Ogu CSC Report
Ogu CSC Report
Ogu CSC Report
Federal Government of Nigeria to bridge the gap between theory and practice
among products of tertiary Institutions. It was first initiated and funded by the
high demand of resources to fund the scheme, hence, ITF withdrew from the
scheme and the federal government took over the funding in 1997 and passed it
over to the National University Commission (NUC), a regulatory body for the
Universities and its counterfeit, for the Polytechnics, the National Board for
Technical Education (NBTE). However, five years later in 1984, the scheme
was reverted back to the ITF which had continued to manage it to date with
the preparation of student for real life work experience. It prepares them for the
work situation that they will encounter after graduation. Therefore, SIWES is
our nation by preparing students for the work requirement after graduation.
(Agunwa, 2012).
1.3 Importance of SIWES
Prepare Students for the real work situation they will meet after graduation.
Making the transition from academic institution to the labor market smooth
need be.
1.5 The Role of the Students
with ITF.
Avoid change of place of SIWES attachment outside the allowed time frame.
To complete SPE-1 Form and get it endorsed by their employers who will
To record all training activities and other assignments in the log-book and
Submit ITF Form 8 to ITF at the end of each SIWES year. (Agunwa, 2012).
Group (CLG), Skills and Careers Group (SCG), and School Learning Group
for schools, which include Interactive classrooms with digital content,
NIIT has alliances with global leaders such as Adobe, Cisco, Citrix, EMC, Intel,
Microsoft, Oracle, SAS, Sun and provides training on their platforms. For its
academic alliance, the company has collaborated with 100 leading educational
institutes across India, China, New Zealand, UK, Malaysia, Australia, USA,
2.2 Awards
NIIT was ranked among the Top 20 Companies in the IT Training Industry in
2008 by TainingOutsourcing.com.
In 2011
Employers Survey.
PC Quest.
iv. In 2012
providers list.
vii. NIIT Technologies' Intranet Prahari bags Skoch Digital Inclusion Award
x. Ranked No.1 across all industries globally in the 2012 ASTD (American
i. 2013 – Listed in the Forbes Asia's 200 Best Under a Billion companies.
ii. Ranked 6th in Top Employer category at Asia's Best Employer Brand
iii. Conferred with Best in HR Strategy in line with Business at Asia's Best
Awards, 2013
Web Development
language. The tags (inside <> delimiter characters) instruct a viewer program
(the browser or, more generically, the client) how to display chunks of text or
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. A markup language is a set of
markup tags. HTML documents are described by HTML tags. Each HTML tag
Web browsers can read HTML files and render them into visible or audible web
pages. HTML describes the structure of a website semantically along with cues
What is HTML?
HTML Example
<title>Page Title</title>
Example Explained
The text between <head> and </head> provides information about the document
The text between <title> and </title> provides a title for the document
The text between <body> and </body> describes the visible page content
The text between <h1> and </h1> describes a heading
Using this description, a web browser can display a document with a heading
and a paragraph.
The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
The end tag is written like the start tag, but with a slash before the tag name
The start tag is often called the opening tag. The end tag is often called the
closing tag.
Web Browsers
The purpose of a web browser (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) is to read HTML
The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses them to determine how
<title>Page title</title>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
Only the <body> area (the white area) is displayed by the browser.
To display a document correctly, the browser must know both type and version.
The doctype declaration is not case sensitive. All cases are acceptable:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!doctype html>
<!Doctype Html>
As you begin to place more and more text elements onto your website, you may
find yourself wanting to incorporate bold or italic properties in your text
elements. HTML offers a handful of special tags that can be utilized to do just
<p>An example of <b>Bold Text</b></p>
<p>An example of <em>Emphasized Text</em></p>
<p>An example of <strong>Strong Text</strong></p>
<p>An example of <i>Italic Text</i></p>
<p>An example of <sup>superscripted Text</sup></p>
<p>An example of <sub>subscripted Text</sub></p>
<p>An example of <del>struckthrough Text</del></p>
Below is a table of the 16 basic HTML color values that are available to HTML
web designers.
Black Gray Silver White
Yellow Lime Aqua Fuchsia
Red Green Blue Purple
Maroon Olive Navy Teal
Fig 3.0 Basic Html Colors
<table bgcolor="#ff0000" border="1"><tr>
<td>A red colored table background using hexadecimal values "#FF0000".</td>
A blue colored table background using numeric, RGB values "rgb(0, 0, 255)".
