XDisp20.2 Manual 1
XDisp20.2 Manual 1
XDisp20.2 Manual 1
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Oasys XDisp
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Table of Contents
1 General
Program Description 8
2 Program
Features 8
Tunnels ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Embedded Wall .........................................................................................................................................................
Excavations 9
Mines ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Building Damage
Assessment 9
Utility Damage
Assessment 10
Rail Damage.........................................................................................................................................................
Assessment 10
Staged Construction
......................................................................................................................................................... 10
3 Components
of the User Interface 11
4 Sample
Files 11
5 File
Types 12
6 Online
Resources 12
7 Program
Variants 12
1 Tunnel
Method 15
General Assumptions
......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Volume Loss......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Three Dimensional
Form of Movement Equations 18
Tunnel Settlement
Trough Width 22
2 Embedded
Wall Ex cavation Method 26
Horizontal Components
of Ground Movements around Corners 30
Corner Stiffening
......................................................................................................................................................... 32
w ith Stepped Bases 33
Conjoined Excavations/Corner
Arcs 36
Re-entrant Corners
......................................................................................................................................................... 40
3 Mining
Analysis Method 44
Vertical Displacement
......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Horizontal Displacement
......................................................................................................................................................... 48
4 Building
Damage Method 49
Specific Building
Damage Assessment 49
Generic Building
Damage Assessment 56
5 Utility
Damage Method 57
Specific Utility
Damage Assessment 58
Generic Utility
Damage Assessment 73
No Results .........................................................................................................................................................
or Extreme Results 74
Intervals, Pipe Lengths and the Cubic Spline 76
6 Rail
Damage Assessment 76
7 Staged
Construction 77
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1 Input
Ex plorer 79
2 Titles
................................................................................................................................... 81
3 Units
................................................................................................................................... 82
4 Problem
Type 84
5 Preferences
................................................................................................................................... 84
6 Polylines
................................................................................................................................... 86
7 Displacement
Data 87
Points 87
Lines 87
Polylines 88
Grids 89
8 Tunnels
................................................................................................................................... 90
9 Mines
................................................................................................................................... 92
10 Embedded
Wall Ex cavations 94
Polygonal Excavations
......................................................................................................................................................... 94
Circular Excavations
......................................................................................................................................................... 98
Ground Movement
Curves 99
11 Building
Damage Assessment 108
Damage Category
Strains 108
Specific Building
Damage Assessment 109
Generic Building
Damage Assessment 112
12 Utility
Damage Assessment 113
Utility Dimensions
......................................................................................................................................................... 113
Acceptance .........................................................................................................................................................
Criteria and Factors 114
Specific Utilities
......................................................................................................................................................... 116
Generic Utilities
......................................................................................................................................................... 117
13 Rail
Damage Assessment Data 118
Assessment .........................................................................................................................................................
Criteria 118
Rail Tracks......................................................................................................................................................... 118
14 Staged
Construction 119
Lists ......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Stages ......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Stage Properties
......................................................................................................................................................... 120
15 Graphical
Input of Data 120
Defining Grids
......................................................................................................................................................... 121
Input of Elements
......................................................................................................................................................... 123
Selection ......................................................................................................................................................... 137
Automation 141
Functions 141
Enums 146
Ex amples 148
Troubleshooting 149
1 Output
Ex plorer 152
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2 Tex
t Output 154
3 Plan
View 158
Selection 159
Set Exact .........................................................................................................................................................
Scale 160
Templates......................................................................................................................................................... 160
4 3D
Graphics View 160
3D Graphic.........................................................................................................................................................
Settings 162
5 Charts
................................................................................................................................... 168
1 Import
................................................................................................................................... 172
......................................................................................................................................................... 172
Pdisp (PDD)
......................................................................................................................................................... 175
Results (CSV) 175
2 Ex
port 178
CSV Results
File 178
Bulk Chart.........................................................................................................................................................
Export 190
1 Ribbon
................................................................................................................................... 193
3D Graphics
......................................................................................................................................................... 193
2 Keyboard
Accelerators 193
1 File
Backups 196
1 References
................................................................................................................................... 198
6 C opyright © O as ys 2022
Part I
Oasys XDisp
1 About XDisp
1.1 General Program Description
XDisp Excavation Induced Ground Displacements
XDisp calculates the ground movements induced by tunnelling, embedded wall excavations or
mining works, in terms of three dimensional displacements and horizontal strains. It can perform
subsequent building, utility and rail damage assessments using the calculated ground movements.
Multiple construction stages may be specified.
Tunnels are specified as cylindrical excavations in soil. Several methods of solution are available to
define the profile of the settlement curves. The equations used are based on the normal probability
(Gaussian) distribution theory. The user is required to define the estimated Volume Loss (VL) above
the tunnel due to deformation. XDisp will then use this to define the settlement profile at the surface
or at a specified depth.
Embedded wall excavations are described in plan as polygons with a level at each corner or as
circles with a single base level. Each wall of a polygonal excavation, and each circular excavation is
assigned horizontal and vertical ground movement curves that are used to calculate soil
displacements. Settlements and horizontal ground displacements may be calculated for the
construction of retaining walls and for excavation in front of the retaining walls to form restrained cuts
or basements.
Total displacements at specified locations are calculated by summing those that result from each
tunnel and embedded wall excavation.
Building Damage Assessment may be performed using the Burland (1995) assessment method.
Sub-buildings are specified by their locations and bending properties and associated with lines of
displacement points and a set of damage category tensile strains that define the thresholds of each
damage category.
Utility Damage Assessment may be performed by assessment of the extent of rotation and pullout
of joints, and of axial and flexural strain.
Rail Damage Assessment may be performed by assessment of the cant and twist of rail tracks.
Mines are specified as excavations of rectangular cross-section in rock. The method of ground
movement calculation is based on an influence function/zone area approach to subsidence and
horizontal displacement calculation as described by Ren et al (1987). Stochastic influence functions
are used.
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1.2.1 Tunnels
A tunnel is specified as an excavation of circular cross-section in soil. Several methods of solution
are available to create the profile of settlement above the tunnels. These include methods for the
Analysis methods to model settlements in both fine (cohesive) and coarse (granular) grained
Two-layer systems with level or inclined soil interfaces
Settlement profiles due to multiple tunnels
Deformation and strain data plots for lines of any orientation and level above tunnel axis level
Sub-surface displacement methods
Ground movement curves chosen from a library of pre-programmed curves, or specified by the
user explicitly
Soil displacements arising from either installation of, and excavation beside, retaining walls by
selecting appropriate ground movement curves
Multiple embedded wall excavations
Deformation data plots for lines of any orientation and level
1.2.3 Mines
A mine is specified as an excavation of rectangular cross-section in rock. The following features are
Overlying strata may form a two-layer system, but with a horizontal interface
One method of solution is available (the influence function/zone area approach as described by
Ren et al (1987)) with results only available at ground surface level
Deformation data may only be plotted for horizontal lines at ground level
Each 'sub-building wall or facade is given a location by association with a displacement line.
Horizontal displacements are calculated for the position of that displacement line.
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Vertical displacements are calculated for three vertical offsets of the displacement line.
Building damage calculations are performed for each of those vertical offsets, using the
horizontal displacements calculated at the level of the displacement line.
Each 'sub-building' is given a set of damage category strains to define the threshold of 5
damage categories based upon the geometry defined for the building.
Either user-defined damage category strains, or pre-defined values from Burland (1995), may
be chosen.
Damage categories are calculated for each hogging and sagging segment along the length of
each sub-building.
Adjacent hogging and sagging segments may be combined for damage category assessment
as one segment.
Charts of vertical and horizontal displacement may be viewed for each sub-building.
Damage category interaction charts may be viewed for each segment of each sub-building.
Twist (both short and long base)
Acceptance criteria may be specified against which the results calculated by the program are
Charts are available for the results versus distance along the rail track.
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The sample files are named to indicate the features of the program that they exercise. The data they
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contain should not be considered as recommended data. It may have been chosen to demonstrate a
feature and/or generate significant results.
The JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) text option allows user-readable data to be edited outside the
program, e.g. for automation purposes, but may lead to corruption of data if the text is not formatted
correctly. Being a text file its size on disk can be far larger than the equivalent binary file, particularly
if results are included. The JSON file follows a standard JSON style (see JSON.org) so lists a series
of objects containing name/value pairs. The names are textual descriptions of input data items in
XDisp. The values are their data values.
A sample file "JSON Sample.json" is issued with the program in the Sample Files folder. That file
contains examples of all input data and results. Its format may be inspected in a text editor. e.g.
Microsoft Notepad, and, together with the Data Input descriptions in this manual, avoids the need for
further description here. Alternatively, data may be input into the program's interface and a JSON file
saved from the program. That file can then be inspected in a text editor to determine the format that
the program has created and can therefore read.
When opened, an XDisp data file is checked against the features permitted by the user's licence. If
the file contains data that is not permitted by the licence then a warning is presented enabling the
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user to cancel the file-opening operation or to proceed and allow the prohibited data to be deleted
from the model. The user may wish then to save the file with a new name to avoid over-writing the
original data file containing the more extensive model data.
Users are invited to contact Oasys if they wish to upgrade their licence from XDisp to XDisp Pro and
so be able to model Staged Construction and perform Bulk Chart Export.
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Part II
Oasys XDisp
2 Analysis Methods
2.1 Tunnel Method
XDisp's tunnel analysis method calculates the settlement profile above an excavated tunnel, once
the user has entered the estimated ground loss.
For the purposes of displacement calculations within the program, and where describing analysis
methods and their profile widths and depths elsewhere in this manual, a local coordinate system is
used. This is shown in the diagram below.
The 'global' x, y and z coordinates, that are used in the program's interface to specify tunnel and
displacement grid locations, are converted into this local coordinate system in order to apply the
analysis methods. Displacement Lines', Grids' and Points' results are output in the global coordinate
system. Horizontal displacements that are shown graphically for sub-building displacement charts
are reported as those in the direction of the sub-building's alignment.
Greenfield calculations are typically based on the assumption that the “settlement trough” at the
ground surface (or at any level in the ground above the tunnel) normal or “transverse” to the line of the
tunnel can be approximated by an inverted normal probability (or “Gaussian”) curve as shown in the
first figure below. Vertical displacements in the longitudinal direction can similarly be approximated
by a cumulative probability curve (second figure below). These are empirically based assumptions
that have been developed in the past from consideration of monitoring case history data. The two
figures below are presented in a normalised form for a single tunnel.
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The geometry of the settlement trough is uniquely defined by selecting values for the volume loss
and the width of the trough relative to the depth of the tunnel – termed the “trough width parameter”.
In the figures above the tunnel face is located at y/ i = x/ i = 0, with i representing the point of
inflexion on the transverse profile, equivalent to one standard deviation in a normal probability
The complete 3D form of a tunnelling induced settlement trough appears as illustrated in the figure
below after Yeates (1985). The equations that define the form and extent of the settlement trough
will be discussed in the sections Volume Loss and Tunnel Settlement Trough Width.
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As identified in this figure the settlement profile in the direction of the tunnel advance is often
described by analogy to a “bow wave” of an advancing ship. In the direction of the tunnel axis this is
termed the longitudinal settlement trough, which can be obtained from a cumulative normal
probability distribution.
In many practical situations it may be necessary to estimate ground movements on a plane that is
not normal to or parallel to the tunnel axis. Depending on the analysis method chosen, the
equations proposed by Attewell and Woodman (1982) (surface and sub-surface), or Harris and
Alvarado (sub-surface only) are used in XDisp for this situation in terms of a G-function obtained
from the numerical integration of the normal probability function. See Three Dimensional Form of
Movement Equations for details of these equations. The Attewell and Woodman equations are used
in combination with a range of published k derivation methods. Harris and Alvarado defines its own k
derivation method.
The fundamental parameter that underlies all empirical methods of estimating tunnelling settlement
is the volume loss. Volume loss can be defined as the ratio of the additional volume of excavated
ground removed (Vs ) over the theoretical volume of the tunnel (Vo) when short-term equilibrium has
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been attained. It is usually defined in a two dimensional sense as a percentage of the excavated
face area. That is, the volume loss is equivalent to a proportion of the cross sectional area:
VL% = (Vs /Vo )*100%
N.B. XDisp takes the volume loss to be volume loss per unit horizontal length. However, the user
generally inputs volume loss per unit length of tunnel which means that for inclined tunnels total
volume loss, and hence settlements, are underestimated. Without modifying the XDisp code it is
possible to divide the volume loss per unit length of tunnel by the cosine of angle of inclination of the
tunnel to get the volume loss per unit horizontal length and input this into the program. The XDisp
calculation will then be correct.
Note that the O'Reilly and New (1982) and Mair et al (1993)/Taylor (1995) Analysis Methods have
their own definitions for the horizontal displacements transverse to the tunnel. See Analysis
The following equations giving displacements and strains at any point are derived from Attewell and
Woodman (1982). These are used for all ground movement calculations, in combination with a
specified k derivation method, unless the Harris and Alvarado method for sub-surface movements
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(see below) is chosen. These equations are applicable to surface and sub-surface movements.
x,y,z = cartesian coordinates of any point in the ground deformation field (z positive
u,v,w = ground displacements in the x,y,z directions respectively. u and v are always towards
the origin of the cartesian coordinate system. w (settlement) is always positive
= ground strains in the x,y,z directions respectively. These strains can change from
, , tensile (positive) to compressive (negative) depending upon position in the
x y z
deformation field. Tensile ground strains are more likely to have a serious effect upon
the brittle foundation of a building or upon a brittle pipe than are compressive ground
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Oasys XDisp
Vs = volume of the settlement trough per unit distance of tunnel advance, the settlement
being attributable to ground losses and not incorporating any longer term
i = parameter defining the form and span of the settlement trough on the assumption that
the semi-transverse (y-axis) settlement profile can be described by a normal
probability equation (Schmidt (1969), Peck (1969), Attewell (1978)).
It is the horizontal surface distance from a vertical line through the centre of the
tunnel to the point of inflexion of the settlement trough.
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S = settlement at horizontal distance y from tunnel axis
The Harris and Alvarado movement equations are applicable to sub-surface movements only.
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S = settlement at depth z, at transverse horizontal distance y from tunnel axis, and at
longitudinal horizontal distance x (start of tunnel being at x i; end of tunnel being at x f )
hy = horizontal ground movement in direction transverse to tunnel axis, at transverse
horizontal distance y from tunnel axis, and at longitudinal horizontal distance x (start of
tunnel being at x i; end of tunnel being at x f )
hx = horizontal ground movement in direction parallel to tunnel axis, at transverse horizontal
distance y from tunnel axis, and at longitudinal horizontal distance x (start of tunnel being
at x i; end of tunnel being at x f )
Vs = volume of soil displaced in settlement trough
i = distance from tunnel axis to point of inflexion at depth z
i0 = distance from tunnel axis to point of inflexion at surface
iref = 12.5 metres
z = depth below ground surface
z in = depth of tunnel invert below ground surface
z re = 30 metres
n = 0.8
m = user-specified exponent (for a typical London clay Harris and Alvarado recommend m of
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XDisp provides a number of options to calculate 'i' via selection of a 'k Derivation Method'. A 'k' value
provides a relationship between the distance 'i' and the depth to tunnel axis level. Lower values lead
to steeper and narrower troughs. Higher values lead to wider shallower troughs. The methods listed
in the table below describe the relationship between 'k' and 'i' and the calculation of settlement and
horizontal movement using those 'k' or 'i' values.
These methods have varying applicability. Some apply to the calculation of surface displacements
for single-layered soil. Some apply to the calculation of sub-surface displacements for single-
layered soil. One applies to surface displacements for two-layered soil. The table below
summarises the applicability of each method/k Derivation Method combination.
When specifying sub-surface displacement calculation points, the user is presented with the choice
of either the Mair et al (1993) method, the New and Bowers (1994) method, or the Harris and
Alvarado method. These are described in Analysis Methods. The O'Reilly and New (1982),
Boscardin and Selby (1988) k derivation methods are described in k derivation methods.
Mair et al is applicable for surface displacements if a k value of 0.5 can be relied upon - which would
potentially be the case for clay. Similarly, it could be argued that the New and Bowers/User-
specified method could be used for surface displacements as it has been validated for those the
Heathrow Express Trial tunnel, see New and Bowers (1994).
Users should check movements below a 45º line from the invert of the tunnel are bench-marked
against case study data.
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y = horizontal distance from tunnel axis
z = the axis level of the tunnel to the ground surface
z0 = distance from surface level to tunnel axis
S = settlement at horizontal distance y from tunnel axis
Smax = maximum settlement (above tunnel axis alignment)
i = horizontal distance from tunnel axis to point of inflexion of settlement trough
VS = volume of soil displaced in settlement trough
VL = volume loss (can be expressed as a percentage by multiplying by 100%)
h = horizontal displacement at distance y from tunnel axis
D = tunnel diameter
b) Mair et al (1993)
y = horizontal distance from tunnel axis
z0 = distance from surface to tunnel axis level
z = depth below ground surface
i = distance from axis to point of inflexion at depth z
S = settlement at depth z and at transverse horizontal distance of y from tunnel axis
(as calculated in (a) above)
R = radius of tunnel
h = horizontal displacement at depth z and at distance y from tunnel axis
The calculation of h is based on the Taylor (1995) extension to Mair et al's method.
