MCRP 2-10B.6

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MCRP 2-10B.

MAGTF Meteorological and

Oceanographic Operations

US Marine Corps

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

PCN 144 000240 00

Headquarters United States Marine Corps
Washington, D.C. 20350-3000

4 April 2018

CHANGE 1 to MCRP 2-10B.6

MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

1. This publication has been edited to ensure gender neutrality of all applicable and appropriate
terms, except those terms governed by higher authority. No other content has been affected.

2. File this transmittal sheet in the front of this publication.

Reviewed and approved this date.


Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration

Publication Control Numbers:

Publication: 144 000240 00
Change: 144 000240 01
Headquarters, United States Marine Corps
Washington, D.C. 20350-3000

20 March 2018

Meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) conditions have the potential to affect every
combatant, piece of equipment, and operation. Knowledge of the natural environment becomes
more significant to tactical success in the modern battlespace as technologically advanced
weapons and support systems that are sensitive to METOC conditions are fielded. Effective
METOC operations are critical to Marine expeditionary forces as they seek broader and bolder
operational opportunities to project combat power from the sea. Commanders, staffs, and
operational and tactical mission planners must be aware of and consider the effects of METOC
conditions during mission planning through mission execution.

Marine Corps Reference Publication (MCRP) 2-10B.6, MAGTF Meteorological and

Oceanographic Operations, provides doctrine and guidance for Marine air-ground task force
METOC operations. This publication is intended for commanders, staffs, operational and tactical
mission planners, and METOC personnel who plan and execute METOC operations.

This publication supersedes MCWP 3-35.7, MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support,
dated 30 June 1998.


Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration

Publication Control Number: 144 000240 00

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Fundamentals

Mission......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
METOC Process .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
Collect .................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Analyze .................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Predict .................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Tailor...................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Integrate ................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Evaluate ................................................................................................................................. 1-4
METOC Principles ...................................................................................................................... 1-4
Accuracy ................................................................................................................................ 1-4
Consistency ............................................................................................................................ 1-4
Relevancy............................................................................................................................... 1-5
Timeliness .............................................................................................................................. 1-5
METOC Support to Warfighting Functions ................................................................................ 1-5
Command and Control........................................................................................................... 1-5
Maneuver ............................................................................................................................... 1-5
Fires ....................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Intelligence............................................................................................................................. 1-6
Logistics................................................................................................................................. 1-7
Force Protection ..................................................................................................................... 1-7

Chapter 2. Organizations and Responsibilities

Advocacy and Proponency .......................................................................................................... 2-1

Operational Force Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 2-1
Marine Corps Component Commands .................................................................................. 2-1
Marine Expeditionary Force .................................................................................................. 2-4
Intelligence Battalion ............................................................................................................. 2-4
Marine Expeditionary Brigade............................................................................................... 2-5
Marine Division ..................................................................................................................... 2-6
Marine Logistics Group ......................................................................................................... 2-6
Marine Aircraft Wing ............................................................................................................ 2-6
Marine Air Control Group ..................................................................................................... 2-6
Marine Air Control Squadron ................................................................................................ 2-7

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Operational Supporting Responsibilities: Marine Corps Installations Command....................... 2-8

Marine Corps Installations East and West ............................................................................. 2-8
Marine Corps Installations Pacific....................................................................................... 2-10
Administrative Supporting Establishment Responsibilities ...................................................... 2-12
METOC Services Officer and Occupational Field Sponsor .......................................... 2-12
METOC Capabilities Integration Officer ...................................................................... 2-12
METOC Plans and Policy Officer ................................................................................. 2-13
Marine Corps Requirements Officer to Oceanographer of the Navy ............................ 2-13
Marine Liaison to Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command .... 2-14
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command METOC Officer ................................... 2-14
METOC Training Analyst ............................................................................................ 2-15
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron-1 METOC Officer........................... 2-15
Marine Corps Detachment, Keesler Air Force Base, METOC Officer ......................... 2-15
Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force METOC Analyst ................................ 2-16

Chapter 3. The Physical Environment

Understanding Core Environmental Sciences and Geospatial Information ................................ 3-1

Environmental Sciences......................................................................................................... 3-1
Geospatial Information and Services ..................................................................................... 3-2
Defining the Physical Environment ............................................................................................. 3-2
Space (Space Environment)................................................................................................... 3-3
Air (Atmospheric Environment) ............................................................................................ 3-3
Land (Terrestrial Environment) ............................................................................................. 3-3
Sea (Maritime Environment) ................................................................................................. 3-4
Understanding Interaction Between the Physical Environments................................................. 3-4
Sea/Land Interface (Littoral) ................................................................................................. 3-4
Air/Land Interface (Planetary Boundary Layer).................................................................... 3-4
Air/Land Interface (Mountainous Regions)........................................................................... 3-5
Characterizing the Environment .................................................................................................. 3-5
Geographical Area and Influencing Factors .......................................................................... 3-5
Climatological Influencing Factors ....................................................................................... 3-5
Environmental Data Source ................................................................................................... 3-5
Environmental Data ............................................................................................................... 3-6
Assimilating and Processing Environmental Data....................................................................... 3-7

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Chapter 4. Information Management and Knowledge Development

Scope of METOC Information .................................................................................................... 4-1

Global METOC Information (Strategic)................................................................................ 4-1
Synoptic METOC Information (Operational)........................................................................ 4-1
Mesoscale to Microscale METOC Information (Tactical) .................................................... 4-1
Reachback Methodology ............................................................................................................. 4-1
METOC Information Support Enterprise .................................................................................... 4-2
Marine Air-Ground Task Force Tactical Capability.............................................................. 4-2
Regional METOC Centers..................................................................................................... 4-3
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity ....................................................................................... 4-3
Naval Oceanographic Office.................................................................................................. 4-3
Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center .................................................... 4-4
United States Naval Observatory........................................................................................... 4-4
Navy Enterprise Portal-Oceanography .................................................................................. 4-4
Air Force Weather Agency .................................................................................................... 4-5
Knowledge Development ............................................................................................................ 4-5
METOC Knowledge Application ................................................................................................ 4-6
Forecasting the Environment ................................................................................................. 4-6
Knowledge Sharing................................................................................................................ 4-7
Fusion Center ......................................................................................................................... 4-7
METOC Information and Product Management ......................................................................... 4-7
Evaluating METOC Information Accuracy and Effectiveness ............................................. 4-7
Archiving Data and Information............................................................................................ 4-7
Managing Climate Data ......................................................................................................... 4-8
Managing METOC Products ................................................................................................. 4-8

Chapter 5. METOC Responsibilities in Planning and Operations

Support of the Marine Corps Planning Process ........................................................................... 5-1

Problem Framing ................................................................................................................... 5-1
Course of Action Development ............................................................................................. 5-2
Course of Action War Game ................................................................................................. 5-2
Course of Action Comparison and Decision ......................................................................... 5-2
Orders Development .............................................................................................................. 5-2
Transition ............................................................................................................................... 5-3
Support of the Phasing Model for Operations ............................................................................. 5-3
Phase 0: Shaping .................................................................................................................... 5-3
Phase 1: Deter ........................................................................................................................ 5-3
Phase 2: Seize the Initiative ................................................................................................... 5-3
Phase 3: Dominate ................................................................................................................. 5-3

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Phase 4: Stabilize ................................................................................................................... 5-4

Phase 5: Enable Civil Authority ............................................................................................ 5-4
Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment ........................................................... 5-4
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace.................................................................................. 5-4

Chapter 6. Concept of METOC Support

Operational Collaboration............................................................................................................ 6-1

Area of Operations................................................................................................................. 6-1
METOC Area of Responsibility ............................................................................................ 6-1
METOC Area of Interest ....................................................................................................... 6-1
METOC Support System ....................................................................................................... 6-1
Commander’s Responsibility in METOC Operations ................................................................. 6-2
Focus the METOC Effort ...................................................................................................... 6-2
Participate in the METOC Process ........................................................................................ 6-2
Utilize METOC Information in Decision Making................................................................. 6-2
Support the METOC Effort ................................................................................................... 6-2
Evaluate the Effectiveness of METOC Operations ............................................................... 6-3
Methods of METOC Support ...................................................................................................... 6-3
Direct Support........................................................................................................................ 6-3
General Support ..................................................................................................................... 6-3
Marine Air-Ground Task Force Operations................................................................................. 6-3
Marine Air-Ground Task Force METOC Support Network ................................................. 6-4
Command Element ................................................................................................................ 6-4
Ground Combat Element ....................................................................................................... 6-4
Logistics Combat Element..................................................................................................... 6-5
Aviation Combat Element ..................................................................................................... 6-5
Marine Expeditionary Brigade............................................................................................... 6-6
Marine Expeditionary Unit .................................................................................................... 6-6
Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force .................................................................. 6-6
METOC Support Team.......................................................................................................... 6-7
Marine Corps Installations, Bases, and Stations.......................................................................... 6-7
Regional METOC Centers..................................................................................................... 6-7
Marine Corps Air Stations and Airfields ............................................................................... 6-7
Sensor Sites............................................................................................................................ 6-8
Joint and Coalition Operations .................................................................................................... 6-8
Senior METOC Officer ........................................................................................................ 6-8
Joint METOC Officer ............................................................................................................ 6-8
METOC Operations Support Community ............................................................................. 6-8
Joint METOC Coordination Organization............................................................................. 6-9
Joint METOC Coordination Cell ........................................................................................... 6-9
Joint Operation Area Forecast ............................................................................................... 6-9

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Chapter 7. METOC Systems and Equipment

Tactical Equipment: Meteorological Mobile Facility (Replacement)

Next Generation AN/TMQ-56..................................................................................................... 7-1
Operational Subsystems......................................................................................................... 7-2
Concept .................................................................................................................................. 7-2
Operation ............................................................................................................................... 7-2
Personnel................................................................................................................................ 7-3
Site Selection ......................................................................................................................... 7-4
Embarkation........................................................................................................................... 7-5
Transportation ........................................................................................................................ 7-6
Tactical Equipment: Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental System,
Variant IV AN/UMK-4(V)4 ........................................................................................................ 7-6
Operating Environment.......................................................................................................... 7-6
Capabilities ............................................................................................................................ 7-6
Site Selection ......................................................................................................................... 7-7
Embarkation........................................................................................................................... 7-7
Utilities Support ..................................................................................................................... 7-7
Network Support.................................................................................................................... 7-7
Supporting Establishment Equipment: Automated Surface Observing System .......................... 7-8
Supporting Establishment Equipment: Automated Heat Stress System...................................... 7-9
Supporting Establishment Equipment: Pilot-to-Metro Service ................................................... 7-9
METOC Systems and Equipment Maintenance ........................................................................ 7-10
Tactical Equipment .............................................................................................................. 7-10
Supporting Establishment Equipment ................................................................................. 7-10

Chapter 8. METOC Effects

Environmental Elements.............................................................................................................. 8-1

Weather and Terrain .................................................................................................................... 8-1
Visibility ................................................................................................................................ 8-2
Wind....................................................................................................................................... 8-2
Precipitation ........................................................................................................................... 8-3
Clouds .................................................................................................................................... 8-4
Temperature and Humidity .................................................................................................... 8-4
Severe Weather ...................................................................................................................... 8-5
Effects on Operations................................................................................................................... 8-5
Amphibious Operations ......................................................................................................... 8-5
Ground Maneuver Operations ............................................................................................... 8-8
Artillery Operations ............................................................................................................... 8-8
Aviation Operations ............................................................................................................... 8-9

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Communications and Information Systems Operations ...................................................... 8-10

Air Defense Operations ....................................................................................................... 8-10
Engineer Operations ............................................................................................................ 8-10
Intelligence Operations ........................................................................................................ 8-12
Logistic Operations.............................................................................................................. 8-12
Medical Support Operations ................................................................................................ 8-12
Military Police Operations................................................................................................... 8-13
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations ............................................. 8-14
Military Information Support Operations ............................................................................ 8-15
Critical Values ........................................................................................................................... 8-15

Chapter 9. Products and Decision Aids

METOC Impacts Matrix .............................................................................................................. 9-1

Climatological Support Products ................................................................................................. 9-2
Marine Air-Ground Task Force Standard Tactical METOC Support Products .......................... 9-2
Standard Tactical Summaries ................................................................................................ 9-2
Special Tactical Summaries................................................................................................... 9-3
Graphical Forecasts................................................................................................................ 9-3
METOC Briefs............................................................................................................................. 9-3
Climatological Briefs ............................................................................................................. 9-3
Operational Briefs.................................................................................................................. 9-4
Oceanographic Products .............................................................................................................. 9-4
Annotated Imagery of Littoral Areas..................................................................................... 9-4
Environmental Support Packet .............................................................................................. 9-4
Hydrographic Survey ............................................................................................................. 9-4
Tactical Decision Aids................................................................................................................. 9-5
Target Acquisition Weapons Software .................................................................................. 9-5
Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System ................................................................... 9-5
Geophysics Fleet Mission Program Library .......................................................................... 9-6


A Annex H Example........................................................................................................... A-1

B METOC Input to Annex B Example ...............................................................................B-1
C METOC Input to Annex K Example ...............................................................................C-1
D METOC Letter of Instruction Example .......................................................................... D-1
E Joint Operations Area Forecast Example.........................................................................E-1

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

F METOC Impacts Matrix Examples ................................................................................. F-1

G Climatology Brief Example ............................................................................................ G-1
H Operational Brief Example ............................................................................................. H-1


References and Related Publications

To Our Readers

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Per Joint Publication (JP) 3-59, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations, meteorological
and oceanographic (METOC) operations encompass “all meteorological, oceanographic, and
space environmental factors as provided by the Services, support agencies, and other sources.
These factors include the whole range of atmospheric (weather) and oceanographic phenomena,
from the sub-bottom of the Earth’s oceans up through the atmosphere and into the space
environment (space weather).”

Accurate and timely METOC support is critical to tactical combat operations and operational-level
planning. History is replete with examples of METOC effects on the timing and the success
or failure of military operations on a variety of battlefields; for example, harsh winters were
instrumental in the outcomes of both Napolean’s and Hitler’s Russian offensives as well as the
Battle of the Bulge and the Chosin Reservoir. More recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq prove
that an understanding of METOC conditions, such as heat and sandstorms, is essential for
effective decision making. As history has illustrated and the battlespace of tomorrow will continue
to prove, military operations are not immune to METOC effects. Successful military operations
include accurate and timely METOC information. Conversely, lack of accurate and timely METOC
support or inaccurate METOC information can negatively affect planned operations.

The mission of Marine Corps METOC personnel is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and
consistent meteorological, oceanographic, and space environmental information, products, and
services required in support of joint, combined, and Marine Corps operations as directed.

The METOC process consists of six steps: collect, analyze, predict, tailor, integrate, and evaluate
(see fig.1-1 on page 1-2). These steps define a sequential and interdependent process for the
development of METOC products. During this process, collected METOC data is manipulated
and processed to become METOC information. Human judgment and intelligence then places this
METOC information into the specific context of the mission to optimize military decision making
and operations.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Evaluate Analyze

METOC Process

Integrate Predict


Figure 1-1. METOC Process.

Successful operations depend on timely, accurate, and reliable METOC data. Thus, METOC
personnel collect environmental measurements from air, land, maritime, and space, using on site
and remote sensing platforms. This data populates regional, theater, and global databases from
which METOC services and products are created, providing the foundation for effective METOC
operations. During operational planning and operations, a sensing strategy and a collection plan
must be developed. The sensing strategy leverages all possible instruments of national power to
meet the commander’s ongoing METOC situational awareness requirements and is included in
theater plans. It includes organic Department of Defense (DOD) METOC data collection
capabilities and identifies gaps in DOD METOC collection. Non-DOD METOC data also may be
available and used if it is determined to be sufficiently timely, accurate, and reliable to supplement
DOD METOC assets and to incorporate into theater METOC processes.

The collection plan must be developed and implemented to orchestrate the timing, distribution of
collection sites, and efforts of all components within the Marine Corps. A complete plan will
foster unity of effort while optimizing data collection, dissemination, and integration into METOC
products from indigenous and national sources. Spreading observational resources across an area
of interest (AOI) to obtain optimum coverage will significantly improve the quality of METOC
services. Meteorological and oceanographic collection plans will normally be published in an
Annex H (Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations) of operation plans (OPLANs)/
operation orders (OPORDs).

Meteorological and oceanographic production facilities, reachback centers, and on-scene METOC
personnel interpret, fuse, and evaluate collected data and information to develop forecasts and
recommendations in support of operational requirements and decisions. Analysis products provide
coherent, integrated depictions of the past and current state of the natural environment over

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

specific regions. Analysis transforms raw environmental data into useful METOC information
and enables production of accurate forecasts of the environment. It enables identification of
significant METOC features and conditions, which may require further study and monitoring
to determine impacts on operations based on METOC thresholds and sensitivities. Meteorological
and oceanographic information is processed and assimilated into inputs for decision making
and predictions.

Through the use of numerical models, expert systems, and human judgment, METOC
personnel describe the anticipated future state of the meteorological, oceanographic, and
space environment. Forecasts, computer- and human-based, include temporal and spatial
assessments of atmospheric, terrestrial, marine, and space environmental features and
associated elements.

A key role of METOC forces is to support the decision-making process of the commander and
assigned forces through application of forecast products tailored to their operational requirements.
It is not enough to just understand and predict the air, land, maritime, and space environments.
That understanding must be transformed into relevant operational knowledge of how that
environment will impact operations and military capabilities (weapons, sensors, platforms,
mission profiles, tactics, techniques, and procedures [TTP], and personnel).

Meteorological and oceanographic forces tailor information into actionable decision aids and
mission execution/planning forecast products by applying METOC parameter thresholds specific
to a mission, platform, or system. Decision makers typically identify these operationally
significant METOC threshold sensitivities impacting/affecting the employment of operations
and military capabilities, providing a baseline for weather effects decision aid rules.

Effective integration of METOC information aids the planning of operations and enables
commanders to anticipate and then mitigate or exploit environmental impacts on planned operations.

Integration of METOC information into planning and decision-making processes allows the
commander to optimize the employment of military capabilities (weapons, sensors, platforms,
mission profiles, TTP, and personnel) while marginalizing the benefit of the environment for the
adversary, thereby creating an asymmetrical advantage for friendly forces. Commanders should
ensure that environmental impacts on operations and intelligence are fully integrated into planning
and decision-making processes and command and control (C2) systems. Continuous coordination
between commanders and their METOC staffs ensure all available and relevant METOC
information and resources, including indigenous assets, are properly considered and made
available for use by all units.

By identifying METOC effects that influence the intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB),
METOC information directly supports operations, the Marine Corps Planning Process, the
commander’s situational awareness, TTP, command and control, weapons, platforms, sensors,
and personnel. Meteorological and oceanographic personnel address METOC-related commander’s
critical information requirements (CCIRs) and other requirements. They coordinate across staff

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

functions to identify and document applicable critical environmental thresholds to acquire a

complete and thorough understanding of METOC impacts to the mission.

To determine the effectiveness of METOC information, a quality control mechanism must be
in place. Mission success can often be dependent on the accuracy of METOC information and
therefore should be diligently assessed to ensure the most accurate information is being provided
to decision makers. This process can contribute to the development of TTP that enhance the
understanding of the natural environment in a particular AOI and can be utilized and refined
over time. Evaluation is a continuous process and should carry on throughout the METOC
process to ensure effective products are being produced and delivered to the customer.

Operational awareness, staff coordination, METOC debriefs, and the use of the Marine Corps
Center for Lessons Learned will significantly enhance the capability to evaluate METOC
effectiveness. Evaluations based on Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) requirements
and/or equipment limitations identify shortfalls in the value of METOC operations as a force
multiplier. Implementing timely, corrective actions enhances the overall quality of operations.

Meteorological and oceanographic information must be measurably correct, convey an
appreciation of the environment and the conditions as they actually exist, and predict the best
possible forecast of future environmental conditions and impacts based on sound judgment.
Commanders depend on accurate METOC information to plan and direct their operations.
Inaccurate information can cost lives, undermine the successful execution of a mission,
unnecessarily expend resources, and impair readiness. All of the following affect the accuracy
of METOC information: the capability to collect data within the AOI with sufficient spatial and
temporal coverage to provide situational awareness and to model and forecast the METOC
conditions; limitations of METOC data collection equipment and instrumentation; limitations
of numerical modeling of the physical environment; the perishable nature of METOC data;
and human error. It is essential that METOC personnel provide the most accurate predictions
of METOC impacts and clearly articulate limits of confidence so that commanders can make
the best decisions.

Operations are often supported with several echelons of command. Each echelon of command may
possess an organic METOC asset. With several METOC units providing METOC information
within a given AOI, it is imperative that forecast collaboration and coordination between METOC
units be accomplished to provide consistent information regarding the state of the natural
environment, as per the “one operation, one forecast” concept. Because METOC information
supporting a commander’s decision usually comes from multiple sources, there must be unity of
effort to ensure METOC personnel produce, assess, and incorporate the same basic set of data in
developing METOC products applied at global, regional, and local levels in order to ensure similar

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

results. Natural environment information provided to commanders at all echelons should be

spatially and temporally consistent across the AOI, especially when METOC conditions will
impact the ability of one operational unit to support a larger operation (e.g., close air support to
ground maneuver forces).

The principle of relevancy requires commanders to communicate to METOC personnel their
specific requirements for content, form, medium, presentation, timeliness, and frequency of
delivery. Relevant METOC information influences the commander’s current, planned, and
alternative courses of action (COAs) at each level of responsibility. Each operation requires
tailored METOC information so the user can quickly identify and apply relevant information
without additional analysis or manipulation. It is also important that METOC collections,
analyses, and predictions provide value to the particular operation
for which they are provided.

Timeliness refers to the principle that METOC operations are only effective when commanders
receive accurate METOC information in time to consider its impact and apply it effectively within
their decision-making cycle. As such, METOC units must provide the latest available METOC
information and knowledge to decision makers throughout the decision-making process and all
phases of any operation. Reliable communications links among all METOC units are required to
support and sustain the timely dissemination of METOC information and are essential to the
overall capability of METOC units.


Command and Control
Command and control is the exercise of authority and direction over assigned or attached forces
for the accomplishment of a mission. It is how the commander transmits intent and decisions to
the force and receives feedback. Command and control involves arranging personnel, equipment,
and facilities to allow the commander to extend influence over the force during planning and
conduct of military operations. Good planning facilitates command and control. In order for
METOC operations to be effective, they must be fully integrated with C2 systems and processes that
enable mission planners, commanders, and decision makers to obtain METOC information and to
integrate that information into the mission planning, decision, and operating cycles. Reliable and
robust communications architectures enhance the push, pull, exchange, and management of
METOC data and information. The exchange of this data and information occurs upward,
downward, and laterally and ensures a consistent common operational picture of current and
forecast METOC conditions in the battlespace among all echelons of command.

As stated in Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 1, Warfighting, Marine Corps doctrine is
based principally on warfare by maneuver. The DOD defines maneuver as the “employment of

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

forces in the operational area through movement in combination with fires to achieve a position of
advantage in respect to the enemy.” (JP 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms, hereafter referred to as DOD Dictionary, part 4 of a 4-part definition) To gain that
advantage, maneuver relies on the tenets of speed and surprise to concentrate strength against an
enemy’s weakness. Speed over time is tempo, and both are considered weapons with regards to
combat power. Adverse METOC conditions have a direct impact on mobility and tempo.
Operational and tactical planning must consider and prepare for general and specific effects of
METOC conditions on a force’s ability to maneuver. The commander who has a greater
understanding of METOC effects on both friendly and enemy forces maintains a significant edge
on the battlefield. For example, during the early stages of Operation Iraq Freedom, 25 March
2003, a severe dust storm developed. This storm initiated a 5-day pause that slowed and/or halted
all US and coalition forces about 100 miles from Baghdad. Timely and accurate METOC
forecasts enabled planners and decision makers to effectively adjust tactics by utilizing weapons
and optics that have higher performance in dust conditions and positioning forces prior to the
storm’s onset to use the degraded conditions to maintain an advantage over the enemy.

The DOD Dictionary defines fires as “the use of weapon systems or other actions to create specific
lethal or nonlethal effects on a target.” Fires are normally used in concert with maneuver to help
shape the battlespace and set conditions for decisive action. Therefore, METOC effects on fires
have a direct impact on a force’s ability to maneuver and operate as a combined-arms force.
Integrating METOC personnel into the planning will minimize the effect of adverse METOC
conditions on fires and assist with exploiting the effects on the enemy. Even with the continued
enhancement of weapon systems and the use of electro-optical aids to improve target acquisition,
planners and decision makers still need to account for the impact METOC conditions have on the
electromagnetic (EM) spectrum and adjust planning as required to gain or maintain the advantage.

Intelligence provides the commander with an understanding of the adversary and the operational
environment, and it identifies the adversary’s center of gravity and critical vulnerabilities. It assists
the commander in understanding the situation, alerts the commander to new opportunities, and helps
the commander assess the effects of actions within the battlespace. This warfighting function
supports and is integrated with the overall operational effort and must focus on the commander’s
intelligence requirements. Thus, METOC information is as much a part of intelligence as enemy
and terrain data. Often, it is as significant as enemy intentions and trafficability. The MAGTF
commanders and their staffs require METOC data and information to plan and execute operations.
Meteorological and oceanographic intelligence results from sensing and collecting METOC data,
analyzing that data, identifying METOC effects, and assessing the impact of current and forecast
METOC conditions on both friendly and enemy systems, tactics, and operations.

Further, METOC information produces METOC knowledge when it is analyzed to provide

understanding of the implications of METOC conditions on the mission during the decision-
making process. In essence, METOC operations provide intelligence regarding the natural
environment. Current or forecast METOC conditions that can influence mission accomplishment
may be deemed a CCIR. Joint Publication 3-59 states that “geospatial intelligence is critically
important to successful military operations planning, and METOC data is considered an

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

intelligence layer of the [geospatial intelligence] information base.” Lessons learned during
Operation Iraqi Freedom have proven that METOC input to intelligence plans and collections can
enhance and optimize the employment of intelligence, reconnaissance, and surveillance capabilities.

Logistics encompasses all activities required to move and sustain military forces. At the tactical
level, logistics is combat service support (CSS) that deals with feeding, fueling, arming, and
maintaining troops and equipment. Tactical logistics involves the actual performance of the
logistic functions of supply, maintenance, transportation, health services, general engineering,
and other services. What is asked of logistics and what logistics is able to provide is profoundly
influenced by the particular circumstances of a war, campaign, or battle, including METOC
conditions. A maneuvering force’s ability to receive timely CSS has a direct impact on that force’s
ability to maintain tempo and continue to hold an advantage over the enemy. Timely and accurate
METOC products and the inclusion of METOC personnel in mission planning will aid planners
and decision makers in exploiting environmental conditions to gain an advantage over an enemy
force and reduce the impact those same conditions will have on friendly forces and the ability to
provide CSS.

Force Protection
Force protection describes the measures taken to preserve the force’s potential so that it can be
applied at the appropriate time and place. It includes those measures the force takes to remain
viable by protecting itself from the effects of adversary activities and natural occurrences. Force
protection safeguards friendly centers of gravity and protects, conceals, reduces, or eliminates
friendly critical vulnerabilities. Severe and/or adverse METOC conditions can develop rapidly
with little or no warning, resulting in devastating effects on equipment, personnel, and operations.
Therefore, METOC operations must detect potentially destructive weather at the earliest possible
moment. Notification of forecast and imminent destructive weather must be rapidly disseminated
throughout all levels of command. This, in turn, raises situational awareness and gives units as
much advance notice as possible so they may prepare for, mitigate, and exploit the effects of
destructive weather and continue with the mission.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


The 68XX occupational field (OCCFLD) manages Marine Corps METOC capabilities. All
Marines in this field are responsible for collecting, assessing, and disseminating METOC
information relevant to friendly and enemy force strengths and vulnerabilities for the planning
and execution of operations necessary for IPB. Marine Corps METOC capabilities are organized
as an embedded capability set within selected Marine Corps units (e.g., Marine air control
squadrons [MACSs], intelligence battalions, station airfield operations departments) of the
operational force and operational supporting establishments to support military operations in both
garrison and tactical environments. From those units, Marine Corps METOC forces deploy as task-
organized teams or detachments with associated expeditionary METOC systems to support the
operational requirements of each particular MAGTF or mission assignment. Marine Corps METOC
capabilities include on-scene sensing/collection, assimilation and processing of raw and processed
environmental data, and dissemination and integration of METOC products and services. Marine
Corps METOC capabilities facilitate the dynamic characterization and understanding of both the
current and future state of the operational environment for MAGTF commanders, planners, and
warfighters throughout the operational planning process.


Although METOC capabilities are a MAGTF support asset, the OCCFLD’s advocate is with the
Deputy Commandant (DC), Aviation. The Marine Corps Director of Intelligence (DIRINT) serves
as the proponent for the 68XX OCCFLD and assists the advocate in representing and identifying
Marine Corps METOC capabilities and requirements. See Marine Corps Order (MCO) 5311.6,
Advocate and Proponent Assignments and Responsibilities, for more information on advocacy
and proponency.


Marine Corps Component Commands
The Marine Corps component command’s METOC officer serves as a special staff officer for the
Marine Corps component commander and resides within the G-2. The component command
billets include assignment to Marine Forces Pacific, Camp Smith, HI, and Marine Forces
Command, Norfolk, VA (see fig. 2-1 on page 2-2 and fig. 2-2 on page 2-3).

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Marine Forces Pacific

G-2 METOC Officer
Camp Smith, HI

G-2 METOC Officer
Camp Pendleton, CA

1st Intelligence Battalion

METOC Platoon
Camp Pendleton, CA
1 / 26 / 3 *

1st MEB 1st MARDIV 3d MAW 1st MLG

G-2 METOC Chief G-2 METOC Chief METOC Section G-2 METOC Chief
Camp Pendleton, CA Camp Pendleton, CA MCAS Miramar, CA Camp Pendleton, CA
0/1/0* 0/1/0* 1/1/0* 0/0/0*

METOC Section
MCAS Miramar, CA

WTTP Office
(Loan from a MATCD)


METOC Section METOC Section METOC Section
Camp Pendleton, CA MCAS Miramar, CA MCAS Yuma, AZ
1 / 12 / 3 * 1 / 12 / 3 * 1 / 12 / 3 *

* Number of billets
6802 METOC Officer
6842 METOC Analyst
5951 METOC Technician
Figure 2-1. Marine Forces Pacific/I MEF Organization.
The primary mission of the Marine Corps component command METOC officer is to advise and
assist the component commander in the development of METOC policies and the execution and
management of METOC resources by planning, coordinating, and validating the collection,
evaluation, interpretation, and dissemination of METOC data. Other duties include the following:

• Maintaining liaison with other Service counterparts and representing the Marine Corps
component commander at joint Service METOC meetings.
• Maintaining staff cognizance and management coordination for METOC-related matters.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Serving as the Marine Corps senior meteorological and oceanographic officer (SMO) when the
Marine Corps component command headquarters deploys.
• Conducting staff studies directly related to improving MAGTF warfighting capabilities.
• Preparing and presenting staff and command level briefings.
• Providing staff support in planning for the employment and use of organic METOC assets,
equipment, and capabilities.
• Providing climatological, meteorological, tidal, astronomical, and other METOC data
for planning.

Marine Forces Command

G-2 METOC Officer
Norfolk, VA

G-2 METOC Officer S-2 METOC Platoon
Camp Lejeune, NC Indian Head, MD
1/0/0* 0/2/0*

2d Intelligence Battalion
METOC Platoon
Camp Lejeune, NC
1 / 17 / 3 *

2d MEB 2d MARDIV 2d MAW 2d MLG

G-2 METOC Chief G-2 METOC Chief METOC Section G-2 METOC Chief
Camp Lejeune, NC Camp Lejeune, NC MCAS Cherry Point, NC Camp Lejeune, NC
0/1/0* 0/1/0* 1/1/0* 0/0/0*

MCAS Cherry Point, NC

WTTP Office
MCAS Cherry Point, NC
(Loan from MACD 28)


METOC Section METOC Section METOC Section
MCAS Beaufort, SC MCAS New River, NC MCAS Cherry Point, NC
1 / 12 / 3 * 1 / 12 / 3 * 1 / 12 / 3 *

* Number of billets
6802 METOC Officer
6842 METOC Analyst
5951 METOC Technician

Figure 2-2. Marine Forces Command/II MEF Organization.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Developing and preparing Annex H (Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations) for

• Providing METOC input into Annex K (Combat Information Systems), Annex B
(Intelligence), and other annexes as necessary regarding METOC issues.

See appendix A for an example of METOC input to annex K and appendix B for an example of
METOC input to the annex B.

Marine Expeditionary Force

The Marine expeditionary force (MEF) METOC officer serves as a special staff officer for the
commanding general (CG) of the MEF and resides within the G-2. The primary mission of the
MEF METOC officer is to advise and assist the MEF CG in the development of METOC policies
and the execution and management of METOC resources by planning, coordinating, and validating
the collection, evaluation, interpretation, and dissemination of METOC data. Other duties include
the following:

• Maintaining liaison with other Service counterparts.

• Representing the MEF CG at joint Service METOC meetings.
• Maintaining staff cognizance and management coordination for METOC-related matters.
• Serving as the Marine Corps SMO when the MEF headquarters deploys.
• Conducting staff studies directly related to improving MAGTF warfighting capabilities.
• Preparing and presenting staff and command level briefings.
• Providing staff support in planning for the employment and use of organic METOC assets,
equipment, and capabilities.
• Providing climatological, meteorological, tidal, astronomical, and other METOC data
for planning.
• Developing and preparing Annex H (Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations) for
• Providing METOC input into Annex K (Combat Information Systems), Annex B
(Intelligence), and other annexes as necessary regarding METOC issues.

Intelligence Battalion
The intelligence battalion provides the preponderance of METOC personnel outside of aviation
support, but each intelligence battalion has different requirements in regards to the number
of METOC personnel assigned. These battalions provide direct support and general support
METOC personnel in the form of meteorological and oceanographic support teams (MSTs) to
all other elements of the MAGTF. The primary mission of the METOC platoon in an intelligence
battalion is to provide direct METOC support to the MEF G-2. The secondary mission is to
provide task-organized MSTs to support the unique mission of each Marine expeditionary
unit (MEU). The duties of the intelligence battalion METOC personnel include the following:

• Integrating into operational and mission planning to ensure environmental intelligence and
impacts are provided to mission planners and decision makers.
• Acquiring, monitoring, and analyzing METOC data to produce tailored, value-added
information for supported units.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Operating METOC environmental sensors and display equipment used as the basis for
collecting and forecasting environmental conditions.
• Preparing, disseminating, and briefing forecasts focused on specific missions, locations, and
METOC parameters critical to current operations and future planning.
• Providing weather watches, warnings, and advisories (WWAs) in support of sustained
operations ashore to ensure force protection.

The primary mission of the intelligence battalion METOC officer is to supervise the daily
operations and training of the forecasters in accordance with Navy/Marine Corps Departmental
Publication (NAVMC) 3500.38B, Meteorological and Oceanographic Training and Readiness
Manual, and MCO 3500.14C, Aviation Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual, while ensuring the
combat readiness and mission capability of METOC personnel and equipment. Other duties include
the following:

• Supervising the collection of and ensuring quality control of all METOC products.
• Identifying communications and embarkation requirements to supported agencies.
• Identifying training and equipment deficiencies to higher headquarters (HHQ) via the chain
of command.
• Assisting with the development of Annex H (Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations)
and providing input to Annex K (Combat Information Systems) for OPORDs.
• Providing METOC information for Annex B (Intelligence) and Annex C (Operations).
• Assisting in the IPB process by developing METOC products and information.
• Coordinating METOC products and support with HHQ and adjacent units.
• Verifying critical METOC thresholds for accuracy and validity.
• Ensuring that CCIRs are known and understood by personnel and passing them on to ensure a
coordinated focus of effort.
• Advising supported commanders on METOC capabilities and limitations.
• Preparing climatological studies and analysis in support of planned exercises and operations.
• Coordinating with subordinate units to gather any additional METOC requirements and
support that may be needed during the course of operations.

Marine Expeditionary Brigade

The Marine expeditionary brigade (MEB) METOC chief serves as a special staff officer for the
MEB CG and resides within the G-2. The primary mission of the MEB METOC chief is to
integrate into operational planning. Other duties include the following:

• Preparing and presenting METOC briefs in support of mission planning and execution.
• Forecasting and identifying environmental factors expected to impact operations.
• Providing the expertise and METOC input in the areas of doctrine, organization, training,
materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) on behalf of the

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Marine Division
The Marine division (MARDIV) METOC chief serves as a special staff officer for the MARDIV
CG and resides within the G-2. The primary mission of the MARDIV METOC chief is to
integrate into operational planning. Other duties include the following:

• Preparing and presenting METOC briefs in support of mission planning and execution.
• Forecasting and identifying environmental factors expected to impact operations.
• Providing the expertise and METOC input in the areas of DOTMLPF on behalf of the

Marine Logistics Group

The Marine logistics group (MLG) METOC chief serves as a special staff officer for the MLG CG
and resides within the G-2. The primary mission of the MLG METOC chief is to integrate into
operational planning. Other duties include the following:

• Preparing and presenting METOC briefs in support of mission planning and execution.
• Forecasting and identifying environmental factors expected to impact operations.
• Providing the expertise and METOC input in the areas of DOTMLPF on behalf of the MLG CG.

Marine Aircraft Wing

The Marine aircraft wing (MAW) METOC officer serves as a special staff officer for the MAW
CG and resides within the G-2. The primary mission of the MAW METOC officer is to integrate
into operational planning and advise the CG on the capabilities and limitations of the METOC
personnel and equipment with the MAW. Other duties include the following:

• Providing input to MAW OPLANs/OPORDs.

• Preparing and presenting METOC briefs in support of mission planning and execution.
• Forecasting and identifying environmental factors expected to impact operations.
• Supervising the METOC collection strategy for the air wing.
• Managing and training METOC personnel augmenting the Marine Corps tactical air command
center (Marine TACC).
• Assisting subordinate commands in knowledge development for all METOC personnel in
the MAW.
• Providing the expertise and METOC input in the areas of DOTMLPF on behalf of the MAW CG.

Marine Air Control Group

The Marine air control group (MACG) METOC chief is a member of the special staff for the
commanding officer of the MACG and resides within the S-3/S-5. The primary mission of the
MACG METOC chief is to integrate into operational planning and to advise the commanding
officer on the capabilities and limitations of the METOC personnel and equipment within the
MACG. Other duties include the following:

• Assisting in the management and execution of all METOC capabilities and resources.
• Coordinating effective methods of providing METOC support for the planning and execution
of MAGTF operations.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Analyzing and interpreting centrally prepared products, alphanumeric data, satellite images,
and Doppler radar coverage in order to provide forecast meteorological conditions, space
weather, climatological and astronomical products, and impacts assessments for all requested
operations within the scope of the MACG and its subordinate commands.

Marine Air Control Squadron

Marine Air Control Squadron Weapons and Tactics Training Program. The MACS METOC
Weapons and Tactics Training Program (WTTP) chief is the subject matter expert on METOC
to the commanding officer of the MACS and is augmented to the WTTP section. The primary
mission of the MACS METOC WTTP chief is to supervise the training progression of MACS
METOC personnel in accordance with MCO 3500.14C and NAVMC 3500.38B. The MACS
METOC WTTP chief continuously monitors and supervises METOC training. Completed training
is entered into M-SHARP [Marine Sierra Hotel Aviation Readiness Program], an automated
training and readiness management system, to ensure accurate portrayal of combat readiness of
the METOC sections within the Marine air traffic control detachment (MATCD). Other duties
include the following:

• Reviewing deployment and exercise after action reports to identify and document shortfalls or
required changes in TTP, personnel, and equipment in order to increase mission performance
and/or functionality.
• Coordinating METOC support for units within MAW as required.
• Adhering to the guidance in the Aviation Command and Control Aviation Career Progression
Model; Command, Control, and Communications Course Catalog; and MCO 3500.109,
Marine Corps Aviation Weapons and Tactics Training Program.
• Monitoring enrollment and progress of METOC Marines in military occupational
specialty (MOS) enhancement courses.

