Report Part Title: Conservation Tourism on Mantanani Island, Sabah: Impact on the
Indigenous Community
Report Part Author(s): Junaenah Sulehan and Jamal Gabir
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Conservation Tourism on Mantanani Island, Sabah: Impact on the Indigenous
Sabah, a state endowed with beautiful landscapes and rich biodiversity, has the largest number
of islands in Malaysia – 394 islands have been officially named. Its natural terrestrial and marine
areas have boosted the tourism sector, the second largest income contributor to the state after
agriculture. Indeed, the eco-tourism charms, natural landscapes and diverse wildlife have
become major attractions for tourists in Sabah. In 2019, for example, Sabah recorded 3.9 million
visitors, with receipts from tourists amounting to RM8.3 billion. This commendable achievement
has led the state to emphasise that the tourism sector is the income generator for the state
(Utusan Borneo, 2019).
For several decades, in order to protect the environment against extreme aggression in the
name of development and growth, the state government of Sabah has been overly active in
executing policies and long-term planning to manage and protect the natural resources in
Sabah. These are manifested in the form of national parks for terrestrial areas and marine
protected area (MPA). The well-planned and effective management of terrestrial and maritime
areas are crucial to the sustainability of the diverse resources and the people living within the
gazetted areas. These areas provide food, shelter and income to the local communities.
Tourism, for example, can provide benefits to protected areas and communities living around
these areas (Eagles et al., 2002) or rural communities who still depend largely on natural
resources (Tosun, 1999, 2000).
Protected areas promote the sustainable use of natural resources and most of the time are used
for the tourism industry with the objective to provide income for the local communities. On the
eastern coast of Sabah, there are many maritime areas that are suitable and attractive as tourist
destinations. There are also several islands on the western coast that are now becoming more
prominent in the tourism industry. Mantanani is one of such islands that has profound potential in
eco-tourism. The state is making initiatives to create the island as a protected marine area,
which means there are plans to manage the island effectively and practice conservation.
Development of the local tourism sector is planned towards sustainable development; this
means there will be guidelines for local folks to adhere to. If the guidelines from the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on sustainable tourism is to be imposed (CBD and UNEP,
2007), sustainable development of the tourism sector on this island will need to maintain the
essential ecological processes to conserve its biodiversity and natural heritage. This will include
the indigenous culture, identity and history, and at the same time be able to provide the
economic benefits and social development of its people as the custodian and stakeholders.
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Mantanani Island
The azure blue water, golden sand beaches and rustic rural life of island villagers on this island
captivate both local and foreign tourists. The island holds enormous potential as a hot spot for
tourists. This island has attracted domestic tourists as well as foreign tourists from such countries as
South Korea, China and Europe. The island is able to lure divers and snorkelers from all over, thus
making Mantanani Island one of the popular tourist attractions on the west coast of Sabah.
Mantanani Island is a group of three islands, namely Pulau Mantanani Besar, Pulau Lingisan and
Pulau Mantanani Kecil. The island, located on the North West coast of Sabah, is under the
administration of the Kota Belud District office. The Kadazan/Dusun ethnic are the predominant
ethnic group (41.54 percent) and Bajau is the second largest ethnic group (34.7 percent) in this
district (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Sabah, 2015).
Pulau Mantanani Besar, the largest island that forms Mantanani Island, is the important
settlement area for the maritime community. On this island, an area, categorised as a
secondary forest, has been gazetted under the Sabah State Forestry Department, making the
area a habitat for the Jungle Fowls (Megapodius cumingii) or Burung Tambun. Meanwhile, Pulau
Linggisan and Pulau Mantanani Kecil, comprising 30 hectares under the Land Ordinance
(Sabah Cap. 68), have been gazetted as a bird sanctuary since 1960; both are also known to be
a stopover for bird migration in Sabah.
Plans to conserve this cluster of Mantanani Island under the MPA is important towards the
sustainability of the livelihood of the maritime communities and such iconic marine life as
dugongs, sea turtles and whale sharks, and other flora and fauna. Since 2016, research by Reef
Check Malaysia has shown that the coral reef around Mantanani Island is exposed to several
threats, including rampant fish bombing activities, anchoring damage, pressure from fisheries
and waste materials that affect the coral reef and marine life (Reef Check Malaysia, 2019).
