Cao Imp Questions
Cao Imp Questions
Cao Imp Questions
UNIT : 1)
1) Define Computer Architecture. With the help of diagram explain the basic fundamental units
of Computer.
2) Briefly explain the four basic structural components of CPU. (CU, ALU, REGISTERS, & CPU
UNIT : 2
7) With the help of example explain- (i) direct addressing mode (ii) Indirect addressing mode
UNIT : 3
UNIT : 4
3) What is Virtual Memory? Explain Virtual memory Organization with suitable diagram.
7) Write a short note on (i) CD-ROM (ii) DVD (iii) Magnetic Disk (iv) Optical Memory
UNIT : 5
1) Explain the difference between hardwired Control Unit and Micro programmed Control.
3) Draw a neat diagram of Single bus organization of a CPU showing ALU, all types of registers
and the data paths among them.
5) What are the 4 Registers involved in the Fetch Cycle? Explain them.
7)Give a Typical DMA block Diagram. Discuss the mechanisms that can be configured by DMA.
8) How three techniques are defined and differentiated for performing Input/Output ?