A - Evaluating The Effectiveness of DMOs

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Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)

Published online 22 February 2010 in Wiley InterScience
(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/jtr.772

Evaluating the Effectiveness of

Destination Marketing Organisations’
Websites: Evidence from China
Xu Li and Youcheng Wang
Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA


Despite the extensive use of the Internet as he information-intensive nature of the
a marketing tool by Chinese destination tourism industry dictates a pivotal role
marketing organisations (DMOs), few for the Internet in marketing- and pro-
studies have been conducted to measure the motion-related activities (Doolin et al., 2002).
effectiveness of Chinese DMOs’ websites. The importance of the Internet in the tourism
This study attempted to fill the gap by industry has greatly increased in recent years
constructing a conceptual website because of its ability to provide economical
evaluation model consisting of five global accessibility, real-time information
dimensions of information, communication, service, unique customisation capabilities and
transaction, relationship and technical merit. an unprecedented capacity to communicate
The proposed framework was tested to with consumers (Bender, 1997; Feng et al.,
evaluate the effectiveness of each of the 2003; Baloglu and Pekcan, 2006; Wang and
dimensions of 31 Chinese Provincial Fesenmaier, 2006; Yuan et al., 2006). In today’s
Tourism Administrations’ (PTAs) websites. competitive tourist market, creating a website
The results indicated that overall, the PTAs is no longer an option but a necessity for des-
in China were not using their websites tination marketing organisations (DMOs).
effectively. Among the five dimensions, DMOs’ websites have become an information
transaction and relationship dimensions gateway to their destinations (Choi et al.,
were the weakest areas of Chinese PTAs’ 2007). In fact, most of the CEOs, presidents
websites. Great variation exists in the and directors of DMOs in the United States
website effectiveness among different agreed that the Internet had the most signifi-
provinces. Suggestions and implications cant impact on destination marketing in the
were provided and discussed. Copyright © past 15 years (Wang, 2008b). The web-based
2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. destination marketing system has been widely
used as a distribution channel and marketing
Received 27 July 2009; Revised 14 December 2009; Accepted tool by DMOs (Anckar and Walden, 2001;
06 January 2010 Yuan et al., 2003; Wang and Fesenmaier, 2006).
However, utilising the Internet is no guaran-
tee of successful marketing activities (Bell and
Keywords: website evaluation; destination
Tang, 1998; Vrana and Zafiropoulos, 2006;
marketing organisations; destination
Yuan et al., 2006). Research suggests that
marketing; tourism marketing; China.
DMOs’ websites are often no more than elec-
tronic versions of their printed brochures.
Marketing on the DMOs’ websites is limited
only to providing and distributing informa-
*Correspondence to: Youcheng Wang, Ph. D. Rosen tion (Özturan and Roney, 2004; Wang and
College of Hospitality Management, University of Central
Florida. Russo, 2007). Considering the maturity of the
E-mail: raywang@mail.ucf.edu Internet users, it is not sufficient for DMOs to
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Chinese DMO Website Evaluation 537

