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Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through Project-Based Learning with

Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction Motivational Design Process

Article in Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif · April 2022

DOI: 10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.202216


1 102

3 authors:

Yelly Andriani Barlian Sri Nurbani

Telkom University Telkom University


Pikir Wisnu Wijayanto

Telkom University


All content following this page was uploaded by Pikir Wisnu Wijayanto on 23 May 2022.

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Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 192-212, 2022 DOI: 10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.202216

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

e-ISSN: 2550-1313 | p-ISSN: 2087-9849

Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through Project-Based Learning

with Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction
Motivational Design Process
Yelly Andriani Barlian1, Sri Nurbani1, Pikir Wisnu Wijayanto2,*
Department of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Indonesia
Department of Applied Science, Telkom University, Indonesia

*Corresponding email: yellybarlian@telkomuniversity.ac.id

Received: 21 February 2022 Accepted: 24 March 2022 Published: 11 April 2022

Abstract: Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through Project-Based Learning with Attention,
Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction Motivational Design Process. Objectives: This research
aims to boost the students’ writing ability and motivation by changing the teaching methods from
classical (lectures and discussions) towards student activity. Methods: The method used in this study
was the Project-Based Learning (PJBL) model with Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction
(ARCS) motivational design. The case study used observation, questionnaires, and interviews in two
stages of data collection for a English course class, namely English for Art and Design in the Visual
Communication Design Study Program. Findings: By implementing the Project-Based learning method
with ARCS motivational design, it is found that student motivation in the Attention, Relevance, and
Satisfaction aspects is at a high level. Meanwhile, the Confidence aspect remains neutral in stages I and
II. Conclusion: The achievement of this research in terms of increasing students’ writing skills and
motivation has been accomplished.

Keywords: project-based learning, ARCS motivational design, case study.

Abstrak: Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa melalui Project-Based Learning dengan Proses
Desain Motivasi Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan motivasi menulis siswa dengan mengubah metode pembelajaran
dari klasikal (ceramah dan diskusi) menjadi aktivitas siswa. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah model Project Based Learning (PJBL) dengan desain motivasi Attention,
Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS). Studi kasus menggunakan observasi, angket, dan
wawancara pada 2 tahap pengumpulan data sebuah kelas di mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris yaitu
Bahasa Inggris untuk Seni Rupa dan Desain di Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual. Temuan:
Dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran model pembelajaran Project Based Learning dengan
desain motivasi ARCS, ditemukan bahwa motivasi siswa pada aspek Attention, Relevance dan
Satisfaction tetap di level yang tinggi. Sementara itu, aspek Confidence tetap tetap di level netral,
bagi di tahapan I dan II. Kesimpulan: Pencapaian penelitian ini dalam hal peningkatan keterampilan
menulis dan motivasi siswa telah tercapai.

Kata kunci: project-based learning, desain motivasional ARCS, studi kasus.

To cite this article:

Barlian, Y., A., Nurbani, S., & Wijayanto, P., W. (2022). Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through
Project-Based Learning with Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction Motivational Design
Process. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, 12(1), 196-212. doi: 10.23960/jpp.v12.i1.202216.

Barlian et al., Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through... 197

