Newlightmyanmar 02 01 2024
Newlightmyanmar 02 01 2024
Newlightmyanmar 02 01 2024
Vol. X, No. 260, 6 th Waning of Nattaw 1385 ME Tuesday, 2 January 2024
Chaungtha Beach packed with local and foreign travellers during the New Year.
I Chaungtha Beach
T is reported that in Chaungtha vacationers travelled with cars, trikes,
town, Pathein district of Ayeyawady and motorcycles.
Region, there were a lot of local As tourism has developed, there are
thronged with
and foreign visitors who welcomed the 40 hotels and guesthouses that are run-
New Year at the Chaungtha Beach and ning with the licences of the Directorate
relaxed at the same time and it was of Hotels and Tourism at Chaungtha
vacationers during
more than normal days. Beach and Shwethaungyan Beach. In
It is also known that there were 2022, there were a total of 346,556 local
visitors not only at the Chaungtha beach and foreign visitors, and 413,389 visitors
but also at Phokalar Island, White-sand in 2023 according to the statement of the
Island, Shwethaungyan Beach, the rock
Sibling, and Sea @ Lake Garden and the New Year Directorate of Hotels and Tourism. —
Kyaw Kyaw (IPRD)/TRKM
Five national objectives of
76th Independence Day
1. To uphold “Our Three Main National Causes” — Non-dis-
integration of the Union, Non-disintegration of national
solidarity and Perpetuation of sovereignty, which are na-
tional interests and national politics
2. To ensure the promotion of a comprehensive education
sector that produces human resources with perfect abili-
ties like intelligence, skills, and talents in building a Union
based on democracy and federalism
3. To make efforts to hold free and fair elections under the
law and ensure the right to vote across the nation
4. To foster public cooperation for state stability and strength-
en the multiparty democratic system at the end of acts of
5. To promote agriculture and livestock-based MSMEs
Staff cleansing bushes and debris in part-1 area of Bagan cultural heritage zone.
All our national people always cherishand value our traditions
and national characteristics. Safeguarding and promoting
national Characteristics and national culture will Contribute to
fostering the patriotic spirit and thereby bringing great benefits
to the nation and people. Now is the crucial time to have the
national spirit as we strive for peace and development and
for the establishment of a Union based on democracy and
Myanmar exports over US$266 mln in 3rd week of December
TOTAL export values for My- electronic products, shoes, bags,
anmar in the third week of wigs, magnifying glasses, and
December 2023 exceeded US$ cameras.
266 million. Foreign demand Efforts are underway by
for agricultural produce from the Myanmar Garment Manu-
Myanmar has been on an up- facturers Association and rele-
ward trend, given the current vant bodies to transition from
new year period. Agricultural the CMP system, involving the
produce such as green gram, entire manufacturing process
black gram, pigeon peas, and from receiving raw materials to
other beans and pulses, sesame, producing finished products at
peanuts, watermelon, cucumber, the factory.
fruits, raw rubber, and onions, as This move aims to develop
well as industrial finished prod- the domestic industrial sector,
ucts like CMP textiles, have all ensuring greater profitability for
experienced increased exports. business owners and strength-
An aerial view of international port in Yangon.
During this week, a total of ening the country’s economy.