Marine Air Traffic Control Detachment. Within the aviation command element (ACE), the majority
of METOC personnel reside within the MATCD. The MATCD METOC Marines also manage
the largest METOC support asset within the MAGTF: the Meteorological Mobile Facility
(Replacement) Next Generation (METMF[R] NEXGEN) AN/TMQ-56. The METMF(R)
NEXGEN is deployed to support sustained operations ashore and provides METOC personnel
with a forward deployed data collection asset that is comparable to garrison systems. This allows
MATCD METOC personnel to provide general support to the ACE, but they can be task-
organized by way of MSTs to support the other elements of the MAGTF when requested or
tasked by higher commands. The duties of the MATCD METOC personnel include the following:

• Acquiring, monitoring, and analyzing METOC data to produce tailored, value-added

information for supported units.
• Operating all METOC equipment, including satellite receivers, radar, and other available
environmental sensors and display equipment used as the basis for collecting and forecasting
environmental conditions.
• Preparing and disseminating forecasts focused on specific missions, locations, and METOC
parameters critical to current operations and future planning.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Forecasting upper level winds.

• Providing aviation flight weather briefings in support of aviation missions.
• Providing WWAs in support of sustained operations ashore to ensure force protection.

Since the preponderance of METOC personnel within the MAW reside in the MATCDs, the
primary mission of the MATCD METOC officer is to ensure the combat readiness and mission
capability of METOC personnel and equipment and to supervise the daily operations and training
of METOC analysts in accordance with MCO 3500.14C and NAVMC 3500.38B. Other duties of
the MATCD METOC officer include the following:

• Managing all logistical, administrative, and fiscal functions of the section.

• Supervising and providing quality control for all METOC products.
• Providing climate and environmental studies for tactical and operational requirements.
• Employing and supervising the collection strategy provided by HHQ.
• Serving as a METOC subject matter expert to the commanding officer of the MACS.

Marine Corps Installations East and West
Regional METOC Centers. The regional meteorological and oceanographic centers (RMCs) are
operational supporting establishments that are under the cognizance of Marine Corps Installations
Command (MCICOM). There are two RMCs, one on each coast (see fig. 2-3 on page 2-9). The
RMC West is located at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar and has the primary mission
of coordinating METOC support for all Marine Corps Installations West bases and stations,
thus ensuring adequate aviation METOC support for all MCASs, 3d MAW, and transient aircraft
in garrison. The RMC East is located at MCAS Cherry Point and has the primary mission of
coordinating METOC support for Marine Corps Installations East bases and stations, thus ensuring
adequate aviation METOC support for all MCASs, 2d MAW, and transient aircraft in garrison.
Due to the preponderance of METOC personnel within MCICOM being assigned to the regional
METOC centers, both RMCs have the secondary mission to coordinate, supervise, and conduct
the training of all METOC forecasters in the MCICOM chain of command in accordance with
MCO 3500.14C and NAVMC 3500.38B. As part of the regionalization concept of the RMCs, they
are responsible for 24/7 METOC support for the station they are aboard and after-field closure for
all other stations within their area of responsibility (AOR). Those duties include the following:

• Collecting, analyzing, predicting, tailoring, integrating, evaluating, and disseminating METOC

observations and forecasts.
• Preparing and disseminating WWAs.
• Preparing and briefing aviation flight weather briefs.
• Forecasting upper level winds.
• Preparing and disseminating yearly astronomical data.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Marine Corps
Installations Command

No METOC Staff
Pentagon, Washington DC

Marine Corps Marine Corps Marine Corps

Installations Pacific Installations West Installations East
No METOC Staff No METOC Staff No METOC Staff
Camp Foster, Okinawa Camp Pendleton, CA Camp Lejeune, NC

MCAS Futenma RMC-West RMC-East

METOC Section METOC Section METOC Section
MCAS Futenma, Okinawa MCAS Miramar, CA MCAS Cherry Point, NC
1/8/0* 1 / 17 / 0 * 1 / 17 / 0 *

MCAS Kaneohe Bay MCAS Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Air Facility
METOC Section METOC Section METOC Section
MCAS Kaneohe Bay, HI MCAS Camp Pendleton, CA MCAF Quantico, VA
1 / 15 / 0 * 0/5/0* 0/5/0*

Marine Corps Air-Ground

MCAS Iwakuni Combat Center MCAS New River
Twentynine Palms
METOC Section METOC Section
MCAS Iwakuni, Japan METOC Section MCAS New River, NC
Twentynine Palms, CA
1/6/0* 0/2/0* 0/4/0*

MCB Guam MCAS Yuma MCAS Beaufort

METOC Section METOC Section METOC Section
MCB Guam MCAS Yuma, AZ MCAS Beaufort, SC
0 / 16 / 0 * 0/4/0* 0/5/0*

* Number of billets
6802 METOC Officer
6842 METOC Analyst
5951 METOC Technician
Figure 2-3. Marine Corps Installations Command Organization.

• Providing climatological data upon request.

• Completing all other METOC requests for information (RFIs) as required.

Other Continental United States Marine Corps Bases and Air Stations. Marine Corps bases and air
stations require continuous METOC support for force protection and flight operations. Although
continental United States (CONUS) Marine Corps METOC services have been regionalized with
the establishment of the RMCs, each air station still maintains a small contingent of METOC
personnel to provide onsite local area environmental expertise. Local air station METOC support

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

responsibilities include providing METOC support to base training, tenant units, and transient
aircrews; and establishing liaison with the RMC to provide a continuous meteorological
watch (METWATCH). Although collaboration between the air station METOC analysts and
RMC METOC analysts occurs, the RMCs have final issuing authority for all terminal aerodrome
forecasts and WWAs for the bases and air stations within their respective AOR. Other duties
include the following:

• Collecting, analyzing, predicting, tailoring, integrating, evaluating, and disseminating METOC

observations and forecasts.
• Preparing and briefing aviation flight weather briefs.
• Forecasting upper level winds.
• Preparing and disseminating yearly astronomical data.
• Providing climatological data upon request.
• Completing all other METOC RFIs as requested.

Marine Corps Installations Pacific

Marine Corps Installations Pacific (MCIPAC) does not have a regionalization concept established
for METOC support. Therefore, the three METOC offices that fall under the cognizance of
MCIPAC operate independently (see fig. 2-4 on page 2-11). The three stations are: MCAS
Kaneohe Bay, HI; MCAS Iwakuni, Japan; and MCAS Futenma, Okinawa, Japan. The primary
mission of the MCIPAC METOC offices is to provide continuous METOC support to all MCASs,
1st MAW units, and transient aircraft in garrison. A secondary mission is to coordinate and
supervise the training of all METOC analysts within their respective chain of command in
accordance with MCO 3500.14C and NAVMC 3500.38B. The duties of each air station METOC
office include the following:

• Collecting, analyzing, predicting, tailoring, integrating, evaluating, and disseminating METOC

observations and forecasts.
• Preparing and disseminating WWAs.
• Preparing and briefing aviation flight weather briefs.
• Forecasting upper level winds.
• Preparing and disseminating yearly astronomical data.
• Providing climatological data upon request.
• Completing all other METOC RFIs as requested.

The duties of the MCIPAC MCAS METOC officer include the following:

• Supervising and coordinating the activities of personnel engaged in the collection, evaluation,
interpretation, and dissemination of weather observations and forecasts.
• Ensuring compliance with regulations governing METOC operations in order to support all
host, tenant, and transient organizations.
• Advising commanders of METOC support capabilities and limitations.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Marine Forces Pacific

G-2 METOC Officer
Camp Smith. HI

G-2 METOC Officer
Camp Courtney, Okinawa

3d Intelligence Battalion
METOC Platoon
Camp Hansen, Okinawa
1 / 21 / 3 *

3d MEB 3d MARDIV 1st MAW 3d MLG

G-2 METOC Chief G-2 METOC Chief METOC Section G-2 METOC Chief
Camp Courtney, Okinawa Camp Courtney, Okinawa Camp Foster, Okinawa Camp Kinser, Okinawa
0/1/0* 0/1/0* 1/1/0* 0/0/0*

MCAS Futenma, Okinawa

WTTP Office
MCAS Futenma, Okinawa

METOC Section METOC Section
MCAS Futenma, Okinawa MCAS Iwakuni, Japan
1 / 12 / 3 * 1 / 12 / 3 *

* Number of billets
6802 METOC Officer
6842 METOC Analyst
5951 METOC Technician

Figure 2-4. Marine Forces Pacific/III MEF Organization.

• Coordinating effective methods of providing METOC support to plan and carry out
MAGTF operations.
• Advising and providing input to unit commanders on environmental conditions that are
destructive in nature in order to protect military resources.
• Coordinating acquisition, operations, training, and maintenance of METOC equipment.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


METOC Services Officer and Occupational Field Sponsor
The senior Marine Corps METOC officer is dual-hatted as the METOC services officer and the
METOC OCCFLD sponsor. The billet resides within the Aviation Department, Headquarters,
United States Marine Corps (HQMC), Washington D.C., and is physically located in the
Pentagon, Aviation Expeditionary Enablers Branch (APX).

The METOC services officer is the principal advisor and subject matter expert to the DC,
Aviation. The Aviation Department’s mission is to assist and advise the Commandant of the
Marine Corps on all matters relating to Marine aviation consistent with Marine Corps
requirements. Specific duties include, but are not limited to––

• Advising the Commandant of the Marine Corps on aviation safety, aviation policies, and joint
matters relating to aviation.
• Providing principal aviation staff interface with the Chief of Naval Operations.
• Ensuring Marine Corps aviation operates in compliance with naval aviation directives
and programs.
• Participating as a member of the Joint METOC Board Executive Steering Group, the
Battlespace Awareness Functional Capabilities Board, and the Joint Capabilities Board.
• Serving as the Marine Corps liaison to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology.

The METOC OCCFLD sponsor establishes policies and procedures for the effective management
of officers and enlisted Marines serving in METOC billets across the Marine Corps. The focus of
this billet is to improve the quality and professionalism of METOC professionals by establishing a
career development program for those Marines serving in the METOCOCCFLD. Specific duties
include, but are not limited to the following:

• Managing all METOC OCCFLD training and education requirements in coordination with
Training and Education Command (TECOM) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
• Coordinating requirements with the operational forces; DC, Combat Development and
Integration (CD&I); and the Office for Oceanography Capabilities and Requirements.
• Sponsoring the METOC Operational Advisory Group.
• Advocating for all Marine Corps METOC garrison and tactical maintenance/sustainment efforts.

METOC Capabilities Integration Officer

The METOC capabilities integration officer serves to integrate METOC requirements across
battlespace functional areas with regards to near-, mid-, and far-term requirements for the support

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

of MAGTF, joint, and combined operations. The billet resides within the DC, CD&I, Capabilities
Development Directorate, Intelligence Integration Division. Other duties include the following:

• Ensuring that DOTMLPF solutions represent a thorough analysis of capabilities needed to

provide timely, relevant, and tailored METOC combat information and intelligence to
commanders and staff.
• Coordinating with other integration divisions in areas of mutual interest.
• Representing the METOC community in Marine Corps, other Service, joint, and combined
forums in which METOC concepts and requirements pertain.

METOC Plans and Policy Officer

The METOC plans and policy officer resides within HQMC, Intelligence Department, Imagery
and Geospatial Intelligence Branch and is the principal advisor and subject matter expert to the
DIRINT on all matters pertaining to the 68XX OCCFLD. Duties of the METOC plans and policy
officer include the following:

• Providing guidance and counsel on METOC functional management.

• Facilitating METOC functional area inclusion with interdepartmental intelligence disciplines.
• Developing policy for management and employment of METOC personnel and systems.
• Identifying METOC support gaps and shortfalls that affect the operating force, supporting
establishment, and joint requirements.
• Assisting the 68XX OCCFLD sponsor with METOC commodity management.
• Advocating intelligence community interests concerning METOC manpower, training,
equipment acquisitions, MAGTF requirements, and tactical support.
• Providing METOC subject matter expertise during functional and joint capabilities boards.
• Coordinating Marine Corps METOC-related issues within the Joint Capabilities Integration
and Development System process.
• Assisting DC, CD&I, Capabilities Development Directorate, Intelligence Integration Division
with identification and staffing of METOC requirements.
• Working with the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations
for Information Warfare (commonly referred to as N2/N6); Battlespace Awareness and
Information Operations Program Office (commonly referred to as PMW-120); and Marine
Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) to align METOC programs of record with
Distributed Common Ground/Surface Systems architecture.

Marine Corps Requirements Officer to Oceanographer of the Navy

The Marine Corps requirements officer is responsible for the resourcing of programs that fulfill
the validated requirements to provide METOC support to the Marine Corps. This Office of the
Chief of Naval Operations staff billet resides within the Oceanography Capabilities and
Requirements Branch in the Oceanographer of the Navy (OPNAV N2/N6E) working out of the

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Pentagon and the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington D.C. The OPNAV N2/N6E directorate
reports directly to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare.

The duties of the Marine Corps requirements officer include the following:

• Representing the DC, Aviation in all aspects of METOC policy and procedures, requirements,
acquisitions, and finance.
• Maintaining familiarization with defense acquisition, technology, and logistics life-cycle
management framework.
• Monitoring Marine Corps METOC programs to ensure requirements are being met.
• Advising the program sponsor of program status and milestone accomplishments.

Marine Liaison to Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command

The Marine Corps liaison officer to Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography
Command (COMNAVMETOCCOM) is the Force Marine Officer (office code N23) and is
the principal advisor and subject matter expert for all MAGTF METOC support capabilities.
Duties include––

• Assisting COMNAVMETOCCOM in aligning the METOC support requirements for littoral

and expeditionary warfare operations to include the proper employment and optimal utilization
of MAGTF METOC capabilities in support of joint/combined operations.
• Advising and assisting COMNAVMETOCCOM in the planning, programming, budgeting, and
procurement of MAGTF METOC equipment and in the preparation of concept of operations
and specifications and the review of technical data for such equipment.
• Assisting in the development and review of METOC training materials, publications,
instructions, and directives in support of MAGTF littoral and expeditionary warfare operations.
• Serving as direct liaison between HQMC (APX-9), the DIRINT, and COMNAVMETOCCOM
for all matters requiring the concurrence of the Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command METOC Officer

The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command METOC officer serves as the assistant program
manager for METOC equipment in the Battlespace Awareness and Information Operations
Program Office under the Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications,
Computers, and Intelligence. Duties include the following:

• Ensuring that validated Marine Corps METOC requirements are satisfied.

• Providing technical assistance regarding Marine Corps operations to other METOC project
officers within and external to the METOC systems office.
• Maintaining, organizing, and disseminating METOC software.
• Planning and managing the design, development, procurement, and life-cycle support of
hardware and software systems that measure, transmit, distribute, and process METOC data.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

METOC Training Analyst

The METOC training analyst resides within the aviation ground support section of TECOM and
is the principal advisor and subject matter expert to the TECOM CG on all training matters
pertaining to the 68XX OCCFLD. Duties of the METOC training analyst include the following:

• Maintaining training and readiness events, qualifications, and designations in M-SHARP.

• Ensuring emerging training requirements are captured and expressed to appropriate agencies
within TECOM.
• Facilitating the worldwide travel of students to MOS skill progression courses and various
TECOM funded conferences.
• Assisting other training analysts within aviation ground support to ensure timely completion
of tasks.
• Coordinating with METOC specialists (APX-9) in the maintenance of routine publications,
such as the MOS manual, administration instructor requirements checklist, aviation training
system order, Aviation Training and Readiness Program manual, etc.
• Coordinating with APX-9 in preparing for the training input plan conference.
• Assisting in the accreditation of formal courses.
• Maintaining MOS roadmaps within the Marine Corps Training Information Management System.
• Scheduling front-end analysis of MOS tasks.

Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron-1 METOC Officer

The Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron (MAWTS)-1 METOC officer serves as the
METOC subject matter expert for MAWTS-1 and advises the commanding officer of MAWTS-1
on OCCFLD 68XX and DOD initiatives that impact the management and employment of aviation
METOC resources. Other duties include the following:

• Planning, coordinating, and providing METOC support and curriculum to the Weapons and
Tactics Instructor (WTI) Course.
• Managing this publication as the doctrinal proponent.
• Maintaining NAVMC 3500.38B as syllabus sponsor.
• Creating courseware that facilitates the tactical application of METOC support to the MAGTF.
• Providing METOC periods of instruction for the WTI Course.
• Developing the Annex H (Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations) and providing
input for Annex B (Intelligence) and Annex K (Combat Information Systems) of the WTI
operations order.
• Maintaining liaison with METOC activities for MAWTS-1 as METOC subject matter expert.
• Conducting METOC-related staff studies to improve MAGTF warfighting capabilities.

Marine Corps Detachment, Keesler Air Force Base, METOC Officer

The mission of Marine Corps Detachment, Keesler Air Force Base is to train entry- and career-
level Marines for service with Marine Corps operating forces, to sustain their transformation
process while they obtain the technical skills of their future MOS, and to mentor the students.
In order to obtain the MOS 6842, all Marine Corps METOC personnel must attend the
Meteorological Oceanographic Analyst Forecaster (MOAF) Course. The MOAF Course is

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

a joint, formal school that provides entry-level instruction to develop the basic skills necessary
to serve as a METOC analyst forecaster. This training includes meteorology, oceanography,
computers, satellite imagery interpretation, meteorological reports, chart analysis, air mass
soundings analysis, space environment, and climatology. The Marine Detachment METOC
officer is responsible for the conduct of the MOAF Course. Other duties include the following:

• Directing, overseeing and mentoring MOAF instructors and students in the MOAF Course.
• Ensuring the consolidated portion of the course meets Marine Corps requirements.
• Overseeing the Marine Corps’ unique METOC curriculum and training.
• Coordinating inter-Service training plans with respective Service representatives.
• Being the Marine Corps liaison officer for curriculum review boards designed to identify and
implement current and future requirements for the operating forces.
• Maintaining and processing academic records and statistical data.
• Managing the Marine Corps’ training and education program for the MOAF Course.
• Ensuring academic documents are provided to the Navy as required.
• Overseeing the conduct of required competency and certification evaluations on instructor staff.

Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force METOC Analyst

The Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF) METOC analyst serves to provide
essential meteorological and hazardous prediction information in support of CBIRF’s real-world
and training operations. Other duties include the following:

• Providing daily and weekly weather forecasts and climatological briefs to the appropriate staff
to support planning operations and typical battalion operations.
• Researching and implementing new weather forecasting techniques or tools as well as new
plume modeling software or tools.
• Coordinating and maintaining liaison with local, state, and Federal agencies such as the Defense
Threat Reduction Agency or Joint Task Force-Civil Support in order to enable appropriate
sharing of information and a combined-arms response to chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear, and high-yield explosive incidents that may occur within CBIRF’s purview.
• Working with the battalion chemist to develop plume modeling products that are disseminated
in response to training or real-world events.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


The physical environment impacts all MAGTF elements, functional areas, planning cycles,
and operational decisions, to include intelligence gathering, human performance, equipment
performance, weapon accuracy, and enemy capabilities. Atmospheric and oceanographic
conditions and solar activity can create prohibitive flying conditions, make roads impassable,
freeze (or overheat) ground forces, limit capabilities of collections or target sensors, make
amphibious assault impossible, or interrupt communications. All MAGTF elements have
requirements for the same METOC parameters but differ in the level of spatial analysis
required based on their unique capability sets and methods of employment.

Environmental Sciences
A variety of scientific disciplines study the physical environment and its unique requirements and
impacts on MAGTF operations. These core environmental sciences––atmospheric meteorology,
oceanography, hydrography, hydrology, potamology, space weather, geology, climatology, and
physical geography––provide the tools, techniques, and academic foundation upon which
METOC data and information can be gathered to accurately describe the physical environment:

• Atmospheric meteorology––the science that deals with the phenomena of the atmosphere,
especially weather and weather conditions. Atmospheric phenomena include not only
conditions at a given point and time, but also long-term climatic averages of conditions
and hazards to operations such as volcanic ash, dust, or icing/turbulence.
• Oceanography––the science that deals with the physical, chemical, geological, and biological
features of the oceans and ocean basins. Oceanographic phenomena typically include the
physical characteristics of the ocean such as waves, tides, and currents. However, from a
military perspective, oceanography also includes biological factors (e.g., marine mammals),
bathymetry, hydrography, geophysics, and astrometry.
• Hydrography––the scientific description and analysis of the physical conditions, boundaries,
flow, and related characteristics of the earth's surface waters and the mapping of bodies
of water.
• Hydrology––the scientific study of the properties, distribution, and effects of water on the
Earth’s surface, in the soil and underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere.
• Potamology––the scientific study of rivers.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Space weather––the science that studies conditions on the sun and in the solar wind,
magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere that can influence the performance and
reliability of spaceborne and ground-based technological systems and endanger human life
or health. Space weather phenomena occur within the space and near-Earth environment and
typically originate from solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Highly-charged solar particles
impacting the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere can have negative consequences for military
operations. These solar events can degrade terrestrial radio and satellite communications,
degrade radar systems, induce electrical anomalies on spacecraft, and pose a radiation hazard
to high-altitude flight and space operators. Electrical grid damage or disruptions can occur during
the most intense solar storms.
• Geology––the science comprising the study of solid earth, the rocks of which it is composed,
and the processes by which they change.
• Climatology––the scientific study of climate, which studies processes of climate formation,
distribution of climates over the globe, analysis of the causes of differences of climate (physical
climatology), and the application of climatic data to the solution of specific design or
operational problems (applied climatology).
• Physical geography––the scientific study of natural features and phenomena on the Earth from
a spatial perspective.

Geospatial Information and Services

Geospatial information provides the basic framework for visualizing the operational geomagnetic,
imagery, gravimetric, aeronautical, topographic, hydrographic, littoral, cultural, and toponymic
data accurately referenced to a precise location on the Earth’s surface. This data is used to develop
information for military planning, training, and operations, including navigation, mission
planning, mission rehearsal modeling, simulation, and precise targeting. This information is
produced by multiple sources to common interoperable data standards. It may be presented in the
form of printed maps, charts, digital files, and publications; in digital simulation and modeling
databases; in photographic form; or in the form of digitized maps and charts or attributed
centerline data. Geospatial information does not come only from imagery and imagery-derived
products, but can come from other intelligence disciplines as well. Geospatial services include tools
that enable users to access and manipulate data and also include instruction, training, laboratory
support, and guidance for the use of geospatial data. For more information, see JP 2-03,
Geospatial Intelligence Support to Joint Operations.


Regardless of the type of operation, military forces will have to conduct operations in and through
four distinct and integrated physical domains: space, air, land, and sea. Each of these domains
exists within a complex METOC environment that continuously interacts with the others on a
global scale. An example of this interaction and integration occurs within littoral regions, where
all four domains converge. The space, atmospheric, terrestrial, and maritime environments and
their associated effects can significantly influence the entire range of military operations, to
include force protection, if not considered and appropriately planned for. Thus, METOC

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

personnel must work with commanders and their staffs to develop relevant CCIRs with respect to
the physical environment.

Space (Space Environment)

Knowledge and understanding of the operational effects presented by the space environment have
become increasingly more relevant within the IPB process. Historically, analysis of the space
environment focused on solar and lunar prediction and their effects on tides and illumination. As
the science of space weather has increased, so have the military considerations for space weather
conditions and their influences increased. Space weather events can adversely affect space-based
and terrestrial-based communications capabilities. As net-centric operations rely extensively on
continuously available communications, understanding the influences of space weather events
on communications will allow commanders to mitigate those periods of reduced availability.

Air (Atmospheric Environment)

The atmospheric environment is the most well-known physical environment considered during the
IPB process. Atmospheric considerations begin at the designated AOI and expand globally.
Atmospheric conditions can influence the following:

• Terrestrial communications.
• Vertical, horizontal, and slant visibility.
• Tactical engagement ranges.
• Acoustical propagation.
• Electronic warfare capabilities.
• Radar ranges.

Oftentimes, atmospheric phenomena that can influence an AOI—such as tropical storms, frontal
systems, and strong winds—have their origins hundreds to thousands of miles outside the impacted
area. These influences can be seasonal (for example, frontal system passage over an AOI occurs
every 5 to 7 days during the summer but occurs every 3 to 5 days during the winter), or more
persistent. Meteorological and oceanographic personnel must identify and monitor origin areas
for major weather systems and their associated seasonal or daily patterns in relation to the AOI
to ensure commanders gain and maintain continuous situational awareness of the atmospheric
environment. Additionally, the United States projects forces and combat power via a global-reach
capability; therefore, atmospheric conditions must be monitored globally to identify negative
effects to aviation logistical operations that may result in delayed operational execution or reduced
operational capacity.

Land (Terrestrial Environment)

The terrestrial environment encompasses the land areas of the world. It is within this environment
that METOC personnel work closely with geospatial personnel and engineers to conduct
their analysis. Analysis of the terrestrial environment relies on the combined analysis of the
atmospheric and maritime environments and their influences on such things as soil moisture,
rivers and watershed areas, trafficability, vegetation, snow pack, and sea ice. Thus, METOC
personnel must identify regional areas of concern—such as mountain ranges, identified lines
of communications, dams, and lakes that are outside the immediate AOI—and be prepared to
identify the potential influence and impacts those areas of concern can have on the force.
MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Sea (Maritime Environment)

The maritime environment encompasses the world’s oceans and seas. The maritime environment
is further broken down into deep, shallow, and brown environments, terminology used by Navy
METOC personnel, for whom understanding of the maritime environment is a primary function.
Marine Corps METOC personnel must also have a working knowledge and understanding of the
maritime environment to accurately incorporate its influences and effects into the IPB process. The
maritime environment will only increase in relevance as the Marine Corps continues to develop and
execute maritime concepts such as sea-basing and operational maneuver from the sea.


Sea/Land Interface (Littoral)
Atmospheric and oceanic motions are results of differential heating between the land and sea
interface. This differential heating is most prevalent in the littoral zone, which begins at the
shoreline and extends 600 feet out into the water. The littoral zone is a complex area for
predicting water conditions because so many factors affect it. Temperature differences, beach
profile, coastal currents, onshore and offshore winds, reefs, bays, and the shape of the shoreline
are some of the things METOC personnel have to consider when forecasting for this zone during
amphibious operations.

Air/Land Interface (Planetary Boundary Layer)

The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is the lowest part of the Earth’s atmosphere and is in direct
contact with the Earth’s surface. The depth of the PBL is dependent on a number of factors, of
which temperature has the greatest influence. The warmer the air mass, the thicker the PBL. It
can extend from a few hundred feet to upwards of 10,000 feet above the Earth’s surface. The
irregularity of the Earth’s surface causes substantial differences in temperature, moisture, and
wind that are distributed across a region. The significance of the PBL is the impact it has on
personnel and weapons. Large fluctuations in temperature, moisture, and wind occur throughout a
24-hour period in the PBL. These fluctuations cause mixing and turbulence that churn the air and
disburse minute particles such as dust, clay, sand, and soot that become suspended just above the
surface. The top of the PBL can also act as a cap that holds smoke, sea salt, and pollution near the
surface. This has led to the air within the PBL being commonly referred to as “dirty air.” These
minute particles suspended in the air reduce visibility and act as condensation nuclei for water
vapor. The reduced visibilities degrade weapon systems’ sensor performance as the increased
particulates degrade a particular wavelength. Due to the great variations that can occur throughout
the PBL, lower resolution (i.e., regional and global) numerical weather prediction (NWP)
models struggle to provide accurate forecasts where limited surface environmental sensing
is available to initialize the model. Therefore, METOC personnel need to have a distinct
understanding of the PBL and the limitations in the NWP models to provide commanders
and decision makers with the most accurate impacts to operations.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Air/Land Interface (Mountainous Regions)

Terrain acts as a geographical barrier to horizontal air motions, forcing air vertically in either
direction to change its dynamic properties. These changes in air properties have an impact on the
environmental conditions in and around complex terrain. High gradients and the height of terrain
features dictate a host of important phenomena, such as gravity waves, wind gusts, canyon flows,
Venturi effects, stagnation, rotors, cold air pooling, up and down drafts, slope and cross flows, fog,
snow/ice, convective clouds, and lightning, which are highly variable and defy reliable forecasting.
Each of these phenomena can have an influential impact on Marine Corps operations and the air/
land interface must be considered by METOC personnel when characterizing the environment.


Continuous characterization of the environment is required for METOC operations and
accomplished through the collection and analysis of METOC data, which is gathered by various
sensors and personnel throughout the operational environment, and then analyzed to develop
a coherent depiction of the natural environment. This depiction is used to provide situational
awareness and to predict the future state of the natural environment. Because of the rapidly
changing natural environment, METOC data is perishable and should be continuously collected,
analyzed, and disseminated in order to develop accurate predictions.

Characterizing the environment consists of three main processes: collecting static and dynamic
data, analyzing current and past conditions from that data, and predicting future environmental
conditions. To characterize the environment, the METOC process (see fig.1-1 on page 1-2)
must be engaged to identify and process many factors, some of which are discussed in the
following subparagraphs.

Geographical Area and Influencing Factors

The geographical area must be considered in order to accurately characterize the environment. It
is predetermined by the areas of interest, influence, or operation and includes the entire natural
environment that is influenced by the atmosphere and hydrosphere.

Climatological Influencing Factors

Other considerations are the climatological influencing factors. Climate describes what the
average weather is like in a place or area in terms of elements such as temperature, precipitation,
and seasons. The average is calculated with data amassed over many years and distilled down into
the range of normal conditions. The climate can be analyzed over a broad range of spatial realms
and the geographical area will be the prime determining factor for the climate region. The climate
will be influenced by the following factors: latitude, land and water distribution, topography, and
ocean current.

Environmental Data Source

Environmental data can be retrieved from many different sources. Over the past decade, weather
data and products have become widely available across the Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router
Network (NIPRNET) and the SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET) for the
United States, Europe, Japan, and Australia, but are much more sparse in many of the areas that
the Marine Corps operates. With that in mind, METOC personnel need to identify the data source

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

and determine its legitimacy based on sound meteorological reasoning and climatological data for
a similar location with comparable conditions.

Environmental Data
There are many different ways to collect environmental data. Some data can be collected manually
or by automated sensors and retrieved via the NIPRNET and/or SIPRNET. This data can also be
retrieved and displayed from organic equipment. The following subparagraphs discuss the different
types of environmental data that can be collected.

Environmental Imagery. Environmental imagery includes topographic imagery, satellite, and

radar. Topographic imagery can be retrieved via SIPRNET from multiple agencies, but may also
be available from organic assets within the G-2/S-2 and those assets may have more ability to
tailor products for a specific request. Satellite data can be retrieved from multiple sources and is
available globally via NIPRNET and SIPRNET. Many of these sources have the ability to modify
the satellite image to fit the needs for location and resolution, but must be requested from the
source agency. Satellites are extremely valuable because they can provide imagery of current
conditions in data-sparse areas. Radar coverage is prevalent across CONUS, but is not available
for most areas in which the Marine Corps operates. Marine Corps METOC units that deploy with
a METMF(R) NEXGEN will have organic satellite and radar data and have the ability to modify
the imagery to provide mission-tailored products for mission planning, mission execution, and
force protection.

Land-based Surface Observations. A vast network of land-based surface observation systems,

manned and automated, exist across the globe to provide current environmental conditions.
These conditions include temperature, dew point, wind direction and speed, sea-level pressure,
altimeter setting, visibility, present weather, precipitation intensity, and precipitation amount. This
effort is supported by the WMO and made available via multiple sources. Although the network is
vast, there are still many data-sparse regions around the world that do not have surface observation
systems. Many coalition, civilian, and DOD agencies can help to bridge the gap in the data-sparse
regions and provide continuous, real-time, land-based surface observations. All DOD METOC
agencies have the ability to provide manned and automated surface observations via organic
equipment and this information is made available via NIPRNET and SIPRNET.

Ship-based Surface Observations. Ship-based surface observations are provided primarily by DOD
agencies, specifically the Navy, United States Coast Guard, and NOAA. They are also available via
the WMO’s voluntary observing ships scheme operated by the National Meteorological Service.
Under the WMO’s voluntary observing ships scheme, civilian shipping personnel are taught how to
collect and record a correct observation; the observation is then sent via provided radio or satellite
for inclusion in the data network. These observations are used by other ships and are used to help
validate NWP models over the data-sparse oceans. Due to the sensitive nature of the location of
many ships, most of the data is only provided over classified networks, but it is still available and
provides valuable information for those with access.

Upper Atmospheric Observations. The WMO coordinates a global network of high-quality,

upper air observing stations, most of which are operated by the National Meteorological
Service. These stations have instruments that can record atmospheric variables such as
pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed and direction throughout the troposphere

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(up to 60,000 feet above ground level), and lower stratosphere (65,000–90,000 feet above ground
level). One of the primary instruments for measuring upper air variables is the radiosonde. All DOD
METOC agencies have the ability to provide upper air observations via organic equipment, and
this information is made available via NIPRNET and SIPRNET.

Pilot Weather Reports. Conditions that are experienced and recorded by pilots while in flight are
sent back to ground units via radio. The pilot reports (PIREPs) are then given to METOC units
and transmitted as appropriate in order to be accessible all over the world via NIPRNET and
SIPRNET. These PIREPs raise the situational awareness for METOC personnel and give an
accurate report of what the pilots are actually experiencing as they fly through the area of
operation. The PIREPs can and should be solicited from pilots to verify and/or evaluate the
forecasting of meteorological conditions.

Littoral Observations. Because the littoral zone includes the water area closest to the shore,
observation of conditions in this area is essential to amphibious operations. These observations
can be performed manually or retrieved via automated sensors such as near-shore buoys. Littoral
observations normally contain the same surface observation data provided by land sensors with
additional information including sea height, wave height, wave period, current direction and
speed, and water temperature.

Riverine Observations. Riverine observations are provided for rivers. They are retrieved in the
same manner and can include all the same information provided for littoral observations.


Once all the environmental data is collected, it must be assimilated and processed into
environmental information. This is accomplished through the use of numerical modeling,
computer systems, and human judgment.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations



Knowledge of the environment is a key component to characterizing the environment, as
discussed in chapter 3. In order to aid in the characterization of the environment, the scope
of METOC information is divided geospatially and aligned with the levels of war.

Global METOC Information (Strategic)

Global-scale influences occur on scales starting at a few thousand kilometers and expanding to
include planetary motions and the tilt of the Earth, its revolution around the Sun, the distribution
of land and water on the planet, and latitude.

Synoptic METOC Information (Operational)

Synoptic-scale influences occur on scales from a few hundred kilometers to thousands of
kilometers and include wave patterns, air masses, fronts, jet streams, moisture flows, diurnal
cycles, rising and sinking air (such as semi-permanent pressure systems), ocean currents, vorticity
patterns, and distributions of different types of terrain, such as land and sea.

Mesoscale to Microscale METOC Information (Tactical)

Mesoscale influences occur on scales from a few kilometers to a few hundred kilometers and
include interactions between different types of terrain, locally dominant winds (such as upslope
and downslope winds), and other anomalies, such as the urban heat-island effect. Microscale
influences occur on scales from a few hundred kilometers to less than a kilometer and are heavily
influenced by local topography, albedo, and human-influenced activities. Both mesoscale and
microscale influences are short-lived events lasting from seconds to a few hours.

Reachback methodology is the process of obtaining data, products, and services from a source
with considerable distance from forward deployed personnel. It is achieved through regionalized
production centers capable of providing continuous support, products, and services via modern
technology and subject matter experts. As such, reachback methodology reduces the manpower and
equipment footprint in theater. As METOC operations all over the world store and make weather

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

data available for hundreds of thousands of locations, they are inherently based on a reachback
premise, described in the following paragraphs.


The global crisis response capability of the MAGTF requires an extensive network of
environmental sensors, METOC analysts and forecasters, and communications and information
systems (CIS). The enterprise consists of the METOC services of friendly countries, NOAA,
and DOD METOC units within the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. These METOC
operations provide a sensing and collection network and related facilities. Peacetime cooperation
among nations for METOC services provides global and hemispheric analyses in support of
military operations anywhere in the world. During contingency operations, METOC control and
other security restrictions may drastically limit the availability of other national and indigenous
METOC information. Department of Defense METOC services and units are specialized
organizations with worldwide capabilities that are structured to satisfy unique military
requirements. They exchange METOC data with national weather services and have access to
national and international weather and oceanographic databases. Characteristics of DOD METOC
operations are mobility, responsiveness to command, and combat readiness. Joint forces may
deploy with METOC support units and generally will be involved with MAGTF METOC
operations at some level, requiring coordination. Additionally, since MAGTFs are likely to
deploy and operate in remote or austere regions, Marine Corps METOC units must be prepared
to operate in environments where METOC data is sparse, limited, or nonexistent.

Marine Air-Ground Task Force Tactical Capability

The highest level of METOC capability within the MAGTF is the METMF(R) NEXGEN. The
METMF(R) NEXGEN provides the MAGTF with a lightweight, highly mobile, fully integrated
FORCENet [United States Navy enterprise network] compliant meteorological system capable of
sustaining METOC operations in direct or general support of all elements of the MAGTF. It
provides a METOC capability similar to that found in garrison METOC facilities. The
METMF(R) NEXGEN provides for all functions of environmental sensing and data ingest, for the
efficient collation and integration of collected data, and for user-friendly graphic user interfaces
and software tools necessary for accurate interpretation and value-added production. The
METMF(R) NEXGEN enables Marine METOC personnel to effectively turn relevant METOC
data into actionable environmental information, which in turn can facilitate timely operational
decision making.

The smallest level of METOC capability is the Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental
System, Variant IV (NITES IV). The NITES IV is designed as a scalable, flexible, and mobile
system for a “first in, last out” capability. The primary differences between the METMF(R)
NEXGEN and NITES IV are size, logistics, scalability, mobility, and that the METMF(R)
NEXGEN has integrated organic sensing capabilities, but the NITES IV’s sensing capabilities are
limited. Thus, the NITES IV relies heavily on reachback communications and METOC forecast
center databases for data and products. The NITES IV provides METOC personnel access to

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

METOC data and products, which are then analyzed and tailored for a specific mission. The
METMF(R) NEXGEN and NITES IV are discussed further in chapter 6.

Regional METOC Centers

Marine Corps regional METOC centers provide 24-hour direct (in person) and indirect (Web,
e-mail, and phone) regionalized METOC information, products, and services in support of Marine
Corps operations and other military operations as may be directed from a garrison environment.
The RMCs may be used as a reachback source, but are not task-organized to provide operational
METOC support to forward deployed personnel or to act as METOC production centers for other-
than-garrison operations.

Marine Corps Intelligence Activity

Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) is a Service-level intelligence capability that focuses
on crisis and predeployment support to expeditionary warfare. It complements the efforts of
theater, other Service, and national intelligence organizations. It provides unique threat, technical,
and geographic intelligence products that are tailored to Marine Corps operating forces preparing
for deployment. The MCIA also coordinates Marine Corps collection, production, and
dissemination requirements by acting as the Service collection, production, and dissemination
manager. The MCIA is the Service intelligence center, headquartered at Quantico, Virginia,
while Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion’s headquarters is at Fort Meade, Maryland.

Naval Oceanographic Office

The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) is the oceanographic production center for the Navy.
The NAVO’s core competencies include the disciplines of hydrography, bathymetry, geophysics,
acoustics, physical oceanography, and geospatial intelligence. The NAVO acquires and analyzes
global ocean and littoral data to provide specialized, timely, and operationally relevant products
and services for DOD warfighters as well as other civilian, national, and international customers.
Utilizing space-based, airborne, surface, and subsurface platforms, as well as state-of-the-art
computing and modeling techniques, NAVO synthesizes the data acquired into products and
services tailored to the individual warfighter’s needs. These products and services support
virtually every type of fleet operation, providing mission-essential environmental information
to the warfighter.

The NAVO is the parent command of the Naval Ice Center and the fleet survey teams. The NAVO
is responsible for the following:

• Applying relevant oceanographic knowledge across a full spectrum of warfare through smart
collection, focused analysis, and responsive delivery.
• Generating strategic, operational, and tactical worldwide oceanographic and geospatial
products and services to meet the DOD’s safe navigation and weapon/sensor performance
• Conducting multi-disciplinary ocean surveys.
• Collecting and analyzing all-source oceanographic data.
• Providing global numerical oceanographic observations and products.
• Implementing numerical techniques to solve oceanographic analytical and forecasting
MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center

The Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) is the atmospheric
production center for the Navy. The FNMOC maintains core expertise in meteorology,
oceanography, and information technology to provide the necessary foundation for on-demand
support to naval, joint, coalition, and national missions. The FNMOC leverages this expertise to
host a suite of state-of-the-art METOC models and decision aids to provide scheduled and on-
demand products specific to fleet and joint operations. The FNMOC and the National Centers for
Environmental Prediction run models to produce global METOC forecasts and are the only
dedicated numerical prediction production centers in the United States. The FNMOC is
responsible for preparation of the Marine Corps and joint battlespace to enable successful combat
operations from the sea. Commanders should exploit METOC opportunities and capabilities in
order to mitigate environmental challenges for naval operations, plans, and strategy at all levels
of war. The FNMOC must be charged to provide products, data, and services to the operating and
support forces of DOD to create an asymmetric warfighting advantage for naval, joint, and
coalition forces.