simply put products or service information in public representative; and (v) builder of com-
their websites (Hudson and Lang, 2002; Wang, munity pride. Geographically, DMOs generally
2008a). To satisfy the Internet users with their fall into one of the following categories: (i)
online experience, DMOs must evaluate their national tourism authorities/organisations; (ii)
websites periodically. regional, provincial or state DMOs; and (iii)
In China, the development of Internet com- local DMOs who are responsible for manage-
merce has great potential. By the end of June ment and marketing of tourism based on a
2008, China had become the world’s largest smaller geographic area or city/town (WTO,
online market. It has been reported that there 1999). Although provincial/state and local
are 1 919 000 websites and 253 000 000 netizens DMOs provide important travel information
in China (China National Network Informa- for travellers in their decision-making, much
tion Center, 2008). The increasing number of of the literature on DMOs focuses on the
online consumers offers both challenges and national and city level, and less attention
opportunities for the Chinese tourism indus- has been given to the provincial/state and
try. The World Tourism Organisation (WTO, local DMOs (Feng et al., 2003, Wang and
2000) estimated that by 2020, China will be the Fesenmaier, 2007).
largest destination and the fourth largest In China, each level of destination (national,
tourism source of outbound travellers in the provincial, municipal) has corresponding
world. As a rising star of world tourism, the DMOs responsible for marketing the specific
Chinese tourism industry has developed its areas (Feng et al., 2003). In other words, China
online services and gained some experience. National Tourism Administration (CNTA)
Tourism E-commerce in China has been markets China as a destination, Provincial
studied with a focus on online marketing by Tourism Administrations (PTAs) market prov-
hotels and travel agents. Little research is inces and Municipal Tourism Administrations
related to DMOs’ activities, and research into (MTAs) market cities. These DMOs have tradi-
the evaluation of Chinese DMOs’ websites is tionally been government agencies. They are
scarce. This study attempts to fill the void by responsible for the following functions: (i) for-
assessing all the websites of Chinese Provincial mulating and implementing tourism legisla-
Tourism Administrations (PTAs). The objec- tion, policy and business standard; (ii)
tives of this research are: (i) to present a five- developing tourism products and markets; (iii)
dimension model to evaluate DMOs’ website; presenting tourism image; (iv) conducting
(ii) to investigate the effectiveness of Chinese tourism research; (v) handling tourists’ com-
PTAs’ websites using the five dimensions; and plaints and maintaining their legitimate inter-
(iii) to compare the websites’ effectiveness est; (vi) supervising tourism education and
among different provinces. The findings of the training; (vii) guiding local tourism adminis-
study are expected to assist Chinese tourism tration; and (viii) organising the survey of
administrative departments in understanding tourism resources and tourism planning
the current performance of PTAs’ websites and (CNTA, 2008). Moreover, the DMOs act as
in identifying major problems in future website both leaders and mediators in their destina-
development. tions to meet the needs of professionals, tour
operators and individual visitors. PTAs in
China are geographically and administratively
based DMOs, which play a coordinating role
between CNTA and MTAs. On the one hand,
DMOs in China
CNTA relies on the PTAs’ support to imple-
Destination marketing organisations are ment tourism legislation and policy. On the
defined as organisations that have been estab- other hand, it is through PTAs that MTAs
lished to promote a specific destination to obtain funding and guidance from CNTA.
potential travellers (Gartrell, 1988). Morrison et In order to successfully market tourism
al. (1998) suggest five primary functions of a products and services to a wider audience both
DMO: (i) economic driver; (ii) community at home and abroad, China initiated its Golden
marketer; (iii) industry coordinator; (iv) quasi- Travel Project in 2001, which aimed to deploy
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/jtr
538 X. Li and Y. Wang