24,779 tonnes of beans and puls- As part of the State’s efforts to
es were shipped, earning more to China this week exceeded and regions, ranging between exported to 53 countries. Major boost the country’s economy
than $21 million. Shipments to those of previous weeks. Addi- K295,000 and K340,000 per 45-viss orders came from Japan, Poland, across various sectors, the fol-
Pakistan, Thailand, the United tionally, sesame demand from bag of black sesame. South Korea, Britain, and the lowing are prioritized: increasing
Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Cana- Japan, Thailand, Singapore, and The garment industry plays United States. productivity and the export of
da, the United States, and Japan Chinese Taipei remained high. a crucial role in Myanmar’s The State prioritizes the de- rice, beans and pulses, corn, oil
increased compared to previous Black sesame prices ranged be- economic growth. In the past velopment of the CMP system to crops, rubber, and fruits; raising
weeks. tween $ 1,380-$ 1,815 per tonne in week, Myanmar earned over boost the export sector. Apart foreign income from exporting
Demand for sesame has the export market, and domes- $ 82 million from garment ex- from garments, the CMP system CMP garments; and expanding
also surged during the new tic prices trended upwards in ports manufactured under the is used for manufacturing other manufacturing businesses using
year period. Sesame shipments wholesale markets across states cut-make-pack (CMP) system, products in Myanmar, such as the CMP system. — MNA/TMT
SOCIAL media platforms are currently A malicious media outlet, Khit Thit Media,
spreading false information alleging that is spreading false news on social media,
civilian residences in Nyaungpinkwin Village, accusing the Tatmadaw of firing Taungmaw
located in Taninthayi Township, Taninthayi Village with heavy weapons in Kawlin Town-
Region, were damaged by Tatmadaw's heavy ship of Sagaing Region twice on Saturday.
weapons on New Year’s Eve. The misinformation further alleges that
Contrary to these claims, investigations the shelling caused one resident to die of
and statements from a Taninthayi Region heart failure and burned down one house.
official revealed that PDF terrorists target- An officer handling security measures
ed the Tatmadaw regional battalion near clarified that there was no shelling that day.
Nyaungpinkwin Village with handmade mor- Terrorists associated with the self-pro-
tar. Unfortunately, the launcher shell landed claimed PDF have reportedly been targeting
and exploded within the village. residents who do not support their ways.
This misinformation is intentionally They circulate false reports on social media
disseminated by PDF terrorists on social to distort perceptions about Tatmadaw. —
media to obscure their acts of terrorism and MNA/NT
create a false narrative, misleading the local
population about the Tatmadaw’s actions and Screenshot of misinformation.
security measures. — MNA/ TMT Screenshot shows misinformation.
In-person interview with Dr Lwin Moe Kyaw, the 35th recipient of a
liver transplant surgery at the 500-bed Yangon Speciality Hospital,
alongside his liver donor, his first cousin, Daw Theint Yadana Eain
DAW Theint Yadana Eain, Aged 22, Ad- ment had initiated a liver transplant
dress: Ward-14/2, South Okkalapa Town- programme in collaboration with sur-
ship. geons from South Korea at the 500-bed
Q: What is your relationship with Specialty Hospital. That's how I learned
the patient? about this programme.
A: He's my first cousin. Q: May I know about your feelings
Q: Could you explain why you decid- before receiving the surgery?
ed to donate your liver? A: I had surgery for my spleen in
A: My father passed away due to 2010, and I was scared at that time since
liver disease. When I learned that our I was young. But now that I'm 30, and I
elder cousin was suffering from the same was aware of the surgeons' expertise, I
disease, I decided to save his life. entered the operation room confidently.
Q: Could you describe your feelings Q: Could you describe your feelings
before entering the operating theater? afterward?
A: I had never undergone surgery A: I feel like I have a new liver and
before, but I knew I was doing this for my will be able to live my full lifespan. I was
brother and believed he would recover Liver receiver Dr Lwin Moe Kyaw and Liver donor Daw Theint Yadana Eain. overjoyed!
after the surgery. I had confidence in Q: Would you share your experience
the world-class doctors, although I was as a successful recipient of a liver trans-
a bit nervous. ing well. The government covered the you experienced? plant surgery?
