Education for the Industrial Work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
The scheme also affords students the opportunity of familiarizing and exposing
usually not available in their Institutions. Before the establishment of the scheme,
there was a growing concern among our Industrialists that graduates of our
preparatory for employment in Industries. Thus, the employers were of the opinion
that the theoretical education going on in higher institutions was not responsive to
the needs of the employers of labour. It is against this background that the rationale
for initiating and designing the scheme by the Fund during its formative years –
1973/74 was introduced to acquaint students with the skills of handling employers’
equipment and machinery. The ITF solely funded the scheme during its formative
withdrew from the Scheme in 1978. The Federal Government handed over the
scheme in 1979 to both the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the
National Board for Technical Education (NBTE). Later the Federal Government in
Programme to ITF and it was effectively taken over by the Industrial Training
Fund in July 1985 with the funding being solely borne by the Federal Government.
industrial skills and experience in their course of study, which are restricted
and Applied Arts) and NCE (Home Economics) in Colleges of Education are
also included.
Prepare students for the industrial work situation they are to meet after
Make the transition from school to the world of work easier, and enhance
situation thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice; and
Below are the highlights of some of the benefits derived from SIWES;
Many students also have been gainfully employed through this method as
take on employment through the scheme which in turn reduces the number
By the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Industrial Training Fund (ITF)
lists’ the qualities that any selected industrial attachment station must;
Provide satisfactory working environment.
Use various facilities and equipment’s appropriate for the various works.
In general, building is concerned with the overall interface of human created fixed
projects with the greater world. General civil engineers work closely with
surveyors and specialized civil engineers to fit and serve fixed projects within their
given site, community and terrain by designing grading, drainage, pavement, water
supply, sewer service, electric and communications supply, and land divisions.
General engineers spend much of their time visiting project sites, developing
focuses on converting a tract of land from one usage to another. Civil engineers
1960. Since that time, Kenmentor Limited has been involved in the infrastructural
all over this great country – Nigeria. Such projects have included: Office edifices;
stations; Butanization structure; Flexible and rigid Roads with Estates or Schools
of Architect’s design and also pay strict attention to details, these coupled with our
prompt completion delivery of project has earned us a good name in the industry.
bay warehouse. Some projects executed at Kenmentor Limited ensured that staff
The various activities which I undertook in the course of my industrial training are
to take part in the following activities under the strict supervision and guidance of
my immediate supervisor who took it upon himself to ensure the success of the
to cleared ground level, the proposed building must be ‘set out’. This involves
working out the location and relative height and size of the building on site.
I. From the plan, the centre line of the walls is calculated. Then the centre lines
of the rooms are set out by setting perpendiculars in the ratio 3:4:5. Suppose
the corner points are: a, b, c, d, e, f and g which are marked by pegs with
nails on top.
II. The setting of the corner point is checked according to diagonals ac, bd, cf
and eg.
Therefore the centre lines are extended and the centre points are marked
about 2m away from the outer edge of excavation. Thus, the points A1, A2,
B1, B2 and likewise, are marked outside the trench. Centre line is shown
clearly by stretching string line. The centre points fixed 2m away from the
IV. From the plan details, the width of exaction to be done is also marked by
V. The excavation width is then marked by lime or by with furrow with spade.
VI. If the plan is much to complicate and follows a zigzag pattern, then the
depending on the type of member it is and its location in the structure. Thus, it is
imperative to understand the importance/necessity of the various structural
3.2.1 Slab
A slab is a reinforced concrete member that, more often than not, is subjected to
shear (Oyenuga, op. cit.). Because slab is generally a horizontal member, its design
There are various types of slab, and the type to be preferred may depend on: (i) the
span of the slab, (ii) the use of the space, which may determine the span, (iii) the
Ribbed slab
Flat slab
Waffle slab
Slab directly carries the load imposed on it and its own self-weight (all in the form
A concrete slab may be prefabricated or in situ. In situ concrete slabs are built on
site using formwork – a type of boxing into which the wet concrete is poured. If
the slab is to be reinforced, the rebars are positioned within the formwork before
the concrete is poured in. plastic tipped metal, or plastic bar chairs are used to hold
the rebar away from the bottom and sides of the formwork, so that when the
concrete sets it completely envelops the reinforcement. For a ground slab, the
formwork may consist only of sidewalls pushed into the ground. For a suspended
slab, the formwork is shaped like a tray, often supported by a temporary scaffold
The formwork is commonly built from wooden planks and boards, plastic or steel.
