Chap23 RRL Draft

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LEADER: Eicee Jane Balingkit


Niño Glen Pagol

El-zedin Pabate

Jecil Arquilles
Extracurricular Activities Impact on Students’

Classroom Participation


Background of the Study

Education is a diverse adventure that goes beyond the classrooms boundaries.

While academic lessons are central to student’s learning, extracurricular activities have

become more vital in molding a comprehensive education. These activities cover a wide

range, granting students chances to follow their passions, acquire new skills, and nurture

personal interest outside the regular academic studies.

An Important part of a student’s academic career is active engagement in the

classroom. It requires actively engage with a content, asking questions, and contributing

to conversations. It goes beyond merely attending classes and finishing homework.

According to research, children who actively engage in class tend to perform better

academically and have stronger problem solving and critical thinking skills.

On the other hand extracurricular activities are activities that occur outside of the

regular curriculum supports music academic clubs (NCES, 1995). According to recent

study, involvement in extracurricular activities may boost students’ sense of engagement

or loyalty to their school and reduce the risk of failing there classes or leaving school all

together (Lambourne et al, 1992). Participating in extracurricular activities benefits

students’ academic performance, character development, time management and

leadership abilities, social growth, and interest in community involvement (Fredricks,


The extent or Intensity of participation is not frequently quantified, and it is

unclear whether there is a causal link between extracurricular activity participation and

academic success.

Educators and researchers have been increasingly intrigued by the connection

between extracurricular activities and how students participate in the classroom. As

students devote their time and effort to a variety of extracurricular interests, it becomes

important to grasp how these pursuits impact of their performance and involvement in the

conventional classroom environment. One might require whether students who

enthusiastically engage in extracurricular activities demonstrate greater enthusiasm,

refined interpersonal abilities, and boosting self confidence when in classroom.

By analyzing the impact of extracurricular activities on students’ active

participation in class, this study intends to close this research gap. The study aims to shed

light on the possible advantages of extracurricular involvement on students’ academic

performance by examining the degree to which participation in extracurricular activities

correlates with enhanced engagement in the classroom.

Statement of the Problem

This research study titled “Extracurricular Activities Influence on Students Active

Classroom Participation” aims to investigate the influence extracurricular activities have

on the students active classroom participation. This study seeks to address the following

questions :

1. What factors drive the impact of extracurricular on classroom engagement?

2. How do various extracurricular types affect their active participation in class?

3. In what ways do extracurricular activities contribute to the development of social

skills such as teamwork, leadership, and effective communication.

Objectives of the Study

This research aims to investigate the influence extracurricular activities have on

students’ active classroom participation.

Specifically, the study aims to :

1. Identify the factors that drive the impact of extracurricular activities on

classroom engagement.

2. Determine whether the extracurricular participants show more classroom

engagement or less.

3. Identify in what way extracurricular activities affect their active

participation and class.

Significance of the Study

The study we are discussing holds immense significance in the field of education

as it aims to explore the impact of extracurricular activities on students’ classroom

participation. This research has implications for various stakeholders, including students,

teachers, parents, and school administrators.

• Students: The study can provide valuable insights into how

participating in extracurricular activities can enhance students’ academic

performance and overall engagement in the classroom. It helps students develop

important cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and social skills such as

teamwork, leadership, and communication.

• Teachers: Understanding the relationship between extracurricular

activities and classroom participation can assist teachers in designing more

effective and engaging lessons. They can incorporate elements from these

activities into their teaching methods to promote student involvement and active


• Parents: The findings of this study can help parents recognize the

benefits of encouraging their children’s participation in extracurricular activities.

They can better understand how these activities contribute to their child’s

academic success, personal growth, and development of essential life skills.

• School Administrators: The research can guide school

administrators in developing comprehensive extracurricular programs that align

with educational goals. It highlights the importance of providing a well-rounded

education that includes opportunities for students to explore their interests and

develop various skills outside the traditional classroom setting.