Q: How did you feel after the sur- expenses and invited skilled foreign sur- A: Liver disease is chronic. I easily A: Certainly. I would inform anyone
gery? geons to oversee the operation. I'm grate- got fatigued and felt weak. I also experi- in need of affordable healthcare about
A: I felt happy because both of us ful for everything the officials have done enced swelling in my limbs and abdomi- public hospitals. They excel in cost-effec-
were healthy. I was glad I saved my for us. I would like to instill confidence nal distention. tive measures, starting with reduced fees
brother's life. in others regarding the capabilities of Q: How did you come to receive a for lab services. The 500-bed Specialty
Q: How would you describe your public hospitals. liver transplant surgery? Hospital has been successful in perform-
experience as a liver donor? Dr Lwin Moe Kyaw, Aged 30, Ad- A: I had never considered it since ing liver transplant therapies. I want
A: I want to emphasize that public dress: Ward-14/2, South Okkalapa Town- it was something I couldn't afford. My to thank everyone, including hospital
hospitals are reliable. Our operation was ship. physician informed me that I needed officials and surgeons, for making this
successful, and both of us are recover- Q: Could you describe the symptoms a liver transplant and that the govern- operation possible. — MNA/NT
Confiscated illegal items: Heroin, stimulant tablets and Ice
Timbers, foodstuffs and vehicle valued at over K1.57 billion seized in
to Belin. The vehicle was carry-
ing eight types of goods valued
Kalay township
at K17.65 million. The seizure
took place near a police station ACCORDING to the Myanmar individuals involved admitted taken against the offenders,
in Theinseik and was carried out Police Force confiscated her- that the confiscated drugs and an ongoing investigation is
under the Customs procedures. oin, stimulant tablets, and Ice were intended to be transport- underway to apprehend other
On 1 January, joint teams (methamphetamine) worth ed from Kalay to Tiddim. individuals connected to the
seized 4.219 tonnes of illegal over K1.57 billion were con- Legal action has been case. — MNA/MKKS
teak, 0.537 tonne of illegal hard- fiscated in Kalay township of
wood, and 23.114 tonnes of illegal Sagaing Region.
other timbers, valued at about Acting on a tip-off, the An-
K2.474 million in Bago district. ti-Drug Police Force searched
Additionally, 1.033 tonnes of il- a LIFAN three-wheel motor-
legal teak worth K681,912 were bike driven by Thein Zaw,
captured in Nyaunglebin town- accompanied by Mant Shin
ship. This action was conducted Toung, near Doewine Creek
One-litre bottle of Two shrimp under the Forest Law. in Kalay township at 1 pm on
brand oil. According to the Illegal 31 December.
ON 31 December, a team on duty Trade Eradication Steering During the operation,
managed by the Mon State Il- Committee, three arrests were the police seized 13.75 kilo-
legal Trade Eradication Task made on 31 December and 1 grammes of heroin, 29 kilo-
Force confiscated a Mitsubishi January, involving an estimated grammes of Ice, and 8,000 stim-
Canter (estimated value of K20 value of K40.806 million. — MNA/ ulant tablets with a total value Two suspects seen with seized Ice, heroin and stimulant tablets in
million) travelling from Thaton MKKS exceeding K1.57 billion. The Kalay on 30 December.
2 JANUARY 2024
Ngwehsaung Beach welcomes over 7,000 domestic and
foreign visitors during December holidays
DURING the December holidays, a total
of 7,305 domestic travellers and foreign
tourists flocked to Ngwehsaung Beach in
Pathein District. The beach saw the op-
eration of 27 hotels and six guesthouses,
catering to 6,938 domestic travellers and
367 foreign tourists.
The influx included employees from
local travel companies and individuals
with their families, adding to the vibrant
atmosphere of the beach. Ngwehsaung
Beach, known for its long coastline, clear
sea water, and good hotel services, con-
tinues to be a popular destination for
The surge in tourist numbers re-
sulted in a bustling town with people ex-
ploring gift shops, relaxing on the beach,
engaging in activities like swimming and
walking, and venturing to famous islands
such as Snake Island, Turtle Island, Bird
Island, Lovers Island, and Moe Makha The crowd at Ngwehsaung Beach on holidays.