 INTRODUCTION the most successful method of this pedagogical

Telkom University’s vision and mission approach and the best way to meet the needs of
imply that the Visual Communication Design the industry because they are widely recognized
students should have the ability to communicate as an effective and innovative method of
in English and more creative innovations that will engineering education. PjBL refers to an
‘reflect’ the advantages of this educational educational approach that provides the concept
institution. This Visual Communication Design of the curriculum through projects that support
study program has four majors; Multimedia, the principles of learner-centered education,
Graphic Design, Designpreneur, and Advertising, learner autonomy, collaborative learning, and
culminating in a design or study of creative visual task-based learning. While Chiang, C. L. & Lee,
media that will solve existing social problems. H. (2016) and Kizkapan, O., & Bektas, O.
However, there is a student paradigm in (2017) demonstrated the effect of project-based
non-English departments that English is less learning on learning motivation and problem-
significant than the core courses. It causes most solving ability that contributes to vocational
students to discriminate against English subjects education and provides practical examples of
by only giving ‘medium’ performance in the PjBL. In addition, according to Petersen and
learning process. This kind of phenomenon is an Nassaji’s (2016) study, students involved in PJBL
irony considering that Telkom University is one can acquire knowledge and become more
of the private institutions with a vision to become efficient in problem-solving, self-study, and
a world-class university and has various involvement.
international students. This PjBL learning method in this study
English for Art and Design is a tiered course would collaborate with motivation theory John
that all students of the School of Creative Keller (2010), namely ARCS (Attention,
Industries must take. This course develops Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction)
students’ writing and speaking competencies from instructional design, which will also validate the
the pre-writing phase, drafting, revising, and increase in student motivation in PjBL learning.
editing, to publishing by creating a written work Therefore, a case study was conducted using the
according to their knowledge (art and design) and students in an English class in the Visual
presenting it without plagiarism. In this learning, Communication Design Study Program as the
students are required to think creatively and object of the research. ARCS motivational design
actively. They are also required to find ideas for has also been used in the PjBL method in English
written material construct and convey them in class because motivation is an important driving
good and acceptable English in spoken and force in the learning process. Thus, a facilitator
written form by maintaining the originality of their should design strategies to increase student
ideas as a form of appreciation of intellectual learning motivation, such as Attention, Relevance,
property rights. Confidence, and Satisfaction. Munawarah et al.
Referring to the competencies of these (2018) focused on using the ARCS model to
graduates and the lack of student motivation to improve students’ speaking sub-skills, decrease
learn, project-based learning or known as students’ nervousness, and enhance students’
Project-based Learning (PjBL) believed to confidence and satisfaction in speaking in public.
increase students’ learning motivation, has been From the description above, the formulation
implemented in the English for Art and Design of the problem in this study case research is how
course. Uzaik, J. (2016) concluded that PjBL is the PjBL method with ARCS motivational design
198 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 196-212, April 2022

is implemented to boost the students’ motivation method implemented in children (Katz & Chard
in the English learning process. This research 1995, Helm & Katz 2011). The students can
focuses on the PjBL learning process and study with meaningful collaborative activities and
students’ motivation in an English class in the cooperatively develop commitment and concern
Visual Communication Design Study Program, for each other, regardless of their attitude and
School of Creative Industries at Telkom initial responses (Han, 2017; Risnani et al.,
University. Student motivation is studied using the 2017). PjBL teaching method replaces various
ARCS motivational design in all stages of the conventional models that are considered rigid and
PjBL method. Rifda et al. (2018) concluded that do not consider the individual’s uniqueness.
learning ARCS with the Talking stick method Discussions with fellow partners can also enhance
positively affects motivation and student learning motivation collaborative skills and solve problems
outcomes. Madiawati et al. (2020) indicated that (Pereira et al., 2017). According to Miller (2017),
the learning method with ARCS has improved the effectiveness and benefits of collaborative
student learning outcomes in decision-making learning in shaping social interaction, student
theory. leadership qualities, and students’ indispensable
This research aims to change the teaching management can help students build more
methods and patterns from classical (lectures and meaningful knowledge when compared to
discussions) towards student activity by modifying individual learning.
the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model There are several essential PjBL criteria
learning method with ARCS motivational design. that Thomas (2000) concludes from various
The achievements or indicators are boosting studies that have existed. The essential criteria
student activity and motivation, understanding are centrality, driving question, constructive
course material, and 90% - 100% pass rate, with investigation, autonomy, and realism. In PJBL, it
an average score for assignments above 70. The can be said that the project design is the
measuring instrument for the success of this curriculum. The teachers do not have enough time
research is the Instructional Material Motivation to complete the curriculum because life skills are
Survey (IMMS), through a final project with a too high. Therefore, PjBL also brings a closer
passing rate of 90%. The results of this study are relationship with the real world through the
expected to add references and data for concept of science that underlies broader and
supporting lecturers to find out to what extent deeper development (Kokotsaki, Menzies &
the methods used can increase students’ learning Wiggins, 2016). According to Chamberlain and
motivation while improving their pass rates. This Mendoza (2017), the skills in PjBL can connect
can significantly benefit institutions and decision- skills with real learning and involve skills such as
makers because they can also find out what collaboration and reflection. As one of the
problems are in learning English to help to solve essential criteria of this learning method, centrality
them through their policies. provides space for students to collaborate and
study a subject in depth through the project’s
 LITERATURE REVIEW design that integrates various disciplines. This
Project-based learning (PjBL), born from further strengthens that no science can stand
Jean Piaget’s paradigm and popularized by alone. Deep understanding cannot be obtained
Dewey and Kilpatrick, was originally a learning by delivering knowledge that is partial and results-
Barlian et al., Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through... 199

