GreenProject ALL CH
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1 author:
Natdanai Aleenajitpong
Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
All content following this page was uploaded by Natdanai Aleenajitpong on 29 April 2019.
The fundamental accomplishment of moving towards the green concept is
the use of green packaging in a product. Consequently, this study explores the attitude
towards green packaging with two influence factors involved: attitude towards
environmental issue and knowledge of green packaging, as well as how they affect the
purchase intention of green packaged consumer products. The qualitative method used
in this study was to conduct a survey of 257 undergraduates over 18 years old and
studying at a university in the Greater Bangkok area. The data is analyzed by using
regression modeling. The results indicate that Thai teenagers have a moderately
positive attitude towards green packaging, which is significant to the purchase
intention of green packaged consumer products. Moreover, the attitude towards green
packaging can be influenced by attitude towards environmental issue and partially by
knowledge about green packaging. However, attitude towards environmental issue
alone also directly predicts the purchase intention of green packaging.
100 pages
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 1
ั ฑ์เพื่อสิ่ งแวดล้อมและผลกระทบต่อความตั้งใจซื้ อบรรจุภณ
ั ฑ์เพื่อสิ่ งแวดล้อมของ
นักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยในเขตกรุ งเทพมหานครและปริ มณฑล
คณะกรรมการที่ปรึ กษาสารนิ พนธ์ : ดิสสทัต ประเสริ ฐสกุล, D.B.A., ฉายรวี อนามธวัช – คีริก,
การวิจยั นี้ มีจุดประสงค์ที่จะค้นพบทัศนคติ ต่อบรรจุภณ
ั ฑ์เพื่อสิ่ งแวดล้อมกับอีกสอง
ปั จจัยที่เกี่ยวข้องคือทัศนคติต่อสิ่ งแวดล้อมและความรู ้ต่อบรรจุภณั ฑ์เพื่อสิ่ งแวดล้อม และปั จจัยต่างๆ
เหล่านี้ มีส่วนดึ งดู ดให้เกิ ดความตั้งใจซื้ อผลิ ตภัณฑ์ที่บรรจุด้วยบรรจุภณ
ั ฑ์เพื่อสิ่ งแวดล้อมอย่างไร
วิธีการวิจยั เชิ งปริ มาณถู กใช้ในการศึ กษานี้ โดยการตอบแบบส ารวจจานวน 257 ชุ ดกับ นัก ศึ ก ษา
ปริ ญญาตรี ที่ มีอายุมากกว่าสิ บ แปดปี และกาลังศึ กษาอยู่ที่ มหาลัยในเขตกรุ งเทพฯและปริ ม ณฑล
ข้อมูล ถู กวิเคราะห์ โดยใช้วิธี การวิเคราะห์ แบบถดถอย ผลการวิจยั บ่ งชี้ ว่าวัยรุ่ นไทยมี ท ศั นคติ ต่อ
ั ฑ์เพื่ อสิ่ งแวดล้อมในเชิ งบวกซึ่ งมี นัยส าคัญต่อการตั้งใจซื้ อ มากไปกว่านั้น ทัศ นคติ ต่อ
ั ฑ์เพื่ อสิ่ งแวดล้อมถู กครอบงาด้วยปั จจัยทัศนคติ ต่อสิ่ งแวดล้อมและบางส่ วนของปั จจัย
บรรจุ ภณ
ความรู ้ต่อบรรจภัณฑ์เพื่อสิ่ งแวดล้อม อย่างไรก็ตาม ทัศนคติต่อสิ่ งแวดล้อมปั จจัยเดียวก็มีผลโดยตรง
ต่อความตั้งใจซื้ อผลิตภัณฑ์ที่บรรจุดว้ ยบรรจุภณั ฑ์เพื่อสิ่ งแวดล้อม
100 หน้า
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 2
1.1 Introduction
Human’s behavior and activities increasingly have a negative impact to the
eenvironment. Even this fact, people try not to change their action though this negative
effect will turn to them at the end. The revenge of environment to human’s life include
natural disasters, pollution, and climate change. One example of such activity is when
people throw away the packages or containers of the product into trash bin without any
care. Those packages are mostly made from plastic. These plastic wastes will stay on
earth with non-living and living things like humans for hundreds of thousands years
before they will be completely decomposed. This means that human has to live with
those plastics for many future generations. Tremendous plastic waste could cause a
deconstruction of nature and environment as reflected in terms of carbon dioxide
emission (Greenhouse effect), Climate change, and toxicant substance release. As a
consequence, humans must be more concerned and responsible for their action as this
problem has been spread out to many angles of the world.
Many groups of people who feel concerned about this phenomenon have
been exposing from many nations. Their objective is to encourage and demonstrate
people about the effects and causes of environmental crisis. Some identify the word of
this kind of recovery concept as “Green concept”. This concern tends to be widely
known and gradually acknowledged from many countries around the world. Due to the
acceptance of green information, change of consumer perception influences consumer
behavior that finally leads to change of consumer’s buying decision. As many
producers are willing to satisfy such customer need, many products recently launched
have been blended with green concept, known as “Green products”, In other words,
the products attribute to environmentally friendly production process. The more
convenient way that producers obviously do is to use a packaging which is harmless to
environment. That package is generally named as “Green package”.
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 3
There are some salient factors that affect the sense of perceiving green
package and consumer’s buying behavior among teenagers in Bangkok. They are, for
example, attitude towards environmental issue and knowledge of green packaging.
From these factors, they might dominate people perception in purchasing and
consuming Green packaged product. They feel more conscious in selecting goods with
notice of product’s packaging that is not harmful to the animal and environment, or
help the world to relief an impact of environmental issue. Because of this situation,
this research aims to understand customer’s attitude towards the Green packaging and
the factors that influence their purchase intention of the products with Green
In the past, the Thai government had introduced the environmental law in
1992, followed by lead gasoline cancellation in 1995, and included other beneficial
regulations, such as, pollution control on power plants and construction standards
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 6
(Arttachariya, 2012). As a waste has gradually been increasing year by year, Thai
government has developed waste management plan by educating people about sorting
and reducing waste. For example, Pollution Control Department has encouraged
people to use 3Rs principle, including Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Consequently,
profit and nonprofit associations have launched many creative campaigns for helping
the environment, similar to CSR from public companies. Another tendency is to use
green packaging in commercial goods. Most Thai producers express their social and
environmental responsibility by offering green container, despite general product
inside. Thus, consumer products are mostly available in form of using recyclable and
biodegradable package. That is why this study lays an importance, specifically on
green packaging rather than the whole green product.
Today, consumer behavior has changed; “Green consumers” are becoming
well-known in a Thai society. Green consumers are those who are concerned about
environmental issues (Soonthonsmai, 2007). In other word, Green consumer is defined
as the group of people who has high consciousness in environmental crisis. They are
willing to buy the products which are friendly to the environment. By the way,
consumers would not rather go for green products, unless performance, quality,
convenience, and price come together. This change can motivate firms to develop new
target segmentation (Ottman, 1992).