Elephant Camp. — TWA/TKO
Process of modern park with health Over 400 applicants await approval
for traditional medicine treatment
support equipment underway licences, issuance imminent
under Bayintnaung bridge MORE than 400 traditional
medicine practitioners have
Myanmar must be eligible to
obtain treatment licences.
applied for licences to practise There are currently 7,493
UNDER the supervision of the traditional medicine, and the registered traditional practi-
Yangon Regional Government, Myanmar Traditional Medicine tioners, with over 400 of them
the Parks and Playgrounds De- Council has stated that the li- set to undergo examination by
partment of the Yangon City De- cences will be issued soon. committee members for the
velopment Committee (YCDC) According to Section 37 of issuance of medical treatment
is processing to develop the va- the Myanmar Traditional Med- licences.
cant land under the Bridges No icine Council Law, registered Applicants are required to
1 and 2 of Bayintnaung into a traditional healers are re- submit their applications to the
modern park with health sup- quired to apply to the General Myanmar Traditional Medicine
port equipment. Practitioner Licensing Council Council along with support-
Previously, the beauty of to practise medical treatment. ing documents to demonstrate
the city and the charm of the It has been announced that their eligibility. — TWA/KZW
two bridges were affected due traditional practitioners in
to encroaching tents, but at the
time being construction works The start of modern park seen in the plot of land under the
Bayintnaung Bridge in early December.
are being implemented quickly
so that the public and tourists left and right sides of Bayint- and the Nyaungchaung and
can rest and relax. naung Park will be built with Shanchaung sluicegates which
There are also plans to brick drains that can be used flows into the Hlaing River on
continue building near the in three seasons, summer, rain, the side of the park, are also
Hlaing River near the park so and winter, to improve the flow working to improve the water
that people can breathe fresh of water. flow.
air and enjoy the sunrise and In addition, the Department In order to do physical
sunset freely. of Parks and Playgrounds under sports for people, sports fields
The Yangon region gov- Bayintnaung Bridge in Hline- will be built in the vacant land
ernment is working to use thaya (East) 4 Ward is plant- under the bridge, and the bridge
manpower and machinery for ing duck grass and star-flower pillars will be painted and light
On 10 August 2023, the Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners
land reclamation and greening trees during the construction poles will be erected to enhance Association, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO),
works in the area. Also, the long of the park, and Interlock roads the beauty of the park land. — inaugurated a training course aimed at enhancing the medical treatment
drainage ditches in the east, are being laid around the park, TWA/TKO efficiency of traditional medicine practitioners.
2 JANUARY 2024
CONTINUED FROM nesses within six months.
17 April (Myanmar New Year) 25 July
A total of 98 foreign prison- China Rocket Co., Ltd offi-
ers, including five Sri Lankans, cials and Myanmar Union Min-
and 3,015 local prisoners were ister for Information discussed
pardoned. satellite technological services.
29 April 26 July
At 6:30 am, theatrician, co- Myanmar and Chinese offi-
median, and film actor U Win cials signed a memorandum of
Naing (Anupyinya) passed away understanding for streamlining
at the Seezayeik Home for the
By Toe Wai Aung border transport and connecting
Aged in Pale Myothit of Mingala- to the railway network.
don Township.
nounced a tax exemption of up to Directorate of Investment rine College opened admission 1 August
1-3 May K15 million on net profits for local and Companiy Administration for 300 candidates for the aca- Myanmar Motion Pictures
From 1 to 3 May, Mr Arsjad small and medium enterprises blacklisted three rice trading demic year 2024-25. Organization announced the re-
Rajid P M (ASEAN-BAC Indo- for three years starting from the companies for accepting cash quirement for series of Myanmar
nesia) who took on the respon- inception of the business. transfers to foreign bank ac- 12 July dramas to undergo censorship
sibility as the ASEAN Business counts for local rice purchases. Central Bank of Myanmar before the production begins.
Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) 17 May announced that it allowed a ser- The Fisheries Department
Chairman visited Myanmar as Fire brigades and charities 9 June vice licence to handle payments announced the extension of con-
part of the ASEAN-BAC Road- from three cities left for Cyclone Department of Myanmar via QR codes on behalf of the struction surveys in the A3 block
show. Mocha-affected Rakhine town- Examinations announced that sellers in areas that do not have offshore area in Myanmar waters
ships to do rescue and rehabil- 109,851 students passed the ma- access to banking services. until 15 August.