A warning is issued if z/z 0 is greater than 0.8 or z is greater than the depth to the tunnel crown. In
such circumstances calculations are moving outside the scenarios covered by the case study data
on which the Mair et al method is based.
This method assumes displacements are directed towards a 'ribbon' of volume loss taking place at
the tunnel invert level. For details of this method see references. This method may also be referred
to as the 'Ribbon Sink' method.
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Soil Range of k
Stiff, fissured clay 0.4 to 0.5
Glacial deposits 0.5 to 0.6
Recent soft, silty clay 0.6 to 0.7
Granular soils above water table 0.2 to 0.3
(i and z 0 in metres.)
Before version 18.3 of Tunset (XDisp's predecessor), the program referred to this method as the
Attewell method.
c) Boscardin
(i and z 0 in metres.)
d) Selby (1988)
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An embedded wall excavation is defined by a polygon or circle in plan with top and bottom levels.
See Re-entrant Corners for caution when specifying corners with internal angles of greater than 180º.
Bottom levels may vary from one corner to another for a polygonal excavation. Circular excavations
have single vertical and horizontal ground movement curves. Polygonal excavations have multiple
ground movement curves - one for each side of the excavation.
Ground movement curves may be specified for movements at the soil surface and sub-surface or for
movements at the surface only. The former are specified by a series of local x, y and z coordinates,
while the latter are specified by a series of local x and z coordinates only. The x coordinates
represent the ratio of a point's distance from the wall or excavation to the depth of the wall or
excavation. The y coordinates represent the ratio of a point's depth below the top of the wall or
excavation to the depth of the wall or excavation. The z coordinates represent the ratio of the
movement of the point to the depth of the wall or excavation. Vertical and horizontal movements are
specified independently.
A curve is fitted to these sets of coordinates, either as a 2 dimensional line graph (for surface
movement data sets) or a 3 dimensional surface graph (for surface and sub-surface movement data
Positions at which soil movements are to be calculated are specified, as for tunnels and mines, via
displacement grids, lines and points. The movement of each position is calculated as shown below.
This method is used to calculate both vertical and horizontal displacements. If displacement points
are sited above the surface level of the excavation, then their displacements are calculated as
though they were at the surface level.
Irregularly shaped excavations may be modelled following the procedure outlined in Irregularly
Shaped Excavations.
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If an excavation has a variable depth then the depth D is taken to be the depth of the wall or
excavation at the position on the side from which a line drawn normal to that side will intersect the
displacement point.
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XDisp performs the following steps for each excavation to calculate the displacement of each
displacement point.
(a) If the excavation has been associated with a curve of surface movement only and the
displacement point is level with the top of that excavation
(b) If the excavation has been associated with a curve of surface movement only and
(i) the displacement point is below the top of that excavation, then s is set to zero.
(ii) the displacement point is above the top of that excavation, then s is calculated as though
the displacement point were at the level of the surface of the excavation
(c) If the excavation has been associated with a curve of surface and sub-surface movement, and the
displacement point is level with or below the top of that excavation
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(d) If the excavation has been associated with a curve of surface and sub-surface movement and the
displacement point is above the top of that excavation, then s is calculated as though the
displacement point were at the level of the surface of the excavation.
The total horizontal and vertical displacement of the displacement point is calculated by a vector
sum of the horizontal and vertical displacements arising from each excavation.
N.B. Warnings
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1) If corner stiffening is not invoked then the displacements that are calculated for positions
that are within the arc of an excavation's corner (i.e. positions that cannot be reached by drawing a
perpendicular line from any side of the excavation) are based on the distance measured to the
corner. Hence the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical movements of positions P1 and P3, in the
plan above, will be calculated to be equal.
2) No adjustment is made to the calculation to allow for the distance of the point along the
length of a side of the excavation. Hence the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical movements of
positions P1 and P2, in the plan above, will be calculated to be equal.
3) Multiple excavations may be specified. The displacements resulting from these excavations
are calculated by summing the displacements resulting from each individual excavation. No
account has been taken of the interactions between excavations (e.g. overlapping zones of influence
or 'shielding' of one excavation by another). Hence the horizontal and vertical displacement of
position P4 in the plan above will be calculated as the sum of the results calculated for each of the
four excavations.
CIRIA C580/C760, on which XDisp's method for modelling ground movements behind walls of
excavations is based, considers only movements for points lying at right angles behind single walls
in a plane strain condition. It does not consider how movements should be calculated within the
zone of influence of corners, i.e. where movements would be influenced by two walls adjacent to the
re-entrant corner so that strains are no longer planar.
If corner stiffening is not applied in the polygonal excavation input data then XDisp calculates
movements in the arcs around corners as described below.
The calculation of the horizontal ground movements for a displacement point that is located in the
arc of a corner, and a distance d from the corner, depends on the magnitudes and directions of the
horizontal movements at the adjacent sides for points an equivalent distance d from those sides.
Plan of Excavation
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If P is a displacement point in the arc of the corner of an excavation, then its horizontal ground
movement components (Xp and Yp) are given by:
Vertical movements are calculated similarly, using factored contributions from each wall.
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The "Zone Identification" figure and discussion below from Fuentes and Devriendt explains the
implementation of this method through an example.
The input parameters which are required for this method apart from the geometry are:
p1* : the percentage of the "100% ground movement profile" that occurs along the line which is
normal to a wall adjacent to the corner of the excavation (See figure below).
p2* : the percentage of the "100% ground movement profile" that occurs along the line which is
at an angle θ/2 to the line along which p1* is calculated. Where, θ is the angle at the corner
of the excavation between the lines normal to the two retaining walls (See figure below).
Settlement at 100% A
Settlement at 100% B
Zone Identification, method's parameters, geometry, and plots (Plot 1-calculation of p1, Plot
2-calculation of p2, Plot 3-calculation of pa and pb) and example of method application
The percentage factors that are to be applied to 100% movements in sides A and B, to calculate the
settlement at the point under consideration, are calculated from this input.
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The plots to be used to calculate these factors, and the equation used to calculate the settlement,
depend on the zone in which the point lies. The zones are illustrated in the figure above. The table
below from Fuentes and Devriendt lists the plots and equations used for different zones.
Note: da and db are the distances, from the point where the ground movements are to be calculated,
to the position of dA and dB (see figure below). %A and %B represent the 100%A and 100%B
The figure and table above are reproduced with kind permission of the American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE).
These methods are predominantly geometrical approximations. They are not based on published
geotechnical engineering theory but may be considered to provide an adequate approximation to soil
movement caused by excavations with stepped bases. Engineering judgment should be used in
choosing the most appropriate method given the conditions, and the results reviewed carefully e.g.
by validation of the ground movements calculated by XDisp against similar case studies or
alternative methods of analysis to ensure they meet expectations.
Five methods are described below. In order to compare them, sample graphical output of contours
of vertical ground movement are provided. In the samples, the same vertical movement curve is used
for walls - "Excavation in front of low stiffness wall in stiff clay (CIRIA C580 Fig. 2.11(b)).
Excavations with stepped bases may be modelled by breaking them into sufficient cuboid
constituents. Each constituent is specified to have either a positive or negative contribution to soil
displacement. XDisp will calculate the soil displacements arising from each excavation. These
results are then summed.
Care should be taken when deriving the cuboid constituents in order to ensure that the correct
relationship has been specified.
Method 1 Method 1
Illustration of Excavations Required Vertical Ground
Movement at Surface
Sample Contours
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Method 2 - Composite Excavation (with zero ground movement applied to internal walls)
This method is the same as Method 1, but with ground movement curves of zero ground movement
being applied to the internal walls, since they would not be present within the excavation in reality.
This avoids such "phoney" walls contributing to ground movements. However, the influence of their
portions which extend beneath the excavation as "true" walls would also be ignored, and drastic
changes in ground movement are now seen alongside the internal walls. If buildings or utilities lie in
this area, then their damage results may be unrealistically adversely affected.
Method 2 Method 2
Illustration of Excavations Required Vertical Ground
Movement at Surface
Sample Contours
Method 3 - Composite Excavation (with zero ground movement applied to internal walls
and internal corner arcs disabled)
This method is the same as Method 2, but with ground movements around the arcs of internal
corners disabled. However, as shown in the sample contour results below, this can lead to XDisp
calculating more drastic discontinuities in ground movements alongside the junction which may be
unrealistic. If buildings or utilities lie in this area, then their damage results may be unrealistically
adversely affected.
Method 3 Method 3
Illustration of Excavations Required Vertical Ground
Movement at Surface
Sample Contours
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Polygonal excavations may be assigned duplicate plan coordinates with different base levels, in this
way one wall with one base level may join another wall with a different base level, causing an
immediate step in the base. Hence the excavation with the stepped base can be input as a single
excavation. Results are identical to Method 3. The same warning applies regarding the
discontinuities in ground movements alongside the junction which may be unrealistic and adversely
affect building or utility damage results in that area.
Method 4 Method 4
Illustration of Excavation Required Vertical Ground Movement at Surface
Sample Contours
Drastic discontinuities in ground movements arising from the use of Methods 3 or 4 may be avoided
by the introduction of short sides of excavation designed to change the base level of the excavation
more gradually than at a single point in plan. Although these walls may not exist in reality, they
have the effect of "smoothing" the contours and may prove useful in achieving more realistic ground
movement results, contour plots, and building and utility damage assessment results.
Method 5 Method 5
Illustration of Excavation Required Vertical Ground Movement at Surface
Sample Contours
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How would the results for one large rectangular excavation be affected if the same excavation were
modelled as two constituent excavations, each representing half the area? The following discussion
demonstrates the use of zero movement ground movement curves for internal walls and the disabling
of corner arcs. These options are set in Polygonal Excavations Data. This illustration may be a
useful reference when complex excavations are to be modelled by combining more than one
component excavation.
The contour plots below, show sample vertical displacements, providing a comparison of results for a
single rectangular excavation and for two excavations conjoined.
(1) Single rectangular excavation of plan dimensions L x W, and depth D. Identical ground
movement curves for all walls with no corner stiffening:
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(4) Twin excavations as (3) but now with "Corner Arcs Enabled" set
to "No" for the corners of the two excavations that are
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See Re-entrant Corners for cautionary text if modelling composite excavations resulting in re-entrant
The use of re-entrant corners is permitted in XDisp but not recommended. A warning will be output if
single excavations which have re-entrant corners are input or analysed. However, no warning will be
given if re-entrant corners are modelled by assembling a complex excavation by joining excavations
together (see Conjoined Excavations).
CIRIA C580/C760, on which XDisp's method for modelling ground movements behind walls of
excavations is based, considers only movements for points lying at right angles behind single walls.
It does not consider how movements should be calculated within the zone of influence of re-entrant
corners, i.e. where movements would be influenced by two walls adjacent to the re-entrant corner.
By default, XDisp will merely sum the effects from both walls, making no allowance for interaction or
stiffening of the corner.
For re-entrant corners of excavation with external angle between 180 degrees and 270 degrees there
are two distinct zones :
Zone 1: This is under the direct influence of both the sides
Zone 2: This is under the influence of only one side.
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Hence, when computing displacements in the case of re-entrant corners with external angle greater
than 90 degrees, there is a sharp change in displacement values across the boundary between Zone
1 to Zone 2, as shown below with the red-dotted line:
However, the user may choose to artificially smooth the results across the boundary between Zone
1 and Zone 2 illustrated above, by tapering the jump in displacement from edge Zone 1 to Zone 2, by
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linearly varying the displacement profile over a fraction of the Zone 2 as discussed below.
For illustration, a displacement polyline, which is effectively an arc of circle centered on the reentrant
corner, is defined as shown below. The displacement profile along this polyline is shown in the
displacement chart at the bottom of this figure.
As expected, there is a jump in displacement profile when moving from Zone 2 to Zone 1 and vice-
The user has the option of spreading this jump in displacement profiles from Zone 1 to Zone 2 over a
portion of Zone 2 - depicted as "transition zone" in the the figure below. If this option is selected,
then the user obtains the displacement profiles as shown in the chart at the bottom of the figure
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The section Polygonal Excavations explains how to define the transition zones discussed above and
along with other related input parameters.
Please note that movements arising from re-entrant corners (with and without smoothing) are not
based on published geotechnical engineering theory.
Re-entrant corners should be used with caution. Results in their vicinity should be validated
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If corner stiffening is applied in the polygonal excavation input data then re-entrant corners will be
prohibited since the stiffening method suggested by Fuentes and Devriendt makes no allowance for
re-entrant corners.
XDisp calculates the subsidence at ground level, due to deformation within the mine cavity, at every
specified displacement grid point. Subsidence contours are then determined from the values at each
point to define the whole area of the settlement trough. The spacing of the displacement grids is
therefore fundamental to the accuracy of any contour plots.
The subsidence calculations are divided into vertical and horizontal displacement at each point. A
single method of calculation exists in each case.
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Full details of the derivation of the influence factor can be found in Ren et al (1987).
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Here the above statement is reversed. Each displacement grid point (P) is deemed to be over a
point of maximum displacement. The influence of the actual area of extraction within the mine is
then determined.
S = SpS0
R = Htan
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= Angle of draw
3. The circle is divided into 10 rings, increasing in size around the centre. The displacement at the
central point is then determined by calculating the influence on the centre if extraction is made
of each encircling ring.
e.g. Each ring has an area A and width ri to ri+1. The amount of relative subsidence at the
central point P after the ring is extracted is taken as S(i), the Annular Influence Factor. Where:
4. Each ring is divided into 64 sectors. Each sector has an individual sector element influence
factor S(i)s = S(i)/64. This indicates the amount of influence, extraction beneath that sector
exerts on the central point P at the surface.
In the example figure above the calculated values of S(i)s for each sector are:
Ring No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
S(i)s x 10-6 505 1423 2094 2430 2433 2195 1767 1315 905 577
5. XDisp then calculates which sectors lie over the extracted panel. If a sector is within the area
of the panel then its element influence factor S(i)s is summed to obtain the variable Sp.
Sp = S(i)s
e.g. for the above example where two sectors in ring 9 and three in ring 10 are extracted:
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S = SpS0.
e.g. S = 0.003541 x S0
Focal point theory assumes that each extracted sector area dA exerts an influence on the surface
point P by attracting P towards A by an amount dV. This movement can be defined in terms of a
horizontal radial vector dHxy , and vertical vector dVz .
Using this assumption it is possible to calculate the horizontal displacements in conjunction with
the subsidence. Where focal point theory provides the direction of movement and influence
functions provide the magnitude of subsidence.
The use of these two components allows the amount of horizontal movement to be determined:dHxy
= tan dVz
= angle between the vertical and the line joining the surface point P with the extraction
element dA
dV = vertical displacement.
The total horizontal displacement at point P is the summation of the horizontal movement vectors dH
caused by extraction at each individual element.
In order to allow summation, each movement vector is divided into its horizontal components x and y
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Hx = dHx
Hy = dHy
These values are resolved to give the total movement vector Hxy (p) at point P.
For the purposes of this section, the term "building" signifies a building's facade, i.e. a "sub-building"
in XDisp.
The methodology of considering the building being assessed to act as a linear elastic beam and
using the concept of limiting tensile strain derives from the approach proposed by Burland and Wroth
(1974) and Boscardin and Cording (1989). This guide briefly describes the approach. Interaction
diagrams are plotted based upon definable building characteristics and parameters. These relate
contours of limiting tensile strain (corresponding to boundaries between damage categories) to
imposed deflection ratio and horizontal ground strain determined from a ground movement
XDisp assumes that the calculated average horizontal ground strain is transferred directly into the
building that is being assessed. The XDisp user should note that this is potentially an onerous
assumption where:
horizontal compressive ground strains are not completely transferred from ground to the
building (ie a stiffened response to horizontal compressive strains); and
a greenfield response of the building results from vertical ground movements (ie resulting in
a greenfield deflection ratio structural response).
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(i) The average values of strain at which visible cracking occurs, εcrit are very similar for a variety of
types of brickwork and blockwork and are in the range of 0.05% to 0.1%.
(ii) For reinforced concrete beams, the onset of visible cracking occurs at lower values of tensile
strain in the range 0.03% to 0.05%.
(iii) The values of εcrit in (i) and (ii) are much larger than the local tensile strains corresponding to
tensile failure.
(iv) The onset of visible cracking does not necessarily represent a limit of serviceability. Provided the
cracking is controlled, it may be acceptable to allow deformations well beyond the initiation of visible
Burland et al (1977) introduced the concept of limiting tensile strain, εlim as a serviceability
parameter which can be varied to take account of differing material and serviceability limit states.
Boscardin and Cording (1989) developed this concept assessing 17 case records of damage due to
excavation induced subsidence. They related the ranges of εlim to the likely severity of damage.
Burland et al (1977) had previously assigned categories of damage severity to descriptions of typical
damage. The table below is the commonly used building/structure damage risk classification table
summarising the above.
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In assessing the degree of damage, account must be taken of its location in the building or
* Crack width is only one aspect of damage and should not be used on its own as a direct measure.
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The expression for the total mid-span deflection ∆ of a central point loaded beam having both
bending and shear stiffness is given by Timoshenko (1957) as:
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E = Young’s modulus
G = shear modulus
I = second moment of area
P = point load.
Burland (1974) established that, considering structures behaving in pure bending, “the limiting
relationship between ∆/L and L/H is not very sensitive to the form of load distribution”.
The equation for above can be re-written in terms of the deflection ratio ∆/L and the maximum
extreme fibre strain εbmax as follows:
t = distance of the neutral axis from the edge of the beam in tension
y = distance from the neutral axis to the position where strain is to be calculated (see figure
below for diagram illustrating y and t).