United States Naval Observatory

The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) is a production center for precise time and
astrometric production. The USNO provides a wide range of critical astronomical data and timing
products. The products are available as hardcopy publications, standalone computer applications,
and data services accessible via the Internet. The USNO master clock serves as the country’s
official time keeper, and the USNO is the sole provider of the precise time and time interval for
DOD. Although a Global Positioning System (GPS) is the primary method of universal time
constant time transfer for the majority of DOD users, the most demanding time transfer
requirements can be met through two-way satellite time transfer. Additionally, the USNO is
responsible for establishing, maintaining, and coordinating the astronomical reference frames for
celestial navigation and orientation of space systems. The USNO is responsible for Earth
orientation parameters (EOP) predictions for all DOD Services, agencies, and contractors, as well
as the international community. Since the Earth’s rotation is not even, the EOP link the
International Terrestrial Reference System (currently World Geodetic System 84 [WGS-84]) to
the celestial reference frame. The WGS-84 is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and
navigation, including navigation by GPS. These parameters are essential to determine spacecraft
orbital information and geolocation of data and imagery derived from space systems. The USNO
is the only organization making EOP predictions operationally. The USNO’s mission is to
determine precise time, to determine the positions and motions of celestial bodies, including Earth,
and to provide the astronomical and timing data required by the Navy and other components of the
DOD for navigation, precise positioning, command, control, and communications. The USNO
makes this data available to other Government agencies and to the general public for the purpose
of conducting relevant research and to perform other functions or tasks as may be directed by
higher authority.

Navy Enterprise Portal-Oceanography

The Navy Enterprise Portal-Oceanography (NEP-Oc) is the naval oceanography mission
extension to the Navy Enterprise Portal. The NEP-Oc serves as a single access point for all
METOC Web-accessible information provided by the Navy on the NIPRNET and SIPRNET. The

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

NEP-Oc has the characteristics and capabilities of multiple Web sites, including the following
types of traditional Web sites:

• Product/service site––providing information about, and access to, METOC Web products/
• Portal site––supporting the visual/interactive aggregation of products/services from multiple
METOC and external partner provider sites and supporting user personalization of the
• Web application site––hosting key enterprise applications (e.g., Enterprise Catalog, Managers
Console, Mission Console) and launching independent provider, Web-accessible applications.
• Collaboration site––providing the ability for users to publish content and have interactions with
multiple distributed users about multiple distributed products.

If a required product is not available on the NEP-Oc, a request for support or RFI may be submitted
to the appropriate Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NAVMETOCCOM) activity,
if known. If not known, then requests for support or RFIs should be submitted to the Commander,
Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command Operational Oceanography Watch (COOW). The
COOW will route the request to the appropriate NAVMETOCCOM activity for action. The COOW
will also assist customers with contacting the appropriate operational support center, production
center, or subject matter experts for additional assistance as required. Special support and exercise
Web pages may be requested. The COOW will create the page and have the necessary
NAVMETOCCOM activities populate the pages.

Air Force Weather Agency

The mission of the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) is to maximize US power through the
exploitation of timely, accurate, and relevant weather information. The center delivers worldwide
weather products to Air Force and Army warfighters, unified commands, national programs, and
the Secretary of Defense. The AFWA supplies weather products and training tools and fields
equipment to Air Force operational weather squadrons and combat weather flights and provides
24-hour technical assistance on all standard weather systems and equipment.

Each day, the AFWA builds the world’s most comprehensive weather database of observation,
forecast, climatological, and space weather products available on the World Wide Web. The
AFWA is focused on developing, evaluating, testing, and transitioning new technologies to
weather teams around the world. The AFWA incorporates systematic resources to examine
weather needs, explores new ideas, and tests emerging technologies. State-of-the-art science
and technology offer vast opportunities to acquire and disseminate real-time weather
information worldwide.

Knowledge development is the process of converting observations into validated findings through
analysis. The cognitive hierarchy describes how analysis activities turn METOC data into

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

information, knowledge, and understanding, which allows for strategic, operational, and tactical
decision making (see fig. 4-1).

Data is raw, unorganized facts collected from the environment that are yet to be processed, while
information is data processed into useable form. A given piece of data is largely meaningless by
itself. Only when data is processed by being placed into a situational context does it gain meaning
and become, by definition, information. Knowledge is derived from information that has been
tested and accepted as factual through cognition (the mental process that receives or develops
unverified information), through assessment or testing to prove the information, and/or by
acceptance of the information as factual. Finally, understanding is achieved by using judgment to
give knowledge relevance within a specific situational context. Ideally, understanding a situation
supports a commander in battlefield visualization and creates the conditions from which plans can
be formed and effective actions taken.


Forecasting the Environment
All elements of the MAGTF require METOC personnel at the tactical unit level to validate and
transform environmental data into relevant METOC information that facilitates knowledge and
understanding. By utilizing the six steps of the METOC process discussed in chapter 1 and the
cognitive hierarchy, METOC personnel are able to exploit METOC information to optimize
employment of sensors, weapons, logistics, equipment, and personnel, which is crucial to
successful military operations.

• Synthesized
Understanding • Visualized

• Evaluated
Knowledge • Integrated
Cognition • Analyzed

• Formatted
Processing, Information • Plotted
Initialization • Translated
• Correlated

• Observations
Data • Radar Imagery
• Satellite Imagery
• NWP Models

Figure 4-1. Cognitive Hierarchy Model.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Knowledge Sharing
To ensure METOC knowledge and information is consistent, relevant, and effective, knowledge
sharing between METOC personnel is a must. Informal knowledge sharing can be conducted
between two parties, but the goal is to better the entire organization by making the knowledge
available to everyone. Each Service has a unique formal knowledge sharing program that feeds
into the Joint Lessons Learned Program. Per MCO 3504.1, Marine Corps Lessons Learned
Program (MCLLP), the Marine Corps Lessons Learned Program (MCLLP) is the official means to
capture knowledge and to input experiences regarding systems and TTP to remedy deficiencies and
reinforce successes. It is used to meet the Marine Corps’ requirement for the Joint Lessons
Learned Program. The Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned is the single fusion center for the
MCLLP and is host to the Marine Corps After Action Report Library.

Fusion Center
A fusion center is an effective and efficient mechanism to exchange METOC information and
intelligence, maximize resources, streamline operations, and improve the ability to support the
warfighter by merging data from a variety of sources. Multisensor systems can provide many
benefits, but also can require large amounts of data processing or result in an overload of
information. Information fusion can provide, in many instances, useful and often improved
information flow. The ultimate goal of a fusion center is to provide a mechanism where all the
METOC communities can come together with a common purpose and improve the ability to
provide a warfighter with the “best” single response to METOC queries. A Soldier, Marine,
Sailor, or Airman should not have to search for bits of environmental information deemed critical
to mission accomplishment. They should know where the requisite information resides and how to
access it at all echelons of command. Fusion centers embody the core of collaboration, and as
demands increase and resources decrease, fusion centers are an effective tool to maximize
available resources and build trusted relationships. The METOC fusion center is discussed
further in chapter 6.


Evaluating METOC Information Accuracy and Effectiveness
As discussed in chapter 1, evaluation of METOC data for accuracy and effectiveness is one of
the six steps of the METOC process. The overall effectiveness of METOC support is based on the
accuracy of the products and the successful accomplishment of specific military missions by use of
those products. Each METOC unit must evaluate accuracy and effectiveness on the basis of the four
METOC principles discussed in chapter 1. This requires METOC organizations at all levels to be
fully integrated into all unit planning and operations. Such interaction leads to mutual
understanding and trust throughout the warfighting team.

Archiving Data and Information

Archiving data and information is the process of maintaining transmitted data and/or produced
products for a period of time determined to be relevant. This archived data can be used for
simulation, training, and/or re-creation of environmental conditions for mission debriefs. The Air

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Force’s 14th Weather Squadron and the National Climatic Data Center are two sources for
archived electronic METOC information in the United States.

Managing Climate Data

Climate data management is the process of managing the retrieval and storage of climate data for
future use. The WMO has developed international guidelines and standards for climate data
management to ensure data is collected and maintained globally. These guidelines are outlined in
the WMO’s Guidelines on Climate Data Management. The 14th Weather Squadron is the DOD’s
source for climatic data and works in coordination with the National Climatic Data Center to
maintain a robust collection of climatic data to be used for research, training, simulation, and
mission planning.

Managing METOC Products

Managing METOC products ensures effective and efficient METOC products are provided in
support of operations. Meteorological and oceanographic personnel must receive, review, and
prioritize requests to ensure timely, accurate, and tailored products are produced and provided
to mission planners and decision makers. This process combines identification of product
requirements, development and lifecycle management for multiple products relating to the
requirements, and delivery procedures/methods. The process includes analysis of requirements,
comprehensive requirements development, risk analysis, product planning, tracking, and best
practices. Product management requires coordination with other weather agencies and customers.
The METOC unit needs to coordinate across all parts of the MAGTF/joint task force (JTF) to build
product strategy and a prioritized concept of operation.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations



During operational planning, METOC support includes integrating globally, regionally, and theater-
produced METOC products as well as data and products received from supporting agencies and
reliable indigenous sources. This assessment is incorporated into a comprehensive sensing strategy
and is included in applicable OPLANs. Meteorological and oceanographic operations are
effective when fully integrated during all phases and processes of the Marine Corps Planning
Process (detailed in Marine Corps Warfighting Publication [MCWP] 5-1, Marine Corps
Planning Process) and IPB. Marine Corps planning in joint operations is also discussed
in MCWP 5-1, while JP 3-59 provides information on joint METOC planning processes
and procedures.

To be effective, METOC operations must be linked to the commander’s decision-making process

and the resulting operational activity. Therefore, METOC operations are integrated with the
planning, decision, execution, and assessment cycle and should be involved in all phases of
planning. While the level of command, time available, and specific tactical situation will influence
how the cycle is carried out and the degree of detail applied in performing METOC operations, the
same basic METOC development process is employed in deliberate planning and rapid planning
scenarios. During the rapid response planning process where time is of the essence, as is the case
with a MEU, many of the planning steps are likely to be compressed, concurrent, and supplemented
by standing operating procedures (SOP) to facilitate time constraints. The role of METOC
operations in the six phases of crisis action planning is described in the following subparagraphs.

Problem Framing
During problem framing, any major constraints on the employment of forces should be
considered. As such, the following METOC products are developed to support IPB and are
updated and used throughout the operation:

• Current and forecast conditions in the operating area.

• Climatological factors.
• Space environment.
• Suitability of sites for employment of forces.
• Degree of accuracy and limitations of forecast products.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Meteorological and oceanographic input to staff estimates provides the commander and staff
with necessary information to support decision making throughout the planning process and
subsequent execution of the operation. The METOC RFIs are developed for action by HHQ and
also processed for the staff and major subordinate commands throughout planning and execution.
During this phase, liaison is performed with adjacent, higher, subordinate, and joint METOC units
to identify any shortfalls in personnel and equipment.

Course of Action Development

As METOC conditions are monitored, they are also updated with IPB. Requests for information
continue to be generated, tracked, and processed. The command element (CE) and subordinate
units should work together to develop the initial concept of operations. An initial communications
concept can be developed, emphasizing communications capabilities in and out of theater.

Course of action development involves IPB, preparation of the intelligence estimate, and
the commander’s estimate. Climatology and environmental products must be produced and
summarized for operational planners. In this effort, METOC personnel must work closely with
the intelligence section to provide impacts of forecast conditions on each COA. Personnel
should also liaison with Navy and Air Force METOC agencies to coordinate requirements for
any unique theater-specific products and external support requirements. Support should include
integrating a mix of globally-, regionally-, and locally-produced products as well as data and
products received from reliable foreign sources.

Course of Action War Game

During COA war game, METOC conditions impact the following critical events and
decision points:

• Duration and timing of critical events.

• Opportunities for deception and surprise using forecast METOC conditions.
• Acquisition of and desired effects on high-payoff targets.
• Required reconnaissance and surveillance.
• Required logistic support and constraints.
• Communications requirements.

Course of Action Comparison and Decision

During the COA comparison and decision phase, METOC conditions continue to be monitored
and updated. Planners and proposed subordinates who will be tasked to carry out the plan must
communicate. It is also a critical time for communication between the CE and other METOC units
on the major subordinate command’s staff. Liaison with national and regional METOC centers for
initial products and services for the MAGTF area of operations is conducted.

Orders Development
The OPORD or OPLAN is developed during the execution planning phase. Annex H
(Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations) outlines the commander’s plan with respect
to METOC operations. Appendix A shows an example of an annex H. Furthermore, METOC
information and input must be provided for the Annex B (Intelligence) and the Annex K (Combat

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Information Systems). Appendix B shows an example of METOC input for the annex B.
Appendix C shows an example of METOC input for the annex K.

A METOC team is assembled and prepares to execute the METOC support plan during the last
phase. Real-time observations and forecasts are critical. This phase normally culminates with a
confirmation brief that includes an update of the METOC situation just prior to mission execution;
this ensures that the commander, key planners, and subordinates share a similar picture of the
expected METOC conditions in the battlespace and associated impacts to the mission. Internally,
it may entail an update between future plans or future and current operations.


Phase 0: Shaping
During the shaping phase, METOC support is typically provided to the CE from a location a
considerable distance from where shaping actions are occurring. Direct support METOC personnel
may only be available to the CE, but general support is provided as requested. METOC support is
heavily reliant on products received from supporting agencies and reliable indigenous sources.
Daily METOC products and updates are provided to current and future operations to support
continued planning, with METOC impacts to operations provided as determined through planning
and SOP.

Phase 1: Deter
During the deter phase, the crisis is defined and forces may begin moving ashore to demonstrate the
force’s capabilities and resolve. The force laydown and sensing strategy from annex H may start
to take shape, providing real-time environmental information from locations where forces are
located. During this time, METOC personnel still provide direct support to the CE, but they may
provide direct support to other units as forces go ashore. General support is still provided as
requested. Although limited real-time environmental data is provided, METOC personnel are still
reliant on supporting agencies and reliable indigenous sources. Daily METOC products and
updates continue to be provided to current and future operations with METOC impacts to
operations provided as determined through planning and SOP.

Phase 2: Seize the Initiative

During the seize-the-initiative phase, little changes in regards to METOC support. The METOC
conditions continue to be monitored; additionally, daily METOC products and updates are
provided to current and future operations with METOC operational impacts provided as
determined through planning and SOP.

Phase 3: Dominate
The dominate phase focuses on breaking the enemy’s will. Though reliance on supporting
agencies and indigenous sources still occurs, the primary source for METOC information comes
from onsite Marine Corps METOC personnel using organic METOC sensing equipment. Direct
support may be available to each element of the MAGTF, dependent on the size and scope of the

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

operation. General support is available as part of the force laydown and sensing strategy, and
tailored METOC products are provided as requested to support operations.

Phase 4: Stabilize
The stabilize phase is required when there is no fully functional, legitimate civil governing
authority present. Little change will occur with the METOC support available, and direct support
and general support is still provided in accordance with annex H.

Phase 5: Enable Civil Authority

This phase is predominantly characterized by support to legitimate civil governance in theater when
combat operations have ceased and redeployment of forces is occurring. Because METOC support
is still required for any forces that remain or for retrograde operations, it is provided via direct
support to the CE of each MAGTF element with limited general support available. As forces draw
down, most organic environmental sensing equipment is withdrawn and the remaining force relies
on supporting agencies and indigenous sources for support.


The operational environment is the composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences
that affect the employment of capabilities and impact the decisions of the commander. Intelligence
preparation of the operational environment (IPOE) is the analytical process used by intelligence
organizations to produce intelligence assessments, estimates, and other intelligence products in
support of the commander’s decision-making process. Analyzing the interaction between the air,
land, maritime, and space domains is fundamental to successful IPOE. Due to rapidly changing
METOC conditions, METOC personnel continuously update the staff estimate, particularly during
mission execution. The METOC conditions are considered both in terms of their ability to modify
individual aspects of the operational environment and their capability to directly affect overall
military operations. Thus, they are a crucial factor when completing the IPOE process.


As stated in MCWP 2-10, Intelligence Operations, one of the principal tools used to support
the commander’s estimate is IPB. Intelligence preparation of the battlespace is a systematic,
continuous process of analyzing the threat and environment in a specific geographic area. It
helps to provide an appreciation for the characteristics of the area of operations as well as enemy
capabilities, weaknesses, and COAs. The METOC objective throughout the IPB process is to
reduce the uncertainty by providing accurate, timely, and relevant knowledge about the threat
and the surrounding environment and to assist in protecting friendly forces.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


To ensure unity of effort and consistency, METOC forces must be able to collaborate both
vertically (between strategic, operational, and tactical elements) and horizontally (within the joint
force and among interagency and multinational partners) not only with other METOC forces, but
also with all decision makers and support functions of the joint force.

Area of Operations
The area of operations represents an area assigned to a commander with authority and
responsibility for the conduct of operations. The limits of the area of operations are normally
the boundaries specified in the OPORD or HHQ order that defines the command’s mission.

METOC Area of Responsibility

The METOC AOR represents the environmental AOR established by the SMO or joint
meteorological and oceanographic officer (JMO) for which the Service-level METOC
component is responsible.

METOC Area of Interest

The METOC AOI is the geographical area from which environmental information is required
to permit planning or successful conduct of the command’s operation. The METOC AOI is
generally larger than the area of operations. The limits of the METOC AOI include each of the
characteristics of the environment identified as exerting an influence on potential COAs or
command decisions. The limits of the METOC AOI are based on the ability of the environmental
conditions to influence the accomplishment of the command’s mission. The geographical
locations of other activities or characteristics of the environment that might influence COAs
or the commander’s decision and the resulting changes in the command’s battlespace must be
considered when establishing AOI limits.

METOC Support System

The Marine Corps METOC support system is flexible, scalable, and designed to readily deploy
and operate in an austere expeditionary environment. The primary objective of the Marine Corps
METOC support system is to provide accurate, timely, and comprehensive METOC support that
enhances MAGTF mission accomplishment through tactical exploitation of the environment. It is
intended to provide comprehensive METOC support to all elements of a MAGTF, as well as to
the bases and stations of the supporting establishment. This system is designed to maximize the
support available from naval, joint, and other METOC sources. The system will be augmented by

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

data that is sensed, collected, modeled, and reported by organic Marine Corps METOC assets and
other assets such as topographic platoons, the MAGTF All-Source Fusion Center, and ground and
aviation reconnaissance units.


The commander is ultimately responsible for the direction of METOC assets within the AOR
and should direct and coordinate the activities of the METOC assets to ensure unity of effort.
Normally, a senior or staff METOC officer should be designated by the commander to plan,
execute, and direct METOC operations on behalf of the commander. This officer typically
performs his/her duties as a special staff officer under the cognizance of the assistant chief of
staff, intelligence or intelligence officer (G-2 or S-2 as appropriate).

Focus the METOC Effort

The commander must provide the guidance and direction necessary for the effective conduct
of METOC operations. Because METOC resources will rarely be sufficient to satisfy every
requirement, efforts must be focused on priorities that drive the METOC concept of operations
and the sensing, collection, production, and dissemination efforts. The commander provides this
focus in the commander’s intent. Annex H (Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations) of the
OPORD articulates the commander’s concept of METOC operations and support.

Participate in the METOC Process

Although the METOC staff manages the METOC effort for the commander by planning and
leading METOC operations, the commander is responsible for the results. Effective participation
requires an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of METOC personnel, equipment,
procedures, and products. The commander should provide guidance and direction to ensure
METOC operations meet the commander’s intent. The commander should focus the METOC
effort on the operations and assets of greatest concern and their sensitivities to METOC
conditions. The METOC sensitivities of those operations and assets qualify as critical threshold
values. The commander should also identify the preferred products and formats.

Utilize METOC Information in Decision Making

The primary purpose of METOC operations is aiding the commander’s decision-making process.
Although the METOC staff facilitates the use of this information throughout the command
by providing timely dissemination of products, the commander makes the judgment of its
operational impact. The METOC staff develops the METOC estimates for inclusion with the
commander’s estimate of the situation.

Support the METOC Effort

Meteorological and oceanographic operations are a team effort. Effective operations are the result
of integrating many specialized collection, processing, and analytical resources. Some of these
resources are organic to the unit and are limited in effectiveness without support from throughout
the command. Other resources are provided by units or agencies outside of the command, and it
is especially important that procedures for acquiring METOC information from nonorganic

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

resources be supported, such as forward-area limited observing programs, PIREPs, and access to
data acquired by artillery meteorological teams. Timely and effective METOC operations rely on
the use of adequate communications assets. External support must be coordinated and requested
at the earliest opportunity. The designated METOC staff executes the procedures to obtain the
required support, but does so in the name of the commander. When the command’s support
requirements go unsatisfied, the commander must intervene, lending command authority to obtain
the required support.

Evaluate the Effectiveness of METOC Operations

The commander must provide feedback to the METOC support system. Feedback should identify
where operations met expectations and where and how they fell short. Key areas to evaluate
include product content, relevance, presentation, accuracy, and overall usefulness. Meaningful
evaluation of the METOC effort provides the basis for its continual improvement and relevance.


Direct Support
Direct support of METOC occurs when a MAGTF METOC unit is organized under the
operational control of the supported commander. However, these units may also be tasked to
provide general support or to perform specific tasks as part of the METOC support network
when directed by higher authority.

General Support
METOC operations provide general support for units without organic or directly supporting
METOC units. Units will verify and relay METOC information requirements to HHQ. Some
organic support may come from observations taken by the unit intelligence officer, ground
reconnaissance units, or artillery regimental headquarters meteorological personnel. However,
the preponderance of METOC information will be provided to such units as general support by
external organizations. Improvements in communications have increased the usefulness of METOC
general support. The current capability of using message text formats to satisfy METOC customer
needs has also evolved to include graphics exchange. Editable graphics can be constructed from file
transfers of databases. As these capabilities continue to mature, commanders and planners will be
able to query the METOC database whenever necessary, construct graphics from the query, and
tailor the results for their planning and decision-making needs.


Requirements for METOC vary between the operational and tactical level. Additionally, METOC
requirements vary between the CE, ground combat element (GCE), ACE, and logistics combat
element (LCE). Requirements for METOC information extend beyond the confines of the
MAGTF. As joint forces integrate and operate with the MAGTF, METOC requirements necessary
to support those forces must be validated and incorporated into the overall METOC support plan.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Marine Air-Ground Task Force METOC Support Network

The MAGTF METOC network is tactical in organization and capability. The size and capability
of the MAGTF METOC network will vary based on the size of the MAGTF. Larger MAGTFs
will require METOC units to provide direct support for each CE, GCE, ACE, and LCE, while
smaller MAGTFs may only give METOC units the ability to provide general support to each
element. The METOC sections within the intelligence battalion and the MACS are organized
and structured to support a variety of MAGTF deployments and operations. These organizations
are manned and equipped to be used in a variety of ways contingent on the size, scope, and mission
of the MAGTF. The MAGTF METOC support network is part of the larger global METOC
support network; both are mutually dependent upon each other. The importance of mutual
dependence cannot be overstated as the METOC AOI may extend well outside the MAGTF area
of operations, to include the hemispheric and even global scales. However, the MAGTF METOC
support network works within the larger global METOC support network to focus on the
operational and tactical needs of the MAGTF.

Command Element
The MEF headquarters requires forecasts of critical METOC elements (such as aviation and
surf conditions, current and tide conditions, and warnings of extreme and/or severe METOC
conditions) at least 72 hours before an operation as well as extended forecasts out to 10 days
and periodic updates throughout operational execution. The CE requires a summary of all the
forecasted elements and associated impacts required by the GCE, ACE, and LCE. The summary
is normally developed and briefed to the commander by the senior METOC officer and/or
his/her staff. It is typically comprised of current and forecast METOC conditions for the area
of operations and AOI, and it often includes decision aids such as a METOC impacts matrix,
which is discussed in chapter 9.

Ground Combat Element

The GCE requires METOC support in the form of estimates and graphical depictions that can
be used for planning and decision making. There are also requirements for general weather
forecasts covering the 24 to 48 hours following the time of dissemination that are focused on
ground combat-related METOC elements and coastal and sea data such as the following:

• Tidal, currents, and surf data.

• Beach slope, water depth, and surf zones.
• Surf breaker description.
• Severe weather warnings.
• Horizontal visibility and obstructions to vision.
• Astronomical data (sunrise, sunset, beginning of morning nautical twilight, end of evening
nautical twilight, moonrise, moonset, and lunar illumination).
• Precipitation rate and type.
• Ambient air temperature and humidity.
• Extreme heat or cold.
• Surface wind speed and direction.
• Cloud cover.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Freeze/thaw depth.
• Ice/snow depth.
• Wet bulb globe temperature index (WBGTI), which is an index used to determine heat stress
conditions generally provided to ground personnel by medical personnel assigned to the unit.
• Windchill index.
• Barometric tendencies.
• Upper air refractivity indices (used in providing tactical decision aids [TDAs] for detection
ranges and radars).
• Upper air temperatures, winds, and heights.

Logistics Combat Element

The LCE’s operations are heavily influenced by METOC conditions. Both extreme heat and cold
can put added stress and strain on MAGTF equipment and create additional requirements for
maintenance and spare parts. Heavy precipitation can make outside storage difficult. Severe
weather can degrade the existing road system, affecting trafficability, mobility, and construction
efforts and, in the case of snow buildup or icing, make it impassable. Unfavorable sea state
conditions can make landing support and logistics over the beach much more difficult. Generally,
the LCE’s METOC requirements cover a larger area than those of a GCE.

Aviation Combat Element

The ACE requires current METOC information for every aircraft sortie and forecasts for the
next 72 hours in support of the air tasking order cycle, including extended outlooks up to 7 days
for the entire area of operations. Aviation units are concerned with METOC conditions at widely
dispersed departure airfields; en route to destinations, targets, and objective areas; and at the
arrival airfield. In addition to the METOC elements required by the GCE, the ACE requires
aviation-related METOC elements such as the following:

• Altimeter settings.
• Ceiling height.
• Pressure altitude and density altitude.
• Cloud base/cloud top heights and types.
• Upper air temperatures, winds, and heights.
• In-flight icing and turbulence conditions.
• Severe weather briefings.
• Slant visibility.
• Sea surface temperatures.
• Horizontal weather depictions.
• Ditch headings.
• Solar/lunar angles.
• TDAs.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Marine Expeditionary Brigade

Support of the METOC is coordinated by the MEB METOC chief, with augmentation requested
through the MEF METOC officer when necessary. The MEB’s METOC support network is
tailored for size and scope of the mission. The MEB CE is typically supported with the MEB
METOC chief, and can be augmented by the MEF METOC officer or chief, along with an MST;
the GCE can be supported with an MST, located at the GCE’s command post; the ACE can be
supported with METOC augmentation for the battlestaff on the Marine TACC (composition
similar to an MST) and one MACS METOC section; the LCE can be supported with an MST,
located at the LCE’s command post.

Marine Expeditionary Unit

The MEU’s METOC support network consists of a task-organized MST. Currently, most
MEUs deploy with an MST consisting of two to three METOC analysts. For tactical situations,
such as a build-up of forces or split operations, additional METOC personnel may be included as
part of a fly-in echelon if required. The MST operates under the cognizance of the MEU S-2. All
METOC support requirements and requests for METOC information are coordinated through the
MEU S-2 officer and strike group oceanography team (SGOT) officer. The senior MST Marine
may be granted direct liaison authority by the MEU S-2 officer to coordinate METOC support
requirements and deficiencies with appropriate METOC agencies. The SGOT officer coordinates
METOC requirements and deficiencies of the amphibious ready group (ARG) through the
respective fleet oceanographer. The MEU’s METOC network is based on the MEUs location
(i.e., afloat, ashore, and/or split operations ashore).

Afloat. While the MEU remains afloat as part of an ARG, MST Marines coordinate METOC
support and interoperate with the ARG’s SGOT while remaining under the cognizance of the
MEU S-2. The SGOT officer is responsible for METOC support of the ARG, ensuring the
principles and functions of METOC operations are applied while reducing duplication of effort.

Ashore. When the MEU transitions ashore, the MST accompanies the MEU S-2 and provides
direct METOC support from the MEU’s combat operations center for the entire MEU. The
MEU S-2 may request additional augmentation from the MEF intelligence battalion’s METOC
analysis and production platoon via the MEF G-2 METOC officer. The MST provides support to
the ARG SGOT by providing on-scene observations, forecasts, warnings, etc. The ARG SGOT
provides METOC information and products to the MST as requested. Close collaboration and
mutual support between the MST and SGOT ensures “one operation, one forecast.”

Split Operations Ashore. During split MEU or ARG operations ashore, additional METOC
personnel and equipment may be requested to provide simultaneous METOC support at each
location. Such support can come from the MEU’s MST fly-in echelon or an existing METOC
unit ashore. If additional METOC support is required, the respective fleet oceanographer and
MEF SMO coordinate external sourcing to fill the requirement. While ashore, the MST located
with the MEU S-2 is designated as the lead MEU METOC unit. All METOC requirements are
forwarded to the MEU S-2 for consolidation, coordination, and support.

Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force

A special purpose Marine air-ground task force (SPMAGTF) is organized for specific missions
and operations. Meteorological and oceanographic support for SPMAGTFs is requested through

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

the MEF and task-organized to meet the unique METOC requirements based on the size and
scope of the mission of the SPMAGTF.

METOC Support Team

The MSTs are task-organized from the intelligence battalions or MATCD to provide a limited
level of METOC support and/or augment the command elements of the MEF, MEB, GCE, ACE,
LCE, MEU, or SPMAGTF as assigned. The MST is directly attached to the element that it is
tasked to support and relies on the element for logistical and communications support. The MSTs
have a limited standalone capability in the form of the NITES IV, discussed further in chapter 7.


Regional METOC Centers
As part of the regionalization concept of the RMCs, they are responsible for 24/7 METOC support
for the station they are aboard and provide a continuous METWATCH for all other stations within
their AOR when METOC personnel are not present at those sites. The RMCs are responsible for
the following:

• Collect, analyze, predict, tailor, integrate, and evaluate METOC observations and forecasts.
• Prepare and disseminate WWAs.
• Prepare and brief aviation flight weather briefs.
• Forecast upper level winds.
• Prepare and disseminate yearly astronomical data.
• Provide climatological data upon request.
• Complete all other METOC RFIs as requested.

Marine Corps Air Stations and Airfields

Although CONUS Marine METOC services have been regionalized with the establishment of the
RMCs, each station still maintains a small contingency of METOC personnel to provide onsite,
local-area environmental expertise. Although collaboration between the station METOC subject
matter expert and RMC personnel occurs, the RMCs have final issuing authority for all terminal
aerodrome forecasts and WWAs for the bases and air stations within their respective area of
responsibility. Station METOC support responsibilities include the following:

• Provide METOC support to base training, tenant units, and transient aircrews.
• Serve as liaison with the RMC to provide a continuous METWATCH.
• Collect, evaluate, interpret, and disseminate METOC observations.
• Prepare and brief aviation flight weather briefs.
• Forecast upper level winds.
• Prepare and disseminate yearly astronomical data.
• Provide climatological data upon request.
• Complete all other METOC RFIs as requested.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Sensor Sites
Sensor sites are those sites that do not have resident METOC support personnel, but are supported
with an automated sensor to provide current real-time environmental conditions. Forecasts for
these sites can be obtained from the RMC that is located nearest that site.


As stated in JP 3-59, joint METOC operations are critical to a commander’s awareness of the
operational environment and the ability to exploit that awareness to gain an advantage during
military operations. Properly applied, joint METOC operations can provide air, land, maritime,
space, and special operations forces with a significant, even decisive, advantage over enemy
forces. The geographic combatant commander provides guidance and is responsible for
the direction of METOC assets within the AOR. In some cases, the geographic combatant
commander may designate the SMO to also function as the JMO; the appointment of JMOs
should be in line with the combatant command’s (CCMD) METOC concept of operations.
Appendix D provides an example METOC letter of instruction.

Senior METOC Officer

Each CCDR may designate an SMO to coordinate all METOC operations within the AOR or area
of functional responsibility. The SMO interacts with the CCDRs, CCMDs components, assigned/
attached METOC units, other CCMD SMOs, and other agencies as applicable to ensure unity
of effort.

Joint METOC Officer

The joint force commander (JFC) should designate a joint METOC officer immediately upon
initiation of planning to serve on the JFC staff as the JFC METOC advisor. The JMO plays a
critical role in preparing for the success of the joint force mission by supporting all aspects of
planning, deployment, and employment. The JMO interacts with the staff components, regional
and partner nation (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) METOC units, and the SMO to optimize
METOC operations.

METOC Operations Support Community

The meteorological and oceanographic operations support community (MOSC) is an overarching
term to describe the units/organizations available to the SMO and/or JMO. This could include
(but would not be limited to) METOC forecast centers, oceanographic teams, and operational
weather squadrons. METOC personnel assigned to a JTF will not normally be sufficient to
provide autonomous staff support to the JTF without reachback to the MOSC. The SMO or
JMO recommends one unit (a subset of the MOSC) for designation as the joint meteorological
and oceanographic coordination organization (JMCO) to support a particular JTF and to
coordinate the efforts of all other MOSC units to provide a full suite of products and services
to the joint force.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Joint METOC Coordination Organization

With the advice of the SMO/JMO, the JTF commander may request METOC capability from
either within the CCMD through a Service component, or outside the CCMD through standard
tasking channels. The JMCO is the organization designated by the tasked Service or Service
component to provide or arrange for direct support to the JTF. The command relationship
between the JTF and the JMCO is that of direct support, with the combined JTF being the
supported command and the JMCO being the supporting command. The JMCO is normally
designated as the lead METOC organization within Annex H (Meteorological and Oceanographic
Operations) of the OPORD and is responsible for coordinating the activities of all MOSC
organizations and facilitating METOC operations in support of the JTF. The JMCO should also
be listed as a supporting organization to the JFC in Annex A (Task Organization) of the OPORD.
Selection of an organization from within the MOSC to fill the JMCO role depends on location,
capabilities, communications connectivity, and operational considerations. Potential JMCO
production facilities and their capabilities are described in the Joint Meteorological &
Oceanographic (METOC) Handbook.

Joint METOC Coordination Cell

The joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination cell (JMCC) will normally designate or
form a subordinate flight or section, known as the JMCC to provide support to the JTF on a day-
to-day basis. Manning of the JMCC will normally be accomplished by a subset of the hosting
METOC unit, with multi-Service augmentation as required. As the primary tool for achieving unity
of effort within the joint operations area (JOA), the JMCC synchronizes and integrates pertinent
METOC information in the JOA, leveraging component capabilities and virtually assembling the
appropriate MOSC components to meet joint force requirements. The JMCC coordinates support
requirements with the SMO/JMO and produces the joint operations area forecast (JOAF) and
other METOC products as required by the supported joint force and staffs, on a battle rhythm
established by the JMO supporting the JFC decision cycle. The JMCC and its leadership typically
do not deploy to the JOA. The JMCC typically provides support to all joint forces and components
in the JOA via reachback.

Joint Operation Area Forecast

The JMCC’s primary product is the JOAF; it is the official baseline forecast for operational
planning and mission execution within the JOA. It provides a discussion of, and rationale for,
expected METOC conditions. The JOAF is a dynamic product whose format, content, and
duration are determined by operational requirements. The JOAF may have geographic “sub” areas
identified within the JOA to further refine the METOC conditions. The JOAF should specify time
of occurrence, duration, and intensity when certain METOC parameters are expected to meet or
exceed operational thresholds and is amended as required by the JFC. Potential JOAF formats
may be any combination of text and graphics as stated by the SMO/JMO. The JMCC must
emphasize coordination and consensus among all joint METOC forces to successfully deconflict
the JOAF, with the JMO as the final arbiter. The JOAF provides a starting point that METOC
personnel use along with local data to tailor tactical-level planning and execution products.
Component tactical-level forecasts may take a different form based on different mission focus and
greater required level of detail. The JTF components communicate significant differences between
their tactical forecasts and the JOAF with the JMO. Collaboration needs to occur between the

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

JMCC, JMO, and component METOC personnel to maintain a “one operation, one forecast”
concept. The JMCC is responsible for making necessary changes to the JOAF, and the JMO settles
any significant differences between components and/or the JMCC. Appendix E shows an example
of a JOAF.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations



The METMF(R) NEXGEN (see fig.7-1) was first fielded in 2012 as part of an evolutionary
upgrade to the Meteorological Mobile Facility (Replacement). The METMF(R) NEXGEN is a
lightweight, highly mobile meteorological data collection system capable of sustaining METOC
operations in direct support of all elements of the MAGTF. The METMF(R) NEXGEN contains
all the equipment necessary for environmental sensing and data ingest, for the efficient collation
and integration of collected data, and for user-friendly graphic user interfaces and software tools
necessary for accurate interpretation.

Communications Subsystem
BGAN Terminal
An/PRC-117, AN/PRC-150
Platform Subsystem VHF/UHF/SatCom, HF
M1152A1 Vehicle VOIP Phone
S-788 LMS Shelter Processing Subsystem
M1102 Light Tactical Trailer Server Computers
Power Workstations and Monitors
Mesoscale Model Server Radar Subsystem
Forecaster Toolkit Ellison E700XD
GPS Remote Ground Station
Data Storage

Meteorological Satellite Subsystem Upper Air Sensing Subsystem

Local/Remote Sensor Subsystem Mark X Tracking Antenna Vaisala Digicora MW31
Vaisala TacMet MAWS201M Local Sensor
Global Imaging Receiver
Vaisala TacMet MAWS201MR Remote Sensors (2)
Electronic Field Mill
Polar Orbiting

Figure 7-1. METMF(R) NEXGEN with Subsystems.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

The METMF(R) NEXGEN permits the Marine METOC analyst to effectively transform relevant
METOC data into tailored and actionable METOC products, which in turn can facilitate timely
operational decision making. The METMF(R) NEXGEN can operate 24/7, in support of US and
coalition forces in the full spectrum of operations worldwide.

Comprised of mostly nondevelopmental items, commercial off-the-shelf items, and government

off-the-shelf items, the METMF(R) NEXGEN offers the latest technologies in data management
to ensure the dynamic flow and comprehensive fusion of mission critical METOC information.
Additionally, tailored products, METOC information, and detailed graphics are formatted in
geo-referenced overlays for display on Marine Corps C2 systems and for availability of data
sharing with joint and coalition forces.

Operational Subsystems
The METMF(R) NEXGEN system consists of the following (see fig.7-1 on page 7-1):

• M1152A1 with B2 armored HMMWV.

• METMF(R) NEXGEN shelter.
• Light tactical trailer with cover.
• Internal data processing subsystem.
• Communications subsystem.
• Meteorological satellite subsystem.
• Local sensor subsystem.
• Remote sensor subsystem.
• Radar subsystem.
• Upper air sensing subsystem.
• Processing subsystem.

In order to support expeditionary maneuver warfare concepts, the METMF(R) NEXGEN design is
easy to deploy, fast to set up, and rugged enough to sustain the rigors of combat environments. Built
into a standard shelter mounted on a HMMWV with a towable trailer, the METMF(R) NEXGEN
can be transported by a single C-130 aircraft for rapid deployment. The system is capable of
operations in any climate and location worldwide for 72 hours without resupply. Lightweight
modular components permit the versatility to package exactly the right mix of capabilities
necessary and the scalability to respond to the wide range of crises and conflict situations faced
by the MAGTF. Additional flexibility is provided by enabling the upper air subsystem and
meteorological radar subsystem to be capable of standalone operations, when needed, with or
without the entire METMF(R) NEXGEN system. The METMF(R) NEXGEN is the primary
equipment allocated for each MATCD.

The METMF(R) NEXGEN permits the METOC analyst to sustain environmental situational
awareness throughout the battlespace so that accurate assessments regarding environmental
impacts to operations, tactics, and weapon performance can be made. This situational awareness

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

is achieved through the use of on site sensors that include local and remote surface observation
sensors, an upper air measuring system, and Doppler radar. This on site observation is continually
fed into an on-scene, 4-km, high-resolution mesoscale model running every 30 minutes, and
is used by the processor to nudge the model output and provide the analyst with a relocatable
500-by-500-by-30 km data cube that is stored, displayed, and manipulated as necessary to
complete the environmental picture.