Fig. 3.1 Html Table
HTML web forms are a composition of buttons, checkboxes, and text input
fields embedded inside of HTML documents with one goal in mind: to capture
user input. By doing things such as providing fields for user data such as names,
phone number, and email addresses, web forms give users the opportunity to
interact directly with a webpage.
HTML forms are placed on a web page using the <form> tag. This tag should
encapsulate a series of other form elements, identifying them as a single
cohesive web form.
<form name="myWebForm" action="myServerSideScript.php"
<input type="checkbox" /> Checkbox 1<br />
<input type="text" /> Text Field 1<br />
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" />
Text Field 1
HTML form elements rely on action and method attributes to identify where to
send the form data for processing (action) and how to process the data (method).
HTML input elements are form elements such as text fields, checkboxes, and
buttons. The name comes from the <input> tag, which is the mark-up that
identifies web form components. The <input> tag relies upon a few attributes to
classify and name each form item, providing the web developer with a means to
manipulate each element individually.
The type attribute determines what kind of input element to render to the screen.
Options here include: text, checkbox, radio, button, submit, reset, password, and
hidden form elements. Each has its own unique functionality and customizable
<form name="myWebForm" action="mailto:youremail@email.com"
Check Me: <input type="checkbox" /><br />
Name: <input type="text" /><br />
Yes: <input type="radio" /> No: <input type="radio" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" />
<input type="reset" value="RESET" />
Yes: No:
Text fields offer a small rectangular box that's always ready to receive
information from viewers. Users will notice that when they click these fields,
the cursor will change from the typical arrow to a pipe character ( | ), allowing
for text entries to be typed inside each input field.
A text field is placed on a web page using the <input> tag, with the type
attribute set with a value of "text".
<form name="myWebForm" action="mailto:youremail@email.com"
First: <input title="Please Enter Your First Name" id="first" name="first"
type="text" /> Last: <input title="Please Enter Your Last Name" id="last"
name="last" type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" />
First: Last:
Text fields are designed to capture single words or phrases from the user. That
information may then be processed through some kind of client/server side
script (PHP, PERL, JavaScript).
Setting the type attribute of the <input> to "file" places the upload element on a
web page.
<form name="myWebForm" action="mailto:youremail@email.com"
<input type="file" name="uploadField" />
Web developers use <div> elements to group together HTML elements and
apply CSS styles to many elements at once. For instance, by wrapping a set of
paragraph elements into a <div> element, the developer can take advantage of
CSS styles and apply a font to all paragraphs at once by applying a font style to
the <div> tag instead of coding the same style for each paragraph element.
<div id="myDiv" name="myDiv" title="Example Div Element">
<p>This paragraph would be your content paragraph...</p>
<p>Here's another content article right here.</p>
With these text elements now grouped together under a <div> element, we can
alter the appearance of each underlying element collectively by applying a style
attribute to the <div> tag.
<div id="myDiv" name="myDiv" title="Example Div Element" style="color:
#0900C4; font: Helvetica 12pt;border: 1px solid black;">
<p>This paragraph would be your content paragraph...</p>
<p>Here's another content article right here.</p>
Elements housed within a <div> tag acquire any styles or properties applied to
the master div element. Therefore the paragraph and heading elements should
now be rendered blue in a Helvetica font. In addition, we've applied a border to
the <div> element just to help visualize the grouping of elements together.
HTML uses start tags and end tags to markup web page elements: In the
example above, the <p> tag marks the start of a paragraph, and </p> marks the
end of the paragraph.
By using simple HTML tags, web designers can add headers, paragraphs, text,
tables, images, lists, programming code, etc., to a web page (HTML document).
Web browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) read HTML documents, interpret the
HTML tags, and display the proper output (without displaying the HTML tags):
According to the HTML standard, HTML should be used to define the content
of web pages.
To define the visual style (color, size, appearance, layout, etc.), CSS (Cascading
Style Sheets) should be used
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language. CSS was developed
by Hakon Wium Lee in the year 1996.
Classes and IDs are case-sensitive, start with letters, and can include
alphanumeric characters and underscores. Any number of instances of any
number of elements may have the same class. Conventionally, IDs only apply to
one instance of one element.
