ENG3346 Attendance and Assessment - 2022-23

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ENG3346 English as a Global Language

Sem2, 2022-23

Attendance and Assessment

v1.3 (11 Jan 2023)

I. Attendance
You are expected to attend all lectures, tutorials and consultations.

For the lectures, attendance will be recorded in the form of a roll call or a signing-in
attendance sheet at the beginning of a lecture. No excuse nor exception will be granted
if you forget to sign in or miss the roll call.

It is also your responsibility as a student to keep a record of your attendance for your
own reference. No individual attendance record will be provided.

For tutorials, each instructor will announce attendance taking details. This information
will be given in the first meeting. If you miss it, you should actively find out. It is your
responsibility as a student to be informed about course requirements.

The attendance requirement for the course is 100%, and you are expected to attend all
scheduled classes and activities (e.g. lectures and tutorials, consultations, presentations,
examinations and online activities). In exceptional circumstances where you need to
take a leave of absence, you should inform your course lecturer of the absence in
advance or, in the case of sick leave, soon after the date of absence. The minimum
attendance requirement is 80%. The 20% leeway is only to allow for unavoidable or
exceptional circumstances such as illness. Students who fail to meet this minimum
attendance requirement will not be allowed to submit assessment tasks and will be
given a grade F (fail) for the course.

It is your responsibility to follow the attendance regulations. You should NOT expect
reminders or verbal/written warnings about unsatisfactory attendance. Failure to meet
this 80% minimum requirement will result in a Fail grade without prior notice,
regardless of your participation and performance in assessed tasks. For this course, full
(100%) attendance is calculated on the basis of 23 meetings: 9 Lectures + 9 Tutorials + 2
Consultations + 2 Presentation meetings + 1 Final exam = 23.


All absences should be notified in advance (or in case of sick leave, soon after) and
supported by a valid, documented reason. You are required to email your course
instructor before a foreseen absence or soon after an unforeseen absence to provide
documentary evidence.

Consultations counts towards fulfilment of the attendance requirement. Each research
project group is required to attend two consultations (see schedule).

Presentations will be in Weeks 11 and 12. Tutorial classmates are required to fill a
feedback form for all group presentations except their own (p.11 of this document) and
share their feedback with the presenting groups. Feedback will be recorded and will
count towards fulfilment of attendance requirements.

It is your responsibility as a student to arrive on time for all scheduled meetings.
Latecomers may not be admitted to class and may be treated as absent, at their
instructor's discretion.

II. Assessment
A. Assessment components and weighting

(a) Group presentation in a variety of English (30%)

o Presentation (20%) - same mark for all group members
o Peer evaluation of members' contribution to group work (10%) - individual mark
(b) Group report on presentation (20%) - same mark for all group members
(c) Final examination on the course's key concepts (50%) - individual mark

B. Assessment schedule

 Week 1: form groups of 4 to 5 students.

All students in one group must belong to the same tutorials.
 Week 2: Finalize groups by week 2.
 Week 2-4: Meet with your group to decide on your variety of English and do
background research to complete the research proposal form. Finalize presentation
date (week 11 or 12).
 Week 4: Submit your research proposal form in word doc. format on Moodle (Wed,
15 Feb, 5 pm).

 Week 5: Attend Consultation & Feedback Session #1 to receive feedback and advice
on your proposal.
 Week 5-7: Meet with your group to continue your research, finalize your research
instruments, identify first-hand data sources, contact potential participants (e.g.
interviewees), and prepare your draft presentation.
 Week 7-10: Conduct first-hand data collection (observations; interviews; etc.)
 Week 8: Attend Consultation & Feedback Session #2 to give an oral progress report,
discuss the project issues, and receive feedback and advice on your draft.
 Week 10-11: Meet with your group to finalize your presentation document.
 Easter Break
 Week 11-12: Presentations. Receive feedback, answer questions and discuss relevant
issues in the discussion session with your tutorial classmates. A softcopy is to be
uploaded to Google Drive via Moodle.
 Week 12: Meet with your group to address received questions, conduct final research
if necessary, and write your group report.
 Week 14: Upload your group report on Moodle (Friday, 28 April, 5 pm). Submit the
peer evaluation form electronically by the same deadline.
 Week 15: Final examination (3 May, 8:30-10:20 am)

C. File names and submission requirements

Research proposal file name:

E.g. ENG3346_Chaak_Mon_Group1_BEd_ResearchProposal_20210214.docx

Group Report file name:

E.g. ENG3346_Amaly_Wed_Group3_BEd_GroupReport_20200417.docx

Assignment Due Date Submission Methods

Research 15 February 5 pm Moodle (Turnitin)

Presentation 24h before the presentation Google Drive
PowerPoint slides date
Group report 28 April 5 pm Moodle (Turnitin)

Peer Evaluation 28 April 5pm To be announced by instructors

III. Group presentation

A. Presentation Format

o An oral presentation of 20-25 minutes maximum (strictly) in length.

o Each group member should present a part. Say your name as you begin your part.
o Talk-time should be more or less equally shared among members.
o Send your PowerPoint Slides to your instructor by email at least 24 hours before the
date and time of your presentation. If your presentation is scheduled on Tuesday
during the 8:30am tutorial, you should send the link to your instructor on Monday
before 8:30am. Fine grades will be deducted in case of late submission.