In Thailand, the product for Green consumer has been in focus among
small medium enterprises (SMEs), regarding to the combination between their
capability and consumer behavioral change. Kasikorn research center has anticipated
that Health and Green Businesses would be continuously growing due to a surge of
green market potential (as shown in figure 1.3). The market value enchanting
entrepreneurs in Green product businesses is assessed to be around 98,900-126,100
million baht per year. Moreover, the researcher found out that a group of green
packaging had the most accelerating growth rate (Kasikorn Bank).
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 7
Although Green issue seems to be an old story that has been introduced for
many years, Green situation now in Thailand still be in an initial growing state. Not
just only knowing what the environment needs, Thai People need to do what they need
to conserve environment every day (Arttachariya, 2012). One action that individuals
easily take is to implement the 3Rs. It is primary behavior for green consumers to have
green behavior on waste disposal. The 3Rs will be discussed more in detail in the
knowledge of green packaging, chapter two.
research could be the inspirational guide for those who explore the opportunity for
new business model regarding to a new trend of green.
Figure 1.5: Conceptualization framework (Adapted from Nik Ramli Nik Abdul Rashid,
Kamaruzaman Jusoff & Kamsol Mohamed Kassi, 2009 )
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 10
1.8 Hypothesis
H1: Attitude towards environmental issue is significantly correlated to
Attitude towards Green packaging.
H2: Attitude towards environmental issue is significantly correlated to
Purchase intention of green packed consumer products.
H3: Knowledge of green packaging is significantly correlated to Attitude
towards green packaging.
H4: Knowledge of green packaging is significantly correlated to Purchase
intention of green packed consumer products.
H5: Attitude towards green packaging is significantly correlated to
Purchase intention of green packed consumer products.
1.9 Definitions
2.1 Overview
The main purpose of this study is to understand all aspects of green packaging content
directed from the attitude toward green packaging to purchase intention. This chapter
begins with the literature review that portrays the relevant theories flowing from green
marketing to more specific concept in green packaging. Core contents begin with the
attitude toward environmental issue as a general mindset of people’s ecological
perspective, and followed by knowledge of green packaging, which particularly
influences the attitude toward green packaging. These three variables; environmental
attitude, knowledge of green packaging and green packaging attitude are proposed to
influence consumer’s purchase intention of green packaging. Finally, conceptual
framework and the development of hypotheses are discussed. This chapter is divided
into 9 sections including section 1 Overview, section 2.2 Green marketing mix, section
2.3 Green packaging, section 2.4 Attitude towards Environmental issue, section 2.5
Attitude towards Green packaging, section 2.6 Knowledge of Green Packaging,
section 2.7 Purchase Intention of green packed consumer products, section 2.8
Conceptual Framework, section 2.9 Hypothesis Development (Graphically shown in
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 13
Marketing mix concept has been known widely in marketing management. This
concept is used to attract consumers and gain higher sales. Marketing mix consists of
four elements; product (quality and design), price (pricing strategy), place (distribution
channels), and promotion (sales promotion technique). These four elements are
commonly called “4Ps”, which are deemed as marketing tool to complete sales target
and larger consumer base (Kotler, 1997). Eventually, each P of the marketing mix’s
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 15
elements has been fragmented into several sub-elements. Figure 2.3 shows the
marketing variables under the each P, which help approaching the marketing
objectives and the whole target consumers (McCarthy, 1964).
Based on the original of marketing mix, the concept has been adapted to correspond to
today’s situation due to consumer behavior change. Marketing mix with
environmental consciousness has then emerged in marketing management. Green
marketing normally consists of the 4 elements of the marketing mix (Churchill, G. A. ,
& Peter, 1998) that include:
Green product: A product that is not harmful to the environment. Many attributes of
green product were introduced from many studies. According Air Quality Science Inc.
(2010) green products are the ones that
• Promote good IEQ, typically through reduced or eliminated VOC emissions
• Not contain highly toxic compounds and not contribute to highly toxic by-products
during the manufacturing process
• Be durable and have low maintenance requirements
• Incorporate recycled content (post-consumer and/or post-industrial)
• Have been salvaged from existing or demolished buildings for reuse
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 16
had studied about green advertising in Finland. They found out that shortage of
credibility can damage consumers trust in advertising messages (Sami, 2007).
Despite the increasing number of green consumers, the use of green marketing is still
very little. Marketers have to develop marketing strategies to match customers’
behavior change. Firms have to understand green consumers and concurrently attract
non-green consumers’ intention in order to meet overall satisfaction. Some target
groups are not able to not differentiate virtual advantage from green marketing, such
as, higher price of green product and deception in green marketing. Moreover,
environmental issue is not just theoretical aspect, now it is something more on
practical which has an impact on consumers’ behavior (Mohamed, 2006).
Environmental concern has created another form of market competition (McCloskey
& Maddock, 1994). One well-known green marketing program many top-ranked firms
accompany is Cooperate Social Responsibility for either community or environment
(commonly known as CSR). Mainieri et al. suggested about green marketing that an
improvement of structural factors (availability, labeling, and affordability of
environmental care products) and invigoration of proenvironment consumer beliefs
can create proliferation of environmental consumerism (Mainieri, Barnett, Valdero,
Unipan, & Oskamp, 1997).
In marketing mix, combining environmental factors in strategic planning is very
beneficial for both firms and consumers, such as, better risk management in operation
and production, better product differentiation among mass markets, declined
environmental impact during and after use. In conclusion, Bussinesses who clearly
understand an importance of green marketing and are able to carefully carry this green
value to their customers, are moving forward and leaving rivals behind.
Referring to the diagram of figure 2.3, one variable including in the product is
packaging. This study is focusing on this particular factor and more specific to
environmental friendly packaging.
Lewis (1991) explained more detailed about good pack aging that “it is a flag of
recognition and a symbol of values”. Package facilitates sales to increase for many
reasons. The first reason is that package design can make consumer passionate on the
product, such as, attractive and differentiate product image. The second reason is that
packaging also serves consumer more information by labeling, such information as
product identification and manufacturer details. Another reason is that package is
currently modified to be a small channel to attract consumer intention and
conveniently access to the product. This new package design is also called “ready-to-
shelve package”.
Packaging has three various hierarchies: the primary packaging or consumer
packaging (to shield the product from environment directly), the secondary packaging
or transport packaging (to hold and protect a whole group of primary packages), and
the tertiary packaging (to protect both primary packages and secondary packages in a
pallet or unit load) (De Faultrier & Towers, 2011). In this study, Packaging of
consumer products has been concerned, thus the scope is focused only on the primary
packaging or consumer packaging. The comparative study of buying behavior between
rural and urban zones in India was pointed out that rural consumers are more
concerned about environmental hazard and misleading of a package. Citizens in rural
area perceive that better packaging means better quality of product, which also
increases buying decision (Mahavir & Subhash, 2007).