7 May itation works. triculation exam of 2023 with a From 15 July to 14 Septem-
UMFCCI warned its breth- passing rate of 67.87 per cent. ber, 17 townships in Rakhine 12 August
ren organizations and business 18 May UMFCCI announced that State that experienced Cyclone Academy award-winning
owners to be prepared for short- The Agriculture Department local entrepreneurs can apply Mocha were recognized for a sec- scriptwriter Myint Oo U Myint,
age of goods during natural dis- announced students who passed for the ASEAN Business Awards ond time as natural disaster-af- who won the award for his work
asters and not to speculate on Grade 9 must sit the entrance (ABA) 2023 by 7 July. fected areas. on the Kyo Kyar Taung Pan Khat
prices of basic commodities and exam for agriculture and live- Myanmar Thilawa SEZ Than film, passed away.
medicine. stock majors at 51 associated Holdings Public Co., Ltd an- 20 July
basic education schools. nounced a plan to supply elec- Maritime Malaysia an- 13 August
10 May tricity using renewable energy nounced that a cargo ship that Charity organizations found
Ministry of Education an- 23 May at the Thilawa Special Economic sank in Malaysian waters was 33 bodies killed by a landslide at
nounced a list of regulations for The electronic system for Zone starting from the financial salvaged on 30 July. The ship a jade mining site in Phakant.
teachers and staff which includes taxpayer registration was adopt- year 2023-24. sank on 20 July, and nine crew- Their search and rescue opera-
a prohibition on requesting any ed. mates, including four Myanmar, tion ended on 17 August.
fees for the academic year 2023- 23 June four Malaysian, and one Indone- The Myanmar Embassy in
24. 30 May Celebrated singer Sein Moh sian, were missing. Authorities Kuala Lumpur announced its
At the Cyclone Mocha alert, The Myanmar Embassy to Moh passed away at the Green found some missing sailors. effort to take action against the
passenger vessels between the Thailand announced that anyone Cross Hospital in Yangon. The Myanmar Embassy to culprits behind a fake Facebook
delta region and Yangon tempo- who lost passports, Citizenship Thailand announced that two page with the name “Myanmar
rarily stopped operating on 11 Scrutiny cards, work permits, 4 July non-bank financial service com- Embassy to Malaysia” that had
and 12 May. and non-Thai identification cards Authorities defined online panies from Myanmar and Thai- been scamming Myanmar mi-
in Thailand can collect them at sale activities as essential ser- land launched an official wiring grant workers in Malaysia on
12 May the embassy. vices under Section 4 and Sub- service application called Dee 14 August.
State Administration Coun- section (c) of the Essential Goods Money to protect Myanmar mi-
cil passed the Private Education 1 June and Services Law. grant workers in Thailand from 21 August
Law that includes a punishment Myanma Economic Bank in- scams when transferring money Deputy Minister for Reli-
of a two-year prison sentence creased interest rates for saving 7 July back home. gious Affairs and Culture Daw
and a maximum fine of K50 mil- accounts, saving certificates, and Myanmar Mercantile Ma- Nu Mra Zan shared their effort
lion. fixed accounts. 21 July on creating a pagoda digital di-
A sum of 6,229,337 students Online sales business own- rectory on nine prominent pa-
15 May went back to school for the aca- ers were warned of lawful actions godas, including Shwedagon on
Internal Revenue an- demic year 2023-24 nationwide. 21 August.
Second part of the 2023 news diary
25 August eign travellers in the 2024 peak ing to give out K1.2 billion as 6 November 3 December
A collapse at the ongoing season. their first phase of MSME loans A meeting for small-scale A ceremony paying homage
construction site of Nagayon Pa- Ministry of Planning and Fi- for vendors at the Danyingon development projects funded by to 47 elders of the Konbaung Dy-
goda left one injured in Ward-16 nance announced the completion market. India was held in Nay Pyi Taw. nasty was organized at Maha
of Dagon Myothit (North) Town- of 106 projects worth US$31.6 7 November Beikman Taw Gyi, situated on
ship. million implemented out of the 19 October Myanmar and Chinese of- Naga Cave Hill in Mayangon
UNCTAD published an Eng- Mekong-Lancang cooperation Authorities brought back 57 ficials signed a contract in Nay Township.
lish-Myanmar bilingual manual fund. inmates serving two to 10 years Pyi Taw for procuring electricity The Workplace Coordinating
for Myanmar female farmers on in Indian prisons from Port Blair for three solar-powered station Committee settled 211 labour-re-
25 August. 1 October Island. projects. lated cases from January to No-
Entry fee for foreigners to Central Bank of Myanmar vember.