B. Presentation Topic

Your research topic will be a variety of English spoken by people in a particular country,
region, or community. This variety of English may be used as a first, second or foreign
language, or as a lingua franca between two or more groups. It can be a 'standard' variety of
English, a dialectal variety of English, a post-colonial variety of English, a sub-variety of
English, an English-based pidgin or creole or an EFL type of English. You could also choose
two varieties and compare and contrast them if you wanted. You may find interesting ideas
in part A1 of the coursebook.

C. Research questions

Once you've chosen a variety of English, you should identify some research questions to
problematize your topic and give direction to your investigation. What do you want to find
out about the topic? Refer to the following indicative list of points to think about for your
questions after you have decided on your questions. You are expected to investigate all
points in each category that are relevant to your variety. You can add to the list if you think
it is appropriate. Consult your instructor. (To problematize: to regard as a meaningful
question or significant problem requiring an answer or solution.)

D. Information sources

Information should be purposefully selected, analyzed and organized to answer your

research questions. To this effect, it should be relevant, reliable, diverse and
complementary, coherently presented and critically analyzed. Indicatively, you should use:
o Information from specialized literature or credible sources (books, chapters, articles)
o Textual artifacts (letter; news article; book or textbook extract; advert; etc.)

o Audiovisual artifacts (film, commercial, song, conversation, speech, etc.)
o First-hand data: you should try to collect and analyze your own direct observation,
experience or enquiry of the chosen variety through all available means: observation
(with participants' awareness and consent), interviews, questionnaire or any other
means. Interviews can be in person or through video call, as long as the recording
can be analyzed and included in your presentation. **First-hand data can inform
linguistic features but also other important questions about education and
transmission, evolution, language and identity, language as a cultural tool, etc.
o Reference list in APA style in your report. Include only the references that you use in
your presentation and report.
It is important that you verify information by cross-checking it via multiple sources. Critically
assess information found on the Internet, and check it against other sources for verification.
Look for diverse, authoritative sources as well as first-hand data to validate or invalidate

E. Indicative list of sub-topics

o Definition and relevance:

o What variety are you presenting? Why? Explain your interest.
o Does it relate to you in any way? How did you discover this variety? Any speakers
of this variety in your group or family or relatives circle? Can it be heard in HK?
o What can you & your classmates gain by learning about this variety of English?
o General information:
o Location(s) and socio-cultural background(s) of speakers; number of speakers
o Other languages usually known by speakers of this variety (if any and relevant)
o Status of this variety (official and non-official recognition)
o Frequency, context(s), purpose(s), domain(s) of use
o Origin and Evolution:
o Where does this variety come from?
o How did it come to be? (social-historical background)
o How did it transform through time? (diachronic change)
o How did it transform through space and other social, economic, political
circumstances? (synchronic variation)
o Education and transmission:
o How is this variety learned and passed on? Orally? In writing? Both?
o Is there a body of literature written in this variety? How does it inform the topic?
o Is it taught in school? if so, how and at what stage: primary, secondary, tertiary?
o How does this impact this variety in terms of use, recognition and evolution?
o Distinctive linguistic features:
o Phonological features (sound)
o Lexical and semantic features (vocabulary and meaning at word level)
o Syntactic features (word order, sentence structure, grammar)
o Pragmatics features (role of context; meaning at conversation or discourse level)
o Language and Identity:

o Speakers' common perception(s) and attitudes towards this variety: legitimate or
not, proper or not, socially and culturally valued or not, etc.
o Effect(s) of use on self-perception: how do speakers perceive themselves as users
of this variety: pride? shame? strong, weak or no identification with it? etc.
o How does this variety contribute to speakers' sense of identity?
o Language as a cultural tool:
o Is this the only variety of English known by its speakers or just one English variety
in their repertoire? If just one, which other varieties do they know?
o What factors motivate their choice to use this variety of English over another
variety of English or another language of their repertoire?
o Controversies or debates in relation to this variety of English? Insights on its
possible evolutions in the future? Spread? Decline? Transformation? Why so?
o English as a Global Language:
o Where does this variety fit in the 'Standard English' debate? How does it inform
this debate?
o Is this variety an old or new English? How legitimate is this variety of English? Is it
considered a norm, at least locally? If so, whom by? What are some implications?