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The Bajau Ubian mostly inhabit the coastal areas of the west coast of Sabah as well as the
archipelago, for example, Kuala Abai, Pulau Banggi Kudat, Landung Ayang Kudat and
Mantanani Island. On the east coast of Sabah, the Bajau Ubian are scattered on the coastal
areas of Lahad Datu, Semporna and Kunak districts. The Bajau Ubian originated from Ubian
Island, an island that was under the administration of Tawi-Tawi district and under the rule of the
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) of the Philippines. The Bajau Ubian are also
known as being indigenous to Sabah, being one of the earliest communities who have been
identified on the coastal areas of Pulau Banggi, Kudat, Sandakan and Semporna. They are also
known as skilled sea dwellers (Zaimie, 2016).
The island is separated from mainland Kota Belud district by a distance of 35 kilometres. During
the study period, the community on the island included people from the mainland who were
working at the holiday resorts, hotels, restaurants and cafes. The predominant occupations of
the islanders are fishing, followed by resort employees, operators of local cafes, restaurants,
grocery stores and souvenir shops, and local tourist guides. Based on our observations, the
livelihood of the islanders depends greatly on the tourism industry, which was booming during
the research period in 2019, as well as fishing. The sea harvests are mostly sold to the island’s
hotels and restaurants while the rest are sold to the villagers.
The Myth of Mantanani Island: Widow Island, Nani and the Miracle of Manta
According to local folklore, Mantanani Island was originally known as Pulau Janda. Based on
oral history, the Bajau Ubian relentlessly opposed the Japanese arrival on the island. Resistance
against the Japanese army took place in Kampung Siring Bukit, an early settlement of residents
on Mantanani Besar Island. This resistance resulted in many men being killed, mostly husbands or
household heads, in the early years of the Japanese army occupation of Sabah in the 1940s.
Other male residents, who were captured by the Japanese army, were detained and later
believed to have been executed on Dinawan Island, in the district of Papar in Sabah. Many men
were killed and hence most of the inhabitants of the island were widowed women. Thus, the
villagers decided to name the island as Janda Island (island of widows).
With the passage of time, the people of Janda Island felt that such a name depicts misery. The
island’s name was no longer suitable to describe the real picture of the island and the
increasingly harmonious population of the community, especially after the end of the colonial
period in Sabah. Thus, the communities agreed to take the name of a local figure, namely
“Nani”, a fighter who opposed the tyranny of the Japanese on the people of Mantanani Island.
In an interview with Junaide Jun, Chairman of the Village Community Management Council
(MPKK) of Mantanani Island, he recounted that Nani was a fighter who was also a resident of
Mantanani Island. Nani was famous for his courage in confronting the Japanese army. He had
gained the support of the other villagers and sparked the nationalist spirit especially from the
women groups, whose husbands and sons were killed by the Japanese army. During the peak
of the confrontation known as the magsabil war involving women, it was believed that this group
of women were dressed in the Bajau Ubian traditional dress (Magsablay) and armed themselves
only with traditional weapons, namely barong machetes. Eventually they were defeated. Nani
and the other followers retreated, but the invading army failed to capture Nani. It was believed
that the Japanese army could not capture Nani because of his wisdom and prowess. He was
believed to have hidden in a blanket known as Manta in the Bajau Ubian’s language. It was said
that by simply hiding under this Manta, he was unseen and had finally managed to get away
from the enemy who was hunting him down. Due to the struggle of the inhabitants and to
commemorate Nani’s service and prowess, the island was then named Manta Nani.
