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Keywords: Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) is successfully electrodeposited from a graphene oxide-containing suspension
Reduced graphene oxide under stirring and no sonication onto Ni foam by applying −1.5 V/SCE. The electrodeposited material is
Electrodeposition characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier
Cyclic voltammetry Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR) and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). FTIR and TGA results indicate
the formation of hydrogenated rGO after electrodeposition. In addition, the electrochemical response of the
rGO/Ni electrode is evaluated by cyclic voltammetry in 1 M potassium hydroxide solution. The results reveal
that the electrode possesses higher conductivity and lower polarization loss compared to bare Ni foam, opening
wider perspectives to design composites with improved electrochemical performance.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: dellanoce@ufpa.br (R.D. Noce).
Received 30 October 2019; Received in revised form 22 January 2020; Accepted 30 January 2020
Available online 31 January 2020
0925-9635/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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R.D. Noce, et al. Diamond & Related Materials 104 (2020) 107740
Current / mA
by cyclic voltammetry in 1 M KOH solution. -10
2. Experimental details
Ni foam was used as substrate to improve the rGO adhesion, as
compared to stainless steel. Ni foam, with geometrical area of 1.79 cm2,
was galvanostatically deposited on stainless steel (AISI 304, -20
Goodfellow) from an electrolyte containing chemical grade 0.1 M NiCl2,
1 M NaCl and 1 M NH4Cl. The deposition process was carried out at
current density of 1 A cm−2 for 150 s using two electrodes electro-
chemical cell connected to a power source (Sorensen LH110). Graphite
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
plate served as a counter electrode. And the Ni foam as working elec-
trode. Afterwards, the foam was rinsed with distilled water to remove Deposition time / s
excess of electrolyte and dried before rGO deposition. rGO was po-
Fig. 1. Current vs. time (I × t) profile for the electrodeposition of rGO onto Ni
tentiostatically obtained by applying potentials in the range −1.2 to
foam by applying −1.5 V (SCE) under stirring. Total deposition time: 300 s.
−1.5 V vs. Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE). Even though the rGO Stirring speed: 500 rpm.
deposition at −1.2 V is possible, it takes long times (more than 15 min)
and for this reason the rGO deposition was optimized at −1.5 V for a
period of 5 min only. Higher deposition times lead to lower electro- conductivity values between 4 and 25 mS cm−1 for a bath containing
chemical activity as described below. The rGO deposits were produced 0.5 g L−1 GO plus 0.25 M NaCl.
from an unsonicated suspension containing 0.5 g L−1 GO (commercial The morphology of the rGO deposits has been analyzed by SEM at
monolayered GO) plus 0.1 M Na2SO4, used as supporting electrolyte, at different magnifications (Fig. 2). It is clearly observed that the Ni foam
pH 7 and under stirring of 500 rpm. At these concentrations, the sus- retains its original characteristic porosity, while the surface is covered
pension displays a conductivity of 22 mS cm−1 measured by a con- by nearly continuous nanosheets (Fig. 2b), characterisitc of graphene-
ductivity meter (Eutech Instruments model PC 700), previously cali- based materials, revealing the presence of electrodeposited rGO. Note
brated with commercial buffer solutions. The average deposited mass that the porosity and roughness of Ni foam allows better adhesion of the
was 0.4 mg obtained for several experiments carried out at −1.5 V and rGO sheets compared to flat substrates, e.g. stainless steel. To further
5 min of deposition. The rGO deposits were physically characterized by confirm the presence of electrodeposited rGO, XRD and Raman spec-
scanning electron microscopy (SEM, (JEOL model JSM-7001F)), X-ray troscopy have been employed (Fig. 3). The XRD pattern of the rGO
diffractometry (XRD, Bruker AXS D8 Advance), Raman (WiTec Alpha deposit (Fig. 3a) presents a broad peak located at ca. 25°, corresponding
3000 with laser wavelength 532 nm), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR, to the (002) diffraction line of rGO. This feature is characteristic of non-
Perkin Elmer Frontier) spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis graphitic carbon materials with highly disordered nanocrystalline
(TGA, TA instruments Q5000). The rGO electrochemical response was structure [18].