oriented only. log data (Guo et al. 2020).

The second primary criterion is the driving Thus, students have autonomy in
question, an essential component in PjBL. This determining their learning process, such as what
component is in the form of questions that kind of project they will design, how to publish
stimulate students to make observations, complete it, etc. In PjBL, Thomas (2000) states that
projects, and present them. Gorman (2014) students have more freedom to choose and be
explains that driving questions must be in the form responsible for the options they have taken
of open-ended questions that can motivate compared to the classical learning method, which
students to get creative ideas. The questions has determined the completion steps and results
should also be provocative, complex, and related (Yousuf: 2010). They also found that students
to the targeted knowledge and skills (Larmer & have the opportunity to solve problems, think
Mergendoller: 2014). Driving questions are also critically, and make decisions. PjBL will give them
expected to direct students to answer fundamental time to speak, create, and create in real-life
problems in the surrounding community with situations. Anazifa and Djukri (2017) also
various innovative solutions. Project-based conducted a quasi-experiment with a non-
learning (PjBL) is seen as a promising approach equivalent control-group design study to reveal
to improving student learning in higher education. the effect of students’ creativity and critical thinking
An empirical study of project-based learning is in project-based learning and problem-based
reviewed, emphasizing student outcomes. learning. Susilawati et al. (2017) also concluded
Emotional outcomes (i.e., perceptions of PjBL that mind-mapped PjBL (project-based learning)
benefits and PjBL experiences) are most methods work effectively because they have little
commonly used, as measured by questionnaires, impact on improving students’ environmental
interviews, observations, and introspection attitudes.
journals. As the project design is expected to provide
The constructive investigation is a student’s an alternative to the solution to the problem, the
effort to solve the problems given in the driving problems given must be under the real-life
question, such as making observations, interview situation (Chamberlain and Mendoza, 2017).
sessions, or other efforts. Students will use their Realism demand as one of the essential criteria
knowledge to gain new experiences and abilities of PjBL motivates students to play their role
in this themed activity. Handrianto and Rahman actively because, in the end, the experts and the
(2018) stated that based on constructivism and community will judge their final results. In this
experiential theory, the PjBL in a classroom gives English for Art and Design course, the writing
students a meaningful experience in learning, process is the core activity that students will do.
positive effects, and develops students’ critical The process is carried out by students, starting
thinking and learning attitudes. Students form their from pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing
learning independently, one of which is by using to publishing. In this activity, both the process
the understanding they have previously. Cognitive and the results/products of writing are equally
outcomes (i.e., knowledge and cognitive essential and correlated (Shields, 2010). Gebhard
strategies) and behavioral outcomes (i.e., skills (2000) mentions it as a ‘recursive process,’ which
and involvement) are measured through means that the writer can be as flexible as possible
questionnaires, rubrics, tests, interviews, in the five stages of writing. The illustration of the
observations, introspection journals, artifacts, and writing activity can be described as follows.
200 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 196-212, April 2022