Similarly, for the maximum diagonal strain εdmax , the equation for ∆ becomes:
Expressions are also obtained for the case of a uniformly distributed load with the diagonal strains
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calculated at the quarter points. Therefore the maximum tensile strains are much more sensitive to
the value of ∆/L than to the distribution of loading.
By setting the value of εdmax or εbmax = εlim , in the two equations for ∆/L above, the limiting values of
∆/L for the deflection of simple beams are defined. It is evident that, for a given value of εlim , the
limiting value of ∆/L (whichever is the lowest in the two equations) depends on L/H, E/G and the
position of the neutral axis. For example, during hogging the foundations are likely to offer
considerable restraint causing the neutral axis to move downwards. Burland and Wroth (1974)
showed that hogging with the neutral axis at the bottom edge is much more damaging than sagging
with the neutral axis in the middle – a result that is well borne out in practice and illustrated by
Burland and Wroth (1974) in a sequence of model brick wall diagrams given in their paper.
In the shearing region, the resultant diagonal tensile strain εdr can be evaluated using the Mohr’s
circle of strain. The value of εdr is then given by:
v = Poisson’s ratio.
The maximum tensile strain is the greater of εbr and εdr. Thus, for a beam of length L and height H, it
is a straight-forward matter to calculate the maximum value of tensile strain εmax for a given value of
εh, in terms of t, E/G and v, where εmax is the lesser of εdmax or εbmax . This value can then be used in
conjunction with the table in Limiting Tensile Strain and Linear Elastic Isotropic Beams to assess
the potential associated damage.
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of the ground. As a conservative initial assumption it is often assumed that the deformation of the
building will be the same as that assessed for the ‘green field’ situation. More rigorous analyses may
take account of the stiffness of the building in reducing the deformation, allowing appropriately for the
effects of the development of cracking in the building on its stiffness.
Increasing or decreasing the number of intervals at which ground movement calculations are to be
performed on a displacement line will affect the definition of the cubic spline that is fitted to the
results, and so will affect the building damage assessment results too.
Radius of curvature:
Adjacent hogging or sagging zones, or segments, may be combined so that building damage
calculations are performed for the aggregated zone. This can only be specified after an analysis has
been performed to determine the curvature of the displacement line. See Segment Combinations.
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These are perpendicular lines to the polyline created at an interval specified by the user in the
Polylines input table.
The length and number of displacement points of these transects are specified by the user in
the Polylines input table.
By default a transect is provided at the start point of the polyline.
All transects are bisected by the polyline.
Building Damage Assessment of each transect is performed for all L/H values (input in the Generic
Building Damage Assessment Table) following the Burland calculation method described in Specific
Building Damage Assessment and the results reported in the Text Output.
If utility locations and properties are known then Specific Utility Damage Assessment may be
performed to calculate utility damage for precise locations. If precise locations and properties are not
known, or a rapid general assessment of likely utility damage across an area is required without the
need to input precise locations and properties, then Generic Utility Damage Assessment may be
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Utilities are specified to be either jointed or unjointed. Pullout and rotation assessment calculations
are performed only for jointed utilities, which require the assignment of a pipe length. Strain
assessment calculations are performed for both jointed and unjointed utilities, with both types then
considered as a continuum.
The determination of assessment locations for pullout and rotation differs from that for strain. See
Assessment Locations for Pullout and Rotation and Strain Calculations.
In the discussions that follow the terms "upstream" and "downstream" are used to distinguish the
part of the utility to one side of an assessment location from the part to the other side, when
describing the calculations performed. Their use does not imply a direction of flow within a utility.
Consider assessment locations to be defined as those displacement points on a utility which have a
pipe length of utility both upstream and downstream. Therefore the first and last displacement points
along a utility will not qualify as assessment locations, neither will other displacement points near
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the start and end of a utility if the pipe length is greater than one displacement interval.
Pullout and rotation assessment calculations are performed at assessment locations in a series of
iterations. Each of these iterations contains a group of assessment locations.
Consider the utility of 14m length shown above. The displacement interval is 2m. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
and 8 are the displacement points along the displacement line.
There are 2 possible cases for the determination of assessment locations. Case 1 applies if the pipe
length is a multiple of the displacement interval. Case 2 applies if the pipe length is not a multiple of
the displacement interval.
Case 1
Assume the pipe length is 4m and the displacement interval is 2m. Since the pipe length is a
multiple of the displacement interval Case 1 applies.
Only displacement points 3, 4, 5 and 6 are assessment locations. Displacement points 1, 2, 7 and 8
are ignored as they do not satisfy the condition of having a pipe length of utility both upstream and
The first iteration starts at the first available assessment location, i.e. at displacement point 3. The
next and last assessment location in this iteration is one pipe length away from displacement point
3, i.e. at displacement point 5.
The second and last iteration starts with an assessment location at displacement point 4. The next
and last assessment location in this iteration is one pipe length away from displacement point 4, i.e.
at displacement point 6.
There are no more iterations carried out for this case as all the possible assessment locations along
the utility have now been considered.
Case 2
Assume the pipe length is 3m and the displacement interval is 2m. Since the pipe length is not a
multiple of the displacement interval this case applies.
Only displacement points 3, 4, 5 and 6 are assessment locations. Displacement points 1, 2, 7 and 8
are ignored as they do not satisfy the condition of having a pipe length of utility both upstream and
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The first iteration in this case also starts at the first available assessment location, i.e. at
displacement point 3. Since there is no displacement point exactly one pipe length downstream from
displacement point 3, the next displacement point beyond is taken as the next assessment
location, i.e. displacement point 5.
The second and last iteration starts with an assessment location at displacement point 4. Since
there is no displacement point exactly one pipe length downstream of point 4, the next displacement
point beyond is taken as the next assessment location, i.e. displacement point 6.
There are no more iterations carried out for this case as all the possible assessment locations along
the utility have now been considered. Pullout
An assessment of pullout, comprising axial and flexural pullout, is performed for jointed utilities only,
and uses Ground Movements Along Utilities. For the determination of assessment locations see
Assessment Locations for Pullout and Rotation.
Pullout calculations are performed by considering the relative movements of the pipes upstream and
downstream of an assessment location. Pipes are considered to be infinitely rigid. The movement of
the upstream and downstream pipes with respect to the assessment location is the average of the
horizontal component of ground movements parallel to (i.e. along) the pipe's axis, for all
displacement points within one pipe length of the assessment point, multiplied by a coefficient to
take into account the soil-pipe interaction. The contraction of the upstream pipe is then added to the
contraction of the downstream pipe to obtain the total pullout at the assessment location. Neither
friction between pipes nor interlocking due to the rotation of joints are considered.
Axial Pullout
If the assessment location is displacement point 'n' along the utility, then the contributions to axial
pullout from the upstream and downstream pipes are considered to be given by:
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w here:
fpullout-axial = axial pullout factor as specified in the Factors table
The total axial pullout at an assessment location (POaxial ) is then given by:
However when later combined with flexural strain to calculate total strain, this axial component
(POaxial ) is included only if it is positive, i.e. if it represents pullout of a joint at the assessment
location. If it represents compression of a joint at the assessment location then it is ignored.
Examples are given below. The distinction between Case 1 and Case 2 is clarified in Locations of
Assessment Calculations.
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Contributions to axial pullout for the assessment location at displacement point 5 are given as:
In this case there are no displacement points available at locations A and B, which are a pipe length
upstream and a pipe length downstream of displacement point 5. However, the cubic spline
discussed in Ground Movements Along Utilities is available to provide an estimate of displacements
at A and B.
Contributions to axial pullout for the assessment location at displacement point 5 are given as:
Flexural Pullout
When considering flexural pullout at the assessment location any bending in the adjacent pipes is
ignored. Pipes are assumed to remain straight and all ground movements are accommodated by
rotation of a nominal joint at the assessment location.
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If 2α is the rotation of the joint then the total flexural pullout at the joint is given by:
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As for axial pullout, in cases where the displacement interval is not a multiple of the pipe length,
XDisp fits a cubic spline to the displacements that are calculated at all the displacement points of
the utility's displacement line and uses that to estimate the displacements at the far ends of the
upstream and downstream pipes.
Note : Users may be familiar with the term “reduction factor”. Pullout reduction factors are achieved
by setting the factor of pullout to less than 1.
Total Pullout
The total pullout at the assessment location 'n' is then given by:
PO = POaxial + POflexural
where Rotation
An assessment of rotation is performed for jointed utilities only, and uses Ground Movements Along
Utilities. For the determination of assessment locations see Assessment Locations for Pullout and
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When considering rotation at the assessment location any bending in the adjacent pipes is ignored.
Pipes are assumed to remain straight and all ground movements are accommodated by rotation of a
nominal joint at the assessment location.
The rotation angle, 2α, between the upstream pipe and the downstream pipe at each assessment
location is calculated as follows.
The horizontal offset in the perpendicular direction H- between the ends of the pipe is given by:
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D- ( n) = displacement perpendicular to the utility at the assessment location
D- ( n-Lp) = displacement perpendicular to the utility at a distance Lp upstream of the
assessment location
D- ( n+Lp) = displacement perpendicular to the utility at a distance Lp downstream of the
assessment location
Similarly, replacing H with V, the vertical offset V between the ends of the pipe is given by:
V( n) = vertical displacement at the assessment location
V( n-Lp) = vertical displacement at a distance Lp upstream of the assessment location
V( n+Lp) = vertical displacement at a distance Lp downstream of the assessment location
The rotation in the pipe at the assessment location is 2α, where α is given by:
Rotation = 2α Strain
An assessment of total strain, comprising axial and bending strains, is performed for all utilities - i.e.
both jointed and unjointed, and uses Ground Movements Along Utilities. Strains are calculated and
reported for every displacement point on the utility that has another displacement point both
upstream and downstream, so not the first and last.
The assumptions made are described by Bracegirdle et al. (1996). Bending strains along the utility
are calculated assuming the utility follows the movement of ground.
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Axial Strain
Axial strain is calculated as the ratio of change in length between adjacent mid-points of
displacement intervals, to original length.
Given that:
d = displacement interval
1...5 = displacement points
A = the mid-point between displacement points 2 and 3
B = the mid-point between displacement points 3 and 4
AB = the portion of utility used to calculate the axial strain at displacement point 3
The axial strain for the utility at displacement point 3 is given by:
( XiA, YiA, ZiA ) = initial position of point A
( XfA, YfA, ZfA ) = final position of point A
The axial strain in the ground over the given interval AB is given by:
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if axial strain is tensile in nature
faxial = Axial strain factor in tension as specified in the Factors table
if axial strain is compressive in nature
faxial = Axial strain factor in compression as specified in the Factors table
The factor applied to axial strain might be a reduction factor to account for the slippage between pipe
and the surrounding soil.
Bending Strain
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For illustrative purposes the above diagram is shown in two dimensions. However, the calculations
are performed for three dimensional movements with horizontal and vertical movements separated as
discussed below.
When considering bending strain, any rotation that arises from the asymmetric opening of joints at
the displacement points being used for assessment (e.g. B in the figure above) is ignored. Ground
movements are considered to induce flexural bending only. So the pipes are considered continuous
at B.
The horizontal offset at displacement point B, perpendicular to the utility's axis and relative to AC, is
given by:
D- ( B) = displacement perpendicular to the utility at the displacement point B.
V( B) = vertical displacement at the displacement point B.
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Considering the diagram above, let BCA = θ, then OA = 2θ, BAC = θ and BOC = 2θ - from
The bending strain is proportional to the distance from the centre line to the outer edge of the pipe
and inversely proportional to the radius of curvature.
The effective radius of curvature RAD of the deformed pipes is given by:
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AB = neutral axis whose length (L) remains the same before and after bending.
r = radius of the utility.
R = radius of curvature.
d = diameter of the utility.
Lc = length of external fibre (in compression) most shortened by bending.
Le = length of external fibre (in tension) most lengthened by bending.
Ld = length of imaginary fibre at a distance 'd' from the neutral axis.
Bending strain in the extreme fibre (CD) under tension = (Le - L )/L = + r/R
Bending strain in the extreme fibre (EF) under compression = (Lc - L)/L = -r/R
The factor on bending strain could be interpreted as determining what some users may term "lever
arm". A factor of 2 would represent a lever arm of pipe diameter, i.e. with factored bending strain
being that for Ld , whereas a factor of 1 would represent a lever arm of pipe radius, with a factored
bending strain being that for Le.
Total Strain
The axial strain is combined with the positive value of the flexural bending strain in the extreme fibre
under tension, and with the negative value of the flexural bending strain in the extreme fibre under
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If "Neglect beneficial contribution of axial strains" is checked in the Specification dialog, then the
calculation of total strains, both factored and unfactored, is influenced as below:
Total tensile strain : If axial strain is compressive, then εaxial is assumed to be zero.
Total compressive strain : If axial strain is tensile, then εaxial is assumed to be zero.
The factored total strain values are verified against their limiting values specified in the Criteria table.
The strain orientation angle β gives the direction in which peak flexural strain occurs. It is the
resultant of V and H- .
This is reported as 90o+ β, and so is the angle from the global Z axis
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The plan area for Generic Utility Damage Assessment is specified by a polyline with equally spaced
transects. Each of these transacts represents the alignment of a utility which is used for
assessment purposes. Generic Utility Damage Assessment will therefore not give accurate
assessment results for locations of utilities that differ from these transects. Specific Utility Damage
Assessment is recommended for such utilities whose precise location is known.
These are perpendicular lines to the polyline created at an interval specified by the user in the
Polylines input table.
The length and number of displacement points of these transects are specified by the user in
the Polylines input table.
By default a transect is provided at the start point of the polyline.
All transects are bisected by the polyline.
Utility damage assessment is then performed for each transect following the procedure for Specific
Utility Damage Assessment, but with the specific utility now located along each and every transect
rather than along a single specific displacement line. The results are reported in the Text Output.
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Hence the Text Output and Chart Output may display no results at all for a Specific Utility or for a
Transect of a Generic Utility, or results only for portions of a Specific Utility or portions of a Transect
of a Generic Utility.
From Assessment Locations for Pullout and Rotation and Strain Calculations it can also be seen
that pullout, rotation and strain results depend a relationship between the difference in ground
movement compared and a span. In the case of pullout and rotation the span is determined by the
pipe length. In the case of strain the difference is determined by the displacement interval. Extreme
results may arise for very small differential movements, which might be otherwise considered
insignificant, in cases where those small differential movements relate to short spans. Increasing the
span (i.e. increasing the pipe length for pullout and rotation, or the displacement interval for strain)
may avoid such extreme but insignificant results.
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A, B, C, D, E - displacement/assessment locations
Lp - pipe length
Li - displacement/assessment location interval
Lu - distance from displacement/assessment location to upstream end of displacement
line or polyline segment
Ld - distance from displacement/assessment location to downstream end of
displacement line or polyline segment
Pullout/ No result at B:
if Lp > Lu
or if Lp > Ld
or if Li > Lu[1]
or if Li > Ld[2] .
Strain No result at B:
if Li > Lu[1]
or if Li > Ld[2] .
i.e. no A or
i.e. no D or
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If pullout and rotation assessments are to be reliant only on the ground movements calculated
directly by the program at the displacement locations, and not on estimates between those
locations using the spline, then the pipe length and the displacement interval of the utility's
displacement line must be specified so that the pipe length is a multiple of the displacement interval.
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Two spans, or bases, one short and one long, may be specified for twist calculations.
Assessment intervals define how frequently along a rail track calculations of cant and twist are
The alignments of rail tracks are described by polylines. Acceptance Criteria specify thresholds and
limits for cant and twist results. Text results and line charts report whether calculated values exceed
A Base Model, which does not need stage data, is first set up containing all locations of tunnels and
excavations, with a particular set of tunnel diameters and excavation depths. The Base Model refers
to all the tunnels and excavations that are specified in the Tunnel Data, the Polygonal Excavation
Data, and the Circular Excavation Data.
Stages and Stage Properties are not needed if that Base Model describes the only state of
construction for which analysis is required.
However, Stages may be defined to select a subset of the Base Model's tunnels or excavations for
analysis. If tunnel diameters or embedded wall excavation depths are to vary from those specified in
the Base Model, then Stage Properties may then be used to specify the diameters and depths of
each tunnel and embedded wall excavation that are included in any stage.
A sample file is provided with the program to demonstrate the specification of stages and stage
properties. It can be opened and viewed, and the input data compared with the model image in the
3D Graphics, to understand most easily how stages are specifie and how Stage Properties relate to
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Part III
Oasys XDisp
3 Data Input
Data is input via options that are available from the Gateway.
The Input Explorer is accessible from the 'View' menu, or via the 'Explorers' button on the
ribbon. It allows access to all input data.
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A context menu, to expand or collapse individual or all items, is available by right-clicking in the
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3.2 Titles
Upon creating a new file or opening an existing one the first window to appear, for entry of data into
XDisp, is the Titles pane.
This window allows entry of identification data for each program file. The following fields are
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The titles are reproduced in the title block at the head of all printed information for the calculations.
The fields should therefore be used to provide as many details as possible to identify the individual
calculation runs.
3.3 Units
The Units pane is accessible via the Gateway, or by choosing Units from the ribbon. It allows the
user to specify the units for entering the data and reporting the results of the calculations. These
choices are stored in, and therefore associated with, the data file.