Although the exact number of personnel can vary according to the tactical situation, the
recommended manpower to operate the METMF(R) NEXGEN for continuous, 24-hour operations
is depicted in Table 7-1. This is the entire MACS table of organization for the METOC section and
would normally be used if the entire MACS were to forward deploy. This manning is designed to
support one forward operating base with one METMF(R) NEXGEN and the ability to support two
forward arming and refueling points (FARPs) with MSTs equipped with a NITES IV system.

The MACS as a whole may not always deploy, and smaller or shorter operations and exercises
will result in a task-organized manning concept to meet mission requirements. Table 7-2, on
page 7-4, lists the minimum required personnel to safely and efficiently deploy and operate the
METMF(R) NEXGEN. These numbers provide the bare minimum crew and provide for two
separate shifts of personnel. Depending on the specific mission requirements, personnel
available, and HHQ guidelines, a compromise between the two listed manning concepts may
be needed.

Table 7-1. Recommended METMF(R) NEXGEN Manning.

Billet Rank MOS T/O
METOC officer CWO2 6802 1
METOC chief GySgt 6842 1
METOC forecaster SSgt 6842 1
METOC forecaster Sgt 6842 3
METOC forecaster Cpl 6842 3
METOC forecaster LCpl 6842 4
METEM technician Sgt 5951 1
METEM technician Cpl 5951 1
METEM technician LCpl 5951 1
Utilities technician Sgt to LCpl 11XX 1
Communications technician Sgt to LCpl 06XX 1
Total Strength 18
Cpl corporal
CWO2 chief warrant officer-2
GySgt gunnery sergeant
LCpl lance corporal
METEM meteorological equipment maintenance
Sgt sergeant
SSgt staff sergeant
T/O table of organization

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 7-2. Minimum METMF(R) NEXGEN Manning.

Billet Rank MOS T/O
METOC chief GySgt 6842 1
METOC forecaster Sgt 6842 1
METOC forecaster Cpl 6842 2
METOC forecaster LCpl 6842 2
METEM technician Sgt 5951 1
METEM technician LCpl 5951 1
Utilities technician Sgt to LCpl 11XX 1
Communications technician Sgt to LCpl 06XX 1
Total Strength 10
Cpl corporal
GySgt gunnery sergeant
LCpl lance corporal
METEM meteorological equipment maintenance
Sgt sergeant
SSgt staff sergeant
T/O table of organization

Site Selection
Selecting the operating site for the METMF(R) NEXGEN is a crucial component for the planning
of any operation. Poor site selection hinders the ability to operate the METMF(R) NEXGEN
at its full potential and may degrade data reception capabilities or provide erroneous data.
Whenever possible, either the METOC officer or METOC chief should be on the site survey
team. Additionally, an aviation meteorological equipment maintenance (METEM) technician
should be included on the site survey team, but not in replacement of the METOC officer or chief.
If this is not possible, then whoever will be conducting the site survey must be briefed on the
following site selection requirements.

Terrain Requirements. Select a reasonably flat and level area approximately 100 by 100 feet. This
amount of area allows sufficient room for placement of the HMMWV and shelter, trailer, antennas,
subsystem components, Doppler radar, shipping enclosures, and overall system grounds. The
surface must be capable of supporting the METMF(R) NEXGEN vehicle as well as the grounding
rods and equipment anchoring spikes.

Obstructions. The METMF(R) NEXGEN must be located in an area that is relatively free of
natural or manmade obstructions (any obscuration or blocking phenomena within 1,000 feet). Any
obstruction that exceeds 5 degrees in elevation within an 80-foot radius of the antenna beam paths
will cause signal degradation.

Utility Requirements. The METMF(R) NEXGEN requires 120/208 volts, alternating current (VAC),
60 Hz, 3-phase power. The METMF(R) NEXGEN normally operates using shore power. If operated
in remote locations without the benefit of an on-shore power source, tactical generators meeting
the above requirements will allow for continuous, 24-hour operations. For short-term power (up

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

to 72 hours) the HMMWV VIPER generators are available as the alternative to operating on-shore
power or with a tactical generator. When connecting to shore power, 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz, split-
phase power may be used.

Radio Frequency Interference. Position the METMF(R) NEXGEN in an area with minimal radio
frequency interference and EM interference potential, which includes any adjacent transmitting
sites. Coordination is highly recommended between the METMF(R) NEXGEN METOC officer or
chief and the communications officer for identification of potential interfering communications
nets. Communications with nearby air traffic control units is also advisable for radio frequency
interference, EM interference potential, and communications issues, as well as coordinating local
and remote sensor placement.

More information for site selection can be found in EM000-CD-OMP-010, Operation

and Maintenance Manual with Parts List AN/TMQ-56 Meteorological Measuring Set

The packing procedures for the METMF(R) NEXGEN are very specific and spelled out in
an easy to follow format in 334-192046 Embarkation Plan for the Meteorological Mobile
Facility (Replacement) (METMF[R])Next Generation (NEXGEN) AN/TMQ-56. The
specifications for embarkation of the METMF(R) NEXGEN are listed in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3. AN/TMQ-56

Table of Specifications.
Item Description
HMMWV with Shelter
Length (bumper to pintle) 207.5 inches
Width (overall-mirror to mirror) 131.0 inches
Height (with shelter) 101.2 inches
Distance (axle to axle) 130.8 inches
Front (axle #1) 71.4 inches
Rear (axle #2) 71.7 inches
Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 13,440 pounds (combat loaded)
Trailer with Cover
Length 135.0 inches
Width 85.6 inches
Height 101.5 inches
Weight (loaded) 4080 pounds
Trailer curb weight (empty) 1460 pounds
Payload (maximum) 2740 pounds

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

The METMF(R) NEXGEN shall be transported by flatbed truck, rail flat car, fixed-wing aircraft, or
ship. The configuration is compact enough to fit into a single C-130 aircraft for rapid deployment
operations. The HMMWV shelter and equipment trailer are also capable of withstanding the effects
of movement and lifting resulting from the use of cargo cranes, lifts, and other heavy-duty cargo-
handling equipment used routinely during civilian and military long-shore operations.


The NITES IV is the primary, man-portable, deployable METOC asset utilized by the Marine
Corps during tactical operations. The purpose of the NITES IV is to collect, store, and disseminate
environmental data and information; to assess the impact of present and future environmental
conditions on operations, weapons systems, and sensor systems; and to provide METOC data and
information to the warfighters’ mission planning and support systems. The NITES IV enhances the
capabilities of METOC units in order to provide METOC support at remote locations, often in
harsh environments. The NITES IV is portable, lightweight, rugged, flexible, and independent,
allowing deployment of the minimum system hardware and software configuration needed to
support each mission without degraded performance.

Operating Environment
The NITES IV is the primary METOC equipment for the MEF, MAW, and intelligence battalion,
and the secondary equipment for each MATCD. The NITES IV is a portable system that is easily
forward deployed and can be setup, operated, and maintained by one person or an entire MST.
The NITES IV suite consists of three laptops with the same capabilities loaded with the same
software. Because of this redundancy, the NITES IV is often not deployed as an entire suite and
offers scalability and flexibility in its employment. Mission requirements, network availability,
and embarkation space will dictate how best to employ the NITES IV.

The NITES IV is designed as a scalable, flexible, and mobile system for a “first in, last out”
capability. The primary differences between the METMF(R) NEXGEN and NITES IV are size,
logistics, scalability, and mobility. Additionally, the METMF(R) NEXGEN has organic sensing
capabilities while the NITES IV’s sensing capabilities are limited. Thus, the NITES IV relies
heavily on reachback communications connectivity to the METMF(R) NEXGEN and major
production center databases for data and products. The NITES IV provides personnel access to
METOC data and products that are then analyzed and tailored for a specific mission. Specific
capabilities are as follows:

• Reachback access to METOC data and products in the METMF(R) NEXGEN and major
production center databases.
• Defense information infrastructure common operating environment compliant.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Compatible with evolving joint communications and METOC architectures like the
Joint Maritime Command Information System and the C2PC [Command and Control
Personal Computer].
• Secure and unsecure data connectivity.
• Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) that measures surface winds, surface air
and dew point temperatures, liquid precipitation rate, cloud heights, horizontal visibility,
atmospheric pressure and altimeter settings, and electric field potential.
• Kestrel handheld weather sensor (this sensor is not certified but provides estimates of
surface wind direction and speed, surface air and dew point temperatures, humidity,
atmospheric pressure, altimeter setting, pressure altitude, and density altitude).
• International maritime satellite (INMARSAT) connectivity.
• Production of TDAs for electro-optical sensors and EM systems.
• Worldwide astronomical and tidal predictions.
• “First in, last out” METOC capability.

Specific support requirements for the NITES IV are based on the system configuration chosen
for a particular operation. System configurations are scalable and may vary from operation to
operation based on the tactical situation, mission, personnel, connectivity, and embarkation space.

Site Selection
Site selection concerns for the NITES IV include availability of an adequate workspace for three
laptop computers (e.g., a 5-foot conference table or equivalent). The site should also allow for
the direct cable connection between the NITES IV laptops and outside peripherals (i.e., AWOS
and/or INMARSAT). Cable connections are currently limited to approximately 100 feet.

The NITES IV requires no special embarkation concerns. The equipment density list will vary
based on the configuration used.

Utilities Support
Standard 120 VAC, 60 Hz commercial or tactical power provided to the workspace is sufficient
to operate the NITES IV. The NITES IV has integrated surge suppression to prevent equipment
damage. It also includes international power adapter kits to accommodate the system. The AWOS
can be powered via integrated solar panel or through commercial or tactical power using
either 120 or 240 VAC, 60 Hz.

Network Support
The NITES IV requires SIPRNET/NIPRNET connectivity for continuous data ingestion.
Coordination should be made with the S-6, G-6, or J-6 section, as appropriate, to provide network
support for each laptop being deployed. The NITES IV deploys with an INMARSAT to facilitate
“first in, last out” data connectivity prior to the establishment or following disestablishment of
communications and during prolonged network outages.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Federally funded, the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) is a joint program of the
National Weather Service, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the DOD. The ASOS serves
as the United States’ primary surface weather observing network.

The many sensors that comprise ASOS detect different weather elements and can update the
official weather observation up to 12 times each hour. The ASOS works nonstop, 24/7.

The ASOS’s constant stream of data benefits the forecast and research communities and promotes
more accurate forecasts of all kinds. The ASOS’s sensors also perform well at night, a difficult
time for human observers to make accurate observations.

Getting more information on the atmosphere, more frequently, and from more locations, is the key
to improving forecasts and warnings. Thus, ASOS information helps the National Weather
Service meet its goal of increased accuracy and timeliness of its forecasts and warnings.

The primary concern of the aviation community is safety, and weather conditions often threaten
that safety. A basic strength of ASOS is that critical aviation weather parameters are measured
where they are needed most: airport runway touchdown zones.

The ASOS routinely and automatically provides computer-generated voice observations directly to
aircraft in the vicinity of airports, using Federal Aviation Administration ground-to-air radio.
These messages are also available via a telephone dial-in port. The ASOS observes, formats,
archives, and transmits observations automatically. Additionally, the ASOS transmits a special
report when conditions exceed preselected weather element thresholds (e.g., the visibility
decreases to less than 3 miles).

The basic weather parameters measured and displayed by the ASOS include the following:

• Sky condition: cloud height and amount (clear, scattered, broken, overcast) up to 12,000 feet.
• Visibility to at least 10 statute miles.
• Basic present weather information.
• Type and intensity for rain, snow, and freezing rain.
• Obstructions to vision (e.g., fog and haze).
• Pressure: sea-level pressure and altimeter setting.
• Ambient temperature.
• Dew point temperature.
• Wind: direction, speed, and character (gusts, squalls).

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Precipitation accumulation.
• Selected significant remarks concerning the following:
—Variable cloud height.
—Variable visibility.
—Precipitation beginning/ending times.
—Rapid pressure changes.
—Pressure change tendency.
—Wind shift.
—Peak wind.

However, like all technology, there are limitations as to what the equipment can do. The main
limitation of ASOS is its ability to see around the horizon. The sensors see only directly overhead.
Should there be a storm front moving in with darkening conditions, ASOS will not detect it until
the storm begins to move over the sensors. Likewise, ASOS cannot see patchy fog that is not
located directly at the station location.

Therefore, weather around the airport that has not been sensed will not be measured. The system
is not designed to report clouds above 12,000 feet, virga, tornadoes, funnel clouds, ice crystals,
snow pellets, ice pellets, drizzle, freezing drizzle, blowing obstructions (such as snow, dust, or
sand), snow fall, and snow depth. Many of these elements will be provided by other sources.
Additionally, many of the ASOS stations are staffed air traffic control towers, so human observers
can edit or augment the automated observations.


The automated heat stress system provides a continuous, on-line measurement of dry bulb (DB)
temperature, wet bulb temperature, globe temperature, and relative humidity (RH). These values are
used to determine the WBGTI that is used to determine physiological heat exposure limits stay
times. The Deban Heat Sensor Unit is a highly accurate environmental monitoring system
designed to detect the parameters required for the WBGTI value of a specific location.
The automated heat stress system unit consists of a network splice box; a wet bulb globe
temperature (WBGT) node; and DB, RH, and globe temperature sensors. The DB and globe
temperature sensors provide a measure of the ambient and radiant temperatures. The RH sensor
provides a measure of the moisture content of the air. A wet bulb value is calculated from the
measured DB and RH parameters.


Military METOC units operate a pilot-to-metro service (PMSV) at selected Army, Marine Corps,
Navy, and Air Force airfields to provide aircrews a direct contact with METOC personnel. The

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

primary purpose of PMSV is for communicating various types of weather information to pilots.
A PMSV is also used to update the flight weather briefing form (DD-175-1) and to receive
PIREPs of significant or hazardous weather phenomena. The PMSV facilities manned by
qualified METOC forecasters are listed as “full service,” and PMSV facilities manned by
unqualified METOC analysts are listed as “limited service.” When an unqualified METOC
analyst responds to a call, they will identify themselves as an unqualified METOC analyst,
state that there are no qualified METOC forecasters available, and relay only surface
observations, radar observations, terminal forecasts, and military weather advisories. If
additional forecast information is necessary, the unqualified METOC analyst will refer the
aircrew to a full-service PMSV facility where a qualified METOC forecaster is on duty. The
radio call for PMSV is “METRO,” (i.e., Cherry Point METRO.)


Tactical Equipment
Tactical METOC equipment is maintained by METEM technicians. The METEM technicians
install, test, maintain, and repair all electronic, information technology, and other associated
equipment employed by METOC units in support of MAGTF operations. The METEM
technicians reside within the MATCD maintenance department and are assigned as direct
support to the METOC units during operations and exercises. Additionally, METEM
technicians reside within the METOC platoon at each intelligence battalion.

Supporting Establishment Equipment

Supporting establishment equipment is maintained by either METEM technicians or other
aviation equipment technicians assigned to the air station maintenance department.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Although environmental elements tend to have different effects on different types of units and
operations, many can be identified as having similar effects on a majority of combat units and
operations. Many of the common effects can be derived from the climate of the theater of
operations and must be considered during planning. Special attention must be given to those
elements of weather that may limit operations or preclude them altogether. For instance, planning
for operations in the tropics must consider the recurring cycle of the monsoon season. In continental
Europe, planning must consider severe winters and the annual autumn freezes and spring thaws
that affect trafficability and cross-country movement. Very early in the planning process,
planners must relate the possible COAs to weather expectancies derived from climatological
studies. There must be an acceptable likelihood that the weather conditions required for
any proposed COA will occur. It is imperative for an operation to be deemed meteorologically
feasible early in the planning process.

Furthermore, as discussed in chapter 1, METOC elements and their impacts to operations are
associated with the function of exploiting environmental information. Inseparable from this is the
commander’s responsibility to have an understanding of METOC elements and their effects on
operations and to provide guidance to focus the METOC effort.


When considering the effects of environmental conditions, the impact that weather and terrain
have on each other must be considered. Weather and terrain are so interrelated that they must be
considered together when planning all military operations. Weather elements can drastically alter
terrain features and trafficability. Conversely, terrain features may exert considerable influence on
local weather. The relationship between weather and terrain must be carefully correlated in terrain
studies to produce accurate terrain intelligence. This planning is an integral part of the IPB process.

Specific meteorological elements vary with the geographical area, time, and season. A description
of the climate of a large area considers terrain influences only in general terms, whereas a
description of a small area such as a single valley can be specific. It is important that commanders
and their staffs understand and consider weather in their tactical planning. They must recognize
the tactical significance of weather effects on intended operations and the risks or opportunities

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

that they present. The effects of weather are integrated with enemy and terrain analysis through
IPB. Factors that must be considered include––

• Visibility.
• Wind.
• Precipitation.
• Clouds.
• Temperature and humidity.
• Severe weather.

Low visibility is beneficial to offensive and retrograde operations and detrimental to defensive
operations. In the offense, it conceals the concentration of maneuver of friendly forces, thus
enhancing the possibility of achieving surprise.

Low visibility hinders the defense because cohesion and control become difficult to maintain,
reconnaissance and surveillance are impeded, and target acquisition is less accurate. These
disadvantages may be offset partially by extensive use of illuminants, radar, sound detection, and
thermal and infrared devices. However, infrared devices are degraded in range by any moisture
source, precipitation, or moisture-absorbing smoke. Smoke and obscurant aerosols can be expected
on medium-intensity to high-intensity battlefields and may be used locally to reduce visibility. In all
operations, obscurants limit the use of aircraft and aerial optical and infrared surveillance devices.

Illumination and obstructions to vision affect the visibility required for various operations and affect
the overall planning for security, concealment, and target acquisition by visual, electronic, or
electro-optical means. Illumination primarily concerns natural light sources such as the moon and
stars. Illumination can enhance or detract from the employment of night vision devices (NVDs).
Periods of twilight may affect the employment of NVDs as well. Low or no natural illumination
may necessitate the use of artificial battlefield illuminants. Illumination and obstructions to vision
may reduce or negate the effectiveness and employment of electro-optical sensors that utilize and
exploit various portions of the EM spectrum.

Wind speed and direction, both on the surface and aloft, usually favor the upwind force in the use
of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons. Winds of sufficient speed can
reduce the combat effectiveness of a force downwind by blowing dust, smoke, sand, rain, or snow
on personnel and equipment. The force located upwind has better visibility and can, therefore,
advance and maneuver faster. Strong winds limit airborne, air assault, and aviation operations.

Strong surface winds and gusts can––

• Injure personnel.
• Damage material and structures.
• Give anomalous radar returns.
• Restrict visibility due to blowing sand, dust, and other materials.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Generally, winds above 20 knots create such effects. Smoke operations are usually ineffective at
wind speeds greater than 7 knots. As surface wind speed increases, either naturally or enhanced by
vehicle movement, the windchill becomes a critical factor. The windchill factor adversely affects
improperly clothed personnel and impedes activity in unsheltered areas. Wind speed also affects
the distance that sound will travel. Wind may prove beneficial by aiding in drying soil. See
table 8-1 for a windchill index chart developed by NOAA.

Table 8-1. Windchill Index Chart

Windchill chart in fahrenheit and miles per hour (MPH). Use this chart for winds
from 33 foot anemometer height.

Temperature (°F)
Calm 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50
5 36 31 25 19 13 7 1 -5 -11 -16 -22 -28 -34 40 -46 -52 -57 -63 -69
10 34 27 21 15 9 3 -4 -10 -16 -22 -28 -35 -41 -47 -53 -59 -66 -72 -78
15 32 25 19 13 6 0 -7 -13 -19 -26 -32 -39 -45 -51 -58 -64 -71 -77 -83
20 30 24 17 11 4 -2 -9 -15 -22 -29 -35 -42 -48 -55 -61 -68 -74 -81 -88
25 29 23 16 9 3 -4 -11 -17 -24 -31 -37 -44 -51 -58 -64 -71 -78 -84 -91
Wind Speed (mph)

30 28 22 15 8 1 -5 -12 -19 -26 -33 -39 -46 -53 -60 -67 -73 -80 -87 -94
35 28 21 14 7 0 -7 -14 -21 -27 -34 -41 -48 -55 -62 -69 -76 -82 -89 -96
40 27 20 13 6 -1 -8 -15 -22 -29 -36 -43 -50 -57 -64 -71 -78 -84 -91 -98
45 26 19 12 5 -2 -9 -16 -23 -30 -37 -44 -51 -58 -65 -72 -79 -86 -93 -100
50 26 19 12 4 -3 -10 -17 -24 -31 -38 -45 -52 -60 -67 -74 -81 -88 -95 -102
55 25 18 11 4 -3 -11 -18 -25 -32 -39 -46 -54 -61 -68 -75 -82 -89 -97 -104
60 25 17 10 3 -4 -11 -19 -26 -33 -40 -48 -55 -62 -69 -76 -84 -91 -98 -105
65 24 17 10 2 -5 -12 -19 -27 -34 -41 -49 -56 -63 -70 -78 -85 -92 -99 -107
70 24 16 9 2 -6 -13 -20 -27 -35 -42 -49 -57 -64 -71 -79 -86 -93 -101 -108
75 23 16 9 1 -6 -13 -21 -28 -36 -43 -50 -58 -65 -72 -80 -87 -95 -102 -109
Risk for Frostbite within 30 10 5 23 Jan 02
minutes minutes minutes

Note: Trench foot and immersion foot may occur at any point on the chart.

Precipitation has significant impact on the functioning of ground maneuver units, aviation,
logistic operations, and electro-optical and infrared systems. Rain and snow affect the soil,
visibility, and personnel effectiveness. The state of the ground affects trafficability; heavy rain
can make some unsurfaced roads and off-road areas impassable. Precipitation can greatly reduce–

• Personnel effectiveness by limiting visibility, increasing fatigue, and causing discomfort and
other physical and psychological problems.
• The persistence of chemical agents (or can create CBRN hot spots).
• The range of lasers, NVDs, and thermal tank sights.
• The effectiveness of aircraft.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Precipitation also degrades the quality of supplies in storage. Snow accumulation of greater
than 1 inch degrades trafficability and reduces the impact of mines and the blast effects of point
munitions. Generally, precipitation in excess of 0.10 inches per hour or 2 inches in a 12-hour
period is considered critical for tactical operations. Snowfall exceeding 18 inches reduces tracked
vehicle speed; movement on foot is very difficult without snowshoes or skis.

The type and amount of cloud cover, as well as the height of cloud bases and tops, influence friendly
and enemy aviation operations. Extensive cloud cover reduces the effectiveness of air support.
This effect becomes more pronounced as cloud cover increases, cloud bases lower, and conditions
associated with clouds (such as icing, turbulence, and poor visibility aloft) increase. In a
relatively unstable air mass, clouds are associated with strong vertical currents, turbulence, and
restricted visibility aloft. Generally, close air support missions and aerial resupply missions require
a ceiling of at least 1,000 feet. Clouds affect ground operations by limiting illumination and the
solar heating of targets for infrared systems. Clouds limit the use of infrared-guided artillery by
decreasing the envelope in which it can seek and lock on to laser-designated targets. Cloud-free
line of sight is required for delivery of electro-optical precision-guided munitions from aircraft.

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature and humidity affect air density. Air density decreases as the temperature or humidity
increases; thus, the efficiency of aircraft propulsion is reduced in areas of high temperature or
high humidity. Although temperature and humidity may not directly affect a particular tactical
operation, extremes will reduce personnel and equipment capabilities and may necessitate a
reduction of aircraft payloads (e.g., fuel, weapons, personnel). Tactics that are effective in one
climate may be ineffective when applied in another. The high temperatures and humidity in the
tropics are conducive to the growth of dense foliage, which greatly affects tactical operations.
Desert climates can range from extremely hot in the daytime to very cold at night, requiring added
protective measures. In arctic climates, cold weather periods create an almost constant need for
heated shelters; cause difficulty in constructing fortifications; increase the dependence on logistical
support; and necessitate special clothing, equipment, and survival training.

Windchill factors are produced by a combination of temperature and wind speed. A windchill
factor of -26 °F (-32 °C) is considered to be the critical value for equipment and personnel
operating in cold weather (see table 8-1). The opposite extreme, 120 °F (49 °C), is the critical value
for personnel operating in hot weather. The critical WBGTI value for personnel operating in hot
weather is 90. Similar restrictions occur in desert terrain, where the temperature from day to night
may vary as much as 100 °F (37 °C). Personnel operating in warm temperatures are more
susceptible to becoming heat casualties when wearing mission-oriented protective posture gear.

Temperatures of targets and objects on the battlefield at night are important for the use of thermal
sights and forward-looking infrared devices. A difference in temperature or thermal contrast is
required for these devices to see a target. Normally, the target and background heat and cool at
different rates. Twice a day, in the morning and evening, targets without internal heating come to
relatively the same temperature as the background. At this point, thermal crossover occurs and the
thermal device does not have the capability to see the target. The duration of thermal crossover
may be only a few seconds when the morning sun strikes a target or several minutes on other days;
this depends on the threshold temperature contrast required by the thermal device. Tactical

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

decision aids can be used to predict these temperature differences for planners and to estimate
lengths of thermal crossover periods.

Severe Weather
Severe weather affects most operations by presenting a threat of injury to personnel, damaging
equipment and structures, limiting ground and air mobility and air operations, and threatening
troop morale. Electrical storms often accompany severe weather conditions and add the hazard of
lightning strikes at munitions storage areas and fueling points. Lightning may also interrupt landline
communications and both communications and noncommunications using the EM spectrum.

Tables 8-2 through 8-16 describe generalized METOC planning factors that are unique to specific
operations. Though not all encompassing, the commander determines on which operations the
METOC effort will be focused. This provides a baseline for which specific METOC thresholds need
to be developed.

Amphibious Operations
METOC effects on amphibious operations may be beneficial or detrimental. Certain METOC
conditions may help to conceal landing operations. Other conditions may hinder beaching and
unloading, task force movement, and essential air support operations. See tables 8-2 through 8-4
on pages 8-5 through 8-7.

Table 8-2. Amphibious Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Severe weather Hampers debarkation and landing craft operations
Creates unacceptable surf conditions
May preclude landing
Interferes with construction support
Wind (surface) May cause postponement of landings
Affects the state of the sea and handling of landing craft
Windchill May cause a requirement for special equipment and rigging for landing and for
special supplies and equipment to support operations afloat and ashore
Extreme temperature (surface) May cause a requirement for special equipment and rigging for landing and for
special supplies and equipment to support operations afloat and ashore
Tide May cause postponement of landings
May conceal beach obstacles
Ceiling: cloud and sky cover May hamper air support operations and landing craft navigation
May offer concealment from air reconnaissance
Fog Reduces visibility and increases landing craft navigation problems and water and
terrain hazards
May provide concealment
Illumination May dictate the time of landing and support operations
Lunar phase Affects tidal conditions

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-2. Amphibious Operations Effects. (Continued)

Element Impact
Freeze or thaw depth May hamper movement over the beach and construction support
Sea state May preclude landing or resupply of landing forces and may cause debarkation to
be canceled
May endanger the use of landing craft
Severe conditions can degrade naval gunfire support
Temperature (water) Cold temperatures decrease survivability of personnel in the water
Survival in seawater temperatures in excess of 70°F depends more on fatigue
factors than hypothermia

Table 8-3. Fifty Percent Survival Rate

Times (Hours) for Personnel in Water (Various Temperatures °F).
Seawater Temperature 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Without immersion suit 1.20 1.28 1.36 1.44 1.52 1.60 1.68 1.76 1.84 1.92
With immersion suit 1.50 1.70 1.90 2.10 2.29 2.50 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.30
Seawater Temperature 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Without immersion suit 2.00 2.15 2.29 2.45 2.60 2.75 2.90 3.05 3.20 3.35
With immersion suit 3.50 3.95 4.40 4.84 5.30 5.75 6.20 6.65 7.10 7.55
Seawater Temperature 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Without immersion suit 3.50 4.34 5.20 6.05 6.90 7.75 8.60 9.44 10.30 11.15
With immersion suit 8.00 9.19 10.40 11.60 12.80 14.00 15.20 16.39 17.60 18.80
Seawater Temperature 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
Without immersion suit 12.00 12.85 13.70 14.55 15.40 16.25 17.10 17.95 18.80 19.64
With immersion suit 20.00 21.20 22.40 23.60 24.80 26.00 27.20 28.40 29.60 30.80

Table 8-4. Beaufort Wind Force Description Related to Sea State.

Wind Sea
Beaufort Mean Wind Wave Sea
Number Velocity (knots) Description Effects Observed at Sea Descriptive Term Height (Feet) State
0 Less than 1 Calm Sea like a mirror Calm, glassy 0 0
1 1 to 3 Light air Ripples with the appearance Calm, glassy 0.25 0
of scales
No foam crests
2 4 to 6 Light breeze Small wavelets Calm, rippled 0.25 to 0.75 1
Crests of glassy appearance
not breaking
3 7 to 10 Gentle Large wavelets Smooth 1 2
breeze wavelets
Crests begin to break
Scattered whitecaps

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-4. Beaufort Wind Force Description Related to Sea State. (Continued)
Wind Sea
Beaufort Mean Wind Wave Sea
Number Velocity (knots) Description Effects Observed at Sea Descriptive Term Height (Feet) State
4 11 to 16 Moderate Small waves becoming larger Slight 1 to 3 3
Numerous whitecaps
5 17 to 21 Fresh breeze Moderate waves taking longer form Moderate 4 to 8 4
Many whitecaps
Some spray
6 22 to 27 Strong Larger waves forming Rough 8 to 10 5
Whitecaps everywhere
More spray
7 28 to 33 Near gale Sea heaps up Rough 10 to 13 5
White foam from breading waves
begins to be blown in streaks
8 34 to 40 Gale Moderately high waves of Very rough 13 to 15 6
greater length
Edges of crests begin to break
into spindrift
Foam is blown in well-marked
9 41 to 47 Strong gale High waves Very rough 15 to 20 6
Seas begin to roll
Dense streaks of foam
Spray may reduce visibility
10 48 to 55 Storm Very high waves with High 20 to 30 7
overhanging crests
Sea takes white appearance as
foam is blown in very dense streaks
Rolling is heavy and visibility
is reduced
11 56 to 63 Violent storm Exceptionally high waves Very high 30 to 45 8
Sea covered with white
foam patches
Visibility even more reduced
12 64 and over Hurricane Air filled with foam Phenomenal Over 45 9
Sea completely white with
driving spray
Visibility is greatly reduced
Note: Data modified from The American Practical Navigator, Volume 1.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Ground Maneuver Operations

Armor and infantry operations are influenced primarily by those METOC elements that degrade
trafficability and visibility. Furthermore, METOC conditions affect the optimal use and
employment of combined arms including the integration of aviation operations with ground
operations. See table 8-5.

Artillery Operations
Artillery operations are heavily weather-dependent Artillery not only must contend with those
weather effects that are common to all units, but also may compensate for a number of special
effects pertinent to their operations. Environmental conditions at the target location affect the
accuracy of smart munitions. Smart munitions are subject to the same effects of wind,
temperature, and humidity as a free-flight projectile. These effects are moderated by the ability of
smart munitions to make in-flight corrections using passive guidance methods. The greatest effect
of environmental conditions on smart munitions is the effect of conditions on the ability of the
smart munitions acquiring targets. Smart munitions that acquire targets by visual means can have
difficulty identifying targets when the target area is obscured by clouds or blowing sand and other
adverse conditions. See table 8-6 below and on page 8-9.

Table 8-5. Ground Maneuver Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Visibility May affect visual acquisition and may degrade laser range finding and target designation
Precipitation Degrades trafficability and effectiveness of target acquisition and weapon control systems and
limits visibility
Wind (surface) High crosswinds cause degradation of trajectory data and first-round hit capability and cause
smoke to disperse quickly
Windchill Influences the type of lubricants to be used, determines engine warm-up periods, and affects the
sustained rate of fire for weapons as well as personnel effectiveness and safety
Temperature (surface) Extreme temperatures decrease the habitability of vehicles and reduce personnel effectiveness
Low temperatures degrade the ballistics of main guns and require frequent starting of vehicles
Humidity Decreases the effectiveness of crews in closed vehicles and the stamina of unmounted Marines
when coupled with high temperatures
The effectiveness of smoke agents increases as humidity increases, making them more effective
for screening
Barometric pressure Affects M1 gunnery computations

Table 8-6. Artillery Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Ceiling: cloud Affects target acquisition terminally guided munitions
and sky cover
Visibility Affects target acquisition and fire adjustment as well as electro-optical target designation
Electrical storms Restrict munitions handling
and thunder
Refractive index Affects radar, laser, and infrared distance measuring techniques
Wind (surface) Affects the accuracy of rocket fires

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-6. Artillery Operations Effects. (Continued)

Element Impact
Wind (aloft) Wind profiles are used to calculate ballistic wind correction
Altimeter setting and Are important factors in ensuring altitude accuracy, in barofuzing, and in making fire
atmospheric pressure control calculations
Density profile Affects fire control computations
Pressure profile Is used for baroarming and barofuzing techniques and for calculating densities
Temperature (surface) Information is used in making fire control surface density determinations and in estimating
ballistic atmosphere pressure and densities aloft
Temperature profile Calculates ballistic temperature and air density
Moisture profile Determines virtual temperature and atmosphere ducting conditions; affects electro-optical
target designation

Aviation Operations
Marine aviation is involved in multifaceted operations over the length and breadth of the
battlespace. These operations include aerial weapons, reconnaissance and surveillance, and routine
logistic support. Missions are varied and require the operation of fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and
tiltrotor aviation assets in various flight modes and altitudes. See table 8-7 below and on page 8-10.

Table 8-7. Aviation Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Ceiling: cloud Limits operations where aircraft are required to operate clear of clouds
and sky cover
May preclude landings or increase danger in takeoffs
May preclude close air support missions
Visibillity Affects landing and takeoff capabilities, reconnaissance and target acquisition,
electro-optical target designation, and terminally guided munitions
Low visibility increases flight hazards
Electrical storms Hazardous to in-flight operations, refueling operations, and rearming operations
and thunder
Precipitation Affects visibility, flight safety, and density altitude
Powdery snow may preclude hover operations
Snow depth Affects ground maneuver and takeoff/landing
Refractive index Affects optical, radar, laser, and infrared range finding techniques
State of the ground Influences the effectiveness of air-delivered munitions
Turbulence Affects reconnaissance and surveillance; shear affects systems performance
May cause aircraft structural damage and affect aircraft control
Severe turbulence may cause cancellation of operations
Wind (surface) Affects aircraft control near the ground
Affects landing and takeoff as well as ground speed for low-level flights
Blowing dust and sand May affect hydraulic systems and windscreens
Wind (aloft) Affects navigation and ground speed at higher flight altitudes
Density altitude Affects lift capabilities and reciprocating engine performance
Limits fuel and weapons load

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-7. Aviation Operations Effects. (Continued)

Element Impact
Pressure altitude Affects reciprocating engine performance
Pressure profile Affects terrain avoidance
Temperature (surface) High temperatures reduce lift capabilities
Cold temperatures increase maintenance requirements and time to perform
Temperature extremes can also reduce the number of personnel carried because of weight
and bulk of protective gear
Dew point Affects engine efficiency calculations and serves as a warning of possible fog formation or
icing conditions
Illumination Affects operations using night vision devices

Communications and Information Systems Operations

Communications and information systems operations are affected by a number of weather
elements. All of the special weather conditions that apply to CIS operations also affect EM
propagation. See table 8-8 below and on page 8-11.

Air Defense Operations

Air defense operations require environmental information for deployment and employment.
Deployment requires climatological data, trafficability, and severe weather forecasts. Environmental
elements affecting employment vary according to the type of weapons systems used. When missile
systems require radar surveillance, elements such as refractive index and precipitation must be
known. Other systems require visual target acquisition. See table 8-9 on page 8-11.

Engineer Operations
Engineer operations are influenced by current environmental conditions, forecasted conditions,
and climatology. See table 8-10 on page 8-11.

Table 8-8. Communications and Information Systems Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Dust Affects EM propagation
Electrical storms Affects radio and wire communications and may disrupt synchronization for data communications
and thunder
Fog Affects EM propagation
Precipitation Affects EM propagation
Blowing sand or snow Builds static discharge, which may affect EM propagation
Ionospheric disturbance Affects the reliability of radio communications systems
Refractive index Affects EM propagation characteristics of the atmosphere
Icing May damage cable lines and antennas
Decreases the efficiency of microwave systems
Wind (surface) May damage antennas and transmission lines
May cause cable blow-down
Interferes with antenna installation

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-8. Communications and Information Systems Operations Effects. (Continued)

Element Impact
Temperature (surface) High temperatures adversely affect electronic circuits and may increase maintenance requirements
Extreme cold may snap cable lines
Cold decreases the life of battery-operated equipment
Humidity Humidity may cause fungal growth within circuits, which can result in premature system failure

Table 8-9. Air Defense Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Refractive index Degrades target acquisition and radar tracking performance, especially
during super-refraction
Fog Degrades visual acquisition and tracking
Ceiling: cloud and sky cover May degrade visual acquisition and tracking
Precipitation Degrades or prevents visual acquisition and tracking and infrared homing
May weaken radar signals
Surface pressure Affects calibration of equipment
Electrical storms Degrade the effectiveness of electronic systems
Light data Affects visual acquisition and tracking
Temperature High temperatures degrade the effectiveness of electronic systems
Very low temperatures may affect mechanical devices
Extreme cold can produce detectable ice-fog exhaust trails from certain
weapons systems and vehicles
Humidity Affects refraction and may degrade radar effectiveness

Table 8-10. Engineer Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Visibility Affects survey operations
Precipitation Influences river current, water depth, and bridge construction
Complicates construction and maintenance operations
Affects flooding, river crossing operations, and soil bearing strength
Snow depth Affects site selection and construction, flood prediction, and mobility and
countermobility operations
Freeze or thaw depth Affects site selection and construction and complicates excavation
Temperature (water) Affects the survivability of troops in the water during port construction, river
crossings, and beach operations
Tide Affects site selection and port and beach operations, to included the timing of
beach operations
Wind (surface) Affects river crossings, port and watercraft operations, operations using
smoke to mask unit movements, and structural strength requirements
Hinders certain construction operations
Humidity Affects the handling, storage, and use of building materials
Temperature (surface) Affects trafficability, flood potential, ice thickness, and river crossing capabilities
May affect the use of certain construction materials

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Intelligence Operations
Many intelligence operations such as collection and dissemination may be hindered by certain
weather conditions. All-source intelligence processing requires evaluation of all weather
conditions, current and forecasted, as they affect enemy and friendly operations. See table 8-11.

Logistic Operations
Logistic operations include the supply, maintenance, and transportation required to support the
MAGTF. Numerous weather factors affect the planning and activities required for each operation.
Those weather factors that influence logistic operations subsequently affect the supported combat
force. If logistic units are prevented from supporting forward combat elements, the success of the
combat mission may be jeopardized. See table 8-12 on page 8-13.

Medical Support Operations

Air medical evacuation requires the same weather support as other aviation elements. Besides
aviation operations, weather influences are considered in establishing field hospitals and
anticipating pre-stockage and workloads. Requirements for METOC support for ground evacuation
of casualties are the same as for land transportation, including considering patient comfort under
extreme weather conditions. See table 8-13 on page 8-13.