F. Presentation Grading Criteria
ENG 3346 English as a Global Language
Presentation Assessment Form

Evaluation date:______________ Topic of Presentation: _____________________________

Names of Speakers and Student IDs: 1. __________________ 2. _______________________
3. __________________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ________________________
Aggregate letter mark: A+ (20) B+ (16) C+ (13) D (9)
A (19) B (15) C (11.5)
Aggregate numerical mark : / 20 A- (17) B- (14) C- (10) F =< 8
1. Information is relevant
2. Information is purposeful
3. Information is diverse
4. Information is accurate and reliable
5. First-hand information: field observation,
interviews, questionnaires, conversation,
discourse analysis, etc.
6. Research questions are well-defined and insightful
7. Data purposefully serves to answer research questions
8. Firsthand data complements & informs other data
9. Distinctive linguistic features are well exemplified
10. Controversial points and subjective views are
presented in a critical way

11. Presentation is well-suited to the audience
12. Personalization: connection is made
between topic/questions and personal
and/or academic backgrounds and interests
of group members
13. Progress towards answering initial or emergent
questions with definite positions reached in
14. Group communicates enthusiasm about their work
and eagerness to convey research process and
15. Pacing and timing of information delivery
facilitate engagement
16. Cohesion at sentence level: proper syntax; accurate
and appropriate use of connectives
17. Lexis and spelling: accurate use of specialized
words; proper spelling
18. Pronunciation: voice is audible and
intelligible throughout the presentation
19. Coherence at topic level: ideas are well articulated
20. Coherence at presentation level: introduction
and conclusion are purposeful; presentation
feels whole

G. Presentation Classmate Feedback Form
ENG 3346 English as a Global Language
Presentation Classmate Feedback Form
(to be filled by all tutorial classmates for attendance)
Name of Evaluator:____________
Evaluation date:______________
Names of Speakers:1. __________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________
4. __________________________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________

1 = disagree
4 = agree to some extent 8 =
couldn't agree more

I found your presentation: 1-8

Informative (I learned new things)
Interesting (Your questions raised my attention, I wanted to know more)
Creative (You made me think in a new or different way)
Critical (You don't take things at face value; Your research is solid)
The content is relevant and purposeful
The content is coherent and well-organized
Your first-hand data adds value
Pacing and timing are good
Narration is enthusiastic
In conclusion, you reach some answers to your research questions

Any comment, question, need for clarification, suggestion?

(Feedback strongly encouraged)

IV. Group report on research and presentation
A. Group report specifications

 Word count: 1400 (excluding ref. list and any appendices). APA Format (double-spaced).
 TOPIC AND QUESTIONS: Your report should restate your research topic and your main
research questions in relation to this topic, with some explanation of your personal or
academic interest(s) in this topic and questions.
 RESEARCH PROCESS AND METHODS: You should give an account of the steps you have
taken to carry your investigation and the research tools you have used to try and answer
your research questions.
 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: The report should demonstrate your group's effort to
collect and analyze information in a purposeful and critical way. It should also prove
your efforts to diversify and cross-check data for validity and reliability. You could
mention some limitations of your research and possible improvements or further
should present your main findings in relation to your initial questions, as well as other
unforeseen findings that arose from your research (emergent questions). You should
make connections between these findings and the major concepts presented in the
course/ the relevant literature. Ideally, this assignment should guide you to think
critically about the global spread of English and some of the linguistic and cultural issues
arising from the prominence of English as the world's language.
 In conclusion, you are encouraged to relate your research findings to your own linguistic
identity in your relation to English as one significant tool in your linguistic repertoire.
 Appendices: Attach your interview questions and/ or questionnaire sample, and your
data in appendices or providing a google drive link (open to all) to your database.

B. Group report grading criteria

Aggregate letter mark: A+ (20) B+ (16) C+ (13) D (9)
A (19) B (15) C (11.5)
Aggregate numerical mark : / 20 A- (17) B- (14) C- (10) F =< 8
A. Content

1. Restate research topic and questions. Explain interest.

2. Describe and justify research steps and methods in

connection with research questions
3. Explain data collection and analysis (critical engagement
with data to answer questions in a valid and reliable
4. Articulate significant findings with regard to initial
questions and/or emergent questions.
5. Connect your findings to course key concepts in a critical,
informed way (the place of your topic in the big picture
of 'English as a Global language': what are the stakes?)
6. Make connections between the report's findings and
own linguistic and personal identity in relation to
B. Language
7. Lexical accuracy and cohesion at the sentence level
8. Coherence at paragraph and text level