By examining the impact of extracurricular activities on students’ classroom

participation, this study has the potential to shape educational strategies, enhance student

engagement, and foster holistic development among all stakeholders involved in the

education process.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will focus on high school students in Salay District, specifically those

who are actively participating in extracurricular activities. It will examine a wide range of

extracurricular activities, including sports, clubs, and religious cell groups within the

campus. The study aims to explore various aspects of active classroom participation, such

as engagement in class discussions, group work, presentations, and overall attentiveness.

Data will be collected through surveys to gather information on students’ participation in

extracurricular activities and their level of classroom engagement. However, there are

certain delimitations to consider. The study will be limited to Salay district students in

grades 10 to 12, excluding students from other educational levels and different school

settings. It will focus on extracurricular activities available within the school environment

and may not consider activities pursued outside of school. The research will be conducted

solely within Salay district, and the findings may not be generalizable to other regions or

cultural contexts. The study will follow the timeframe of the 2 nd quarter, with a possibility
of continuation into the 2nd semester, to capture the relationship between extracurricular

activities and active classroom participation within that period. The analysis will

primarily examine the correlation between extracurricular activities and active classroom

participation, without establishing causality. It’s important to acknowledge that the study

will rely on self-reported data from students, which may be subject to response bias or


Definition of Terms

To better understand the content and concept of this study, these terms were

defined operationally:

Extracurricular Activities is the organized activities that students voluntarily

participate in outside of regular academic coursework. .This definition focuses on

activities that occur beyond the scope of the regular classroom curriculum and are not

mandatory for academic progression.

Active Classroom Participation is observable behaviors and actions that indicate

student engagement and involvement in the learning process within the classroom setting.

This definition emphasizes visible and measurable indicators of student engagement and

participation during instructional activities.


Review of Related Literature

Extracurricular activities are an integral part of a student’s educational experience,

providing opportunities for personal growth and skill development. This review aims to

explore the existing literature on the influence of extracurricular activities on students

active classroom participation. By examining various studies, this review seeks to

provide insight into the potential benefits of participation and extracurricular activities

and its impact on students’ engagement within the school setting.

Research by Eccles and Barber (1999) found that participation in extracurricular

activities positively influences students’ social skills, including communication,

teamwork, and leadership. These skills are crucial for active classroom participation, as

they enable students to effectively express their ideas, collaborate with peers, and engage

in discussions. The study suggested that these activities provide a platform for students to

interact with their peers outside of the regular classroom setting. This interaction helps
them to develop their communication skills as they express their ideas and opinions,

negotiate, and resolve conflicts.

Engaging in extracurricular activities boosts students’ social skills—

communication, teamwork, and leadership. These skills are vital for active classroom

involvement, facilitating effective expression of ideas and collaborative discussions with


A study conducted by Fredricks and Eccles (2006) revealed that extracurricular

activities contribute to the development of self-confidence in students. Through

participation in activities such as sports, music, or drama, students gain a sense of

competence and self-worth, which translates into increased active participation in the

classroom. This research underscores the value of providing a variety of extracurricular

opportunities for students, as these activities can play a crucial role in promoting positive

educational outcomes.

Engaging in extracurricular activities offers chances for personal growth, skill

development, and positive social interactions, ultimately boosting self-confidence.

Achieving success and milestones in these activities nurtures a sense of competence and

strengthens belief in one’s abilities, leading to increased self-assurance.

According to Mahoney, Cairns, and Farmer (2003), engaging in extracurricular

activities requires students to manage their time effectively and prioritize their

commitments. This fosters a sense of discipline and responsibility, which positively

impacts students’ classroom participation. Students who have learned to balance their
extracurricular engagements with their academic responsibilities are more likely to be

engaged and focused during class.

Engaging in school extracurricular activities promotes self-discipline by

necessitating effective time management. Juggling commitments encourages students to

prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and allocate time efficiently, nurturing valuable

organizational skills and a disciplined approach to managing their schedules.

A study by Marsh and Kleitman (2002) found that participation in extracurricular

activities exposes students to a diverse range of subjects and interests, stimulating their

curiosity and desire to learn. This broadening of interests can significantly impact

students’ active participation in the classroom, as they become more motivated to

contribute and engage with the subject matter.