Pseudo-classes are used in CSS selectors to permit formatting based on
information that is not contained in the document tree. One example of a widely
used pseudo-class is: hover, which identifies content only when the user "points
to" the visible element, usually by holding the mouse cursor over it. It is
appended to a selector as in a:hover or #elementid:hover. A pseudo-class
classifies document elements, such as :link or :visited, whereas a pseudo-
element makes a selection that may consist of partial elements, such as :first-
line or :first-letter.
Selectors may be combined in many ways to achieve great specificity and
flexibility.[6] Multiple selectors may be joined in a spaced list to specify
elements by location, element type, id, class, or any combination thereof. The
order of the selectors is important. For example, div .myClass {color:red;}
applies to all elements of class myClass that are inside div elements, whereas
.myClass div{color:red;} applies to all div elements that are in elements of class
width: 100%;
height: auto;
width: 100%;
height: 50px;
background-color: #333333;
position: fixed;
z-index: 20; /*change the value of section-bar's top anytime you change this
list-style-type: none;
float: right;
ul#nav-bar li{
float: left;
ul#nav-bar li a{
display: block;
margin: 0px 15px;
color: #ffffff;
text-decoration: none;
line-height: 50px;
ul#nav-bar li a:hover{
color: #666666;
The CSS definitions are normally stored in external files. This enables a web
developer to change the appearance and layout of every page in a web site, just
by editing one single file!
If you have ever tried to change the style of all elements in all your HTML
pages, you understand how you can save a lot of work by storing the style
definitions in an external file.
To link a CSS to the HTML we use the link tag for example:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css" />
<h3> A White Header </h3>
<p> This paragraph has a blue font.
The background color of this page is gray because
we changed it with CSS! </p>
Here the relationship is “stylesheet”, the type being the ‘’text/css” file and the
css page is test.css. All css documents have the ‘.css’ extension.
Fig 3.2 Static Webpage
JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming
This language which was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995 under the name
Mocha but was officially called Livescript before it was later called Javascript is
the client side scripting language of the Web.
JavaScript is used in billions of Web pages to add functionality, validate forms,
communicate with the server, and much more.
JavaScript is easy to learn.
JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages
• JavaScript can react to events – A JavaScript can be set to execute when
something happens, like when a page has finished loading or when a user clicks
on an HTML element.
• JavaScript can be used to validate data - A JavaScript can be used to validate
form data before it is submitted to a server. This saves the server from extra
• A JavaScript can be used to detect the visitor's browser, and load another page
specifically designed for that browser.
• JavaScript can be used to create cookies - A JavaScript can be used to store
and retrieve information on the visitor's computer.
• JavaScript can read/write/modify HTML elements - A JavaScript can read and
change the content of an HTML element.
Any time you include JavaScript verbiage in an HTML document, you must
enclose those lines inside a <script>...</script> tag pair. These tags alert the
browser program to begin interpreting all the text between these tags as a script,
rather than HTML to render. Because other scripting languages (such as
Microsoft VBScript) can take advantage of these script tags, you must specify
the kind of language in which the enclosed code is written. Therefore, when the
browser receives the signal that your script is of the type text/javascript, it
employs its built-in JavaScript interpreter to handle the code (Goodman et al,
JavaScript can be written in the same page with the HTML but for clarity some
developers prefer writing the scripting language on a separate page. To link
JavaScript to a HTML page we use the script tag. For example:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
In the example above the <script></script> tells the web browser that is a
JavaScript document, the type ‘’text/javascript’’ specifies it is a JavaScipt type
document and the validate.js is the relative part of the JavaScript document. All
JavaScript document has the “.js” extension.
Connubial +, -, *, /
If your first operand is a string and then you add it to a number, JavaScript will
convert the string value to number and then add them up. For example.
Some keywords are ‘Reserved’ words for future use and not presently
Function must be named and can be called (or invoke) by other parts of the
function FName() {
<script type="text/javascript" src="validate.js"></script>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
function verification(){
if(username.length < 1){
return false;
return false;
return false;
}else if(location==="--select--"){
return false;
}else if(terms===false){
return false;
return true; } }
The PHP interpreter only executes PHP code within its delimiters. Anything
outside its delimiters is not processed by PHP (although non-PHP text is still
subject to control structures described in PHP code). The most common
delimiters are <?php to open and ?> to close PHP sections. There are also the
shortened forms <? or <?= (which is used to echo back a string or variable) and
?>. Short delimiters make script files less portable, since support for them can
be disabled in the local PHP configuration, and they are therefore discouraged.