On commercial building sites today, plastic and steel are more common as they
save labour. On low-budget sites, for instance when laying a concrete garden path,
wooden planks are very common. After the concrete has set the wood may be
by brick or block foundation walls act as the sides of the tray and hardcore act as
the base.
3.2.3 Column
bending either due to their slenderness or due to their asymmetric loading from
beams (Oyenuga, op. cit.). Reinforced concrete columns are generally either
I. Foundation:
Placing steel bar net in footing as per design and also placing vertical bars of
as per design.
Tie up all rings around and into vertical steel bars according to design.
usually. It, in most cases, supports the loads on the slab, the self-weight of the slab,
and its own self-weight – all of which are transmitted to the nearest vertical
The ground beam construction will be started after a column stump has finish.
After the column stump has ingrained in foundation and has corpulent on level as
wanted. Beam formwork will put and pointed stake set in the ground with tidy so
ensure that formwork will not expand when a concrete will instill. If formwork is
not good, it will give a problem and the construction work will have much time.
After that, link concrete is lain out on ground surface into the formwork. The
beside reinforcement. The cover is being put to protect reinforcement from rusting.
Concrete blocks, commonly referred to as “CMUs”, are used for wall construction
planters, concrete blocks offer an efficient and cost- effective alternative to the cost
and elaborate forming of poured concrete. No matter the scope of your project, the
basic procedure for laying block sets a pattern that ensures an accurate and
1. Install an appropriately sized and reinforced poured concrete footing for the
2. Define the exterior wall line for the concrete block. Set a stake in line with
the desired wall line roughly 3 to 4 feet beyond the wall length at both ends
of the footing. Drive the stakes using a sledgehammer until they’re firmly
held in place.
3. Tie a length of string line between the two stakes to use as a guideline for
the outside wall line for the concrete blocks. You can adjust the stakes, as
needed, to align the wall with the footing. Keeps the string taut and
4. Mark a wall line point on the top surface of the concrete footing at each end
using a builder’s level aligned with the string line set in step 3. Connect the
two marks using a chalk line. This defines a wall guideline for the first
label directions.
6. Set up a mortar board and stand, within easy reach of the block wall, and
place a small pile of mortar on the board. A piece of plywood and a couple
of concrete blocks also makes a simple mortar board and stand, or the
7. Spread a straight, even line of mortar using a trowel. Make the mortar line
approximately 2 inches wide, ¾ inch thick and 24 inches long beside the
parallel mortar line 8 inches from the first on the same side of the guideline.
8. Lower a standard concrete block onto the mortar lines, aligned with the
chalked guideline and the desired end of the wall, and then use a torpedo
level to level the block. Tap the top of the block with a rubber mallet, as
the block and the footing surface. Collect the excess mortar mix that
squeezes out from under the block and return it to the wheelbarrow or mortar
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to set the next concrete block in place, leveling the
block and keeping the adjacent vertical joint tight. Use a builder’s level to
described in step 7 and 8. When the first course has been completed, recheck
each block for level and alignment with the chalked guideline.
11.Begin the next course of concrete blocks by spreading two parallel lines of
mortar on the edge of the first blocks, again about ¾ inch thick and 24
inches long, and then starting the course with a CMU half block to offset the
vertical joints from the proceeding couse of blocks. This method of starting
wall’s construction.
12.Repeat step 7 and 8 to complete the concrete block installation for the
Calculate the Stairs' Dimensions Stairs consist of a riser, the vertical face,
and the tread, the part you step on. Calculate the elevation, the height of one
floor to the other. This number is the total riser to the stairs. Measure the
horizontal distance the staircase will span. Measure the width of each step
from left to right in the area where the staircase will go.
The dimensions are equal to that of the footprint of the stairs. To calculate
your necessary footprint, take the total run for length of the slab, and total
Build the Form, the form can be made with plywood or framing lumber. It
can be made from scrap or low-grade lumber. The first step is to cut the side
forms according to the tread and riser calculations. This should look like the
view of a staircase from the side. They must be securely adhered to the
building's foundation. You want the new stairs to bond to the foundation
the poured concrete every 12 inches (30.5 cm) along the outside surface of
the form. Next, install the boards that will form the face of the risers. These
should have a width equal to the height of the riser. Depending on the width
of the stairs, you might have to add bracing to the center of each riser. Make
sure that the forms are plumb and level before proceeding further.
Mix the Concrete For a staircase, you can mix the concrete by hand, or you
can use a portable cement mixer. If the staircase is any larger than the short
sunken living room staircase. You can use ready-mixed concrete that only
real meat of the project. Start at the bottom, and pour one step at a time.