Table 8-11. Intelligence Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Ceiling: cloud May affect aerial infrared and photographic collections systems and
and sky cover restrict use of upper air subsystems
May increase the effectiveness of illumination devices
Visibility May affect visual, photographic, infrared, and electronic data
collection systems
Electrical storms Affect the efficiency of electronic systems and dissemination through
and thunder radio and wire communications systems
Precipitation Obstructs vision
Degrades photographic and infrared collection systems
May degrade radar collection systems
Severe weather May prevent employment of aerial collection systems
May damage or prevent installation of collection system antennas
Ionospheric disturbances May degrade electronic collection and communications and radar
collection systems
Light data Required for planning collection operations and for long-range planning
Icing May degrade the performance of aerial collection systems if permitted to
coat antennas
Wind (surface) May affect the employment of aerial collection systems
May damage or prevent the installation of electronic collection
system antennas
Temperature (surface) May affect collection system reliability
Inversion May provide false indications to certain electronic collection systems

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-12. Logistic Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Visibility Reduced visibility
May slow ground movement of munitions and supplies forward
May preclude aerial resupply operations
May conceal ground transportation operations
Electrical storms Endanger storage, handling, and transportation of munitions and fuels
and thunder May interrupt computerized inventory operations
Can damage storage facilities and stored material
Precipitation May affect storage of munitions and supplies
May preclude ground transportation over unpaved surfaces
Snow depth Affects the ability to move supplies forward
Affects the forward deployment of maintenance teams
Freezing precipitation Has a severe impact on logistical and maintenance support (air and surface)
Surf and tide conditions Affect the movement of supplies ashore and amphibious operations
Temperature (surface) Cold may affect vehicle starting and warm-up periods and may increase
maintenance requirements (as a result of temperature-induced failures)
Cold creates ice, which may preclude the use of waterways for transportation
Temperature affects the storage of perishable supplies; affects snow melting, which
can cause flooding, reduce trafficability, and hinder ground transportation; and
affects freeze or thaw depth, which may determine the use of supply routes
Temperature information is required for calibration of artillery systems
Humidity Affects the storage of munitions and other supplies
May increase equipment failure rates and affect maintenance operations

Table 8-13. Medical Support Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Precipitation Affects available water supply
Influences hospital site selection
May damage unprotected supplies
Severe weather May produce an increased nonbattle casualty load
Temperature (surface) Extreme temperatures may require special protection of medical supplies, increase
patient load because of heat and cold injuries, and affect seasonal diseases
Humidity May affect storage of medical supplies

Military Police Operations

Military police are involved in weather-sensitive operations (see table 8-14 on page 8-14),
such as––

• Route and area reconnaissance.

• Security.
• Traffic and movement control.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

• Rear area protection.

• Refugee control.
• Enemy prisoner of war control.
• Civil disturbance control operations.

Acoustical propagation can significantly affect the use of loudspeakers in civil disturbance control
operations. Acoustical propagation is a function of attenuation and refraction, which in turn are
influenced by temperature gradient, density, wind, and sky cover.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations

Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear operations are extremely sensitive to
environmental conditions that affect the movement and diffusion of chemical or biological fallout.
See table 8-15.

Table 8-14. Military Police Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Severe weather May affect security operations and refugee control
Wind (surface) Affects the use of riot control agents
Inversion May affect the use of riot control agents

Table 8-15. CBRN Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Ceiling: cloud and sky Information on cloud and ground albedo, sky cover, and visibility are required to estimate
cover thermal levels resulting from nuclear bursts
Precipitation Affects the persistence of chemical agents
Snow may cover and render ineffective certain liquid agent
Precipitation may produce radioactive rainout and hot spots
Sunlight Shortens the life span of biological agents
State of the ground Influences the effectiveness of chemical agents and affects fallout concentration levels
Wet soil degrades the effectiveness of smoke munitions
Turbulence Affects the length of time that chemical agents and smoke will remain in the target area
Wind (surface) Wind measurements from the surface to 98,424 feet (50,000 meters) or higher are
needed for fallout pattern prediction (nuclear weapons)
Wind affects chemical/biological agent dispersion and may decrease chemical
agent persistence
Wind (aloft) Affects the aerial delivery of chemical/biological agents
May degrade the effectiveness of smoke operations
Humidity A high level of humidity increases the effectiveness of smoke and some chemical agents
Combined with high temperatures, humidity reduces the time in which troops in protective
gear are effective
High humidity levels destroy some chemical agents
Humidity affects biological agents; the effect varies depending on humidity level and the type
of agent
Inversion Affects aerosol dispersion and the persistence of chemical/biological agents

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Military Information Support Operations

Tactical military information support operations are influenced primarily by those weather
elements that degrade the audibility of loudspeaker broadcasts and affect the distribution of
leaflets. See table 8-16.

Table 8-16. Military Information Support Operations Effects.

Element Impact
Ceiling: cloud May affect aerial loudspeakers and leaflet delivery by restricting visibility and
and sky cover access to the target
Visibility The delivery of leaflets by aircraft may be hampered when the pilot cannot see
the target
Electrical storms Electrical storms and thunder reduce the audibility of loudspeakers and interfere
and thunder with radio broadcasts
Precipitation May force the target audience under cover, where they are not receptive to leaflet
drops or loudspeaker broadcasts
Reduces the audibility of loudspeakers and destroys leaflets
Snow Reduces the effectiveness of leaflet dissemination and durability
Wind (surface) Reduces the audibility of loudspeakers
Wind speed and direction will affect the distribution of leaflets by air or artillery
Humidity Affects the distance sound will travel

Meteorological critical values significantly reduce the effectiveness of operations, equipment,
and weapons systems. Significant variations above or below critical values can prevent the
successful completion of a mission. Therefore, METOC personnel must be included in the
planning stages of all operations. Commanders must be aware of meteorological critical values
and consider them in all planning. Once the commander provides guidance on which operations
to focus the METOC effort, METOC personnel will then research and determine critical values
for those operations for approval by the commander.

Tables 8-17 through 8-29, on pages 8-16 through 8-27 provide a baseline of critical values for
specific and branch operations. It does not, however, provide absolute values for every operation or
weapons system in the battlespace. Critical values must be weighed against the tactical situation
and the mission. Although METOC personnel forecast and call attention to critical factors,
commanders and operators must validate which values are critical for each operation. The tables
may be used as a starting point to develop meteorological critical threshold values. In reaching a
decision, the commander weighs environmental impact data and information provided by the MST,
as well as additional input from terrain analysis teams and other sources, to factor the criticality of
the mission versus risks. This METOC information and the resultant impacts to operations are
frequently organized in the form of a METOC impacts matrix, which is discussed in appendix F.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-17. Amphibious Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
Ceiling: cloud and sky cover <1,000 feet Concealment; close air support planning
Visibility (surface) <1 mile Target acquisition
>7 knots Personnel landing and smoke operations
Wind (surface)
>35 knots Wave and surf limits
>90 °F Personnel and equipment support
Temperature (surface) <32 °F Planning and logistic support, fuels, and
expendable supplies

<-25 °F 1-minute exposure Troop safety

<-74 °F 1-second exposure
Precipitation >0.1 inch/hour liquid Shore trafficability
<0.0022 lux Planning for night landing operations
Effective illumination
and concealment
Any underlying current or riptide Mission planning
Littoral current
>3 knots
Variable threshold of watercraft Type of watercraft required
Timing of mission
Temperature (water) <60 °F Personnel safety
Sea state >3-foot waves Mission planning
Surf breaker description Surging surf >4-foot breakers Mission planning
Surf zone Area covered by surf Mission planning

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-18. Intelligence Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
Ceiling: cloud <200 feet Engagement range
and sky cover <1,000 feet Aerial observation
Surface visibility at the <1 mile Determination of the ability to conceal actions
following wavelengths: Location and identification of targets
1.06 microns, 3 to 5 microns,
8 to 12 microns
Wind (surface) >60 knots Equipment damage
>0.1 inch/hour liquid Audio sensors and radar effectiveness
>0.5 inch/hour liquid Speed of personnel and equipment movement
>2 inches within 12 hours Speed of personnel and equipment movement
Trafficability and storage of equipment
Snow depth and cover >6 inches Trafficability
Any occurrence within 3 miles Troop and equipment safety
Thunderstorms and lightning
False alarms and false readings
>122 °F Emplacement site selection
Temperature (surface)
<-58 °F
Temperature (ground) <32 °F Trafficability assessment
WBGT index >85 °F Troop safety
EM propagation Subrefraction and super-refraction Ducting of radar transmission and returns
Effective illumination <0.0022 lux Target acquisition
River stage and >6-foot depth Enemy’s ability to cross rivers or streams
current strength

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-19. Ground Maneuver Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
<1,000 feet Concealment and cover from threat surveillance
Tactical air and aerial supply support
Ceiling: cloud and sky cover
Background contact for target acquisition or using
thermal devices
Surface visibility at the following Dragon <800 feet Target acquisition
wavelengths: 1.06 microns, 3 to 5 TOW <1,600 meters System selection
microns, 8 to 12 microns
>7 knots Smoke operations
Background radar noise
>20 knots Visibility restriction in blowing sand and snow
Soil drying speed
Wind (surface) Aerial resupply
Windchill effect on equipment and personnel
>30 knots Accuracy of antitank missiles
>75 knots Antenna failure
>125 knots Equipment (van) failure
>0.1 inch/hour liquid Soil type (affected by temperature and moisture)
>2 inches within 12 hours Vehicle movement
Site location
River levels
Delays in resupply
River crossing
Target acquisition
Radar effectiveness
>2 inches within 12 hours Effectiveness of mines
Snow depth and cover >6 inches Choice of construction materials
>24 inches Trafficability
<6 inches Off-road employment of wheeled and
Freeze and thaw depth
tracked vehicles
Any occurrence Munitions safety
Thunderstorms and lightning
within 3 miles Personnel communications equipment safety
>122 °F Thermal sights
Temperature (surface)
>90 °F Lubricants, personnel, and infrared sensors
Humidity Smoke screen effectiveness

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-19. Ground Maneuver Operations Critical Values. (Continued)

Element Critical Value Impact
>32 °F River crossing sites and off-road movements
(affected by melting snow and ice)
<32 °F Drying of soil
Temperature (surface)
Freeze or thaw depth
Any change of 50 °F within Munitions trajectories
24 hours
Current and tide >5 knots Beach and port sea-to-shore loading and
offloading operations
Sea/shore conditions Waves >3 feet Landing operations
Swell >3 feet
Surf >5 to 6 feet
TOW Tube launched, optically tracked, wire command link guided missile

Table 8-20. Field Artillery Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
Ceiling: cloud and sky cover <600 feet Target acquisition
Copperhead performance
Surface visibility at the following <1 mile Target acquisition
wavelengths: 1.06 microns,
3 to 5 microns, 8 to 12 microns
Wind: vertical profile >5-knot change/3,280 feet Nuclear fallout prediction
Thunderstorms and lightning Any occurrence within 3 miles Safety and storage of munitions
Effective illumination <0.0022 lux Mission planning for night artillery operations

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-21. Aviation and Air Assault Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
<300 feet (90 miles) Nap-of-the-earth planning and acquisition—rotary wing
<300 feet (90 miles) flat terrain Daylight target acquisition—fixed wing
Ceiling: cloud <500 feet (150 miles) Daylight target acquisition—fixed wing
and sky cover mountain terrain
<500 feet (150 miles) flat terrain Night target acquisition—fixed wing
<1,000 feet mountain terrain Night target acquisition—fixed wing
<0.25 miles (400 meters) Navigation and target acquisition—rotary wing
Visibility (surface) <1 mile (1,600 meters) Landing and takeoff minimums for mission planning
<3 miles (4,800 meters) Landing and takeoff minimums for mission planning
<0.25 miles (400 meters) Navigation and target acquisition—rotary wing
Visibility (slant range) <3 miles (4,800 meters) Navigation and target acquisition—rotary wing
mountain terrain
>30 knots Mission planning
Wind (surface)
>15-knot gust spread Aircraft safety
Wind (aloft) >30 knots Mission planning—duration
Any freezing Rotor blade icing
Precipitation Aircraft survivability and damage
>0.5 inch/hour liquid Target acquisition
Hail >0.25-inch diameter Aircraft damage
>l inch (2.54 centimeter) powder Location of landing zone and drop zone
Snow depth and cover
>Light (clear/rime) Mission planning and safety
Ordnance delivery restrictions—rotary wing
Moderate Mission planning
Aircraft survivability
Thunderstorms Any occurrence within 3 miles Refueling and rearming operations
and lightning of site
Density altitude: variable >6,900 feet Flight control, runway limits, takeoff, and landing
with aircraft, weight, power,
and temperature
Effective illumination <0.0022 lux Mission planning for night operations

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-22. Air Defense Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
<500 feet Selection of weapons systems and
Ceiling: cloud and sky cover positioning for convoy
<5,000 feet Aircraft detection and identification
<2 miles Aircraft detection and identification for
short-range air defense systems
Visibility (surface)
<3 miles Weapons system selection and placement
for the Stinger system
>30 knots Communications and radar antenna
Wind (surface) >50 knots Weapons system selection and planning
>57-knot gusts
Wind (aloft) >50 knots Aiming and tracking
>0.5 inch/hour liquid All radar > 10 gigahertz (degraded)
All infrared sensors
Any occurrence within 2 miles of site Communications, radar, and storage and
Thunderstorms and lightning
protection of missile systems
>120 °F Mission planning for use of a man-portable
Temperature (surface) air defense system
<-45 °F
<-25 °F Personnel protection
1-minute exposure Planning gear and equipment needs
<-74 °F Personnel protection
1-second exposure Planning gear and equipment needs
Effective illumination <0.0022 lux Target acquisition of aircraft

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-23. Engineer Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
<500 feet Area of operations and location of facilities
Personnel safety
Ceiling: cloud and sky cover
Aerial reconnaissance
Camouflage needs
<0.25 miles Mission planning
Visibility (surface)
Concealment and cover
Wind (surface) >13 knots Construction and stability of bridges and structures
>0.5 inch/hour liquid Need for mines (reduced)
Loading and offloading operations
>2 inches within a 12-hour period Some areas of operations and locations of facilities
Stability of bridge structures
Snow depth and cover Types of demolitions to be used and size and charge
Blast from trigger mechanisms (may render
mines ineffective)
Freeze and thaw depth <6 inches Trafficability determination
Any occurrence within 1 mile of site Equipment and personnel safety
Thunderstorms and lightning
Munitions protection
<-32 °F Freeze or thaw depth determination
Construction material
Temperature (ground)
Operations, personnel, and structures (threatened as
a result of precipitation at or below 32 °F)
>35 percent Comfort, equipment operations, and site
selection planning

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-24. Airborne Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
<300 feet (90 meters) flat terrain Mission planning (day)—jump altitude,
aircraft penetration
<500 feet (150 meters) flat terrain Mission planning (night)—jump altitude,
Ceiling: cloud aircraft penetration
and sky cover
<500 feet (150 meters) mountain terrain Target acquisition (day)
<1,000 feet (300 meters) mountain terrain Target acquisition (night)
<10,000 feet mountain terrain Mission planning for landing zone or drop zone
<0.25 miles (400 meters) Mission planning—infrared sensors
Surface visibility at the Navigation and target acquisition—rotary wing
following wavelengths: <1 mile (1,600 meters) Day mission planning—minimum takeoff or
1.06 microns, 3 to 5 landing, minimum fixed wing
microns, 8 to 12 microns <3 miles (4,800 meters) Night mission planning— minimum takeoff or
landing, minimum fixed wing
>13 knots Troop safety for paradrop operations
Limiting value for operations during training
Wind (surface) >15 knots (>21 knots for C-12 and U-21) Mission planning and aircraft safety and recovery
>25 knots Mission planning and aircraft safety and recovery
>30 knots and/or gust speeds Mission planning and aircraft safety and recovery
>40 knots Jump point
Wind (aloft)
Planning for flight route and duration
Precipitation Any intensity or type Rate of troop fall and target acquisition
Any occurrence Aircraft performance
Thunderstorms Aircraft refueling
and lightning Reliability of communications systems
Pre-detonation of certain munitions
Temperature (surface) <32 °F Ground conditions
Pressure altitude <100 feet Parachute opening altitude
>6,900 feet Planning
Density altitude: variable Cargo limits
with aircraft, weight,
power, temperature >4,000 feet Weight limits for attack and MV-22s
>2,000 feet CH-46 troop configuration (limited)
<0.0022 lux Planning of night missions
Effective illumination
Navigation safety

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-25. CBRN Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
<5,000 feet Aerial deployment agents
Ceiling: cloud Thermal effects (enhanced if burst is below clouds)
and sky cover Thermal and electromagnetic pulse effects (reduced if burst is
above clouds)
>3 knots but <7 knots CBRN operations (favorable)
Wind >10 knots CBRN operations (unfavorable)
>15 knots First-round munitions accuracy
Any intensity or type Washing of agents and smoke out of the atmosphere
Nuclear hot spot creation
Thunderstorms Any occurrence within Troop and munitions storage safety
and lightning 3 miles
>95 °F Rate of evaporation of liquid chemical agents
Dispersion of aerosols (high risk of injury in MOPP IV)
>68 °F Risk of heat illness in persons in MOPP IV (moderate)
Temperature (surface)
<32 °F Type of shelter (determined by climate extremes)
Troop vulnerability to nuclear radiation (indirectly affected)
Thermal radiation effect (indirect) due to type of troop clothing
Reversal from stable Time agents or smoke will remain in an area (reduced)
Temperature (vertical to unstable
gradient profile) Reversal from unstable Time agents or smoke will remain in an area (increased)
to stable
>60% Agent effectiveness and dispersion for blister agents (very
effective in hot, humid weather)
Effective illumination <0.0022 lux Night operation of CBRN equipment
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-26. Logistic Operations Critical Values.

Element Critical Value Impact
Snow depth and cover >2 inches Trafficability
<6 inches Site and equipment selection
Freeze and thaw depth
Thunderstorms and lightning Any occurrence within 3 miles Equipment, personnel, and munitions safety
>122 °F Storage and required temperature control for
Temperature (surface) <-25 °F movement of medicines
Munitions storage
Humidity >70% Storage of selected supplies and munitions

Table 8-27. Communications and

Informations System’s Operations Critical Values.
Element Critical Value Impact
>7 knots Radar background noise
>25 knots Safety and stability for installing line of sight and
troposcatter antennas
Wind (surface) >69 knots Wind damage to main communications antenna—
linear pole
>78 knots Safety and stability of single channel radio and
short-range, wideband radio antennas
Any occurrence Damage to equipment and antennas
of freezing
Wind tolerances of antennas
Troop safety
Precipitation >0.5 inches/hour liquid Blocking of troposcatter transmission
Radar range (decreased)
Signal for single channel radio, short-range wideband
radio, and line of sight communications (attenuated
by precipitation)
Any occurrence within 3 miles Damage to equipment
and lightning Interference with radio signals, especially high
frequency signals
Temperature (vertical All significant inversions Fading during use of troposcatter equipment
gradient or profile)
Ionospheric Not applicable Dictation of most usable frequencies for communications

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-28. Waterborne Surface Assault (General) Critical Values.

Element: Sea State
Platform Favorable Marginal Unfavorable
CRRC 1 2 >2
LCM8 2 3 >3
LCU 2 3 >3
LCAC 3 4 >4
Element: Maximum Surf
Platform Favorable Marginal Unfavorable
CRRC <2 feet 2 to 3 feet >3 feet
LCM8 <6 feet 6 to 7 feet >7 feet
LCU <6 feet 6 to 7 feet >7 feet
LCAC <7 feet 7 to 8 feet >8 feet
Element: Modified Surf Index
Platform Favorable Marginal Unfavorable
LCM8 <7 7 to 8 >8
LCU <11 11 to 12 >12
LCVP <4 4 to 5 >5
Element: Littoral Current
Platform Favorable Marginal Unfavorable
LCU <1 knot 1 to 2 knots >2 knots
Element: Miscellaneous
Platform Favorable Marginal Unfavorable
Significant breaker height 0 to 4 feet 4 to 8 feet 8 to 12 feet
Significant breaker type Spilling Surging Plunging (steep)
Allowable load size 75 tons 60 tons 45 tons
Temperature restrictions 25–99° F 16–24° F <15° F or >100° F
Pressure limitations N/A N/A N/A
CRRC combat rubber reconnaissance craft
LCAC landing craft, air cushion
LCM landing craft, mechanized
LCU landing craft, utility
LCVP landing craft, vehicle, personnel
N/A not applicable

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Table 8-29. Critical Values for

the Amphibious Assault Vehicle.
Wave Interval
Load Maximum Surf Height (Not Less Than)
100% Plunging Surf
Combat load 6 feet 9 seconds
Troop load 6 feet 9 seconds
Combat equipped 6 feet 13 seconds
50% Plunging Surf, 50% Spilling Surf
Combat load 6 feet 8 seconds
Troop load 6 feet 8 seconds
Combat equipped 6 feet 10 seconds
100% Spilling Surf
Combat load 6 feet 5 seconds
Troop load 6 feet 5 seconds
Combat equipped 6 feet 7 seconds
Note: Criteria apply to the AAVP-7A1; AAVC-7A1 and AAVR-7A1.
Criteria are based on the following three load conditions; combat load—
10,000 pound; troop load—5,600 pound; combat equipped—no load.
Planning for combat operations should be predicated on the
AAVP-7A1’s demonstrated capability of negotiating 10-foot plunging
waves in combat-load and troop-load conditions and 8-foot plunging
waves in combat-equipped conditions.
AAVC amphibious assault vehicle, command model
AAVP amphibious assault vehicle, personnel model
AAVR amphibious assault vehicle, recovery model

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Meteorological and oceanographic products and decision aids are the end result of the functions
of characterizing and exploiting the environment as described in chapter 1. Though examples
are provided in this chapter and appendices E through H, the commander, situation, and method
of communications dictate in what format the products are assembled and disseminated. Some
are produced routinely and can be easily tailored to suit a variety of operations while others
require greater detail and a more complex effort to produce. All are tailored to the level of
command and the mission; from the MAGTF commander to the mission or aircrew commander.

The mission, level of command, and scope of operations dictate which products and decision
aids are applicable and the level of detail of each. Generally, the higher the level of command, the
broader and more generalized the product will be due to the larger scope of operations, longer
planning timeframes, and size of the AOI. To assess METOC conditions and impacts 96 hours or
more in advance requires METOC data over a large area often covering several thousand miles. In
contrast, the lower the level of command, the more detailed the product may be due to increased
attention to detail and focus on a more specific operation or mission, with also smaller or shorter
time and space dimensions. The intent of all METOC products and decision aids is to convey an
accurate picture of METOC conditions and impacts, both current and forecast, in the area of
operations upon which decision makers can make informed decisions.


Environmental elements and their associated impact on operations are the primary focus of the
METOC impacts matrix. It is normally part of the IPB and assists commanders and planners in
COA development and maintaining situational awareness of environmental conditions during
the planning and execution phases of an operation. It may also be used in confirmation briefs
to assist decision makers in making GO/NO GO decisions for mission execution based on
previously determined thresholds for METOC elements. The impact of METOC conditions
on specific mission areas will be defined as favorable, marginal, or unfavorable.

The METOC impacts matrix is tailored and adapted to meet specific operational criteria or
mission parameters as discussed in chapter 8. Though the commander and mission drive the format
and content of the matrix, units should strive to establish standard METOC thresholds and formats
as part of the OPORD and SOP in order to facilitate a common understanding of the METOC
impacts matrix amongst members of the unit. Doing so can significantly reduce the coordination
required to develop the matrix for standard missions, operations, and systems, thereby promoting
operational tempo and ongoing IPB. The METOC impacts matrix is typically color coded to help

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

the decision maker quickly assess the impact of METOC conditions on impending operations and
decisions. An example of a METOC Impacts Matrix is available in appendix F.


As discussed in chapter 3, climatological products can be prepared for any location of interest for
any time of year. They may be confined to a specific location and season or month of the year, or
cover large areas for an entire year and all seasons. Climatological products require the collection
of historical data and in depth research of available references to identify METOC patterns,
trends, averages, and extremes of METOC elements and conditions for the AOI observed over
a period of time. The requirement for climatological products needs to be identified as early
as possible to allow time to gather and research relevant references. Generally, a minimum of
one week is required to produce a climatological package depending on the time and space
considerations for the AOI. These products provide a first glimpse of METOC conditions in the
AOI during the initial IPB and are normally prepared as part of predeployment and deliberate
planning for OPORDs and OPLANs. A climatological summary and operational assessment is
usually included in annex B of OPORDs and OPLANs. It is important to note that while
climatological information is based on historical conditions, current and future conditions and
trends may vary or deviate from the historical averages.


This plan provides for a common baseline of standardized products and services that may be
provided during MAGTF operations. These tactical support products are normally developed
for large scale operations and tailored or modified as necessary by on-scene METOC personnel
to meet specific operational requirements and tactical situations. The format and method of
dissemination are dictated by the situation. The METOC support products are described in the
following subparagraphs.

Standard Tactical Summaries

Marine Air-Ground Task Force Environmental Forecast. The MAGTF weather forecast is based
on the standard NAVMETOCCOM weather forecast format and shall include a meteorological
situation, 24-hour forecast, and outlook to 96 hours for each METOC zone of interest. Astronomical
data and a radiological fallout forecast should be appended as required. Appendix A contains an
example of a weather forecast.

Tactical Atmospheric Summary. The tactical atmospheric summary (TAS) provides information
to exploit the EM and electro-optical regions of the spectrum. The TAS should include an
atmospheric refractive summary, tactical assessment, EM sensor performance predictions,
infrared sensor detection range predictions, communications range predictions, and an M-unit

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

summary. Radiosonde calibration data should be appended when upper air capable units are
operating in close proximity. Appendix A contains an example of a TAS.

Special Tactical Summaries

Strike Forecast. The strike forecast is designed to provide a coordinated forecast whenever multiple
strike platforms are operating as an integrated force under one tactical commander. It includes a
plain language meteorological situation, 24-hour forecast of en route and target weather, outlook
to 48 hours, tactical assessment, and electro-optical and EM sensor performance predictions.
Appendix A contains an example of a strike forecast.

Assault Forecast. The assault forecast is designed to provide a coordinated forecast whenever
multiple assault support platforms are operating as an integrated force under one tactical
commander. It includes a plain language meteorological situation, 24-hour forecast of en route
weather, FARP, rapid ground refueling and landing zone weather, outlook to 48 hours, tactical
assessment, and electro-optical sensor performance predictions. Appendix A contains an example
of an assault forecast.

Amphibious Objective Area Forecast. The amphibious objective area forecast is designed to provide
support for exercise/real-world amphibious landings and rehearsals. It includes a plain language
meteorological situation, 24-hour forecast for the amphibious objective/landing area, surf
forecasts for target beaches, tactical assessment, abbreviated atmospheric summary, and
astronomical data. A radiological and chemical fallout forecast would be appended as the tactical
situation dictates. Appendix A contains an example of an amphibious objective area forecast.

Graphical Forecasts
Graphical forecasts are designed to provide a 96-hour forecast with impacts to specified locations
determine by the commander. Appendix A contains an example of a graphical forecast.

Meteorological and oceanographic briefs are prepared and presented in support of operational or
tactical objectives. Various types of media can be used to produce these briefs; electronic is the most
popular. Prior planning and coordination with the G-2/S-2 and G-3/S-3 is recommended to ensure
consistency, continuity, and relevancy of the type of brief to be conducted. Briefs are most often
given when a detailed explanation of the contents is required by METOC personnel or the presence
of METOC personnel is required to answer any questions from the commander or decision makers.
There are two types of METOC briefs: climatological briefs and operational briefs.

Climatological Briefs
Climatological briefs are usually a graphical and verbal presentation of information derived from
a climatological study and are used for mission planning. See appendix G for an example of a
climatological brief.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Operational Briefs
Operational briefs may be developed for standard missions that are routinely produced
according to a battle rhythm, such as commander’s brief or targeting boards. They may also be
developed for specific task-organized missions such as aviation strike missions, logistical convoy
operations, or raids. Operational briefs may include any combination of products and decision aids
discussed in this chapter or other tailored products required by the mission. In each case, METOC
personnel use the briefing to graphically and verbally characterize relevant METOC conditions
over time and space. Appendix H contains an example of an operational brief.

Several oceanographic products and services are available to aid MAGTF commanders and
planners. The focus of oceanographic products is amphibious operations. Tailored products can
be provided on request to accommodate many missions and situations. These products must be
requested from the Warfighting Support Center at NAVO in Stennis Space Center, MS. Imagery
support and products derived from imagery should be requested from the Warfighting Support
Center with as much lead time as possible since the imagery is often derived from the tasking
of national assets. Some of the more common products and services are discussed in the
following subparagraphs.

Annotated Imagery of Littoral Areas

Images obtained from land satellite, the French Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre, or other
national technical means are analyzed to extract oceanographic parameters. Detected obstructions,
reefs, shoals, nearshore currents, water clarity, and sea surface temperatures are typically annotated.

Environmental Support Packet

An environmental support packet describes nearshore oceanographic conditions by providing
evaluated data on nearshore hydrography, tides, currents, marine life, and water clarity. It
normally includes an oceanographic executive summary to highlight significant features.

Hydrographic Survey
The purpose of a hydrographic survey is to systematically collect information about the foreshore
and nearshore sea approaches to a designated landing beach. This information will be transferred
to a hydrographic sketch, which may be used by the commander, landing force. The survey
normally encompasses the nearshore area from the 3-fathom line to the water’s edge; the foreshore,
backshore, and hinterland for about 100 yards; and the length of the beach as designated by the
commander, landing force. The hydrographic survey and beach survey overlap in that they both
cover the foreshore.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Target Acquisition Weapons Software
The effects of weather on sensor performance of various weapon systems and platforms are
complex. Although new technology continues to offer advantages that increase performance of
“smart” weapons, an unavoidable and intangible factor is the weather and its impact on them.
Target Acquisition Weapons Software is a program composed of various physical models that
predict the performance of air-to-ground weapon systems and direct-view optics based on
environmental and tactical information. The resultant product is an electro-optical decision aid.

Performance is expressed primarily in terms of maximum detection or lock-on range with

recognition and identification range predictions also available. Execution products are available
for a specific time versus view direction and planning products are available for a specific view
direction versus time. The latter provides times of best and worst performance for the given view
direction while the former provides the direction of best and worst performance. Planning
products are also a useful tool to determine thermal crossover of a target with its background.
Target Acquisition Weapons Software supports systems in three regions of the spectrum: infrared
(3 to 5 microns; 8 to 12 microns); visible (0.4 to 0.9 microns); and laser (1.06 microns). The
visible includes both television and NVD systems. It provides the capability to determine
times of thermal crossover for given targets and backgrounds, times of best and worst sensor
performance for a given ingress azimuth, or ranges for 360 degrees of azimuth at a specific
location and time for a specific target. Results are displayed in graphic and tabular formats, as
well as map overlays. These products are classified according to the classification of the sensor
involved and must be treated accordingly.

Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System

The Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System (AREPS) was developed to exploit the EM
spectrum by predicting the performance of EM systems with regard to the refractive effects of
the environment on EM energy. The AREPS computes and displays a number of decision aids
using historical meteorological information, locally-collected meteorological information, or
numerical forecast model data. The AREPS-generated decision aids include the following:

• Airborne and surface-based radar probability of detection.

• Electronic surveillance measure (ESM) vulnerability.
• Ultra-high frequency/very high frequency communications.
• Simultaneous radar detection and ESM vulnerability.
• Modified refractivity summary.
• Range-dependent raytrace.
• Surface-search range table.

All decision aids are displayed as a function of height, range, and bearing. Detection probability,
ESM vulnerability, communications, and surface-search range assessments are based on EM system
parameters stored in a user-changeable database. Paths containing land features depend on terrain

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

data either obtained from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency digital terrain elevation
data or specified from an alternate source.

Geophysics Fleet Mission Program Library

The Geophysics Fleet Mission Program Library (GFMPL) is a software library established
by the COMNAVMETOCCOM to provide meteorological, oceanographic, hazard avoidance,
and acoustic software for fleet, air, surface, planning, amphibious, and antisubmarine warfare
operations. It is a rapid response, on-scene, environmental prediction system used to quickly
determine the effects of the environment on fleet sensors, platforms, and weapon/sensor systems.
The GFMPL is available via the Web through a Web-based application or as standalone software.
Though not all inclusive, GFMPL is composed of the software applications and programs
discussed in the following subparagraphs.

Surf Forecast. The surf forecast predicts surf conditions of ocean waves that have moved from deep
water through the surf zone and on to the shore. A calculated, modified surf index is compared with
the operational limits of various landing craft to judge the craft’s suitability under projected surf
conditions. This program is available via Web-based and standalone GFMPL.

Solar/Lunar Almanac Prediction. Solar/lunar almanac prediction produces monthly or daily

summaries of ephemeral data for the sun and moon. This program is available via Web-based
and standalone GFMPL.

These summaries include the following:

• Times for sunrise/set, moonrise/set, beginning/ending of civil/nautical/astronomical twilights.

• Total daylight and daily illuminance.
• Phase of the moon in percent illumination.
• Time and altitude of sun/moon meridional passage.
• 24-hourly solar/lunar positions (altitude and azimuth).
• Light-level planning calendar.

Tidal Prediction. Tidal prediction calculates hourly tidal heights from local harmonically
analyzed constituents or from nonlocal constituents by means of corrections applied to the
times and heights predicted for a nonlocal station. This program is available via Web-based
and standalone GFMPL.

Pressure Altitude/Density Altitude. Pressure altitude/density altitude computes the pressure and
density altitudes (as well as the altimeter setting) and sea-level pressure based on the air and
dewpoint temperature, station elevation and pressure, and the 12-hour mean station temperature
entered by the user. This program is available via Web-based and standalone GFMPL.

Temperature Utility. Temperature utility provides the user with the capability to determine the
relative humidity based on the air and dewpoint temperatures and the comfort temperatures (heat
stress or equivalent chill) based on the temperature and dewpoint and the temperature and wind
speed, respectively. The user may also calculate the dewpoint temperature using air temperature,
WBGT, and pressure. This program is available via Web-based and standalone GFMPL.
MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Wind Conversion. This program computes true wind, wind speed and direction relative to a fixed
point. On a moving ship, true wind may be computed given the ship’s speed and heading, and the
wind speed and direction relative to the moving ship (known as relative wind). This program is
available via Web-based and standalone GFMPL.

Radiosonde Initial Analysis. The radiosonde initial analysis module takes meteorological upper
air data, performs an analysis, and computes numerical thermodynamic indices and stability
parameters for use in the EM/electro-optic modules. An upper air sounding, either locally derived
or received in a WMO-format from other sources, is processed for output product and data
display. Previous upper air data entries may be recalled for editing and/or reuse. An upper air
sounding can be exported in a WMO format as a text file for use in other applications. This
program is only available via the standalone GFMPL.

Beach Survey Chart. With the beach survey chart (BSC) module, the user can create, display, and
edit a digital beach chart. This chart, as surveyed by a sea-air-land team, consists of an array of
soundings in the surf zone, a set of observed shore features, and other information. The user enters
the grid of depths, positions a complete set of shore features, and annotates the chart using a mouse
or trackball and keyboard. After the user enters the soundings, the program contours the depth field.
The user can retrieve and display existing charts, edit them, archive them, and read them from
removable media. The user can also access a database of previously digitized BSCs. The soundings
in a beach chart created or edited using the BSC program can be used for surf predictions in the surf
forecast program. This program is only available via the standalone GFMPL.

Naval Search and Rescue. Naval search and rescue is a program to assist the search mission
coordinator in decisions concerning searching for a target, such as how many assets to use and
how to assign those assets to maximize their effectiveness. This program is only available via
the standalone GFMPL.

Tropical Cyclone. The tropical cyclone program tracks tropical cyclone movements and conditions
on an operator-specified map. It also provides the capability to enter storm data (windspeed radii and
maximum wind speed) into the environmental data files for later use. Functions include the entry/
edit of storm data, calculation and display of historical and predicted storm information, and deletion
of forecast records. The seven forecast display options include storm current warning, storm history
and forecasts, wind radii, danger areas, forecast tracks comparison, high winds probability, and
closest point of approach. This program is only available via the standalone GFMPL.

Ambient Noise. The basic function of the ambient noise module is to compose the omni and
directional noise levels at a geographic point, for a given frequency, and season. Information
used in the computation comprises the summer 50 Hz shipping noise at the point, the frequency
correction relative to 50 Hz, the seasonal correction, the historical or user-supplied wind speed,
and, for location in the marginal ice zone, historical ice edge information. The historical position
of the ice edge relative to the point of interest may be overridden by the operator. This program
is only available via the standalone GFMPL.

Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library Data Viewer. The Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Master Library (OAML) contains databases that are accessed through the OAML data viewer,
which can perform three types of queries into the OAML databases. These are point, trackline,

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

and rectangle. The databases that are included are surface marine gridded climatology,
generalized digital environmental model variable, digital bathymetric database-variable
resolution, low frequency bottom loss, high frequency bottom loss, and volume scattering
strength. This program is only available via the standalone GFMPL.

Pilot Balloon. The pilot balloon computes a vertical profile of wind speed and direction based
on the observation of a pilot balloon. Input includes the angles of elevation and azimuth to the
balloon at whole-minute time intervals. Output is a listing of the wind’s speed and direction at
300-meter intervals. This program is available via Web-based and standalone GFMPL.

Meteorological Ballistic Message. A meteorological ballistic message accepts/reads soundings

from the library populated by the upper air utility and generates computer meteorological ballistic
messages of the standard and tactical fire variety. This program is available via Web-based and
standalone GFMPL.

Upper Air Utility. The upper air utility takes as an input mini-rawinsonde data and archives this data
for the purpose of the meteorological ballistic message application. This program is only available
via the Web-based GFMPL.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


The following list of acronyms and abbreviations appear in and are applicable to this
appendix only. Acronyms or abbreviations not found in this list are located in Section I of
the glossary. All nomenclature is located in Section III of the glossary.
Note: There are multiple entries consisting of subject matter
specific terms and short forms for timely order writing and
briefings. These short forms are applicable to this appendix only.

AAV............................................................................................amphibious assault vehicle

AFW-WEBS.....................................................................Air Force Weather Web Services
AO ............................................................................................................ area of operations

BDA..............................................................................................battle damage assessment

BKN..................................................................................... broken (cloud cover condition)
BMCT................................................................................beginning morning civil twilight
BMNT.......................................................................... beginning morning nautical twilight
BGAN...............................................................................Broadband Global Area Network

CATF .............................................................................commander, amphibious task force

CJCSI....................................................... Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
CLF..............................................................................................commander, landing force
CLR .........................................................................................clear (cloud cover condition)
CNSL ..............................................................Commander, Naval Surface Forces, Atlantic
CNSP ................................................................. Commander, Naval Surface Force, Pacific
COC ...............................................................................................combat operations center
COMNAVMETOCCOMINST ........................................Commander, Naval Meteorology
and Oceanography Command instruction

DA ................................................................................................................ density altitude

DAS ............................................................................................................. deep air support air support center
DD ........................................................................................ Department of Defense (form)
DSN ...........................................................................................Defense Switched Network

EECT .......................................................................................ending evening civil twilight

EENT ................................................................................. ending evening nautical twilight
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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

FSCC ..................................................................................
CLASSIFICATION fire support coordination center
FWD ......................................................................................................................... forward

g/m3 .................................................................................................. grams per meter cubed

HF ..................................................................................................................high frequency
hFT...............................................................................................................hundreds of feet
HMH............................................................................... Marine heavy helicopter squadron
HML .......................................................................Marine light attack helicopter squadron
HMM ...........................................................................Marine medium helicopter squadron
HQ .................................................................................................................... headquarters

ICAO ...................................................................International Civil Aviation Organization

INS............................................................................................................ inches of mercury
ISR ................................................................intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

KT................................................................................................................................. knots

LZ ..................................................................................................................... landing zone

MAG................................................................................................... Marine aircraft group

MCIWEST......................................................................... Marine Corps Installations West
MCRP ...........................................................................Marine Corps reference publication
MFC......................................meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) forecast center
MMFC ................................................................... Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF)
meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) fusion cell
MTACS ................................................................... Marine tactical air command squadron

N/A ................................................................................................................. not applicable

NATOPS.............................Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization
NM.................................................................................................................... nautical mile
NOOC..............................................................Naval Oceanography Operations Command
NTS.................................................................................................... night targeting system

OAAW............................................................................................offensive antiair warfare

OPNAVINST............................................................ Chief of Naval Operations instruction
OPTASK......................................................................................................... operation task
OVC................................................................................... overcast (cloud cover condition)

PA ................................................................................................................pressure altitude
POD ................................................................................................. probability of detection

SCT................................................................................... scattered (cloud cover condition)

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SEAD.............................................................................. suppression of enemy air defenses
MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

SM .....................................................................................................................statute miles

TAF...........................................................................................terminal aerodrome forecast

TAOC .......................................................................................tactical air operations center
TBD ............................................................................................................ to be determined
TF........................................................................................................................... task force

UHF ....................................................................................................... ultrahigh frequency

UTC ......................................................................................... Coordinated Universal Time

VMA................................................................................................ Marine attack squadron

VMAQ ............................................................. Marine tactical electronic warfare squadron
VMFA.................................................................................. Marine fighter/attack squadron
VMGR ................................................................. Marine aerial refueler transport squadron
VMU...................................................................Marine unmanned aerial vehicle squadron
VOSIP............................................................................ voice over secure Internet protocol

WEAX forecast

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
(a) CJCSI 3810.01E, Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Operations
(b) JP 3-59, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations
(c) MCRP 2-10B.6, MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support
(d) MCWP 5-1, Marine Corps Planning Process
(e) MCWP 5-11.1, MAGTF Aviation Planning
(f) MCRP 2-3A, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield/Battlespace
(g) OPNAVINST 3140.24, Adverse and Severe Weather Warnings and
Conditions of Readiness
(h) OPNAVINST 3710.7, NATOPS General Flight and Operating Instructions
(i) NAVMETOCCOMINST 3140.14M, U.S. Navy Meteorological and Oceanographic
Support Manual
(j) NAVMETOCCOMINST 3142.2, Surface Weather Observation
Procedures (SWOP)
(k) NAVMETOCCOMINST 3143.1H, Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) and the
FM 51-XII TAF Code
(l) NAVMETOCCOMINST 3142.1A, Procedures Governing Pilot
Weather Reports (PIREPS)
(m) Station Order 3145.1K, Warnings and Conditions of Readiness
Concerning Hazardous or Destructive Weather
(n) Station Order 6200.2, Heat Casualties and Prevention
TASK ORGANIZATION: Annex A (Task Organization)
1. (U) Situation
a. (U) General
(1) (U) This is the METOC Operations Plan for the TF Talon Operations
Order 2-16 (Operation Gunsmoke).
(2) (U) A Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) METOC support force will
deploy to establish METOC operations in support of TF Talon objectives in
accordance with references (a) through (c).

