New Ad340 All Parameters
New Ad340 All Parameters
New Ad340 All Parameters
You can return to Level II menu from Level III menu by pressing or . The difference between the two is
as follows:
◆ After you press , the system saves the parameter setting first, and then goes back to Level II menu and
shifts to the next parameter number.
◆ After you press , the system does not save the parameter setting, but directly returns to Level II menu and
remains at the current parameter number.
In Level III menu, if the parameter has no blinking digit, it means that the parameter cannot be modified.
◆ Such a parameter is only readable. Such as actually detected parameters and running record parameters.
◆ Such a parameter cannot be modified in the running state and can only be changed at stoppage state
4 System Commissioning
Check that the shaft is unobstructed, there is no person in the shaft, inside or on top of the car, and the conditions for
elevator safe running are met.
□√ No. Item
□ 1 The power supply R, S, T cables are wired correctly and securely.
□ 2 The UVW cables between the controller and the motor are wired correctly and securely.
□ 3 The controller (cabinet) and motor are grounded correctly.
The safety circuit is conducted, and the emergency stop buttons and switches in the cabinet and in the equipment room
□ 4
can be enabled.
□ 5 The door lock circuit is conducted. The door lock circuit is disconnected when the car door or any hall door opens.
□√ No. Item
□ 1 The line voltage of the user power supply is within 380 to 440 VAC, and the phase unbalance degree does not exceed 3%.
□ 2 The total lead-in wire gauge and total switch capacity meet the requirements.
□ 3 There is no inter-phase or to-ground short circuit in the R, S, T power supply.
There is no inter-phase or to-ground short circuit in the U, V, W phases of the controller. There is no inter-phase or to-
□ 4
ground short circuit in the U, V, W phases of the motor.
□ 5 There is no short circuit to ground on the output side of the transformer.
□ 6 There is no inter-phase or to-ground short circuit in the 220 V power supply.
□ 7 The 24 V power supply has no short circuit between positive and negative or to-ground short circuit.
□ 8 The CANbus/Modbus communication cable has no short circuit with the 24 V power supply or short circuit to ground.
4.2 Motor Commissioning
The controller supports both V/F and SVC control. In SVC control, auto-tuning is required before startup of the motor in
order that more precise control parameters can be obtained for the motor.
Elevator enters inspection state X9 indicator is OFF, indicating that the elevator enters inspection state.
1. Obtain parameters of the rated power, voltage, current, frequency and RPM from
Set motor parameters: F1-01 to
the nameplate of the motor.
F1-05 2. Be sure that motor parameters are set correctly. Otherwise, faults will occur.
After setting F1-11 to 2, press ENTER On the operating panel. If the operating panel
displays “TUNE”, the system enters motor auto-tuning state. If the operating panel
F1-11=2 displays “F1-12”, the system fails to enter motor auto-tuning state. You need to check:
1. Whether the elevator is inspection state.
2. Whether the MCB displays faults to be rectified
3. Whether F0-01 is set to 0
Press “RUN” button on 1. During with-load auto-tuning, the motor does not rotate, But there is current noise.
operating panel to start auto- The auto-tuning process lasts about several tens of seconds.
tuning 2. After auto-tuning is completed, the controller stops output automatically.
3. Five parameters F1-14 to F1-18 are obtained.
Auto-tuning complete
Restore: F0-01=1 After auto-tuning is completed, F0-01 must be restored to 1. Otherwise, the elevator
cannot run.
◆ Check that the shaft switches are installed correctly. The signals are valid and reliable.
◆ Check the pulse signals are stable, the X input electrical level lasts for more than 20 ms (maximum resolution = 50
2) Parameter No.
Parameter Name Description Default Value Remarks
F0-04 Rated elevator speed 0.250 to 1.000 m/s 0.5 m/s -
Top serving floor of the
F6-00 F6-01 to 12 6 Actual number of floors+1 minus bottom serving floor
Bottom serving floor of the
F6-01 1 to F6-00 1 -
4.4 Riding Comfort Adjustment 4 System Commissioning
◆ If the parameter F0-04 is modified, the elevator must perform another shaft auto-tuning. Otherwise abnormal
conditions may occur to the elevator during running.
◆ After F4-00 Shaft type is modified, the elevator controller must be re-powered on. If F4-00=1, shaft auto-tuning must
NOTE be performed, otherwise the elevator cannot run normally.
3) Check that the conditions for shaft auto-tuning have been met.
◆ The NICE100+ is not in the fault state. If there is a fault, press STOP/RES to reset the fault.
◆ When there are only two floors, the elevator needs to run to bel ow the bottom leveling position, that is, at least one
leveling sensor is below the leveling plate. This is the prerequisite for successful shaft auto-tuning.
4) Perform shaft auto-tuning.
When the preceding conditions are met, start shaft auto-tuning by using any of the following methods:
After shaft auto-tuning starts, the elevator runs at the inspection speed set in F3-11 and stops after reaching the leveling
plate of the top floor. Then, the keypad on the MCB displays the present floor number (top floor), indicating that shaft
auto-tuning is successful.
If fault E35 is reported during the process, it indicates that shaft auto-tuning fails. You need to rectify the fault according to
the solution described in Troubleshooting and perform shaft auto-tuning again.
◆ Riding comfort adjustment at elevator startup and stop
F2-00, F2-01, F2-03 and F2-04 are used to adjust the speed dynamic response characteristics of the motor.
◆ To achieve a faster system response, increase the proportional gain or reduce the integral time. Be aware that either
a too big gain or a too short time may lead to system oscillation.
◆ Decreasing the proportional gain or increasing the integral time will slow the dynamic response of the motor.
