Engg. Physics I Important Qns. Part B
Engg. Physics I Important Qns. Part B
Engg. Physics I Important Qns. Part B
1. Define the term Coordination number, Atomic radius and Packing factor. Determine the Coordination
number, Atomic radius and Packing factor for Simple Cubic (SC) & Body Centered Cubic (BCC)
Structures (or) Calculate the parameters of Simple Cubic (SC) & Body Centered Cubic (BCC) Structures.
2. Determine the Coordination number, Atomic radius and Packing factor for Face Centered Cubic (FCC)
Structure (or) Calculate the parameters of Face Centered Cubic (FCC) Structure.
3. Determine the Coordination number, Atomic radius and Packing factor for Hexagonally Closely Packed
(HCP) Structure (or) Calculate the parameters of Hexagonally Closely Packed (HCP) Structure.
4. Derive an expression for the interplanar spacing for (hkl) planes of a cubic structure.
5. What is meant by Crystal defects? Describe in detail the Point, Line and Surface defects.
1. Define Magnetostriction Effect. Explain how ultrasonic waves can be produced by using Magnetostriction
2. Describe the Principle, construction and working of the Piezoelectric Oscillator for producing ultrasonic
3. What is acoustic grating? With a neat diagram, explain the theory and use of it to determine the ultrasonic
velocity in a liquid.
4. Draw a block diagram of ultrasonic flaw detector. Describe the working of ultrasonic flaw detector for non-
destructive testing by reflection mode.
5. Derive Sabines formula.