Cirn Sheller PDF
Cirn Sheller PDF
Cirn Sheller PDF
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 2, February - 2019
Abstract—A dry corn shelling machine presented Corn is considered to be one of the most
in this paper helps to separate corn from the cob. important staple crops in the world.
The fabricated design consists of a body casing,
drum, shelling unit, grain and cob discharge unit, People in some parts of the world actually consider
machine frame, hopper (Feeding chute), bearing corn as their survival food. According to the D-Lab
as some of the major component, It is powered by corn Sheller writing at the Massachusetts Institute of
2Hp electric motor connected via a belt drive Technology (Accessed on Oct 4th 2013), corn
which transmits torque from the electric motor to accounts for 43% of the Latin American diet. Because
the shelling unit. A blower powered by a separate of the high need of corn grains, it leads to the
electric motor connected to the discharge unit invention of a wonderful tool called the corn sheller
helps to separate the unwanted particles from the which helps in shelling the kernels from the cob as
shelled corn. The fabricated design was tested well as makes shelling faster and easier. It. The first
and found to be about 79percent efficient with ever corn sheller was invented by Lester E. Denison
operating capacity of about 63.95kg/hr. The at Sayville Middlesex country, connecticus.
design is relatively cheap, simple and portable
Today, corn shellers come in wide variety of sizes
when compared to imported product of similar
and types. From the simplest hand-held device to the
more complex bigger self-feeding machines powered
by steam, corn kernel separation has been successful
since then.
1. INTRODUCTION 1.11 AIM: The aim of this article is to design an
improved corn shelling machine that operates with
Corn is the most important cereal grain in the high efficiency and flexibility
world, after wheat and rice, providing nutrients for
humans and animals and serving as a basic raw 1.12 .OBJECTIVES
material for the production of starch, oil and protein, The specific objectives of the research work are to;
alcoholic beverages, food sweeteners and, more
recently, fuel. It is because of the important place of Design a corn shelling machine that will
maize that it’s handling, processing and preservation operate with minimum noise.
within the optimum conditions must be analyzed.
Construct a corn shelling machine that can
The problem of poverty, hunger and malnutrition effectively separate the corn from the cob.
would be alleviated if there is adequate production of
corn, Corn also called maize plays an important
dietary role in most parts of Africa, It is grown virtually The expectation of this research is to solve the
everywhere, in tropical, subtropical and temperate problem of manual shelling of corn and other short
regions where rain and irrigation is adequate comings noticed in some of the existing designs
(Messiaen, 1992), Tindall, 1983). visa−viz loss of corn during processing , stress, and
time wasting experienced in other methods as well as
The major steps involved in the processing of corn
cost of production
are harvesting, drying, de-husking, shelling, storing,
and milling. All these processes are costly and for the 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
rural farmers to maximize profits on their produce,
appropriate technology that suites their needs must be Depending on the influence of agronomic,
used. Corn processing not only prolongs its useful life economic and social factors, shelling is done in
but also increases the net profit farmers (users) make different ways:
from mechanization technologies. It is in this line that (i) Shelling by hand, with simple tools;
one of the most important processing operations done
to bring out the quality of corn is shelling. It is basically (ii) Mechanical shelling, with simple machines
the removal of the corn kernels from the cob. This operated manually.
separation, done by hand or machine, is obtained by (iii) Mechanical shelling, with motorized
shelling through friction or by shaking the products; equipment.
the difficulty of the process depends on the varieties
grown, and on the moisture content as well as the Going through history, one can emphatically say
degree of maturity of grain. that design and fabrication of corn shelling machine
had been in existence from time immemorial.
Although during that time, the fabricated designs by
JMESTN423527 1
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 2, February - 2019
local welders lacks technological acuity. The type of shelling chamber and therefore the effect of friction is
metals as well as other materials used in construction too vigorous during the shelling process.
were not well evaluated, such that when the machine
were subjected to stress and strain or being exposed 2.1.3 Mechanized shelling with motorized
to some environmental factors while in use may react equipment
quickly to corrosion and wear Nowadays many small corn shellers, equipped with
Oloko et al. (2002) developed a corn shelling a rotating cylinder of the peg or bar type, are available
machine driven electrically and powered by a 2Hp of on the market. Their output ranges between 500 and
electric motor. The machine weighed 80kg and the 2000kg per hour, and they may be driven from a
shelling efficiency is about 71% with the machine tractor power take off or have their own engine; power
capacity of 54.5kg/hr. one of the limitations was that requirements vary between 5 and 15hp according to
losses in corn during shelling was relatively high the equipment involved. For instance the French
Bourgoin “Bamba” model seems well-suited to rural
2.1.1 Hand shelling areas in developing countries because of its simple
The easiest traditional system for shelling corn is to design, easy handling and versatility (maize, millet
press the thumbs on the grains in order to detach sorghum, etc.).
them from the ears. Another simple and common
shelling method is to rub two ears of corn against
each other. These methods however require a lot of
labour. It is calculated that a worker can hand-shell
only a few kilograms an hour. Shelling of corn, as well
as of sun flowers, can be more efficiently
accomplished by striking a bag full of ears or heads
with a stick. Maize and sunflowers can also be shelled
by rubbing the ears or heads on a rough surface.