However, too small proportional gain or too large integral time may cause motor speed tracking abnormality, resulting
in fault E33 or instable leveling at stop.
The default setting is proper for most large-power motors, and you need not modify these parameters. These parameters
need to be adjusted only for small-power motors (P ≤ 5.5 kW) because they may have oscillation. To adjust, perform the
◆ Decrease the proportional gain first (between 10 and 40) to ensure that the system does not oscillate.
◆ Reduce the integral time (between 0.1 and 0.8) to ensure that the system has quick response but small overshoot.
4.4 Riding Comfort Adjustment 4 System Commissioning
◆ The parameter value has five digits, the two high bytes of each value are used for leveling delay adjustment for up
running, and the two low bytes are used for leveling delay adjustment for down running. Each parameter is used for
the adjustment of a single floor. For example, Fr-02 is used for adjusting the leveling of floor 2. The adjustment of this
NOTE parameter does not affect the leveling results of other floors.
Parameters Fr-01 to Fr-12: Fr-01 is for the bottom floor, Fr-02 is for the physical floor 2, and so on. Inside each parameter,
Bit1 and Bit2 are for the leveling stop delay during down running, Bit4 and Bit5 are for the leveling stop delay during up
running. Bit4 and Bit5 are invalid for Fr-01, and Bit1 and Bit2 are invalid for Fr-12.
◆ The leveling stop delay is calculated starting from the time when the elevator receives the leveling signal. When two
leveling signals are used, the calculation starts from the time when both leveling signals are received.
◆ The leveling adjustment must be performed after the riding comfort adjustment is completed.
5 4 3 2 1
Floor 2 Floor 1
Set Fr-00=1, enable leveling Elevator inhibits hall call, runs automatically to
adjustment in car the top floor and keeps the door open. Car
displays 00
◆ Ensure that shaft auto-tuning is completed successfully, and the elevator runs properly at normal speed.
◆ After you set Fr-00 to 1, the elevator shields hall calls, automatically runs to the top floor, and keeps the door open
after arrival.
◆ During adjustment, the car display board displays “00” or the value after adjustment. Positive value: up arrow + value,
negative value: down arrow + value, adjustment range: 0 to 1.5s.
NOTE ◆ After you save the adjustment result, the car display board displays the present floor.
◆ Note that if a certain floor need not adjustment, you also need to save the data once. Otherwise, you cannot register
the car call.
5 Parameter Description
5 Parameter Description 5.1 Parameter Description
“☆”: The parameter value can be changed when the system is stopped or operational.
“★”: The parameter cannot be modified when the AC drive is in the running state;
“●”: The parameter is the actually measured value and cannot be modified.
The system automatically restricts the properties of all parameters to prevent mal-function.
On the operation panel, press and then / , and you can view the parameter groups. The
parameter groups are classified as follows:
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F0: Basic parameters
0: Sensorless vector control (SVC)
Control mode
F0-00 2: V/F control 0 - ★
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F1: Motor parameters
F1-01 Rated power 0.7 to 75.0 Model dependent kW ★
F1-02 Rated voltage 0 to 550 Model dependent V ★
F1-03 Rated current 0.00 to 655.00 Model dependent A ★
F1-04 Rated frequency 0.00 to 99.00 Model dependent Hz ★
F1-05 Rated rotation speed 0 to 3000 Model dependent RPM ★
Current detection
F1-09 0 to 100 5 - ★
F1-10 DSP fault block 0 to 65535 0 - ★
0: Disabled
2: Asynchronous motor static auto-
tuning 2
Auto-tuning mode
F1-11 3: Shaft auto-tuning 1
4: Shaft auto-tuning (clear leveling ★
adjustment data)
Motor auto- tuning mode Function
0 Disabled None
Asynchronous motor static Applicable for scenarios where the load cannot be removed, and a complete auto-
2 auto- tuning is impossible. Stator resistance, rotor resistance, leakage inductance, mutual
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F2: Vector control parameters
F2-18 Startup acceleration time 0.000 to 1.500 0.000 s ★
Asynchronous motor SCV2, M-axis current loop
F2-19 5 to 300 20 - ☆
proportional coefficient
Asynchronous motor SCV2, M-axis current loop
F2-20 0 to 65535 0 - ☆
integral coefficient
Asynchronous motor SCV flux observation
F2-21 0 to 200 100 % ☆
compensation coefficient
Asynchronous motor SCV flux observation low-pass
100 to 2000 ☆
F2-22 filter cutoff frequency 500 -
Asynchronous motor SCV added M-axis current
F2-23 0 to 500 200 - ☆
loop proportional closed-loop gain
Asynchronous motor SCV added T-axis current loop
0 to 500 ☆
F2-24 proportional closed-loop gain 0 -
5 Parameter Description 5.2 Parameter Groups
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F3: Running control parameters
F3-00 Startup speed 0.000 to 0.030 0.008 m/s ★
F3-01 Startup holding time 0.000 to 0.500 0.300 s ★
These two parameters are used to set the startup speed and startup speed holding time. For details, see the S-curve.
The parameters may reduce the terrace feeling at startup due to static friction between the guide rail and the guide shoes.
F3-02 Acceleration rate 0.200 to 0.800 0.300 m/s2 ★
F3-03 Acceleration jerk time 1 0.300 to 4.000 1.500 s ★
F3-04 Acceleration jerk time 2 0.300 to 4.000 1.500 s ★
F3-05 Deceleration rate 0.200 to 0.800 0.500 m/s2 ★
F3-06 Deceleration jerk time 1 0.300 to 4.000 1.500 s ★
F3-07 Deceleration jerk time 2 0.300 to 4.000 1.500 s ★
These parameters are used to set the running curve during deceleration of the elevator.