The purpose of all these delimiters is to separate PHP code from non-PHP code,
including HTML.
PHP was develop in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski.
PHP can handle forms, i.e. gather data from files, save data to a file, thru
email you can send data, return data to the user.
You add, delete, modify elements within your database thru PHP.
Access cookies variables and set cookies.
Using PHP, you can restrict users to access some pages of your website.
It can encrypt data.
PHP is embedded in HTML. Its code is enclosed inside the PHP special markup
tag that is being recognized by the PHP parser.
<title>Hello World</title>
Hello, World!
Environment Setup
In order to develop and run PHP Web pages, three vital components need to be
installed on your computer system.
Web Server - PHP will work with virtually all Web Server software, including
Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) but then most often used is freely
available Apache Server. Download Apache for free here:
Database - PHP will work with virtually all database software, including Oracle
and Sybase but most commonly used is freely available MySQL database.
Download MySQL for free here: http://www.mysql.com/downloads/index.html
Before you proceed, it is important to make sure that you have a proper
environment setup on your machine to develop your web programs using PHP.
If this displays a page showing your PHP installation related information then it
means you have PHP and Webserver installed properly. Otherwise you have to
follow given procedure to install PHP on your computer.
Escaping to PHP
The PHP parsing engine needs a way to differentiate PHP code from other
elements in the page. The mechanism for doing so is known as 'escaping to
PHP.' There are four ways to do this:
If you use this style, you can be positive that your tags will always be correctly
Short tags are, as one might expect, the shortest option You must do one of two
things to enable PHP to recognize the tags:
ASP-style tags
ASP-style tags mimic the tags used by Active Server Pages to delineate code
blocks. ASP- style tags look like this:
To use ASP-style tags, you will need to set the configuration option in your
php.ini file.
<script language="PHP">...</script>
Multi-lines printing:
Here are the examples to print multiple lines in a single print statement:
print <<<END
This uses the "here document" syntax to output multiple lines with $variable
interpolation. Note that the here document terminator must appear on a line with
just a semicolon no extra whitespace! END;
Multi-lines comments:
They are generally used to provide pseudocode algorithms and more detailed
explanations when necessary. The multiline style of commenting is the same as
in C. Here are the example of multi lines comments.
Purpose: Multiline Comments Demo
Subject: PHP */
PHP whitespace insensitive means that it almost never matters how many
whitespace characters you have in a row.one whitespace character is the same
as many such characters.
For example, each of the following PHP statements that assigns the sum of 2 +
2 to the variable $four is equivalent:
$four = 2+ 2;
// multiple lines
Variable capital is 67
Variable CaPiTaL is
(3 == 2 + 1)
(3 == 2 + 1) {
print("lost my mind.<br>");
Here are the most important things to know about variables in PHP.
All variables in PHP are denoted with a leading dollar sign ($).
The value of a variable is the value of its most recent assignment.
Variables are assigned with the = operator, with the variable on the left-
hand side and the expression to be evaluated on the right.
Variables can, but do not need, to be declared before assignment.
Variables in PHP do not have intrinsic types - a variable does not know in
advance whether it will be used to store a number or a string of
Variables used before they are assigned have default values.
PHP does a good job of automatically converting types from one to
another when necessary.
PHP variables are Perl-like.
PHP has a total of eight data types which we use to construct our variables:
NULL: is a special type that only has one value: NULL.
Strings: are sequences of characters, like 'PHP supports string operations.'
Arrays: are named and indexed collections of other values.
Objects: are instances of programmer-defined classes, which can package
up both other kinds of values and functions that are specific to the class.
Resources: are special variables that hold references to resources external
to PHP (such as database connections).
The first five are simple types, and the next two (arrays and objects) are
compound - the compound types can package up other arbitrary values of
arbitrary type, whereas the simple types cannot.