Once you pour it, it should be spread evenly. Use a spade or a rod to remove
Add the Finishing Touches There are any number of finishing methods you
can use to get a smooth surface while building concrete steps... A screed
board is a piece of lumber somewhat longer than the width of the staircase
that you'll gently work front to back and side to side to get the excess
concrete off the treads. You can use a 2 x 4 for a simple screed board. Use a
wood float to level the surface. A wood float is a small piece of flat lumber
with a handle on one of the faces. To provide a finer finish, use a steel
trowel, which is very much like a wood float, only the finishing surface is
very smooth steel which creates a smoother and less bubbly finish.
Wait and Dampen Once you have the surfaces smoothed, keep the concrete
wet or damp for up to one week while it cures. You can do this by covering
the stairs with burlap and keeping the burlap wet, or you can cover it tightly
with plastic. Additionally, spray the stairs with curing compound. This step
concrete will drop rapidly. If it drops below 80%, the curing hydration
reaction can stop. If this happens, the concrete may only achieve a fraction
of its potential strength. After a week, the concrete will have attained its
final shape, and you can remove the form lumber. Curing will continue to
concrete steps you plan on staining them (a popular procedure these days), it
is important that you allow the concrete to cure for at least 30 days so that
electrical pumps.
directed on site. Surplus excavated soil that may not be required within the
Determine the location and depth of your septic tank. The local building
codes will establish the fall of the sewage pipe that runs from the house to
the intake outlet on the septic tank. In addition, comply with the required fall
of the water discharge pipe from the septic tank to the lateral leech fields. A
survey crew will assess the property grade to determine the location.
Excavate the pit where you will pour the concrete tank. A backhoe will
remove the soil from the pit and will dig trenches to install the piping to and
Fill the bottom of the pit with at least 6 inches of sand or gravel. This will
stabilize the base beneath the septic tank to reduce the possibility of shifting
or cracking.
Form and pour the floor of the tank first, inserting steel reinforcement to
meet or exceed your local codes. During the floor pour, install the vertical
steel rebar that will reinforce the tank walls. By inserting the bars into the
wet concrete floor, you provide a strong structural connection between the
Order concrete after the building inspector checks the tank framing. Most
communities are very strict about septic tank construction because a leaking
tank can pollute streams and water tables. In addition, make provisions for
the intake pipe and the drainage pipe before you pour the walls.
Form the tank cap separately on a bed of level sand. The cap should match
the dimensions of the septic tank and you will position a manhole in the
form before pouring. You'll also need steel reinforcement and four large
steel hooks positioned at each corner of the cap and extending all the way
Lift the cap from the sand bed with a crane by hooking onto the four steel
hooks and position it carefully on the tank before covering the cap with soil.
Concrete floors can become worn and attain divots over time. Re-surfacing your
floor is an easy task to accomplish using just a few tools found at your local
hardware store. Simply pour some concrete compound over the surface of your
Scrape any loose material from all of the crevices and holes in the concrete
Remove any dirt or dust from the concrete floor area you will be screeding.
Scour all oil and grease stains left on the unfinished floor using sugar soap (a
Mark the area you will be screeding with duct tape in order to accurately
accomplish your project and not add concrete compound to areas that do not
need it.
Mix a bag of ready-mix mortar and fill any holes that are larger than ½ inch
Remove all the skirting boards (the baseboards of the floor) using a hammer
and a chisel. You typically will not be able to reuse any of these boards, so
Seal concrete floor by brushing a thin layer of concrete sealer on top of the
entire surface.
Let the surface dry in accordance with the instructions given on the concrete
Screed a thin layer of the self- levelling concrete compound along the area of
the floor you have marked for screeding using a float (a screeding tool used
for leveling out pasty masonry materials). Begin at the end corner of the
room and work your way towards the door so not to step on the newly
screeded floor.
screeded floor.
Procedure of Plastering
The very first step towards plastering a wall will comprise of mixing the
chemicals, like aggregate, lime or gypsum and fiber. To do this, you need a bucket
filled with clean, cold water. Add plaster to the water slowly, using a gauging
trowel. With the help of a mixer drill, blend the plaster and water thoroughly.
Make sure that the plaster is mixed to the appropriate consistency and is lump free.
The First Coat
The first coat, called the scratch coat, is applied to the walls at 3/8-inch thickness.