In the past, one widely known marketing strategy was four P (4Ps) consisting of
product, price, place, and promotion. Packaging was used to be included in P-product.
However, since the development of many researches has indicated that packaging
itself plays an important role for customer to purchase the product, Packaging
afterward has been categorized as one of the five P marketing strategy stated by Kotler
(Kotler, 1997). Packaging has been in the first choice for green marketing attempts.
Since small changes to core products or production processes are not expensive
(Holdway, Walker, & Hilton, 2002).
Green packaging is a package which contributes less harmful to environment and
living organism, commonly made of environmental friendly material. Especially,
compostable plastics, it is also attributed to be unlimited life plastics (known as cradle
to cradle design or eco-design). Eco-design objective was defined by Robert Holdway
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 19
and David Walker, founders of the Giraffe management consultancy, and Mark Hilton,
a senior environmental consultant with Enviros Aspinwall, as “to reduce overall
lifecycle impacts while maintaining performance and value for money.” For the
packaging division, eco-design packaging possesses the features of source reduction,
reuse, recycling, and waste elimination (Holdway, Walker, & Hilton, 2002). Since
green packaging is normally subordinated in components of green product, it barely
distinguishes from green product in term of attributes, in which green product is more
holistic approach. That means sometimes green packaging is contributed as green
product. Nevertheless, in marketing field, green packaging is specifically mentioned
among researches on green marketing’s partition.
Whereas green packaging approach is sometimes found difficulty to customer’s
perception, for example, once Sony was using reusable packaging materials for
containing its television. Customer misunderstood that the product inside had already
used. Therefore, producers have to make sure that their green marketing approach are
consolidated with their systems and customers (Holdway, Walker, & Hilton, 2002).
Vining and Ebreo, 1992, the attitude towards natural environment was deemed as
“environmental concern”. Environmental attitude is a characteristic accumulated for a
long time, and individuals will become aware of environment and at the end take part
in environmental protection.
Traditionally, there are three different attitude components in multiple component
approach; cognitive, effective, and intentional components (F.G.Kaiser et al., 1999).
No difference was found between affective and cognitive components of attitudes
(Jody M. Hines, 1987). Alternatively, these three components have been found as
interactive factors rather than attribute of attitude itself (Albarracı´n , Johnson, , &
Zanna, 2005).
The diversified structures of environmental attitude (EA) were presented, for example;
regardless to the framework of Milfont, 2007, EA consists of horizontal and vertical
structure, in which preservation and utilization were grouped into a two higher order
factors of vertical structure. Nevertheless, a selection of attitude concept is a
significant indicator to determine measurement, which will be discussed later on in the
next chapter. In case of a study about energy policy, peer influence, social norms, and
norms on price appeared to be correlated with environmental attitudes. More
reportedly, the robust relationship was found between environmental attitudes and
energy saving behaviors but that was not for cost barriers (D. Gadenne et al., 2011).
In this research, Attitude towards environmental issue is consistent to Attitude towards
the environment or Environmental concern, and general ecological behavior intention.
In conclusion, Attitude towards environmental issue is an aspect of natural
environment impact and concern in generic environmental issue, how people feel and
think about environmental problem based on their belief, culture, experience, such as,
global warming, greenhouse effect, and climate change.
about attitude towards green packaging, they generally studied on green products,
green marketing, and green labeling (e.g. Chen & Chai, 2010; Nik Ramli ,
Kamaruzaman , & Kamsol , 2009).
In the study of the relationship between Attitudinal and behavioral entities by Fishbein
and Ajzen, the entity of Attitude and behavior consists of four distinct elements; the
action, the target at which the action is directed, the context in which the action is
performed, and the time at which it is performed. Two attitudinal predictors can be
identified that deserve special attention. The most common measure specifies a given
target (be it an object, a person, or an institution) without reference to a particular
action. This predictor may be termed attitude toward a target. Of less frequent use is
attitude toward an action, a predictor that specifies both action and target elements
(e.g., attitude toward smoking).
In this research, Attitude toward green packaging is referred to Attitude towards one
target object, Green packaging, and behavior intention related to green packaging. In
writer’s own word, Attitude toward green packaging is an aspect of how people feel
and think about environmental care packaging based on their belief, culture,
experience, such as, packaging disposal issue.
and laminates, tin plate, and tin-free steel), paper and paper boards, and plastics.
Several materials combination in food packaging describe functional or aesthetic
properties. a broad variant of plastics have been formed in both rigid and flexible. As
food packaging research continues, the more advances in food packaging, The more
tendency to affect the impact on the environment (Kenneth & Betty , 2007).
In accordance with packaging materials used in Europe, European people are
perceived them differently in each country. Some prefer using glass and plastic, but
some prefer paper and cardboard, for instance, Germany represents progressives–
determines ecology to be a priority, The Netherlands and Sweden represent
Conservatives – very captivated to the ecological value, so paper and cardboard are
preferred, France and Italy represent sensuous– appeal to presentation and esthetics,
showing preference for glass and plastic, Spain and France represent functional–
attracted by aspect and services, preference for plastic and glass, Great Britain
represents Purists– seeking for packaging minimization, preferring cardboard.
In Thai context, most of green packaging are made from plastic and paper. According
to waste management report from Thailand Pollution Control Department (shown in
figure 2.4), beside of organic waste, which is self-decomposable, the percentage of
plastic and paper disposal together is approximately 25% out of whole wastes. Plastic
and paper are the two highest amount of deposed materials in Thailand.
There are many types and forms of plastic and paper. In this study, only plastic and
paper are mentioned and explained respectively. The sources mainly come from the
study of Food Packaging—Roles, Materials, and Environmental Issue (Kenneth &
Betty , 2007) and Green packaging (ตรี วิจติรเกษม).
density polymer is used in film and heat sealing applications. Another compound
polymer, polypropylene, has higher density and harder than polyethylene, additional
with good chemical and thermal resistance. Thus it is applicable for hot-filled and
microwavable packaging.
Polyesters: Many people have commonly known polyesters as PET or PETE
(Polyethylene terephthalate), polycarbonate, and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN).
Polyesters come from ester monomers base with condensation process and any other
reactions. PETE is usually formed to make beverage bottles, such as, mineral waters
and carbonated drinks. Additionally, it is also applied for semi rigid sheets for thermo-
forming (trays and blisters), and thin-oriented films (bags and snack food wrappers).
The main reason why PETE is appropriate for these applications is its properties,
which are glass-like transparency, light weight, gas and moisture protection. PETE is
available in two structures; amorphous (transparent) and a semi crystalline (opaque
and white) thermoplastic material. Semi crystalline PETE provides stiffer, harder, and
stronger structure than Amorphous PETE, while Amorphous PETE provides better
ductility. The material after recycling PETE from soda bottles will be used as
insulators, fibers, and other nonfood packaging applications.