evaluated in 1 M KOH solution by cyclic voltammetry (Voltalab PGZ Raman spectroscopy is a powerful and non-destructive technique
100 potentiostat/galvanostat). used to reveal the structural information of carbon-based materials
[19]. The Raman spectrum of rGO (Fig. 3b) depicts two well-defined
3. Results and discussion bands at about 1345 and 1585 cm−1, corresponding to the typical D
and G bands for carbon materials [20]. The ID/IG ratio is often em-
Fig. 1 displays the current vs. time (I × t) profile for the potentio- ployed to describe the sp2 sp3 hybridized carbons on the graphitic
static electrodeposition of rGO onto Ni foam by applying −1.5 V/SCE structures. For GO is observed an ID/IG ratio of 0.99 whereas its elec-
under stirring. It is seen that the current increases as the deposition time trochemically reduced form is 0.96, suggesting a decrease of the defects
increases, nearly reaching a plateau at the end of the deposition pro- upon the graphene lattice after reduction. Evenly several authors have
cess. This means that the Ni foam surface was completely covered by shown that after the reduction of GO to rGO the ID/IG increases sug-
the rGO deposit in this condition. The coverage of Ni by rGO inhibits gesting that the sp2 domains are restored by reducing the functional
the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) decreasing the total current groups and forming defects [21]. However, here it is possible to have
density observed in the I vs. t plot. Moreover, the surface pH increases reduction and hydrogenation, which lead to the decrease of functional
due to the reduction of water molecules producing OH– which suppress groups and insertion of hydrogen keeping the sp3 domains. Sofer's
the HER current. Potentials lower than −1.5 V have been employed, group studied the exfoliation of graphite oxide in hydrogen plasma and
nevertheless, the high HER damages the rGO deposit leading to low also observed the decreasing of D and G bands ratio after the reduction
carbon content upon the electrode surface. Similar behavior was ob- [22,23]. The decreasing of the ID/IG ratio observed here suggests: First,
served by Ambrosi and Pumera [15] in the preparation of rGO de- the unsonicated suspension allows obtaining less defective rGO and
posited at −1.5 V upon a carbon screen printed electrode that shows a second, the graphitic structure is not well affected by the proposed
lower catalytic activity for HER. This fact suggests the possibility of rGO reduction mode and most of the functional groups are replaced by
entrapment in the porous and rough Ni foam surface even with higher hydrogenated one, which does not permit the formation of defects near
catalytic activity for HER. Also, it is important to highlight that the rGO sp2 domains.
deposition only takes place in presence of Na2SO4 (supporting elec- FTIR has been also employed to investigate the chemical structure
trolyte) in solution. Indeed, it has been reported that the supporting of the electrodeposited rGO and is shown in Fig. 3c. Graphene oxide
electrolyte plays an important role on the rGO deposition, along with spectrum depicts a strong wide band at 3000–3750 attributed to OeH
the conductivity and pH of the solution [11]. Specifically, the rGO vibrational mode of C-OH from oxidized groups of GO. This band is not
deposition occurs in a wide range of pH from 1.5 to 12.5 and observed on rGO spectrum (red line), suggesting that OH groups were
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R.D. Noce, et al. Diamond & Related Materials 104 (2020) 107740
rGO sheets
Fig. 2. SEM images of rGO potentiostatically electrodeposited onto Ni foam by
applying −1.5 V (SCE) under stirring. Total deposition time: 300 s. Stirring
speed: 500 rpm.
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R.D. Noce, et al. Diamond & Related Materials 104 (2020) 107740
6 rGO/Ni foam
Ni foam
20 -4
rGO -6
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 -8
-0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Temperature / °C
E / V vs. SCE
Fig. 4. TGA curves of GO and electrodeposited rGO.
Fig. 5. Cyclic voltammogram of Ni foam and rGO/Ni foam in 1 M KOH solution
obtained at 20 mV s−1.
rGO gives rise to lower thermal stability than that of chemically rGO
(with low hydrogen content). Bousa et al. [25] also observed lower
glassy carbon electrode (GCE) exhibits a current increase in the CV from
thermal stability as the hydrogen content on rGO increases. The for-
50 μA to ca. 150 μA, by employing 0.1 M KOH as electrolyte, in com-
mation of highly hydrogenated reduced graphene was reported by
parison to the CV of bare GCE [35]. For comparison, it is important to
Krishna et al. [29] who produced it by electrochemical reaction of Ni
stress that although GO acts as the most suitable precursor for gra-
nanoparticles and HCl. By wet chemistry, some reports have shown the
phenic-like materials, its pure form is an insulating material showing
production of highly hydrogenated graphene by nascent hydrogen in
conductivity values about 10−8 S m−1 [36]. Thus, its application on
acid medium [30,31] and the mechanism is regarded to Clemmensen
electrochemical purposes is not common due to its poor electro-
reduction. Jankovsky et al. [32] studied the reduction and hydro-
chemical activity. The GO and rGO electrochemical behavior has been
genation of graphene oxide employing aluminum powder in alkaline
demonstrated by Basu et al. [37] who observed low current density
deuterated solutions nascent hydrogen formed during Al oxidation.
values for GO electrodes in aqueous [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− system. A similar
Indeed, the metal mediated nascent hydrogen reveals to be efficient for
result has also been obtained by Strong and co-workers [38] for GO
reduction/hydrogenation of graphene oxide to more reduced species.
deposited onto flexible substrates.