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(3) (U) Concept of METOC Support. METOC operations include collection,
processing, derivation, and dissemination of information describing past, present,
and future atmospheric, oceanographic, and terrestrial conditions. Marine Corps
METOC personnel, organic to the aviation combat element (ACE), will provide
environmental support to forward deployed TF Talon and Blue Force units as
required. A MAGTF METOC fusion cell (MMFC) will be established to support
headquarters (HQ), TF Talon. The MMFC will serve as the centralized collection
point and the lead for the management of METOC data, products, and information
in support of TF Talon. The Marine Corps Installations West (MCIWEST)
Regional METOC center (RMC) will serve as a notional joint METOC
coordination cell (JMCC). Mina Al Yuma METOC will serve as a collocated
coalition METOC capability.
(4) (U) METOC support, as outlined in this annex, is provided through the use
of tailored products originating from METOC forecast centers (MFCs) located
outside the theater of operation per references (a) through (c). Organic and
nonorganic surface and upper atmospheric observations, data, and imagery to
include those from non-METOC sources and indigenous weather reporting
stations must be collected and disseminated rapidly to allow for accurate forecasts
and support products used by all MAGTF and joint METOC forces supporting
combat operations in the TF Talon area of operations (AO).
b. (U) Battlespace. The geographic region of METOC responsibility includes the TF
Talon AO as outlined in the TF Talon 2-16 basic order.
c. (U) Assumptions
(1) (U) Indigenous weather facilities and services are available, but cannot provide
detailed tactical METOC support.
(2) (U) Meteorological satellites will be available to provide imagery and data to
forces in and out of the theater of operations.
(3) (U) Meteorological and oceanographic observations from all areas under
military and political control of the enemy are available.
(4) (U) METOC data of all types may continue to be made available by friendly and
neutral countries under World Meteorological Organization (WMO) agreements.
(5) (U) Host nation and joint METOC facilities and services are available.
(6) (U) METOC support depends upon the use of interoperable communications
for exchange of METOC data, products, and services. METOC personnel must

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

have access to SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET) and
Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET).
(7) (U) Loss of SIPRNET and NIPRNET connectivity will significantly degrade
the accuracy and availability of METOC products.
d. (U) Planning Factors. The ocean, air, and space environments impact the
composition, deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment of military
forces and a commander’s courses of action. METOC conditions such as winds, seas,
precipitation, cloud cover, temperature, and visibility can affect operations. These
conditions can also provide opportunities for tactical operators to exploit.
(1) (U) Climatology. In March, the Pacific ridge begins to move northward
and gradually intensify as the thermal trough (or heat low) begins to move over
northwestern Mexico, western Arizona, and southeastern California. Due to the
influx of warm air, resulting from the migration and development of these pressure
systems, the high pressure center located over the northwestern United States has
weakened and almost disappeared, allowing Nevada Low Pressure Systems to affect
the local area. A “Nevada Low” is a local name given to the surface reflection of an
upper level closed low or deep trough over Nevada. The Nevada Low is typically a
“cold” low that develops between February and April, producing strong pressure
gradients over western Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and southern California. The primary
concern with a Nevada Low is the strong gusty winds associated with the pressure
system. With a well-developed Nevada Low centered over southern Nevada, Yuma
can expect southwesterly winds in advance of the associated cold front and westerly
to northwesterly winds sustained at 15 to 20 knots with 30 to 40 knot gusts following
frontal passage. As with any lower desert region, blowing sand and dust can be a
significant problem to flight operations. The sand dunes, located west-northwest
of Yuma, become a factor with sustained surface winds of 22 knots or greater
from the west through northwest. Reduced visibility to less than 3 miles in blowing
dust or sand will result. A climatological study is also provided in annex B,
appendix 18, tab B.
(2) (U) Impacts to Operations. Guidance for developing and assessing METOC
impacts to MAGTF operations are contained in references (b), (c), and (m). TF
Talon impact thresholds and matrices are shown in tabs A and B of appendix 4 to
this annex.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

e. (U) Resource Availability
(1) (U) TF Talon METOC personnel will deploy to the tactical aircrew combat
training system (TACTS) Airfield and establish coordination/collaboration with the
senior METOC officer (SMO), JMCC, and coalition METOC forces. An initial
operating capability will be established no later than 31 Mar 2016 with a full
operating capability of 1 Apr 2016. Follow-on METOC forces will forward deploy
with the supported command.
(2) (U) Conventional NIPRNET and SIPRNET resources will be available.
2. (U) Mission. On order, TF Talon establishes a METOC support network in the AO and
conduct METOC operations that provide timely meteorological, oceanographic, and space
environmental information, products, and services required in support of TF Talon
planners, decision makers, and operators.
3. (U) Execution
a. (U) Commander’s Intent. We will aggressively and creatively apply a variety of
organic, theater, and national METOC assets in order to allow planners and decision
makers to exploit environmental information and gain a tactical advantage through
windows of opportunity; and to preserve forces using time-relevant information
concerning the past, present, and future states of the space, air, and ocean
environments. Focus will be on the integration of METOC information with
intelligence preparation of the battlespace for decision makers and environmental
impacts to personnel, weapons, sensors, and system performance for tactical mission
planning and execution.
b. (U) Concept of Operations. The TF Talon METOC support organization and
overall operations will be led and directed by the SMO. The 557th Weather Wing,
formerly Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) and the Fleet Numerical Meteorology
and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), which comprise the two primary METOC
production centers, will provide routine centralized environmental support as
required or special environmental support as tasked for the AO. The joint METOC
officer (JMO) will organize METOC operations and support for TF Talon and perform
such other tasks as directed by the SMO to coordinate METOC support for TF
Talon objectives. METOC personnel will establish an MMFC at TACTS Airfield
under the direction of the JMO and tasking by the SMO.
(1) (U) Development of METOC information. METOC information will be
developed by fusing global, regional, and tactical data and imagery and products to
characterize and exploit the physical environment. Environmental characterization
will be accomplished through the processes of sensing, collection, analysis, and

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

prediction of METOC conditions. Environmental exploitation will be accomplished
through the processes of tailoring and disseminating accurate and timely METOC
information relevant to the context, time, and space involved in the supported
mission or operation and by integrating environmental information with decision
making processes per references (d) through (f). The 557th Weather Wing,
FNMOC, and MFCs will provide initial environmental support until METOC
communications are established and the MMFC is operational. Once operational,
the MMFC will be the primary METOC forecast agency for military forces in
Wasabi and provide tailored theater-level products for the AO (see annex H,
appendix 1). METOC personnel at all echelons will further tailor these products,
as necessary, to support their customers.
(2) (U) METOC Coordination with Higher and Adjacent Commands. METOC
operations will integrate and leverage tactical on-scene capabilities with regional
and global capabilities to characterize and exploit environmental information in the
AO. Division of specific assigned tasks will promote efficiency, maximize training
value and realism, and reduce redundancy while maintaining compliance with
appropriate directives. The Marine Air Control Squadron-8 (MACS-8) Marine Air
Traffic Control Detachment (MATCD) METOC Section will integrate its METOC
operations with the overall MAGTF, MCIWEST RMC (notional JMCC), and Mina
Al Yuma METOC (notional coalition capability) for the development of routine
and warning forecast products. The MACS-8 MATCD METOC Section will
provide nonroutine tactical and operational products per this annex and as may
be directed by the SMO or JMO.
(3) (U) METOC Sensing and Collection. TF Talon will execute a theater sensing
and collection plan (see annex H, appendix 3) to build a METOC picture of current
and forecast conditions in the AO for situational awareness. It is essential that
this information be readily available to provide METOC situational awareness
for consideration by decision makers and planners during mission planning and
execution. Though there is a robust national sensing network in place, the MACS-8
MATCD METOC Section shall exercise and rely on organic sensing and collection
capabilities to the maximum extent practical. However, national capabilities shall
be considered as well so as not to compromise safety.
(4) (U) TF Talon METOC Organization
(a) (U) METOC Forecast Centers. The 557th Weather Wing and the
FNMOC comprise the two primary Department of Defense (DOD) METOC
production centers and will provide routine centralized environmental support
as requested for the AO. Additional specialized DOD METOC support is

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

available from Naval Oceanography Operations Command (NOOC) activities
to include the Warfighting Support Center (WSC).
(b) (U) MCIWEST RMC. The MCIWEST RMC is a notional joint
METOC coordination cell (JMCC). MCIWEST RMC fulfills the role as
JMCC while retaining responsibility for routine METOC products and
services. The MCIWEST RMC facilitates collaboration and coordination
of forecast development with the MACS-8 MATCD METOC Section and
Mina Al Yuma METOC.
(c) (U) Mina Al Yuma METOC. Mina Al Yuma METOC is a notional
collocated allied/coalition METOC agency. They provide routine garrison
METOC services for Mina Al Yuma in coordination with MCIWEST RMC.
(d) (U) MACS-8 MATCD. The MACS-8 MATCD establishes an MMFC at
TACTS Airfield under the direction of the JMO and SMO to characterize and
exploit environmental information in the AO and assumes the role as the lead
theater Marine Corps forces METOC capability. The MACS-8 MATCD
METOC Section provides direct support to the ACE.
c. (U) Tasks and Responsibilities
(a) (U) Act as notional JMCC by facilitating forecast and warning
coordination and collaboration with the participating MACS-8 MATCD
METOC Section and Mina Al Yuma METOC.
(b) (U) Retain responsibility for preparation and dissemination of the terminal
aerodrome forecast (TAF) for Mina Al Yuma under the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) KNYL in accordance with reference (l).
Note: KNYL is the airport code for Yuma Marine Corps Air
Station/Yuma International Airport.

(c) (U) Retain responsibility for preparing and disseminating weather

advisories for KNYL in accordance with references (h) and (n).
(d) (U) Retain responsibility for the conduct of the wet bulb globe temperature
index (WBGTI) measurements and dissemination in accordance with
reference (g).
(e) (U) Retain responsibility for the preparation and dissemination of aviation
flight weather briefs in accordance with references (i) and (j).

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(2) (U) Mina Al Yuma METOC
(a) (U) Retain responsibility for official surface meteorological observations
at KNYL in accordance with reference (j).
(b) (U) Act as notional collocated allied/coalition METOC agency and
participate in forecast coordination and collaboration with MCIWEST RMC
and the MACS-8 MATCD METOC Section.
(c) (U) Conduct METOC operations as prescribed by the MCIWEST RMC
to include surface meteorological observations, TAFs, weather advisory and
warning dissemination, WBGTI measurements and dissemination, and
aviation flight weather briefs, as required.
(3) (U) SSMO
(a) (U) Coordinate all component METOC support requirements and
inter-Service support procedures to ensure maximum exchange of essential
METOC information.
(b) (U) Coordinate overall theater sensing strategy among TF Talon
components to optimize the frequency and location of observations to meet
theater forecast requirements.
(c) (U) Track, compile, and submit an after action report for TF Talon. The
report may be submitted to the Marine Corps Lessons Learned System upon
approval of the commander.
(4) (U) JMO
(a) (U) Support the TF Talon Commander by assessing the METOC and
space environments in which friendly and threat weapon systems and/or
forces operate.
(b) (U) Perform forecast coordination for the AO with supporting components
and commands under the commander, joint task force and provide direction to
the Joint METOC Coordination Organization in order to provide fused joint
METOC support to TF Talon.
(c) (U) Modify and review joint METOC product requirements as necessary.
(d) (U) Provide/arrange METOC support to HQ, TF Talon and coordinate and
direct overall METOC support for operations in the TF Talon AO with the SMO.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(e) (U) Coordinate and task METOC capabilities and METOC forecasts and
product support requirements with the MFC’s and METOC components.
(f) (U) Establish forecast coordination with supporting components and TF
Talon commands.
(g) (U) Coordinate weather warnings and advisories for the TF Talon AO in
accordance with reference (f) and in conjunction with host nation METOC
operations at Mina Al Yuma and TACTS Airfield.
(h) (U) Track, compile, and submit an after action report to the SMO no later
than 25 Apr 2016 in the “Item, Discussion, and Recommendation” format.
(5) (U) MACS-8 MATCD METOC Section
(a) (U) Establish the METMF[R] NEXGEN as an MMFC at TACTS Airfield.
(b) (U) Prepare and disseminate a weather forecast (WEAX) for the AO
no later than 0600T using the example in appendix 2 of this annex as a
baseline. The media and format will be dictated by customer needs whether
graphical, alphanumeric, or a combination of both.
(c) (U) Conduct upper air observations once daily between 0430T and
0500T and disseminate no later than 0600T via the Air Force Weather Web
Services (AFW-WEBS) NIPRNET Web site (primary) or AFW-WEBS
SIPRNET Web site (secondary).
(d) (U) Establish and maintain a METOC SIPRNET Web page fusing all
current METOC products and collected data for the AO in a centralized
METOC database.
(e) (U) Monitor a METOC chat room using Transverse Chat
(tactical SIPRNET).
(f) (U) If available, monitor a METOC chat room using Defense
Collaboration Services (tactical NIPRNET).
(g) (U) Conduct, record, and disseminate surface meteorological observations
in accordance with reference (k) and appendix 2 to this annex utilizing
expeditionary sensors. Be prepared to conduct remote and mobile surface
meteorological observations and provide support for up to two forward arming
and refueling points (FARPs).

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(h) (U) Participate in forecast and weather advisory and warning coordination
and collaboration with the MCIWEST RMC (notional JMCC) and Mina Al
Yuma METOC (notional coalition). Notify the JMO upon issuance of
advisories and warnings.
(i) (U) Prepare and disseminate TAFs in accordance with reference (l)
utilizing the location identifiers provided in appendix 2 of this annex.
(j) (U) Centrally manage METOC information, data, and products required
in support of TF Talon operations on a secure accessible Web site.
(k) (U) Maintain awareness of imminent or forecast destructive weather in the
TF Talon AO based on criteria in reference (e) and alert and keep the JMO
informed of the threat as it occurs and the situation develops.
(l) (U) Complete a daily operational check of the METMF(R) NEXGEN
major systems per appendix 5 and post to the METMF(R) NEXGEN
SIPRNET and battle command display Web pages daily at 0600T and 1800T.
(m) (U) Track, prepare, and submit an after action report to the SMO no later
than 29 Apr 2016 in “Item, Discussion, and Recommendation” format.
(n) (U) Monitor radio communications using organic communication assets,
to include establishing METRO services.
(6) (U) Marine Tactical Air Command Squadron 58 (MTACS-58)
(a) (U) Be prepared to provide one 6802 METOC officer or 6842 METOC
analyst to the Marine Corps tactical air command center (Marine TACC).
(b) (U) Be prepared to host and monitor a METOC chat room using
Transverse Chat (tactical SIPRNET).
(c) (U) Be prepared to maintain the MAW battle command display.
(7) (U) 557th Weather Wing and FNMOC provide centralized and theater specific
METOC products in support of TF Talon.
(8) (U) Joint Space Operations Center provides specialized space environmental
products as required in support of TF Talon.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

d. (U) Coordinating Instructions
(1) (U) Units at all echelons will follow the steps below to determine and fill
METOC support requirements. Higher echelon units identifying shortfalls will
look within their resources for the required capability.
(a) (U) Determine environmental service support requirements.
(b) (U) To the extent possible, provide resources from organic organizations
to satisfy requirements.
(c) (U) When unable to satisfy requirements, notify the next highest echelon
of the shortfall.
(2) (U) Intelligence units at all echelons of command will ensure that all target
weather and intelligence is passed to the MMFC/JMCC in a timely manner.
(3) (U) Report all conflicts or significant issues to the SMO for resolution.
(4) (U) Pilot reports (PIREPs) received by METOC/ATC [air traffic control]
personnel will be forwarded to the MMFC/JMCC in a timely manner.
(5) (U) Direct coordination is authorized and encouraged between all echelon staff
METOC officers. Staff METOC officers will coordinate special METOC support
requirements with the JMO.
(6) (U) The TF Talon (Blue Land) WEAX is the official forecast for the area of
operations (see appendix 1, tab A). METOC units should tailor the TF Talon
WEAX to meet specific operational requirements. Coordinate significant
deviations from the TF Talon (Blue Land) WEAX with the JMO, except to
satisfy an immediate operational need or under conditions affecting the safety of
personnel or equipment. In these cases, coordinate with the JMCC after the fact.
(7) (U) The host nation METOC agency at Mina Al Yuma will retain responsibility
for issuing and disseminating weather warnings and advisories for Mina Al Yuma
per reference (n). TF Talon units are responsible for establishing internal procedures
for further dissemination of weather warnings and advisories within their commands
and supported units.
(8) (U) All METOC units with forecast requirements will prepare and disseminate
METOC TAFs in accordance with NAVMETOCCOMINST 3143.1H utilizing
appendix 3 of this annex for station identifiers. TAFs shall be uploaded to the
unclassified AFW-WEBS.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(9) (U) Remote mobile surface meteorological observations at forward arming
and refueling points (FARPs) shall be uploaded to unclassified AFW-WEBS via
Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) in accordance with reference (k) and
appendix 3. In the absence of BGAN capability, observations shall be disseminated
to the MMFC via available communication methods for uploading to unclassified
AFW-WEBS in accordance with reference (k) and appendix 2.
(10) (U) All METOC units shall prepare an after action or lessons learned report in
“Item, Discussion, and Recommendation” format no later than 25 Apr 2016. The
JMO shall compile subordinate reports and forward to the SMO for a hotwash
discussion and action.
(11) (U) All surface meteorological observations, upper air observations, and TAFs
shall be unclassified and disseminated to unclassified global databases.
4. (U) Administration and Logistics
a. (U) Administration. The MCIWEST RMC and/or Mina Al Yuma METOC shall
retain responsibility for completing DD Form 175-1, Flight Weather Briefs, for all
flights requiring such a brief in accordance with references (i) and (j).
b. (U) Logistics. The MACS-8 MATCD METOC Section is responsible for
coordinating the funding, requisitioning, transportation, and provision of all consumable
supplies with the responsible MALS [Marine aviation logistics squadron]. Logistics
of METOC equipment and supplies will be conducted as outlined in unit standing
operating procedures (SOPs) and annex D. METOC units are expected to deploy with
a minimum of a 30-day supply of materials. Report problems with logistic support for
METOC units through the operational chain of command.
5. (U) Command and Control. Use theater and tactical nets in addition to established
METOC circuits to pass data and forecast guidance. Internet, Intranet, and homepage
technology will be used to the greatest extent possible. See annex K.
a. (U) Environmental command and control includes normal environmental services
augmented with tailored forecasts to support operational and tactical commanders.
Regional METOC data streams provide observations, general forecasts, and special
products as requested. Exploit all other data sources including US and foreign satellite,
teletype, and facsimile broadcasts.
b. (U) Loss of METOC communications circuits will critically degrade the control of
environmental services. Copy joint Service, allied, or other nation’s data sources to
continue accurate and consistent support. Supplement data with local observations
taken by tactical units in theater.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

c. (U) Environmental services are available to echelons where special circuits are
not available. Commercial telephone lines, unclassified weather broadcasts sent
in-the-blind, and computer homepages will be utilized to provide information.
d. (U) Control of divulging METOC data will be in accordance with applicable
operations security instructions. See annex L.
e. (U) Points of Contact
(1) (U) Senior METOC Officer
(a) (U) Capt Corps, MAWTS-1, Defense Switched Network (DSN):
269-xxxx, voice over secure Internet protocol (VOSIP): to be determined
(TBD), NIPRNET e-mail:, SIPRNET e-mail: xxx.xxxx
(b) (U) GySgt Devildog, MAWTS-1, DSN: 269-xxxx, VOSIP: TBD,
NIPRNET e-mail:, SIPRNET e-mail:
(c) (U) SSgt Marine, MAWTS-1, DSN: 269-xxxx, VOSIP: TBD, NIPRNET
e-mail:, SIPRNET e-mail:
(2) (U) Joint METOC Officer. TBD, MAWTS-1, Mission Planning Room,
DSN: 269-xxxx, NIPRNET e-mail:; SIPRNET e-mail:
e-mail: TBD.
(4) (U) MACS-8 MATCD.Web site:
(a) (U) TACTS Airfield, METMF(R) NEXGEN Compound or Marine
unmanned aerial vehicle squadron (VMU) command operations center,
DSN: TBD, VOSIP: TBD, NIPRNET e-mail: TBD (Web site),
SIPRNET e-mail: TBD (Web site).
(b) (U) Speed Bag Airfield, VMU COC, DSN: TBD, VOSIP: TBD,
NIPRNET e-mail: TBD, SIPRNET e-mail: TBD.
(c) (U) Laguna Army Airfield, Air Boss Tent and METMF(R) NEXGEN
e-mail: TBD.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(5) (U) MCIWEST RMC. Commercial 858-577-xxxx or xxxx, DSN 267-xxxx
or xxxx.

METOC Officer

1–MAGTF Standard Tactical Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Support Plan
2–TF Talon METOC Sensing and Collection Plan
3–TF Talon METOC Impacts Thresholds
4–TF Talon Daily METOC Situation Report


METOC Officer

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232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) Upon the employment of a MAGTF (MEU/MEB/MEF[FWD]/MEF), as part of a
larger naval, joint, or combined force, responsibility for the provision of tactical METOC
support will transition from “garrison-based” to “on-scene” METOC support assets under
the direction and control of the ACE commander. Naval METOC centers will retain
responsibility for the provision of centrally produced METOC products, field data, wind,
sea and tropical cyclone warnings/advisories, area oceanographic support, and detailed
local forecasts/tactical support products for naval units operating independently.
2. (U) Tailored on-scene METOC support is available from METOC assets organic to
the ACE. The MACS, equipped with a METMF(R) NEXGEN, are normally deployed
to a forward operating base in direct support of that airfield. The MSTs, from the MEF
intelligence battalion, are assigned to provide direct support to commanders/staff of
the MAGTF command element, the ground combat element, and the logistics combat
element. The MAGTF elements should forward unique tactical METOC support
requirements, via the chain of command, to the MAGTF command element vice
requesting personnel and equipment directly.
3. (U) The MAGTF commander shall coordinate all tactical METOC support
requirements for each element and task supporting elements to provide the timely
dissemination of local warnings/advisories, observations/forecasts, and tactical support
summaries/products and liaise with naval METOC centers for special tactical support
requirements. In order to provide a common baseline within the MAGTF, tailored tactical
METOC support should be developed in accordance with this appendix.
4. (U) The MAGTF Standard Tactical METOC Support Plan consists of the following:
a. (U) OPERATION TASK (OPTASK) METOC. Operational tasks are developed
using NATO APP-4 standards to provide a standard message for coordination of
tactical METOC services and reporting responsibilities within a MAGTF. A standing
Marine Corps-wide OPTASK METOC has yet to be promulgated by the commanders,
Marine Forces Pacific and Marine Forces Command. Once published, MAGTF
commanders will issue serialized OPTASK METOC supplements detailing specific
requirements for all operations and exercises.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

b. (U) Standard Tactical Summaries. These summaries are designed to provide
minimum levels of tactical METOC support to MAGTF elements during routine
operations. They include the MAGTF environmental forecast (WEAX) and TAS.
These support products are normally transmitted daily or as required.
(1) (U) TF Talon WEAX. The TF Talon (Blue Land) WEAX is based on the
standard NAVMETOCCOM WEAX/AVWX [aviation route weather forecast]
format and shall include a meteorological situation, 24-hour forecast, and outlook
to 96 hours for each METOC zone of interest. Astronomical data and a radiological
fallout forecast should be appended as required. See enclosure 1 to tab A of this
appendix for METOC zones.
(2) (U) Tactical Atmospheric Summary. The TAS shall include an atmospheric
refractive summary, tactical assessment, electromagnetic sensor performance
predictions, infrared sensor detection range predictions, communications range
predictions, and an M-unit summary. Radiosonde calibration data should be
appended when upper air-capable units are operating in close proximity.
c. (U) Special Tactical Summaries. These summaries are designed to provide
minimum levels of tactical METOC support for specific operations and/or functions
of Marine aviation. They include the amphibious objective area forecast, strike
forecast, and assault forecast.
(1) (U) Amphibious Objective Area Forecast. The amphibious objective area
forecast is designed to provide support for exercise/real-world amphibious landings
and rehearsals. It shall include a meteorological situation, 24-hour forecast for the
amphibious objective area/landing area, surf forecast for target beaches, tactical
assessment, abbreviated atmospheric summary, and astronomical data. A
radiological and chemical fallout forecast should be appended as the tactical
situation dictates. The initial forecast should be issued at least 24 hours prior to
the commencement of amphibious operations.
(2) (U) Strike Forecast. The strike forecast is designed to provide a coordinated
forecast whenever multiple strike (OAAW/SEAD/DAS) platforms (VMFA/VMA/
VMAQ) are operating as an integrated force under one tactical commander. It
shall include a meteorological situation, 24-hour forecast of en route and target
weather, outlook to 48 hours, tactical assessment, and electro-optical sensor
performance predictions.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(3) (U) Assault Forecast. The assault forecast is designed to provide a coordinated
forecast whenever multiple assault support platforms (VMGR/HMH/HMM/HMLA)
are operating as an integrated force under one tactical commander. It shall include a
meteorological situation, 24-hour forecast of en route, FARP/RGR [rapid ground
refueling] and landing zone weather, outlook to 48 hours, tactical assessment, and
electro-optical sensor performance predictions.
d. (U) Graphical Forecast. These slides are designed to provide a 96-hour forecast
with impacts for all TF Talon locations that have a meteorological sensor.

METOC Officer

A–TF Talon Weather Forecast (WEAX)
B–Tactical Atmosphere Summary (TAS)
C–Strike Forecast
D–Assault Forecast
E–Amphibious Objective Area Forecast
F–TF Talon Graphical Forecast Slide


METOC Officer

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) Meteorological Situation at 1200Z. There is an area of low pressure centered
over San Diego that will bring an increase in mid- and high-level cloudiness, areas
of precipitation, and isolated thunderstorms to the area of operations over the
next 24 to 48 hours. Expect marginal to unfavorable conditions with significant
impacts to METOC zones.
2. (U) 24-hour forecast commencing 1200Z in the vicinity of Mina Al Yuma, Wasabi
(located in the southeast METOC zone).
a. (U) Sky/weather: scattered to broken at 10,000 FT and overcast at 15,000 FT with
moderate rain showers and isolated thunderstorms.
b. (U) Visibility (statute miles [SM]): 6 SM with haze, but 3 SM in moderate rain
c. (U) Surface winds (knots): south southwesterly at 10–12 KT with gusts to 19 KT.
d. (U) Maximum/minimum temperatures (degrees F): 96ºF/76ºF.
e. (U) Relative humidity (%): 41%.
f. (U) Absolute humidity (grams per meter cubed [g/m3]): 10.4 g/m3.
g. (U) WBGT heat index/flag condition: yellow flag.
h. (U) Aviation parameters.
(1) (U) Cloud/ceilings (in hundreds of feet [hFT]): SCT020CB BKN025 OVC080.
(2) (U) Winds/temperatures aloft:

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010/220/12KT/25 ºC
020/220/13KT/24 ºC
030/240/15KT/23 ºC
040/240/17KT/19 ºC
050/240/20KT/16 ºC
100/260/22KT/06 ºC
150/270/29KT/M04 ºC
200/310/45KT/M13 ºC
300/320/65KT/M36 ºC
(3) (U) Turbulence: light (LGT) surface (SFC)-040/moderate (MDT) 180–350.
(4) (U) Minimum freezing level (FT): 13,000 FT.
(5) (U) Icing: LGT mixed (MXD) 150–250.
(6) (U) Contrails (FT): possible 29,563 FT/probable 34,350FT.
(7) (U) Minimum altimeter setting (INS): 29.76 INS.
(8) (U) Maximum pressure altitude (PA)/density altitude (DA): +890/+3500.
3. (U) Outlook to 48 Hours. The area of low pressure will slowly push across the area
over the next 48 hours with mid and high-level cloudiness, areas of precipitation, and
isolated thunderstorms.
4. (U) Astronomical Data (Local)
a. (U) Sunrise/sunset/sunrise: 0642/1801/0643.
b. (U) BMNT/BMCT/EECT/EENT/BMNT/BMCT: 0548/0616/1827/1856/0548/0617.
c. (U) Moonrise/moonset/illumination (percentage): 1045/2130/22%.
5. (U) Released by: Sgt Marine//

1–METOC Zones

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232200Z SEP 13




Northwest Zone

Northeast Zone
NXP Colorado River

PACIFIC Southwest Zone LUF
Southeast Zone

Note: Map not to scale.

The area of operations is divided into four METOC zones. The Colorado River running
north and south and Interstate 10 running east and west divides the METOC zones.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) Atmospheric Refractive Summary. Based on 1200Z upper-air sounding taken at
in the vicinity of Mina Al Yuma, Wasabi (Located in the Southeast METOC Zone).
a. (U) Surface-based duct height (feet): None.
b. (U) Elevated ducts (bottom-top) (feet): 17,665–22,559.
2. (U) Tactical Assessment. Normal ranges are expected for surface to surface
communication and surface to air communication. Possible extended ranges are
possible for transmitters between 17,665 and 22,559 feet due to an elevated duct.
Possible reduced ranges are expected for transmitters above 22,559 feet.
3. (U) Atmospheric refractive conditions are forecasted to improve after 1600Z today
and normal ranges for all frequencies at all levels are expected.
4. (U) Electromagnetic Sensor Performance Predictions
a. (U) This is whether detection will occur at the specified range of 60 NM for F-5
at various altitudes, based on 90 percent probability of detection (POD):

Altitude (hFT) (010) (050) (100) (200) (300)

AN/TPS-59 No Yes Yes No No
AN/TPS-63 No Yes Yes No No

Note: For classified products or more in-depth information for

specific radars, submit a request to the MMFC at 928-269-XXXX
or DSN 94-312-269-XXXX.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

b. (U) Electronic surveillance measure (ESM) intercept ranges (NM) for
various emitters:
Emitter: ESM receiver (AN/ALQ-99-17,500FT)
(Surface) 25–60NM
(Airborne) 45–90NM
(Missile) 31–41NM
Note: For classified products or more in-depth information for
specific radars, submit a request to the MMFC at 928-269-XXXX
or DSN 94-312-269-XXXX.

c. (U) ESM counter detection ranges (NM) for various threat ESM receivers:
US emitter ESM receiver
(Surface) (Airborne)
60–105NM 75–120NM
Note: For classified products or more in-depth information for
specific radars, submit a request to the MMFC at 928-269-XXXX
or DSN 94-312-269-XXXX.

5. (U) FLIR [forward-looking infrared] detection range predictions WFOV [wide field
of view]/NFOV [narrow field of view] (NM) for black sport utility vehicle at various
altitudes, based on 50 percent POD, visibility 14 NM, wind speed 13 knots, absolute
humidity 4.56 g/m3:
Altitude (hFT) (005) (010) (050) (100) (200)
Litening II 5.0 7.0 7.6 8.8 9.3
NTS 7.0 5.1 6.2 6.7 8.0
AAQ-27 4.3 6.2 6.4 NA NA
AAQ-29 8.1 9.0 7.6 NA NA

6. (U) Communication Range Predictions

a. (U) UHF communication range is normal/extended/greatly extended.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

b. (U) HF Radio Propagation Condition/Forecast
(1) (U) HF communications are expected to be optimal throughout the day. HF
ranges will reduce after sunset as the F1 and F2 layers combine and the D layer
(2) (U) 10.7 CM FLUX [centimeter solar radio emission flux]: 200 SFU [Solar
Flux Unit].
7. (U) Released by: Sgt Marine//

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) Meteorological situation at 1200Z.
2. (U) 24-hour forecast commencing 1200Z.
a. (U) En route weather: Mina Al Yuma, Wasabi to Las Vegas, Chipotle.
(1) (U) Sky/weather: SCT070 BKN150 OVC220.
(2) (U) Visibility/slant range visibility (NM): 5SM HZ.
(3) (U) Sea surface temperature (SST) 66 º/in water survival time: w/suit 27.2
hours, w/o suit 17.1 hours.
(4) (U) Cloud tops/ceilings (hFT): 070–100, 150–190, 220–40/BKN150.
(5) (U) En route winds/temperatures aloft (FL/Dir/Spd in KTS/temperatures in
degrees C): 130/260/25/M01.
(6) (U) Turbulence: LGT-MOD SFC-040.
(7) (U) Minimum freezing level (FT): 12,500.
(8) (U) Icing: LGT MXD 150–240.
(9) (U) Minimum altimeter setting (INS): 29.74.
(10) (U) Contrail formation: possible 29,563FT/probable 34,350FT.
(11) (U) Ditch headings (degrees T): N/A.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

b. (U) Target Area Weather
(1) (U) Sky/weather: FEW100 SCT150 BKN200/haze.
(2) (U) Visibility/slant range visibility (SM): 5.
(3) (U) Surface winds (KTS): 22014G19.
(4) (U) Maximum/minimum temperatures (degrees F): 91/67.
(5) (U) Cloud tops/ceilings (hFT): 100–120, 150–170, 200–250/BKN200.
(6) (U) Winds/temperatures aloft (FL/DIR/SPD IN KTS/TEMPS IN DEG C):
(7) (U) Turbulence: LGT-MOD SFC-040.
(8) (U) Freezing level (FT): 12,500.
(9) (U) Icing: LGT MXD 150–250.
(10) (U) Minimum altimeter setting (INS): 29.72.
(11) (U) D-values (FT): -66.
(12) (U) Contrail formation: 29,789FT and probable 32,584F.
(13) (U) Astronomical data (coordinated universal time [UTC]) at 2300Z: sunrise/
sunset/sun angles (elevation/azimuth): 1409/0010/01 117º BMNT/BMCT/EECT/
EENT: 1310/1342/0038/0109 moonrise/moonset/percent illumination/moon angles
(elevation/azimuth)/LUX values: 1830/0636/39%/-43 034º/N/A.
3. (U) Outlook to 48 Hours. An area of low pressure will continue to influence the area
for the next 48 hours with convective low clouds and variable mid to high clouds expected
over the target area. The ceiling will vary between 020 and 080.
4. (U) Tactical Assessment. The ceiling is expected to remain above the strike altitude,
but will impact battle damage assessment (BDA) from any intelligence, surveillance,
and reconnaissance (ISR) assets that must remain above 15,000FT. Otherwise, minimal
impacts from weather are expected throughout the forecast period.
5. (U) Electro-Optical Sensor Performance Predictions. The atmosphere remains
relatively dry with an expected absolute humidity of 4.87 g/m3. Sensor performance is
expected to be optimal.
6. (U) Released by: Sgt Marine//

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) Meteorological situation at 1200Z.
2. (U) 24-Hour forecast commencing 1200Z.
a. (U) En route weather: Mina Al Yuma to Wasabi to Chipolte:
(1) (U) Sky/weather: SCT020CB BKN025 OVC080/isolated thunderstorms.
(2) (U) Visibility/slant range visibility (NM): 5SM HZ/1SM TSRA.
(3) (U) SST (degrees F)/in water survival time: N/A.
(4) (U) Cloud tops/ceilings (FT): 080–120, 200–300/025.
(5) (U) En route winds/temperatures aloft (location/flight level/wind direction/
wind speed in knots/temperatures in degrees C): KNYL-KLSV/080/180/25/05.
(6) (U) Turbulence: MDT 100–220.
(7) (U) Minimum freezing level (feet): 13,000.
(8) (U) Icing: LGT MXD 130–240.
(9) (U) Minimum altimeter setting (inches): 29.65.
(10) (U) Contrail formation: possible 30,728 feet/probable 36,530 feet.
(11) (U) Ditch headings (degrees T): N/A.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

b. (U) FARP/RGR weather (as required, include for return leg if necessary):
(1) (U) Sky/weather: SCT030 BKN050 OVC100 TEMPO SCT020CB BKN025
(2) (U) Visibility/slant range visibility (NM): 5SM HZ TEMPO 1SM TSRA.
(3) (U) Surface winds (knots): 20012G18 TEMPO VRB20G45KT.
(4) (U) Cloud tops/ceilings (feet): 250/025.
(5) (U) Maximum/minimum temperatures (degrees F): 95/70.
(6) (U) Minimum altimeter setting (inches): 29.62.
(7) (U) Maximum PA/DA: 478/2895.
c. (U) Assault landing zone (LZ) weather:
Note: Repeat for each assault LZ.

(1) (U) Sky/weather: SCT035 BKN050 OVC150 TEMPO SCT025 BKN040

(2) (U) Visibility/slant range visibility (NM): 4SM HZ.
(3) (U) Surface winds (knots): 20015G25 TEMPO 20020G30.
(4) (U) Maximum/minimum temperatures (degrees F): 99/73.
(5) (U) Maximum PA/DA: 679/3378.
(6) (U) Cloud tops/ceilings (feet): 050–150/040.
(7) (U) Winds/temperatures aloft (flight level/wind direction/wind speed in knots/
temperatures in degrees C): 080/230/25/04.
(8) (U) Turbulence: MDT SFC-080 & 100–180.
(9) (U) Freezing level (feet): 13,500.
(10) (U) Icing: LGT MXD 130-240.
(11) (U) Minimum altimeter setting (inches): 29.62.
(12) (U) D-values: -72.
(13) (U) Contrail formation: possible 30,982 feet/probable 37,120 feet.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(14) (U) Astronomical data (UTC) at 2300Z:
Sunrise/sunset/sun angles (elevation/azimuth): 1411/0015/10 120º
BMNT/BMCT/EECT/EENT: 1415/1447/0108/0204
moonrise/moonset/percent illumination/moon angles (elevation/azimuth)/LUX
values: 1915/0715/49%/-40 044º/N/A
3. (U) Outlook to 48 Hours. An area of low pressure will continue to influence the area
for the next 48 hours with convective low clouds and variable mid to high clouds expected
over the target area. The ceiling will vary between 020 and 080.
4. (U) Tactical Assessment. The ceiling is expected to remain below the strike altitude,
and will impact BDA from any ISR assets that must remain above 15,000FT. Marginal
impacts from weather are expected throughout the forecast period.
5. (U) Electro-Optical Sensor Performance Predictions. The atmosphere remains
relatively dry during the morning hours, but increased convection throughout the daytime
an expected absolute humidity of 11.75 g/m3. Sensor performance is expected to be
optimal in the morning, but degraded during the afternoon into the evening.
6. (U) Released by: Sgt Marine//

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) Meteorological situation at 1200Z.
2. (U) 24-hour forecast commencing 1200Z for amphibious objective area:
Note: Include forecast for landing area if significantly different
from AOA weather.

a. (U) Sky/weather: SCT020CB BKN025 OVC080/isolated thunderstorms.

b. (U) Visibility (NM): 5SM HZ/1SM TSRA.
c. (U) Surface winds (knots): 17012/TEMPO 18015G25.
d. (U) Maximum/minimum temperatures (degrees F): 90/67.
Note: Include wind chill factor if applicable.

e. (U) Sea surface temperature (degrees F): 66.

f. (U) Combined seas (feet): 26.2.
g. (U) In water survival time (hours): w/suit 27.2 hours, w/o suit 17.1 hours.
h. (U) Aviation parameters:
(1) (U) Clouds/ceilings (feet): SCT020CB BKN025 OVC080 TEMPO
BKN020CB OVC050.
(2) (U) Winds/temperatures aloft (flight level/wind direction/wind speed in knots/
temperatures in degrees C): 080/230/25/04.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

(3) (U) Turbulence: LGT-MDT SFC-080 & MDT 100-180.
(4) (U) Freezing level (feet): 13,500.
(5) (U) Icing: LGT MXD 130–240.
(6) (U) Minimum altimeter setting (inches): 29.64.
(7) (U) Maximum PA/DA: 267/2333.
(8) (U) Contrail formation: possible 30,728 ft/probable 36,530 ft.
(9) (U) Slant range visibility (NM): 5SM HZ/1SM TSRA.
3. (U) Surf forecast for Red/Blue Beach:
Note: Output format included in GFMPL [Geophysics Fleet
Mission Program Library] surf module.

a. (U) Alpha–significant breaker height (feet): 8.

b. (U) Bravo–maximum breaker height (feet): 12.
c. (U) Charlie–dominant breaker period (S): 15.
d. (U) Delta–dominant breaker type: plunging.
e. (U) Echo–breaker angle (degrees): 040.
f. (U) Foxtrot–littoral current (knots): 1.0.
g. (U) Golf1–number of surf lines: 3 and Golf2–surf zone width (feet): 5.
h. (U) Modified surf index: 8.
i. (U) High/low tides (UTC or local): 1459/2012.
j. (U) Beach conditions of Red Beach has a fairly steep gradient and a short surf zone
which provides strong littoral currents. Bottom topography is made up of silt and
during low tides can significantly impact trafficability to landing crafts. The west side
of the beach has old drainage piping that must be considered during night landings.
Note: Provide summary of hydrographic reconnaissance data to
include bottom type, beach slope/type/trafficability, significant
obstacles (locations) ashore and in shallows.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

4. (U) Tactical Assessment. LCM8, LCU And LCVP will have marginal to unfavorable
impacts due to modified surf index of 8 and littoral current of 1 knot. LCAC will have
marginal to unfavorable impacts due to significant breaker height of 8–12 feet. AAV
critical values met with 50 percent plunging surf of 8–12 feet, but wave interval is not less
than 8–10 seconds.
Note: See CNSP/CNSL Instruction 3840.1, Joint Surf Manual, for
a discussion of modified surf limits for various landing craft types.
Discuss NO GO criteria, LCAC limitations, etc.