Participating in extracurricular activities ignites curiosity and a thirst for

knowledge by exposing students to diverse and captivating experiences outside the

traditional classroom setting. These activities inspire a genuine passion for learning,

encouraging exploration, and providing hands-on opportunities that broaden intellectual

curiosity. Through these experiences, students develop a deeper appreciation for different

subjects and acquire a lifelong love for acquiring knowledge.

Research conducted by Shernoff, Csikszentmihalyi, Schneider, and Shernoff

(2003) suggests that extracurricular activities provide opportunities for students to

develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

These skills are essential for active classroom participation, as students who have

honed their analytical abilities are more likely to actively contribute to discussions and

offer thoughtful insights.

Engaging in extracurricular activities requires students to manage their time

effectively, balancing academic responsibilities with their participation. This skill of time

management can positively influence students’ academic engagement, leading to active

participation in the classroom (Durlak & Weissberg, 2007)

According to the study of Larson et. Al. (2006), Participation in extracurricular

activities has been associated with improved mental health and overall well-being.

Students who are emotionally and mentally well are more likely to actively participate in

the classroom, as they are better equipped to focus, concentrate, and engage in learning


Lamborn et. Al. (1992) found that participation in extracurricular activities may

increase students’ sense of engagement or attachment to their school, thereby decreasing

the likelihood of school failure and dropping out.

They emphasize that extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the

lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic

skills in a real-world context. This suggests that extracurricular activities are considered

part of a well-rounded education.

Participating in team-based extracurricular activities plays a vital role in fostering

teamwork and collaboration skills. This is evident in research studies that demonstrate a

significant positive relationship between engagement in group-oriented activities (e.g.,

sports teams, music groups) and active classroom participation. Such involvement

enhances students’ ability to work cooperatively in class projects, group discussions, and

peer-to-peer interactions (Larson & Ahmed, 2018). Engaging in team-based

extracurricular activities appears to positively impact students’ teamwork and

collaboration skills. This involvement seems to contribute to enhanced cooperative skills

for class projects, group discussions, and peer interactions.

Engaging in extracurricular activities has been linked to the development of

critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities (Baker, 2015). These

cognitive skills gained through activities like chess club, science fairs, or coding

competitions enable students to approach classroom lessons with improved analytical

skills and a more proactive mindset. Consequently, they become more active participants,

readily contributing ideas and engaging in class discussions.

Recent studies continue to highlight the significance of extracurricular activities

in the overall educational experience. They provide opportunities for students to develop

various skills, foster a sense of belonging, and enhance their engagement in school

(Knifsend & Graham, 2018). Participating in extracurricular activities boosts school

engagement by offering additional opportunities for connection and involvement. It

cultivates a sense of belonging, promotes social interactions with like-minded peers, and

enhances the overall vibrancy of the school experience. This heightened engagement

extends beyond academics, contributing to a positive school environment.

A study by Quirk, Grimm, Furlong, and Nylund-Gibson (2019) found that

students who participated in extracurricular activities were more likely to be engaged and

active in the classroom. This could be due to the development of transferable skills such

as teamwork, time management, and problem-solving.

There is a connection that is attributed to the potential development of

transferable skills like teamwork, time management, and problem-solving through such

activities. This implies that involvement beyond regular coursework may contribute to a

more active and engaged student experience.

Vlachopoulos and Michailidou (2018) conducted a study on the impact of extra-

curricular activities on the student experience. They found that participation in

extracurricular activities positively influenced students’ engagement in the classroom,

leading to increased active participation. The study highlighted the academic and skills

acquisition effects of extracurricular activities and identified additional benefits to the

student experience attributed to participation in these activities. Their findings emphasize

increased classroom engagement and active participation as outcomes of participating in

these activities. Moreover, the study recognizes academic and skills acquisition effects,

highlighting additional benefits that enhance the overall student experience.

Al-Sharif and Alsharari (2021) explored the role of extracurricular activities in

increasing students’ chances of admission to higher education institutions. Their study

revealed that involvement in extracurricular activities enhanced students’ self-confidence,

exposure, and overall profile, positively impacting their active participation in the

classroom. The findings emphasized the importance of extracurricular activities as a

contributing factor to students’ academic success.