F3-02 (F3-05) is the acceleration rate (deceleration rate) in the straight-line acceleration process (deceleration process) of the S curve.
F3-03 (F3-07) is the time for the rate to increase from 0 to the value set in F3-02 (F3-05) in the end jerk segment of the S curve. The
larger the value is, the smoother the jerk is.
F3-04 (F3-06) is the time for the rate to decrease from the value set in F3-02 (F3-05) to 0 in the start jerk segment of the S curve. The
larger the value is, the smoother the jerk is.
Setting the running curve:
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F3: Running control parameters
These parameters are used to set the time related to the zero-speed holding current output and braking action delay.
F3-14 (DC injection braking time at startup) specifies the valid time for outputting DC injection braking at startup, during which the
controller performs excitation on the motor and outputs zero-speed current with large startup torque.
F3-15 (Brake release delay) specifies the time from the moment when the system sends the brake release command to the moment
when the brake is completely released, during which the system retains the zero-speed torque current output.
F8-11 (Stop torque output delay) specifies the time from the moment when the system brake is completely applied to the moment when
the stop DC injection braking is canceled, during which the system retains the zero-speed torque current output.
F3-16 (Running end delay time) specifies the time during which the system keeps output when the running curve ends (output frequency
less than 0.5 Hz or the speed is lower than the value set in F3-25).
It is used to set the elevator speed of returning to the leveling position at normal non-leveling stop.
Acceleration rate at emergency
F3-18 0.050 to 0.500 0.100 m/s2 ★
5 Parameter Description 5.2 Parameter Groups
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F4: Floor parameters
F4-01 Current floor F6-01 to F6-00 1 - ★
F4-02 High byte of current floor position 0 to 65535 1 Pulses ●
F4-03 Low byte of current floor position 0 to 65535 10000 Pulses ●
F4-04 Length 1 of leveling plate 0 to 65535 0 Pulses ★
0: At leveling position
F4-35 Current position area 0
1: Over the current floor
- ●
2: Under the current floor
This parameter is used to display the position within the current floor where the elevator car is located. If the current position pulses are
the same as the pulses calculated for the current floor, the direction for re-levelling can be determined. If the elevator is running up and is
under the current floor, the system determines that the elevator gets closer to the levelling if it runs up. When the elevator is running down
and is over the current floor, the system determines that the elevator gets closer to the levelling if it runs down. See the illustration below.
2. Re-leveling in non-door zone: if the car is within the deceleration signal area, it will run up to re-leveling.
3. Whichever is closer: the car re-levels to the closest floor based on the pulses of the current door zone.
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
Group F5: Terminal input parameters
X25 higher-voltage input 1 to 16
F5-25 ★
function selection 01 -
00: Unused
X26 higher-voltage input
F5-26 01: Safety circuit signal ★
function selection 02 -
02: Door lock circuit 1 signal
X27 higher-voltage input
03: Door lock circuit 2 signal
F5-27 03
function selection - ★
04 to 16: Reserved
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
Group F5: Terminal input parameters
After you enter the F5-28 menu, the operation panel displays the state of all I/O terminals of the system. The LEDs are numbered 1 to 5 from right to left.
The segments are defined as follows:
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
Group F5: Terminal input parameters
The following table describes the meaning of the LED segments indicating the I/O terminal state in F5-29.
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
Group F5: Terminal input parameters
A Full-load output Full-load output active
B Inspection output Inspection output active
C Fan/light output 2 Fan/light output 2 active
Door lock circuit shorting
D Door lock circuit shorting contactor output active
contactor output
5 BCD/Gray code/7-segment
E BCD/Gray code/7-segment high-bit output active
high-bit output
Controller normal running
F Controller normal running output active
G Unused Not applicable
DP Unused Not applicable
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
Group F5: Terminal input parameters
After you enter the F5-30 menu, the operation panel displays the state of all floor I/O terminals of the system. The LEDs are numbered 1 to 5 from right
to left. The segments are defined as follows:
5 4 3 2 1
The following table describes the meaning of the LED segments indicating the floor I/O terminal state in F5-30.
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F6: Elevator basic parameters
F6-00 Top serving floor of the elevator F6-01 to 12 6 - ★
F6-01 Bottom serving floor of the elevator 1 to F6-00 1 - ★
F6-02 Parking floor F6-01 to F6-00 1 - ★
F6-03 Fire emergency floor 1 F6-01 to F6-00 1 - ★
Convert the binary value to decimal: 1111 0110 0111 1101 = 63101
Then, enter “63101” for F6-05 on the operation panel.