5. (U) Atmospheric Refractive Summary. Super-refractive conditions exist with extended

ranges for all frequencies.
a. (U) Evaporative duct height (feet): none.
b. (U) Surface-based duct height (feet): 1,290.
c. (U) Elevated duct heights (bottom-top) (feet): none.
d. (U) Radar propagation conditions summary:
(1) (U) Surface-to-surface radar ranges: for transmitters from surface to 1,290 feet
and extended ranges from surface-based duct to all frequencies.
(2) (U) Surface-to-air radar ranges: extended ranges from transmitters from surface
to 1,290 feet and possible reduced ranges for transmitters above 1,290 feet.
(3) (U) Air-to-air radar ranges: extended ranges from transmitters from surface to
1,290 feet and possible reduced ranges for transmitters above 1,290 feet.
(4) (U) Air-to-surface radar ranges: extended ranges from transmitters from
surface to 1,290 feet and possible reduced ranges for transmitters above 1,290 feet.
e. (U) Communications range predictions:
(1) (U) UHF communications range is extended (normal/extended/greatly
(2) (U) HF radio propagation summary is marginal for minor geomagnetic
6. (U) Astronomical Data (Local)
a. (U) Sunrise/sunset: 0711/1715.
b. (U) BMNT/BMCT/EECT/EENT: 0715/0747/1908/2004.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

c. (U) Moonrise/moonset/percent illumination: 1215/0015/49%.
d. (U) Night vision effectiveness (Lux): optimal due to cloud cover.
7. (U) 24-Hour radiological fallout (RadFo)/chemical fallout (ChemFo) forecast: N/A.
Note: Include as tactical situation dictates.

a. (U) Effective downwind direction (T)/speed in knots: N/A.

b. (U) Distance (NM): N/A.
8. (U) Released by: Sgt Marine//

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)

(Location) 96-Hour Forecast

Daily Temp Roll-up Tuesday, August 16 Wednesday, August 17 Thursday, August 18 Friday, August 19

15 August 2011


Flag Condition Flag Condition Flag Condition Flag Condition

81 / 106

DLM Sky: Mostly cloudy skies with Sky: Overcast with isolated Sky: Mostly cloudy skies with rain Sky: Mostly clear skies
isolated thunderstorms beginning thunderstorms becoming rain showers before 0400 becoming
after 1800 showers after 0800 partly cloudy
79 / 107
Vis: Unrestricted vis becoming 3-5 Vis: 3-5 miles in rain Vis: 2-4 miles in blowing dust Vis: Unrestricted
miles in rain after 1800
DWR Wind: SW 9-14 MPH gusting to 18
Wind: SE 9-14 MPH becoming Wind: W 9-14 MPH becoming NW Wind: N 9-14 MPH
11-16 MPH after 1600 MPH 14-18 MPH gusting to 28 MPH after
77 / 109 0600

Local Time 00-08 08-16 16-00 00-08 08-16 16-00 00-08 08-16 16-00 00-08 08-16 16-00

Fixed Wing C C Z, C, V, P Z, C, V, P C, V, P D, V, W, B D, V, W, B

Rotary Wing Z, C, V, P Z, C, V, P V, P D, V, W, B D, V, W, B

Ground T Z, T, P Z, T, P T, P T T


Temp (Deg F) Low: 82o F High: 106o F Low: 83o F High: 99o F Low: 80o F High: 101o F Low: 77o F High: 102o F

UAS/ISR Assets
Predator / Reaper Z, C, V, P Z, C, V, P C, V, P W, V W, V

Shadow Z, C, V, P Z, C, V, P C, V, P W, V W, V

Scan Eagle Z, C, V, P Z, C, V, P C, V, P W, V W, V

Astronomical Data Astronomical Data Astronomical Data Astronomical Data

BMNT / Sunrise Sunset / EENT BMNT / Sunrise Sunset / EENT BMNT / Sunrise Sunset / EENT BMNT / Sunrise Sunset / EENT

0441 / 0538 1856 / 1952 0442 / 0538 1855 / 1951 0443 / 0539 1854 / 1950 0444 / 0540 1853 / 1949

Moonset % ILLUM Moonrise Moonset % ILLUM Moonrise Moonset % ILLUM Moonrise Moonset % ILLUM Moonrise

0751 92% 2004 0845 87% 2033 0939 80% 2104 1033 72% 2137

Impact Key: C – Ceiling, P – Precipitation, Z – Thunderstorms, V – Visibility, D – Dust, F – Fog/Mist, W – Winds, I – Icing, T – Temperature , B - Turbulence

Favorable Marginal Unfavorable Flag Conditions No Flag Green Flag Yellow Flag Red Flag Black Flag
Impact Colors
Conditions Conditions Conditions WBGTI <80.0 80.0- 84.9 85.0-87.9 88.0-89.9 > 90.0

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232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) A variety of unclassified environmental sensor data may be available from host
nation assets to include meteorological Doppler radar, environmental satellite imagery,
surface observations, weather related PIREPs, and upper air observations. METOC units
shall collect as much of this environmental information as possible and use it characterize
and exploit current and forecast METOC conditions in the TF Talon AO. Additionally, the
MMFC will collect and consolidate such information into a classified METOC database
and make it available via SIPRNET Web page. The METMF(R) NEXGEN will be
established at TACTS Airfield, Wasabi and provide organic capabilities in the form of
surface observations from local and remote sensors, meteorological Doppler radar, and
satellite imagery to augment and cover gaps in host nation capabilities.
2. (U) Depending on availability of capabilities, limited observations may be conducted
at select FARP sites as necessary to provide on-scene METOC information required to
conduct aviation operations and support the TF Talon scheme of maneuver. These
observations will be conducted in accordance with reference (k) and shall be provided to
onsite Marine air traffic control mobile team and aviation ground support personnel to
facilitate FARP layout, ingress and egress of aircraft, and safety of flight operations. These
observations will be uploaded via BGAN or, if BGAN is not available or functional,
relayed to the MMFC by the most expeditious available communications method and
made available to all units through existing command, control, and communications
architecture. This includes global METOC databases such as AFWA’s AFW-WEBS and
population of the MMFC theater METOC database. The following mobile observation
location identifiers (subject to change due to availability) assigned by AFWA are available
and shall be activated to best support aviation operations, the MAGTF scheme of
maneuver, and build situational awareness of METOC conditions in the TF Talon AO:

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Identifier/ Location Latitude Longitude Elevation Military
NMIL Classification Name (minutes) (minutes) (feet) Perm/Temp Branch Type Reports
KQOS Unclassified AUX-2 FARP 32 33 N 114 30 W 269 Temporary USMC Mobile Automated
Remote Surface
KQBK Unclassified Baker Peaks 32 39 N 114 00 W 1,141 Temporary USMC Mobile Automated
Remote Surface
KQCX Unclassified Bull FARP 33 04 N 115 01 W 755 Temporary USMC Mobile Automated
Remote Surface
KGBN Unclassified Gila Bend 32 53 N 112 43 W 883 Permanent USAF Surface
AFAF Observations
KLGF Unclassified Laguna AAF 31 52 N 114 24 W 422 Permanent USA Surface
KNJK Unclassified NAF El 32 50 N 115 40 W -42 Permanent USN Surface
Centro Observations/TAFs
KQDA Unclassified Stoval AF 32 44 N 113 38 W 384 Temporary USMC Mobile Automated
Remote Surface
KQDB Unclassified Speed 33 16 N 115 25 W 305 Temporary USMC Surface
Bag AF Observations/TAFs
KQOT Unclassified TACTS AF 32 30 N 114 09 W 814 Temporary USMC Surface
69110 Unclassified TACTS AF 32 30 N 114 09 W 814 Temporary USMC Mobile Upper Air

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Meteorological Elements

Meteorological reporting locations with station identifiers


METOC Officer


METOC Officer

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232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) A METOC impacts matrix will be developed and updated daily to provide
commanders with a rapid assessment of the impact of forecast METOC conditions on
future operations. Tab A shows specific METOC parameters that will be used as criteria in
determining METOC impacts to TF Talon systems, operations, and personnel. The
following color scheme is adopted to represent the degree that the operation, system, or
personnel are assessed to be impacted by the weather during a particular window of time:
a. (U) Green. METOC conditions favorable for operations (capability 75%
or > effective).
b. (U) Yellow. Marginal METOC impact to operations (capability degraded;
25%–74% effective).
c. (U) Red. METOC conditions unfavorable for operations (capability degraded;
0%–24% effective).
2. (U) Recommendations or requests to modify, change, or add operational categories or
threshold criteria should be directed to the SMO. The commander is the approval authority
for any changes to the METOC impacts thresholds table.
3. (U) Tab B shows an example of the METOC impacts matrix. Units may modify the
format to suit specific requirements. However, modifications of operational categories and
thresholds must be approved by the commander via routing through the JMO. Units may
develop their own METOC impacts thresholds and matrices for internal use.

METOC Officer

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

A–TF Talon METOC Impacts Parameters
B–TF Talon METOC Impacts Thresholds Matrix Example


METOC Officer

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232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
(U) Green–METOC conditions favorable for operations (capability 75% or > effective).
(U) Yellow–Marginal METOC impact to operations (capability degraded;
25%–74% effective).
(U) Red–METOC conditions unfavorable for operations (capability degraded;
0%–24% effective).

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Operation Favorable Marginal Unfavorable Remarks
Aerial Reconnaissance
Sky cover SCT > 15,000 feet BKN < 15,000 feet OVC < 15,000 feet Fixed-wing
Ceiling > 5,000 feet 1,000 feet–5,000 feet < 1,000 feet
Visibility > 5 miles 3–5 miles < 3 miles
Thunderstorms > 25 miles Within 25 miles Within 10 miles
Wind (sustained) < 15 knots 15–24 knots > 25 knots Fixed-wing
limit for ejection
Antiair Warfare
Sky cover SCT > 15,000 feet BKN < 15,000 feet OVC < 15,000 feet Fixed-wing
limit for ejection
Ceiling > 5,000 feet 1,000 feet–5,000 feet < 1,000 feet
Visibility > 5 miles 3–5 miles < 3 miles
Thunderstorms > 25 miles Within 25 miles Within 10 miles
Wind (sustained) < 15 knots 15–24 knots > 25 knots Fixed-wing
limit for ejection
Turbulence Light Moderate Severe
Assault Support
Rotary-Wing (CH-53)
Ceiling > 2,000 feet 1,000 feet–2,000 feet < 1,000 feet
Visibility > 4 miles 3–4 miles < 3 miles
Winds (surface) < 25 knots 26–35 knots > 35 knots MAWTS-1
flight SOP 2014
Winds (aloft) < 35 knots 35–50 knots > 50 knots
Thunderstorms None Within 25 miles Within 10 miles
Turbulence Light Moderate Severe
Rotary-Wing (UH-1)
Ceiling > 2,000 feet 1,000 feet–2,000 feet < 1,000 feet
Visibility > 4 miles 3–4 miles < 3 miles
Winds (aloft) < 25 knots 25–40 knots > 40 knots
Thunderstorms None Within 25 miles Within 10 miles
Turbulence Light Moderate Severe
TiltRotor (MV-22)
Ceiling > 3,000 feet 1,000 feet–3,000 feet < 1,000 feet Low altitude tactics
Visibility > 5 miles 3–5 miles < 3 miles Low altitude tactics
Winds (surface) < 25 knots 26–35 knots > 35 knots MAWTS-1
flight SOP 2014
winds (aloft) < 25 knots 25–40 knots > 40 knots

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Favorable Marginal Unfavorable
Operation (continued) (continued) (continued) (continued) Remarks (continued)
Thunderstorms None Within 25 miles Within 10 miles
Turbulence Light Moderate Severe
Fixed-Wing (KC-130)
Ceiling > 2,000 feet 1,000 feet–2,000 feet < 1,000 feet
Visibility (surface) > 4 miles 3–4 miles < 3 miles
Winds (surface) < 25 knots 26–35 knots > 35 knots MAWTS-1
flight SOP 2014
Crosswind component < 25 knots 26–34 knots > 35 knots Dry runway conditions
Thunderstorms None Within 25 miles Within 10 miles
Turbulence Light Moderate Severe
Electronic Warfare
sky cover sct > 15,000 feet bkn < 15,000 feet ovc < 15,000 feet Fixed-wing
Ceiling > 5,000 feet 3,000 feet–5,000 feet < 3,000 feet
Visibility > 5 miles 3–5 miles < 3 miles
Thunderstorms > 25 miles Within 25 miles Within 10 miles
Crosswind component < 10 knots 11–20 knots > 20 knots
Wind (sustained) < 15 knots 15–24 knots > 25 knots Fixed-wing
limit for ejection
Turbulence Light Moderate Severe At flight level
Offensive Air Support
Sky cover SCT > 15,000 feet BKN < 15,000 feet OVC < 15,000 feet Fixed-wing
Ceiling > 5,000 feet 1,500 feet–5,000 feet < 1,500 feet
Visibility > 5 miles 3–5 miles < 3 miles
Thunderstorms > 25 miles Within 25 miles Within 10 miles
Wind (sustained) < 15 knots 15–24 knots > 25 knots Fixed-wing
limit for ejection
Turbulence Light Moderate Severe at flight level
Precision-Guided Munitions (PGMs)
Sky cover FEW < flight level BKN < flight level OVC < flight level
Rain Light Moderate Heavy
Visibility > 5 miles 3–5 miles < 3 miles
sand storm light moderate
Absolute humidity < 10 g/cm3 10–19 g/cm3 20+ g/cm3 IR PGMs only
Ground (Personnel)
Temperature (-15 °F)–84 °F 85 °F–94 °F > 95 °F
Precipitation Light Moderate Heavy
Thunderstorms > 25 miles Within 25 miles Within 10 miles

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Favorable Marginal Unfavorable
Operation (continued) (continued) (continued) (continued) Remarks (continued)
MOPP IV < 60 °F 60 °F–67 °F > 68 °F
Wind gusts < 25 knots 25–39 knots > 40 knots
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs)
Wind (surface) < 20 knots 20–24 knots > 25 knots
Wind (aloft) < 40 knots 40–60 knots > 60 knots
Headwind/crosswind < 15 knots 15–20 knots > 20 knots or RQ-7B
> 25 knot gusts
Ceiling > 4,000 feet 2,000 feet–4,000 feet < 2,000 feet
Visibility > 3 miles 2–3 miles < 2 miles
Sky cover below 5,000' FEW SCT BKN
Gust spread < 15 knots 15–25 knots > 25 knots
Target visibility > 5 miles 3–5 miles < 3 miles
Precipitation None Light Moderate to heavy
Thunderstorms FEW within 25 miles SCT within 10 miles
HF Communications
Solar activity Quiet Active Very active
Geomagnetic storming Low Moderate Severe
UHF Communications
Ionospheric scintillation Light Moderate Severe
Geomagnetic storming Minor Major
GPS Error
Solar activity Quiet Active Very active
Charged Quiet Active Very active
particle environment
Ionospheric scintillation Light Moderate Severe
Geomagnetic storming Minor Major
GPS error < 10 miles 10–20 miles < 20 miles/
No solution

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)

FINEX METOC Impacts Matrix

VT: 1200 - 2000L 21 Jan 2016
Time: 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000





AAW antiair warfare
AR air reconnaissance
AS assault support
EW electronic warfare
GND ground state
OAS offensive air support

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) A daily TF Talon METOC situation report (TF Talon METOC situation report
LATER THAN 1600T DAILY USING tab A to appendix 5 to annex H of the TF Talon
OPORD. In addition, the information shall be included in the MACS Detachment Daily
SITREP for command visibility. The format for the MACS Detachment Daily SITREP is
at the discretion of the command. The Daily METOC SITREP posted to the METMF(R)
NEXGEN Web site shall show:
a. (U) The METMF(R) NEXGEN is the primary METOC collection, analysis, and
production capability for TF Talon. As such, it is imperative that situational awareness
of METMF(R) NEXGEN readiness be monitored to ensure optimal METOC support
to TF Talon. The following color scheme is adopted to represent the readiness of the
major METMF(R) NEXGEN subsystems:
(1) (U) Green. Fully operational. No impact to mission readiness.
(2) (U) Yellow. Partial or marginal degradation in capability. Impacts mission
readiness but does not prevent mission accomplishment.
(3) (U) Red. Completely nonoperational. Mission accomplishment critically
jeopardized or nonmission capable.
b. (U) Major subsystems annotated as yellow or red shall include remarks as to the
status of effort to restore the item to full operational capability. Such remarks shall
include customer service request numbers and a brief status of efforts for resolution
as appropriate.
2. (U) Products and activities performed on a daily basis shall be annotated in the
products section of the METOC SITREP as shown in tab A to appendix 5 to annex H of
the TF Talon OPORD.

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METOC Officer



METOC Officer

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232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)

System Status CSR Remarks

Shelter Subsystem
Shelter subsystem
Meteorological Satellite Subsystem (MSS)
Meteorological Radar Subsystem (MRS)
Upper Air Subsystem (UAS)
Local Sensor Subsystem (LSS)
Remote Sensor Subsystem (RSS) #1
Remote Sensor Subsystem (RSS) #2
Communications Subsystem (CSS)
Processing Subsystem (PCS)
Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental System (NITES) Mobile Variant IV
Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS)
Environmental Control Unit (ECU)

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

System (continued) Status CSR Remarks
Web page
MRS imagery
MSS imagery
UAS products

Product Daily To Date Remarks

WEAX/daily forecast
Local surface observations
FARP observations
xMet observations

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


The following list of acronyms and abbreviations appear in and are applicable to this
appendix only. Acronyms or abbreviations not found in this list are located in Section I of
the glossary. All nomenclature is located in Section III of the glossary.
Note: There are multiple entries consisting of subject matter
specific terms and short forms for timely order writing and
briefings. These short forms are applicable to this appendix only.

BKN..................................................................................... broken (cloud cover condition)

BMCT................................................................................beginning morning civil twilight
BMNT.......................................................................... beginning morning nautical twilight

CLR .........................................................................................clear (cloud cover condition)

DST....................................................................................................... daylight saving time

EECT .......................................................................................ending evening civil twilight

EENT ................................................................................. ending evening nautical twilight

IFR ..................................................................................................... instrument flight rules

Min......................................................................................................................... minimum
MST ................................................................................................. mountain standard time

OVC................................................................................... overcast (cloud cover condition)

SCT................................................................................... scattered (cloud cover condition)

TF........................................................................................................................... task force

UTC ......................................................................................... Coordinated Universal Time

VFR ...........................................................................................................visual flight rules

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232200Z SEP 13


ORDER (1-14) (Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) All times are listed as local times or mountain standard time (MST). Local time
(Tango) is -7 hours from UTC (Zulu). Portions of Wasabi and Chipotle east of the
Colorado River remain in MST throughout the year and do not observe daylight savings
time (DST). Those portions of the AO west of the Colorado River are in Uniform time
zone and observe DST and must be considered during planning. Contact the METOC
section for specific lux values and light levels. The following are terms and definitions
necessary for interpreting the exhibited data.
a. (U) Sunrise/Moonrise. The instant when the upper edge of the sun/moon appears
on the sea-level horizon.
b. (U) Sunset/Moonset. The instant when the upper edge of the sun/moon disappears
below the sea-level horizon.
c. (U) Nautical Twilight. When the center of the sun’s disk is 12 degrees below the
sea-level horizon.
BMNT–Beginning morning nautical twilight.
EENT–Ending evening nautical twilight.
d. (U) Civil Twilight. When the center of the sun's disk is 6 degrees below the sea-
level horizon.
BMCT–Beginning morning civil twilight.
EECT–Ending evening civil twilight.
e. (U) Lunar Illumination. Given in percentage of the “actual” lunar disk visible at
midnight of each given day.
2. (U) Astronomical data for Mina Al Yuma, Wasabi, (32º 37' N, 114º 36' W) is contained
in exhibits 1 through 4.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

3. (U) All climatological data is based on observations from 1942 through 2014. Terms
and definitions are as follows.
a. (U) Temperature. Temperature is listed in degrees Fahrenheit, for conversion to
Celsius: (ºF-32) divided by 1.8 = ºC.
b. (U) Sky Condition:
CLR–Clear; absence of clouds or obscuring phenomena.
SCT–Scattered; 1/8 to 4/8 sky coverage.
BKN–Broken; 5/8 to 7/8 sky coverage.
OVC–Overcast; 8/8 sky coverage.
c. (U) Field Condition:
VFR–Visual Flight Rules; ceiling 1,000' or greater and visibility 3 miles or greater.
IFR–Instrument Flight Rules; ceiling below 1,000' and/or visibility below 3 miles.
d. (U) Visibility. Visibility is the greatest visibility equaled or exceeded throughout at
least one-half of the horizon circle.
e. (U) Ceiling. Ceiling is the height ascribed to the lowest broken or overcast layer
aloft which is predominately opaque, or the vertical visibility into a surface-based
4. (U) Climatological Data for September (1942–2014)
Temperature Humidity Precipitation
Average Max 102 ºF 0500L 32%
Average Min 78 ºF 1400L 52%
Absolute Max 115 ºF 1700L 43% Absolute Max 5.1"
Absolute Min 57 ºF Absolute Min 0.0"
Average 89 ºF Average 42% Average 0.6"

Sky Condition Field Condition Ceiling/Visibility

CLR 64% VFR > 99.5% <3,000 feet & 3 miles < 0.1%
SCT 22% IFR < 0.5% <1,500 feet & 3 miles < 0.1%
BKN 10% <1,000 feet & 3 miles < 0.1%
OVC 4%

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Surface Winds Thunderstorms
0800L NNE 10.4 knots Average # of Days 0.3
1400L S 8.2 knots
2000L WSW 5.4 knots
All Hours S 6.0 knots
Max SE 66.0 knots
5. (U) Climatological Data for October (1942–2014)
Temperature Humidity Precipitation
Average Max 91 ºF 0500L 33%
Average Min 67 ºF 1400L 46%
Absolute Max 109 ºF 1700L 38% Absolute Max 3.0 inches
Absolute Min 46 ºF Absolute Min 1.0 inches
Average 78 ºF Average 39% Average 2.0 inches

Sky Condition Field Condition Ceiling/Visibility

CLR 63% VFR >99.5% <3,000 feet & 3 miles <0.4%
SCT 19% IFR <0.5% <1,500 feet & 3 miles <0.2%
BKN 12% <1,000 feet & 3 miles <0.1%
OVC 6%

Surface Winds Thunderstorms

0800L N 6.0 knots Average # of Days 2.7
1400L W 8.3 knots
2000L W 5.3 knots
All hours W 7.2 knots
Max N 49.0 knots

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


METOC Officer

1––Astronomical Data for September 2013
2––Lite Level Planning Calendar for September 2013
3––Astronomical Data for October 2013
4––Lite Level Planning Calendar for October 2013


METOC Officer

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


ORDER (1-14) (Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)

Date BMNT BMCT Sunrise Sunset EECT EENT Moonrise Moonset % Illum
Sep 1 0519 0548 0613 1903 1928 1957 0247 1637 15
Sep 2 0519 0549 0614 1901 1926 1956 0341 1714 8
Sep 3 0520 0550 0615 1900 1925 1954 0436 1749 4
Sep 4 0521 0550 0615 1859 1924 1953 0532 1823 1
Sep 5 0522 0551 0616 1857 1922 1952 0628 1857 0

Sep 6 0522 0552 0617 1856 1921 1950 0726 1931 1

Sep 7 0523 0552 0617 1855 1920 1949 0825 2008 4
Sep 8 0524 0553 0618 1853 1918 1947 0926 2047 9
Sep 9 0525 0554 0619 1852 1917 1946 1027 2130 17
Sep 10 0525 0554 0619 1851 1916 1945 1129 2217 26

Sep 11 0526 0555 0620 1849 1914 1943 1231 2310 36

Sep 12 0527 0556 0620 1848 1913 1942 1331 ---- 47
Sep 13 0527 0556 0621 1847 1911 1940 1427 0008 58
Sep 14 0528 0557 0622 1845 1910 1939 1518 0111 69
Sep 15 0529 0558 0622 1844 1909 1938 1606 0216 79

Sep 16 0529 0558 0623 1843 1907 1936 1649 0322 88

Sep 17 0530 0559 0624 1841 1906 1935 1729 0428 94
Sep 18 0531 0600 0624 1840 1905 1933 1807 0533 98
Sep 19 0532 0600 0625 1839 1903 1932 1845 0637 99
Sep 20 0532 0601 0626 1837 1902 1931 1922 0739 98

Sep 21 0533 0602 0626 1836 1901 1929 2001 0840 95

Sep 22 0534 0602 0627 1835 1859 1928 2042 0939 89
Sep 23 0534 0603 0627 1833 1858 1926 2124 1036 82
Sep 24 0535 0604 0628 1832 1857 1925 2210 1130 74
Sep 25 0536 0604 0629 1831 1855 1924 2257 1221 65

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Date BMNT BMCT Sunrise Sunset EECT EENT Moonrise Moonset % Illum
Sep 26 0536 0605 0629 1829 1854 1922 2347 1308 56
Sep 27 0537 0606 0630 1828 1853 1921 ---- 1352 47
Sep 28 0538 0606 0631 1827 1851 1920 0039 1433 37
Sep 29 0538 0607 0631 1825 1850 1918 0132 1511 28
Sep 30 0539 0608 0632 1824 1849 1917 0226 1546 20

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


ORDER (1-14) (Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)

01 Sep 02 Sep

03 Sep 04 Sep

05 Sep 06 Sep

07 Sep 08 Sep

09 Sep 10 Sep

11 Sep 12 Sep

13 Sep 14 Sep

15 Sep 16 Sep

17 Sep 18 Sep

19 Sep 20 Sep

21 Sep 22 Sep

23 Sep 24 Sep

25 Sep 26 Sep

27 Sep 28 Sep

29 Sep 30 Sep

1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800

Lat/Lon: 32-37N 114-36W Sun above horizon

Moon below horizon
Time Offset: -0700 Low moonlight level (<0.0022 lux)
High moonlight level (>=0.0022 lux)
Nautical twilight
Civil twilight

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232200Z SEP 13


ORDER (1-14) (Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)

Date BMNT BMCT Sunrise Sunset EECT EENT Moonrise Moonset % Illum
Oct 1 0540 0608 0633 1823 1847 1916 0321 1621 13
Oct 2 0540 0609 0633 1821 1846 1914 0417 1655 7
Oct 3 0541 0610 0634 1820 1845 1913 0515 1730 2
Oct 4 0542 0610 0635 1819 1843 1912 0614 1806 0
Oct 5 0542 0611 0636 1817 1842 1911 0715 1845 0

Oct 6 0543 0612 0636 1816 1841 1909 0818 1927 2

Oct 7 0544 0612 0637 1815 1840 1908 0921 2014 7
Oct 8 0544 0613 0638 1814 1838 1907 1024 2107 14
Oct 9 0545 0614 0638 1812 1837 1906 1125 2204 23
Oct 10 0546 0614 0639 1811 1836 1904 1223 2305 33

Oct 11 0546 0615 0640 1810 1835 1903 1315 ---- 44

Oct 12 0547 0616 0641 1809 1833 1902 1403 0008 56
Oct 13 0548 0616 0641 1808 1832 1901 1446 0113 67
Oct 14 0549 0617 0642 1806 1831 1900 1526 0217 77
Oct 15 0549 0618 0643 1805 1830 1859 1604 0321 85

Oct 16 0550 0619 0643 1804 1829 1857 1641 0423 92

Oct 17 0551 0619 0644 1803 1828 1856 1718 0525 97
Oct 18 0551 0620 0645 1802 1827 1855 1756 0625 99
Oct 19 0552 0621 0646 1801 1825 1854 1836 0725 99
Oct 20 0553 0622 0647 1759 1824 1853 1918 0823 97

Oct 21 0554 0622 0647 1758 1823 1852 2002 0919 93

Oct 22 0554 0623 0648 1757 1822 1851 2049 1012 87
Oct 23 0555 0624 0649 1756 1821 1850 2139 1101 80
Oct 24 0556 0625 0650 1755 1820 1849 2230 1146 72
Oct 25 0556 0625 0650 1754 1819 1848 2322 1228 64

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Date BMNT BMCT Sunrise Sunset EECT EENT Moonrise Moonset % Illum
Oct 26 0557 0626 0651 1753 1818 1847 ---- 1307 54
Oct 27 0558 0627 0652 1752 1817 1846 0015 1343 45
Oct 28 0559 0628 0653 1751 1816 1845 0109 1418 36
Oct 29 0559 0628 0654 1750 1815 1844 0204 1451 26
Oct 30 0600 0629 0655 1749 1815 1844 0300 1525 18

Oct 31 0601 0630 0655 1748 1814 1843 0358 1601 11

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232200Z SEP 13


ORDER (1-14) (Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)

01 Oct 02 Oct

03 Oct 04 Oct

05 Oct 06 Oct

07 Oct 08 Oct

09 Oct 10 Oct

11 Oct 12 Oct

13 Oct 14 Oct

15 Oct 16 Oct

17 Oct 18 Oct

19 Oct 20 Oct

21 Oct 22 Oct

23 Oct 24 Oct

25 Oct 26 Oct

27 Oct 28 Oct

29 Oct 30 Oct

1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800

Lat/Lon: 32-37N 114-36W Sun above horizon

Moon below horizon
Time Offset: -0700 Low moonlight level (<0.0022 lux)
High moonlight level (>=0.0022 lux)
Nautical twilight
Civil twilight

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


METOC Officer


METOC Officer

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


232200Z SEP 13


(Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)
1. (U) General. Communications and information systems (CIS) operations are affected
by a number of weather elements. Virtually all of the special weather conditions that apply
to CIS operations affect electromagnetic (EM) propagation.
2. (U) Meteorological Elements
a. (U) Dust. Affects EM propagation.
b. (U) Electrical Storms and Thunder. Affects radio and wire communications and
may disrupt synchronization for data communications.
c. (U) Fog. Affects EM propagation.
d. (U) Precipitation. Affects EM propagation.
e. (U) Blowing Sand or Snow. Builds static discharge, which may affect
EM propagation.
f. (U) Ionospheric Disturbance. Affects the reliability of radio communications
g. (U) Refractive Index. Affects EM propagation characteristics of the atmosphere.
h. (U) Icing. May damage cable lines and antennas; also decreases the efficiency of
microwave systems.

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

i. (U) Wind (Surface). May damage antennas and transmission lines, may cause
cable blowdown, and interfered with antenna installation.
j. (U) Temperature (Surface). High temperatures adversely affect electronic circuits
and may increase maintenance requirements. Extreme cold may snap cable lines. Cold
decreases the life of battery-operated equipment.
k. (U) Humidity. Humidity may cause fungal growth within circuits; this can result in
premature system failure.
3. (U) Meteorological critical values on CIS operations are in exhibit 1.


METOC Officer

1––Meteorological Critical Values on CIS Operations


METOC Officer

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

232200Z SEP 13


ORDER (1-14) (Operation GUNSMOKE) (U)

Element Critical Value Impact

>7 knots Radar background noise
>25 knots Safety and stability for installing line of sight
and troposcatter antennas
Wind (surface) >69 knots Wind damage to main communications
antenna—linear pole
>78 knots Safety and stability of single channel radio
and short-range, wideband radio antennas
Any occurrence of freezing Damage to equipment and antennas; wind
tolerances of antennas; troop safety
>0. 5 inches/hour liquid Blocking of troposcatter transmission; radar
Precipitation range (decreased); signal for single channel
radio, short-range wideband radio, and
line of sight communications (attenuated
by precipitation)
Any occurrence within 3 miles Damage to equipment; interference
with radio signals, especially high
and lightning
frequency signals
Temperature (vertical All significant inversions Fading during use of troposcatter equipment
gradient or profile)
Ionospheric disturbances Not applicable Dictation of most usable frequencies
for communications

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


METOC Officer


METOC Officer

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


The following list of acronyms and abbreviations that appear in and are applicable to this
appendix only. Acronyms or abbreviations not found in this list are located in Section I of the
glossary. All nomenclature is located in Section III of the glossary.

Note: There are multiple entries consisting of subject matter specific terms
and short forms for timely order writing and briefings. These short forms
are applicable to this appendix only.

AAI ......................................................................................................................... after action item

AAR ...................................................................................................................... after action report
AC/S................................................................................................................assistant chief of staff
AFB............................................................................................................................ Air Force base
AFDD.................................................................................................. Air Force doctrine document
AFJI .........................................................................................................Air Force joint instruction
AFMAN ................................................................................................................ Air Force manual
AO......................................................................................................................... area of operations
AR ........................................................................................................................... Army regulation

BKN ................................................................................................. broken (cloud cover condition)

C-2 .............................................................................................combined intelligence staff section

C-3 ...............................................................................................combined operations staff section
C-6 .........................................................................combined communications system staff section
Capt ........................................................................................................................................ captain
CG .................................................................................................................... commanding general
CJCSI ................................................................... Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
CTF ................................................................................................................... combined task force

DCS................................................................................................. Defense Collaboration Services

DSN .......................................................................................................Defense Switched Network

Ex14 ............................................................................................................................Exercise 2014

FM................................................................................................................................. field manual

FMC .................................................................................................................. full mission-capable
FTX .................................................................................................................field training exercise

G-2 ............................................................................................................. intelligence staff section

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

HCA ............................................................................................. humanitarian and civic assistance

HWD ....................................................................................................horizontal weather depiction

ICAO............................................................................... International Civil Aviation Organization

INOP .................................................................................................................................inoperable
ISOLD................................................................................................................................... isolated

KQ ID .............................................................................................. tactical location identifier code

LOI...................................................................................................................... letter of instruction

MCEN ......................................................................................... Marine Corps Enterprise Network

MSL ........................................................................................................................... mean sea level

NM ................................................................................................................................nautical mile

OPSEC ................................................................................................................ operations security

OWS................................................................................................... operational weather squadron

PACAFI ............................................................................................. Pacific Air Forces instruction

PMC ............................................................................................................. partial mission-capable
POC.......................................................................................................................... point of contact

SCT ...............................................................................................scattered (cloud cover condition)

SITREP ..................................................................................................................... situation report
SLS.................................................................................................................senior leaders seminar
SWO.................................................................................................................. staff weather officer

USPACOMINST ......................................................... United States Pacific Command instruction

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations



Jan 14


FROM: X MEF METOC Officer (Exercise 14 JMO)

SUBJECT: Letter of Instruction (LOI) for Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC)
Operations Supporting Exercise 2014 (Ex14)

1. Overview: This instruction outlines METOC organization and procedures during Ex14. This
LOI is required reading for all U.S. METOC units supporting Ex14 and compliance with this LOI
is mandatory unless otherwise directed by the Joint METOC Officer (JMO). Component and
subordinate level METOC forces will supplement this document through coordination with the
JMO as needed.

2. General Instructions:

2.1. All METOC units will send contact information to include unit name, telephone number and
e-mail address to the JMO. Failure to do so in a timely manner will limit the ability to pass on
critical information pertaining to humanitarian and civic assistance (HCA), the command post
exercise and field training exercise (FTX). The JMO e-mail address is

2.2. All METOC units should ensure they have access to and an account on Defense Collaboration
Services (DCS). This will be the main vehicle for conducting forecast coordination and mission

2.3. Due to limited resources, scheduled phone conferences will not be held. Any METOC unit(s)
desiring phone communication with the JMO should send a request via e-mail or DCS with the
appropriate phone number and a time (Z) of availability.

3. Ex14 Exercise Concept for METOC Operations: Ex14 will consist of a multinational
command post exercise, which includes a senior leaders seminar (SLS) to perform multi-national
force planning and a FTX using real-world data to conduct real-world missions.

3.1. Field training exercise weather support will be provided in the form of reachback to the 17th
Operational Weather Squadron (OWS) at Hickam Air Force Base (AFB), HI. They will provide
real-world METOC products for the exercise area with specific emphasis on FTX bed-down
locations. Products can be found at

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

3.1.1. A graphical Joint Operational Area Forecast (JOAF) will be produced by the 17th OWS
daily, initially posted to the Web site by 2200Z. Charts are in increments of 3 hours, updated
every 3 hours. Horizontal weather depiction (HWD) and clouds are fully automated starting at
the 00 Hour.

3.1.2. A text JOAF (amendable) will be produced by the 17th OWS daily with valid times for each
region being 00–12 hour, 12–24 hour, 24–36 hour, 36–48 hour, and 48–72 hour. The JOAF will be
posted on the 17th OWS NIPRNET Web site at 2200Z.

3.2. A DCS meeting room will be available for METOC discussion, inquiries, and requests for
amendment of the JOAF. The DCS meeting room is called Ex14 METOC and will be monitored
by the JMO and the 17th OWS (

3.3. Watches, warnings, and advisories (WWAs) will be produced for each exercise location as
needed. All weather advisories and warnings will be posted to the 17th OWS NIPRNET Web site.

3.3.1. The JMO will be notified via e-mail when weather advisories and warnings are issued for
the exercise AOI.

3.3.2. Additional product support will be coordinated directly with the JMO via phone, e-mail,
or DCS communication.

4. Operations Security (OPSEC): Good OPSEC procedures will be adhered to both on and
off-duty as the exercise area is subject to constant intelligence gathering efforts by outside
sources. METOC forces will know the critical indicators of their supported units. Maintain
vigilance when communicating via any medium and when handling information, classified
or unclassified. Ensure all documents are properly labeled.

5. Command Relations: The Marine Corps component command is the executive agent for
Exercise 2014. The JMO position was filled by X MEF, and will not establish a base of operations
in the exercise theater.

5.1. The JMO is responsible for overall execution of METOC support to joint forces operating in
the exercise theater.

5.2. The joint METOC coordination organization (JMCO) is the 17th OWS located at Hickam
AFB, Hawaii. The JMCO coordinates support requirements with the JMO and produces METOC
products supporting the battle rhythm established by the JMO supporting the combined task
force (CTF) decision cycle.

6. JMO Responsibilities:

6.1. Interacts directly with the CTF commander and the commander’s staff to relay situational
awareness of theater operations to joint METOC forces.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

6.2. Ensures horizontal consistency between the coalition METOC forces and joint
METOC forces.

6.3. Resolves all conflicts pertaining to issues related to the JOAF when JMCC, JMCO,
component METOC organizations and/or subordinate units are in disagreement with the forecast.

