSN) is the name for a pointer used by a client
application to find and connect to a data source. A data source is the
ODBC drivers
ODBC drivers are DBMS-specific and must be installed on MicroStrategy
Intelligence Server prior to creating the ODBC connection to the warehouse
and metadata databases. MicroStrategy embeds and brands Progress and
Magnitude ODBC drivers in the MicroStrategy platform. These drivers are
certified to work with MicroStrategy products.
The ODBC driver manager and support libraries are commonly installed in
the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directories. Refer to
your third-party documentation for the locations of ODBC support and driver
The ODBC driver manager and support libraries are usually installed in
Defining DSNs
After you install an ODBC driver, you can define one or more data sources
for it. The DSN should provide a unique description of the data, for example,
Payroll_Project_Metadata or Payroll_Warehouse.
The DSN is the name for a pointer used by a client application (in this case
MicroStrategy) to find and connect to a data source. Multiple DSNs can point
to the same data source and one DSN can be used by different applications.
l Edit the odbc.ini on Linux. For more information, please see Configuring
ODBC Parameters with odbc.ini.
If you create DSNs using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator,
you must create system DSNs. Otherwise, MicroStrategy interfaces will not
recognize them.
To create a DSN
On Linux:
3. Click Next.
4. Select a database driver with which to create a DSN and click Next.
5. Enter the information in the appropriate fields for connecting with the
selected database driver. The information to enter varies depending on
the database platform that you selected. For more information, see
Creating DSNs for Specific Data Sources, page 726.
6. Click Test.
If you already have an existing DSN with the same name as the one you
provided, a message box appears. You have the following options:
• Select Yes to make sure the DSN points to the location you are
expecting. This overwrites the existing DSN.
and to view, create, and edit DSNs. The utility is available from Microsoft
and is usually included with the purchase of an ODBC driver.
l If you choose to create DSNs using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source
Administrator, they must be system DSNs. Otherwise, MicroStrategy
interfaces cannot recognize them.
2. In most Windows systems you can access the ODBC Data Source
Administrator from the Control Panel. Refer to your third-party
Microsoft documentation for steps to access the ODBC Data Source
Administrator tool.
To view all the installed ODBC drivers, click the Drivers tab.
4. Click Add.
7. Click OK.
ODBC driver
mstrtestodbc or mstrtodbcx
The test method described above reflects the situation when the ODBC
driver and the database network software are bundled. If they are not
bundled, they must be configured and tested separately, using database-
specific tools.
Before you use the DB Query Tool, test the network layer with the network
layer utility, PING.EXE. Consult your operating system or network system
documentation for details.
2. In the Open drop-down list, type cmd and click OK. A command
prompt opens.
during installation.
7. From the Queries menu, select Execute Query. A table of data from
the database is displayed in the Query Result window.
ab ODBC Connection String JDBC Connection String
os DRIVER={MicroStrategy JDBC;Driver=
oft ODBC Driver for SQL {com.microstrategy.jdbc.sqlserv
Server Wire Protocol}; er.SQLServerDriver};URL=
S hostname={hostname}; {jdbc:microstrategy:sqlserve
Port={port}; Database= r://{hostname}:
Q {database}; {port};DATABASENAME=
L AuthenticationMethod=1;Pr {database};fetchTWFSasTime=TRUE
oxyMode=1;ProxyHost= ;ProxyMode=1;ProxyHost=
S {proxyserverhost};ProxyPo {proxyserverhost};ProxyPort=
er rt={proxyport}; {proxyport}};
m DRIVER={MicroStrategy ODBC
Driver for Amazon Redshift
az {com.microstrategy.jdbc.redshif
Wire Protocol}; HostName=
on {hostname}; PortNumber=
{port}; Database=
Re {hostname}:{port};DatabaseName=
ds {proxyserverhost};ProxyPo
hif rt={proxyport};
ab ODBC Connection String JDBC Connection String
re DRIVER={MicroStrategy
ODBC Driver for SQL
S Server Wire Protocol};
yn {jdbc:microstrategy:sqlserve
Port={port}; Database=
ap {database};
se {database};EncryptionMethod=SSL
A s=1;ProxyMode=1;ProxyHost
na =
lyt {proxyport}};
S DRIVER={MicroStrategy ODBC
Driver for SQL Server Wire
QL er.SQLServerDriver};URL=
Protocol}; hostname=
{hostname}; Port={port};
M r://{hostname}:
an EncryptionMethod=1;Authen
ag ;ValidateServerCertificate=fals
ed Mode=1;ProxyHost=
In {proxyserverhost};ProxyPort=
Unicode Driver}; SERVER= {com.mysql.jdbc.Driver};URL=
S {hostname}; PORT={port}; {jdbc:mysql://{hostname}:
DATABASE= {port}/
Q {database};DriverUnicodeT {database}?useCursorFetch=true&
L ype=1;FORWARD_ defaultFetchSize=1000&ProxyMode
ab ODBC Connection String JDBC Connection String
CACHE=0;ProxyMode=1;Proxy =1&ProxyHost=
Host= {proxyserverhost}&ProxyPort=
{proxyserverhost};ProxyPo {proxyport}};
ODBC Driver for Oracle
Wire Protocol}; HostName=
{hostname}; PortNumber=
ac {hostname}:{port};ServiceName=
le EnableNCharSupport=1;
Sn flakeDriver};URL=
ow {hostname};DATABASE=
fla {warehouse}&db=
ke {proxyserverhost}:
ab ODBC Connection String JDBC Connection String
ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire
IB {com.microstrategy.jdbc.db2.DB2
Protocol}; IpAddress=
M {hostname}; TcpPort=
{port}; Database=
D {hostname}:{port};DATABASENAME=
b2 {proxyserverhost};ProxyPo
Driver={MicroStrategy ODBC {com.microstrategy.jdbc.mongodb
M Driver for MongoDB}; .MongoDBDriver};URL=
hostname={hostname}; Port= {jdbc:microstrategy:mongodb://
on {port}; Database= {hostname}:{port};DATABASENAME=
{database}; SD=#TEMP_ {database};ValidateServerCertif
go PATH#123;WhereClauseHandl icate=false;EncryptionMethod=no
D ingMode=0;ReadOnly=0;Prox Encryption;ReadOnly=false;Proxy
yMode=1;ProxyHost= Mode=1;ProxyHost=
B {proxyserverhost};ProxyPo {proxyserverhost};ProxyPort=
rt={proxyport}; {proxyport};SchemaMap=#TEMP_
You can also use the Configuration Wizard to create an Enterprise Manager
project, which provides insights about governing and tuning all areas of your
MicroStrategy environment. For steps on how to create an Enterprise
Manager project, see the Enterprise Manager Help.
IP-address local-machine-name
l Windows from the command line, then perform the following steps:
l In the Open drop-down list, type cmd and click OK. A command prompt
l Linux using the Configuration Wizard interface, then perform the following
l Browse to the folder bin and type ./mstrcfgwiz, then click Enter. The
Configuration Wizard opens.
l Linux from the command line, then perform the following steps:
It is recommended that you create the metadata, History List, and statistics
repository tables in different databases to ensure enhanced performance.
You can choose to create metadata, History List, and statistics repositories
using a response file with the Configuration Wizard. This lets you provide
users with a configuration file to complete the configuration tasks rather
than requiring users to step through the Configuration Wizard. Creating and
using a response file can be done using the Configuration Wizard interface
or a command line tool available for Linux.
Packages Create
You can create the metadata repository in the database location of your
choice. Additionally, a default configuration is created in the metadata
tables. This populates the tables with the basic data required for the
MicroStrategy metadata, such as the default project folder structure and
some basic connection information.
l Before you create a metadata repository, you should ensure that you are
storing it on a certified database, ODBC driver, and operating system
combination. For a list of certified metadata repository environments, see the
MicroStrategy Readme.
l While metadata creation errors are rare in general, you can review a list of
potential errors in Metadata and Other Repository Creation Errors, page 874
to prepare for or avoid specific scenarios that can cause errors.
3. Select the Metadata Tables check box and click Next. The Repository
Configuration: Metadata tables page opens.
You can also select to create a History List and a statistics repository
immediately after creating a metadata repository. If you create a
History List or statistics repository as part of the same configuration
routine as creating a new metadata repository, and the configuration is
being done on a Windows environment, database instances are
automatically created for the History List and statistics repositories.
4. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN for your metadata
If a DSN for your metadata repository does not exist, you can click New
to open the Connectivity Wizard and create a new DSN. The steps to
create a new DSN with the Connectivity Wizard are described in
Creating a DSN for a data source, page 397.
5. Type a User Name and Password that can connect to the data source.
The database user that you provide becomes the owner of all metadata
tables and objects. The database user is required to have the Select,
Insert, and Update permissions. Intermediate tables are created in the
metadata for recursive search queries, which requires Create and Drop
permissions as well. Updating the schema requires the Delete
6. After providing a valid user name and password, you can click SQL
Preview to open the SQL Preview dialog box. This dialog box provides
the SQL statements that will be executed on your data source to create
the metadata tables. Click Close.
If you use the advanced options to change the SQL script, you can click
SQL Preview after selecting the new script to see an updated listing of
the SQL statements that will be executed.
7. Click Advanced.
8. In the Table Prefix field, you can specify a prefix to be used when
metadata tables are created in the database you select. This is an
optional configuration. However, you must use different prefixes for
your metadata tables and your History List tables if you store them in
the same database.
9. In the Script field, a SQL script to create metadata tables optimized for
your database is selected. If you want to select a different script, click
... to browse to and select a customized script.
10. Click Next. The next configuration page that opens depends on your
configuration scenario:
l If your metadata repository does not need to be upgraded and you did
not select to create History List or statistics tables, the Summary
page opens.
You can click Save to save the configuration as a response (.ini) file to
configure metadata repositories on other systems or to run silent
configurations at a later time.
If you are upgrading your History List repository from a previous version of
MicroStrategy rather than creating a brand new History List repository, see
the Upgrade Help.
l Before you create a History List repository, you should ensure that you are
storing it on a certified database, ODBC driver, and operating system
combination. For a list of certified History List repository environments, see
the MicroStrategy Readme.
l The steps below are specific to creating a History List repository. If you also
select to create a metadata repository, you must first complete the steps
described in Creating a metadata repository, page 415.
l While History List creation errors are rare in general, you can review a list of
potential errors in Metadata and Other Repository Creation Errors, page 874
to prepare for or avoid specific scenarios that may cause errors.
3. Select the History List Tables check box and click Next.
4. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN for your History List
If a DSN for your History List repository does not exist, you can select
New to open the Connectivity Wizard and create a new DSN. The steps
to create a new DSN with the Connectivity Wizard are described in
Creating a DSN for a data source, page 397.
5. Type a User Name and Password that can connect to the data source.
The database user you provide becomes the owner of all History List
tables and objects. The database user is required to have the Select,
Create, Insert, and Drop permissions.
6. After providing a valid user name and password, you can click SQL
Preview to open the SQL Preview dialog box. This dialog box provides
the SQL statements that will be executed on your data source to create
the History List tables. Click Close once you are done reviewing the
SQL statements to return to the Configuration Wizard.
If you use the advanced options to change the SQL script, you can click
SQL Preview after selecting the new script to see an updated listing of
the SQL statements that will be executed.
7. Click Advanced.
8. In the Table Prefix field, you can specify a prefix to be used when
History List tables are created in the database you select. This is an
optional configuration. However, you must use different prefixes for
your metadata tables and your History List tables if you store them in
the same database.
If you use a table prefix for your History List tables, you must also
define this table prefix when you create a database instance to connect
to the History List tables. For information on creating a database
instance, see Creating a database instance, page 469.
9. In the Script field, a SQL script to create History List tables optimized
for your database is selected. If you want to specify a different script,
click ... to browse to and select a customized script. For more
information on the default SQL scripts, see SQL scripts, page 425.
10. Click Next. The next configuration page that opens depends on your
configuration scenario:
l If you did not select to create statistics tables, the Summary page
You can click Save to save the configuration as a response (.ini) file to
configure History List repositories on other systems or to run silent
configurations at a later time. For information on running the
Configuration Wizard with a response file, see Configuring
MicroStrategy with a Response File, page 440.
12. Click Finish to apply the configuration and create the History List
Once you are finished configuring Intelligence Server and your project
sources, a database instance to connect a project to a History List
repository must be created. If you created the History List repository as
part of the same configuration routine to create a metadata repository
and the configuration is being done on a Windows environment, a
database instance is automatically created for the History List
repository. For information on creating a database instance, see
Creating a database instance, page 469.
l Before you create statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories, you should
ensure that you are storing them on a certified database, ODBC driver, and
operating system combination. For a list of certified environments, see the
MicroStrategy Readme.
l The steps below are specific to creating statistics and Enterprise Manager
repositories. If you also select to create a metadata repository or History List
repository, you must first complete the steps described in Creating a
metadata repository, page 415 or Creating a History List repository, page
418, respectively.
l While statistics creation errors are rare in general, you can review a list of
potential errors in Metadata and Other Repository Creation Errors, page 874
to prepare for or avoid specific scenarios that may cause errors.
4. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN for your statistics and
Enterprise Manager repositories.
If an applicable DSN does not exist, you can select New to open the
Connectivity Wizard and create a new DSN. The steps to create a new
DSN with the Connectivity Wizard are described in the section Creating
a DSN for a data source, page 397.
5. Type a User Name and Password that can connect to the data source.
The database user you provide becomes the owner of all tables and
objects. The database user is required to have the Select, Create,
Insert, and Drop permissions.
6. After providing a valid user name and password, you can click SQL
Preview to open the SQL Preview dialog box. This dialog box provides
the SQL statements that will be executed on your data source to create
the statistics and Enterprise Manager tables. Click Close.
If you use the advanced options to change the SQL script, you can click
SQL Preview after selecting the new script to see an updated listing of
the SQL statements that will be executed.
7. Click Advanced.
9. Click Next.
You can click Save to save the configuration as a response (.ini) file to
configure statistics repositories on other systems or to run silent
configurations at a later time. For information on running the
Configuration Wizard with a response file, see Configuring
MicroStrategy with a Response File, page 440.
Once you are finished configuring Intelligence Server and your project
sources, a database instance to connect a project to a statistics repository
must be created. If you created the statistics repository as part of the same
configuration routine to create a metadata repository and the configuration
is being done on a Windows environment, a database instance is
automatically created for the statistics repository. For information on
creating a database instance, see Creating a database instance, page 469.
SQL scripts
MicroStrategy has database-specific SQL scripts for creating metadata,
History List, and statistics tables. The scripts for each certified database
platform are shipped with the product. The MicroStrategy Configuration
Wizard automatically selects a default script based on your ODBC driver's
database platform.
By default, all the scripts reside in the directory where you installed
MicroStrategy and are identified by the .sql extension. It is highly
recommended that no edits be performed on these scripts, except on rare
occasions and only by skilled database personnel.
Configuration messages
Depending on the selected ODBC database, different messages might be
displayed prompting you to complete the configuration successfully. Two
examples are described below:
Multiple server definitions can be available, but you can install only one
Intelligence Server on one server machine and Intelligence Server uses
only one server definition at a time.
You can choose to configure the server definition, project source names,
and the metadata and statistics repositories using a response file with the
Configuration Wizard. This lets you provide users with a configuration file to
complete the configuration tasks rather than requiring users to step through
the Configuration Wizard. Creating and using a response file can be done
using the Configuration Wizard interface or a command line tool available for
You must run the Configuration Wizard locally on the Intelligence Server
machine. You cannot create, use, or delete server definitions remotely.
3. From the DSN drop-down list, select the DSN used to connect to the
metadata repository. Enter the User Name and Password for the
database. Although it is possible to use the Microsoft Access database
for the metadata repository, it is not a suitable metadata repository for
a production project. You should not use Microsoft Access for anything
other than a proof-of-concept or demonstration type of application.
For security reasons, you should change the Administrator user name
and password as soon as possible after you initially configure the
system. For details about passwords and other user management
information, see the System Administration Help
6. Click Next.
Define the Intelligence Server port num ber and other settings
l Port number: You can use the default port number (34952) or specify
another port number. The port number is how a server process
identifies itself on the machine on which it is running. If the port
number is used by another process, such as in a shared environment,
specify an available port number. For instructions on how to find an
available port number, see Port Number is in Use, page 873.
l REST port number: You can use the default port number (34962) or
specify another port number for the REST API Server inside
Intelligence Server. This port number should not be same with the
Intelligence Server port number.
You can configure REST API Server logging with the Diagnostics
and Performance Logging Tool. Select the Performance
Configuration tab, and find the dispatcher REST Trace under
component Network Classes. For more information, see the
Configuring What is Logged section in the System Administration
l Projects to load at startup: This pane displays all the projects that
are in the metadata repository. You can select projects to use with
the server definition that you have chosen. The projects that you
select are loaded on the server at startup.
l Identify missing DSNs: Select this check box to verify that all DSNs,
which are used for database instances created in MicroStrategy, are
locally available. This helps to ensure that your database instances in
MicroStrategy can connect successfully to their associated data
2. Click Next.
3. You can enable or disable secure socket layer (SSL) protocol to encrypt
the communication between Intelligence Server and Developer:
When you select to enable the SSL protocol, you must provide the
following information:
l Key: The private key file you created while requesting the certificate
for Intelligence Server. Click the browse button to navigate to and
select the private key file.
l Password: The password that you used while creating the private key
for the SSL certificate.
l SSL Port: The port number to use for SSL access. By default, the
port is 39321. For the REST API Server inside the Intelligence
Server, it will still use the REST port number specified above (which
by default is 34962).
l SSL Port: The port number the Intelligence Server will use for SSL
communications with client certificate verification.
4. Click Next.
5. You can specify the default statistics repository to use for the local
Intelligence Server, including the data source name, user name, and
password, and an option to create a new data source name. The
following options appear:
l Keep the existing statistics settings: Select this check box to keep
the existing statistics settings for all projects. This option is selected
by default.
You can alter the settings of this option in the Project Configuration
Editor in MicroStrategy Developer. For steps, see the System
Administration Help.