a nationwide network for DMOs at all levels So and Morrison, 2004; Myung et al., 2005). In
(CNTA, 2001). So far, all 31 PTAs have estab- the Chinese context, most of the research
lished a tourism website. However, Lu et al. has focused on the websites of hotels and
(2002) find that these websites are a part of an travel agents (e.g. Limayem et al., 2003; Yeung
e-government initiative and are not geared to and Law, 2006), and DMOs’ websites have
business purposes. Many websites only not received enough attention (Feng, et al.,
provide basic and static information. Very few 2003; So and Morrison, 2004). There is no con-
can perform online transactions. Feng et al. sensus on the website evaluation standard
(2003) conclude that DMOs’ websites in China (Morrison et al., 2004; Law and Bai, 2006).
are inferior to those in the USA in terms of Scholars have used different approaches to
marketing strategies and information. PTAs’ evaluate tourism websites and a multitude of
websites in China target only browsers and do evaluation factors have been identified (Park
not pay enough attention to shoppers. In addi- and Gretzel, 2007). For instance, Morrison
tion, most of the foreign language versions of et al. (1999) identified four dimensions for
the PTAs’ websites are much simpler than hotel website evaluation; whereas, Wan (2002)
their Chinese version counterparts. mentioned three dimensions.
According to Law and Bai (2006), prior
website evaluation studies can be categorised
Tourism website evaluation
into either with or without user involvement.
Website development has a great impact on The first approach places more emphasis on
the success of online marketing activities website evaluation from the user’s perspective.
(Wang, 2008b). With the increase of online For example, Lee et al. (2008) presented a model
travellers, more and more researchers and of measuring user satisfaction with a trade
practitioners are trying to understand how to show website and empirically tested it with
effectively build and assess tourism websites trade show attendees. The second approach to
(Han and Mills, 2006). Website evaluation is evaluating websites involves expert judg-
needed because millions of dollars have been ments. For example, Rachman and Richins
invested in the development, maintenance (1997) performed a content analysis of web-
and advertising through web-based mecha- sites of New Zealand tour operators to deter-
nisms (Tierney, 2000). Website evaluation mine their development status. Han and Mills
helps organisations track the performance of (2006) developed a website evaluation tool
their website over a period of time (Morrison called the online promotion evaluation instru-
et al., 2004). Morrison et al. (2004) also sug- ment to examine 25 national tourism organisa-
gested that website evaluations are necessary tion websites worldwide.
to facilitate continuous improvements and
compare site performance against competitors
DMOs’ website evaluation
and industry peers. In addition, the traditional
way of measuring website performance Research on the use of the Internet by DMOs
through online sales are not applicable to in general is limited to date. The only few avail-
DMOs, because many DMOs’ websites do able studies pertaining to this area were mostly
not have that function and generate little or directed to DMOs’ websites in the United
no revenues (Tierney, 2000). Thus, it is essen- States, leaving a huge void in research on
tial to evaluate the current status of DMOs’ DMOs’ websites evaluation in the East Asia
websites and provide valuable input to the region, which the WTO (2000) has estimated
organisations. will be the second largest region in interna-
Website evaluation studies for hospitality tional tourism by 2020. In the extant studies,
and tourism include airline (Benckendorff and different approaches have been applied, such
Black, 2000; Law and Leung, 2000; Chu, 2001), as the modified Balanced Score Card (BSC)
hotel (Wan, 2002; Wong and Law, 2005; Law (Morrison et al.,1999; Ismail et al., 2002; Feng et
and Hsu, 2006), ski resort (Perdue, 2001), al., 2003; So and Morrison, 2004; Myung et al.,
travel (Park, 2002; Cai et al., 2004) and tourism 2005), the extended Model of Internet Com-
organisations (Doolin et al., 2002; Wöber, 2003; merce Adoption (eMICA) (Doolin et al., 2002),
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DOI: 10.1002/jtr
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and the Information, Communication, Trans- Wang and Russo (2007) argued in their
action and Relationship (ICTR) model (Wang study that a successful DMO’s website depends
and Russo, 2007; Wang, 2008a; Wang, 2008b). on the integrative application of the following
The modified BSC approach suggests evaluat- four components as its major function: (i) up-
ing websites by using multidimensional factors. to-date and accurate destination information
For example, Feng et al. (2003) applied the provision; (ii) effective and constant commu-
modified BSC approach to compare DMOs’ nication with consumers; (iii) reliable and
websites between the USA and China. They seamless electronic transaction; and (iv) appro-
assessed 30 US DMOs and 34 Chinese DMOs priate and sustainable relationship building
consisting of 16 PTAs and 18 MTAs. In their programmes. Moreover, the relationships
study, four dimensions including website mar- between the four functions are dynamic rather
keting strategies, web page designs, marketing than static, and each of the components dem-
information and technical qualities were evalu- onstrates a hierarchical level of technological
ated. However, the study only focused on the sophistication and interactivity which implies
technical aspect of a website, falling short of that the successful deployment of a lower
clearly demonstrating what major functions level application is the prerequisite of the
DMOs’ websites should possess (Wang and effective implementation of its higher level
Russo, 2007). Doolin et al. (2002) used the application.
eMICA to evaluate the level of website devel- At the basic level, a DMO’s website must
opment in New Zealand’s Regional Tourism provide tourists with timely and accurate
Organisations. The eMICA consisted of three information about the destination. Most
stages incorporating three levels of business people visit DMOs’ websites for information.
process: web-based promotion, provision of Today, consumers become more discerning
information and services, and transaction pro- and demanding, and in-depth presentation of
cessing. However, it should be noted that the information to assist travel decision-making is
development of the functions of commercial a key component in tourism marketing.
websites is not linear; rather, it tends to dem- Quality and efficiency of information provi-
onstrate a hierarchical structure progressing sion are becoming a differentiating factor for
along with the level of sophistication and inter- destinations (Sheldon, 1994). Once the infor-
activity of each of the functions (Wang and mation function has been sufficiently imple-
Russo, 2007 p. 189). As sites move through the mented, DMOs should then consider the
stages of development from promotion of a communication function, which involves all
company through provision of consolidated areas of promotion and marketing research.
information to processing of business transac- At this stage, email and contact information
tions, layers of complexity and functionality are distributed, allowing a direct exchange of
are added to the site (Palmer and McCole, information between the DMOs and consum-
2000). This addition of layers is synonymous ers which paves the way for future relation-
with the business moving from a static Internet ship building. The transaction function enables
presence through increasing levels of interac- DMOs to generate revenue for both internal
tivity to a dynamic site incorporating value use and external stakeholders. A secure and
chain integration and innovative applications navigable online system is required for a suc-
to add value through information manage- cessful transaction to occur. The relationship
ment and rich functionality (Palmer and component is the core of this model, which is
McCole, 2000; Doolin et al., 2002; Wang and probably the most difficult to implement
Russo, 2007 p. 189). Furthermore, the model because of the technological expertise and
failed to recognise the importance of customer knowledge base required (Wang & Russo,
relationship management programme within 2007). As the number of websites is growing
the overall web marketing strategies. No matter rapidly and consumers’ attention to websites
what model is employed, websites should is much scarcer than website content, more
include the well-recognised key marketing and more websites are feeling the pressure
principles of market segmentation, positioning of drawing and retaining consumers’ atten-
and relationship building (Kotler et al., 1999). tion. ‘Although traffic building is significant
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/jtr
540 X. Li and Y. Wang