that PjBL is an appropriate method for use in the

learning process to encourage the achievement
of the primary learning goal. Many theories
regarding motivation are used as the basis for
research, one of which is the learning strategy
designed by John Keller (2010), namely ARCS
motivational design, which consists of aspects
namely Attention (A), Relevance (R), Confidence
(C), and Satisfaction (S). Project-based learning
motivated professional students to learn and
promote problem-solving skills (Terrón-López et
al., 2017).
The implementation of PjBL provided EFL
teachers who have similar teaching practices with
Figure 1. Writing Process with ‘Diamond practical ideas. PjBL can develop the students to
Model’ by Nail and Sznajd-Weron (2016) achieve particular learning objectives in their
classrooms and continue the positive trends in
The writing diamond distinguishes between teaching and learning (Mali, 2016). Then,
conversion and compliance as particular types Wahyudi et al. (2017) found that through ARCS
of conformity. When the students prepare to pass learning supported with video tutorials in
a draft on reading over, they should revise, edit, vocational high school, the students can
and proofread. All three stages are essential. They understand the relationship between one context
can look at the writing process. They begin with with others so that the students’ learning outcomes
the pre-writing stage, narrowing the topic down, have a positive change (high motivation). Besides,
writing the report, revising, editing, and finally it can also create students’ confidence and become
proofreading. There is always another shift back aware of their ability. At the same time, Fenia Reny
to a more general revision level, where a re- (2018) states the ARCS model motivates
reading reveals something they see and express elementary school teacher candidates in teaching
more clearly Nail and Sznajd-Weron (2016). At and learning. Afjar et al. (2020) discovered that
the same time, Andriansah et al. (2019) stated a the ARCS model significantly impacts learning
significant enhancement in the students’ reading outcomes and student motivation.
comprehension achievement after PjBL taught The various advantages of PjBL have been
them. widely studied, one of them by Beneke and
Motivation is an internal condition of an Ostrosky (2009), who examined the views of the
individual and plays a vital role in human behavior seven teachers regarding the provision of PjBL
and has long been studied in education. methods in their classrooms. Most stated that
Moreover, Maehr & Meyer (1997), former U.S PjBL had many positive impacts on students’
Secretary of Education Terry Bell, mentions planning, social development, interest, motivation,
‘motivation’ three times when he claims three and attention. PjBL in student-centered learning
essential things in education (Covington: 2000). (SCL) provides specific goals in the curriculum
Motivation is a force that initiates, accompanies, and lectures and prepares students with real-life
and maintains winning behavior and encourages and professional products (Kokotsaki, Menzies
someone to take action (Cherry, 2014). & Wiggins, 2016, Kiz Kapan & Bektas, 2017,
Basjaruddin and Rakhman (2016) also proved and Chamberlain &Mendoza, 2017). They
Barlian et al., Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through... 201