4 September the Shwedagon Pagoda was Governor Daw Than Than Swe 8 November
Myanmar won three awards changed. revealed the imminent launch Minister Counsellor Dr. 13 December
at the ASEAN Business Awards Trial census was taken at of a mobile payment application Zheng Zhihong of the Chinese The Ministry of Home Af-
2023 convened at the Hotel Ritz the 100 collection plots in 20 Digital Payment Switch (Myan- Embassy presented a soft copy fairs introduced an amendment
Carlton Pacific Place in Jakarta, townships from 1 to 15 October. mar Pay) that can reduce cash of the digitized Myanmar film aligned with the Gambling Law,
Indonesia. Yangon City Development use. Ngaba to family members of U granting authorities the power
Committee revoked the 63-acre Nyunt Maung, the lead actor of to arrest individuals suspected
5 September grant allocated to the YP engine 20 October the film. of engaging in public gambling
Myanmar and Indonesian oil seller. Alms donation held to com- without requiring a warrant.
businesspeople signed a mem- memorate the 145th anniversa- 13 November The Yangon Region Direc-
orandum of understanding to 8 October ry of the death of King Mindon, Inhabitants for the 1,728 torate of Hotels and Tourism
promote bilateral dealings at Rain-induced floods led to the founder of Mandalay Royal flats of Thukha Dagon public launched nine new destinations
the Sultan Hotel in Jakarta, In- the opening of 29 temporary shel- Capital. rental housing in Dagon Myothit to attract foreign tourists to Yan-
donesia. ters in Bago and inundation of (South) Township were chosen gon.
The government spent K2.3 the Yangon-Mandalay highway. 24 October through a lottery.
billion on the construction of a Emergency maintenance Myanmar businesspeople 27 December
Central Cold Storage for Drugs works on Cyclone Mocha-af- and their counterparts from 14 November The 29th Graduation Cere-
(Yangon) for storing one year’s fected ancient buildings in the Chongqing discussed the bilat- Dr Than Oo (Pyi Soe Min), mony of State Pariyatti Sasana
worth of vaccines in Mayangon MraukU cultural zone in Rakh- eral investment and potential Daw Khin Than Win (Kyu Kyu Universities in Yangon and Man-
Township. ine State had been finished. of a new International Land-Sea Thin), Dr Chit San (Chit San dalay saw 28 recipients of BA
The government sent a res- Trade Corridor at UMFCCI. Win), and Dr Tun Tint (Dr Tun (Buddhism), 10 recipients of MA
13 September cue flight for Myanmar citizens Tint – Myanmarsar) won Nation- (Buddhism), and one recipient
MAI acquired a Boeing 737 in Israel. 29 October al Lifetime Awards for Literary of a PhD (Buddhism), making
freighter to operate international The collapse of U Bein Achievement for 2022. a total of 39 Sayadaws from the
cargo flights. 16 October Bridge located in Amarapura The Ministry of Labour an- respective Sasana Universities.
Authorities at Yangon Inter- Ministry of Commerce re- Township left 23 people with mi- nounced that it blacklisted and
national Airport issued tempo- vealed a special programme to nor injuries. took action against 126 compa- 29 December
rary access cards for compan- grant electric vehicle and mo- nies that violated labour rights. The Chinese Embassy to
ions of the travellers to enter the torcycle import permits to My- 1 November Myanmar announced a logo
airport public area. anmar citizens abroad if they Authorities at Yangon In- 23 November design competition aiming to
transfer their income through ternational Airport mandated Yangon hosted Chinese Film exchange ideas among China
20 September banks back home. the completion of arrival and Week 2023 at the Chinese Culture and ASEAN member states for
The cliff along the Thama- departure forms for all travelers. Centre. Myanmar artists.