It’s true that extracurricular activities can play a significant role in a student’s life. They

not only provide a break from academic pressures but also help in the overall

development of the student.

Participation in such activities enhances self-confidence, exposure, and overall

profile, positively influencing active classroom participation. The findings underscore the

significance of extracurricular involvement as a contributing factor to students’ academic

success and admission opportunities.

Hidayatulloh (2021) conducted a systematic literature review to explore the

relationship between extracurricular activities and students’ character education. The

study found a positive association between participation in extracurricular activities and

the development of positive character traits, such as leadership, teamwork, and

responsibility. These character traits were found to contribute to students’ active

participation in the classroom.

Suh and Kim (2020) investigated the influence of extracurricular activities on

educational academic outcomes. Their study revealed that students involved in

extracurricular activities demonstrated higher levels of active classroom participation,

attendance, academic achievement, and self-confidence. The findings emphasized the

positive impact of extracurricular activities on students’ overall academic engagement.

Smith and Robinson (2021) examined the relationship between involvement in

extracurricular activities and student leadership development. Their study revealed that

participation in extracurricular activities fostered the development of leadership skills,

leading to increased active participation in the classroom. The findings highlighted the
importance of extracurricular activities as a means to develop leadership qualities and

enhance students’ overall engagement in the learning process.

This makes the researchers wonder, have you ever seen the benefits of these

activities in someone else’s life?

One study conducted by the National Federation of State High School

Associations (2018), found that students who participated in extracurricular activities had

higher GPAs and were more likely to graduate from high school than those who did not


Usually, students who are active in extracurricular activities gets additional points

depending on the subject and the subject teachers and that is why at the end, they get

higher grades.

The U.S. Census Bureau (2022) reported that children are engaging in more

extracurricular activities like lessons and sports than they did more than two decades ago,

and these activities are associated with positive outcomes for children and adolescents,

including higher academic performance and more positive academic perspectives.

Participation in such activities may challenge the students to balance their

academic performance and the outside activities. Along the training, their minds are being

sharpened more.

According to the article of Lang (2021), This article emphasizes the importance

of extracurricular activities in K-12 education. It discusses how these activities can

contribute to students’ overall development and engagement in the learning process.

Lang’s article suggests that these activities can enhance students’ engagement in the
learning process. Students who are actively involved in extracurricular activities are often

more motivated and have a better attitude towards school. They learn to manage their

time effectively, balancing academics with their activities, which can lead to improved

academic performance.

Wu, (2019), Extracurricular participation has displayed positive effects on student

development; it is, therefore, worthwhile to investigate the factors that influence students’

willingness and ability to participate in extracurricular activities held by the school.

One study titled “Extracurricular Activities and Student Outcomes in Elementary

and Middle School: Causal Effects or Self-selection?” examined the causal relationships

between extracurricular participation and student outcomes. The study used structural

equation modeling (SEM) and analyzed data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal

Study. The findings suggested that participation in extracurricular activities during

elementary school had small but positive causal effects on academic ability, with the

effects growing larger for students in later grades. However, there was little evidence of

improved socioemotional skills through extracurricular participation. The study also

raised questions about the internal validity of some previous findings.

While extracurricular activities can provide numerous benefits, overcommitment

can lead to stress and burnout, which may negatively impact classroom participation.

A study by Howie, Lukacs, Pastor, Reuben, and Mendola (2018) found that

students who were overly involved in extracurricular activities reported higher levels of

stress and lower academic performance.

These students have to balance both extracurricular activities and academic

performance which usually leads to stress and torned between the two.

Some students may naturally be more inclined to participate in class, and these

students may also be more likely to engage in extracurricular activities. Therefore, it’s

crucial to control for these individual differences when examining the relationship

between extracurricular activities and classroom participation (Stephens & Schaben,


Considering these individual differences allows researchers to obtain more

accurate and trustworthy insights into the correlation between extracurricular activities

and classroom participation. This, in turn, aids educators and policymakers in making

well-informed decisions regarding strategies to enhance student engagement and overall

academic success. By accounting for these factors, the research findings become more

reliable and valid, providing a solid foundation for evidence-based practices in education.