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Default options are the Système Internationale (SI) units - kN and m. The drop down menus provide
alternative units with their respective conversion factors to metric.
Standard sets of units may be set by selecting any of the buttons: SI, kN-m, kip-ft kip-in.
Once the correct units have been selected then click 'OK' to continue.
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SI units have been used as the default standard throughout this document.
Depending on the Problem Type selected, certain features will be enabled or disabled, as described
in Program Features.
Neglect beneficial contribution of axial strains - if this option is checked, the beneficial
contribution of axial strain is ignored while calculating the total strain.
Re-entrant Corner Smoothing - The re-entrant corner smoothing is applicable to embedded wall
excavations, when there are re-entrant corners. Selecting this option will enable more fields in the
embedded wall excavations dialog.
3.5 Preferences
The Preferences pane is accessible by choosing Preferences from the ribbon. It allows the user to
specify the numeric format for the reporting of results and of text on the Plan View. These choices
are stored in the computer's registry and are therefore associated with the program rather than the
data file. All data files will adopt the same choices.
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Numeric Format controls the output of numerical data in the Text Output. The Text Output presents
input data and results in a variety of numeric formats, the format being selected to suit the data.
Engineering, Decimal, and Scientific formats are supported. The numbers of significant figures or
decimal places, and the smallest value distinguished from zero, may be set here by the user.
Timed backup every allows the automatic backup of the active data file at the stated intervals.
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See File Backups for more information and the location of the backup folder. If files are large,
particularly with extensive results, then the backup process may cause a delay to the operation of
the user interface at the moment the file is being backed up. Under such circumstances it may be
helpful to deselect this option.
Save file after analysis saves the data file upon completion of analysis, with results, to the
location from which it was opened. If files are large, particularly with extensive results, then the
saving process may take a considerable time, so this option may be deselected and the file saved
manually at moments of their choosing.
Show welcome screen enables or disables the display of the Welcome Screen. The Welcome
Screen will appear on program start-up, and give the option for the user to create a new file, to open
an existing file by browsing, or to open a recently used file.
Open file in a new instance It gives an option to the user to open an existing file or to create a
new file in a new instance of XDisp.
Enable undo for edits and Number of undo steps enable and specify the extent of the undo/redo
history for data tables.
Company Info allows the user to change the company name and logo on the top of each page of
print out. To add a bitmap enter the full path of the file. The bitmap will appear fitted into a space
approximately 4cm by 1cm. The aspect ratio will be maintained. For internal Arup versions of the
program the bitmap option is not available.
Page Setup opens a dialog which allows the user to specify the calculation sheet style for graphical
and textual printing e.g. whether it has borders and a company logo.
3.6 Polylines
Polylines are used to:
a) define areas over which generic building damage assessment and generic utility damage
assessment are to be performed
b) define displacement polylines; which in-turn may be used to perform specific utility damage
c) define alignments for rail tracks in order to perform rail damage assessment.
Data may be input in dialog form by double-clicking within a cell of the Polylines input table.
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Coordinates specify the end points of the segments that make up the polyline.
Surface Type specifies whether displacements due to tunnelling are to be calculated for this
displacement data item using the Surface or Sub-surface method. For more information see Tunnels
- Analysis Parameters and Tunnel Settlement Trough Width.
Calculate specifies whether displacement calculations are to be performed for the point.
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Start and End points of the line are specified by entering their X, Y and Z (level) coordinates.
Intervals specify the number of intervals at which intermediate point locations will be created for
ground movement results.
Surface Type specifies whether displacements due to tunnelling are to be calculated for this
displacement data item using the Surface or Sub-surface method. For more information see Tunnels
- Analysis Parameters and Tunnel Settlement Trough Width.
Interpolate imported displacements specifies whether imported displacements on the line are to
be interpolated/extrapolated.
Calculate specifies whether displacement calculations are to be performed for the point.
Start and End points of the line are specified by entering their X, Y and Z (level) coordinates.
Intervals specify the number of intervals at which intermediate point locations will be created for
ground movement results.
Surface Type specifies whether displacements due to tunnelling are to be calculated for this
displacement data item using the Surface or Sub-surface method. For more information see Tunnels
- Analysis Parameters and Tunnel Settlement Trough Width.
Calculate specifies whether displacement calculations are to be performed for the point.
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Displacement Grids are specified by extruding a base line which is parallel to the XY, YZ, or ZX
plane. The Direction of extrusion is specified as one of the Global axes (X, Y or Z). The Base
line to be extruded must be entered by specifying its end coordinates. For example, if 'Global X'
is the direction of extrusion then the base line will be parallel to the YZ plane.
The extrusion depth should not be zero. Negative extrusion depth extrudes in the opposite direction
to the global directions.
The number of intervals is specified across and along the extrusion as shown below.
Surface Type specifies whether displacements due to tunnelling are to be calculated for this
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displacement data item using the Surface or Sub-surface method. For more information see Tunnels
- Analysis Parameters and Tunnel Settlement Trough Width.
Calculate specifies whether displacement calculations are to be performed for the displacement
data item.
3.8 Tunnels
The following input data is required for the analysis of tunnels. Data may be input in dialog form by
double-clicking within a cell of the Tunnel input table.
The parameters which define the geometry of the the tunnel are as follows:
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Endpoint 1 and Endpoint 2 (x, y, z) specify the locations of the end points of the tunnel's centre-
line (m). The tunnels may be skewed or inclined.
The parameters which define the anticipated volumetric ground loss due to tunnel collapse are as
Soil at Tunnel Level specifies the soil type (cohesive or granular) at the level of the tunnel. If dual-
layered soils are specified i.e. the Selby k Derivation method is used to calculate surface
movements, then the soil in the layer above this is assumed to be of different type.
k Derivation specifies the choice of k derivation method that is to be applied to this tunnel.
Different methods may be chosen for surface and sub-surface displacements. See Tunnel Analysis
Methods and k Derivation Methods. If the Mair et al analysis method is chosen for sub-surface
displacements, then a k derivation method is not required.
Layers specifies whether the tunnel lies beneath single or dual-layered soil (for surface
displacement calculations only). This field is not editable. It is dependent on the k derivation
method since only the Selby k derivation method is applicable to dual-layered soil. Other methods
are applicable to single layer soils only.
Interface Level specifies the levels of the interface between the two possible layers of cohesive and
granular soil. These levels are specified directly above the tunnel end points. They are only
applicable if the Selby k derivation method is chosen.
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k specifies the k value of the settlement trough. See Tunnel Settlement Trough Width and Analysis
Methods for further information.
Analysis Method specifies whether the New and Bowers or Mair et al method is to be used for
calculation of sub-surface displacements. Surface displacements are calculated using the O'Reilly
and New method. See Analysis Methods for further information.
m specifies Harris and Alvarado's exponent 'm'. See Tunnel Settlement Trough Width and Analysis
Methods for further information.
Ground Level specifies the level of the ground surface directly above each of the tunnel end points.
Ground levels are required only if the Mair et al analysis method is chosen for the calculation of sub-
surface displacements.
3.9 Mines
The following data is required for input of a mine:
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Seam width along the y axis. This should extend beyond the proposed extracted area specified
The thickness (or depth) of the upper and lower layers of strata. The lower layer of strata is
deemed to reach the centre of the mined layer.
The angle of draw ( ) in degrees for the upper and lower layers of strata.
The horizontal dimensions to the edges of the extracted area X1, Y1, X2 and Y2. These are
measured from the origin (0) on the x and y axis.
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If the user selects "Enable Re-entrant corner smoothing" option in the specification dialog:
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Oasys XDisp
Surface level - specifies the ground surface level at this excavation. If any of the Ground Movement
Curves that are associated with this excavation are of surface-only type, then displacements will be
calculated only for displacement points, or points within displacement lines or grids, that are at this
level. A warning will be given otherwise. See the Embedded Wall Excavations method for more
If surface movement curves are selected... - this option is enabled only if any of the Ground
Movement Curves that are associated with this excavation are of surface-only type. For such cases
the displacements can be calculated for displacement entities below the surface too, by checking
this option and specifying the level up to which the curves are to be applied. Displacements that are
calculated are not adjusted for the depths of displacement points. They are calculated merely based
on the horizontal distance from the excavation so will be the same for a point at the surface or below
x and y - specify the plan coordinates of one corner of the excavation. Plans that specify re-entrant
corners are prohibited.
Base Level - specifies the level of the base of the excavation at this corner. Base levels represent
the base of the excavation (for excavation induced movements) or the toe of the Embedded Wall (for
wall installation movements).
Arc Enabled - specifies whether ground movements are to be calculated around the arc of corners.
This is useful when joining two excavations. By applying the ground movement curves "No vertical
ground movement" and "No horizontal ground movement" to the common/internal wall, and setting
Arc Enabled to "No", rogue concentrations of ground movement adjacent to the corners which are
common to the two excavations can be avoided.
Stiffened - specifies whether stiffening effects should be applied to the corner in accordance with
Fuentes and Devriendt. If "yes" then the stiffening parameters in the following columns must be
entered. For further discussion of the use of these parameters see Corner Stiffening.
d - the distance from the corner to the centre point of the side in plan, or the distance to where plane
strain movements start to occur, whichever is the lesser.
p1* - calibrated value of p1 for given ground conditions for corners that form a 90º angle - where p1 is
the percentage of the ground movements for the previous and next sides' d, in a section that passes
through the corner and is perpendicular to the side.
p2* - calibrated value of p2 for given ground conditions for corners that form a 90º angle - where p2 is
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the percentage of 100% prev ious and 100% next in a section that bisects the excavation at the given
corner, and where 100% prev ious and 100% next are plane strain ground movements perpendicular and
behind the previous and next sides respectively.
The values of p1* and p2* may change for different ground conditions and should be calibrated for
those for each particular predominant soil. This calibration should be made by comparing the
calculated corner movements to the observed movements at the corner. However, Fuentes and
Devriendt shows, values of p1 = 67% and p2 =25% are reasonable for the case histories considered.
Ground Movement Curves - specify the vertical and horizontal ground movement curves that are to
be associated with this side of the excavation. Their columns may be widened to view their titles
better by double-clicking the column header ("E", "F", "Vertical" or "Horizontal" or the blank units
cells beneath). Double-clicking the spanning header "Ground Movement Curve" returns those
columns to their original sizes. To set all Ground Movement Curves to one type, set one then right-
click and select 'Set All to This'.
Reproduced with kind permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
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Oasys XDisp
Vertical and Horizontal ground movement curves - specify the vertical and horizontal ground
movement curves that are to be associated with this excavation.
Surface level - specifies the ground surface level at this excavation. If either of the Ground
Movement Curves that are associated with this excavation are of surface-only type, then
displacements will be calculated only for displacement points, or points within displacement lines or
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grids, that are at this level. A warning will be given otherwise. See the Embedded Wall Excavations
method for more information.
If surface movement curves are selected... - this option is enabled only if any of the Ground
Movement Curves that are associated with this excavation are of surface-only type. For such cases
the displacements can be calculated for displacement entities below the surface too, by checking
this option and specifying the level up to which the curves are to be applied. Displacements that are
calculated are not adjusted for the depths of displacement points. They are calculated merely based
on the horizontal distance from the excavation so will be the same for a point at the surface or below
Base level - specifies the level at the base of this excavation. Circular excavations are assumed to
have horizontal bases.
Centre (x) and (y) - coordinates of the plan centre of the excavation.
Ground Movement Curves describe the horizontal or vertical movement of a point adjacent to the side
of an embedded wall excavation. They may be defined for both ground surface and sub-surface
movements, or for ground surface movements only. The former are functions of distance from the
wall/excavation, depth below the top of the wall/excavation and the wall/excavation's depth. The
latter are functions of distance from the wall/excavation and the wall/excavation's depth only.
A number of ground movement curves for surface movement are provided by XDisp to represent
Figures 2.8 to 2.12 of CIRIA C580 and Figures 6.8 to 6.16 of CIRIA C760. However, users may add
their own surface movement curve data to supplement this set, or add their own surface and sub-
surface data. In order for XDisp to perform movement calculations for displacement points in the
model, it will use, in its calculations, either a polynomial curve fit to these points (derived by the
least squares method) or linear interpolation between them. If a polynomial is required, then the x
and y orders must be specified. A graph of the resulting curve that is to be used is available by
clicking the 'View Graph' button. XDisp uses these curves to calculate soil movements that result
from whichever embedded wall excavations refer to them in the Excavation Details dialog.
Included with the program is a sample file which contains an example data set named "Subsurface"
for surface and sub-surface movements. This data has been sourced form a 3 dimensional finite
element model for ground movements around an embedded wall excavation. Ground conditions
modelled comprised Made Ground overlying River Terrace Deposits overlying London Clay. The finite
element model used a Mohr Coulomb model to model the Made Ground overlying River Terrace
Deposits and the BRICK soil model (Simpson (1992)) to model the London Clay. The plan
dimension of the basement was approximately rectangular in shape and 120m by 100m in plan
dimension. Displacements were taken normal to the secant pile retaining wall at 60m along one of
the boundaries. It provides an example only for illustrative purposes and should not be used by 3rd
parties for carrying out analysis. It is recommended that surface and sub-surface movement curves'
data for use in XDisp be sourced either from field data, or by finite element analysis. Further details
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of the analyses performed to create this data can be found in Sample Sub-surface Ground Movement
Rename - renames the currently selected ground movement curve. Pre-programmed curves that are
provided by XDisp may not be edited. In order to adjust one of those curves the curve should first be
copied. The copy can then be edited.
Surface and sub-surface movements - specifies that the curve is to provide data for both surface
and sub-surface ground movements, so x, y and z data will be required.
Surface movements only - specifies that the curve is to be used to calculate surface ground
movements only, so x and y data only will be required.
Curve coordinates - lists the x, y, and z coordinates that define the ground movement curve.
Linear interpolation - specifies that the curve that is to be fitted to the data points is to be
calculated by linear interpolation between those points.
Polynomial - specifies that the curve that is to be fitted to the data points is to be a polynomial.
Order of polynomial - specifies the order of the polynomial that is to be fitted to the curve
Significant figures for output - defines the number of significant figures that are to be used when
displaying the polynomial equation.
Polynomial equation - displays the polynomial equation that XDisp has calculated.
View Graph - displays a graph of the currently selected ground movement curve.
Apply - applies, to the model's data, all changes that have been made to the set of ground
movement curves.
Undo - restores, from the model's data, the set of ground movement curves - thereby undoing any
changes that have been made to since 'Apply' was last executed.
Right-clicking in the window opens a context menu to enable formatting of the view. The following
options are available for the relief view of surface and sub-surface ground movement curves' graphs.
View curve - toggles the display of the curve that has been fitted to the data points.
View data points - toggles the display of the data points that are used in deriving the curve fit.
View difference bars - toggles the display of the difference bars, illustrating the difference between
the data point's z value, and the z value calculated by the curve fit.
Shrink data points - halves the size of the spheres used to display the data points.
Enlarge data points - doubles the size of the spheres used to display the data points.
Switch to contour/relief view - changes the view from a coloured, 2 dimensional, contour view of
values calculated from the curve fit, and the 3 dimensional relief view of the curve fit.
The Oasys program LS-DYNA (DYNA) was used to carry out the 3D FE analysis. The modelling
was used to establish ground movements around a deep basement constructed in Central London.
The site and proposed basement has maximum dimensions of approximately 105m (north to south)
by 150m (east to west) and covers an area of 12,200m². Displacements in the sample file were
taken at the centre of one of the basement retaining walls (at least 60m from any corner). Therefore
the displacements approximate to a plane strain condition.
Comparisons of the surface and sub-surface displacements were carried out with the following case
Reasonable agreement was obtained from these comparisons between the methods. Therefore data
from the FE analysis described here was used as data in the sample file. It should be noted that all
of the excavations were stiffly propped excavations carried out in London Clay.
Ground and groundwater conditions were initially assessed from information compiled in a
geotechnical desk study. Following this, two phases of ground investigations were carried out to gain
sufficient information to allow geotechnical design of the project. On the basis of the desk study and
site investigations, the table below presents the design stratigraphy adopted for the geotechnical
(a) Assumed not to be present below the majority of the former basement.
Soil Parameters
Geotechnical design parameters were derived for each stratum from the results of insitu and
laboratory testing. The proposed soil parameters for each stratum, are summarised in the table
below. The Made Ground, Brickearth and River Terrace Deposits were modelled in the analysis using
the linear elastic perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb model without dilation. These materials were
assumed to be drained in all stages of the analysis.
Stratum (kN/ c' (kN/ ' Su (kN/ E' (MN/m2) Eu (MN/m2) Kof
m3) m2) peak m2) d d
Made 18 0 25 0 10 - 0.6 -
Terrace 20 0 36 0 30 - 0.4 -
b Su / depth profile outside secant wall (z increasing with depth from +5mOD)
c Su / depth profile inside secant wall (z increasing with depth from +2mOD) adjusted to account for
d For the retaining wall analysis. Lower values were used for considering settlements from pile or
raft foundations
e Eu / depth profile outside secant wall (z increasing with depth from +10mOD). Softening of the soil
adopted on the passive side of the retaining wall.
f For the London Clay and Lambeth Group (Clay), the Ko profile varied with depth and was
dependent upon the stress history modelled in the BRICK soil model. An approximate average
value is given in this table.