Bioplastics are based on a compound of biodegradable polymers, which are derived
from either animal or natural sources, such as, wastes from marine food, agricultural
feedstock, or microbial sources. Biodegradable polymers themselves are made from
cellulose and starches. As renewable raw ingredients has discovered, a fragment of
biodegradable materials after breaking down becomes more environmentally friendly
such as carbon dioxide, water, and quality compost.
Generally, cellulosed-base biopolymer is cellophane. When starch-based polymers are
amylose, hydroxyl propylated starch, dextrin, poly lactide, poly hydroxy alkanoate
(PHA), poly hydroxyl buterate (PHB), and a copolymer of PHB and valericacid
(PHB/V). Starch-based polymers is poly lactide acid exposed to moisture from
microbial fermentation of starch. Additionally, PHA, PHB, and PHB/V are also
generated by bacterial action on starches. Similarly to cellulose’s chemical structure,
Chitin is a biopolymer originated from crustacean and insect exoskeletons. Chitosan, a
greater scale of chitin, are used to produce biodegradable films. To be applied for food
sector eatable films, another form of biodegradable polymer, are made from natural
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 25
and animal sources such as zein, whey, collagen and gelatin. As a feature of
biopolymer, biopolymer or bioactive compound can also be mixed with polymers or
any agents to obtain synthetic polymers or partial biopolymers.
Bioplastics are diversified into two main groups; Non compostable and Compostable.
In each group, it has two different fundamental; Petrobase and Biobase, regardless to
raw material source (as shown in Figure 2.5).
Among Non-compostable bioplastics with Petrobase, they are obtained from ordinary
plastics but added with additive to characterize self-fragmentation feature (so called
“Disintegration”) that can be decomposed by Microbe (this process names as
“Biodegradation”). This kind of plastics combination is regarded as a group of
Compound plastics. However, Biodegradation is not yet complete process of the
whole life cycle of plastic and may be harmful to creature and environment.
Another Non compostable plastics is in Biobase. This biobased plastics are produced
from plant source that cannot turn into fertilizers due to no degradation. Though their
durability and strength is similar to common plastics (another name is “Green
Plastics”). Green plastics are valuable for environmental saving as obtaining high
Carbon Credit.
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 26
According to Figure 2.5, it shows that Compostable plastics are also divided into
Petrobase and Biobase. As its name, Petrobase plastics, which derived from Petroleum
Fractional Distillation process, include polymer pellets of PBS, PBSA, PBSAT, PCL
as such. While Biobase plastics are retrieved from plant sources like zein (corn
protein), whey (milk protein), and animal sources like collagen (constituent of skin,
tendon, and connective tissue), and gelatin (product of partial hydrolysis of collagen).
Biobase plastics are biodegradable e.g. PLA, PHA, PHB as such. Those compostable
plastic means high value of carbon credit, since it is able to decompose itself to
become plant fertilizer, which helps transform carbon dioxide to oxygen by
photosynthesis process.
Firstly, we need to know which plastic waste is suitable for recycling. Cycling arrow
symbols in Figure2.7 can often be recognized at the bottom of plastic bottles and other
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 28
plastic package. It can implicitly describe that the material used in the package can be
recycled, but actually recyclability of the package depends on the number inside the
chasing arrows. Basically, only number 1 and 2 are accepted for recycling.
In present, one major cause of environment problems is waste. Waste from households
is getting dramatically increased, which approximately 1 kilogram per person per day.
One of them was found to be contaminated plastic. Conventional waste management
might no longer, or seemingly impossible, be an effective solution. Since those
plastics tainted with organic substance, like oil of organic waste, are difficult to make
it clean to recycling for standard quality plastic pallet, neither value of price nor safety.
The completion of bioplastic waste elimination makes a new way of waste
management called “a principle of single-time use plastic waste management”.
Household waste –including waste from shop, school, hospital, etc. – can be sorted by
doing the following actions below
1. Use trash bag for bioplastic on order to contain only organic waste. The bag will be
picked up two or three time a week, and should be left outside a house due to its fishy
smell. When collectors come, they can clearly sort out the waste and easily transfer
them to fertilization factory in order to
2. For conventional plastic, it is able to be recycled and simply separated into three
First bag: for sorting paper and plastic waste
Second bag: for sorting can and glass bottle
Third bag: for sorting hazard waste
Those bags do not needs to be left outside a house. The collector will pick up them
every ten to fifteen days, and transfer to recycle plant respectively.
Waste management needs communication with people via many types of media.
Despite huge amount of initial outlay to be carried out to create a good discipline in a
society, the reward from sorting waste is coming with an unexpected beneficial
outcome for economy and environment.
In the future, if a number of bioplastic usage keeps increasing further, waste
elimination would be getting more effective. Moreover, if government support a use of
bioplastic in every single-time use package, conventional plastic contaminated with
organic oil would also be found less.
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 29
replacement of plastic film for wrapping snacks, cookies, candies, and other fatty
Glassine is special form of grease proof paper, in which undergoes further hydration
process in order to obtain a very dense sheet with smooth and glossy surface. It is used
as a liner for fast foods and baked goods.
Parchment paper is a paper treated by sulfuric acid. The acid will adjust cellulose
surface to become smoother and more impermeable to water and oil. As heat
sealability, air and moisture protection are excluded in characteristics of parchment
paper. It is used for packaging fatty goods.
Paperboard is multiple layer paper commonly made in form of box, carton, and tray,
especially used for shipping purpose. There are several types of paperboard, such as,
whiteboard, solid board, chipboard, and fiberboard.
Whiteboard is bleached paper with thin layers. In addition, it can be coated with wax
or laminated with polyethylene to obtain heat sealable property. It is conventionally
used as the inner plate of a carton and recommended for direct food contact purpose.
Solid board is multiple layer board bleached with sulfate. Its key attributes are strength
and durability. Liquid carton is also made from solid board laminated with
polyethylene. Solid board is normally used as juices and drinks container.
Chip board is recycled paper, often found stain and taint due to recycling process. It is
deemed to be the cheapest paper among many types of paperboard. Chip board is not
appropriate for direct contact package, so it is frequently assembled with white board
and used as the outer layers of cartons.
Fiberboard has two forms of solid type and corrugated type;
Solid fiberboard composes of two layers, an inner layer of white board and outer layer
of Kraft paper. This combination helps resist against impact and compression force.
Moreover, if fiberboard is laminated with plastics or aluminum, it would provide
better barrier properties as it is used for packaging of dry goods.
Corrugated fiberboard is a sandwich form of Kraft paper on a surface and fluting
paper in a middle. A central corrugation design strengthens its resistance to impact
abrasion and crushing damage, since wave-liked pattern in the middle helps distribute
an excessive force. The corrugated board is extensively used for foods and goods
shipping application.
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 31
Paper laminates means a paper, which has Kraft and sulfite base, is laminated with
plastic or aluminum or others in order to obtain desired properties for different
purposes of each application. Depending on its production and material used, a cost of
paper laminates are generally more expensive than other plain papers.
