Master Teachers Capability and Challenges in New Normal
Master Teachers Capability and Challenges in New Normal
Master Teachers Capability and Challenges in New Normal
Elizabeth Abasolo
Danilo Abasolo
Precious Abella
Lun Padidu National High School
April 2021
master teachers of Lun Padidu National High School in the new normal. The
master teachers and qualitative using semi structured interview to gather the
challenges of master teacher in the new normal education with eight (8)
master teachers is very good in doing their duties and responsibilities but good
interview, four themes were emerged: work overload, stress, negative attitude
teachers professionally since their capabilities will benefit the school just as
Over the past decade, the government is investing in education more than ever
before to make progress toward increasing not only access to education but to
quality education.
In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, education
has been one of the most affected sectors because majority of countries
announced the temporary closure of schools. There are more than 1 billion
students affected globally, which accounts for more than 60% of the student
the Philippines, to make sure that learning remains unhampered as the country
learning approach and said that the enrolment in both public and private
schools for basic education has reached 24.63 million or 88.70 percent of
Nicholls (2020) mentioned that distance learning means more work for
to create more educational content that contain essential lessons but at the
same time simple enough for students to digest on their own. Teachers are not
fully prepared for this change but they had to up skill themselves almost
and the instructional purposes may not be well realized (Sule, Ameh, & Egbai,
2015). But first, master teachers have to critically reflect on their capability to
push the researchers to conduct the study to determine the level of capability
of master teachers and the challenges they encountered during the pandemic
in order to carry out proposal for development plan on the areas master
teachers need coaching and mentoring as a response to the changes and
Research Questions
School in the new normal. Specifically, it will answer the following questions
3. Based on the results of the study, what intervention plan will be formulated?
Research Design
The research was descriptive type of study that described the capability
High School. As explained by Gall, Gall and Borg (2007) the goal of descriptive
the quantitative part of the study referred to the capability of master teachers
while the challenges encountered by master teachers will form the qualitative
The respondents of this study were the eight master teachers of Lun
was modified by the researchers with their research consultants where the
of master teachers was determine using weighted mean and described using
The data gathered using the questionnaire was analyzed using mean.
The capability of master teachers described using the criteria in Table 2. It has
5 levels ranging from 1.00-0.49 being the lowest which was interpreted as poor
4.50-5.00 Excellent
2.50-3.49 Good
1.50-2.49 Fair
normal. Analysis of interview usually involved categorizing the data into themes
Discussion of Results
duties and responsibilities. Results shown that master teachers found out very
of content knowledge and pedagogy showing its integration within and across
curriculum; initiating programs and projects that can enhance the curriculum
4.17, 4.33, 4.17, 3.67, 3.67, 3.33, 3.50, 3.50, 3.83, 3.5, 3.67, 4.0, 4.17, 4.17,
3.83, 4.17, 4.17, 4.33, 4.33, 4.67, 3.83 and 3.67 respectively. However good
with mean rating of 2.33. In general, the capability of master teachers is very
good in doing their duties and responsibilities with mean rating of 3.86.
Ralarb and Arcenal (2018) findings revealed that master teachers are
the study conducted by Wong (2019) that revealed master teachers are
and suggesting that their capability in research is indeed low and would explain
Furthermore, Abarro and Mariño (2016) find out that teachers are not skillful in
conducting classroom research while Macabago (2017) mentioned that public
Lun Padidu National High School on the challenges they encountered in new
normal, four themes emerged: work overload, stress, negative attitude towards
Work overload
Work overload is defined as being asked to do too much work and being asked
to do work that is too difficult (Ali and Farooqi ,2014). RP7 said that “this new
many additional reports given by the department”. And this is confirmed by the
could not perform excellently because of many assignments and activities” and
the retrieved modules will also be sorted by subject and week number to be
returned to the subject teachers”. Teachers may feel some degree of physical
statement of RP6, “ I feel very tired because I have 10 classes and I need to
responsibilities.” And this is attested by the answer of RP3 that “even though
there is flexibility in time and schedules of works more tasks and responsibilities
were given to us which means more reports for us.” Researchers have found
high levels of stress among individuals who have excessive work-loads which
2013). Johari , Ridzoan and Zarefar (2019) concluded that workload refers to
the greatness of job tasks, and might cause mental distress for employees.