Small tools, often made by local artisans, are
sometimes used to hand-shell corn. With these tools,
a worker can shell 8 to 15 kg of corn an hour.
2.1.2 Maize-shelling with Rotary Equipment
Manual shellers, which are relatively common and
sometimes made by local artisans, permit easier and Figure 2.11: “Bamba” motorized maize sheller
faster shelling of ears of corn. These come in several Transportation of the product from the field to the
models, some of them equipped to take a motor; they threshing or shelling place must also be handled with
are generally driven by a handle or a pedal. Use of special care, since it can bring about severe losses.
manual shellers generally requires only one worker. A Maize grain losses contribute to food insecurity and
good example is the Antique maize shellers. low farm incomes not only in Kenya but also in other
SSA countries (Compton, 1992; Azu, 2002; Republic
of Kenya, 2004). The losses are directly measurable
in economic, quantitative, qualitative, (nutritional)
terms. Economic loss is the reduction in monetary
value of maize grain as a result of physical loss.
Quantitative maize loss involves reduction in weight
and therefore can be defined and valued. Qualitative
loss although difficult to assess because it is
frequently based on subjective judgments (like
damage), can often be described by comparison with
locally accepted quality standards (Magan and Aldred,
2007).Such losses lead to lower levels of food
security, hunger and low on farm incomes (Republic
of Kenya, 2004).
To satisfy operational requirements and design
Figure 2.10: Antique Maize sheller purpose, standard values were used in developing the
design consideration, specification analysis and
The major setbacks with these shellers are that drawing
their threshing capacities are low and most of them
require to be fixed on benches before operation. Also The major components of the design include the
their method of operation is too cumbersome from the Machine stand, shelling chamber, shaft diameter,
fact that the crank handle is directly connected to the volume of the hopper, motor capacity. The corn
shelling machine was then assembled by bolting and
JMESTN423527 2
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 2, February - 2019
welding. The shelling machine is made up of various Kt = Combined shock factor applied to torsional
components, these are: Body casing, Drum, Shelling moment Mt
unit, Grain discharge unit, Cob discharge unit, Hopper
(Feeding chute). Electric motor, Blower and some Ss = Shear stress in N/m2
other essential parts like the bearing shaft frame etc Mt = Torsional moment in Nm
The shaft was designed by considering the Mb = Bending moment in Nm.
Torsion combined with axial tension and
a) Types of loading (i.e. static, shock or cycle compression: some shafts such as propeller shafts
loading). are subjected to torsion combined with direct axial
b) The weakening effect of point stresses, loads and this gives;
concentration due to key ways and shoulders.
c) Combination of loading SS(max) = 16(MT)2/πd3 + (FaD)2/8. (3.6)
The action of load on the shaft is generally one of where: Ss (max) = maximum shear stress in N/m2
the following
Source: Khurmi and Gupta (2005).
i. Torsion
ii. Bending Table 2.1: Criteria for Shaft Selection Factors
iii. Torsion combined with axial tension or
Types of Load For
compression. mtr mt S/N Kb Kt
i. Torsion shear stress T = = 16 .(3.1) Stationary Shaft
XY T πd3 1 Load applied 1.0 1.0
where TXY = torsional shear stress in N/m2 2 Load applied shaft 1.5 – 2.0 1.5 – 2.0
Mt = torsional moment in N/m For Rotating Shaft Kb Kt
Load applied
r = radius of shaft 1 1.5 1.0
d = diameter of shaft Load applied
suddenly (minor
ii. For bending loads on solid shaft, bending 2 1.5 – 2.0 1.0 – 2.0
stress (Sb) tension
or compression is given as:
iii. s = br = . (3.2) Load applied
b T πd3
suddenly (Heavy
Mb = bending moment in Nm 3 2.0 -3.0 1.5 -3.0
Ts = Torsional shear stress in N/m2
iv. For axial loads on solid shaft tensile or Source: (Butterwort et al., (1987).
compressive stress. ASME commercial steel shaft has allowable shear
stress = 55Mn/m2 for shafts with keyways.
sa = 2 . (3.3)
πd For the purpose of this research work, A 2Hp
where, electric motor was selected with a speed of 1410 rpm.