The finite element analysis used the constitutive soil model, BRICK (Simpson, 1992) to model the
behaviour of the London Clay and fine grained strata within the Lambeth Group. Moderately
conservative soil stiffness parameters (Pillai, 1996) were adopted in the analysis for the BRICK soil
model. The BRICK model is non-linear and is strain-dependent. The shear stiffness / strain soil
properties used for the BRICK model are defined in the table below.
BRICK Model Material Properties for London Clay and Lambeth Clay
Strain G/Gmax
3.04E-05 0.92
6.09E-05 0.75
0.000101 0.53
0.000121 0.29
0.000820 0.13
0.00171 0.075
0.00352 0.044
0.00969 0.017
0.02223 0.0035
0.0646 0
Groundwater Conditions
For both short and long term conditions in the London Clay and Lambeth Clay, a hydrostatic water
pressure profile was adopted starting from an elevation of +8.5mOD. It was realised that a sub-
hydrostatic pressure profile exists in the lower part of the London Clay and Lambeth Group (CIRIA,
1989). Given the depth of the excavation, this was considered to have a negligible effect on the
design of the retaining walls and potential base heave during the proposed excavation.
Boundary Conditions
The model extends from +17.5mOD (existing ground level at Cheapside), to -42mOD (base of the
Lambeth Clay). The Lambeth Sand, Thanet Sand and the Chalk layers were not included as they are
stiffer materials in which little movement was expected.
The horizontal base of the model was restrained in all directions. All of the vertical boundaries were
restrained in the x and y directions but are free to move vertically. The vertical boundaries were
sufficiently far from the excavation to have no effect on ground movements calculated along the
Central Line tunnels.
Analysis Sequence
The analysis sequence modelled the geological and historical development at the site to obtain an
appropriate horizontal effective stress and strain state in the soil modelled using BRICK prior to
modelling the anticipated construction sequence. Displacements were zeroed prior to the
construction stages (Stage 6 onwards). For simplification a single construction sequence was
adopted around the perimeter of the site to model the support of the existing wall. During the actual
construction, numerous sequences were adopted to support the existing basement retaining walls,
however, assuming a single sequence has a negligible effect when considering displacements at
depth. The full sequence used in the DYNA finite element analysis is given in the table below.
Stage 6 Demolish existing building - Remove existing building Existing building wall
surcharge, floors at +17.5mOD and +13.77mOD and remains in place.
place temporary prop at +16.5mOD (undrained) Displacements zeroed
at this stage
Stage 7 Install secant wall for new building and fill gap 1.18m diameter secant
between secant and existing walls (undrained) wall on the northern
boundary and 0.88m
elsewhere. Straight
shafted bearing piles
of up to 2.4m in
diameter with plunged
columns. The 1.18m
secant wall on the
northern boundary has
male piles at 1.7m
Stage 8 Install bearing piles, remove former building base Install plunge columns
slab at +10mOD, insert temporary props at +17.5mOD
and +10mOD (undrained)
Each sub-building is assigned a set of Damage Category Strains that will be used in the
assessment of building damage. A default standard set of values is provided that represents the
values provided by Burland.
0 (Negligible) to 1 (Very Slight) - the value of horizontal strain that corresponds with a deflection
ratio of zero, in order to define the boundary between Damage Categories 0 and 1 etc.
The Specific Building input table describes the location of the building and its sub-buildings, its
height and settlement trough limit sensitivity. Its location is used to calculate the settlement and
horizontal displacement along its length. These are then used to calculate hogging and sagging
zones, deflection ratios and horizontal strains for input into the Burland Building Damage
Assessment method.
Buildings contain Sub-Buildings, as buildings contain façades. Thus the varying alignments of a
building's façades may be associated for reporting purpose.
Displacement Line - the Displacement Line that is to be used to describe the plan alignment of the
Line Length - the length of the Displacement Line that is the maximum length that the sub-building
can have.
Start Distance Along Line - the distance along the Displacement Line that defines the start point
of the sub-building.
End Distance Along Line - the distance along the Displacement Line that defines the end point of
the sub-building.
Vertical Displacement Limit Sensitivity - the minimum value that is to determine the extent of
regions of settlement or heave for the sub-building's building damage assessment calculations. This
is an absolute value. It allows settlement or heave profiles, that tend towards zero very gradually, to
be curtailed for the purposes of establishing the end hogging or sagging zones in building damage
Vertical Offsets from Line for Vertical Movement - the vertical offset to be applied to the
displacement line before calculating vertical displacements for use in building damage assessments.
A series of offsets may be specified in order to compare building damage results for different
elevations e.g. for a piled building: basement level; equivalent pile level; and pile toe level. These
vertical movements are used with horizontal movements at the level of the displacement line. See
Points of Inflexion, Gradient and Radius of Curvature for further information. More than one value may
be entered separated by commas ",". A negative value represents a reduction in elevation.
The Burland method of building damage assessment assumes that a building's façade behaves as a
beam in bending.
The follwing parameters in the table provide the information that is required by the Burland method to
effect this approximation:
Damage Category Strains - the set of Damage Category Strains that this sub-building is to adopt
to describe the thresholds of each of the 5 damage categories (0 to 4)
Poisson's Ratio - the Poisson's ratio of the beam that is to represent the sub-building. Values in
the range of 0.2 to 0.3 are commonly adopted.
E/G - the Youngs modulus : shear modulus ratio of the beam that is to represent the sub-building (if
the sub-building is solid, isotropic, linear and elastic then a typical value would be based on
Poisson's Ratio, , as 2(1 + ) so ranging from 2.4 to 2.6, if values of 0.2 to 0.3 are used for the
Poisson's Ratio.
Burland and Wroth (1974) dis cus s the effect of E/G ratios but draw no conclus ions about appropriate
values to us e for ‘typical’ mas onry or concrete s tructures . Mair, Taylor and Burland (1996) s tate, “For
the purpos es of as s es s ment of potential damage, framed buildings on s hallow foundations can be
cons idered us ing the s ame methodology as for mas onry s tructures . It is more appropriate to adopt
an E/G ratio of 12.5, rather than 2.6 us ed for mas onry s tructures ”.
Melis and Rodríguez Ortiz (2001) s ugges t “for flexible buildings with big s pans or s teel building, the
ratio E/G can be as high as 12 or 15”.
Default Properties - set 'Yes' for XDisp to calculate default values for 2nd Moment of Area and
neutral axis distances as discussed below, or 'No' to provide specific values.
The following data is required for hogging and sagging zones of the building.
Distance of Bending Strain from N.A. - the distance of bending strain to be calculated from the
neutral axis. For sagging of a linear isotropic elastic beam a value equal to the height/2 is
commonly used. For hogging of a building with a rigid base slab a value equal to the height is
commonly used.
Distance of N.A. from Edge of Beam in Tension - distance of the neutral axis from the edge of
the beam in tension. For sagging of a linear isotropic elastic beam a value equal to the height/2 is
commonly used. For hogging of a building with a rigid base slab a value equal to the height is
commonly used.
2nd Moment of Area (per unit width) - adopting the above for Distance of Bending Strain from
N.A. and for Distance of N.A. from Edge of Beam in Tension - conventionally for an element of a
building undergoing hogging a value of d3/3 is adopted. For an element of a building undergoing
sagging a value of d3/12 is adopted, see Mair et al (1996).
Segments may then be combined in order to force short, insignificant, lengths of hogging or sagging
segments to be absorbed into longer more significant neighbouring lengths.
To combine two or more adjacent segments, click in the row of each of those segments, and then
select the 'Combine' button. Alternatively, click in the row of the segment that is to define the start
the required combined segment, then <shift>+ <click> in the the row of the segment that is to define
the end of the combined segment, then select the 'Combine'' button. The results will be updated and
available to view in the Text Output and the results' charts. The column labelled 'Combined Segment'
then shows the revised index of each combined segment.
To separate combined segments select either one of the 'Separate All' buttons or the 'Separate'
To separate all combined segments for all vertical offsets of all sub-buildings of all stages (i.e. all
combined segments in the model), click the 'Separate All' button beside the 'Stage' field.
To separate all combined segments for all vertical offsets of all sub-buildings of the displayed stage,
click the 'Separate All' button beside the 'Building...' field.
To separate all combined segments for all vertical offsets of the displayed building and stage, click
the 'Separate All' button beside the 'Vertical Offset' field.
To separate only the combined segments of the displayed vertical offset, building and stage, click
the 'Separate' button.
Polyline - the polyline whose transects are used to describe the plan alignment of assessment
L/H Values - the series of L/H values which make up the buildings to be analysed along each
transect of the polyline. These are input as comma-separated values in the cell.
Interval - the distance that defines the spacing between transects, along the polyline.
Number of Displacement Points - the number of displacement points along each transect at which
displacements are to be calculated.
For details of other data see Specific Building Damage Assessment - Building Data.
Segments of transects may then be combined in order to force short, insignificant, lengths of
hogging or sagging to be absorbed into longer more significant neighbouring lengths.
To combine or separate segments follow the procedure described in Specific Building Damage
Assessment - Segment Combinations.
XDisp provides some sample dimensions via the sample file ''SampleDimensionsAndCriteria.xdd'.
These can be used by opening that file and copying the data from the Dimensions input table into
the same table of another data file. Alternatively the sample file may be saved with a new name and
opened to form the basis of a new data file. The data values should be validated before use.
Name specifies the name of the criteria/factors. This might, for instance, be the pipe type.
Value specifies the rotation, in degrees, that is to be used as the threshold value.
Value specifies the rotation, in degrees, that is to be used as the limiting value.
Allowable Strain
Check specifies whether tensile strain is to be checked against a limiting value as a measure
of damage to the utility.
Value specifies the tensile strain, in micro strain, that is to be used as the limiting value.
Value specifies the compressive strain, in micro strain, that is to be used as the limiting
Radius of Curvature
Value specifies the radius of curvature, that is to be used as the threshold value.
Value specifies the radius of curvature, that is to be used as the limiting value.
Pullout Factor the factor that is used for the pullout calculations.
Rotation Factor the factor that is used for the rotation calculations.
Tension specifies the factor that is used for the axial tensile strain
Compression specifies the factor that is used for the axial compressive strain
Tension specifies the factor that is used for flexural strain in calculation of total tensile strain
Compression specifies the factor that is used for flexural strain in calculation of total
compressive strain
XDisp provides some sample criteria via the sample file ''SampleDimensionsAndCriteria.xdd'. These
can be used by opening that file and copying the data from the Acceptance Criteria input table into
the same table of another data file. Alternatively the sample file may be saved with a new name and
opened to form the basis of a new data file. The data values should be validated before use.
Dimension - the Utility Dimension that is to be used to describe the internal diameter and the wall
thickness of the utility.
Parameter Type - the Parameters and Acceptance Criteria that are to be used for the utility
damage assessment.
Displacement Data Type - the type of displacement entity that is to describe the alignment of the
utility, i.e. displacement line or displacement polyline
Displacement Line - the Displacement Line that is to be used to describe the alignment of the
utility. The utility will therefore have no bends. This is active only when the displacement data type
selected is a displacement line.
Displacement Polyline - the Displacement Polyline that is to be used to describe the alignment of
the utility. The utility will therefore have bends. This is active only when the displacement data type
selected is a displacement polyline.
The Displacement Line's or Polyline's Z levels are used in calculating the levels of the centre lines of
utilities. Since utilities are assumed to be circular for the purposes of those calculations, those
levels also represent the levels of the neutral axes.
Line/Polyline Length - the length of the Displacement Line/Displacement Polyline that is the
maximum length that the utility can have.
While calculating pullouts and strains for Displacement Polylines, XDisp treats each segment of the
polyline as a different line. However, there could be cases where the user is importing data from dxf
that are essentially straight lines but split into different segments and input as polylines in dxf data.
In such cases the user would want to treat all segments as continuous.
Pullout specifies whether polyline segments are to be treated as continuous for pullout
Strain specifies whether polyline segments are to be treated as continuous for strain
Start Distance Along Line - the distance along the Displacement Line/Displacement Polyline that
defines the start point of the utility.
End Distance Along Line - the distance along the Displacement Line/Displacement Polyline that
defines the end point of the utility.
Pipe Segment Length - the length of pipes that are used in the pullout and rotation calculations of
the utility damage assessment.
Polyline - the Polyline whose transects are used to describe the alignments of utilities for damage
The polyline's Z levels are used in calculating the levels of the centre lines of utilities which are
assumed to lie along transects. Since utilities are assumed to be circular for the purposes of those
calculations, those levels also represent the levels of the neutral axes.
Interval - the distance that defines the spacing between transects, along the polyline.
Number of Displacement Points - the number of displacement points along each transect at which
displacements are to be calculated.
Sub-Rail Track Name - a name to identifiy a sub-rail track e.g. one portion of a rail track
Polyline - the Polyline that specifies the alignment of the rail track
Polyline Length - the lengh of the polyline that is the maximum length that the rail track can have
Distance along Polyline - Start and End - the distances along the polyline that define the start
and end points of the rail track
Track Width - the distance between the centrelines of the left and right rail (i.e. gauge plus rail
Rail Acceptance Criteria - the set of Rail Damage Acceptance Criteria that are to be applied to the
calculated cant and twist results for this rail track
Assessment Interval - the distance between each set of calculations of cant and twist
Surface Type for Tunnels - whether displacements due to tunnelling are to be calculated for this
rail track using the Surface or Sub-surface method. For more information see Tunnels - Analysis
Parameters and Tunnel Settlement Trough Width.
n – item number
to – to specify a range
all – to specify all
none – to specify none
"1 11 12 to 72"
3.14.2 Stages
A model with no stages is the Base Model, for which analysis will consider all tunnels and
excavations specified in the Tunnels Data, Polygonal Excavations Data, and Circular Excavations
Data. Additional stages may be created to specify a subset of tunnels and excavations for analysis.
Stage Properties may be created additionally to vary the diameters and depths of tunnels and
excavations in a Stage, from the values that are specified in the Base Model.
Tunnels, Polygonal Embedded Wall Excavations, Circular Embedded Wall Excavations and
Imported Displacement Sets - specify the collections of tunnels, polygonal or circular excavations
and imported displacement sets that are to be included for analysis in this stage. This field uses the
list syntax.
Stage - selects a Stage from the list of Stages in the Stages Data.
Element Type and Ref(s). - specify which of the elements in the specified Stage are to have their
property values amended from those of the Base Model.
Tunnel Property - is active if the Element Type is "Tunnel", when it specifies which property of the
referenced tunnel(s) is to have its value varied from the Base Model. Currently only diameter is
Units - indicates the units that are relevant to the property selected.
Value(s) - specifies the value that is to be applied to the property specified. If "Polygonal
Excavation" is selected as the Element Type, then either a single value or a value for each of an
excavation's corners, separated by a comma ",", should be specified. A single value will be a applied
to all corners of the excavation.
Grids are created using the "Current Grid Definition" dialog which may be accessed via:
the Define Grid button ( ) under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D
Graphics View is active.
New Link
The grid plane and the grid layout for the current grid can be selected from their corresponding
combo boxes, the default grid plane and default grid layout will be used otherwise.
Grid Plane
A new grid plane can be created by clicking on <new> in the grid plane combo box. The data of the
new grid plane can be accessed/edited via the button on the "Current Grid Definition"
Grid Layout
A new grid layout can be created by clicking on <new> in the grid plane combo box. The data of the
new grid layout can be accessed/edited via the button on the "Current Grid Definition"
If "Automatic Extents" is checked the program automatically extends the grid based on the
elements present in the 3D Graphics View. The user can specify his own extents by de-selecting
the "Automatic Extents".
Name: Default
Spacing: (1 m, 1 m).
switch between input and the normal mode of the 3DGraphics view via the button
under the Graphics on the ribbon. Polylines
New LinkPolylines may be input graphically in the 3D Graphics View via:
the polylines button ( ) on the ribbon when the 3D Graphics View is active and is in
Input Mode.
A polyline may then be traced by left-clicking at different points in the view to specify the ends of
consecutive polyline segments. The final input point is input by a double left-click. The "Polyline
Data" dialog will then pop up in which the other properties of the polyline can be edited. The dialog
will initially have default values.
The input of polyline may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing the dialog. Tunnels
Tunnels may be input graphically in the 3D Graphics View via:
the button under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D Graphics View is
active and is in Input Mode.
A tunnel or a series of connected tunnels may be input by left-clicking at different points in the view
to specify the ends of the consecutive tunnels. The end point of a tunnel or the end point of the last
tunnel of the connected tunnels is marked through a double left-click. At this double left-click , the
"Tunnel Data" dialog will pop up through which the other properties of the tunnel (or connected
tunnels) can be edited. The dialog will initially have default values.
While adding a tunnel, the last input point (left-clicked point) can be erased by pressing the <ESC>
While adding a tunnel, a point which is already input can be deleted by:
moving the mouse over the point so the cursor changes to a square;
left-click by holding the <SHIFT> key.
Input of a tunnel (or series of tunnels) may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing
the dialog.
the button under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D Graphics
View is active and is in Input Mode.
To input a polygonal excavation then click at each corner of the excavation's surface polygon in a
particular (clockwise or counter-clockwise) order.
When the required surface polygon is established, to complete the addition of the excavation, double
left-click at the final point, or right-click in the view and select "Add Excavation" from the subsequent
context menu. The input may be cleared by selecting "Clear" from that menu.
The "Polygonal Excavation" dialog will pop up after an excavation is added. The properties of the
excavation can be edited in this wizard. Initially the dialog will have default values. The input of the
excavation may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing the dialog.
the button under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D Graphics View is
active and is in Input Mode.