while others show frustration. Research study showed that work overload lead
to poor performance of the employees which has ultimately lead toward the
employee job dissatisfaction (Ali &Farooqi, 2014). Paktinat and Rafeei (2012)
found the same results that occupational stress that occurred due to some
Mental Stress
stress. Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat
(Segal, Segal & Robinson, 2021). Master teachers feel pressures on beating
the deadline set by higher authorities from them as attested by RP8, “one of the
reports and documents wherein you will have to pass the reports on the day it
was given or the day after.” The same situation is encountered by RP1 said that
“the problems that I have encountered are the sudden deadlines of many tasks
reports due to limited time given and conflict of schedules and difficulty in
review about stress and concluded that stress is a situation in which individual
is forced to act and it means readjustment of individual with new situations and
stress. This is what happen to RP4 “it is hard to motivate and encourage my co
called new normal.” RP5 and RP6 also shared the same feelings that “ I cannot
limited engagement, limited talking and I felt anxiety towards the world of zoom
and group chat” and “psychological disturbances due to this pandemic that we
might not be able to perform our duties and responsibilities in the teaching-
from person to person and differs according to our social and economic
circumstances, the environment we live in, our genetic makeup and physiology.
The data collected showed that master teachers had negative attitude
towards research which is attested by RP4 and RP5 said that” I am not
in the sense that it needs your time and effort to finish one ” and “I am not
sleepless nights of working.” The same feeling was reflected in the statement
of RP1 that “I really don’t like research and at the moment I can’t focus in doing
research because of many tasks at hand that needs my attention and are more
urgent.” RP6 added that “I don’t have time doing research and I find it very
tiring because of the long process of doing it. Salom (2013) mentioned that
motivation to get involved in it, the attitudes toward it, and other skills necessary
found out that teachers have issues regarding the conduct of action research
and they have writing anxiety. Specifically, teachers have fear in analyzing data
and some have problems on their grammar. Caingoy (2018) mentioned that
indicated that teachers have positive views towards action research that can
help them develop student learning and promote lifelong learning. The teacher-
respondents had a positive attitude toward doing research and its benefits in
and RP4, “in conducting research I find it hard to study, read and analyze” and
“I do not really know how to write a research paper and I do not have any idea
on action research”. RP6 and RP1 shared the same sentiment that “I have little
before” and “I have an idea on research but when it comes to action research I
have no knowledge on the format or how to do it. RP8 clearly stated that “I have
sometimes called research productivity. This means that the more studies
teachers have completed, the more capable they become in engaging in this
capability may develop over time, through experience continuing and relevant
Macanang (2019) revealed that teachers have difficulty in data gathering and
Based on the findings about the data gathered, in general the capability
of Master Teachers of Lun Padidu National High School was very good in doing
Masters Teachers in the RPMS Tool for Master Teacher I-IV in the time of
giving ideas and techniques to master teachers on the steps of action research
teachers professionally since their capabilities will benefit the school just as
budgetary requirement.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
-processes and
policies in the conduct
of research;
-rewards and
remunerations to
motivate teachers
To strengthen the -initiatives and Researcher 20,000.00 MOOE, Whole
capability of teachers programs to sustain Teachers Donation year
in research and enhance Students, ,PTA,IGP round
teachers’ motivation
to engage in doing
action research which
may include but not
limited to series of
training focusing not
only on increasing the
teachers’ knowledge
in research but at the
same time
presenting, and
publishing their
research output
-adopting and
modifying research
booklet to guide the
teachers in the
conduct of research
Intensify observation
and monitoring of
-conduct team
-strategic planning on
the division of work of
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