When defining the default statistics repository, you must provide the
following configuration details:
n DSN: Select the data source name for your statistics repository.
If a DSN for your statistics repository does not exist, you can click
New to open the MicroStrategy Connectivity Wizard and create a
new DSN. Unsupported DSNs are grayed out.
n User Name: Enter the database user name for the user that can
connect to the statistics data source.
n Password: Enter the password for the user that can connect to the
statistics data source.
6. Click Next.
8. Click Next.
With a server definition defined for your Intelligence Server, you can use
Service Manager to start or stop your Intelligence Server. For steps to use
Service Manager, see the System Administration Help.
You can choose to create project sources using a response file with the
Configuration Wizard. This lets you provide users with a configuration file to
complete the configuration tasks rather than requiring users to step through
the Configuration Wizard. Creating and using a response file can be done
using the Configuration Wizard interface or a command line tool available for
For Windows, the Project Source option is available only if the Developer
product is installed on the machine.
3. In the Project Source Name field, type a name for the project source.
5. From the DSN drop-down list, select a DSN for the data source that
stores the metadata and specify a User Name and Password.
6. You can also click New to create a new DSN (see Creating a DSN for a
data source, page 397) and click Advanced to specify a metadata table
prefix if necessary.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the authentication mode for the project source. For information
on the available authentication modes, see the Authentication modes,
page 438.
9. Click Next.
You can click Save to save the configuration as a response (.ini) file to
configure a direct project source on other systems or to run silent
configurations at a later time. For information on running the
Configuration Wizard with a response file, see Configuring
MicroStrategy with a Response File, page 440.
For Windows, the Project Source option is available only if the Developer
product is installed on the machine.
3. In the Project Source Name field, type a name for the project source.
The port number is how the Intelligence Server process identifies itself
on the server on which it is running. The default port number for
Intelligence Server is 34952. If you use a non-default port number, this
number must be provided while connecting through MicroStrategy
7. Select the Connection times out after (mins) check box to define
and enforce a connection time out for inactive users connected to a
project source. In the field below, type a numerical value (in minutes)
for the amount of inactivity that is allowed before a user is automatically
disconnected from a project source. If this check box is cleared, users
are not disconnected from project sources due to inactivity.
8. Click Next.
9. Select the authentication mode for the project source. For information
on the available authentication modes, see the Authentication modes,
page 438.
You can click Save to save the configuration as a response (.ini) file to
configure a server project source on other systems or to run silent
configurations at a later time. For information on running the
Authentication modes
Authentication is the process through which the system identifies the user.
Several authentication modes are supported for MicroStrategy project
sources. They vary primarily by the system that verifies and accepts the
login/password credentials provided by the user.
uniquely. By default, all users connect to the data warehouse using one
RDBMS login ID, although you can change this using connection mapping.
For information on configuring connection mapping, see the System
Administration Help.
LDAP authentication
Login ID and password entered by the user for the warehouse: Database
to be the authority for identifying users and you do not want to maintain user
credentials in the Intelligence Server as well as the RDBMS.
Integrated authentication
l For steps to upgrade MicroStrategy using a response file, see the Upgrade
l For steps to create an Enterprise Manager project with a response file, see
the Enterprise Manager Help.
However, you can also create and use a response file with the Configuration
Wizard in command line mode on Linux machines. For steps to create and
use a response file as well as perform other configurations using command
line tools in Linux, see the Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini
file, page 668 section in Chapter 11, Configuring MicroStrategy Using
Command Line Tools.
3. Once you reach the Summary page for a configuration, click Save. The
Save dialog box opens.
4. Specify a name and location to save the response file, and click Save.
You are returned to the Summary page.
You can modify a response file with a text editor to make configuration
changes such as entering different user login and password information. For
l To use a response file with the Configuration Wizard, page 443: This
covers the standard procedure of running a response file with the
Configuration Wizard interface.
l To use a response file through the Windows command line, page 443: This
covers the procedure of running a response file from the Windows
command line. This enables users to run the file without using any
graphical user interfaces.
3. Browse to the path where the response file is saved and click Open.
The Summary page opens.
C:\Program Files\Common
2. If an error message is displayed, check the path and name you supplied
for the response file and make any required changes. Repeat the
previous step to execute the configuration.
The response file for configuring MicroStrategy is divided into three areas of
configuration, which are described in the sections below:
The response file parameters within the [Repository] section define how
metadata, History List, and statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories
are created. The table below lists the available parameters and the
functionality of available options for each parameter.
Options Description
This section configures the metadata repository and statistics tables. You
can have more than one [Repository] section. Additional repository
sections can be included as [Repository1] , [Repository2] , and so
Options Description
Locates the SQL scripts for creating the metadata tables. Example paths to
SQL scripts in different environments are listed below:
• 64-bit Windows environment: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
Locates the SQL scripts for creating the History List repository. Example
paths to SQL scripts in different environments are listed below:
server_db_Oracle.sql .
StatisticsPath Locates the SQL scripts for creating the statistics and Enterprise Manager
Options Description
DB2.sql .
Defines the Data Source Name for configuring a metadata repository in the
ODBC database.
Defines the user name to log in to the database containing the metadata
DSNNameHis Defines the Data Source Name for configuring the History List repository in
t= the ODBC database.
UserNameHi Defines the user name to log in to the database for configuring the History
st= List repository.
UserPwdHist Defines the password to log in to the database for configuring the History
= List repository.
DSNNameSt Defines the Data Source Name for configuring the statistics and Enterprise
ats= Manager repositories in the ODBC database.
UserNameSta Defines the user name to log in to the database for configuring the
ts= statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories.
UserPwdStat Defines the password to log in to the database for configuring the statistics
s= and Enterprise Manager repositories.
word= • 0: The password is not encrypted in the response file, which enables
you to modify the password in the response file later using a text editor.
Options Description
You can then distribute the response file to multiple users with various
login and password credentials. However, be aware that this can
compromise your database security if you do not remove the password
from the response file before distributing it.
• 1: Encrypts the password in the response file, which ensures that your
password is secure. This is the default behavior.
Defines the database name to create tables in DB2 z/OS. This option
should only be used when connecting to a DB2 z/OS database.
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
KeyPassword= Defines the password that you used while creating the
Options Description
Specifies the database user name for the user that can
connect to the statistics data source.
Options Description
The response file parameters within the [Client] section create and
configure project sources. The table below lists the available parameters
and the functionality of available options for each parameter.
Options Description
In this section you can configure the project source name. You can
[Client] have more than one [Client] section. Additional client sections
can be included as [Client1] , [Client2] , and so on.
EncryptPassword= enables you to modify the password in the response file later
using a text editor. You can then distribute the response file to
multiple users with various login and password credentials.
However, be aware that this can compromise your database
security if you do not remove the password from the response
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
The password for the user name above for the Statistics
and Enterprise Manager repository database. This may be
encrypted, depending on the EMProjectEncryptPwd=
Options Description
The user name to log in to the Platform Analytics project.
Options Description
The Data Source Name for the database that contains your
Platform Analytics repository.
The password for the user name above for the Platform
Analytics repository database. This may be encrypted,
depending on the PAProjectEncryptPwd= setting.
l Key Store: Contains keys used to encrypt the metadata and file caches.
These keys are encrypted by the master key.
l Secure Bundle Code: The password used to protect the Secure Bundle
5. Click OK.
For recovery purposes you should export and store a secure bundle outside
of your MicroStrategy environment, even if you are only using a single
Intelligence Server instance. You will not be able to recover the information
stored in your metadata without the secure bundle and secure bundle code.
Exp o r t i n g t o a Secu r e Bu n d l e
3. Click Next.
5. Click Next.
7. Click Next.
Record the generated code value. It will be needed for the importing
9. Click Next.
11. Review the message on the warning dialog box and click OK.
Im p o r t i n g a Secu r e Bu n d l e
4. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
8. Click Next.
9. Click the browse button and navigate to the Secure Bundle location.
11. Enter the Secure Bundle Code from the export process.
14. Review the message on the warning dialog box and click OK
4. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
8. Click Next.
9. The location of the current Master Key and the destination for the new
Master Key are displayed.
To modify the location where the Intelligence Server looks for the Master
Key file:
4. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
8. Click Next.
9. Click the browse button and navigate to the new location for the Master
10. Specify a name for the Master Key file and click Save.
12. Review the message on the warning dialog box and click OK.
You can perform data source connection tasks from the Project
Configuration Editor, which can be accessed by right-clicking a project and
selecting Project Configuration.
If you have a license for the MultiSource Option feature, you can connect a
project to multiple warehouse database instances. There can be multiple
data sources that connect to the Warehouse Catalog for the project. Since
these data source can be integrated as part of the project's relational
schema, all reports and documents can return information from multiple data
sources. For information on accessing multiple data sources in a project,
see the Project Design Help.
Regardless of whether you have a license for the MultiSource Option, you
can also extend a project's access to multiple data sources through other
MicroStrategy features. Freeform SQL, Query Builder, and supporting
access through MicroStrategy to other MDX cube sources such as SAP BW,
Oracle Essbase, and Microsoft Analysis Services allows non-project
database instances to be included and used in a project along with the
warehouse database instances. For information on Freeform SQL and Query
Builder, see the Advanced Reporting Help. For information on MDX cube
sources, see the MDX Cube Reporting Help
l Blue text: This is the warehouse database instance, as selected from the
warehouse database instance drop-down list. There can only be one
warehouse database instance for a project, because this database
instance's data is populated in the Warehouse Catalog to define the
project's relational schema. You cannot choose to disable the warehouse
database instance for the project without first selecting a different
warehouse database instance.
If you have a license for the MultiSource Option, the primary database
instance acts as the main source of data for a project and is used as the
default database instance for tables added to the project.
l Bold text: The project contains objects that are dependent on the
database instance. You cannot choose to disable a database instance that
has dependent objects for the project.
l Normal text: The database instance is not being used in the project.
A database instance that has an MDX cube schema is represented with bold
text. The shading and color of a database instance in the list of relational
database instances reflects how the database instance is being used in the
l Bold: The project contains objects that are dependent on the database
instance. You cannot choose to disable a database instance that has
dependent objects for the project.
If you remove an MDX cube database instance from a project, you can
delete any unused MDX cube schema objects. You can remove database
instance from a project only if there are no dependent objects in the project
for the database instance. For more information on removing a database
instance and related MDX cube managed objects from a project, refer to the
System Administration Help.
You can click Schema Maintenance to perform various tasks for an MDX
cube schema that is part of your project, as described below:
l You can choose when an MDX cube schema associated with a database
instance is loaded for a project. By default, MDX cube schemas are loaded
as needed when MDX cube reports are executed. You can also choose to
load MDX cube schemas when Intelligence Server starts. For information
on defining when MDX cube schemas should be loaded, refer to the MDX
Cube Reporting Help.
l When you integrate MDX cube sources into MicroStrategy, the data is
integrated as an MDX cube schema. Once you integrate an MDX cube
source into MicroStrategy, you can exchange the database instance used
to connect to the MDX cube schema for a different database instance. This
allows you to use different database instances with different login and
connection information to access an MDX cube schema. For information
on exchanging the database instance used to connect to the MDX cube
schema, refer to the MDX Cube Reporting Help.
You can also create a new database instance using the Database Instance
Wizard that is available in the Database Instance Manager shortcut menu.
The database connection type you choose should match your data source
and determines whether the database instance is a relational or an MDX
cube database instance.
The Advanced tab is not available for MDX cube database instances.
3. From the File menu, go to New > Database Instance. The Database
Instances Editor opens.
4. On the General tab, in the Database instance name field, type the
name of the database instance.
6. On the Advanced tab, you can configure various options for the
database instance, including:
l Intermediate table storage: You can specify the database name and
table name space to use when intermediate tables are created.
Intermediate tables are created to support various queries.
l Table prefix: If the tables in your data source use a table prefix, you
can include the table prefix to identify the proper collection of tables.
Click Select to select a table prefix or define a new table prefix.
l ODBC Version: You can define which ODBC version to use for the
database instance, as described below:
n Use 2.0 ODBC Calls: ODBC 2.0 was used in pre-9.0 versions of
MicroStrategy. You can use this option for backward compatibility if
your database management system does not support ODBC 3.x.
This also allows you to use extended fetch to retrieve blocks of data
from the database into memory, instead of row by row, which is
included in the steps To create a database connection, page 475.
n Use 3.x ODBC Calls: The support of ODBC 3.x is introduced in
MicroStrategy 9.0. This value is chosen by default for Database
Instances in MicroStrategy 9.x and higher.You should use this
option if your database management system supports ODBC 3.x.
ODBC 3.x will always use extended fetch (SQLFetchScroll) to
retrieve blocks of data from the database into memory rather than
row-by-row retrieval.
7. On the Job Prioritization tab, you can configure how jobs are
prioritized for the database instance. For information on configuring job
prioritization, see the System Administration Help.
Before moving forward, ensure that a database instance has been created as
described in Creating a database instance, page 469.
2. In the Local system ODBC data sources pane, select the data source
name for the data source.
3. On the Advanced tab, you can define various options per your
requirements and the requirements of the database you are connecting
to, including:
l Character set encoding for UNIX drivers: The options listed below
are only relevant when Intelligence Server is running on a UNIX
n Non UTF-8: Select this option if the ODBC driver returns
information in a character encoding other than UTF-8.
n UTF-8 (default): Select this option if the ODBC driver returns
information in UTF-8 character encoding. Drivers for Teradata
databases may require UTF-8 encoding.
4. On the General tab, in the Default database login name pane, select
the default database login and click OK.
If the necessary database login does not exist, you can create one by
clicking New. For steps to create a database connection, see Creating
a database login, page 479 below.
l For the metadata, the Select, Insert, and Update permissions are required.
Intermediate tables are created in the metadata for recursive search
queries, which requires Create and Drop permissions as well. Updating
the schema requires the Delete permission.
l For the data warehouse, the Select, Create, Insert, and Drop permissions
are required.
When you choose to create a new database login, the Database logins
dialog box opens:
1. In the Database Login field, type the name of the database login.
2. Provide the user ID and password required to access the data source,
using one of the following methods:
l Type the user ID in the Login ID field, and type the password for that
user ID in the Password field.
l Select the Use network login ID check box to connect to the data
source using the network user credentials which are also used to run
Intelligence Server. If Intelligence Server is running as a service, this
is the user that is running the mstrsvr.exe process. To determine
this user, in MicroStrategy Service Manager, select MicroStrategy
3. Click OK.
Database logins are passed to the data source any time a user executes a
report or browses attribute elements. Therefore, all database logins created
in MicroStrategy Developer must be also be created as valid logins in the
data source.
You can map users to connections and logins in the Project Configuration
Editor or Command Manager. For information about how connection maps
are used, see the System Administration Help.
l For the metadata, the Select, Insert, and Update permissions are required.
Intermediate tables are created in the metadata for recursive search
l For the data warehouse, the Select, Create, Insert, and Drop permissions
are required.
l User: The user or user group to apply the connection mapping to.
6. Click OK.
If the table information is not updated, although you have performed correct
steps, see KB483323: Unable to update table structure in MicroStrategy
Developer Warehouse Catalog.
Creating a Project
Now you have configured Intelligence Server and are ready to create a
project. There are various ways to create a project to get your MicroStrategy
project started. The different methods to create a project are described in
the Project Design Help.
services will start on port 20100, and the Intelligence Server will access
localhost's port 20100 for export.
However, you can configure the NEE and Intelligence Server default settings
to connect to a specific export engine.
l host: localhost
l port: dword:00004e84
4. On Windows, open regedit to change the host and port under HKEY_
Once you change the port number, you must also update the value in the
Intelligence Server's registry to ensure that the server can access the
updated NEE service.
Many enterprise customers cannot import data from URL sources, as they
are in a proxy environment. This considerably inhibits their ability to ingest
data from external sources, and limits MicroStrategy's ability to analyze the
data. Supporting proxy considerably increases their ability to analyze any
third-party data that is currently available via import from URL. There are
also customers in a proxy environment who cannot access Facebook,
Twitter, or other OAuth sources. In short, supporting proxy configuration is
needed for customers in some limited network environment, which is typical
in enterprise deployments.
Currently, we support proxy for File from URL, Sample File, Twitter,
Dropbox, Google Analytics, Google Drive, Google BigQuery, and BI Tools.
Proxy servers with or without basic authentication are supported when
setting a static proxy. We also support proxy setting with PAC files, but
cannot support PAC files with authentication. If authentication for proxy is
required, the USE_PROXY_PAC value in config.json must be set to
Configure a Proxy
Follow the procedures below to configure a proxy:
l Priority
l Limitation
After you install Workstation for Windows, the default configuration file,
proxy.json, is installed automatically.
"PAC_URL": "",
"USER_NAME": "",
l Host:
l Port: 8080
l Username: mstr
l Password: 123456
"PAC_URL": "",
"PROXY_PORT": "8080",
"USER_NAME": "mstr",
"PASSWORD": "123456"
"PAC_URL": "",
"PROXY_PORT": "8080",
"USER_NAME": "",
If you use a PAC file to configure your proxy, the PAC file location is
C:/Config. Configure your proxy.json as follows:
"PAC_URL": "c:/config/example.pac",
"USER_NAME": "",
You must configure the proxy correctly for it to take effect. Data
access issues occur if the format is correct, but the proxy server is
If you verify data from a URL, you can import data from a source that
was previously inaccessible.
You should always restart the Intelligence Server after changing the
proxy configuration or the PAC file.
Item Description
Specify the path of the PAC file. Both local and online
PAC_URL files are supported, such as Z:/BIN/X64/demo.pac
or http://test/demo.pac.
Item Description
To verify that the proxy is taking effect, retrieve a proxy log by enabling the
RESTWrapper Info log in the MicroStrategy Diagnostics and Performance
Logging Tool.
There are two levels of proxy settings in MicroStrategy.
The proxy setting is global. MicroStrategy uses the same proxy, even if a
different user logs in.
l The Microsoft Windows' Users group must have read and execute
permissions to all of the files within the MicroStrategy common files folder.