da shore in Dala Township col- 17 October Industrial and Commercial
lapsed, resulting in the drowning Yunnan Provincial General Bank of China’s branch in Yan- 29 November 31 December
of one of the two women who Chamber of Commerce Chair- gon held a ceremony to launch Representatives from the The Yangon Region Govern-
fell into the water. Additionally, man Dr Gao Feng recognized its operation as a direct mem- South Korea-based GES Global ment lifted the night curfew for
six houses were engulfed by the Myanmar as the largest trading ber of the Cross-Border Bank Energy Solution Company met one day to celebrate the 2024
water. partner, import resource, and Payment System to facilitate the Yangon Mayor to discuss New Year Countdown Festival
export market of Yunnan. Yuan-Kyat direct payment. electricity generation from the at the People’s Square.
21 September Hteinbin and Daweichaung
Ministry of Hotels and Tour- 18 October landfills. Translated by NT
ism announced 14 recommended AYA and UAB banks signed
destinations for local and for- a memorandum of understand-
2 JANUARY 2024
Notice is hereby given that regarding the share Notice is hereby given that regarding the share Notice is hereby given that regarding the share
capital reduction of Alpha Solar Power Myingyan capital reduction of BUDDHAKONE SLP LTD., capital reduction of CHAUK SLP LTD., a
Ltd., a resolution was successfully passed during a resolution was successfully passed during the resolution was successfully passed during the
the General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 January General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 January
January 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share capital 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share capital
capital of the Company shall be reduced from of the Company shall be reduced from 3,200,000 of the Company shall be reduced from 3,060,000
2,600,000 USD to 200 USD. USD to 200 USD. USD to 299,988 USD.
Notice is hereby given that regarding the share Notice is hereby given that regarding the share Notice is hereby given that regarding the share
capital reduction of CHAUNGKU SLP LTD., capital reduction of KYUNGCHAUNG SLP LTD., capital reduction of MINHLA SLP LTD., a
a resolution was successfully passed during the a resolution was successfully passed during the resolution was successfully passed during the
General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 January General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 January General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 January
2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share capital 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share capital 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share capital
of the Company shall be reduced from 2,970,000 of the Company shall be reduced from 3,220,000 of the Company shall be reduced from 2,590,000
USD to 200 USD. USD to 200,200 USD. USD to 200 USD.
2 JANUARY 2024
Strong quakes jolt central Japan, major tsunami warning issued
A series of strong earthquakes (0710 GMT) at a shallow depth.
with major ones measured The temblor’s epicentre
at up to 7.6 magnitude have was located in Ishikawa’s Noto
struck the central Japanese region, at Wajima east-north-
prefecture of Ishikawa on Mon- east 30 km at 37.5 degrees
day, with tsunami warnings is- north latitude and 137.2 de-
sued, according to the Japan grees east longitude.
Meteorological Agency (JMA). A major tsunami warning
The major quake hitting has been issued by the JMA
Ishikawa, a coastal prefec- for Noto region, urging peo-
ture on the Island of Honshu, ple to evacuate immediately,
registered an intensity of 7 on following tsunami warnings
the Japanese seismic intensity for Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa
scale which peaks at 7, with prefectures of the Japan Sea
temblors felt in multiple re- side of the country.
gions of the Asian country, ac- Japanese public broad-
cording to the weather agency. caster NHK has warned of
A road sign informs drivers to exit the expressway due to earthquakes in Oyabe City of Toyama Prefecture of
The weather agency said Japan, 1 January 2024. A series of strong earthquakes with major ones measured at up to 7.6 magnitude have torrents of water of up to 5
the latest major temblor oc- struck the central Japanese prefecture of Ishikawa on Monday, with tsunami warnings issued, according to the meters. — Xinhua
curred at 4:10 pm local time Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). PHOTO: XINHUA
Notice is hereby given that regarding the share capital Notice is hereby given that regarding the share Notice is hereby given that regarding the share
reduction of MYANMAR SLP INVESTMENT capital reduction of NGAPYAWDINE SLP LTD., capital reduction of OAKSHITPIN SLP LTD.,
LTD., a resolution was successfully passed during a resolution was successfully passed during a resolution was successfully passed during
the General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 the General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 the General Meeting of shareholders held on 2
January 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share January 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share January 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share
capital of the Company shall be reduced from capital of the Company shall be reduced from capital of the Company shall be reduced from
2,000,000 USD to 1,500,200 USD. 2,230,000 USD to 200 USD. 3,670,000 USD to 200 USD.
