1, FEBRUARY 2004 17
Abstract—It is getting increasingly clear that electric distribu- II. PRESENT STATE AND FUTURE TRENDS
tion systems are undergoing rapid changes due to deregulation, the
penetration of distributed generation and power electronics tech- Distribution systems are changing from nearly every stake
nologies, and the adoption of efficient computation, communica- holder’s perspective, including customer’s, the regulator’s, the
tions, and control mechanisms. The primary goal of this paper is
planner’s, the engineer’s, the operator’s, and the financier’s. Al-
to recommend the development of a new two-course sequence to
reflect the radical changes occurring or expected to happen in the though it is beyond the scope of this paper to address each of
future. these issues in detail, the following sections describe the major
factors related to the present state and the future of distribution
Index Terms—Deregulation, distribution systems, engineering
curriculum. systems.
160 80 cause motor contacts to drop out and electronic controls to mal-
140 70 function.
To complicate matters, many customers are not willing to pay
# of Holding Companies
120 60
for increased quality; many see perfect reliability as an entitle-
Revenue ($B)
100 50 ment, and as an opportunity to ride free on others willing to pay
80 40 for premium service. Different customers have different needs,
60 30 and existing distribution systems are not able to differentiate re-
liability accordingly. Reliability is too high for most, too low for
40 20
some, and just right for few [4].
20 10
0 0 F. Performance-Based Regulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
In general, performance-based regulation allows utility per-
Number of States with Retail Sales
formance to dictate profitability. This generally takes the form
Fig. 1. States served by electric utility holding companies. of a rate freeze, which encourages efficiency by allowing util-
ities to retain cost savings for the duration of the rate freeze.
Since rate freezes often lead to under investment, many regula-
C. Increased Equipment Loading tory commissions combine rate freezes with penalties for poor
Short-term financial pressures have led most utilities toward performance.
increased levels of “asset utilization.” Although high equipment In concept, penalties for poor performance provide an explicit
loading is well understood from the perspective of thermal aging financial incentive to maintain or improve performance levels.
and conductor sag, it is less understood in other ways. In practice, penalties are small and indirect factors drive invest-
With everything else equal, high loading increases failure ment behavior. The regulatory trend, however, is clear. Future
probability. Detailed failure rate models do not exist, but the distribution companies might not have guaranteed returns on
probability of second-order failures increases with the square their asset base. Asset management and operational efficiency
of failure rate, the probability of third-order failures increases by these companies might become increasingly critical for sur-
with the cube of failure rate, and so forth. Coupled with reduced vival, and profits will be increasingly linked to performance
reconfiguration flexibility due to capacity constraints, extreme measures such as customer satisfaction and reliability.
loading often results in systems that are much more vulnerable
to major events than the same system during moderate loading.
Reliability aside, thermal aging of organic insulation in-
creases exponentially with temperature. This does not only Restructuring of the power industry, changing expectation of
substantially impact the useful life of moderately loaded the customers of the digital age, and advancements in tech-
equipment, but becomes a financial concern when systematic nology will gradually impact distribution systems. The tech-
increases in equipment loading begin to materially reduce nologies that would have the biggest impact are distribution au-