To input a circular excavation then left-click on the centre of the surface circle, move the mouse, and
left-click again on the circumference of the circle to complete the input.
The user can edit the properties of the excavation via the dialog which pops up at the end of the
second click.
Left-click at any desired point in the 3D Graphics View to complete the input. A dialog will then pop
up in which the properties of the point may be edited.
The input of the displacement point may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing
the dialog.
Left-click at the ends of the displacement line to complete the input. A dialog will then pop up in
which the properties of the line may be edited.
To cancel the input of the displacement line after the first click, press <ESC>.
The input of the displacement line may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing
the dialog.
A displacement grid can be input only on the plane of the grid. Left-clicking at two opposing corners
of the grid will complete the input. The displacement data dialog will pop up after the input in which
the properties of the displacement grid may be edited.
To cancel the input of the displacement grid after the first click, press <ESC>.
The input of the displacement grid may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing
the dialog.
Displacement polylines may be input graphically in the 3D Graphics View providing there are
polylines available via:
the "Displacement polyline" menu item shown below under the Graphics on the ribbon
when the 3D Graphics View is active and is in Input Mode.
The input of the displacement polyline may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by
closing the dialog. Buildings
Specific Buildings may be input graphically only when there are displacement lines available.
the buildings button (shown below) under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D
Graphics View is active and is in Input Mode.
To input a building left-click on a displacement line. A building with default properties will be added.
The properties of the building may be edited via the dialog which subsequently pops up.
The input of specific building may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing the
Generic Buildings may be input graphically only when there are polylines available.
the buildings button (shown below) under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D
Graphics View is active and is in Input Mode.
Then left-click on a polyline. A building with default properties will be added. The properties of the
building may be edited via the dialog which subsequently pops up.
The input of generic building may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing the
dialog. Utilities
Providing there are displacement lines or displacement polylines available, Specific Utilities may be
input graphically in the 3D Graphics View via:
the utilities button (shown below) under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D Graphics
View is active and is in Input Mode.
Then left-click on a displacement line or a displacement polyline. A specific utility with default
properties will be added. The properties of the utility may be edited via the dialog that subsequently
pops up.
The input of specific utility may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing the dialog.
Generic Utilities may be input graphically only when there are polylines available.
To input a building left-click on a polyline. A generic utility with default properties will be added. The
properties of the utility may be edited via the dialog which subsequently pops up.
The input of generic utility may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing the dialog.
the Rail Tracks button ( ) under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D
Graphics View is active and is in Input Mode.
Then left-click on a polyline. A rail track with default properties will be added. The properties of the
rail track may be edited via the dialog that subsequently pops up.
The input of rail track may be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button or by closing the dialog.
3.15.3 Selection
Selection of elements in the 3D Graphics View for editing or deletion is enabled only in the input
mode and only when there are elements available.
the "Select" button under the Graphics on the ribbon when the 3D
Graphics View is active and is in Input Mode.
Moving the cursor over an element will highlight a part or whole of the boundary of the element which
is in the close vicinity of the cursor. This is an indication that the element is available for selection.
Clicking on "Edit" will pop-up the corresponding data dialog. Clicking on "Delete" will delete the
The element can also be selected so that editing and deletion operations can be performed later by
right-clicking in any part of the view. The selection can be done via "Select" in right-click menu on
the highlighted element or by left-clicking on the highlighted element.
Selected elements can be modified via the "Edit" item in the menu which is presented by right-
clicking in any part of the view. It can also be deleted through this menu or by pressing the
<DELETE> key.
Multiple elements can be selected by holding the <CTRL> key while selections are made. Multiple
selections can only be deleted, not edited.
If there are multiple elements available for selection at the cursor position, then the Ambiguous
Deletion Dialog will pop-up if the user tries to perform any selection operation. This dialog lists all the
elements in the vicinity. The required element in the list can then be selected.
Multiple elements can be selected by holding the left button down and dragging the mouse in the 3D
Graphics View. On releasing the button all the elements falling completely within the area are
selected. If the right button is pressed while dragging the mouse then those elements that are
partially within the area are selected too.
COM Automation allows commands to be issued from a separate process via a set of Python, VBA
or C++ instructions. The separate process could be a Python script, a VBA script called from a
spreadsheet or a separate program.
The available COM functions are listed in COM Functions. Some use enums.
VB and Python examples are provided with the program. These are summarised in COM Examples.
When installing XDisp the installer should be run with Administrator rights to ensure the XDisp.tlb file
is registered in the host computer's registry, thus enabling its functions to be recognised e.g. by the
Microsoft VBA editor. If the functions are not recognised, then it may be necessary to set the
reference to the XDisp.tlb file manually in the editor. The XDisp.tlb file can be found in the program
installation folder whose default location is specified in Sample Files.
The Python library "pywin32" must be installed on the host computer in order for Python to call the
functions XDisp's API.
The Python library "comtypes" must be installed on the host computer in order for Python scripts to
refer to enums by name rather than by value.
Enums are used as parameters in some functions. Client scripts written in VB should, once the
XDispLib is registered, provide lists of valid enums via context-dependent intellisense droplists.
Python scripts may not benefit from such intellisense listings. See COM Enums for more information
on valid enum values, and COM Automation for information on the Python library needed to refer to
enums by name rather than by value.
All input data are in SI units. Units of results tables written to disc via e.g. WriteResultsTables(...)
may be specified by first calling SetUnits(...). Functions offering direct access to results will provide
results in SI units.
File Management
short Open(string sFilename)
Opens an XDisp *.xdd binary file or *.json text file (see File Types) with a filename which
includes the path and extension.
short Save()
Saves the data to the default file (i.e. overwriting the file that was opened or last saved)
short SaveAs(string sFilename)
Saves the data to an XDisp *.xdd binary file or *.json text file (see File Types) to a filename
which includes the path and extension.
short Close()
short Show()
short CheckData()
Checks the data of the current file. (Recommended before analysis.)
short Analyse()
short DeleteResults()
Sets the units in which results tables are to be output to disc by WriteResultsTables(...) and
enum EResultsTablesFileFormat
short iStage)
enum EResultsTablesFileFormat
short iStage,
short iEntity)
eResult - type of results table (e.g. Displacement Points) (ALL for all results' tables)
enum EResultsChartsFolderStructure
enum EResultsChartsFileFormat
enum EBuildingChartsExclusions
enum EUtilityRailChartsExclusions
SHORT iStage,
SHORT iEntity)
eFolderStructu whether a deep folder structure is to be created to contain the charts is to be flat or
re deep
eBuildingChart building charts will be excluded from output based on the level of damage category
sExclusions specified here (BUILDING_CHARTS_EXCLUSIONS_NONE to output all)
utility and rail track charts will be excluded from output based on the level of
- damage category specified here (UTILITY_RAIL_CHARTS_EXCLUSIONS_NONE to
output all)
Data - Tunnels
short GetPolygonalExcavation_NumSides(short
short* iNumSides)
short SetPolygonalExcavation_GMCurveVert(short
Sets the index of the vertical ground movement curve of one side of a polygonal excavation.
short SetPolygonalExcavation_GMCurveHorz(short
Sets the index of the horizontal ground movement curve of one side of a polygonal
short SetCircularExcavation_GMCurveVert(short
short iGMCurveVert)
Set the index of the vertical ground movement curve of a circular excavation.
short SetCircularExcavation_GMCurveHorz(short
short iGMCurveHorz)
Set the index of the horizontal ground movement curve of a circular excavation.
Get the number of vertical ground movement curves in the current file.
Gets the number of horizontal ground movement curves in the current file.
double dEOverG)
short SetSpecifcUtility_UtilityAcceptanceCriteria(short
short NumUtilityAcceptanceCriteria(short*
It is intended that enums are specified as function parameters by these names, rather than by their
numeric values, to allow the possibility of their numeric values changing in subsequent versions of
the program, while names are intended to remain unchanged. This approach also makes scripts
more readable. Numeric values are therefore not supplied here.
See COM Functions for more information on the use of enums in VB and Python scripts.
enum EResultsChart
enum EResultsTablesFileFormat
enum EResultsChartsFileFormat
enum EResultsChartsFolderStructure
enum EUnitDisplacement
enum EUnitLength
enum EUnitStrain
enum EBuildingChartsExclusions
enum EUtilityRailChartsExclusions
(3) Python script fails, producing error e.g. The Python library Download and install the
Python error: 'pywin32' has not been Python library 'pywin32' from
installed. the internet.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module
named 'win32com'
(4) Python script fails or produces error The Python library Download and install the
e.g. Python error: 'comtypes' has not been Python library 'comtypes'
installed. from the internet.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module
named 'comtypes'
(5) A COM function call fails referring to The COM function cannot Check all function
IXDispAutomation. be executed, e.g. due a a arguments, e.g. file paths,
rogue argument. are valid.
e.g. VB error:
(6) A VB function called from Excel causes Excel warnings are Surround the problematic
a warning that Excel is waiting for interfering with the COM VB function code with:
another application to complete an OLE process, requiring Application.DisplayAlerts
action e.g. Excel error: manual intervention. = False
= True
5 Output
5.1 Output Explorer
The Output Explorer is accessible from the 'View' menu, or via the 'Explorers' button on the
ribbon. It allows access to all output: the input data and tables of results for inclusion in reports; the
Plan View or 3D Graphics View; or Results Charts.
A context menu, to expand or collapse individual or all items, is available by right-clicking in the
If a results category is selected, such as Displacement Lines, then further options, such as which
Stages and Displacement Lines are displayed, can be specified via the droplists embedded at the
head of the window's frame
Right-clicking on the Test View opens a context menu with the following options:
Stripey Output - toggles shading of alternate rows in the text output, to improve
readability of tables
Fully populate fields - toggles whether blank fields are to be shown where data is
repeated from one row to the next, or whether that data is to be repeated, to allow more
effective data sorting if exported to a spreadsheet
Grid View - opens the Grid View or rows and columns, for easy copying to a
Export... - opens a dialog to allow the text output to be exported to a CSV, HTML, RTF or
TXT file
The Stripey Output, Fully populate fields and Grid View options are also available via "Output"
from the program menu when the Text View is active.
The Export... option is also available via "File | Export" from the program menu when the Text View
is active.
The font size of the Text Output can be controlled for printing, and so to size tables to fit better to
page widths, via the font size control on the XDisp toolbar.
Headers to text output tables are deliberately brief to allow effective export to and sorting in a
spreadsheet, and so avoid headers spanning columns. A few explanatory notes for text output of
results are given below.
An asterisk "*" at the right of a row indicates that a result includes an imported displacement.
Major and minor principal tensile strains and angle are available only if the model contains no
excavations and no tunnels which refer to the Harris and Alvarado or Mair et al methods, and if there
are no imported displacements.
Horizontal Displacements - lists horizontal ground movements at all points along the
displacement line that is associated with each Sub-Building.
Vertical Displacements - lists vertical ground movements at all points along the
displacement line that is associated with each Sub-Building, once that line has been offset by each
Building damage results are thus calculated using each sub-building's horizontal displacements,
combined with each vertical displacements set, to give n sets of results per Sub-Building, where n is
the number of vertical offsets. See Points of Inflexion, Gradient and Radius of Curvature for further
Each Sub-Building is divided into hogging and sagging segments and building damage results are
calculated for each segment. The following summaries are presented:
Detail (All Segments) - lists results for each segment, of each Sub-Building, of each
Summary by Sub-building (Critical Values for All Segments within Each Sub-Building)
- lists the critical values of all segments within each Sub-Building. These values may therefore
be drawn from more than one segment and vertical offset in the Sub-Building.
Summary by Building (Critical Segments within Each Sub-Building) - lists each Sub-
Building's critical segment, based on damage category and horizontal strain
Combined Segments - lists results for each combined segment, of each Sub-Building, of
each Building
The segment lengths that are listed are those before accounting for imposed horizontal strains.
However, points of inflexion, and therefore the segment lengths that are used in calculating deflection
ratios and building damage categories, take account of imposed horizontal strains.
Generic building damage results are thus calculated using each transect's horizontal displacements,
combined with each vertical displacements' set, to give n sets of results per transect, where n is the
number of vertical offsets. See Points of Inflexion, Gradient and Radius of Curvature for further
Each Sub-Building on a transect is divided into hogging and sagging segments and building damage
results are calculated for each segment. The following summaries are presented:
Detail (All Segments) - lists results for each segment, along each transect, of each Building
Summary by Sub-building (Maximum Tensile Strain - By Transect and L/H) - lists the
maximum tensile strain along each transect for each offset and for each L/H.
Combined Segments - lists results for each combined segment, along each transect, of
each Building
The segment lengths that are listed are those before accounting for imposed horizontal strains.
However, points of inflexion, and therefore the segment lengths that are used in calculating deflection
ratios and building damage categories, take account of imposed horizontal strains.
Coordinates and Displacements - for each iteration lists the coordinates and displacements of a)
all the joint locations where pullouts and rotations are calculated and b) locations at, one pipe length
upstream and one pipe length downstream of a joint.
Pullouts and Rotations - for each iteration, it lists the pullouts and rotations calculated at joint
locations in that iteration. At those locations, it checks whether the factored values are within their
respective threshold and limit values and prints "OK" if passed and "FAIL" if failed.
Strains - At every displacement point on the sub-utility's length, it lists the peak flexural tensile
strain orientation angle (with respect to global z-axis), radius of curvature, axial strain and flexural
strain values. It checks whether the factored total strain values are within their respective threshold
and limit values and prints "OK" if passed and "FAIL" if not.
Note: If a utility is associated with a displacement polyline, then there will be gaps in results at
bends, because each straight length of a polyline is treated as a displacement line for calculation
purposes. There must be a pipe length both upstream and downstream of any displacement point in
order for calculation of pullout and rotation to be performed at that point, and the distance of a
displacement interval for strains.
Utility damage results are calculated for all utilities on all transects. The Utility damage results'
tables are output for all utilities on all transects.
Cant | Displacements - lists the chainages, coordinates and displacements of the left and right rail
at each assessment location.
Cant | Results - lists the chainages, displacements of the left and right rail, and the resulting cant,
at each assessment location.
Twist | Displacements - lists the chainages, coordinates and displacements of the left and right rail
required for twist results at each assessment location.
Twist | Results - lists the chainages, displacements of the left and right rail and twist, at each
assessment location.
The embedded toolbar at the top of the window allows the model data and results to be viewed
stage-by-stage. Animation of the model data and results from one stage to the next is available via
the 'animate' button . The speed of animation is controlled via its neighbouring slider control.
Alternatively stages may be stepped-through manually via the +/- buttons.
The commands for controlling the display on the Plan View are available under Graphics on the
5.3.3 Templates
The Templates function works by following the procedure below.
1. Set up the Plan View which you would like to repeat for other files in the future.
2. Select the 'Save as template' option and save the view with a specific file name.
3. To reload the template select the 'Load template' option.
4. To return to the original view when the Plan View is open select 'Reset defaults'.
The 3D Graphics View may be converted to input mode, so as to enter data graphically, by clicking
the "Input/Output" button . Clicking the button again returns the view to output mode.
See Graphical Input of Data for more information on inputting data graphically.
The embedded toolbar at the top of the window allows the model data and results to be viewed
stage-by-stage. Animation of the model data and results from one stage to the next is available via
the 'animate' button . The speed of animation is controlled via its neighbouring slider control.
Alternatively stages may be stepped-through manually via the +/- buttons.
The 3D Graphics View is dependent on parameters defined in the Graphic Settings Wizard which
may be accessed, when the view is active, by Ctrl + W, by clicking the Wizard button
on the ribbon, or by right-clicking in the view and selecting 'Settings Wizard' from the
view's context menu.
The model can be rotated by holding left-click and dragging the mouse. Horizontal drag rotates the
model with respect to its z axis. Vertical drag rotates the model with respect to the axis parallel to
a horizontal line through the centre of the view.
The model can be zoomed in or out by scrolling the mouse wheel or by <ctrl> + drag up or down.
The model can be zoomed to its original scale by pressing 'z' from keyboard.
The model can be panned by dragging the mouse with the mouse wheel (or middle button) held
The view point and zoom factor can be saved by selecting "Save default view settings" from the
context menu of the view. The context menu is accessible by right-clicking in the view or by using
the context menu key on the keyboard).
The 3D Graphics menu and toolbar presents other commands that are specific to the 3D Graphics
These graphic settings are stored in the data file. The 'Apply' button applies the settings to the 3D
Graphics View without closing the dialog. The 'OK' button applies the settings to the 3D Graphics
View and closes the dialog.
the Wizard button on the ribbon when the 3D Graphics View is active; or
selecting "Graphic settings" from the context menu of the 3D Graphics View (the context
menu is accessible by right-clicking in the view or typing the context menu key from
Labels - labels of the elements selected for viewing will be displayed if the appropriate check boxes
in the labels branch are selected.
Wire frame - if this is checked then elements will be displayed as a wire frame.
Building Damage Results, Utility Damage Results and Rail Damage Results allow
customisation of the view to display the required results.
The Fill setting for building damage results fills each building's outline with colour to indicate the
highest damage category found for any of the building's segments. The Bauble setting adorns the
apex of each building's pediment with a similarly coloured bauble of specified Diameter. The
Bauble setting ensures the visibility of building damage results for every building in any orientation
of the view.
The Displacements' page specifies how the displacement results are to be displayed.