practice receiving feedback and suggestions from out for one semester. The participants were 38
experts and their peers through collaboration and students. The School of Creative Industries
cooperation. Thus, students get meaningful students are known for their creativity were in
content in the learning process (Grant, 2011). the second semester. However, some of the
Jalinus et al. (2017) demonstrated the students were those senior students who retook
effectiveness of seven steps in a PjBL model to the class because they failed it before. The
improve students’ productive skills. Those seven condition often affects the learning atmosphere
steps are: (1) developing expected learning as some students think that English is not a core
outcomes, (2) understanding the concept of subject.
teaching materials, (3) competence training, (4) Project-based Learning (PjBL) was chosen
design project topics, (5) submitting project as a learning method because it is believed to
applications, (6) performing project tasks, (7) improve student learning behavior for the better
presenting project reports to improve students’ (Thomas: 2000) and behavioral outcomes such
production skills. as skills and involvement (Guo et al. 2020). The
A study conducted by Bas (2011) also students are directly involved in product design
found that students who study using the PjBL to shape their understanding of a subject through
method are more successful and have better their experiences to answer the problems given
learning attitudes in English classes compared to with innovative and creative solutions. This PjBL
classes whose teaching is only using textbooks. learning method collaborated with motivation
PjBL is chosen as a learning method because it is theory from John Keller (2010), namely ARCS
believed to improve student learning behavior for (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and
the better (Thomas: 2000). Because students are Satisfaction) instructional design, which will also
directly involved in product design, PjBL can validate the increase in student motivation in PjBL
increase students’ attitudes of responsibility learning. Alfiyana et al. (2018) concluded that
compared to conventional classes (SRI: 2000). learning ARCS with the Talking stick method
Meanwhile, for the facilitators/teachers, PjBL also positively affects motivation and student learning
allows them to get to know and get closer to their outcomes. John Keller designs the Instructional
colleagues through collaboration and cooperation Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) to estimate
in integrating the various disciplines they master. student behavior in motivation. IMMS is in the
Project-based learning can develop three learning form of a questionnaire consisting of 36 questions
domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor covering 9 end-closed questions confirming each
(Sumarni et al., 2016). In addition, PjBL supports Relevance and Confidence, 6 questions about
social learning as it trains students to address 21st- Satisfaction, and 12 questions about Attention.
century skills such as communication, This IMMS is on a scale of 1 to 5 with an
collaboration, and teamwork (Kokotsaki, interpretation of Very Low-Low-Neutral-High-
Menzies & Wiggins, 2016). Very High. It converts the totals into a score
ranging from 1 to 5 and makes it easier to
 METHODS compare performance on each subscales. The
This research was conducted in a class of scores are determined by summing the responses
English course, namely English for Art and Design for each subscale and the total scale. Since several
in the Visual Communication Design Study items are stated negatively, the responses have
Program, School of Creative Industries at Telkom to be reversed before they can be added to the
University Bandung, by observing from the response total. That is, for these items, 5 = 1, 4
beginning to the end of learning will be carried = 2, 3 = 3, 2 = 4, and 1 = 5.
202 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 196-212, April 2022

Several indicators and measuring tools were process, can also be measured by the
used to determine student success. The first was Instructional Material Motivation Survey
the student pass rate targeted at least 90%. This (IMMS). To issue descriptive statistical IMMS
can be achieved by increasing the level of student information, Keller mentions another scoring
attendance and activeness. The measuring tools method using the average score for each subscale
used were assessment rubrics such as group work and the total scale as shown in Table 1. For each
rubrics, final product/writing rubrics, and respondent, divide the total score on a given scale
presentation rubrics. Students’ learning by the number. Thus, the next method for learning
motivation, an essential factor in the learning courses is planned through the stages in Table 2.

Table 1. The subscale points

Points Subscale
Attention (A) Relevance (R) Confidence (C) Satisfaction (S)
Very low 456- 821 342- 615 342- 615 228- 410
Low 822- 1187 616- 889 616- 889 411- 593
Neutral 1188- 1553 890- 1163 890- 1163 594- 776
High 1554- 1919 1164- 1437 1164- 1437 777- 959
Very High 1920- 2285 1438- 1711 1438- 1711 960- 1142

The case study results were expected to campus, and individual research correspondents
improve students’ writing ability and increase their become the research context (Cowie: 2009).
learning motivation in stages I and II. This case This was done by making field notes to get a
study used several instruments in data collection. clearer and more objective picture and document
The observation was used to observe the hidden or not caught by the interview. The
behavior of the object of research. The setting, observation was conducted during the PjBL
classroom conditions, other environments on phases.
Table 2. The stages planned for learning courses implementation
Stages Form of Implementation stages I & II
- Develop a schedule for implementing the action (submitted to lecturers
Step 1: Planning WITH, observers, students)
- Prepare a lesson plan for the performance of the complete activity with the
necessary props.
- Increase students' motivation through apperception and exploration after
conveying the learning objectives and material coverage.
- The students carry out sufficient exploration students are asked to discuss.
Each group is asked to present the results of the discussion, and other groups
Step 2: Action are asked to respond
(meeting 1-6) - The third step after the discussion is done, the task is carried out using the
materials/materials that have been prepared.
- Questions and answers to ensure students' understanding of the material that
has been studied.
- The fifth step is the teacher and students making conclusions from the
material that has been studied together.
Step 3:
- Observing the evaluation results at the end of the lesson, the scores were
analysed using a table.
(meeting 7-8)
- The results of the analysis were compared with the improvement objectives,
research hypotheses, and observations.
Barlian et al., Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through... 203