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F6: Elevator basic parameters
F6-11 L1 function selection 00: Unused 231 - ★
201 to 203 (Door 1 open/close),
F6-12 L2 function selection 252 - ★
205 to 209 (Reserved),
F6-13 L3 function selection 210 to 229 (Door 1 car call), 232 - ★
230 to 249 (Door 1 up hall call),
F6-14 L4 function selection 253 - ★
250 to 269 (Door 1 down hall call),
F6-15 L5 function selection 270 to 399 (Reserved) 233 - ★
F6-26 L16 function selection 220: Floor 10 door 1 car call 214 - ★
221: Floor 11 door 1 car call
F6-27 L17 function selection 215 - ★
222: Floor 12 door 1 car call
F6-28 L18 function selection 223: Reserved 216 - ★
L19 function selection 224: Reserved ★
F6-29 236 -
225: Reserved
F6-30 L20 function selection
226: Reserved 257 - ★
F6-44 L34 function selection 253: Floor 3 door 1 down call 220 - ★
254: Floor 4 door 1 down call
255: Floor 5 door 1 down call
256: Floor 6 door 1 down call
257: Floor 7 door 1 down call
L35 function selection 258: Floor 8 door 1 down call
259: Floor 9 door 1 down call ★
221 -
260: Floor 10 door 1 down call
F6-46 L36 function selection 261: Floor 11 door 1 down call 222 - ★
F6-47 L37 function selection 262: Floor 12 door 1 down call 00 - ★
F6-48 L38 function selection 263: Reserved 00 - ★
F6-49 L39 function selection 00 - ★
264: Reserved
F6-50 L40 function selection 00 - ★
265: Reserved
F6-51 L41 function selection 00 - ★
266: Reserved
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F6: Elevator basic parameters
F6-62 Time interval of random running 0 to 1000 3 - ☆
Bit1: Reserved
Bit4: Reserved
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
Bit0\Bit1: Direction determine mode
Bit4: Reserved
Bit13: Reserved
00: Unused
05: Reserved
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
F7: Terminal output parameters
Setting range: 06 to 99
F7-04 Y4 function selection 26 - ★
00: Unused
F7-05 Y5 function selection 06: Door 1 open output 06 - ★
07: Door 1 close output
F7-06 Y6 function selection 07 - ★
08: Reserved
F7-07 Y7 function selection 09: Reserved 48 - ★
10: Low 7-segment a display output
F7-08 Y8 function selection 11: Low 7-segment b display output 49 - ★
12: Low 7-segment c display output ★
F7-09 Y9 function selection 25 -
13: Low 7-segment d display output
F7-10 Y10 function selection 14: Low 7-segment e display output 10 - ★
15: Low 7-segment f display output
F7-11 Y11 function selection 11 - ★
16: Low 7-segment g display output
F7-12 Y12 function selection 17: Up arrow display output 12 - ★
18: Down arrow display output
F7-13 Y13 function selection 13 - ★
19: Minus sign display output
F7-14 Y14 function selection 20: Returning to base floor at fire emergency 14 - ★
21: Buzzer output
F7-15 Y15 function selection 22: Overload output 15 - ★
23: Arrival gong output
F7-16 Y16 function selection 16 - ★
24: Full-load output
F7-17 Y17 function selection 25: Inspection output 17 - ★
26: Fan output
F7-18 Y18 function selection 18 - ★
27: Door lock circuit shorting contactor output
F7-19 Y19 function selection 28: BCD/Gray code/7-segment high-bit output 19 - ★
29: Controller normal running output
F7-20 Y20 function selection 30: Electric lock output 20 - ★
31: Reserved ★
F7-21 Y21 function selection 21 -
32: Emergency evacuation at power failure
F7-22 Y22 function selection 33: Forced door close 1 22 - ★
34: Forced door close 2
F7-23 Y23 function selection 23 - ★
35: Faulty state
36: Up signal
37: Medical sterilization output
38: Non-door zone stop output
39: Non-service state output
40: Reserved
41: High 7-segment a display output
42: High 7-segment b display output
43: High 7-segment c display output
44: High 7-segment d display output
45: High 7-segment e display output
46: High 7-segment f display output
F7-24 Y24 function selection 47: High 7-segment g display output 24 - ★
48: UPS/ARD up running output
49: UPS/ARD down running output
50: Up running hall indicator output
51: Down running hall indicator output
52: Up/down running hall indicator output
53: Fire emergency state prompt output
54: Elevator normal mode output
55: Manual door lock cutoff prompt
56: Attendant state prompt output
57 to 99: Reserved
Emergency evacuation operation speed
F8-09 0.000 to F3-11 ★
at power failure 0.05 m/s
0: Motor not running
Emergency evacuation operation mode at
1: UPS running ★
F8-10 power failure 0 -
2: 48 V battery power supply
F8-11 Stop torque output delay 0.200 to 1.500 0.300 s ★
Fan/light 0 to 6000
turnoff time 0: Disabled. The fan will always run. 60 s ☆
F9-05 High byte for number of running cycles Note: 1 indicates an actual number of 10,000 running
0 - ●
F9-06 Low byte for number of running cycles 0 to 9999 0 - ●
F9-08 Set running time 0 to 9999 0 h ●
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
The 16 binary bits correspond to the stop state parameters listed in the following table.
The running and stop parameters of the controller are the important references for engineers to perform commissioning on site. The parameters are
described as follows:
Running speed: indicates the actual running speed of the elevator. Its maximum value is F0-03 (Maximum running speed), in unit of m/s.
Set speed: indicates the set speed of the controller during elevator running. It is the running speed calculated by the system theoretically at which the
elevator should run, in unit of m/s.
Bus voltage: indicates the DC bus voltage of the controller, in unit of m/s.
Current floor: indicates the information of the physical floor where the elevator is located. It is the same as the value of F4-01.
Current position: indicates the absolute distance from the current elevator car to the leveling plate of the first floor, in unit of m.
Car load: indicates the percentage of the car load to the rated load judged by the controller based on data from the sensor, in unit of %.
Output voltage: indicates the effective value of the equivalent voltage of the PWM wave output by the controller, in unit of V.
Output current: indicates the effective value of the actual current when the controller drives the motor to turn, in unit of A.
Output frequency: indicates the actual frequency of the motor during running. It has a fixed corresponding relationship with the running speed. The unit
is Hz.
Pre-torque current: indicates the percentage of the pre-torque current compensated during startup to the rated current, in unit of %.
The following describes the details for I/O terminal state display.