to Web marketing success, a more critical

managerial challenge for Web marketers is
how to keep and maintain the traffic gener-
ated’ (Wang & Fesenmaier, 2006, p.241). Information Communication
Dimension Dimension
As obtaining new visitors becomes more
difficult, maintaining current users and con-
verting visitors to repeat customers become
more valuable, because website loyalty dra- Merit
matically lowers the cost of retaining website Dimension
traffic (Hanson, 2000). In addition, while
maintaining loyal customers, DMOs have
more opportunity to communicate with them, Relationship Transaction
to expose the DMOs’ advertising and to Dimension Dimension
increase the customers’ level of involvement.
In turn, this may afford the DMOs the oppor-
tunity to improve the level of loyalty from
those customers. Hence, it is necessary for
Figure 1. A conceptual model of destination mar-
DMOs to establish effective customer relation- keting organisations’ website evaluation.
ship management programmes. Nevertheless,
the ICTR model did not include any technical
aspects of the website.
Different from the traditional marketing METHODS
tool, website marketing is based on infor-
mation technology. ‘The technical quality Development of an evaluation instrument
directly influences the performance by not
only retaining the characteristics of traditional As proposed in the conceptual model, an effec-
tools, but also taking full advantage of this tive DMO’s website should be composed of
medium’s unique characteristics’ (Feng et al., five dimensions (i.e., technical merit, informa-
2003, p.48). Thus, websites must be technically tion, communication, transaction and relation-
eligible. Moreover, as a marketing tool, web- ship) and each of them contains multiple items.
sites must conform to well-accepted market- A list of items was identified for each of the
ing principles, such as market segmentation five dimensions based on an extensive litera-
and relationship marketing. ‘The key to suc- ture review mainly grounded in North Ameri-
cessful destination marketing efforts depends can DMO website evaluation. Discerning the
primarily upon the application and integra- differences between the American DMO web-
tion of provisions of destination information, sites and their Chinese counterparts owing to
communication mechanism, ecommerce differences in culture, business environment
deployment, and relationship building’ (Wang and e-commerce practices, the list was revised
and Russo, 2007, p.188). In other words, an based on careful observations of Chinese PTAs’
effective DMO’s website depends on an inte- websites by the research team in order to make
gration of technology and marketing princi- the items in the list more relevant to the Chinese
ples. Therefore, a website should be evaluated context. A group of experts were then con-
on the following five dimensions: technical sulted to confirm the appropriateness of the
merit, information, communication, transac- list for each dimension. The expert panel was
tion and relationship (Figure 1). All the five composed of three professors of Chinese origin
dimensions interlink with each other. The (two of them are working in the US) who have
central position of the technical merit dimen- been studying and teaching tourism marketing
sion indicates that it directly affects the per- for many years and two professionals who
formance of the other four dimensions. That have managed tourism websites in China for
is, the function of the other four dimensions several years. Their review resulted in the
relies on the support of the technical merit identification of 48 items for the conceptual
dimension. evaluation model consisting of 8 items for the
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/jtr
Chinese DMO Website Evaluation 541

