First Masterclass - WB (2015) - U3 Actualizado 2024
First Masterclass - WB (2015) - U3 Actualizado 2024
First Masterclass - WB (2015) - U3 Actualizado 2024
Phrasal verbs with give 1 Replace the verbs in italics in these sentences with the correct form of give and one of
these words.
Habitual actions 1 In each of these sets of three sentences, two sentences have a similar meaning and
one has a different meaning. Put a cross (X) next to the sentence with a different
a 1 I always used to walk to school.
2 I would always walk to school.
3 I've always walked to school.
b 1 I used to get up early.
2 I am used to getting up early.
3 I am accustomed to getting up early.
c 1 I usually check my emails before I get up.
2 Normally, I'd check my emails before I got up.
3 Normally, I'll check my emails before I get up.
2 Choose the correct words in italics to complete these sentences.
a I lived in Africa for nearly five years, but I never got used to/ was never used to
the heat.
b I got used to smoking/ used to smoke, but I gave up nearly three years ago .
.c Even though they are only three years old, the twins are used to getting dressed/
used to get dressed themselves.
d People from other countries get used to driving/ are used to driving on the left quite
quickly when they come to Britain.
e Where did you use to live/ were you used to living before you moved to New York?
Listening Part 4
1 You will hear part of a radio interview with a woman
called Maggie Lyons, who is talking about gambling
addiction. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer
(A, B or
1 Which of these best describes Maggie's current
A Her addiction is not as serious as in the past.
B She is receiving advice about how stop gambling.
C She is no longer addicted to gambling.
2 Why does Maggie describe how she got into gambling as
A She didn't start by gambling large amounts of money.
B She didn't really understand what she was getting into.
C She didn't believe that gambling could become
addictive. Gra niar
3 Why did nobody advise Maggie to stop gambling?
A Nobody even suspected her addiction.
1 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete these
B They didn't realize she was gambling large sums of
a I have little experience/ experiences of shift work.
C She had made sure that nobody knew she was
gambling. b Every time I leave the flat, I make sure I turn all the light/
lights off.
4 How did she obtain more money when her own started to
run out? c I can sleep through most kinds of noise/ noises, but not
car alarms.
A She took out a bank loan.
d How many times/ much time did you spend writing that
B Her father lent her some.
C She sold her car.
e When I graduate, I'd like to get into language/ languages
5 What did the counsellor suggest Maggie should do to teaching.
help herself?
After his operation, the doctor gave him some special
A Find an alternative way of spending her time. exercise/ exercises to do.
B Change her behaviour slowly over time. g Unfortunately, we don't have enough room/ rooms for a
C Join a gambling addicts group. piano in our apartment.
6 What happened to Maggie after she saw the addiction 2 Complete sentences a-g with the correct word from the list.
counsellor? Sometimes more tha11 one answer is possible.
A She pretended she had got over her addiction.
bit box item piece sheet stroke word
B She found it easier to stop gambling than she had
imagined. a When I was ten, my father gave me a/ an _ _ _ __
C She developed new interests. of advice I've never forgotten.
7 How do the addicts Maggie works with react to her b Could I borrow a / an of paper to write
methods? notes on, please?
A They all manage to stop gambling. c That was a / an of luck - someone found
my phone and took it to reception.
B Most of them change their behaviour in some way.
d I didn't mean to upset you. It was just a/ an
C Some people react against her methods.
_ _ _ _ _ of fun.
e That's a lovely _ _ _ _ _ of furniture. Do you know
l1ow old it is?
f Do you have a / an _ _ _ _ _ of matches I can
borrow to light the fire, please?
g Tonight, the young pianist will be playing a / an
_ _ _ _ _ of music by Chopin.
Reading and Use of English Part 6
1 You are going to read a magazine article which explains some of the reasons why
people collect things. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from
the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which
you do not need to use.
Whv do we collect?
1 People have beep i:olfectiogthinSt?for; centuries.Tfieir ··•
c:ollections range frolf' rare baseball carotJswortft thf)Uf>and$
ofdoHarst~beautiful1br1ghtiY~colo4red 0de~~l.jewelsthat .
·• gHste!) in Qisplavcase.s. ~nawingthekQwner~~wealttr. IQ··
s Even with a valuab.le cQHection, itisn;t oftehthlilt a coJlector
sells upanddairns the rnC>ney. Why, then, would someon.e
put so mu~h time and. effort into. amassJoga va.luable
KlmHerzinger1 anEngUshpro sspranclanaYl ch~ftor/····. ·...
Terry shoptaughJ from Minne19ta StateUnlver~ity .