useful life. tomation, power electronics, distributed energy resources, and
distribution management systems (DMS), and distribution con-
D. Aging Infrastructure trol centers (DCCs).
Before the 1970s, electricity usage grew at an annual rate of
approximately 7%. Without considering failures, this implied A. Distribution Automation
that 14% of equipment would have been older than 30 years The concept of distribution automation dates back to the
and 0.5% would have been exceeding 50 years. For the last 30 1970s. The main motivation at that time was to use evolving
years, growth has been lower at approximately 2.5%, resulting computer and communications technology to improve op-
in minimal procurement need for new equipment. This implies erating performance of distribution systems. Since then, the
currently 49% of existing equipment is older than 30 years and growth of distribution automation has been dictated by the
8% older than 50 years. level of sophistication of existing monitoring, control, and
Aging infrastructure is a major problem due to growth rate communication technologies, and performance and economic
alone, is exacerbated by higher equipment loadings and less ag- factors associated with the available equipment. Evolution of
gressive replacement programs, and has been recognized by the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems,
Department of Energy and one of the major issues facing elec- which have been in use for monitoring the generation and
tric utilities [3]. transmission systems, has also helped progress in the field
of distribution automation. Although distribution systems are
E. Increasing Demand for Power Quality and Reliability a significant part of power systems, advances in distribution
While utilities are under increasing pressure to reduce cost control technology have lagged considerably behind advances
and deal with aging infrastructures, many customers are de- in generation and transmission control.
manding higher levels of power quality and reliability. Long in- Small pilot projects were implemented by a few utilities to
terruptions halt production, short interruptions cause computer test the concept in the 1970s. In the 1980s, there were several
systems to crash, and waveform distortions, such as sags, can major pilot projects. By the 1990s, the technology had matured
and that resulted in several large and many small projects at var- B. Power Electronics Devices
ious utilities. Some people speculated that most of the utilities
would embark on large-scale distribution automation. However, Electric power quality has become an increasingly problem-
many utilities found it difficult to justify distribution automation atic area in power system distribution systems. Power quality
based on hard cost-benefit numbers. Business uncertainties due may be defined as “the measurement, analysis, and improve-
to deregulation and restructuring of the power industry slowed ment of bus voltage, usually a load bus voltage, to maintain that
wide scale implementation of distribution automation. Thus, it voltage to be a sinusoid at rated voltage and frequency [8].” Any
is prudent to re-examine the overall philosophy of distribution deviation due to harmonics, transients, voltage sag, and inter-
automation. Instead of undertaking mega projects, it is time to ruption results in power-quality problems. A direct correlation
“think small.” In other words, instead of a top-down approach, exists between the lack of electric power quality delivered to
it is perhaps better for the utilities to opt for the bottom-up the customer and the number of complaints received from the
approach. Moreover, selection of distribution automation func- customer. Although power quality is not a very huge concern
tions for implementation should always be need based. Improve- for residential customers, it can have significant impact on the
ments of system reliability and voltage profile on the feeders are industrial and the commercial customers. Momentary loss of
two examples of the needs for utilities. Need-based automation power or sag in voltage could reset the manufacturing process or
would be easier to justify and win approval of the management. the computers, resulting in loss of millions of dollars. Similarly,
Distribution automation also provides many intangible benefits, such events can be disastrous for hospitals. Society will be in-
which should be given consideration while deciding to imple- creasingly more digital in the future. The demands of customers
ment distribution automation. to receive better quality of service will increase. Even for res-
After the deregulation and restructuring issues are settled, dis- idential customers, it will not be just the nuisance of resetting
tribution automation activities should increase. Automation al- blinking clocks, but several appliances and devices would need
lows utilities to implement flexible control of distribution sys- to be reset and require reprogramming.
tems, which can be used to enhance efficiency, reliability, and The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has directed
quality of electric service. Flexible control also results in more substantial research efforts into the development of advanced
effective utilization and life-extension of the existing distribu- technologies to improve the performance of utility distribution
tion system infrastructure. Many utilities are contemplating pro- systems. The technology, called custom power, seeks to inte-
viding performance-based rates to their customers. They would grate modern power electronics-based controllers such as the
be willing to pay compensation to the customers if the perfor- solid-state breaker (SSB), the static compensator (STATCOM),
mance falls below a minimum level. Such actions will allow util- and the dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) with distribution au-
ities to brace for the upcoming competition from other parties tomation and integrated utility communications to deliver a high
interested in supplying power to the customers. Although higher grade of electric power quality to the end user [9]. Although ex-
reliability and quality are the goals of the utilities, they would tremely useful, custom power devices have been used in distri-
like to accomplish this while optimizing the resources. Another bution systems only on a limited basis. Recently, several new
goal for a utility should be improvement in system efficiency by devices have been developed which allow rapid control. Ap-
reducing system losses. plication of distribution-level power electronic devices such as
The functions that can be automated in distribution systems the STATCOM for distribution system control has already been
can be classified into two categories, namely, monitoring func- demonstrated [10]. These devices are continuously controlled
tions and control functions [5]–[7]. Monitoring functions are and respond in real time to system changes. Coordination of
those needed to record (1) meter readings at different locations a STATCOM with load-tap-changer (LTC) and mechanically-
in the system, (2) the system status at different locations in the switched capacitors reduces fluctuations in system voltage, im-
system, and (3) events of abnormal conditions. The data moni- proving the quality of service.