technical merit dimension, 18 items for the items, its overall effectiveness score should not
information dimension, 7 items for the com- be very high from the perspectives of overall
munication dimension, 5 items for the transac- marketing and resource allocation effective-
tion dimension and 10 items for the relationship ness. In comparison, websites implementing
dimension (Table 1). The results of their efforts more important and complex applications
were integrated into an evaluation instrument should obtain high effectiveness scores.
whereby the performance of each of the items
in the five respective dimensions were mea-
Sampling and data collection procedures
sured on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = very poor,
5 = very good); 0 is recorded if the item does To understand the effectiveness of Chinese
not exist. PTAs’ websites, this study includes all 31
However, it would be problematic if the per- mainland Chinese PTAs’ websites. A list of the
formance results were aggregated and used PTAs with links to their websites was obtained
directly as a measure of website effectiveness from the website of the China National Tourism
because the marketing function of each item Administration (http://www.cnta.gov.cn).
was different. Some items would be more Each site was examined in detail in December
important than others in destination market- 2008. Sixteen evaluators assessed website per-
ing efforts. In addition, variance exists in the formance using the evaluation instrument spe-
degree of complexity of technology applica- cifically designed for this study. The evaluators
tions associated with the four marketing func- include the expert panel (three Chinese profes-
tions. The more important items with more sors and two website practitioners) and 11
complex applications should be given more Chinese graduate students, who were from a
weight compared with their less important prestigious tourism programme in the north-
and complex counterparts. As a solution, the west of China, and all of them were native
importance and complexity of each item/ speakers of Chinese. They were all interested
application in the website were also taken into in research on tourism information system and
consideration in measuring the effectiveness of had already taken several graduate classes on
the website. The expert panel rated the relative tourism and information technology. There-
importance of all 48 items in the five website fore, they were relatively knowledgeable on
evaluation dimensions on a 5-point Likert scale the topic and were perceived as the best can-
(1 = not important at all, 5 = very important). didates to be expert evaluators.
Further, the degree of complexity of the four
marketing functions (i.e., 40 items in informa- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tion, communication, transaction and relation-
ship) was measured on a 5-point Likert scale The aim of this study was to evaluate the effec-
(1 = not complex at all, 5 = very complex). The tiveness of Chinese PTAs’ websites in each of
effectiveness score in each item of the four the five areas of the proposed framework:
marketing functions was calculated by using information, communication, transaction, rela-
the product of the rated value of performance, tionship and technical merit. Several proce-
importance and complexity (i.e., effectiveness dures were applied to answer the research
= performance × importance × complexity). As questions and the results are presented in the
for the items in the technical merit, their effec- following sections.
tiveness was determined only by the rated per-
formance value and importance value. It is
Assessment of the effectiveness of PTAs’
important to point out that from a marketing
website functions
perspective, the three aspects of performance,
importance and complexity associated with First, the effectiveness score of each item in
each of the applications should be taken into each of the five dimensions shown in Table 1
consideration when evaluating the effective- demonstrated that Chinese PTAs were not
ness of Chinese PTAs’ websites. For instance, effective in the use of most of the functions as
if one website performs fairly well only in scoring ranged from the highest score of 53.2
comparatively less important and less complex in attraction information to the lowest score of
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/jtr
542 X. Li and Y. Wang

Table 1. Importance, complexity, performance and effectiveness scores of Chinese Provincial Tourism
Administrations’ websites by item
Website items Importance Complexity Performance Effectiveness
Information dimension
Attraction information 5.00 2.67 3.99 53.20
Activities information 5.00 3.00 3.54 53.17
Maps and directions 4.33 3.67 3.31 52.63
Destination background information 4.67 2.67 3.74 46.56
Themed products 4.00 3.00 3.69 44.25
Transportation information 4.33 2.67 3.65 42.12
Events calendar 4.00 3.33 3.13 41.72
Restaurant information 3.67 2.67 3.75 36.62
Travel guides/brochures 3.67 2.67 3.49 34.08
Travel agents 4.00 2.33 3.56 33.26
Accommodation information 3.67 2.33 3.88 33.19
Travel packages 3.33 3.00 3.06 30.64
Entertainment information 3.67 2.33 3.44 29.44
Local weather information 4.00 2.33 3.02 28.15
Shopping information 3.33 2.33 3.52 27.40
Travel tips 3.67 2.33 3.17 27.08
Trip/vacation planner 2.67 3.33 2.79 24.82
Linked to regional/city/area pages 3.33 2.00 3.57 23.77
Communication dimension
Search function 4.00 3.67 3.36 49.23
Interactive communication tools 3.33 4.33 2.59 37.48
Online forum 4.00 3.67 2.55 37.43
Comment box 4.00 3.33 2.33 31.05
Online survey 3.00 4.00 2.17 26.03
Frequently asked questions 3.00 2.67 2.43 19.45
Email newsletter 3.33 3.00 1.48 14.76
Transaction dimension
Online reservation 4.33 4.33 2.04 38.28
Secure transaction 4.00 4.67 1.70 31.79
Attraction tickets 4.00 4.67 1.69 31.54
Events tickets 3.67 4.67 1.60 27.39
Shopping carts 3.67 4.67 1.10 18.85
Relationship dimension
Personalisation 4.00 4.67 3.02 56.46
Complaints handling 3.67 4.00 2.94 43.12
Best deals 4.00 2.67 3.71 39.61
Virtual tours 3.33 5.00 1.94 32.32
Cross-selling opportunities 3.33 4.33 2.01 29.07
Privacy policy 3.67 3.33 2.27 27.76
Special offers 4.00 3.33 1.99 26.56
Web seal certification 3.00 2.67 2.38 19.05
Customer loyalty programmes 3.00 4.33 1.21 15.79
Incentive programmes 3.33 3.67 1.23 15.00