This ensures that Internet Information Services has the required permissions
to host MicroStrategy Web. By default, this folder is stored in the following
directory location:
64-bit Windows environments:
3. Click Connect. All projects loaded on the Intelligence Server are now
available from MicroStrategy Web. Click the Home icon to see the list
of projects loaded on the Intelligence Server you specified.
l The Users group for Microsoft Windows must have read and execute
permissions to all of the files within the MicroStrategy common files folder.
This ensures that IIS has the required permissions to host MicroStrategy
Mobile Server. By default, this folder is stored in the following directory
3. Click Connect.
3. Click Save.
You must perform extra configuration steps to allow graphs to support non-
Western European fonts on MicroStrategy Web (JSP) for a Linux system.
For more information, see Graph and Document Support of Non-Western
European Fonts, page 872 of Appendix B, Troubleshooting.
The WAR files are placed in the folder you specified when installing
MicroStrategy JSP applications. The default locations are as follows:
To deploy the application, you must follow a set of steps that are specific to
the application server you are using. For more details, see the application
server vendor documentation or follow the instructions within this guide.
After deploying a WAR file, you can view the WEB-INF folder, which contains
a subfolder named log. The log folder retains all the log files. For more
information on the directory structure after deploying the WAR file, see
Directory Structure After Deploying the WAR File, page 500.
MicroStrategy Web
Directory Contents
Directory Contents
Preconfiguration Information
This section provides the preconfiguration information necessary to deploy
MicroStrategy JSP applications on Tomcat on your machine.
To configure the JDK, a system variable must point to the folder where you
install the JDK. If you install the JDK to a simple folder path such as C:\
setting the system variable is easier and more likely to be correct.
4. In the Variable Value field, type the path of the folder where you
installed the JDK and click OK.
If you have installed JDK under the Program Files folder, type Progra~1
when specifying the folder name in the Variable Value box; otherwise the
system does not recognize the folder. For example, type
C:\Progra~1\jdk1.11.0 in the Variable Value box.
Configuring Tomcat
This procedure assumes that you have downloaded and installed Tomcat on
your machine. You can download Tomcat from the Apache website;
depending on the version you want to download, you may need to locate the
appropriate file in Apache's Archive area. Instructions for downloading and
installing Tomcat are also available on the Apache website.
To configure Tomcat, a system variable must point to the folder where you
install Tomcat. Installing Tomcat to a simple folder path such as C:\Tomcat
makes it easier to define the system variable.
4. In the Variable Value field, specify the path of the folder where you
installed Tomcat and click OK. For example, if you installed Tomcat
directly to the C drive, the destination folder is C:\Tomcat.
If you installed Tomcat under the Program Files folder, type Progra~1
when specifying the folder in the Variable Value box. Otherwise, the system
cd C:\Tomcat\bin
7. Type the required commands to start and stop Tomcat, which depends
on your version of Tomcat. For example, for Tomcat 9, type Tomcat9
start to start Tomcat and type Tomcat9 stop to stop Tomcat. Refer
to your third-party Apache documentation for information on the
commands to start and stop Tomcat.
If you installed Tomcat under the Program Files folder, type Progra~1
when you change folders in the command prompt. Otherwise, the system
does not recognize the folder. For example, type
C:\Progra~1\Tomcat\bin in the command prompt.
You can specify any value in the user name and password fields.
The servlet names at the end of the URL are case-sensitive. Make sure
to use the correct case when typing the servlet name. If the application
server is enabled with security, a dialog box related to the administrator
authentication opens.
If you are using Tomcat integrated with IIS, you do not need to specify
the port number in the URL. However, when using Tomcat as a stand-
alone Web container, you must specify the port number. The default
port for Tomcat is 8080.
2. When prompted for a user name and password, use the same values
you specified in the tomcat-users.xml file.
Preconfiguration Information
This section provides the preconfiguration information necessary to deploy
MicroStrategy JSP applications with Tomcat on your Linux machine.
To configure the JDK, a system variable must point to the folder where you
install the JDK. If you install the JDK to a simple folder path such as C:\
setting the system variable is easier and more likely to be correct.
From the location in which to install the JDK, run the file you downloaded:
export JAVA_HOME=/PathName/jdkVersion;
where PathName is the destination folder where you installed the JDK
and Version is the version, such as 1_11_0, of the JDK.
Installing Tomcat
This procedure assumes that you have downloaded and installed Tomcat in
a directory named Tomcat on your machine. If you have not installed
Tomcat yet, download the zip file from the following links:
l Tomcat 9.0.x
l Tomcat 8.0.x
Configuring Tomcat
After you install Tomcat, you must configure Tomcat. The Tomcat
configuration includes creating the environment variable CATALINA_HOME
and defining this environment variable to point to the Tomcat directory.
1. Open the etc/profile file in a program that allows you to edit the file.
For example,
To st ar t an d st o p To m cat f r o m t h e co m m an d l i n e
<role rolename="admin"/>
You can specify any value in the user name and password fields.
These are used to log in to the MicroStrategy Web Administrator and
Mobile Server Administrator pages. The roles field must be admin.
Now you can access and configure your MicroStrategy JSP application, as
described in Accessing the MicroStrategy JSP application administrative
page, page 512.
The servlet names at the end of the URL are case-sensitive. Make
sure to use the correct case when typing the servlet name. If the
2. When prompted for a user name and password, use the same values
you specified in the tomcat-users.xml file.
Preconfiguration Information
This section provides the preconfiguration information necessary to deploy
MicroStrategy JSP applications on JBoss on your machine.
To configure the JDK, a system variable must point to the folder where you
install the JDK. If you install the JDK to a simple folder path such as C:\
then setting the system variable is easier and more likely to be correct.
4. In the Variable Value box, specify the destination folder where you
installed the JDK and click OK.
If you have installed JDK under the Program Files folder, type Progra~1
in the destination folder; otherwise the system does not recognize the
folder. For example, C:\Progra~1\jsdk1.11.0.
Installing JBoss
You can download and install JBoss here.
Keep track of the location in which you install JBoss, as this location is used
later (referred to as JBOSS_HOME) to configure JBoss with a MicroStrategy
JSP application deployment.
l Troubleshooting
4. Include one line for each user to grant administrative access to the Web
Administrator and Mobile Server Administrator, using the following
For example, you create UserA and UserB with passwords 1234 and
5678 respectively using the following syntax:
7. Include one line for each user you included in the
file and grant them administrative access, using the following syntax:
l UserA=admin
l UserB=admin
Now you can access and configure your MicroStrategy JSP application, as
described in Accessing the MicroStrategy JSP application administrative
page, page 518.
The servlet names at the end of the URLs listed above are case-
sensitive. Make sure to use the correct case when typing the servlet
name. If the application server is enabled with security, a dialog box
related to the administrator authentication opens.
2. When prompted for a user name and password, type the user name for
the administrator user you created in the file and
the login information in the file.
Under certain circumstances, an error in a request involving JSON may
In the Web server logs, a similar warning message may also appear:
When this occurs JBoss must be configured to disable Jackson. This can by
done by:
./bin/ -Dresteasy.preferJacksonOverJsonB=FALSE
See the JBoss documentation for RESTEasy JAX-RS for more information
about this situation.
If you are using MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 or a later version, the legacy
MicroStrategy Office add-in cannot be installed from Web.;
For more information, see the MicroStrategy for Office page in the Readme
and the MicroStrategy for Office Help.
From the MicroStrategy Web Administrator page, you can designate the
installation directory path to MicroStrategy Office, and also determine
whether a link to Office installation information appears in the MicroStrategy
Web interface.
You must install and deploy MicroStrategy Web Services to allow the
installation of MicroStrategy Office from MicroStrategy Web. For information
about deploying MicroStrategy Web Services, see the MicroStrategy for Office
2. Click Connect.
8. Click Save.
You can modify these to use absolute paths, as shown in the examples
<parameter name="serverConfigFilesDefaultLocation"
value="ABSOLUTE:/usr/User1/MicroStrategy/xml/" />
<parameter name="serverLogFilesDefaultLocation"
value="ABSOLUTE:/usr/User1/MicroStrategy/xml/log/" />
l Dropbox
l Google Analytics
l Google BigQuery
l Google Drive
l Twitter
l Your third-party data source environment contains the data you plan to
integrate in MicroStrategy Web. You also need the proper credentials to
perform some of the steps below. For example, you need a
login with developer credentials to perform some of the steps below.
The Twitter connector does not allow you to add query parameters in
the Twitter app setting. Beginning MicroStrategy 2019 Update 1, you
do not need to add the event in the URL to use the Twitter connector.
WebServer is the full domain name of your web server that is hosting
MicroStrategy Web. Ensure that you use the full domain name rather
than using an IP address, as using an IP address can require re-
authentication when making the connection.
4. Restart the web server that hosts MicroStrategy Web. The next time
you log in to Web and use Data Import, the data source is now an
available option.
Additionally, the callback URL is the MicroStrategy Web URL you used
above to configure MicroStrategy Web as a remote access application
for your data source. The Client ID, Client Secret, and Callback URL
are all defined as OAuth parameters of the connection to your data
source using Data Import.
For the Twitter connector, add the event 3172 to the callback URL in
MicroStrategy Web. For an example of connecting the Twitter
connector, see KB440974.
This section explains the setup required for Intelligence Server to execute
HTML documents and Report Services documents on Linux platforms.
Prerequisites 528
This section assumes the following:
l You are familiar with MicroStrategy HTML documents and Report Services
l You have a Report Services product license if you are using Report
Services documents. HTML documents do not require a Report Services
product license.
Some of the steps described in this document may require root access
l You must have root permissions on any Linux computer used to set up the
HTML document directory. This includes the computer that stores the
HTML document directory as well as any computer that must be setup to
access the directory.
# mkdir share
# cd share
# mkdir htmldocuments
2. Install Samba software on the Linux computer that you created the
HTML documents directory in the step above. With this software, the
HTML documents directory is accessible to the Windows computer with
MicroStrategy Developer installed. You can get the latest version of
Samba at
Notice that Samba uses the .org extension and not the more common
.com extension. Using the .com extension takes you to an incorrect
4. Create a Samba share, named "share", with read and write permissions
that points to the directory machine-name:/share. For example, you
must share UNIX1:/share.This step allows Windows computers to
access the directory.
The Samba share is created in the Samba smb.conf file. For specific
instructions on how to setup a Samba share, refer to the Samba
website at
5. Restart Samba.
6. Mount the HTML document directory on the computer that has the
Intelligence Server installed on it. Root privileges are required for this.
On the computer with Intelligence Server, type the command su and the
root password at the command prompt to log in as a superuser, or log in
as root. The command prompt changes to the pound sign (#). Perform
the commands below:
cd /
mkdir machine-name
cd machine-name
mkdir share
cd share
mkdir htmldocuments
cd /
7. You can cache the connection to the Linux HTML documents directory
from the Windows computer so that you are not prompted for
authentication each time the directory is accessed:
9. Create a directory named xsls under the HTML document directory and
copy the XSL files you require for creating HTML documents to the xsls
directory, /machine-name/share/htmldocuments/xsls. If you
stored XSL files in a different directory or did not copy them from their
original default directory, you must copy them into the new xsls
directory. For example, the default HTML document directory for the
Tutorial project is Program Files\MicroStrategy\Tutorial
10. If you want to insert images into the HTML document, create a directory
named images under the HTML document directory, and copy the
images to the directory /machine-
You are now ready to create and execute your HTML documents. Remember
to create your HTML documents in the HTML document directory, otherwise,
Intelligence Server cannot execute the HTML documents correctly.
l You have completed all the steps listed in the section Setup for Creating
and Executing HTML Documents, page 530.
1. Copy the HTML file for any existing HTML document to /machine-
2. View the source code of each HTML file and copy the XSL file used by
each HTML document in an appropriate directory under /machine-
For example, if the location of the XSL file in the source code is
xsl="\xsls\myxsl.xsl, then copy myxsl.xsl to /machine-
name/share/htmldocuments/xsls. If the location of the XSL file in
the source code is xsl="\myxsl.xsl, then copy myxsl.xsl to
3. View the source code for the images used by each HTML document in
an appropriate directory under /machine-
For example, if the location of the image file in the source code is
\images\myimage.gif, then copy myimage.gif to /machine-
name/share/htmldocuments/images. If the location of the XSL file
in the source code is \myimage.gif, then copy myimage.gif to
This occurs because the fonts required by the PDF component are missing
from Linux machines running Intelligence Server. The missing fonts may
include Microsoft True Type fonts.
To resolve this issue, you must install the font files in the
PDFGeneratorFiles folder within the MicroStrategy installation path on
the Linux machine, as described below.
2. Install the Microsoft True Type fonts. See the pages for information
about licensing requirements and installation:
4. To update the list of fonts available, you must restart the Intelligence
This section explains the various possibilities for performing fully automated
and unattended installations within the MicroStrategy platform. This includes
customizations to the installation routines available with the product. It
explains the different resources you can use to deploy MicroStrategy
products through various scenarios including:
l Update dates
l Machine specifications
l User selections
Both the location and the name can be changed. You can specify the log file
name and location in the following places:
setup.exe --LogFile="C:\install.log"
Methods of Installation
The installation methods discussed in this section are:
The response.ini file specifies all the selections you want to make during
the installation in the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard. You can either run it
with all the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard options that are pre-selected
or run it without having to use the wizard at all.
The response.ini file should not be confused with the setup.iss file,
which is used by the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard to perform silent
installation. When both response.ini and setup.iss are included in the
setup, response.ini overrides setup.iss. For details on the
setup.iss file, see Silent Installation, page 589.
Create the file in any text editor and save it as response.ini in the
desired folder.
The following tables describe the parameters and options for the all the
sections, such as Installer, Paths, and so on in the response.ini file. It is
followed by sample response.ini files for your reference.
In st al l er
Options Description
Options Description
If you enter FALSE, the prompt does not display. The default
is TRUE.
• *.pds
Options Description
• *.xsl
• *.asp
• *.css
• *.js
• *.sql
Options Description
Wel co m e Di al o g
Options Description
HideDialog TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.
TRUE or FALSE. This option is for the uninstall process only. Setting it
to TRUE removes all MicroStrategy products during the uninstall
RemoveAll process. The default is FALSE.
Cu st o m er In f o r m at i o n Di al o g
Options Description
Specify the license key for the software. If you do not specify
the license key, the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard will ask
for it when it reaches that step. By default, it is blank for a
fresh install or displays the license key from a previous install.
Li cen se Det ai l
Options Description
Options Description
Ch o o se Dest i n at i o n Lo cat i o n Di al o g
Options Description
Location of the root directory for the Program Files. The default is
set to:
Pat h s
Options Description
Section for specifying the path for the products that you select to
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
Sel ect Co m p o n en t s Di al o g - Pr o d u ct Vi si b i l i t y St at e
Options Description
Options Description
MicroStrategy Distribution
MicroStrategy Transaction
MicroStrategy Narrowcast
MicroStrategy Server
Options Description
MySQLVisible MySQL
Options Description
This means that if you have a product installed and you do not specify a
TRUE or FALSE value, the product is upgraded.
Options Description
Options Description
MicroStrategy Narrowcast
Options Description
In st al l at i o n Fi l es
Options Description
Options Description
To p o l o gy Co n f i gu r at i o n
Options Description
Pl at f o r m An al yt i cs Co n f i gu r at i o n
Options Description
Options Description
M i cr o St r at egy Tel em et r y Cl u st er Co n f i gu r at i o n
Options Description
Options Description
An al yt i cs M o d u l e
Options Description
• Analytics_Metadata
• MicroStrategy_Tutorial_Data
Options Description
YES or NO. This option is for the uninstall only. Set this
RemoveVD option to remove an existing MicroStrategy Web virtual
directory from a previous installation. The default is NO.
Options Description
RemoveVD YES or NO. This option is for the uninstall only. Set
Options Description
M i cr o St r at egy M DX Cu b e Pr o vi d er Vi r t u al Di r ect o r y
Options Description
Su b scr i p t i o n Po r t al Vi r t u al Di r ect o r y
Options Description
Options Description
YES or NO. This option is for the uninstall only. Set this
option to remove an existing MicroStrategy
Subscription Portal virtual directory from a previous
installation. The default is NO.
Options Description
YES or NO. This option is for the uninstall only. Set this
option to remove an existing MicroStrategy Subscription
Portal virtual directory from a previous installation. The
default is NO.
If you are using MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 or a later version, the legacy
MicroStrategy Office add-in cannot be installed from Web.;
For more information, see the MicroStrategy for Office page in the Readme
and the MicroStrategy for Office Help.
Options Description
M i cr o St r at egy Of f i ce Set t i n g
If you are using MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 or a later version, the legacy
MicroStrategy Office add-in cannot be installed from Web.;
For more information, see the MicroStrategy for Office page in the Readme
and the MicroStrategy for Office Help.
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
Options Description
St ar t Co p yi n g Fi l es Di al o g
Options Description
Section that specifies the installation summary in the Start Copying Files
dialog box.
HideDialog TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.
M i cr o St r at egy In st al l at i o n Wi zar d Co m p l et e Di al o g
Options Description
HideDialog TRUE or FALSE. FALSE displays the dialog box. The default is FALSE.
Starting from 10.4, you can find the sample_custom.ini in the same
location as the installation setup.exe. Replace any text between the
angled brackets <> with your own specific information.
## MicroStrategy 11.3 Response File ##
# This file contains entries targeted to Custom Mode, which will install
and configure the full platform on one machine.
# For more information on Silent Install please refer to the section on
"Installing and configuring with a response.ini file" in the Installation
and Configuration guide available at
# We are working to improve our Silent and Automated installation use-
cases. Feedback on Silent or Automated installations is welcomed via the
MicroStrategy Community (Platform Services > Platform > Secure Enterprise -
Windows) or via Technical Support to the Deployment Team.
# Here is a direct link (as of Jun 2017) to the Community sub-section on
platform deployment:
## Usage ##
# In an Administrator Command Line window (Windows Button > CMD, Right
Click and Run As Administrator)
# Path and File Name for the Installation Log file.
# If no value is specified, the default location will be used: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\install.log
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Customer Information
# Please specify your first name, last name, email address, the name of the
# for which you work and the license key.
# Company
# License key
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Product Install Location.