It is called the scratch coat, because the surface is scratched with a comb, in order
The second coat, called the brown coat, is applied directly on the base coat. In this
case also, the thickness of 3/8-inch is maintained. The rough texture to the coat is
The final coat, or the traditional lime finish coat, is applied at a thickness of 1/8-
inch. The lime putty is prepared by blending it with water, in a mixing board. The
Make sure to wet the surface at which you are applying plaster. This will
Don’t use dry cement over the plastic surface, as there are chances of it
getting distorted.
Use the appropriate amount of water while mixing chemicals or else, there
next 3-4 days. The splattered water will ensure better set up of the plaster.
If you are doing the patch up work in a smaller area, like in a room, make
sure to keep newspaper pieces on the ground, so that if the plaster falls over
Using a power trowel machine for casting concrete floors gives the finished
product a professional look. Power trowels are used for both floating and finishing
Prepare the area. If the floor requires any wooden forms before the concrete
is poured, make sure your forms are in the correct positions. Brace the forms
securely to avoid frustrating mistakes later on. Make sure the floor is
Determine how much concrete you'll need by measuring the floor and
multiplying the square footage by the depth of the intended floor. Add five
Pour the concrete evenly on a cool, humid day. If you pour it in hot, dry
weather, it will dry out before it cures properly. Have several helpers
available to help you rake the concrete evenly over the area for the floor.
Use a bull float to float the surface and remove air bubbles from the
concrete. Push the bull float away from you across the surface until the
Wait until the concrete has cured enough that you barely leave a print on the
Before starting the power trowel machine, check the machine for gasoline,
oil and water levels. Wear safety glasses and a dust mask, and make sure
Run the machine across the surface of the concrete, overlapping rows, until
the entire surface has been smoothed and is completely level. If you desire a
non-slip surface, you may need to roughen it up after you are done with the
trowel machine.
trades’ workers, surveyors, and other metal workers. Spirit levels are made
from aluminum. They have atleast one glass or plastic tube, usually in the
middle of the level, which has liquid and an air bubble in it. The bubble
moves around and when it is placed against a level object, it rests right in the
Plumb bob: A plumb bob is a weight, usually with a pointed tip on the
bottom that is suspended from a string and used as a vertical reference line,
until the modern age, on most tall structures, plumb-bobs were used to
provide vertical datum lines for the building measurements. A section of the
scaffoldings would hold a plumb line that was centered over a datum mark
on the floor. As the building proceeded upwards the plumb line would also
be taken higher, still centered on the datum. Many cathedral spires, domes
and towers still have a brass datum marks inlaid into their floors that signify
a point in space.
theodolites, and steel tapes) to set the instrument exactly over a fixed
IV. It is also used in determining the centre of gravity of an irregular
V. It can also be used to put gauge on the wall before plastering is done.
Sledge hammer: a sledge hammer is a tool with a large, flat head attached
sledgehammer can apply more force than other hammers, due to its large
size. Along with the mallet, it shares the ability to distribute force over a
consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fiber glass, or metal strip with linear-
Pincers: Pincers are a similar tool to a plier with a different type of head
used for cutting and pulling, rather than squeezing. Tools which are
effectively pliers designed principally for safely handling hot objects are
usually called tongs. Special tools for making crimp connections in electrical
and electronic applications are often called "crimping pliers"; each type of
Pliers: Pliers are a hand tool used to hold objects firmly, possibly developed
from tongs used to handle hot metal in Bronze Age Europe. They are also
positioned closer to one end of the levers, creating short jaws on one side of
the fulcrum, and longer handles on the other side.[1] This arrangement
concrete so that trapped air and excess water are released and the concrete
can cause product defects, compromise the concrete strength, and produce
concrete vibrator is a steel cylinder about the size of the handle of a baseball
bat, with a hose or electrical cord attached to one end. The vibrator head is
density. Some equipment applies only static forces, which include pressure
and kneading produced only by the dead weight and configuration of the
machine itself. Such static forces affect only the top layers of material, and
their impact is felt only to a limited depth. Other equipment also applies the
mechanism. Vibration moves through the soil, setting the particles in motion
and moving them closer together to produce the highest possible density.
plates and rollers. But we are concerned about vibratory plates only in this
vibrations best suited for compacting granular soils. They use gas or diesel
The most basic vibratory plate compactors travel only forward, their forward
motion driven by the vibratory plate itself. The plate width on these lighter
There are also larger and heavier vibratory plate compactors. These larger
units are typically reversible, which means they use two eccentric weights
force while stopped to provide spot compaction. The heavier plates and dual
weights also increase their compaction force, so they can be used effectively
to 28 inches.