However, in electrodeposition the oxidation step that generates metal
Besides a current increase, the CV of rGO/Ni foam electrode depicts
ions on the reacting surface does not exist on the cathode. Thus, the
an expansion in the positive potential range, where the oxygen evolu-
mechanism for hydrogenation should be quite different than that pro-
tion reaction (OER) is shifted to more positive values, increasing the
posed for nascent hydrogen mediated by metal oxidation. In a recent
operating potential window approximately 250 mV. Lai and co-workers
work, Quezada-Renteria et al. [33] studied the electroreduction of
produced NiO/Ni composites and evaluated their electrochemical per-
graphene oxide in aqueous and organic medium evaluating its chemical
formance. The higher content of metallic nickel on the mesostructured
structure and electrochemical behavior. The authors suggest that elec-
composite increases the electrical conductivity and decreases the po-
trochemical reduction of GO in presence of H+ occurs via consecutive
larization loss [39]. Here, rGO acts like the metallic nickel of Lai's work
hydrogenation of oxidized groups, leading to higher content of sp3
by connecting the nanostructured nickel particles and increasing the
hybridized carbons (high content of CeH bonds). For instance, at pH 12
conductivity of the resulting rGO/Ni electrode. Moreover, the change
(low proton content) a higher sp2/sp3 ratio in comparison to pH 2
on the electronic structure of hydrogenated rGO also changes the ca-
(higher proton content), was observed when the applied potential is
pacitance in the case of its charge storage. Jiang et al. [13] evaluated
sufficiently negative to produce hydrogen bubbles coming from water
the hydrogenation of CVD graphene and found higher capacitances for
reduction. It must be noted that the working electrode used in this case
the hydrogenated product compared to those of pristine. These char-
(AISI 1045) have less catalytic activity for hydrogen adsorption/evo-
acteristics are important, for example, in energy storage applications. In
lution than nanocrystalline nickel and, additionally, does not exhibit
particular, in the case of electrochemical capacitors (ECs) a current
oxide formation during cathodic overpotential imposition. Daniels et al.
increase in the CV may lead to higher capacitance values of the re-
[34] attributed the electrochemical hydrogenation to the defect density
sulting material. Likewise, an augment in the working potential
of pristine graphene which enhances the surface area and allows hy-
window may result in higher energy density values. Considering that
drogen to adsorb onto additional sites in the graphene structure. Thus,
the energy density in ECs is obtained by E = CV2/2, where C is the total
in neutral medium and high applied overpotentials (−1.5 V vs. SCE)
capacitance and V is the operating voltage, expanding V leads to a
the high hydrogen evolution leads to the production of defective rGO
considerable increase in their energy density [40]. Another application
[16] which is more susceptible to hydrogenation.
of rGO and its hydrogenated form is in the field of electrochemical
To evaluate the electrochemical response of electrodeposited rGO,
sensing. In this context, they have been remarked as a promising plat-
cyclic voltammetry has been employed in 1 M KOH aqueous solution.
form for biomark detection [41]. Also, rGO has been used as sensor in
Fig. 5 depicts the cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of Ni foam and rGO/Ni
the detection of glucose in conjunction with metal oxides to form
foam obtained at 20 mV s−1. The current density is increased about
composites electrodes [42,43]. In this case, the rGO-based sensor dis-
three times in the case of the rGO/Ni foam electrode compared to the
plays high electrochemical activity for electrocatalytic oxidation of
bare Ni foam. This is because rGO possesses high electrical conductivity
glucose in alkaline medium which is attributed to an increase in the
and is a more active host, with large interlayer distances and a dis-
electrical conductivity of the composite due to the rGO presence.
ordered structure that also facilitate the electrolyte penetration into the
Note that our findings have been attained for an rGO mass loading
electrode [18]. In fact, Wang et al. reported that rGO deposited onto
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