C. Group Work Peer Evaluation Form (Tentative)
ENG 3346 English as a Global Language (Sem 2, 2022-23)
Self- and Peer evaluation of member's contribution to the research, presentation and

Tutorial Day: Instructor: Group number:

Evaluation date:______________ Topic of Presentation:_____________________________

Evaluator: Registered Name:______________ English Name:____________ Student ID:________
Names of Speakers (both registered and English names)
1. __________________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ________________________
4. __________________________ 5. ___________________ . 6. ________________________

Evaluate BOTH your contribution and your group members’ contribution. Give the letter
grades as appropriate:

A Extremely proactive and significant contribution
A- Very proactive and significant contribution
Very good
B+ Proactive and significant contribution
B Active and helpful contribution
Quite Good
B- Helpful contribution
C+ Reasonable contribution
Slightly below average
C Contributed about the minimum expected
Below average
C- Contributed less than the minimum expected
Clearly below average
D Barely contributed
F No contribution

Name Grade Comments/ suggestions
additional information for
supporting my evaluation
(e.g. kind of work done)
My name: Self-evaluation:

Member 1:

Member 2:

Member 3:

Member 4:

Member 5:

Overall group performance: Area for future improvement (if any):

I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Name:____________________ Date:__________________________

V. Final examination - Sample Paper
The Education University of Hong Kong
Linguistics and Modern Languages Department

ENG3346 English as a Global Language

Final Examination (50% of total course grade)

Course code and title : ENG3346: English as a Global Language

Programmes: BEd (EL), BA (LS)

Time allowed : 110 mins

1. This paper consists of SIX questions in TWO sections.

2. Answer a total of FOUR questions.
3. Answer BOTH COMPULSORY questions in Section A.
4. Answer ANY TWO questions in Section B.
5. Begin every question on a new page.
6. For each task, indicate your word count in brackets.

Materials, aids and instruments allowed during the examination:

This is an open-book examination. There is no restriction on the kinds of reference materials

that the student can bring to the examination venue. Electronic devices are strictly prohibited.

Materials to be supplied to students (other than examination paper, answer book): NIL

Section A: All questions are compulsory (50%)

Q1. Briefly explain ANY FOUR of the terms below and illustrate them with appropriate
examples. [ 20 marks ] [120-150 words per term].
(a) xxxxxxxx
(b) xxxxxxxx
(c) xxxxxxxx
(d) xxxxxxxx
(e) xxxxxxxx
(f) xxxxxxxx
(g) xxxxxxxx
(h) xxxxxxxx

Q2. [ Analysis of one authentic news article ]

[ 30 marks ] [write between 150 and 200 words in total]

Read the article below and answer the following questions:
What are the possible reasons why the new Korean government under President Lee Myung-
bak is so eager to “hone [Korean] workers’ foreign language skills” (headline)? What does
this news article tell us about the intricate relationships between globalization, English and
other regional languages in East Asia?

Seoul City to Hone Workers’ Foreign Language Skills By Kim Rahn (Staff Reporter)

Seoul said it will step up its drive to help strengthen its employees’ foreign language skills.
The effort falls in line with Lee Myung-bak government’s idea that English is a key element
to make Seoul a hub in Northeast Asia. The city government said Friday that it plans to boost
the English, Chinese and Japanese ability of its civil servants, so that 10 percent of its 16,200
workers, or roughly 1,600 can cultivate foreign language skills enough to have daily
conversations and business discussions with foreigners at ease. ‘We plan to cultivate
employees’ talent in foreign languages and have a pool of them, so that we can use their
ability effectively when needed,’ a city official said, adding the city will boost both the quality
and quantity of foreign language lectures for its employees.

About 400 workers took part in the city’s foreign language lectures last year, and the city
plans to increase the number to 800 this year. The programs, originally comprised of
beginners’, intermediate and advanced courses, will become more specialized – for example,
tourism English and business Chinese. Besides ordinary weekday courses, intensive programs
will also be provided on weekends, and about 60 workers will be educated to work for the
city’s international events exclusively. ‘Although 400 people attend the lectures per year, we
did not know their skill levels. Now we plan to improve their language skills systematically,
so that we can take advantage of the skills of those in advanced courses when we take part in
international conferences or events here or abroad,’ the city official said.

(adapted from The Korea Times, 15-16 March 2008, p.3)

Section B: Short essays (50%)

Answer any TWO questions in this section

[write between 200 and 250 words for each entry]
3. xxxxxxxxxxxx [ 25 marks ]
4. xxxxxxxxxxxx [ 25 marks ]
5. xxxxxxxxxxxx [ 25 marks ]
6. xxxxxxxxxxxx [ 25 marks ]



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