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Mantanani, the hidden gem of the west coast of Sabah
Mantanani Island is one of the most beautiful islands listed as a diver’s spot and holiday
destination on the west coast of Sabah.¹ The development of the tourism sector on the island is
a mixture of community-based tourism and private businesses. The tourism here, to a certain
extent, takes into account the ecosystem that has to be protected and conserved. This will help
make the tourism sector here sustainable, which will benefit both the local people and the
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MAP 2. Location of Mantanani Island
Pulau Mantanani Besar, the largest island of approximately 1760 hectares, is generally an island
with mesmerising waters, white sandy beaches, coral reefs and rocky shorelines in the North
West. The two main settlements, Kampung Siring Bukit and Kampung Padang Besar, are located
on this island. This island has often been named a hidden gem and its potential has not been fully
explored. A study on the exploited areas for tourism was conducted using the Geographical
Information System (GIS) in 2019. It was found that only a small portion of the island,
approximately 0.73 percent, had been explored and developed for the use of the resort and
tourism industry (Mustapa et al., 2019). Based on discussions with the local community, they
believed the protection of these islands is not solely the responsibility of the state government,
but also the inclusive participation of the islanders. Along with the increasing population and
influx of tourism, the development of the eco-tourism industry must be able to uphold and sustain
local values, traditions and natural resources. This is to ensure that the natural resources of the
land and sea would not be over exploited in pursuit of modern development.
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IMAGE 2. One of the jetties to facilitate visitors
FIGURE 1. Site of research locations and percentage of heads of household, August 2019
The socio-economic survey that was conducted on the island involved the participation of 54
HOH. However, with the absence of a few HOH because of their work at sea and some were at
the island’s resorts, the questionnaire was responded by either their spouse or adult children. The
research team faced some difficulties in getting the cooperation from most of the HOH in the
villages, especially at Kampung Padang Besar, due to their animosity towards the agencies who
were taking initiatives to drive conservation efforts on the island. The fear of losing their homes or
income from the seas and the belief that they will be resettled elsewhere once the MPA is
activated has caused anxiety and resentment among the villagers.
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Table 1 shows the total percentage of respondents, of which almost 90 percent are HOH. The
other respondents, who represented the HOH, are their spouses (7.4 percent), daughters (1.9
percent) and relatives who live in the same household (1.9 percent). The average household size
among the respondents is 5.4 persons. Majority of the villagers here are Muslims.
Respondent Percentage
Wife 7.4
Others 1.9
Total 100.0
Table 1 displays the percentage of respondents who participated in the survey. Table 2 shows
the ages of the respondents with 37 percent within the ages of 41-50 years old; 29.6 percent in
the 31-40 range; followed by the rest. The youngest age among the respondents is a 22-year-old
male HOH, while the oldest person is an 87-year-old woman who is a widow and the head of her
household. Generally, the range of ages among the respondents indicate ages that are
economically active. Both women and men of senior ages (50-70 years old) are observed as still
actively working and able to earn an income from fishing, drying fish, making crafts and trinkets
for souvenirs, and operating petty businesses among the women, such as making local cakes,
sweets, coconut drinks and food that are sold to the village cafes and restaurants.
20-30 7.4
31-40 29.6
41-50 37.0
51-60 7.4
61-70 14.8
81-90 3.7
Total 100.0
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In terms of the respondents’ educational background, 31.5 percent of HOH have a basic
education at the primary school level and obtained their Primary School Achievement Test
(UPSR) certificate. In addition, 27.8 percent have achieved the Lower Certificate of Education
(LCE/SRP/PMR); 18.5 percent hold the Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE/SPM) certificate
and 1.9 percent have acquired their Diploma certificate especially in skill-based studies.
Generally, the villagers are literate and practice a modern way of life despite the lack of such
essential amenities as electricity and water supply. The homes are supplied with electricity by
generators operated by the Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) from 6pm until 6am. However,
some resorts have their own generators to provide electricity during the day.
Majority of the respondents (98 percent) who participated in this survey are Bajau Ubian while
the remaining 2 percent are from the Iranun ethnic group. In Figure 3, it can be seen that the
total percentage of male respondents is 81 percent, while 19 percent are female. The
respondents’ marital status showed that 89 percent of the respondents are married, 8 percent
widowed and 3 percent are single women working at the resorts.
FIGURE 2. Ethnicity of respondents
FIGURE 3. Gender
The place of birth for the respondents is highlighted on Table 3, showing 88.9 percent of the
respondents were born in Mantanani Island, 1 percent in Kampung Rampayan Laut (on
mainland Kota Belud), 1.9 percent in Kota Belud and 1.9 percent at Pulau Gaya.