tored at the system level are not only useful for day-to-day op- The power electronics devices that control quality of power in
erations but also for system planning. Distribution supervisory the distribution systems have been used very sparingly mainly
control and data acquisition (DSCADA) systems perform some due to cost considerations. Only the very critical loads such as
of these monitoring functions. The control functions are related hospitals and some manufacturing facilities can justify invest-
to switching operations, such as switching a capacitor, or recon- ment in such devices. The most prevalent power electronics de-
figuring feeders. The function that is the most popular among vice is the uninterrupted power supply (UPS), which is very
the utilities is fault location and service restoration or outage commonly used for the computer systems. Even for individual
management. This function directly impacts the customers as computers, inexpensive UPS are available. As computer tech-
well as the system reliability. Some customer-related functions, nology penetrates the homes and businesses, the need for in-
such as remote load control, automated meter reading (AMR), expensive devices to provide ride-through capabilities against
and remote connect/disconnect may also be considered as distri- momentary interruptions, voltage sags, and other power-quality
bution automation functions. However, AMR has evolved sig- problems will increase. It is quite conceivable that the appli-
nificantly itself as a separate area. In addition, system protection ances of the future would have a built-in module to provide such
can also be a part of overall distribution automation schemes. features.
C. Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) sources. Advanced protection schemes, which can adapt to the
changing distribution system configuration, would be essential.
Deregulation of the power industry, advancements in tech- They will depend on measurement of data at strategic locations
nology, and a desire of the customers for cheap and reliable and communication of these data to intelligent relays for protec-
electric power has led to an increased interest in distributed en- tion of the system. Therefore, protection will become an integral
ergy resources. Distributed resources are attractive due to lower part of distribution automation. Large numbers of distributed
capitol cost, potential for reduced emissions, and possibility generation could also lead to stability and frequency control
of deferment of transmission upgrades. Unlike bulk power re- problems. The problems that were only relevant to transmission
sources, the distributed resources are directly connected to the systems will become relevant to distribution systems too. There-
distribution system, most often at the customer end. In some fore, new technologies to operate and manage the micro-grid at
cases, utility-installed distributed resources are located in the the distribution system will be needed.
distribution substation. Regulatory issues are also significant for the growth of dis-
Wind, solar, microturbine, minihydro, miniturbines, com- tributed resources. Presently, regulations on citing and metering
bined heat and power (CHP) sources, super magnetic energy are not very well defined. The issue of metering, which is called
storage (SMES), and fuel cells are some of the common “net metering” is the most important issue. Regulation on net
technologies available for distributed resources [11]. Cost metering will set rules for buying and selling the power between
associated with these technologies is still reasonably high, and the utility and the customers. Setting such rules will be very cru-
must be considered along with technical issues such as in- cial for the growth of distributed resources.
creased capacity, improved efficiency, and better power quality
and reliability of the systems. Issues related to reliability and D. Distribution Management Systems (DMS) and Distribution
maintenance also have impeded the penetration of distributed Control Centers (DCCs)
resources. The most common application of distributed re-
Increased applications of advanced technologies will pro-
sources has been for situations where extremely high reliability
mote the evolution of distribution management systems (DMSs)
of power supply is needed, especially for businesses with very
and distribution control centers (DCCs) similar to energy man-
critical loads. Businesses such as automated electronics fabri-
agement systems (EMS) and energy control centers (ECCs)
cation facilities, manufacturing facilities with computer-based
[12]. DMS/DCC will be used for complete management and
controls, hospitals, and a data processing center are examples
operation of distribution systems during normal as well as
of such businesses.