Some research suggests that certain types of extracurricular activities, particularly

those that are highly competitive or time-consuming, may distract students from their

academic work. This could potentially lead to decreased classroom participation and

lower academic performance (Fredricks & Simpkins, 2018).

Trainings, practice, or being excused from class may affect the students’

participation in class. It is possible that they couldn’t take the quizzes or couldn’t listen to

the discussions.

Owens, D. A., et al., (2019). This study found that students who participate in

extracurricular activities, particularly those with late-night practices or events, may

experience sleep deprivation, leading to decreased alertness and active classroom


This finding highlights the importance of balancing extracurricular activities with

adequate rest and sleep. It’s crucial for students to prioritize their sleep and ensure they

are getting enough rest to maintain their overall well-being and academic performance.

This research explores the impact of psychosocial factors, including

extracurricular involvement, on academic outcomes. It suggests that the pressure and

expectations associated with high-level extracurricular activities may lead to decreased

classroom participation (Gould, D., et al, 2018).

While extracurricular activities can foster a sense of belonging for some students,

they can also lead to exclusion and the formation of cliques. This social dynamic can

negatively impact a student’s sense of belonging in the school community, which may in

turn affect their classroom participation (Eccles, 2019).

When students experience feelings of exclusion or disconnection, it can have a

negative impact on their motivation to actively participate in the classroom. They may

become less inclined to contribute to discussions, collaborate with their peers, or engage

in group activities, which can ultimately impede their overall classroom participation and

academic engagement.

Another study by Wang et al. (2019) found that students who participated in

extracurricular activities had higher levels of self-esteem and were more likely to be
involved in their school community. However, the study did not specifically examine the

relationship between extracurricular activities and active classroom participation.

Wilson (2023), discusses the impact of extracurricular activities on students,

highlighting that activity participation can be linked to positive academic outcomes,

including improved grades and test scores. It also suggests that extracurricular activities,

when balanced with academic learning, may help students raise self-esteem and develop

school spirit.

A study published In the Journal of Education and Learning found that excessive

involvement in extracurricular activities can lead to time management issues and

academic pressure. Students who are heavily engaged in extracurricular activities may

struggle to balance their commitments, resulting in decreased active participation in the

classroom ( Iddrisu et al, 2023).

Another study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology highlighted the

potential negative impact of peer influence on students’ extracurricular participation.

Students may feel pressured to prioritize their involvement in extracurricular activities

over their academic responsibilities, leading to reduced focus and participation in the

classroom (Buckley and Lee, 2018).

Students involved in extracurricular activities often face pressure as they navigate

the demands of both their activities and academic responsibilities. Balancing these

commitments can be challenging, underscoring the significance of effective time

management and support systems to mitigate the stress associated with dual

Socio-spatial stratification can also play a role in the negative effects of

extracurricular activities on active classroom participation. A study published in the

British Journal of Sociology of Education found that in areas where diverse and high-

quality extracurricular activities are accessible to most students, the effect on academic

performance may be weaker. This suggests that students in areas with limited availability

of extracurricular activities may face greater pressure to excel academically, potentially

impacting their active participation in the classroom (Kravchenko & Nygard, 2021).

According to a study of Tariq (2018), Students who are heavily involved in

extracurricular activities may struggle to balance their commitments, resulting in

decreased focus and participation in the classroom.

While it is true that students engaged in extracurricular activities may encounter

time management challenges, these experiences also provide valuable opportunities to

develop essential skills in balancing academic commitments and extracurricular demands.

Juggling these responsibilities fosters the development of effective time management

skills that can prove beneficial in future endeavors.

Participation in extracurricular activities has been linked to increased student

engagement, which can positively impact classroom participation and academic

performance (J. Moriarty,2023).

Participation in various activities like sports, music, dance, and community

services increases students’ self-confidence and exposure (S. N. A. Rahman,2023)

Extracurricular activities have become an important component of students’

school life and have a positive impact on their academic performance (S. Y. Tan and L. K.

Tan, 2023).