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TABLE 3. Place of birth of heads of household
Semporna 3.7
Tuaran 1.9
Total 100.0
The predominant source of food for family consumption and income comes from the sea. The
community’s reliance on marine resources is very obvious. Land on the island is not suitable for
paddy planting or other crops. Thus, the Bajau Ubian on this island are active fishermen, while
women help to dry fish, doing small businesses and ensuring the household is in order. Daughters
and sons work in the resorts, cafes and restaurants.
Based on the socio-economic survey, 55.6 percent of respondents are traditional fishermen, who
still use traditional fishing methods and concentrate their fishing at the coastal areas. According
to opinions shared during discussions with a few fishermen, the lack of good boats with high
powered engines prevent them from fishing in the deeper parts of the sea where fish are
plentiful. Figure 4 shows the frequency of fishing and collecting marine resources, where 25.9
percent of the respondents are actively fishing every day and only 9.3 percent go to the sea
once a week. This same 9.3 percent of respondents also work in the tourism sector as their
part-time job.
The survey on asset ownership and fishing amenities show that 40.7 percent of HOH owned their
boat engine. However, 20.4 percent are able to only own the small boat or kompit, 16.7 percent
own pump boats and 16.7 percent use fishing boats without engines, otherwise known as
perahu. In terms of home ownership, 98 percent of the respondents live in their own house.
Based on the observation of house ownership, most homes are made of wood and modestly
constructed. Ownership of the land are mainly based on inheritances from their forefathers.
Over the years, new families started to build their new homes within the village areas on several
parts of the island. The gradual growth of the tourism sector on this island has encouraged young
families to venture into tourism.
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FIGURE 4. Survey on frequency of fishing and collecting marine resources, August 2019
Once a twice a 3 times a 4 times a 5 times a 6 times a 7 times a
week week week week week week week
The data on Figure 5, indicates the monthly average household income of respondents is RM712.
The lowest household income of the respondents recorded is RM150, which covers 35.2 percent
of respondents. The relatively highest household income is RM3,000, which is at a low
percentage of 1.9 percent. This low percentage comes from families who have family members
working in the tourism sector on the island. According to the poverty line index for rural areas of
Sabah in 2019, income below RM2,169 is categorised as B40 families. Based on this data, majority
of the respondents in this study fall into the category of below the poverty line. In addition, the
average household members for this income group is 4.5 people (Department of Statistics,
Malaysia, 2020).
11.1 11.1
1.9 1.9
The development of the tourism industry on the island helped increase the household income of
the community. Most of the people who participate in the tourism sector on this island are doing
so as their side income to supplement their household needs. People on the island perceive the
tourism sector as insufficient to sustain their family income because most of the tourists’ facilities
and resorts are owned by private business people from the mainland. Hence, most will still
continue fishing and other village work as sources of income. Twenty-six percent of the
respondents generate their income by operating homestays, doing petty business, operating
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small restaurants and cafes, and handicraft shops. Seventeen percent of these respondents
work in tourist resorts as well as fishing as their part-time work for their family’s sustenance. A total
of 9.4 percent of the respondents are part-time employees in the resorts. Figure 6 shows the
fraction of side income of the respondents participating in eco-tourism industry. The research
also revealed that those working at resorts or as tourist guides are paid on a daily basis; meaning
they will only be hired when needed by the resorts.
Side income
1051 -1200
751 -900 17%
451 -600
Attractions of Mantanani
The outcome of the household survey in August 2019, provides a general view and perception
of the community with regards to the potential of eco-tourism and conservation. A total of 27.8
percent of the respondents believe Mantanani has beautiful beaches and sea water, which is
the main attraction – these could possibly be explored in the future to help provide more jobs
and income for the people. Meanwhile, 16.7 percent of the respondents highlighted that diving
and snorkelling are also part of the island’s strength in the eco-tourism industry.
The island has given names to certain attractions on the island. One of these is the “blue tears”
– luminescent plankton which is food for jelly fish. This attraction is seasonal and comes out in
bright blue colours particularly in the night and look like tears in the dark. These have become an
attraction, which also means the blue tears can bring income to local tourist guides. Thirteen
percent of the respondents believe that blue tears is an important attraction in Mantanani.