emergency conditions. The activities during normal operation
Penetration of distributed resources in the residential sector would include switching and control of various components
is far from realization. Poor reliability and steep rise in price of in the distribution system for efficient and reliable operation
electricity from the grid coupled with reduction in cost of dis- of the system, control and coordination of distributed energy
tributed resources will be attractive for residential customers. resources, demand side management (DSM), protection of the
None of these are forthcoming in the near future in the U.S. system, and work-order management for routine maintenance.
and other developed countries. Distributed resources are a vi- Outage management, fault location, repair coordination, and
able alternative for developing countries where grid supply has restoration are some of the activities during emergencies.
reliability below desirable levels. Microturbines have the poten- The distribution system would have several intelligent remote
tial of being the most popular distributed generation resource terminal units (RTUs) installed at strategic locations, which
for the industrial sector. However, high penetration of microtur- will make local control decisions as well as send information
bines could put adverse pressure on the natural gas supply net- to DMS/DCC. In addition to fixed terminals, the system can
work. Due to increased demand, the natural gas market could have mobile terminals for entry and retrieval of data. Either one
become very volatile. Since the utilities are not embarking on or a combination of different communication media including
building large generating plants, they could use microturbines radio, satellite, power line carrier, telephone, fiber optics, and
as an opportunity to develop generating resource. As a possible Internet would provide communication between the RTU and
scenario, they could subsidize the purchase of microturbines by EMS/DCC. Internet and Global Positioning System (GPS) are
the customers and provide them maintenance services at a rea- already being used by utilities to manage work orders in distri-
sonable cost. Also, they can buy the excess energy generated by bution systems. Such applications will become commonplace
the customers. in the future. The DMS/DCC is expected to communicate with
High penetration (say more than 20%) of distributed genera- an ECC or even a control center at the ISO level. In this case,
tion will also raise new challenges in the operation of distribu- the role of communications and computing requirements may
tion systems. Currently, most of the distribution systems operate have to be designed to achieve proper hierarchy of data and
in the radial configuration, that is, the power flows only in one information flow. The demand on communication may have to
direction. Installation of distributed resources will not alter the be addressed also.
topology of the system, but the power will be able to flow in mul-
tiple directions. The biggest impact of this is on the protection
of distribution systems. Present protection schemes are simple
in which fuses are used for protection of laterals and these fuses Unfortunately, there is not a single textbook available that
are backed by recloser on the main feeder or breaker at the sub- covers all of the topics that will be required for distribution en-
station. Such simple schemes will not work with distributed re- gineers of the future. There are several textbooks covering basic
component and system modeling [13], [14], but a large amount Although these other topics are important, they can be best
of practical knowledge must still be accessed from industry ref- learned with a solid foundation of system analysis.
erences not intended for pedagogical purposes [15]–[19]. Spe-
cific curriculum challenges are now described. A. Web-Based Courseware
The proposed course takes advantage of the latest computer
A. Distribution Automation pedagogical tools available. The course can be effectively
The challenge in designing this aspect of the curriculum taught by exploiting the Web as the medium for both off-and
lies in introducing all of the relevant issues of automation on-campus audience.
in the context of future distribution systems. These include
B. Computer-Based Approach
newer functions related to the integration of DERs with the
connected system to effectively monitor, control, protect with The proposed material is designed to incorporate the latest
high reliability, power quality and efficiency. The role of modeling and simulation packages to make it a self-paced
proper communication, control, computing, and information learning course. Familiarizing students with computer analyses
technologies has to be included in the course syllabus. is important for several reasons. First, it links theory with ap-
plications. Second, it allows realistic examples to be analyzed,
B. Reliability Evaluation Aging Infrastructure which will give students a better feel for actual distribution
systems and their characteristics. Examples of computer appli-
Aging infrastructure will be one of the most critical issues
cations that should be utilized include power flow, reliability
for distribution engineers, and proper treatment is critical for a
analysis, fault analysis, dynamic analysis, and protection
distribution curriculum. The challenge lies in balancing equip-
ment-specific failure modes related to aging, translating these
failure modes into quantifiable failure rates, and computing the C. Models for Classical and New Distribution Components
impact of increasing failure rates on system performance.