This cycle exhibits pathway of packaging life starting from raw material resources to
terminal life options. From this cycle, we can analysis further on several
environmental impacts of products involved in each step. When packaging waste can
compose themselves and return back to nature as productive resources according to
eco-effectiveness strategies (Braungart, McDonough, & Bollinger, 2007), this
revolution is helpful for approaching sustainability goal of packaging by determining
performance, economic, and social goals. Packaging materials are therefore being
developed to become more sustainable than greenable. Most importantly, the
packaging industry is always concerned on sustainability of a package itself, but
overlooks how its cradle-to-cradle approach affects to the environment or even
communities in every step of life cycle.
In the research of fresh produce in American, material used for packaging was
determined to affect the quality of food product. Especially, bio-based packages were
highly enchanting (Koutsimanis, Getter, Behe, Harte, & Almenar, 2012).
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 33
In order to measure the impact of the attitude towards green packaging which leads to
dependent variable like a purchase intention of green packaged consumer product,
there are several independent factors related to the attitude towards green packaging
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 34
In the same word, the use of green packaging can be considered as environmental
behavior intention. People who attached importance to the purchase of products made
with recyclable material or packaged in reusable containers were more likely to care
about the quality of environment and the wise stewardship of natural resources
(Mainieri, Barnett, Valdero, Unipan, & Oskamp, 1997). The study of behavior based
environmental attitude amongst adolescent has shown that replicated behavior can
gradually dominate human awareness (F.G. Kaiser et al., 2007). As more evidences
argued that the finding of the weak relationship between environmental concern and
specific environmentally related behavior is because general attitude are not direct
dominants of specific behavior (Ajzen’s, 1991; Sebastian Bamberg, 2003).
Consequently, the green consumer’s attitude towards environmental issue was
proposed to have a connection someway to the attitude toward green packaging.
H1: Attitude towards environmental issue is significantly correlated to Attitude
towards Green packaging
intention (Tseng & Tsai , 2011). Specifically to green packaging buying, there is a
general belief among researchers and environmental activists that through purchasing
environmentally friendly products or green products, products with recyclable
packaging or properly disposing of non-biodegradable garbage, consumers can
contribute significantly to improve the quality of the environment (Abdul-Muhmim,
On the contrary, some studies indicated that there was blurry conjoint linkage between
attitude towards environmental issue and intention to purchase. A huge number of
research revealed that green purchase behavior was essentially dominated by specific
environmental belief (specific attitude), but not to the general environmental concern.
(Ajzen, 1991; Hines et al., 1987, S. Bamberg, 2003; Mainieri et al., 1997; Weigel,
To exemplify this evidence, the study of S. Bamberg explored that general attitudes
were salient indirect determinants of specific behavior by studying of the impact of
environmental concern on the generation and evaluation of situation-specific beliefs in
the surrounding of the actual purchasing decision for green electricity products and the
local sellers of these products. After taking into account this situation-specific
cognition, general environmental concern no longer has any direct effect on intention
or behavior. But as expected, environmental concern has a substantive direct effect on
the perception and evaluation of the situation-specific cognition, especially the
personally salient behavioral consequences (S. Bamberg, 2003). Environmental
concern among respondents found to be moderate and strong, but this awareness did
not induce to environmental buying habits and take part in environmental behavior
(Mainieri et al., 1997). Recent result from Malaysia also argued that “Consumers
green purchase behavior is not facilitated by the positive attitude of consumers
towards the environment” (Chen & Chai, 2010). Locally, Research paper from
Assumption University, Thailand, had also contributed the result that environmental
attitude was not significant predictor of green purchasing behavior among graduate
students (Arttachariya, 2012).
H2: Attitude towards environmental issue is significantly correlated to Purchase
intention of green packed consumer products
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 37
This chapter will discuss about the methodological issues with regard to
population definition, sampling, data collection and analysis. Three independent
variables that have already been mentioned in the previous chapter are Knowledge of
green packaging and Attitude towards environmental issue. The basic data collection
method used in the research is survey. The questionnaire will focus on the factors
affecting on consumer’s purchase intention of green packed consumer products and
attitude towards green packaging. This chapter outlines six sections as following; 1.
Sampling Plan, 2. Sampling Procedure, 3. Questionnaire Design, 4. Measurements, 5.
Reliability and Validity, and 6. Analysis tools.
3.1Sampling Plan
3.4 Measurements
Once data is gathered, it must be checked and verified for correctness and
completeness. Only correct and completed is used for further analysis. SPSS is the tool
used in this step.
Descriptive statistics, for example, frequency, means and standard
deviation, are used to analyze some demographic data in this research. The
demographic section compiles information on gender, level of education, and income.
Inferential statistic is also utilized in order to describe the variables’ relationship
interpretation by using multiple linear regression analysis among Attitude towards
environmental issue, Knowledge of green packaging, Attitude towards green
packaging, and Purchase intention of green packed consumer products. Citations of
each dimension of these variables and number of questions were represented in Table
Every applicable data is tested to perceive reliability. Conbach’s Aplha
Coefficient is used to determine reliability. The aim is to see if each variable gets the
score which exceeds a value of 0.7 or not. Nunnally (1978) stated that data is
considered to be reliable data when its value is higher than 0.7.
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 42
attitude measurement scaled by Thompson and Barton (1994) reported another aspects
of attitude; ecocentric, anthropocentric, and apathetic attitudes regardless to nature,
humans, or apathy. The developed version of Ajzen and Fishbein’s attitude
measurement was purposed by F.G.Kaiser et al., 1999. They concluded that three
environmental attitude and behaviour relationship concepts; environmental knowledge,
environmental values, and ecological behaviour intention, were the heart of the
commonly used attitude approaches; attitude towards environment, the new
environmental paradigm, attitude toward ecological behaviour.
Well-known and extensively-used instrument for environmental attitude
was the New Environmental Paradigm scale (NEP) presented by Dunlap et al., 2000.
In 2007, F.G. Kaiser et al. created the tool to examine particular attitude in a
relationship with behavior amongst university student (F.G. Kaiser et al., 2007).
Obviously, different exposures of environmental attitude measure were due to various
theological and systematical framework studies. Alternatively, Environmental
Attitudes Inventory (EAI) was established as an organized approach from hundreds of
EA measure available, including NEP scale, Ecocentric- Anthropocentric-Apathetic
attitudes scale, Ecological world view scale, and The environmental perception scale
(Milfont & Duckitt, 2010). Twelve specific facet scales of EAI are unidimensional
scales with taking into consideration multidimensional construct and hierarchical
nature of EA (both horizontal and vertical EA structure). Recently, further study of EA
measure was also discovered to be more characteristic in some cultures or countries,
for instance, The Hadhari Environmental Attitude Test (HEAT) was proposed as an
instrument of Malaysian environmental attitude, which can be universally applied for
Hadhari religious culture (Mokhtar & Mamat, 2012).
