Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
1. A pressure gauge of range 100 bar is stated to have as error of ±0.2 bar when calibrated by the
manufacturer. Determine:
i. The percentage error on the basis of maximum scale value
ii. The possible error as a percentage of the indicated value when a reading of 25 bar
is obtained in a test.
2. A pressure indicator showed reading as 38 MPa on a scale range of 0-50 MPa, but the true value
was 37.5 MPa. Determine:
i. Static Error
ii. Static correction, and
iii. Relative static error
3. Determine the resolution of a moving coil voltmeter having a uniform scale with 100 divisions;
the full-scale reading is 100 V and 1/10 of a scale division can be estimated with a fair degree of
4. A voltmeter having a sensitivity of 1000Ω/V reads 100V on its scale when connected across an
unknown resistor in series with a milli-ammeter. When the milli-ammeter reads 5mA, calculate
a) apparent resistance of the unknown resistor, b) actual resistance of the unknown resistor, and
c) error due to the loading effect of voltmeter.
5. Average power transmitted by a rotating shaft is calculated by using a dynamometer where the
following measurements were made. N = 1202±2 rpm, F = 50.0±0.2N, t =60±0.5 sec, L =
0.335±0.001 m where HP = 2πNFL/750t. Calculate the nominal HP and its uncertainty.
6. Resistance of the coil is 15±2%Ω when a voltage V is impressed under resistor, the power
dissipation P can be measured in two different ways. a) P =I2R and b) P =IV.
Given: supply voltage across the capacitor, V = 150±1% volt and current flow through the
resistor, I = 10±1% Amp. Suggest which of the following should be used so that there is lesser
uncertainty in the computed value.
7. The following expression represents the displacement of a point as a function of time:
y(t) = 100 + 95 sin 15t + 55 cos 15 t
(a) What is the fundamental frequency in Hz?
(b) Rewrite the equation in terms of cosines only
8. Rewrite each of the following expressions in standard Fourier Series Expansion form:
a) y = 3.2 cos (0.2t – 0.3) + sin (0.2t + 0.4)
b) y = 12 sin (t – 0.4)
9. Determine Fourier series expansion for the following time dependent signals