6 Seconds (ft) 1 Hour (mi)
Air Travel (Flight, Glide, Hover, etc)
Difficult Terrain Normal Dash Slow
Giant Eagle (Fly) 40 80 160 5
Giant Owl (Fly) 30 60 120 4
Pegasus (Fly) 45 90 180 6
Griffon (Fly) 40 80 160 5
6 Seconds (ft) 1 Hour (mi)
Mount / Magic Items / Spell
Difficult Terrain Normal Dash Slow
Phantom Steed 50 100 200 7
6 Seconds (ft) 1 Hour (mi)
Mount / Magic Items / Spell
Difficult Terrain Normal Dash Slow
Carpet of Flying 3x5 40 80 160 5
Carpet of Flying 4x6 30 60 120 4
Carpet of Flying 5x7 20 40 80 3
Carpet of Flying 6x9 15 30 60 2
Broom of Flying 25 50 100 3
Clay Statue of Flying 25 50 100 3
Huge Woven Basket of Flying 25 50 100 3
Cauldron of Flying 25 50 100 3
Butter Churn of Flying 25 50 100 3
Bird's Nest of Flying 25 50 100 3
Tombstone of Flying 25 50 100 3
Mortar and Pestle of Flying 25 50 100 3
Wind Walk 150 300 600 20
you push the mount or via magic have a tireless mount / construct:
1 Hour (mi) Normal 1 Day (8Hrs) (mi) Underdark 1 day (8Hrs) (mi)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast Slow
1.0 1.3 5 8 11 1.3
1.5 2.0 8 12 16 2
2.0 2.7 11 16 21 3
2.5 3.3 13 20 27 3
3 4 16 24 32 4
4 5 19 28 37 5
4 5 21 32 43 5
5 7 27 40 53 7
6 8 32 48 64 8
7 9 37 56 75 9
8 11 43 64 85 11
9 12 48 72 96 12
10 13 53 80 107 13
Examples of Specific Creatures (Tireless Version)
Ground Travel (Walk, Run, etc)
1 Hour (mi) Normal 1 Day (8Hrs) (mi) Underdark 1 day (8Hrs) (mi)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast Slow
3 4 16 24 32 4
5 7 27 40 53 7
4 5 21 32 43 5
4 5 21 32 43 5
4 5 21 32 43 5
4 5 21 32 43 5
4 5 21 32 43 5
6 8 32 48 64 8
6 8 32 48 64 8
5 7 27 40 53 7
5 7 27 40 53 7
6 8 32 48 64 8
4 5 21 32 43 5
5 7 27 40 53 7
4 5 21 32 43 5
3 4 16 24 32 4
4 5 21 32 43 5
6 8 32 48 64 8
4 5 21 32 43 5
3 4 16 24 32 4
3 4 16 24 32 4
3 4 16 24 32 4
4 5 21 32 43 5
4 5 21 32 43 5
Vehicle Speed
1 Hour (mi) 1 Day (8 Hrs) (mi) 1 Day (16 Hrs) (mi)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast Slow
20 27 107 160 213 213
10 13 53 80 107 107
30 40 160 240 320 320
4 5 21 32 43 43
1 1 5 8 11 11
3 4 16 24 32 32
2 3 11 16 21 21
2 3 11 16 21 21
3 4 16 24 32 32
9 12 48 72 96 96
3 4 16 24 32 32
1 Day (8Hrs) (mi) Underdark 1 day (8Hrs) (mi)
Underdark 1 day (8Hrs) (mi) Flying Normal Day (9hrs, spread in intervals of 3) (mi)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast
2.0 2.7 6.0 9.0 12.0
3 4 9 13.5 18
4 5 12 18.0 24
5 7 15 22.5 30
6 8 18 27.0 36
7 9 21 31.5 42
8 11 24 36.0 48
10 13 30 45.0 60
12 16 36 54.0 72
14 19 42 63.0 84
16 21 48 72.0 96
18 24 54 81.0 108
20 27 60 90.0 120