Input terminal 1 state: indicate the meaning of input terminals by bit. “1” indicates that the signal is active. A total of 16 bits are defined as below:
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
FA: Keypad setting parameters
Input terminal 2 state: indicate the meaning of input terminals by bit. “1” indicates that the signal is active. A total of 16 bits are defined as below:
Input terminal 3 state: indicate the meaning of input terminals by bit. “1” indicates that the signal is active. A total of 16 bits are defined as below:
Output terminal 1 state: indicates the meaning of output terminals by bit. “1” indicates that the signal is active. A total of 16 bits are defined as below:
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Bit4 Returning to base floor at fire emergency output Bit12 BCD/Gray code/7-segment code high-byte output
System state: indicates the system state by bit. “1” indicates that the signal is active. A total of 16 bits are defined as below:
3: Door close
Bit3 Fire emergency Bit11
5: Running
4: Firefighter operation
Bit7 6: Attendant operation Bit15 Reserved
7: Automatic (normal)
The LEDs are arranged as 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 from left to right. LED 1 shows the state of door 1. LEDs 2 and 3 have no display. LEDs 4 and 5 together show
the elevator state. The following figure shows the elevator in inspection and door close state.
5 4 3 2 1
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
FA: Keypad setting parameters
The LEDs are defined in the following table.
5 4 3 2 1
No data No data
Elevator State Door 1 State
displayed displayed
00 Inspection state 8 Elevator lock 0 Waiting state
Idle elevator
01 Shaft auto-tuning 09 1 Door open state
Re-leveling at low
02 Micro-leveling 10 2 Door open limit
Returning to Emergency
03 base floor at fire 11 evacuation 3 Door close state
- -
emergency operation
04 12 Motor auto-tuning 4 Door close limit
05 Fault state 13 Keypad control - -
Base floor
06 Attendant 14 - -
07 Automatic - - - -
5 4 3 2 1
No data No data No data
Curve information
displayed displayed displayed
00 Standby state 09 Deceleration start segment
Zero-speed start
01 10 Linear deceleration segment
Zero-speed holding
02 11 Deceleration end segment
03 Reserved 12 Zero speed at stop
04 Startup speed stage 13 Current stop phase
- - - Acceleration start
05 14 Reserved
Linear acceleration
06 15 Stop data processing
Acceleration end
07 16 to 20 Auto-tuning stage
Stable-speed running
08 21 Emergency running
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
5 4 3 2 1
SPI Communication No data CAN Communication No data
No data displayed
Quality displayed Quality displayed
0 High 0 High
↓ ↑ - ↓ ↑ - -
9 Interrupted 9 Interrupted
0–9 indicates the communication quality. The greater the number is, the larger interference the communication suffers and the poorer the communication
quality is.
5 4 3 2 1
As shown in the preceding figure, the LEDs from right to left are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. For FA-26 to FA-37, LEDs 5 and 4 show the function No.;
LED 3 shows whether the function is valid (1) or invalid (0); the 16 segments of LEDs 1 and 2 show the states of the16 functions in this parameter.
The preceding figure shows display of FA-16: LEDs 5, 4, and 3 show that function 10 (Inspection down) is 1 (Valid); LEDs 1 and 2 show that besides
function 10, functions 4 (Running contactor feedback), 5 (Brake contactor feedback), 6 (Brake travel switch feedback) are valid.
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
FA: Keypad setting parameters
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
FA: Keypad setting parameters
0 to 65535
0: Display up direction#
2: 1=Running; 0=Stop#
System state
3: 1=System full-load#
4: 1=System overload#
FA-41 0 - ●
5: 1=System half-load#
6: 1=System light-load#
Door state of standby elevator 1: Waiting with door open at base floor
FB-10 0 - ☆
2: Waiting with door open at each floor
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
0: Disabled; 1: Enabled
Bit3: Reserved
Overload protection selection Bit4: Light curtain judgment at door close limit
0: No re-open
1: Re-open
Bit8: Reserved
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
FC: Protection function parameters
FC-02 Overload protection coefficient 0.20 to 10.00 1.00 - ★
FC-03 Overload pre-warning coefficient 50 to 100% 80% % ★
FC-05 (Underload detection time), the output frequency of the AC drive will decrease to 7% of the rated frequency automatically. During underload
protection period, if the load
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
These RS232 serial port communication parameters are used for communication with the monitor software in the host computer. FD-00 specifies the
current address of the controller. The setting of these two parameters must be consistent with the setting of the serial port parameters on the host
computer. FD-01 specifies the delay for the controller to send data by means of the serial port. Fd-02 specifies the communication timeout time of the
serial port. Transmission of each frame must be completed within the time set in this parameter; otherwise, a communication fault occurs.
Floor 6 display 05: Display “5” 1906 - ☆
06: Display “6”
Floor 7 display ☆
FE-07 07: Display “7” 1907 -
15: Reserved
17: Reserved
19: No display
1: BCD code
3: Binary code 1 - ☆
4: One-to-one output
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
Bit2: Reserved
Bit3: Reserved
Bit4: Reserved
Bit10: Reserved
Bit0: Reserved
Bit2: Door close command not output upon door close limit
Bit10: Reserved
Bit11: Reserved
Group FP: User parameters
Parameter Name Setting Range Default Unit Operation
FP: User parameters
0 to 65535
User password ☆
FP-00 0: No password 0 -
0: No update
5.2 Parameter Groups 5 Parameter Description
6 Troubleshooting
6 Troubleshooting 6.1 Description of Fault Levels
The controller is a complicated electronic control system and the displayed fault information is graded into five levels
according to the severity. The faults of different levels are handled according to the following table.
Action Remarks
■ Display the fault code.
Level 1 1A. The elevator running is not affected on any condition.
■ Output the fault relay action command.