- Observing the final result of the implementation of the action. Suppose the
results of the implementation of the action are for improvement.
Step 4: Reflection - In that case, the second action is carried out by strengthening the first action
(meeting 7- 8) to improve performance further and ensure the accuracy of the
implementation of the action. Suppose the final score is not for
improvement. In that case, a second action is by observing the shortcomings
in the first action by taking into account the suggestions from the observer.

The questionnaire was used is the said to be a technique of extracting in-depth data/
Instructional Materials Motivation Survey information because researchers can
(IMMS) Likert Scale with a scale of 1 to 5, which simultaneously see the context as a whole.
was obtained directly from the designer, John Triangulation techniques are used to validate
Keller (2010), along with supporting documents the data. The observations and interviews are
through online communication. The instrument, conducted to maintain research credibility by
which consists of 36 questions, is designed to using peer teaching techniques (Alwasilah, 2011).
determine the extent to which students feel Research instruments and techniques are carried
motivated from Attention, Relevance, out together with other supporting lecturers. The
Confidence, and Satisfaction. The questionnaire triangulation technique is also used to obtain
was given at the end of the semester after the transferability by reporting the research results
program finished. as accurately and accurately as possible,
The interview was carried out to obtain describing the research context. Analyzing
detailed information from lecturers who have research data began with data collection
competencies related to making the final product techniques obtained from observations,
that students will do as the research object, and interviews, and questionnaires. Before the data
it was done in the Planning phase (step 1). It was is interpreted, the data is analyzed by
also conducted on 10 students as the group classification.
representatives to investigate their learning
motivations. Interviews were about the learning  RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS
process using the PjBL method and how teaching The Stages Planned for Learning Courses
strategies could motivate students were also given Implementation in Stage I
to research correspondents. It has the Here are the plans and actions in stage I
characteristics of open-ended questions can be that was carried out for seven weeks

Table 2. The stages planned for learning courses implementation (Week 1-7)
Summary Compilation: Art and Design Courses Description Start Date: 19 January 2019
1:30 pm - 2.30 pm 2.30 pm - 3.30 pm Project after class (C)
1. By telling a story and sharing 1. The students discuss to The students can prepare for the
experiences to arouse solve the real issue next meeting by:
students' curiosity (A), the revealed by the teacher. 1. Finding some other samples
teacher explains (R) about: They decide to make a of expository text (R)
- The complex experience book (see Project Planning dealing with their study
in handling international Form). program
students (A). 2. The teacher explains the 2. Observing the language
204 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 196-212, April 2022

students (A). 2. The teacher explains the 2. Observing the language

- The current issue is the project they would make, elements in those texts (A,
international students such as the stages of the C)
who cannot follow the Writing Process: pre-
lectures since they are writing, drafting, revising
delivered in Indonesian. & editing, and publishing
- Encouraging the students (tell the students the
to think about the presentation will be
solution to improve attended by the
international students in outsiders/international
understanding the lessons students & lecturers, and
(A) the final artefact will be a
2. Two students are assigned to book (A)). The teacher
lead a classroom discussion also informs the formative
(C) to decide the project assessment (C)
(book content) by making 3. Teachers show some
mind-mapping on the samples of articles and
whiteboard. discuss the genre
characters (R)
1. The teacher groups the class 1. The teacher shared the The students can continue their
(R) into six teams based on group contract forms (R) group work after class by making
their previous semester's that the students had to recorded discussions to gain the
English scores. sign. They shared idea (C) for writing the article
2. The teacher and the students responsibilities and jobs content by conducting pre-
set the project assessment (R) in writing the book. writing strategies, such as
standard using rubrics (C). 2. Students get hand-outs brainstorming, clustering,
dealing with writing skills freewriting, questioning, etc.
from the teacher. These 1. Taking responsibilities and
materials can also be sent jobs based on the data
by mail (C). needed in pre-writing work
2. Making recorded discussion
to gain the idea (C) by
finding out and adding the
references from textbooks,
magazines, interviews,
observation, etc.
- Reading the
data/references and
completing the draft
- Preparing the
interview results,
pictures, etc., for the
next discussion
- Counselling with
competent lecturers
Barlian et al., Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through... 205