s = axial stress in N/m2 The voltage of the electric motor is 220V and power is
1.5 watt. Since we wanted speed reduction, the
Fa = axial load in N
reduced speed is 331 rpm. The blower has 1Hp
v. For torsion combined with bending most electric motor with a speed of 1910 rpm. The voltage
rotating shaft carries gears and pulley in addition to is 230V.
torsion. In order to reduce bending moments, such
3.4.3 BLOWER
machine element should be mounted as near as
possible This helps to blow off light particles away from the
562 grain thereby producing clean-shelled grains. It
ss (max. ) = TXY + . (3.4) usually fabricated and made of mild steel flat bar and
2 is driven by the electric motor through belt
where ss(max) = maximum shear stress in N/m transmission. Though in the design it was not
From ASME code, the torsional and bending constructed, the method of air blowing through the
moments are to be multiplied by factors 𝐾𝑏 and grains falling under gravity.
𝐾𝑡 respectively. Combine fatigue and shock occur The torsional moment acting on a shaft was
during operation, therefore. determined considering the following.
Ss = 16(K M )2/πS + (K M )2. (3.5) 3.4.5 DETERMINATION OF OUTER AND INNER
(max) b b s t
JMESTN423527 3
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 2, February - 2019
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 2, February - 2019
Converting the uniformly
distributed load to a point load
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 2, February - 2019
a = Area of the base
h = height of pyramid
Area of the base = l x b
Fig 3.4 show the point load of the shaft Length of the base = 0.26m
Since the driven pulley is overhung and the Breath of the base = 0.27m
distance of the centre from the nearest bearing is
Height of pyramid, h1 = 0.31m
312.5, therefore bending moment Mb on the shaft due
to the pull on the belt is: Volume of pyramid, =1 xa xh
1 3 1 1
Mb = (T1 + T2 + 2Tc) x Mb. (3.21)
V= 1x l1 x b1 x h1
Mb = (T1 + T2 + 2Tc) x 312.5 1 3
= 0.00045m3
Te =
16 x t x d3 . (3.23) Vhoppe = 0.007254 – 0.00045 = 0.006804m3
r -3 3
49857.98 = = 6.804 x 10 m
16 x 12 x d3
= 6804cm3
3 49857.98
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 2, February - 2019
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
ISSN: 2458-9403
= 8257.176cm3
Table 2.3: showing the bill for engineering
= 8257cm3 measurement and evaluation
From equation (3.1), the volume of cylinder that will
contain the sheared corn 2 hp,
1 Electric motor 1 30000.00
= 403556 – 8257 1410rpm
25.4mm mild 3mm by
= 395299cm3 2 2 3000.00
steel flat bar 5480mm
Mild steel Angle 50mm by
iron 50mm
Volume flow rate = Area of the duct x velocity(3.26) 4 Mild steel Shaft Ø27mm 1 3,000.00
5 Pulley driven Ø234mm 1 3,000.00
Where Area = L x B (3.27) 1.5mm mild steel 1200mm by
6 1 6,500.00
sheet 600mm
= 0.065 x 0.05
Mild steel angle 35mm by
7 iron 35mm 1 3,500.00
= 0.00325m
8 Belt A-side 1 400.00
The velocity = 2πN 9 Bearings Ø75mm 2 1,800.00
60 (3.28) Gauge 12
10 1 packet 1 1,500.00
2 x 3.142 x 1910
= 60 11 Bolts and nuts Sum 100.00
1 hp,
= 200 m/s 12 Motor (for blower) 1 10,000.00
Volume flow rate = 0.00325 x 200 13 Miscellaneous 6,900.00
Total N75,200.00
= 0.65m3/s
After the assembling was completed, the machine
= 65cm3/s was properly lubricated at the shelling hub end and
3.6. MATERIAL SELECTION bearing for smooth running. It was then observed from
any noise or vibration, which is normal to all belt
. Adequate care was taken in the selection of the driven machines. The weight of this corn shelling
materials for corn shelling machine as only the best machine is 75kg.
material which serves the desired objectives at the
minimum cost. were considered. Materials were A specific quantity of corn was fed into the
selected locally to make the material sourcing easier fabricated design one after the other, the following
Bearings and other components that are vital to the observations were made. Shelling was carried out for
design were careful selected. approximately equal size of maize and ten sets of test
were recorded. The table shows the test carried out in
3,6.1 DESIGN SPECIFICATION AND ANALYSIS increasing order of size.
In the design, certain factors were put into Table 2.4: test carried out in corn
consideration. This includes volubility, capacity of
speed, and efficiency of performance. Since the corn
Time (sec) to shell
shelling machine will be employed to shell corn, and Weight of corn
Corn sample the corn by the
some relevant physical and mechanical properties of (kg)
corn Sheller need to be understood.