Every attempt is made to cover the modeling of both standard
C. Efficient Management of Existing Assets and new devices such as DERs, power electronic devices for all
modes of operation: steady-state, dynamic, and transient.
Another critical topic for future distribution engineers is asset
management including life-cycle costing and reliability-cen- D. Methodologies for Design, Planning, and Operations
tered maintenance. The challenge is to balance a wide array of
Proper emphasis is placed on covering the methodologies for
capital, operations, and maintenance strategies that can be used
design, planning, and operation of distribution systems keeping
to maximize asset performance over their useful lifetime.
future trends and technologies in mind.
D. Distributed Energy Resources E. Application to Practical Systems
This topic is receiving wide publicity and attention due the The proposed models and methods are designed for applica-
lack of understanding of the needs of integrating DERs with the tion to practical systems. This is the primary philosophy of the
local utility network by both parties. The IEEE Standard 1547 is proposed courses.
a good starting point that addresses the interconnection issues.
Additional challenges relate to the breadths of technologies for VI. COURSE CONTENT AND SYLLABUS
both energy conversion and energy storage.
As stated previously, the required knowledge for future dis-
E. Business Model for Distribution Utilities of the Future tribution engineers cannot be practically covered in a single
course. Therefore, this paper proposes a two-course sequence at
As distribution companies continue to be restructured, the senior elective/graduate level entitled Electric Distribution
students need to understand different business models under Systems Engineering: a Computer-based Approach. An outline
which they can operate in compliance with various regulatory of the proposed topics is:
rules, standards and other requirements. In addition, various
1) Introduction.
marketing models and strategies should be covered for future
• structure of distribution systems: U.S. and interna-
distribution engineers to posses as wide a background as pos-
tional practice;
sible. The challenge is to appropriately integrate these “soft”
• basic components of distribution systems;
topics into a technical course.
• historical perspective;
• impact of computers on distribution practice;
• looking to the 21st century distribution systems.
Due to the breadth of topics required for future distribution 2) Distribution System Devices and Models (Include Hard-
engineers, the authors recommend a two-course sequence. ware Pictures).
Further, the authors recommend the extensive use of com- • computer modeling concepts with introduction to
puter-based analysis tools since the size of distribution systems popular packages;
precludes hand analyses for many real-world problems. Last, • power devices: lines and cables, transformers;
the authors recommend that this course focus on systems • control devices: Capacitors, reactors, SVC, AVC,
analysis rather than component-level analysis or system design. harmonic filters, reclosers, regulators;
[17] E. Lakervi and E. J. Holmes, Electricity Distribution Network De- Anil Pahwa (F’03) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
sign. Stevenage, U.K.: Peter Peregrinus, 1995. Texas A&M University, College Station, in 1983.
[18] H. L. Willis, Power Distribution Planning Reference Book. New York: Currently, he is a Professor at Kansas State University, Manhattan, special-
Marcel Dekker, 1997. izing in distribution automation, distribution system planning and analysis, and
[19] Electrical Distribution System Protection, Cooper Power Systems, Mil- intelligent computational methods for power systems analysis.
waukee, WI, 1990.
S. S. (Mani) Venkata (F’89) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering Richard D. Christie (M’76) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, in 1971. from Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1989.
Currently, he is the Palmer Chair Professor at Iowa State University, Ames, Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the University of Washington,
specializing in distribution systems, intelligent systems, and engineering edu- Seattle, specializing in power system operations, distribution system reliability,
cation. and software engineering.
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