In this research, the environmental attitude structure of F.G. Kaiser is
preferred as a measurement of Attitude towards environmental issue. In accordance
with the attitude towards environmental issue defined in this research, it is viewed
both general environmental concern and ecological behavior, which can mainly
implement on the cognitive, affective, and behavior assessment of the natural
environmental protection. However, the majority of the question engaged with
behavior intention assessment excludes green packaging related behavior intention,
which belongs to attitude towards green packaging.
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 45
The participants are requested to check off the degree of their acceptance
by using 5point likert-type scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. 10 questions
for Environmental knowledge (referred to cognition), 5 questions for Environmental
values (referred to affection), and another 11 questions for Environmental behavior
intention (referred to behavior intention) are extracted from the environmental attitude
scale of Kaiser et al.,1999).
Apart from the scales of Kaiser et al., the additional 35 items on the
behavior intention section are selected from Environmental Attitude Inventory (EAI)
(Milfont & Duckitt, 2010). EAI is another attitude measure selection to replenish the
aspects of environmental attitude. Since Behavior intention variable from Kaiser et al.
refers to only about matter of traffic congestion and such problems, EAI twelve
dimensions scales would help manifest overall feasible dimensions of environmental
attitude, including many commonly known attitude measures, such as, Conservation
behavior, Anthropocentric and Ecocentric concern. Four out of twelve dimensions are
chosen to extensively capture scrupulous details related to environmental issue amid
Thailandian context; Environmental movement activism, Environmental threat,
Personal conservation behavior, and Ecocentric concern.
In summary, Attitude towards environmental issue measurement in this
study consists of 7 dimensions in total of 61 questions, which are Environmental
Knowledge, Environmental values, Environmental Behavior Intention, Environmental
movement activism, Environmental threat, Personal conservation behavior, and
Ecocentric concern. Some manipulations and eliminations are required suitably due to
different contexts such as culture, weather, and regulation. One instance is that in
Environmental values the original question number 4 and 6 were cut off since most
Thai people believe in Buddhism and they might not touch or understand about “God”
in that sense. Another instance is that in Personal Conservation Behavior the original
question, “I make sure that during the winter the heater system in my room is not
switched on too high”, was rephrased to “I make sure that during the summer the air
condition system in my room is not switched on too low”.
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 46
Low-density. Additional 3 items are extracted from buying behaviour of rural and
urban consumers in India: the impact of packaging (Mahavir & Subhash, 2007). While
the behaviour related to Green packaging contains Waste avoidance, Recycling, Reuse,
and Reduce. Majority of the question in the behaviour part is adopted from Behaviour-
based Environmental Attitude instrument (F.G. Kaiser et al., 2007). Some were taken
out due to Thais context. The questions are designed into; 12 items of Green
packaging values and 12 items of Behaviour intention about Green packaging from.
All parts sum totally 24 questions. The inquiry format was set to be 5 point likert style.
This chapter discusses about the results from data analysis including the
profile of respondents, the hypothesis testing. 257 completed questionnaire were
analyzed using SPSS. The analysis methods are divided into 2 main sections as
Part 1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis is used to be an initial analysis. It
analytically describes and demonstrates the target population’s demographic outcome.
The analysis of demographic information is based upon simple statistical values.
Part 2 Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing is the process of examining how accurate the
hypotheses in conceptual framework are. The relationships between independent
variable and dependent variable are analyzed by using multiple regression method.
Symbols shown beneath are commonly utilized for this method.
This section investigates the results of research hypotheses. It is divided into two sub-
sections. The first part concerns verification of the hypotheses including the status of a
relationship in each hypothesis, and further examines latent factors in order to
determine how purchase intention on green packaged consumer products can be
obtained through Attitude towards environmental issue, Knowledge of green
packaging, and Attitude towards green packaging. Statistical techniques utilized and
applicable in this part are all multiple regression analysis techniques. The second part
is a summary of the hypotheses results obtained from the previous parts.
Table 4.2 shows the causal relationships hypothesized which they are
statistically verified by multiple regression analysis. All Hypotheses are tested by
using multiple regression analysis, since each correlation has more than one
independent variables.
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 54
two or more variables are tightly related. It is indicated by Variance Inflation Factor
(VIF). A common threshold value of VIF is 10.0 (Hair et al., 1998; Field, 2005).
Another indicator, Tolerance, should not be less than 0.2, so Multicollinearity would
not happen among variables.
However, the researcher has made a summary version of the results into
one simple table, which is more convenient to understand and examine. The table
adequately includes all key indicators used for the analysis.
1.4 0.038 0.584 0.560 1.932
0.453 2.069 0.000
1.5 Behavior 0.314 6.064 0.000 1.253
1.6 Movement 0.096 1.604 0.110 1.693
1.7 Conservation 0.038 0.638 0.524 1.637
Table 4.3 Multiple Regression Results of Hypothesis 1 (Attitude towards
environmental issue-Green packaging values)
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 56
1.3 -0.187 -2.978 0.003 1.443
0.303 1.952 0.000
1.4 0.008 0.114 0.909 1.932
1.5 Behavior 0.239 4.095 0.000 1.253
1.6 Movement 0.010 0.152 0.879 1.693
1.7 Conservation 0.281 4.210 0.000 1.637
t = 4.095 and p < 0.05; β = 0.281, t = 4.210 and p < 0.05 respectively. While
Environmental Threat is negatively related to Behavior intention about green
packaging because of negative sign in Beta (β = -0.187, t = -2.978 and p < 0.05).
Therefore, another three predictors were found not to be significance to dependent
variable (P value is more than 0.05). In Hypothesis 1.2, Environmental values has no
influence on Behavior intention about green packaging (β = 0.113, t = 1.700 and p >
0.05). In Hypothesis 1.4, Ecocentric concern is not able to significantly predict
Behavior intention about green packaging (β = 0.008, t = 0.114 and p > 0.05). In
Hypothesis 1.6, Environmental movement activism shows no relationship to Behavior
intention about green packaging (β = 0.010, t = 0.152 and p > 0.05). In addition, all
VIF values shown in the table are less than 10, and Tolerance values are more than
0.2. Therefore, multicollinearity does not occur. To conclude, the assumption of
multiple regressions is not violated.
Adjusted R square was 0.303 or 30.3%. Furthermore, the Durbin-Watson
score in table 4.4 is found to be close to 2.0. This means the assumption of
independent errors are not violated. As a result, this regression model is significant
representative of population in the target group. Overview model is able to explain
dependent variable of behavior intention about green packaging [ANOVA sig, p <
In summary, According to regressions analysis of hypothesis 1,
Environmental Knowledge, Environmental values, Environmental Behavior Intention,
Personal conservation behavior, Environmental threat, Environmental movement
Activism, and Ecocentric concern, can explain 45.3% of the variation in Green
packaging value, and 30.3% of the variation in Behavior intention about Green
packaging ( considered from Adjusted R square value). We can conclude that Attitude
towards Environmental issue is significant to Attitude towards green packaging.