Table 2.2 Design Specifications 1 0.11 5
2 0.12 6
Mild steel sheet 4 0.16 8
1. Body casing 290mm x 150mm
(2mm) 5 0.13 6.5
Hopper 6 0.16 8.5
Mild steel sheet 260mm x 270mm x
2. (feeding 7. 0.17 9
(2mm) 220mm
chute) 8. 0.18 12
Cob discharge Mild steel sheet 220mm x 100mm x
3. 9. 0.14 8
unit (2mm) 210mm
Grain Mild steel sheet 110mm x 120mm x
10. 0.20 14
4. 85 secs (1min:
discharge unit (2mm) 420mm Total 1.51
1 ½ inch angle 840mm x 390mm x 25sec)
5. Machine frame
bar 700mm
6. Bearing Cast iron Small size 3.6.2 THE CAPACITY OF THE DESIGN
7. Electric motor Copper 1.5kw/1410rev/min Average weight of corn = 1.51kg
= 0.151kg
8. Pulley (driver) Cast iron 55mm diameter 10
9. Pulley (driven) Cast iron 234mm diameter
If a corn of 0.151kg is shelled for 8.5 secs
Motor (for
10. Copper 1kw/1910rev/min
JMESTN423527 9
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
ISSN: 2458-9403
The rate of shelling is
History of corn and uses: http//
0.151 x 60 Htm Pp 1-2
Xkg = = 9.06
8.5 = 1.066kg/min and Pp 2
In one hour the capacity of the fabricated design is Joseph Briggs (1845). “Compact sheller unit
1.066kg/min x 60min designed to be supported on a bench or chair”.
Saratoga County, New York
Xkg = = 63.95kg/hr
1 Khurmi R.S.& Gupta J.K. (2005): A Textbook of
In 24hrs Machine Design; S. Chand and
X2kg = 64 x (24)hrs =1536kg/day
Company Limited, New Delhi (Pg. 509, 727 -736)
1 tone = 1000kg It implies 1.536 tonnesperday can
Magan & Aldred (2007): “Qualitative loss although
be shelled
difficult to assess because it
is frequently based on subjective judgments (like
damage), can often be
Weight of shelled corn = 1376g = 1.376kg
described by comparison with locally accepted
Weight of unshelled corn = 1742g = 1.742kg quality standards
E= x 100 (3.29) Medi D. I etal (2006) “Design and Construction of
an Industrial corn shelling
Weight of shelled corn x 100 machine” Unpublished research work submitted to
= Weight of unshelled the Mechanical Engineering
Department Pp 4-15
= 1.742 x 100
= 78.98
Lester E. Denison from Middlesex County
Connecticut (1839) “was issued a
= 79% Patent for a freestanding, hand-operated machine
3.7. CONCLUSION that removed individual
.The design was found to be 79percent efficient sheller htm Pp1-2 Pp 2-5
with a capacity of 63.6kgperhour and
about1.356tonnes [per day
The machine is effective and able to shell the grain
at the tip of the cob as well as the remaining part of
the cob. Materials used were locally sourced with
reduced cost of production. The corn shelling machine
is widely used in the farms, homes and in agricultural
sector in general, featured by small size, little noise,
simple process and compact arrangement, etc
Azimu V.S, Ayeni K.O,& Emerdi K. (2007) “Design
and Construction of pop corn
machine” Unpublished project submitted to the
Electrical and Electronics Department Pp 1-2”
Compton (1992), Azu (2002), & Republic of Kenya
(2004); “Maize grain losses
contribute to food insecurity and low farm incomes
not only in Kenya but
also in other SSA countries”.
D-Lab Corn Sheller (2013) “The Massachusetts
Institute of Technology” Pp 3-4
History of corn shelling machine (2008 March)
Available: http:
www.livinghistoryfarms htm, Pp 1-2
JMESTN423527 10
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
ISSN: 2458-9403
kernels of maize by pulling the cob through a
series of metal-toothed
cylinders which stripped the kernels off the cob”.
Musa N.A. (2005) “Introductory Mechanizes of
machine” Published by Soreh
Publisher in Nigeria Pp 116-117
Oloko et al. (2002) “a corn shelling machine
driven electrically”published by the Agricultural
Engineering Department of Federal Polytechnic,
Ado-Ekiti State. Pp 5
Rajput R.K (2006) “Strength of
materials (mechanics of solids)”
Revised Edition
Published by S.chand and company ltd Pp 724
Sharma P.C (2006) “A textbook of production
Technology (manufacturing
Processes) Revised Edition by S.chand and
company ltd Pp1-2,Pp 221&321.
Tindall (1983), & Messiaen (1992): “Corn is
grown virtually everywhere, in tropical, subtropical
and temperate region where rain and irrigation is
JMESTN423527 11
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
ISSN: 2458-9403
Appendix 1
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
ISSN: 2458-9403
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