From the first to the seventh meeting, the documents obtained in the first stage will be
activities carried out by students were discussed analyzed, coded, and interpreted to understand
in small groups to complete their writing projects. the obstacles that occur in it.
There will be several rubrics prepared as an
assessment instrument to be given. The The Stages Planned for Learning Courses
assessment rubric is related to student activity in Implementation in Stage II
discussions, field notes from the teacher, and the Here are the plans and actions in stage II
final product rubric in writing. The data and that was carried out for seven weeks

Table 3. The stages planned for learning courses implementation (Week 8-14)
1. The teachers guide the 1. Students conduct the Peer 1. Revising the writing content
Revising and editing process Review and Group and editing phases (S).
(C) using games (A). Discussion to revise and 2. Group discussion (S).
edit their writing work (S). 3. The teacher reviews in Writing
2. Teachers remind the students 2. A sample was taken and counselling (fix the counselling
to make counselling (C) on made as a material in schedule) (C).
certain days such as Monday, whole-class discussion
Tuesday, Wednesday, or (C).
Thursday. 3. Colourful cards were given
to those who were actively
participating (S).
1. The teachers guide the 1. Students conduct the Peer 1. Revising the writing content
revising and editing process Review and Group and editing phases (S).
(C) using games (A). Discussion to revise and 2. Group discussion (S).
edit their writing work (S). 3. The teacher reviews in Writing
2. Teachers remind the students 2. A sample was taken and counselling (fix the counselling
to make counselling on made as a material in schedule) (C).
certain days such as Monday, whole-class discussion
Tuesday, Wednesday, or (C).
Thursday (C). 3. Snakes and ladders game
to revise and edit other
team's text (A).
1. One of the students leads the 1. Teachers deliver 1. Counselling the book design to
classroom discussion to presentation hand-outs (R). the expert (C).
decide the book design, such 2. Counselling the book content
as the book's title and with the English lecturers (title,
subtitles, the typography, tagline, etc.) (C).
layout, colours, images, and 3. Revising the writing content
the cover, including the and editing phases (S).
printing cost. 4. Group discussion (S).
2. The students are also assigned 5. The teacher reviews in Writing
to compose a preface that will counselling (fix the counselling
be revised and edited by the schedule) (C).
whole class and the teacher 6. The teacher invites the experts
(S). and the international students to
be the guest (A).
206 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 196-212, April 2022


1. Teachers explain (R) about The students practice how to 1. Peer Review (S).
Presentation Theory. deliver a presentation (S). 2. Group Discussion (S).
2. Teachers show some funny - Striving to finish the
and interesting videos (A). article.
- Preparing presentation
- Designing layout for the
group's article.
- Counselling the design of
book layout to the expert

Figure 2. Result Analysis of the Students Motivation (Stage 1)

Student Motivation (Stage I) as this activity is considered difficult. They

Referring to table.1, the following are the assumed they had no sufficient English
results of the analysis of students Learning communication skills, especially when it came to
motivation result in the first stage: Attention (1905 revising and editing. They were afraid of being
scale points- High), Relevance (1434- High), criticized in presenting their writing works.
Confidence (1465- Neutral), and Satisfaction Referring to this, the lecturer recommended that
(1061- High). the class be grouped into 5 teams and encouraged
Based on the graph, it can be concluded them to peer-review. The lecturer organized the
that in the first stage, the student’s motivation is group to have some superior students who could
improved through the strategy of Attention (A), assist their friends. The students were expected
Relevance (R), and Satisfaction (S) between to be more comfortable to have discussions.
student competencies and courses are in a high
position. Meanwhile, student motivation in Student Motivation (Stage I & II)
Confidence (C) is neutral. It was discovered from Referring to table.1, the following are the
the in-depth interview with some students that results of the analysis of students Learning
they were unsure of finishing the writing project motivation result in the second stage: Attention
Barlian et al., Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through... 207