Independent variables of Environmental knowledge, Environmental values, and
Environmental Behavior Intention have a positive influence to Green packaging
values. Meanwhile, independent variables of Environmental knowledge,
Environmental Threat, Environmental Behavior Intention, and Personal conservation
behavior are dominant to Behavior intention about green packaging. This model was
discovered no multicollinearity.
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 59
Environmental -
2.3 -0.057 0.368 1.443
Threat 0.903
Ecocentric -
2.4 -0.158 0.033 1.932 0.282 1.789 0.000
Concern 2.146
2.5 Behavior 0.117 1.976 0.049 1.253
2.6 Movement 0.261 3.795 0.000 1.693
2.7 Conservation 0.038 0.566 0.572 1.637
movement activism were found significance to dependent variable (P value is less than
0.05). In hypothesis 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, Independent variables can positively predict
Purchase intention (β = 0.249, t = 3.495 and p < 0.05; β = 0.171, t = 2.539 and p <
0.05; β = 0.261, t = 3.795 and p < 0.05 respectively). The finding presented the
uncertainty of a connection between Environmental Behavior Intention and Purchase
Intention. P-value of Hypothesis 2.5 came nearly 0.05 (β = 0.117, t = 1.976 and p <
0.05). Aversely, in hypothesis 2.4, Ecocentric concern is negatively related to
Purchase intention owing to minus sign in Beta (β = -0.158, t = -2.146 and p < 0.05).
In addition, all VIF values shown in the table are less than 10, and Tolerance values
are more than 0.2. Therefore, multicollinearity does not occur. To conclude, the
assumption of multiple regressions is not violated.
Adjusted R square was 0.282 or 28.2%. Furthermore, the Durbin-Watson
score in table 4.5 is found to be close to 2.0. This means the assumption of
independent errors are not violated. As a result, this regression model is significant
representative of population in the target group. Overview model is able to explain
dependent variable of purchase intention of green packed consumer products
[ANOVA sig, p < 0.0005].
In summary, Attitude towards Environmental issue is significant to
Purchase intention of green packaged consumer products. Environmental Knowledge,
Environmental values, Environmental Behavior Intention, Personal conservation
behavior, Environmental threat, Environmental movement Activism, and Ecocentric
concern, can explain 28.2% of the variation in Purchase intention of green packaged
consumer products (considered from Adjusted R square value).
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 61
Packaging -
3.2 -0.055 0.956 1.504 0.078 1.933 0.000
Life Cycle 0.004
3.3 Manageme -0.294 0.769 1.209
of green
Dependen n
H3 packaging β t Sig VIF R2 Sig
t Variable -
t Variable)
3.1 Packaging 0.199 2.572 0.011 1.612
Behavioral Intention about
Green Packaging
3.2 0.041 0.556 0.579 1.504 0.052 1.818 0.001
Life Cycle
3.3 Manageme 0.076 1.138 0.256 1.209
dependent variable of Behavior Intention about Green packaging [ANOVA sig, p >
In summary, according to regressions analysis of hypothesis 3, Waste
Management, Packaging Life Cycle, and Green Packaging Material can only explain
7.8% of the variation in Green packaging value, and 5.2% of the variation in Behavior
intention about Green packaging (considered from Adjusted R square value). Green
packaging knowledge is not significantly correlated to all aspects of Green packaging
attitude. It has a positive impact on Green packaging values, but it is not significant to
Behavior intention about green packaging. Green packaging material knowledge is
magnificent predictor. This model was discovered no multicollinearity.
Knowledge Durbi
of green n
H4 packaging β t Sig VIF R2 - Sig
(Independen Watso
t Variable) n
4.1 Packaging 0.187 2.395 0.017 1.612
Packaged consumer products
Purchase Intention
Of Green
4.2 0.047 0.619 0.537 1.504 0.032 1.647 0.010
Life Cycle
4.3 Manageme -0.042 -0.628 0.531 1.209
predict Purchase Intention in this model (Hypothesis 4.3; β = -0.042, t = -0.628 and p
> 0.05). In addition, all VIF values shown in the table are less than 10, and Tolerance
values are more than 0.2. Therefore, multicollinearity does not occur. To conclude, the
assumption of multiple regressions is not violated.
Adjusted R square was 0.032 or 3.2%. Furthermore, the Durbin-Watson
score in table 4.8 is found to be close to 2.0. This means the assumption of
independent errors are not violated. As a result, every variables cannot be significant
representative of population in the target group. Overview model is not able to explain
dependent variable of Purchase Intention [ANOVA sig, p > 0.0005].
In summary, Knowledge of green packaging is not significant to Purchase
intention of green packaging. Green Packaging Material, Packaging Life Cycle, and
Waste Management can explain only 3.2% of the variation in Purchase intention of
green packaging (considered from Adjusted R square value).
towards Durbi
green n Sig
H5 nt β t Sig VIF R2
packaging -
(Independen Watson
t Variable)
Packaged consumer products
Purchase Intention Of Green
Behavioral 0.299 1.824 0.000
5.2 about 0.148 2.200 0.029 1.650
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 65
This chapter provides conclusion from the results and summary from the
investigation. The results then are discussed and compared with results of previous
similar research which is discussed in chapter 2. How the results can be beneficial to
academicians and practitioners is discussed. Finaly, recommendations for future
research is given. They should learn toward what the author would recommend
scholars to implement in further study and which points need to be concerned or
changed for obtaining more accurate result.
5.1 Conclusion
attitude towards green packaging including green packaging values and behavior
intention about green packaging was significantly related to purchase intention of
green packed consumer products.
On the other hand, knowledge of green packaging was unexpectedly
discovered no significant effect to Attitude towards green packaging and purchase
intention of green packed consumer products. However, one major dimension of
knowledge of green packaging, green material can predict Green packaging values and
purchase intention of green packed consumer products, but not that for Behavior
intention about green packaging. Curiosities and implications about the results will be
discussed more in detail.
5.2 Discussion
The importance of this study is to answer the objective with reasonable
and harmonious explanations from the results. The major purpose is to explore the
attitude towards green packaging among teenagers and determine its impact on
purchase intention of green packaged consumer products by concerning all related
factors and their relationships. The scrutiny was found out that university students in
Bangkok moderately perceive green packaging in term of value and behavior intention
of green packaging. As mentioned in literature review, green trend in Thailand is
regarded as in primary stage and green consumers have currently been growing.
Undergraduates felt concerned over green packaging as much as environmental issue.