# Use the following values to specify the install location for
MicroStrategy products.
# The default path of TargetDirectory is C:\Program Files
# The default path of COMMONFILES is C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Product Visibility State
# New in 10.5
# New in 10.9
# New in 11.0
# New in 11.2
# New in 11.3
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Product Selection State
# New in 10.5
# New in 10.9
# New in 11.0
# New in 11.2
# New in 11.3
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Topology Configuration
# The Workstation Topology helps administrators to monitor and manage
# in a MicroStrategy environment. Choose your configuration below.
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Remote Repository Configuration
# The input below will be entered identically for all configured machines
in this environment.
# Example:;;
# It is recommended to configure an odd number of servers in a cluster
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Telemetry Server Cluster Configuration
# Please provide local node's hostname
# Please provide a semicolon separated list of remote nodes' hostname
Starting from 10.4 you can find the sample_express.ini in the same
location as the installation setup.exe. Replace any text between angled
brackets <> with your own specific information.
## MicroStrategy 11.3 Response File ##
# This file contains a subset of entries required for Express Mode, which
will install and configure the full platform on one machine.
# For more information on Express Mode please refer to the section on
"Performing a MicroStrategy Express Installation" in the Installation and
Configuration guide available at
# Additional entries are not included in this file and may be optionally
included for greater flexibility. For a full list, please refer to the
"Installing and configuring with a response.ini file" section in the
Installation and Configuration guide.
# We are working to improve our Silent and Automated installation use-
cases. Feedback on Silent or Automated installations is welcomed via the
MicroStrategy Community (Platform Services > Platform > Secure Enterprise -
Windows) or via Technical Support to the Deployment Team.
# Here is a direct link (as of Jun 2017) to the Community sub-section on
platform deployment:
## Usage ##
# In an Administrator Command Line window (Windows Button > CMD, Right
Click and Run As Administrator)
# Silent Install Usage: #PathToSetupExe --
responseFile="#PathToResponseIni#" -s -f1#PathToSetupIss# -
# Example: C:\Setup.exe --responseFile="C:\response_express.ini" -s -
f1C:\Setup.iss -f2C:\Setup.log
# The above example assumes the following:
# Setup.exe is located at: C:\Setup.exe
# MicroStrategy Response File is located at: C:\response_express.ini
# Installer Setup.iss is located at: C:\Setup.iss
# Output Log file should be written to: C\Setup.log
# Response entries start here, replace any text between angled brackets
(<>) with your own text
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Product Install Location.
# Use the following values to specify the install location for
MicroStrategy products.
# The default path of TargetDirectory is C:\Program Files
# The default path of COMMONFILES is C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
HideDialog = TRUE
TargetDirectory =
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Customer Information
# Please specify your first name, last name, email address, the name of the
company for which you work and the license key.
# For Express Installation, this information is used to create the initial
MicroStrategy Identity Network and user badge.
# Company
# License key
# New in 10.8
l Auto: instructs the setup program to use the response file and default
values to enable a one-click installation. If a component, such as serial
key or disk space has an invalid value, the setup program automatically
reverts to multiple-click mode, and all dialog boxes are displayed.
file name is entered, the default location remains the Common Files
directory. Once specified, the alternative file becomes the default.
1. Save your response.ini file to the directory C:\. You can save to
a different directory, but the example command provided in these steps
assumes the response file is saved to the directory location C:\.
<Path>\setup.exe --ResponseFile="C:\response.ini"
5. Click Enter.
l Checks for user privileges. If they are not valid, uninstallation stops.
You can use the following response file to remove all MicroStrategy
Click Yes to open the command prompt with administrator privileges. The
command prompt is displayed. Type the following script at the command
prompt to uninstall all MicroStrategy products:
Where the Path1 for setup.exe must be the path to the original
setup.exe used to install MicroStrategy products. The Path2 for the
response file is the path where you saved your response.ini file.
Silent Installation
A silent, or unattended, installation is one that presents no user interface.
Silent installations are useful for system administrators who do not want
users to interfere with the installation. They are typically implemented by IT
departments that perform package-based installations across the network.
You can use silent installation to easily embed MicroStrategy products with
other applications. This can be done to develop an OEM application that
includes MicroStrategy functionality. For information on deploying a silent
installation for OEM applications, see OEM Silent Installations, page 653.
1. Review and accept the Legal Notices and Terms of Use statement.
5. Click Next.
6. Complete the customer information and enter the license key for your
8. Click Next.
10. Step through the wizard to configure your installation. Steps will vary
based on operating system and components selected.
The table below identifies the information that the MSTRInst.log file
Line Description
Logs information about the setup that is running.
Includes feedback that you must verify related to the setup. For example, in
normal mode, when MicroStrategy applications are running on a machine
Warning [W] where the setup is being run, you are prompted to close all MicroStrategy
applications before proceeding. In silent mode, you are not prompted, and
instead the setup terminates.
Includes fatal problems that prevent the setup from proceeding. For
Severe [S] example, the Intelligence Server Service cannot be created and setup fails
as a result.
A typical line in the MSTRInst.log file includes source file name, function
name, source line number, and time. It appears as follows:
[Z:\InstallMaster\Setup\Script Files\MALicense.rul][UseDLL][l:
28][1318179ms][W] Le file C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{84D0D5E2-719A-11D7-
3C46C1C13663}\MAInst.dll couldn't be loaded in memory.
When reviewing warning messages in the MSTRInst.log file, look for [W]
and [S] to find related problems.
You must obtain and unzip the MicroStrategy update files. These files include
response.ini and setup.iss. The rest of this procedure assumes you have
saved these files to the file path C:\. If you save it to another location, replace
C:\ with the file path to the response.ini and setup.iss.
<InstallPath>\setup.exe -L<LanguageValue> --
ResponseFile="C:\response.ini" -s -f1"C:\setup.iss" -f2"C:\setup.log"
You can check the status of the silent installation in Windows Task Manager.
After applying the update, you can view it in the Add or Remove Programs
MicroStrategyWorkstation=C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy
[InstallShield Silent]
File=Response File
"path-to-WindowsWorkstation.exe" -s --
ResponseFile="c:\TMP\Wrkst\response.ini" -f1"c:\TMP\Wrkst\setup.iss" -
station.exe. If you access the WindowsWorkstation.exe over a
network path, make sure you can access it in Windows File Explorer.
l -f1: Specifies the path and name for the InstallShield launcher's log
file. Do not include a space between the -f1 and the value
l -f2: Specifies the path and name for the installation output log file.
Do not include a space between the -f1 and the value
MicroStrategyWorkstation=C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy\Workstation
[InstallShield Silent]
File=Response File
<path-to-WindowsWorkstation.exe>\WindowsWorkstation.exe -s --
ResponseFile="C:\response.ini" -f1"C:\setup.iss" -f2"c:\setup.log"
l -f1: Specifies the path and name for the InstallShield launcher's log
file. Do not include a space between the -f1 and the value
l -f2: Specifies the path and name for the installation output log file.
Do not include a space between the -f1 and the value
If you are using MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 or a later version, the legacy
MicroStrategy Office add-in cannot be installed from Web.;
For more information, see the MicroStrategy for Office page in the Readme
and the MicroStrategy for Office Help.
You can also install MicroStrategy Office as its own stand-alone installation,
which lets you install only MicroStrategy Office. The stand-alone installation
of MicroStrategy Office can also be used to install updates of the
MicroStrategy Office product.
l You must have Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Web Services
Enhancement Runtime to install and support MicroStrategy Office. For the
required versions of these components, see the MicroStrategy Readme.
l The version of Intelligence Server to ensure that you have the right one for
the products you are installing
l The install.log for any recorded errors during installation and the
MSTRInst.log file for any possible errors. The most common errors are:
n -8, which is an invalid path to the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard
silent response .iss file.
n -12, which is dialog boxes out of order. This occurs because an
unrecorded screen opened when running the silent install.
It is recommended that you create a silent install that can be used with a
response.ini file. For more information, see OEM Silent Installations,
page 653. This way you can change the settings in the response.ini file
without having to generate a new .iss file.
Silent Installation
A silent or unattended installation is one that presents no graphical user
interface (GUI). Silent installations allow you to automate the installation, so
it can be called from a script and executed without user interaction. Silent
installations are useful for system administrators who do not want users to
run the installation themselves. The silent installation can be done on one or
more computers.
SSH is required to start and stop services in the Workstation Topology view.
1. Review and accept the Legal Notices and Terms of Use statement.
4. Click Next.
5. Complete the customer information and enter the license key for your
7. Click Next.
9. Step through the wizard to configure your installation. Steps will vary
based on operating system and components selected.
This options file or response file is used with the command line argument -
options to modify the wizard settings. The settings that can be specified
for the wizard are listed in the next section, Parameters for a Silent
Installation, page 625.
3. Browse to the
The example below assumes you are using the full set of installation files to
support the MicroStrategy installation. If you have downloaded only a
subset of the .tzp files that are required for the MicroStrategy installation,
you must define where these files are stored, using the parameters
described in Install on Demand Options, page 643.
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Options File Template
# This file is a options file (i.e., response file) for the MicroStrategy
# Installer. The options file is loaded by default if it is named
# and it is located in the same directory as
# An alternative options file can be specified by using "-options" on
# the command line.
# The settings that can be specified for the wizard are listed below. To
# this template, follow these steps:
# 1. Enable a setting below by removing leading '###' characters from
# line (search for '###' to find settings you can change).
# 2. Specify a value for a setting by replacing the character's
# Read each setting's documentation for information on how to specify
# value.
# 3. Save the changes to the file.
# 4. Launch the installation using the script
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Silent Installation.
# The options file is required for silent installations, specify -silent
# -options <file-name> as a command line arguments to the wizard, where
# <file-name> is the name of this options file.
# For example:
# -silent -options options.txt
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# System Requirements Warnings
# The silent installation will install MicroStrategy even if some system
# requirements are not completely meet.
# Please read the release notes file and configure your system so it meets
# requirements before running this setup and check the installation log
# the installation is complete.
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Installation Properties
# Please specify general installation properties.
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy License Agreement Default Selection
# In the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard, it is legally required to
accept the
# MicroStrategy License Agreement in order to proceed with the desired
# operation.
# Use this option to specify the default selected option selected for the
# Agreement Dialog. Legal values are:
# true - Accept the License Agreement
# false - Do not accept the License Agreement
# If no option is provided, 'reject' is used as default.
### licenseAgreement.accept=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Customer Information
# Please specify your name, the name of the company for which you work and
# license key.
# User
### userRegistration.user=<value>
# Company
# License Key
### userRegistration.cdKey=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Installation Selection
# For a new Installation, use "new" (i.e. install.Instance=new)
# For an existing Installation, specify its home path.
# Home path is a directory that identifies an installation and stores
# configuration files and application launchers (suite.homeDirectory in
# MicroStrategy Install Locations section). You may refer to <home> tag
# <suite>MstrSuite</suite> in mstrinstall.xml.
# For example
# install.Instance=/home/user/MicroStrategy
### install.Instance=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Operation to perform on instance
# For a new Installation, Legal values are:
# FRESH_INSTALL - Indicates a new installation will be performed
# For an existing Installation, Legal values are:
# MODIFY - Indicates the installation will be modified.
# REPAIR - Indicates the installation will be repaired.
# UNINSTALL - Indicates the installation will be uninstalled.
# UPGRADE - Indicates the installation will be upgraded
# REMOVE_UPDATE - Indicates a update package will be removed
# For example
# install.Operation=MODIFY
### install.Operation=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Install Locations
# The install locations of the product. Specify a valid directories into
# the product should be installed.
# It is recommended to specify a different directory for each one of the
# locations:
# Home - This directory will store configuration files and application
# Install - This directory will store all the binaries and other static
# Log - Application logs will be created here.
# NOTE: Special characters (!,%,$,^,\,?,#) and space characters are not
valid. All
# special characters will be ignored.
### suite.homeDirectory=<value>
### suite.installDirectory=<value>
### suite.logDirectory=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Product Selection State
# A selection state setting is available for every MicroStrategy product.
# Legal values are:
# true - Indicates that the product is selected for installation
# false - Indicates that the product is not selected for installation
# The default value for Selection state settings is "true".
# For example, to select "MicroStrategy Intelligence Universal Edition"
# for installation use
# All licensed products are selected by default, so in case you want to
# them from being installed make sure they are unselected too.
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Intelligence Universal Edition
# MicroStrategy Intelligence Universal Edition will be automatically
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Web Universal
# MicroStrategy Web Universal Reporter will be automatically selected for
# installation if MicroStrategy Web Universal Analyst is selected.
# MicroStrategy Web Universal Reporter & Analyst will be automatically
# for installation if MicroStrategy Web Universal Professional is
# MicroStrategy Portlets
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Web Services J2EE
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Mobile Server JSP
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Community Connectors
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Command Manager
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy System Manager
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Platform Analytics
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Integrity Manager
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Telemetry Server
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# New in 10.9
# MicroStrategy Library Web & Mobile
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# New in 10.9
# MicroStrategy Collaboration
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# New in 11.0
# MicroStrategy Certificate Store
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# New in 11.2
# MicroStrategy Export
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# New in 11.2
# MicroStrategy Repository
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# New in 11.3
# MicroStrategy Cloud Object Connector
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Product Install Location.
# Use the following values to specify the install location for individual
# Warning: Special (!,%,$,^,\,?,#) and space characters are not valid. All
# characters will be ignored.
# Web Universal
### WebUniversal.deployDirectory=<value>
# MicroStrategy Portlets
### Portlets.installDirectory=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# CPU License Information
# This value should be specified when the license being used for
# Intelligence Universal Edition is based on CPUs. Legal values are
# between 1 and either the number of CPUs allowed by the license or the
number of
# CPUs in the machine, whichever is lower.
# For example to set the number of CPUs to 2, use:
# cpuCount.number=2
# To set this options to the maximum value allowed, use:
# cpuCount.number=maximum
# The default value for this setting is "maximum"
### cpuCount.number=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Remote Repository Connection
# A repository is required for the following components:
# Collaboration Server
# Platform Analytics
# To use a remote repository, provide the connectivity information to be
### RemoteRepository.DBHost=<value>
### RemoteRepository.DBPort=<value>
### RemoteRepository.DBUser=<value>
### RemoteRepository.DBPassword=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Telemetry Server Configuration
# This step allows you to cluster the Telemetry Servers that will be used
to send usage data to
# Platform Analytics.
# If you plan to install three or more Telemetry Servers in your
environment, you must check the
# box below during the installation of each Telemetry Server. Failing to do
so will result in
# manual configuration to create the cluster after the installation.
# For more information refer to the online help.
# Please note that Telemetry Server is installed by default when you
install and Intelligence
# or Platform Analytics.
# Provide the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the local Telemetry Server (do
not use "localhost"
# or the loopback IP address "")
### TelemetryServer.cluster.localnode=<value>
# Provide the Fully Qualified Domain Name of all the remote Telemetry
Servers that you have
# installed or will install. Separate the Fully Qualified Name using
# For example:;
### TelemetryServer.cluster.remotenodes=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Topology Configuration
# The Workstation Topology helps administrators to monitor and manage
# in a MicroStrategy environment.
# Enter the fully qualified domain name for one Intelligence machine below.
# To setup a fault tolerant configuration during this installation or
# review the online help.
# Note: This machine must be able to communicate with other machines in
# environment on ports 8300 & 8301.
# Important: During the installation of a multiple machine environment, the
# above needs to be entered exactly the same for each machine in the
### ServicesRegistration.serverHosts=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Registering as a service
# Register MicroStrategy processes as a service so that processes
# start up after system startup.
# Legal values are:
# true
# false
# Note: Only root users may register processes as a service.
### RegisterServices=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Registering as a service
# Use this user to start the services (optional)
### RegisterServices.user=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# SelectComponents.visible=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# MicroStrategy Product Visibility
# In the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard, the Select Components dialog
# contains check boxes to select or clear for products to be installed. You
# can specify whether you want the following products to be visible to the
# Legal values are:
# true - Indicates that the product is selected for installation
# false - Indicates that the product is not selected for installation
# The default value for Selection state settings is "true".
# If a product is not visible, it will not be installed,
# independently of the value specified for its selection state (see the
# Product Selection State section).
# MicroStrategy Portlets
### Portlets.visible=<value>
# New in 10.9
# MicroStrategy Library Web & Mobile
### LibraryWebMobile.visible=<value>
# New in 10.9
# MicroStrategy Collaboration
### Collaboration.visible=<value>
# New in 11.0
# MicroStrategy Certificate Store
### CertificateStore.visible=<value>
# New in 11.2
# MicroStrategy Export
### Export.visible=<value>
# New in 11.2
# MicroStrategy Repository
### Repository.visible=<value>
# New in 11.3
# MicroStrategy Cloud Object Connector
### CloudObjectConnector.visible=<value>
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# Install On Demand Options
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ##
# The kind of remote location. The valid values are "FileSystem", "HTTP" or
# The URL for HTTP or HTTPS styles. Set this value if
is set to HTTP or HTTPS
### InstallOnDemand.url=<value>
# Use this setting to skip the certificate checking when using HTTPS. Valid
values are "true" or "false"
### InstallOnDemand.bypassCertificateChecking=<value>
# The user name for HTTP or HTTPS styles. Set this value if is set to HTTP or HTTPS
# and the connection requires user name and password
### InstallOnDemand.user=<value>
License Agreement
Define whether the license agreement is accepted by default:
You can define this parameter with one of the following values:
Customer Information
Your name, the name of the company for which you work, and the license
l User:
l Company:<Value>
l License key:
MicroStrategy Operations
In addition to installing MicroStrategy, you can also modify, repair, uninstall,
and upgrade existing MicroStrategy installations:
l Log directory: The location where the MicroStrategy application logs are to
be created.