After performing an analysis, results are available for the Points, Lines and Grids specified in the
Displacement Data table. The 3D Graphics View can illustrate these results. If no results are
available then the locations of the proposed displacement data are shown.
Displacement Entities
Points, Lines and Grids to be viewed may be selected via the check boxes.
Labels of the entities selected for viewing will be displayed if the appropriate check boxes in
the labels branch are selected.
Allows selection of the displacement result that is to be displayed, e.g. displacement in the
x, y and z directions, horizontal resultant or the resultant. The contour display or deflected
shape will be based on this selection.
Undeflected shape
When this is checked the undeflected positions of Points, Lines and Grids are displayed.
This is required to view the locations of Displacement Data when there are no results.
Deflected shape
When this is checked the deflected shape of Points, Lines and Grids are displayed.
Deflections are not to scale but are indicative of relative movements.
Display nodes
When this is checked the nodes on the grids and/or lines will be highlighted with a small
Display values
When this is checked the nodes will be annotated with displacement values. This button is
enabled only if results exist.
When this is checked the deflected nodes on a grid form a surface with filled polygons.
When unchecked it displays polygons by outlines (i.e. as a mesh). This button is enabled
only if results exist and when the 'Contour surface' button is unchecked.
Results Contouring
This allows the specification of filled or lined contours and either default or user-defined
contour limits and intervals. Contour intervals may not be chose to exceed 50 contours. The
maximum value is the results' range.
Centre of rotation
This specifies the co-ordinate of the centre for rotating and zooming.
Centre of drawing
When this is selected the centre of rotation is set to the centre of the model, the resulting x
and y co-ordinates are displayed in the edit boxes. These cannot be edited directly.
When this is selected the edit boxes x and y are enabled so that the centre of rotation may
be entered directly.
No. Name
When this is checked a white background is provided behind the text for all the labels in the
When this is checked the surfaces become semi-transparent. The transparency depends on the
sequence of the drawing order.
When this is checked light falls on the model from a pre-defined position set by the program. This
button is enabled only when lighting is appropriate.
When this is checked the picture area that is used for the model excludes that of the legend.
Otherwise the legend is superimposed on the model's image.
Perspective view
Ghost Image
When this is checked a ghost image will be drawn when the elements are rotated. This avoids time
lag especially when there are many elements in the view.
Background Data
Selects whether to view the background data that has been imported via DXF import.
This resets all the settings to the program's defaults and applies them to the 3D Graphics View.
This applies the current settings from all the pages to the 3D Graphics View, and closes the
property sheet.
This undoes the changes to all those pages that have been modified since the 'Apply' button was
last pressed.
This applies the current settings from all the pages to the 3D Graphics View without exiting the
property sheet.
3D Graphics View
3D Graphics Toolbar
5.5 Charts
Results charts are most easily accessible from the Output Explorer. However, they may also be
selected by the following procedure while the Plan View is open.
1) Perform an analysis
2) Open the Plan View
3) Ensure the element for which a chart of results is required is visible
Once a chart is shown further options for specifying the required output may be available via the
droplists embedded at the head of the chart's frame. Right-clicking on the chart offers options to
control the display of e.g. tooltips, symbols, chart style etc.
Bulk Chart Export allows many charts to be exported to image files without the need to open each.
The following charts are viewable in the program providing the appropriate data and results are
Displacement Data
Displacement Lines
Any Location - All Stages
Specific Buildings
Building Damage Interaction[1][2]
Building Damage Interaction[1][2]
Maximum Tensile Strain
Specific Utilities
Rotation - if the utility is jointed
Pullout - if the utility is jointed
Axial Strain
Flexural Strain
Combined Strain
All Strains
Radius of Curvature
Rotation - if the utility is jointed
Pullout - if the utility is jointed
Axial Strain
Flexural Strain
Combined Strain
All Strains
Radius of Curvature[5]
Rotation - if the utility is jointed
Pullout - if the utility is jointed
Axial Strain
Flexural Strain
Combined Strain
All Strains
Radius of Curvature[5]
Rail Tracks
Twist (short base)
Twist (long base)
[1] The appropriate Segment Combinations dialog may be accessed by clicking the 3 dots "..."
beside the Segment selection drop-list that is embedded at the top of either the Building
Damage Interaction chart's window or the Building's Displacement chart's window.
[2] "No data to display" indicates that settlements are less than the Vertical Displacement
Limit Sensitivity for the chose building segment.
[3] Generic results by Transect allow each Transect's results to be inspected for each Stage by
specifying the Stage and Transect from the selection drop-list that is embedded at the top of
a chart's window. Charts are plotted against chainage along the polyline, with the origin
being the start of the building or utility, if that is offset from the start of the polyline on which
its alignment depends.
[4] Generic results by Building or by Utility allow the critical result for each Transect to be
plotted along the chainage of the Generic Building or Generic Utility. Charts are plotted
against distance along the Transect.
[5] Where displaced utilities are straight, so radius of curvature is infinity, the charts will show a
nominal value of 1012m.
6 Import/Export
6.1 Import
6.1.1 AutoCAD (DXF)
Geometric data may be imported from DXF files via 'File | Import | AutoCAD (DXF)...' from the
program menu.
The purpose of DXF import is twofold: firstly to allow tunnels, buildings, utilities or excavations to be
created quickly from existing AutoCAD or GIS data; and secondly to allow background lines and
circles to be imported for display on the 3D Graphics View.
Alignments of tunnels, buildings, utilities or excavations may be traced in AutoCAD and, provided
they are saved in the appropriate entity types and named layers, read into XDisp to create complex
geometries with minimal input by the user in XDisp itself.
DXF files may be used only to specify the alignments, and, where appropriate, the levels of tunnels,
buildings, utilities and excavations. Other, non-geometrical data are set to default values by XDisp.
After the DXF file has been imported this data should be checked by the user, and, where relevant,
reset to appropriate values.
Sample DXF files are supplied with the program. See Sample Files for more information.
For each building a corresponding displacement line will also be created.
POLYLINEs and LWPOLYLINEs may therefore be used to define all the façades of a real building.
In XDisp, each façade will be represented as a sub-building.
For each utility a corresponding displacement line will also be created.
POLYLINEs and LWPOLYLINEs can describe either a closed, or an incomplete, loop. If XDisp
encounters the latter, then it will close the loop by assuming a final side is intended between the first
and last points of the (LW)POLYLINE.
The top level of the excavation is set to be 10 m above the highest base point.
On importing data from DXF, if XDisp finds any DXF LINES, POLYLINES, LWPOLYLINES and
CIRCLES that are not in a recognisably named DXF layer (as specified in the table above). Such
entities will be imported as background data for display on the 3D Graphics View and in the
Background Data input table.
Once imported, tunnels, buildings, utilities and excavations may be edited as for others input directly
into the program. However, background data is edited, after importing, via the Background Data input
The Background Data input table, can be accessed via 'Data | Background Data' from the program
menu or via the Gateway. Once imported this data cannot be edited, but individual or all records can
be deleted by right-clicking in the Background Data input table and, from the subsequent context
menu, selecting 'Delete' to delete selected data or 'Delete All' to delete all data.
The "Specification" field corresponding to an entity in the Background Data input table gives its
condensed information. Detailed information can be viewed via the wizard which is accessed by
double clicking the wizard button on the ribbon. A context sensitive dialog, depending on the type of
DXF data item concerned, will then appear.
All background data can also be deleted via the 3D Graphics' View's context menu (i.e. by right-
clicking on the 3D Graphics View and selecting "Delete Background Data" from the subsequent pop-
up menu). Imported DXF background data in the 3D Graphics View can be displayed or hidden via
the Graphic Settings property sheet.
Displacement data
Background data
Imported displacements
Displacement results
The data for each may be appended to the existing data that has already been entered into the
XDisp model, or may replace it.
This allows, for instance, building damage assessment and utility damage assessment to be
performed, in XDisp, on ground movements that have been calculated from soil loads in PDisp.
'Skip duplicate locations with tolerance' option allows the user to ignore duplicate points. All the
points that are at a distance within the tolerance limit specified from an existing point are ignored.
The purpose of Imported Displacements is to combine the displacements from other programs
together with those from XDisp. The combined displacements may then be shown on the Text
Output, the Plan View or the 3D Graphics View. Multiple sets of imported displacements will be
imported into separate tabs on a table, and will be available to add to either the base model or
The import file should include rows of data beginning with one of the following keywords. Each row
of data contains displacement results for a single coordinate.
Whichever of these keywords is used, the data will be imported and treated in the same way. The
range of keywords is to allow the import of CSV files that have been exported from XDisp or Oasys
PDisp, which may contain any of these keywords.
Units for data in the file are specified by the keywords UNI T_DI SP and UNI T_LENGTH, or DI SP
and LENGTH (displacement and length units respectively) followed by the index of the unit. Length
and displacement units' indices are: 0 - metres; 1 - centimetres; 2 - millimetres; 3 - feet; 4 - inches.
Units information should appear in the file before the displacement results.
If units are not specified in the file then a dialog will be shown at the beginning of the import process
for the user to specify the units of the data in the file.
These imported displacements may be viewed via 'Data | Imported Displacements...' from the
program menu or via the Gateway. Once imported they are non-editable. Imported displacements
can be deleted by right-clicking in the Imported Displacements input table and selecting 'Delete All'
from the subsequent context menu.
In order that imported displacements may be combined sensibly with displacements that are
generated by XDisp, the following rules apply.
1) All coordinates of data in the import file are imported whether a match is found for them or
not in the displacement grids, lines and points of the current XDisp file.
2) The checking of whether coordinates match those of the displacement grids, lines and
points in the XDisp file is performed at the time of analysis. The tolerance for coincidence
is 1 mm in all of the x, y and z directions. Those coordinates which match any in the XDisp
file will have their results added to those of that XDisp file after analysis.
3) If there are multiple entries of displacements for the same point in the import file, all those
displacements will be added to those calculated by XDisp for the displacement position,
whether that position is modelled by XDisp as a displacement point, or as a point within a
displacement line or grid.
4) Similarly, if one point in the import file is matched with more than one in the data file, e.g. if
displacement points, lines or grids contain coincident positions, then the imported
displacements will be added to each of the matching positions in the data file.
The diagram below illustrates a series of displacement coordinates in a CSV import file, a
Displacement Grid, a Displacement Line, and three Displacement Points in an XDisp data file. It
shows how the results would be combined.
Coordinates such as 'A' are present in the CSV import file in one row of data only with one set of x, y
and z displacements. Coordinates such as 'B' are present in the CSV file in two rows of data and so
have two sets of x,y and z displacements. Coordinates such as 'C' are present only in the XDisp
data file and not in the CSV import file. Their results will therefore only reflect the results from
XDisp's calculation of displacements. Coordinates such as 'D' are present in the XDisp data file, but
also in two rows of the CSV import file. Their results will therefore be the sum of those from XDisp's
calculation of displacements and the two rows of results in the CSV import file. Coordinates such
as 'E' are present in the XDisp data file and in one row of the CSV import file. Their results will
therefore be the sum of those from XDisp's calculation of displacements and that one row of results
in the CSV import file.
If an imported result is intended to be added to results at each displacement point in the XDisp data
file, then care should be taken to ensure that the imported file contains one result for every data
point. When importing results from Oasys PDisp this is most easily achieved by creating the same
set of Displacement Grids, Lines and Points in the two programs for export from one and import to
the other. Having created the Displacement Grids, Lines and Points in one of the programs they can
be input to the other by copying and pasting between the programs' Displacement Data input tables
by highlighting the required cells and via the right-click context menu options of 'Copy' and 'Paste'.
Note that the last columns in the Displacement Data for the two programs may display different
data, so only the first, common columns should be copied.
Caution should be employed if results are inspected for which not all points of Displacement Grids,
Lines and Points have matching imported displacements.
The Text Output may be inspected for a summary of the displacements that have been imported
and, after analysis, those which have been found to match displacement points in the XDisp file.
There is an option provided for Displacement Lines and Polylines to linearly interpolate/extrapolate
the imported displacement values. For this there should be at least two imported displacements on
the line/polyline.
6.2 Export
6.2.1 CSV Results File
A comma-separated value (CSV) file of results may be output by selecting 'File | Export | CSV
Results File ..." on the program menu. This option is disabled if there are no results, so an analysis
must have first been performed. On selection of that menu option the CSV export selection dialog
will appear.
If a grid is selected for a direction that contains results that are all zero, then that direction will be
'Skip duplicate locations with tolerance' option allows the user to ignore duplicate points. Only one
instance of the result at each location is output. All subsequent results at that location are ignored.
For instance, if one displacement line's end point is coincident with another's start point, then only
The option to 'Omit stage ref.' controls whether entries will be included in the CSV file to identify the
stage that is associated with the result. The option is enabled and pre-selected if 'All' stages are
selected, since the Stage reference is necessary to distinguish one stage's results from another.
However, if CSV results for a single stage are to be exported for subsequent import into Oasys
PDisp, then this option should be unselected since Oasys PDisp does not recognise stage
One purpose of this output is to allow building damage segments/categories and displacement
contours to be plotted on drawings in other design programs e.g. AutoCAD.
The output file includes keywords to identify the content of each row of data.
Displacements for displacement data are identified by the keyword: POINT_RESULT (for a
Displacement Point); LPOINT_RESULTS (for a single location on a Displacement Line);
PLPPOINT_RESULT (for a single location on a Displacement Polyline); or GPOINT_RESULT (for a
single location on a Displacement Grid). They follow the sequence:
(Stage No.),
x Coordinate,
y Coordinate,
z Coordinate,
x Displacement,
y Displacement,
z Displacement.
(Stage No.),
Grid No.,
Contour value,
x Coordinate 1,
y Coordinate 1,
x Coordinate 2,
y Coordinate 2.
Specific building damage results' data lines are identified by the keyword
(Stage No.),
Building No.,
Building Name,
Sub-Building Name,
Offset No.,
Segment No.,
Segment Start x,
Segment Start y,
Segment Start z,
Segment End x,
Segment End y,
Segment End z,
Damage Category.
Specific building damage results' data lines for critical values for all segments in a sub-building are
identified by the keyword
(Stage No.),
Building No.,
Building Name,
Sub-Building Name,
Offset No.,
Max. Deflection Ratio,
Max. Average Horizontal Strain
Max. Slope
Max. Settlement
Max. Tensile Strain
Max. Gradient of Horizontal Displacement Curve
Max. Gradient of Vertical Displacement Curve
Minimum Radius of Curvature (Hogging)
Minimum Radius of Curvature (Sagging)
Damage Category
Generic building damage results' data lines are identified by the keyword
(Stage No.),
Building No : Name.,
Polyline No : Name.,
Transect No.,
Transect Start x,
Transect Start y,
Transect Start z,
Transect End x,
Transect End y,
Transect End z,
Vertical Offset,
Segment No.,
Segment Start,
Segment Length,
Deflection Ratio,
Average Horizontal Strain,
Maximum Tensile Strain,
Maximum Gradient of Horizontal Displacement Curve,
However, for generic buildings the user can choose the columns that they want to export via its
Export Columns dialog that is accessed by clicking the Settings button present in the Generic
Building Damage Results group box.
Specific utility damage results' data lines are identified by the keyword
UDA_SPECIFIC_RESULT_COODS_DISPS for coordinates and displacements. They follow the
(Stage No.),
Utility Name,
Sub-Utility Name,
Iteration No.,
Specific utility damage results' data lines for pullouts and rotations are identified by the keyword
(Stage No.),
Utility Name,
Sub-Utility Name,
Iteration No.,
Distance (from the utility’s start point),
x Coordinate,
y Coordinate,
z Coordinate,
Axial Pullout (left segment) - Unfactored,
Axial Pullout (left segment) - Factored,
Flexural Pullout (left segment) - Unfactored,
Flexural Pullout (left segment) - Factored,
Axial Pullout (right segment) - Unfactored,
Axial Pullout (right segment) - Factored,
Flexural Pullout (right segment) - Unfactored,
Flexural Pullout (right segment) - Factored,
Total Axial Pullout - Unfactored,
Total Axial Pullout - Factored,
Total Flexural Pullout - Unfactored,
Total Flexural Pullout - Factored,
Total Pullout - Unfactored,
Total Pullout - Factored,
Threshold Check,
Limit Check,
Rotation - Unfactored,
Rotation - Factored,
Threshold Check,
Limit Check,
Sagging vs Hogging.
Specific utility damage results' data lines for strains are identified by the keyword
UDA_SPECIFIC_RESULT_STRAINS. They follow the sequence:
(Stage No.),
Utility Name,
Sub-Utility Name,
Distance (from the utility’s start point),
x Coordinate,
y Coordinate,
z Coordinate,
Axial Strain - Unfactored,
Axial Strain - Factored,
Flexural Strain - Tension - Unfactored,
Flexural Strain - Tension - Factored,
Flexural Strain - Compression - Unfactored,
Flexural Strain - Compression - Factored,
Total Tension - Unfactored,
Total Tension - Factored,
Tension Check,
Total Compression- Unfactored,
Total Compression- Factored,
Compression Check,
Radius of Curvature,
Threshold Check,
Limit Check,
Peak Flexural Tensile Strain Orientation Angle (with respect to global z axis).