6.2 Fault Information and Troubleshooting 6 Troubleshooting
Fault Fault
Probable Causes Solution Level
Code Description
■ The main circuit output is grounded ■ Check whether the running contactor at the controller
or short circuited. output side is normal.
■ Motor auto-tuning is performed ■ Check whether the power cable jacket is damaged or
Overcurrent improperly. possibly short circuited to ground. Check whether the power
Err02 during ■ The load is too heavy. cable is connected reliably. 5A
acceleration ■ The encoder signal is incorrect. ■ Check the insulation of motor power terminals, and check
whether the motor winding is short-circuited or grounded.
■ The UPS feedback signal is
abnormal. ■ Check whether PMSM stator shorting contactor causes
controller output short circuit.
■ The main circuit output is grounded ■ Check whether motor parameters comply with the
or short circuited. nameplate.
■ Motor auto-tuning is performed ■ Perform motor auto-tuning again.
improperly. ■ Check whether the brake keeps released before the fault
Err03 during 5A
■ The load is too heavy. occurs and whether the brake is stuck mechanically.
■ The deceleration rate is too short. ■ Check whether the balance coefficient is correct.
■ The encoder signal is incorrect. ■ Check whether the encoder wirings are correct. For
asynchronous motor, perform SVC and compare the current
to judge whether the encoder works properly.
■ Check whether encoder pulses per revolution (PPR) is set
correctly, encoder signal is interfered, the encoder cable
runs through the duct independently, the cable is too long,
■ The main circuit output is grounded or the shield is grounded at one end.
or short circuited.
■ Check whether the encoder is installed reliably, the rotating
Overcurrent ■ Motor auto-tuning is performed shaft is connected to the motor shaft reliably, or the encoder
Err04 during constant improperly. 5A
is stable during normal-speed running.
speed ■ The load is too heavy. ■ Check whether UPS feedback is valid in the non-UPS
■ The encoder is seriously interfered. running state (Err02).
■ Check whether the acceleration/deceleration rate is too
high. (Err02, Err03)
6.2 Fault Information and Troubleshooting 6 Troubleshooting
Fault Fault
Probable Causes Solution Level
Code Description
■ Check the brake circuit and power input.
■ The brake circuit is abnormal.
■ Reduce the load.
■ The load is too heavy.
■ Check whether the encoder feedback signal and setting
■ The encoder feedback signal is
are correct, and whether the initial angle of the encoder for
Err10 Drive overload the PMSM is correct. 4A
■ The motor parameters are
■ Check the motor parameter setting and perform motor
■ Check the motor power cable.
■ Check the motor power cable. (See the solution of Err02)
■ FC-02 is set improperly. ■ Adjust the parameter (FC-02 can be set to the default
Err11 ■ The brake circuit is abnormal. value). 3A
overload ■ The load is too heavy. ■ See the solution of Err10.
Current control ■ The torque current deviation is too ■ The values of the current loop parameters are too small.
Err16 large. ■ Perform motor auto-tuning again if the zero-point position 5A
■ The time of exceeding torque is incorrect.
upper limit is too long. ■ Reduce the load if it too heavy.
Err18 detection ■ The drive control board fails. ■ Contact the agent or Inovance. 5A
■ Enter the motor parameters correctly.
■ Check the motor wiring and whether phase loss occurs on
the contactor at the output side.
■ The motor cannot rotate properly.
Motor ■ Check the encoder wiring and ensure that the encoder
■ The motor auto-tuning times out. PPR is set properly.
Err19 auto-tuning 5A
■ The encoder of the PMSM is ■ Check whether the brake keeps released during no-load
fault abnormal. auto-tuning.
■ Check whether the inspection button is released before
the PMSM with-load auto-tuning is finished.
Fault Fault
Probable Causes Solution Level
Code Description
Earthquake ■ 101: The earthquake signal is
■ 101: Check that the earthquake signal is consistent with
Err26 active and the duration exceeds 3B
the parameter setting (NC, NO) of the MCB.
signal 2s.
■ 101, 102: Check whether the leveling signal cables are
■ 101, 102: In the normal-speed connected reliably and whether the signal copper wires
Elevator running or re-leveling running may touch the ground or be short circuited with other
Err30 position mode, the running time is larger signal cables. Check whether the distance between two 4A
abnormal than the value of F9-02, but floors is too large, causing too long re-leveling running
the leveling signal has no change. time. Check whether signal loss exists in the encoder
Err34 ■ Logic of the MCB is abnormal. ■ Contact the agent or Inovance. 5A
■ 101: When shaft auto-tuning is
started, the elevator is not at the
■ 101: Check that the down slowdown switch is valid, and
bottom floor or the down slow-
that F4-01 (Current floor) is set to 1.
down is invalid.
■ 102: Check that the inspection switch is in inspection state.
■ 102: The system is not in the
inspection state when shaft auto- ■ 103, 104: Perform shaft auto-tuning.
tuning is performed. ■ 106, 107, 109, 114: Check that NO/NC setting of the
■ 103: It is judged upon power- leveling sensor is set correctly. Check whether the leveling
on that shaft auto-tuning is not plates are inserted properly and whether there is strong
performed. power interference if the leveling sensor signal blinks.
■ 104: In distance control mode, it is ■ Check whether the leveling plate is too long for the
judged at running startup that shaft asynchronous motor.
Shaft auto-
auto-tuning is not performed. ■ 108, 110: Check whether the running times out: No
Err35 tuning data 4C
■ 106, 107, 109, 114: The plate leveling signal is received when the running time exceeds
abnormal F9-02.
pulse length sensed at up/down
leveling is abnormal. ■ 111, 115: Enable the super short floor function if the floor
■ 108, 110: No leveling signal is distance is less than 50 cm. If the floor distance is normal,
received within 45s continuous check installation of the leveling plate for this floor and
running. check the sensor.