Product Features
When you install products using an options file, the following two values may
be specified for each product:
If no value is specified, the default is true for all products. You can also
define the visible option for all products using the parameter
SelectComponents.visible. You can exclude these visible options for
each product if you are using the options file as part of a completely silent
installation where no user interface is displayed to the user.
l false: Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation, or the
product is to be uninstalled as part of an installation that modifies or
uninstalls previously installed MicroStrategy software.
MicroStrategy Intelligence
l The state of whether MicroStrategy Intelligence is displayed in the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard:
l Intelligence.visible=true
MicroStrategy Portlets
l The state of whether MicroStrategy Portlets is displayed in the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard:
MicroStrategy Collaboration
l The state of whether MicroStrategy Collaboration is displayed in the
MicroStrategy Installation Wizard:
l Database hostname:
l Database port:
l Database username:
TelemetryServer.cluster.remotenodes=<Value>, Value
Topology Configuration
Workstation Topology helps administrators monitor and manage services in
a MicroStrategy environment.
Example: http://localhost/MicroStrategyMobile
Determines whether the required installation files are provided in a folder or at a URL.
You must define this parameter with one of the following values:
l FileSystem: Type this value if the required installation files are stored in a folder on
the local machine or a server machine. You must also provide the location of the files
using the InstallOnDemand.sourceLocation parameter.
l HTTP: Type this value if the required installation files are stored at an unsecured
URL. You must also provide the location of the files using the
InstallOnDemand.url parameter.
l HTTPS: Type this value if the required installation files are stored at a secured URL.
You must also provide the location of the files using the InstallOnDemand.url
parameter, as well as the user name and password to access the URL using the
InstallOnDemand.username and InstallOnDemand.password
stores any required installation files. If you store the files at an HTTP or HTTPS
location, do not provide a location for the InstallOnDemand.sourceLocation
If the installation fails on any of the steps before it starts copying the files, it
does not give any feedback other than the return value different from 0.
This chapter explains the common workflow for deploying the MicroStrategy
platform as an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) application.
can be used to automate the configuration for the OEM deployment. This
allows you to re-use all the configurations performed when developing an
embedded application for the deployment process as well, as described in
Configuring a MicroStrategy Installation, page 651.
l Design projects and a reporting environment. You can use the various
MicroStrategy products and relevant documentation to create the required
MicroStrategy environment. For additional best practices when designing
a reporting environment, see Designing a Project and Reporting
Environment, page 651.
l If you are modifying a project that has already been deployed as an OEM
application, see Updating OEM Applications, page 660 for best practices
on how to incorporate any custom reports or objects that may have been
created for the deployed application.
used to store the data warehouse and the MicroStrategy metadata, which
are both required to support a MicroStrategy reporting environment.
When setting up your OEM environment, you must create a separate DSN to
connect to the main data source and the metadata repository. This
requirement is true even if the data source and metadata repository are
stored in the same database or other data source. The main data source and
the metadata are described below:
l A data source stores the data that users of the system can analyze
through BI capabilities offered by MicroStrategy products.
l If you are modifying a project that has already been deployed as an OEM
application, see Updating OEM Applications, page 660 for best practices
on how to incorporate any custom reports or objects that may have been
created for the deployed application.
l Customizing the look and feel of the MicroStrategy Web interface. This
can include changing the color scheme, adding or removing content, using
customized logos, and many other customizations.
l Portals
You can follow the steps below to perform a silent installation on a Windows
environment. To perform a silent installation on a Linux environment, see
Silent Installation, page 602.
Ensure that the MicroStrategy installation files are accessible on the machine
in which the installation is being performed. If a required installation file is not
accessible, the installation can fail, often providing a warning about missing
[Installer] Required
HideAllDialogs = Required
PreventReboot = Optional
StopAllServices = Optional
StopIIS = Optional
CheckRenameOperations = Optional
[UserRegistration] Required
[ComponentSelection] Required
EnterpriseManagerSelect = Required
[InitialPaths] Required
EnterpriseManager = Required
l Keep the dialog flow consistent from one instance to the next.
Consistency in the response file script from one instance to the next
is necessary; if setup.iss detects an inconsistency in the dialog
flow, installation is terminated and a log file for the failure is created.
The rest of this procedure assumes you have saved the response.ini
file to the file path C:\. If you save it to another file path, replace
C:\response.ini with the file path of your response.ini file.
5. Run the silent install with the response.ini file in conjunction with
the setup.iss file as follows:
INSTALL_PATH\setup.exe -LLanguageValue --
ResponseFile="C:\response.ini" -s -f1"c:\setup.iss" -
7. After the installation is complete, you can check the result of the
installation process. If the silent installation is successful, the resulting
code value is zero (ResultCode=0) in the setup.log file. This is the
only indication of the installation being completed if the installation is
completely silent and a restart of the machine is not required.
l You can bypass the language prompt by running setup.exe with the
command line option for the language.
The following table lists the values for the different languages that
MicroStrategy supports:
Language Value
Danish 0006
Dutch 0019
English 0009
French 0012
Language Value
German 0007
Italian 0016
Japanese 0017
Korean 0018
Portuguese 0022
Spanish 0010
Swedish 0029
l To run the silent install, use the command line option as follows:
Path\setup.exe -L0009
For the command line option, you must type -L in front of the language code
to signify that you are entering a language.
l Provide the MicroStrategy metadata that was developed for the managed
l Any new objects deployed as part of the OEM application update should
be tested to ensure that they do not negatively affect the objects provided
with the previous deployment of the OEM application. MicroStrategy
Integrity Manager can be used to automate the testing of including new
objects in an OEM application. For information on Integrity Manager, refer
to the System Administration Help.
These update packages can be developed using Object Manager. Once the
package is ready for deployment, it can be deployed using the graphical
interface with Object Manager or using the unattended execution with
Command Manager Runtime. For information on creating and deploying an
update package with Object Manager, refer to the information on managing
projects provided in the System Administration Help. For information on
Command Manager Runtime, refer to the System Administration Guide.
MicroStrategy tools are provided in command line mode on Linux so that you
can perform various configuration tasks through the operating system
console. This enables you to perform your required configurations even if
you do not have access to the MicroStrategy interface.
The DSN is the name for a pointer used by a client application (in this case
MicroStrategy) to find and connect to a data source. Multiple DSNs can point
to the same data source and one DSN can be used by different applications.
ODBC driver
mstrtestodbc or mstrtodbcx
The test method described above reflects the situation when the ODBC
driver and the database network software are bundled. If they are not
Before you use the DB Query Tool, test the network layer with the network
layer utility, PING.EXE. Consult your operating system or network system
documentation for details.
2. In the Open drop-down list, type cmd and click OK. A command
prompt opens.
7. From the Queries menu, select Execute Query. A table of data from
the database is displayed in the Query Result window.
Direct (two-tier) data sources are available only on the Windows operating
4. Click Enter.
6. You can support the configuration tasks described in the sections listed
l Type 1 and click Enter to create metadata, History List, and statistics
tables. Refer to Creating Metadata, History List, and Statistics
Tables, page 671 for steps to create metadata tables, History List
tables, and statistics tables.
If you selected option 1 in Creating a response.ini File, page 669, you can
create metadata tables, History List tables, and statistics tables.
Cr eat i n g M et ad at a Tab l es
If metadata tables already exist in the location you plan to store your
metadata tables in and you do not want to overwrite the current metadata
tables, you should use the option described below.
This procedure assumes you have already opened the Configuration Wizard in
command line mode and selected to create metadata and statistics tables, as
described in Creating a response.ini File.
2. Type the number corresponding to the ODBC DSN for the database to
store your metadata tables and click Enter.
If you do not have a DSN defined on your Linux machine, see Creating
a DSN for a Data Source, page 664.
7. Enter characters to use as a table space name for your metadata tables
or use the default table space name and click Enter.
10. Type N and click Enter to skip History List table creation.
15. Type N and click Enter to quit without running the configuration.
Cr eat i n g Hi st o r y Li st Tab l es
This procedure assumes you have already opened the Configuration Wizard in
command line mode and selected to create metadata, History List, and
statistics tables, as described in Creating a response.ini File, page 669.
1. After you create metadata tables (see To Create Metadata Tables, page
671) or skip the creation of metadata tables, you are prompted to create
History List tables.
l Type Y and click Enter to create History List tables with the same
ODBC DSN information entered for your metadata tables. You are
then prompted to select a History List script to create the History
List tables, which is described in the To Select a History List Script,
page 675 section within this procedure.
If you do not have a DSN defined on your Linux machine, see Creating
a DSN for a Data Source, page 664.
l Type a login name for your database to create your History List tables
in and click Enter.
l Type a password for the login name provided and click Enter.
l If the data source does not point to a DB2 MVS database, the step to
select a statistics script to create statistics tables is displayed. This
step is described in the To Select a History List Script, page 675
section within this procedure.
1. You can enter the database name to use or use the default name, as
described below:
l Leave the prompt blank and click Enter to use the default database.
You are then prompted to provide the MVS table space name.
2. You can enter characters to use as a table space name for your
metadata tables or use the default table space name, as described
l Type the required table space name characters and click Enter.
l Leave the prompt blank and click Enter to use the default table space
You can select the script used to create the History List tables or use the
default script, as described below:
l Leave the field blank and click Enter to use the default script for your
database type.
l Type N and click Enter to skip statistics tables creation. You are then
prompted to provide a name for the response.ini file, as described in the
To Generate a response.ini File, page 675 section within this procedure.
2. You can choose to run the configuration you just completed or to run
the configuration using the response.ini file at a different time, as
described below:
l You can also use the response.ini file created for future
configurations, as described in Using the response.ini file to
Configure MicroStrategy, page 691.
l Type N and click Enter to quit without running the configuration. You
can use the response.ini file created for future configurations, as
described in Using the response.ini file to Configure MicroStrategy,
page 691.
Cr eat i n g St at i st i cs Tab l es
This procedure assumes you have already opened the Configuration Wizard in
command line mode and selected to create metadata, History List, and
statistics tables, as described in Creating a response.ini File, page 669.
1. After you create metadata tables (see To Create Metadata Tables, page
671), create History List tables (Creating History List Tables, page
673), or skip both of these procedures, you are prompted to create
statistics tables.
l Type Y and click Enter to create statistics tables with the same
ODBC DSN information entered for your metadata tables. You are
then prompted to select a statistics script to create the statistics
tables, which is described in the To Select a Statistics Script, page
678 section within this procedure.
1. Type a valid ODBC DSN for a database to create your statistics tables
in and click Enter. You are then prompted to provide a login to your
2. Type a login name for your database to create your statistics tables in
and click Enter. You are then prompted to provide a password for the
login name.
3. Type a password for the login name provided and click Enter.
Configure DB2 MVS Database Options, page 678 section within this
l If the data source does not point to a DB2 MVS database, the step to
select a statistics script to create statistics tables is displayed. This
step is described in the To Select a Statistics Script, page 678
section within this procedure.
1. You can enter the database name to use or use the default name, as
described below:
l Leave the prompt blank and click Enter to use the default database.
You are then prompted to provide the MVS table space name.
2. You can enter characters to use as a table space name for your
metadata tables or use the default table space name, as described
l Type the required table space name characters and click Enter.
l Leave the prompt blank and click Enter to use the default table space
You can select the script used to create the statistics tables or use the
default script, as described below:
l Leave the field blank and click Enter to use the default script for your
database type.
You are then prompted to provide a name for the response.ini file.
2. You can choose to run the configuration you just completed or to run
the configuration using the response.ini file at a different time, as
described below:
l You can also use the response.ini file created for future
configurations, as described in Using the response.ini file to
Configure MicroStrategy, page 691.
l Type N and click Enter to quit without running the configuration. You
can use the response.ini file created for future configurations, as
described in Using the response.ini file to Configure MicroStrategy,
page 691.
1. Type the corresponding number for the ODBC DSN for a database to
connect Intelligence Server to. This should be the data source that
stores your metadata. Click Enter. You are then prompted to provide a
login to your DSN.
2. Type a login name for your database to create your statistics tables in
and click Enter. You are then prompted to provide a password for the
login name.
3. Type a password for the login name provided and click Enter. You are
then prompted to provide a metadata prefix.
4. You can enter characters to use as a prefix for the names of your
metadata tables or use no prefix, as described below:
l Leave the prompt blank and click Enter to provide no metadata prefix.
5. You can enter characters to use as a prefix for the names of temp
tables or use no prefix, as described below:
l Leave the prompt blank and click Enter to provide no temp table
7. Type a password for the MicroStrategy user login provided and click
Enter. You are then prompted to choose the type of Intelligence Server
configuration to complete.
l Type 4 and click Enter to create a new server definition and use it as
the default server definition. This configuration follows the same
steps for creating a new server definition, which are described in
Creating and Using a Server Definition, page 681.
l Create a new server definition and use it as the default server definition
The action taken depends on what action you selected to complete in the
procedure To Set Up the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, page 680.
This procedure assumes you have already opened the Configuration Wizard in
command line mode and entered configuration information for your Intelligence
1. In the prompt that asks for a server definition name, type the name that
distinguishes the server definition and click Enter. You can click Enter
without entering any information to use the default server definition.
You are then prompted to choose the projects to load for the server
2. Type the names of projects to load when the server definition starts and
click Enter. Separate the project names with the \ character. You are
then prompted to choose projects to not load for the server definition.
3. Type the names of projects to not load when the server definition starts
and click Enter. Separate the project names with the \ character. You
are then prompted to provide a TCP port to use for Intelligence Server.
4. You can use the default port number or enter a different port number for
Intelligence Server, as described below:
l Leave the prompt blank and click Enter to use the default port
6. Type Y and click Enter to start Intelligence Server after the response
file is executed. You are then prompted to provide a name for the
response.ini file.
2. You can choose to run the configuration you just completed or to run
the configuration using the response.ini file at a different time, as
described below:
You can also use the response.ini file created for future
configurations, as described in Using the response.ini file to
Configure MicroStrategy, page 691.
l Type N and click Enter to quit without running the configuration. You
can use the response.ini file created for future configurations, as
described in Using the response.ini file to Configure MicroStrategy,
page 691.
This procedure assumes you have already opened the Configuration Wizard in
command line mode and entered configuration information for your Intelligence
Server, as described in To Set Up the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, page
In the prompt that asks for server definitions to be removed, type the name
that distinguishes the server definition and click Enter. You can list multiple
server definitions to be deleted, separating server definition names with the
\ character. You are then prompted to provide a name for the
response.ini file.
1. Type the name that distinguishes the server definition in the prompt
that asks for server definitions to be removed. Click Enter.
2. You can choose to run the configuration you just completed or to run
the configuration using the response.ini file at a different time, as
described below:
You can also use the response.ini file created for future
configurations, as described in Using the response.ini file to
Configure MicroStrategy, page 691.
This procedure assumes you have already opened the Configuration Wizard in
command line mode and selected to create a Platform Analytics project, as
described in Creating a response.ini File, page 669.
To cr eat e a Pl at f o r m An al yt i cs p r o j ect
If you do not have a DSN defined on your Linux machine, see Creating
a DSN for a Data Source.
6. Enter the login and password to your DSN and click Enter.
l PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationNew.scp
l PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationNew_PostgreSQL.scp
l PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationUpgrade.scp
l PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationUpgrade_PostgreSQL.scp
2. You can choose to run the configuration you just completed or to run
the configuration using the response.ini file at a different time, as
described below:
You can also use the response.ini file created for future
configurations, as described in Using the response.ini file to
Configure MicroStrategy, page 691.
To Up d at e a Pl at f o r m An al yt i cs Pr o j ect
If you do not have a DSN defined on your Linux machine, see Creating
a DSN for a Data Source.
7. Enter the login and password to your DSN and click Enter.
l PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationNew.scp
l PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationNew_PostgreSQL.scp
l PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationUpgrade.scp
l PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationUpgrade_PostgreSQL.scp
2. You can choose to run the configuration you just completed or to run
the configuration using the response.ini file at a different time, as
described below:
You can also use the response.ini file created for future
configurations, as described in Using the response.ini file to
Configure MicroStrategy, page 691.
1. In the prompt that asks for a project source name, type the name for the
project source to be created and click Enter. You are then prompted to
provide the Intelligence Server name.
2. Type the Intelligence Server name and click Enter. You can also click
Enter without typing any information to accept the default Intelligence
Server. You are then prompted to provide a TCP port to use for
Intelligence Server.
3. You can use the default port number or enter a different port number for
Intelligence Server, as described below:
l Leave the prompt blank and click Enter to use the default port
You are then prompted to define a time interval for a project source
connection time out.
4. Type a numerical value (in minutes) for the amount of inactivity that is
allowed before a user is automatically disconnected from a project
source. This enforces a connection time out for inactive users
connected to a project source. Type 0 to define that users are not
disconnected from project sources due to inactivity. Click Enter.
You are then prompted to select an authentication type for the project
You are then prompted to provide a name for the response.ini file.
2. You can choose to run the configuration you just completed or to run
the configuration using the response.ini file at a different time, as
described below:
You can also use the response.ini file created for future
configurations, as described in Using the response.ini file to
Configure MicroStrategy, page 691.
./mstrcfgwiz-editor -r /home/username/MicroStrategy/response.ini
4. Click Enter.
If the path and the response file are valid, the configuration is performed and
a successful configuration message appears. If an error occurs before or
during the process, an error message displays the error that occurred when
executing the response file.
mstrsvr. This tool starts Intelligence Server from the command line and
displays the following information about your Intelligence Server connection:
l Metadata DSN
l Metadata login
l Port number
You can then perform various configuration and monitoring tasks for your
running Intelligence Server, which includes but is not limited to:
l Monitor users
l To quit the tool and stop Intelligence Server, type S, and then click Enter.
6. Type a valid login for the DSN, and then click Enter.
7. Type a valid password for the DSN login, and then click Enter.
4. Review the help information and run any required configuration tasks.
There are some commands that can output information to a file, or require a
long definition that can be retrieved from a file. For information on using files
to store output from and provide input to mstrctl commands, see Using
files to store output and provide input, page 694.
You do not need to enter any command to quit the mstrctl tool because it
is a one-line command line tool.
