1 New Unit I Date
1 New Unit I Date
1 New Unit I Date
Database Applications:
Field :- The smallest piece of meaningful information in a file is called a data item or field
Record :- The collection of related fields with actual information is called a record .
Data :- Data is raw facts which can be manipulated. Data is required in the operation of
any organization
Advantages of DBMS
Disadvantages of DBMS
1. Cost of software/hardware and migration: The cost of
purchasing or developing the software, the hardware has to be
upgraded to allow for the extensive programs.
2. Problem associated with centralization: While centralization
reduces duplication, the lack of duplication requires that
the database be adequately backed up so that in the case of
failure the data can be recovered. Centralization also means
that the data is accessible from a single source.
3. Complexity of Backup and Recovery: Backup and recovery
operations are fairly complex in a DBMS environment.
1) Naive Users:- Users who need not be aware of the presence of the
database system or any other system supporting their usage are considered
naïve users. A user of an automatic teller machine fall in this category.
2) Online Users:- Online users are those who may communicate with the
database directly via online terminal or indirectly via user interface
and application program. These users are aware of the presence of the
database System.
3)Application programmer:-
Data Independence:-
1) Internal Level:-
Internal Level of the DBMS is the one which is closest to the physical
aspects of data storage. It refers to how data are actually store on
the physical storage medium such as hard disk etc. The internal level of
DBMS architecture is also known as the physical level.
2) Conceptual Level:-
External level may also called as view level since it is very close to
the end users. The level deals with the way in which individual users
view data. Individual users are given different views according to the
users requirement a view involves only those portions of a database which
are of concern to a user. Therefore same database can help different
views or different users.
A field with a null value is one that has been left back during the record
entry eg.may not have a middle name signify a null value.
A field with a null value is a field, which is, not assign a value. A null
value is different from a zero value or a field that contains spaces:
Database Design
Database Security
1)Privacy of data:-
Privacy relates to the legal and critical rights regarding the access to
certain personal data items some critical information may be regarded as
private example:- The medical record of a person which cannot be
accessed, read or modified by unauthorized persons.
The level of the system at which the security should be enforced for
example security should be enforced at the hardware level, os (operating
system) level or DBMS level.
5) Access Control:-
Definition of relation
Employee Address
Key Concept
example:-account no, product code, employee no, and customer no are used
as key field because they identify a record stored in a database.
1) Primary Key:-
The field or group of field that forms the unique identifier for a table
is called the tables primary key. The primary key uniquely identifies
each records in a table and must never be the same for two records.
for example:- employee code, can be primary key for the entity set
employees. The primary key should be chosen such that its attributes are
never or very rarely changes for instance the address field of a person
should not be part of the primary key since it likely to change.
2) Super Key:-
3) Candidate Key:-
4) Composite Key:-
In many cases we design a database we will have tables that will use
more than one column as a part of primary key these are called as
composite key. When a record cannot be uniquely identified by a single
field in such cases a composite key is used . A composite key is a group
of fields that uniquely identifies a record.
5) Secondary Key:-
Secondary Key is the key that has not been selected to be the
primary key. Therefore, a candidate key not selected as a primary key is
called secondary key. A secondary key is an attribute or combination of
attributes that may not be a candidate key.
6) Foreign Key:-
Integrity Rule
When many users enter data items into database it becomes very important
that the data items and association among data items are not destroyed
hence data insertions, it's updating have to be carried In such a way
that the database integrity is not effected .
A value that appears in one relation for a even set of attributes also
appears for a certain set of attributes in another relation .
1. Library System.
2. Admission of students
3. Banking Management
4. Hospital Management
5. Payroll System
1. Library System.
Two above ER Model I have explain remaining 3 model u’ll explain. First
draw then explain. Then draw the next n explain and so on….
3. Banking System
4. Hospital System
5. Payroll