In accordance with the conceptual framework, 2 predominant variables,
Attitude towards environmental issue and Knowledge of green packaging, are
stipulated to predict attitude towards green packaging. However, the analysis reported
that merely Attitude towards environmental issue has significant correlation to two
aspects of attitude towards green packaging. Moreover, only three out of seven
dimensions of Attitude towards environmental issue expressed a positive relationship
to green packaging values. Common factors; Environmental knowledge,
Environmental values, and Environmental behavior intention, are cited by the
conceptual skeleton of environmental attitude approach (F.G.Kaiser et al., 1999). That
means students who either have environmental knowledge or realize environmental
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 70
values would rather enhance with the value of green packaging. Surprisingly, other
dimensions adopted from Environmental Attitude Inventory (EAI) (Milfont & Duckitt,
2010) cannot be inclusive in forecasting green packaging values, especially personal
conservation behavior. The result unexpectedly shows that people considers
transportation issue more critical in understanding the value of green packaging than
power conservation behavior.
Four out of seven have a significant meaning to Behavior intention about
green packaging. Among four variables, Environmental knowledge, Environmental
behavior intention, and Personal conservation behavior show a positive result, but
environmental threat is found negatively associated with Green packaging behavior
intention. Thus, most people do not think that nature balance was threaten by human
and they think that it is not implicated in behavior intention on reduce, reuse, and
recycle. Differently from the correlation to green packaging values, personal
conservation behavior is able to predict behavior intention about green packaging,
such as proceeding 3Rs principle. The reason is quite obvious that people who usually
conserve energy and environment are more likely to implement other activities
involved in green packaging, such as waste reduction and recycling.
Alike outcome from a literature of Mainieri et al. (1997) stated that
involvement in recycling program and the number of material recycled were both
positively prognosticated by energy conservation activities. Furthermore, participation
in one type of conservation activity may increase the tendency to take part in other
types of environmental behaviors in the some surroundings (Mainieri et al., 1997).
This result of the relationship between Attitude towards environmental issue and
Behavior intention about green packaging expressed a similar manner as that from the
study of F.G.Kaiser et al. (1999), which also confirmed that Attitude towards
environmental issue was a powerful predictor of ecological behavior. In overview of
the connection between Attitude towards environmental issue and Attitude towards
green packaging, only environmental knowledge and Environmental behavior
intention can positively dominate both Green packaging’s values and behavior
Even though, another factor, Knowledge of green packaging was not
significant to every dimension of Attitude towards green packaging, one dimension,
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 71
Green material knowledge, can approach to one angle of Attitude towards green
packaging, Green packaging values. Thus, people who know about green packaging
material can easily distinguish the value of green packaging, but cannot attract their
intention to take part in ecological activities about green packaging. Astonishingly, the
result turns out differently, comparing to many previous studies of specific
environmental knowledge and attitude (Ajzen, 1985; Stutzman & Green, 1982; Stern,
1992), and some studies of knowledge and ecological behavior (Simmons and
Widmar, 1990; Rokicka, 2002; Mohamed, 2006).
Consequence of the direct involvement of three independent variables and
purchase intention of green packed consumer products indicated that positive attitude
towards green packaging could induce consumer to an expenditure of green packaged
consumer products. Two factors of attitude towards green packaging; values and
behavior intention of green packaging, are all significant to this purchase intention.
People who explore value of green packaging and take action related to green
packaging, such as using repeatable bag instead of plastic bag and assorting waste, are
likely to spend their money in green packaged consumer products. This consequence
was also mentioned in the past study about environmental subject (Ajzen, 1985; G.
Ares et al., 2010). The investigating data proved that the consciousness to recycling
can awaken people’s awareness of the environmental effects on purchasing the
materials and packaging (Mainieri et al., 1997).
Identically, environmental attitude was directly significant predictor of
intention to purchase green packaging products. Similar results was found from the
past studies of environmental attitude and green purchase intention (Chyong et al.,
2006; Mohamed, 2006; Tseng & Tsai, 2011). However, some studies of environmental
attitude and green purchasing bahavior answered oppositely (Chen & Chai, 2010;
Arttachariya, 2012). Espacially, a journal which is a prototype of the conceptual
framwork in this study shows no significance between attitude towards environmental
protection and green purchase intention (Nik Ramli , Kamaruzaman , & Kamsol ,
2009). In addition, many researchers aruged that general environmnetal attitude was
indirectly dominant to specific behavior and intention (Ajzen, 1991; Hines et al., 1987,
S. Bamberg, 2003; Mainieri et al., 1997; Weigel, 1983).
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 72
5.3 Implication
In present, it is inevitable that people are becoming more conscious about
environmental issue. Since they realize how disastrous a consequence may happen.
Common example of greenhouse effect is the cause of uncommon phenomenon
human are now experiencing, such as, polar ice melting and unusual weather
distribution. When the way of thinking has shifted, the behavior of people then
changes accordingly, including their lifestyle and purchase behavior.
As many more green consumers are increasing in Thailand, it is an
opportunity for the firms to boost up its competitive advantages in the market. The
companies who are interested in penetrating into green segmentation may consider
using green packaging as priority due to its low cost and high effectiveness. This study
contributes many beneficial implications to both individuals and marketers who would
like to study on attitude towards green packaging and its impact on purchase intention
of green packaging products. The marketers need helpful information to ensure that
their marketing strategies are developed to the right direction. One important thing that
the marketers would like to know is how their customer think about green packaging.
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.B.A. (Business Modeling and Analysis) / 73
5.4 Limitation
Due to a constraint of time and resources, this study concentrated only on a
group of undergraduates in Bangkok metropolitans. Since the quantitative method
used in this research is conducting self-reporting survey. Respondents might feel
biased against sincere opinion in answering questions. Social desirability of morality
on environmental protection and green packaging supposes to distort the actual
response. During the survey, respondents sometimes complained that a great number
of questions and several reverse sentences in the questionnaire made them feel
frustrated and unintended to truly answer the question.
Besides, there are just a few researches in Thailand studying about green
packaging. Most of them are foreign literatures, which majority studies about attitude
towards environmental friendly product. Only some directly connect to attitude
towards green packaging.
Apart from individual factors like knowledge and attitude, the researcher
suggests that contextual factors should be considered in subsequent study, such as,
influence of media exposure or product’s price. This would be further beneficial for
the firm in developing marketing mix to meet customer satisfaction.
Journals of green issue in Thailand are mostly based the study in Bangkok.
But there are cultural differences in many parts of the country. The university in other
provinces in Thailand should have been concerned and studied, especially in main and
high-population regions. This would better express the whole country rather than just
the principal city area only. A comparative study of green packaging between
Bangkokian and people from other areas is recommended. Additionally, cross cultural
study is an interesting alternative, for example, a comparative study between
university students in Northern and Southern of Thailand. Thus, further exploration
should investigate how culture influences green packaging’s purchase intention.
Finally, if green packaging consumer product seems to be broad, future research
should instead study purchase intention on a specific product that consumers are
experiencing in their everyday life.
In another way to measure attitude towards green packaging among Thai
people, interested scholars should research specifically on the preference of green
packaging characteristics, citing to literature topics of purchasers’ perception on
packaging formal design (Sahachaisaeree & Chind, 2012) ,or preference for green
packaging in consumer product choices – Do consumers care? (Joonas & Liisa ,
Natdanai Aleenajitpong Introduction / 76
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