The commands that display the configurations listed above output long XML
definitions to the command line. The commands that modify the
configurations listed above require a long XML definition as input.
Rather than displaying and inputting long XML definitions from the command
line, you can use files to store and provide input for long XML definitions.
must be logged in with an account that has root user privileges and
For example, you can run the following command to output the server
instance configuration to an XML file:
For example, you can run the following command to modify the server
instance configuration by reading input from an XML file:
For example, you use the following command to create a DSN to an Oracle
Notice that the name of the DSN begins with the $ character. If this is a
reserved character, the command fails to execute properly.
To avoid this problem, you can place single quotes ('') around any
character strings that may include reserved words or characters. This
prevents the operating system console from interpreting the characters as
an operating system action, and instead includes them as part of the
character string. For example, the same command as above to create a DSN
can be rewritten as follows:
2. Open the Microsoft Control Panel and navigate to the options to add or
remove programs. See the Microsoft documentation for steps to access
these options.
7. Select the components to add by clicking their check boxes. Clear the
check boxes for the components you want to uninstall and click Next.
The components that are currently installed are displayed with their
check boxes selected. These components are not re-installed during
the modification process. If you clear any of the check boxes, that
particular component is uninstalled during the modification process.
You are advised not to clear the check boxes of the components that
are already installed, unless you want to remove the component.
10. After the modification routine is complete, click Finish. To fully remove
MicroStrategy Office, see Uninstalling MicroStrategy Office, page 704.
For more details on each page of the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard, see
Chapter 2, Installing MicroStrategy on Windows.
2. Open the Microsoft Control Panel and navigate to the options to add or
remove programs. Refer to the appropriate Microsoft documentation for
steps to access these options.
7. If prompted to stop your Web server, click Yes to stop it and continue
with the re-installation.
If you are using MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 or a later version, the legacy
MicroStrategy Office add-in cannot be installed from Web.;
For more information, see the MicroStrategy for Office page in the Readme
and the MicroStrategy for Office Help.
7. If prompted to stop your Web server, click Yes to stop it and continue
with the re-installation.
l Calls a custom DLL to handle unlogged items, such as registry entries and
Before uninstallation begins, the DLL file performs the following functions:
l Checks for user privileges. If they are not valid, uninstallation stops.
2. Open the Microsoft Control Panel and navigate to the options to add or
remove programs. See the appropriate Microsoft documentation for
steps to access these options.
8. Click Finish.
Related Topics
KB307710: How to uninstall MicroStrategy Analytics Enterprise using the
Uninstallation Cleanup Utility
If you are using MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 or a later version, the legacy
MicroStrategy Office add-in cannot be installed from Web.;
For more information, see the MicroStrategy for Office page in the Readme
and the MicroStrategy for Office Help.
6. Click Finish.
This does not apply to Platform Analytics. The Platform Analytics project
must be manually deleted using any of the supported delete methods.
8. The License Agreement page opens. Review the license agreement and
select I accept the terms of the license agreement, and then click
Next. The Customer Information page opens.
9. Type your user name, company name, and license key for your
installation and click Next. The Select Components page opens.
10. Clear the check box for all MicroStrategy products that are to be
uninstalled, and then click Next.
12. On the Start installer operation page, verify the information and click
The following sections include steps for further configuration of the Export
Windows Installations
For Windows installations prior to MicroStrategy 2020, the Export Engine
service will begin automatically after the Intelligence Server is started or
after installation; however, if the server is restarted, the service must be
started manually. Find and control this service through Windows Task
Manager or Windows services panel, listed as MSTR_PDFExporter.
Linux Installations
For Linux installations prior to MicroStrategy 2020, the Export Engine
Service will begin automatically after the Intelligence Server is started or
after installation; however, if the server is restarted, the service must be
started manually. For Linux installations on MicroStrategy 2020 or later, you
can install the Export Engine Service separately from the Intelligence
The script to start the PDF Exporter service can be found under the path
install/Export/. The commands for executing this script are:
host: localhost
4. In the same location, update the registry key "port" to the port
number that is running the export engine service.
l Server 2016
l Server 2012 R2
l Server 2012
l RHEL 7 or above
l SUSE 12 or above
Chrome Dependencies
The Puppeteer module contains Chrome binary which has certain
dependencies depending on your operating system. Ensure that the
following packages are installed to ensure Chrome binary functions
Chrome Dependency Notes
package Package
Chrome Dependency Notes
package Package
Chrome Dependency Notes
package Package
pango libpango-1_0-0 libgdk-
gtk3 libgtk-3-0
libgdk_pixbuf-2_0- gdk-pixbuf2
atk atk-2.22.0-3.el7.x86_64.rpm
at-spi2-atk at-spi2-atk-2.22.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
at-spi2-core at-spi2-core-2.22.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
GConf2 GConf2-3.2.6-7.fc20.x86_64.rpm
libXScrnSaver libXScrnSaver-1.2.2-6.fc20.x86_64.rpm
libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-0.3.1-1.fc20.x86_64.rpm
libwayland-client libwayland-client-1.2.0-3.fc20.x86_64.rpm
libwayland-cursor libwayland-cursor-1.2.0-3.fc20.x86_64.rpm
gtk3 gtk3-3.10.4-1.fc20.x86_64.rpm
gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2-2.24.0-1.fc16.x86_64.rpm
l Linux: /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/Export
Changing any of the below properties will require you to restart NEE, not
just the core properties.
/PDFExporterService Context path of the service URL.
Subprocess Properties
Property Comments
exporter.renderer.type Puppeteer
1/4 of the
number of Maximum number of renderer
CPU cores. processes.
(Min 2)
Default is
The absolute path of the
exporter.renderer.path the system
Location of temporary files will
exporter.renderer.file.folder temporary
be saved.
file directory.
Renderer Properties
Property Comments
Property Comments
Logging Properties
Miscellaneous Properties
Spring Properties
logging.file.filename NewExportEngine.log
l Linux: /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/Export
See knowledge base article 483235 to troubleshoot issues with the export
When you install new plugin widgets, you must copy them to
resources/plugins in the Web, Library, and PDF Export Service root
When you configure map keys for ESRI, Google, or Geospatial Services,
you must copy mapConfig.xml to WEB-INF/xml/config in the Web,
Library, and PDF Export Service root folders.
Enable HTTPS
To enable HTTPS, you need to explicitly set the following property in of the Export Engine:
## The keystore that contains a private key and a certificate chain. If HTTPS
is enabled, this is required.
## The keystore password. This is required to decrypt and read the keystore.
## The key alias in the keystore. If HTTPS is enabled, this is required to find
the corresponding key in the keystore.
l In Linux:/opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/install/Export/
In Linux:
In Windows:
Key Type Description
Key Type Description
l You can create a DSN from the command line version of the Connectivity
Wizard in Linux. Browse to HOME_PATH/bin, where HOME_PATH is the
directory you specified as the home directory during installation. In the
console window, type ./mstrconnectwiz -h, then press Enter. This
command displays command line syntax and examples for different
database platforms. Create your command based on the syntax and
examples displayed. Once you run your command, a DSN is created in the
odbc.ini file.
Driver Details
• IP address
• Package owner
• Package collection
Driver Details
• Package owner
• Host name
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver
for Microsoft SQL Server for • Port number
Windows and Linux, page • Database name
• Use Windows NT Authentication for login ID
• Database name
Standard connection:
• Host name
TNSNames connection:
• Server name
• TNSNames file
Driver Details
• Server Name
ODBC Driver for Teradata • Authentication Mechanism
for Windows and Linux,
page 746 • Database Name
• Server Name
• Role
• Enable SSL
l ODBC Driver for SAP HANA for Windows and Linux, page 760
l Other Data Sources and Relational Databases for Windows, page 766
l Data Source Name: A name to identify the Amazon Redshift data source
configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance or Redshift-1
can serve to identify the connection.
l Host Name: The server name or IP address of the machine on which the
Amazon Redshift data source resides. Contact your system administrator
for the server name or IP address.
l Port Number: The port number for the connection. In most cases, the
default port number is 5439, but you should check with your database
administrator for the correct number.
l Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server
does not support SSL, the connection fails.
l TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL
is enabled.
l Data Source Name: A name to identify the Db2 data source configuration
in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance or Db2-Serv1 can serve to identify
the connection.
l Host Name: The name of the machine that runs the Db2 server.
l Port Number: The Db2 server listener's port number. In most cases, the
default port number is 50000, but check with your database administrator
for the correct number.
l Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server
does not support SSL, the connection fails.
l TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL
is enabled.
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for IBM Db2
for i for Windows and Linux
The following information is required for setting up the driver connection for
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for DB2 Wire Protocol for IBM Db2 for i:
l Data Source Name: A name to identify the Db2 data source configuration
in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance or Db2-1 can serve to identify the
l IP Address: The IP Address of the machine where the catalog tables are
stored. This can be either a numeric address such as 123.456.789.98,
or a host name. If you use a host name, it must be located in the HOSTS
file of the machine or a DNS server.
l Location: The Db2 location name, which is defined during the local Db2
l Isolation Level: The method by which locks are acquired and released by
the system.
l Package Owner: The package's AuthID if you want to specify a fixed user
to create and modify the packages on the database. The AuthID must have
authority to execute all the SQL in the package.
l TCP Port: The Db2 DRDA listener process's port number on the server
host machine provided by your database administrator. The default port
number is usually 446.
l Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server
does not support SSL, the connection fails.
l TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL
is enabled.
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for IBM Db2 for z/OS for Windows
and Linux
The following information is required for setting up the driver connection for
MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for IBM Db2 for z/OS.
l Data Source Name: A name to identify the Db2 z/OS data source
configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance or Db2z/OS-1 can
serve to identify the connection.
l IP Address: The IP Address of the machine where the catalog tables are
stored. This can be either a numeric address such as 123.456.789.98,
or a host name. If you use a host name, it must be located in the HOSTS
file of the machine or a DNS server.
l Location: The Db2 z/OS location name, which is defined during the local
Db2 z/OS installation. To determine the Db2 location, you can run the
command DISPLAY DDF.
l TCP Port: The Db2 DRDA listener process's port number on the server
host machine provided by your database administrator. The default port
number is usually 446.
l Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server
does not support SSL, the connection fails.
l TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL
is enabled.
l Data Source Name: A name to identify the Microsoft SQL Server data
source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Personnel or
SQLServer-1 can serve to identify the connection.
l Host Name: Enter the name of a SQL Server on your network. For
example, if your network supports named servers, you can specify an
address such as SQLServer-1. You can also specify the IP address such
as 123.45.678.998. Contact your system administrator for the server
name or IP address.
l SQLServer-1\Instance1
l 123.45.678.998\Instance1
l Port Number: The port number for the connection. The default port
number for SQL Server is usually 1433. Check with your database
administrator for the correct number.
l Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server
does not support SSL, the connection fails.
This option replaces the previous function, Enable Azure. If you want to
use the Enable Azure option, please deselect Validate Server
l TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL
is enabled.
If you use Windows NT authentication with SQL Server, you must enter the
Windows NT account user name and password in the Service Manager.
For information on the Service Manager, see the System Administration
Inserting date data into SQL Server 2000 tables can cause errors if the
system's Regional Settings are not set properly. Ensure that the date
format is defined to be in an English format.
l Host Name: The server name or IP address of the machine on which the
MongoDB data source resides. Contact your system administrator for the
server name or IP address.
l Port Number: The port number for the connection. Check with your
database administrator for the correct number.
l Schema Definition Path: The path where configuration files that define
the relational map of native data are stored. These configuration files are
created in this location when first connecting to the data source and then
used for subsequent connections.
l Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server does
not support SSL, the connection fails.
l TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL
is enabled.
l Data Source Name: Enter a name to identify the Oracle data source
configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance or Oracle-1 can
serve to identify the connection. A DSN is required for any Oracle Wire
Protocol connection. Depending on whether you want to use a standard
connection or a TNSNames connection, refer to one of the following lists
of options below:
l SID: The Oracle System Identifier for the instance of Oracle running
on the server. The default SID is usually ORCL.
l Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server
does not support SSL, the connection fails.
l TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL
is enabled.
Follow these steps to determine the character set of your Oracle metadata
installation and adjust the odbc.ini files:
5. Open the odbc.ini file and set the IANAAppCodePage value to the
assigned MIBenum value from the IANA registry.
l Port Number: The port number for the connection. The default port
number for PostgreSQL is usually 5432. Check with your database
administrator for the correct number.
l User Name: The name of a valid user for the PostgreSQL database.
l Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server
does not support SSL, the connection fails.
l TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL
is enabled.
On the Windows machine where the Access database is stored, you must
create a DSN to connect to the Access database. For instructions on creating a
DSN, see Creating a DSN for a data source, page 397.
5. Type a descriptive name for the new data source, such as Access
Data Source.
9. Click OK.
14. Right-click the data source, point to All Tasks, and select Save
15. On the Linux machine that hosts your Intelligence Server, you must
configure the MicroStrategy ODBC driver for SequeLink to connect to
the Access database. For instructions on how to perform this
configuration, see Configuring the MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for
SequeLink, page 744.
On the Windows machine where the Excel file is stored, you must prepare the
Excel file as a valid data source. For instructions to prepare an Excel file, see
Prepare an Excel file as a valid data source, page 767.
On the Windows machine where the Excel file is stored, you must create a DSN
to connect to the Excel file. For instructions to create a DSN for an Excel file,
see Use your Excel file as a data source, page 768.
1. On the Windows machine that stores the Excel files to connect to,
install the SequeLink ODBC Socket Server. This can be installed as
part of a MicroStrategy installation, and is included in the Other
components options of the MicroStrategy Product Suite (see Select
Components, page 153).
4. From the Action menu, point to New, and select Data Source. A new
data source is created underneath Data Source Settings.
5. Type a descriptive name for the new data source, such as Excel Data
9. Click OK.
12. From the Value drop-down list, select Anonymous. This allows
connection to the Excel file without using a user name and password.
14. Right-click the data source, point to All Tasks, and select Save
15. On the Linux machine that hosts your Intelligence Server, you must
configure the MicroStrategy ODBC driver for SequeLink to connect to
the Excel files. For instructions on how to perform this configuration,
see Configuring the MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for SequeLink, page
2. Open the odbc.ini.example file and find the section that starts with
[SequeLinkODBC]. Copy this section into the odbc.ini file. For
information on the parameters, refer to DataDirect's documentation at
l Host: Type the IP address of the Windows machine that stores the
Access database or Excel files.
l ServerDataSource: Type the name of the data source for the Access
database or Excel file to connect to as a data source. This is the
name of the data source that you defined while configuring the
SequeLink ODBC Socket Server, as shown in the example image
You can also use MicroStrategy Web and Import Data to integrate data into MicroStrategy. For steps to configure a connection
to to support this type of integration, see Configuring Third-
Party Data Sources for Importing Data, page 523.
The following information is required for setting up the driver connection for
the MicroStrategy ODBC driver for Salesforce:
l Host Name: The URL used to log in to the system. You
can keep the default of to connect to the production
l Server Name: The IP Address or the name of the machine that runs the
Teradata server.
l Session Character Set: The character set to use for the session. Default
value is UTF8.
The following steps show how to configure the MicroStrategy ODBC driver
for Informix 8.
The following set of instructions are divided into two sections: how to
configure the environment and how to configure a DSN.
4. Save the file and remove Write privileges from the file by
entering the following command:
chmod a-w
To Configure a DSN
2. Open the odbc.ini.example file and search for the section that
starts with [IBM INFORMIX]. Copy the section into the odbc.ini file.
You must modify odbcinst.ini file and odbc.ini file to create the DSN
for Netezza.
The following set of instructions are divided into two sections: how to modify
the odbcinst.ini file and how to modify the odbc.ini file.
Driver = /<NETEZZA_ODBC_DIR>/lib64/
Driver = /usr/odbc/netezzahome/lib64/
1. Open the odbc.ini.example file and search for the section that
starts with [IBM NETEZZA].
3. Copy and paste the contents from the odbc.ini.example file for your
Netezza ODBC driver. You should paste the contents of the DSN
exactly as they appear in the example file.
l Change the database, server name, user name, and password, and
any other relevant parameters to match the information for your
database. For information on the available parameters, refer to your
third-party Netezza driver documentation. This can often be found
along with the driver installation.
You must modify the odbc.ini file to create the DSN for MySQL.
l Ensure that the driver files are installed to the /usr/lib directory.
The following set of instructions are divided into two sections: how to define
the location of driver files and how to modify the odbc.ini file.
3. Edit the file and provide the location of the directory where
the MySQL driver is installed. Within the file, the following
definition is included:
4. Save the file and remove Write privileges from the file by
entering the following command:
2. Open the odbc.ini.example file and search for the section that
starts with [MySQL].
4. Copy and paste the contents from the odbc.ini.example file for your
MySQL ODBC driver. You should paste the contents of the DSN exactly
as they appear in the example file.
l Change the database, server name, user name, password, and any
other relevant parameters to match the information for your database.
For information on the available parameters, refer to your third-party
MySQL driver documentation. This can often be found along with the
driver installation.
Ensure that there is no white space between the equals sign (=) which
separates the parameter and its value.
You can test a connection to your MySQL database with the MicroStrategy
DB Query Tool.
This completes the steps to create a DSN and configure an ODBC driver for
MySQL. To create a database instance and database connection, see
Creating a database instance, page 469 and Creating a database
connection, page 473.
You must modify the odbc.ini file to create the DSN for Aster.
l The path to the installation location you choose for the ODBC driver is
used later in this procedure as the value for the Driver parameter in the
odbc.ini file.
The following set of instructions are divided into two sections: how to
configure the environment and how to modify the odbc.ini file.
3. Edit the file and provide the location of the Aster library
installation. Within the file, the following definition is
4. Save the file and remove Write privileges from the file by
entering the following command:
chmod a-w
2. Open the odbc.ini.example file and search for the section that
starts with [Aster Database].
4. Copy and paste the contents from the odbc.ini.example file for your
Aster ODBC driver. You should paste the contents of the DSN exactly
as they appear in the example file.
l Modify the driver location to match the location of the installed Aster
ODBC Driver.
l Change the database, server name, user name, password, and any
other relevant parameters to match the information for your database.