This study investigates the factors (recreational facilities, course structure, peer

influence, time management, and procrastination) that influence students’ extra-curricular

participation by integrating behavior change theory (A. P. Pannu and S. K. Sharma,


According to a study by Darling et al. (2005), participation in extracurricular

activities can enhance students’ social skills, self-discipline, and time management

abilities. These skills, in turn, contribute to increased active participation in the


A study by Feldman and Matjasko (2005) examined the relationship between

extracurricular activities and student engagement in high school. They found that students

who participated in extracurricular activities were more likely to be actively engaged in

the classroom, leading to higher levels of academic achievement.

Public school students come from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and hold a

wide range of ideals and beliefs. Research, including the study mentioned, consistently

shows that students who engage in at least one extracurricular activity tend to achieve

higher academic performance compared to their peers ( Furda and Shuleski, 2019).

Encouraging students to explore and participate in activities that align with their

interests can have a positive impact on their educational journey.

Conceptual Framework

The study will be anchored on the following theoretical concepts which relates to

extracurricular activities engagement:

Extracurricular activities are defined as those activities which are not the

components of the academic curriculum but an important part of the educational

environment (Anjum, 2021).

Extracurricular activities play an important role for develop the skills of the

students. It makes a student think critically, managing time well, and competently in

terms of intelligence. It also helps the student to achieve social goals and maturity.

Having social maturity helps the student to interact and make better relationships with the

people in the community (Himelfarb, Lac & Baharav, 2013).

The role and effects of ECA on the student’s life in school days are very strong.

From his study, ECA is beneficial to play the positive role of a student in school. It

improves the behavior and the academic performance of the students in school life (Singh

& Imam, 2012).

Students with a strong social connection to their educational institution built by

extra-curricular activities are likely to be more motivated and have improved academic

performance (Osterman, 2000). Chan (2016) suggests that extra-curricular activities

should strengthen mental health, promote engagement and improve academic

In the study of Ahmad M. (2015), students who participated in extracurricular

activities had a better attendance rate in class. The moment when students always

participate in school activities, they tend to apply their knowledge in every way possible.

Also, as the students continue to participate in these kinds of activities, their performance

in academics boosts linked to good outcomes.

According to the study of Crimson (2007), involvement in after school club

activities and extracurricular activities is beneficial in a variety of ways for the K-12

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Extracurricular Classroom
Activities Participation

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the relationship between the Independent and

Dependent variables.

This section includes the research design, research subject, instrumentation used

in the data gathering procedure and the statistical analysis.

Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive research design using survey questionnaire to

find out the impact of extracurricular activities on students’classroom participation

Research Subject

The subject of the study were the randomly selected students of Salay District

who happens to be actively engaging in extracurricular activities in academic year 2023-



The study utilized a survey questionnaire to assess the impact of extracurricular

activities on students’ classroom participation. The questionnaire was developed based on

existing literature and theories related to extracurricular activities and classroom

engagement. The items were adapted and modified from previous studies on student

attitudes and behaviors.

The questionnaire consists of four sections: satisfaction, commitment, attitude,

and performance. Each section contains five items, resulting in a total of twenty items.

Participants will be asked to rate their agreement or disagreement with each statement on

a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). The

scale descriptors and qualitative interpretation for each rating are provided below:


5 – Strongly Agree

4 – Agree

3 – Disagree

2 – Strongly Disagree

1 – Unable to Rate

Qualitative Interpretation:

5 – Have a full agreement with the statement

4 – Agree with the statement

3 – Disagree with the statement

2 – Strongly disagree with the statement

1 – Unable to rate or unsure about the statement

Data Gathering Procedure

To begin with the gathering data about the topic, first the researchers will send a

permit to the Principal of Salay District school. This served as a permission to conduct a

survey inside the school. After the approval of the school principal,the researchers then

started to conduct a survey among the students who engaged in extracurricular activities

including, school athletes, clubs, and organizations.

To determine the impact of extracurricular activities on students’ classroom


Statistical Techniques

For the statistical analysis of the data, the following techniques were used :

descriptive statistics such as the means, frequency, value, percentage, and standard

deviation were used to analyze the data obtained from students who engages in

extracurricular activities. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to determine the

impact of extracurricular activities on students’ classroom participation.

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