PHP – Variables
Local variables
Function parameters
Global variables
Static variables
include 'universal.php';
if ((isset($_POST['Username']))&&(!empty($_POST['Username']))){
$Username = $_POST['Username'];
$_SESSION['Username'] = $Username;
$Password = $_POST['password'];
$qREtrieved = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qREtrieved);
$db_username = $row['Username'];
$db_password = $row['Password'];
if(($Username ==
} else {
PHP has the ability to connect to and manipulate databases. The most popular
database system that is used with PHP is called MySQL. This is a free database
‘http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/’ or ‘’.
4.7 MySQL
MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS)
based on Structured Query Language (SQL). MySQL runs on virtually all
platforms, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows. MySQL, which was
originally conceived by the Swedish company MySQL AB, was acquired by
Oracle in 2008. MySQL is named after co-founder Monty Widenius's daughter:
To store and retrieve data from database (MySQL), Structured Query Language
(SQL) is required.
4.8 Structured Query Language (SQL)
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special-purpose programming language
designed for managing data held in a relational database management system
(RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management
system (RDSMS).
We can query a database for specific information and have a recordset returned.
The example above falls under DML (Data Manipulation Language) which is a
subset of SQL used of adding, updating and deleting data from database.
5.1 Problems Encountered During SIWES IT
Despite the fact that my Industrial Training was a success, there were some
factors that restricted the fluidity of my internship.
Lack of a suitable accommodation
Distance Barrier
Financial Constraint
Time Factor
Owing to the fact that I could not afford suitable accommodation, I had to resort
to public transport so as to convey myself to work daily. It proved so difficult
financing the high cost of transportation for the duration of the internship. The
high demand of the Industry of attachment of Interns made adaptation difficult
for me. The office hours for interns range between 8am – 6pm and for that
reason getting a means of transportation and beating the crazy traffic in the
evening most time becomes a big problem. Sometimes I end up getting to my
house late at night weary and worn out.
5.2 Summary
Web Development.
Web development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a website
for the internet.
A web developer is a programmer who specializes in the development of World
Wide Web or World Wide Web applications.
Programming and scripting languages such as Html, JavaScript, php and Mysql
database are used to develop websites and web applications.
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for
creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) it’s a style sheet language used in controlling the
look and feel of your HTML documents in an organized and efficient manner.
NetBeans IDE 8.0 is a powerful application created and developed by Oracle
for the creation of web pages.
JAVASCRIPT is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most
commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-
side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser and alter the document.
PHP is a server-sided Scripting language designed for web development.
MySQL (pronounced My-Ess-Que-Ell) is a relational database management
system (RDBMS).
A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is software that enables
you to implement a database with tables, columns, and indexes.
5.3 Conclusion
In conclusion, there were many things that I have experience and learned during
the six month of my Industrial Training at NIIT. The whole training period was
very interesting, instructive and challenging. Through this training I was able to
gain new insights and more comprehensive understanding about the real
industry working condition and practice. The six month placement also has
provided me the opportunities to develop and improve my soft and functional
skills. All of this valuable experience and knowledge that I have gained were
not only acquired through the direct involvement in task given but also through
other aspect of the training such as work observation, interaction with
colleagues, superior, and other people related to the field. From what I have
undergone, I am very sure that the industrial training program has achieved its
entire primary objectives. It’s also the best way to prepare students to face the
real working life. As a result of the program now I am more confident to build
my future career.
5.4 Relevance of SIWES Program
It prepares students for the real life work experience and gives them the
opportunity to implement the theories they have learnt in school. SIWES
program is a stepping stone to the life after school and it is a huge foundation to
career, national and economic development since the students are exposed to the
nations’ economic and industrial demands.
5.5 Ways of Improving the SIWES Program
In my own humble opinion I would suggest that some measures be meted out
for Organizations in the management of interns so as to ensure that students are
tolerated and protected and at some cases given preferential treatment.
5.6 Advice for Future Participants
Industrial Training application to firms and organizations should be done in
time since most firms look into tiny details a lot which makes which
sometimes make processing of submitted applications take a longer period of
time. In most cases leaves the applicant stranded due to time factor.
Being punctual, hardworking, cultivating good moral value and ethics can
improve the chances of the organization of attachment wanting to work with
the student in the near future.
Always be a great team player. It will help your adaptation and relationship
with fellow interns, staffs and workers.