For information on the available parameters, refer to your third-party
Aster Database driver documentation. This can often be found along
with the driver installation.
Ensure that there is no white space between the equals sign (=) which
separates the parameter and its value.
This completes the steps to create a DSN and configure an ODBC driver for
Aster Database.
l The path to the installation location you choose for the ODBC driver is
used later in this procedure as the value for the Driver parameter in the
odbc.ini file.
The following set of instructions are divided into two sections: how to
configure the environment and how to modify the odbc.ini file.
3. Edit the file and provide the location of the DataDirect Cloud
ODBC driver files. Within the file, the following definition is
4. Save the file and remove Write privileges from the file by
entering the following command:
2. Open the odbc.ini.example file and search for the section that
starts with [DataDirect Cloud].
4. Copy and paste the contents from the odbc.ini.example file for your
DataDirect Cloud ODBC driver. You should paste the contents of the
DSN exactly as they appear in the example file.
l Change the database, server name, user name, password, and any
other relevant parameters to match the information for your database.
For information on the available parameters, refer to your third-party
DataDirect Cloud driver documentation. This can often be found
along with the driver installation.
Ensure that there is no white space between the equals sign (=) which
separates the parameter and its value.
This completes the steps to create a DSN and configure an ODBC driver for
DataDirect Cloud.
You must modify the odbc.ini file to create the DSN for Vertica.
The path to the installation location you choose for the ODBC driver is used
later in this procedure as the value for the Driver parameter in the
odbc.ini file.
The following set of instructions are divided into two sections: how to
configure the environment and how to modify the odbc.ini file.
3. Edit the file and provide the location of the vertica.ini file.
Within the file, the following definition is included:
4. Save the file and remove Write privileges from the file by
entering the following command:
2. Open the odbc.ini.example file and search for the section that
starts with [HP VERTICA].
4. Copy and paste the contents from the odbc.ini.example file for your
Vertica ODBC driver. You should paste the contents of the DSN exactly
as they appear in the example file.
l Change the database, server name, user name, password, and any
other relevant parameters to match the information for your database.
For information on the available parameters, refer to your third-party
Vertica driver documentation. This can often be found along with the
driver installation.
Ensure that there is no white space between the equals sign (=) which
separates the parameter and its value.
This completes the steps to create a DSN and configure an ODBC driver for
MicroStrategy recommends that the SAP HANA user account used to create the
database is granted full permissions for the database. If the database user
account cannot be granted full permissions to the database, you can use the
recommendations listed in Required database permissions to create metadata,
History List, and statistics repositories, page 414 to determine the required
permissions for the SAP HANA database user account. In addition, ensure the
following permissions are defined for your SAP HANA user account:
3. You can use the MicroStrategy DB Query Tool to test whether data can
be retrieved data from your SAP HANA data source. For information on
how to use the MicroStrategy DB Query Tool, see Using the DB Query
Tool, page 666.
This completes the steps for the initial connection to SAP HANA in
MicroStrategy for Windows environments. For additional configuration
requirements, see Additional Requirements to Support SAP HANA, page
The following set of instructions are divided into two sections: how to
configure your environment and how to configure a DSN.
3. Edit the file and provide the location where you installed the
SAP HANA ODBC driver files. Within the file, the following
definition is included:
4. Save the file and remove Write privileges from the file by
entering the following command:
chmod a-w
To Configure a DSN
2. Open the odbc.ini.example file and find the section that starts with
[SAP HANA]. Copy the section into the odbc.ini file.
3. Edit the following information from the syntax that you copied to
l Driver=<SAPHANA_PATH>/
l Servernode=ip_address:port
Replace ip_address with the IP address for the machine that hosts
the SAP HANA database.
Replace port with the port number for the connection to the SAP
HANA database. Contact your SAP HANA database administrator for
the required port number.
l USER=uid
Replace pwd with the password for the SAP HANA user account
described above.
5. You can use the MicroStrategy DB Query Tool to test whether data can
be retrieved data from your SAP HANA data source. For information on
how to use the MicroStrategy DB Query Tool, see Using the DB Query
Tool, page 666.
This completes the steps for the initial connection to SAP HANA in
MicroStrategy for Windows environments. For additional configuration
requirements, see Additional Requirements to Support SAP HANA, page 764
Description=HANA Driver
l Be aware that once you import tables from SAP HANA into MicroStrategy,
you must manually import any prefix information as well. Using the
Warehouse Catalog, you can select all tables imported from SAP HANA
and select Import Prefix to import the prefix information. For additional
steps to access and use the Warehouse Catalog, see the Project Design
l If the tables in SAP HANA include input parameters, these are supported
in MicroStrategy using prompts. Using the Table Editor available in
MicroStrategy Developer, you can create and modify prompts to support
input parameters. For steps to access and use the Table Editor, refer to
the Project Design Help.
l Data Source Name: A name to identify the OData (CData driver) data
source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance or OData
(CData driver) which can serve to identify the connection.
l Description: The description of what this DSN and the driver is used for.
l URL: The URL of the OData service of the SAP S/4HANA system.
l Schema: Specifies the default schema to use for sessions initiated by the
l Role: Specifies the default role to use for sessions initiated by the driver.
The specified role should be a role that has been assigned to the specified
user for the driver.
Microsoft Excel
A Microsoft Excel file can be used as a data source in MicroStrategy. The
information below explains how to prepare an Excel file for use with
MicroStrategy and how to connect to the Excel file.
This data can be used as part of a MicroStrategy project in various ways. For
example, you can integrate the Excel data in your project using tools such as
Architect, as described in the Project Design Help. You can also use
Freeform SQL and Query Builder to access your Excel data, as described in
the Advanced Reporting Help.
To use an Excel file as a data source, you must create and store the data in
the Excel file so that it can be recognized in MicroStrategy as a set of tables
that contain valid data. Follow the below instructions to create a table with
valid data in an Excel file:
l Ensure that all cells for the ID column have a value in them.
a. Highlight the specific rows and columns with the data to use to
create a report with, including the column headers, such as
Category_ID and Category_DESC.
b. In the Name Box, type a name for the highlighted cells, and then
press ENTER. The name you type in is used in MicroStrategy as a
table name.
The Name Box is the drop-down list on the left-hand side below
the toolbars.
To use an Excel file as a data source, you can create a data source name
(DSN) for the Excel file. This DSN can be used by a database instance in
MicroStrategy to connect to the Excel file. For information on creating a
database instance, see Creating a database instance, page 469.
As an alternative, you can use Data Import to quickly include Excel data in
your MicroStrategy project. Steps to use Data Import to import data and
begin your analysis is included in the MicroStrategy Web Help.
Text files
A text file can be used as a data source in MicroStrategy. You can use Data
Import to quickly include data from text files in your MicroStrategy project.
Steps to use Data Import to import data and begin your analysis is included
in the MicroStrategy Web Help.
You must have the Create and Edit Database Instances and Connections and
Create and Edit Database Logins privileges to define a new database
If you plan to connect to a data source using a DSN, the DSN must be created
and available. If a DSN is not available, you can use the DSNLess Connection
option to connect to your data source.
2. From the navigation bar on the left, go to Create > Access External
Data > Database. The Select Import Options dialog box opens.
l If you want to use a graphical interface to build the SQL query to use
to import your data, select Build a Query.
4. Click OK.
l If you clear the Show databases whose drivers were not found
check box, only databases that have an installed and configured
driver are available for selection. These databases can be
connected to by selecting the required Database and Version from
l If you select the Show databases whose drivers were not found
check box, additional databases that do not have a configured
driver are available for selection. These databases can be
connected to by selecting the required Database and Version from
the drop-down lists, and then configuring a connection to the
database by completing the following steps:
7. Type a user name and password with access to the database in the
User and Password fields.
8. Type a name for the database connection in the Data Source Name
l To deny other users the ability to import data using the database
connection, clear the Share this connection with everybody check
For information on what drivers to use with MicroStrategy, see the Drivers
and Connectors page.
These ODBC DSNs are defined by specifying values for certain DSN
parameters. This file is activated by the environment variable ODBCINI, and
is required by all ODBC applications. By default, the odbc.ini file is
installed in HOME_PATH, where HOME_PATH is the directory you specified as
the home directory during installation on Linux. It contains the definitions for
all the MicroStrategy-branded ODBC drivers.
MicroStrategy supports ODBC drivers from other vendors that you can
install separately. This involves manually defining the DSN parameters in
the odbc.ini file.
Troubleshooting 791
MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway is a new data processing engine, introduced
in MicroStrategy 10.6, that can be installed in a Spark environment. This
native connector allows analysis of data in Hadoop and provides high-speed
parallel data transfer between the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
and the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.
l YARN client
l Local
In YARN client mode, the driver runs in the client process, and the
application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.
Running in this mode requires YARN service to be enabled on your Hadoop
Related Topics
Environment Considerations
Known Issues
Environment Considerations
Security on Data Access (Authentication)
Accessing your Cluster services may be controlled by a compliant Kerberos
implementation (Kerberos MIT, Active Directory). In a Kerberos
environment, the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway can identify itself as a
Kerberos principal and have access to the required services: HDFS, Spark
The Hadoop Cluster must have at least the HDFS service installed. Other
services that can be installed include Hive, Hue, Oozie, and ZooKeeper.
l If you are using the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway in YARN client mode,
the Hadoop Cluster should have YARN and Spark services installed.
To: Service
From Explanation
Default Port
To: Service
From Explanation
Default Port
MicroStrategy HDFS
Default port number is: 8020. Please contact your
Hadoop NameNode
cluster administrators for specific port number.
Gateway Port 8020
Hadoop YARN connectivity
Manager Port
Spark Port
Hadoop Spark connectivity
Kerberos KDC To authenticate MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway to
Port 88 access other services (such as HDFS).
This account should be allowed to log into HDFS with write privileges in its
home directory (for example hdfs://NameNode:8020/user/hgos).
l The host to be part of the CDH cluster as a proxy node or worker node.
l Linux account must have write and execute privileges in the installation
l For detailed logs, replace the file with the richer
version available in the troubleshooting section.
For the Intelligence Server host, update firewall and network rules to allow
connectivity into port 30241 from cluster worker nodes.
Related Topics
Introduction to the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway
Known Issues
2. Click on Feature Releases and select your version (for example 10.x).
5. Click OK
spark.yarn.principal=<Kerberos Principal>
spark.yarn.keytab=<Path of principal keytab file>
Keep at hand the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway host IP, host name, and
connectivity parameters.
Related Topics
Environment Considerations
Known Issues
[PASS] jdk version 1.8 is OK
[PASS] Hadoop 2.6 is OK
[PASS] cdh 5.13 is OK
[PASS] Spark version is 1.6
[FAIL] WARN: No kerberos config found.If kerberos is not enabled, please
just ignore this message, otherwise HGOS will fail to start
HGOS use spark setting from, spark master is yarn-
HGOS will run using yarn-client mode, according to your hgos-
pid: 9089, starting, and more detail is in the log file
Start success!
Related Topics
Environment Considerations
Known Issues
5. Click Next. The "Connect to Hadoop" form appears with the HDFS file
Once the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway is running, the Import Data feature
can be used to import data as an Intelligent Cube for data consumption.
Related Topics
Environment Considerations
Known Issues
Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved 790
In st allat io n an d Co n figu r at io n Gu id e
How to Get Additional Log Messages to Troubleshoot the
MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway
1. Connect to the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway host. Edit the
configuration file in the MicroStrategy Hadoop
Gateway installation path.
# To enable logging for all classes of package org and its subpackages,
# specify the logger as shown in the following statement:
5. Find Hadoop Gateway in the application list, and click the application
hadoop fs -ls /
Make sure that the port number used to receive data from
MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway is open on the Intelligence Server. By
default, the port number is 30241, and it is configurable in the registry.
To specify the Intelligence Server host name and IP, you need to
modify the registry key and manually set DSHostName with the
Intelligence Server host name and IP.
Registry key:
Related Topics
Introduction to the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway
Environment Considerations
Known Issues
Known Issues
In MicroStrategy Web, users have an expansion in the variety of data
sources to which they can connect. These new options are under Add
External Data. A user with Web Reporter, Web Analyst, and Web
Professional privileges will receive a "You do not have enough privileges to
perform this operation" error when trying to import a table from a data
source. This is due to the fact that the user privilege "Access data from
Databases, Google BigQuery, BigData, OLAP, BI tools" is not the only
privilege needed. Creating a data source object to import Tables is
considered an Administrator Privilege.
In the Administration group, give users the Create and edit database and
instances and connections privilege.
The "Create and edit database and instances and connections" is a Server
level only privilege and can only be granted only at the project source level,
so it needs to be given at a user or user group level.
There are persisting tables in the Hive Metastore when the MicroStrategy
Hadoop Gateway service starts. In the log file you can see that the
MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway service is trying to modify the structure of
some Metastore tables (such as DBS tables). When it tries to commit the
transaction, an error is produced and a rollback operation is generated.
Alternatively, the Hive component can be disabled if you are not going to
import ORC files. Set the property hgos.spark.enable value to false in
the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway configuration file<MicroStrategy
Hadoop Gateway installation path>/conf/hgos-
Text columns in the parquet file created by Impala are loaded as binaries.
The Impala Parquet writer always creates an unannotated binary field for
string columns. It is possible to specify that the field include the UTF-8
annotation to indicate UTF-8 string data. It was resolved in Impala 2.6 and
CDH 5.11 has 2.8.
Related Topics
Introduction to the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway
Environment Considerations
The table below helps calculate the recommended settings based on the
number of working nodes, RAM and virtual cores in each node, and the
number of executors to be allocated on each worker node.
ID Item Parameter Value Description
RAM per
Available in your
C2 Node 380
C4 C1 × C3 80
S1 = S2
S1 executor 48
× C1
S3 = C2
S3 per 63
/ S2
ID Item Parameter Value Description
Total number of
executors created in
Number the cluster.
spark.executor.inst H2 = S1
H2 of 47
ance -1 One node needs to
occupy an executor for
Cores H4 =
Leave 1 core for
H4 per (C3 / 6
system processes
executor S2) - 1
What is the minimum memory and hard drive space to install MicroStrategy
Hadoop Gateway on the host machine?
What is the memory and hard drive space necessary in other nodes
(NameNode, DataNode) while MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway is running?
No, MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway will not refresh Kerberos principal ticket
automatically. You will have to refresh it by running the kinit command or
creating a cron job to refresh the ticket on schedule.
function setup_kerberos() {
echo "klist:"
echo "kinit"
kinit -kt $keytab_path $principal_name -l 1d5h -r 2d -f
echo "klist"
No. MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway is built on Spark 1.6 and only eligible to
be deployed in a Spark 1.6 environment. We are working to release
MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway on Spark 2.
Related Topics
Introduction to the MicroStrategy Hadoop Gateway
Environment Considerations
Known Issues
In st al l i n g an d Co n f i gu r i n g
To p o l o gy
MicroStrategy Workstation Topology provides users with a graphical
interface that presents the entire topology of every node within their
environment, in addition to related services for available nodes. Through the
Monitors menu in Workstation, administrators can monitor the current state
of every service on each node, as well as start or stop individual services.
Introduction to Topology
Topology allows administrators to monitor MicroStrategy services and
manage them in MicroStrategy Workstation. The following functionality is
l Service Start/Stop
The two following types of lightweight agents are used to monitor services in
l Monitoring Agents
l Communication Agents:
If your Library deployment is done through a WAR file or if you do not use
a machine that houses MicroStrategy Library to host the communication
agent, then use a machine that houses Intelligence Server.
Installing Topology
This section describes how to install topology using the Topology
Configuration dialog of the Installation wizard.
l MicroStrategy Library
l MicroStrategy Mobile
om; on all machines.
l If your environment includes more than one machine and machines with
dynamic IP addresses as communication agents, use FQDN for the
communication agent machine list during the installation.
l If your environment includes more than one machine and machines with
more than one IP address as communication agents, it is recommended
that you use FQDN for the communication agent machine list during the
installation. If IP address list is used, make sure the machine with multiple
IP addresses can be pinged with an IP address included in the list.
2. Once Library is deployed, the service registration agent that runs in this
deployment becomes a monitoring agent by default. It automatically
connects to the agent on the iServer machine that is connected to
4. Keep in mind that restarting the application also restarts the service
registration agent.
In this configuration, one machine hosts MicroStrategy Library and the other
two machines host Intelligent servers (and/or more machines hosting
services). Redundancy is recommended, with a total of three
communication agents.;;intelligences
2. During the installation, enter the list of three machines, as noted above,
on both Intelligent servers and/or any other machines where the
MicroStrategy installation runs.
l Serf WAN (Default 8302). Use this port for machine communication over a
WAN. This port is used by servers to gossip over the WAN to other
servers. TCP and UDP.
If you are performing a Windows installation and the firewall is on, the
installer adds rules to open 8300 and 8301 for TCP and 8301 for UDP.
See Using Firewalls for more information about using firewalls with
Using Firewalls
A firewall enforces an access control policy between two systems. A firewall
can be thought of as something that exists to block certain network traffic
while permitting other network traffic. Though the actual means by which this
is accomplished varies widely, firewalls can be implemented using both
hardware and software, or a combination of both.
Therefore, in many environments and for a variety of reasons you may want
to put a firewall between your Web servers and the Intelligence Server or
cluster. This does not pose any problems for the MicroStrategy system, but
there are some things you need to know to ensure that the system functions
as expected. Another common place for a firewall is between the Web clients
and the Web or Mobile server.
Another common place for a firewall is between the Web clients and the Web
or Mobile server. The following diagram shows how a MicroStrategy system
might look with firewalls in both of these locations:
Regardless of how you choose to implement your firewalls, you must make
sure that the clients can communicate with MicroStrategy Web and Mobile
You can change this port number. See the steps in the next procedure
To Change the Port through which MicroStrategy Web and Intelligence
Server Communicate, page 820 to learn how.
to send and receive TCP/IP and UDP requests through the firewall. You
cannot change this port number.