■ 111, 115: The stored floor height is ■ 112: Check whether the setting of F6-00 (Top floor of the
smaller than 50 cm. elevator) is smaller than the actual condition.
■ 112: The floor when auto-tuning is ■ 113: Check whether the signal of the leveling sensor is
completed is not the top floor. normal. Perform shaft auto-tuning again.
■ 101: The motor overheat relay ■ 101: Check whether the thermal protection relay is normal.
Err39 Motor overheat input remains valid for a certain Check whether the motor is used properly and whether it 3A
time. is damaged. Improve cooling conditions of the motor.
6.2 Fault Information and Troubleshooting 6 Troubleshooting
Fault Fault
Probable Causes Solution Level
Code Description
■ Check the related parameter, or contact the agent or
Err40 running time- ■ Elevator running time-out 4B
■ 101: Check the safety circuit switches and their states.
■ Check whether the external power supply is normal. Check
Safety circuit ■ 101: The safety circuit signal
Err41 whether the safety circuit contactor acts properly. Confirm 5A
interrupted becomes OFF.
the signal feature (NO, NC) of the feedback contact of the
safety circuit contactor.
■ 101: Check whether the hall door lock and the car door
Door lock open ■ 101: The door lock circuit feedback lock are in good contact. Check whether the door lock
Err42 during running is invalid during the elevator contactor acts properly. Check the signal feature (NO, NC) 5A
running. of the feedback contact on the door lock contactor. Check
whether the external power supply is normal.
Door open ■ 101: The consecutive times that ■ 101: Check whether the door machine system works
Err48 the door does not open to the limit properly. Check whether the CTB is normal. Check 5A
fault reaches the setting in Fb-13. whether the door open limit signal is normal.
Door close ■ 101: The consecutive times that ■ 101: Check whether the door machine system works
Err49 the door does not close to the limit properly. Check whether the CTB is normal. Check 5A
fault reaches the setting in Fb-13. whether the door lock acts properly.
■ Check whether the leveling and door zone sensors work
■ Leveling signal stuck or loss occurs properly.
Leveling signal
for three consecutive times ■ Check the installation verticality and depth of the leveling
Err50 continuously plates. 5A
■ (Err22 is reported for three
missing consecutive times) ■ Check the leveling signal input points of the MCB. Check
whether the steel rope slips.
■ 101: The door lock feedback signal ■ 101: Check whether the door lock circuit is normal. Check
remains active for more than 3s whether the feedback contact of the door lock contactor
during door open. acts properly. Check whether the system receives the
Door lock door open limit signal when the door lock signal is valid.
Err53 ■ 102: The multiple door lock 5A
102: Check whether when the hall door lock signal and
fault feedback signal states are
the car door lock signal are detected separately, the
inconsistent for more than 2s.
detected states of the hall door locks and car door lock are
■ The current at startup for ■ Reduce the load.
at inspection
Err54 inspection exceeds 110% of the ■ Change Bit1 of FC-00 to 1 to cancel the startup current 5A
rated current. detection function.
■ 101: During automatic running of
Stop at another
Err55 the elevator, the door open limit is ■ 101: Check the door open limit signal at the present floor. 1A
not achieved at the present floor.
Fault Fault
Probable Causes Solution Level
Code Description
■ 101, 102: The SPI communication
is abnormal. No correct data
SPI ■ 101, 102: Check the wiring between the control board and
is received with 2s of DSP
Err57 communication the drive board. 5A
fault ■ 103: Contact the agent or Inovance.
■ 103: The MCB does not match the
AC drive.
■ 101: The up slowdown and down
slowdown are disconnected ■ 101, 102: Check whether the states (NO, NC) of the slow-
Shaft position
simultaneously. down switches and limit switches are consistent with the
Err58 switch 4B
■ 102: The up limit feedback parameter setting of the MCB. Check whether malfunction
abnormal and down limit feedback are of the slow-down switches and limit switches occurs.
disconnected simultaneously.
■ Check whether F8-08 is set correctly.
Analog input ■ The analog input cable of the CTB
or the MCB is broken. ■ Check whether the analog input cable of the CTB or MCB 1A
cable broken
is connected incorrectly or broken.
Shaft type ■ The selection of the shaft type is
■ Check the parameter setting of the deceleration signal
Err63 signal input inconsistent with the deceleration 4A
signal input.
◆ The number (such as 1, 3...101, 102, 103...) in the table indicates the fault subcode.
◆ Fault Err41 is not recorded in the elevator stop state.
◆ Fault Err42 is reset automatically when the door lock circuit is shorted or 1s after the fault occurs in the door zone.
NOTE ◆ If faults Err51 and Err52 persist, they are recorded once every one hour.
6.2 Fault Information and Troubleshooting 6 Troubleshooting
Appendix A Electromagnetic
Appendix A Electromagnetic Compatibility A.1 Definition of Terms
◆ First environment: Environment that includes domestic premises. It also includes establishments directly connected
without intermediate transformers to a low-voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic
◆ Second environment: Environment that includes all establishments other than those directly connected to a low-
voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
◆ Category C1 controller: Power Drive System (PDS) of rated voltage less than 1,000 V, intended for use in the first
◆ Category C2 controller: PDS of rated voltage less than 1 000 V, which is neither a plug in device nor a movable
device and, when used in the first environment, is intended to be installed and commissioned only by a professional
◆ Category C3 controller: PDS of rated voltage less than 1 000 V, intended for use in the second environment and not
intended for use in the first environment.