Generic utility damage results' data lines for coordinates and displacements are identified by the
keyword UDA_GENERIC_RESULT_COODS_DISPS. They follow the sequence:
(Stage No.),
Generic Utility No : Name,
Polyline No : Name,
Transect No.,
Transect Start x,
Transect Start y,
Transect Start z,
Transect End x,
Transect End y,
Transect End z,
Iteration No.,
Distance (from the utility’s start point),
x Coordinate,
y Coordinate,
z Coordinate,
x Displacement,
y Displacement,
z Displacement,
Horizontal Displacement along the utlility,
Horizontal Displacement perpendicular to the utility,
x Displacement at (n-Lp),
y Displacement at (n-Lp),
z Displacement at (n-Lp),
Horizontal Displacement along the utlility at (n-Lp),
Horizontal Displacement perpendicular to the utility at (n-Lp),
x Displacement at (n+Lp),
y Displacement at (n+Lp),
z Displacement at (n+Lp),
Horizontal Displacement along the utlility at (n+Lp),
Horizontal Displacement perpendicular to the utility at (n+Lp),
Generic utility damage results' data lines for pullouts and rotations are identified by the keyword
(Stage No.),
Generic Utility No : Name,
Polyline No : Name,
Transect No.,
Transect Start x,
Transect Start y,
Transect Start z,
Transect End x,
Transect End y,
Transect End z,
Iteration No.,
Distance (from the utility’s start point),
x Coordinate,
y Coordinate,
z Coordinate,
Axial Pullout (left segment) - Unfactored,
Axial Pullout (left segment) - Factored,
Flexural Pullout (left segment) - Unfactored,
Flexural Pullout (left segment) - Factored,
Axial Pullout (right segment) - Unfactored,
Axial Pullout (right segment) - Factored,
Flexural Pullout (right segment) - Unfactored,
Flexural Pullout (right segment) - Factored,
Total Axial Pullout - Unfactored,
Total Axial Pullout - Factored,
Total Flexural Pullout - Unfactored,
Total Flexural Pullout - Factored,
Total Pullout - Unfactored,
Total Pullout - Factored,
Threshold Check,
Limit Check,
Rotation - Unfactored,
Rotation - Factored,
Threshold Check,
Limit Check,
Sagging vs Hogging.
Generic utility damage results' data lines for strains are identified by the keyword
(Stage No.),
Generic Utility No : Name,
Polyline No : Name,
Transect No.,
Transect Start x,
Transect Start y,
Transect Start z,
Transect End x,
Transect End y,
Transect End z,
Iteration No.,
Distance (from the utility’s start point),
x Coordinate,
y Coordinate,
z Coordinate,
Axial Strain - Unfactored,
Axial Strain - Factored,
Flexural Strain - Tension - Unfactored,
Flexural Strain - Tension - Factored,
Flexural Strain - Compression - Unfactored,
Flexural Strain - Compression - Factored,
Total Tension - Unfactored,
Total Tension - Factored,
Tension Check,
Total Compression- Unfactored,
Total Compression- Factored,
Compression Check,
Radius of Curvature,
Threshold Check,
Limit Check,
Peak Flexural Tensile Strain Orientation Angle (with respect to global z axis).
However, for generic utilities the user can choose the columns that they want to export via its Export
Columns dialog that is accessed by clicking the Settings button present in the Generic Utility
Damage Results group box.
Dimensions for output data are chosen by the user in the "Save As" dialog that follows the "CSV
Results File Output Selection" dialog. Length and displacement units' indices are: 0 - metres; 1 -
centimetres; 2 - millimetres; 3 - feet; 4 - inches. Angle units' indices are 0 - radians; 1 - degrees.
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_COODS_DI SPS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1
Pol y l i ne1, 2, 50, 150, 0, 150, 150, 0, 1, 20, 70, 150, 0, 10. 06785, 0, 40. 27141, 10. 0678
5, 0, 0. 46361, 0, 0. 37089, 0. 46361, 0, - 6. 32503, 0, 8. 44476, - 6. 32503, 0
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_COODS_DI SPS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1
: Pol y l i ne 1, 2, 50, 150, 0, 150, 150, 0, 1, 40, 90, 150, 0, - 6. 32503, 0, 8. 44476, -
6. 32503, 0, 10. 06785, 0, 40. 27141, 10. 06785, 0, 6. 32503, 0, 8. 44476, 6. 32503, 0
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_COODS_DI SPS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1
: Pol y l i ne
1, 2, 50, 150, 0, 150, 150, 0, 1, 60, 110, 150, 0, 6. 32503, 0, 8. 44476, 6. 32503, 0, -
6. 32503, 0, 8. 44476, - 6. 32503, 0, - 10. 06785, 0, 40. 27141, - 10. 06785, 0
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_COODS_DI SPS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1
: Pol y l i ne 1, 2, 50, 150, 0, 150, 150, 0, 1, 80, 130, 150, 0, - 10. 06785, 0, 40. 27141, -
10. 06785, 0, 6. 32503, 0, 8. 44476, 6. 32503, 0, - 0. 46361, 0, 0. 37089, - 0. 46361, 0
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_COODS_DI SPS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1
: Pol y l i ne
1, 2, 50, 150, 0, 150, 150, 0, 2, 21, 71, 150, 0, 8. 64098, 0, 43. 20492, 8. 64098, 0, 0. 6526
4, 0, 0. 54387, 0. 65264, 0, - 5. 2906, 0, 6. 63154, - 5. 2906, 0
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_COODS_DI SPS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1
: Pol y l i ne 1, 2, 50, 150, 0, 150, 150, 0, 2, 41, 91, 150, 0, - 5. 2906, 0, 6. 63154, -
5. 2906, 0, 8. 64098, 0, 43. 20492, 8. 64098, 0, 7. 40794, 0, 10. 58978, 7. 40794, 0
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_PULLOUTS_ROTATI ONS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y
1, Pol y l i ne 1 : Pol y l i ne
1, 1, 50, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 1, 20, 70, 200, 0, 3. 16266, 3. 16266, 1. 17549, 1. 17549, -
2. 37578, - 2. 37578, 1. 17549, 1. 17549, - 5. 53844, -
5. 53844, 2. 35098, 2. 35098, 2. 35098, 2. 35098, - , OK, 0. 10785, 0. 10785, -
, OK, Saggi ng
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_PULLOUTS_ROTATI ONS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y
1, Pol y l i ne 1 : Pol y l i ne 1, 1, 50, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 1, 40, 90, 200, 0, - 2. 37578, -
2. 37578, 0. 52159, 0. 52159, 0, 0, 0. 52159, 0. 52159, 2. 37578, 2. 37578, 1. 04317, 1. 04
317, 3. 41895, 3. 41895, - , OK, 0. 04785, 0. 04785, - , OK, Hoggi ng
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_PULLOUTS_ROTATI ONS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y
1, Pol y l i ne 1 : Pol y l i ne
1, 1, 50, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 1, 60, 110, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0. 52159, 0. 52159, 2. 37578, 2. 3757
8, 0. 52159, 0. 52159, 2. 37578, 2. 37578, 1. 04317, 1. 04317, 3. 41895, 3. 41895, -
, OK, 0. 04785, 0. 04785, - , OK, Hoggi ng
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_PULLOUTS_ROTATI ONS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y
1, Pol y l i ne 1 : Pol y l i ne
1, 1, 50, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 1, 80, 130, 200, 0, 2. 37578, 2. 37578, 1. 17549, 1. 17549, -
3. 16266, - 3. 16266, 1. 17549, 1. 17549, - 5. 53844, -
5. 53844, 2. 35098, 2. 35098, 2. 35098, 2. 35098, - , OK, 0. 10785, 0. 10785, -
, OK, Saggi ng
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_STRAI NS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1 :
Pol y l i ne 1, 1, 50, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 1, 51, 200, 0, 109. 84, 21. 968, 22. 391, 22. 391, -
22. 391, - 22. 391, 132. 23088, 44. 35934, OK, - , - 0. 42356, OK, 2. 79E
+04, OK, OK, 17. 70068
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_STRAI NS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1 :
Pol y l i ne 1, 1, 50, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 2, 52, 200, 0, 143. 74, 28. 747, 29. 329, 29. 329, -
29. 329, - 29. 329, 173. 06558, 58. 0767, OK, - , - 0. 58226, OK, 2. 13E
+04, Fai l s , Fai l s , 17. 70068
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_STRAI NS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1 :
Pol y l i ne 1, 1, 50, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 3, 53, 200, 0, 184. 18, 36. 835, 37. 616, 37. 616, -
37. 616, - 37. 616, 221. 79246, 74. 45105, OK, - , - 0. 78035, OK, 1. 66E
+04, Fai l s , Fai l s , 17. 70068
UDA_GENERI C_RESULT_STRAI NS, Ut i l i t y 1 : Gener i c Ut i l i t y 1, Pol y l i ne 1 :
Pol y l i ne 1, 1, 50, 200, 0, 150, 200, 0, 4, 54, 200, 0, 230. 91, 46. 183, 47. 202, 47. 202, -
47. 202, - 47. 202, 278. 1145, 93. 38433, OK, - , - 1. 01924, OK, 1. 32E
A context menu, to expand or collapse individual or all items, is available in the Chart Export
Selections dialog by right-clicking in the dialog.
The Chart Export File Paths dialog presents options to specify a folder structure that can be created
to contain the exported charts. To avoid long file paths, which may easily exceed operating system
limits, codes are used instead of full descriptions for category titles in folder and file names.
"Charts" is an optional top level folder. Other folders adopt the abbreviations show below. If stage or
entity category titles are required in file names too then these codes are used for that purpose too.
ST - Stage
DL - Displacement Line
DP - Displacement Polyline
SB - Specific Building
GB - Generic Building
SU - Specific Utility
GU - Generic Utility
RT - Rail Track
BT - By Transect
BB - By Building
BU - By Utility
T - Transect
O - Offset
contains the "by Transect" Building Damage Interaction Chart for Transect 4, Offset 2, L/H ratio
index 2, Uncombined Segment 4 of Generic Building 7 (named "High Street").
The Chart Export File Paths dialog allows the depth of the folder structure to be customised, along
with the terms used in folder and file names. It also provides two default settings: "Deep" to create a
folder structure as illustrated in the example above, and "Flat" to save all charts in the top level
"Charts" folder.
As the various options are enabled or disabled in the Chart Export Paths dialog, so the status bar at
the bottom of the program window shows a sample of the chosen folder structure and its folder and
file names, in order to illustrate how the output will be arranged and named given the options that are
currently selected in the dialog.
7.1.1 3D Graphics
The 3D Graphics Menu and Toolbar provide rapid access to the functions to control the 3D Graphics
View display. Greater control is possible via the 3D Graphics Settings wizard. For instance, the
settings wizard allows individual buildings to be viewed or hidden, whereas the toolbar allows only
the display of all or none.
[1] Grids must first be visible, by selecting Displacement Data button to toggle Displacement
Grids, before line contours, filled contours or the deflected shape of Displacement Grids can
be shown.
Key Action
8 Miscellaneous
8.1 File Backups
A file backup results in a temporary copy of the model (input data and results if available) being
saved in the user's temporary folder (i.e. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp).
Manual backups have "_M.xdd" appended to the file name. Timed backups have "_bak" appended to
the file name.
A manual backup of the data file is created automatically on opening a file, automatically on saving a
A timed backup of the data file is created periodically according to the user's preferences for timed
backups and on beginning an analysis. If a model has results then no timed backup is made.
If the program shuts down prematurely (as a result of program malfunction or power failure etc) then
the backup files remain on disk for subsequent use so that changes that were not saved by the user
may be available. Such backup files may be deleted manually when they are no longer needed.
Backup files will be overwritten if a data file with the same name is opened, so their previous
contents will be lost.
If a data file is closed properly then its backup files are automatically deleted.
9 List of References
9.1 References
Attewell P B (1978). Ground movements caused by tunnelling in soil. Proc. Conf. on Large Ground
Movements and Structures, Cardiff, July 1977, Ed. Geddes J.D., Pentech Press, London, pp. 812-
Attewell P B and Woodman J P (1982). Predicting the dynamics of ground settlement and its
derivatives caused by tunnelling in soil. Ground Engineering, November 1982, 13 - 36.
Attewell P B, Yeats J and Selby A R (1986). Soil movements induced by tunnelling and their
effects on pipelines and structures. Blackie.
Bracegirdle A and Mair R J, Nyren R J, Taylor R N (1996) - A methodology for evaluating potential
damage to cast iron pipes induced by tunneling – Geotechnical Aspects of Underground
Construction in Soft Ground, Mair & Taylor (eds), 1996 Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 659-664.
Burland J B (1995). Assessment of risk of damage to buildings due to tunnelling and excavation.
Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, IS-Tokyo.
Burland J and Hancock R (1977). Underground Car Park at the House of Commons, London:
Geotechnical Aspects. The Structural Engineer, 1977, 55(2) pp 87-100.
Burland J B and Wroth C P (1974). Settlement of buildings and associated damage. Proc. Conf.
On Settlement of Structures, Pentech Press, London, England, pp 611-654.
CIRIA Report C580 (2003). Embedded retaining walls - guidance for economic design.
CIRIA Special Publication 69 (1989). The engineering implications of rising groundwater levels in
the deep aquifer below London.
Devriendt, M (2003). Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessments for the King’s Cross
Underground Station Redevelopment Project. Tunnels and Tunnelling International, July 2003, pp. 24-
Harris D I and Alvarado G (in preparation). Tunnelling induced volume loss strain and
displacements: a general formulation under constant volume conditions.
Mair R J et al (1993). Subsurface settlement profiles above clay in tunnels. Géotechnique 43 No.
Mair R J, Taylor R N and Burland J B (1996). Prediction of ground movements and assessment
of risk of building damage due to bored tunnelling. Proceedings of an International Symposium on
Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, London, pp 713-718.
Martos F (1958). Concerning an approximate equation of the subsidence and its time factors. In
International strata control congress, Leipzig. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin,
Sektion fur Bergbau, pp 191-205.
Melis M and Rodriquez Ortiz J M (2001). Consideration of the stiffness of buildings in the
estimation of subsidence damage by EPB tunnelling in the Madrid Subway. CIRIA Response of
Buildings to Excavation Induced Ground Movements, pre-conference papers.
National Coal Board (1975). Subsidence Engineers Handbook. NCB Publications , London.
New B M and Bowers K H (1994). Ground movement model validation at the Heathrow Express
trial tunnel. Proc. Tunnelling 1994. IMM, London, pp 301-327
O'Reilly M P and New B M (1982). Settlements above tunnels in the United Kingdom - Their
magnitude and prediction. Proc. Tunnelling '82, ed Jones M P. IMM, London, pp 137-181.
Pillai (Kanapathipillai) A (1996). Review of the BRICK model of soil behaviour. MSc dissertation,
Imperial College, London.
Peck R B (1969). Deep excavations and tunnelling in ground. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Soil Mech and
Found. Eng. Mexico. 1969 State of the Art volume.
Ren G Reddish D J and Whittaker B N (1987). Mining subsidence and displacement predictions
using influence function methods. Min. Sci. Technol. 5 pp.89-104.
Schmidt B (1969). Settlement and ground movement associated with tunnelling in soil. PhD thesis.
University of Illinois.
Selby AR (1988). Surface movements caused by tunnelling in two-layered soil. Bell et al Eds:
Engineering geology of underground movements. Geol. Soc. Engineering Geology Special
Publication No. 5, pp 71-77.
Simpson B (1992). Retaining structures displacement and design, Géotechnique 42, No. 4, pp 541-
St John H D (1975). Field and theoretical studies of the behaviour of ground around deep
excavations in London Clay, PhD thesis, Cambridge University, 1975.
Taylor R N (1995) Tunnelling in soft ground in the UK : in K Fujita and O Kusakabe (Eds)
Underground Construction in Soft Ground: Proceedings of International Symposium no. 3, New
Delhi, India 3 January 1994 International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Timoshenko (1957). Strength of Materials - Part 1. D van Nostrand Co. Inc, London.
Yeates J (1985). The response of buried pipelines to ground movements caused by tunnelling in
soil. In: Ed. Geddes J.D Ground Movements and Structures. Pentech Press, Plymouth. pp 145–
Index -D-
Damage Category Strains' Data 108
Data Input 79
-;- Displacement Data 89
Displacement results 175
; Display nodes 162
the displacement line menu item [PICTURE Display values 162
DisplacementEntitiesButton.png] on the Graphical
DXF 172
Input Toolbar; 129
-3- -E-
Embedded Wall Excavations 9, 26, 94
3D Graphics 193
Excavations 9, 26, 94
3D Graphics Toolbar 193
Excel 154
3D Graphics View 11
Export 178
-A- Extrusion 89
Paste 154
-H- PDD 175
Pdisp 175
Horizontal Displacement 48 Plan Area Plots 158
Horizontal Strain 55 Plan View 11
Point 89
-I- Polygonal Excavations 94
Polyline 86
Import 172, 175 Polylines 86
Inflexion 56 Preferences 84
Interaction Charts 55 Problem Type 84
Program Features 8
-K- Pullout 60
Strain 66
O'Reilly and New 22, 23, 25
Stripey Output 154
Table View 11
Tabular Output 11
Tabulated Output 154
Templates 160
Titles 81
Toolbars 193
Total strain 66
Transects 86
Transparent 162
Tunnel Analysis Methods 15
Tunnel Settlement Trough Width 22
Tunnels 9, 90
Undeflected shape 162
Units 82
User-defined k 22
User-specified k 25
Utility Damage Assessment 57, 113
Utility Parameters 114
Vertical Displacement 45
Volume Loss 17
Wire frame display 162
Xdisp Toolbar 11