Underdark 1 day (8Hrs) (mi) Flying Normal Day (9hrs, spread in intervals of 3) (mi)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast
48 72.0 96
36 54.0 72
54 81.0 108
48 72.0 96
Item Speeds
Normal 1 day (16Hrs) (mi) Normal 1 day (24Hrs) (mi)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast
160 213 160 240 320
6 Seconds (m) 1 Hour (km)
Air Travel (Flight, Glide, Hover, etc)
Difficult Terrain Normal Dash Slow
Giant Eagle (Fly) 12.0 24.0 48.0 8.6
Giant Owl (Fly) 9.0 18.0 36.0 6.4
Pegasus (Fly) 13.5 27.0 54.0 9.7
Griffon (Fly) 12.0 24.0 48.0 8.6
6 Seconds (m) 1 Hour (km)
Mount / Magic Items / Spell
Difficult Terrain Normal Dash Slow
Phantom Steed 15.0 30.0 60.0 10.7
6 Seconds (m) 1 Hour (mi/hr) (km)
Mount / Magic Items / Spell
Difficult Terrain Normal Dash Slow
Carpet of Flying 3x5 12.0 24.0 48.0 8.6
Carpet of Flying 4x6 9.0 18.0 36.0 6.4
Carpet of Flying 5x7 6.0 12.0 24.0 4.3
Carpet of Flying 6x9 4.5 9.0 18.0 3.2
Broom of Flying 7.5 15.0 30.0 5.4
Clay Statue of Flying 7.5 15.0 30.0 5.4
Huge Woven Basket of Flying 7.5 15.0 30.0 5.4
Cauldron of Flying 7.5 15.0 30.0 5.4
Butter Churn of Flying 7.5 15.0 30.0 5.4
Bird's Nest of Flying 7.5 15.0 30.0 5.4
Tombstone of Flying 7.5 15.0 30.0 5.4
Mortar and Pestle of Flying 7.5 15.0 30.0 5.4
Wind Walk 45.0 90.0 180.0 32.2
Vehicle Speed
1 Hour (mi/hr) 1 Day (8 Hrs) 1 Day (16 Hrs)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast Slow
32.2 42.9 171.7 257.5 343.3 343.3
16.1 21.5 85.8 128.7 171.7 171.7
48.3 64.4 257.5 386.2 515.0 515.0
6.4 8.6 34.3 51.5 68.7 68.7
1.6 2.1 8.6 12.9 17.2 17.2
4.8 6.4 25.7 38.6 51.5 51.5
3.2 4.3 17.2 25.7 34.3 34.3
3.2 4.3 17.2 25.7 34.3 34.3
4.8 6.4 25.7 38.6 51.5 51.5
14.5 19.3 77.2 115.9 154.5 154.5
4.8 6.4 25.7 38.6 51.5 51.5
1 Day (8Hrs) (km) Underdark 1 day (8Hrs) (km)
Underdark 1 day (8Hrs) (km) Flying Normal Day (9hrs, spread in intervals of 3) (km)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast
3.2 4.3 9.7 14.5 19.3
4.8 6.4 14.5 21.7 29.0
6.4 8.6 19.3 29.0 38.6
8.0 10.7 24.1 36.2 48.3
9.7 12.9 29.0 43.5 57.9
11.3 15.0 33.8 50.7 67.6
12.9 17.2 38.6 57.9 77.2
16.1 21.5 48.3 72.4 96.6
19.3 25.7 57.9 86.9 115.9
22.5 30.0 67.6 101.4 135.2
25.7 34.3 77.2 115.9 154.5
29.0 38.6 86.9 130.4 173.8
32.2 42.9 96.6 144.8 193.1
Underdark 1 day (8Hrs) (km) Flying Normal Day (9hrs, spread in intervals of 3) (km)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast
77.2 115.9 154.5
57.9 86.9 115.9
86.9 130.4 173.8
77.2 115.9 154.5
tem Speeds
Normal 1 day (16Hrs) (km) Normal 1 day (24Hrs) (km)
Normal Fast Slow Normal Fast
257.5 343.3 257.5 386.2 515.0