Figure 2. Result analysis of the students motivation (Stage 1)

(1638 scale points- High), Relevance (1361 - If the Attention, Relevance, and Satisfaction
High), Confidence (1089- Neutral), and aspects are still high, the Confidence aspect also
Satisfaction (826- High). Therefore, the two remains neutral in stages 1 and 2. The interviews
stages of Students’ Learning Motivation can be revealed that students experienced difficulties and
compared as follow: boredom in one of the writing stages, namely
From the diagram above, we can conclude revising and editing their writings. Shield (2010)
that even though the subscale points decreased, also stated that this stage in the writing process
students’ learning motivation in terms of Attention was allegedly the most tedious and tiring episode.
is still high in stage II. This could be seen in the
learning process, which showed students’ Students’ Writing and Presentation Skills
enthusiasm in conducting observations and Although students experienced boredom
discussions independently in small groups through and felt tired in the revision and editing stages,
the problem-based learning method. In the they were finally more accustomed to correcting
second stage, the teacher provided audio-visual their writing. It indirectly improved students’
media to maintain students’ attention. writing skills which could be seen from the final
The same as the Attention aspect, the results of their writing projects. In addition, to
Relevant aspect is also in a high position in this improve their writing skills, their understanding
second stage. Students in English class are Visual of content relevant to their knowledge also
Communication Visual students specializing in increased. During one semester, they completed
Graphic Design. Therefore the content of the a logo design project for an institution. They could
writing process is adjusted to their competence, convey their ideas in English by referring to the
namely designing logos so that there is relevance presentation rubric that has been given.
between English and their needs to increase their
learning motivation. The Relevance increases Final Mark
social activities because humans essentially need To compare the passing grade in this course
media to share, discuss, and argue, which are (English for Art and Design), the last-year score
facilitated in this course. distribution is presented as follow.
208 Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 196-212, April 2022

AB represented by red colour, B represented by

green colour, BC represented by purple colour,
C represented by coral blue colour, D
represented by coral orange colour and E
represented by light blue colour. Referring to this
unfortunate class condition, some efforts to
improve it has been conducted, one of them is
boosting the students’ learning motivation through
this case study. The grades are as follows.

Table 4. The English Mark Distribution

Figure 4. The english mark distribution (before Value Total Percentage
the case study implementation) A 8 17%
AB 5 10%
Based on the diagram above, we can B 1 2%
conclude that only 62% passed the English course. BC 8 17%
The English distribution scores are marked by C 21 44%
the alphabets A represented by dark blue colour, D 0 0%
AB represented by red colour, B represented E 5 10%
by green colour, BC represented by purple T 0 0
colour, C represented by coral blue colour, D Total 100%
represented by coral orange colour and E
represented by light blue colour. There were still 10% of students who did
not pass because one of these students never came
to English class from the beginning of the lecture.
While the other four students only entered a few
times in the early weeks.

Pass Rate (Academic Aspect)

From the diagram above, it can be
concluded that the pass rate this year, after the
implementation of case study research using the
project-based learning method, has increased by
28%, so that this year’s pass rate is in line with
the target in this study case research, 90%. This
Figure 5. The english mark distribution (after the semester’s disqualification rate of 10% was due
case study implementation) to one of the five students who did not pass that
never appeared from the beginning of the lecture.
Based on the diagram above, we can
conclude that 90% passed the English course.  CONCLUSIONS
The English distribution scores are marked by With the implementation of the Project-
the alphabets A represented by dark blue colour, Based learning model with ARCS motivational
Barlian et al., Boosting Student Learning Motivation Through... 209

design, it was found that student motivation in Conference Series, 1460, 012119. https:/
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