Technical merit dimension

Search engine recognition 4.33 N/A 3.46 15.01
Webpage design 4.33 N/A 3.44 14.91
Link check 4.00 N/A 3.67 14.69
Load time 4.00 N/A 3.61 14.43
Navigation 4.00 N/A 3.54 14.15
Visual appearance 4.00 N/A 3.37 13.46
Site map 3.33 N/A 2.97 9.89
Multiple languages 3.67 N/A 2.56 9.39

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DOI: 10.1002/jtr
Chinese DMO Website Evaluation 543

15.00 in incentive programmes in the four Table 2. Chinese Provincial Tourism Administra-
functional areas. For nearly all of the items in tions’ websites effectiveness score and ranking by
the five dimensions, the ratings for importance province
were always higher than the ratings on perfor- Website
mance, and the difference in transaction Provinces effectiveness Rank
dimension was the most prominent. The results
Shanghai 39.25 1
indicated that there was always a gap between
Yunnan 34.73 2
the importance of the functions and their actual Guizhou 34.56 3
performance. Therefore, measures have to be Shandong 34.20 4
taken by Chinese PTAs to improve the perfor- Guangxi 34.15 5
mance of these applications. Further, the only Guangdong 34.03 6
five items whose rated performance was higher Tianjing 33.58 7
than importance were located in the informa- Beijing 31.22 8
tion dimension. They were restaurant informa- Shanxi 30.67 9
tion, accommodation information, shopping Ningxia 30.15 10
information, links to regional/city/area pages Hubei 30.04 11
and trip/vacation planner. Jiangsu 29.13 12
Second, a comparison of effectiveness was Xizang 29.10 13
made for each of the items in each of the four Henan 28.22 14
marketing functions. The majority of the PTAs Hainan 27.47 15
used their websites mainly for information Fujian 27.21 16
Jilin 26.87 17
provision rather than interactive activities. The
Sichuan 26.67 18
transaction and relationship building func-
Zhejiang 26.34 19
tions were rather weak. The results indicated Jiangxi 26.19 20
that Chinese PTAs were making limited use of Anhui 26.03 21
their websites. As a matter of fact, Chinese Qinghai 24.51 22
DMOs used to be part of the government Hebei 24.21 23
whose mandated charge was to supervise Chongqing 24.17 24
business operations in the tourism industry. Liaoning 23.83 25
Thus, DMOs did not compete for sales with Shaanxi 23.65 26
other tourism suppliers within their own spe- Hunan 23.46 27
cific areas. In short, these effectiveness scores Neimenggu 23.41 28
suggested that Chinese PTAs’ websites are not Xinjiang 22.58 29
effective as an online marketing tool and Heilongjiang 22.18 30
further improvements are needed in all five Gansu 21.41 31

Comparison of PTAs websites effectiveness

Approximately 41% of them were located in
Table 2 shows the comparison of the 31 Chinese the western part of China. Compared with
PTAs’ websites. There are variations among their counterparts in the middle and western
DMOs’ websites in different provinces. The parts of China, PTAs in the eastern area utilised
results indicated that Shanghai PTA had the their websites more effectively.
highest score (39.25), followed by Yunnan PTA Figure 2 shows the effectiveness differences
(34.73), Guizhou PTA (34.56) and Shandong in the dimensions of information, communica-
PTA (34.20). However, Gansu PTA had the tion, transaction, relationship and technical
lowest score (24.41), followed by Heilongjiang merit for the 31 Chinese PTAs’ websites. For
(22.18) and Xinjiang (22.58). In addition, among the technical merit dimension, there was
the 14 PTAs whose effectiveness scores minimal difference among the 31 provinces.
were above the average, half of them were Bejing PTA had the highest effectiveness score
located in the east of China. In comparison, 17 of 16.73 while Jilin PTA obtained the lowest
PTAs had relatively low effectiveness scores. score of 10.83. Most PTAs’ websites had
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/jtr
544 X. Li and Y. Wang