6. MicroStrategy Telemetry Server uses ports 2181, 9092, 2888, and 3888
to communicate with other MicroStrategy Services, such as the
Intelligence Server, New Export Engine, and Platform Analytics. If you
have a firewall between MicroStrategy Services you must make sure
these four ports are allowed to send and receive TCP requests through
the firewall.
l MicroStrategy Library
l MicroStrategy Mobile
If you are using clusters, you must make sure that all machines in the Web
server cluster can communicate with all machines in the Intelligence Server
3. On the Intelligence Server Options tab, type the port number you want
to use in the Port Number box. Save your changes.
7. On the Connection tab, enter the new port number and click OK.
You must update this port number for all project sources in your
system that connect to this Intelligence Server.
To Ch an ge t h e Po r t N u m b er f o r M i cr o St r at egy Web
4. In the Port box, type the port number you want to use. This port number
must match the port number you set for Intelligence Server. An entry of
0 means use port 34952 (the default).
5. Click Save.
Name: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
ID: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
InstallType: 0
InstallPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Export"
CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
Port: 20100
version: "11.3.0000.1330"
Name: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
ID: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
InstallType: 1
InstallPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Export"
CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
Port: 20100
version: "11.3.0000.1330"
2. If you are using Linux, enter the following commands to start and stop
the consul:
-> cd /Installationpath/MicroStrategy/install/ServicesRegistration/jar
-> java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar control consul start
-> java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar control consul stop
-> java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar control consul status
-> java -jar svcsreg-admin.jar control consul restart
If you have a single or multiple machine environment with two machines (one
communication agent and one monitoring agent), consul.json in
communication agents appears as follows:
"enable_debug": true,
"datacenter": "dc1",
"enable_script_checks": true,
"check_update_interval": "0s",
"log_level": "WARN",
"data_dir": "../data",
"watches": [
"type": "key",
"key": "envInfoTime",
"handler_type": "script",
"args": [
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy\\JRE\\180_
"server": true,
"bootstrap_expect": 1
"enable_debug": true,
"datacenter": "dc1",
"enable_script_checks": true,
"check_update_interval": "0s",
"log_level": "WARN",
"data_dir": "../data",
"watches": [
"type": "key",
"key": "envInfoTime",
"handler_type": "script",
"args": [
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy\\JRE\\180_
"retry_join": [
"server": true,
"bootstrap_expect": 3
2. Back up installation_list.yaml.
install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Services
java_install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common
server: false
install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Services
java_install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common
server: true
bootstrap_expect: 3
l For a one communication agent cluster, the consul section looks like
the following:
install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Services
java_install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common
server: true
bootstrap_expect: 1
2. Back up installation_list.yaml.
install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Services
java_install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common
server: true
bootstrap_expect: 3
install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Services
java_install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common
server: false
install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Services
java_install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common
server: false
l Windows:
l Linux:
For example:
Name: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
ID: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
InstallType: 1
InstallPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Export"
CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
Port: 20100
version: "11.3.0000.1330"
3. If the service supports both http and https ports, for service health
check purposes, add HttpPort and HttpsPort under Tags.
For example:
Name: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
ID: MicroStrategy-PDFExport-Service
InstallType: 1
InstallPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Export"
CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
Port: 20100
version: "11.3.0000.1330"
HttpPort: 20100
HttpsPort: 20443
2. To enable the built-in SSH server for older Windows versions, see
Install Win32 OpenSSH.
4. If you have firewall, open the SSH port in your firewall. For example,
port 22.
l Modify "InstallType" to 1.
Name: "SSH-Server"
ID: "SSH-Server"
CommonPath: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy"
InstallType: 1
Port: 22
version: "11.2.0000.0123"
9. Open the Topology view in Workstation. Now you can start and stop
On Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint:
On RHEL/Centos/Fedora:
# chkconfig sshd on
# service sshd start
3. If you have firewall, open the SSH port in your firewall. For example,
port 22.
4. Navigate to /opt/MicroStrategy/ServicesRegistration/yaml/
and open the installation_list.yaml file.
l Modify "InstallType" to 1.
Name: "SSH-Server"
ID: "SSH-Server"
CommonPath: /var/opt/MicroStrategy
InstallType: 1
Port: 22
"version": "11.2.0000.0123"
6. Navigate to /opt/MicroStrategy/ServicesRegistration/jar
and run the following command to generate a new JSON file for the
SSH Server.
8. Open the Topology view in Workstation. Now you can start and stop
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
the query,
Intellige reporting
Intellige and
nce 34952 MSTRSv2_64.exe Yes
nce analysis
server for
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
Used by
e to create
PDF files
from MSTRPDFExportSe
ort Export 20100 Yes
document rvice.exe
s, reports,
zed portal Tomcat:
Library for every 8080 MicroStrategyLibrar
Library end user No
Server https: y.war
to access
all their
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
and report
ts). BI
can easily
links to
s, which
hosted in
End users
can log
Library to
find a list
of all
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
nts, and
ons to
Collabor and an Collabor
Collabor intuitive
ation 3000 server.js Yes ation
ation comments
Server Store
With real-
ns, and
ed views,
have a
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
view of
ation 27017 mongod.exe Yes
of the
egy BI
that lets http: 80
Mobile mobile
Mobile https: Admin.aspx Yes
Server business 443
power of
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
the use of
iPad®, Tomcat:
and 8080 MicroStrategyMobil
Android™ https: e.war
devices. 8443
enables IT
to satisfy
analytics http: 80
Web needs of https: main.aspx Yes
every 443
s, and
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
the burden
g and
8080 MicroStrategy.war No
g multiple
that stores
streams of
data in
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
records to
one or
The Kafka
s allows
ns to
to topics.
Messagi Telemet messagin
ng ry g service 2181 zookeeper.exe Yes
Manager Manager that
es the
Reads the
data that
Platform Intelligenc
Analytics Telemetr e and PlatformAnalyticsC Telemetr
N/A Yes
Consum y Store Identity onsumer.exe y Server
er send to
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
the data,
and loads
it into the
An in-
used to
Telemet performa
memory 6379 redis-server.exe Yes
ry Cache nce for
3306 mysqld.exe Yes
A highly
flexible, ssl: 1443
Identity and easy two-way ROOT.war Yes
ssl: 2443
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
built on
such as
2.0 and
ent (IDM)
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
to Badge
clients for
ation. The
can be
or in the
ent as
tenant. It
can host
m (also
Gateway Identity known as two-way
gateway.war Yes
Server Gateway a ssl: 9501
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
server and
a secured
asset. It
a bi-
n used by
server to
ate with
es hosted
in IDM
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
gateway is
as a web
The group
of users
in your
Network Identity Window networkmgr
on who No
Manager Manager s: 443 httpd.exe
can use
the Badge
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
app on
ne to
log on to
ns, gain
access to
s, and so
is the
you to
network of
Old New ation
Service Service Default Start/St Depend
Descripti Executable
Display Display Port op ency
Name Name Suppor
, and
and keys.
Certifica Presents CertificateManager.
te 5050 Yes
te Store visual exe
expiring or
s across
the entire
Starting in version 2019, some of the service names have been changed to
better explain their behavior. See the online readme corresponding to your
software version for a list of the changes.
If using clusters, make sure that all machines in the Web server cluster can
communicate with all machines in the Intelligence Server cluster.
Troubleshooting Topology
This section covers issues that may occur in Workstation and how to correct
2. If the machine has only one IP address, check the network setting using
the following command, if the IPv4 is not in the list of acceptable private
(RFC1918) addresses provided in the table below.
l On Windows:
l On Linux:
ifconfig -a
Number Largest
RFC19 Host Mas Classful
IP Address of CIDR Block
18 ID Siz k Descripti
Range Address (Subnet
Name e Bits on
es Mask) - Single
24-bit 16,777,21 24 bits 8 bits class A
block 6 (
55 network 16 -
20-bit 2 12 contiguous 1,048,576 20 bits
block (255.240.0. bits class B
0) networks 256 -
16-bit 16 16 contiguous
192.168.255. 65,536 16 bits
block (255.255.0. bits class C
0) networks
install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Services
java_install_path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common
server: false
Log into the machine where Library is installed and check whether
MicroStrategy Services Registration is running. On Windows, use the
Windows Service Manager. On Linux, use ps -ef | grep consul.
If the agent is not running, check the ServicesRegistration log file with the
latest time stamp in the Services Registration\log folder to see why
the agent cannot start.
Does the machine have multiple IP addresses? Were all IPs available when
installing the product?
Does the machine have an unacceptable IP address? If the agent hit "No
private IPv4 address found," see The service registration agent cannot start.
How was the MicroStrategy Library WAR file deployed on the server?
There may be issues if the Linux server was not upgraded properly. For
example, if you upgraded to 11.0 from 10.10 on a Linux server, did not run
the MicroStrategy installer, but downloaded and copied the WAR file. In this
situation, see Install MicroStrategy in the In-Place Upgrade on a Linux
Deployment section of the Upgrade Help and Deployment Scenarios in the
Installing MicroStrategy Library on Linux section of the Upgrade Help.
Are the nodes communicating with each other through network address
translation (NAT)?
3. Verify the service is running. Log into the machine where the service is
installed. Verify it is running in Windows Service Manager.
4. Verify the required port is available. If the service fails to start, check to
see whether the required port is available. See Supported
MicroStrategy Platform Services to view the default ports.
2. Verify SSH is available and running on the machine with the service. If
not, see Configuring SSH on Windows or Configuring SSH on Linux.
4. Verify the service status in a refreshed view. If a user has sent the start
or stop request in Workstation, before another request is sent out,
refresh the topology view to get the latest service status.
2. If there are firewalls in the environment, verify that the ports (8300 and
8301) are open to support sending and receiving TCP/UDP requests
between the machines hosting the services.
3. Verify that the agent is running. On Windows, use the Windows Service
Manager to check whether MicroStrategy Services Registration is
running. On Linux, use ps -ef | grep -i consul.
Customized Deployments
Case 1: When installing topology in a two machine environment,
MicroStrategy services are installed without the multiple machines option.
As a result, you must manually configure the consul cluster after the
installation. In this case, Library was deployed through the installer and both
the Library and Web servers are on the same machine. The Intelligence
server is installed on another machine. First, make sure the required ports
are open.
On all m achines
1. Stop Services Registration on all machines. In this case, there are two
5. Make sure the format for retry_join matches the format shown in
Changing the Monitoring Agent to a Communication Agent.
To resolve this issue, go to the problematic node and execute the following
l Windows:
l Linux:
3. Verify that the JSON files are generated under the config folder.
Topology FAQ
This topic answer some of the most frequently asked questions about
l On Windows:
consul members
l On Linux
./consul members
3. Verify the returned list to see whether it is consistent with the cluster
configuration. Verify the machine names, the number of machines with
communication agents (as server) running, the number of machines
with monitoring agents (as client) running, statuses of these agents,
and so on.
The following are scenarios where the data folder should be deleted:
If FQDN is not used, you should manually update the "retry_join" section
in consul.json on all machines with communication and monitoring agents
when all machines with dynamic IP addresses are fully resolved, every time
those machines get new IPs.
"enable_debug": true,
"datacenter": "dc1",
"enable_script_checks": true,
"check_update_interval": "0s",
"log_level": "WARN",
"data_dir": "../data",
"watches": [
"type": "key",
"key": "envInfoTime",
"handler_type": "script",
"args": [
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy\\JRE\\180_
"retry_join": [
"server": true,
"bootstrap_expect": 3
"enable_debug": true,
"datacenter": "dc1",
"enable_script_checks": true,
"check_update_interval": "0s",
"log_level": "WARN",
"data_dir": "../data",
"watches": [
"type": "key",
"key": "envInfoTime",
"handler_type": "script",
"args": [
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\MicroStrategy\\JRE\\180_
"retry_join": [
"server": true,
"bind_addr": "",
"bootstrap_expect": 3
If a machine has two available IP addresses, the consul may bind itself to
one IP mapping for FQDN, while other machines use FQDN mapping to
another IP. In this situation, you should manually modify consul.json. The IP
used for "bind_addr" should be consistent with the IP the other machine
finds using the FQDN; the IP for "bind_addr" and the IP (if not using FQDN
) in "retry_join" list representing this machine should be consistent. After
all manual modifications of consul.json are complete on all machines with
consul installed, stop the consul on all machines, delete the data folder in
the /MicroStrategy/Services Registration path on every machine,
and restart all consuls.
Using FQDN for the communication agent machine list during the installation
is recommended. If the IP address list is used during installation, make sure
to use the IP mapping to the FQDN for the machine with multiple IPs.
Machines with more than one IP address, as well as dynamic IPs, are not
supported for automatic clustering.
l Amazon Linux 2
For more information on the latest supported versions for each release, see
Platform Certifications.
l Wildfly 13
l Wildfly 14
l Jetty 9.4
Ho w t o In st al l t h e Ker b er o s
Au t h en t i cat i o n Ser vi ce
1. Install Kerberos KDC server and client.
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log
default_realm = MYREALM.COM
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = false
ticket_lifetime = 24h
renew_lifetime = 7d
forwardable = true
kdc =
admin_server =
[domain_realm] =CTCCDH1.COM =CTCCDH1.COM
kdc_ports = 88
kdc_tcp_ports = 88
#master_key_type = aes256-cts
acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words
admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab
supported_enctypes = aes256-cts:normal aes128-cts:normal des3-hmac-
sha1:normal arcfour-hmac:normal des-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-md5:normal
*/admin@MYREALM.COM *
5. Create a principal.
If the database already exists, it will remove all the related files in
/var/kerberos/krb5kdc. By default, the database name is
"principal." You can add the -d flag to rename the database.
Tr o u b l esh o o t i n g
This appendix provides information on common problems that you might
encounter while installing and configuring MicroStrategy on Linux and
Windows operating systems.
To support non-Western European fonts, copy True Type fonts into the
Intelligence Server installation directory. Copy these fonts, which have a .ttc
or .ttf extension, to INTELLIGENCE_SERVER_INSTALL_
PATH\PDFGeneratorFiles. The default installation path for the
Intelligence Server in Linux is
home\MicroStrategy\PDFGeneratorFiles. For the change to take
effect, you must restart Intelligence Server.
2. Click Options.
2. Click each of the boxes and read the comments at the bottom of the
3. Enter the information required for each box and click Test.
The errors listed below do not cover errors that can occur because a user
does not have the correct database permissions to create a metadata,
History List, or statistics repository. For information on providing the proper
database permissions to create these repositories, see Required database
permissions to create metadata, History List, and statistics repositories,
page 414.
This can occur when an IBM DB2 database user has access to a tablespace
that does not have the space requirements necessary for the metadata
repository. The MicroStrategy metadata repository requires a page size of at
least 8 KB.
This can occur when a Sybase database does not have the page size
requirements necessary for the History List Repository. To solve this error,
contact your database administrator to increase the current available space
(PageSizeLimit in the error message above) for the table space to be
large enough to store the History List repository (PageSizeRequirement
in the error message above). As a general rule, the page size for the History
List repository should be at least 4 KB.
Permission Errors
This section provides troubleshooting information on permission errors in a
Linux environment.
In the Linux OS, a thread's CPU chunk size is controlled by its nice value,
which has an inverse relation to CPU time (and priority). To execute every
incoming job or request with the correct priority, the Intelligence Server
picks one or more threads from a pool, dynamically assigns the threads with
a correct nice value to execute the job or request, and then resets the nice
value to the default value of 0, before returning the threads back to the pool.
This dynamic nice value assignment, especially for resetting to 0 after
increasing the nice value (de-prioritization) of background requests' threads,
requires the configuration of a user-level limit for nice.
l Despite the above error message, the Intelligence Server can still be
started after the installation is complete. To verify the incorrect nice
limits when the Intelligence Server is running, open the DSSErrors.log
file and search for the following entries:
To fix the problem, you must configure the maximum nice limit, which can
be checked using the ulimit -e command, until the correct value of 20, or
higher, is returned. To configure and check the nice limit, refer to the
following steps:
2. Using the superuser privilege (e.g., with sudo command), create a new
configuration file. MicroStrategy recommends that you use the name
mstr-priority.conf under the /etc/security/limits.d folder.
5. Restart your existing session to apply the new limits. You can simply
disconnect from and reconnect to the new session when using SSH.
When using VNC, you can restart the service, such as using a
systemctl restart vncserver@:1.service command, and then
reconnect to the session. In both cases, make sure mstr user is used
to reconnect.
The settings described above modify only the maximum nice value for the
mstr user and should not affect other users. You should be aware of the
following two special scenarios:
l You must replace mstr with the user name that will run the Intelligence
Server in the steps above. By default, the MicroStrategy installer creates
an mstr user for this purpose, but you can choose another user during or
after the installation.
l When running the Intelligence Server through a VNC session that was
started using systemd, step 6 may not return the correct value, 20, due
to this known Linux issue. To address this issue, add the following setting
to /etc/systemd/user.conf and /etc/systemd/system.conf:
3. Verify that a core file is generated under the target folder. For example,
/<path_to_the_location>/core. The core file size should be non-
If the core file is not generated according to the procedure above, you
should identify the root cause. The possible causes and steps to fix them are
outlined below.
start ()
ulimit -c ulimited
1. If you have followed the steps in Enabling core dump, please comment
out or remove the following lines from /etc/sysctl.conf.
kernel.core_pattern = /<path_to_the_location>/core/core.%e.%p.%h.%t
fs.suid_dumpable = 2
2. Enable core dump collection for Intelligence server, which is not signed
or packaged by RedHat. Do this by applying the following lines into
OpenGPGCheck = no
ProcessUnpackaged = yes
3. Configure the folder where the core file will be saved, by adding the
following parameter to /etc/abrt/abrt.conf. By default, the
parameter is commented out and has a value of /var/spool/abrt .
DumpLocation =/Your_desired/Path_to_generate/the_core_file
5. Trigger core dumping and verify that the core file can be created by
executing the command below. It is critical to execute this from the
/IntelligenceServer folder and note the location of the core file
3. If the core file is truncated or still not being dumped, you can review the
system message logs in /var/log/messages to investigate why core
dumping fails.