30 provides yet .an9ther explanatil1?for ovrObse:ss(on~i~~ •.•.· . ··
10 Moorhead, can shine sorne light o~ w~yp~ople cbHect . In
an article, heoffersthe id.ea th~tcollectlngis based on a
with a feeling oflncompletenessthatmanypeopleJeel>. ·.)(
.need to inspire.rEKOIJectfon.llQ~We usekeep5akestO
stimulate memory, especiallytp \rigg~rna~pynwmori~s,'
.··.in, childhood,' Headds,·h9\f\l~v~r,thatq.,llectin9 isals9~.· ; /i.:
Shoptaugh writes. 'But
evenifm:emorycan!'l9t be.relied·
passion. CJ Herzlnger aJs?.•believest~at it~si~P~rt~nt~or·•··.··.
~sc~llectorsto maintain a s~mse of control overth~ip:olle;ti9n.··,,
151,lpoq.tQ faithfUJl)I rep~odµcethe pa$t,it l'el)1~ins. vital to O(Jr
. l!JTo avoi.d .this, .t~ecollectorna;rr9~~·t~eft~l~fr9m•. ·.·····{•.)
understanding of the pa?t. 'This may explainw~y people. ·
baseb.all cards to,for example; theNewYorl<Yarik~~s cards. ..• •· ·
collectunattractive1 01dyvarmemo~a~Hi.a efforttQ
remember the romantic aspects of war while .nolforgettlng
, , ' " , , ,- - ', - ,-,
Herzi.ngeradmitstha~~.hil~·,116n.brJ~gscrj)Lcfijb'/···i·'· ....
the true horror of such time~.·· to the.coUectbr,·therewill always.bedisappbirltfuerit.'ib~~e···
4ohad a \le& go{)dfhen.a;'a.rec~rOcbtt~<:t?rrwh~·V\f~s.s~bwi(1.9•.·.
AnthropologistMarjorie'f'..kio is als{)· n collecting.
me armind hiscol!ectlon ofvaluable/krn~riC:an ja~z ,-eco.rds.
Word f1nmatim1 1 This table contains verbs and nouns from the reading text. Complete the table with the
missing words. The first one is done as an example.
a collection co/led
b inspire
c relief
d explain
e provide
g disappointment
h appreciate
0 Order of adjectives 2 Read the information in the box. Then complete these sentences a-e with the
in front of no1.1r1s adjectives in brackets in the correct order.
Reading and Use of English Part 2
1 For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best ms each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Adverbs 1 list these adverbs under the correct headings.
Adverbs of manner: _ _ _ __
Comment adverbs: _ _ _ __
Focusing adverbs: _ _ _ __
Frequency adverbs: _ _ _ __
Adverbs of degree: _ _ _ __
2 Rewrite these sentences using an appropriate adverb from the list in i. in the correct
position. Sometimes more than one adverb can be used.
a I only caught my train because it was a few minutes late - that was lucky.
Luckily. I caught my train because if was a few minutes late.
b I go to the theatre from time to time if there's something good on.
d I hate long road journeys. I hate them most in the winter when the roads are icy.
e My sister passed her driving test first time. That surprised everyone.
When I was four, I broke my brother's favourite toy. It was not an accident.
g That was a terrible fire. The house was destroyed - there's nothing left of it.
Writing Part 2 - Article
1 Here a1e eight subjects for magazine articles. Find a suitable title A-H for each subject,
then choose one of the 'first lines' a-h. The first one is done as an example.
Subjects Title First line
1 changes to my town in the last five years _A__ __e_
2 clothes you like wearing
3 an ideal holiday
4 the worries of today's youth
5 superstitions in the modern world
6 the future of money
7 a school subject you found useful
8 methods of relaxing
A That's progress - or is it?
B Ways to chill out
C Paradise on earth
D Today's teenagers - their hopes and fears
E Comfort or looks?
F A lesson worth learning
G Tomorrow is plastic
H We can't go today- it's Friday 13th
First lines
a I hate coins because they make holes in my pockets; and I hate bank notes because,
except when they're new, they look dirty and tatty.
b Do you ever do something for luck, or avoid doing something because doing it may
bring you bad luck?
c What keeps you awake at night?
d Some people like to sit around watching TV, or sunbathe on the beach. Not me!
e I remember the main street before they closed it to traffic.
I'll never forget looking at my timetable and wondering what exactly the letters CDT
stood for.
g Imagine the scene: the sea is deep blue, trees are swaying in the warm breeze, and
you're a day's car journey away from the nearest city.
h Everyone wants to look their best, but if that means having sore feet and cold hands,
I'm not sure that I care that much about my appearance.