Gansu 29.10 25.73 14.73 26.12 11.38

Heilongjiang 32.48 17.19 26.47 22.85 11.91
Xinjiang 36.11 19.73 15.63 28.00 13.44
Neimenggu 35.46 29.56 15.84 24.06 12.10
Hunan 31.92 30.63 19.31 23.77 11.67
Shaanxi 33.23 24.75 19.21 28.37 12.69
Liaoning 37.92 19.63 23.29 26.11 12.22
Chongqing 36.07 24.70 24.22 23.06 12.78
Hebei 36.18 23.55 17.18 31.38 12.76
Qinghai 35.05 27.05 22.83 25.74 11.88
Anhui 34.59 30.16 25.33 26.84 13.22
Jiangxi 31.59 32.43 25.94 28.37 12.63
Zhejiang 38.26 37.87 12.90 28.57 14.08
Sichuan 36.41 29.25 24.06 31.20 12.41
Province Jilin 37.03 28.47 29.97 28.05 10.83
Fujian 36.58 33.93 18.54 31.54 15.47
Hainan 37.00 22.91 37.33 28.84 11.29
Henan 36.94 36.06 26.59 29.15 12.34
Xizang 38.37 37.92 20.50 34.73 13.99
Jiangsu 39.00 31.06 35.15 26.48 13.94
Hubei 37.40 36.65 34.87 27.82 13.47
Ningxia 40.37 23.76 38.43 34.53 13.67
Shanxi 37.65 36.29 32.16 34.48 12.79
Beijing 42.54 29.56 33.01 34.24 16.73
Tianjing 38.98 38.97 41.84 33.80 14.31
Guangdong 39.29 37.61 40.37 38.55 14.32
Guangxi 36.72 40.89 42.98 36.07 14.08
Shandong 42.31 31.37 40.76 41.04 15.51
Guizhou 38.86 39.96 41.63 38.21 14.15
Yunnan 39.11 37.31 45.68 36.61 14.91
Shanghai 37.72 39.05 69.87 36.08 13.56

0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00

Mean Score

Information Communication Transaction Relationship Technical Merit

Figure 2. Chinese Provincial Tourism Administrations’ website performance by dimension and province.

problems with the item of multiple languages. websites failed to meet the needs of interna-
Nine PTAs’ websites (29%) did not have mul- tional travellers. In addition, the item of site
tiple languages function at all. The rest of the map posed a serious problem in the technical
PTAs’ websites had the foreign language ver- merit dimension. Nearly 55% of PTAs’ web-
sions that were much simpler than the Chinese sites did not provide a site map that could
versions and provided only the basic informa- assist online travellers in understanding the
tion on destinations and tourism products. structure of the website and searching for
Thus, these foreign language versions of PTAs’ information more effectively. Although some
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/jtr
Chinese DMO Website Evaluation 545

websites did have a site map, it was usually 69.87; whereas, Zhejiang PTA had the lowest
difficult to find because it was ‘hidden’ some- score of 12.90.
where in the website. Further, many PTAs’ The effectiveness analysis for the relation-
websites had problems with visual appear- ship dimension raised some issues of concern.
ance. The main pages of the PTAs’ websites Building long-term relationships with custom-
appeared very ‘busy’ and were loaded with an ers through website marketing is one of the
abundance of information. However, detailed most important functions of a DMO (Wang
information was lacking. and Russo, 2007). However, it has been largely
With regards to the information dimension, misunderstood and ignored by many Chinese
the website of Beijing PTA was again the most PTAs’ websites. Most applications in this
effective, providing rich and up-to-date infor- dimension could not be found in the PTAs
mation on activities, maps and directions, websites, especially the items of ‘customer
attractions, and event calendar. In fact, most loyalty programs,’ ‘incentive programs’ and
Chinese PTAs’ websites provided extensive ‘web seal certification.’ Out of the 31 PTAs’
information on attractions, activities, maps websites, only two (Shandong and Henan)
and directions, destination background, and offered the function of ‘customer loyalty pro-
themed products. However, they were lacking grams.’ The PTA website of Shandong ranked
sufficient information linking them to regional/ first in this category with an effectiveness score
city/area pages, trip/vacation planner and of 41.04, while Heilongjiang obtained the
travel tips. The website of Gansu PTA was the lowest score of 22.85.
least effective because it lacked many informa-
tion-related applications such as shopping CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS
information, entertainment information, etc.
For the communication dimension, there The internet is a commonly used marketing
was a large variance among the 31 PTAs’ web- tool to promote an international destination to
sites. Guangxi PTA had the highest effective- potential visitors at a distance in today’s tech-
ness score of 40.89; whereas, Heilongjiang PTA nology-driven fast-paced world. A destination
got the lowest score of 17.19. Most Chinese marketing system is a convenient tool travel-
PTAs’ websites did not use emails to distribute lers use to learn about a destination. The web-
information or contact consumers. Further, the sites of DMOs are not only an efficient marketing
item of ‘frequently asked questions’ was tool but also a system which provides service
neglected by many websites. to tourists. Therefore, the websites of DMOs
The transaction dimension was the least are extremely important because of their poten-
effective among the five dimensions. This was tial to attract more tourists to the destination
probably because of the fact that utilisation of and further enhance customer satisfaction.
this function was very complicated and Based on the notion that a DMO’s website is
required both internal technology expertise an integration of technology and destination
and external cooperation and support from marketing principles, it is proposed in this
industry and business. Out of the five transac- study that a DMO’s website should be evalu-
tion items, two of them (shopping carts and ated on the five dimensions of technical merit,
events tickets) could not be found in most information, communication, transaction and
websites. For example, shopping cart existed relationship. Of the five dimensions, the tech-
only in three websites (Guangxi, Guizhou and nical merit dimension directly affects the per-
Shanghai). These results implied that Chinese formance of the other four dimensions, which
PTAs did not focus on e-commerce transac- work together to fulfil the marketing function
tions, which is consistent with the attitude of a website. The information dimension
shared by Chinese DMOs that PTA is a mar- requires that DMOs’ websites provide tourists
keting organisation rather than a sales organi- with up-to-date and accurate destination and
sation. Additionally, the discrepancy among tourism product information. The communica-
the 31 Chinese PTAs’ websites was the most tion dimension enables a direct exchange of
pronounced in the transaction dimension. information between the DMOs and consum-
Shanghai PTA obtained the highest score of ers. The transaction dimension allows tourists
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/jtr
546 X. Li and Y. Wang