Apart from the blue tears, 11.1 percent viewed jungle fowls, found largely in the forest, as
another attraction. Panoramic natural views received 11.1 percent among the respondents and
9.3 percent see caves on Mantanani islands as another potential to be explored and made
accessible to tourists.
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TABLE 4. Survey on eco-tourism potentials in Mantanani Island, August 2019
Caves 9.3
Total 100.0
Table 4 shows the make-up of the respondents who have participated in the survey on
identifying the main or potential tourist attractions on the island. A total of 63 percent of
respondents in this study were among the residents who live in Kampung Siring Bukit while 37
percent of the respondents are residents from the Padang Besar village. The small percentage
of response from the villagers at Kampung Besar is due to factors that had been explained
earlier. The resentment against the agencies will have an impact on future initiatives aimed at
the protection and conservation of the island and altering the present form of tourism into a new
concept of conservation tourism for the community and the businesses that have investments
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IMAGE 5. Community-based shops to serve tourists
One of the ideas behind the MPA endeavour was to make conservation tourism an alternative
approach to the islanders and business community. The concept of conservation tourism is a
relatively new concept in the tourism industry, giving emphasis on nature-based tourism.
However, this concept may be deceiving as it overlaps with such common concepts as
eco-tourism, wildlife tourism or protected area tourism (Ballantyne et al., 2009). Basically,
conservation tourism aims to contribute to biodiversity conservation, which is an echo of one of
the defining characteristics of eco-tourism (Jafar and Xiao, 2015). This concept puts forward the
idea that the development of natural areas is necessary for tourism, and in turn, the tourism
industry is compelled to contribute towards environmental conservation efforts. If the initiative
towards conservation tourism is implemented on Mantanani Island, partnership with the islanders
is pertinent to the success of this effort through several biodiversity conservation projects funded
by the income generated from tourist fees and so on. Inclusive participation of the community
with agencies, civil society organisations, environmental non-governmental organisations
(NGOs), the tourist sectors and state body (Sabah Park as the developer of this mutual
partnership) towards conservation is an important factor to the success of this effort.
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Referring to data from the survey, opinions from respondents differ with regard to the MPA
initiatives by the state government. Table 5 shows the percentage of the peoples’
understanding of the government’s attempt to gazette the island under MPA. A high
percentage (64.8 percent) of the respondents understand clearly what will take place if
Mantanani is gazetted under the MPA. However, 35.2 percent confessed they are not clear as
to what the MPA means if implemented and the implication to their livelihood in particular.
Yes 64.8
Total 100.0
In terms of conservation efforts, although the local people believe Mantanani Island is rich with
natural resources, 37 percent of the respondents did not agree with the conservation effort,
especially the initiatives to be taken by Sabah Park and other government agencies to conserve
and protect Mantanani Island as an MPA. A total of 59.3 percent of HOH agreed with the MPA
initiatives and believed they will benefit from these initiatives while 3.7 percent stated they were
not sure as they were not clear as to what the MPA was and did not understand the function and
meaning of implementing conservation initiatives. However, based on the survey, 64.8 percent
of the respondents understood the MPA goals and believed Mantanani Island would be
protected in terms of its natural resources, marine life and community’s livelihood.
Yes 59.3
No 37.0
Total 100.0
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Why certain segments of the community disagreed?
From the 59.3 percent of the respondents who agreed with the MPA initiatives towards
conservation, as shown on Table 7, 38.9 percent understood that if the island was gazetted
under the MPA, their island will be protected by the government, but they will cease to fish
because harvesting fishes from the sea will be prohibited. A total of 18.5 percent believed that
under the MPA, marine resources will be managed and sustained effectively with and for
community use; while 1.9 percent claimed that under the MPA, the government will take over
their lands. Among the rest of the respondents, 3.7 percent were unsure while another 3.7
percent disagreed with what the government will do to their island under the MPA.