◆ Category C4 controller: PDS of rated voltage equal to or above 1 000 V, or rated current equal to or above 400 A, or
intended for use in complex systems in the second environment.
The integrator of the system installed with the controller is responsible for compliance of the system with the European
EMC directive and standard EN 61800-3: 2004 +A1: 2012 Category C2, C3 or C4 according to the system application
Machines and devices used in combination with the controller must also be CE certified and marked. The integrator who
integrates the drive with the CE mark in into other devices has the responsibility of ensuring compliance with European
directives and verifying that conditions meet requirements of EN 61800-3: 2004 Category C2.
◆ When applied in the first environment, the controller may generate radio interference. Besides the CE compliance
described in this chapter, take measures to avoid the radio interference if required.
◆ The model selection table lists the recommended manufacturers and models of EMC filters which is required for the
controller to fulfill EMC requirements. Keep the length of the connection cable between the controller and filter as
short as possible. Recommended length is less than 30 cm. Install the filter and the controller on the same sheet
metal. The PE terminals of the controller and the grounding point of the filter must be well connected with the sheet
◆ Select the motor and control cable types according to the description in Shielded Cable.
◆ Perform the wiring of the controller according to instructions in Installation and Wiring.
A.3 Selection of Peripheral EMC Devices Appendix A Electromagnetic Compatibility
An EMC filter installed between the controller and the power supply can not only restrict the interference of
electromagnetic noise in the surrounding environment on the controller, but also prevents the interference from the
controller on the surrounding equipment. The controller satisfies the requirements of category C2 only with an EMC filter
installed on the power input side. The installation precautions are as follows:
◆ Strictly comply with the ratings when using the EMC filter. The EMC filter is category I electric apparatus, and
therefore, the metal housing ground of the filter should be in good contact with the metal ground of the installation
cabinet on a large area, and requires good conductive continuity. Otherwise, it will result in electric shock or poor
EMC effect.
◆ The grounds of the EMC filter and the PE conductor of the controller must be tied to the same common ground.
Otherwise, the EMC effect will be affected seriously.
◆ The EMC filter should be installed as closely as possible to the power input side of the controller.
The following table lists the recommended manufacturers and models of EMC filters for the controller. Select a proper one
based on actual requirements.
Power Rated
AC Input Filter Model AC Input Filter Model
Controller Model Capacity Input
Changzhou Jianli (Schaffner)
(kVA) Current (A)
Three-phase 380 V, range: -15% to 15%
NICE-L-I-4003 8.9 14.8 DL-16EBK5 FN 3258-16-33
An AC input reactor is installed to eliminate the harmonics of the input current. As an optional device, the reactor can be
installed externally to meet strict requirements of an application environment for harmonics. The following table lists the
recommended manufacturers and models of input reactors.
A.4 Shielded Cable Appendix A Electromagnetic Compatibility
The shielded cable must be used to satisfy the EMC requirements of CE marking. Shielded cables are classified into
three-conductor cable and four-conductor cable. If conductivity of the cable shield is not sufficient, add an independent
PE cable, or use a four-conductor cable, of which one phase conductor is PE cable. See the illustration below.
The motor cable and PE shielded conducting wire (twisted shielded) should be as short as possible to reduce
electromagnetic radiation and external stray current and capacitive current of the cable.
To suppress emission and conduction of the radio frequency interference effectively, the shield of the shielded cable is
cooper braid. The braided density of the cooper braid should be greater than 90% to enhance the shielding efficiency and
conductivity. See the illustration below.
It is recommended that all control cables be shielded. The grounding area of the shielded cable should be as large as
possible. A suggested method is to fix the shield on the sheet metal using the metal cable clamp so as to achieve good
Shielded cable
Metal cable clamp Metal plate
Appendix A Electromagnetic Compatibility A.4 Shielded Cable
The following figure shows the grounding method of the shielded cable.
◆ All the shielded cables should use shielded pair cables. Four-conductor cables may also be used for input cables.
◆ The motor cable and PE shielded conducting wire (twisted shielded) should be as short as possible to reduce
electromagnetic radiation and external stray current and capacitive current of the cable. If the motor cable is over
100 meters long, an output filter or reactor is required.
◆ The output power cable of the AC drive should use shielded cable, and the shield must be reliably grounded. For
lead cables in exposure to interference, twisted pair shielded control cable should be used and the shield must be
reliably grounded.
◆ The motor cables must be far away from other cables. Recommended distance is bigger than 0.5 m. The several
controllers can be laid in parallel.
◆ To avoid electromagnetic interference caused by rapid change of the output voltage of the controller, the motor
cables and other cables must not be laid side by side for a long distance. It is recommended that the motor cables,
power input cables and control cables be laid in different trunking. The cable trunking must be in good connection
and well grounded.
◆ If the control cable must run across the power cable, make sure they are arranged at an angle of close to 90°. Other
cables must not run across the drive.
◆ The power input and output cables of the controllers and weak-current signal cables (such as control cable) should
be laid vertically (if possible) rather than in parallel.
◆ The cable trunking must be in good connection and well grounded. Aluminum trunking can be used to improve
electric potential.
◆ The filter, controllers and motor should be connected to the system (machinery or appliance) properly, with spraying
protection at the installation part and conductive metal in full contact.
◆ The motor should be connected to the system (machinery or appliance) properly, with spraying protection at the
A.4 Shielded Cable Appendix A Electromagnetic Compatibility
Power cable
Power cable
■ Enlarge the capacitance at the low-speed DI. A maximum of 0.1 uF capacitance is suggested.
I/O interference
■ Enlarge the capacitance at the AI. A maximum of 0.22 uF is suggested.
Revision History
Date Revision Change description