to shop electronically through DMOs’ web- quate attention to online transaction and rela-
sites, which can generate revenue for DMOs. tionship building. As a matter of fact, with
The relationship dimension functions as a tool increasing competition, it is not sufficient for
of developing a long-term and win–win rela- Chinese PTAs only to provide basic destination
tionship between DMOs and consumers. and tourism product information. More sophis-
Overall, the results of this study indicated ticated marketing functions should be imple-
that Chinese PTAs are not using their websites mented by the PTAs. As a result, it is imperative
effectively. It appeared that most of the PTAs for Chinese PTAs to expand their functions
are aware of the basic information that needs into product distribution and relationship
to be included in their websites and incorpo- management to provide a more balanced array
rate information related to attraction, activities of functionalities and satisfy the diverse needs
and destination background. However, the of potential tourists. In addition to marketing
results also suggested that Chinese PTAs did functions, many non-marketing functions such
not offer sufficient information on their web- as administrative information were identified
sites. For example, links to regional/city/area on Chinese PTA websites. These include
could not be found in many PTA websites. As tourism legislation, policy documents, local
an umbrella organisation that represents tourism development, etc. It seems to suggest
certain areas and serves the needs of all types that a Chinese PTA is still a government agency.
of travellers to the area, a DMO should provide Therefore, greater attention has been paid to
some links on their websites to guide tourists e-governance. In order to exploit marketing
to information for the broader tourism destina- potential effectively, some PTAs such as Beijing
tion. Though effectiveness was weak in the and Shandong developed separate marketing
communication function, the transaction and websites and provided a link to the marketing
relationship dimensions demonstrated the websites on their administrative websites.
weakest areas of Chinese PTAs’ websites. Only Provincial comparison in this study showed
a few of them were able to implement the two that each PTA’s website had its own strengths
functions. All the Chinese PTAs seemed to and weaknesses. Among the 31 provinces, the
adopt the Internet as a marketing tool and overall score for Shanghai PTA was the highest;
established their own websites. However, whereas, the Gansu PTA had the lowest score.
because of their insufficient understanding of Moreover, Beijing PTA achieved the highest
Internet marketing as well as their limited score in both the technical merit and informa-
capability to integrate Internet technology, tion dimensions; however, it ranked eighth
Chinese PTAs are still in the preliminary stages overall among the 31 PTAs. In comparison,
of website utilisation, incorporating relatively Shanghai PTA ranked first with the highest
simple information-oriented functions into score in the transaction dimension. Actually, it
their websites, with only a limited number of was argued in this study that the effectiveness
sophisticated applications offered. For instance, of DMOs’ websites should rely not only on the
most Chinese PTAs concentrate their web page number of the applications utilised but also on
efforts on disseminating information but the degree of sophistication of these applica-
ignore the application of email newsletters, tions. The results supported the argument and
which could be an efficient and effective means suggested that Chinese PTAs should pay more
of information distribution. Email newsletters attention to the quality rather than quantity of
could also be used to conduct surveys, chang- their Internet marketing features. Further, the
ing one-way communication into two-way or results implied that PTAs in the east utilised
even multi-way communications. Nonethe- their websites more effectively than those in
less, most Chinese PTAs did not grasp the the middle and western part of China. As men-
value of email newsletters and failed to offer tioned before, developing and maintaining
this feature on their websites. effective web-based marketing requires strong
Furthermore, the results suggested that financial resources. Previous research also
Chinese PTAs still view themselves as a mar- shows that adoption and use of technology
keting/management organisation rather than requires large capital investment (Kennedy,
a sales organisation. Thus, they paid inade- 1983). Technology innovation is usually limited
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Tourism Res. 12, 536–549 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/jtr
Chinese DMO Website Evaluation 547

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