TABLE 7. Feedback on why they agree or disagree with the MPA initiatives
Disagree 37
Total 100.0
Within the group of respondents (37 percent) who claimed they did not understand what the
MPA gazettement will mean to their life (see Table 8), 25.9 percent did not understand at all
what the MPA was. At the same time, 9.1 percent did not understand what conservation under
the MPA meant because no information or briefing was given to them about MPA and its goals.
This 1.9 percent group have disagreed because they were not sure and have never heard
about what the MPA was. The results of these responses indicate resentment among a minority
of the villagers towards the government’s plan to gazette Mantanani under the MPA. These will
be signs for the state agencies and stakeholders to prepare proactively towards early
interventions, especially in giving clear information and educating the villagers on what
conservation and conservation tourism is about. The collaboration towards a synergic
partnership of all stakeholders is deemed necessary at this juncture before resentment increases.
Misconception of the MPA goals and the confusion among the villagers need to be resolved.
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TABLE 8. Respondents who disagreed with the MPA Plan to gazette Mantanani
0 59.3
Total 100.0
In addition, they claimed that tourist operators do not abide by safety regulations especially
when operating their boats by the coastal villages where there are fishing boats plying in the
area, thus disrupting the livelihood of the fishermen. The boat operators, who are mostly from the
mainland, do not respect the local culture and refuse to discuss or negotiate on issues
concerning their boats. About 20 percent of the respondents said that the weather also
imposed difficulties on their livelihood. Pulau Mantanani is known for stormy winds and high
waves, which could be dangerous to small boats. Strong waves lead to erosion of the coastal
shores, thus endangering the coral reefs close to the shore and to some extent, they claim, the
coral reefs are destroyed due to the frequent siltation from erosion. When erosion occurs, jetties
are needed for the boats to drop off the tourists.
Getting to the island from the mainland is another big issue for the community who depends a
lot on tourism as 9.3 percent are not happy with the boat services. They claimed the services are
not frequent and subject to weather conditions. This has affected tourist arrivals to the island. A
total of 14.8 percent voiced out their opinion on the inadequate infrastructure and facilities,
such as public health amenities and the unstable jetty.
Issues concerning land ownership were highlighted to the researchers as well. About 7.4 percent
of respondents were in conflict with families in terms of their agreement or disagreement to use
their family land for tourism purposes. This hinders the growth of tourism on the island. Issues of
land ownership status is another hurdle. Another 1.9 percent of the respondents viewed security
as an issue; apprehension was there even though there is a police centre on this island.
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TABLE 9. Issues and challenges of the tourism sector faced by respondents
Crime 1.9
No issues 5.6
Total 100.0
In addition to the issues deliberated above, field observations include managing the
environment on the land and the sea. This is an enormous challenge to stakeholders on the
island. However, there has been active intervention by several environmental NGOs, namely
Reef Check Malaysia, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Borneo Camp and Blue Light Coral, to
collaborate with the local community on conservation efforts, garbage disposal and
management, recycling and sustainable living. For example, from January to October 2020,
Reef Check has registered 2,124 kilogrammes of plastic bottles that were recycled. Generally,
the awareness of a clean environment among the local people still requires a lot of hard work
by the NGOs. Reef Check has been tirelessly working with hotel resorts and chalets since 2016 to
overcome environmental issues.
Continuous efforts to educate the local people to reduce, reuse and recycle (3R) have gained
success especially among the youths. They were taught the practices of less waste, which help
heals the environment, for human health as well as the tourism industry. It is noticeable that
efforts towards a clean environment in the village have gradually been picked up by the youths.
These are depicted in the pictures below (see Images 6, 7 and 8). Apart from the 3R initiatives,
youths are included in the reef rehabilitation programme, sea bed cleaning and management
of garbage disposals.
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IMAGE 6. Disposal area in Kampung Padang Besar, Mantanani;
taken during the survey in August 2019
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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined various means and ways to identify issues in
order to “Leave No One Behind”. In the context of conservation tourism in Mantanani Island, the
collation of issues and local responses are tabled as exemplars to identify social groups who are
facing predicaments of being further marginalised unless intervention by development
agencies is imminent. Listening to the voices of the islanders is crucial and engaging in dialogues
to build conservation awareness programmes is necessary.