Dumpy levels: A dumpy level, builder’s level, leveling instrument, or
The level instrument is set up on a tripod and, depending on the type, either
screws). The operator looks through the eyepiece of the telescope while an
assistant holds a tape measure or graduated staff vertical at the point under
measurement. The instrument and staff are used to gather and/or transfer
4.2 Operation
The level instrument is set up on a tripod and, depending on the type, either
The operator looks through the eyepiece of the telescope while an assistant holds a
tape measure or graduated staff vertical at the point under measurement. The
instrument and staff are used to gather and/or transfer elevations (levels) during
4.2.1 Functions
iii. It can also be used with help of a plumb bob for setting out.
bucket and cab on a rotating platform known as the "house". The house sits
uses winches and steel ropes to accomplish the movements. They are a
natural progression from the steam shovels and often called power shovels.
through the use of hydraulic fluid, with hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic
the jobsite. Excavators are usually employed together with loaders and
undercarriage and is used for leveling and pushing removed material back
into a hole.
V. Forestry mulching
VI. Demolition
serve various purposes. There is walk-behind and ride-on models, static and
parking lots, and roadways. They are also suitable for roller-compacted
revolving drum to mix the components. For smaller volume works portable
concrete mixers are often used so that the concrete can be made at the
construction site, giving the workers ample time to use the concrete before it
mix truck are used to supply short loads of concrete. These cart-away
and 1.75 cubic yards (0.76 and 1.34 m3). Cart-always are usually pulled
behind a pick-up truck and batched from smaller batching systems. The
mixing trailer system is popular with rental yards and building material
and moved around the worksite by hand, and its rotation is powered by
projects, many cubic yards of concrete are usually not required. Bagged
cement is readily available in small-batch sizes and aggregate and water are
easily obtained in small quantities for the small work site. To service this
small-batch concrete market, there are many types of small portable concrete
mixers available
A typical portable concrete mixer uses a small revolving drum to mix the
components. For smaller jobs the concrete made at the construction site has
no time lost in transport, giving the workers ample time to use the concrete
before it hardens.
5.1 Summary
Education for the Industrial Work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
The scheme also affords students the opportunity of familiarizing and exposing
themselves to the needed experience in handling equipment and machinery that are
five decades in Nigeria. Kenmentor Limited has been involved in the construction
of impressive structures all over this great country – Nigeria. Such projects have
The organizational structure of the establishment started with the overall boss
which is the chairman down to the site staff. And also the various departments
within on the site are: civil engineering, quantity surveying, building surveying,
carpentry unit, masonry unit and the iron bending and welding unit.
Based on all the experienced acquired during the course of my student industrial
work experience scheme (SIWES). Which gives a clear statement on actual work
done, which varies from the interpretation of structural and architectural drawings
to the use of simple tools? Such as: the use of a dumpy level to transfer levels and
also to take slopes. To take a slope therefore, you give the slope of 1 metre to 1
slabs, beams, columns e.t.c, marking out of columns, identifying different grades
of concrete and mixing ratio’s e.g grade 25 i.e ratio 1:1.5:3, interpretation of
structural and architectural drawings. Equipment used and their functions such as;
the dumpy level, disc cutting machine, arc welding machine, hacksaw, concrete
At the end of it all, conclusions are drawn, and recommendations are made on how
these activities are carried out have trained my mind in the engineering profession
and have given some necessary experience needed to face the challenges of this
profession as well.
During the course of construction site experience, the major problems encountered
good management of, and formal relationship with, labourers; and close
5.3 Conclusion
Kenmentor Limited has been one of the most interesting, productive and
instructive experience in my life. Through this training, I have gained new insight
and practice; it has also improved my soft and functional skills. All these valuable
experiences and knowledge’s that I have gained were not only acquired through
the direct involvement in task but also through other aspect of training such as:
work observation, interaction with colleagues, superior and other people related to
environment. And from what I have undergone, I am sure that industrial training
program has achieved its primary objective. As a result of the program I am now
more confident to build my future career which I have already started with
Kenmentor Limited.
5.4 Recommendations
With the aims behind the introduction of this scheme, it is imperative that
everything should be done in order to achieve the noble objectives of the scheme.
The Government through the Industrial Training Fund should ensure that
The Government should make it compulsory for all higher institution that all
SIWES student should use a minimum of a year for the training so as to gain
start on time, limiting the time they have to learn relevant skills.