Notice is hereby given that regarding the share Notice is hereby given that regarding the share Notice is hereby given that regarding the share
capital reduction of SHWEDAUNG SLP LTD., capital reduction of SHWEMYO SLP LTD., capital reduction of THARZI SLP LTD., a
a resolution was successfully passed during a resolution was successfully passed during resolution was successfully passed during the
the General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 the General Meeting of shareholders held on 2 General Meeting of shareholders held on 2
January 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share January 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share January 2024. Pursuant to the decision, the share
capital of the Company shall be reduced from capital of the Company shall be reduced from capital of the Company shall be reduced from
3,350,000 USD to 200 USD. 2,630,000 USD to 200 USD. 2,480,000 USD to 200 USD.
Winger Three games to kick
off 2024 in LaLiga
Si Thu Aung on Tuesday
transfers to LALIGA wastes no time in kicking off
Thai League-II
the New Year with the 19th round of
matches to be played over the coming
three days.
Strong quakes jolt central
Japan, major tsunami
warning issued
PM calls for
full support
for new
leadership in
SINGAPOREAN Prime Minister Lee
Hsien Loong on Sunday called on Singa-
poreans to give Lawrence Wong and his
team full support in 2024 while giving a
New Year address.
“Next year, Deputy Prime Minister
Lawrence Wong will take over from me as
prime minister. This is not the first time
we are having a leadership transition. But Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden take a walk after their talks in the Filoli Estate in the US state of California, 15
November 2023. PHOTO: XINHUA
transitions are always delicate,” Lee noted.
The prime minister urged Singapore-
an people to work with the new leadership
team to build a nation that is “vibrant and Xi, Biden exchange congratulations
on 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties
inclusive, fair and competitive, and resil-
ient and united”.
Though geopolitical uncertainties and
climate change will continue to affect Sin-
gapore in 2024, Lee said rapid progress in CHINESE President Xi Jinping and US world peace, stability and prosperity, vision”, charting the course for the de-
artificial intelligence and robotics holds President Joe Biden exchanged congrat- Xi said. velopment of China-US relations.
great promise for Singaporean businesses ulatory messages Monday to mark the History has already proven and will He called on China and the United
and people. 45th anniversary of the two countries’ continue to fully prove that mutual re- States to earnestly implement the im-
“The government will work closely diplomatic relations. spect, peaceful coexistence and win-win portant common understandings and
with our tripartite partners to support In his message, Xi said the estab- cooperation are the right way for China outcomes reached by the two heads of
every Singaporean to upskill and reskill lishment of diplomatic relations between and the United States to get along with state, and take concrete actions to pro-
so that all can actively pursue their ca- China and the United States is a major each other as two major countries, said mote the stable, healthy and sustainable
reers and keep themselves employable event in the history of bilateral and in- the Chinese president. development of China-US relations.
and competitive,” Lee said. ternational relations. That should be the direction of joint Xi stressed that he is willing to
He also vowed to build affordable and Over the past 45 years, the China-US efforts made by China and the United work with Biden to continue to steer
accessible public housing for Singapo- relationship has gone through ups and States in the new era, he said. the course of China-US relations, so as
reans, uplift lower-income families and downs and moved forward on the whole, Xi pointed out that he and Biden, to benefit the two countries and their
vulnerable groups, and care for the aging which has not only enhanced the well-be- during their meeting in San Francisco, people, and promote the cause of world
population. — Xinhua ing of the two peoples, but also promoted laid out a future-oriented “San Francisco peace and development. — Xinhua