Suggestions on the relevant SDGs for the marginalised segment of the community are
summarised in Table 10. The issues are based on dialogues with the Chairperson of the Council
of Village and Community Management, women entrepreneurs, youths, resorts owners,
teachers and security forces on the island. This table does not intend to draw final conclusions of
the possible SDGs to ensure the inclusion of the people in the local tourism industry while
conserving and sustaining the resources, but is an attempt to explore other important issues that
may not be covered in this research.
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No. Issues Highlights of issues Relevant SDGs
3. Health & • There is dire need for basic SDG 3: Good health and
well-being healthcare services well-being
(eg. clinic, maternity
Who are amenities, public health • It is essential that everyone
left behind? officials). At present, the has the right to access
community has to travel to health-care services on the
Children, island to achieve sustainable
the mainland to get access
young girls development
to public health services
& parents
• Limited infrastructure to • Quality health services is
support health services integral to help end poverty
(eg. government boat to and close the gap of
take villagers to mainland inequality on the island
in case of emergencies)
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No. Issues Highlights of issues Relevant SDGs
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No. Issues Highlights of issues Relevant SDGs
5. Clean water • Lack of few basic amenities • SDG 6: Clean water and
& sanitation and access to clean water sanitation
due to the distance from
Who are the island to mainland • Equitable access to safe and
left behind? affordable drinking water
• Villagers obtain water for all
The supply from underground
community aquifers using electrical-run • Due to seasonal drought on
pumps and piped to their the island, provision of
homes rainwater harvesting system
to collect and store water for
• However, to supply the drinking
underground water to
their homes they can only • Provision of clean water must
do this from 6am-6pm. be supplied by the state
agency to every home
• Most villagers buy bottled on the island
mineral water for drinking.
This adds a pressure on their
income and also
environmentally, the
possibility of plastic pollution
on land and sea
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Poverty has been the main issue faced by the community for decades and most of them, in
particular the traditional fishermen, are categorised in the B40 group. The highlighting of the
issues in Table 10 will have major implications towards the success of making Mantanani Island
into an MPA, as earmarked by the state government. Reliance on fishing is not enough to sustain
household incomes. The tourism sector has been considered by the community as an alternative
to supplement and enhance their household income. However, plans by the state government
for the sustainable development of the tourism sector on the island is a positive move to avoid
future conflicts involving nature conservation, traditions, extensive land and sea pollution, and
the increasing number of tourists to the island. The fundamentals for conservation development
are engaging the community and listening to their voices about their livelihood, social heritage
and nature conservation. Reiterating the ideas of the livelihood framework by Budowski (1976),
who classified the interrelationship between nature conservation and tourism into three
categories – coexistence, conflict and symbiosis. These elements are also the underlying
foundation towards sustainable development. Coexistence depends on the diverging views of
nature conservation and tourism which may lead to conflict or into symbiosis. Conflict usually
arises when the tourism sector creates detrimental impact on nature or when there is little or no
interaction between tourism and conservation efforts. On the other hand, the positive side of this
co-existence is the symbiosis of the interaction. In this category, the protection of the
environment is enhanced by the tourism sector itself. In this crucial context, the involvement of
the local community is pertinent to the symbiotic relationship between tourism and
The community on Mantanani Island is facing gradual intervention from the state government to
establish the island as an MPA. This has raised several concerns. The obvious presence of
factions, especially among the villagers of Kampung Siring Bukit and Kampung Padang Besar, is
a manifestation of resentment, ignorance and anxiety. Balancing the differences at this juncture
is not an easy task. Even so, collaboration between active environmental NGOs and the local
communities have been accepted and working on well. Efforts to build the island in the area of
conservation tourism are actually extensions of initiatives that have previously been taken by
NGOs in mutual partnership with the local community. The trust and acceptance, which have
been developed over the years, will help accommodate the government’s aim to create the
Mantanani complex under the MPA. Although there are resentments, the villagers from the two
villages believe that the initiatives to protect and conserve Mantanani will bring positive
socio-economic development and help boost the local eco-tourism industry.
Note: This research has been made possible with support and collaboration from Sabah Park.
We want to express our deepest gratitude for the tremendous cooperation concerning this study
of the maritime communities in Sabah.
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