6.4. Determines the lead forecast unit in support of a joint operation/mission as necessary.

6.5. Tasks the JMCO to provide weather support to units operating within the theater. This
includes any special requests for support.

6.6. Interacts with the CTF staff (primarily C-2, C-3, and C-6), METOC units, component
METOC forces, the JMCO, and the METOC operations support community (MOSC) to monitor
METOC operations, coordinate resources, communications, and requirements for the theater.

7. Component Level METOC Unit Responsibilities: Component level METOC units are those
providing direct support to Army forces, naval forces, Marine Corps forces, joint special
operations task force, and Air Force forces. Component METOC units will:

7.1. Contact the JMO with POC information upon reaching operational capability and relay any
significant changes to their operations as necessary. Report subordinate METOC unit arrivals/
departures in/out of the theater to the JMO.

7.2. Staff/component METOC officers will provide support and briefing products to their staffs as
required and send copies to the JMO via Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN) internet Web
page or e-mail, depending on available resources.

7.3. Coordinate all METOC issues with their subordinate METOC units.

7.4. Coordinate between METOC units on weather forecast products used for missions in which
two or more separate warfighting units of the same component (wing, brigade, etc.) conduct
operations together. This includes mission planning and execution forecasts.

7.5. Assist in data collection and dissemination issues for subordinate METOC units without
communications capabilities.

7.6. Participate in, and provide input to, the daily real-world METOC discussions via DCS.

7.7. If any deviations to instructions are required during the exercise, the concerned METOC unit
should contact the JMO.

7.8. Submit after action report (AAR) to include after action items (AAIs) to prior
to departure from theater. The AAIs will be tracked for resolution and will be closed within 60
days after the end of the exercise or contingency. (See Attachment 3.)

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

8. Subordinate Level METOC Unit Responsibilities:

8.1. Request tactical location identifier (KQ ID) prior to STARTEX by e-mailing
(See Attachment 2 for KQ procedures.)

8.2. Take and transmit surface weather observations via service METOC systems using KQ ID or
standing WMO/ICAO identifiers as required.

8.3. Contact METOC component staff weather officer (SWO) upon establishing operational
capability and relay communications and contact information.

8.4. Provide JOAF input to the component METOC SWO. If tactical level units have the ability to
access DCS Chat, they should participate in METOC discussions.

8.5. Provide after action inputs to component level METOC SWO prior to departure from theater.
After action items will be tracked for resolution and will be closed within 60 days after the end of
the exercise or contingency. (See Attachment 3.)

9. METOC Operations Support Community: The MOSC is an overarching term to describe the
units/organizations available to the JMO.

9.1. The 17th OWS, Hickam AFB, HI., is designated the JMCO and will provide real-world and
exercise reach-back support to the JMO and US METOC teams. The JMCO will ensure
NIPRNET availability of METOC products and information.

9.2. Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) provides strategic level METOC products on NIPRNET.

9.3. 14th Weather Squadron Strategic Climatic Center provides climatological data on NIPRNET.

9.4. Host Nation Meteorological Department provides METOC data available on the
unclassified internet.

10. Situation Reports (SITREPs): All component-level METOC units will send consolidated
SITREPs to their component SMO each day no later than1830L. The component SMO will
forward any non-routine SITREP information to the JMO.

10.1. Component level METOC unit SITREPs should include subordinate METOC unit’s
SITREP inputs. Additionally, general impacts to operations should be included in all
SITREPs. The JMO will coordinate SITREP fix actions with the JMCO. (See Attachment 4
for SITREP procedures.)

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

11. Change Request: The information in this LOI is subject to change at any time in order to
facilitate mission accomplishment and to accommodate suggestions from all exercise participants.
Submit all comments to the JMO at

Marine Expeditionary Force
METOC Officer
Exercise 14 Joint METOC Officer

1. Technical References
2. KQ Identifiers
3. After Action Report and After Action Items
4. SITREP Format

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Attachment 1

Technical References

1. Exercise 2014 (Ex14) Exercise Directive

2. CJCSI 3810.01E, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operation, September 2009
3. Joint Publication 3-59, Joint Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Meteorological
and Oceanographic Operation, 7 December 2012
4. USPACOMINST 3140.4, Joint Manual for Meteorological and Oceanographic Support,
June 1994
5. MCWP 3-35.7, MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support, June 1998
6. AFJI 15-157/AR 115-10, Weather Support for the US Army. June 1996
7. Army FM 34-81, Weather Support for Army Tactical Operations. August 1989
8. Army FM 34-81-1, Battlefield Weather Effects, December 1992
9. Joint METOC Handbook, April 2011
10. AFMAN 15-111, Surface Weather Observations, March 2009
11. AFI 15-128, Air and Space Weather Operations–Roles and Responsibilities, February 2011
12. AFMAN 15-129V1, Air and Space Weather Operations–Characterization, December 2011
13. AFMAN 15-129V2, Air and Space Weather Operations–Exploitation, December 2011
14. PACAFI 15-101, Weather Support for PACAF, June 2009
15. AR 380-5, Department of the Army Information Security Program, September 2000
16. AFDD 3-59, Weather Operations, July 2011

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Attachment 2

Tactical Location Identifiers

1. Background. Classification of weather information is usually at the sensitive unclassified level,

unless specifically classified by an Original Classification Authority through guidance contained
in an OPLAN, contingency plan or similar document. METOC information when associated with
a KQ ID is unclassified and can be transmitted using unclassified communications means.
However, the means of acquiring the data or the location of the data when tied to a sensitive
operation may be classified. The correlation of a KQ ID to a classified location or operation, using
unclassified media (e.g., unclassified telephone conversation, e-mails, messages, etc.) constitutes
a breach of security, requiring swift action to mitigate any compromise to military operations.

2. Procedures. Any METOC team taking tactical observations as part of the exercise will contact
the appropriate component SWO for KQ ID assignment prior to STARTEX who will then contact
AFWA to have the KQ ID activated. To request or activate a KQ ID, submit the following
information using the example below:

Classification: UNCLAS (send classified location via NIPRNET/SIPRNET)

KQ ID Category: Exercise
Ops Unit Supported: 2 CAB
Location Name:
Latitude: 38°01' N
Longitude: 127 15' E
Elevation: 243 Feet
Observation: METOC team
Start Date:
Stop Date:
3. Changing or Rotating KQ Identifiers. If your METOC team needs to change an existing KQ ID
or requires assignment of additional KQ IDs during the exercise, contact your component SWO.
Any changes to KQ IDs will be coordinated with the JMO. Current KQ ID assignments and any
updates or changes will be posted.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Attachment 3

After Action Report and After Action Items

From: Joint Meteorology and Oceanography Officer, Joint Task Force

To: Senior Meteorology and Oceanography Officer, US Pacific Command
Via: Commanding General, Joint Task Force
EXERCISE 2014 (EX14)

Ref: (a) MCO 3504.1, Marine Corps Lessons Learned Program (MCLLP)

1. Background. Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) personnel from the Marine

Corps, Air Force, and Navy supported Exercise 2014, a humanitarian assistance/disaster relief
effort resulting from the effects of the super typhoon over the western Pacific. The 3d Marine
Expeditionary Force (III MEF) METOC officer was designated as the joint METOC officer
at the outset of the operation; subsequently the Air Force 17th Operational Weather Squadron
(17th OWS) at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam was designated as the joint meteorological and
oceanographic coordination organization (JMCO), providing METOC products and support
throughout the operation. The joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination cell (JMCC)
was established at the III MEF G-2 METOC section with support from the 3d Intelligence
Battalion, providing direct support to the joint METOC officer, the 3d Marine Expeditionary
Brigade (MEB) forward command element, as well as the joint task force headquarters.

2. Topic. Detailed support requirements at all levels of the Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF).

a. Discussion. When a contingency, such as a disaster relief operation, arises, time does not
always allow for the development of a comprehensive METOC support plan.

Each MAGTF element has scalable requirements for support operations pertaining specifically to
their units and mission. Relying on follow-on requests for forces or equipment is counterintuitive
and does not bring the appropriate capability to the operation in a timely manner.

b. Recommendations. Each METOC section supporting a particular element of the MAGTF

should have a “playbook,” a detailed accounting of support requirements that are scaled to the
anticipated mission. These plans should be scalable and modular in nature according to the level
of support requirements needed for the operation being conducted. A starting point is the “light”,
“medium” and “heavy” capabilities that are identified in the 3d MEB tactical standing operating
procedure as well as the similar aviation combat element support construct. Interaction with the
planning phases should enable the activation and integration of the appropriate level METOC
capability required.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

3. Point of Contact. POC for topics found in this after action report is Captain W. X. Weather, III
MEF METOC Officer, at DSN 315-xxx-xxxx or email at

METOC Office

Copy to:
CG, III Marine Expeditionary Force (AC/S G-2)
CG, 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade (AC/S G-2)
CG, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (AC/S G-2)

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Attachment 4


1. Status.

1.1 Personnel. List all personnel that are participating from your team.

Rank Name Home unit NIPRNET/SIPRNET e-mail Phone Shift

1.2 Facilities. Describe living and working conditions.

1.3 Equipment. List what equipment was taken and its condition. Is it operational? Use FMC
(full mission-capable), PMC (partial mission-capable), or INOP (inoperable) under status. If it
is not FMC, explain why.

Equipment Quantity Status

1.4 Communications. Do you have phone, fax and internet/intranet (NIPRNET, SIPRNET) lines?
How are you communicating with your customer and others in the unit? List phone numbers, fax
numbers, and e-mail addresses (NIPRNET, SIPRNET). If it is not FMC, explain why.

Comm Status

1.5 Operations. Do you have any changes to your operation or mission? What is the type of
mission change? What are the anticipated weather impacts?

Note: This section should change little from day to day. Highlight changes
from the previous SITREP in yellow and precede new lines with date.

2. Issues. State any problems with personnel, facilities, equipment, communications, operations,
or other significant issues that need resolution. List each issue separately in the format provided

2.1 Issue. List any problem that needs resolution.

2.2 Discussion. State in detail how the issue will impact operations.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

2.3 Solution. State (in plain language) what the owner of the issue has done to troubleshoot. Does
this issue need to go up the chain or can it be resolved in the field.

Note: In this section list the issues in order of importance from most
important to least important. Highlight unresolved issues that are potential
show stoppers in red.

Highlight all other unresolved issues in yellow.

Identify resolved issues by highlighting in green.

3. Remarks. State in plain language any items of interest. Name the SITREP file with a date and
component (e.g., 26MarNCCSitrep).

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


The following list of acronyms and abbreviations appear in and are applicable to this appendix
only. Acronyms or abbreviations not found in this list are located in Section I of the glossary. All
nomenclature is located in Section III of the glossary.

Note: There are multiple entries consisting of subject matter specific terms
and short forms for timely order writing and briefings. These short forms
are applicable to this appendix only.

BKN ................................................................................................. broken (cloud cover condition)

BLDU............................................................................................................................blowing dust

DU............................................................................................................................................... dust

ISOLD................................................................................................................................... isolated

NM ................................................................................................................................nautical mile

SCT ...............................................................................................scattered (cloud cover condition)

SHRA............................................................................................................................ rain showers
SHSN .......................................................................................................................... snow showers
SNRA.................................................................................................precipitation of snow and rain

TSRA .................................................................................................................... thunderstorm rain

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

FXXX000 KYUM 211015





1. FCST FM 21/1200Z NOV 03 TO 27/0000Z NOV 03










MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations











120 HOUR



MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations



AT: HTTP://XXX.00.XX.111










PHONE: DSN 269-2534 OR 2571 COMM 928-269-2534 OR 2571







MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


The following color code is suggested for consistency:

Green (favorable)–Minimal or no impact of METOC conditions to the operation.

Yellow (marginal)–METOC conditions degrade or limit the operation.

Red (unfavorable)–METOC conditions significantly affect or prohibit the operation.

TF Talon METOC Impacts Matrix

VT: 10/1900-05/0000T Oct 13
Time: 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000

AAW antiair warfare
AR air reconnaissance
AS assault support
EW electronic warfare
GND ground state
OAS offensive air support

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

METOC Impacts Matrix

Operation / Date 23 Apr 25 Apr 27 Apr
Control of Aircraft & Missiles A A

Assault Support C,B,I C,B,I

Offensive Air Support C,P,I C,P,I

Anti-Air Warfare C,P,I C,P,I

Air Reconnaissance C,P C,P

Electronic Warfare A A

A Anomalous Propagation P Precipitation (Liquid)

No Impact
B Turbulence T Temperature

C Clouds/Ceiling V Visibility
Marginal Impact
D Dust W Wind

F Fog X Thunderstorms
Significant Impact
I Icing Z Precipitation (Frozen)

METOC Impacts Matrix

No Impacts Moderate Impacts Severe Impacts
0800 1200 1600 2000 0000 0400 0800 48 HR 72 HR

Fixed Wing

Rotary Wing




Weapons Handling

Mechanized Ops

Illumination N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Artillery Ops

Comms N/A N/A

Personnel - Moderate (Heat Index of 96ÛF)

Rotary Wing - Moderate due to decreased lift capability and occasional visibility restrictions
Illumination - Moderate due to periods of no lunar illumination
Artillery - Moderate due to gusty winds
HF Comm - Moderate due to a short lived solar disturbance (Unfavorable north of 80 degrees latitude)

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

METOC Impacts Matrix

Category 14 September 15 September 16 September 17 September Remarks
Air (CAS) G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G W-V-D
Air (Lift) G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G W-V-D
Air (Drop) G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G W-V-D
Personnel G Y Y G G Y Y G G Y Y G G Y Y G T
Facilities G G Y G G G Y G G G Y G G G Y G T
Intel Cell G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G W-V-D
Eng Ops G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G W
Night Ops R N/A N/A R R N/A N/A R R N/A N/A R R N/A N/A R IL
00 06 12 18 00 06 12 18 00 06 12 18 00 06 12 18 00

No Impact
C Ceiling IL Illumination
V Visibility D Dust
Marginal Impact
W Wind F Fog
P Precipitation T Temperature
Significant Impact
Z Thunderstorms H Haze

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


The following list of acronyms and abbreviations appear in and are applicable to this appendix
only. Acronyms or abbreviations not found in this list are located in Section I of the glossary. All
nomenclature is located in Section III of the glossary.

Note: There are multiple entries consisting of subject matter specific terms
and short forms for timely order writing and briefings. These short forms
are applicable to this appendix only.



IFR ................................................................................................................. instrument flight rules

NM ................................................................................................................................nautical mile

SM................................................................................................................................. statute miles

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Climatology Brief:
Location (Period Covered)

Rank Name

This Brief is Classified:


MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


To provide the audience with a general

understanding of the historical weather and
associated impacts experienced in Yuma,
Arizona, during September and October


• Identify the local geography and associated

topographic influences
• Identify the seasonal weather patterns during
this time of year
• Identify the WTI operational meteorological
sensitivities and limitations
• Understand the expected impact on

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


• 14th Weather Squadron, Operational Climatic

Data Summary for Yuma International

• 14th Weather Squadron, Operational Climatic

Data Summary -II for MCAS Yuma

• 14th Weather Squadron, Yuma Proving Grounds:

A full year study, dated 17 Mar 2004
• MCAS Yuma Forecaster’s Handbook

• Data Considerations
• Geographic Orientation
• Topographic Influences
• Seasonal Periods
• Climatic Discussion
• Meteorological Elements
• Potamological Considerations
• Impact Assessment
• Summary

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Data Considerations
• Strengths
– Extreme Period of Record 1977/01/27- 2011/10/31
– Mean Period of Record 1999/01/01- 2008/12/31
• Weaknesses
– Location where data was recorded/observed

Geographic Orientation

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Geographic Orientation

Nellis AFB

NAS North Island

Gulf of California
Ft Huachuca
Gulf of

Geographic Orientation

Colorado River

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Geographic Orientation


Topographic Influences

• 4 Major Regions
– Yuma Valley
– Mountain Ranges
– Sand Dunes Danger!
– Gulf of California Flood Prone Area
• Valley area
reclaimed for
• Flood prone

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Topographic Influences
Following a “dry” cold front there still may be fog due to the agricultural (irrigation) influences


Topographic Influences
Strong northerly or northwesterly winds are channeled by the mountain ranges and Colorado River Valley
Colorado River

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Topographic Influences

Significant dust events with sustained westerly winds in excess of 22 knots for 2-4 hours

Colorado River

Seasonal Periods

• Winter (November - February)

• Spring (March - May)
• Summer Monsoon (June - September)
• Fall Transition (October)

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Seasonal Periods

• Fall Transition (October)

– Summer heat lasts through the month
– North Pacific and Bermuda highs weaken and retreat
– Monsoonal thunderstorms disappear to the east
– Aleutian low begins to deepen and expand
– Winter cold fronts begin to push through north of Yuma
– Cut-off lows and wave trains start to develop
– Rainfall increases on the west coast
– Low pressure gradually shifts farther and farther south

Climatic Discussion

• El Niño Southern Oscillation Conditions

– Neutral conditions across the equatorial central
• Sea surface temperatures were close to
0°C deviation from the mean
– Continuation of neutral conditions expected to
continue into winter 2013 - 2014

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Monthly Outlook

Monthly Outlook

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Meteorological Elements

• Wind
• Visibility and Clouds/Ceiling
• Temperature
• Pressure


• Late September to early October a shift

– Southerly to northerly
• After the shift
– Calm winds as often as northerly winds
• Strongest winds associated with:
– High-based thunderstorms
– Cold frontal passage late in October

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Wind Rose Examples

Wind Rose (September)

Note: Calm winds 11.97% of the time

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Wind Rose (October)

Note: Calm winds 19.29% of the time

Ceiling and Visibility (%)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
< 100 FT / 1/4 SM < 200 FT / 1/2 SM < 300 FT / 1 SM
< 500 FT / 1 1/2 SM < 800 FT / 2 SM < 1000 FT / 2 SM
< 1500 FT / 3 SM < 3000 FT / 3 SM

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Ceiling and Visibility (%)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
< 100 FT / 1/4 SM < 200 FT / 1/2 SM < 300 FT / 1 SM
< 500 FT / 1 1/2 SM < 800 FT / 2 SM < 1000 FT / 2 SM
< 1500 FT / 3 SM < 3000 FT / 3 SM

Yearly Temperature Profile

122 124 120 123

120 112
Degrees Fahrenheit ( F)

107 106
104 102

100 98
97 96
88 86 86
80 78
80 73
70 83 83 69
76 78

60 68 67
63 63
55 54 56
49 50
40 46 47

34 35
28 32 30
24 25

Mean Maximum Extreme Maximum Extreme Minimum Mean Minimum

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Daily Temperatures
115 115 115 115 116
113 112 112 114 114 114 114 112 113 113
111 111 112 111
1099 109 109 110 109 110 110
110 107 106 106 106 108 108 108
Degrees Fahrenheit (F)

104 104 105 105 104

103 103 103 103 102 103 102
102 102
100 100 99 99 99 100 101 101 101 100 100 99



80 83 82 82
81 80
80 79 80 80
78 78 78 78
77 77 77 76 76 76
75 74 74 74 74 75 75 74 74
70 73 73 73
71 70 71 70 70
68 69
67 66 65 66 65 66 65
60 62 63 63 64 63 62 62 62
61 61 60 61

Mean Maximum Extreme Maximum Extreme Minimum Mean Minimum

Daily Temperatures
109 109 109 109 108
110 107 107 106 107 106 107 107 107 107 105 105 105 106
102 103 103 103
Degrees Fahrenheit (F)

101 101
99 99 99 99
97 97 97 97 96 96 96 96 97 97

95 95 94
92 93 93 92 92 91
90 91 90 90
88 88 89 89 88 87
90 87 86 85


70 70 70 71 71 70 69
68 68 68 67 67
66 67 65
60 64 64 65 64 64 65 64 63 63 63
61 62 61 61 62 62 62 61
60 60
58 57 57 58 59
55 55 57
50 54 54 53 54 54
52 51 50
50 50 51 50 50 50
48 48 48 47

Mean Maximum Extreme Maximum Extreme Minimum Mean Minimum

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Mean Diurnal Temperatures

September - October
Month 0000L 0100L 0200L 0300L 0400L 0500L 0600L 0700L 0800L 0900L 1000L 1100L 1200L 1300L 1400L 1500L 1600L 1700L 1800L 1900L 2000L 2100L 2200L 2300L

SEP 1 to 5 88 87 86 85 84 83 83 83 86 90 93 96 98 100 102 103 103 103 102 99 95 93 91 89

SEP 6 to 10 87 85 84 83 82 81 81 81 84 87 91 94 97 99 101 102 102 102 100 97 94 91 89 88

SEP 11 to 15 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 78 82 86 90 93 96 98 99 100 101 101 99 96 93 90 87 86

SEP 16 to 20 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 77 80 84 88 91 94 95 97 98 98 99 97 94 91 88 86 84

SEP 21 to 25 81 80 79 78 77 76 76 75 78 83 87 90 93 95 96 97 98 97 95 92 89 86 84 83

26 to
82 80 79 78 77 76 76 75 78 82 87 90 93 95 97 98 98 98 97 93 90 87 85 83

OCT 1 to 5 79 77 77 76 75 74 73 73 75 80 84 87 90 92 94 95 95 95 93 89 87 84 82 80

OCT 6 to 10 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 70 73 77 82 85 88 91 92 93 94 93 91 87 84 82 80 78

OCT 11 to 15 74 72 72 71 70 69 68 68 70 75 79 83 86 88 89 90 91 90 88 84 81 79 77 75

OCT 16 to 20 72 71 70 68 67 67 66 66 68 73 77 81 84 86 87 88 88 88 86 82 79 77 75 73

OCT 21 to 25 70 69 68 67 67 66 65 65 67 71 76 79 82 84 85 86 87 86 84 80 77 75 73 72

26 to
68 67 66 65 64 64 63 62 64 68 73 76 79 81 83 83 83 83 81 77 75 73 71 69

Mean Relative Humidity (%)

0600L 1600L






MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Potamological Considerations

• Colorado River Basin

– “America’s Nile”

– Extends from
Colorado to the Gulf
of California
– North - South
orientation (south of
Hoover Dam)

Impact Assessment

• Little METOC impact on planned operations

• Acclimation
– Feels much cooler
– Dehydration is common
• Localized flash floods are common during
rainshowers /thunderstorms but are rare
– Don't sleep in dry wash areas (wadis)
– Don't store equipment in dry wash areas

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Assessment and
• Occasional light to moderate low level turbulence
– Especially vicinity higher terrain/passes
• Periods of high winds/reduced visibility from
blowing dust/sand
– Hazardous driving conditions = caution
– Objects may become airborne projectiles and may
pose danger to personnel/equipment
• Turbulence and IFR hazard to aircraft

• Data Considerations
• Geographic Orientation
• Topographic Influences
• Seasonal Periods
• Climatic Discussion
• Meteorological Elements
• Potamological Considerations
• Impact Assessment
• Summary

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations



[Rank Name]

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Satellite Imagery
VT: 05/0700T Oct 13

Mina Al Yuma

FINEX Confirmation Brief

Day/Night Transition
East Pass Airfield
VT: 05/1200–06/0015T Oct 13

Sunset: 1817

Pink Time (Twilight): 53 min

End of Evening Nautical Twilight Starlight Only

(EENT): 1910

Moonset: 1914 Lunar Illumination: 2%

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Solar Elevation/Azimuth Angles

East Pass Airfield

VT: 05/0800–1900T Oct 13

FINEX Confirmation Brief

Lunar Elevation/Azimuth Angles

East Pass Airfield

VT: 05/1600–1844T Oct 13

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Departure Forecast
Mina Al Yuma (Elev. 213 ft)
VT: 05/1900T Oct 13
Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN250
Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW
Surface Wind (omag): 35010KT
OAT: 80°F / 27°C
Min ALTSTG: 29.96INS
Max PA: +169
Max DA: +1651
FINEX Confirmation Brief

Pick-up Zone Forecast

AUX II (Elev. 269 ft)
VT: 05/1900T Oct 13
Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN 250

Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW

Surface Wind ( o mag ): 35010KT

OAT: 80 °F / 27 °C

Min ALTSTG: 29.96INS

Max PA: +169

Max DA: +1651

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Flight Level Winds/Temperature

VT: 05/1900–06/0000T Oct 13
Flight Level Winds Temperature
250 05005KT -16oC
200 05025KT -09oC
150 30516KT +06oC
126 30516KT 00oC
100 32010KT +13oC
050 30508KT +15oC
040 33006KT +21oC
030 32008KT +26oC
020 30508KT +32oC
010 32009KT +10oC
FINEX Confirmation Brief

Flight Level Winds/Temperature

VT: 05/1900–06/0000T Oct 13
Flight Level Winds Temperature
060 32009KT +10oC
050 35010KT +13oC
040 30508KT +15oC
030 34006KT +21oC
020 32008KT +26oC
010 30508KT +32oC
005 30508KT +32oC

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Flight Level Winds/Temperature

VT: 05/1900 – 06/0000T Oct 13
Flight Level Winds Temperature
120 30516KT +00C
100 05009KT +06C
090 32009KT +10C
080 35010KT +13C
070 30508KT +15C
060 34006KT +21C
050 32008KT +26C
040 30508KT +32C
030 30516KT +00C
020 05009KT +06C
010 05009KT +06C

FINEX Confirmation Brief

En route Forecast
VT: 05/1900-06/0000T Oct 13
Possible (ft): 38,000

Probable (ft): 35,000

Flight Hazards

Icing (ft): None [Intensity Type Alt-Alt]


Turbulence (ft): None [Intensity Type Alt-Alt]

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

ADGR/FARP Site Forecast

Stoval Airfield (Elev. 384 ft)
VT: 05/1900 – 2050T Oct 13

Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN 250

Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW
Surface Wind (°mag ): 35010KT
OAT: 80 °F / 27 °C
Min ALTSTG: 29.96INS
Max PA: +169
Max DA: +1651

FINEX Confirmation Brief

FWAAR Forecast
Texaco Track
VT: 05/2000-2200T Oct 13
Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN250
Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW
13K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/04oC
12K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/06oC
11K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/08oC
Icing: None
Turbulence: None

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

HAAR Forecast
Texaco Track
VT: 05/2000-2200T Oct 13
Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN250
Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW
13K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/04oC
12K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/06oC
11K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/08oC
Icing: None
Turbulence: None

FINEX Confirmation Brief

TAAR Forecast
Texaco Track
VT: 05/2000-2200T Oct 13
Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN250
Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW
13K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/04oC
12K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/06oC
11K Winds/Temperature: 35010KT/08oC
Icing: None
Turbulence: None

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Objective Area Forecast

East Pass Airfield (Elev. 900 ft)
VT: 05/2000–2200 Oct 13
Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN250
Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW
Surface Wind (omag): 35010KT
OAT: 80°F / 27°C
Min ALTSTG: 29.96INS
Max PA: +169
Max DA: +1651
Absolute Humidity: #.##g/m3
Max PDOP: If applicable (or delete)
FINEX Confirmation Brief

Divert Airfield Forecast

Laguna AAF (Elev. 422 ft)
VT: 05/1900–05/0000T Oct 13
Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN250
Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW
Surface Wind (omag): 35010KT
OAT: 80°F / 27°C
Min ALTSTG: 29.96INS
Max PA: +169
Max DA: +1651
FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Recovery Forecast
Mina Al Yuma (Elev. 213 ft)
VT: 05/1900 Oct 13

Sky Condition: FEW150 BKN250

Visibility & Weather: 7SM / NSW
Surface Wind (omag): 35010KT
OAT: 80°F / 27°C
Min ALTSTG: 29.96INS
Max PA: +169
Max DA: +1651

FINEX Confirmation Brief

Tactical Atmospheric Summary

VT: 04 Oct 13


Surface Ducts: None

Elevated Ducts: None

Communications Operations

Surface to Surface: Normal ranges for all frequencies

Surface to Air: Normal ranges at all altitudes

Air to Air: Normal ranges at all altitudes

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

TF Talon METOC Impacts

VT: 05/1900 – 05/0000 Oct 13
Time: 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000








FINEX Confirmation Brief

Planning Forecast
Blue Mountain Airfield
VT: 15 -17 Apr 13
15 Apr 2013 16 Apr 2013 17 Apr 2013
Date & Time
Day Night Day Night Day Night

Conditions Partly
Cloudy Mostly Clear Mostly Clear Mostly Clear Mostly Clear Clear Skies

Sky Condition SCT250 FEW250 FEW250 FEW250 FEW250 SKC

Min/Max Temp (F) 86oF 61oF 80oF 60oF 81oF 65oF

Winds 10-15KT 10-15KT 10-15KT
10-15KT 10-15KT
Visibility/ Weather 5SM BLDU 3SM BLDU 5SM BLDU 7SM 7SM 7SM
Impacts to Operations
Time 00 06 12 18 00 06 12 18 00 06 12 18
Ground TW TW TW TW W W W W W

FINEX Confirmation Brief

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

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MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Section I. Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACE............................................................................................................ aviation combat element

AFWA .................................................................................................... Air Force Weather Agency
AOI.............................................................................................................................area of interest
AOR .................................................................................................................area of responsibility
APX...................................................................Aviation Expeditionary Enablers Branch (HQMC)
AREPS .................................................................. Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System
ARG ........................................................................................................... amphibious ready group
ASOS ................................................................................... Automated Surface Observing System
AWOS .................................................................................Automated Weather Observing System

BSC ..................................................................................................................... beach survey chart

°C ...........................................................................................................................................Celsius
C2 ................................................................................................................... command and control
CBIRF ..................................................................... Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force
CBRN...................................................................... chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
CCDR............................................................................................................combatant commander
CCIR ....................................................................... commander’s critical information requirement
CCMD .............................................................................................................. combatant command
CD&I.....................................................................................Combat Development and Integration
CE......................................................................................................................... command element
CG ....................................................................................................................commanding general
CIS ..................................................................................communications and information systems
COA .........................................................................................................................course of action
COMNAVMETOCCOM.............Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
CONUS ..................................................................................................... continental United States
COOW....................................................................................Commander, Naval Meteorology and
Oceanography Command Operational Oceanography Watch
CSS............................................................................................................... combat service support

DB ........................................................................................................................................ dry bulb

DC .....................................................................................................................deputy commandant
DIRINT ......................................................................................... Director of Intelligence (USMC)
DOD ............................................................................................................. Department of Defense
DOTMLPF .......................................................................doctrine, organization, training, materiel,
leadership and education, personnel, and facilities

EOP ......................................................................................................Earth orientation parameters

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

FARP ........................................................................................ forward arming and refueling point
FNMOC .................................................. Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center

G-2 ..............................................................................................................intelligence staff section

G-3 ................................................................................................................operations staff section
G-6 ..........................................................................................communications system staff section
GCE ............................................................................................................. ground combat element
GFMPL ........................................................................ Geophysics Fleet Mission Program Library
GPS .........................................................................................................Global Positioning System

HHQ................................................................................................................... higher headquarters

HQMC ...........................................................................Headquarters, United States Marine Corps
Hz...............................................................................................................................................hertz maritime satellite

IPB ..................................................................................intelligence preparation of the battlespace
IPOE.......................................................... intelligence preparation of the operational environment

J-6................................... command, control, communications, and computer systems staff section

JFC ................................................................................................................ joint force commander
JMCC ..................................................... joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination cell
JMCO....................................... joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination organization
JMO ........................................................................joint meteorological and oceanographic officer
JOA ................................................................................................................... joint operations area
JOAF................................................................................................... joint operations area forecast
JP............................................................................................................................. joint publication
JTF .............................................................................................................................joint task force

km ...................................................................................................................................... kilometer

LCE............................................................................................................ logistics combat element

LUX ....................................................................................................... luminous flux per unit area

MACG ....................................................................................................... Marine air control group

MACS ................................................................................................... Marine air control squadron
MAGTF ...............................................................................................Marine air-ground task force
MARCORSYSCOM....................................................................Marine Corps Systems Command
MARDIV ................................................................................................................. Marine division
MATCD ................................................................................. Marine air traffic control detachment
MAW ................................................................................................................Marine aircraft wing
MAWTS...................................................................Marine aviation weapons and tactics squadron
MCAS .........................................................................................................Marine Corps air station
MCDP ....................................................................................... Marine Corps doctrinal publication
MCIA .........................................................................................Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
MCICOM.............................................................................. Marine Corps Installations Command
MCIPAC ..................................................................................... Marine Corps Installations Pacific

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

MCLLP ............................................................................ Marine Corps Lessons Learned Program

MCO...................................................................................................................Marine Corps order
MCWP ..................................................................................Marine Corps warfighting publication
MEB ...................................................................................................Marine expeditionary brigade
MEF .......................................................................................................Marine expeditionary force
METEM ............................................................................. meteorological equipment maintenance
METMF(R) NEXGEN................ Meteorological Mobile Facility (Replacement) Next Generation
METOC...................................................................................... meteorological and oceanographic
METWATCH..................................................................................................meteorological watch
MEU.........................................................................................................Marine expeditionary unit
MLG.............................................................................................................. Marine logistics group
MOAF .................................................................. meteorological oceanographic analyst forecaster
MOS ................................................................................................. military occupational specialty
MOSC ...................................... meteorological and oceanographic operations support community
MST ..................................................................... meteorological and oceanographic support team

NAVMC....................................................................Navy/Marine Corps departmental publication

NAVMETOCCOM ........................................... Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
NAVO ................................................................................................. Naval Oceanographic Office
NEP-Oc ................................................................................ Navy Enterprise Portal-Oceanography
NIPRNET.................................................................. Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network
NITES IV ......................................Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental System, Variant Four
NOAA ..............................................................National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NVD .................................................................................................................... night vision device
NWP................................................................................................... numerical weather prediction

OAML ..................................................................Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library

OCCFLD ...............................................................................................................occupational field
OPLAN ...................................................................................................................... operation plan
OPNAV N2/N6E................................................................................... Oceanographer of the Navy
OPORD .....................................................................................................................operation order

PBL ........................................................................................................... planetary boundary layer

PIREP.............................................................................................................................. pilot report
PMSV.............................................................................................................. pilot to metro service

RFI ............................................................................................................... request for information

RH .......................................................................................................................... relative humidity
RMC.................................................................. regional meteorological and oceanographic center

S-2 ........................................................................................................................ intelligence office

S-3 .......................................................................................................................... operations office
S-5 ...................................................................................................................................plans office
S-6 ........................................................................................................ communications staff office
SGOT ............................................................................................. strike group oceanography team
SIPRNET .....................................................................SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network
SMO .....................................................................senior meteorological and oceanographic officer

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

SOP ..................................................................................................... standing operating procedure

SPMAGTF .................................................................special purpose Marine air-ground task force

TACC..................................................................................... tactical air command center (USMC)

TAS....................................................................................................tactical atmospheric summary
TDA ................................................................................................................... tactical decision aid
TECOM ..................................................................................... Training and Education Command
TTP ............................................................................................ tactics, techniques, and procedures
US ................................................................................................................................ United States
USNO............................................................................................ United States Naval Observatory

VAC ........................................................................................................... volts, alternating current

WBGT....................................................................................................wet bulb globe temperature

WBGTI ........................................................................................ wet bulb globe temperature index
WMO ....................................................................................... World Meteorological Organization
WTI................................................................................................... weapons and tactics instructor
WTTP................................................................................. Weapons and Tactics Training Program
WWA ................................................................................................. watch, warning, and advisory

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Section II. Definitions

atmospheric environment—The envelope of air surrounding the Earth, including its interfaces
and interactions with Earth’s solid or liquid surface. (DOD Dictionary)

joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination cell—A subset of a joint meteorological

and oceanographic coordination organization, which is delegated the responsibility of executing
the coordination of meteorological and oceanographic support operations in the operational area.
Also called JMCC. (DOD Dictionary)

joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination organization—A Service

meteorological and oceanographic organization that is designated within the operations order as
the lead organization responsible for coordinating meteorological and oceanographic operations
support in the operational area. Also called JMCO. (DOD Dictionary)

littoral—(See JP 1-02 for core definition. Marine Corps amplification follows.) A zone of
military operations along a coastline, consisting of the seaward approaches from the open ocean
to the shore, which must be controlled to support operations ashore, as well as landward
approaches to the shore that can be supported or defended directly from the sea. (MCRP 5-12C)

littoral current—A current running parallel to the beach and generally caused by waves striking
the shore at an angle. (

meteorological and oceanographic operations support community—The collective of

electronically connected, shore-based meteorological and oceanographic production facilities/
centers, theater and/or regional meteorological and oceanographic production activities. Also
called MOSC. (DOD Dictionary)

space environment—The environment corresponding to the space domain, where

electromagnetic radiation, charged particles, and electric and magnetic fields are the dominant
physical influences, and that encompasses the earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere,
interplanetary space, and the solar atmosphere. (DOD Dictionary)

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Section III. Nomenclature

AAQ-27 ...........................................................................mid-wavelength infrared imaging system

AAQ-29 ..........................................................................................forward-looking infrared sensor
AN/ALQ-99 ................................................................................................tactical jamming system
AN/TPS-59 ....................................................................... long-range air surveillance radar system
AN/TPS-63 .................................................................... transportable air surveillance radar system
C-130 ......................................................................................................... cargo aircraft (Hercules)
CH-46.................................................................... medium assault support helicopter (Sea Knight)
Dragon ................................................................................................. wire-guided antitank missile
HMMWV.................................................................... high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
LCM......................................................................................................... landing craft, mechanized
LCU ...................................................................................................................landing craft, utility
LCVP .............................................................................................. landing craft, personnel vehicle
M1152A1 ..................................... expanded capacity high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
MV-22...................................................medium lift, vertical takeoff and tiltrotor aircraft (Osprey)
TOW, optically tracked, wire-command link guided missile

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Publications

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSIs)

3150.25_ Joint Lessons Learned Program
3810.01_ Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Joint Issuances

Joint Publications (JP)

2-03 Geospatial Intelligence Support to Joint Operations
3-59 Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
Joint Meteorological & Oceanographic (METOC) Handbook

Marine Corps Publications

Marine Corps Doctrinal Publications (MCDPs)

1 Warfighting

Marine Corps Warfighting Publications (MCWPs)

2-1 Intelligence Operations
5-1 Marine Corps Planning Process
5-11.1 MAGTF Aviation Planning

Marine Corps Reference Publications (MCRPs)

2-3A Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield/Battlespace
2-10.2 Operational Level Integration of METOC Capabilities
1-10.2 Marine Corps Supplement to the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military
and Associated Terms

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

Marine Corps Orders (MCOs)

3500.109 Marine Corps Aviation Weapons and Tactics Training Program
3500.14_ Aviation Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual
3504.1 Marine Corps Lessons Learned Program (MCLLP) and the Marine Corps Center
for Lessons Learned (MCCLL)
5311.6 Advocate and Proponent Assignments and Responsibilities

Navy/Marine Corps Departmental Publication (NAVMC)

3500.38_ Meteorological and Oceanographic Training and Readiness Manual

Technical Manual 334-192046, Embarkation Plan for the Meteorological Mobile Facility
(Replacement) (METMF[R]) Next Generation (NEXGEN) AN/TMQ-56.

Naval Publications

Commander Naval METOC Command Instructions (NAVMETOCCOMINSTs)

3140.1_ U.S. Navy Meteorological and Oceanographic Support Manual
3140.17_ Policies Concerning the Provision of Meteorology and Oceanography Products
and Services
3141.2_ Surface Weather Observation Procedures
3142.1_ Procedures Governing Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPS)
3143.1_ Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) and the FM51-XII TAF Code

Space and Naval Warfare System Command

EE100-FF-OMI-010 Rev 7, Organizational Level Maintenance Instructions for
the AN/UMK-4(V)4 Tactical Environmental Support System/Naval Integrated
Tactical Environmental System (TESS/NITES) MOBILE VARIANT- NITES IV.
Technical Manual EM000-CD-OMP-010, Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts List
AN/TMQ-56 Meteorological Measuring Set (METMF[R] NEXGEN).

Naval Research Laboratory, NRL/MR/7320-10-9214. Littoral Environment Sensing
Architecture (LESA) Report-The Current State of Sensing Capability for Naval Special
Warfare METOC Support.

Air Force Weather Technical Library and Technical Notes (AFWTL/TC and AFWA TN)

06/001 Catalog of Air Force Weather Technical Documents 1941-2006

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations


Pub. No. 9, The American Practical Navigator, Vol. 1. 2002 ed. National Geospatial-Intelligence
WCDMP-No. 60/WMO-TD No. 1376, Guidelines on Climate Data Management, World
Meteorological Organization, Geneva, March 2007.

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

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